#listen she's the most clever. brilliant. amazing. creative character i have
avinox · 10 months
BG3 nonsense below the cut (no spoilers)
I don't know whether to go for Astarion or Gale. I got sucked into Gale's romance in EA, but so many things have happened in these 3 years and everything is different.
I made Nan for a D&D adventure and she started out as an Erewynne copy at first, then got developed and she's actually a bladesinger.
Wynne can't be one, and besides, playing as her old self now kind of feels like playing Nan, and the relationship I feel with Gale isn't the same anymore, now I'm feeling more inclined towards Astarion, who was actually who I was first interested by even before the release of the EA. I had a bit planned for what connects them (she's my Bhaalspawn's daughter), so it worked.
Besides, I don't think Gale's face rework works for him, I like his EA face better.
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luciikuroo · 4 years
Fairy Tail in Hogwarts
Just wanted to imagine fairy tail characters in the harry potter universe.
only doing team natsu for now. might to the other characters if i ever feel like it.
SPOILER ALERT - spoilers under the cut
Natsu would definitely be a mix of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but I think he would lean more towards Gryffindor. Before you try to argue with me just listen for a sec. Natsu is brave, reckless, daring and has a strong moral compass. But he is also fiercely loyal, kind and has dedication that rivals most of the other members. He would do just about anything for his family and is clearly not afraid to fight for them. He is driven and has the power to back up his determination. We see him in nearly every battle being reckless and brave. I mean just look at how he fought future Rogue after he killed Lucy. His loyalty knows no bounds. Which is honestly why I was so shocked when he and Gray actually tried to kill each other in chapter 506-507. We clearly see that Natsu can be ridiculously hot-headed (specially towards Gray/Gajeel). As far as we can see, he relies mainly on instinct and can be short tempered. We know that he may not be the most intelligent person, but after watching the match between him and the twin dragons in the GMG Arc, there is no doubt in my mind that Natsu is brilliant when it comes to battle. He is cunning and takes note of his enemy’s missteps. He uses all this information and wins nearly every battle he faces, (except for train ofc). But this causes Natsu to be arrogant and borderline egotistical at times.
Lucy really seems like the type who would be put in Ravenclaw. She can very easily be sorted into one of the other houses but I think that the Ravenclaw in her stands out the most. Lucy can act vain and almost airheaded sometimes but that doesn’t mean that she’s a brilliant wizard and an amazing tactician. Where she may not have the brute strength or immeasurable magic power like some of her teammates, Lucy is known to get herself out of tight situations using her quick thinking skills and staying rational in various situations. Lucy herself has shown to be creative and resourceful. Remember the way she swayed Loke’s view of himself and how she convinced the Celestial Spirit King to allow him back into the spirit realm. Had Loke been left to his own devices, he without a doubt would’ve died. Lucy is clever and has amazing magic potential, even early in the series. Think back to the Tower of Heaven Arc. Tough we didn’t see much of Lucy that arc, remember her battle with Juvia. First she managed to break Juvia free from that freaky water guy’s succubus thing, (with Aquarius’s help). Then they perform a Unison Raid, which has been mentioned to be incredibly difficult spell that allows two mages to combine two kinds of magic together to create an even stronger attack. Jellal mentions that many priests waste their entire lives trying to achieve the unison raid without success. (there’s more to say but maybe sometime i’ll make a post based on lucy. i just love this girl)
Erza could easily be put into both Slytherin and Gryffindor. So much so that I actually can’t tell which one she would be in, so I’m just gonna give descriptions for both. Erza is ambitious and determined. She has the power to back up any goal she has in mind and never gives up. She is has yet to lose a battle to anyone (as far as I know). She could easily be one of the most powerful members in the guild and perhaps even in the Fairy Tail universe. She can have an ego at times but in all honesty, that ego is almost entirely justified. Erza is ridiculously powerful. It is mentioned by Ultear that Erza had most likely already unlocked her second origin without any magical assistance. She is cunning and resourceful in battle and is daring in any situation. However that bravery and boldness can turn to recklessness quickly. Like Natsu, Erza has a good moral compass and a strong sense of justice. She is noble and chivalrous and always rushes to protect the people who can’t protect themselves.
Now some of you might disagree but for me, Gray is absolutely, 100% Gryffindor. Before you get butthurt, think about the way he rushes into battle, the way he recklessly tries to sacrifice himself. Compared to Natsu he might be considered tame, but a large part of Natsu is also very Hufflepuff. Gray’s bravery and drive to become a great wizard proves that he can easily be considered a true Gryffindor. As I mentioned before, he clearly has no problem putting himself in the way of harm, especially for the sake of his loved ones - think back to the Deliora incident. God knows Natsu has had to stop him from using Iced Shell more than once. Gray is an amazing wizard. He is popular, charismatic, and is relatively good at most things he does. But these things often leaves people to be arrogant. And in some situations, even Gray isn’t spared. The arrogance and pride causes Gray to be reckless and sometimes even downright stupid. Gray is fiercely determined and he has proved that time and time again. For me, the most memorable moment of Gray proving his determination has to be when he fought Ultear on Tenrou Island, or when he battled Rufus on the final day of the Grand Magic Games. For now I’ll stick to Gray vs Ultear, simply because this one gave me tingles when I first watched it. No matter how much Ultear tried to kill him or talked about Ur, he never gave up. Throughout the battle, he kept trying to tell Ultear the truth about Ur and their situation and why Ultear ended up the way she did.
ah Wendy. sweet, innocent Wendy. The most obvious answer for Wendy would be Hufflepuff. Lots of people seem to think that Wendy is 100% Hufflepuff without any regard toward any of the other houses. But for me, I feel like a part of Wendy is Ravenclaw. She has shown throughout the series that she is intelligent, curious, and a creative girl. She thinks outside the box and cares deeply about her comrades. She is loyal and determined. Just look at the battle with her and Bickslow vs Erigor. Even when Bickslow ttold her to just leave him behind and save herself, she continually came back to try and help. Where others might disagree, I think that’s a huge reason why they won that fight. Something that sets Wendy apart from the rest of her teammates is her humble attitude towards herself. All the members of team Natsu, (excluding Wendy and maybe Lucy), can be arrogant and prideful. But with Wendy, she may have faith in her skills, but she doesn’t simply assume that everything will go according to plan. This sometimes causes her to have a lack of self-esteem. On occasion we see her lacking confidence in her abilities. Think back to the way she reacted to being chosen for the Grand Magic Games. She nearly panicked, thinking that someone more powerful should’ve been picked. Now we know that Wendy is ridiculously strong, but anyone can be insecure. She has a strong sense of justice and becomes less of a pushover as she grows. Time and time again we see her standing up to fight when she sees someone being wronged. Being the youngest members on the team, Wendy has a sort of innocence to her. We see her having a hard time lying and disliking confrontation. But her innocence causes her to be almost naive. She is an optimist and is generally very cheery, but this does mean that she can be naive. If Wendy is not careful, she could be tricked or her feelings taken advantage of. For example, the Nirvana incident. Brain took advantage of her history with EdoJellal and that caused her to revive him. Of course it all worked out in the end but we can’t say that she wasn’t used.
sorry for mentioning the GMG so much. i’m rewatching the series and i’m at the dragon king festival right now.
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Abb/y has something to s/ay
Let me premise this by reminding everyone that Abby -like Trump-doesn’t “get” comedy. They literally do not understand jokes, punchlines, or humor. So a satirical show about the Hollywood song writers falls flat. Her time away did nothing to sway her conspiratorial aspirations or her misogynistic hatred of Mia. She watched Royalties not once, but twice... not to enjoy Darren’s creativity and performance, not to support the celebrity she stans, and not even to crack up at the humor, no she watched twice because she was looking for confirmation bias. She wanted to document all of the ways Darren wrote his CrissColfer truth into Pierce’s life and she obsessively listened to all of the diss-tracks he wrote to attack his wife.  
Let me also premise this by saying I loved the show. I thought it was funny and the songs are so damn catchy.  The lyrics are quintessential Darren- funny, very clever, and raunchy.  
R/oyalties, the Tale of Two Shows with a Heaping Side of Meta
ajw720. So I just finished watching R/oyalties for the second time, this time solely focused on the meta.  Look, we all know, the show is not good, it was not well written and the short format didn’t help as there was no option to develop character or plot.  But D knew it would not be good, he apologized for it back in January 2019.  And I think the effort he put into acting was the effort it deserved. Ok.
But his songs were genius.  As were the videos, hence why i call it the tale of two shows.  It truly was like watching content made by completely different people. I concur with MH, D is “intensely talented.”  And the part of this show he poured his blood, sweat, and tears into, the songs, are evident of this.
But this is a post about that Heaping Side of Meta. I think D, knowing that that show would not be made in the manner he envisioned, instead used it as a vehicle to make some bold statements and parallels with his career and public life.  Shall we begin?  And please, unlike the perfect song, this is not a perfect post and after the second round of watching i canceled my Quibi subscription and never plan to look back, so please feel free to add. I know some of these have been pointed out but I thought it was valuable to have one post.
One idea to inpsire the song?  A tiny FROG on a dime.
D’s shirt 1st seen in Episode 2: “It is hard to soar like an Eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys”
And of course “Call me Goldilocks bitch”  Remind you of something?
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How about the entirety of Episode 3 when we are told that an artist is completely the product of the team.  That no matter what the artists expresses they want, it doesn’t matter because the Label/manager/publicist/on camera agent/legal will always have a say. And how it will play in America or the Foreign market are key metrics of how the product is produced and presented.  I love the line of the songwriter that tells P/ierce and S/ara to “get out while they are young.”  Or the line by one of her team “we don’t want something different, we want something the same that is different.”  And in the end P&S simply took one of KK old songs and reworked it, making something different that is not different and her team loved it.  
And of course, the line that was an utter slap in the face to the most over praised “director” of an indie band video ever when D reminds her of the real director in his life, the man set to direct major motion pictures, “you know who would be perfect to direct? C/hris.  C/hris would shatter this.”
Not much in Episode 4, but the gorilla suit in my opinion was mocking of a certain MMR video where we watched Swiller and a banana in a song about a gorilla.  Images I never need to see in my head again.
Episode 5, a gem, I am still so fucking proud of D and how he mocked her throughout the entirety of the episode.  New lines I love of that amazing song he wrote about her (in addition to those i posted previously here) “Some people say I’m a  genius, which comes from the greek word for Latin, and other people will say, alright in fact i’m a fuckin’s genius” “I’m not saying I’m a god, but I’m not saying I’m not a god.”  Mocking at its finest made all that much better by the band’s name “Switchback Jacket” that D describes as “butt rock emo” that is performed by a band that doesn’t actually sing, they are just the public image.  He literally told us that what we see is an image created for the public and that it is completely fake.  And he used his beard to make this statement. Just brilliant.  I cannot praise him enough for this, stealing her moment in the sun and making her look like an utter fool, telling us just how narcissistic she is.
Also some wonderful lines from that episode that are beyond telling:
“Power, it felt good to remind Kevin that I hold power over him. You always want to be the one with power”
“p/ierce wouldn’t know where to take a shit if I didn’t tell him.”
“she is like my wife except we don’t have sex and we are friends.”
“alright boss, I am ready to record that song, but where should i take a shit?”
“You will do anything to succeed.”
Episode 8 starring “Poly Amorous and the Unicorn Guild” an episode used to shine a light on how absurd it is that people believe D&PBB lived with platonic roomie B/enny for something like 4 years.  3 grown ass adults, all of whom have money to spare lived together in a relatively small house for four years.  It is pure comedy that anyone would believe that this is normal.  But hey these are the same people that explained away the infamous arm around her while at an awards show with D looking on:
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And the cherry on top of this episode, the inclusion of C/huck (for some background, see my post here).
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I really like the one bit of dialogue between P&S, where D pretty much tells us once again that M will use anyone to get what she wants:
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe just maybe, I don’t like where we are now? There were a lot of really great things about the way things were.  Things that are worth preserving.  Not that you just take and use and through out.”
Episode 9 had some really impactful lines:
“you think i wouldn’t steal for my career? You think I wouldn’t lie?  I would do anything.”
The Neils being the nameless individuals, nothing more than a number, who are the ones who actually create the product.  And then the song, some of the translations are D telling you how he feels, because sometimes i think in terms of his public image he is just a Neil trying to escape the cage that has been built around him:
“I dream about getting away, I have been locked up in this cage wishing i could make my escape. I hate that I need you.”
And finally Episode 10, where we learn the Neils get no credit and no royalties. This reminds me of a script C wrote that never saw the light of day but suddenly the next season of AHS had the same theme as his script.
And that is all i got, if you have more please add. I think the fact that D took what he knew would be a mediocre project and projected his voice and story throughout it was pretty genius and a smart way to utilize this vehicle, that was clearly payout for so many that have used him for years and to shine a bright light on the truth.
elicc  The “perfect song”’s performer is called Bailey Rouge, a clear link to TLOS.
He is a genius.
ajw720   @elicc damn, that was on my list and I forgot. And we all know who Red is inspired by, so seems fitting Bailey Rouge would get the perfect song.
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ajw720. Just adding one more I thought about putting in my original post but admittedly think it’s a stretch. But maybe not? Just adding here for fun.
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When Theo tells P to bottle up all his romantic feelings I couldn’t help but think of a certain chapter in a book
Oy Vei! Abby didn’t use her time away getting any therapy or perspective.  She hasn’t learned any lessons. I have no doubt she’s been reading just as much as she did before and she’s speaking to Cassie, Flowers et al all day. It’s really sad. It’s sad that she can’t see how silly she sounds, what an asshole her version of Darren is. If she could restrain herself even a little bit it might come off less unhinged because turning every single moment of Royalties into some crisscolfer wet dream reeks of desperation. 
Abby hates Royalties. In last week’s “Dear D” she had the audacity to say 
....Fans that are beyond devoted and mainly because of the way you have treated fans with respect and a level of caring that far surpasses the majority of public figures.  And while I am not enjoying the show itself, the music shows how diverse you are as a writer and how you can virtually write for anyone or any genre. The songs are fantastic.  Memorable.  And really fun.  
She knows the the Langs wrote the show and Darren wrote the songs but what she can’t seem to comprehend is that Darren IS Royalties. Everything in the show is Darren’s.  
Staying in the closet would be less painful than trying to express oneself through a short-form satirical comedy.  Can you imagine trying to express your devastation and pain through Kick Your Shoes off or Break It In? 
“I’m the king of the hard fuck....pile drive the bed like a young buck...if you like feathery shit thats pretty cool but I don’t need that...people say I fuck too soft, saying that I can’t please a woman” 
BTW Abby- “call me goldilocks bitch” isn’t a reference to TLOS it’s a reference to Goldilocks and Three Bears because because he fucks perfect, not too soft, not too hard. It’s much more believable that he is referring to a random nursery rhyme than it is to believe he is referring to a children’s book his lover/husband/boyfriend wrote 8 years ago. You might love the book but Chris has moved on and written new things. 
Darren wrote funny lyrics. I loved Kick Your Shoes Off because it’s written by a man whose watched his wife and female friends wear painful shoes for the same of fashion even though its painful as fuck.   
“Yeah, I’m a bad bitch so don’t be mad bitch. I turned the room into a catwalk like a sad bitch. I can’t feel my toes in these stilettos. when I walk out my roomate says you’ll regret those....Beauty is pain but oh I look amazing.  You won’t hear me complaining but oh my instep (inside?) is screaming...kick your shoes off (kick em off) ooooooo I do what I want..(Kick em off) ooooo Hey I can’t walk in these, blisters start to bleed now both my feet are swollen. Kick your shoes off (Kick em off).....It’s like i feel so good when my shoes are on, but like i also feel sooooo good when they are off” 
Abby’s convinced I am So Much Better Than You is straight up about Mia because Mia is in the video. She listened to it on repeat the day after it came out. In her “Letter to D” last week she said 
Especially after you made an effort to mock her for the entirety of Tuesday when her episode aired (and for the record I am still really, really proud of what you did with that episode and how you handled the roll out, that is the fighter I admire and that inspires me.  I listened to I am so much better than you on repeat on my drive home from work yesterday).   
Good Lord  The lyrics are as silly as all the other songs: “My mirror wants to bone me (but it can’t because it’s a mirror)” How did Abby miss the obvious TLOS mirror/ Halloween costume reference here?  
“You keep doing push ups while I get buff eating mac and cheese (with overpriced lobster and truffles because I’m worth it)”  
“Some people say I’m a genius (which comes from the greek work for latin) Some other people will say yeah I’m right I’m a fucking genius (I’m not saying I’m a god but I’m not saying I’m not a god). 
“And even when you sneeze, God blesses me, he blesses me. And even when you sneeze, god blesses me, he blesses me, he blesses me”
“I’m am so much better than you at everything”. 
She believes Darren would be- and stay- married to a women that he publicly ridicules and attacks. I don’t get why she thinks that is something admirable . 
She thinks Also You is referring to Ben living with them.  Where to start with this one? She says
“Episode 8 starring “Poly Amorous and the Unicorn Guild” an episode used to shine a light on how absurd it is that people believe D&PBB lived with platonic roomie B/enny for something like 4 years.  3 grown ass adults, all of whom have money to spare lived together in a relatively small house for four years.  It is pure comedy that anyone would believe that this is normal.  But hey these are the same people that explained away the infamous arm around her while at an awards show with D looking on”
I’m gobsmacked.  Also You is about Polyamory. She doesn’t even understand her own theories if she thinks that is the message Darren wants to share about Mia and Ben.  In no world would someone try to proclaim their wife was cheating on them with a live-in houseguest by writing an episode called Poly Amorous and the Unicorn Guild.  Also, someone needs to explain cuckholding to her because her theories about Ben and Mia make Darren a cuck.  
OMG I just realized that Darren is a cuck and Royalties proves it.  He hired Kether to be his costar in Royalties,...Kether is in You’re the Worst as Lindsay.  Lindsay cuckholds her husband. Bam! mic drop.   
Why isn’t Perfect Song about Mia, you know, if we are playing confirmation bias “No one is as good as you because you're my perfect song” 
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spoonqueenus · 4 years
Re-Imagine creative writing challenge
For this challenge I had to write one of my favourite fairytales from the point of view of the villain. I really enjoyed Rapunzel as a child and Tangled is one of my favourite films. So I haven’t used the Brothers Grimm version which is soo much darker. I enjoy the character of Mother Gothel so I chose to write Tangled from Mother Gothel’s point of view. 
So here we go enjoy, or don’t.
Let me know what you guys think. 
Mother Gothel
She was dying, she knew it, she looked at her pale wrinkled skin and grimaced pulling her sleeve up as far as it would go to cover the abomination that was now her hand. She knew it had been coming to the end of her life for some time now. Gothel hobbled along the path unsure which way home was at this point. She had heard a prophecy that a new kind of magic could be discovered that would keep one young and beautiful and more importantly alive forever. She knew it was to good to be true, she pulled her hood up and fiddled with her sleeve again determined not to have to look at her wrinkled skin. A flower that could make you young and beautiful forever, it was a brilliant joke very humorous. She took another step and slipped, and landed face down in the mud. She lay there exhausted and defeated. She closed her eyes and then she saw a beam of golden light. Her eyes shot open, and there it was, a golden flower that looked like a Lily. She could barely contain her joy she found a strangely youthful burst of energy as she approached the flower. Suddenly she heard a song inside her head, “Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, let the clocks reverse bring back what once was mine, what once was mine.” She began to sing along with the song, and grabbed the flower” to her amazement her skin became youthful and soft again, her Grey thinning hair returned to the luscious black hair she had in her youth. She stood taller now, no longer hunched over. Hundreds of years passed and Gothel returned to the flower whenever she began to age. She became addicted to the power. She did not attempt to replicate the flower, despite being a particularly gifted witch. She hid the flower and kept the power for herself.
Before long a kingdom called Corona thrived. Gothel decided to travel to the kingdom she marvelled at the tall buildings and the bustle of people, this kingdom seemed like a place she would like to live. For a few years Gothel did just that, she lived in a modest little cottage on the edge of town for a few years. Gothel saw couples walking in pairs holding hands, she placed her hand in hers and decided that she wanted that. She had met a suitor while sailing boats out in the harbour and fell in love. Discovering this new found love Gothel decided to stop using the flower. She no longer cared to be young and beautiful because she loved her husband. Gothel eventually told her husband that she wanted to have a child. The husband however did not want a child. Soon the husband grew cold and distant towards Gothel. After months of suspecting Gothel caught her husband kissing another woman. In a rage she took her dagger and killed the woman before turning on her husband. Using her gifts as a witch she used magic to dispose of them. Gothel vowed from that day on that she would live alone just her and the flower. However news of the queens mysterious illness had traveled and guards had heard of the infamous flower that had healing properties.
When Gothel returned to the flower she used it to restore her youth. Before she could dig up the flower guards stormed the hill where the flower resided. Gothel hid behind a nearby rock so she could overhear the guards. “WE'VE FOUND IT!” shouted one of the guards as he stumbled up the hill. The Guards dug up the flower and took it to the queen who was gravely ill and pregnant. Gothel returned to her cottage and acted as usual and waited to hear news of the queens recovery she would trick the queen into letting her work as a servant. The flower worked it healed the queen and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, she was named princess Rapunzel. News of the birth travelled fast. Gothel prepared a hideout in a large tower far away from Corona. Gothel broke into the castle she grabbed the small child’s golden locks and began to sing just as she had done to the flower. The tiny infants hair began to glow. Gothel took her dagger and sliced a few strands to keep for herself. As she pulled the locks away they turned brown and lost their power Gothel's hand aged, she screamed in frustration. In that moment she looked at the sleeping child, picking up the small infant she whispered “Don't worry little flower, Mother Gothel will keep you safe where no one will bother you.”
Mother Gothel as she now called herself, raised the small child as her own, the child's name was Rapunzel, and as she grew her hair grew along with her, longer and longer until it fell to her feet. She kept the girl in a tower far from Corona.  Mother Gothel cared for the child for years.
One day while she was still very young and easier to convince, Rapunzel plucked up the courage to ask “Can I go out there?” Rapunzel asked her mother pointing to the only window of the tower. As Mother Gothel had been brushing Rapunzels long golden locks before she stopped suddenly taking time to craft her lie. “The world is a dangerous place little flower, you must stay here where it is safe.”“Yes mummy” Rapunzel replied sulkily kicking her legs out.
As the years went by Rapunzel asked more and more if she could go outside of the tower. Each time Mother Gothel grew more and more anxious as Rapunzel got older she had already begun asking difficult questions, especially about the lights on her birthday. Mother Gothel knew she couldn't risk the child being recognised. On the day of her eighteenth birthday Rapunzel asked again. Mother Gothel shut her down throwing every reason possible to persuade Rapunzel to stay home. She had seemed to accept things after Mother Gothel had agreed to go and collect white shells to make a paint for Rapunzel, a trip that would take her three days.
Mother Gothel was almost trampled by a giant white horse. She noticed a sun shaped mark on the saddle. “Oh, a palace horse, wheres your rider?” the horse rans off into the trees. “Rapunzel! Let down your haair!”, “Rapunzel, RAPUNZEL!” Mother Gothel in a blind fury tore through a pile of bricks hiding a secret passage into the tower. She destroys the tower searching for any sign of Rapunzel, instead she discovers a satchel containing a crown and a wanted poster for a man named Flynn Ryder.
While searching the forest Mother Gothel discovers Rapunzel in a tavern nearby, she hides behind a window listening. She discovers that Rapunzel plans to see the lights she sees every year on her birthday. The tavern is raided by guards, “Where's Ryder, where is he? I know he's here somewhere, turn this place upside down.” The captain of the guard gestures at his men, and they begin searching the tavern. A strange man with a hook for a hand opens a secret tunnel “Go live your dream” Rapunzel and a Flynn escape through the tunnel. The guards follow the guard captains horse Maximus down the tunnel. Mother Gothel approaches a small man with a white beard drunkenly singing to himself “I gotta dream, I got some dream” he notices Mother Gothel. “Ohhh, somebody get me a glass, cause I just found me, a tall drink of water.” Mother Gothel uses this chance to gain information from this strange small man “Oh, stop it you big lug.” She points her dagger at him. “Wheres that tunnel lead?” the man cowers “Knife!”
Mother Gothel notices two bandits looking for a fight. “I'll kill him that Ryder, best to kill him, let's go get that crown.” “Oh boys, perhaps you want to stop acting like wild dogs chasing their tails, and think for a moment. The bandits draw swords pointing them directly at her. “Oh, please there's no need for that.” she throws the satchel. The two bandits begin playing tug of war with the satchels. Mother Gothel, turns to leave. “Well if that's all you desire, then be on your way. I was going to offer you something worth one thousand crowns, would have made you rich beyond belief. And that wasn't even the best part. Oh well, C'est la vie. Enjoy your crown.” The two men stop to look at Mother Gothel. “What's the best part?” Mother Gothel turns holding the poster of Flynn. “It comes with revenge, on Flynn Ryder.” She says in a sing song voice.
As Flynn heads off into the woods, Mother Gothel uses this chance to speak to Rapunzel alone. “I thought he'd never leave.” Rapunzel turns looking stunned to see her Mother.
“Mother?, how did you find me?”“It wasn't difficult, I just followed the sound of betrayal”. 
“Come on Rapunzel we're leaving now!” 
“No, you don't understand, I've been on the most incredible journey, I even met someone.” 
Mother Gothel laughed, it was a horrible spiteful sound. “Ah, yes the thief, I'm so proud.” Rapunzel scowled at Mother Gothel in a similar way she had when she was a small child. “Let's go.” Mother Gothel tried to pull Rapunzel by the arm. “Wait, I think he likes me.” Rapunzel stammered while pulling her arm from Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel looked at Rapunzel briefly shocked that she had dared to retort.“Likes you?, Rapunzel that's demented, This whole romance you've invented just proves you're too naive to be here. Come on now let's just go home, I'm here now...”
“NO!” Rapunzel screamed.
“No? Oh I see how it is, because you're so clever, you know best, well then if he's so special why not give him this.” Mother Gothel holds the satchel between two wrinkling fingers. Rapunzels face registered shock before returning to scowling at Mother Gothel. “How could you...”
“Give it to him and you'll see.”Mother Gothel interrupted.
“I trust him.” Mother Gothel turned her back on Rapunzel.
“If he's lying don't come crying, I won't say I told you so.” She swung her cloak and vanished into the night.  
The bandits move restlessly hidden behind the trees, watching Mother Gothel as she watches Rapunzel patiently. “Patience boys” she almost sang, with a hint of enjoyment in her tone. She watched as Rapunzel headed for the boats with Flynn. Once Flynn wanders off alone she sends in the bandits catch up with him, he struggles as they tie him to the wheel of a boat and send it towards the town of Corona. Rapunzel approaches one of the bandits “I was starting to think you'd taken the crown and left.”
“He did” snarled the bandit revealing his gruff face. Rapunzel staggered backward, eyes wide with fear as the bandit stalked toward her.  “Fair trade, the crown for a girl with magical hair, how much do you think someone will pay to stay young and healthy forever?”
“No, no please?” Rapunzel begged.
“RAPUNZEL!” Mother Gothel lunged forward hitting the bandit in the head, knocking him unconscious.
“Thank goodness you're safe, I followed you and saw them attack, quickly lets go before they come to.” The two ran off toward the tower.
“There, it never happened, we can put this whole thing behind us now that everything is back in its proper place.” Mother Gothel cleaned as she talked with a sense of accomplishment, she had done it, no one would take her flower away from her now. Flynn was on his way to the guillotine to die for his crimes and the bandits had no idea how to find the tower.  Rapunzel slowly made her way up to her room head down feet dragging, completely defeated. Mother Gothel hears a crash up stairs. “Rapunzel? Whats going on up there?” there was panic in her voice now, what if one of the bandits had followed them and taken her. Rapunzel ran down her stairs looking crazed. “I'm the lost princess”
“Rapunzel, please don't mumble.”
“I'm the lost princess, aren't I, did I mumble mother or should I even call you that?”
Mother Gothel laughs “You really have lost it, do you hear yourself?”
“It was you all along”
“Everything I've done was to protect you...” Mother Gothel places her hand on Rapunzels shoulder.
Rapunzel violently shoves Mother Gothel’s hand away and advanced on her. “I've spent my whole life hiding from people, when I should have been hiding from YOU!” Mother Gothel took a step back momentarily shocked that Rapunzel had dared to question her. “He won't be there for you” She snaps back at the accusation. “What have you done?”
“That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes.”
Mother Gothel grabbed chains and bound them around Rapunzel as she turned to leave. “You want me to be the bad guy, find I'm the bad guy.”
Flynn bursts in through the tower and attacks Mother Gothel, during the scuffle, she stabs Flynn in the back. “Now look what you've done Rapunzel, it's ok our secret will die with him, stop fighting me!”
“No, I'll never stop fighting you or trying to get away from you!” Rapunzels words stung, Mother Gothel had cared for this child and raised her as much as she told herself she didn't care, deep down she did.
“If you let me save him, I'll go with you.”
“No” Flynn groaned.
Rapunzel thrust her hair in Flynn's hand.
“I can't let you do this.”
Flynn took the dagger from his chest and sliced Rapunzels hair before it could heal him.
Gothel crawls towards the couple her skin begins to wrinkle. “NO, Noo, What have you done?” she pulls her self up unsteadily leaning against the window, she couldn't stand any longer and tripped, falling out of the window. She was dying and this time for good. She felt nothing, her body turned to ash as she fell.
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dictacontrion · 5 years
Hey for the ask thing F, I, and U ! Thank u I love your blog and your work !
Thanks, nonnie!! These have been a blast!! 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Okay so I actually love writing dialogue, it is kind of my fave, and I don’t have one single favorite, but this one, from Make Me a Headline (I Want to Be That Bold) came to mind: 
“I want you.”
“For—bed?” Harry asks, eyes flitting nervously upwards at the ceiling and, presumably, the bed above them.
“Yes,” Draco answers, “but not only.”
Harry takes another step towards him. “What else?”
“Dancing,” Draco says. “Champagne.”
“Yeah?” Harry prompts.
“Dinner,” Draco adds. “Letters.”
“Answered letters?”
“Answered letters. And…dates.”
“Public dates?”
“Yes. And…” Draco takes a turn at stepping forward, “breakfast.”
“Breakfast,” Draco repeats. “After…”
“For breakfast, you’d have to stay.”
“And you want?”
“Oh,” Harry breathes. “Breakfast.”
I like it because I think usually I’m drawn to snappy banter, and clever characters who are able to explain themselves, and when there’s lots of witty subtext, and this is sort of the opposite of that. It’s a very emotionally naked moment for them, and it felt like piling on the words wasn’t going to work. What matters here, for them, is how well they understand each other without words, that they know each other so well they don’t need further explanation to get what’s at stakes. Well, and that they’re able to create this space that works emotionally for both of them, such that Harry can be reassured while Draco doesn’t have to put himself so explicitly on the line that he recoils into defensiveness. But how to get them to communicate that when saying it would defeat the purpose? This felt like the really right solution - the economy of language, the repetition, the construction of the story so that the readers and the characters have to recall a lot of complicated history in order for this to have meaning, and (hopefully) that the simplicity of the actual words pushes the reader to be present alongside the characters in being attentive to the complexity of the meaning behind them. And I thiiiiink it does that successfully? Though readers would know better than I would! 
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
My writing guilty pleasure is 100% the banter mentioned above, which wouldn’t be a guilty pleasure at all, vs something very fun, except that I tend to do it when I’m stuck or stonewalling, so will occasionally feel a bit guilty when I notice that’s what I’m doing.
My reading guilty pleasure (though as a phrase, I prefer smug indulgence to guilty pleasure!) is probably 1D/BBC RPF AUs, which, there are just some really fun ones, and it’s in this fic space that I don’t write or rec or mod or really blog about very much, so it’s work-free pure indulgence. 
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
I take this question to ask what I like about three of my favorite fic writers’ writing but, if you’ll bear with me, anon, I am going to intentionally misinterpret this for a moment (and will do it over properly if you like!) and tell you about three of my favorite fic writers and why they are some of my favorite people (with the caveat that I could easily do this for a dozen more!) and #sorrynotsorry, hopefully these lovely individuals will be up for tolerating some tenderness.
1. I have had the extraordinary luck to be within driving distance of @firethesound​ for most of my fic-writing life, and while I’m sure many of you, like me, admire her writing enormously, I am here to tell you that it is the tip of the iceberg. I have lost track of the number of times I have been having a crap week, only to show up at fire’s house and find the kettle on and cookies waiting, or the number of times she’s listened while I talk through whatever’s bothering me, or the number of days that have been improved by her company. She can be very stealth about how funny she is, and how incisive her commentary is, and how thoughtful her views are, and how observant she is, and how creative and resourceful and resilient and patient, and how she cares for the people around her, and how curious and interested she is, and how good at figuring things out, and how determined, and how generally much of a stone cold badass she is when the situation calls for it, but it’s all very, very present and I am perpetually blown away, and so, so grateful to the universe that our paths crossed. It’s made my life more balanced and fuller and funner and funnier and inspired, and that’s very much par for the course when spending time with fire. 
2. @gracerene09​ is a brilliant writer who just knocks my socks off a little bit more every time I read her latest work, and also has been my adventure buddy across two continents, three countries, and two (soon to be three or possibly maybe four!) states, and holy fuck she is amazing. She is so thoughtful and so unbelievably on the ball and possessed of good common sense and feet firmly on the ground, and she is the rare human who manages to be all of that and imaginative and silly and hilarious and adventurous and game for flights of fancy. Like, we can have a spreadsheet and a plan A and a plan B and then get drunk and have a selfie competition and end up wandering some random places absolutely cackling our butts off. And having seen her in all of those contexts and done loads of fandom and RL stuff with her, I can absolutely say that she’s one of the few people in the world whose judgment I trust implicitly. Even when we disagree, I trust her process and her ability and willingness to talk it through and figure it out. I also have the hugest admiration for the way she approaches the world with an eye towards growth; if she notices something she wants to change, she changes it, and she does it in ways that are deeply reflective and considered and dauntless and principled, and it’s truly incredible and an honor to see how that’s played out, is playing out, over the years. 
3. When it comes to fandom, and to life, @writcraft has become one of my absolute favorite people to talk to. Writ’s approach to writing and thinking is so masterful and meticulous and smart, I am constantly in awe. I have endless appreciation for the way they’ve written queerness into fic, which takes it so seriously and pays homage to its history, and would happily listen to them talk about queerness and culture for hours, both as it has to do with fandom and as it matters in the world beyond. And alongside this phenomenal, blinding awareness and knowledge, they’re also so much fun. I often come away from my conversations with writ reminded that all things - fandom, politics, the daily business of life - are meant to have elements of joy and connection in them, that the object isn’t only to learn and work for change, but to remember what it is that’s worth working for, and to stop and enjoy it, and to change things, even when that involves taking risks, in order to build a more enjoyable, connected, intrinsically motivated life. Whether it’s a serious conversation about political commitments and practice, or a serious conversation about fandom, or getting drunk and sweaty and dancing till ready to drop, having writ around is guaranteed to make it richer and sweeter and better. 
Fic asks!
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: September 20, 2018
"Black Panther" "Brick" "The Endless" "Groundhog Day" "The River wild" "Role Models" "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" "The Third Man" "Unforgiven" "The Witch"
I try not to show preference in this column for films on which I'm quoted on the cover but, naturally, the quote serves as a sort of endorsement on its own (except for the few times in which a word or two has been hilariously pulled from negative reviews to promote bad movies). I saw "Beast" a year ago as a part of my TIFF 2017 coverage and I was happy to see star Jessie Buckley earning raves yet again this year for "Wild Rose" (which I, sadly, couldn't get to). She deserves to be a huge star, giving one of those unforgettable young performances here that heralds something special. "Beast" is a character drama wrapped in a mystery, a clever look at that time in our lives when we're attracted to danger. It would make a great rental for you this weekend. Just trust me. 
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Special Features The Making of Beast - Featurette A Look at Beast - Photo Gallery
One of the most divisive films of 2018 is also one that I can guarantee you that people will be watching years from now. And I'm not saying that only because I happen to be very strongly in the "pro-Hereditary" camp but for two reasons. One, it's of a genre that often persists. No one embraces their darlings like horror fans. (And I can't believe I have to say it but this IS a horror movie.) Two, it's a movie that honestly got people talking. As much as I love the film itself, I also adore the passionate debate around it, particularly the understandable frustrations I heard with the ending. For me, the film won me over long before then, particularly on a performance level. Few actors, if any, did more committed, fearless work than Toni Collette. 
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Special Features Deleted Scenes "Cursed: The True Nature of Hereditary" Featurette "Evil in Miniature" Photo Gallery
"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom"
No one is more surprised than me at how much I enjoyed the fifth "Jurassic" sequel, especially given the dismal batting average since Steven Spielberg's influential classic. Listen, "Fallen Kingdom" is not going to be on anyone's top ten at the end of the year, but this is what the previous films forgot to be: fun. It helps greatly that it has an actual director in J.A. Bayona who somehow finds a way to blend Hammer horror movies with the Crichton universe and creates a final hour here that I found thoroughly entertaining. Pratt is still as dull a lead as you'll find in a Hollywood blockbuster, but this thing has a visual language lacking from so many other Summer 2018 films, and a closing section that I really adored. I feel like it was easy for a lot of critics to write this movie off - and I certainly did given how much I hated the last one - but it's one of my biggest surprises of the year. Maybe it will be one of yours too. 
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Special Features The Kingdom Evolves  Return to Hawaii  Island Action  Aboard the Arcadia Start the Bidding!  On Set with Chris & Bryce Birth of the Indoraptor  Death by Dino . Monster in a Mansion Rooftop Showdown Malcolm's Return VFX Evolved  Fallen Kingdom: The Conversation  Jurassic Then and Now 
"A Nightmare Before Christmas"
It's been 25 years since Tim Burton's "A Nightmare Before Christmas" opened in theaters, making a relatively small amount of money in 1993 for a Disney animated film (under $50 million). In the two-and-a-half decades since, Burton's vision has become a money machine for Disney, producing new tie-in products and DVD/Blu-ray releases with regularity. Why should you consider getting it again? Well, this is the sing-along version, which may be attractive to some people, especially young ones, but the real draw is the two short films that inspired Jack Skellington, Burton's early works "Vincent" and "Frankenweenie." It's Jack's world, we just live in it. 
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Special Features Tim Burton's Early Film: "Vincent" The Making of Deleted Storyboards Deleted Animated Sequences Tim Burton's Early Film: "Frankenweenie" (Uncut Version)  "What's This?" Jack's Haunted Mansion Tour  Tim Burton's Original Poem Narrated by Christopher Lee  Storyboard-to-Film Comparison  Theatrical Trailer  Teaser Trailer
"Ocean's 8"
What an amazing cast! What an OK movie. To be honest, it would be hard to not at least deliver mediocre escapism with this all-star line-up of talent, and that's exactly what Gary Ross and the team behind this inferior "Ocean's sequel does. Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, and especially Anne Hathaway are having a blast in this heist movie about jewelry theft from the Met Gala, but the script here is depressingly flat. Ross does the best he can to find the pace and rhythm in it, but this flick lacks the wit and creativity of the best heist movies. Just putting these Oscar, Emmy, and Grammy winners on the same screen provides just enough inherent spark to justify a rental, but lower those expectations that the casting director won't be the MVP of this particular venture. 
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Special Features A Heist in Heels - Featuruette Ocean's Team 3.0 - Featurette Reimagining the Met Gala - Fetaurette Deleted Scenes
"Won't You Be My Neighbor?"
I hate to be a grumpy critic, but I'm disappointed in how many of my colleagues have wholeheartedly embraced this doc, one of the most profitable films of its kind in years but a perfect example for me of the issue of "form vs. content." Yes, the content here is undeniably great. Fred Rogers was progressive, brilliant, and empathetic, the kind of person we could certainly use more of in 2018. But the movie about him is clunky, over-using score and episodic in its structure. I was frustrated by a movie that I kept wanting to be better than I think it is simply because of how much I love its subject matter. Most people won't care and there's inherent value in getting Mr. Rogers' life and message to more people. But that doesn't mean this couldn't have been a better movie. 
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