#literally didn’t study for any tests/exams just so i could consume any content with him in it
teoparadise · 1 month
last year i had such a huge obsession with trey that i wrote my first name with his last name 100 times so i could marry him
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kageyuji · 4 years
Hey I love your pieces!!! Keep up the good work :3, also, could I get headcanons with Shinsou, Aizawa, and Bakugou with an overwhelmed s/o? Like they have a lot of mixed feelings and their stressed. Thank you!!! 💜💜💜
Of course babe!! 💕
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Shinsou -
Shinsou is very familiar with stress
He has pulled more than a few all-nighters in his life to study for big test and exams.
Plus a few sleepless nights, curtsie of the weight of everything he needs to have done.
So when he sees the unholy amount of coffee you consume paired with the tired look in your eyes, he knew something was wrong
He might ask you once or twice if you were feeling ok, and of course your stubborn behind said you were fine
He didn’t realize just how much stress you were under until you literally just walked into class, saw a stack of papers on your teachers desk, and couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.
Your classmates were concerned, obviously, but your teacher let you two go out into the hall alone since he knew the two of you were close.
Shinsou doesn’t talk much, his love language is physical affection.
But if you want to talk, he’s all ears
Otherwise, he’s content to just hug you and let you cry it out.
He makes sure that he checks up on you a lot more after that, asking you at least a few times a week if you were getting stressed or overwhelmed.
He is definitely down to help you study or help you finish projects
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Aizawa -
He used to be in your exact position
At this point he doesn’t really care, he only looks so tired because he has to actually get work done.
He’s not stressed about it though, which is why he probably didn’t pick up too quickly when you started getting overwhelmed.
When he walks into the kitchen to see you crouched on the fooor against some cabinets, crying, he quickly realized that something wasn’t right.
He just kind of stood there like 0.o for a second before his brain processed the situation and went oh shit you’re upset about something
He quickly walked over and crouched in front of you
He didn’t know if he should touch you, he didn’t want you feeling overstimulated. He did grab your forearm though, rubbing his thumb in a comforting manner.
“Hey,” his voice was soft when he spoke. “What happened?”
Your voice came out in a series of whines, but after a second he managed to gather that you hadn’t been feeling well lately and burning the food you had been cooking was enough to send you over the edge.
He smiled, in an attempt to cheer you up. “I burn food all the time, I’m not great at cooking.”
You gave him a half-smile, but you still weren’t feeling any better about the stress you were under.
He let you talk about it if you wanted to and he helped you with any work that he could. Also, he let you in on his ways of destressing and gave you a massage.
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Bakugou -
Anger boi would not admit it in his death bed, but he gets stressed and overwhelmed a lot as well.
It mostly comes out in the form of aggression and insults, but he’s pretty observant when he realizes just how different you are acting from your usual self.
“What’s wrong with you, dumbass?”
*confusion noises*
“You’ve been all...weird and shit lately, whose ass do I need to beat?” He grumbled in true Bakugou fashion
“No, I’m good.”
“Do I look like I believe that?” He knows you’re lying, he may be confused about his own emotions a lot but he is definitely in-tune to the emotions of those he cares about.
That’s when your lip started to tremble and your eyes started to fill with tears.
He was kind of confused at first, he has no idea how to comfort a crying person
Then he walks over and gives you the most awkward hug you have ever received, but at least he was trying
“Listen, don’t worry about it, I’ll help you with all your work and if your teachers give any lip about it, I’ll blast their asses.”
And he does in fact help you with your work. He also helps you study and/or basically threatens the life of everyone in the dorms when they are being too distracting and making too much noise.
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hey, so i've had a really bad day today, and i was hoping if you could write a scenario where akaashi comforts his fem s/o after he unknowingly pushes her into a breakdown because she wasn't studying? thank you.
Hey I’m really sorry to hear you haven’t had the best of days, I hope tomorrow is better and please feel free to message me for anything, even a little chat! I’m almost always free and able to reply 💜 For now I hope this will cheer you up!
Akaashi Keiji x Reader | Word Count: 1,119
As summer was dawning upon everyone it meant two things:
First being that the volleyball season came to an end so you had Akaashi all to yourself, which was amazing.
But the other was something less desiring, it being that the second meant exams for you all.
The exam stress hit you hard this year. Being in the college prep class for all your subjects really did take a toll on you, it was time consuming, more hard work than you expected and it was literally driving you to your death. Studying took up so much time, more than you’d like but it had to be done no matter how good sleeping felt.
It didn’t benefit you that Akaashi decided it was the best time to start taking you for dates. You loved the extra time and dates with Akaashi, you both shared busy lifestyles so when you finally had the time to embrace and bask in eachothers company you would both jump at it. The idea of being able to go out and do whatever you desired with your lover was a bliss, sometimes it would be a chilled coffee date and other times it would be something more outgoing like getting a train to some remote area and just exploring! (Despite that fact you often got lost and Akaashi had to chill you out) Neither of you two wanted it any other way. Unfortunately though all these outings began to affect your study schedule, causing you to be extremely paranoid and stressed over everything.
You really did appreciate everything he did though and made sure he knew that by going to everything planned, bundling in all your tension to show you cared. It just meant a lot of studying into the dark hours of the night, along with meal skips and lots of unorganisation. Your head was a mess constantly, a whirlwind of school destroying everything else inside. The only thing you could think about was the upcoming exams and Akaashi of course, but it was a struggle to juggle both.
It was currently 2am as you fished through all your papers trying to find your algebra sheets to begin working through. Your eyes stung with heaviness, your head wobbled as it screamed for you to sleep and your handwriting was completely not eligible by this point, it seemed more like a spider had written your answers for you. You couldn’t stop though, you had to get it all finished and ace all the exams you had and this was the only way to do it!
After a while more your legs were practically trembling with anxiousness and you began to feel extremely dizzy, you slowly lost control as everything went an ebony black and your body collided with your study desk causing a harsh thud.
Multiple texts and a few calls didn’t get through to you, it was currently 1pm and Akaashi hadn’t heard anything from you since mid-noon the previous day. He was completely worried for you and also scared he had done something wrong and seriously hurt you, he may have not knew how but he decided it was time to go over and see if you were actually ok.
Arriving at your house and using his extra key to enter he slowly began making his up to your room. He had called your name a few times but tk no avail, where were you? Had you gone out for the day? He was so confused by this point.
As he opened your door his stone like face contorted into an expression of hurt. To see you sprawled out acorss your desk, clearly uncomfortable, and in a room full of opened books and many test papers scattered everywhere made him feel like he had failed you,m. Had he truly not seen how stressed you had been?
Carefully, he began to pick you up and lay you down onto your bed, wrapping you up his arms and your blanket, dozing off himself after a few minutes.
You awoke and practically screamed when you looked at the time, 4pm! How could you waste a Saturday like this? A Saturday was for studying!
“Lay back down y/n, you should rest please and not worry about studying, the more you over do it the more you’ll forget in reality due to the stress.”
You snapped your head around to see Akaashi, he had woken up about half an hour ago and decided to clean your room, organising everything in hopes of clearing your head.
“But Keiji-“
“No buts, lay down, I’m going to join you in a second ok? I’m sorry this by the way, i feel like I probably should’ve considered how busy you have been with all the exams. I just wanted to really spend some time with you, not cause this, so I’m going to fix it by making you feel relaxed.” Everything he said was so sweet in his monotone voice and made you really think a out the situation.
Maybe you had over worked yourself a bit too much and deserved a break.
“Come here then” you replied, arms open wide inviting him in.
You spent hours upon hours cuddling, joking around and watching films, you felt as if all your stress from before had demolished and you could begin to study again with a clear mind, obviously not now though, all the love and affection Akaashi and you were sharing was all you needed and wanted right now.
By the end of the third film you both had destroyed all the snacks within the hiise premises and Akaashi was packing up to make his way home. You felt at ease and content with everything, the storm had disappeared and you were happy once more, all because of a little relaxation and actually quality time with Akaashi; no more of the stressing but smiling facade.
You squeezed him as if he was going to evaporate at any second, you had eventually said goodbye and watched him walk to the end of your drive before softly shutting the door.
Practically collapsing on your bed, you closed your eyes, not for long though as the vibration of your phone waded throughout your room,
‘Check your desk y/n, I’ve left something there which should hopefully help you out for the rest of exam season.”
You peered over at your desk, eyes scanning it until they slowly fell onto a timetable that was neatly placed in the corner. The timetable gave you structural way to tackle the exam studying and stress, giving you enough space to truly breath and it even had a little slot for the both of you to have a date.
“Thank you, Keiji”
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