#pics? even if his head poked in a picture i would save it
tgmsunmontue · 5 months
Online & Anonymous 4/16
Hangster. Explicit. Years before they meet in person Bradley and Jake strike up a friends-with-benefits relationship online. And then something more like an actual relationship.
Odd year = Bradley's POV and Even year = Jake's POV
>>Bradley chatting (bold and italics)
>>Jake chatting (italics)
2005/2006 2007 2008
2009 – Bradley
>>Have you heard of Grindr?
>>Why do we need Grindr, we have this…
>>Ha. So you have heard of it!
>>You can use Grindr to pick up outside of this messaging app. I think I’m going to sign up.
>>Also you can send and receive pictures, if you’ve got a good enough phone with a camera.
>>You want to see photos of me?
>>I wouldn’t be averse to seeing some.
>>Would you send me photos of yourself?
>>That would sort of be the point.
                He’s never going to push, and also, the only phone capable is expensive, but god he really does want to see a picture or two of Jas. His imagination is fine, but he’s intensely curious about whether Jas lives up to his imagination. Not that he’s settled on any one image, they haven’t exchanged specifics, other than length and cut/uncut status. They’ve been talking long enough for Bradley to have picked up enough other clues. The way Jas talks, is from Texas and in the military, he’d bet that he was white, but sometimes he imagines darker skin under his fingers when they chat.
>>Do you have a type?
>>Yes and no.
>>That’s a cop out.
>>It’s also the truth.
>>My type is male.
>>I’m not that much older than you.
>>I’m still figuring things out as well.
>>So what have you figured out so far? What do you know you like?
>>A little bit of stubble, but not beards.
>>Muscular arms and thighs.
>>Close to me in height.
>>And confidence. The guys I’ve been with, where it’s been good? Like really good? They’ve been… sure of themselves. Their confidence was justified nine times out of ten.
>>Yeah? I’m going to take that as life advice right there.
>>You do that. Haven’t led you astray yet have I?
…            …            …
                Grindr is different. It feels more risky, with putting photos out there, and having the location enabled. He leaves his face out of the images, matches with guys who do similar, mutually assured discretion and also deniability. While it might feel riskier, it is also so much easier to hook up. As time passes more guys download the app and the number of matches goes up. With all the dick pics he’s sent, he has seen more dick in the last few months than he has in the entire six years prior.
                Sometimes the hookups are mediocre, rarely complete busts, but on the whole it works for him when he’s on leave. He occasionally looks when he’s not on leave, but he reinstalls the app and then deletes it in moments he knows are safe. He doesn’t trust the people around him to respect his privacy and not poke around, despite having a passcode on his phone. He still uses his laptop to chat with Jas through the website, and he realizes they could email each other and send photos that way. He could just get a free email account.
>>So. I bought myself a new phone.
                Bradley reads the message, lets his breath out slowly, licks his lips and feels his entire body prickle with anticipation. This feels like a next step. And it comes just as he was about to suggest they exchange email addresses.
>>Any particular reason?
>>You know why.
>>Stop playing dumb.
>>Could have saved the money. Just had a thought that we could email each other.
>>How safe is that?
>>Anyway. I made an account. You want my user name?
>>Is it not 00JASTYX?
>>No. It’s not.
>>That would have been easier.
>>Are you going to tell me?
>>Nope. Think I might make you work for it?
                Bradley laughs, shaking his head.
>>Contrary bastard.
>>You don’t think I’ve already earnt it?
>>Just thought you might like the thrill of the chase.
>>You can’t see me but I’m rolling my eyes.
>>Am I not worth chasing?
>>Kind of feel like I already caught you.
>>Exactly. So now you have to find me. I’ve tried to make it worthwhile.
                Bradley’s mouth goes dry.
>>Really now?
>>Challenge accepted.
…            …            …
                He can’t spend every moment trawling through Grindr profiles. That way lies many things, including a potential dishonorable discharge if anyone sees him. He doesn’t stop to pay much attention to the photos, instead paying attention to the brief words. He knows how old Jas is and where he’s from and that he’s in the military. So he turns off the location, because he could be anywhere in the world for a start. There are hundreds, if not thousands. A needle in a haystack comes to mind and he knows why the location aspect is so important. He’ll persevere though.
                Early 30s. Nope.
                New York native. Nope.
                Student. Nope.
                Late 20s. Nope.
                Athlete. Nope.
                Fit. Well yes, he’d have to be, but he’s also Canadian. Nope.
                Mid-20s. Southern boy. 6’1”. Good with words, better with my hands. Maybe?
                He looks to the username then and it’s TJASX and he laughs. This has to be him and he looks at the first photo. Bradley stares. If this is Jas, he’s gorgeous. Or at least his body is. He’s known Jas is military for over two years, and hell, he might not be anymore. Although he suspects he is, body like that posing in the photos, face carefully cropped out to just show the hinge of jaw or column of his neck. His dog tags are even visible in one photo. He should tell him to remove that photo, because that photo feels like confirmation that this is definitely him. Bradley doesn’t know whether to admit that he’s also military, that’s safe enough surely.
>>Just as gorgeous as I thought you’d be.
>>Those photos actually of you?
>>Of course. Why would I use someone else’s photos?
>>Because people lie on the internet.
>>Are those photos yours?
>>You’re hot.
>>So are you.
>>Glad you think so.
>>I’m serious, I was a scrawny kid. Had to bulk up but I’m always a little self-conscious.
>>Well you’re gorgeous.
>>Nothing to be ashamed of.
>>Want to lick you all over.
>>One thing though, you need to take your dog tags off if you’re going to be posting photos.
                He pauses, thinks about what he’s going to type next.
>>I took off mine.
                He sucks in a breath and closes the app, terrified but no idea why. He knows Jas won’t care, but it still feels like he’s exposing himself, baring himself to attention that he has avoided for the last few years. He taps the phone against his forehead, breath coming a little short and he opens it again.
>>Holy shit.
>>Yeah. Hi.
>>You’re military as well?
>>Yep. DADT and all that.
>>Holy shit. That’s a weird coincidence, right?
>>Well, 1 in 10 roughly right? Just lots of people not telling.
>>Thought I could maybe tell you.
>>Thanks for trusting me I guess. That’s… it makes me feel a little less alone.
>>You know what I mean?
>>Fuck. Yeah. Sorry. I know exactly what you mean. I should have told you sooner.
>>Would have been nice. But I get it.
>>It’s not something you go yelling or sharing with anyone.
>>No, not just anyone.
>>I feel weird that I know all of this stuff about you but I don’t know your name.
>>Well. DADT right?
>>Do you want to know my name?
                He’s nervous, because he will share his name with Jas if he wants it, even if he just gives him Brad, that’s good enough.
>>Nah. I think I’m good actually. I think of you as Nick. Maybe if you were a bunch of letters and numbers I might want something more like a name.
>>But Nick works for me. If we ever meet in person, then we can exchange our real names. Also don’t know if I’m ready to give you my name, which I know is probably hilarious to you considering all the tips you had to give me when we first started chatting online.
>>I think of you as Jas. Like Jace, short for Jason or something. So your random letters and numbers is a name for me too.
>>Oh. Huh. That’s cool. Think you’ll find my name funny if we ever meet up.
>>When we meet up. Not if.
>>Okay. When we meet up. You’ll still find it funny.
>>Do you always limit yourself to only when you’re on leave?
>>Yeah. Pretty much. For in person that is. Not worth it otherwise.
>>You know my friend that I came out to?
>>I think he’s under the impression that you’re my boyfriend or something.
>>Well. I’m something, that’s for sure.
>>Ugh. Bad joke.
>>I meant that I’m at least a friend. That’s something, right?
>>Yeah. You’re definitely a friend.
>>My hot single gay friend that I jerk off with on the regular.
>>Yep. I’d say the same about you.
>>Yeah, but you have more than just me.
>>Jas, how much time do you think I have to spend online messaging people? You’re pretty much it, and have been for a while.
>>Yeah. I’m going out and hooking up with guys when I’m on leave, and where I feel like it’s not going to implode my career. But I spend more time being deployed and chatting with you.
>>You okay?
>>Did you think I had a whole bunch of guys I was chatting with?
>>Did a few years ago. You’re the only one I kept it up with. I enjoy talking with you as well as the sex stuff.
>>You’re the only one I ever talked to.
>>You’re allowed to talk with other guys. And hook up with them.
>>You don’t owe me your fidelity.
>>I am using Grindr to hook up, but it’s a one and done kind of thing.
>>Do you think if we ever meet up it’ll be a one and done?
                Bradley scrubs at his face, doesn’t want to make false promises.
>>I don’t know. We might take one look at one another and hate each other.
>>I don’t know.
>>I want more than hooking up.
>>Me too.
2010 - Jake
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joocomics · 9 months
HIHIHIHIH 🤞 HOW R U FIRST OF ALL 🫂 SECOND I COME FORTH WITH LOTS OF XDH THOUGHTS I was well on my way to passing tf out before I started thinking and now I need to tell u before I forget them all 🥲
First!!! Gunil and taking pics of u when he’s literally balls deep in ur cunt 🤭🤭 he’ll be pressing your thighs against your belly, ankles and feet dangling next to your head and your eyes shut and mouth fall wide when he suddenly decides now is a good time to take a pic. “Smile, doll, you’re on camera.” And you can’t really smile so you kind of just?? Like stare with fucked our puppy eyes and swollen, wet lips. Drool coming down the side of your face, hair matted and messily strewn…. And he loves every second of it. Snapping some photos before taunting you with them like, “oh, pretty, I fucking love when you make that face. I’ll keep it forever in that picture…. That alright?” And he doesn’t care if u say no because he’s saving them for later, all different angles, all the messy lips and bites along your skin, even some he made you take yourself!! Oh, I’m thinking thoughts…….
Okay and second!!! Fwb Seungmin (oh my god) who literally ruins all other men for you. He somehow learns so quickly what makes you tick. You two weren’t the closest friends to begin with, but he was kind and somehow remembered everything you told him— from that random little thing from a month ago to your favorite things. So when you two get drunk together and end up messily fucking against the floor this commenced a very passionate fwb relationship!! It was only the third time he had you pressed against the bed that he was whispering all the right things and driving you insane— everything you liked was being done, everything he said you’d talked about enjoying in passing, even the way he gripped onto your hips or held your wrists was just right. And you’ve tried to be with other men who weren’t him but it doesn’t feel the same. It feels like no one else’s dick will satisfy you anymore…. What a shame 🤞😭
Okay and lastly is more of a messy half thought about Junhan and playing old rock vinyls— the two of you relaxing in bed as the midday sun peaked through the window. Your record playing on the ground as the same vinyl you’ve played 30 times replayed once again. It was like a movie scene— gorgeous and everything, despite being a mess on the wooden floors, was pretty. Junhan has you sat on the edge of the bed as the soft drums of the song flow through the air like currents. And he’s got a pretty hand on your neck, partially on your jaw and tilting your head up. His long, thick hair is falling past his cheekbones, tickling his chin and lips as he softly peers down at you, cute eyes squinting as he smiles, flustering you so easy. And he’s so gentle as he bends down to kiss you; the kiss starts incredibly soft, dangerous as it made your heart skip a beat and mind go blank. But then as the vinyl reaches it’s end, emitting silence as the needle pokes helplessly against the record, he’s pushing you back into the mattress with a knee between your thighs that not so subtly brushes against your core. ☹️ GAH!!!!!!
Kinda entering my Junhan era…… tell me why this man is ALWAYS on my mind…… tf…..😰
also, hihi!! i’m good tysm for asking 🫂 wby??? hope you’re having a great start of the week 🩷 don’t know how you live with this brain of yours girl
SO FREAKING HOT I ROLLED MY EYES BACK INTO MY HEAD … the only right thing to do after this is the next day for YOU to take pics of him is it not ????? sit on his cock, slowly ride the soul out of him with a hand around his throat and take a pic of his pretty face with his pretty lips moaning from your grip
it’s not a want it’s a need! idk but the last few days the thoughts of fwb seungmin have been creeping up in my mind now my fingers are itching to write about it 😭 i have a feeling he & gunil would be the best of keeping such relationship
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis oh my god this is not a half thought sweetie THEY’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT LIKE THAT i made myself cry even more by imagining this with his current hair 🕳️🚶‍♀️
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Ok but like, what if MC's fandom starts to make ships with MC and the guys. Just think about the ship wars, the fancams, the fanarts, the absolute CHAOS when the brothers find out. It would be even worse if they start shipping MC with the undatables, one day everything is normal and the next day there are ship wars fighting over MC x Barbatos vs MC x Solomon (who are both very smug about it)
The MC's Fanclub are… Shippers?!
Perhaps… The italics blurb has been fulfilling its greater purpose all along…? Perhaps in its state of existential angst, it has in fact developed a plot of its own… An arc of introspection and self-discovery in which its own longing for purpose has forged a meaningful identity… It now has… a story…
As if they couldn't get any MORE frustrating…
He's not an otaku. He's not a part of ship culture. He's not even sure why anyone would care about who dates who around this school, but apparently it's a big deal to some people...
He only became aware of their interest in him and the MC's relationship through some very… subtle clues…
Like the groups that would follow them around in the hallways with their phones out.
Or the multitude of fan rumors about their relationship that Satan spams him with from time to time just to irritate him.
"MC refused hug from Luci in halls today!! Are they bout breakup??? 🥺"
"Tots got pic of kiss today!! Relationship upgrade??"
It only got worse after he found out the MC gets shipped out a loooooot….
If he had to pick his least favorite ship, it'd be MC x Mammon. He can kind of see it with any of his other brothers (admittedly, Levi is also a little mystifying) but the idea of them ending up with Mammon makes his skin crawl...
He once found a drawing of the MC and Mammon in an… explicit position in one of the classrooms and he was so disgusted that he wouldn’t even touch it. He just set fire to the paper outright. Disgusting...
Shipping, eh…? More money making opportunities!
Has some passing idea of what shipping is from Levi and, from what he knows of it, shippers eat cutesy couples stuff right up!! If all he's got to do to make bank is to look all couple-y around the MC then sounds like a win-win to him!
He'll happily pose for a photo or two (paid in advance) of him throwing his arm around the MC or something. Want him to hold their hand? Sure thing!
But since this is still Mammon we're talking about, the second MC actually starts getting into any of it he'll still turn into a blushy, stuttery mess...
For WEEKS the headline picture on so many of their fans' blogs was an image of him turning beet red while the MC kissed him on the cheek. (A fan really got their money's worth there... 😏)
Though he doesn’t exactly like the MC getting shipped with other people, he'll still totally sell pictures of any of them together. He almost paid off an entire credit card with the money he got from the t-shirt sales of the MC and Satan!
If he had to point to one ship he doesn't like it's either MC x Asmo or MC x Levi. His opinion, but Asmo won't treat them right and they could do waaay better than a shut-in. Like him. Ship the MC with just the Great Mammon, got it?
… Lowkey super active in the MC shipping community but is a self-shipper to the extreme.
Like, he never uses his real name on anything (and would probably die from embarrassment if anyone ever found out) but a lot of their fans probably know a couple of his aliases.
He does everything from mod forums, runs a couple blogs, even anonymously posts his own work of him and MC that are totally not his secret fantasy dates or AU versions of themselves, shaddup.
It’s a lot easier for him to keep his involvement secret because he’s hardly at RAD, but the few times he does show up he tries to keep an eye out for anybody prowling for pictures so he can get in a good pose and save the image later.
Mind you, his version of a “good pose” rarely gets more spicy than linking pinkies, but even then he’s still lit up a Christmas Tree throughout.
Naturally, he’s also not a big fan of any ships that aren’t just him and MC and he can find a reason to be jealous at almost anything. But he keeps a special corner of hate for MC x Mammon and MC x Diavolo. Like, the first one doesn’t even need an explanation but MC x Diavolo?? Really??? Do those two even talk?? (please, please, please make sure they never actually talk because a guy like him versus literal royalty? He’d lose MC for sure….!! 😫)
He hates to actually agree with Lucifer on something, but their fans are starting to get out of hand...
Knows what shipping is in concept, he may have done it once or twice to characters in his books, but he was kind of surprised how it could evolve into such a… group activity?
He was pretty quick to pick up that the MC’s fans had a bit more interest in them together than they did when they both were apart…
I mean, those hideous shirts that Mammon was pedaling were kind of a dead giveaway…
Considering he finds their fanclub all rather annoying, even without their bizarre interest in his love life, when they started actively meddling with him and the MC he was ready to smash some heads.
No. He will not stop for pictures. No. What things they do together is none of your business. No. He has zero interest in seeing your explicit fanart and if you don’t start running that will be the last question you ever ask.
He DOES, however, appreciate the cringy “annoy Lucifer” ammo. They could keep that up for a lifetime... 😏
He doesn’t have a least favorite ship because he doesn’t care about any of this, leave him alone. (That’s a lie, it’s MC x Lucifer. He pokes fun at Lucifer, but he can’t stand it either. Big shock, I know 🙄).
Oh he is shamelessly a part of the community, are you kidding?? 
He could practically call “Shipping the MC” one of his favorite pastimes. He’ll openly gossip with their fanclub about who they’ve been with, who they’re seeing, who’s got a chance, etc… He lives for this shit!
He’s the only person who knows that Levi is also in the community and what his aliases are (not because he told him, but because Levi’s not as subtle as he thinks he is… Who else would call themselves “SupremeRuri666” and speak mostly in outdated chat lingo?) but he doesn’t out him because he thinks his very obvious crush is kind of cute. 
Plus, Levi needs the outlet waaaay more than him…
Doesn’t stop him from constantly trolling him and getting into arguments over who the MC would be better with though (the two are “virtual nemeses” as far as Levi is concerned).
Appreciates all forms of expression that comes out of the community (especially the saucy kind 😏) and will happily feed into his own shippers without a care in the world.
Truthfully, Asmo will say that there isn’t a ship he doesn’t like but if someone mentions one that he thinks is kind of “eh,” he’ll just add himself into the mix. “Oh, you like MC x Barbatos? Well how about Asmo x MC x Barbatos? That sounds loads more interesting doesn’t it??”
Oh, Beel… Sweet, sweet Beel… Beel doesn’t even know what their club is doing…
Because Beel has a reputation of being pretty protective of MC - and against the fanclub in general - the club keeps a healthy distance… but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to sneak in some picture or make a SHITLOAD of fanwork about them.
Between classes and practice Beel is a busy guy, so sometimes he just doesn’t notice that there’s people hiding behind trees when he’s out with MC. 
Honestly, his complete ignorance of it all makes it even cuter because when he acts sweet, it’s not just for the camera. That’s the real deal.
Mammon was the one who eventually let it slip that there was even shipping happening and Beel was… kind of creeped out because isn’t this stalking? But also kind of weirdly happy(?) that MC x Beel was so popular… Very conflicted boy here.
He never actually acknowledges the community, though, and just keeps on being Beel (which still gave the fans more than enough material so all’s well that ends well?)
Beel genuinely doesn’t have a least favorite ship (because he believes the best ship is whoever makes the MC happy) but his second favorite under himself is probably MC x Belphie. They look very cute together...  😊
Ride or die, Beel x MC x Belphie. 
Just kidding (kind of), Belphie isn’t into the shipping but if asked he’d be pretty okay with that one.
His campaign against the MC’s fanclub and their attention stealing ways means that he found out about their shipping thing only slightly ahead of Beel when Mammon was trying to get pictures of them napping together…
Honestly, he couldn’t care less if a bunch of weirdos were weirdly invested in their relationship, but he’s not about to let Mammon just make a quick Grimm off of it. Belphie makes sure that he gives him NOTHING to work with. 
Since Mammon is the main dealer, the shippers in both the MC fanclub and Belphie fanclub aren’t nearly as well fed and pretty desperate for anything... You best believe he plays that to his advantage (because it’s okay if he does. He’s not Mammon).
Really helps that MC x Belphie is legitimately a very cute looking couple, carried by Belphie’s cuteness alone if nothing else. Add an adorable MC and you reach levels so cute it could actually melt people into puddles of goo... They could be a registered weapon.
Least favorite MC ships are any that don’t involve him or Beel. Any others may as well just not exist, he won’t even acknowledge them. MC x Who? Yeah, that’s what he thought.
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4dtk · 3 years
your bf headcanon are so cute!! i love that jaehyun one!! can i request a johnny bf headcanon please? i’m ready for the feels 🥰
enjoy anon, i'm glad you like the hc's!! <3
johnny as a bf
always leaves hoodies for you to wear. it doesn’t matter whether you like them, he’ll do it because he knows that you’ll indulge him sometimes and wear it. if it gets a little hot he understands, but it’s just a nice surprise sometimes when he does it in the morning and come back to you wearing his hoodies.
give the man what he wants. sit in front of a fan or the AC if you're feeling hot because it makes him so happy to see you drowning in his hoodies
buys hoodies with you in mind. will they like this? is it a colour that they like? are some of the questions johnny will ask when he’s buying new hoodies (even though he has soooo many. too many)
riding on that head canon, he sometimes buys subtle couple outfits, like black + brown looks, looks that complement each other in terms of colour y’know? not so much of the cheesy and weird one-liners.
takes a lot of inspiration from pinterest r/s pics and he saves them up to match with you secretly (he’d ask what you’re wearing and would immediately open up pinterest to see what he can find)
he would also get something dumb like THIS:
Tumblr media
(to be fair these shirts are so fucking hilarious. i want to get them with my s/o if i could. anyone wants to pair with me? 😄)
he gets it because it’s funny and it literally doesn’t make sense. it cracks him up much just thinking about it. he convinces you to get it and wears it out allllll the time. nct dream and wayv who doesn’t see them so often is so goddamn confused when he turns up to ot23 schedules
they have to ask the 127 members what goes on and johnny happily does the job by showing them a picture of your photoshopped faces on the shop’s website
this isn’t something canon known of johnny, but i feel like his liking to tattoos inspired him to learn a bit of stick and poke as a side hobby, more like the colourful ones that he has
when he’s confident about his skill by practicing on fake skin and sketching out little drawings, he asks whether he can do his first one on you. if you reject it, he understands it completely, but would like you to be beside him when he tries it on himself.
but if you don’t mind a possible mistake (“he’ll try not to fuck up!” he says), he tries to do his first stick and poke on you and is so excited about it!!! nonetheless, johnny manages to do up some flashes to allow you to choose what you really wanna get on your skin
i can lowkey see him getting into using a tattoo gun next time though, when he has more time and a studio for cleanliness and such. (someone draw this. pls.)
adores inside jokes between the two of you. he sometimes can be a menace when he makes a joke only you understand and you’re the only two laughing among the members and that sight makes him laugh even more.
he likes the exclusive thing between the two of you, something only you would know. ofc if the members ask him to tone it down then he would, but until then, his sole purpose in life is to make you laugh lolol
he discusses the jokes with you sometimes which turn into chatter, and he always finds that you guys end up at weird conversation topics which started out as an inside joke. it’s funny
has so many playlists for you. i will die on this hill. the man loves creating playlists and i can definitely see him making a lot of playlists for specific moments with you that he loves.
has collaborative playlists too so you can add songs together to enjoy either apart or together
would love to recreate the cheesy scenes in movies. especially in the comfort of your room where maybe you’d pretend to turn a corner and bump into him and reenact the first time he falls in love with you. it’s very cute and he bookmarks the scene whenever he sees any of those in the movies he watches
also takes lines from movies and says it back to you just to watch you cringe
johnny loves it when you break character bc then you’d be engaging in banter like “what the hell am i supposed to say? i forgot my line-“ “[insert cheesy movie line here]” “that wad NOT what you showed me stop lying to me” and it’s all in good fun, the way the scene just breaks down and you end up cuddling or sum shit lol
the only person he’ll let touch his camera. that shit is expensive and he knows that you’re one to handle it carefully and is aware of his obsessed with photography.
would love to teach you all about photography, about apertures and the ISO and composition of the photos. no matter what pictures you take, he always, always gives encouraging feedback and maybe little suggestions that could improve the picture
and when you finally get the shot you want (even if it’s not to his taste)? he’s so proud of you!!!
would want to learn about your style of photography if you’re a photographer yourself - it’s an outlet for him to learn and exchange tips and tricks and he’s very interested to learn from you
always hints at coffee. whether you’re grocery shopping or head into a store at the airport, he’s always jerking his head towards the coffee section and you have to roll your eyes.
likewise, if you don’t know much about coffee, he’s happy to teach you, but in a sense, he’s more serious, pulling up with a powerpoint slide and all to teach you about the different places in the world where coffee beans come from.
takes his coffee very seriously, so he’s particular about what kind of beans you purchase for him.
shoots you a disgusted expression jokingly when you say you only drink starbucks. he laughs after, telling you that you could drink whatever you wanted, although he wants to convert you so bad
random r/s head canons: very animated when he talks to you sometimes, bc it makes you smile and if you react in a similar way it’d make him even happier
gives the best hugs, period, you love it so much
steals the blanket from you all the time, it’s annoying. you’re freezing your ass off and he knows he hogs the blanket which he apologises for in the morning
fusses over you like crazy when you fall sick, it’s endearing of him but sometimes he doesn’t let you rest and just bombards you with endless questions of are you ok???? are you comfortable??? do you need more tylenol??
you have to shove him away from getting all in your face bc you don’t want your germs to contaminate him lol
high key likes when you show a bit of dominance unexpectedly. to put him in his place with either force or your words. it turns him on ngl
has some... very questionable pet names for you sometimes. honeybun? sweetcheeks? where the hell is he even getting all these names? google is his best friend
he literally has a checklist of names that he calls out to you to observe your reaction. it's long, idk why the list is that long
loves to listen to you talk. the little lilts in your voice or the impression you do of you co-workers are so adorable and he has to squish your cheeks and attack you with kisses after just to remind you of how adorbs you are
fav cuddling position is him on top of you. as much as he loves to hold you, there’s a small part of him that LOVES to rest on your chest. he can look up at you and admire your lovesick smile.
random adventures fill up his heart too. basically stuff he does in his JCC videos, but maybe inclined to a couple’s activity that you can try out. it’s a big thing in the relationship and it’s also the source of countless inside jokes bc the two of you experience so many things together.
this whole thing was so indulgent i love this man so much
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myherowritings · 5 years
All That Ass
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— One night at the gym, you see a handsome guy with so much ass, you take a picture on the sly and send it to your number neighbor, Bakugou, to freak out over. But what you don’t expect is for him to reply with a picture of you from the same gym.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader word count: 1,876 genre: number neighbor au!!, fluff
a/n: this is a bonus “what if” scenario based on these asks i received about baku and y/n meeting at the gym while he’s doing leg/butt day LOLOL,, just to be clear, this isn’t a canon part of the nn-verse! it’s just a hypothetical oneshot answering the question “what if they had met this way” AND I THINK IT’S SUPER CUTE!! i hope you enjoy and pls lmk what you think !! xx
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“So… Does anyone want to go to the gym with me?” you asked cheerfully, sending a pointed look Shinsou’s way.
You knew Midoriya had already gone this morning (though, if you asked, there was no doubt in your mind he would go again), and Todoroki had just come back from swimming laps at the pool, so your roommate, Shinsou, was your best bet.
Too bad said roommate would rather stay home and play outdated games than workout with you. 
When he didn’t reply for a solid five minutes, you poked him on the bicep-- How he actually had muscles considering how lazy he was would undoubtedly remain the world’s biggest mystery. 
“Hello? Earth to Shinsou?”
He slowly tore his gaze away from the television, looking up at you from his seat on the couch. “Did you say something?”
Giving him your best smile while fluttering your lashes, you sang, “Does the best roomie in the world want to go to the gym with me?”
“No.” Shinsou hardly blinked. 
Your mouth formed a small ‘o’. “Wha--? That’s it? You’re not even going to give an excuse?”
“Nope. Just go by yourself,” he dismissed. “You always talk about how you’re a ‘strong, independent woman’, correct?” 
You scratched the back of your neck-- A habit you picked up from him over the years. “Well, yes…”
“And strong, independent women should be able to go to the gym by themselves, right? 
The only way you could respond was with an incredulous nod. 
“Glad we could agree,” said Shinsou with a wry smile. “Have fun at the gym, then!”
“I… Thank you…?”
And with a slightly confused expression you grabbed your keys and duffle bag and walked out of the door to the recreation center near your apartment, vaguely hearing Shinsou chuckling in the background.
It wasn't until you felt the chilling breeze of the outdoors that you snapped out of your trance. 
“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath. How was he always so persuasive? Sure, at times you could be the slightest bit gullible, but regardless, his skills were almost inhuman.
You huffed, shaking your head as you entered the reception area of the gym. After showing the workers your membership and brushing your hair out of your face, you headed upstairs to do some cardio. 
“Excuse me, are you done with the StairMaster?” you asked the blond-haired guy wiping down the only open machine. 
A bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face to his neck and you had to avert your gaze before he could catch you gawking. 
“Just finished,” he said, his voice a gruff timbre that was surprisingly pleasant to the ear. He finished wiping down the handles and nodded your way. “Go for it.” 
You beamed, setting your water bottle and phone on the machine to get situated. “Thank you so much!” 
He huffed. “Yeah, whatever.” 
That wasn’t exactly a warm ‘you’re welcome’, but you shrugged it off with a small smile, stepping on the stairs and starting a light warmup. 
You placed your earphones in and played some music to set the mood, ready to work up a sweat. Cardio was a pain, but it was worth it if it meant having a nice butt. (As well as making your heart stronger and increasing your lung capacity, you supposed, but those were mere seconds to the booty gains.) 
As you upped the speed and got into the swing of things, you felt your eyes wandering around the room to your favorite part of the gym-- The squat and deadlift area. You noticed a handful of people were littered among the equipment and after your short inspection, you hummed to yourself.
Yup, things were definitely looking good there.
Absentmindedly, you saw your screen light up out of the corner of your eye and you unlocked your phone, briefly checking your messages. Or rather, checking for a certain message from a certain someone.
Still no reply? you sighed, placing your phone back on the StairMaster and trying to distract yourself by looking back at the students doing some leg exercises.
Almost instantaneously, your eyes were drawn to the blond who was using the cardio stairs just before you came. 
StairMaster plus squatting what was easily 75 kilograms within ten minutes? You had to stop yourself from practically swooning on the spot. That was some serious gluteal strength he must’ve had.
He was finishing up his current rep of back squats, cheeks flushed pink and hair sticking to the sides of his face with sweat. Not only did he look unfairly handsome, but he had a hot body as well. 
His arms were toned with a nice amount of muscles on his biceps and triceps--oh, goodness, his triceps were really something else--and he had impeccable posture as he squatted. (Not that his posture was the first thing you noticed about his squat, of course.)
You were staring so intently at this beautiful specimen of a man that he himself noticed, pausing briefly to try to find the source of the laser beams he felt on his behind. Before he could catch you gawking, however, you tore your gaze away and grabbed your phone, trying to pretend you were on it this whole time. 
When he looked away, you sighed in relief, opening your camera app and peering at him through the screen.
You weren’t sure why, but you had a gut feeling your number neighbor, Bakugou, would’ve loved to share this beautiful sight with you. He seemed to be having a bad day and you figured a nice booty would be just the thing to cheer him up. So, really, you only wanted to take a picture of the hot gym guy out of the kindness of your own heart. 
After snapping the photo, you sent a quick series of texts freaking out to your ‘bakubestie’ along with an attachment of the image of the blond guy’s backside.
Y/N: *Attachment: 1 Image*
Y/N: i’m at the gym and this hot (albeit a lil bit of a grumpy grump :/) guy is here and woW
Y/N: like i’m just trying to work out in peace but his ass is all “hi there (       )(       ) how are you (       )(       )” AND I FEEL SO ATTACKED,, how is one person allowed to have all that ass? save some for the rest of us pls bro
After getting a good percentage of your thoughts and thirst out, you let out a sigh of liberation, upping the intensity of the StairMaster to further get your jitters out.
As you continued scrolling through your phone to check for texts from your roommates, you heard a bark of incredulous laughter from the other side of the room. You distractedly looked up, but after seeing nothing out of the ordinary other than the hot guy grinning at his phone, you shrugged and placed your cell down to get back to your workout.
The intense climbing only lasted for about three minutes before you got a text message from Bakugou (which you knew only because his text tone was ‘It’s so fluffy!’ from Despicable Me while everyone else’s was the default chime). A bright smile made its way to your face as you lowered the speed once again, taking a drink from your water bottle to cool down before eagerly glancing at your screen. 
bakubestie: *Attachment: 1 Image*
Curiously, you took a look at the picture Bakugou sent. It was one of someone in the gym that looked quite similar to the one you were in, wearing the same workout clothes you were currently wearing… In fact, it looked like the photo was taken just now from inside the room, right next to the squatting area… 
bakubestie: Too much ass, huh? I could say the same about you
You blinked, taking a few moments to process just what exactly was happening before you yelped in surprise. “What the--?!” 
Your face fumed, head snapping up from your phone so fast you lost your balance and tripped on the incoming stair of the machine. Losing footing, you barely had time to let out a brief, “Oh, shit!” before falling down the StairMaster and onto your butt on the hard floor. 
There was a moment of silence before a booming laughter was heard from the opposite side of the room, and a mixture of dread and excitement filled your stomach.
Dread because if your suspicions were correct, the guy from the gym you were thirsting over to your number neighbor was your number neighbor. And excitement because--hello--you were finally going to meet your number neighbor! (That was, of course, if he didn’t run out of the gym at the very moment.) You were so excited that you couldn’t even dwell on the utter embarrassment any normal person would probably be feeling.
The scuffling of footsteps moved closer as you rubbed the side of your hip that landed on the ground. 
“Tch,” you heard from above you. You looked up to see an amused expression on the blond gym guy’s face as he extended a hand out to you and checked for any injuries. “You really are a dumbass.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at his all too familiar tone, and you winked cheekily at him while accepting his hand and standing upright. “And you really have a nice ass.” 
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he fought off the blush on his face, your compliment catching him off guard. “Okay, well-- Now I know for sure it is you.”
With an excited grin, you jumped up and down on the balls of your feet. You were filled with nerves and butterflies and you wanted nothing more than to tackle your number neighbor into the biggest hug you could muster.
“You are okay though, right?” he asked, the smallest hint of worry in his features. 
The little crinkle between his brows was so adorable that you just couldn’t help yourself. Your grin widened even more and your face began to hurt from smiling so much. You were certain you looked like a fool, but you didn’t care. 
Before you could second guess yourself, you stood on your tiptoes and threw your arms around his neck to tackle him into a proper bear hug. Bakugou was still a bit sweaty and warm from working out--and you most definitely you weren’t looking any better yourself--but that didn’t change the fact that he felt cozy and safe and smelled faintly like your favorite caramel treat at the candy store. 
“Yes. I’m better than okay,” you murmured into his shoulder. “It’s nice to meet you, bestie.” 
Bakugou froze in shock before letting out a breathy chuckle, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist as you shifted so your head rested against his chest. His hand lingered on the small of your back as he peer down at you with what looked like a smile of his own and you wished you could capture that moment in a frame and relive it forever.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.” 
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
“First Impressions” Part: 6 (Finale) Damirae Pic
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
A/N: Hello Everyone. We finally made it to the finale of “First Impressions” I wanna thank you all for being with me and following along with this fic. This started out as a one-shot but after writing part 1; I couldn’t just stay there and decided to make it into a longer fic. I hoped you enjoy it thus far. This part in particular is longer than the other parts.
I would also like to take the time and wishing Happy Birthday / Belated Birthday to @ravenfan1242 . I wanna personally say thank you so much for all the support you give to artists and writers, like myself in the Damirae community. You may not know this, but you were my very fist commenter on my very first Damirae fic I had written when I first joined tumblr. Your words cheered me right up and gave me the confidence I needed to continue writing. I hope you enjoy this small gift from me. Thank you.
Without further ado, enjoy the story!
~ Simona R.  
-- -- --
Part: 6
Where in his right mind did Damian think this was a good idea? He stood in front of his bathroom mirror and looked at the ‘work of art’ his sisters and Raven had done on him. Layers of foundation, contour, and highlight were plastered all over his face. His eyes were covered in a golden-brown eyeshadow, the girls then added some golden shimmer over it. Cass went ahead and nearly poked his eyes out when she used a liquid eyeliner to create a cat-eye look over his eyes. Stephanie was adding a light peach blush onto Damian’s cheeks. As for Raven who looked like she was actually enjoying torturing him, finished his ‘look’ with a dark purple matte liquid lipstick.
When he saw Cass grabbing her phone, Damian made a run for the door and dashed towards his bedroom. Damian touched his cheek, debating the choices he made that ended him looking like this. He turned on the faucet with warm running water and soaked a hand towel in it. Damian then started scrubbing his face clean; he looked hideous. The make-up wasn’t coming off easily and instead was smudging across his face, why did girls enjoy this, Damian had to wonder. He felt dirty and his face felt thick and tight from all the stuff that was plaster onto his face. Damian turned the water off and threw the hand towel in the sink. Lost in thought. He could had just said no, but he didn’t.
-- -- --
A few minutes earlier Damian had stood outside of Cass’s room when Raven entered to confess, she made up Jasper Sky. One may call him a stalker for leaning against the doorway, but Damian was there for Raven’s sake. He had promised to be there in case the confession had gone bad. Cass’s bedroom became extremely quiet, Damian couldn’t make out words anymore. He concentrated and heard a soft cry. Panicked and worry made him throw the door open to find his sisters hugging Raven, while Raven cried happily in their arms.
His sisters shocked at his outburst both cursed and questioned him what he was doing. Damian shot a quick glance towards Raven who was starting to flush. His sisters didn’t know the promise he had made to Raven. In order to save them both from being interrogated by his sisters, Damian had to come up with a quick plan. The first and only thing that popped in Damian’s mind was “I would like to try that make-over!”
-- -- --
Damian exited his bathroom and tirelessly fell onto his bed. He looked up to the ceiling and watch his ceiling fan just spun. At some point the girls would need to eat, Damian thought. Which would give him a chance to sneak into Cass’s room and take some facial cleansing wipes to clean his face. He should had been more patient and waited for Raven to come out, but the thought of her crying only terrified him greatly. He never wanted to see her cry or be scared, but even he could never stop that. But Damian hope he could be the one to bring Raven comfort, if she allowed him.
Damian’s thoughts were interrupted when someone was heard knocking onto his bedroom door. He turned his head towards the sound and contemplated if he should even open it. If it was one of his older brothers and found him in the state he was in, they would make Damian the laughing stalk of his family till he died. Though Damian rather die if it turned out either his father or Alfred ever saw him in his ridiculous state. How did the heir to Wayne Enterprises come to this? The knocking continued as Damian thought of the last person he would want to see. Cass. Damian knew very well, out of all his siblings, Cass has the largest following in her social media. What if she was trying to take a picture and post it to the whole world?! Worse she was actually coming to get him and drag him back to her room so they could add more cosmetics?
Please no more. What more could they possible add? The door was now being banged and each knocked sounded more frantic than the next. Damian groined into his hands, got up and walked towards his door. “Damn it Cass, enough is enough. I am not going back out there.”
“Actually, it’s me Damian.”Upon hearing her voice, Damian immediately unlocked his door and opened to find Raven holding some facial wipes and a few bottles, which he presumed to be used to remove cosmetics. “I brought some stuff to help clean your face.” She said softly.
Damian lifted a brow and then peek through the doorway before retuning his gaze to her. “It’s just you right? The she-devils aren’t near?”
“She-devils? Your sisters? Damian that’s mean and no they’re busy applying each other a facial mask.”
“Come in.”
Very timidly Raven walked into his room as Damian closed the door behind him. Damian continued to study her as she carefully walked like a frightened doe. What was she so afraid of him? Did she think he be upset with her over the make-over? Then he came to a realization, this was the first time Raven had entered his room. Every time she came over to the manor, the only places he would find her was in Cass’s room, the manor’s library, and the kitchen. Damian had never once invited her to his room.
As Damian continue to think of what he could say to comfort Raven in this most awkward situation, Raven had cleared her throat. “Where would you like to sit?” She asked very shyly.
Damian looked around his room and wished his desk had two chairs instead of one. He walked past her and sat down on the thick carpet, reclining against his bed. Raven followed him and bended down to her knees, she carefully placed the box of facial wipes in front of her and laid a few bottles next to them. She pulled out a wipe and carefully started rubbing his left cheek.
At first Damian tried keeping his gaze towards the carpet floor and count each thread. But his will betray him, he would catch himself side-glancing towards Raven as she carefully continues to clean his face. Afraid he would be caught; Damian closed his eyes and focused on how soft she was being with him. It felt like a massage and the tense knots he had in his face loosened under her touch. Damian leaned his head back against his bed and let out a deep sigh.
“So, my sisters forgave you, correct?”
“They did. Is as you said, they don’t hold grudges though they wanted a complete explanation on why I had to come up with Jasper Sky.”
“Like what?”
“Well I told them something specifically, and with that they backed down.” Raven carefully rubbed his brows clean. The room then became quiet and the only sound heard was the rubbing on his skin.
“I’m sorry.” Raven said in the most-lowest voice possible. “You’re like this because of me and… sigh… I’m sorry.”
Raven pulled away as she threw some used wipes into one pile. Damian looked at her and noticed how some of her lashes had grouped together due to her crying earlier. Remembering how thathad made him feel. Damian looked down at her hands and without even noticing with himself wrapped his hand around hers making Raven look up into his eyes.
“Don’t be.” Damian said as he pulled Raven’s hand closer to his chest. “You have nothing to apologize for, I put myself in this situation and… I would do it again to make sure you’re alright.”
Raven looked shocked at his words. She was right to be. Though now that he revealed this to her, Damian need to tell her more and come clean of his own feelings. He took a deep breath and allowed his heart to speak, “Raven, I have fallen in love with you. My heart beats every-time I am with you, my day lights up at the mention of your name. You are the most unique and most beautiful girl I have ever met. You view the world with a sense of wonder and I would like to see it through your eyes. I-”
Damian stopped when he saw Raven’s eyes watered. What had he done? This was too much and too soon for her.  He sighed, “just forget I said anything-”
Raven slammed her lips onto his, she cupped his face between her palms. She was actually squishing his face, but Damian didn’t feel any pain or didn’t knowhow to react since his brain decided not to function anymore. The poor boy was left in shock, Raven then released his face and slowly pulled away. Hiding her palms between her thighs. Her face was ridiculous flushed, but she was so beautiful, and Damian couldn’t help but stare. “I fallen in love with you too, Damian. I…I love you.”
Damian gave her a warm smile, he touched her cheek and pulled her onto his lap. Once she was settled, Raven wrapped one arm around his neck while the other stroke his check. The two youth continue to smile before both of them leaned into each other for another kiss. This kiss was slow almost as if though this kiss alone they could tell each other their true feelings and leaving themselves open to one another. They pulled and just looked at each other for what felt like an eternity. 
Raven giggled in his arms as she wrapped both arms around his neck, “I actually had a crush on you since before we met.” Damian raised a brow at her as he waited for her to continue, “Your family would tell me stories about you and well I couldn’t wait to me the Damian Wayne.”
“Well lucky for me, I just hope I didn’t raise any concerns after my first impression.”
“Actually, after calming down the whole incident made you look hot. I found out just how much your father’s books meant to you and the lengths you would go to protect the people you loved. Only made the crush I had on you grow.”
Damian only smiled at her and gave her a quick peck on her temple, Raven sighed and rested her head against his chest. “Is there a way for you to sneak away from my sisters tomorrow? I would like to take you out on an official date.”
“I will let them know I won’t be available for a few hours but I’m sure they will be okay with it… they did give me their blessing to date you.”
Before Damian had a chance to ask her what she meant by that, his bedroom door was blasted open, with all his siblings coming through popping confetti poppers and Cass holding up her phone snapping a picture of them, “Damn right you have our blessing Rae, whoo welcome to the family, sister!”
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Strange Flower
Logan and Roman take a walk in the imagination. Not long after, Logan is plagued with the giggles and phantom feelings! What ever could they be from?! Whatever it is, Roman is loving it!
I'm gonna be gone to the cottage for a week starting today. So, I'll be working on fanfics a little, but less than usual. It's a vacation!! I'm actually really excited!
This fanfic prompt came from @little-lee-lo-simp. Thank you so much for the prompt and I hope you enjoy the fanfic.
These are the morning Giggles:
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Logan was walking around with Roman in the imagination, admiring the many flowers and trees surrounding them. There were so many colors! And so many different fruits and things hidden within the trees! From creatures to vines and flowers, it was beautiful.
There were poppies with smiley faces on them, different fruits that were covered in ‘paint splash’ syrup, there were lettuce bits that could be fresh, sweet or crunchy depending on your preference, and there were banana-shaped fruits that had edible skins and pomegranate-like seeds in the middle of the fruit.
There were vines covered in pickable sticks that were edible and used for healing purposes, and twisty flowers that had yarn-textured petals yet, were still real and growing on their own. There were thick leaves that held different-colored inks in them that could be used for mixing and writing, and there were thin large leaves that could be written on like paper without ripping when written on with a stick.
Many flowers looked like they were squirting different things. One flower had honey running down the stem. They were labelled ‘Buzzy suckles’, a wordplay of honey suckles. There were even different colored roses that looked like they were splashed with layers of watercolors. Red, yellow, purple, pink, they all covered the roses in a drippy paint-like pattern.
Logan smiled as he knelt down to look closer at the small cluster of roses. “These are beautiful, Roman.” Logan reacted calmly, filled with awe and delight.
Roman smiled at the complement. But when he looked upon the flowers that Logan was looking at, Roman tilted his head in thought. He...didn’t remember what he had called those specific flowers. Obviously they were a type of roses, but he liked to give them a spinney, cute kinda name to go with them. But...Roman had forgotten this particular cute name.
But he most certainly remembered how beautiful they were! “Thank you!” Roman replied.
Logan picked one of the roses and put it behind Roman’s ear. Roman giggled at this and wore the rose with confidence and pride. The flower started blooming little sticks that had...rectangular flags on them? And they had the gay flag on each one of them!
“Awww, it knows you’re gay!” Logan reacted.
“Yup! This flower can specifically tell what sexuallity you are. If you were straight, you’d have a straight flag. If you were pan, you had a pan flag. If you identified as multiple things…” Roman looked at the flower and pointed to hated multiple Gay pride flags that popped out. “Each of these flags would be different, to identify what kind of person you are.” Roman explained. “And if you’re more than 3…” Roman poked it and watched as a single LGBT flag poked out. “The LGBT community flag will pop out, specifying anything!” Roman explained.
“I love it!” Logan reacted.
“You can also use this flower to find out what you are in a few seconds.” Roman added.
“But it still has the usual sexuality journey, right?” Logan asked. “Cause everyone needs a journey.”
“Yup!” Roman replied proudly.
Logan continued to look around at the different varieties of flowers and plants that filled the imagination. There were even weeds that looked surprisingly pretty! A few of the weeds had pretty leaves and pretty flowers that were hidden within it. Even the dandelions were nicer to look at. They were more of an orangey yellow color, and were slightly bigger than the usual dandelions.
But in a specific spot: a small field of these strange flowers had been planted. They were blue flowers that looked a lot like Morning Glories. But...they resembled a heavenly blue version, and had a very visibly yellow middle. “Wow..I’m gonna head over here.” Logan decided.
Roman didn’t think much of it. “Okay.”
Logan walked to the blue and yellow flowers, and laid down inside the flowers’ fields. They looked so pretty...and very detailed when he looked closer at them. They had these dark green leaves that extended out of the stem. The flowers actually looked like they were dancing in the wind like Groot did in Guardians of the Galaxy. It looked really cute. It also seemed to be spirting out tiny bits of pollen. Logan tilted his head and placed a finger closer to the pollen. It was yellow looking, like all pollens were, and looked fuzzy.
Logan got up and walked away from the pretty flowers a little while after. He dusted off his fingers on his shirt and pants to get rid of the pollen and walked to Roman.
“You have some really pretty flower and plant ideas. I love them!” Logan reacted.
Roman smiled eagerly. “Thank you! I worked really hard to make sure every single one of my flowers were distinctive and different in their own way.” Roman declared proudly. “Now: Cherry?” Roman asked, holding up a black cherry to him.
Logan smiled and took it. “Thank you, Roman!”
The two boys walked themselves out of the imagination and back into Thomas’s house. Logan was feeling a bit of an itchy feeling, but he didn’t think much of it. He just kept scratching it and continuing with his day. But soon the itchy feeling turned tickly. And it started spreading.
Logan attempted to ignore the feeling and hid his smile, but it felt like a single finger was scratching at one side each. It was distracting and made him wanna tense up. Soon, the feeling moved to his ribs. It felt like poking and wiggling in between his ribs. Logan could barely hide his smile without looking like a doofus that was trying not to laugh at a stupid joke. Logan looked away from Roman in an attempt to cover it up. But Roman could tell something was up.
“Logan...What are you smiling about?” Roman asked. “Are the smiley flowers making you smile?” Roman asked, referring to purple poppy’s that had a smiley face on each petal.
Logan shook his head and hummed ‘no’.
“Huh...I thought that may have been it. What’s making you smile, Logey Bee?” Roman asked. Logan accidentally let a giggle slip at the weird and strangely cute nickname. “Ooooh, you’re a giggly bee! I see now!” Roman declared. “What’s making you so giggly?” Roman asked.
Logan shook his head and couldn’t stop the giggles that left his mouth more and more. That’s a good question! What IS making him so giggly? He’s never like this!
“Iiiiis it a funny joke?” Roman asked. “Hey I’ve got one for you:” Roman cleared his throat. “What do dentists call their X-Rays?” Roman asked.
Logan frantically shook his head. Even if it wasn’t funny, any amount of jokes is gonna worsen his giggles!
“Tooth Pics! Dentists call X-Rays tooth pics!” Roman declared proudly.
Logan squeezed his eyes shut. That was a bad one...An obvious joke- “Hehehehehehehe!” Logan giggled. SHIT!
Roman gasped. “PATTON! PATTON, I MADE LOGAN LAUGH AT A JOKE!” Roman shouted. “YESSS!”
Logan growled through is giggles. “Nohohohohoho! Stahahap ihihihit!” Logan begged. Logan covered his belly as his inner stomach was attacked with the strangest phantom tickles he’s ever felt in his life. “Thahahahat tihihihicklehehehes!” Logan giggled, nearly falling over. He was beginning to lose his balance.
“Tickles? What tickles?” Roman asked, getting closer. “Does your belly tickle? Maybe your sides? Or your neck?” Roman asked.
That word was enough to throw Logan into full on laughter, mixed with giggles in between. “HAhahahahahaha! Rohohohomahahahan whahahat dihihihid yohohou puhuhuhut ihin yohohour flohohohowehehers?” Logan asked.
“Well that depends. The smiley Poppy makes you smile uncontrollably. The blue and red Mushrooms make you overly hyper. The morning Giggles make you- Ooooooh…” Roman turned to Logan. “Did you cover yourself in the pollen from the Morning Glory flowers? You silly, giggly goose!” Roman teased. “Those are called Morning Giggles! They make you giggle and laugh through means of tickling and softly teasing your ticklish spots!” Roman declared.
Well, that seemed to be the most conclusive answer.
“But when did you get in contact with the morning giggles? You never struck out on your own until the end- Oooooooh…” Roman smirked and leaned into his ear. “You brought this upon yourself, Giggle berry~” Roman teased.
You could say that again...He really did get himself into this. But why didn’t he warn him!
“If I had known you were gonna look at the morning giggles, I would’ve warned you! But nope! Telling by the spot you’re holding so tensely, it looks like you decided to lay on your poor, ticklish belly to admire the beautiful, giggle blooms!” Roman declared. “Does that sound about right?” Roman asked.
Logan finally kneeled over and flopped onto his side with laughter. With his feet free, Logan started kicking and squirming on the ground, unable to contain any of it. The pollen was tickling everything it touched. His belly, his thighs, his nose, his neck, his abs, his feet, the tops of his feet, even his armpits were partly covered in ticklish pollen! It felt like the pollen bits were jumping around and snuggling into Logan’s ticklish spots on his body! Even his hands were being tickled by the micro-sized pollen bits! What a strange conundrum!
To make things even worse, Roman’s teases were flustering him beyond saving. Logan was practically the color of a strawberry! How dare!
“Aww! Listen to that sweet little laugh! It’s so fun and cute!”
“You should laugh more often, Logan. It suits you! And you of all people know, laughter is very good for you!” Roman teased.
Logan covered his face and cowered into the fetal position.
“Where is my camera? I need to get a picture of this. Or maybe even a video! Or 5!”
Logan whimpered and whined. “SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” Logan ordered.
“Are you whimpering now? You be careful doing that! Patton just might think there’s a puppy in this house!”
Logan whimpered again and covered his mouth. Just about every part of Logan’s front side was being tickled by the bits of pollen. It was so much tickling at once.
“Hmmmmmm...Maybe in a bit. I wanna enjoy this for a little longer! Then I’ll dust you off!” Roman decided. “How’s that?”
Logan whined and groaned. “FIHIHINE…”
Logan handled the tickling for a little longer, despite his want for it to stop. It was getting to be too much light tickles for him to handle. “Ihihihit’s soho lihihihihight!” Logan reacted.
“Ohh! Do you want more? Does the blueberry Logan bean want the stronger tickle tickle tickles?” Roman asked politely.
“Yehehehes plehehehehease!” Logan begged.
Roman nodded. “Your wish is my command, your royal blueness!” Roman grabbed Logan’s hand and started tickling his palm.
“WHOA! Okay! What’s up with you?! You sound like you’re gonna rip a vocal cord if you keep screaming like that!” Roman reacted.
Logan cackled and laughed hysterically as his hand was attacked by Roman’s hand. His hand was moving the pollen around, which only made it tickle even more! And the pollen in Logan’s armpit was more free to move around, making the pollen tickle much worse in that spot too! There was just so much tickling!
Not that Logan minded, of course…
Logan squeaked, squealed, cackled and snorted through the whole thing. “OHOHOKAHAHAHAY, OHOHOKAHAHAHAHAHAY! EHEHENOHOHOUGH! IHIHI CAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan couldn’t even get some of his words out properly at this point.
That was when Roman realized he should probably stop. Roman let go of his palm and placed it down. Then, Roman summoned a big broom-like paintbrush and brushed off the pollen. Though the pollen did end up coming off (Which lessened the tickling), the brush itself tickled as well. Even with the shirt and the pants on, it tickled! Logan giggled and squirmed around as Roman brushed the pollen off his poor body.
Roman soon stopped and looked at Logan. “Alright. I have a new plan.” He decided. “Let’s get you into a shower to let the pollen wash off you.” Roman decided.
Logan nodded as he held his belly somewhat lightly. Roman walked to the shower, started it up, checked the water, and left the bathroom so Logan could get in.
30 minutes later:
Roman was playing a game on his iPad when Logan walked in with his hair somewhat wet, and his body in new, yet identical clothes. Logan had a small smile on his face. “That was quite the ordeal.” Logan admitted.
Roman giggled. “I’ll say. I guess you gotta keep in mind the morning giggles from now on. And some of the other ones I mentioned.” Roman added.
Logan sighed and looked at him with a serious face. “I have another idea:” Logan picked up a sign that said ‘Morning Giggles: Pollen makes you laugh’ on it. “How about placing signs in front of the plants?” Logan asked.
Roman nodded and took the sign he made. “Thank you Logan. That’s a better idea than I could’ve come up with!” Roman reacted.
“No problem.” Logan replied. “Though I will say…” Roman turned to face Logan as he continued. “I would consider laying in the morning glories- giggles again.” Logan admitted.
Roman bursted out laughing at that. “Yohohou know you can just ask people to tickle you, right?” Roman added.
“Yes, I am aware of that. But doing that would ruin my image. I would much prefer there being an uncontrollable reason to my giggles and laughter.” Logan explained.
“Okay. Suit yourself.” Roman replied, sneaking a poke to both sides.
Logan jumped and shot a wobbly glare at him. This just made Roman laugh at him more.
Roman’s imagination is filled with thousands of different flowers. But only one flower’s pollen can make the most monotone person laugh beyond their years:
The Morning Giggles.
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touyota · 4 years
☁ Summary: Tomura is hopeless when it comes to relationships, and soon that’s all subject to change. With the power of Tinder, Touya and one oblivious chick on his side, who knows what can happen. 
A/N: omgggg, i’ve lurked on my priv for the past year and finally decided to stop being a narc and post something. i haven’t written in forever and it shows lmao, but uh yeah pls give me feedback if you’d like. (also idk if this has been. done before, but sorryyy if it has)
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☁ Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!Reader
☁ Warnings: Non-con/dub-con, manipulation, dumbfication (if you squint), slapping, yandere, catfishing 
"Fuck I'm horny." 
Tomura groaned into his pillow, conflicted with whether he should be agitated or turned on. Due to his third nap of the day being interrupted by the excessive lewd noises coming from the shared living room. Tomura's roommate, Touya, had no real understanding of boundaries and was often more bothersome than helpful. Still, without his portion of the rent, he'd be on the streets struggling to find an apartment within his meager budget.
"Keep fucking me, Touya-san!" The plea echoed through the thin walls of the shoddy apartment. At least someone was getting laid. The last time Tomura had gotten lucky was at an impromptu Halloween party thrown by Touya at the apartment. 
He went as Jason Vorhees using a dingy hockey mask he found in Touya's closet. The poor girl in question, who came dressed as an angel, was drunk out of her mind. She clung to Tomura's scrawny body incoherently, slurring about "How hot it would be to fuck a murderer." The fling hadn't lasted long before the young lady in question toppled over the side of his bed and hurled her entire cup of jungle juice onto the floor. Poor Tomura had to spend his night nursing her head over the toilet. Making a mental note to tell Touya that he couldn't invite any freshmen to their parties ever again.
Tomura ended up seeing her again in passing on campus, giving a small smile as she walked by. Only to be met with an eye roll as she turned to walk in the opposite direction. Fucking bitch... Other than that, Tomura had found himself too busy writing code, playing video games, and browsing Reddit to dedicate any time to dating. The polar opposite of his roomie Touya-san, a communications major whose schedule consisted of dating? If you considered fucking the same chick for a week before ghosting her dating, sleeping, and eating and drinking Tomura out of a house and home.
"You ready for my load? You're my little cum dump, right? Say you're my cum du-"
Speaking of fucking, Tomura's hard-on was starting to hurt, and what better way to relieve himself than to beat off to the action in the adjacent room. 
He started to palm himself over his sweats, erection already beginning to poke through. Figuring that he's teased himself enough, he lowered his boxers, allowing his cock to slap against his stomach, throbbing and angry. He slowly stroked himself, gathering the pre-cum spouting from the tip, and used it to lube the rest of his cock.
"Pleaseee fuck! I'm your little cum dump! I swear Touya!" 
Tomura started to stroke his cock faster, leaving a squelching noise with each stroke. He was barely managing to suppress his moans. Knowing how Touya wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he got caught fucking his hand to the sounds of their subtle lovemaking. 
"Fuckfuckfuck... I'm cumming!" Touya grunted, giving out after his final stroke.
Tomura followed suit, flicking his wrist with each stroke. As his orgasm finally took hold of him, biting into his shirt to stifle his moan as he came all over his fist. 
"Are you fucking serious, Touya?"
"I didn't get to cum?"
"Um… I'm sure you can take care of that when you get home."
"You're such a piece of sh-"
Tomura tuned out the rest of his roommate's performance. Really hoping he'd wrap it up cause he really needed to take a piss and couldn't make it to the bathroom without passing through the living room. 
After hearing a respectable amount of silence, he figured it was safe to leave the room. Of course, he was wrong; he was met with a staredown between Touya and a petite blonde woman.
"I'm sure your roommate Tenko wouldn't leave a lady hanging like that."
"It's Tomura," he muttered.
"Same fucking thing, my point still stands," The mystery woman huffed. There was a pregnant pause before Touya doubled over in laughter, clutching his chest.
"You think this cuck knows how to take care of a lady? Yeah, it's time to go, Tara."
"It's Toga, you shit stai-"her statement was abruptly interrupted, the door slamming in her face. Touya's back slid down against the door as he sat facing Tomura. 
"Chicks? Am I right?" Touya sighed, peering over at Tomura, who had just left the bathroom. "Speaking of chicks, when's the last time you had sex, Shiggy?"
"It's been... a while." Tomura shrugged, not wanting to indulge his roommate with the details of his sex life.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? Let's make you a Tinder." Touya proudly announced, excited at the prospect of playing matchmaker for his roommate. Tomura reluctantly gave in, knowing once Touya was set on something, it was bound to happen one way or another. 
Two blunts later, Tomura and Touya were strewn over the couch, mulling over his profile's final details. It consisted of three pics, one from the Halloween party, another from their most recent function. The last pic is a selfie of him in a black hoodie with sunglasses on. The icing on top is the bio that unironically stated, "Freak in the sheets, gamer in the streets."
"You're gonna be a real pussy magnet shiggy. Just wait, you'll have to fight the chicks off with a stick after they see this." Touya chuckled as he took another puff of the blunt.
"Go to hell and stop hogging; you didn't put shit in on this anyways," Tomura muttered as he snatched the blunt away to take a pull. Maybe he would find some success, he entertained the concept of having a consistent fuck buddy, but sometimes he was lonely and just wanted someone to lay up with. He wanted to be optimistic about something for once, taking his final pull and ashing the blunt out. The smoky haze and intoxicating scent lulling him to sleep. 
Fuck optimism, Tomura thought. It had been three days with zero matches or messages, and he was starting to think there had to be a glitch in the system. The only time he had seen a match is when he accidentally swiped on Midnight's profile, a famous Only fans content creator who specialized in BDSM. The same Midnight that he happened to be a top donor for and occasionally bought panties from, but that's beside the point. The profile was poorly made with blurry, uncropped pics taken straight from her social media profiles. The lack of detail and legitimacy was apparent. Tomura felt terrible for the poor soul who probably fell for it, but it made him think… 
Why not see how different the response would be if he ran a profile under someone else's guise.  Someone more attractive, someone more affluent, and someone more famous. This was simply a social experiment; no harm would come from it of course. He would simply ghost anyone who wanted to meet, keeping all interactions virtual. Now who could he possibly pretend to be. without getting caught. Tomura's eyes finally settled on an Axe ad playing on tv featuring male model Keigo Takami. Mr. tall, blonde, and handsome would definitely attract the feminine masses.  
Ding ding ding, it was like a bell went off in his head; he had found his new look. He started to scour the internet for any pictures of Hawks that weren't already posted to his socials and be sure to crop any evidence out. A few hours later, Tomura gazed over his final product. He thought it seemed too good to be true; he was sure that anyone with a working brain would know the profile was clearly a catfish. It was too clean, too pristine, and too perfect, but Tomura was tired of the profile's nit-picking details and saved his last changes. It was starting to get dark, and he had to begin his Comp Sci homework soon so he'd have time to play zombies on Call of Duty later. 
Tomura woke to a multitude of buzzes notifying him of the several hundred matches he'd accumulated overnight on his Hawks profile. Apparently, no one had a working brain within the 15-mile radius. The messages were filled with tons of chicks he had seen on campus or in class. He even recognized the one from the Halloween party. He spent his morning smoke break, siphoning through the various contenders.
Too tall.
Too blonde.
Too ugly. 
He finally stopped scrolling when he reached your profile; he had seen you before in his Major classes. You were a somewhat modest girl, always working to be an overachiever and teacher's pet. You hadn't spoken to him before, only forcing a smile when Tomura was caught staring at you in class. You were talented, beautiful, quiet, and you hadn't encountered Touya yet. You were everything he had wanted, and more. He started to type a message awaiting your response.
Keigo: "What's keeping you up this late, love ;)" 
Tomura thought to keep it casual enough to fit his suave persona.
Y/N: "lol, just sum late night studying keeping me up."
Y/N: "won't lie im very nervous to texting you rn, i'm a big fan 
Keigo: "it's gud knowing i have fans as cute as you ;p"
The conversation seemed to flow from there between you two, texting for almost two weeks strong. Tomura had learned so much about you in a short time, your favorite foods, your favorite color, favorite music, and your dislikes as well. Touya often came by his room to check in on Operation: Get Shiggy Some Pussy, only to be met with a "Fuck off," and yet another door slammed in his face. 
You gushed over how lucky you were to be texting the one and only Keigo Takami. Of course, you were skeptical at first, but what kind of fucked up person would take the time to pretend to be another person? The conversation between you two was great and always kept you on your toes. Still, sometimes days would pass before you received a response; you chalked it to the fact that he was always busy as a celebrity and didn't always have time to respond to you. 
You were currently lying in bed and unable to fall asleep; you peered at your phone to see that it was 2:05 am. You let out a sigh, preparing to stare at your ceiling until you finally fell asleep, only to be interrupted by a chime from your phone. It was a message from Keigo. 
Keigo: you up? ;(
You instantly typed a response, scared that you had done something wrong.
Y/N: yup, what's wrong…?
Keigo: i'm so fucking hard rn baby ;(((
Oh shit, you hadn't prepared yourself for that response; maybe he injured himself at work or-
Keigo: you still there babe? send a pic ;p
You definitely hadn't prepared for that, but who were you to deny him. Keigo could've asked anyone else in the world, but he asked you. Not wanting to leave him waiting, you quickly shucked your shirt off and used your arm to push up your breasts, giving an illusion of the perfect push up bra. You promptly took several pics, taking the time to edit and select the ideal filters to complement your skin tone.
Y/N: 1 image sent
A bubble indicating him typing popped up instantly 
Keigo: 3 images sent
Keigo: fuckkkk babe, ur such a tease
You opened the pics, feeling your panties dampen slightly. It was a cock, well Keigo's cock, fat and engorged, leaking pre-cum against his toned belly. He was mostly well-groomed, but a prominent white tuft of hair appears in the picture, making you wonder if Keigo was actually a natural blonde.
Keigo: 1 video sent
 let me see that pretty pussy baby, 
It was a video of Keigo languidly stroking his cock, how romantic. It was only right for a gorgeous man like Keigo to have a pretty cock to match. What he lacked in girth was definitely made up for in length, complemented with a slight curve that could definitely reach that itch that none of your toys could scratch.  By now, you had ditched your panties and started to slowly start to fuck yourself open with one finger at a time. You started recording and angled the phone against your pillow, trying to capture you desperately fucking yourself on your fingers, letting out a small whimper with each thrust.
Y/N: 1 video sent 
You began to fuck yourself vigorously, dragging the accumulated slick over your clit with slow, circular strokes. You felt your orgasm on the brink, growing more restless and desperate, humping reverently at your fingers, whimpering desperately; you were so close...There was a sudden surge of fluid from your core, incoherent mumbles leaving your mouth as you kept carefully fucked yourself through your climax. The post-orgasm bliss lulling you to sleep, your eyes had finally fluttered shut, only to be awakened by another chime. 
Keigo: 1 image sent 
look @ all that cum baby, its all for you ;)
Y/N: when can we meet? my fingers can only work for so long :p
Read: 2:53 am
Aw man, maybe he fell asleep. You were definitely fighting sleep at this point as well, finally closing your eyes, satisfied for the night. 
Tomura struggled to catch his breath, reaching for his discarded shirt to wipe the sticky cum off of his stomach. That was the third time this month you'd ask about a meeting, and it was frankly starting to piss him off. He'd have to come up with something fast if he wanted to keep you around. Even though he didn't have much of a moral compass left in his body, the feeling of guilt was hard to ignore. You didn't deserve to be roped into his fucked up social experiment… 
A yawn interrupted Tomura's guilty thoughts. He could continue to feel guilty when he wakes up tomorrow.
 The following week your prayers had been answered, Keigo finally agreed to meet! It had been such a bittersweet feeling. What if he thought you looked nothing like your profile pictures? Would he reject you and run the other way, screaming? You tried to push your doubtful feelings down by distracting yourself with running errands. Finding the perfect outfit to wear, getting every inch of your body waxed, and picking up a lacy red lingerie set. 
Upon getting back to your apartment, you found a red bouquet of roses on the doormat. They were clearly store-bought and not of excellent quality… but it's the thought that counts! 
Lots of celebrities were frugal, and of course, Keigo was no different. After further inspection, a small white card with an address and time. You searched the address finding a mid-grade hotel on the outskirts of the city. Keigo was definitely a (cheap) frugal man dedicated to his discretion. Soon realizing that the time on the card was approaching, you quickly ran to shower and primp yourself for the evening. Not even thinking to question how he found your address in the first place...
You had finally arrived at the sketchy hotel, noting that there were little to no cars in the parking lot and noting that none of them looked like they belonged to Keigo. You wandered through the lobby until you finally reached the elevator, tapping the button for the 5th floor. You tried to shake off your pre-meeting jitters, you already knew everything would be fine, but you couldn't shake the feeling of something wrong...
Those intrusive thoughts were soon interrupted by the chime that indicated you had reached your floor. You took a deep breath as you stepped off the elevator, pacing yourself as you walked to your destination. 
Room 555 
How fitting, you thought. Your knuckles rasped against the door several times.
"Come in." A voice sounded through the door.
You peeked your head around the door before taking a step in the room, not being able to locate the owner of the voice. You gasped after taking the appearance of the room. The room had rose petals haphazardly strewn across the floor. Candles flickered on the dresser, a bubble bath was run in the bathroom, and to top it off, a too cheap bottle of champagne on ice. 
There was clearly an effort made, which made your heart swoon, hoping to put a real face to the man you've been speaking to for the past few months, you said out into the empty room.
"Keigo, I like what you've done with the place. You can come out now," you giggled.
"I'm glad you got the flowers," a raspy voice responded.
Your joy instantly crushed, having heard Keigo's voice multiple times in the interviews you've seen, it sounded nothing like that. Unless he'd suddenly started chain-smoking within the past few months. A loud alarm started going off in your head. It was definitely time to go.
You twirled on your heels and reached for the doorknob, only to be stopped by a hand gripping your upper arm.
"Leaving so soon? The bathwater is still warm…" The mystery voice informed.
"Oh… I think I have the wrong room, so sorry about that." You squeaked, attempting to reach the door again only to be dragged into a bony chest. 
Your chin was tilted, forcing you to meet eyes with "Keigo." Who was actually a porcelain-skinned tower of a man with shaggy white hair that had an oddly familiar look to him? 
"Let me go! You're not Keigo!" You screamed, hoping to alert any other guests on the floor.
"Fucking took you long enough. I thought you were smarter than those other bitches on campus. Tomura balked, struggling to keep you still in his grasp.
Campus. That's where you recognized the face and voice of your captor, you were both in the same Comp Sci class, and you'd often caught him staring as you worked, chalking it up to you having something on your face or in your teeth. The realization caused tears to spurt from your eyes.
"Poor baby, didn't mommy and daddy teach you to not speak to strangers on the internet?"
"I-I thought y-you were K-Keigo," you gasped, struggling to control your sobs. 
"Well, I'm not. Get over it." Tomura slurred, placing sloppy kisses over your collar bone, slowly backing you towards the bed. 
You couldn't bring yourself to move or fight anymore, body stiff with fear. Your sobs increase in volume after feeling your legs make contact with the edge of the bed. You didn't know this man from a can of paint, and here he is about to assault you. 
"Stop crying before I leak those sexy little videos you shared with "Keigo." Imagine if everyone in the class knew how much of an easy slut you are?" Tomura hissed, shoving you unto the stiff mattress, springs squeaking as you bounced. 
You cradled your mouth, struggling to stifle your sobs. Why hadn't you recognized the signs sooner? You spent so much time looking at the situation through rose-colored lenses that you had utterly neglected your safety. But it wasn't the time to feign sympathy for yourself. You needed to take action, and soon—the shaggy haired stranger dragging your motionless body towards the end of the headboard. 
"Wait!" You gasped, hoping that you could possibly reason with your captor.
"What's your name? 
This was your final chance to escape. You suddenly kicked forward, aiming for his face, failing miserably as it was blocked. Both legs were then shoved into a mating press, granting Tomura the space to press himself even closer to you.
A groan left Tomura's mouth, frotting against your clothed mound, smothering your neck with sloppy saliva drenched kisses. You cowered at the feeling, curling away from his advances. The dry humping continued until a final groan of desperation was released. He was too grown for this shit and didn't feel like going home with stained boxers when your sweet heat was right in front of him.
The red bodycon dress you decided on was shredded down the middle, leaving you in your lingerie set. You added that to the list of things you were already regretting, moving to cover yourself the best you could. Your efforts to preserve the crumb of modesty you had left were futile, both hands knocked out of the way.
"You don't have to hide princess, I think Christmas came early.” “You're wrapped so pretty, baby." He chuckled, moving to fondle your breasts. Taking the time to pinch and pull at both nipples, drawing small hesitant gasps. 
"I'll play with these more later. You don't know how long I've waited to play with that cute little pussy in person." You felt your panties tugged to the side, embarrassed with the amount of arousal accumulated below. The feeling was soon replaced with horror after feeling the tip of his cock dragged between your slit.
Tomura used the residual slick to grease his cock, bypassing the need to stretch you out. He pressed forward, forcing himself inside, pausing to catch his breath. Damn... it's been a long time. 
You yelped in pain, closing your eyes in hopes of blocking out the situation at hand. You felt him start to pick up his pace, causing small tinges of pain to course through your body. 
"Mmmm, open your eyes. I want you to watch me fuck you." He gasped, realizing you hadn't complied yet, he landed a firm slap on your cheek. "Not only are you dumb, but you're also deaf too… open. SMACK your. SMACK fucking. SMACK eyes." 
Your eyes shot open, brimming with tears, finding yourself face to face with your captor. His eyes were closed in ecstasy, dainty white lashes framing the lids, traces of dry patches on his face. He wasn't ugly. You'd honestly give him a chance if he asked you out like a decent human being.
His pace had gained traction, hips crashing against yours. You found yourself slowly succumbing to the pleasure, discreetly fucking yourself against him. You wanted to protest and resist against him, but with your inhibitions lowered, you found it hard to comply. Each thrust pulling you further into the abyss that was your impending orgasm. Your lust-filled thoughts being interrupted by the stranger's incoherent mumbling.
"Huh?" you whimpered, not fully understanding what he said. 
"My name is Tomura."
"Okay and mine i-"
"Shut up and say my name." Tomura's thrusts were sporadic, signaling his impending climax. "Beg me to cum…... please." 
You barely registered the final demand, not recognizing the soft tone of his voice.
"T-tomura, p-please let me cum!" you begged, right on edge needing something, anything to push you over.
Two nimble, callused fingers drew delicate circles over your clit, forcing you to writhe and sob as your orgasm coursed through your body. The feeling that followed was one of warmth as Tomura came, slowing his thrusts until he collapsed, encasing you in his arms.
Your eyes fluttered shut with your post-orgasm haze lulling you to sleep until a wet, sticky substance trickled along your inner thigh... 
What the fuck....
You nearly launched yourself from the bed, fighting to separate yourself from your captor's arms.  
"What is wrong with you?"
"You didn't use a condom," you wailed, tears perched at the corner of your eyes. You didn't have the time for a child, you were doing great in classes, your parents would reject you, you'd be stuck playing house with some stranger and-
"Stop muttering. You're fucking up my nap. I'll buy a Plan B when I wake up." Tomura mumbled into the pillow, dragging you back into his chest.
You continued to fight his grasp, pausing after feeling a firm pinch to your side. Fighting was futile at this point, and you couldn't fully assess the situation until you had some decent sleep. 
Closing your eyes for a few seconds wouldn't hurt…right?
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radiorenjun · 4 years
 I Don't Need It
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn't stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Warnings: mentions of heartbreak, slight cussing or swearing, body pains, unrequited love, Jaemin finally getting karma for what he’s done, a bit of crying, brief mentions of death and flashbacks.
• Word count : 7.4k
• Masterlist here!
• Chapters: viii, ix
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They say karma hits back at the best of times. In this case, it was no different with Na Jaemin. 
As time went on Jaemin finds himself longing and missing your presence by every passing moment. It’s been a full month since you started avoiding him like the plague, never daring to meet his eyes or even turning your head to acknowledge his presence in the classroom. It was as if you hadn’t spent most of your life hanging out with each other. As if you two were complete strangers.
At first, Jaemin tried ignoring the empty feeling inside of him whenever you pass by without giving him a slight glance. Trying to focus on whatever he was doing and not turn his head whenever he heard somebody calling out your name or whenever he hears your voice nearby. But it appears to be getting harder and harder as time goes by.
He finds himself thinking back to all the things you both used to do together wherever he goes. 
More or less, he doesn’t notice how his smile would quickly turn into a frown when he sees you hang around and act too friendly with Renjun. But then again, who was he to tell you what to do? He should be thrilled that you’ve finally decided to let go of him and get off his back. Yet again, he doesn’t seem too happy.
It seemed as if the world has turned upside down. Jaemin hadn’t noticed how many habits he developed in your absence from his life. He usually finds himself staring longingly at the shit polaroid the two of your took back when you were fourteen on your senior middle school field trip. A small smile stretching across his face when his mind wandered back to the exact moment when and where you took it. 
“Jaemin!” you hissed loudly as you took your bag to pull out your polaroid camera that your grandma had bought you earlier on your birthday. You were both currently on break after a long hike and hours of camp activities. Jaemin turned his head, seeing you pull out your camera and blowing some dust off of it. Jaemin smiled as he shoved his hand in his own bag which had a hidden package of fluffy white marshmallows.
You were saving them for the bonfire later that night but what’s the harm in eating a few right? Jaemin shoved a marshmallow in his mouth as he got up to sit next to you on the dirty floor, the satisfying crunching sound of dried leaves being crumpled under his beige colored boots. “I thought you weren’t allowed to bring devices into camp,” Jaemin slumped down on the spot beside you, watching you fidget with your camera.
“I got permission from Mr.Jung. He said I could take some pics for the sake of saving memories, as long as I don’t blame him if I lose it,” you chuckled, turning to your best friend before your eyes lit up at the marshmallows in his palm. Jaemin’s eyes flickered from your camera to your pleading expression, puppy eyes boring into his, opening your mouth in a large ‘o’ shape.
Jaemin bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing, his hand picking up one of the marshmallows in the other before aiming it towards your mouth. When you leaned forward to gobble up the treat in between his finger, he pulled away teasingly, causing you to let out a short frown. He giggled at your reaction, pulling the marshmallow close to you before pulling away once again once you leaned forward.
“Jaemin, stop and let me have a marshmallow, you greedy goblin!” you whined, bumping your shoulder rather harshly against his teasingly. Jaemin broke into a fit of giggles, nodding with a giggly, “okay, okay. Chill out.” 
He popped the fluffy treat into your mouth where you started humming in content, “thank you,” you replied melodiously with a wide smile. Jaemin laughed, ruffling your already messy hair before pulling his hat off his head to plop it lopsidedly on your head. You furrowed your brows, scrunching your nose as you pouted almost menacingly at him causing him to smile innocently and pinch your nose in between his free hand that wasn’t carrying the marshmallows.
“Finally!” you exclaimed, turning on your camera before Jaemin took it out of your grasp. “How much do you have left?” Jaemin asked, referring to the contents inside of your camera. You suddenly turned to him, camera closer to your face, quickly snapping a quick picture of his taken aback state. The flash coming from your camera nearly blinding him, causing black spots to line his vision for a couple of seconds. “Three, now.” you pulled the polaroid out of the dispenser, blowing on it smugly before shaking the piece of film in between your fingers.
“Great, then you don’t mind if we finish the last four polaroids on us?” Jaemin raised his brow in a rather flirtatious way. “Whatever, my grandma’s gonna gush about us either way, saying how pissed off she’ll be if we don’t end up as soulmates.” You shrugged as Jaemin lifted the camera to angle it so the two of you would be in the frame. Your grandmother was one of those people who were convinced that you two were going to be soulmates in the future. “That’s a risk I’ll be willing to take,” he nods with a laugh.
“Enough blabbering and put on a really ugly face so I can save it in my scrapbook, Na.” you joked, winking awkwardly at the camera as you brought your hand closer to your eye for a peace sign, hovering your index finger above the camera button. “Oh y/n, always so desperate to have more cringey pictures of me, aren’t you? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have a crush on me,” he smirked, causing you to lower your camera to purse your lips and roll your eyes at him.
“Just shut up and take a picture before I tell Mr. Seo that you’ve been eating all the marshmallows during the hike,” you threatened weakly, raising the camera once again to get a better angle. Jaemin to let out a soft chuckle before sucking in the corners of his lips into his mouth to make a duck face before his finger slowly slides onto the camera button, clicking it rather quickly.
For the next three shots, you two continued to goof off with either you or Jaemin ruining the last three photos. Only finally having a decent one when you threatened to burn his x-box if you didn’t get this last picture right. One polaroid had a picture of you pushing Jaemin’s face away from the camera, resulting in you showing your pearly white teeth.
“Shining shimmering splendid” as Jaemin liked to say. 
The other was a slightly less blurry than the precious one, with Jaemin trapping you squealing and squirming in his arms, scrunching your face in disgust. You soon revealed that you had kept this in your scrapbook that you were so devoted to at the time.  
The last picture was the clearest picture out of the four. A picture of you laughing brightly, hands pushing against Jaemin’s face, his lips puckered up to give you a teasing, friendly kiss. “I’m definitely keeping this,” Jaemin giggled, holding the polaroid in between his fingers with amusement written all over his face. You peeked at the photo in question, letting out a huff as you rolled your eyes.
“You’re such a hopeless romantic, it was a mistake to watch the Titanic with you,” you shoved Jaemin teasingly with a snicker, stuffing the other polaroids in the front pocket of your backpack. Jaemin pouted letting out a small “humph” as he crossed his arms rather childishly, “please?” he said, coming closer to you to poke your cheek.
You snickered at your best friend who was now pinching your cheek and chanting “please” in a playfully aggressive tone. “Pay me,” you stuck your tongue out jokingly, jaw dropping a second afterwards when you saw Jaemin pulling out his wallet from his pocket. “How much?” he asked, shuffling through his almost empty wallet. (He spent all the pocket money his parents gave him for a can of coke the seniors were selling during the hike, despite your protests)
You let out a laugh. “You idiot, I wasn’t serious, put your wallet back in before it cries at how empty it is, Jaemin.” you retorted, smacking his arm lightly as Jaemin smiled like a dork at your expression. “Oh, I see how this is. You just want to see how broke and empty my wallet is, didn’t you? You ” he accused, wiggling a finger in your face. 
“Yes, I definitely wanted to see how broke you are after I told you multiple times that the juice our moms packed us is way more worth it than some soda our senior offered. Definitely not because I was joking or anything,” you laughed sarcastically, rolling your eyes at the boy who let out an embarrassed giggle. “Shut up!” he laughed, flicking your forehead.
“It was just coca cola, you nitwit. You have no right to complain considering you practically begged me to buy you one as well,” he retorted, pinching your cheek rather hard. “I only asked! It’s your own fault that you decided to buy me one, for all you knew I could’ve shared yours! But  no, you’re a greedy little shit that wants to drink a whole can of cola by himself!” you shot back, laughing along as you pushed his hand away from your face.
“Clearly, coca cola means much more to you than our friendship. I can’t handle this betrayal!” you raised your arm to cover your eyes with the back of your hand dramatically, wailing like a banshee as Jaemin’s jaw dropped, feeling slightly offended at how you unceremoniously exclaimed his betrayal for the whole class to hear. 
Jaemin smiled to himself at the vivid memory, remembering how you both laughed so hard the majority of your whole trip, so hard that your stomachs’ were aching. Remembering how you squealed his name in alarm when you were squirming in his hold, trying to get out of his arms when Jaemin tried to place a kiss on your forehead in front of everyone to mess with you. Your classmates were surprisingly unfazed by the immense amount of platonic affection displayed in front of them, but you couldn’t blame them. This is Na Jaemin we’re talking about. The boy who flirted with his nurse while getting an injection in his ass.
Though, Jaemin never realized how mature you both have gotten since then. How since your 16th birthday, you stopped having midnight texts that made you both grip your own stomachs out of laughter. How you both stopped joking around as much. How this whole soulmate ordeal tore your friendship apart.
Jaemin would like to convince himself that this was all your fault. You were the one that caused your relationship to fall, with your over the top devotion to making him love you more than a friend would. He would like to think that if it weren’t for you being so clingy and dramatic when professing your love, he wouldn’t have lost his childhood best friend.
He sighed softly as he closed his locker, gripping his biology book against his side with one hand and gripping the saddle of his bag in the other. Jaemin despised this empty feeling in his chest.The feeling that as if something had gone missing in his life. The same feeling of how he lost his newest transformers action figure back when he was nine years old.
As he turned around the corner, pausing in his step as his eyes widened slightly to see you leaning against the locker with your friends. A bright expression on your face as you listened to your friend ranting bout whatever Jisung did to fool the newest math substitute teacher into giving them a free period. 
Jaemin felt his mouth running dry, words stuck in his throat, a sudden uneasy feeling piling up into his chest. He scoffed lightly to himself, mentally scolding himself for his sudden nervousness. ‘Why am I getting nervous over this? It’s just y/n after all.’ he thought with furrowed brows before shaking the thought out of his head, huffing to himself before continuing on forward. 
It felt as if the world had slowed down for a dramatic effect. As Jaemin passed by you and your friend, he couldn’t help but look at you in the corner of his eye, catching a small glimpse of your laughing figure. And to his surprise, your eyes darted to his own, catching his piercing gaze. Both of your eyes met for a brief moment, the sound of students chattering around you growing deaf for a split second.
That is, until Jaemin got snapped back into reality when he watched the happiness from your eyes evaporate. A sad, hurt expression replacing it as your pupils moved away from his own, he watched your head turn to look at your nails, pretending to listen to whatever your friend was saying as you tried to mask your hurt with a slight smile.
Jaemin’s heart ached, a frown taking place on his own lips as he tears his gaze away from your figure to look down on the tiled floor. Jaemin let out a loud exhale as he makes his way to class, There was something hurtful about the  way your eyes instantly dart away to avoid his gaze, his heart aching at the thought that you couldn’t even look at him. Were you that upset bout the dinner party? He couldn’t recall the last time you were this upset.
As Jaemin sat on his usual spot in his Biology class, he began to get lost in his thoughts. The closest thing he remembered to you being this upset over something was when-
He was snapped out of his thoughts in a flash when he heard a loud container being dropped in front of him. Jaemin jumped in his seat at the startling noise, turning his head to the source of the action. Unsurprisingly, it was non other than his oh-so-precious seatmate, Lee Donghyuck himself. “What’s gotten you so pissed off? You looked as if you poured orange into your cereal instead of milk,” Donghyuck snickered.
“That’s a possible option considering I’m lactose intolerant, Hyuck.” Jaemin shot back with a rather sardonic tone. Hyuck chuckled, slumping in his seat beside Jaemin before continuing to speak. “Reminds me of when I bought you milk bingsu,” he snickers causing Jaemin to let out a soft chuckle, pushing the side of the older boy’s head away in retaliation. “You bitch, you knew I was allergic. Why couldn’t you just get me a fruit bingsu instead? Instead, you made y/n buy it.” Jaemin stopped himself from speaking any further, his mind drifting away to recall the wonderful memory.
“Jaemin, my good pal. You absolutely need to try this place’s milk bingsu.” Hyuck exclaimed as he sat down on the empty seat with his other friends with two big bowls of milk bingsu in his hands. Jaemin glanced up from his phone, a deadpanned expression spreading across his face as he slumped back in his seat with an offended frown plastered on his face.
“Lee Haechan, you know very well I’m lactose intolerant. Why couldn’t you just get a fruit bingsu?” Jaemin groaned, eyes glaring at his older friend who merely shrugged innocently as the rest of their friends dig into the scrumptious dessert with soft snickers coming out of their mouths. “The audacity,” Yeoreum snickered, waving a spoonful of the dessert in front of Jaemin’s face.
Jaemin huffed, blowing out a puff of air as he crossed his arms against his chest. “This speaks so much bout our friendship right now. Clearly, you guys don’t care bout me.” he muttered under his breath like a little 5 year old boy throwing a tantrum in his car when his mother said that they have food at home when he wanted Mc Donald’s.
“You’re such a baby. If you want one so much, go buy some.” Jeno chuckled, shoving Jaemin by the shoulder playfully causing Jaemin to let out a soft laugh. “Shut up, you know very well that I’ve gone broke from buying the latest Final Fantasy game.” he laughed, patting the empty wallet hidden in his jacket pocket.
“No wonder I couldn’t understand you. You’re speaking in broke with us rich kids, go away peasant.” Hyuck joked, earning a hard punch on the shoulder from the younger boy. “It was worth it,” he spat back. “ I’m good with starving for the rest of the month if it means I get to spend my whole weekend procrastinating on assignments for that glorious game,” he smiled in defeat.
“You big baby, I’ll buy it.” you sighed, standing up from your seat which was across the table from Jaemin’s, pulling out your own wallet from your hoodie, causing Jaemin’s jaw to drop. “Your girlfriend buying your meal for you, how romantic. Such a gentleman, Mister. Na Jaemin.” Hyuck applauded, clapping his hand together with each word that spews out of the idiot’s mouth.
“Y/n, you really don’t have to-” Jaemin insisted, standing up from his chair to look at you. Trying to swallow down the typical feeling of annoyance piling up in his chest whenever he talks to you, Jaemin tried to ignore the coos and howls of your friends gushing about how cute you two are. You had found out two of you were soulmates almost 6 months ago, and ever since then, things changed between you two.
You smiled briefly. At that time, Jaemin couldn’t decipher if she was just oblivious to the fact that he was annoyed and uncomfortable at that situation or you were just putting up a facade to mask your hurt when you saw his annoyed expression. “Hush, it’s not unusual for me to buy you things, Jaemin.” you grinned cheekily, walking up to the cashier and ignoring Jaemin’s annoyed whines.
Jaemin rolled his eyes at you in annoyance before sitting down and slumping in his seat with a heavy sigh. “Hey, at least you get a fruit bingsu,” Hyuck snickered. “Just like you wanted, right?” he leaned forward to pinch Jaemin’s cheeks, receiving a hard smack in response from the younger boy, an annoyed expression plastered across his face. 
“Shut up, Hyuck.” he snarled, slumping in his seat in annoyance.
“Welp, no matter. I got you some cookies.” Hyuck sighed, pushing the container towards Jaemin, causing him to lift his brow questioningly. “Cookies?” he asked, surprised. “What’s the occasion? You never gave me anything before,” Jaemin opened it to reveal that the container was filled to the brim with chocolate chip cookies. “You seem pretty down these days so I figured you needed the old cheering up by your best pal, Haechan!” he exclaimed with enthusiastic jazz hands.
Jaemin chuckled lightly, grabbing one cookie. “Don’t worry, they’re those dark chocolate, no milk kinds of cookies. You won’t have to go to the bathroom with a stomach ache later on,” Donghyuck snickered, patting Jaemin’s back when Jaemin looks at him and the cookie suspiciously. “Where did you even get these? “ Jaemin asked, inspecting the cookie with furrowed brows, eyeing Donghyuck suspiciously as if Donghyuck had poisoned said cookie. 
“Relax, Jaemin. I didn’t make them, so no pranks, I can promise you that.” Hyuck waved the back of his hand at Jaemin, telling him that he’s telling the truth. Jaemin shrugged, opening his mouth to eat the cookie before Hyuck spoke up again. “I got it from y/n,” Hyuck added on, making Jaemin pause, pulling the cookie away from his mouth.
“I think I’m good,” Jaemin muttered lowly, putting the cookie back into the container. ”Oh come on, Jaemin! I bet you missed tasting her cookies. Sure, you two aren’t haven’t been on speaking terms lately. But what’s stopping you from eating her Thursday Cookies? They’re literally to die for! Plus, you’re acting as if she poisoned them or something, it’s nothing like you never had before.” Hyuck groaned, grabbing two pieces of cookies and shoving one into Jaemin’s grip and tossing the other into his mouth.
Hyuck watched Jaemin from the corner of his eye, feeling sort of uneasy at the sad puppy-like expression plastered on his best friend’s face as he stared down at the cookie as if he was lost. “What’s wrong?” Hyuck asked with a raised brow, pushing back his bangs which almost covered his eyes. He might need a trim before Mark complains bout how his hair is gonna poke him in the eyes all the time.
Jaemin looks up at his friend with a startled expression as if Hyuck had snapped him out of his thoughts, Jaemin opened his mouth before closing it again, trying to think of something to say. “I’ve never had her cookies before,” Jaemin confessed, leaning his head against his palm, his elbow on the table. Hyuck’s eyes widened at the surprising statement, leaning forward to tell whether Jaemin is lying or not.
He wasn’t.
“WHAT?!” Hyuck exclaimed, attracting their classmates’ attention. Jaemin bit the inside of his cheek, trying to ignore the eyes of his classmates. “You couldn’t say that any louder, huh, Hyuck?” he shot back with a scowl. Though, Donghyuck didn’t care about the concerned eyes of his classmates boring into his skull for interrupting their conversation with his dramatic antics. “Don’t change the subject, Na.” Hyuck pointed a finger at his friend, a deep frown adorning his lips.
“What? I’m not,” Jaemin sighed heavily, looking back at his friend with a bored expression. “Stop lying!” Hyuck exclaimed, pressing his index finger against Jaemin’s nose. Jaemin raised his brow, “I’m really not, Hyuck. Why are you making such a big deal of this?” he asked with furrowed brows, concerned of his friend’s sanity. He really couldn’t remember why he was friends with Donghyuck at that given moment.
Donghyuck was acting as if he had just found out Jaemin is secretly those aliens that rule over the government, waiting for the right moment to start a world wide apocalypse. (according to Renjun’s theory during their shared art class, that is) 
“Dude. I’m not an idiot, you practically received a life’s worth of her delicious cookies every week! How have you not tried at least one of these? These are literally heaven baked cookies! A salvation of life! The only thing that’s worth living in life! The-” 
“Remind me how you’re not single again?”
Hyuck frowned, a pout appearing on his lips afterwards as Jaemin grinned proudly in response. “Whatever, what I mean is. I would literally send you death glares from across the hall because you were one lucky bastard to be receiving a large ass jar of cookies every week while I’m stuck here begging y/n for cookies only to receive, ‘oh, I gave them all to Jaemin.’ every week of my life.” he huffed, crossing his arms with a deep frown on his lips.
Jaemin’s eyes widened slightly at the statement, eyes falling back on the chocolate chip cookie in between his fingers. Did you really spend your time baking him cookies every week? He felt his heart flutter at the thought, a warm feeling in his stomach suddenly appeared as he eyed the cookie.
“Hey Jaemin?” 
Jaemin looks up from his locker, humming to see none other than your presence. “Y/n?” he raised his brow, stuffing his Chemistry textbook into his locker and grabbing his Math textbook as he speaks. “What’s up?” he asked in a bored tone, adverting his gaze back to the contents of his locker, pulling out the books he needs for his next class.
“So, I baked you some cookies. I used your mom’s recipe for your favorite peanut butter and dark chocolate chip cookies that we used to eat as kids together.” you exclaimed, handing him a clear air-tight glass jar filled to the brim with delicious cookies. Jaemin looked at the jar filled with cookies before sighing up at you, tired eyes boring into yours. “Y/n, as much as I love accepting gifts from you and as much as I love the fact that you care about me, but you really need to stop doing this.” Jaemin sighed, stretching out his hand to give you back your cookies.
“What?” you frowned slightly. “It’s just too much, I appreciate you giving me so much of these cookies. But it’s kind of a waste to give me so many don’t you think? I mean, I know loads of people who would want your cookies way more than I do. You’ve given me so much cookies, I’m not even eating them!” Jaemin exclaimed almost exasperatedly, sighing heavily afterwards. His eyes glancing at the jar filled with delicious treats to your soft pleading eyes boring into his.
“Come on, it’s just a jar of cookies. It would mean a lot if you accept them, I worked hard to bake them,” you pouted, giving him that look you often use to make him give in. Jaemin would often compare your expression to that iphone emoji with puppy pleading eyes whenever he gives in to your wants and needs. Jaemin almost let out a scowl at your remark, almost retorting back with a ‘it’s your own fault. I didn’t ask for cookies in the first place.’
He tried his best not to roll his eyes, sighing in defeat as he gave in to your pleas. “Fine, only because I can’t say no to that look,” he huffed, masking his annoyance with a pout of his own, shoving the jar of cookies into the front pocket of his bag. He watched as your puppy-like pout morph into a happy, pleased expression, reminding him of the cute emoticons he always used in his phone. He didn’t know why but It always brings a small smile to his lips to see your happy expression.
“Yay!” you cheered rather enthusiastically. “Why do you like giving me cookies so much anyways? It’s a becoming a weekly routine now for me to get cookies from you.” Jaemin chuckled as you both began to walk side by side to your next class. He watched as you shrugged simply, eyes forward, waving at a few students who passed by. “I just like giving gifts to my soulmate,” you giggled at him, skipping away from him before he could scold you for saying it out loud.
He shrugged, taking a bite out of the cookie before widening his eyes at the sweet taste. He let out a surprised hum, eyeing the cookie as if he was Aladdin and the cookie was the golden lamp with a genie inside. “Good, right?” Hyuck chuckled, amused by his friend’s expression. “ I still can’t believe you never tried these before. She says she got the recipes from Buzzfeed but I don’t buy it, I’ve tried making some with Mark but they don’t taste nearly as good as hers.” Hyuck blabbered on.
“On a rare occasions she would hand them over. But those are only when your ungrateful ass kept refusing her cookies. Like, it often made me think, ‘why couldn’t Mark bake as well as-” Hyuck’s words eventually gone deaf to the younger boy’s ears, head filled with his own loud thoughts as the sweet flavor of the cookie entranced his taste buds.  
He remembers constantly rejecting your gifts every time you came up to him with hands hidden behind your back, trying every possible excuse in the book so that you would possibly give them to someone else. Or even suggesting that you should give them to Hyuck whenever Jaemin spotted him talking to Jeno across the hall in the corner of his eye. Avoiding your slightly saddened expression. On rare occasions, you would give in with a sad smile and give them to either Jeno, Haechan or some other lucky soul that gets to have free cookies.
“Like, I’ve had her give me some of her super special recipes but they just hit differently from hers you kno-”
“It taste like her hugs.” 
Jaemin’s eyes widened when he realized he said that last bit out loud, his head turning to his friend who mirrored his wide eyed expression. There was a pregnant pause between the two boys, taking in the words that accidentally slipped out of Jaemin’s mouth. Jaemin opened his mouth to speak, trying to come up with something to say to cover up the previous statement he had made.
Hyuck furrowed his brows at his friend. 
“You can taste hugs?” 
“Mr. Lee is coming!” someone exclaimed, causing Hyuck and Jaemin to sit up in their chairs. Jaemin shoved the rest of the half eaten cookie into his mouth as Hyuck quickly closed the container and snuck it quickly into his bag, trying to act as casual as possible as their teacher walked into class with his usual stoic expression.
“Good morning, class. We have no time to waste, exams are in a month. Please open your textbooks to page 67.” their teacher announced in his typical booming voice, turning around to start explaining on the whiteboard in front of them. Jaemin glanced at Hyuck for a split second, diverting his gaze away when he caught his eye. Hyuck shrugged simply, burying his head into his arms into a sleeping position.
Jaemin wasn’t surprised to see Hyuck closing his eyes in content, thus, not paying attention to the lecture. It wasn’t such an unusual thing for Lee Donghyuck to doze off during class, thus ignoring the whole lecturing and depending on other students for notes or seniors for cheat sheets. Jaemin hoped Hyuck would let go of what he said earlier or even better, pretend it never happened.
As Jaemin advert his eyes back to the whiteboard and started to listen to Mr. Lee’s explanations, he didn’t realize Hyuck, whose face was hidden and buried in his arms, was staring into darkness with sad half-lidded eyes. He knew full well who Jaemin was talking about, he knew what was happening with Jaemin. The fate of those who rejected their soulmate’s love. He knew this would happen eventually but he didn’t expect this to happen so soon.
Deep down, he felt sympathy for what’s to come to his dear friend. He knew from here on out, it’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions for his dear friends and he was afraid of finding out the end to their story. 
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Jaemin often spent his Thursdays hanging out at the arcade with his friends right after practice. As the good friend Jaemin was, he would often go broke from treating his team for some food and beverages. (As long as they didn’t get on his bad side or anything) Especially for those who were feeling down that whole week. Jaemin was more than willing to sacrifice his wallet’s contents for the sake of his friends smiling again.
But this time, to Jaemin’s surprise, Jeno was the one who offered to sacrifice his wallet for the team this week. Due to the exhaustion and stress of his constant chest pains, wrist pains, long endless assignments and his upcoming midterm exams, all he wanted to do that weekend was get at least 18 hours of sleep and binge watch the latest series that just came out recently.
But since, Jeno, the one and only Jeno who was the one who usually encourages the rest of the team to make Jaemin’s wallet an empty little bitch, was willing to empty out his pockets this time. He couldn’t say no. Hell if Jeno was the one paying, that meant someone in the team was feeling down or needed a real cheering up. 
You can tell Jaemin had been waiting decades to say that. 
But sadly, he was too tired from all the pain he was dealing with every hour of his day that he was basically dragging himself across the floor when they arrived at the mall, making their way to the arcade with Jeno and Haechan’s arms slung over Jaemin’s shoulder, making a little skip with every step they take. “How do you guys have the energy for this?” Jaemin croaked, putting on a sloppy smile to mask his exhaustion.
“Said by the guy who drinks expresso every morning with what? Four extra shots? With no water nor sugar? Six times a day?” Hyuck replied in a sassy tone, nodding his head cockily at the younger boy. “Besides, it’s a once in a life time opportunity to make our Lee Jeno broke and penniless. The thought of Jeno’s wallet crying out of hunger will always be my mood booster.” he added on with a proud smirk, causing Jeno to roll is eyes.
“Plus, you, my friend, looks exhausted as hell. You need some refreshing fun time with your best buds, Jeno and Haechan!” Jeno exclaimed with a proud smile, whipping out his VIP card in between his fingers like some kind of weird card trick. (which he rarely whips out when going to the arcade because why bother bringing a wallet when Jaemin or Chenle exists in their friend group?)
“What?” Jaemin deadpanned, brows furrowed in confusion.
“We exist, too, hyung!” Chenle exclaimed behind them in an offended tone, waving his hand in the air to alert his seniors that his existence was right behind them. “Honestly, we’re here because Haechan-hyung said Jeno-hyung finally brought his wallet,” Jisung snickered, finally lifting his eyes up from the nintendo switch his mom bought him a couple months ago.
“Not wrong, really.” Chenle shrugged, pulling Jaemin forward so that they could walk side by side with their seniors. “You know, you’re the rich one here. Why don’t you treat your seniors once in a while,” Jaemin teased, sending the Chinese boy a cheeky grin. “That’s because you’re mean. I don’t treat mean people,” he replied back with a cackle.
“I brought you kimchi last week, you ungrateful brat.” Jaemin hissed back as the five of them entered the crowded arcade, music booming loudly in their ears, bright lights from the arcade games nearly blinding their eyes. “What game should we play first?” Hyuck clapped his hands, rubbing them against each other with a sinister expression as Jeno came up to the counter to check his VIP card, nervously opening his wallet.
“Oh, what bout those-” as Jisung continues to speak, pointing at a random direction. The wide grin on Jaemin’s face soon dissipated when he heard a familiar laugh through the symphony of random gaming music. His head turned to see the source to confirm his suspicions, eyes widening when he saw you laughing with a bunch of your other friends.
What made his smile evaporate in a second was the sight of Renjun right beside you, leaning his arm against the game you were playing, laughing along with you as the rest of your friends continued to cheer for you to win. Jaemin felt the oh-so-familiar electrifying sting under the skin beneath his wristwatch, wincing slightly at the burning pain. He tried to mask his pain and turn his head away, his heart feeling heavy at the sight happening a few meters away from him.
Jaemin snuck his aching wrist into the baggy pockets of his jacket. Eyes back to his friends who were laughing at Jeno’s puppy-like expression to his now half empty wallet. He bit back a pained hiss, his heart beat muffling the loud noise around him as he watched Renjun lean closer to you to look closer at the game screen, his blood boiling at the mere sight.
He turned his gaze away following his friends to the long aisle of racing games, watching as Hyuck grabbed the play card from Jeno’s fingers and hopped into one of the games. “Jaemin get over here so I can beat your ass!” Hyuck exclaimed eagerly as Jaemin let out a soft sigh and sat on the empty seat inb between Hyuck and Jisung.
“The one with the lowest score has to chug down Jaemin’s disgusting Starbucks order,” Chenle snickered, sliding the card against the slot before handing it to Jaemin. “Then I’ll gladly lose on purpose, my drink tastes like rainbows and unicorns, thank you very much” Jaemin laughs, carefully taking out his aching wrist to grip the fake steering wheel, ignoring the excruciating pain in his skin as he passes the card to Donghyuck.
“Shut up, Jaemin.” Hyuck teased as they begun to play. 
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Jaemin’s mind fluttered through the nostalgic memories of his childhood with you, remembering the first time your parents ever brought you to the arcade. When they had to use a certain amount of those silver or gold coins to play games. As Jaemin walked side by side with his friends, sipping his Starbucks order in his right hand (he lost the game on purpose because despite the empty pain in his chest, he could always distract his mind away from the pain with his precious expresso that Jeno payed) and his left back in his pockets.
Jaemin’s eyes paused at the familiar aisle of crane games, remembering those lovely times when you were both still in middle school, you would always play crane games to see who would get the most prizes. Coming home with a bag filled with plushies or small toys and wide grins on your faces as both of your parents just stared at the two of you in disappointment for spending their money on crane games.
‘It’s an investment’ you would always say whenever you ran towards the crane games with Jaemin trailing right behind you, whining bout how you rarely play the other fun games just to waste your money in a bunch of small hand sized plushies. ‘Investment into what exactly? You have a bunch of plushies in your shelf that aren’t doing anything but collecting dust,’ he would chuckle as he watched you slip a coin or two into the machine with your tongue stuck out in concentration. ‘Into my happiness,’ you would reply with a smug expression before focusing on the crane inside the glass box.
He smiled to himself at the memory, his eyes catching a few kids gathering up at the crane games, screaming and hollering every few seconds when their friend accidentally moved the crane too far from the doll. His chest aching once again when a brief memory of when you two were in your first year of middle school, screaming whenever the timer runs out right when you were bout to drop the claw with his hands filled with a towers worth of plushies and you laughing in victory like a maniac as you both watched the pocket money in your wallet slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
“You’re into crane games, Jaemin?” Jeno asked, causing Jaemin to snap out of his thoughts. “Huh?” Jaemin turned to look at his friends, his mind still in a blurry haze. “You’ve been staring at those kids as if they had stolen your last candy bar,” Jeno commented with a slight laugh, nodding his head towards the group of kids, screaming in victory when the claw machine dropped the large stuffed animal into the gigantic slot.
“It just reminded me of something,” Jaemin put on a slight smile, shaking his head with a light laugh, continuing on drinking his expresso and moving on forward to the music games. Hyuck gave Jeno a worried look, who sent him back a concerned look of his own as the two of them caught up with Jaemin. (Chenle and Jisung went to the snack bar near the arcade to get some snacks to sneak in the movies later)
“You okay, buddy? You’ve been spacing out a lot recently,”  Hyuck asked in a concerned tone, slinging an arm around Jaemin’s shoulders. Jaemin turned to Hyuck with eyes void of emotion, a frown displayed on his face as he casually sipped his drink. “Yeah? I guess,” he shrugged simply, avoiding Hyuck’s concerned eyes.
“You sure? You don’t look too well,” Jeno asked, brows furrowed even more as Jaemin let out a small nod. He could feel his heart getting heavy with each second, his wrist aching even more as he tried to avoid his friends’ worried expressions, trying to act nonchalant as if he wasn’t clenching his fist tightly in his pocket to try to suppress the excruciating pain he was enduring. 
“Guys, really, I’m fine.” Jaemin forced a smile on to his face, turning his head away from Hyuck and Jeno. At that exact moment, Jaemin regretted turning his head away. His eyes widened to see you with your friends, your arm was wrapped around a gigantic penguin plushie, talking to Renjun with a wide smile, a laugh eliciting from you when Renjun said something that Jaemin couldn’t make out.
“Did you really have to spend most of your money on a bunch of plushies?” Renjun chuckled, nodding to Yebin who was carrying three shopping bags worth of random plushies. You giggled, nodding as you reached up to pinch Renjun’s cheek eagerly. “It’s an investment into my happiness, leave me alone Injun.” you giggled, clutching the penguin tighter against you when you felt it slipping in between your arms. 
Renjun slapped your hand away from his cheek, huffing out exasperatedly before grabbing your plushie from your arms and into his. “Let me carry that,” he sighs, adjusting his grip slightly before sending you a soft smile. “Renjun you really don’t have to,” you frowned, tugging the flippers of the penguin as if he was going to give you back your plushie.
“I’ve already made Youngheum and Yebin my slaves, I don’t need you stooping into their levels,” you joke, dodging the dog plushie Yebin had threw at you right after Youngheum let out a dramatic, “BETRAYAL!” as they dropped shopping bags filled with your prizes unceremoniously.
“Shut up and let me carry this for you, you ungrateful little shit.” Renjun chuckled, using a hand to carry the life-sized penguin plushie to flick your forehead. “The audacity, I’ll be sure to bake you guys a fuck ton of cookies this week,” you snickered as Hyunjin let out a laugh. “I want cookies too!” he exclaimed, shaking your shoulders vigorously as he whined.
Jaemin let out a loud groan of pain as he felt an intense stinging sensation, his heart was beating erratically in his ears. “Jaemin, you okay?” Hyuck asked, pulling his arm away from Jaemin’s shoulders as Jaemin bit his lip to suppress a hiss. Jeno and Hyuck turned to see what Jaemin was glaring at, eyes widening at you standing so closely to Renjun.
Their eyes widened when they silently watched Jaemin pulling his wrist out of his pocket, tugging his wrist watch down to see the oh-so-familiar tattoo glowing  a bright blood crimson red. The words were stuck in their throat, they didn’t know what to say. Or if they could even say anything as they silently watched their friend bit his lip and clench his eyes shut at the pain of his wrist and chest.
“Shit, what’s going on?” Jisung’s deep voiced cut through the tense atmosphere, causing Jeno and Hyuck to turn to see Jisung and Chenle with their jaws dropped, arms filled with snacks as they stared at their Team Captain with horrified eyes. Jaemin’s eyes were glossy from the intense pain, his chest was aching like hell, his heartbeat muffling the music around him as he hissed out in pain, eyes still on your figure laughing with Renjun.
“Get Jaemin, out of here. I knew this was going to happen but I didn’t think it would be this bad.” Jeno ordered, trying to pull Jaemin out of the arcade but the boy could barely move. The pain getting more intense and intense by the second as Jaemin couldn’t tear his eyes away from the two figures standing not even a couple meters away from them.
“Jaemin come on, it’s gonna get even worse if you stay here.” 
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T A G G I N G : @lixseu @morks-watermelon @cherrystay @candiednickles @12am-musings @lowkeyviv @btm-taeyong @d-nghyck @gothmingguk @luvlyjaemin @cowward @smileyyuta @cakelyn @uncovermenow666 @aconeptun​ @comically-sleep-deprived​ @wtfhaechan​ @chaeshii 
TAG LIST IS : O P E N E D ! do inform me if you changed your url. I couldn’t tag three people i’m so sorry idk what’s going on
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Lucky’s Pet Spa - Brody
[First off, holy smokes! That is all. Now for the pet boi. This one is “soft” “whump” but Brody’s life isn’t/hasn’t/won’t always be so nice. Oh no no no no.]
CW: Dehumanization [big, systematic, full dehumanization.], Pet whump (muzzle, restraints, collar mention, implied human trafficking), referenced non-con drugging, touch starved whumpee, fully broken whumpee, lady whumper, 
Word count: ~2,600
Samuel was greeted by a young woman when they entered the storefront.
“Hi! Welcome to Lucky’s Pet Spa. What can I help you with today?” He stepped up to the counter, Brody mere steps behind him.
“Hey. A friend recommended this place; do you guys take walk-ins?” She smiled and nodded at him.
“Yeah, I actually have an opening right now. Here, I’ll get you started. If you have the info of the friend who recommended us, you can get a free nail cleaning,” she said as she handed over a clipboard. Samuel grinned and took it.
“Hey Brody, give me your hand.”
The blond pet quickly obeyed, laying his hand on Samuel’s waiting one. Samuel held it up to examine his nails, twisting it around.
“Can I use that on this visit?”  
Samuel turned his attention to the clipboard, the leash loop sliding down his wrist and jiggling with the movement of his handwriting. The clip made a soft clinking sound as it swung against the pet’s tag and collar. The girl’s eyes shifted over to Brody, and he tried to hide behind Samuel.
“Hey there little guy. I’m Emma. I’ll be the one taking care of you today, Brody. Hmm?” She looked the Pet over more thoroughly.
Hmm, it clearly hasn’t been groomed in a while; maybe never, she thought as she surveyed the sandy blond hair falling over his eyes and around his ears. The muzzle was just the basic one, but the collar was nice; looked like it might have come from one of those boutiques. It was a saddle tan color, and looked well made. She smiled at the name-brand tee shirt and coral shorts Brody’s owner had put him in. “Brody” fits well.
His eyes were wide, and he looked terrified of her, still trying to sneak away from her gaze and hide behind his owner.
“Is this the first time its been to a groomer?” Samuel looked up blankly.
“Uh, I don’t know. It’s still pretty new.” He shrugged and finished up the last of the boxes. There was a sign on the wall with the different styles by length, and he stepped back to look at it.
“That’s okay, I’m pretty good with the new ones. Just a heads up, if we need to sedate it for some reason, there’s an extra charge and a fee.” Samuel reached over and grabbed Brody’s chin tightly, forcing eye contact.
“Brody, Behave. Got it?” The pet nodded frantically; eyes still wide. Samuel dropped his chin and Emma watched as Brody started to wind his hands into the hem of his shirt.
“How long is it going to take?” Samuel asked as he signed at the bottom and handing the clipboard back over. Emma looked it over, double checking everything was complete and which boxes he had checked. Thank god he didn’t want a bath. Those showers are a pain to clean.
“Should be less than an hour. You’re more than welcome to hang out in our waiting area and grab a cup of the free coffee.” Samuel waved his hand.
“Nah, I’ve got errands to run.”
He took the leash from his wrist and handed it over. Brody made a whimpering noise for the first time and looked desperately at Samuel. Emma took the leash and made a soft, comforting sound.
“Shh, Brody. It’s okay,” she said as she crossed around the desk and led the pet through the little white gate. “We’ll give you a call if we need anything.”
Samuel waved and mouthed be good one last time to Brody before he walked out.
Emma led Brody over to her salon chair, his head turned to the door the entire time, and sat him down. She clipped his collar onto the short lead on the headrest, and by the time she had turned around there were tears falling from his eyes and a soft whining sound coming from the back of his throat.
“Aw, Brody,” God it’s so cute. “Shh, it’s okay; he’s coming back. He just needed to run some errands.”
The Pet looked up at her with such big eyes, an expression that just screamed a pitiful, wordless, you promise? Emma awed again and put Brody’s wrists on the armrests so she could secure them. He didn’t fight or move, just let her place his hands however she wanted. She snapped the little plastic cuffs in place and gave him a pat on the leg.
“Good boy, Brody.”
Ugh, Emma thought as she rummaged around in her drawer, I hate this part. She took out her prod and hid it behind her back. She stood in front of him and waved one had off to the side.
“Hey Brody, can you be really still for me?” He nodded; eyes distracted by her fingers moving in the side of his vision. When he was looking at her hand, Emma pulled the prod from behind her back and poked it into his calf.
Brody’s eyes widened and his muscles jolted as he froze, but he didn’t move a fraction of an inch. Emma smiled and put the prod away.
“Good boy! Sorry honey, need to know if you can stay still on your own.” She made sure to keep her words light and her voice toned high; that always helped with the skittish pets. But honestly, it was easy with this one. It just has one of those faces that you have to babytalk to. God, its so cute. No, Emma, you know the deal with Ashley; no pets. No. Pets. But she would love this one.
She reached behind his head and unbuckled the muzzle. He obediently opened his mouth to release the bit when she pulled it away, and she dropped it in the little baggie by the armrest.
“There we go! Now I can see your little face,” she cooed as she rubbed his jaw and wiped away a couple tears. The second she touched his face, Brody melted into her touch and tried to rub his face into her palm. He didn’t get far, his neck secured to the headrest, but he still tried, and Emma couldn’t handle the cuteness.
She squished his cheeks and cooed at him as she reached into the pocket of her apron and pulled out one of the clear plastic mouth guards. She pulled the adhesive strips off and lined it up with his top lip.
“Keep your mouth closed, sweetheart.” She could hear the little click as he shut his teeth and it made her smile. She pressed the sticky part to the space above his lip and kept it taunt as she stuck the one side under his chin to the base of his neck. She folded the clear plastic sides around his chin and pressed the other sides down until it was stuck around his mouth. He could probably work it off if he tried hard enough, but she knew he wasn’t even going to try.
Brody’s eyes were wide and confused as he let out a tiny whine, the guard keeping his lips sealed. She combed the hair out of his eyes, feeling him relax in her hands.
“Sorry honey. I know you’re not going to bite me, but its an insurance thing.” She kept combing and let out a little laugh as his eyes closed and he let out a little contented huff. This is it. This is how I’m going to lose my job; I’m going to steal a pet. Brody? No, no this is Cody. Emma laughed to herself and pulled out her phone.
“Brody! Brody can you look up at me?” He looked up, and she snapped a quick picture. What was the point of working in a Pet salon if you couldn’t put the cute ones on your insta story? Plus, the owner liked pictures of before and after, and she knew his mop of hair would make a great example.
She mussed up his shaggy hair for the last time and scratched as his scalp as she posted the story and saved the pic. When Emma looked up, Brody’s head was circling slowly with the movement of her hand, eyes unfocused and droopy.
“You like that, huh? I think you’ll really like this then.”
She was right. By the time she had wet his hair and shampooed it, she had the sneaking suspicion he had fallen asleep. When she was done with the conditioner and the final rinse, she toweled up his hair up and knew she was right. He was entirely asleep, head rolling freely on his neck. She laughed and grabbed one of the supports they used on the sedated pets. As she placed it around his shoulders, his eyes slowly blinked open.
“Hey there, sleepy boy. Guess you really liked that, huh?” It took him a moment to wake up fully, and a few more for his words to register. He looked up at her blankly.
“You fell asleep for a second there, sweetheart,” she said has she moved behind him and started to dry off his hair. When she reached over for her blow-dryer, she heard a small sniff and glanced up in the mirror. Brody was crying. His face looked defeated; guilt bright in his eyes.
“Aw, honey, do you need permission to fall asleep?” Emma knew some pet owners did controlling stuff like that, although Samuel didn’t seem like the type. Brody nodded miserably and Emma wanted to scoop him up and take him home; angry girlfriend or not. She leaned down until she was in his line of sight and winked conspiratorially.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” He looked up at her, eyes still brimming with tears. I won’t tell, but you’re going to the second you get home, aren’t you? She booped him on the nose and grabbed her blow-dryer.  
Emma could tell that he was trying, hard, to keep his head up and neck straight. She didn’t want to make it any harder on him, so she didn’t tempt him with any more scratches or pats, just blow dried his hair and combed it out.
His owner had wanted a style that was much shorter; nearly buzzed on the sides with the top section a bit longer. Made the pet fit the name “Brody” even more than the clothes. She finished and brushed some of the stray strands away before she pulled off the little black cape. Emma scratched on the side of his face, and he leaned into it again.
“Good boy, Brody. You did so good for me! Here, let’s take another picture. We can even show your owner, so he can see how good you were.” Brody perked up and looked up even before she had her phone out. Oh, yeah, the boss is going to love this one.
Brody didn’t seem to like his nails being done as much as he had liked his hair, but he didn’t squirm or disobey. Emma talked to him as she cleaned out his nailbeds and clipped them, telling him about her day and what she and Ashley were planning for dinner.
Soon, she was done, and she opened the plastic restraints around his wrists and unclipped his collar from the lead. Shorter hair looked good on him, opening up his face more. Emma help him stand and clipped the leash back on. She brought him out to the waiting area, but Samuel was nowhere to be seen. Emma heard a little whimper from behind her and turned to see the pet’s fallen expression.
“Brody, it’s okay. We’re just done a little early. Here, you can wait in the play area,” she offered, petting the side of his face lightly. That seemed to help. She led him over to pen A, or as the groomers called it, the “good pen”. It had some cushions on the ground, along with a couple toys and a picture book. There was another pet in there, a girl one, who quickly looked up then away as she led Brody in. She unclipped his leash, and he sat down next to one of the cushions. Emma gave him one last pat before she left to clean up her station.
It’s funny, really, she thought as she looked over her shoulder at the waiting pens, there’s toys and cushions, but none of the pets touch them. I wish the owners would give them permission before they leave. When she was done, she took another glance as she returned to the counter. Brody and the girl pet were snuggled together now, a striking contrast to the pets in the pen next to them that pulled and yanked at the floor anchors, growling through their muzzles.
Emma stood on her tiptoes to sneak another picture through the plexiglass. She would crop it later.
Samuel took a swig of his iced coffee and checked his watch. Today had been productive. He took Brody to the groomers, returned that shirt that had been his car for months, stopped by the pet store, and even grabbed a coffee. Nice.
He walked back into the pet spa and saw the same girl at the counter. She waved to him.
“Hey! We’re all done. Lee, can you get the blond from pen A?” she called to another worker. Samuel put down his coffee and pulled out his wallet.
“How’d it do?” he asked as he handed over his debit card. Emma smiled.
“A perfect angel. Seriously, its so sweet!” She swiped the card and handed it back. “Please know, if you take it to another groomer, I will be jealous and cry myself to sleep.” Samuel laughed.
“Duly noted.” Emma handed over the little baggie with Brody’s muzzle and a complementary trial size of pet shampoo.
Brody was led out only a second later, excited eyes and smile pulling at the mouth guard.
“Well, well, well! Look at you. All nice and clean,” Samuel said as he took the leash back. He picked up one of Brody’s hands to examine his freshly cut nails.
“Oh! I almost forgot. We take pictures sometimes and I thought that you’d like to see.” Emma turned the monitor around, a split screen of Brody’s before and after photos. The first where he seemed a little scared and teary eyed, and the second where he looked much more comfortable and alert. Great promotional material.
“I can send them to you, if you want. Also, can we get your permission to use them on our website or promotional material?” Samuel smiled wide.
“Of course! I’ll make sure to tag you guys online and send anyone who asks your way,” he said as she ran his hand through Brody’s much shorter hair. The style was perfect; looked well cared for with no daily maintenance or product. “Say goodbye, Brody.”
Brody lifted one hand shyly before he tried to hide behind Samuel like he had in the beginning. Emma just laughed.
“Bye sweetheart. See you later!”
Samuel walked him over to the waiting room and sat down. Brody kneeled in front of him, laying his chin on Samuel’s knees.
“Here, we’ve got to put your muzzle on before we go outside,” he murmured as he ripped the plastic guard off the Pet’s face. Brody winced and gave a little whimper, but he didn’t pull away. The skin where the adhesive had been was already turning red and irritated. Samuel pulled out his muzzle, and Brody didn’t resist, opening his mouth automatically for the bit. When it was buckled back on, Samuel pulled out something else from his shopping bag.
“Here! I got something for you today.”
He clipped the little bell onto the ring that held Brody’s tag. It jingled softly as it rolled against the boy’s clavicle. Samuel smiled at the noise and flicked it.
“Let’s go home.”
ALL THE NAMES. @poisonedbymagic @sola-whumping @haro-whumps @deluxewhump @whumpzone @castielamigos-whump-side-blog  @simplygrimly @whumpsy-daisies @whumptywhumpdump @crys-whump-sideblog @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @pineapple-heartache @whumpiestofthemall @much-ado-about-whumping
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nethandrake · 4 years
do i wanna know?
stevetony. mcu. rated t. 2.8k words.
for @ishipallthings
also on ao3.
He hears before he sees them, their voices loud enough for Steve’s ears to pick up.
Steve reaches for his hand towel, dabbing the sweat trickling down his head and cheeks. “Uh, JARVIS? Who—”
“Miss Romanov, Mr Storm, and sir.”
Steve couldn’t help but scowl at that. Wonderful. Just what he needs right now.
And to think that he could hole up in here, away from...them.
There are many things a lot of people don't know about Steve, one of them is that he isn’t very fond of the Fantastic Four.
Okay, that might be stretching things. It’s not like he hates them. He actually admires how well they work together, which makes sense considering they’re family, and well enough with the Avengers. It helps that both teams get on well with each other, going so far as to taking vacations and hosting monthly gatherings.
Ben’s a blast to have around during Game Nights (how he wins every single time during poker, Steve will never know) and while Reed might talk circles around Steve’s head (not on purpose, of course), he can’t help but admire his intelligence, only second to Tony. He doesn’t have anything negative to say about Sue and not just because he’s afraid of losing a limb. She’s a total sweetheart and fun to gossip with.
And then, there’s Johnny Storm.
Speaking of Johnny Storm, he swaggers inside the gym like he owns the place, his smug grin ever plastered on. He has an arm around Tony’s shoulder, a detail Steve tries hard to ignore. Thankfully for his sanity, Natasha trails in after them.
“Hey, Cap,” she says as the trio comes to a stop in front of Steve. “Up for a spar?”
“Uh, sure.” Steve’s eyes trail over to the person next to him, almost freezing at the sight of Tony clad in a black tank top. And judging by the light sheen on his tanned skin and the way the cloth clings to his lithe frame, he must’ve been down in the workshop before this.
God, those muscles and that stupid tank top are going to be the death of Steve.
“Hey,” he manages, inwardly cringing at how breathless he sounds.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Natasha rolls her eyes.
Tony flashes a toothy grin that might or might not make Steve feel lighter. “Hey yourself.”
Steve couldn’t help but break into a smile of his own.
“And just what am I?” Johnny demands, placing his hands on his hips. “Chopped liver?”
Just like that, the moment’s ruined. Steve fights off the urge to roll his eyes.
He'll never figure out how the Fantastic Four could stand him.
Tony chuckles, clapping Johnny on the shoulder. “He probably thought he was looking at the mirror.”
Steve feels himself scowl at that.
Right. How could he forget that one little detail? For some reason, people seem to think that Johnny's the spitting image of Steve, from the blond hair to the startling blue eyes to the chiseled jaw.
Steve might've found the comparison amusing, if Johnny isn’t such a hot-headed brash asshole, a self-centered flirt who can’t, for the life of him, take anything seriously. In fact, Steve might've found Johnny tolerable or god forbid—
“Hello? Earth to Spangles?”
Steve blinks, finally noticing the hand Johnny’s been waving in front of him. “Sorry, I was just...just wondering why the both of you are here.”
He instantly regrets the accusatory tone when Tony flinches. If he hadn’t been for his four-year friendship with Tony, Steve's pretty sure he wouldn’t have noticed. Tony's tells are subtle like that.
Johnny waves his hand around in dismissal. “Oh, you know. Thought I’d get Tony to take a break. Figured he needs some fresh air, maybe some eye-candy to ogle.”
Tony snorts, crossing his arms. “Again with that shit. Yeah, yeah. You got me out of the workshop. It isn't something to gloat about.”
“Hey, I have the right to gloat about it. You're as bad as Reed when he gets into the zone.” Johnny smirks. “Even Sue could hardly tear him away from work.”
“I get Tony out of there all the time,” Steve blurts out.
“You mean, you have to haul his ass over your shoulder,” Natasha pipes up.
Steve shifts his glower down at her. She meets him with a cool gaze, her lips curled in a half-smile.
Johnny’s lips shift into his trademark Cheshire grin, waggling his eyebrows. “Now, that’s an image I’d love to see.”
“I think I have a pic or two—”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Alright, alright. Party pooper.” She pokes his shoulder before sauntering away. “C'mon, you big lug.”
Steve trails after her, throwing a backward glance at Tony and Johnny as he goes. They’ve taken residence on a nearby bench, their heads bent together as they murmur to one another. Judging by the blush on Tony’s cheeks and the self-satisfied grin on Johnny’s face, it’s saved to say that they’re flirting.
From the moment they’ve met, Johnny seems to have taken a shine to Tony, following him around like a lost puppy and flirting with him like there’s no tomorrow. It's bizarre. It's not like Tony's friendship with Reed, which is built on science and research. They barely have anything in common, besides their reputations as ‘playboys’.
Is Johnny actually interested in Tony? Why would Johnny even consider dating Tony? For one, Tony’s way too old for him. Johnny’s in his early, mid-twenties? Sure, Steve’s younger than Tony too but he’s closer in age (and no, his true age doesn’t count).
Plus, Steve’s a master tactician. He has superstrength, superhearing, able to heal quickly. What can Johnny do besides bursting into flames? If Tony wants skywriting written in fire, Tony could just build a machine that could—
A nudge to his head snaps Steve out of his thoughts. He whips behind him, meeting Natasha’s knowing smirk.
Which could only mean one thing.
“My eyes are up here, Cap.”
Steve groans. “Nat—”
“I’m just getting your attention,” she replies, the perfect picture of innocence. “Nothing else.”
The sparring session starts out fine. As usual, Natasha proves to be the perfect sparring partner, easily keeping up with Steve’s stamina and is agile enough to meet his jabs with ease.
But then he hears a familiar giggle behind him and then he loses focus.
Steve blinks, meeting Natasha’s cool gaze as the pain in his side ebbs away. She has an eyebrow raised knowingly.
“Wanna take five?”
“I’m fine,” Steve replies gruffly, raising his fists.
“I could get them to leave—”
Natasha’s other eyebrow shoots upwards.
Heat begins creeping up Steve’s neck. “I mean, I—”
“Everything all right there?” Tony calls out from the bench, looking and sounding worried. Next to him, Johnny’s grinning, looking like a cat who just ate a canary.
Steve really, really wants to wipe that smirk off his face.
“I’m good!” he replies. “I mean, we’re good.”
Tony’s frown deepens but thankfully doesn’t seem to pursue the subject.
When Steve and Natasha resume their spar, Steve makes sure to jab harder and dodge faster, to try to win. He knows he’s getting reckless. Sloppy.
But he needs this, needs this distraction. Needs to forget.
And then pain explodes over his face.
Steve doesn’t even register what’s happened until he feels callused but warm hands cupping his face and a voice frantically yelling in his ear.
“—eve! C’mon, buddy. Are you okay? Wh—”
And that’s when he realizes he’s sprawled on the mat, Tony holding his face in his hands.
For a brief moment, he lets himself lean into the touch, bask in Tony’s concern before he meets a pair of azure blue eyes behind Tony.
Immediately, Steve yanks away from Tony’s touch, jumping to his feet.
“I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
“It’s definitely not nothing,” Tony retorts, reaching forward again. “Your face is bruising—”
“It’ll heal.”
“Still. At least let us—”
“I said, I’m fine!”
Tony flinches. Johnny’s eyebrows shoot up. Natasha remains impassive.
An invisible lump forms in Steve’s throat. Oh, he definitely fucked up.
Truly, truly fucked up.
“I—I have to go.”
He’s out of the room before anyone could stop him, making a beeline for the elevators because fuck, he fucked up so bad.
Steve needs to get away. Away from Tony and Natasha and Johnny freaking—
“Shit,” he mutters to himself, jabbing at the elevator buttons, whiling, hoping that it’ll come. It better come because goddamn it—
He doesn’t bother looking over his shoulder, dashing over to the emergency stairs instead.
Thankfully, Tony doesn’t follow.
read the rest on ao3.
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lesbianlovelanguage · 4 years
YOUTUBER AU I’m such a fucking sucker for those. It can be anything you want really. Maybe they are friends doing a challenge or something and they end up kissing (or more ;)) or they could meet each other at like a creator even and take a pic together and everyone starts to ship them... :)
HI! Anon I am so sorry, life has been *general handwaving* a MESS. But, I’ve finally gotten most of my shit together and look! A fic! Finally!!! I hope you enjoy two ridiculous boys being ridiculous.
“You guys asked for it, and here it is. The explanation to Bendy and the Ink Machine! Now, I’ve watched a ton of playthroughs of this, especially The RatKing’s, as well as played through it myself, and I think I’ve got it.” 
Such a simple statement, it made it through both of the editors as well as Steve and Dustin themselves without raising any red flags. But as with everything, once it had been released on the internet it became fuel for fans to break apart and over analyze. 
The comments started pouring in, the standard mix of support and people trying to break apart his theory. But one comment in particular would stand out and begin something so much bigger than itself. 
Twenty minutes after Steve had pressed upload, someone with the username Random Hoe posted a comment saying Awe! A collab between you and Billy would be totes amazing!! While an innocent comment in itself, it began to pick up steam as people ranted and demanded for the two popular youtubers to interact more. It turned from video ideas to outright shipping within two hours, and only five hours after the video had been up, people began tagging Steve on Twitter with everything from edited screen grabs to fanart and video edits, all about Steve and Billy’s secret yet undying love for each other. 
Steve had almost quit Youtube as the fanbase for what had been dubbed “Stilly” steadily grew and became all the more ravenous. There were less and less comments and reactions to his theories, whether movie, video game, or even book related, and more and more comments about how he needed to do a collab with Billy ASAP, and how he’s queerbaiting, and how it’s okay to come out, it was 20Gayteen after all. He had tried to do damage control, but it only made things worse. 
And then someone showed Billy, and Steve not only wanted to quit Youtube, but also crawl under a rock. 
Billy’s only reaction to someone sending him a picture of Steve and Billy during a live stream was “Nice art, like the hair,” but Steve could have sworn his mouth twitched down in a grimace before Billy recovered his composure. 
But Dustin had convinced Steve to keep going, and with two months of no recognition or new content, the frenzy of Stilly shipping died down. It never disappeared, but no one sent anymore art to Billy and stopped tagging Steve in all of their posts. That had been in February. 
Vidcon was in June, and Stilly was the least of Steve’s worries. He’d been asked to host a panel on the new game show he and Dustin had begun hosting on Youtube TV about pop culture trivia, and then host a live episode with various Youtube guests as competitors. It promised to be relatively simple, a simple explanation of the origin and behind-the-scenes and a simple Q&A session followed by what he spent every Thursday doing for the past two months. And it was, him and Dustin breezing through the panel bouncing off of each other and the first round of Did You Know? You Don’t Say? flying by as the famed beauty guru aced almost every question. But once the second guest stepped on stage, Steve knew it was all going to go to shit. 
Because Billy Hargrove, The Rat King himself, swaggered out on the stage in flip flops and an Everlast crop top and flopped into the contestant’s chair with a smirk. Steve froze, mouth suddenly drier than a desert. 
Luckily, Dustin didn’t even stutter. “Ah! The next victim. Should we go easy on him?” He waggled his eyebrows as he asked the audience. The audience shouting brought Steve out of his daze, and with a shake of his head, he turned and spread his arms out wide. 
“Well then, let’s begin. So, Billy, Do you know what the rarest MnM color is?” 
The cocky smirk melted off of Billy’s face, replaced by one of thoughtful determination. He’s silent for only a moment before he looks up and says, “Brown, like your eyes, Pretty Boy.” Steve feels his pale skin flush with heat, but he coughs and tries to play it off.
“Quite the charmer there, Rat King. Luckily, your lines are actually true. One point! Let’s see it!” He calls out and then looks behind him to the television screen currently displaying the scoreboard. A large blocky 1 appears and the audience cheers. 
“Alrighty then,” Dustin says after the crowd dies down. “Next question. Billy, Do you know the original name of Istanbul?” Billy chuckles, and shakes his head.
“Easy. Constantinople.”
Dustin fake pouts and looks over to Billy. “None of that Rat King charm for me?” The audience laughs, and Billy chuckles before throwing a wink at Dustin.
“Not quite old enough to ride this ride, bud.” 
Dustin scoffs and shakes his head, making the curls bounce around wildly. “Whatever you say, old man. You did get it right by the way. Let me see another point!” Dustin mimics Steve and gestures towards the scoreboard which now shows a big, white 2. 
“Your turn, Pretty Boy. Give me something hard.”
“Alright. Let’s see.” Steve pretends to look over his notes before seeing the perfect question. “So, Billy, Do you know which two American states don’t observe daylight savings time?” Billy stares blankly at Steve. This was the final question in their lineup, but he had asked for a hard question. 
Luckily, Billy recovers quickly and clears his throat before giving another chuckle. “Damn, I know I said give me a hard one, but I wasn’t expecting that. I’m gonna go with Hawaii and Alaska?” Steve shakes his head and gives a small sigh. 
Dustin gives a little cheer, and then runs over to a table off to the side of the stage where they have a cue card that the contestant has to read off of if they lose. It was Dustin’s idea, the You don’t say? part of the title. It’s his favorite part of the show, because they get to see their contestants say some ridiculous things.
“Well, unfortunately, that was incorrect,” Steve announces over the booing audience. “And, following the rules, you now have to read whatever is on this card.” Dustin hands Billy the cue card with a wicked grin. 
Billy sighs and flips over the card. There’s a moment of silence as he reads over what the card says, and then he looks up at Steve and clears his throat.
“Would a Pretty Boy want to go out with me?” He says in a clear voice, gaze never leaving Steve’s. 
Suddenly too many things for Steve to process happen at once. He feels the heat return to his cheeks and his mouth dry out again, the audience goes wild, and a buzzer sounds, signaling that they were out of time for Did You Know? You Don’t Say? Dustin comes through and pushes a frozen Steve off-stage, where Billy is waiting in the wings. With the audience’s weighty gaze gone, the feeling returns to Steve all at once.
“What the hell man? What was that out there?” He hissed at Billy. The man simply shrugs and gives another one of his trademark smirks.
“Just giving the people what they want, Princess. Try to keep up.” And then he turns around, and walks away. Simple as that. Nothing to it. 
Steve wants to scream. Fortunately, he and Dustin have been friends for years, and he knows all of Steve’s tics by now. The stagehands shoo them from the wings, and he pulls Steve through one of the backdoors to outside the convention center. Somehow, he also procures a water bottle in the hustle, and hands it to Steve once they’re both sitting on the steps outside. Steve takes the water bottle gratefully and chugs half of it in one long gulp. He pulls it away and wipes at his face before sighing. He seems to deflate, like a balloon losing all of its helium at once, and Dustin puts an arm around him. It’s awkward because he’s shorter than Steve, but it’s still comforting nonetheless. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Dustin asks quietly.
“I- I’m so stupid. For just a second I thought it was real, but why would it be? What would someone like him see in someone like me?” Dustin lets out a huff before pulling away and turning towards Steve.
“Steve, buddy, pal o’ mine. You’re an idiot. If anything, he doesn’t deserve you. He’s a pompous ass for pulling a stunt like that. It’s bullshit.” 
“He could have anyone. Between his paycheck and his pecs, he’s one of Youtube’s hottest content creators.”
“Yeah, sure. But for the sake of alliteration, he also lacks personality. The guy’s a huge dick! And he proved it today. He knew that you wouldn’t shut him down and bitch him out on stage, so he thought it would be funny to pull that shit.”
“Yeah, he is kind of just a publicity-seeking asshole, you’re right,” Steve admits, feeling a little better, and a lot angrier. “You know what, Dusty-Poo? I’m gonna find him, and give him a piece of my mind.” He stands up, itching for a fight and knowing who to go find for one.
“Tha-that’s not exactly what I meant but sure! Go knock him down a peg.” Dustin stands up as well and follows Steve back onto the main showfloor. 
It takes about twenty minutes to find Billy amongst the crowd but Steve sees him, and locks in like a tiger stalking his prey. Or something cool like that. Thankfully, Steve doesn’t have to make a huge scene as he walks up to Billy and gets in his face. 
“You. Me. Conference Room 3. Now,” Steve says, poking a finger in the middle of Billy’s chest to emphasize his point. Billy chuckles, but still follows along as they walk into the empty conference room. Once they clear the doors and Steve hears them swing shut behind them, he turns to Billy.
“Explain. What the fuck was the point of that little,” he wavs his hand around, “stunt you pulled during the game show?” 
Billy raises an eyebrow. “Told you Pretty Boy. I gave the people what they wanted. 
“So that’s it? It was a publicity stunt?” 
“You tell me. You’re the one who started the whole thing,” Billy shoots back, still holding on to an air of nonchalance, but Steve can his patience waning.
“You- you mean the stuff from February? When I happened to mention you in one video? You think I meant for that shitstorm to start, for fun and publicity?” 
Billy only shrugs again.
“Okay. Nope. Again, I mentioned your channel one time, as a source. Gave credit where credit was due. I do it for all the channels I watch! I’ve mentioned Nancy’s channel like 8 times, and Jonathan’s too. Never had this shit started with them.”
“They’re married, Steve. Like super married. Of course it wouldn’t. We’re both single, queer youtubers. Of course shit’s gonna stop. Didn’t your agent or whoever look over your video?”
Steve huffs. “Oh yeah, let me just go hire an agent, cause I have such a need for someone to monitor my every move,” Steve snarked. Billy just looked at him like he had failed to add 2 and 3.
“You’re telling me you, part of one of the biggest channels on Youtube, don’t have an agent?” 
“We’re not one of the biggest channels, and we’ve never needed one! We’ve got our team of editors and assistants, no need for some agent.”
“Steve,” Billy says patiently, like he was explaining something to a child, “You have over 4 million subscribers. That’s a big channel.” 
“We’re still not one of the biggest channels, dipshit.”
“Oh, I'm the dipshit? I didn’t start a fucking fandom frenzy apparently by accident. Because I was smart and got a fucking agent.”
“You’re such an asshole.” 
“Whatever you say Princess.”
“Stop fucking calling me a princess!” Steve screams, voice booming in the silent conference room. “Why do you do that? Pretty Boy, Princess, Stevie? Just- just stop with the fucking nicknames. It’s not fair.” The second part of his outburst comes out as a whisper, sounding almost desperate. 
Billy was at a loss for words, but then again, he had always been more of a man of action. 
So he says nothing, only gives a seconds’ thought of what he was going to do, before lunging forward and doing it. 
Steve’s next words are muffled as Billy crashes their lips together with absolutely no finesse, teeth clacking. It probably constituted as the worst kiss Billy has ever had, but as he moves back, Steve grabs a fist full of blond locks and pulls him forward. Their 
second kiss is far better. By no means is it soft, but that was just par for the course with them wasn’t it? 
The kiss comes to a natural ending as they both pull back to breath, before Steve starts to giggle. 
“You really need to work on your pick-up lines, Rat King.”
A soft gasp from the doorway cuts off Billy’s retort, and they both turn to see a girl decked out in Youtube merch, including a jacket with the Upside Down Theories logo on it. She had dropped her backpack, and was open-mouthed gaping at the two. Her eyes are as wide as dinner plates as she frantically gathers up her backpack and shoots out of the conference room. 
“Chances that this blows up online by tomorrow?” Steve asks, turning to the blond next to him. 
“I’m betting in the next two hours, Pretty Boy,” Billy replies.
A wicked smirk creeps onto Steve’s lips as he shrugs and says, “Oops. What was that about getting an agent to help with this stuff?” 
Aside from this taking FOREVER, I hope you guys enjoy this! It was tons of fun to write.
tag team: @lostnoise @gideongrace @stevefuckingharrington @a-magey @catharrington @trashycatarcade @myboyfriendsteve @thesummerof84 @lightsupinthenorth @smashmouth-hargrove (lmk if you would like to be added/removed from the list!)
84 notes · View notes
axther · 4 years
where the lord does not look
todoroki shoto/female!traitor!reader 
In which Todoroki Shoto blackmails a classmate and pays the price. 
warnings: blackmail, violence, questionable kiss
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It felt wrong. It always did. 
YN L/N watched Aizawa Shouta talk about the importance of pack thinking, of teamwork, of loyalty, and it felt cruel. The sun was shining through the door window, Sero and Denki were passing notes about something, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ochako casually glancing at Midoriya. There was the smell of spring in the air and the taste of hope on the tip of everyone’s tongues. 
And YN wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. 
She didn’t know how she got involved with the League of Villains in the first place. Her quirk, while powerful, wasn’t necessarily villainous. She was never teased, never abused for anything in her life except for insignificant bullies. She had no obstacle or hindrance. She just remembered asking for power to a man with no face. 
And here she was. Helping plot the downfall of the pillar of the hero youth. 
She knew it would crush so many. Midoriya was the first to come to mind, with how hard he worked to enter if the rumours were true. But everyone else who decided to throw their lives on the line for a job that fatal at worst and exhausting at best would be forced to relocate, reconsider. 
YN held her head up a little bit higher when she realised that she was slouching. The last thing she needed was for anyone to ask her if something was wrong. She knew that she would burst like an overfilled dam. 
The bell rang and YN almost shakily rose to her feet. Her bag was in her hand when Mina and Tooru grabbed her arms on either side, tugging her away. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” Mina yapped, poking a finger into YN’s cheek. “What’s got you so upset?” 
YN felt panic rise in her chest but masked it with a concerned look. “What are you talking about?” 
“You were all wimpy during class. What’s up with that?” Tooru chirped. 
“I was thinking.” YN raised an eyebrow. “That’s you’re supposed to do in class. Though, I suppose you wouldn’t know that.” 
“Hey!” Mina let a mock frown grace her cheeks. “That’s mean!” 
“It’s true.” YN smirked, letting the panic start to flow away. 
“Well, what were you thinking about?” Tooru began, a teasing tone on her voice. “Was it...Todoroki?” 
YN jumped, nearly stopping the two in their tracks. “What? That’s-!” 
“Ha! We were right!” Mina howled, puffing up her chest and thumping her fist against it. “Ah, young love~!” 
“Mina, we’re the same age-” 
“Doesn’t matter! So, where are you gonna confess?” Tooru pitched in. 
They had a point, of course. YN had a crush (albeit a small one) on Todoroki Shoto. It was bred out of unspoken respect; he had every right to be a villain if what YN had heard was right. He had a terrifyingly powerful quirk, a terrible childhood, and little social skills. And yet, he did the one thing that YN could not. He prevailed and walked on the path of light. 
YN sighed. “I’m not going to. I don’t stand a chance.” 
“No way! He was staring at you all throughout class today!” Tooru giggled. “He couldn’t look away.” 
“What?” YN stared wide-eyed at the space where she guessed Tooru was at. “Bullshit.” 
“Nope! I even got a pic!” She pulled out her phone (with a cute Mount Lady charm on it) and showed a picture of Todoroki that was clearly taken underneath her desk. He indeed was staring at YN’s back, but it was more the look of glaring daggers than anything.   
“That...doesn’t look positive.” YN murmured. 
“He’s emotionally constipated! He’s probably head over heels!” Mina said, entering the cafeteria. 
“Uh-huh…” YN was about to break off when she felt a tap on her shoulder. All three girls turned only to see the young man they had just been talking about. 
“T-Todoroki!” YN yelped, literally jumping when she saw him standing there. He looked neutral, watching her intently.
“May I have a word with you, LN? There is something I’d like to discuss.” 
Both Mina and Tooru squealed as YN nodded, clasping hands and jumping. Though they didn’t say anything otherwise, the message was obvious. 
YN followed Todoroki through a side hall, keeping a bit of distance between herself and the student. Though she hated to admit it, she felt hope grow. All the talk of him liking her back was getting to her, and she just hoped that Mina and Tooru were right. 
He stopped just outside, where no one was around, and YN nearly ran into his back. She stumbled as he turned. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” 
“I’ve been watching you.” 
YN stopped talking, blinking up at him with wide eyes and a blush rising on her cheeks. “Pardon?” 
“You take a lot of calls, late at night. And you send letters.” 
YN froze. “I’m sorry?” 
“One of the letters fell out, and I planned on putting it back in the mailbox for you. But there was no address on it.” Todoroki looked deathly serious like he would try to kill YN if she tried to move. His bangs made his face shadowed, and it was enough to make YN’s heart stop. 
She felt bile and panic rising. The letters were shipped to the League, through someone they had in the post office. And the calls were given to Toga, who would change into someone else every time so that if anyone heard, there would be no vocal leads. 
“During the USJ attack, you and I were placed in the same division. While, yes, the villains attacked you, they put in noticeably less effort, and you never made any attempt to actually hurt them. With your quirk, you could have easily put them all to sleep. But you made it hard.” 
YN started hyperventilating, eyes flicking left and right in hopes of looking for an escape without having to hurt Todoroki. “What are you trying to say?” 
“You’re the traitor.” Todoroki put it bluntly, and yet, YN felt as though he hadn’t said nearly enough. It felt like the world froze, with YN’s eyes glazing over in terror. Her breathing was laboured and she even felt a little faint. Her world was collapsing, she wasn’t ready to go to jail, she was terrified. There was a white-hot rushing in her veins, and she fell to her knees. 
“I won’t sell you out.” Todoroki looked down at her like one would look at roadkill-intrigued, but disgusted. “For a price.” 
YN looked up, tears ruining her vision. “What is it? I’ll do it.” 
“I have favours. First, I don’t really feel like doing this week’s homework. I already know of all it.” He paused, looking neutrally cruel. “Actually, this entire semester. I don’t feel like doing it. Understand?” 
YN mutely nodded. 
“Good. If any one of the assignments fails, then it’s over.” 
Todoroki left, purposing hitting her shoulder with his knee so she would fall over. She couldn’t get up, nor did she even move, until Mina and Tooru came rushing out. 
“Oh my god!” Mina knelt, grabbing YN’s face with care. “Are you alright?”
“We saw Todoroki leave, and he didn’t look...happy…” Tooru started but trailed off when a fresh wave of tears overcame YN. “Oh, no...sweetie…” 
All three girls stayed huddled together, the two cooing at YN until Mina paused.
“So...did you get...you know…?” 
“Rejected?” Tooru finished. YN sniffled loudly, before nodding. After all, there was no way in hell that Todoroki would love someone like her, now. 
“Oh my god...I am so sorry…” Mina wrapped YN in a hug, while Tooru was fuming. 
“What a jackass! He should’ve accepted you! He has no taste!” She stood up, crossing her sleeves. “I’m gonna have a talk with him!” 
“Tooru!” Mina called out. “Don’t. Not right now.” 
Tooru relaxed, watching YN break down even more. “...You’re right. Sorry.” 
“And we’re sorry...for telling you that…” Mina fell silent. “We’re sorry.” 
“It’s not-” YN managed to get out, trying to talk past her sore throat and sobs. “It’s not your fault.” 
And there they stayed, even with Midnight offering condolences for a rejection that never happened and offering the rest of the day off. 
The sun set low, and Mina and Tooru had to leave as the stars came out. The cold came creeping up YN’s arms, and yet, she stayed. 
And in the distance, a young man watched. 
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YN paced the length of her dorm, holding the phone to her ear. 
“Himi...Himi, please, it’s me.” 
“Oh? YN-chan? What’s wrong?” The voice was initially a deep baritone, a man’s voice, but it dripped into a sweet honey tone, that of a schoolgirl’s. “Were you crying?” 
“Himi, they know. Someone knows. They...he isn’t telling right now, but…” 
“What?!” She heard from the other side. “Someone knows?!” 
There was more shouting from past the phone, some from Shigaraki, others from Twice. They were talking before Toga went back on the phone. 
“How long can you shut him up? Who is it?” 
“T-Todoroki Shoto. He...he’s blackmailing me into doing stuff for him in exchange for him keeping quiet.” 
“Stuff?” Toga yelped. “What stuff is making you do? It’s nothing creepy, right?” 
“Creepy?” YN heard Twice yell. “We can’t even let him touch her! If he tries anything then-” 
“Oh, would you shut up?” Shigaraki sounded strained. “She slipped up. She has to pay.” 
“The little bitch just exposed the whole operation! Fucking kill her!” Twice hissed. “She needs to be pulled out and saved!” 
“YN-chan, what stuff is he making you do? It’s not talkin’ about us, right?” Toga said. She sounded worried, but coming from her, it wasn’t comforting. 
“No...homework is what he’s starting off with, but I have a feeling he’ll go further. He won’t be satisfied. I know that I’ve already exposed the breach, so if there’s any way to hurry up the operation…” YN glanced at her door when she saw a shadow pass by, and lowered her voice to a whisper. 
“Ughhh. This is trying to do a speedrun! This is unacceptable!” 
“Shigaraki, it is only a matter of time…” Kurogiri said. “It is almost complete.” 
“What, we rush the whole thing and fuck it up? No, no, no, no, no…” 
“YN! We’ll come and get you and we can play a game together!” Twice yelled. “I hope you fucking rot, you slimy-!” 
“How did they find out?” Kurogiri’s voice came clearly over the phone. YN took a deep breath. 
“He said that one of the letters...the postman dropped it and saw there was no address. He…” YN stopped. She was already lying to save her own skin on both ends, so what was another lie in the wall that of half-truths and deceit that would save her?  “He opened it and read some before accidentally burning it in anger.” 
Kurogiri sighed. “Then I suppose it couldn’t be helped on your end.” 
“Fucking useless piece of shit!” Shirgiraki bit. “I knew he’d fuck up!” 
“Shigaraki, please.” Kurogiri’s voice had turned away from the phone before turning back. “We will try to speed up the operation. Can you give us two weeks?” 
“I’ll try.” YN whispered. “Thank you.” 
“Stay safe. Do not disappoint us.” 
“Love ya’, YN-chan! Make sure to come back to us!” Toga yelled, probably from over Kurogiri’s shoulder before the line went dead. YN let out a shaky sigh before deleting the call log and moving to her desk. Both her homework and Todoroki’s was out, and that meant that she had to forge his writing in order to make it work. 
She was writing away, late into the night, taking no pause out of fear that Todoroki would find some flaw and alert the whole school. She worked and she worked until the clock hit two A.M. She looked up, feeling almost woozy when there was a knock at the door. YN jumped in her seat before walking over and answering it. 
On the other side was a wide-awake Todoroki, who glared at her through the crack in the door. 
“The homework. Hand it over, while everyone else is asleep.” 
YN nodded, sulking over and grabbing the sheets of work. He snatched them out of her hands, reading it over and checking that it was all done. 
“Alright. Today, I want you to be the one to tell my father that I will not be seeing him this week, but instead doing such things as hanging out with friends and attending parties.” 
“But...but how do I contact your father?” YN felt her head pound. Todoroki met her eyes with a raised eyebrow. 
“Figure it out.” 
He turned and left, and YN gave a heaping sigh. She turned to her bed, her own homework only half-finished. She was exhausted, rightfully so, and collapsed into the pillows. Regret pooled in her gut. Some part of her still loved Todoroki, but it was quickly dying. 
It was dying, along with the rest of her. 
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The next five days were hellish. 
She supposed the second day, where she had to approach Endeavour, was kind. While he was upset about his son not even bothering to talk to him, he didn’t lash out onto YN, nor send a message back. It could’ve gone much worse, she was well aware. The next day she was forced to make his meals, though it wasn’t that hard. And after, she was to do his laundry. All were relatively easy deeds. 
But the day after that Todoroki ordered her to clean his room. And when she entered, it was so torn apart that she was sure he ripped everything out of the drawers on purpose. And the day after, she was told to take up all of his chores for the dorm, confusing both Sato and Midoriya. 
Mina and Tooru took notice of YN’s behaviour but didn’t ask. Mina was still beating herself up for hyping up YN, and Tooru was still furious at Todoroki’s supposed rejection.  
And for YN’s feelings for Todoroki, they were absolutely and completely quashed. 
She had no idea he could be as heartless as he was acting. Anything positive that she had for him was gone, replaced with deep scorn. 
And the only lifeline she had was calling the League every night. Toga, while crazy, did provide some comfort, with the promise of doing each other’s nails and hair when the attack arrived and YN was taken to the home base. The regret and fear she had of being a villain before was slowly disappearing with every night that she fell asleep to the sound of Toga and Twice babbling about video games. 
On the sixth night, YN called to Toga specifically, venting left and right about the things that Todoroki was making her do. 
“And then, he told me that I had missed a spot, and when I went to look, he went and picked up a tissue that definitely wasn’t there before!” YN hissed into the phone receiver. 
“No way!” Toga barked. “What an asshole!” 
“I know, right? He just wants to make my life hell. I can’t wait for you guys to get here.” 
“Ugh! Same! Me ‘n’ Twice have been stocking up on the goods so that way when you get here, we can have loads of fun!” Toga laughed loudly, and YN heard Twice laughing, too. “We’re getting excited! It’s only a week away!” 
“Yeah,” YN murmured, a soft smile on her face. “Thanks. I’m gonna go and get some sleep. You guys make sure to rest up, too.” 
“Maybe~! Love ya’!” Toga hung up and YN felt the silence of the night draw in. She felt oddly content, and she let out a soft sigh. 
There was a feeling of content that she hadn’t felt in days. With all the work that Todoroki had piled on and the stress of keeping it all under wraps, she could feel her eyebags during the day and wish for the sweet release of sleep during the night. 
YN rested her arm on her forehead, letting the darkness consume her eyes and try to soothe the headache that was coming on from even thinking about Todoroki. 
“Yikes,” She sighed, rubbing her temple with her spare hand. “I’m screwed.” 
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Meanwhile, Todoroki was no better off. 
While he had no headache, he was staring at his ceiling with the covers of his bed pulled up to his chest. His arms were folded, but his eyes were narrowed in thought. 
Before he had learned about YN being the traitor, he hadn’t thought much of her. She seemed like a meek girl, with a terrifyingly powerful PSI quirk. She stuck to her friends and stayed in her lane. 
‘The perfect candidate for traitor,’ Todoroki thought. As far as he knew, she had no terrible history or actual motivations to become a villain. So when he found the letter and put and two and two together, he was shocked. He wanted her to vehemently deny it, to say that it was maybe a love letter or a secret note to somebody else. 
But all she did was cry, and Todoroki had his answer. 
He didn’t know why he chose to blackmail her, of all things. He should’ve turned her in, as a hero would have. But he didn’t. And at first, he didn’t know why he wanted to spare her so. Was in how miserable she looked while she was crying? Was it how she didn’t even look angry, but just scared? He didn’t have an answer. 
Until he made her clean his room. 
To be honest, he tore it apart just to see what her reaction was. He wasn’t a messy person but he wanted to make it tough for her. So, periodically throughout her cleaning, he would check up on her. At first, it was to make sure she didn’t throw away anything important, but once he realised that she was doing something so domestic, it made him feel warm on both sides. She had a broom and trash bags, and a bandanna to hold back her hair. She worked ferociously, determined to finish quickly. The hair came loose at times, and sweat grew over her as she lost herself in the cleaning and her thoughts. 
He realised that it was exactly what she would look like if she was a housewife. 
He realised that the entire time, he had her doing things a lover would do-calling the parents, helping with work, cleaning, cooking. None of them were dangerous, and she had them all done in three hours at most. And as Todoroki laid there, he started thinking less on the favours than it was YN herself. 
She was a girl. That was the first thing that came to Todoroki’s mind. Even though no one was around, he nodded with confirmation. It was a safe thought. It was a fact. 
She trained well, sometimes even out of school time. He had come across her in more than one situation where she would be using her quirk to make Bakugou levitate, with him howling the entire time. Her eyes would glow too, like changing lights in a pool. Todoroki always thought it was pretty. 
That, too, was a fact. Her eyes were pretty. 
Todoroki’s eyes snapped open. Yes, it was a fact, but it was not a safe thought. He imagined shoving it into a box and kicking it far away, into the depths of his mind. 
He closed his eyes again, sighing. 
She was strong. That was a safe thought. 
She had nice arms. That was not a safe thought. 
She did her best to take care of her skin, judging from the occasional skincare products he’d find lying around. Was that a safe thought? He wasn’t sure. 
She was smart, but not terribly so. That was a safe thought. 
She looked nice in her tights. That definitely wasn’t a safe thought. 
And as Todoroki thought more and more about YN, he began realising that he thought most things she did were good, technically speaking. She helped Denki with school sometimes, was positively receptive when Midoriya wanted to write about her quirk in his notebooks, and always supported the girls in any of their endeavours. She was kind and pretty, and smart and strong and sweet. 
And then, with wide eyes and a quelled feeling of horror, Todoroki thought, ’Oh my god,’ 
’I’m in love with the traitor.’ 
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“What now?” 
Todoroki stood in front of YN’s door, hands in front of him and looking strangely innocent. His hair was combed, which was weird, and if YN took a deep breath, then she would smell some sort of cologne. 
“There is a girl in the General Course. Ai Suzuki. I want you to reject her for me.” He said it was a completely straight face, as though he was telling Aizawa that he couldn’t come into class the next day. YN blinked, processing the order, before jutting her head out in shock and recoiling again. 
“What? That’s terrible! You need to reject her yourself, for her sake!” She looked appalled and was about to slam the door shut when he put his arm and foot in. 
From behind the door, YN stopped, before groaning and opening the door again. 
“Fine. And when the poor girl is miserable and goes around slandering you, don’t come after me. And we’re not friends. Don’t call me YN.”  
She shoved past him and locked her door, storming down the hallway and making tracks for the General Education dorms. 
“What floor, jackass?” 
“She’ll be in the greens,” Todoroki called back, sounding ready to laugh. YN turned and walked through the doors, keeping an eye out for a girl standing alone. 
Sure enough, a student who reminded YN of a doe stood with her hands in front of her, looking side to side. It broke YN’s heart that Ai would have to be rejected in such a cruel way, but it was her or YN’s entire wellbeing. 
“Hey, are you Ai Suzuki?” YN approached the young woman, who jumped. Ai’s brow furrowed. 
“Y-Yes. Where’s Shoto?” 
YN sighed. “There’s no easy way about this, especially since he’s such a coward.” 
Ai’s entire body seemed to slump, her eyes watering and hands shaking. YN felt the guilt bubbling in her stomach, but she continued.  
“But he wanted me to tell you that he’s not interested. I’m really sorry that it had to be this way, but-” 
Abruptly, Ai reached forward and slapped YN across the cheek. Tears were streaming down the young lady’s face.
“You-! You-! I…!” Ai seemed to be grasping for words while YN nursed her stinging cheek with her hand. YN didn’t retaliate but tried to help Ai sort out her emotions. 
“I know it’s terrible, and if you want, I take you to him so that way you can work out what you need. I get that-” 
“Just shut up!” Ai snapped, before flushing. “Please. I…” Fresh tears made their way to Ai’s face before she ran off. YN turned to head back, only to see Ai run headfirst into Todoroki. He seemed surprised, glancing up at YN before looking down at Ai. Ai stared at him, eyes wide before sobbing again and running to the General Education dorms. Todoroki watched her run with curiosity, while YN watched with pity. 
“I see it went well.” Todoroki turned back to YN, about to say more when he realised the red mark on her cheek. “Did she hurt you?” 
“Why would you care?” YN snapped, glaring at him. “You’re fucking terrible, and that’s bad, coming from me.” 
She stormed off, letting Todoroki watch her leave. He seemed stunned, standing and blinking dumbly at her retreating figure. 
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YN held an ice pack to her cheek, staring at her ceiling, watching the blades of the fan spin. She wished that her mind was empty and aimless, but concerns surrounding Todoroki arose. 
He had become more casual than he ever was, something that didn’t happen even before he found out about her ties to the League. It was as though he was trying to seem pleasant, but it all seemed like a trap. 
“Fucking ice-for-brains.” YN pouted. “Bitchboy.” 
YN’s phone abruptly rang and she jumped. It was several hours earlier than the League usually called, so when she picked it up and saw the contact ’L’, her brow furrowed. 
“Hey, everything okay?” She asked, worry lacing her tone. She heard broad laughter, and then Toga giggling. 
“More than okay! We can come sooner!!” 
“Wh...what?” YN blinked, flabbergasted, before rushing to her door and locking it. She held the phone to her shoulder while stuffing towels along the bottom so no one could eavesdrop. “What’s going on?” 
“Shiggy found a way to mass-produce the Nomu so we can get to you in, like, two days!” Someone spoke, but it was too distant to hear who before Toga started talking again. “Tomorrow! We can get to you tomorrow!”  Toga was audibly jumping, and YN felt her shoulders go slack. 
“No way.” She breathed. It was like the world was on her shoulders, and that it had been slowly lifted. “Are you serious?” 
“Yup! I wouldn’t joke with you on this,” Toga said. “Probably.” 
“Probably?” YN laughed for the first time in what felt like forever. “You have no idea how happy this makes me.” 
“Well, we’ve got a bonus for you! For hangin’ on!” 
“Yeah? What is it?” YN fell onto her bed with a grin. 
“Well, according to Shiggy,” (Shigaraki, in the back, howled ‘Don’t call me that!’) “Had everyone accounted for except for one! And, well, he just so happens to have been doing some no-no stuff lately…” 
“I get to kick Todoroki’s ass?” YN sat up from her bed, excitement on her face. A deep part of her felt disgusted at the glee in getting revenge, but it was quickly put down at the thought of Todoroki begging for forgiveness. 
“Yup!” Toga tittered. “And then Kurogiri can take you back with us and we can do whatever! It’s not like we’ve got any parents to regulate us there, anyway.” 
“That was a twenty-five cent word, Himi. I’m glad. What’s the time of the attack? I wanna set an alarm.” 
“Hey!” Toga yelled over the phone, and YN winced. “Shiggy! When are we gonna see YN-chan and Deku and Ochako?” 
“If everything doesn’t get fucked up, then we should get there by six in the afternoon. Don’t fuck it up.” The phone was clearly pointed in Shigaraki’s direction, but he still sounded a bit distant. 
“Yessir,” Though he couldn’t see it, YN saluted. “You got it.” 
“We’ll see you soon, YN! I looove you!” 
“See ya, Himi.” 
YN hung up, laying back down on the bed with a giddy smile. She rolled left and right, hugging the phone to her chest as she laughed. She knew she was being loud, and if Todoroki heard, then he would be suspicious, but she didn’t care anymore. She was so close to freedom, so close that she could taste it. 
So close. 
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Classes were unbearable. 
YN felt like a kid on the last day of middle school, right before they go to Disney or some other amusement park. The day trudged on, and no matter what Mina and Tooru did to try and get YN’s attention, her thoughts always returned to the League and the attack. 
Sure, she was nervous. It was entirely possible that everything could go wrong and it all fail. She could be arrested for treason, Todoroki could decide to expose her, and the League could choose to leave her behind. It could end in absolutely disaster for her. 
But YN had hope. 
And that hope remained after classes had finished. YN was near skipping, waltzing past Todoroki on her way to her dorms. 
She knew she needed to pack her things. It was all simple stuff; clothes, her toothbrush and toothpaste. She had to leave her phone behind, which was regrettable, but it had a tracker in it that her parents and select friends could see. 
And speaking of friends, YN needed to get Tooru and Mina out of U.A. before the attack, and have them be gone for long enough that they would remain safe. There were ways, but YN knew she needed to keep discreet. 
So, when she walked to her dorm, she eyed the clock. It was five fourty-three, which mean that she could have them take a relatively short trip and still be kept in the clear. YN caught Mina and Tooru on her way. Mina near jumped, nervously grinning. 
“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been weird all day!” 
“Yeah, yeah. Um, I have a favour to ask you two.” YN pulled them aside, taking out her wallet. 
“What is it? Is something wrong?” Tooru presumably tilted her head. 
“Ehh, sorta?” YN faked a grimace. “I, uh...my period started.” 
Mina blanched, and Tooru placed a hand on YN’s shoulder. 
“What’dya need?” 
“Yeah! We’ll go get it!” 
“God bless, you two. Uh, you know that mart that we came across that had the best f/s? It’s like, fifteen minutes by the train?” YN shelled out the cash, making sure there was extra. “I’m craving that, to be honest. And you guys can get something else, of course.” 
“Sure!” Mina took the money and shoved it into her pocket. “Let’s go, Tooru! We’ll see you later!” 
YN waved as the two dashed out, knocking Todoroki on their way to the doors. Mina shot him a half-hearted apology before they were gone. YN gave a languid wave back, feeling almost sad. She wouldn’t see them again. It pulled against her heartstrings, but she knew that she was too far in to back out. 
“They’re certainly energetic.” Todoroki walked up to YN, eyeing the doors with his hands in his pockets. 
“Yeah. Whatever.” YN’s peacefully happy demeanour changed. She glared at him before walking away. Before she could successfully escape, though, Todoroki put a hand on her shoulder. 
“I want to talk to you.” 
YN glanced at the clock. It was ten before six, and she felt nervous. “Not right now. I’m busy.” 
“Please, it’ll just take a second. I’ll come with you.” He took his hand off of her shoulder, and she rolled her eyes. 
“Fine. But make it quick.” YN began speed walking to her dorms, not caring if she looks suspicious. “I have shit to do.” 
“I wanted to actually ask you in private. It’s something...a bit personal.” 
YN stopped walking, eyes wide. “You’re not going to…?” 
Todoroki recoiled, shaken. “No! No, it’s not. It’s an emotional matter.” 
“Oh, joy.” YN rolled her eyes again before almost jogging to her dorm. She eyed a different clock, and it showed five fifty-two. 
“I’ve been thinking about it. About you,” Todoroki began as they walked into her dorm. YN grabbed a backpack off of her wall and began throwing whatever she could find in there that she would deem necessary. Todoroki shut the door, but stood by it as YN spun around. 
“I know that I’ve been...complicated towards you.” Todoroki said, rolling his hands to help elaborate. 
“Uh, yeah. That’s a nice way of putting it.” YN threw eyeliner and mascara into the front pocket of her bag. Todoroki huffed, upset that it backfired. 
“I think you’re pretty,” He tried again, leaning a bit towards her and sounded hopeful. “And smart.” YN said nothing, but paused and gave him a look that was a mix of confusion, disgust, and ‘duh’. “And I know that I’ve been making you work because of circumstances that were out of your control.” 
“What’s your point, Todoroki?” YN threw the last of her underwear in the bag and zipped it, spinning around with her hands on her hips and the bag over her shoulder. “Get to it.” 
Todoroki faltered, eyeing the bag. “What are you packing for?” 
“None of your goddamn business. Speak, or else I’m ignoring you.” 
This snapped Todoroki out of his staring contest with a video game pin on your bag, and he swallowed. He was stiff, and anxious, and hid his face with a ninety-degree bow. 
“Please be my girlfriend.” 
YN froze, shock on her face. “What?” 
“Please date me.” YN shook her head, snapping out of it, before her jaw dropped and mixed emotions came over her face. “You’re fucking…” She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. 
“I know that you must hate me. But I’m sure that you’re not the traitor by choice. If you choose to date me, my father and I can help you leave the League. We can protect you, and we can-” 
“Protect me from what? Wait, wait, wait. You’re saying that they guy that fucking blackmailed me wants to protect me from people that have done nothing to me?” 
“Done nothing?” Todoroki rose from the bow, looking both confused and hurt. “They’re villains, YN. They are absolutely going to hurt you!” 
“Bullshit. They...they’re the only ones that gave a damn the whole time!” YN threw her bag on the ground, throwing her hands up in the air. “I fucking-! I can’t believe-!” 
“And what about Mina? And Tooru? And I could have sold you out at any point!” 
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna go?” YN felt heat rise to her cheeks and her stomach turn in rage. “Yeah, okay. Mina and Tooru were great. And that’s why they’re not here right now! But you wanna fucking hold it above my head that you could have had me fucking arrested?” 
“That’s not what I was trying to say!” Todoroki’s voice lowered from the shout, desperation in his tone. “No, I..! I was trying to say that I love you! And that I didn’t want you to get hurt. Please. We can get you out of this.” 
Todoroki grabbed her shoulders, not forcefully, but intimately. He could feel her breath on his face, and the tears beginning to show in his eyes. 
“You...unbelievable!” If Todoroki looked close enough, he could see traces of betrayal. “I have no idea what you think asking someone out is. You can’t just walk in an-and expect love!” YN voice rose with every word, until Todoroki leaned forward and placed a kiss firmly on her lips. She let out a muffled yelp, frozen, but Todoroki didn’t move. 
He savoured it, because for just a moment, when he closed his eyes, he could imagine you loving him back. 
But then a blaring alarm from YN’s phone went off. 
YN shoved Todoroki off, coughing and rubbing at her mouth furiously. Todoroki stood still, a blush on his cheeks. YN licked her top teeth as the alarm sounded, hearing the constant, stinging ring, taking a moment before a sick joy rose in her.
“YN, please...We can work this out together. We can get you into the witness protection program, or something-” 
“Too late,” YN hissed. Todoroki faltered, taking a step back. 
“I said, you fucking reject,” She muttered lowly, looking up at him with her head hung. “Too. Late.” 
“W-What? Why?” Todoroki began to puff his chest in some indiscriminate mix of rage and sorrow when he felt something close around his throat. It was as though he was being choked, but no one was touching him. His hands flew to try and relieve the pressure only to be able to claw at his own neck. There was the sound of glass breaking outside, and people screaming. He could hear Present Mic calling for help. 
“You really thought...” YN began as furniture began floating, along with Todoroki himself. He kicked his feet and struggled, but he was thrown back through the dorm door and into the hallway wall. YN was sweating, the alarm still going off on her levitating desk, and she looked thrilled, with her eyes pulsing out of her skull and her hair flying in front of her face. Her bag levitated towards her, and her jacket fit itself onto her shoulders before the backpack followed. Todoroki could only watch in pain as she approached. 
“You thought you could control me forever?” YN wheezed. Todoroki turned to see Midoriya and Bakugou running towards them before a smoky, inky black portal consumed them both. His eyes went wide when he realised what was happening. 
“I thought heroes were supposed to do the right thing, Todoroki.” YN spat, grabbing his chin so he could stare her in the eyes. They had begun sparking all sorts of colours, even ones that he had never seen before. More furniture in the living room and open dorms were floating and Todoroki felt his heart in his throat. 
“You…” He choked, one eye closing from the pain in his spine. “You bid your time…” 
“Abso-fuckin-lutely.” She grinned, eyes crazed, before using her quirk to pick him up again. This time, he wasn’t choking, but he couldn’t move. “And now, you must suffer the consequences.” 
She waltzed from the dorms to outside, dragging Todoroki behind her. When he passed the doors, he had to look away from the heat and the light, but when he opened his eyes, he felt tears swell. 
The main building of U.A. was up in crystal blue flames, with students and staff alike running out screaming and crying. Someone fell out of the windows, on fire and wailing the entire way down, and there was a sickening crack when they landed. The heat scorched his cheeks, and embers flew into his eyes and hair. When he opened his mouth to yell, he could taste the copper of blood on his tongue. He could see Midoriya and Ochako trying to fend off Toga, and Kirishima and Sero trying to restrain a Nomu, only to fail. 
He knew that even if he could make any noise, if he could move, if he could use his quirk, he wouldn’t be able to. The shock set in his bones, and he felt the weight of the world.  
“You know, they were supposed to come about a week from now.” YN waltzed across the burning grass, putting it out before she could burn her shoes. “But when they heard you were blackmailing me, they sped it up. Isn’t that sweet?” 
“How could you?” Todoroki managed to spit out. He saw the gentle smile on YN’s face, and he felt his heart snap. “They were...our friends…” 
“No. I mean, at first I was guilty. Actually, I really was guilty right up to when you found out. Then I realised that they didn’t really notice me.” She hummed, clearly in a good mood, with the terror and chaos around her. “Mina and Tooru kinda noticed. But they bought whatever I told them. They’re still good people, but they didn’t care that I clearly had something on my mind. Least of all you?” YN turned her head to look at Todoroki. “Did you know I used to have a crush on you? You didn’t so much as glance at me for the entire time before you found out.” 
She looked back forward, making her way to the swirling black mass. Kurogiri and Shigaraki stepped out, and when Shigaraki saw YN, he took to scratching his neck. “You didn’t fuck up.” He sounded surprised. 
“Nope!” YN chirped. “I’m ready to roll once this place is dust.” 
Shigaraki let out a dry laugh at her choice of words before looking over at Todoroki, who was trying to struggle. “You already had him?” 
“He was trying to ask me out.” YN crossed her arms. “So I just took advantage of the opportunity.” 
“Cool. Dabi’s already gotten the main school-” 
“Clearly.” YN piped in. 
“So the damage has been dealt. I just need to recall everyone.” Shigaraki gestured at Kurogiri, waving a lackadaisical hand. “Originally, I was just gonna leave you, actually.” 
“Wait, seriously?” YN grimaced, completely ignoring Todoroki’s squirming. 
“Yeah. But then he found you out.” He turned to Todoroki, who froze and glared at Shigaraki. “When are you gonna fight him?” 
“I dunno. I kinda wanted everyone to be here, but if we can’t make that work…” 
“Get it over with.” 
“You’re the boss.” YN shrugged, giving Todoroki only a moment to be afraid before crushing him against the nearest wall. His eyes were overshadowed by his hair for a moment when his entire body curled in pain, both against his will and YN’s quirk. He felt bile crawl up his throat, and spit came out when he coughed. 
“Y...YN...please…” He looked up at her, tears flowing down his cheeks and crushing sorrow on his face. “I know there’s good in you…you’re not a villain…” 
YN winced, and for a moment, she looked conflicted. Todoroki felt hope, his eyes widening, until the conflict was abruptly gone. In its place was rock-hard disgust and he was picked up again, before being smashed into the dirt. YN began throwing him violently, increasing the strength and rate of the hits. She didn’t stop until his head hung and he was panting. Blood was everywhere, and when he looked up at her, it was flowing into his eyes. 
“It’s not about good or evil anymore.” YN whispered. It was potent, even amongst all the chaos and noise. “There is no good or bad anymore. Just power.” 
YN looked almost deranged, eyes blown wide and panting heavily. Her hair had fallen into her face, and Shigaraki looked surprised, again. 
“Wow. Didn’t expect you to go loose.” 
“I hope it’s okay, sir.” YN let Todoroki fall, blowing the hair out of her face and composing herself. 
“Yeah, sure, whatever. I don’t care.” 
YN nodded and Kurogiri placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“You did well. Welcome to the League.” He watched YN give a huge smile, as though she didn’t just help slaughter an entire school, and rather had just been given a star spot in a play. 
“Thank you, sir! You won’t regret it!” 
“I’m sure we won’t.” Kurogiri nodded, looking sagely at the destruction and the approaching forms of Toga, Dabi, Spinner, and Twice. 
“I’m sure we won’t.” 
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a/n: hi this took WAY too fucking long i am so sorry 🥴 i sabotage myself but anyway!! this was interesting to do bc i never really did a traitor!mc but i am a sucker for angst 🥴🥴
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relaxedreptile · 4 years
Pairing: Changbin X Female Reader
A/N: One of the lines Changbin says in this piece came to me... maybe a year ago? And I decided to base this drabble around it! COVID-19 ruined many plans for people around the world these past few months, including my cousin’s junior prom, so that is why I decided to center this drabble around prom!
Stay healthy.
“It’s what you wanted, that’s for sure.”
You shrugged off your best friend’s comment and continued checking yourself out in the mirror.
The two of you seemed to pick the one store everyone else did to go prom-dress shopping in (so much for it being a “hidden gem”) so your reflection was hardly alone in the glass, but your eyes were glued to the fabric on your skin.
The neckline flattered the swell of your chest while the waistline cut you in just the right way, achieving the hourglass figure that would look decadent in all of your photos. The skirt swayed with every movement of your legs, alluding to the mystery of your body that the looser fit was maintaining.
It sparkled like the night sky, a black so deep and dark the harsh lighting of the boutique couldn’t even hope to reflect off of it. 
“You know that necklace of mine? The one I wore to homecoming freshman year? How do you think it would look with this?”
“Shouldn’t you look at the price tag before you move on to accessories?” Felix advised.
He stepped closer as to join your reflection and looked you up and down.
“What am I saying, it should be illegal for them to not sell this to you.”
You turned to face the real Felix, your smile beaming in a way your beautiful dress never could. Felix didn’t want to risk getting any glitter stuck to him for a hug, so he stood on his toes to bypass the platform you were standing on and peck your cheek, pulling a giggle from your lips.
“I know that it’s… different… but do I still look good? Will I get the reaction I want?”
At your guys’ school, any student going to the prom who wanted to participate was allowed to walk across the auditorium stage in front of any parents, siblings, or fellow students who decided to show up. It was a way for couples to show off their union, lone wolves to express their confidence, and friends to hype each other up.
For you, however, you wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to show off. You knew how selfish it sounded but you were just aching to feel beautiful. You wanted you and your dress to be the one everyone talked about, the one that made everyone ask the person next to you if they know who you were.
Felix didn’t even bother looking at the dress again before giving his final verdict.
“Changbin is gonna love it.”
“what time should I pick you up for pics?”
The words flashed on your screen while you were scrolling through Instagram, your hair being styled by the nice man behind you. 
You smiled before opening your messages, scrolling through the group chat you had with your friends to find the agreed-upon time before screenshotting it and sending it to Changbin.
You were teasing him a little because you knew he never read the prom group chat but you were certain he wouldn’t take any offense.
“haha, very funny”
Your hair stylist noticed your smile this time and caught your gaze in the mirror.
“Can I see a picture?”
You tried to relax your muscles to keep from smiling any bigger as you scrolled through your camera roll for a good picture of Changbin. You found one from the homecoming game; Felix, Chan, and (most importantly) Changbin came to see you cheer with your squad. 
“If you’re going to skip the pep rally like always then your only chance to see our routine will be at the game! You have to go.”
A little pout of your lips and Changbin was sold, even if he kept up his uninterested front.
The photo was lit up by the Friday Night Lights behind you, leaning on the fence while the boys surrounded you from the other side. You knew you also had a video of you throwing one of your pom-poms at Felix after he very loudly told Changbin to stand next to his girl, but you decided to keep that one to yourself.
The photo got a nod of approval once Changbin was pointed out and you slipped your phone under the poncho protecting your clothes from the stylist’s work, tucking it under your thigh.
“Your dress is the black one right? The one that sparkles?”
Your beaming smile returned and you confirmed his memory.
He fluffed your hair around, teasing some of it with his fingers as he put some finishing touches on it.
“Then I have just the thing!”
Changbin showed up to your house a few minutes early to allow for your parents to get a few photos of their own (photos which he sheepishly asked you to send to him) and then you were off to Chan’s house for group photos.
Besides a casual nod in response to a “doesn’t she look beautiful?” from your mom, Changbin hadn’t made a single comment about your appearance. It was a bit disappointing but you were used to Changbin’s too cool attitude by now and had learned to enjoy the little expressions of affection.
You perked up in the passenger seat, a realization hitting you.
“Changbin,” you wanted him to look at you.
He caught your gaze for a moment before his attention returned to the road in front of him.
“You look really handsome.”
You studied his face so you could watch the heat rise to the skin of his cheeks, he looked so pretty when he blushed.
A smile was your reward this time, plus a hand on your thigh followed by a slight squeeze.
Now it was your cheeks’ turn to redden, your hands coming up to press against them to try and cool them.
Verbally, you were miles ahead of Changbin’s communication skills, but he would always be a step ahead of you physically. The two of you balanced each other out and had learned to meet each other in the middle.
Changbin parked on the side of the road in front of Chan’s house, seeing as how the driveway was already full of cars as well as Jisung and Minho, seemingly arguing at each other.
“Oh, come on! That time was totally on purpose!”
“I’m not trying to poke you, you just won’t stop fucking moving!”
You hustled as best you could in your heels to try and see what was going on, hoping to diffuse the situation.
“I told you this was a stupid idea, Jisung, this is why girls are supposed to put them on.”
“Well neither of us have dates, asshole! So until you find me a girl to pin this to my fucking jacket instead of your clumsy ass-”
Minho turned away from his makeshift date to watch you finish your walk up the driveway, the clicking of your heels against the asphalt giving you away.
“Y/N! You look gorgeous! Did you put glitter in your hair?”
You smiled at Minho before giving him a nudge, taking the boutonnière from his hand and standing in front of Jisung.
“So do the two of you, I think the blood on Sungie’s tux really brings out his eyes,” you teased.
This set off another argument between Minho and Jisung and as they didn’t have the decency to wait until you weren’t standing right between them with a needle in your hands, you understood immediately why your fidgety friends were having such a hard time before you got there.
“Can the two of you shut up so Y/N can help?”
Two heads snapped in Changbin’s direction as you took this opportunity to finish your job.
“Awww,” Jisung started.
“Is Changbin trying to protect his girlfriend?” Minho finished.
You couldn’t snuff out the heat rising to your cheeks this time with your hands attached to the lapel in front of you, but you tried your absolute best to stifle your laugh. Tried.
You and Changbin’s relationship had been a long time coming and the rest of the boys loved teasing the two of you (but mostly Changbin, really) whenever affection was involved. It didn’t bother you and Changbin always remained unfazed, so the boys took that as a green light.
“Guys! Come on,” Jeongin whined. “My hair isn’t going to stay in this position for much longer!”
You went as fast as your heels allowed up Chan’s steep driveway with the boys right there beside you. Jeongin, the youngest of your friend group, was everyone’s weakness.
You squeezed into Hyunjin’s side, whispering apologies for any glitter that might get on him or his date standing in front of him.
Changbin came up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist, and pulled you into his body so that he could bring his pink lips directly in front of your ear.
“You look beautiful in black.”
“Y/N! Changbin! Save the kissing for after prom!”
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adverb-slut · 5 years
Operation: Pluck the Peacock (Fanfiction)
Uhm ... apparently this whole thing got deleted?  What?  Okay, here it is again.  Again, just a super dumb thing I wrote for fun!
Operation: Pluck the Peacock
The demon brothers face the immeasurably daunting challenge of trying to photograph Lucifer shirtless.
Fluff/Humor/Slice of Life
Word Count:
“Ahem! Ahem! ” Asmodeus chirped from the front of the R.A.D Council Room.  He rapped on the podium in front of him and frowned when he noticed the crowd of people that filled the room had yet to dispel their cacophony of chitchat.  “I said ahem! ”
With that, the remaining six Student Council members, as well as their President, Lord Diavolo, quieted down.
Asmo raised an eyebrow.  “You know, I thought at least you five—” he gestured toward Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, and Belphegor, “—would be eager to get this meeting started.”
Mammon gasped and smirked.  “No kiddin’—totally forgot what this was about for a second there, to be honest.”
Lucifer’s brow furrowed as he noticed the mischievous look that passed between Belphegor and Satan.  
Asmo grinned at his elder brother’s suspicion.
“I’m only here ‘cause Beel ate the router,” Levi grumbled, his head on his desk.  “I can’t play any games without connection and Barbatos said it’d be like, seven hours before he can get a chance to fix everything.”
“Belphie promised me a chocolate-covered cricket chip cookie if I went along with this!” Beel announced cheerfully.
Mammon turned around to face his brother and cocked his head.  “Only one cookie, Beel?  C’mon, I’d think ya’d rather take a steeper offer than that.  I mean—” his smirk only grew as he peeked at Lucifer, “—I think this is gonna be good, but it’ll probably get us in a buncha trouble, too.”
Beel lowered his head and frowned.  “I already ate the rest of the cookies in the box.  Belphie just promised me the last one if I helped you guys with this.”
Asmo snapped his fingers from the podium.  “That’s enough prattling from you two; we’ve got bigger matters to attend t—”
“Okay, I’ve had just about enough of this,” Lucifer decided.  He stood up from his chair as Diavolo watched him eagerly. “Why in the world did you call us here, Asmo?”
Asmodeus scowled.  “I was just about to get to that.”
“Well, don’t meander about your point and get to it, then.”  Lucifer sighed and sat back down.
Feeling rather ruffled, Asmo huffed and said, “I am.  In fact, we already sort of discussed this in a text message conversation awhile back.”  From his back pocket, he pulled out a small, cleverly folded square of paper.  Careful not to chip his nail polish, he unfolded the sheet to reveal a huge poster.
Lucifer rolled his eyes as he read aloud the bright, sparkly pink words on the said poster.  “Operation: Pluck the Peacock.”
“Translation—get Lucifer shirtless,” Satan clarified, closing his eyes and smiling in satisfaction.
“And photograph him,” Belphegor added, with an equally devious grin.
“And sell it!” Mammon concluded.
“The last part’s debatable,” Asmodeus admitted.  “He’s only saying that ‘cause he got so much cash off of Levi’s shirtless pic.”
Leviathan, who did not like to be reminded of his insurmountable internet fame from the picture of his toned swimmer’s body, scowled at Mammon.  “I still am gonna kill you for that.”
Mammon smiled sweetly in response.  “Yeah, and ya can bury me in the most expensive mausoleum there is, what with all the cash I made off of ya.”
Levi’s face grew red, but before he could lunge at his brother, Lord Diavolo rose from his chair, his face gravely serious.  
Lucifer looked incredibly pleased with Diavolo’s somber expression, while the other six demon brothers exchanged irritated glances, worried that the President would shoot their idea down.
“I must say, Asmo, this is a rather frivolous thing to bring to the Student Council floor,” Diavolo said.  As he saw six demon faces fall, he amended, “ But, frivolous is what we’re about here at R.A.D!”
“What? ” Lucifer blanched.  “No, we’re not.”  Attempting to regain his composure, he coughed and said, “With all due respect, Diavolo, this operation is a waste of time.”
Diavolo chuckled as he saw Lucifer’s pout.  “Oh come on, Lucifer, there’s no harm in it.  Besides,” he reasoned, “think of it as a test for you.  A test to see if you can avoid your brothers’ attempts to ‘pluck your peacock.’”
Asmodeus smirked, while Levi blushed and stuttered, “D—don’t say it like that!”
“Then it’s settled, then!”  Mammon cheered. “Operation: Pluck the Peacock is a go!”
“Okay, what’s our first order of business?” Satan asked, sitting at his desk, with Belphegor, Leviathan, and Mammon surrounding him.  He peered behind him and sighed. “You can’t eat any of those books, Beel.”
Beelzebub, who was poking around in Satan’s mountain of books, sighed despondently, saying “I was just checking,” before flopping onto the bed.
“If you say so.”  Satan rolled his eyes when he realized that the fifth-born demon was missing, as well.  “Asmo, come on.  This whole operation was your idea.”
“Hold on,” Asmodeus urged, as he too, nosed through Satan’s book collection.  “You really don’t have any fun magazines around here, do you?”
Mammon raised his eyebrows.  “Yeah, smarty-pants Satan’s gonna read some tabloidy stuff like that.  Now, get over here.”
“Oh, calm down,” Asmo replied as he pranced toward the group.  “I already have a foolproof idea.”
Belphegor yawned.  “Oh, so it’s Mammon-proof?”
“Keep talkin’ like that, Belphie,” Mammon warned.  “And I’ll lock ya back up in the attic, again!”
As if on cue, Beelzebub leaped off the bed and curled his hands into fists.  “You wouldn’t dare, Mammon.”
“Gah!  Cool it, Beel!  I was just kidding!”  Mammon yelped, backing into Levi, who growled irately.
Satan sighed.  “Alright, everyone be quiet.  Asmo, what was your idea?”
“Well, it wasn’t an idea, more like, a thought,” Asmo confessed.
Belphegor rolled his eyes.  “Do you even know the difference between a thot and a thought ?”
“Yes, good job, Belphie,” remarked Satan drily.  “Say two homonyms in spoken dialogue and expect us to know the difference.  Very nice.”  
Before Belphegor could hiss a reply, Beel sighed.  “Can everyone just please stop fighting? This whole thing was supposed to be a fun way to pass the time and this isn’t fun.”
Satan nodded.  “Beel’s right. Okay, Asmo, what was your thought ?”
“Well,” Asmodeus began.  “A while back Lucifer was helping me get ready—sometimes he has impeccable taste, you know—and when we went through my closet, I remember that he seemed to be especially fond of this dark blue silk undershirt that I have.  He didn’t say anything, but I could tell he wanted it.”
“That’s it?”  Mammon asked. “Ya wanted to brag about buyin’ silk undershirts?”
Satan massaged his forehead and conked Mammon on the head.  “How can you and your one brain cell miss the point so badly?”  He turned to Asmo and stroked his chin. “So, what you’re saying is, if you can lend him this undershirt and put him in a situation where he could damage it, he’ll take it off, revealing his chest underneath for us to photograph?”
“That’s right!” Asmodeus chirped.
“But what kind of situation would make Lucifer realize that he doesn’t want to ruin the silk and take off the shirt?” Beel wondered.
“We could throw him in a fire,” Belphie suggested, with an innocent grin that absolutely dripped malice.
While the rest of the brothers stared at Belphegor with gaping mouths, Satan snapped his fingers and nodded appreciatively.  “He’s got a point. I mean, we live in Hell—fire is in no short supply. It’s economical, at least.”
“… or we could do something milder,” Levi suggested.  “How about we have someone pretend to drown in R.A.D’s swimming pool and stage it so Lucifer walks by and has to save them?”
Mammon, who had some faith in his elder brother, wondered, “Would he really take time to strip off a silk shirt if someone was drownin’?”
“He’d better,” Asmo glowered.
“Fine.  I suppose that’s a feasible idea, too,” Satan said.  “But who will be the one to fake-drown in the pool?”
“Levi’ll do it,” Mammon, who was not thrilled with his younger brother’s constant death threats, offered.  “I mean, he’s the one who suggested it, after all.”
“I second that,” Belphie agreed.
“I’m not doing this, guys!” Leviathan argued.
“I third it,” Beel replied.  
“Still not gonna do it!” spat Levi.
“I four—” Asmo began before he was interrupted by Satan.
“—We only technically needed two affirmations for this to go through, and we’re wasting time.  Sorry Asmo,” Satan explained. “Alright, Levi, get your swim trunks and acting skills on, because it’s time for Operation: Pluck the Peacock, Attempt One: Drown the Fish!”
“I’m not supposed to represent a fis—” Leviathan insisted, but he was cut off as Beelzebub threw him onto his back and the six made their way over to R.A.D’s swimming pool.
“Guys, I just got a text from Lord Diavolo,” Asmo whispered as he, Mammon, Satan, Beel, and Belphie crowded behind the bleachers in the empty R.A.D natatorium, as they watched Leviathan bob up and down in the pool.  “He says when we get the shirtless pics of Lucifer, we should send them to him.”
Belphie scowled.  “I thought you were supposed to ask him if he could ask Lucifer to do some fake Student-Council-related stuff here by the pool.”
Asmodeus huffed.  “I did, and he said he would.  I just thought that information would be more interesting.”
“ Shh! ” hushed Satan when a loud rumble reverberated through the room.  “I hear something.”
Beel blushed.  “Sorry, that was me.”
“No, wait—I actually hear footsteps this time,” Mammon whispered, and sure enough, the group could hear footsteps through the natatorium’s door. 
“Levi!  Start drowning!”  Satan hissed.
“Whatever,” Levi mumbled as he quietly laid his head back in the water and tilted it back.  He mimicked gasping and stiffened his legs, remaining for the most part, quite quiet.
The brothers watched this natural display, before Belphie growled, “That’s not ‘drowning,’ Levi.”
“Yeah, you’ve got to play it up more!  Start coughing and spasming and screaming ‘n’ stuff!” Mammon called.
Leviathan scowled.  “Have you guys ever seen anyone drown before?  No one does that!”
“Do it anyway!  Lucifer doesn’t know that, and besides, there’s nothing wrong with being dramatique! ” Asmo encouraged.
Levi rolled his eyes and muttered, “Fine.”  He took a deep breath, and as soon as the natatorium door creaked open, he began to scream, “ Help!  Someone save me!  I’m drowning! I can’t breathe! ”  He thrashed around in the pool, making the normally stagnant water an array of waves.  
Lucifer walked in, deliberately, and ignoring the ‘drowning’ Levi, knelt down by the pool, took out a small beaker and strip from his pocket, and began to take samples of the water.
“Um, hello! ” Levi groused, splashing even more.  “ I said I’m drowning, here!  What do you think you’re doing?”
“Taking pH samples of the water for Diavolo,” Lucifer replied easily, carefully dribbling a drop of the pool water onto the pH strip.  
“Yeah, but I’m drowning!  Don’t you see me splashing and dying here? ” 
“Levi, you spend an unholy amount of time in your aquarium, are the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, and not to mention, can breathe underwater.  If you’re going to drown, do it with a little more class.”
“Oh.  Crap, you’re right.”
From behind the bleachers, Mammon shook his head, disheartened.  “I knew we were forgetting something,” he said, which earned him another bonk on the head from Satan.  He wheeled on his brother. “Quit it! Also, I’ve got another plan.  I call it Operation: Pluck the Peacock, Attempt Two: Boil the Bird!”
“How did you even know the code to get in here?” Satan wondered as he, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, and Asmodeus huddled behind a bookcase in Lucifer’s private study.  Leviathan, who caught a cold from spending so much time in the freezing R.A.D pool in their last expedition, couldn’t attend the next phase of the operation.
“Lucky guess,” Mammon shrugged, modest for once.  “And ya did turn the heat up all the way, right, Beel?”
“Yes,” Beel nodded.  “It was set to Light Burn in here before, but I switched it to Dante’s Inferno.  It’s going to take a few minutes to kick in.” 
Asmodeus frowned.  “If the heat ruins my hair, Mammon you’d better be ready to foot my salon bill.”
“Hey!  Why me?” argued the secondborn demon. 
“Because turning up the heat in Lucifer’s study to get him to take off his clothes was your lousy idea,” affirmed Asmo.
“Shut up, you two,” Belphegor hushed in irritation.  “Lucifer’s gonna come into his office any moment and he can’t know we’re in here.”
The five demons stood in silence as they heard footsteps approach the door.
As they heard the automated door slide open, Mammon gagged.  “Holy Father, I’m feelin’ it now—the heat.” A sweat broke out over his body and he fanned himself with his hand furiously.
Satan, who was considerably less sweaty, frowned at Mammon, as Lucifer walked into the room.
The brothers peeked at the eldest through empty spots in the bookcase and watched as Lucifer raised his eyebrows.
“That’s strange,” the firstborn muttered.  “I don’t remember turning the heat on in here.”  He shook his head and sat down at his desk. He worked quietly for a few minutes, before succumbing to the temperature and taking off his cape.
“One layer of clothing down,” Asmo whisper-sung.  “Two more to go.”
Satan nodded and wiped the perspiration off his brow.  “Beel, turn up the heat.”
“Okay.  I’ll set it to Inside of a Just-Cooked Pizza Roll—that’s even hotter than Dante’s Inferno.” Beel agreed.  “Mmm … Pizza Rolls.”  
As Beel turned the heater dial, Mammon slunk to the floor, moving the hair off his forehead and fanning himself even faster, trying to cool himself down.  “I’m beginnin’ to think this was a bad idea.”
Belphegor shook his head.  “I guess the ‘bird’ in Operation: Pluck the Peacock, Attempt Two: Boil the Bird was a ‘crow.’”
“Look, look,” Asmo ushered and gestured toward Lucifer, who was beginning to unbutton his vermillion vest.  “Inside of a Just-Cooked Pizza Roll is hot enough to make him take off another layer of clothing.”
Mammon put his head on his knees, beginning to strip off his clothes, as well.  “I don’t know how much more of this I can take, guys. My head’s startin’ to hurt, now.”
“Too bad,” Satan said unsympathetically as he dragged his brother, whose skin was turning red, off the ground.  “This was your idea.”
“And it seems to be working,” Belphie admitted.  “Beel, turn up the heat; we just need him to take off his shirt, now.”
Beel obediently turned toward the heater dial, again.  “The heat is now going from Inside of a Just-Cooked Pizza Roll to Seat Belt Tongue on a Hot Summer Day.”
The five brothers, all completely drenched in sweat, watched eagerly as Lucifer meticulously began to unbutton the black shirt that was the last layer of clothing on his torso.
But, as his red-nail-polished (sausage) fingers fumbled with the last button, there was a muffled gasp from Mammon as the secondborn collapsed.
Satan raised his eyebrows as he realized what had happened.  “Heatstroke. We’ve got to get him to the infirmary, now.”
Beel grabbed his brother and ushered the remaining three silently out the door of the study without Lucifer seeing them.  
“I guess even demons have their heat tolerances,” Asmo mumbled as the group marched down the House of Lamentation’s corridors, without a picture of Lucifer shirtless to show for their troubles.
“Operation: Pluck the Peacock, Attempt Three: Give Him a Cupcake is a terrible name, Beel,” Asmo sighed.  “All the other names for the attempts sounded mysterious—this one is just saying exactly what we’re going to do to him.”
Beel’s brows downturned and he looked down.  “Well, it doesn’t say what I’m going to do with the cupcake.”
Satan raised an eyebrow.  “The name literally says we’re going to ‘give’ it to him, Beel.”
“He means after that,” Belphie retorted, always quick to defend his twin.  “You can’t know that we’re gonna ‘accidentally’ smear the cupcake all down the front of Lucifer’s shirt after we give it to him just from the name.”
Asmo shrugged.  “This whole attempt lacks decorum if you ask me, but I guess it’s all we’ve got.”
“Hopefully your plan works, Beel,” Satan said.  “Mammon’s still in the infirmary and Levi won’t come out of his room since he’s nursing his cold, so we’re dropping like flies here and we still haven’t gotten the picture.”
Beel gulped, not enjoying the pressure that this whole ordeal put on him.  “I hope it works, too.” He fiddled with the frosted pink cupcake that he held in his hands, going against every single one of his instincts to eat it.
The four remaining demons stood aside in the R.A.D hallways, waiting for Lucifer to walk by after his daily meeting with Diavolo.
“Now, Beel,” Satan reminded his brother.  “When you end up smearing the cupcake on Lucifer, make sure you smash the frosting so that it gets on both his vest and the shirt underneath—aim for mostly the upper part of his torso.  It’s after school hours now, so he should be in his everyday clothes and not his uniform.”
Beel nodded, faithfully ignoring the growl of his stomach as he and his brothers waited for Lucifer to walk past them.  
After a few minutes, Belphie spotted a dark figure skulking down the hallway.  “There he is. Go, Beel.”
Beelzebub walked toward his brother and greeted, “Hey, Lucifer.”
Lucifer cocked his head in confusion but smiled demurely at him.  “Beel.”
Painfully, Beel reached out his hand and offered Lucifer the cupcake.  “H—here.” He could barely make out the words; how could he possibly give away food?  “You … you can have this.”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.  “You? Offering me food, Beel?”  He made the connection between this gesture and the operation instantly, and his smile widened.  He pushed Beel’s hand away, and in his gentlest tone said, “No, thank you. Please take it for yourself.”
Beel’s eyes widened in excitement.  “Really?”
Lucifer nodded.  “Yes.” He pulled his brother close and spoke quietly.  “In fact, Beel, drop this whole operation and I’ll buy you a dozen cupcakes.”
Beelzebub stepped away, realizing Lucifer’s ploy.  “I—no, I … can’t.” His stomach growled loudly in protest.
“Two dozen, then.”  
“I—I—I can’t—”
“Three dozen.  And all of the ‘dozens’ will be baker’s dozens.”
“ … Fine.”
From afar, Satan watched Lucifer walk away with Beel and hissed, “That snake.”
Belphegor frowned and stomped on his foot.  “Hey.”
“Not Beel,” Satan reassured.  “Lucifer just stole one of our team members.”
Asmodeus shook his head.  “And now there’s just us three remaining.”  His eyes lit up deviously. “You know what that means, don’t you?”
“If you suggest a threesome, Asmo, I’ll end you,” Belphegor warned.  
Asmo retorted, “Um, excuse me, if I was going to suggest anything like that, I’d do it when there were more of us together so we could do it orgy-style.”
“Well, what were you going to suggest, Asmo?” queried Satan.
Asmodeus grinned deviously.  “Actually I was going to suggest a threesome—Ow! Belphie, kick me again, I dare you!  Anyway, but now I just thought of the answer to getting Lucifer to take his shirt off—sex.”
Belphegor and Satan exchanged a look.  “ … What?” they chorused.
“Just leave it to me.  I propose, Operation: Pluck the Peacock, Attempt Four: Get the Cock!”
“This isn’t going to work,” Belphie remarked drily.  He and Satan were poised outside Lucifer’s room, in which Asmo was alone with Lucifer.
Satan shook his head.  “I know. I don’t know what he’s thinking, trying to seduce Lucifer like this.  We know the only person that can make Lucifer go boing! is D— ”
“Wait—shh … I hear something.”  Belphegor had his head pressed up against Lucifer’s door and raised his eyebrows.  “Holy Father … I think … I think I hear Asmo’s ‘Sexy Time’ playlist on the speakers.”
The fourth-eldest brother scrunched his nose.  “You don’t think …?”
Belphegor blanched as he heard Lucifer’s voice through the door.  He repeated the words back to Satan, saying, “‘Oh, Asmo … I’m going to make you feel so many things …’”  His eyes widened. “I hear footsteps, and they’re getting closer. Holy Father, Holy Father, someone’s coming to lock the door.”  He turned to Satan, his eyes wild. “They’re gonna do it!”
“Oh, my …” Satan gulped as he too, heard the footsteps draw near.  “Perhaps we should go.”
Belphie looked conflicted.  “I don’t kn—”
Before he could get very far, the door to Lucifer’s room swung open and Lucifer—fully clothed—marched out, not noticing the two eavesdroppers standing sentinel at his threshold.
“And all of those things I said you’d feel—” Lucifer said, his voice menacingly smooth, as he made his way over to Asmodeus’ room, wielding a rather large, rather sharp pair of scissors.  “—are all going to be variants of pain .”
Asmo sprinted out after him, his face red with exertion.  
Satan flew onto his feet.  “What happened?”
The fifth-born demon paused in his race to say, “He was totally into it—I swear!  Or at least, I thought he was until he said ‘Oh, Asmo … I’m going to make you feel so many things …’ and then walked out with a pair of scissors.  He said he’s gonna cut up all my clothes! I think he knows it was all a plot!” With that, he continued to sprint after Lucifer.
“ … Or maybe he just didn’t want to fool around with Asmodeus,” Belphegor reasoned.
Satan nodded.  “That’s more likely.  And besides … Asmo should be glad Lucifer’s gonna slice up all his clothes.  That way they’re more revealing—which is what he likes, anyway.”
“Yeah, but there goes another member of our team.”   Belphie squinted his eyes at Satan. “Looks like it’s just you and me.”
“ … seems that way.  Any ideas for the next attempt?”
“Hm, well, I think I have one, then.”
“ … I can’t believe we didn’t think of this before,” Belphie sighed.  “This way is so much easier.”
Satan bobbed his head.  “Yes, Operation: Pluck the Peacock, Attempt Five: Unleash the Magic should be our easiest try, yet.”  He flipped open his spellbook. “What’s really impressive is that I’ve magically found a super-convenient, super-specific curse that instantly vaporizes someone’s shirt and only their shirt through a blast of heat but only if its aimed properly at their heart.”
“Better not show that to Asmo,” Belphegor warned.  “Vaporizing shirts sounds like something he could easily take advantage of.”
Satan pointed to a section of the text in the book.  “No need to worry about that; it says right here that the spell is one-time use only.  Once it’s incanted, the spell can never be used again.”
“Huh, the book also says that if the produced heat isn’t directed at the heart, the heat won’t function as it’s supposed to—that is, to vaporize clothes—but will work as regular heat and cause a fire using whatever the user pointed at as fuel,” Belphie read.
“We have to get this right on the first try, then.  Asmo’s usually the designated photographer, but since he’s too busy crying over his ruined clothes, you better have your D.D.D out to take a picture of Lucifer as I say the spell,” ordered Satan.
Belphie pulled out his device.  “Got it.”
“Alright.” The pair were huddled behind a couch in the Common Room.  Lucifer was seated on the couch across from them. “I’m going to incant the spell right here.  The tip of my pointer finger should glow fiery orange once I’m done. Then, I’ll get up from behind this couch and point my glowing finger at Lucifer’s heart.  I’ll say the release command for the spell, which should cause the heat from my fingers to zoom toward Lucifer and vaporize his shirt. Afterward, you take the picture.”
Belphegor nodded.
Satan continued and muttered aloud from his spellbook, “ In eaque faciam ignis / ignis ardens et lucens tam secura / ut hac flamma quae mando ad conflandum / quem legeret furore libare. ”  With this, Satan rose, his fingertip burning hot with the spell.
Lucifer, who had been studying a page of music on the other Common Room couch, widened his eyes in confusion, as Satan pointed his finger at his brother’s heart.  “What in the Celestial Realm—”
“Hey, everyone!  Your favorite brother Mammon has been released from the infirmary and can now stay in the comforts of his own bed!” was heard from the hallway, just as Satan shouted, “Release command: adolebitque!”  
However, when Satan heard the caterwaul that was Mammon’s voice, he turned behind him to see the commotion.  This caused his entire body—and therefore, the position of his poised finger—to shift. The heated, released spell burst from his fingers and zoomed toward a hand mirror that Asmodeus had left on the coffee table earlier. 
Belphie dutifully snapped a picture of the spell’s effects once it reflected off the mirror and came barreling back at him who incanted it and lit Satan’s hair on fire.
“Belphegor,” Satan said through gritted teeth and he tried to fan out the inferno that was his head.  “Delete that photo immediately.”
Well, Operation: Pluck the Peacock was a bust, Belphie thought sleepily, just awakening from a nap in the Music Room.  Normally, his favorite spot to sleep was the Planetarium, but he had been doing his schoolwork and the Music Room helped him concentrate.  Everyone just gave up, it seems, due to some reason or another.  Too bad—having a shirtless picture of Lucifer would be excellent blackmail.
It was nighttime, and Belphegor figured he should be warm in his bed, but he had been kept on his toes all day with the whole operation, and he felt too tired to pry open his eyes and meander back to his room.
So he lay there, half-asleep on one of the Music Room chairs until he heard footsteps wander into the room.
Who the Hell is that? he wondered.  Most of those guys are usually asleep by now.  He opened one of his eyes slightly and closed it immediately when he saw who it was and what they were wearing.  Holy crap, Lucifer doesn’t wear a shirt to bed.  Opening his eyes a crack, he stared in amazement at his brother’s shirtless form as he scrounged the Music Room for what Belphegor assumed to be some late-night classical music; Lucifer, being the ex-Angel of Music, was easily soothed by calming tunes.
Careful not to make any sudden movements, Belphie reached into his sweater pocket and pulled out his D.D.D, ready to take a picture.  Only, as soon as he clicked the button to capture the image, a loud click resounded throughout the room.  
Crap, crap, crap, I forgot to turn off my ringer.
Lucifer, who had just noticed Belphegor’s body slouched in one of the chairs from the noise, sprinted over to his brother as he realized what had occurred.
The firstborn brother grinned maliciously, suddenly transforming into his demon form as he politely spat, “Delete that.  Now.”
Diavolo shook his head in disappointment at the Student Council members the next day.  “I assume from your faces that Operation: Pluck the Peacock was a bust?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Satan muttered, shaking his head.  “Even with all of us together, none of us could get Lucifer to take his shirt off.”
Mammon shrugged.  “Hey, the Great Mammon totally could’ve done it, y’know!”
“You literally passed out because of heat.  What kind of demon does that?”  Asmo retorted.
“And don’t count me among all you who failed,” Belphie argued.  “I actually got a shirtless Lucifer picture.  Until he made me delete it, that is.” He turned to glare at brother.
Asmo let out a pertinent hmph and grumbled, “Killjoy.”
Diavolo’s eyes widened.  “Wait—is that true, Lucifer?  Your brothers did complete their challenge?”
“I don’t consider catching me in my pajamas and taking a picture to be ‘completing the challenge,’ Diavolo,” Lucifer reasoned, ignoring the angry stares of his brothers.  “I believe the whole point was for them to cause me to have my shirt off, not me having it off regardless.”
“We never really specified the details,” Beel admitted, after a moment of silence.
Levi looked up from his D.D.D, where he had been playing a mobile gacha game, since Barbatos had fixed the router.  “Yeah, so that technically means that we can clarify the rules, now, if we want.”
Satan nodded and rubbed his chin.  “That’s right. I vote we make it so that we could have photographed Lucifer shirtless, regardless of his reason for being so.”
“I second that,” Belphie agreed.
“I third it,” Beel replied.  
“I four—” Asmo began before he was interrupted by Diavolo.
“—Sorry for cutting you off, Asmodeus, but we only technically needed two affirmations for this to go through,” said Diavolo, his face lighting up.  “That settles it. Lucifer, since you wrongfully deprived me—I mean, your brothers—of a shirtless picture of you yesterday during Operation: Pluck the Peacock, I hereby declare that you must grace us with your glorious shirtless figure right here and now in the R.A.D Council Room!”
As the six brothers cheered, Lucifer’s eyes widened.  “I most certainly will not!”
“You must!  It’s an order!” Diavolo countered.
Lucifer frowned and blushed.  “ … Fine. Just … don’t take any photographs.  I’d rather not have this ridiculous event emblazoned across the internet.”
Once Lucifer had unbuckled the belt of his robelike school uniform and undid the buttons, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor and Diavolo all whipped out their D.D.Ds and captured the most ethereal image of all—Lucifer’s abs.
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the-crowess · 3 years
Altrovough: Adventure on Every Horizon
Chapter 1: Out of the Dark I hadn't been playing for six months. Not because it had become too expensive. Not because work became too much for me. Not because I got a significant other. Not because the community was bad or anything like that. No, I hadn't played in six months because my avatar was stuck in a trap.
            There are glitches, you see. Somehow in this modern VR experience there are still glitches. And with glitches comes assholes who use those glitches to their advantage.
            So, here's what happened to me: Me and my party went into a dungeon. We split up. Two went one way, two went the other, and I (though I protested) was by myself. Even though I had a lantern when I walked down into the hallway it was completely black. That should have been my first clue that this was a trap of some sort. My lantern still had fire, but no light was being produced from it. Being promised treasure and being a dumbass, I continued forward into the dark. After walking just far enough into the hallway to make the doorway disappear, I sprung a tile trap.
            The floor beneath me sloped downward and I fell rolling after it. Head over heels I fell until I smacked my face and passed out.
            I woke up in chains. I was propped up against a wall. My wrists above my head were on short chains, and my ankles on longer chains.
            Okay, I thought, no biggy. I'll just restart the day.
            Okay, so that didn't work. Which is weird... I'll call my party members...
            No service? What the fuck? That's not even an element in this game!
            Well, uh, okay I guess I'll just bust out of these—rusty—old—chains!
            After exhausting my options, then exhausting them again I logged off.
For months I kept receiving messages that players were interacting with my avatar, so I would log on, only for them to laugh at me and be utterly and completely unhelpful.
            My party visited me four separate times. And all of those times were to make fun or my misfortune, even though they knew that ANYTIME they could unlock the chains and release me. The first time it was all of them together. The captain Jockster (or Jerkstar as I call him) had squatted down in front of me and said, "this is what you get, you know. Playing this way has consequences. Thanks for taking one for the team." Then he had laughed like the drug addicted jackass he was. The others laughed with him. The second time it was only Aliciandria (our rouge) and Marlquan (our cleric). They had been discussing what to do with me when Alicandria accidentally kicked my foot and I responded, and I woke up to them talking about if they should just kill me so that they wouldn't have to worry about how people were judging them for not helping me. The third time it was just Havanio (the sorcerer). He woke me up, then sat across from me and said nothing for an hour. He just sat there like a fucking douchebag and looked at me like I was some caged beast put there for his entertainment. And the last time doesn't matter.
            Players of all kinds and from all districts would stop by only to laugh at me. I became a joke, and even more that that I became a meme! Screenshots of my avatar hanging there like a prisoner spread all over the internet. To add to my torture, a player whose avatar was a homely goblin woman would harass me constantly.
            Behind the happy smile of someone who literally baked cookies for visitors was a demented maniac. This guy—I know she is a he because he fucking DM'd me dick pics. I think he harassed me for three reasons: 1) I fell right into his trap 2) My avatar is a hot man and I think Little Miss Goblin Man is gay or more likely bi and uncomfortable with his sexuality 3) I think he thought he figured out that the gender of my avatar and the gender of myself might not be the same, and he was definitely trying to intimidate me. This asshole physically and sexually harassed my avatar, and I couldn't even report it!
            Not like I didn't try to report it—when I did the staff would send in an NPC (Non-Player Character) and see literally nothing. So, in this trap: it's a glitch mixed with a non-invasive virus; meaning the virus only effects this one spot and not the whole server or game. It can't get into your computer. It like can't get past the firewalls or something I don't really know.
            So, not only did this jack-wad figure out a way to trap me, but he also figured out how to keep his dirty deeds hidden from the staff. For almost three months I continued to check in. Two weeks after the initial incident I jumped at every UAN (Unconscious Avatar Notification) but I quickly learned that nobody wanted to help me, they all just wanted to see if the rumors were true and maybe get a picture. Eventually I stopped responding and eventually my avatar fell out of the popular meme rotation.
BEEP. BEEP. UAN! Someone's interacting with your character! 😊
BEEP. BEEP. UAN!! Someone's interacting with your character.
BEEP. BEEP. UAN!!! Respond you asshole! You should log on!
"Uhg! Fine!"
I left my lunch (thinking I would return to it real soon) and went to my game room to log on.
I woke to a girl poking my cheek. I snapped at her fingers.
"Oh! Fuck!" She pulled her hand away, shaking off the close call, "you're hard to wake up! Not much for answering your UAN's huh?"
Standing over me was a girl of maybe nineteen. Her clothes draped and flowed about figure in Cleric glory. Great. A fucking cleric. She wouldn't've stood out more. Dark skin with undoubtably "sea green" eyes. Her hair was done up in some completely unattainable style that was loopy with braids and pigtails sectioned into pompoms; it was a shade of maroon that says, "I'm a supporting character, but I want to think I'm a main character!"
"Is it true you've been down here six months?"
"Out. Of. Game. I've been 'down here' six months out of game."
"Holy cow, man! That's a while."
"Did you need something?"
"Excuse me?"
I made cold eye contact with her, "Did. You. Need. Something?"
"Uh... wellllllll, I heard a rumor that there was some poor fuck stuck down here who can't get himself out."
"Oh. Fantastic." An awkward silence split between us, "well, thanks for stopping by. Take a screenshot, it'll last longer."
She stared blankly at me, "no. I think you misunderstand. I'm here to help you."
"I'm here to help you."
I couldn't think. Couldn't fathom this thing unfolding in front of me, "what?"
She began to fiddle with the chains on my wrist.
"Wait, no!"
She looked down at me the way a mom would look at her two-year-old who says he doesn't want to eat mashed potatoes because they have eyes and he doesn't want to eat mashed eyeballs.
"Wait." As my heart pounded loudly in my chest, I asked her, "what do you want from me? Like, you—you can't just want to let me go. You must want something from me."
She sat back down on her heels and looked away, her lips followed her eyes away from me and back, and she said, "Well, no. Not really. Like I said: I heard there might be some poor fuck who was trapped and couldn't get out on his own. I thought for my first adventure, I'd go get 'im." Then she went right back to messing with the chains.
I laughed and shook my head.
She stood up and put her hands on her hips, pouting. Lordy, she was cute. The puzzled look on her face gave me some hope that maybe she might actually be able to save me. With a huff she sat down again and confessed, "you're the only reason I got this game. You're a meme, a legend. You're so classic that you're practically nonexistent. Every time this game comes up in social media you're mentioned. On all the subreddits, and in the deepest parts of tumblr—you're there. I just had to come see if you were real, and I was—and still am—planning that if you were actually here that I would help you out."
"No catch?"
"No catch."
I smiled to myself, knowing now that it was I who had the advantage. I could use her. After all, every party needs a healer. Now I just had to make sure she wouldn't ditch me anytime soon. "Are you sure you don't want to try and find a catch? I was a level 52 before this whole ordeal."
She perked up, "what's your level now, cowboy?"
"What?! You're so dilapidated and all your equipment was stolen. H-HOW?"
"Cause I'm just that awesome." This should do it.
"I've changed my mind!"
"I want you as a bodyguard! For two years—"
"One year."
"Alright, one year." She looked like she wanted to ask me to shake on it, but then thought better of it, "can I please help you out now?"
Very quickly, and with very little trouble she released me from my chains. Bruises and scars tattooed my wrists and ankles. How the coding of this game works is literally so fucking far beyond me. I pulled my limbs into myself, feeling the stiff resistance of time.
"Can you get up?"
Without needing to consider it I said, "no, I don't think so. Do you have any potions that will give me a boost?"
"Oh yes! I knew that if I found you, you'd need medical help immediately, so I spent all the gold from my—"
"All your gold??? Are you stupid?"
"Whaaaa? I-I... I—just—"
"Whatever. We'll figure it out. What potions do you have?"
She nodded very curtly, and pulled up her bag contents and read them off to me: "fifteen Good Health Potions, fifteen Great Health Potions, fifteen Fantastic Health Potions, ten Boost 'Ems, seven Leaves Of Health, two Gladiator Liquid Bandages and two Beats of Life. What'll it be?"
"Gimme a Boost 'Em."
She tapped on the icon and a Boot 'Em materialized in her hand. She put it out to me, but when I grabbed for it, she pulled away. I of course made eye contact with her, thinking she was gonna pull a fast one on me. Instead she said, "Valhalla."
"What?" My immediate confusion fell away into fear. This must be a trick. But why would she do that? It doesn't make any sense. I'm clearly smarter than her. It's me that's tricking her, why would she—
"That's my name. Valhalla."
The interruption of my panicked thinking threw me off guard. That's a stupid name. Before I could tell her how stupid I thought her name was she put the Boost 'Em in my hand.
Taking the potion, I had trouble removing the cork. Valhalla silently offered her help, but I shooed her away. I grumbled something about how I was perfectly capable of doing it myself.
With much effort and significant struggling, I yanked the cork out and threw it over my shoulder. Only for it to bounce off the wall and back into my lap. With the kind of drunken vigor seen at taverns I swallowed the creamy blue liquid. The moment it touched my lips, a feeling of power hit me like caffeine in a low-calorie energy drink. Going down my throat it felt like warm milk and honey. Electrifying energy flowed outward from my middle. It snaked its way through my arms and legs. It made my fingers and toes tingle like pins and needles.
I leapt up, a new man. I knew this wouldn't last long, and I knew that later this would end up hurting me more, but fuck.
Fuck this feels good.
"Do you have any weapons?"
"Uh, yeah." Valhalla pulled up her bag again and tapped on the Equipment tab. "What do you want?"
There were certainly more weapons than should have been in her bag if she had just started, let alone had spent all her starter gold on potions. I chose to ignore this. "I'll take the mace." I reached up and engaged with the weapon. The heavy steel handle materialized in my outstretched hand. By the look on her face, it must have been the first time Valhalla had seen anyone engage. I'm glad I was able to be the one to show her, in all the glory I could muster.
"This is a pretty nasty weapon, baby." I swung it a couple of times, feeling the weight; testing the blow power.
"I picked it up because I liked the color!"
I laughed, "I guess I overlooked the purple steel, but this will do nicely."
"Nicely for what?"
"Do me a favor, doll. You see that door over there? Go knock."
"Okay, but," she came right up close to me and stuck her face in mine, "I'm not a fucking doll."
I followed her as she warily walked to the door of the goblin woman's kitchen. Valhalla knocked timidly on the door.
"Come in!" The goblin wench cooed, "I just baked some fresh cookies! We can pose next to the body if you want!"
I caught Valhalla frown and furrow her brows at "the body".
Oh how sweet this will taste, I thought as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I passed in front of Valhalla whispering, "stay back."
I slid through the open door. The goblin hag had her back to me, this couldn't have been planned more perfectly. I crept up behind her with my mace raised above my head and my six-foot-five shadow engulfed her. She turned around with horror, a tray of cookies in hand. Her eyes widened and she tensed as if she were to scream.
But I didn't give her a chance.
"Your actions have consequences."
I let the mace fall down upon her head. The crack of her skull resonated harmoniously with the clang of the cookie sheet on the ground. Giddy joy sprung forth from me as I smashed the mace into her again and again. The second blow shattered her ribcage. Her ribs sprang up and splintered through her tissue. Smashing her hands made her fingers pop off, they flew in all directions. A blow to her thigh created a fountain. Warm blood hit my bare chest, my exposed legs. It splattered on my face. It coated my hands. It made the mace slippery in my hands. Her blood soaked what little was left of my shorts. It sprayed the walls, the kitchy table and chairs, the coffee pot and baking ingredients. Blood decorated the cookies that now laid scattered on the floor. 
Satisfied by the pulpy mound of oozing, squirting flesh and bone I subsided. Reaching down, I tore a blood-soaked rag from her dress. Turning to the wall I wrote LEAVE.
Standing back, I let out a heavy sigh. The effects of the Boost 'Em would soon wear off. I turned around and cracked my neck. I looked over in Valhalla's direction, but over her head. "I need some new clothes." I declared.
She stared at me. Her eyes pulled mine in and her mouth morphed into a grin, "fuck. YEAH!"
"Dude she called you 'the body'. And we both know that she was the reason you were stuck down here. Plus: THAT WAS AWESOME!!! I am so glad I came to find you! Best $130 dollars I ever spent." She then ran up and hugged me. The contact made me tense up.
I shook out of her embrace, "let's get out of this dungeon."
She led the way out. It was different from the way I had come in. We walked down the hallway that I had stared at for so long, hoping that somebody, anybody would come for me. Not ten feet into the tunnel we turned a corner and there was the exit. My stomach dropped. I felt sick.
It had been so close the whole time. Learning this made me want to revive that sonofabitch just to kill her all over again.
Emerging into the sunlight hurt my eyes. I was blinded.
What a sight we must have been. Myself: six-five, soaked in blood, starved, almost naked. Her: small, sweet-looking, fresh-faced, and not a drop of blood on her.
I still couldn't really see when somebody started talking. "Hey, are you guys okay?"
"Oh, we're fine," Valhalla sang sweetly sang sweetly next to me. At that very moment, I lost all my energy. My health bar plummeted, and sirens rang through my headset. My vison flashed red. I fell to the ground.
The group that had approached watched, alarmed. Valhalla looked like she wanted to eat her words.
Stupid girl. She had no idea what to do.
I had fifteen seconds before I'd die. This had happened once before when my former party and I had just started the game. We got attacked by a level 20 dragon and one strike had me seeing red.
10 seconds.
They were bickering about the best course of action. They had no idea I was on the brink of death. Valhalla stared at me looking like a lost idiot.
The sky began to spin. Valhalla's blurry silhouette swayed above me.
Did she forget about all that stuff she bought? How many gaming hours did she log before she came to find me? Did she even go on the tutorial adventure? I mean, you can technically skip it, but—
"BEAT." I coughed out then my head lolled.
The party erupted into tense panic.
5 seconds.
Oh please, please Valhalla. Please don't let me die. After all, you told me you came to save me. So save me!
Just as if she could hear my internal pleas, a beat was shoved in my mouth and my jaw forced upward from the outside to crush it. The juicy tuber gushed in my mouth. I felt Valhalla's hand on my lips, pressing down to keep everything in. I'd heard rumors of the experience of Beat of Life. Some players said they almost wish their party members would have let them die. The juice was hot, potent, and sour. So sour is made my jaw ache. It felt like someone was twisting a wheel, making my jaw tighter and tighter. My teeth felt like they were going to pop out of their gums. It burned my throat, made my eyes water and my nose run. My stomach did not want to accept it. I wanted to throw up, but I couldn't move. Hot flashes waved through my body. An ocean of churning heat pushed and pulled at my organs, my brain. I could feel myself sweating. Growing hotter by the moment. My head swam. My limbs grew numb. I passed out.
I was saved. Unconscious, but saved.
But Valhalla didn't know that. Stupid girl, skipping the tutorial. What was she thinking? Guess I'd have to ask her when I woke up.
And so I took off my headset and it was dusk.
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