#listen i tried branching out with the music choices . it isn't ALL metal
graunblida · 1 year
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𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆
empire ( let them sing ) - bring me the horizon
i still do - the cranberries 
in maidjan - heilung 
the bad thing - periphery 
something i can never have - NIN ( but the flylfeaf cover fucks too!)
𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆
“beware; for i am fearless, and therefore powerful.” - mary shelley, frankentstein 
“let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” - sun tzu
“i hid my deepest feelings so well i forgot where i placed them.”- amy tan
“instead of a dark lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth!” - j.r.r tolkien, the fellowship of the ring 
“there is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.” - frank herbert, dune
tagged by: @stormbcrn​ tagging: @maggicktouched​, @bokketo​, @seilas​, @bloodrmbrs​ , @percentstardust​ , @hopegained​​ and whomstever else wants to! 
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haunted-plush · 3 months
Cars Music Headcanons Because why the Fuck not
Got a red electric guitar because he thought it was cool
Tried to learn to play but stopped after a week because he wasn't immediately good at it [adhd curse...]
After he crashed into Radiator Springs and finished his big race he got lessons
Average singer, passable enough to sing while he plays
His favorite band is System of a Down
Doesn't own a banjo but knows how to play
*Does* own a fiddle but rarely takes it out because it's actually one of the more expensive things he owns, the only object he took with him when he left home actually, and he keeps it in the case most of the time
REALLY good at playing it, he could play just about anything and can improv at any moment
Yes he actually knows how to do proper scream vocals
His normal singing voice is very deep and rich
Great whistler
Good singer, she's shy about singing in front of people but when she's by herself she has a really pretty voice
Knows enough about piano to claim that she can play it
Not shy about dancing, if a song comes up she likes she will get up and dance without getting embarrassed
Favorite song is I Wanna Dance with Somebody, close second is Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
She said she wished she could get better at piano, which she can't do because she doesn't have one, so Lightning got her one for the lobby of the Cozy Cone as a gift
After a few months of practice she invited everyone to come down one evening for a little concert, and she played a few really beautiful songs for them, everyone thought it was lovely
Likes to have the radio on while he works in his garage
Sometimes he has it on when he sits outside with a cigar by the little firepit, but just as often he'll just listen to the fire cracking and enjoy the quiet
One time Lightning asked him why he doesn't like to have it on all the time when he sits out there and he said "the best music is the sounds of mother nature" which Lightning thought was the cheesiest thing he'd ever heard
He likes the sounds of the crickets and the coyotes at night
He secretly used to be in a band when he was young, Lightning found photos of him playing drums one time [he never told anyone about it though]
Generally likes dad rock with no specific bands or musicians
Flo and Ramone
Flo picks the music at her cafe and Ramone picks the music at his tattoo shop
Flo's favorite is Dolly Parton, she got into her music through her more pop focused songs, but she learned to branch out to her country also
Ramone's taste overlap with Lightning, and when he knows Lightning will visit his shop he'll put on some metal for the background
Sarge and Fillmore
Obviously they have very different opinions on basically everything, but surprisingly there are a few songs out there they both like
Sarge isn't big on music in general, he would listen to tornado sirens if he had the choice
Fillmore can play basically any stringed or woodwind instrument
Over time Sarge learns to live with Fillmore's Beatles vinyls he's always playing
Luigi and Guido
They both listen to music basically exclusively in Italian
They love singing the songs they play in the shop while they clean as loudly as possible
Sometimes they get weird looks from the customers when they do that but they ignore them
One time Luigi tried to take Guido to the opera but Guido kept falling asleep so they just left early and Luigi took him to get something to eat
If this gets notes I'll make a part 2 ig
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dccomicsbookshelf · 7 years
Bat Music
Bruce: Likes soundtracks. Like, old soundtracks. (Grey Ghost, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, Zorro soundtracks.) Also has a fondness for 80s soft rock and jazz that alternately puzzles and disturbs his children. (Batman humming along to “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is a surreal thing to witness.) Rhythm and Blues, my friend, rhythm and blues. Has a dreamy, deep singing voice that will make you melt. Sadly, he almost never utilizes it. (Yes, I am referencing that scene from JLU)
Selina: Is a classy lady who shares a love for Jazz with Bruce. (They may or may not have won an impromptu swing dancing contest once. In costume) Also likes Spice Girls and Screamo. (Sings alto or contralto. Isn't’ half-bad.)
Barbara: My girl is here for the punk rock scene. Celtic Punk especially is a favorite. Dick has more than once walked in on her dancing along to Flogging Molly. Loves Lana Del Rey. Also tends to play dubstep when she’s in the Oracle Zone. If she’s playing Cristina Aguilera than someone is in trouble. Is an okay-ish singer. Not completely tone-deaf anyway. Can play piano.
Dick: It would be easier to list the music that Dick doesn’t like. His top favorites are Eastern European folk and pop. All the pop. Especially Euro-pop. Django and Kaly Jag are emotional favorites. Hard Rock and Glam Metal are also emotional favorites, since that’s what he used to play with Joey Wilson back in their Titans days (They had an album). Dick plays the guitar (it used to be his dad’s.) and sings (roughly tenor) Becomes a holy terror every year at Eurovision time. Jason fondly remembers the days before he even knew Eurovision was a thing. (Those days are long gone.) Dick loves Eurovision. He has every single song ever, even the truly horrible ones. He was super-thrilled by the 2017 competition. Tim has promised murder if he hears “Yodel It” one more time.
Jason: This nerd is into classical, classic rock, indie rock, and k-pop. Grieves deeply for My Chemical Romance. Shamelessly listens to Sarah McLachlan, Enya, and Evanescence. He took piano lessons while he was with Bruce and is quite good. (If the Outlaws ever became a band he would be the keyboardist, Artemis would be the drummer, Bizarro would be back-up vocals, Kori the bassist and lead vocals, Roy is cowbell.) Has a pleasant singing voice that hovers between tenor and baritone, and is a little raspy from his smoking habit.
Cass: Ballet, opera, This girl is all about the dance music. Lyrics are hard for her to follow, so she likes music that is designed to convey emotions without them. Breakbeat is a favorite. She loves and adores Lindsey Stirling. She’s been branching out into other dancing styles with that as a bridge from her ballet. Imagine Dragons is one of the only groups she actively likes that features lyrics.
Stephanie: Cheery pop music. She understands the struggle of trying to find angry music that features female vocalists and isn’t about ex-boyfriends. Broadway, punk, techno. Halsey, Katy Perry, P!nk, Pentatonix. (Glee) Has no vocal training whatsoever but is actually a decent singer who tends towards the soprano range and has what has been described as an “emotionally raw” voice. Tried to learn ukulele at one point but dropped it because she just didn’t have time.
Tim: No matter how the timeline works and no matter what decade he ends up being born in, Tim is a 90s grunge child, this emo little proto-hipster. Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam…He cannot sing to save his life but he did teach himself a little guitar. He plays his music very loudly and still somehow manages to fall asleep without warning. Has roughly 100 songs on his phone and plays them over and over.
Damian: Is still figuring out what he likes music-wise. Shares Cass’ love of Lindsey Stirling. Plays multiple instruments but violin is the one he chose to continue after coming to the manor. Refuses to sing in public as he is embarrassed over his singing voice. (You are ten, Damian. That’s how voices work.) Once he hits and passes puberty it will drop to a baritone just as smooth as Bruce’s.
Duke: Didn’t realize that his musical choices were going to be called into question. What even is with you people? Duke likes the classics. His mom used to play Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louie Armstrong etc… and he’s still fond of them. Also likes Bruno Mars, David Bowie, and Beyonce. Doesn’t sing much but he’s good. Roughly the same vocal range as Jason. Is a pretty good rapper, it takes the kind of mental dexterity that he is good at. He and Stephanie had a rap battle once. It was epic. (It was also on comms) Was the best kazoo player on his street when he was little. (On a completely unrelated note, they found out that Damian does not know what a kazoo is.)
Alfred: Was quite pleased when Duke joined the family, as they share some music tastes. (He met Ella Fitzgerald once.)
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