#literally fighting for my life today making this gifset
neonsbian · 6 months
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YANGYANG | Poppin' Love KCON Hong Kong 2024
for @28reas0ns <3
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chalkrevelations · 2 months
Oh. My god.
So, last night, I reblogged a gifset of that conversation Pete has with Pol when they’re on stakeout, tailing Vegas, sitting around in the car, and Pete wants to know who Pol thinks would do a better job – Vegas’s bodyguard or Pete? And I added this bit of commentary:
My theory on the closest thing Pete has to a sexual fantasy at this point in the narrative and his life: Pete saves Vegas's life in some kind of shootout or assassination attempt that no one else could have protected Vegas from, thereby earning headpats from Thee Vegas Theerapanyakul, who Everyone Knows is a completely detached sociopath who usually has no more use for his bodyguards than as human bulletproof vests (which is somehow different from the main family for no reason I can discern but apparently exists?). Only now, Pete has proven himself and is both Noticed By and Special To this violent, emotionally inaccessible man (who, as an added bonus, is in a position of power over him). I mean, for whatever variables of "special" Pete can even conceptualize at this point, anyway. And I wonder how many times he's imagined this. It's Pete's very own mafia-filtered version of the Bad Boy fantasy in which you're the only one he cares about - you're the only one who can have that effect on him - and that makes you the Most Special-est Girl. C'mon, who's the most inaccessible Bad Boy in Pete's sphere? Certainly not Kinn, who'll just up and tell Pete that he trusts him the Very Most - even more than Pete's best friend! who Kinn is fucking! - the hot minute that Kinn's coercing Pete into doing something he really, really doesn't want to do. And you know Pete's daydream version of what makes him the Most Special-est Girl involves killing someone the best and quickest and most efficiently - because if he wins in the ring a fight, then the most emotionally inaccessible, violent man he knows (who, as an added bonus, is in a position of power over him) will love him, right? Not to mention, a guy with that many gun posters doesn't get stuck on Tankhun-babysitting detail and not have fantasies about proving his worth via violence. Listen, he just spends an awful lot of time standing around in Vegas's right-hand man spot like he's trying on the position during Ep 7, is all I'm sayin'.
… in which the vague allusions to Pete’s Daddy Issues were absolutely intentional. And I’ve also commented before about Pete finding another home with an angry man at the safehouse. And yet it wasn’t until yesterday’s post rolled up on my own dashboard and I saw it again today that the Brick Of Revelation hit me in the head and I thought about this through the framework of - my god! Pete and Vegas really do play out the very scenario that Pete warns Vegas about when you’re seeking the approval of your father abuser!
In the safehouse, Pete wins. He achieves his fantasy. He pulls the thorn out of the lion’s paw, and he gets the notice and special regard of Vegas Theerapanyakul, and he gets his world rocked on top of that, and then … then it turns out nothing changes. Vegas – the guy who expected that Pete winning in the ring would mean that his father would stop beating him, the guy who continues to seek his own abusive father’s approval, who keeps trying to win against Kinn, in the hope that Kun will stop treating him as a disposable whipping boy – Vegas goes right back to physically and emotionally abusing Pete. On top of that, the fantasy doesn’t play out in reality; Vegas literally tells Pete that he’s nothing special. (I mean, lies, of course, but the fact is that Vegas says it right to his face.)
I just. This is another one of those instances where I walked up to this revelation and even walked all the way around it, poking at it, but I just never looked at it straight on until this moment - the way Pete’s experience in the safehouse so closely mirrors his experience with his father. We watch Vegas continue to recreate the cycle of abuse, and we're like, "oh, dude, you need to make some better decisions," but we've also just spent 2.5 eps watching Pete, dispenser of this very wisdom, fall back into the same patterns he warns Vegas about. Because breaking that cycle and changing your behavior and your expectations is hard. Even when your head knows better. The things this show says about generational trauma and intimate violence and patriarchal control, I just ... god. Just, don't mind me, I have to go claw at some drywall for a while.
Also, it makes me wonder if Pete did kill his father. Because if he ran from home the same way he ran from the safehouse, if we’re supposed to look at this echo forward into the present of what happened in the past, then are we supposed to think that maybe there was a similar confrontation in the past, in which Pete struck out before he extricated himself from the trap he was in and ran?
Vegas is a lot younger and more resilient (and used to being knocked around) than Pete’s dad probably was, at that point.
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pharawee · 2 years
Okay so after 4 gifsets it’s time for my review of Big Dragon ep 4. Just for me. As a treat.
And we’re already halfway through this series. How did this happen? I feel like I spent the whole year just waiting and now it’s all going by so fast. I’m lowkey hoping for StarHunter to continue promoting MosBank together, if only so they’ll do more travel vlogs.
Also, if possible (yep, still biased) this show has become even better. I’m mostly just someone who gets pulled in by the mood of a show, but this time I really tried paying attention to the motifs the director and actors have mentioned before - like the colour coding, cinematography and Mangkorn’s and (especially) Yai’s comfort levels. 
And it’s really paying off:
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Look how subdued Mangkorn’s signature colour is here. He’s literally fading into the background, with his and Hong’s father taking control over his (and Hong’s) life. I’m glad that it’s immediately established that both mum’s are super uncomfortable with this whole situation. They’re not even indulging their husbands. Mangkorn’s mum even makes it clear later that arranged marriages are a thing of the past (and I’m super glad they put that in) and that if Mangkorn were to speak to his dad he’d back off.
But more on that later.
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I’ve read the novel but still, I’m glad Mangkorn and Hong get along so well. I mean, they’re essentially in the same boat (negl their dads get along so well, they should just marry each other ugh). Plus, I’m super tired of the “female rival” trope in BL. It’s distracting and unfair to everyone involved.
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And, yeah, maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but Mangkorn’s colour makes a bit of a return in this scene - even though he’s wearing the same shirt.
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Yai’s family crisis, meanwhile, lies in the past and I’m really glad his sister tells him so outright. I mean, it’s immediately clear that the death of his mother is something that’s deeply troubling to Yai and has shaped him as a person - to the point were he refuses to move on. To him the house is empty and I totally get why he doesn’t want to stay for long. His sister, in contrast, finds it peaceful and relaxing out in the garden, even at night (and with about 300 mosquitos around 🥴).
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Only then, of course, Yai makes the “female rival” a thing. You do it to yourself, Yai (I mean, with good reason - seeing as they’re both known womanizers). I’m glad that the show subverts this whole trope early on and makes it all about Yai’s insecurities. There’s only 8 episodes, nobody’s got time for that. In the novel it wasn’t as clear because Hong turned up much later when Mangkorn had already explained the whole thing. Yai only had breadcrumbs and suspicions to go on and of course he drew the wrong conclusions.
And because Mangkorn has lost access to his LINE ID (possibly because *someone* decided to destroy his phone) he decides to wait for Yai in front of his faculty building. For hours. That’s some dedication.
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And, honestly, pouting back at someone who’s pouting might be the most valid strategy I’ve ever seen. Put that UNO reverse card away or so help me!! 😤
I really, really love Mangkorn’s shirt. And I love how their individual colours get more similar when they’re not fighting/testing their boundaries and just being themselves. It’s like they’re on neutral ground here.
And, holy shit, every second of that scene was so adorable, from their playful banter to their not-so hidden smiles.
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Oh, how the turntables. This time it’s Mangkorn’s turn to ask if Yai has been to supervise the pub’s renovations today (he hasn’t because it’s boring without Mangkorn).
Which brings us to my favourite scene of this week.
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Just look how soft these two are 🥺
And they’re in neutral colours again, on neutral territory, with Mangkorn dispensing a piece of wisdom that rings rather hollow considering that this “sacrifice” he mentions is impossible to achieve in his own case (unless at this point in the story he actually considers marrying Hong out of filial piety).
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We also catch a glimpse of Yai’s family ring. Surprise - there’s a tiger on it.
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Kissing Yai (and it was such a sweet kiss - I just wish it hadn’t been in slow motion) doesn’t really bring the closure Mangkorn probably hoped for - if he planned for any of this at all. Because as dominant (with a small d - I’m talking personality traits because I’ve no idea about any of the rest) as he might seem, I feel like he’s just as much out of his depth as Yai is. He’s just much better at keeping his cool (and the upper hand).
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This is one of the pics Yai stares at as he masturbates and negl, that’s kind of touching (full pun intended 🤡)
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But apart from the fact that he’s still wearing his ring while he goes to town (ouch??) it struck me how lonely and unsatisfying this whole scene felt. He’s in this big bed and occupying only one side of it. It just feels like something’s missing.
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Oh ffs, show 😂
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Finally. 🫠
No but seriously if at any point in the future you don’t find me stanning Big Thanakorn then please assume I’ve been replaced by an impostor and call the police.
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I’m totally with Yai on this one.
Bank has said that when Yai is with Nine he’s in his comfort zone and it really shows. I don’t think Nine is any serious competition, though, even if Mangkorn weren’t in the picture. It’s like Yai is on this fixed trajectory now and that has everything to do with Mangkorn.
Oh well, looks like Big’s character will end up alone again. Why must you hurt me so, StarHunter? 🥲
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Aand we’re back to Mangkorn wearing a red shirt (with red back-lighting uh-oh) and... how do you even explain this, Mangkorn? The girl slipped? She wanted to see your tattoo up close? You actually caught a glimpse of Yai talking to Nine and this is your revenge? 
“How could you do that?”, indeed.
Feels like they’re both blaming and deflecting here (ah, yes, how could you do this to poor Hong??) and I’m pretty sure we’ll see Mangkorn’s side of the story next week because they wouldn’t just leave it like that...
But Mangkorn’s “Are you mad because you like me?” really felt like a gamechanger because it seems like up until this point Yai didn’t even realise. He doesn’t even look defensive or angry, he’s just shocked and hurt (with a side of confusion).
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Also, I love how Yai’s background is all cold blues, and Mangkorn’s side is earthy browns/reds. Something’s about to go down next week ( and it’s exactly what it sounds like 🤡)
Meanwhile, the bodyguards have monkey-pawed their relationship into existence and now I want some Tao Kae Noi 😭
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s1utspeare · 3 years
I heard the sweet, dulcet tones of acting meta on this post and could not resist her call, so @xcziel, @foxofninetales, this one is for you.
So first of all lemme just say I love these bitches, and what’s interesting about Liu Chang is that he plays them on opposite ends. There’s not much he can do about the fact that, y’know, he’s the same-ass person, but there are some very distinct differences between Liu Sang and Wang Can, which we will be talking about now.
Liu Sang photo cred: @foxofninetales
Wang Can photo cred: @xcziel
Jiang Wu photo cred: me screenshotting @xia-xueyi’s Moonfall Echo subs (ep. 13)
I’ve talked about body lines before! But now we get to look at it from the same actor in two different characters! As a recap, straight lines are strong, sturdy, confident, and straightforward; curved lines are weaker, but more interesting and more dynamic.
For example!!
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We got our bitch Wang Can here!! This is our first look at this slimy man, and look! He’s like a square!!! All straight lines, all ups and downs. Him body a square!! The costume people also do a great job of boxing him up bc of the tailoring of his jacket, and the two neutral color palette. There’s no embellishments, no decor. This is a straightforward man!! He’s not hiding anything except exactly how much of a bitch he is
(Also notice that his hands are showing and in fists. This will be important in a minute.)
Next, we have our favorite boy Liu Sang, showing up for the first time (ignore the differences in angles):
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Oho! He’s a curvy motherfucker!! Aside from the fact that his clothes are now tailored correctly to demonstrate his natural curves, this mans is also curving himself! His arms! Are loose! And bent!! His head and neck aren’t nearly as emphasized! And! AND!!!! His hands are in his fucjing POCKEEETTTSSS. That indicates FURTIVENESS! That indicates MYSTERY! We’re going to find some things OUT about this boy and we’re gonna like it!!!
In comparison, look at Jiang Wu:
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LIU CHANG U BEAUTIFUL BITCH. He fucking BENT HIS ARM. He kept one straight and BENT THE OTHER!!! Oh joyous occasion!! We have a DYNAMIC BOY!! but not too dynamic—peep that hidden hand! Also I love this bc it was TWO DIFFERENT LIU CHANG CHARACTERS IN THE SAME SHOW!!! :D see!! Here’s Liu Sang again!
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THIS IS A CONFIDENT LIU SANG!!!! He is CHANGED! He is capable of expressing emotions now! Look at just how much body language he has going on, while in comparison, Jiang Wu and Wang Can are like creepy Wood Baby Puppets. His body shape is boxy again, but that’s bc he’s the protagonist of this one. The plot hinges on him, he’s gotta be sturdy.
Wang Can is straight lines, no hidden agenda (which is funny cause he’s a Bad Guy)
Liu Sang is dynamic lines and movement, and alludes to mysterious ✨secrets✨
Jiang Wu is a mix of the two and also a dumb dork (that’s not from the body language, I just think he’s funny)
Once again I owe my life to costuming people. Someday I’ll write that Mystic Nine costuming meta but today we’re focusing on Liu Chang and, specifically, his HAIR PEOPLE!!! I love them and would die for them literally
Once again, ladies and gentlemen and all my glorious they/thems, Wang Can:
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OOOOOH I hate his slimy RAT FACE lemme AT EM. Ahem. Regardless, let’s take a look at this BITCH, shall we? We have: straight line face angles!! Very standard shape, BUT this is all accented by the fact that his hair is S C R A P E D back to within an inch of its life, like. Ahem. Sir. Please. Also this man’s got CONTOUR on. If u look at literally any pics/videos of Liu Chang out of character he is NOT this angular. His head is just as rectangular as his body, and the pulled back hair emphasizes his face, which is interesting as he doesn’t do a whole lot with it.
Alternatively, Liu Sang:
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This is a nice boy!!! This is a nice soft boy!!! Look his face has CURVES that are emphasized by the glasses (which also draw attention to his eyes, which is good bc that’s where he does the most work, which we’ll get to later) and the HAIR!!! His hair is soft!! It’s flowy! It’s curvy! He conditions!!! This boy is approachable and will Not shoot you One Million Times with a Machine Gun. This also works with the Liu Sang Signature Ponytail, as he leaves thick-enough bang pieces out to also give the illusion of curves around his face. Also his nose and cheekbones are NOT as strongly contoured, so the angularity of his face is softened as well
dmbj hair and makeup people were doing the absolute most
Wang Can’s hair gives us the most access to The Face, giving him a slick, straight look, and also something else which we will discuss next
Liu Sang is Soft and Curved bc of the hair and glasses, primarily
Oh speaking of fucking which you know who else is soft??? Huang Junjie. That’s the softest man I have ever seen. His xiaoge is my favorite bc it’s perfectly believable that he’s Butter Inside based solely on his Cheeks (again, it’s the hair people doing the Lord’s work)
The face is the actor’s best friend, and Liu Chang definitely uses his well. We know him as being sort of stoic, more on the Xiao-Ge end of things than the Wu Xie side, but if u compare Liu Sang to Wang Can, LS is going HAM with the facials.
Let’s take a look!
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Fuck me UP!!!!!! Look at him!! This is one of the earlier episodes too so we haven’t even gotten to the real good stuff but!!!! Look at his eyebrows!!! Look at how wide his eyes get (once again, the glasses are jumbotroning the peepers)! Look at his unhappy lil mouth!! That’s a whole REALM of facial expression, and so early on in our journey!
Meanwhile, Fuckboy Prime:
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(Pardon the garbage screencap, my laptop broke on me this week and I am Suffering)
This is at the very end of Wang Can’s time with us; he’s fighting and he’s going to die and he KNOWS it, but this bitch doesn’t even draw his eyebrows together. Mcwhomst???? Bitch u GOTTA give us more than that I’m BEGGING u
The other interesting thing about their differing facial expressions is that Liu Sang emotes mostly with his eyes, and Wang Can emotes mostly with his mouth. This is very obvious in the clip @xcziel posted, esp when he starts doing the whole gesturing-with-his-chin thing, but it’s prominent throughout.
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These two screenshots were taken like fifteen seconds apart. He does a whole face journey, but only with his mouth. His eyes stay fixed; they move, sure, but they don’t get any wider or anything like that.
Liu Sang, however is always doing stuff with his eyes. For example (I couldn’t find an image of it quick enough but I know that @kholran has this gifset), the sacrifice scene where he looks up at Wu Xie with the biggest, most pleading and questioning eyes imaginable?? Kills me. The DEPTH in those bad boys. Fuck me UP.
This also checks out when we remember the glasses. Since they emphasize the eyes, we’re drawn to that part of Liu Sang’s face, so it makes sense that the majority of his expression would happen there. This is also prominent with his hearing abilities; whenever he’s trying to focus them (or get us to focus on him), he not only turns his eyes away, he SHUTS THEM, which means we as the audience know that there’s something going on underneath the surface, and really highlights the fact that this is an unusual and cool power!
With Wang Can, however, the structure of his face and absence of Hair Curves directs the eye to his mouth, so we watch that to tell what’s going on in his head. It’s all about directing the eye, and Liu Chang is very good at knowing where people are going to be looking!
Liu Sang, Wang Can, and Jiang Wu are all very distinctly characterized through their body language
The same actor becomes different characters by using their toolkit (the body) to its full potential
Hair and makeup people are Wizards
Wang Can is a Whole-Ass Ho and I do not miss him even a little bit
Liu Sang’s body dynamics change over time and I love that for him!!
I’m a giant nerd the end
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septembersghost · 3 years
#he predicted his own ending too but let's NOT go there i've been feral enough today -> probably a good idea. setting aside the fact all the examples in the gifset show dean using common sense and good instincts and grounded morality to reach a logical, right conclusion and not gifts of prophecy, even if he had those i don't think he could have predicted the terrible, disrespectful ending he got 🤷 and don't get me wrong, your tags are great as usual but his ending bit ruined the whole thing.
it's...a metaphor. like comparing him to Antigone with "who can grow me a new brother," for Cassandra, "Those whom the gods love die young," it's literary allusion. I love comparing him and his thematic elements to classic works and other characters because the reflections and the way stories knit together is fascinating and valuable to me. no one's saying he literally has the gift of prophecy, it's the way he was positioned within the narrative to often make the right calls and intuit exactly what was happening in a situation, his instinct and empathy were guides, and yet often he was not heeded - or was even met with derision - and then, when proven right, was typically the one carrying the heftiest guilt and consequences.
regarding the ending - how many times did he say he was going to die bloody? how many times did he say he would go down swinging? it is a constant theme.
the most obvious example of this now for many reasons is in 8x14 (Trial and Error, which D*bb wrote himself):
"You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get."
and there's also the one in 10x07:
"I'm past saving. I know how my story ends - at the edge of a blade or barrel of a gun."
"I'm gonna fight it, till I can't fight it anymore. And when all is said and done, I'll go down swinging."
we can go earlier, this is 4x12:
"I hope I die before I get old. Whole thing seems brutal, don't it?"
4x15, to Tessa, a representation of Death, when he's struggling with how to process the fact that he was brought back:
"After our little, uh, experience...for that whole year, I felt like I had this...hole in my gut...like I was missing something. I didn't know what. Do you know what it was? It was you. The pain of losing my father and Sammy. I just...I wish I had gone with you for good."
from one of my eternally favorite episodes, so it hurts to reference it, but is also unavoidable, 1x12:
Dean: "Look, Sammy, what can I say, man, it's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story."
Sam: "Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options."
Dean: "What options? Yeah, burial or cremation. And I know it's not easy. But I'm gonna die. And you can't stop it."
you can't divorce ongoing thematic text from eventual outcome, unintended or otherwise, and that's why I mentioned it. if I listed all of them this would be bullet points from every single season, he continually stated things like this and believed it was the best ending he could ask to have waiting for him, he grappled with that and even the impulse of it for many reasons - proving it right doesn't mean that should have been true (you know I hate loathe despise and abominate the way the ending was done), but it does have a profound shockwave impact on the entire narrative when we are consistently presented with those moments and are aware where the road ends.
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softjeon · 5 years
The perfect Illusion | Final
• Pairing: Geisha!Jimin x Namjoon | Side-Pairing: Geisha!Jungkook x Yoongi • Genre: Fluff / Angst  | Geisha!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 9,2k | ↳ AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of abusive behavior
*** please note that this story doesn’t mean to represent accurate geisha tradition, it was solely inspired by the beautiful art form, giving it a modern twist in a fictional universe and therefore has been dramatized for entertainment purposes.
written with @cassiavioletblue
↳  He was the perfect illusion. The getaway for anyone who didn’t want to face reality. And yet, there was something in his eyes, something vulnerable and hopeful as if he was dying for someone to see through him, to care for him enough to look behind the mask and draw out the real Jimin. And Namjoon couldn’t wait to do exactly that.
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“You did fucking what?” Yoongi’s eyes were wide as he stared at Namjoon in surprise and shock with a hint of nervousness that washed over his expression. “Wait. Start from the beginning again…how did you get from asking me if I wanted milk in my coffee, which I, by the way, never do, to telling me about paying Jimin’s debt?”
Yoongi felt a little too breathless, too tired from spending almost all night with Jungkook. And now he was sitting in front of Namjoon when they usual morning get togethers for coffee (even though they lived in two different apartments, every sunday morning Yoongi still shuffled down the hallway to Namjoon’s place just like they were used to from living together) made his best friend literally spill his tea, or well…his coffee.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t think of a better way to tell you so... yeah, I asked Hoseok to give me permission to marry Jimin. But the sum Jimin owes Hoseok is no joke and I don’t have enough in my private account to pay all that so I wanted to ask you if... if I could either lend something from the company - or use it as loan security when I ask for money at the bank. I know it must sound crazy to you and maybe I am but… I mean it. I really do. This isn’t altruism or charity. I fell in love with Jimin. And if me marrying him improves his life then why shouldn’t I do it?”
“Sure.” Yoongi nodded, taking the cup of coffee to take a big sip from it, his eyes focused on something completely else than Namjoon. How could he scold his friend about something like falling in love with a geisha, when he was guilty himself? And he was bad at lying, especially when it was to his best friend. So, he quickly reached for his pocket and got out his phone, opening the app of his bank account. “How much money do you need?” This would definitely keep Namjoon from asking question about where he had been last night and simultaneously make him the happiest man alive.
“W…what?” He stared at Yoongi, completely confused. “You… you are kidding right? I thought... won’t you try and talk me out of this? Because of Jimin’s job, his training, the short amount of time we know each other and the amount of money I would have to pay just to be with him? Didn’t you say that it’s all an illusion in there, fake perfection to sell an image to people like us who can pay for it?”
“Love is love, Namjoon. I see the way you changed and Jimin is making you so much happier. Gosh, I just want you to finally get some…,” Yoongi groaned low, trying to keep every attention off of him, “Sometimes it’s worth it, you know? To fight for someone, you love. We’re doing good and we’re making more money than we can ever imagine. Our stocks are doing great, our products are selling fast and now that we are establishing our work in Japan with Mr. Lings investment…we’re fine.” He waved Namjoon off, “We’re doing just fine…so go and get married. Live life, love Jimin…do whatever makes you happy! Life’s too short to question everything. Sometimes you just have to do what your heart is telling you. There’s nothing wrong with falling in love and wanting to marry them. No matter how long you know them. You just know it’s right…you feel it in your heart,” Yoongi pointed at his own, nodding determinately, before adding quickly, “So, just tell me how much you need and the date when we take the boys with us and I’m your man!” Yoongi cocked up an eyebrow at Namjoon, “I’ll be your best man, right?”
“Who are you and what did you do to my grumpy, wary and sarcastic friend?” Namjoon laughed, carefree as if someone just lifted a hundred pounds off his heart. Yoongi didn't judge him or acted shocked by what he was about to do. Even better he actually offered to lend him money which meant the company would be fine and there wouldn’t be any risk of losing it to a bank. Also, he rather paid interest to Yoongi who totally deserved it than to a bank. So, he told him what sum he would need, half expecting Yoongi to gasp in surprise or take his offer back.
But Yoongi did neither.
“Okay, done,” Yoongi announced, turning his screen around to Namjoon, so the other could see that it was indeed the sum he had asked for which was now sent off to Namjoon’s account. Yoongi had saved up enough money to be okay with this and although he needed to lay low a little more with his money now, he had nothing to worry about anymore. If Namjoon was happy, then Jimin was happy, therefore Jungkook was happy. And that’s all he wanted in the end. With a big sigh, he leaned back against his chair.
“That’s...wow. Wow I mean, thank you, Yoongi! So much! I’ll pay you back, with interest and... thank you, really. You can’t imagine how much this means to me! I won’t ever, ever forget what you just did for me. For us.” He chuckled, realization settling in. He had the money. He could pay Hoseok back the moment Jimin told him he was ready to leave. He was in love with a beautiful person who loved him back - and he would marry him.
Like a fairytale come true.
Namjoon couldn’t even hide the smile behind his hand because it was so broad, his dimples showing it a way that spoke of pure happiness. “By the way, of course you’ll be my best man. And Jungkook can be the flower child; I bet he would enjoy that.” He could almost picture the boy throwing flowers around and onto all of their heads.
Apropos Jungkook… his voice grew a little softer, a little more careful when he continued, “How... how long did you stay at the tea house last night? Did you see Jungkook... afterwards or…” How did you ask your best friend if he was able to comfort the boy he liked after they had to spend a night with a stranger?
“W-what, what do you mean…did you see me? Where? In the theater…of the tea house?” Yoongi coughed awkwardly, the nervousness was rushing through him so fast that it was making him stutter. What was that about being bad at lying again?
Yoongi tried a smile, chuckling nervously, “What are you implying? That I bid on Jungkook? My sweet little Jungkookie? My maiko? T-that is now a geisha? B-because someone…paid him…and that someone definitely wasn’t me. Because it was…is a lot of money that you have to pay. You said it yourself we shouldn’t support the ritual! Maybe I just wanted to see him again. I like him, okay? He’s cute. Very much so. I like him. There. I said it. Are you happy now?” Yoongi was stammering, throwing his hands up in a defense, while his voice sounded a little more high-pitched than usual, “Even if I did bid on him, which I totally didn’t do, so stop asking me! It’s none of your business, okay? You are getting married and that’s what we are talking about now. You and Jimin. Marriage. Yes. Not about how I bid on Jungkook for his mizuage. Is it too much to ask for a little privacy here?”
Namjoon blinked, a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden gush of words that had come out of Yoongi’s mouth. His brain had trouble catching up on the meaning of it and when it finally clicked he almost choked on nothing.
“You… no way! I just saw you in the main room when Jungkook was on stage, I never thought that…” He shook his head. Yoongi hadn’t judges him so he shouldn’t either. “Did you see who had the highest bid at the end or did you leave before that? If you want we can go there today again, check up on Jungkook and... I can tell Jimin that you lend us the money.”
“Jungkook is fine,” Yoongi nodded, ignoring Namjoon’s angry expression as if his best friend just disregarded that Jungkook had lost his virginity to a stranger. That the younger could be hurting right in this very moment. But Yoongi knew better. “He…He was with me. Because I bid on him.” Yoongi didn’t dare to look at his friend, who was looking at him in a mixture of disappointment and shock. “I was the one who took Jungkook’s virginity.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, taking his cup of coffee to gulp the rest down hastily, “Virginity is a dumb concept made up by society. Jungkook is fine, that’s all you need to know.” Yoongi bit down on his tongue to keep himself from spilling more secrets. He wanted to keep Jungkook safe, even if that meant lying to his friend.
Namjoon couldn’t wrap his head around it. He just couldn’t. Just a few minutes ago Yoongi had lend him a massive amount of money to make sure that Jimin wouldn’t have to endure living under Hoseok’s roof any longer - and then he was telling him that he had taken part in the most violating tradition of all! Mentioning it as if it was nothing! And then Yoongi even had the audacity to play the “virginity is a concept” card which was true for a discussion about concepts, but definitely not appropriate if you literally had just slept with someone for their very first time. This... this just couldn’t be true. Yoongi must be making an awful joke. Maybe he was teasing him. Or testing their friendship or...something else. As always when he was completely overwhelmed he just kept on talking, stating facts while his emotions were balling up into an uncomfortable thing sitting heavily in his stomach.
“There’s a rumor they showed off the silk sheets after, like some kind of marriage ritual from the Middle Ages where the groom shows off the bloody sheets as proof that the marriage has been consummated.” Namjoon shook his head. It was incomprehensible to him how something degrading like this could still be common. “Looking at stained sheets after sex - that’s simply disgusting!” Yoongi was strangely quiet and so he pushed further. “You didn’t... really do that, did you?”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, turning away a little so Namjoon couldn’t see his face which had warning bells ring in Namjoon’s head. “Wait, tell me you didn’t!” His voice broke when the realization sunk in that this had actually happened. That Yoongi had really actually fucking done that. When he spoke again his throat was tight. “Then tell me that at least you didn’t treat Jungkook’s first time like that; like some kind of proof of how mighty you are because you had him first. Tell me you were gentle, and kind and you made him feel safe.”
Yoongi tried to smile but it came out a little off. “Don’t make such a big deal out of this, Joon. It’s a tradition. It had always been like that. And no matter if we like it or not if we don’t play along the rules then it’s Jungkook and Jimin who have to live with that. We have the luxury of making our own rules, but they... if Jungkook wouldn’t have let me have him then he would have never become a geisha. You just can't be a geisha and a virgin at the same time. It might be a stupid rule, but it is one of the basic ones and ... it’s a onetime thing! No one has to touch him ever again if he doesn't want to. He can work as a geisha or get his own tea house or marry now, depending on how much money he earns. He has options now. And all it took was one single amorality.”
Namjoon scoffed but kept his opinion to himself. “As long as he liked it and you didn’t make him bleed I guess I can’t really say anything against that.” Yoongi shrugged his shoulders again and Namjoon felt like he was going to be sick. “You didn’t, did you?!”
Yoongi bit his lip, very obviously feeling like he was getting into a fix right now, “It’s just a symbol, Joon. It doesn't mean anything.”
“A symbol? Are you... Yoongi, goddammit! No one ever touched him before you, they aren’t even supposed to have physical contact with anyone outside the house! You knew how inexperienced he was! How could you... how could you hurt him? I thought you liked him!”
“I do!” Yoongi hastily tried to defend himself without giving their secret away. He had promised that it would be safe with him but right now it wasn’t easy to not just spill the truth, so he tried to play it down which was absolutely the wrong thing to do. “It’s not... it just got a little rough, he’s fine, he just...”
Namjoon held up his hand. “Enough! I don’t want to hear your sorry excuses. How could you. I never thought... I never thought that you of all people…” His heart was aching for Kook, the sweet shy boy who had trusted Yoongi and had gotten hurt in return. He couldn't imagine how betrayed the younger must feel - or maybe he didn't even know that it wasn't supposed to be like that, that sleeping with someone you cared for meant to be safe and that there could be pleasure, not just pain. He felt guilty himself, for letting this happen and Jimin... oh Jimin would be so sad and angry at them for hurting his little Maiko. He needed to get out of there or else he would have continued to scream at Yoongi. He needed to concentrate on the good that Yoongi had literally turned Jimin’s life around with helping him and he hadn’t even thought twice. He felt like he couldn’t get the Yoongi who had just helped him and the Yoongi who was paying to hurt Jungkook on his very first night into the same picture.
He just needed to get some air before he would be sick.
Namjoon felt like he needed to do something, anything, really to show  that he was sorry, so he went to Jimin. Because hurting Jungkook also meant hurting Jimin. And as he felt like he definitely couldn’t look Jungkook in the eye right now he wanted to at least give Jimin something for the younger, something to make it better - if that was even possible right now. Also, if Jungkook was hurt…then maybe he couldn’t dance, therefore didn’t make enough money and he needed to wait even longer to get out which would also affect Jimin and therefore himself and.... Namjoon could feel the headache settle in and tried not to think about it.
When he finally stood in front of Jimin he held a bag in hand that was filled to the brim. He had thought through each and every apology he could think of but in the end he still found none that expressed how sorry he was about Jungkook’s first night turning out to be like that, getting hurt by someone who was supposed to care for him. He still couldn't wrap his head around it that Yoongi would do such a thing. He should have known, when Yoongi had told him that he had bought Jungkook’s innocence that Yoongi would treat this no different than all the other power hungry, ruthless men who got off on ruining something perfect and pure for their own pleasure. He bowed deeply in front of Jimin, apologizing with a tight voice while giving him the bag. There was a cushion in it, extra soft for Jungkook to sit on when his back was hurting, relaxing tea in case he couldn’t sleep. An herbal remedy for bruises as he didn’t know how else Yoongi had hurt the boy, anti-inflammatory drugs to keep his body from getting infected which could easily happen even with minor tears in that area and cute, colorful sweets to cheer Jungkook up. He still felt awful. Nothing he bought could turn Jungkook’s first night into something pleasant and Namjoon knew that Kook would never forget it because you just... didn’t.
Especially not like this.
“I can’t tell you how much I regret that I let this happen. Please tell Jungkook that I’m sorry and that I will keep Yoongi from coming here ever again if he wants to.” Jimin looked at him in confusion and when he opened the bag his frown just deepened.
“Joon, what are you talking about?”
The older’s heart sank at the prospect of being the one to tell Jimin why he was here. He had thought that Jungkook would have confided in Jimin right away but maybe he couldn’t. He swallowed harshly before whispering, “He hurt him. Yoongi hurt Jungkook and I’m... I’m so very sorry!”
Jimin’s expression changed and now it was Namjoons turn to be confused. There was a smile on Jimin’s lips. “You mean because of the blood on their sheets? Because he made sure there would be no doubt that they had sex? Joon…”
Namjoon interrupted him immediately horror dawning on him, “Jimin this is not how it’s supposed to be! Please tell me that you don’t think that this is how it should have happened! You should treat someone you…” Jimin held up his hands to stop him, smile growing more softer, but it was still there.
“So, he didn’t tell you? He really didn’t tell you even though you probably accused him of abusing Jungkook to his face?” Namjoon felt dizzy. How could Jimin be okay with all this?
“What do you mean? Of course, I did! I am unimaginably angry at him! How…how are you not? How can you be okay with Kook…”
“He didn't do it.”
That effectively shut Namjoon up and he just blinked at Jimin in confusion until the younger explained: “He really didn't do it. I was just as worried about Kook as you even though the sheets thing is not uncommon. But other than Yoongi, Jungkook told me right away. Yoongi paid the full fee - and then told him that yes, he’d like to sleep with him but only if Jungkook wants and when he feels ready. I honestly was a little worried because as beautiful and thoughtful as that gesture is it could destroy Kook’s reputation completely if it ever comes out. Though I don't think we have to worry if he rather lets his best friend think he hurt the one he loves than breaking his promise.” Namjoon’s head was spinning.
“And... the blood?”
“A smart move actually. That way they won’t ask Kook for details as it’s proof enough on its own. He just cut his finger. And then he held Kook for the rest of the night, brushing through his hair and whispering praises into his ear. Jungkook was practically glowing the next morning with a smile that couldn’t be wiped from his face. No one will ever doubt that he’s gone through with it and is happy to be a geisha now.” Jimin was smiling brightly, taking one of the strawberries he had taken with them as they sat outside in the garden close by the pavilion where they had kissed for the first time.
“I missed you, Namjoon. I was scared you wouldn’t come back,” Jimin leaned his head against his shoulder, closing his eyes for a moment only to snap up immediately though when he realized he had now smeared white powder all over Namjoon’s shirt, trying to wipe it off. “Oh…and then I guess he didn’t tell you about the proposal either, right?”
The night of Jungkook’s mizuage and after Namjoon had gone; Jimin had been sitting on his bed, hands folded together, while nervously tapping his foot on the ground. It was late, way too late and Jimin had been worrying so badly about what had happened to Jungkook and about Namjoon. His thoughts had been running wild with endless possibilities - until the younger finally showed up.
Jungkook felt a little dizzy - from happiness. Yoongi had just said goodbye to him, with a kiss and a look in his eyes that was so soft Jungkook was about to start crying again. Though he had cried enough that night. His eyes were still teary and red, but he just couldn't help himself. The moment it had sunken in that Yoongi wanted to marry him to bind their lives together forever in love and trust and everything he had ever hoped for he had just broken down. And Yoongi had been there to catch him, to hold him calming him down with ‘I love you’s’ and the sweetest promises Jungkook could ever think of.
How he would show him the world and take him as he was, they would explore what Jungkook liked and what he didn’t, what hobbies he might enjoy and what his favorite food was. The younger felt as if he had walked through a door last night and ended in a dream world that was everything he ever wished for.
He had sneaked out when they had come to clean up after Yoongi, taking the sheets with them. He had felt their looks on his skin and blushed heavily, but they hadn’t asked anything or talked to him in any way, just nodded their approval and then let him go. He needed to see Jimin, right now, or else he might burst from all the happiness inside.
“Jimin?” He knocked and barely waited for something affirmative from the other side of the door before barging in, closing the door behind him and then sinking down at Jimin's feet to bury his head in the others lap like they did sometimes, when Jungkook wanted Jimin to card through his hair and calm him. He just couldn’t sit properly right now and talk about this normally when his whole world had just turned on its axis.
“Hey,” Jimin instinctively reached out for him, soothing over his hair and holding Jungkook softly. “Are you okay?” It was a simple question, one that Jimin spoke so calmly that it surprised himself with the storm that was raging in his heart and mind. But he needed to know if Jungkook was alright, if he was hurting if he needed anything from him or if he just wanted to sit like this for the rest of the night. He didn’t care.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Jungkook sniffled, the tears coming again when he remembered how scared he had been just to feel this endless rush of relief when Yoongi came in and then gave him back control over the situation. “It... it was Yoongi who bought me and at first I thought he would just have sex with me, but... but...” His voice broke and he took a deep breathe, wiping the tears off his face to speak properly. He had never understood why sadness and joy brought the same reaction when it got too much and he pouted as it was kind of ruining the happy mood right now.
Reaching out for the young geisha, Jimin lifted the youngers chin to make him look at him. “Y-Yoongi? He didn’t want...w-what did he do, Jungkook?” Jimin was fearing the worst right now, his thoughts spiraling out of control, not really getting that Jungkook was crying because he was happy. But Namjoon had said, Yoongi liked Jungkook - that they would protect the younger. “What happened? He didn’t hurt you, right?”
Jungkook shook his head at that question and then broke into tears all over again, sniffling in between as he managed to get out, “He... he proposed to me, Minnie! He told me that he would ... marry me and he didn’t…we didn’t have sex. He realized... how... how scared I was and said he wouldn’t do it like that but... he still... still wants me and.. Minnie, he said he loves me! Can you imagine that? He... he loves me and he can get me out and no one will ever control me... ever... ever again!”
Jimin gasped, pushing a hand onto his mouth – and still he couldn’t stop the tears from rolling. He instantly reached for Jungkook and embraced him in the tightest hug, feeling how shaken the younger was. It was everything Jimin could have hoped for and more. All he wanted was for Jungkook to get out of here and now it was about to come true. And if Jungkook was safe…then Namjoon could come and get him as well.
Jimin closed his eyes, the sobs taking over as he kept holding the younger just a little tighter. “Of course, he loves you! Who doesn’t love you! You’re the sweetest geisha that has ever graced the earth,” Jimin mumbled with a soft giggle, leaving a few soft kisses on the younger’s cheek, while soothing over his back, “You’ll be out of here soon. I told you…I told you it’s going to be alright.”
They were holding each other, crying together and washing away everything that they had kept inside. All the insecurity and tension, the lost dreams and fragile hint of hope, the bottled up emotions and disappointments - everything just broke its way out. When the tears finally dried up Jungkook felt relieved as if he only weighted half of his weight, the pressure on his chest gone so he could breathe more freely. He also was exhausted though. He had slept a little last night, but not much and he ached for a long, deep sleep - and to wake up to the knowledge that it was still true; that Yoongi would propose and take him home with him.
Jimin had helped him up and into the bed with him, neither of them letting go off each other. Jungkook fell asleep almost immediately, snoring softly in the geisha’s hold while he was playing with his hair. Jimin smiled at the thought of Yoongi proposing to the younger, wondering how it had happened if the other had been on one knee or if he just had told him – just like Namjoon had done it. Biting his lip, Jimin looked down at the sleeping boy, tracing the lines of his face softly.
He hadn’t told Jungkook about Namjoon’s visit, just as much as he had never told him anything else bad that had happened. He knew that Jungkook would scold him for staying when he had a way out of here immediately. But now that he was sure Jungkook would be out of here soon, whether it was through working his debt off quickly or Yoongi paying everything and marrying him right away – he didn’t care -, Jimin dared to dream again.
Namjoon plucked a strawberry away from Jimin’s heap. “That idiot.” His voice was fond and sweet. “You know I told him that I proposed to you. And I expected for him to be shocked and everything, but he was absolutely fine with it. Now I know why: he had just proposed to Jungkook himself. But he couldn’t tell me, probably because he was afraid to say too much and spill Kook’s secret. I knew it! I knew he had a soft spot for Jungkook. And I’m glad it turned out that it’s even more than that.” Words lingered on his tongue, those who would tell Jimin that Yoongi had lend him the rest of that money that he needed to buy him out of here. But suddenly he got shy. He had proposed to Jimin so shortly ago. Maybe he should wait a little longer before bringing it up again. He should probably let Jimin cope, there’d be so many changes now. And who knew when exactly the two would marry. He could wait. And then, after Jungkook would have left the tea house then he could ask again. That would probably be for the best. He bit his lip, nonetheless, still itching to just blurt it out and ask Jimin again.
“Don’t call him an idiot, Namjoon!” Jimin softly nudged his side, giggling quietly. Reaching out for one of the napkins, Jimin put a finger under Namjoon’s chin to turn his head around. “You’ve got strawberry juice all over you.” The geisha smiled at him fondly and cleaned it up with a featherlight touch. “I’d kiss you if I could right now.” He added in a whispery tone, not wanting anyone else around to hear although they were pretty far off from the usual spots the other geisha’s took their clients in the garden. “If…If Yoongi is marrying Jungkook. If he is taken care of then…,” Jimin began to speak as he set the napkin down again, playing with the hem of his robe nervously. “W-will you…will you come back?”
Namjoon couldn’t help the smile from spreading all over his face. Just like the warm, fuzzy feeling that was spreading inside of him until it filled up his whole chest. “Why? What should I come back for?” He asked, playing dumb. “If Yoongi and Jungkook won’t be here anymore - then what will there be that’s worth coming for me here? I can’t think of anything; honestly.”
Jimin’s eyes widened but his expression soon turned into a smile. “But I am here,” He pursed his lips into a pout, sulking prettily. “But you’re right…watching Yoongi and Jungkook being in love and all…lovey-dovey at work…at home…and everywhere else, when you’re all alone, is probably better anyways.”
“You will be here?” Namjoon feigned surprise, “But why would you? I didn’t think you’d want to come back here after you moved out. But sure, if you want to we can go there together. I actually wanted to ask you for a favors regarding that anyway...” He wiped off his mouth and then placed the napkin aside. Jimin could swear that his heart had jumped right out of his chest in that moment. He blinked the tears away hastily, trying not to show how much it meant to him that Namjoon still thought about getting him out of here. “A favor?” Jimin shifted a little closer, seeking the warmth the other always provided for him, “What is it that you need?”
Namjoon left the joking aside and turned towards Jimin. His eyes were soft but his face serious as he was about to ask something very personal and uncomfortable of Jimin. “I wanted to ask you if you... if you could think that maybe... you could tell the others in the tea house. About what happened to you.” He could see Jimin’s eyes widening and his body tensing up in defense and he took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Just listen to me please. You don’t have to give me an answer right away just.. I talked to a lawyer, as I said I would. And they told me that even though he is sorry about what happened we can’t... we don’t really have a chance at winning a case. Because we don’t have proof. And I hate that Hobi will just get away like that, but I don’t want you to get through any of this again, not even for getting ‘proof’. So, I wanted you to talk to the boys living here, tell them what Hobi did so that they are warned and then tell them that if he ever tries something with them then they can call me, anytime. And together we will get proof and Hobi in jail.“
“Joon,” Jimin cupped his cheeks, not knowing what to say anymore. He took a few deep breaths before answering, “O-okay…but no word to Jungkook. I need you to promise me that.” Jimin gulped heavily, his hands shaking from the sudden anxiety that overwhelmed him. “J-just give me a bit time, okay?”
Namjoon nodded, squeezing Jimin’s hand again. He hadn’t expected Jimin to agree right away. After all, Jimin had kept it a secret since it had happened, telling no one but him. It must be a scary thought to open up - but it might be what kept the other young boys in the tea house safe. If they knew they had help if they knew that they had to look out maybe none of them got hurt. Hobi might even get wind of it that if he ever tried to touch one of the boys again he would be in jail quicker than he could make up a lie. Maybe an anonymous letter would do…
“You’ve got all the time in the world. We only plan further when Jungkook is out and he never has to know. No one has to know, ever. Except for... a therapist. As I’d really like for you to see one. Though as with everything else we’ll go at your pace. You can settle in, get comfortable, feel like home. I just want you to heal, at your own pace. And if it helps you talking about it, opening up to someone who can help you better with this than I… then I’d like for you to try please. But before that - before everything I’d like you to marry me please.” As Jimin was still sitting it was a little strange to kneel in front of him, but he still did, taking out the ring that he had bought. It was a small and delicate band, no decoration, no inscription, just a silver band to fit on Jimin’s finger.
“I figured as we more or less have a date now for when you come out it would only be appropriate for you to have something to visualize my promise to you. I kept it simple so that you can wear it at work as well. And when you’re out then we can look for our wedding rings together and you can choose whatever you like best. I’m assuming it’s still a yes?”
Jimin was completely frozen, only his eyes blinking gave away that he was still alive. His mouth stood open as he stared at the ring in front of him. “It’s perfect,” His voice sounded so small, almost timid, “Y-you are perfect.” Jimin’s lip began to tremble, tears spilling over. “Of course, I still want you. I always wanted you! Yes!” Jimin didn’t care about any rules anymore, but let himself fall into Namjoon’s embrace, holding on tightly and just when he was sure no one could see he placed a sweet, chaste kiss on his lips. Just one time, before he sunk back into his arms.
Everything just felt surreal as if he had spent each day in a dream, one unique stolen moment suspended in time when he was with Namjoon. And every day brought him a bit closer to him – until he would come back and take him home.
But Namjoon didn’t come back. Not the following week, or the one after.
Jimin had waited to see his name on his appointment list, but there was no ‘Kim Namjoon’…just everyone else but the one he wanted to see so desperately. Jungkook passed him on his way up to the tearooms with a smile, practically glowing in his geisha attire and it was enough for Jimin to know that Yoongi was there again.
Jimin smiled back at the younger, separating from him and going into a different direction.
Jungkook didn’t need him anymore and now that the young geisha was almost done paying off his debt it only made Jimin awfully aware of his own state. But Jungkook wasn't to blame, only himself. He was trying to work more than usual, get more tip from the customers and even doing main room services again – even though it stressed him out completely – to pay off more of his own debt with Hoseok. He was the first one to start his shift and the last one to go. One day, Jimin had fallen asleep over the box filled with his laundry, being completely exhausted.
To Hoseok it was a fun game to watch, to see Jimin struggling just to get a glimpse of that hope again. To see him trying to keep the debt as low as possible, but it was a hopeless, tiring fight. But Jimin didn’t want Namjoon to pay more, just because he had decided to stay here and make sure Jungkook was safe until he could go. It was his own fault. And Namjoon had told him he would take care of everything else. He just needed some time to prepare it, right? It was about Jungkook first, anyways. Jimin shouldn’t worry too much about it.
But what if Namjoon wouldn’t come back for him?
What if he decided that waiting for Jimin would take too long, that it would leave him in ruins and the geisha wasn’t worth it. Jimin couldn’t blame Namjoon. He was a dancer, nothing more than that. And even though he had gotten a good education, Jimin never learned any other job than this. The contract between Hoseok and Namjoon only lasted for a month and if the businessman didn’t bring the money or prolong the contract, Jimin would get dropped – just like that.
Jimin looked down at his hand, the ring still on his finger – the only reminder he had of Namjoon’s promise. Wiping over his eyes tiredly, the geisha made his way through the darkness of the garden and into their room again. He was forcing himself to push down every bit of sadness, while the doubts were eating him alive – and still Jimin didn’t want anyone to see him struggling. In some ways he knew it was irrational, but how did one tell their heart that it didn’t need to be scared?
So, he put his mask back on, doing his job with a perfect smile, dancing with the same expression all over again and listening to Jungkook daydream about Yoongi. He smiled through the pain, urging Jungkook on to tell him more, ignoring the aching inside his chest, the jealousy that felt like it was leaving a hollow.
And sometimes, when the younger was sleeping in his arms, his head on Jimin’s chest and arms tightly wrapped around his body, Jimin just cried. Silent tears falling down onto his cheeks. Some were because he knew that he had made it, he had saved Jungkook from this and that the younger would be free from it soon. And he would be taken care of.
And about his own life, then the sadness washed over him like a wave, pulling him under and leaving him to drown. It was making him want to scream out because the pain wasn’t bearable. But then he soothed over Jungkook’s hair just a little softer, trying to stifle anything else to not wake him or started playing with the ring again. There had never been anyone protecting him, so he wouldn’t dare to bring Jungkook the same fate when he was so close to his happy end.
Sometimes Jimin wondered if this story, his life, had never been about him but all about Jungkook. Maybe it was solely about protecting the innocence and keeping him that way. But hadn’t he been innocent himself once? How did he tumble into this life? Namjoon once said it hadn’t been his fault…that nothing of what had happened should have happened in the first place.
The moment he thought about him again, his heart did a painful jump. Jimin wondered where he was right now, if he maybe couldn’t sleep as well and if he was thinking about him. Namjoon had told him, that sometimes he was going out for midnight bike rides – maybe he was doing that? Looking up at the stars? The same one’s he could see now. Jimin had never ridden a bike before. Sighing deeply, Jimin tried to close his eyes again, imagining himself riding a bike but in the end it only made him awfully aware of the things he couldn’t do. What was he even good for? He couldn’t even cook properly, and he wasn’t so sure if Namjoon was a great cook considering how clumsy he was and maybe the other didn’t even want to teach him.
Jimin was a burden. That’s all he had been from the beginning.
When Jungkook stirred in his sleep, Jimin quickly buried his face in his hair and told him to go back to sleep. From where they were lying, Jimin could see the sun slowly rising, but Jungkook needed a bit more sleep. “I’ll wake you up, but now just sleep okay,” Jimin mumbled into the younger’s hair, before closing his own eyes and trying to ignore the way his heart was hammering against his chest.
It had been two weeks since Namjoon had visited him and the more days passed, the more did Jimin lose his hope.
It was wilting away so easily, the fear of getting rejected growing bigger than believing in Namjoon’s promise – no matter how long he stared at the ring.
Sitting outside, Jimin was reading – or more likely he tried. He was reading over the same couple of sentences repeatedly for the last couple of minutes. He just couldn’t concentrate, his mind racing, making him feel dizzy. So, instead of reading ahead, he closed it and put the book aside. Leaning his head against the wall, Jimin let the sun shine directly on his face and although he easily got a sunburn, he didn’t mind the heat right now. He almost dozed off, his tired mind slipping when a happy yell made him jerk his head up, his eyes searching for the source of it.
“I got it! Jimin,I finally got it! The paper! This is it! I got it” Jungkook was running towards him, bunching up his silk robe with one hand so that he wouldn’t fall over his own geisha attire. He was waving wildly with a paper, his face beaming so much that Jimin could see it from where he was sitting.
The geisha was up on his feet right away, ignoring the shiny spots that appeared and the dizziness he felt and instead ran ahead to get to Jungkook. His own doubts were far gone, because nothing else mattered right now. “You made it,” Jimin whispered, taking the paper from Jungkook to read over them quickly before he jumped in happiness, hugging the younger. “Yoongi must be on his way now! You should go and sign it now!” Jimin squealed, urging the younger to move, “Go! Go! I’ll go and pack your things…and…and you go and sign this…then…then when he’s here you can leave right away. No one will hold you back.” Jimin took in a sharp breath, when the realization settled in that he would let Jungkook go today. With a smile, he nodded into the direction of Hoseok’s office, “What are you waiting for?”
Jungkook hesitated. “I just... wanted to tell you and now... I don’t really know what to do.” His doe eyes were wide and dark, a little worry mixed into all the happiness. “I don’t feel good leaving you here. I know it won’t be for long and that Namjoon will be here soon, maybe even tomorrow but... I don’t want you to be alone.” He took Jimin’s hand and held it a little too tight. “I’m gonna miss you, so, so much, Jimin. You’re my family. And you always will be.”
They hadn’t talked about any of this yet, fantasizing and dreaming about the happy aspects of their future while leaving out completely that they wouldn’t live together any longer. Of course, they would see each other all the time with Yoongi and Namjoon being friends and owners of the same company and living close to each other. And yet it would be a big change. “Promise me that you will call whenever you want to see me, no matter when and where?” He took Jimin’s other hand as well and squeezed both of them, “And we will have sleepovers when our... our husbands are away on business” He giggled at the word husband because it still got him shy. “And we will have breakfast together, the four of us every Sunday. And I need to see you at least five times a week. Okay?”
“I’m not alone,” Jimin answered with a smile, although inside he was crumbling, ignoring the pain he had felt the past weeks, nodding at everything he said. He stiffened when Jungkook talked about ‘their’ husbands, when Jimin had never told him about Namjoon’s proposal or his promise. Jungkook just believed in the good.
“I-I know I always have you, please don’t worry about me, Jungkook.” He squeezed the younger’s hand lightly, “I’ll be there with you soon but until then please be happy. If you smile, then I smile.” Jimin soothed over Jungkook’s cheeks, his eyes flickering onto the ring on his finger, before he quickly retreated it again. “I promise you…and now go!” Jimin laughed, pushing the younger lightly into the direction.
Jungkook hugged Jimin once again, a sudden, happy hug from all the joy he felt inside before he finally ran off. He had felt awful about leaving Jimin behind so one night Yoongi had told him a secret and had him promising that he wouldn’t ask Hobi or Namjoon anything about it. Apparently Namjoon wanted to marry Jimin as well though for whatever reason they had to wait for a while longer.
Jungkook just hoped Namjoon would keep to his promise and also hurry up a little.
He didn’t want Jimin to be alone. If necessary he would come to the tea house every day at Jimin’s lunch break to make him smile until Namjoon had sorted out whatever was stopping him to take Jimin with him. It was probably the money. Jungkook bit his lip, thinking to himself that the moment he got a job he would start saving his earnings to give to Namjoon so that he could buy Jimin out of there just like Yoongi had with him. The older had refused when Jungkook had offered to pay him back but Jungkook thought about doing it anyway. After Jimin was free of course. But right now, he needed to sign the papers, give them back to Hoseok and then… then he could go with Yoongi to spend his first night outside of the tea house since more than a decade.
Jimin’s heart was aching as he watched Jungkook run off, almost stumbling over the doorstep and shooting him a smile as if to reassure him that he was fine. The geisha smiled back at him, before he turned on his heel, grabbed his book and returned to their room. Taking the bag from their closet, Jimin put it down onto Jungkook’s bed side looking around the room to look for the things he could pack. There wasn’t much: except for their normal day clothes and daily robe and a few personal essentials they barely had anything. When he lifted the bag, it was still light and not like he would move out, but rather just stay overnight somewhere. He plopped down onto the mattress, letting his gaze wander around for a moment until the pain became a little bit too much to endure. He took in a sharp breath, one that hurt his throat. Mindlessly, Jimin had started to play with the ring again, rotating it on his finger until his breathing calmed a little more and it didn’t felt like he was free falling into a pit dark hole.
With his smile perfectly in place and bag in hand, Jimin hurried back out again. He could already see Yoongi with his arm around the youngers waist at the garden gate, the biggest smile on both of their faces. Seeing Jungkook so happy, so close to being free was all he had needed to make joy blossom in his heart again.
Honestly, Jimin wasn’t sure how he was surviving this whiplash of emotions for weeks now. He was a mess that was for sure.
Bowing deeply in front of Yoongi, Jimin spoke up, “Thank you, Mr. Min.” He bowed even deeper, trying to hide that his eyes were tearing up from pure joy and relief that Jungkook would be safe from now on, “For everything that you did, for Kook…and for me as well. You showed yourself to be a great gentleman and best suitor for being Jungkook’s fiancé.” He didn’t plan on speaking so formerly, but Jimin felt safer using his geisha persona or else he feared it would have overwhelmed him completely.
Yoongi reached out for him, gentle touching his arm. “Jimin, there’s no need to talk to me like that. We’re friends. At least from my side. And you aren’t a geisha anymore. You don’t have to be overly polite to people. You can let yourself breathe. I’d say we all meet at my place tonight. Till then Jungkook has had the time to take a look at the apartment and decide which room he wants as his own and then we can order pizza tonight and celebrate him moving in with me. You want to come?”
Jimin only nodded at that, not sure if Yoongi knew what he was talking about. Of course, he was still a geisha. Didn’t Namjoon always say he knew more about the rules of a tea house? It was a nice thought though, so Jimin only smiled at him before turning to Jungkook. Soothing over the younger’s hair, Jimin cupped his face to place a soft kiss on the youngers cheek. “Call me tonight, will you? I bet I can make Hoseok let me use the telephone, and then you can tell me about the room…about the view out of your window and everything else, promise?” Jimin hugged Jungkook close once more, before pulling away, sniffling quietly and mumbling something about allergies. “I’m sorry I can’t come but I’m sure it’s going to be a lovely night.” The geisha turned to Yoongi and bowed in apology, “I do have to work tonight, but it would make me really happy to hear from you soon.” His voice broke a little and his hands began to shake, while Jimin tried to cover it up with an awkward wave.
“I think you’re a little over excited there, sweetheart.”
Jimin jumped a little from the sudden voice behind him and Namjoon chuckled as the younger’s eyes widened in surprise. He had practically begged Yoongi for them to drive to the tea house together as soon as he got the call from Jungkook that the papers were ready: because he didn’t want Jimin to stay there for a minute longer after Jungkook was gone and he was practically allowed to marry Jimin officially now. The last two weeks had been hell without Jimin but he still had a job and then he had cleaned out a room in his house and had tried to make it as comfortable as possible without putting pressure on Jimin because Jimin should decorate the room how he wanted and maybe he also wanted different furniture or other colors or he wanted to turn the room into a dance studio or a hobby room and... Yoongi had laughed at him a couple of times for it, saying that he was thinking too much and that they would have enough time to sort that out when Jimin was there. The rest of their lives to be precise.
“So... Jungkook is officially his own man right now. Or Yoongi’s, however you want to see it. Does that mean you are ready to come home now?”
Jimin just stared at Namjoon, mouth hanging open, his mind and heart trying to catch up. His bottom lip began to tremble, when Namjoon was talking about ‘coming home’ as if it didn’t mean the world to Jimin.
Stumbling a little, he walked up to Namjoon, reaching out for him, still not really believing this was happening.
“I’m not a geisha anymore?” He asked with a quiet voice that only Namjoon could hear, feeling his arm wrap around his waist just right when Jimin felt like the world slipped right from underneath him. “We’re going home? You and me? And we’re going to order pizza? Drink sugary coke? And I will live with you in your apartment? Sleep next to you? In your bed? Will you teach me how to ride a bike?” The questions spilled out of him so quickly, but he needed to know the answers to make sure that for once his dream had become reality, that someone had kept his promise.
Namjoon chuckled at Jimin’s cuteness, kissing him sweet and passionate now that he finally could.
“I told you we would!” Yoongi yelled in the back and then, murmuring to Jungkook “Though no bike riding in the house please. You want to ride a bike too? We can make trips on the weekends then; would you like that?” Jungkook nodded happily and then, as soon as Namjoon and Jimin had stopped kissing ran over to them to hug them from the side, pulling Yoongi along so that he stumbled into them and they were basically all hugging.
Leaning in to Jimin the younger whispered quietly so that only Jimin could hear it: “You were right all along when you told me that this all would be worth it one day. That if we stayed strong and kept going that we would find happiness. I found mine with Yoongi. And I guess Namjoon’s is yours. And even if something changes one day no one can take this moment from us. And we will always have each other. I can’t wait to find out what life will be now outside of the tea house. And I’m so glad that we’re all together.”
Jimin smiled, reaching for Namjoon’s hand to hold it tight as they followed Yoongi and Jungkook who was happily skipping. He let himself get pulled along and to their car and not once did Jimin look back. He didn’t care about his stuff that was never his to begin with. He had everything he needed right here with him. Taking a deep breath, the young man looked up at Namjoon who just opened up the car door for him to step in. His handsome face was turned towards him in smiling welcome; eyes full of love and trust. Love is a road long and hard, which makes it even more important to travel it with the right person. Love was a fight worth fighting and a victory worth having. He found it in Namjoon and found comfort and security in knowing that it would be all okay with him by his side. And no matter what the future still hold, no matter how many times he had to face Hoseok once more, he knew he wasn’t alone anymore. And if love was a choice, he would chose him, over and over again.
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A/N: Another story is done :) What did you think??? We hope you enjoyed this story!! Yes, we know we don’t give too much closure on whats going to happen with Hoseok - but we can ensure you that Namjoon will go against him and make him pay but it was most important to him to get Jimin out first. And he will love Jimin forever and ever and hold him tight every night and give him everything he needs. And yes, maybe Jungkook will accidentally bump into Yoongi’s expensive vase because he tried biking in the living room. But he will still love him. 
Don’t forget that I posted a new fic trailer for the next upcoming fic. A guardian angel AU with Minjoon and Yoonkook - again. Lmao, yeah. It’s just what we love writing :DD But there will be two Yoonmin stories coming out soon as well as we participated in an event. So look out for those!
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skatingthinandice · 4 years
Tagged by @midnightanddiamonds, thank you so much! This looks like fun <3
Pick 10 ships without reading the questions.
Aethelflaed/Aldhelm (The Last Kingdom)
Michael/Thomas (Man in an Orange Shirt)
Harry/Ruth (Spooks)
Alfred/Drummond (Victoria)
Florence/Siobhan (Death in Paradise)
Leofric/Uhtred (The Last Kingdom)
Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
Feron/Marcheaux (The Musketeers)
Molesley/Baxter (Downton Abbey)
Jocelyn/Maggie (Broadchurch)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
It definitely came on gradually and happened like five years ago now, but I think the moment my heart was officially sold to them was their first scene in episode 5, the moment after Leofric removes his sword from Uhtred’s neck and they laugh and hug with relief at seeing each other again.
2. Have you ever read a fanfiction about 2?
MIAOS is one of the smallest fandoms I’m in, so there isn’t much fic out there, but I have written my own! Dear Darling took me over a year to write, but I knew I had to give Michael and Thomas their happy ending!
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
Unfortunately not! I wrote enough fics for Alfred/Drummond in the short space of time they were together though.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
Doomsday is the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life, I still bawl my eyes out to this day. So yeah, I think it’s fair to say that I can’t handle Doctor/Rose splitting up.
5. Why is 1 so important?
Gahhhh OKAY WELL, without turning this into a massive emotional essay, let’s just say that Aethelflaed deserves a kind and gentle love, and after my poor darling Erik died in s2, her relationship with Aldhelm in s3 made me realise that she could have that love again. Although they aren’t together romantically at the moment (though fingers crossed for s5!), their loyalty, trust and respect is so wonderful, and their lil moments of flirting make my life.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Although Molesley was essentially the comic relief character in earlier series’ (and in the movie, which I’m still conflicted about), the moment Baxter arrived in the show we really saw a deeper side to his character. Their relationship is built on supporting each other and is truly beautiful, even without the romantic element.
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Harry and Ruth’s entire relationship was pretty much built solely on chemistry and connection, cause lord knows they weren’t allowed to have anything else.
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
I’d have to say Michael/Thomas, cause their love story lasted over a decade and beyond, and I will never ever be over them.
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
Nearly twice lol, for some reason we abandoned our rewatch of The Musketeers mid-way through s2 last time, but we’re planning on rewatching again soon.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
I’ve shipped Doctor/Rose for the longest time, it’s been, what, fifteen years? I was about ten when I watched it, so...
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up?
Michael and Thomas never really broke up in the sense that neither of them ever stopped loving each other, though they were forced to part three times (and admittedly, one of these kinda counts most as a break up).
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Michael and Thomas were admittedly in a war and both have unbelievable and admirable reserves of strength. If they were in hiding during this apocalypse, they’d be good. In terms of fighting, Marcheaux could single-handedly take the zombies on and would do to protect Feron. I don’t really know how you’re supposed to handle a zombie apocalypse lol.
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? 
Florence and Siobhan were never canon (bc the writers are cowards) but no they would never have had to hide their relationship, their family and friends would have been so supportive!
14. Is 4 still together?
No, Alfred/Drummond are not still together, thanks to history and Daisy Goodwin.
15. Is 3 canon?
WELL, how to answer this one?! Harry and Ruth technically went for one date, then she had to leave the country for like three years and stopped Harry from confessing his love. On her return, he proposed practically out of the blue and she turned him down but they still loved each other, and THEN SHE DIED. So, they never actually said they loved each other, they were never a couple, and yet they are canon. Does that make sense?
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Leofric/Uhtred, definitely! I love battle couples so much, and these warriors are the best (also Leofric isn’t dead so it totally holds)!
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Yes, Jocelyn herself. From what we know of their backstory, she stepped away from any relationship they could have had, and only when they meet again many long years later does she finally confess that she’s loved Maggie all this time.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Leofric/Uhtred, mainly because I once received a comment on one of my fics for them that literally just said “Uhtred isn’t gay. Sorry.”
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
There’s not enough there to spend hours in their tag lol, but I do check Aethelflaed and Aldhelm’s tag every day to see if my friend’s posted any new gifsets ahahaha, there’s pretty much only content from me and her in there atm!
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
I mean technically Florence/Siobhan isn’t canon, and Death in Paradise already sunk any chance of it happening, so...
Tagging: @estelanel, @maurice-and-music, @wildwildtarget, @explodingpringlescans and anyone else who wants to do it and has an hour spare lol
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riosnecktattoo · 5 years
Ship History Meme!
Embrace your past and get to know your friends fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fabdoms/ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you'd like to learn about!
Tagged by the awesome @taraknowless ❤️
1. Beth/Rio - Good Girls
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Absolute shocker!
I actually owe it all to @hopelikethesun who I've been following for such a long time. When S2 started she was the only person I followed posting about it. I saw a few gifs and thought 'eh, he's not that hot' LOL and then a 2x04 gifset popped up and I went ummm excuse you? Then I felt the 'I want to watch this' urge. Thought it would be casual. It was not. This ship is flames and controls my life.
2. Karen & Frank - Daredevil S2/The Punisher
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I deadass can't with Kastle. Seeing this violent angry but loving man fall apart about his soft badass fave lady constantly? Him tearing down an entire building to keep her safe? That's love mf. Absolutely beautifuly acted by Jon & Deb. I'm still gutted about Marvel stopping their shows. They were holding off till S3 to make these two fuck. But they still made it canon that they love eachother so I was thrilled. But I deserved my kiss. The almost kiss in the Elevator before forehead touching will always be iconic.
3. Carol & Daryl - The Walking Dead
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When I say I used to think it wasn't possible I could ship anything more than these two? I mean it. The ship of Dreams.
I watched the show up until S8? Then I couldn't take it anymore. I had waited 8 fuckin years for Caryl and was tired of being baited. As much as I still do love them and check in, tptb are cowards and won't make it romantic explicitly. They'll just keep stringing fans along for views cause they know it's so popular.
And rightfully so. It's the most beautiful relationship. I remember watching S5 thinking 'this is my year! Caryl will be canon!' I fuckin baked Caryl cookies and put quotes on them! I was THAT much of a Caryl saddo! But they are on S10 and it's still not gone further than implication. It makes me so mad.
4. Jaime & Brienne - Game of Thrones
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I have a lot of GoT ships, but Braime really is That Bitch™
I had loved them from the books, then NCW and Gwen are just far too perfect for these roles. They are ridiculousy adorable and beautiful and everything good about love. They put so much work in to understanding eachother. Jaime becomes a better man for her. They fight to the death for the other. They are just amazing.
The show absolutely destroyed them in the end, but fuck em, the books won't be ending that way. The show did an amazing job until those last few eps. Forever salty. Braime 4eva.
5. Sawyer & Kate - LOST
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MY FIRST SHIP EVER! THE BEST SHOW EVER! This show made me the fangirl I am today. 11 year old Tay was born when this show aired.
If you didn't ship Skate, you were wrong. Jate was the most sauceless garbage ever and I'm still fuckin fuming about it.
It's not like Sawyer and Kate were the main ship for 5/6 of seasons? 🙃
They were fuckin beautiful and broken and had the most insane chemistry. That first kiss? Flamesssssss. Cage sex? Flamesssssss.
My first EVER fanfic was Skate! And I read it on my family computer! And it was filthy! And I minimised it thinking it was gone! It wasn't! My Dad found it! He read it to see what his 12yr old was up to! I've literally never been so embarrassed! 🙃
The day the finale aired I was wearing a SKATE FOR LIFE T-Shirt I had printed. I baked a LOST Cake. I baked cookies and wrote quotes on them. I dressed up as Charlie. I still have a Lost shelf in my bedroom.
This is who I am.
(Plz don't ask me for pictures of these things cause they do exist but I'm so tragic I just keep them to laugh at that lil nerd)
I'm taggin @medievalraven and @sothischickshe cause u gotta have some good ships in your repertoire! 😊
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For @quoderospero: You asked for this
Under the cut is my full list of Taylor Swift lyrics that hurt me and make me think of Merthur mostly, but also other characters. Enjoy and feel pain with me!
Also tagging @violetchachkii in case you get bored and ever want to hurt me with gifsets :)
Don’t Blame Me: 
“For you, I would fall from grace, just to touch your face”
Breathe: Honestly, this whole song is just Merlin directly after 5x13
“Now I don’t know what to be without you around”
“I can’t breathe without you, but I have to”
“Never wanted this, never want to see you hurt. Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.”
“Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fallout”
King of My Heart:
“And all at once you are the one I have been waiting for, king of my heart, body and soul”
Last Kiss: a lot of this doesn’t fit lyrically, but the general feeling is very post 5x13
“Never imagine we’d end like this. Your name, forever the name on my lips”
“The life of the party, you’re showing off again, and I roll my eyes, and you pull me in”
The Story of Us: 
“So many things that I wish you knew. So many walls up I can’t break through”
“I used to know my place was the spot next to you”
If This Was A Movie:
“Six months gone and I’m still reaching, even though I know you’re not there”
“Come back, come back, come back to me like you would, you would, if this was a movie”
“If you’re out there, if you’re somewhere, if you’re moving on. I”ll be waiting for you, wary since you’ve been gone”
“But if this was a movie you’d be here by now”
The Other Side of the Door:
“I said leave, but all I really want is you”
“And don’t you leave, cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door”
“I can’t even look at you, I don’t need you but I do, I do, I do”
“You are the best thing that’s ever been mine”
“Put your lips close to mine, as long as they don’t touch. Out of focus, eye to eye, til the gravity’s too much. And I’ll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands. And I’d be smart to walk away, but you’re quicksand.”
“I can’t decide if it’s a choice, getting swept away. I hear the sound of my own voice, asking you to stay. And all we are is skin and bone, trained to get along. Forever going with the flow, but you’re friction.”
This Love: Actually, fuck this song because it’s gonna make me cry. Literally post 5x13 until Arthur comes back
“Clear blue water, high tide, came and brought you in...current swept you out again, and you were just gone and gone, gone and gone.”
“In silent screams, in wildest dreams, I never dreamed of this.”
“Your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees”
“These hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me”
Stay Beautiful:
“If you and I are a story that never gets told, if what you are is a daydream I never get to hold, at least you’ll know.”
You Belong With Me:
“Been here all along so why can’t you see you belong with me?”
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic:
“Words, how little they mean, when you’re a little too late”
“In dreams I meet you in warm conversation. And time is taking its sweet time erasing you”
FIfteen: This is Merlin arriving in Camelot
“Count to ten, take it in, this is life before you know who you’re gonna be”
Superman: This song is more Arthur as a character and Arthur/Gwen as a ship
“He’s got his mother’s eyes, his father’s ambition”
State of Grace: 
“And I never saw you coming. And I’ll never be the same”
“These are the hands of fate, you’re my Achilles heel, this is the golden age of something good and right and real”
New Year’s Day:
“Don’t read the last page, but I stay when you’re lost and I’m scared and you’re turning away”
“Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you”
“I pretend you’re mine all the damn time”
“I’m no one special just another wide eyed [boy] who’s desperately in love with you”
“You smile that beautiful smile and all the girls in the front row scream your name”
I Did Something Bad: This whole song is Morgana but here’s the highlight
“If a man talks shit than I owe him nothing. I don’t regret it one bit cause he had it coming.”
I’m Only Me When I’m With You: Once again, basically the whole song
“And sometimes we don’t say a thing, just listen to the crickets sing. Everything I need is right here by my side.”
“And I know everything about you, I don’t wanna live without you”
“Well you drive me crazy half the time, the other half I’m only trying to let you know what is and isn’t true. And I’m only me when I’m with you.”
“When I’m with anybody else, it’s so hard to be myself and only you can tell”
Everything Has Changed:
“Cause all I know is we said hello, and your eyes look like coming home. All I know is a simple thing, everything has changed.”
“Come back and tell me why I’m feeling like I missed you all this time”
“You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours all I know since yesterday is everything has changed”
A Place in This World: Again, Merlin in Episode 1
“I don’t know what I want, so don’t ask me, cause I’m still trying to figure it out. Don’t know what’s down this road, I’m just walking”
Look What You Made Me Do: Whole song is Morgana
“The role you made me play of the fool, no I don’t like you.”
“But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time.”
“Maybe I got mine, but you’ll all get yours.”
Come Back, Be Here:
“And this is when the feeling sinks in, I don’t want to miss you like this. Come back, be here.”
“If I had known what I know now, I never would have played so nonchalant”
“This is falling in love in the cruelest way. This is falling for you when you are worlds away”
“I can’t help but wish you took me with you”
“But I believe in whatever you do, and I’ll do anything to see it through.”
“It was the night things changed, can you feel it now? The walls that they put up to hold us back fell down”
Holy Ground:
“And right there where we stood was holy ground”
“And sometimes I wonder how you’d think about it now, and I see your face in every crowd”
I Know Places:
“And I know for you, it’s always me”
“And I know for me, it’s always you”
“Come on, come on, don’t leave me like this...something’s gone terribly wrong you’re all I wanted”
Call it What you Want:
“Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right”
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong”
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk”
Long Live: Strap in folks, this is another one that almost made me cry
“It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age.”
“All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you”
“I was screaming long live all the magic we made”
“One day we will be remembered”
“Long live all the mountains we moved, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you”
“Can you take a moment-promise me this. That you’ll stand by me forever, but if God forbid fate should step in. And force us into a goodbye-if you have children someday-when they point to the pictures, please tell them my name?”
“Who you are is not what you did”
“You wouldn’t be shattered on the floor now, if only had seen what you know now then”
Today Was a Fairytale 
“You’ve got a smile that takes me to another planet”
“All that I can say is now it’s getting so much clearer. Nothing made sense till the time I saw your face.”
“There is an indentation in the shape of you. Made your mark on me a golden tattoo”
“My hands are shaking from holding back from you”
“I don’t want you like a best friend”
“All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation”
“Even in my worst times you could see the best of me”
Dancing With Our Hands Tied:
“I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us”
“Oh, cause it’s gravity keeping you with me”
“I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down”
“And I don’t know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless”
Out of the Woods: 
“We were built to fall apart, then fall back together”
Sparks Fly:
“I’m on my guard for the rest of the world but with you, I know it’s no good.”
Tied Together With a Smile: Arthur and Merlin at alternate points in the series
“And you cry, but you don’t tell anyone, that you might not be the golden one”
“I guess it’s true that love was all you wanted, cause you’re giving it away like it’s extra change.��
Cold As You:
“You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray. And I stood there loving you and wished them all away.”
I Wish You Would
“I wish you knew that, I’d never forget you as long as I live.”
Come in With the Rain: Merlin post 5x13
“I’ll leave my window open cause I’m too tired at night to call your name. Just know I’m right here hoping that you’ll come in with the rain.”
White Horse: post 5x13
“I had so many dreams about you and me, happy endings, now I know.”
Ours: Honestly, the whole song
“If you were here we’d laugh about their vacant stares, but right now, my time is theirs.”
“People throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard”
Red: Another one that hit me like a mack truck
“Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you’re already flying through the free fall”
“Losing him was blue like I’ve never known, missing him was dark gray all alone. Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met. But loving him was red.”
“Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes, tell myself it’s time now, gotta let go, but moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head, burning red.”
Stay, Stay, Stay: The tone of the song is very them
“All those times that you didn’t leave, it’s been occurring to me I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life.”
“The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy”
“All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you”
“Please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you”
If you made it through this, you deserve a prize but I hope you enjoyed!
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Do you ever notice the similarities/parallels in Buffy and Angel's journey's as heroes, there relationships with other people etc. post season 3? I remember seeing a gifset of it and being amazed at how similar there storylines could be and how they could echo the other or even the past. What are the biggest parallels that come to mind for them both in your eyes?
Yup, I did! And I’ve talked about it in many of my posts. There’s one meta I wrote recently which is about Buffy and Angel as heroes and touches on their journeys a bit. There are so many different types of parallels between the two characters that I can only attempt to explore some of them here. 
One of the most obvious parallels is Dawn/Connor. They were written into the shows to replicate the impact Buffy and Angel had on each other. Dawn and Connor are even similar characters: misunderstood, sweet, heroic, brave, tough, stubborn, angry, lost, without a parent (Connor lost his mom and his adoptive dad, and Dawn lost her mom plus her dad is absent). Although their journeys are different, they end them feeling at peace with themselves and their parental figures. Dawn and Connor both challenged Buffy and Angel, hated themselves, thought they were to blame for the terrible things happening around them (with Dawn being the Key, and Connor being a miracle birth that should never have happened). Ironically, Dawn embraced being a ”normal” (yet extraordinary) person living with slayers and witches, and Connor embraced being a “normal” guy who attends college, despite being a very powerful child of vampires.
A second parallel is Spike/Darla. When Buffy was at her lowest, her version of self-harm and self-care was sex someone she hated, someone who was worse than she felt. She ended up caring for Spike though, especially once he got a soul. Angel only slept with Darla once in season 2 but the reasoning was similar. He was feeling destructive, lost, hopeless, and Darla was there, like always, so he probably thought something along the lines of “If you’re going to hell, keep going”. Yet Angel also cared about Darla. He and Buffy knew better than to keep repeating past mistakes however. They ended things with their former partners and had some closure in the end. 
Angel’s season 2 arc isn’t unlike Buffy’s season 6 arc. They’d both found hope but that hope was stolen from them. Buffy found peace in “heaven”, which gave purpose to her suffering on earth (those hard choices she talked about in The Gift paid off in heaven). Angel found a purpose to his life and an ending to his pain (becoming human). But Buffy’s friends ripped her away from heaven, and she went back to making hard choices she couldn’t understand and becoming a person she was increasingly unfamiliar with. And Darla becoming a human only to die as a vampire, again, was the cruelest joke the universe played on Angel. If Darla becoming a human didn’t change anything for her, than what would it change for him? If being human means redemption, then what does it mean that she couldn’t keep her humanity (literally)? Did it mean that Angel was doomed because even if he Shanshued he had no guarantees that it would stick? 
The latter bits of Buffy and Angel’s journeys are about them struggling to hold on to their vulnerability, to hope, to themselves. Angel changed a lot in season 5. He struggled to find his way back to his original goals, which were to take down Wolfram&Hart, help people, inspire change in others, fight no matter the results. Buffy was a shell of her former self in season 7, and it was one hell of a fight for her to learn to smile and hope again. She found her way out of the prison that being a slayer was to her. Both Angel and Buffy, in different ways, fulfilled their originals goals and dreams, and lived up to the people they used to be before life got unbearably hard. 
There are tons of parallels I could mention. Too many to count. Like, how Giles and Wesley grew despondent, sometimes even cruel, and their relationships with Buffy and Angel fell apart and never recovered. Trust was lost and their goals and methods were too different. Or how Wolfram&Hart and The First were both the biggest challenges of Buffy and Angel’s lives, and their towns were destroyed by them. Both were powerful, vague entities, operating from the shadows and using corporeal beings to do their biding. 
I don’t know... I guess I’m uninspired today! If you have something specific that you want me to talk about, say so. 
Thanks for the ask!
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HELLO! TODAY MARKS MY SIX-YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON THIS BLOG ( 6/1/2018 ) AND TO CELEBRATE HERE IS A FOLLOW FOREVER ( I haven't done this in a while so excuse the lame graphic ). I honestly cannot believe that I've had this blog for so long. I've had a lot of downs here but I've also had my fair share of ups. After my year hiatus, I had honestly thought I would be shutting this blog down for good because a lot of things were going wrong but I'm so glad I didn't because I got to meet more amazing people along with the partners who've managed to stick by my side for so long. Besides having a follow forever, I wanted to do something special but I'm honestly clueless so I was hoping you all could help me out. I was thinking a Q & A video for the muses and mun, a voice recording of what my muses would sound like in a drabble, a promo/shoutout, a gifset/graphic/photo edit of your muses and mine, and/or drabbles for your muses and mine. You guys can choose which one you want me to do but I will be closing requests by June 8. Anyways, below the cut are people I just want to thank and people who I wish to interact with. I may have forgotten some people so I do apologize. I'm very scatterbrained at times. Okay love you all. Stay wonderful. ~ local smol bean, MC <3
@qceensofkings - Such a kind person with great muses.We don’t talk much out of character but it doesn’t stop me from loving Nicholas and Isabelle together. They make my heart happy especially during their little cute moments ( like fighting over if pancakes or waffles are better ). You are a wonderful human being and I love seeing you on my dash always. I can’t wait to keep writing more with you
my starlight bestie { @eternallydreamingstar } - BEST FRIEND HI. OKAY SO FIRST OFF I LOVE YOU OKAY YOU’RE SUCH A GREAT FRIEND! MORE THAN I CAN EVER ASK FOR. You were literally the first person after my hiatus who reached out to me again and started to write with me. You gave me the push and motivation to keep on going despite me wanting to give up. I love our plots, I love our characters, and I love the world we’ve created. We’ve been together for so long and I honestly cannot stress how much you mean to me. I love you so much. You’ve have always been there for me and I will continue to always be there for you too. I LOVE YOU STARLIGHT
the longest love { @drew-a-tanaka } - Okay....listen....I think by this point this is going to be repetitive because you’re literally my longest partner ( it’s been like five years ) so you’ve been with me for such a long time and you’ve heard me tell you I love you all the time. I love you okay. I care so much about you more than you could ever know. Thank you for truly caring for me and for helping me. Thank you for writing with me. Thank you for pulling me out of the darkness countless of times. Thank you for cheering me on. Thank you. I love you and I’m always here for you. I will always be here for you. 
the wonderful inspiration { @ribbedxgloves } - Um listen, even after all these years I’m still intimidated by you. Like you’re so amazing and all your characters are great and don’t even get me started on your writing. I will never cease to thank you for giving me a chance because without you I don’t think I would have actually grown and improved as a roleplayer. Thank you for being such a wonderful human being. I miss talking to you a lot. But thank you for being a beautiful soul.
@hadesrebelofadaughter - You honestly are one of the kindest people ever. I don’t think you understand just how much you’ve made my days when you sent me all those encouraging messages and were genuinely interested in my characters. I apologize for my slowness because we don’t get to interact a lot but I do read your threads and you’re such a wonderful writer. You are a bright person so please keep on shining. 
@district-one-beauty - Hello, my love. First off, I want to apologize for being the slowest person ever when it comes to replying. Second off, thank you for always messaging me and trying to talk to me. You’re such a kind person. I know things get rough but I’m always here if you need anything. Thank you for blessing my dash and threads with your presence. And thank you for simply being my amazing rp partner. I will do my best to be more responsive, I promise. 
@humansxfox - Okay first off, I actually never thought you would actually want to roleplay with me because I am a mere potato who knows nothing and yet you sent me asks and now here we are. Katherine makes me super happy because I love how she just interacts with Nicholas. It gives me a chance to be more creative with him without having to change his backstory or who he is ( this means a lot to me honestly ). You’re honestly such a blessing on my dash and just your presence makes me happy. I wish we could talk more out of character but I’m really shy and weird so I do apologize.
pink candied sky { @leenxna​ } - MY LOVE MY WONDERFUL HONEY MY DARLING! DUDE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OKAY. LIKE I TRULY LOVE YOU. YOU’RE SO FUCKING AMAZING I CAN’T EVEN EXPRESS HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME. Thank you for putting up with me and thank you for talking to me and just being an overall great person. I love being a dork with you and just talking about everything. You make me so happy. I love that we’ve pretty much established a whole story and it’s pretty great. Thanks for introducing me to great people and thanks for loving my spams. I can honestly write a whole chapter about how amazing you are but I’ll stop for now haha. Okay LOVE YOU. 
@hxpxfm - YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON. Like the first time you hopped into my IM, not going to lie, I was really startled because no one has ever truly done that before but DUDE I’M REALLY GLAD YOU DID. You’re so sweet and caring and I just love having conversations with you. I know we haven’t roleplayed yet [ I’M SORRY I’M SO SLOW ] but I’m already excited for our characters to interact. THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A BALL OF SUNSHINE. 
@killyouhimself - Your presence on my dash makes me so happy. And even though our threads have not progressed yet ( I’M SORRY I’M SO SLOW. Please forgive me. ) I honestly already love them. I love your character so much which is why I’m always reading your threads. You’re an amazing writer and your creativity is truly astounding. I love the interaction between Charon and Sungmin. Thank you for being on my dash and for being such a blessing. 
the argentate heart { @atrociity​ } - OMG SO MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT YOU. You make me so soft, okay? Like you’re so cute and adorable and so nice and caring and it’s just like how was I blessed ??? I love Eris so much and the way she interacts with Mak ( also thank you for interacting with him ). Thank you for checking up on me. Honestly if anyone ever fights you, tell me. I will fight them for you. I will literally lay down my morality for you because you are a person who deserves all the love and protection. I love you so much! 
the sweetest honey { @busanbunnie​ } - ANOTHER PEACH. ANOTHER SWEETHEART WHO HAS MANAGED TO MAKE MY DAYS BETTER. YOU ARE SO ADORABLE AND CUTE AND I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU - FROM YOUR BLOG AND TO YOUR PERSONALITY. I love our interactions so so much and I just love talking to you. Thank you for being such a bright light. 
@painterlyjongin - HIIIII. Okay listen, I’m actually very intimidated by you and I’m really grateful that you’re writing with me. I love plotting and talking with you always. Your characters are beautiful and you’re a wonderful human being. Every time you appear on my dash, I get very happy. Thank you for giving me the honor of interacting with you.
@beavtiful-liar​​ - I’m always blessed to see you on my dash. I’m always happy when you’re online. I know we don’t interact as much but I’m still grateful that your presence is here. I’m always happy when I read your threads. You’re such a kind person and you deserve so much love and happiness. I don’t know how you managed to keep so many muses and how you manage to be super creative but it’s honestly awe-inspiring. Thank you for being a blessing. 
@nobxdyshome​​ - You are such a beautiful soul and I’m really sorry that I’m very slow with replying but with the interactions we’ve had so far, it’s honestly great. I loved plotting with you and talking with you. I always read your threads and you’re so creative and such a great writer. I will always be in awe of you.
@jinxednature - Hiiiii. First off, you are so so so so so so nice. A very, very sweet soul that I have the honor of talking and interacting with you. You are so beautiful and kind and I love your blog and your characters and your creativity. You give my dash a little more sweetness and I will forever be grateful for that. 
the bby love { @aroixs } - Will words be enough to convey how much you mean to me? Will it ever truly encompass all my emotions and thoughts? You, my dear, are such a true blessing in my life. You genuinely are such a caring and wonderful person and every time I see a notification from you I honestly get incredibly happy. You care so much and you’re always so kind and thoughtful. Even when you have your own problems to deal with, you manage to have time for me and that is an honor. I love you so much bby. I’m always grateful for you.
my baby doll wife { @moonsiim​ } - There are too many things to say about you. I can write a whole novel trying to detail out all of the thoughts I have about you but I won’t go overboard. One day I will but not today. I always tell you this: I love you. Every time we talk I always have a smile on my face. Every time you send me something or talk about something you’re passionate or interested about my heart swells with joy because I’m honored that you can share it with me. Your writing leaves me breathless. Your characters leave me gasping for oxygen. You, just you, leaves me in awe. I love you so much and I don’t know how to convey that truly because let’s face it I’m pretty awkward and weird and yet you’ve given me a chance to be part of your life. I will always be grateful for everything you’ve done. I will always be here for anything you need. I will always try to be your ball of sunshine. I truly love you so so much. 
@meirise || @dcpression || @xtaem || @prvttyliars || @elvctrickiss || @sierrcr || @monkeydjong || @boyccld || @divinexlovers || @kingpvns || @nxcturnes ( quick note - I’m honestly in admiration of your writing and you very much intimidate me but I enjoy reading all your threads ) || @lostavra || @strawbxrryblxssxms ( quick note - YOU’RE HONESTLY SUCH A SWEETHEART AND I’M SORRY I HAVEN’T REPLIED YET ) || @seaxofxstrangers || @malvdo || @deitius || @whyhasthemadnessoccured || @130mo2d || @witch-saebyeok ( quick note - I’m sorry for being slow and ALSO I LOVE WINTER’S AND SAEBYEOK’S FRIENDSHIP ALREADY ) || @fatedtobehunted || @survivics ( quick note - I always try to send you an ask or a request to plot and then I get really scared so I don’t but I really wish I could interact with you ) || @ilatiisms ( quick note - I love your character so much and you’re such an amazing writer and I’m very intimidated but one day I will muster up the courage to ask to interact ) || @nocturncx ( quick note - I miss you and I love our interactions and I’m so sorry that I’m really slow with replying. You’re beautiful ) || @telekineticdivinity || @tenxthreex || @orientalskies || @alnowicki || @curious-x || @fclklre || @rousepalette 
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wackygoofball · 7 years
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Gifset: Jaime x Brienne - Ghost Hunters AU
Ever since killing his police commander “Mad King” Aerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister is haunted –literally so. Both the man he executed for reasons Jaime never leaked to the public following the news’s witch hunt that marked him as the “Kingslayer” forever, and the people he failed to protect, like Aerys’s son Rhaegar, come after him whenever he falls asleep.
In the beginning, Jaime thought that he was merely hallucinating Aerys’s presence in his apartment, but he soon had to realize that Aerys’s actual ghost is haunting him, and can take physical form to harm not just Jaime, but also his family, something the spirit threatens him with ever since.
Wanting to know his family safe, Jaime made a drastic decision, abandoned his old job, his old life, cut all ties, and dove into the world of ghost hunting, in the hope to find a way to rid himself of Aerys’s ghost – and hopefully return home some day. However, Jaime didn’t have any luck just yet. While he slowly but surely slipped into the life of a ghost hunter, the former police officer found no way yet to exorcise his very own demons, thus focusing his efforts on the vengeful spirits haunting others instead.
Matters get increasingly worse as Jaime’s lack of sleep starts to take its toll on him, to the point that he fears that one of these days, he won’t wake up from his nightmares in which Rhaegar and the people he failed to protect from Aerys’s plot, which may have cost the lives of many people, had Jaime not made the decision to execute his commander, come after him.
While working what he thought to be a regular job near Oldtown, a haunted house with what seemed to be no more than a vengeful spirit to shoot at with the specially designed hunter weapons that he gathered over time, Jaime finds himself in quite a trouble. Because Aerys’s ghost decides to now also attack him on the gigs, which leaves Jaime injured as he has to battle two ghosts at once, and on the verge of losing. However, he is rescued by a tall, blonde woman who instantly fires at the spirits to make them retreat from Jaime – at the very last second.
Yet, he is very much surprised at the fact that the woman has no better to do than lash out at him, talking about “hunters” as though they are the worst people ever, though she is evidently one of them.
“You may just as well get yourself into your car and leave the rest to me.”
“In case it went without your notice, I was here first, wench.”
“And in case it went without your notice, you would have been screwed had I not arrived in time. And do not call me ‘wench.’”
“I would have managed without you, wench.”
“Yeah right.”
Their banter is quickly interrupted when the vengeful spirit of the house reappears. Jaime is still gathering himself after the head injury he received in the fight, shocked when confronted with the danger of the woman now being attacked by the ghost they both came here for originally. However, for some reason, the hunter with brilliant blue eyes does not fire at the spirit hovering above her, but instead… starts to talk to the creature. Jaime’s irritation only intensifies as the ghost shifts shape, revealing herself as a young girl, no more than ten years of age, skipping up the stairs after the conversation with the woman, only to disappear into thin air.
While very reluctant about it, the woman gives Jaime a lift to the next best doctor to trust in to have his injuries taken care of. The former police officer obviously uses the opportunity of the car ride through the vastness of the outer rims of Oldtown to get more information on this most curious hunter whose acquainted he just made, wanting to know just how she did it – and why.
Because truth be told, Jaime never considered talking ghosts into going back to where they belong.
“That is why I don’t like hunters,” she scoffs when he brings the topic up.
“You are a hunter.”
“I am not.”
“You hunt ghosts. That means you are not that much different from me, sorry to inform you, wench.”
“You probably find it funny to take a shot at a vengeful spirit. But it’s no game to me.”
“Trust me, wench, that is no game to me either. One could say my life depends on it.”
“Well, for me, the ghost’s afterlives depend on it that there is at least one person out there who tries to be there for them.”
“To do what?”
“Pass the threshold. Travel across. Find peace. Like the girl today. She lost her way, didn’t know how to leave the house, until she remembered how she died, falling down the stairs, and went back up to finally find her way back to her family in the afterlife.”
“Wait, you are telling me that you are one of those ghost whisperer folks?!” Jaime laughs.
“I am not a ghost whisperer. I don’t whisper to them.”
“Talk, whisper, mutter, yell, whatever. But you are a medium… if that is the term you prefer?”
“I don’t like labels.”
“Well, you had no trouble labelling me as one of those hunters that you despise so very much, or did you?”
She says nothing at that, just grabs the steering wheel tighter as they carry on with their ride through the darkness of the night.
With a concussion confirmed by the retired doctor who takes care of hunters without asking too many questions, Brienne, yet again very reluctantly, agrees to have an eye on Jaime to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed out of sheer stupidity.
Though both are fully aware that he will use the time to interrogate further into her case. And yet, Brienne takes some courage in that, reckoning that she can do the same.
When Brienne keeps poking him for information about why Jaime decided to come to Oldtown for particularly this case at that point of time, she is surprised to learn that the other hunter came here for the same reasons that drove her to Oldtown: irregularities in the weather, increase of thunderstorms, and an increase of heavily injured patients slipping into a coma within a fifty-mile radius, among other things. To Jaime’s asking if she has more information about that phenomenon, Brienne reveals quite a big truth:
“You say that we, as hunters, take care of the bad guys, the vengeful spirits, and make them go to where they belong. And in that, yes, we don't differ much. However, there is something out there that is causing those irregularities that you also found, and it’s keeping the ghosts from going to where they belong.”
Jaime is ever the more irritated at that set of information muttered over a lukewarm bottle of beer. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“There is a shadow that is hunting ghosts, but it doesn’t help them cross the threshold, it takes them somewhere else, someplace they don’t belong.”
“To where?”
“I don’t know, but I will find out. And I will stop it.”
Brienne wants to continue in her quest to find the shadow reaping those ghosts that have lost their way, but for some damned reason, the fellow hunter with snarky smile now wants to join in – and even gives valid reason as to why she should let him take part in her quest: Jaime managed to gather data that Brienne was desperately searching for in ages, and he is only willing to share if he gets to work the case alongside her.
Jaime, for himself, hopes that if he figures what keeps those ghosts from travelling across, it may help him find out just why Aerys’s ghost won't disappear, no matter how many times he shoots him down, hoping that this is his ticket home at last.
Thus, a yet again very reluctant alliance is born.
As the two continue travelling the country in search for clues on the shadow hunting ghosts, they are bound to reveal some of their greatest secrets to one another: Jaime comes clean to Brienne about why he killed Aerys, following a late-night encounter with the ghost, which leads to increasing tension between the two as Brienne confronts Jaime not just on his self-induced insomnia but also his tendency of letting his guilt consume him.
Brienne takes some drastic measurements to help Jaime, thereby letting on more about how she is a medium and how she can communicate and see ghosts the way she does, an ability she acquired at a very young age, as was discovered when she kept interacting with her dead brother Galladon, and eventually helped him travel across. Jaime is quite surprised and shocked to learn about how she dropped out of the business, upon her father’s plea to know her safe, after all, not all ghosts are peaceful, and what brought her back into the game: The shadow.
As Brienne eventually admits to him, knowing she can no longer hide the truths from her hunting partner, she lost her childhood friend and former crush Renly Baratheon to the shadow reaping his soul before it could pass, and now fears for her comatose father to have fallen victim to the same dark entity.
“There is nothing more hateful than failing to protect the ones you love. And I can’t fail my father, not again. I have to find them to set them free.”
“Will you be able to do that, though?”
“To do what?”
“Let them go? Because let me tell you that one thing from experience, that is the hardest part. Are you ready for that?”
“We are about to find out, aren’t we?”
Battling their own demons in their continuous quest for the shadow threatening the living and the dead, both that of the ghostly kind and of memories and guilt haunting either one, Jaime and Brienne find themselves also battling each other’s hauntings, growing closer and closer in a time that may mean their deaths at every step, every case they take in the hope to get one step closer towards the final goal.
Retracing the paths of a medium called “The Red Woman” leads them down a rabbit hole that may very well be one without return, unless they find a way to battle the shadow reaping the living and the dead, which proves to be perhaps the toughest challenge of their lives as they try to hold on while also having to let go.
Only time will show whether they can turn out victor against the Red Woman, the shadow, their own guilt and ghosts haunting them…
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evyisaks · 7 years
The Isak + Even fan fics that I'm currently reading Part One: (This could be a recommendation list I guess, but it's more of a list of fics that I'm currently reading, so the ones that I've already read aren't there. The list is also in random order. I’m going to make a part two because damn, I read so many fics.)
→  Let Me In | milk_o_vich
“What are you doing here?” Isak asked, unable to keep the anger out of his voice. Even’s eyes were wide and a little unfocused, flitting over Isak nervously. He was quiet for a long time, rain hitting the pavement outside, and Isak became kind of aware that Even must be freezing in his thin, damp t-shirt. Even pressed his lips together, then said, voice hoarse and quiet, “Can I stay here tonight?” (Isak and Even broke up months ago) →  Expect the Unexpected | bri_ness
In which Snakesak plays Big Brother. 
→  right click > save as | kittpurrson
Isak, a fic writer in the Minute by Minute fandom, had the world's biggest crush on the fandom's biggest name. Or: the fandomception AU, in which two boys fall in love over Discourse, gifsets, and increasingly dirty hashtags. → The Weight Of Us | verlore_poplap
Isak finally takes the plunge towards what's seemed like an inevitability for almost ten years.Of course that's when some guy comes along and ruins everything
.---Isak Valtersen is literally the last thing Even's life needs right now.It pretty horrifying how hard that is to remember, everytime he's around.
→ I Would Do It Again | cuteandtwisted
"I dare you to hook up with him."
"What? The blonde guy?" "Yes, the blonde guy."
Or Even gets caught up in a dare, and Isak loses a little bit of himself in the process.
→ Home is wherever am with you | cuteandtwisted 
“Hi. I’m Even and I don’t usually walk around in nothing but a towel.” “Uh, I'm Isak.” “Isak. Mind if I kidnap you for some fun sightseeing activities?” Or Isak and Even keep meeting in hostels around the world and parting with a kiss or two. → blue like the night in cuba | piccadilly
Isak and Even meet on a train and spend a night exploring Paris, losing themselves and finding each other.Or, a Before Sunrise AU.
→ Livredderen | Kudzibisa 
I et parallelt univers møtes Isak og Even under dramatiske omstendigheter. Even er førstemann til ulykkesstedet når Isak havner i et voldsomt bilkrasj.Det blir et første møte som ingen av dem klarer å glemme.
Eller AU der Even (helt bokstavelig talt) redder Isak. Redder Isak han tilbake?
→ Summer Love | Chips2
Even has just finished University. He decides to spend summer at his parent's holiday house in the Norwegian countryside where he has been coming since childhood. He knows Isak, one of the locals, who has recently graduated from high school and is spending his break helping his dad out at his kayak shop.
Two boys from different backgrounds, both embarking on new chapters in their lives who find their worlds intertwined during their holidays and on one particularly hot summer break.
→  Little Harbour | MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) 
The all grown up AU where Even is lost and Isak is Norway's favourite Midwife. It is what it is.Title from It's the dream by Norwegian poet Olav V HaugeIt's the dream we carry in secret, that something miraculous will happen. That It must happen, that time will open, that the heart will open, that doors will open, that the rockface will open, that spring will gush.
That the dream will open, that one morning we will glide into some little harbour we didn't know was there.
→ stay a minute | grinsekaetzchen
"The leads of Even Bech Næsheim’s new 'Romeo and Juliet' adaption were announced yesterday, with Eva Kviig Mohn taking to Twitter to confirm, ‘Looking forward to playing Julieeeeet’. Her fellow Romeo was announced shortly after to be Isak Valtersen, which his publicist confirmed today. It seems that this will be Norway’s new star-crossed pair of lovers."
In which there is a tumblr fandom that is dying every time new information for said version of 'Romeo and Juliet' drops, Even is a beloved director and Isak - well, Isak would just really appreciate it if his mind would stop surprising him with memories at the worst moments possible.
→ it's about growing up, getting older, living on a lover's shoulder (it's about time) | babyturtle
The Sana-and-Isak-Childhood-Friends ft. Bookclubs AU you didn't know you were looking for.
Sana and Isak might've spent more time fighting than reading the first day the met, but sometimes that's just how it goes. Usually. Usually that's how it goes. With Sana and Isak specifically. In their mostly dysfunctional two person book club.
Or, life is hard and growing up harder, but take my hand and I'm right there with you.
→ torches (life's too short) | xxLeviBech
"My mom used to tell me my thoughts would pour out of my ears if I kept thinking too hard." Isak threw back another fry, keeping his gaze down.
"That's pretty fucked up, man." Even deadpanned, making Isak snap his head up in a laugh
."Fuck you," He giggled, tossing one of the soggier ones at Even and being decidedly unimpressed when he caught it in his mouth.
Or, a canon divergence AU in which Isak's childhood is exponentially more severe -- where he can't remember coming to school without bruises, a bottle of hand-sanitizer, and long sleeves. It's fine, he's fine. It wasn't for his friends, though; and that's how he wound up here, in a fold-up chair every Tuesday and Friday, talking about his experiences with other post-secondary kids diagnosed with some kind of PTSD. It's also where meets a guy whose name starts with the same letters as everything, because that's... exactly what he is.
→ Come On, Set the Tone | boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug 
Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music and has the skills to make his own way in the musical world (just like his newly found idol, Even Bech Naesheim).
Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody - anyone in his cult following will tell you (including a certain popstar).Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 9 weeks, 50 shows, and countless hours (together) on the tour bus leave Even writing cryptic love songs and Isak wondering if he should leave everything he knows behind.
Ft. BL!SS, Balloon Squad, Wireless Problems, Jonas, and the Wobbles
→ Parallel Universe | RunningGirl
What if Even goes his own way, leaving Isak behind? What if he regrets it? What if he's given the chance to see what would have happened if he stayed?
Even made a decision after college. A decision he's regretted for five years. He's given the opportunity to see what would have happened if he hadn't made that decision. A glimpse into a parallel universe.
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frenchibi · 7 years
WIP tag
I was tagged by @paintbrushyy to talk about my WIPs, and because I am a responsible adult and not prone to escapism, I am not doing this now to avoid the disaster that my life is right now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If any of these interests you - let me know and I’ll jump on it :’) I’m very easily influenced by enthusiasm these days. (I mean it)
WIPs that are partially posted:
IwaOi Week 2017. I know I’m late to finish days 6 and 7 but. It is happening. I have ideas. I will finish this goddamn project. Day 6 is a Fairy Tale inspired thing (not literally though) and probably has boys in dresses and skirts because FIGHT ME and Day 7 is for the prompt Goodbyes, it has parental divorce and thunderstorms and soft confessions.
Drag me ‘Round (Kicking and Screaming): has 3/5 chapters up – Oikawa shrinks; based on art by @yaboykeiji. This might get a sequel, I have ideas.
Until It Breaks: 1/3 (or 4) chapters up -  it’s a MatsuHana and IwaOi fic, College AU, past unrequited MatsuIwa – the boys have Issues and need to Talk about them. Involves drunk upset Makki and soft background IwaOi.
Look To The Sky: 3/4 chapters up, based on Amanda Marshall’s Cross My Heart – one possible story of iwaoi’s lives, from childhood to college. Includes so much fluff you will choke (and a marriage proposal) but also angst and long-distance and… yeah.
The Play: 1/4 chapters up – The volleyball club of Aoba Johsai has the privilege (Oikawa) or obligation (everyone else) to perform a play at the cultural festival. A romantic play, of course, because there’s nothing as engaging as romance! Includes boys in dresses, sneaky or not-so-sneaky plans, and a very exasperated Iwaizumi.  
Ignite The Sky: 2/possibly 50 chapters up – gigantic iwaoi Dragon AU with @josai that I sincerely hope you are just as excited for as I am.
 Other ideas:
IwaOi Sisters AU: I have been sitting on this idea for almost a year and I cannot wait to write it out. Iwa with a gigantic family – six sisters (!) and the story of Oikawa re-meeting his family after he goes from best friend to boyfriend. A story about family and acceptance and the bonds between all of these characters. I have a lot of feelings about my OCs for this fic and if I’m lucky I made @shouyouohno excited enough to even give one of them a spinoff :0
A birthday fic (iwaoi) for my dear friend @joanofarcticmonkeys that she sort-of requested and that got WAY out of hand  (and is super late oh my god I’m so sorry) – includes biracial Iwa-chan and pining Oikawa and a misunderstanding that leads to pain. And ultimately fluff. xD
A Room With New Colors: Delinquent Iwa and Good Kid Oikawa, this is pretty dark in parts, there’s abuse and homophobia and haphephobia and a lot of… healing. Probably slow burn, and it might take me a while to write.
The Roof: iwaoi. They’ve moved to Tokyo and things should be going great, right? Right? So why is there this distance between them that Tooru finds so suffocating? He starts escaping their shared bed and the warmth of Iwaizumi’s arms to spend his nights on the roof of their 8-story apartment building, staring at the stars and looking for answers. Could possibly be triggering – but there’s a happy end, because COME ON.
Another depression fic with long-distance iwaoi because I have too many feelings and nowhere to put them.
A continuation for Born For Glory (I’m struggling with the style) that might turn into something heavily inspired by @amalasdraws’ roadtrip AU
So. Much. HP AU. You guys don’t even know. One version has legilimens!Iwa and that’s all I have to say about that.
“Do you like me” – soft iwaoi fluff with slightly insecure Oikawa & lots of reassurance.
An iwaoi medieval AU with @josai – I dragged her into this but I am hyped; instead of the usual king/guard romance thing, here we have IwaOi both as royal guards for the king – this’ll be nsfw and involve, uh, kind of shady consent and Iwa and Oikawa with other parties because RULES and medieval society and apparently I love pain (with happy endings)
Iwaoi Spirit AU: There’s a monster under little Oikawa’s bed – but maybe he’s just lost. Kind of slow burn (?) depending on how detailed I wanna write this.
Hit it until it breaks: The story behind Oikawa’s favorite quote (inspired by a gifset and the thought: what if Oikawa likes that quote so much because it reminds him of Iwaizumi…?)
Siren!Oikawa: What the title implies – but we’re talking dangerous, poisonous siren Oikawa and human Iwa, who finds him while he’s injured, and therefore gets spared – but he can’t leave, either, he knows too much now. And is it a coincidence that Oikawa shares his name with a boy Hajime used to know…?
Iwaoi Soulmates AU: where what your soulmate thinks of you appears as writing on your skin, and Tooru has always had words all over himself and all of them are so positive that he’s sure his soulmate can’t be anyone he knows, must be some kid dreaming up the perfect partner, because he is none of the things his skin is telling him. (and even though he dreams of his soulmate, he also can’t deny his feelings for Iwa-chan, who couldn’t possibly be right for him even though he desperately wants him to be… because even when Oikawa amps up his annoying-ness, never once has there been the word “annoying” on his skin.)
Flowers: iwaoi, Iwa plays the “he loves me, he loves me not” game throughout different stages of their relationship, until he realizes that he makes his own destiny.
Handcuffs: iwaoi – a prompt given to me by @superiortechnology; iwa and oikawa are arguing and there seems to be more going on than meets the eye – so obviously Matsukawa and Hanamaki takes matters into their own hands and make sure that their friends solve their dispute by any means necessary.
Greek Gods AU 1: More Aphrodite/Hephaestus IwaOi (see Iwaoi Week 2017)
Greek Gods AU 2: Hades/Persephone IwaOi
Airport Reunion AU 1: happy sappy “I missed you so much” schmoop for iwaoi with a confession :D
Airport Reunion AU 2: this one hurts; Oikawa is due to come home from a game overseas but his plane crashes. (He’s not dead. Good lord.)
“Three things you love most” – a short series of iwaoi being asked that question at different stages in their lives. FLUFF
“What would you do if I died today?” - another collab with @josai if that works out; Oikawa asks a stupid question and Iwa can’t seem to let it go. Soft and pensive and nsfw :’)
A very soft and sappy engagement/wedding thing for iwaoi
An incredibly painful iwaoi fic that has a breakup, minor character death, and a whole host of misunderstandings. To know your characters, you have to break them, or something. This one is ROUGH.
A couple ideas for nonbinary Oikawa and/or Trans Oikawa that I am afraid to approach because I don’t want to be indelicate or offensive.
Possibly more for the Sports Club IwaOi AU (see Iwaoi Week 2017)
Possibly an actors AU with iwa and oikawa as musical singers in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar
An actual Phantom of the Opera AU with Phantom!Oikawa and Christine!Iwa – old, but I wanna write some of it out.
A whole host of fluffy iwaoi drabbles from prompts that I’ve found or that people have sent me in my ask :D There’s like 30 unfilled ones there and I intend to write pretty much all of them, and also the ones that are for ships I don’t usually write (kagehina, bokuro, daisuga)
I have more IwaOiBokuAka and more IwaOiBoKuro ideas are in the works too – smaller fic ideas for the former and, if I can manage to write it, a large fic for the latter.
Other fandoms (because yeah, I wanted to diversify. Hah.)
Illuminate is marked as completed but I have more ideas for this. It’s for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, an AU where certain characters live.
I also have a rather big HP thing planned with my dear old friend @annoyed-basically that we have a lot of feelings about and that could potentially be the biggest project ever wtf
Oh, and then there’s also HP crackfic for my little sister (her ideas, written as a Very Serious Fic though okay) that I really kinda wanna write but idk if it’ll ever be fit for posting :’D It’s literally just... humor ^^
Ty for the tag! If you’re reading this and you’re a writer, you’re tagged!!
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