#and watched all the documentaries he was in
heartysworld · 2 days
Family Tradition || Lando Norris x Reader
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A/N: Honestly, I don't even know where this idea cake from I've been feeling nostalgic recently and I thought back to when I myself watched a wildlife documentary and it made me feel bad for the poor babies. Also please know that this hasn't been proofread yet so it's possible to have a mistake here and there!
Hopefully you enjoy this one, feedback and reblogs are deeply appreciated!
W. C.: 1k+
"Baby look at him, he's so cute!" You exclaimed, looking at the tiny creature that sat at the palm of your hand.
Next you, Lando was just as smitten with the baby turtle in his hand. You could see the tender look of his eyes as his pointer finger went over the shell of the tiny creature whose fins moved in all possible directions.
" How do you know it's a him? For all we know it could be a she!" Your fiance said with a small laugh.
"Call it female intuition.''
"Okay everyone, it's time to get these little guys back to their natural habitat. On 3, everyone can release their baby turtle and we're going to move back a bit so that they have the space they need to craw towards the water!" One of the men responsible for the release of the baby turtles explained while everyone got ready.
All this began as a silly joke between you and Lando about a year ago when you watched a documentary about sea turtles and the hardship the newly hatched babies face when it's time for them to go into the water.
When Lando came home from the gym to find you crying like a baby in front of the TV he couldn't help but laugh when he heard the reason for your tears.
" Oh baby come here." He said as his arms embraced you in a warm hug, the aroma of his freshly applied cologne invading your senses.
"Look at them! They're so sweet and tint and most of them won't even get a change to feel the water!" You continued, sobbing like a baby. " I wish I could do something to help them." You added just as another sob escaped your mouth.
Your then boyfriend felt bad even though he had to fault for the emotions that you were going through. One of his hands ce up to your cheeks, wiping away the falling tears with a tender touch and followed by a gentle kiss on your temple.
"Look at me, baby. I know that's something we can't prevent. But how about this, one day I promise you that we'll go to one of those palces where they help baby turtles find their way to their home. What do you say?" Lando asked, his chin coming to rest atop your head while you nuzzled your face closer to his chest.
"Really? You'd do that for me?" You asked, your voice a bit unclear due to Lando's sweatshirt being in the way. You felt him nod before both his hands took a gold of your face, making you look him in the eyes.
" I'd do whatever I can to make you happy, baby. You should know this by now. Or should I be worried?" He asked playfully, making you swat at his chest for what he just said.
Ever since that day the topic of doing what he promised always somehow found its way in your conversations. That's also how it came to be Lando's present for you after your engagement. A trip to a resort in Bali, but not just any resort but one that specifically offers the chance for those interested to volunteer on the process of releasing baby turtles in the ocean.
"Come on little guy, it's time to go home." You said as you watched the baby turtle crawl off your hand and slowly start swatting at the sand that surrounded it. Meanwhile Lando watched your expression and the reactions that followed, having already released his baby turtle.
A small tear fell down your check and he wasted no time pulling you close to him go provide you with the comfort you needed during such an emotional moment.
"Don't worry Lan, this time these are happy tears." You murmured close to his chest while his hands caressed your soft hair.
" That's all I need to know,baby. Your happiness is what matters most." He said as he felt a sense of pride bloom inside his chest. He was happy to finally be able to do something he knew would make you truly happy and content. A small thank you for all the support and sacrifices you've made to remain by his side during the time you've been together.
"Maybe we can make this a family tradition. You know...come here one day with our children and do this all over again." He suggested, making a small smile appear on your lips as the thought of him being a father and you a mother, sharing such a precious moment with your family, popped up in your mind.
" I like the way you think baby. I like it a lot." You said, patting his chest as he let out a quiet laugh.
Who would've thought sobbing over a wildlife documentary would lead to the appearance of an unique and memorable family tradition for decades to come.
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Feel free to send any requests through my asks!
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hardknifeplays · 3 days
'*•.¸♡ relationship with könig: headcanons ♡¸.•*'
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tags: gn!reader x könig, he's older than you, mostly domestic, nsfw-ish!
NOTE: Please do NOT repost anywhere | reblog, likes, and comments are appreciated! ♡
✧ the beginning of the relationship was a bit difficult, he was so used to the hard and rough military life. knowing he has a higher rank in his team, he treated you like you're his subordinates, not his partner.
✧ he was too commanding until you snapped and brought him back to reality one day. you told him that when he's with you he's not supposed to act and/or treat you the way he treats his soldiers in the field.
✧ that was the first time he saw you snapping at him, and it scared the life out of him. he never thought someone whose figure was so small compared to him could be THAT fiery and going against him.
✧ he was a bit pushy and almost always forced you to do whatever he suggested (about anything, really), and let's say he was not on his best behavior back then. you realized you shouldn't let a man step on you like this, especially when you're his partner.
✧ you dared yourself to be more vocal and direct to him. it worked; you told him where he was wrong and how you wanted him to improve next time. sure, he still made some slip-ups but he definitely got better.
✧ he told you he was sorry for the way he treated you, he was never good with communication. he never wanted to be mean to you, and you saw major changes within him from that point.
✧ he started to show his gentle and clingy side, you almost forgot that this is the same man who was a little too stern to you a few months ago.
✧ morning sex is a MUST, inhaling your natural scent from behind while his hips are drilling against your ass is the best way to start a morning.
✧ his love language is eating together with you. either eating some meals made by you, made by him, or even take-outs, he always wants to eat with you. if you're not hungry? well, he can tell his stomach to hold the hunger a bit just for you.
✧ this man LOVES dirty jokes and puns you throw at him. always get him all flustered and red like a fucking tomato. run your mouth, sweetheart, this Austrian giant is head over heels for you even more! ;)
✧ he's becoming more and more vocal and open about his feelings and thoughts to you, despite feeling extra anxious whenever he did so. soon he realized that you're here to listen to him, and not to judge him.
✧ the most romantic moments happens after work, you're serving him a cup of coffee or tea while he's resting himself on the dinner table. you two will spend the rest of the evening talking about your day, his day, and sometimes some gossips in your or his office. drinking tea while spilling some tea, if you will. 🍵
✧ the man is a massive science nerd 😅 he's subscribing to youtube channels like michael reeves, kurzgesagt, and NileRed. he'd love to watch science documentaries with you until both of you fall asleep.
✧ he loves it when you rely on him. need some new, exclusive collector edition books? he's here to pay, even the hardcover ones! need new lipstick or makeup? take him to sephora and make yourself pretty with his cash, darling. need new PC components? he'll spoil you and make you an amazing PC setup!
✧ besides the material things, he loves you even more when you cling to him like a baby koala when you're anxious or feeling unsafe in general. he loves being a big man for his dearest love.
✧ he's quite busy, and his line of work is highly demanding for his presence. he's a colonel, leading missions and he even goes to his office or shooting range on weekends or holidays. his hard work paid off, and he kept being promoted to higher positions.
✧ loves it when you asks him about his job. what is he doing? what is a “human battering ram”? he's willing to answer some grime questions from you, e.g. is he becoming insensitive to see gruesome death? is human blood really THAT red and fresh? is he afraid of the ghosts of the enemies he had killed? etc.
✧ sometimes he comes home looking frustrated, and it scares you a bit. worried that he'd back to his old self, the overly stern and authoritarian asshole. but then you know that his frustration is not directed at you, but rather to whoever the hell managed to piss him off at the office.
✧ you can soothe him in two ways: calm him down by talking him out through it and bathe him (unless he requests some alone time to sort his thoughts), or being his obedient fucktoy for him to release all that pent-up anger. you choose :)
✧ he'd consume you whole if he sees you with bodycon dress or any tight clothing. it turns him into an animal.
✧ always asks for pictures whenever you're away from him. say things like, "i want to see how well your dress/shirt is hugging your figure, love." ; "you'd look gorgeous with that makeup/style."
✧ plenty of nicknames for you: feisty firecracker, honeybee, sweetface, schnucki (means 'sweetie' in german), schatz, Schmetterling (butterfly), my love, my darling, my dearest angel, my sweet, ... etc.
✧ if you happen to be someone from outside of german speaking country, he'd teach you some german. mostly curses and dirty words, though. hehe.
✧ he'd love to bring you to his hometown in salzburg. he'd take you to makartsteg (lovers lock) bridge and seeing the mountains, and he's so excited to introduce you to local foods and drinks.
✧ he'd love to be your biggest motivator whenever you feel lazy to do something. got some homework or tasks you need to finish, but didn't want to? he'd say, "do it and I'll reward you in the bedroom, schatzi."
✧ if you two are already talking about marriage... he'd be so nervous about meeting your parents, especially if you have extremely different cultures as him. he's a grown man with a great income that surely can sustain you two, which you're sure that your parents wouldn't mind about.
✧ his biggest concern about starting a family with you is your safety, knowing how often he's deployed. being one of the best operators in his team meant he'd constantly be called to missions, sometimes to a region or country that you'd never heard of before. he always tell you to pray for him, so he can come back to you alive AND intact.
✧ he wants three kids. and if that's too much for you, he won't complain either. he just thinks that three is a sweet spot for him.
hehe that's it! hope you enjoy this as much as i do.
━ sincerely, hardknifeplays.
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writingfromasgard · 3 days
Price's woman being an absolute terror for the boys. It's not that she's mean.. she's strange. She knows too much about topics she shouldn't. Price is too good of a soldier to let those details slip and he always said he never brings home work.
One day they're having a 'family' dinner, whiskey included. You're perched on Price's lap (because the boys are taking up the couch and your chair) and they're all watching a crime show you put on - NCSI.
You snorts, "that chemical doesnt even react that fast. It would take hours to even leave a chemical burn at its most concentrated levels.."
Ghost pauses, beer almost to his lips. "How do you know that?"
"It's basic Chem. It has a mild acidic effect but not enough positive hydroniums to be corrosive to human skin." You explained.
Gaz's brow raises next, "I never learned that."
Price chuckles, rubbing your back. "Doll, I think you watched a documentary on that. It's a bit above board."
"Oh." You pause, "well yeah, positive hydroniums are why things are acidic.. when the negative hydroxyls are outnumbers."
"You'd make a good demolitionist." Soap adds, grinning.
"I'd make a better serial killer." You laugh, taking a sip of Price's beer.
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hayaku14 · 2 days
hc that shinichi makes it a point to do anything that involves fish only when kaito is away. he eats fish whenever he has lunch out during work. he watches documentaries about the ocean whenever kaito isn't at home.
this eventually backfires when he starts associating fish with kaito's absence and the loneliness that comes with that.
after this realization, he makes it a point to do anything that involves fish only when he's with people other than kaito. it still makes him think of kaito, but it also reminds him of his co-workers, his friends, his family.
when hattori notices this, they suddenly start frequenting restaurants with seafood as their specialty whenever he takes shinichi out for restaurant-hopping. (he saves up everything else when he goes out to eat with shinichi and kaito).
when he invited the detective boys out to the aquarium, they figure him out. from then on they started dragging him around to a lot of fish-themed events (there's surprisingly a lot of those. the detective boys put a lot of effort into looking for these little fishy events or fishy venues to visit).
he goes fishing with agasa and the detective boys. he only swims in the ocean when they're in a big group.
it's not really a big adjustment to shinichi. not if it's for kaito.
and kaito notices it all, and falls a bit more in love.
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presleyheart · 1 day
Hello!! I was wondering if I could request a 70s Elvis X reader fic where before a concert, Elvis is really nervous(stage fright) and he doesn't usually tell reader that he is so after a bit of observing reader finally comforts him?
Take all the time you need, of course!
OMG OMG!!! Of course! I'd love to do this ^^ I feel like this is on par w/ Elvis having anxiety!! My first request!!! YAY! Sorry if it's bad lolol it's early in the AM but I'm so eager to write for you <3 So sorry if it's short, too.
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"Walk A Mile In My Shoes" https://open.spotify.com/track/3TYiPU151GF7VASDPzk74Y?si=858262a5d85c419c Pairing 70s!TTWII!Elvis x gn!reader TW: mentions of !! Anxiety, light swearing, skin picking, throwing up !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It was 1970. Elvis was filming a new film, more-so like a documentary. Cameras were following you two around everywhere. No matter where Elvis went there was already a camera. He's absolutely been on edge. Every time you'd ask him, he'd say he was fine. You trusted him. What's the worst that could happen? Elvis has always sort've been a busy uptight man whenever it comes to concerts. This shouldn't be any different. ______ ______ You were tending to things backstage.
Everything was going perfectly. You saw Elvis come out of his dressing room; he decided the jumpsuit of tonight would be his Fringe Jumpsuit. No cape. Once he had exited, you could see by his posture something was off.
"Satnin." He had said, he went straight for you. "Hm?" You responded, looking at him. He was slightly taller than you so you had to look up to him a bit.
He immediately pulled you into a soft embrace. You could hear his heart thumping in his chest. "What's wrong?" Is all you could have mustered. He had you buried against him tightly.
He hadn't made a response. He was breathing lightly. He eventually pulled away after a few moments.
"Nothin'.. I just wanted to hold you'a moment." He responded. He was absolutely in shambles over something.
He had started picking at his face a bit and he looked almost queasy inside of his jumpsuit. He wanted to crawl out of his skin and hide from the looks of it. He was a mess. His eyes were red
"C'mon." You said. You had looked him up and down as you drug him to a spot to sit backstage.
"Y/N?-" "No." "Whad'dya think you're doin'?"
The expression on his face and posture said it all. You could tell how sensitive he was. His friends kept looking over but you shot a mean glare. They'd rather stay out of it rather than hear you "bitch up a storm" as they put it.
"Your heart is about to beat out your chest, Elvis." You answered. He looked around at the suffocating room pathetically, pawing at his seat. He twiddled his thumbs and just kept looking away shyly.
"Tell me what's going on." You demanded. Elvis failed to communicate his emotions too often.
You had been together for almost 3 years now and he was still nervous to express certain emotions. His past relationships had really caused emotional scarring on him.
"...'m anxious.. I-I..I don't understand why. I been doin' this for 'bout 16 years." He stated. He couldn't bear eye contact. He sighed softly. "It's all of these damn cameras, baby. I promise I'm okay. Jus' bein' a damn cry baby. Lem'me go"
You felt like you were ready to scream. He was very clearly anxious and tired. He looked ready to throw up, almost. He also couldn't bear to even look at you. Like he was ashamed to have feelings. It was heartbreaking.
"Look'ah me." You said, kneeling down in front of him. "What?" He says pitifully. He looks into your eyes. You could see how exhausted he was. There was no excuse for this.
You wished he could rest for only a moment, but sadly Colonel has him booked back to back. He had been acting off all week since his first concert of the month. It was like watching someone go insane, and it drove you crazier than him when he didn't even tell you.
"It's okay to be nervous.. It isn't okay not to tell me." "I-I know," He stammered; "Jus' hate bein' a burden.. y'know this"
You sighed and gently kissed him. You let him lean his head into your shoulder. He's always been a sucker for attention. He's needed someone like you after his mother had passed.
He needed love. And you were beyond certain you could give it to him.
"You're never going to be a burden. I love you so much. I understand how worried you must be, but just think.. All these people paid this money to see you. You have never let them down, and surely you won't let them down tonight." You knew exactly what to say to calm him down. You had learned quite a bit by being with him what most of the things were that he was insecure about. "Promise me?" He muttered into your shoulder "I promise." You responded, almost in a whisper. He pulled his head up fully.
"Look at'cha.. cheerin' this ol' man up." "Easy now.. you're hardly 30." "You're funny. I'm halfway through. 35." "30-shmirty. You're still a baby deep down." "Am not." "Are too."
He chuckled softly. "My baby. I love you most. Ever. Don't start tryna fight me on it, neither." He said to you. You just smiled, nodding at him. "Whatever."
He actually forgot about his anxieties. This was perfect. All you've ever wanted was for him to be happy. It was another thing to bring him happiness. Makes life a little worth living.
He eventually pulled away and nodded. He trusted you more than anything. Yet, sadly, your sweet moment was interrupted as one of his friends called over.
"E.P.! There is 5 minutes!"
You pulled away from Elvis softly. "Go on now, you'll do just fine." "I know, thank you." He says. Straight to the point. No hesitation. He had all the trust he could gather set on you.
His heart rate went to a normal speed for right now and he stared at you with adoring eyes. He kissed you on the forehead before getting up and walking towards the edges of the curtains, with his friends, coworkers, whatever. All of the fans were hollering as the lights dimmed.
"Shit, man.. I don't understand what took you so long." His friend made a snarky comment at Elvis. Even if Elvis wasn't even late. Elvis glanced over at you. He smiled a bit.
"Walk a mile in my shoes, Charlie. Then you'll get it."
The intro started and Elvis was ready to go, with a little help from his #1 fan. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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I just started watching the new documentary with Adam interviewing Brian and Roger about Freddie's sexuality, and it's a good point that Brian brought up, that terminology has changed and he never would have used the word "queer" before, especially not to Freddie, who would've said something like, "I'm not queer, darling, I'm normal!"
Adam then said that it's a generational thing, and Brian said, "I understand that because of you, but it's hard for us to talk about Freddie as a queer musician. He would say, 'I'm a musician, darling!'"
I think it helps explain why they didn't talk all that much about Freddie's sexuality until now (Brian did, but still), because they were cognizant of the fact that Freddie grew up in a different time and didn't think of himself in that way. It comes across as them wanting to respect him
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bekolxeram · 3 days
Good morning! (Well, at my place) I've just read your take on fandom, and while I'm personally avoiding most of the cast interviews and stuff, I see your point. I'm just afraid that's too much a voice of reason. Something spread all over the world today, facts do not matter very much. And people really forget that fandom is fun. Anyway, would love to see more of those posts :)
I too usually avoid interviews and stuff, I'm mostly in it for the excuse to unite my love for aviation, disaster documentaries and gay stuff. I'm sure you've stumbled across fandom discourse before and asked yourself "are we watching the same show?" Well, I saw a post about one of the actors "confirming a character's sexual orientation" and I was just wondering if we were reading the same words.
I've seen media literacy, canon vs fanon being brought up numerous times for the last 2 months, but I think I've finally found the right words to describe my gripes with the fandom: the confusion of implication and interpretation.
Maddie pulling Chimney out of the frame in that hotel room then ending up pregnant a few episodes later, implication, it's not the network or the show for explicit sex scenes. Buck making a dirty face while saying the ring cutter was for "other stuff", well what other stuff can you think of? Hen and Chimney hanging out with Tommy at the bar in Bobby Begins Again, would Hen and Chimney knowingly become friends with someone who was still racist and misogynist that they had a problem with? These are all hardly refutable facts that just weren't shown explicitly on screen for whatever reasons.
A male character being emotionally repressed and having trouble dating women on the other hand, could be because he is attracted to men without knowing it, but it also could be due to all sorts of reasons like childhood trauma, religious trauma, trauma from the battlefield, unprocessed grief from on-and-off ex-wife suddenly dying in an accident so any sort of closure is no longer possible etc. Another male character looking after a good kid when his father is trying his best to juggle between raising him and being a first responder, could be because he is romantically interested in said single father and wants to become part of a traditional type of nuclear family unit with the kid, but it also could be just him being kind and empathetic, as he himself grew up with emotionally neglectful and absent parents. You can interpret these things all sorts of ways based on your personal experience, but the show itself doesn't tell you how to frame it, nor does it limits you. Though at the end of the day, other people may interpret the same piece of media in different ways, and that includes the showrunner, the writers and even the actors themselves.
And then there's conflating interpretation with irrefutable explicit fact, like I demonstrated in some of my posts. Like the moment after 7x10 came out, the whole fandom was enshrouded by debates over daddy kink. One side painted Tommy as a sexual predator who exploited Buck's moment of vulnerability to satisfy his own kinks (again, Buck started the daddy thing), the other side defended the rights for gay men to explore sexually whenever they like. Yes, the I know daddy kink is very common among the gay community, but the concept itself has become so mainstream the past few years (I blame Pedro Pascal) that it now vaguely means "an older man who is hot".
After a few weeks of thinking I'm crazy and I lack verbal and reading comprehensions, I finally read the source material behind most of the controversies, and I got things completely different from the mainstream discourse out there? I've never seen anyone from the production of the show explicitly stating or even imply a certain ship would come true? At most, they respect and validate fans' own interpretations of the story, that's it. It doesn't necessarily mean they agree with said interpretation, and it certainly does not invalidate other possibilities.
So here we are, some fans feel betrayed even though they were never promised anything. Other fans get nervous over stuff that is actually just an interpretation of a cast member's interview, which in itself is also an interpretation of their own character, but tutted as absolute fact by some.
Enjoying a piece of media is supposed to be about enjoyment, not like a part-time job, so enjoy the parts you like and ignore the rest. But if you want to participate in the fandom, and you feel anxious anytime there's rumors brewing, tracking down the source might actually bring you more peace.
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nilboxes · 3 days
Anon who asked about Ratio getting seriously hurt. Thank you for the very detailed answer! Was very pleasantly surprised by the sweet treat :) If it's okay, can I ask how deep you think Aventurine's greed for Ratio could go?
Aventurine himself cannot quantify just how deep this greed and desire for Veritas goes. It permeates his very being, so much that it's such a part of him. He knows it's always there like his own bodily organs, the back of his palm, the breath in his lungs, the feeling is very much at home, it's so familiar sometimes he doesn't quite notices it. He can still desire other things, but the hunger he has for Veritas runs far and deep.
A gambler wants a lot of things after all. I wrote in the drabble collection fic Nemo Saltat Sobrius how he found inspiration from the Scholar King. This greed and desire definitely built over time. I imagine in his early days in the IPC, prior to becoming the Stoneheart Aventurine, he finally has enough personal freedom to go try all sorts of things. He eats all kinds of cuisines, shops, goes around Pier Point, does little side trips when his assignments take him off Pier Point, sleeps around with flings. It fast becomes empty, but he finds comfort in the Scholar King lectures he puts on when he feels particularly in need of some company for encouragement.
An image of Dr Veritas Ratio forms in his mind, the Scholar King. He still has goals here at this time, he still thinks he has a chance to make a difference for his people and those who've helped him. He strives, he perseveres, not quite alone because he's got the Scholar King on his side.
He collects images of the Scholar King, at first it is because he believed it brought him luck, but then for lack of friends (his Sigonian eyes and his commodity code spell trouble for a lot of people) he finds some companionship in the little Scholar King figurines he collects. (He buys them online and even then they aren't plenty) He also starts to learn more about the Scholar King, Dr Veritas Ratio, he reads the articles, watches the biographies, the documentaries about him, sees the rare pictures of him without that alabaster head. He thinks, how beautiful.
It is when he becomes Aventurine that things take a downturn. His fondness for the Scholar King becomes obsession. Since learning his people are gone and those who helped him cannot be reached, the deep and sudden meaninglessness must have hit him hard. I imagine he would have held on to his inspiration and found some strength to go on because of the Scholar King's teachings about finding one's own purpose in life.
Still, the reality is crushing. He clings harder, he buys an actual life-sized statue of Dr Veritas Ratio, his Scholar King, it keeps him going. He fantasizes about this beautiful man and starts to imagine all sorts of scenarios with this Scholar King. It's a defense mechanism, to imagine, to be taken away to another reality, to hope. The Scholar King in his head is not enough, he needs the real one, the Dr Veritas Ratio.
So he does what he's good at, he schemes, he makes little nudges in the Technology Department and in extension the Intelligentsia Guild, just introducing them to this very talented person in this corner of the cosmos, it is the tiniest nudges, here and there. He cannot really wait but he doesn't want to nudge too hard, and eventually that invitation letter gets sent, and it's thanks to Aventurine's luck it finds Ratio at the most opportune time.
When he sees Ratio he can't help himself, every sense of propriety is melted away by the yearning, the hunger. Ratio is every bit as beautiful in the candid photos taken without his headgear. The real Scholar King is now accessible to him, the one built in his mind is was just a projection, Aventurine knows this well, and it's easier for him to separate that version with this living breathing one he has a chance to come to know now, and he wants to know everything about Ratio. He does this in the manner only a worldly, materialistic man knows how, to touch, to feel, to consume and consume. He doesn't have to have expectations about what Ratio would be like, the Scholar King was nothing but a construct in his mind, he just wanted the man in his entirety to be in front of him.
Aventurine's greed-filled desire is marked with intense looks, harsh nips of teeth, torrid hands that itches to grasp tight and never let go. He never really thinks too hard about why he's come to harbor these feelings for a man he doesn't really know, he hasn't even truly met, but the greed persists. There's no logic behind simply wanting, one can desire things simply because, and that's true here for him. He rides these feelings, unsure where it will take them, and surprisingly Veritas reciprocates in some manner. The greediness persists, even when it is being fed, he always just wants more and more of Ratio, he cannot get enough, he will never get enough, because he's obsessed.
The entire train of thoughts only appear to be healthy and sane because Aventurine wants so, so many things, most of them contradictory, like wanting Veritas all to himself but also wanting the world to see how brilliant he is, that it cancels back to balance. There is a strong desire to fully possess Veritas but he also doesn't want it, because that would mean taking away what makes Veritas who he is. So Aventurine is at a standstill with his own endless insatiable greed and lets it be, feeds it with what he can get, what is best for the person who matters the most to him, and it's not enough but it needs to be, but it's still never enough. The thoughts could make him dizzy if he traces it too much, so he makes it simple, so long as his darling Veritas is within his reach, it is enough.
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hogans-heroes · 10 hours
Ok so. The Bikeriders.
First of all, it’s very different than we thought, in a good way. It’s not an action or drama or crime film. It feels almost like a documentary because it’s shot in a journalist’s style with simple camera work and interviews and the story is told through the narration of Kathy and the journalist. It revolves around the snapshots of these people’s lives, who they are, why they’re here and do what they do, and it’s so beautiful and intimate and makes you fall in love with humanity like you’re in a anthropology class. You see how they see and love what they love. It’s so fucking powerful.
Ok side track to what we’re all really here for. FUKN BENNY.
Your life will be ruined by Austin within the first 10 seconds and you NEVER catch your breath afterwards. He doesn’t say too much and isn’t even on screen quite as much as I expected but he’s the heart of the whole film and oh boy what a beautiful heart. A TALL DAMN DRINK OF WATER THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO PUT IT. I got lightheaded whenever he appeared. Plus we get him in a totally new look which I loved and am sure will be seeing in fandom. I literally have no words for his looks and voice and absolute badass behavior while also looking like a little kitten the entire time boy you out here ruining lives. One scene absolutely BROKE my heart I wanted to hug him so bad and it was a powerful moment in the narrative. But it was really hard to watch him get so beat up consistently over the movie.
The last SMILE we get from him??? Will kill all of us it will be the apocalypse I’m typing from the GRAVE you hear??? I’d vote the best smile we’ve ever gotten from Austin and THAT’s really saying something. I can’t say enough good things about the ending in general.
Tom Hardy is the ABSOLUTE mvp of this film, he knocked it out of the park.
(Mild spoilers under the cut)
I was so terrified Benny was going to die the entire time and the way the movie goes it really makes you think he will but he DOESNT DIE and I was SO GODDAMN relieved. That ending was so perfect and sad and poignant.
It REALLY IS a love triangle??? Like I was also shocked that there is zero sex scene or even a single kiss at all in a film like this, but the dialogue and chemistry whew boy….was very intrigued and happy to have things thus way even though it turned out sad.
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gla55t33th · 2 days
For the ask game! (the character development: hard mode one) I don't know the names of all characters so I'll ask for the ones I know, but if you'd rather talk about someone else please do!
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? - for Lazureus
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. - for Amael, Protham, Aurum
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? - for Novus
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? - for whoever you choose (maybe the gods who created the players?? here my knowledge of your AU fails me)
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? - for Laz again
11- answered!
Amael is most comfortable with xer own company, tinkering with technology and gizmos. Maybe with some background noise or music, a cozy place to sit and pace, and the freedom to work on whatever she wants.
Protham is most comfortable in the club scene! She usually frequents higher-end ones for public image reasons, as well as safety, but she adores being in a crowd with strangers, and just letting any responsibility go for a night!
Aurum is more homely; they would be the most comfortable either baking for others or just cozying up and watching documentaries with those they care about; and depending which part of their life we're talking about, with their partner, Birch
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38. Fun fact! Its done both! But I'd say it's more likely to remove itself, and then pull strings to remove the problem "coincidentally". Vie likes to think of itself as an outside observer rather than an active force. (It's not. But it likes to pretend it's above it all.)
Removing themselves from a problem caused them to make Novus Rex. Then trying to remove the new problem ( Novus ) while trying to be a non-active party caused it to create the Archangels to remove the problem for it.
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44. I don't believe he's said it even once in his two millennia in paradise. Partially because he's pretty romance repulsed and partially because he just doesn't get it as a concept even in the platonic or familial sense. The thought of "love" leaves a funny taste in his mouth and Laz might be many things, but he doesn't like being a liar
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All Cash and No Credit
Let's talk about HYBE's strategy for Jimin's MUSE. It's pretty simple
Maximize Profit - Minimize Success
Let's break down how they're doing it.
Goal #1 is to get as many customers as possible to buy from Weverse instead of regular retailers like chains (Target, Walmart, Barnes & Noble) and online sellers like Amazon. When fans buy on Weverse, a HYBE subsidiary, the company keeps not only the wholesale portion of the album sale, but the retail portion as well. This is obvious, right? If not, I'm happy to explain. The company likely makes twice the profit (give or take) on albums purchased via Weverse. AND, they can control when those albums are shipped, and how, when, or if the sales are reported to the music charting agencies.
The fact that Target pre-sales of MUSE is sold out within hours is suspect. This indicates limited stock, just like the strategy used for Like Crazy CD singles. Meanwhile, Geffen is very slow to release the pre-sale links for other retailers. The Walmart presale just went up. Where are B&N and Amazon? Will they have limited inventory, too?
Putting Jimin's Production Diary on Weverse only was a conscious choice. The cost of the documentary was expensive - more than the monthly fee for streaming services, the company kept all the profit (didn't have to share the costs with Netflix or Disney+), and limited his exposure to the general public. I suspect they will operate the same way with MUSE.
Goal #2 Keep Jimin as low as possible on the charts. We've seen this over and over. First, by splitting Like Crazy versions and disappearing sales, no CD restocks. Then we saw the same behavior from BH/HYBE again with Closer Than This being released on the worst possible day of the year and almost zero promotion. You know the details.
HYBE will limit stock. They will likely not report all sales.
MUSE physical albums will not be eligible for UK charts because of a random inclusion. The previous four solo album releases have had specific UK versions with no inclusions. UK fans will have to rely on digital sales for charting purposes unless BH provides a new version. Dirty.
Goal #3 Promote the album just enough to garner sales from fans while minimizing advertising to the greater public. The announcement of the new album is also strange. The teaser video was only on Instagram and only on the BigHit/BTS channel (this didn't stop anyone, though, as far as I can tell) as well as Weverse (I'm getting tired of that platform). TikTok is a far more effective advertising tool when it comes to targeting young people. Why wasn't the teaser posted to TikTok? Either way, "Jimin Jimin" was trending on X/Twitter with over 1.7 million mentions many hours after the announcement of the new album. There's only so much BH can do to suppress Jimin now that fans have taken marketing him into their own hands.
Let's keep an eye on this.
What's different this time around? This time the fandom knows who is behind thwarting Jimin's success. Precious time was lost during the FACE era when everyone was blaming Jimin's sabotage on Billboard and Spotify, rather than the rightful villain - HYBE/Big Hit. This time the fandom knows to watch their every move and call them out on their shady and unequal treatment. That said, tagging Geffen, Big Hit, and HYBE on X is pretty much useless. They have shown they won't change their behavior when fans complain. Instead, fans must start tagging Billboard, Spotify, and media outlets. Media outlets are the most important. HYBE does not care about the fandom, but they do care about their public image, especially after all the damage that's been done to the company and the stock price due to the ADOR controversy and court case.
I think Jimin is going to a different label for his solo work. That's my hunch. The company is going to squeeze as much profit out of him as possible before he goes, but it's a balancing act because they don't want him to outshine Jungkook. Of course, I could be completely wrong.
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teoparadise · 1 month
last year i had such a huge obsession with trey that i wrote my first name with his last name 100 times so i could marry him
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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Back at it with my enchanted merthur shenanigans
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renaissanceousia · 5 months
i have so much respect for this kid
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worstloki · 4 months
love the idea of the Avengers adding new members but being stingy about rooms so the OG Avengers each get their own but Bucky and Loki are forced to share one under the guise of it being 'healthy interaction'
#Bucky and Loki being friends but in a weird way and now Thor is concerned like 'i don't recognise my brother anymore T-T'#and Steve is grimacing and sighing like 'my chemical romance isn't that bad Thor you just have to acquire the taste'#Bucky and Loki bunking in a room together and people just forgot to give them a second bed but it's ok because they both sleep on the floor#they wake each other up from nightmares and when it's done/conscious they look at each other in slight alarm and just give '👍❓❗' '👍👍❓'#aggressive thumbs up before returning to bed still communicating with thumbs up like 'all good??' 'all good??' 'all good!' 'go sleep?!?'#they both are convinced that oily hair is a way to keep it healthy and dandruff free and like they're not WRONG bc it works for them#but people also hate listening to them corroborate such experiences with each other#like you can't deny their hair is healthy and silky when they wash up and get dressed for something. BUT. STOP TALKING LIKE THAT.#they talk about how the bath they share is so comfortable for two people and it's driving people up a wall#Natasha opens the door and sees Bucky in the dark propped against a wall looking half dead with earphones in#(he is watching a nature documentary Loki recommended)#they bond over times they were being controlled and/or suicidal in Tony's lab and Tony who was working nods along absently long used to it#Tony: ah yeah I have PTSD but im managing it okay for now with meds#Bucky and Loki: *making faces* boo 👎
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sherbetyy · 8 months
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misses his bird family.. (they do not exist)
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