#literally ran out of tags last post lmao
hauntingblue · 7 months
One of luffy's main traits being that he likes to eat and then making a story in a food themed island about his friend who makes him food is so fucked up
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 5 months
The reason why they don't follow each other lmao, I still cackle thinking of Charles - literally on Max's freaking plane going home to Monaco after Austria 2019 - looking over at Max to see if he noticed that he'd unfollowed him.
(this point from a post of yours btw)
is there any proof to that point? i'm genuinely asking
Hi Anon,
So I don't have any screenshotted proof from this pre & post Austria 2019 era myself, but maybe another blog does (I've only been active myself in f1 tumblr since 2021, despite following the sport my entire life and looking over the tags every so often before setting up my blog here) so I'll throw this in the tags so if someone does have that type of evidence, they can add it here.
Here's what we do know and have evidence for;
We do know that Max and Charles did follow each other on their various social media platforms until circa 2019, as - (if you scroll back far enough) - you can see different interactions between them pre 2019, pre Austria specifically. [Unrelated note: the unhingedness of them and the rest of the then teenaged members of the grid at this point of time is beyond hilarious. Genuinely, if you have the time it's worth the scrolling because they're such teenage boys tm it's ridiculous, and we kinda forget how long their lives have been interconnected, and it's before they got proper pr training and before certain drivers - most recognisably Max - gave their socials to a media team to run. There was a good period of time around 2017/18 when Victoria, his sister, ran his accounts as well as he wanted to include her in his team, before a proper media team took over. Objectively, the idea of Victoria noticing Charles unfollowed Max and then being the one to unfollow Charles in response, while Max remains oblivious to the entire situation is killing me lmao].
Now we do definitely know that they shared the flight home from Austria as during press after the race, Max was asked if things were going to be awkward with Charles now and he was essentially like "??? We're literally sharing a flight home???" This was Max's "It was just an inchident" ngl. Meanwhile, this was Charles on the podium:
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... so he certainly did not share the same sentiment. It was his "it's just unfair" era. You can see a clear difference in Charles' driving post Austria, he started taking more risks and was more aggressive afterwards, because he felt if max was allowed to take risks and be aggressive, so was he. In the story of Charles' racing career, Austria 2019 is a significant race in his journey, even though it wasn't the win he wanted it to be. He would win his first two races in the aftermath of it.
It would not be the first or last time Charles would pettily unfollow someone on the grid after feeling he had been dirty by them and/or the FIA. In 2021, he followed every driver on the grid bar Max and would unfollow Valterri after what Charles dubbed the bowling incident in Hungary. While Bottas caused the main chaos of that opening lap, Stroll was the one who actually took Charles out of the race, but Lance has Charles following him as of 2024. Bottas also may have been unfollowed because of his preference of being as little clothed as possible in his insta posts lmao, but Charles did follow him before Hungary 2021 and quickly unfollowed afterwards.
I hope this provides some help, anon. And I'm sorry that I don't have the relevant screenshots to validate and accurately fact check this section of lestappen lore.
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I hope you don't mind but I'm about to tell you about my first impressions of The Cabinet of Dr Caligiri, since youre practically the ambassador for it at this point:
Came from the Bigtop Burger random and heard talk of Cesare being inspired by tcodc, so I browsed the tcodc tag for a bit and made some assumptions.
-I thought that Cesare WAS dr Caligiri since he's on the main poster + they're both italian names. So I thought he was Dr. Cesare Caligiri, from Italy.
-I also didn't know what a somnambulist was so I just assumed it was a doctor specialising in sleep. And I also guessed since everyone called him a sleepwalker, that he was doing a bunch of experiments on himself which made him sleepwalk, or got into the "somnambulism" profession to try and find a cure for his sleepwalking.
-These experiments made him kill? I just ran with it and hoped there was context in the original movie lol. I also assumed that nobody accused him since he was such a sweet heart and that's how he got away with it. +he had no memory of it lol.
-I saw some art from flypanegg where Cesare sleepwalks into Francis' room while an asylum caretaker escorted him out. Didn't realise they were in an asylum and thought they were just in a hotel.
- So I assumed that Dr Cesare Caligari was abroad somewhere (maybe at a scientist meet up since I thought Francis was from France or something?), that in the movie he accidently sleepwalked into Francis's room and had who I assumed was Cesares work assistant escort him back.
- So, my idea was Dr Cesare Caligari goes on a trip to a different country and stays in a hotel called Holstenwall?, where he tries out a couple new experiments on himself, which causes him to stir from his sleep and murder. Francis is still the protagonist and he tries to expose Dr CC as the murderer but literally no one believes him, meanwhile awake Cesare is constantly trying to befriend Francis who is terrified of him. Jane's there too I guess??Also it's a horror comedy now. I did not have enough info to guess what happened next so thats all that I could gleen from it.
It was only when i found your blog that i actually found out what the plot/characters were. I think you posted a link to the actual movie and that's where I first saw it lol, and that was a few weeks after I knew what was going on. Lmao even.
Oh my god, this is amazing lmaooo
I have been thoroughly entertained. thank you. 10/10
I love the weirdly cursed idea of morally decent caligari. who is also cesare. and I love how we went from “caligari experimented on cesare” to “caligari and cesare are the same person, who was experimenting on himself”. absolute gold
also you’re not the first one to confuse cesare and caligari lmao; one of my friends saw a picture of caligari and was like, “wait, I thought caligari was the hot one!”
on another note it’s really funny to me how only two characters in the entire film have both first and last names? jane’s last name is olsen, and the other murderer guy who tries to kill an old lady is named “jakob straat” in the original screenplay. why are a side character and a minor character the only ones with full names? I have no idea
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
WIP Game
Thanks for the tag, @passionatewrites! These games always read me for filth but I love them. 😂 If nothing else, it proves that every time I make a post or ramble in tags and my author's notes about "having a wip that..." I'm not full of shit and the wip actually does exist 😂💯
Rules: share your unpublished WIPs. No updates to ongoing fics, just new shenanigans :)
I'm doing multichaps and only a couple of my one-shots because if I did all of my one-shots this post would be way too fucking long lmao
Please feel free to send me asks about any of these! Snippets, questions, lore, whatever you want! I'm always more than happy to talk wips!
They Were Roommates (Nestor x OFC, Angel x OFC): Based off a request that someone sent in literal years ago at this point but I've been trying to pull it all together ever since. Nestor starts seeing a girl who is new to town, but what he doesn't know is that her roommate is dating one of the people he dislikes most in the world: Angel Reyes
Untitled Gilly/Tasha Fic (Gilly x OFC): When life with her family in Northern Cali starts to fray at the seams and get messier than she can handle, Tasha packs a bag, gets in her car, and drives to the one person she knows will take her in no matter what: her Uncle Bishop. What was just supposed to be a couple weeks-stay to cool off suddenly becomes much more complex when she meets the men from the MC.
Bloodline OBX Crossover (Gen Fic): After finally managing to get back to the mainland from Poguelandia, JJ brings all of his friends to the only person that he has left anymore, and truly he doesn't even know if the man is still going to know who he is. Lucky for JJ and the Pogues, Danny Rayburn never forgets anyone.
Bad Ideas (Canche x OFC): Bad blood between charters and the aftermath of the shoot-out at the clubhouse means hell for the MC> None of that is really on Lia Reyes's radar when she stops by to check in on her brothers who have gone radio silent. In the midst of all the drama, the last thing she expects is to strike something up with the one person that her brother can't stand, and who can't stand her brothers. It all becomes a waiting game to see how long it takes for her last name to come into play.
Untitled The Bear Fic (Marcus x OFC, Carmy & OFC): Carmy finally broke down and started going to Al-Anon meetings, not expecting to actually get anything out of them, certainly not expecting to make his approximation of a friend. Lucky for him, Ray hasn't ever stopped herself on someone else's account. When bad luck and family troubles bring her to The Beef, she finds Carmy and a whole lot more.
Your Mess (Nacho x F!Reader): Being new to town meant that you had no idea what you were really getting yourself into when you met Nacho and extended an invitation to him. He knew, though. It wasn't long until you both realized why you should've taken the first 'no' he gave you and ran.
For Everything (Happy Lowman x OFC): Everything about the Teller family spells out bad luck, but it doesn't stop Happy from falling into bed with one of them. However, before the curse of the Teller family can catch up to them, ghosts from Happy's past rear their ugly heads first.
Brick by Brick (Opie x OFC): In the aftermath of getting out of prison and finding that his entire family had taken off while he was still behind bars, Opie tries to put the pieces of his life back together again. Despite his better judgment, he allows someone close to help with it all.
There and Back (Nestor x Erin): They only got along because proximity didn't allow otherwise when they were teenagers, but as time went on and everything in life got more complicated, their feelings did too. Both of them promised not to be the type to fall hard and fast, but Erin was the only one who kept her word no matter how many years went by.
Coming to Terms (Rafe x OFC): Despite all the fight that he put up about it, Rafe finds himself drying out and thrown into more therapy sessions than he can keep track of in some rehab center on the mainland. He was determined to fake and lie his way out until he met someone who frustratingly calls him on his shit at every possible turn.
Boxing AU (EZ x OFC): Fresh out of prison and looking for something extra to keep him from going back inside, EZ finds himself walking through the doors of one of the most old-school boxing gyms in Santo Padre. He's expecting a ring, some sparring, a coach who gives him more grief than necessary. What he doesn't expect is the woman who meets him at the door and flips his entire world upside-down.
Against All Odds (Juice x OFC): Juice knows better than to think that getting involved with Jax's younger sister is a good idea. He knows it's not. But as time goes on and tensions start to thicken, it's not enough to stop him. What he wasn't ready for, though, was realizing that their relationship was the least of their problems.
Pieces Into Place (EZ x OFC): College AU. From Stanford all the way to Harvard, EZ has been one-track minded. Always focusing on school and the next step beyond it. When someone comes in and pulls his focus from that, it's a breath of fresh air, at first. But the familiarity of it comes at a cost that EZ isn't ready to pay, and has him putting up walls before he can stop himself.
Tragic (Angel x OFC): EZ going to prison caught everyone off-guard Nothing made sense to Angel, or their childhood best friend. Both of them lost with no one else to turn to, they turn to each other in an attempt to figure it all out.
Figuring It Out (Happy & OFC): Happy showed up to the tattoo shop looking for one particular person to give him one particular tattoo. When that person wasn't there, though, he settled for the young woman who was at the shop. One smiley face later Happy realized he had no say in the matter of having her in his life from then on out.
From The Start (Opie x OFC): Falling for his best friend's little sister hadn't been part of the gameplan, but it was too late to go back on it now. The problem was, that for as good as it all sounded in his head, the reality of who he was dealing with was far harsher than Opie bargained for.
How We Got Here (Coco x OFC): Despite not knowing her his whole life, Coco couldn't remember a time before Daniela Reyes. Pain was what brought the two of them together, but it was also what drove the two of them apart. Coco clung desperately to everything that happened in between, hoping to mend those fences one panel at a time.
Untitled Juice Fic (Juice x OFC): Desperate to get out from under the thumb of the club for a night, Juice finds himself in a bar just outside of town, getting far drunker than he should. The bartender who could have and should have tossed him right out onto the street extended a little kindness instead, unknowingly creating an entire web of secrets for the two of them.
Love Triangle (Carrillo x Reader, Javi x Reader): You hadn't known Javi as long or as well as you'd known Carrillo. You certainly didn't expect that to change as things with you and Carrillo got more serious. However, as things start to disintegrate between you and the Colonel, you start to wonder if there's more to Javi offering you a shoulder to lean on.
Chaos at the Lakehouse (Gen SOA & OC's Fic): Years after everyone had grown up and moved away, the entire crew that had once called Charming its home base all decide to get together again. Everyone is grown with their own families now, and life looks different for everyone, but in a lot of ways they all pick up right where they left off.
Beautiful Stranger (Bucky x Natasha): After losing Steve, and losing just about everything else, Bucky and Natasha both take off separately, desperate to start over in different corners of the world as people with a little less pain to carry around with them. However, after a lot of time and a lot of moves, they somehow end up on opposite sides of the same bar together and realize that maybe they just aren't supposed to be staying away from each other.
Lovers to Enemies (Carrillo x F!Reader): Things that seem to good to be true, usually are. If anyone was well-acquainted with that fact it was Carrillo. And yet, when you came traipsing into his life, he couldn't help but to hope that he was wrong. But. He wasn't.
Better Than That (Coco x F!Reader): In the aftermath of a messy breakup between you and Angel, you find yourself growing closer to one of the last people you expected.
Like I said before, if any of these make you go 👀 then feel more than free to send me an ask about it! I'm more than happy to gush about them all! 💖
Tagging (no pressure as per usual): @garbinge @bullet-prooflove @spaghettificationandpretzels @artemiseamoon @darqchilddaydreamz and anyone else who wants to gush about their wips! (or hold themselves accountable like yours truly lmao)
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kepesktribe · 2 years
Writers game: First sentences.
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
(I haven't written a fic in a while, so RP's is going to have to do. Luckily I have a few AU's in progress. Also... I may do more than just a sentence for each. Some aren't the start of the AU though, since my rp partner made some of the starters... but they are part of my first reply to the starters.)
Tagged: @elveny Thank you so much! I actually enjoyed this one because I get to show a bit of my AUs and writing. I think I have too many AUs. Lmao
Tagging: This is a lot... so I am going to just say anyone who wants to do it.
The princess and the merman. (Sybil x Abela fairytale AU)
Once there was a prince of the sea who had been lost since he was little. His memories carried the voices of family, grown distant through time, and the glow of light from above.
2. Knightly Memoria (Janlenoux x Adelphel amnesia AU. With the help of Sybil, the two live in Gridania and work for Sybil under fake identities as members of his squadrons. Jan loses his memories after an accident.)
Sybil paced the edges of a newly formed hole in Issom-Har. From above, a remainder of last night's rain dropped from a leaf to slip under his collar.
3. Knightly Memoria 2.0 (Janlenoux x Adelphel. Role reversal amnesia AU. This time Adelphel is the one to lose his memory while out helping Abela in "The Hundred Throes".)
Steel clashed against steel, two daggers against a single broad sword and a shield. Janlenoux spun as he came in with his shield to block a rather well done but slow strike of one of Meuliaire's blades.
4. Blood Dripped Rose (Another victim, devoid of blood. A single card decorated with the stamp of a blood dripped rose. "I'm Sorry." Written in shaken handwritting. {Vampire Florentel/Detective Sorrel AU})
The Jeweled Crozier, ever bustling with life regardless of anything happening elsewhere in Ishgard. Merchants called out to get the attention of possible customers. Tableware, blankets, easy to store foods. Each stall housed unique wares to fit anyone's needs. People haggling filled the air and children ran between one person and another.
5. Beneath the Stars (Prophet Florentel and disgraced hero Sorrel AU)
Fire rained down upon stone and soil, smoke filling the air and choking it. Even the moon hid from the sight below. Lingering monsters prowled the destroyed town, feeding upon inhabitants that had not made it out. Silence followed the sounds of despair, deafening in the night. Yet it was that silence, a bubble around the town, that soon was heard the slow treading of footsteps. The ringing bell of boots, purposeful in making, splitting the air.
6. Wilted Wings (Angst AU Florentel x Sorrel. Literally made this AU for the pain. At least they will get a happy ending... eventually. Can't say the same for Aruktai and Otome in this one though.)
Kazeninotte had stayed behind, lingering as the other void users slowly began to trickle out after their moment with Sorrel. A warm smile tilted her lips as she listened to Zeneroseus complain about the energy used up and his immediate deserving of a nice nap. She didn't argue. He did deserve it.
7. Free Wings (Fluff AU Florentel x Sorrel. Takes place in WoL Sybil's timeline where Florentel (My actual shard of Azem) actually did die at birth and thus was reborn after the events of MSQ where peace mostly exists... and falls in love with Sybil's son, Sorrel. Beginning starts during an Ishgardian Ball.)
If there was one thing he wanted to be doing, it was not this. Over the heads of those gathered, stunning blue took on a veiled mask. It wasn't that he did not like these kinds of things. It was that he attracted the wrong kind of attention during them.
This is where I run out of currently active or finished AUs and I don't remember posting order of my drabbles... so you get drabbles at random from here out.
8. Scars (How my half blind Miqo bard, Mikh'to, got his face scars. Song is "My Ladies Eyes" from the 'The Last Herald-Mage' book series by Mercedes Lackey. My favorite books.)
"The days may speed, and then, I heartward hie, I flee, I fly, To see her eyes again." Mikh'to sang to the sounds of his harp, each word between a pluck of strings. Around him tavern dwellers drank and cheered to one of his most requested songs.
9. Unnamed (Janlenoux had a dream of when he got his eye scar.)
Janlenoux sighed as he leaned back into his pillows, which he had propped up against the wall at the head of the bed. As comfortable as he was, he still didn't like how he was made to rest for a few days. Reaching a hand up, he hovered it over his bandaged eye but refused to touch the still fresh wound.
10. Unnamed (Pasithea, as her Ancient self, while working on a project... a flower whose spores strengthen the gift of soul sight. It.. uh.. fails.)
Bright, curious eyes peered at the oddly shaped, large flower. "Oh, I think I shall have to rework the size. Perhaps remove the sporehead and settle for a more elegant, petal design too. I have created something much too unsightly."
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chilope · 2 years
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I posted 4,979 times in 2022
That's 2,463 more posts than 2021!
555 posts created (11%)
4,424 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,400 of my posts in 2022
#yeah - 24 posts
#me - 22 posts
#neyenz - 13 posts
#:( - 11 posts
#:) - 10 posts
#sigh - 9 posts
#literally - 7 posts
#lol. lmao. - 6 posts
#god - 6 posts
#hmm - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#'no i can kiss girls because im so comfortable with my heterosexuality! thats why i joke about being in love with women! im just so straight
My Top Posts in 2022:
when i first started following yorick i thought "its a little uncomfortable to insist that a man who identifies as straight is actually gay just because hes on tumblr" but i get it now
42 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
yo whats yudkowskys deal tho
86 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
she e on my e til i cummings
109 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
a series of events
my experiment relies on the use of liquid nitrogen
we ran out of liquid nitrogen last week
we were supposed to get more delivered this morning
one of the delivery trucks left with all of the specialized tank dollies and would not be able to return until the end of the day
our delivery gets delayed until tomorrow
in order to not waste an entire day we decide to borrow some from an affiliated lab
on the way there it starts raining
we aquire the liquid nitrogen, stored in our small transport dewar
transport dewar is not pressurized, meaning the nitrogen gases off as it sits
nitrogen has no smell and is lethal if too much is inhaled so we store it in the trunk
we make it 95% of the way back to the lab before taking a turn a little too hard, causing the dewar to tip over and begin draining hard enough that we can hear it in the cabin
beloved coworker pulls over immediately so i can jump out and put it upright before we lose all of it or the trunk of her car freezes
she happened to have accidentally pulled into the entrance to the fire station
i jump out at max speed to minimize chances of getting hit by a fire truck
we are parked inside of a 2 inch deep puddle
i am wearing toms
i open the trunk
it is filled with nitrogen gas and extremely cold
the dewar fell onto the handle, meaning i had to grab the tank in order to right it
it is so cold i burn myself
we make it back to the lab without further incident
my shoes are soaking wet, but my boss always has 18 pairs of rubber sandals in his office so i figure ill just put on his sandals and put my shoes in the oven to dry
he took all of his sandals home on friday for some fucking reason
fuck it, ill just go barefoot and sit in the break room
put my shoes in the oven
wait 30 minutes
retrieve shoes
they are still soaking wet and now the oven smells like feet
154 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
she was a boy, he was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?
214 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bylerisc4non · 2 years
I'm bad about commenting on ao3, but feel comfortable being rambly and shit on Tumblr, and saw you posted the fic in the byler tag, so I wanted to let you know i really enjoyed your fic! The total miscommunication between Mike and Will where Will thinks Mike's upset with him over the drawings, meanwhile Mike's freaking out because Will drew him so pretty and is probably thinking like "holy shit, is that really how he sees me?" And needs time to process that. And then of course they just go back to normal because they're both too scared to make a move, until the moment in the bathroom! And Mike probably internally panicking because he isn't entirely sure if they were actually about to kiss or he was reading into it, and he's not sure if he freaked Will out since he was so quick to leave once El came in, so he decides "fuck it, i'll have a couple drinks and then make a move when i can get him alone," but being the dumbass he is, he decides jumping in the pool when it's fucking freezing outside is a good idea, and that's how he'll make his move. I fucking love that, he really just needed something and went "hmm, pool," and ran with it. And Will's just again, confused because Mike's been acting weird but what's he supposed to do, and then he's being kissed and is just like "??? Hello?" Also: the whole Party being aware they had feelings for each other Literally the Entire Time, and just watching them pine after one another and then seeing they're behavior shift and have a moment of "they finally figured it out," is such an amazing trope, and i love it. Anyways, sorry if this is weird at all, but I love when people ramble about my fics (though i have yet to finish/publish any for ST), and figured maybe you would too! The length also sort of got away from me, haha
First off: don't be sorry. You just made my whole fucking day/week/month/year. 😭 Also, who let you in my head? Because that was literally my entire thought process. lmao.
Anyway, thank you so much for this, it was super encouraging!! I'm so glad you liked it and truly understood it. I love writing unreliable narrator Will honestly because it's so completely different from what's happening. You're exactly right; Mike got super flustered when he saw those drawings because Will drew him all gorgeous like. And in his brain he was probably pretty confused because Will kept throwing things out like "it's an artist thing." So, then Mike is like, "wait so it didn't mean anything?" Then they have that moment in the bathroom and he's just like, "okay, I have to make my move and at least try."
The pool scene was the best to write I loved every minute of it. It's silly but also beautiful and fluffy. I had it all planned out for a few days before I even started writing it.
Oh and I agree; the party knowing all along is such a wonderful trope. It's hilarious cuz they're all outsiders just watching like, "Please, oh, please just get together for Christ's sake." I kinda stole that from my last fic (lying to your therapist) where the therapist knew all along. But I used it again cuz I feel like from an outsiders POV, byler is obvious.
Again, thank you so much for reading and this lil ramble it actually meant the world!! ❤️ You are so wonderful, have an amazing day!!!
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mifhortunach · 2 months
wrt lrb, just bc i felt weird leaving my thoughts all in the tags of that other post, this goes on for ages, sorry—
anyway, agree w op wholeheartedly! there’s no argument being made, there’s no apocryphal stuff being 'corrected'; it’s a run through of the guys life. as w most biogs, unless it’s something you’re already into, you won’t get too much out of it necessarily, but it’s a breeze to read, and it really really does have his voice. i did genuinely like it a lot!
that said, still managed to make me feel the same way i often do with these things. the stuff that’s being elided & eluded is much more juicy than anything that really gets put down lmao— kaylan seems to have a tendency to like, imply or state that he felt a way about something, but then refuse to actually get into that at all? eg, he says that he spent a lot of time by himself as a kid, and much much later says that he kinda projected parental/paternal roles[1] on a couple of guys who managed them (as the turtles) or worked with him (zappa) etc//, but beyond that it's not a text that explores that really - imo at least
as op says that you get a good idea of what he’s like — “smart, a bit obnoxious” etc — which is true!! it reads like you’re literally talking to the guy. but, i also kinda began to run into the idea that he’s not necessarily the most emotionally self-aware (or wasnt), and that he’s probs a lot moodier (or at least used to be) than he’s really talking about.
(eg; the repetition of ‘i was confused’ throughout, esp wrt some of his relationships, or the vague references to points of depression; tho tbf! those are very career focused, lol.) (throughout he also repeats, “i was an asshole.” or “what a jerk!”, which feels very like.. a little, bruh-off-y, like acknowledging so that you can move on, but i ended up reading in one interview/review where he was basically like, ‘yeah, i hadn’t gone thru those diaries since then, and all those refrains are sincere! id forgotten what a dickhead i was’—idk, interesting)
dude also cried a fair bit
i actually ended up reading it in part bc i ran into old forum threads about it, which themselves mentioned how he talks about volman - or more accurately he **doesnt** talk about volman - despite the working together for the majority of the last 50yrs (i was kinda expecting him to be mentioned less actually, given how down they were about it, lol). it is funny how he’s almost always there on the periphery, or literally working with the guy!, but beyond the relatively objective there’s not too much mention. i do think that people often romanticise that aspect of being in a band: the intense relationships & dyke drama of it all, (where’s that insane ed robinson quote when you need it….)[^2] forgetting that ultimately a lot of the time that all ends up being boiled away to coworkerdom[^3] ( :/ )
enjoyable read tho!! will leave you impressed with how many marriages he managed to get through, as well as the sheer amount of name-dropping, but i can’t help but look forward to when someone puts out something more cutting in like 20yrs, or if the diaries ever get published posthumously 🤷‍♀️
gets mentioned in this interview too ↩︎ 
ed bnl has the wildest quote about stevie p, in an interview i can't find (around the time of the divorce, lol), basically saying that 'you've not in a band, you just wouldnt get it'
seems a little chilly between them ngl, not /bad/ necessarily but yk - from the forums: (x) (x) - there's also a bit in the 90s where kaylan moves out of california, & mentions that volman's wife supposedly rang him & basically was like, 'dude's not happy with you', so idk
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4. just including this bc i've been calling them, 'the litigious turtles' in my head all week, but check out the fuckin copyright page on it, omfg
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Itadori Yuuji Boyfriend Headcanons
A/N: Reader is from America and a black female. Idk why i decided to write this but I think that Yuuji would be a fun boyfriend lmao. I don’t entirely know what the reader’s cursed technique should be so lmk if you have any ideas. Until then enjoy Yuuji and reader being 2 idiots in love. Spoilers for all the eps of jujutsu kaisen up to about episode 11, nothing past that though as I want to finish the show first before reading the manga, so please be respectful of spoilers and label them (and tag if necessary) in the comments. Also srry if this cuts off abruptly bcus of the point the show is at. This is also like, all over the place but whatever.
(also sorry this was posted later than usual oops)
Word Count:  1943
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This dork-
He is so sweet and kind and considerate 
But also a dumbass but also like he’s your dumbass
You and Yuuji are both equally stupid like bless yalls hearts
You and Yuuji met during his time at the Tokyo Academy when you transferred from America
The moment this man saw you walk up with Gojo-sensei he was smitten
Like your skin was glowing??? how???
And you had a slight accent but like he loved it too
And when you came up to greet him and shake hands you smelled so good and your skin was so soft
((He would later come to find out that the root of that was the shea cocoa butter lotion you used))
But yea mans was smitten and he is fully in love with you lmao
Will do literally anything you ask
You hungry? He’s prepared a 5 course, michelin star meal
Want new clothes? He’s been training for the day he could hold your bags for you
Ran out of hair products?? He’s already back with a special box of your products that he had imported from America
To this day you don’t know how he was able to get those products so quickly
He is loves when you tell him things about you from your day, to your times in america, to how your cursed energy works
Yall are the couple that does stupid shit together
Like one time you showed Yuuji one of those life hack videos and he was like 
“We should totally do that” 
And you were like “Bet”
Needless to say Fushiguro was very confused at the sight of bandaids on both of your fingers the next morning
“???What happened?”
“Well you see, I told Yuuji that I should use the glue gun because he didn’t even know where to put the glue stick. And he said nah, I got it and um yea so I fell and the glue gun was plugged in and then he tripped over me and so now we look like this.”
Gojo and Kugisaki thought that this was hilarious while Fushiguro decided that he’d store your guys’ glue gun in his shadows from now on
How yall manage to get through missions you go on together alive is a miracle
Speaking of missions, you eventually ask Yuuji what’s his deal because you feel a powerful aura coming from him but he never uses cursed energy, always cursed weapons
Cue Sukuna’s mouth popping up on the side of his face like “Hey mamas”
(You can’t tell me that Sukuna isn’t the type of guy to ask where his hug at)
“Oh, I guess you haven’t met Sukuna yet, huh?”
So he sits you down and explains how he ate Sukuna’s finger and you're sitting there like ‘mhm mhm mhm, sorry you what?’
For like 3 days after he told you that you couldn’t bring yourself to kiss him just because you were processing the fact that Yuuji ate someone’s nasty old ass finger and would have to eat 19 more
And the fact that he’s the vessel of like the worst curse known to man 
During those 3 days, Yuuji’s pouting because he’s like ‘I fucked up, now she doesn’t wanna kiss me let alone talk to me because of this monster inside of me :(’
Meanwhile you’re just like ‘why would anyone eat some random mummified finger?’
Eventually you get wind of Yuuji’s bad mood and immediately, you rush to smooth things over with him.
You knock on his door and hear blankets rustling before he goes, “I’m not in the mood to play fight right now Kugisaki’
“Can I come in baby?”
You immediately hear the most comical almost cartoonish amount of noise ranging from a cup falling over, sheets falling off the bed, and what sounds like Yuuji falling flat on his ass before he opens the door
When he does, you’re laughing and it’s like the sky is no longer grey and the world is filled with color
You smile at each other before your moment is interrupted with Sukuna going “Finally, full offense, his whining was getting annoying”
You step inside his room and apologize for ignoring him, explaining that you just needed time to process things, explaining that you should’ve told him that before dipping
He just grabbed you in a bear hug and lifted you of the ground and spinning you around laughing happily, after all he wasn’t even upset with you, he just missed you
And thus begins the honeymoon phase of your guys’ relationship
Fushiguro is actually really happy for you guys and is the most supportive of your relationship but if anyone asked him to admit that out loud he’d actually apparate to the nearest marooned ship
Nobura doesn’t hate you guys but she thinks all couples are disgusting, so while it’s nothing personal, she does gag when you and Yuuji do so much as make goo goo eyes at each other
Gojo is actually like the main cheerleader of your relationship. 
He is the teacher that changes the seating chart to put students he ships together
He was always pairing you and Yuuji up on missions and placing you as sparring partners like ur not slick
If Gojo is the cheerleader, Sukuna is an actual antagonist
Like the man goes out of his way to CHOOSE violence
Like on time you kissed Yuuji’s cheek on a date and when you pulled back, your lip was bleeding and Sukuna’s mouth was smirking at you
Another thing he likes to do is tell you all of Yuuji’s simp^tm thoughts
Like all of them
Now Yuuji isn’t ashamed of how much he loves you and is in fact very open with it, but he doesn’t need Sukuna telling you that the only reason he bought x mouthwash was because it made your breath smell like “sunshine” and he had to see if it would work on him
Speaking of dates, good luck
Now I stand by the fact that Yuuji would never half-ass a date and things with him are certainly never boring
But he’s also like a country boy in the city and his tourist tendencies tend to get the best of him
Like you’ll be trying to find a spot to eat and when you look back Yuuji’s gone
((Prolly to buy another I <3 Tokyo shirt so you can both match))
He always catches up with you ad you eventually learn that but like the first few times be havin you ready to put up a lost child signal on the loudspeaker
He’s very sweet and this is where his thoughtfulness shines through
You and Yuuji plan dates in the same way one plays bingo
Like because you never know where you’re going to be r when exactly you’ll both be free (especially with Gojo-sensei and his bare minimum ass information) you two tend to go ‘ok well if we’re here we’ll go here and if we’re here, we’ll go here’ and so on and so forth
But Yuuji always remembers such little one-off details about you that make your dates.
Like you mention wanting to try a sushi train and he’s already scrolled through multiple yelp reviews and watched every youtube restaurant review like 9 times
But every high has a low and Yuuji and your’s low comes suddenly and it brings you crashing to the ground with no warning and nothing to slow your descent
When your class of first years were sent to exorcise the special grade cursed womb
When Yuuji’s hand got blown off and he told you to run you froze, your mind racing faster than your legs could even start
“(Y/N) RUN!” Yuuji’s voice broke you out of your fear-based trance
“I- I...can’t...I can’t leave you!” you cried out all your rational senses screamed at you to go, run, he had Sukuna and you were barely a grade 2 sorcerer. But your intuition told you if you left him you wouldn’t see him alive again.
You were trapped in a paralysis of indecision but the choice was made for you when a sticky tongue wrapped around your midriff and you were gulped into the mouth of one of Fushiguro’s frogs
“Goddamn it Fushiguro! Let me go! I need to... save... him.” You were outside the building before you could even finish arguing.
You glared up at Fushiguro but your eyes softened some when you saw how beat up Kugisaki looked.
He gave you this look that said he did what he had to do and he didn’t care what you had to say about it 
You and him waited in the rain for Yuuji or Sukuna to exit the building
You tried to focus yourself and save your negative emotions for your cursed attack
When Sukuna inevitably appeared, one finger stronger, you were fully prepared to fight him
However, he didn’t seem interested in fighting you and more engaged in fighting with Megumi
You tried to urge Fushiguro to wait it out, eventually Sukuna would lose control, but when Sukuna took Yuuji’s heart hostage, you both knew you’d have to fight
You and Fushiguro gave it your all but when Yuuji came back he still died 
It took all your strength to not completely fall apart after his death and the support from the second years as well as Kugisaki and Fushiguro helped
You’d tried to visit him at the morgue but Shoko only told you that she didn’t think it’d be a good idea.
You still slept in his sweaters and the things that smelled like him from time to time, trying to make the idea of him last, but after a month, the smell of him had started to fade
Everything about Yuuji’s memory seemed to become leached away with time, from his smell, to the wear present on things he’d given to you
You couldn’t help but feel resentful towards yourself but also to Sukuna, he’d taken Yuuji from you with the same care that one would throw litter on the ground
The pain in your chest didn’t wane either, it only became ignorable to a degree as training for the exchange with the Kyoto students became more intense
Fushiguro is a comfort to you as well, aside from you, him and Yuuji were the closest to each other and so he gets a lot of what you’re going through and doesn’t push when you become more withdrawn
He also lets you pet his demon dog too but when you ask him why he’s letting you pet it he just says ‘because no one would believe you if you told them’ lies
The bastard really just does it because he knows you’re sad and he doesn’t want you to be sad
Speaking of the Kyoto students, Zenin Mai and Toudou Aoi are permanently on your shit list
You’re relieved that Panda, Maki, and Inumaki came to your guys’ aid but like if you had your way Mai wouldn’t even exist
Anyways Maki has Panda physically restrain you while she tries to calm you down 
“(Y/N), you can kick her ass at the exchange!”
When you calm down, Panda puts you down and even though Mai’s long gone with Todou to go get his handshake, you make a promise that carries through the wind
‘Zenin Mai, pray that the next time you run across me I’m feeling kind, because if not-’, the last word is lost as the wind picks up but Mai feels a shiver rack through her body that more than ensures your message.
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astrologgeek · 3 years
So- for some things I'd love to see more on your blog:
- astro memes
- asteroid boiss ( whichever you find to be the coolest/ most relevant )
- synastry/ composite maybe- if you're comfortable with it
That's pretty much it bcuz others may have already requested more things and your blog is already cool 😎
For my aspects/placements I'd love to have:
- Cancer Moon in 9 H in 4° ( meme )
- Sag mercury 3H, 5° trine Libra Asc 7° ( wierd short story )
- Scorpio Venus 1 H, 0° square Aqua Neptune 4H, 8° ( advice/ help )
- Leo Jupiter 11H 17° ( meme )
- Scorpio Venus ... conjuct Libra mars 1 H, 24° ( interpretation )
So: 2 memes, 1 advice, 1 story, 1 interpret.
Hope I did it right ;-; and thank you again for doing this eventt (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ💜💜💜
Thank u so much ily 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕 u honestly make my days so much better with your tags, ur so lovely - thank u.
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1. I have a fully finished draft just waiting here LMAO and a whole lot of Ideas :))
2. I said this in every ask here, I have no clue about asteroids but I honestly will try my best to learn. I actually have a direction to start with - but that's my secret 👉👈😋
3. full discovery - I am actually an astrology beginner LMAO. I've been learning for only a year :)) I'm doing my best to learn everything I can, but rn I'm trying to get the most out of a natal chart - even tho I do know how to interpret solar return charts, profections, synastry, composite (well maybe!) And a little bit of transits. I will do my best to learn asteroids, go further into degrees, learn synastry and composite and just do my best in general. Thank u 💕💕💕
- done ^^
- weird short story about sag mercury (3rd house, 5°) trining libra asc (7°): "My bestie just got ran over! please someone, help her!!" I screamed to the people on the streets, and someone came running to me asking "what happened?", "gorl are you blind? My friend's lying on the road like a corpse and you just ask me what happened? Look around sheesh." I roll my eyes and burp to the sound of this gorl's voice as she looks at me with a disgusted look. "You sound like a horse." She says, "and you look like a libra bitch!" I respond with a mean face and slap her - but then a scream came from the bushes, nicki minjaj came out of there and said " AHHHH I LOVE LIBRAS " and killed me with her heels. My ghost was mad asf so I farted on her aura. My friend who got ran over was behind me and she said: "girl u stupid? I'M A LIBRA TOO.", "well... damn gorl". (THE END???)
- advice about scorpio venus (1st house, 0°) □ aquarius neptune (4h, 8°): umm well this is a square on a pretty wide orb, its influence is pretty weak, bit it's on 0° degrees AND in the 1st house so I can work with this ^^ my advice to you: because you might be a person with romantic fantasies you just tend to obsess over & a person that might have difficulties with being over-private about the things you want to attract (a thing that makes your dreams really hard to manifest) I'd suggest you to use these exact energies and express them through art & beauty. Literally take photo's of yourself that capture your dreams, print them and put them on your wall. Use beauty as a way to get through over-privacy: because beauty is a mysterious thing as well. After using art, try using words - never forget that it's a slow process :)) hope this makes sense and helps!
- done ^^
- scorpio venus 1st house on 0° degrees conjunct libra mars 1st house on 24° degrees: ok damnn this gives such gorgeous influence on ur looks 😭😭 this might be a far orb conjunction (6°/5°) but it's minor influence isn't minor when it's on the asc. This gives you a kind of magnetism in you looks, like very shaped lips and intense pretty eyes and aura but also a very charming loveable smile and body and aura. This is a very beautiful combo,
Hope you liked my answers ^^
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diyeoracha · 4 years
fanfic recommendations
for @kittensocute bc i heard “atsukita” and “iwaoi” in reference to fanfiction and i am There
i took your “i love slow burn or slow build fics... so i like relatively shorter burn fics (20-30k). If its a 10k oneshot slow burn hELL SIGN ME UP” and absolutely ran with it.
i listed my fav iwaoi fics (17) with a longer word count (longest is 80k) that are all mostly either canon compliant or divergent with only two straight up AUs. none of them feature heavy nsfw content and most if not all are tagged as friends to lovers lmao. feel free to read the my thoughts or just go into them blind!! and they’re all in order of how much I absolutely adore them :^)
now atsukita is not a big ship *sobs* but here are some of my favorite fics (7) of them! a lot of them are shorter bc i guess that’s just. what happens when it’s a small ship LOL. 
the formatting in this is fucked if you open it from ur dash but if it’s on my actual blog it should be fine!
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle
Word count: 66k
thoughts: my absolute absolute absolute favorite iwaoi fic. the characterization, the fact that oikawa’s a bastard but because he and iwaizumi are older (late 20s i believe), it feels more realistic and sad rather than oikawa being a bitch for the sake of it. spoiler alert it’s slow burn and pining and mostly oikawa not realizing his feelings. this world building is pretty cool bc iwaizumi is the professional player while oikawa is an entomology professor! also i love non-linear narratives bc of This fic. there’s mutual pining in this fic but it’s really really really subtle to the point where you dont even know if oikawa likes iwa. this made me cry like twice.
sunset towns
Word count: 33k
Summary: In the summer of 2020, Oikawa Tooru returns home from his first successful stint as captain of Japan’s national volleyball team. In one hand, he holds the undisputed weight of an Olympic medal, and in the other, his unresolved feelings for a childhood best friend.
thoughts: the tone in this is So similar to the courtship ritual that I liken this as an alternate story even though it’s still oikawa’s pov. professional player oikawa and regular guy iwaizumi and oikawa is just. bumming around at iwaizumi’s place and naturally he messes up but things happen.
told before and told again
word count: 4k
thoughts: i looked through literally all the tags i could’ve thought of for this and nearly cried when i found it agian. outsider POV!!
In damp earth my body
Word count: 15k
Summary: Onscreen, the nation’s favorite setter has arranged himself so that he’s bowing, forehead pressed to the court, like he’s thanking everyone for their kindness thus far, like he’s asking for forgiveness. Hajime thinks: shit, it’s really happening
thoughts: oikawa retires and moves in with iwaizumi and they blur the line between roommates/best friends and being fwb. this is an iwaizumi pov and the pining is obvious on his end. as a iwa stan the tone made me feel weird bc it makes it seem like iwa cares more abt oikawa than he cares abt himself but. its a good fic
i grew up, you grew down
word count: 19k
thoughts: this is also SO funny bc basically oikawa retires and moves in with iwaizumi and becomes his stay at home wife and a bunch of shit happens like people think that oikawa is dating ushijima and oikawa basically loses it every time. here’s one of my favorite quotes:
“Oikawa also bought a new ultra-strength vacuum cleaner he’d decided to name Ushiwaka out of sheer spite, because it sucked all the air right out of the room. Iwa-chan didn’t think the joke was that funny when Tooru told him, which was frankly very hurtful and insensitive.”
Word count: 19k
thoughts: iwaizumi is moving and oikawa planned a perfect last hangout and it goes to shit featuring matsuhana. oikawa pov where he pines more than iwa which is something i can get behind!! and this was written in 2015 and iwa’s moving bc of a sports medicine program so iwaizumi stans know and love him sm ;;
Almost a Stranger
Word count: 16k
thoughts: same premise as mint LOL except they’re on a trip together and there’s more non-linear narrative!! this one is a little more mature in tone than mint i would say (funny how people just like splitting them up and throwing them in different countries huh)
with every second that you could give
Word count: 9k
Summary: The journey of Iwaizumi and Oikawa going for gold.
Quote: He knows they’re too close. Iwaizumi knows it too, and they both decided to move in together anyway.
thoughts: iwaoi roommates and they’re both obviously and really pine-y for each other and everyone sees it but them. srsly. they’re sleeping in the same bed. like my god
Lost in Translation
Word count: 9k
Summary: Because misfortune come in threes, Iwaizumi Hajime starts his Thursday having a screaming fight with Shittykawa, spends his lunch break listening to the UCI women’s volleyball team gossiping about how Ushijima Wakatoshi had gone public about his longtime love affair with Oikawa Tooru, and closes out the day by drunkenly dropping his phone into a sewer grate.
thoughts: so funny. so sososoosso genuinely funny. the tone is so snappy and iwaizumi honestly just sounds like a confused teenager (which he is in this) and it gets extra points for including a lot of american culture that a lot of the other iwaoi college au ones don’t include for like. obvious reasons lol.
Something Borrowed
Word count: 16k
Summary: In which Oikawa and Iwaizumi have always been a foregone conclusion to everyone else, but a massive, unanswered question to one another.
thoughts: iwaoi roommates thats abo but it’s like. mentioned twice. whiny and possessive oikawa makes an appearance in this but it’s done really well
things that change, things that stay the same
Word count: 8k
Summary: Oikawa realizes he’s in love with his best friend; it sucks for a while. (But only for a little while.)
thoughts: high school getting together!! my second iwaoi fic ever and this one is just. so sweet. just an unsure oikawa realizing iwaizumi might be more than someone he wants as a best friend. this fic is honestly really really lovely.
galaxies, within you
Word count: 21k
Summary: Hajime and Tooru move in together at the start of university. Too bad they’re stuck with the two gremlins that haunt their apartment.
thoughts: ok this fic was so funny. theyre uni roommates and matsuhana just come fuck shit up and they all act like idiots together even though they go to different schools. and this really throws me back to university days.
Thirty Years and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad)
Word count: 19k
thoughts: pro! oikawa and iwaizumi haven’t been close for a while until oikawa invites iwaizumi to go to the games with him. there’s a lot of frustration and pining and actually talking about feelings (aka iwaizumi losing his mind and getting advice from people like akaashi)
when it starts to rain, they go inside
Word count: 33k
Summary: “Where?” starts Iwaizumi.“ My parent’s old lakehouse, silly, didn’t you hear me the first time?” OR: Oikawa takes Iwaizumi to his lakehouse for two weeks, post-graduation.
thoughts: this was actually my first iwaoi fic which is funny bc the author doesn’t even like oikawa much and i didnt even ship anything in haikyuu before i read this fic and now im in iwaoi hell. oikawa is really frustrating in this in that it’s basically a really good character analysis on how oikawa comes off as a Mean person all the time bc he’s manipulative and there’s some explicit content
Word count: 16k
Summary: Oikawa was always the brave one. Hajime just followed two paces behind.
thoughts: iwaoi roommates with oikawa admitting his feelings first back when they were in middle school and iwaizumi putting that thought on the backburner until. obviously. things happen.
word count: 80k
thoughts: one of my favorite aus. it’s all from kyoutani’s perspective and it’s almost so au that they’re original characters (if that makes sense). basically iwaoi matsuhana are ex-grifters except iwaoi are estranged and daishou somehow brings everyone back together. excellent world building and reading the pov from someone not involved with the iwaoi drama was refreshing
sing with me a song of conquest and fate
word count: 26k
thoughts: a mythical kings au that’s just. so pretty. iwaizumi ends up becoming oikawa’s servant for some reason and the world building is a+ because you can feel the trust and frustration from both of them build
dreams of me and you
word count: 10k (incomplete)
my second atsukita fic that rly sent me down atskt hell ;; what is essentially post-break up when atsumu gets signed to msby and he’s just Pining and sad for the most part. but the established relationship pre-break up was written really nicely because it just fits my hc of them just being domestic and atsumu being blatantly head over heels
take me home
word count: 4k
i read this this morning and it wrecked me. domestic relationship atsukita?? sign me up
No time like the rest of my life
word count: 19k
mythology au with kita as a regular person and rest of inarizaki as fox spirits! it’s cute and the world building is absolutely lovely but it is an au so they might seem ooc but their core character values are still there
wild blue yonder
word count: 6k
literally full of similes and metaphors and it’s more of an abstract read i guess? but it’s so beautiful and soft and this is exactly how i imagine their relationship
reap and sow
word count: 8k
atsumu confesses and kita ignores him and it’s a couple years after the fact and it’s mostly just weirdly domestic almost roommate like except for the fact that atsumu makes it clear he likes kita LOL. they’re really in character for this!
weightless souls
word count: 2k
pillow talk before atsumu’s first game! the atsumu pov and voice is amazing
if we were both alone
word count: 7k
now this was actually my first atskt fic that sent me down this rare pair hell. it’s an explicit chat fic (both tropes i usually try to avoid) but atsumu types like me (except for the nsfw parts alksfjd) so i guess i like. feel appreciation LMAO.
if you do read like any of these fics pls let me know so we can discuss
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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skipppppy · 4 years
I’m so fascinated by your she ra fan character! I’m trying to understand the storyline but it’s a little hard to find everything, and I was wondering if you would mind explaining it here?
Thank you very much! Her story is SUPER convuluted, I elaborated on it a bit on another ask about her relationship with Entrapta, but I’ll try to sum it up as cleanly as possible but a lot of different factors come into play so it still might be LOOONNGG. It’s also not a very happy story, unfortunately, but it would be helpful for me to get it all written down!
In terms of things that might be triggering, her backstory involves mention of a wide range of abuse. It won’t be explicit but I just want to be safe!
I’m actually gonna put most of it under the cut for the sake of anyone who follows me or any tags so they aren’t cursed with a mile long post on their timeline. I know the pain 😅
-For background context, she’s a Wingfolk, a species of Bird People native to Etheria who live in a kingdom built into a forest of giant trees named Ornithia. I could go on about them for hours but all you really need to know is that they have hollow bones to achieve flight (which is also the case for real life birds), which makes Aria’s body very light and frail. So she’s basically useless in physical combat which is why she never really defends herself. She was also a particularly weak flyer, which is why she doesn’t avoid a lot of situations by simply flying away.
-EXTRA BACKGROUND CONTEXT, Aria was born around the time the Horde landed on Etheria. Her father was a sorcerer at Mystacor, who had a reputation for ignoring ethics in the name of science. This all came to a head when a meteorite struck the surface of the planet; he rushed to the sight, stole it, studied it for a while, and after learning it had a powerful magic, decided to try a ritual in which he extracted the magic from the meteorite and fused it with his daughter’s soul. It took a few years for people to find out but when they did he was exiled for his actions, and Aria, still a child, was given to her mother.
-ONE MORE SMALL DETAIL: from about the age of 18/19 onward, she started having dreams about a mysterious figure made of blinding light who knew secrets about the universe and promised to find her one day so they could “finally be together again.” 3 guesses who THAT is lmao (hint: it’s Horde Prime)
-I won’t go into details about her childhood because we’d be here forever but the most important things you need to know are 1) Aria’s mother was a HORRIBLE parent and preferred to get blackout drunk rather than look after her children. 2) Aria had 4 younger brothers who, due to her mother’s negligence, she had to raise entirely by herself, which is why she feels responsible over others and has such a “nurturing” disposition, it was forced on her. 3) She took her brothers and ran away from Ornithia when she was 15, and built a home in a small woodland in the mountains of Dryl where she has lived ever since. 4) Throughout her childhood she befriended Princess Entrapta and the two were extremely close due to their isolated upbringings.
-When the BFS visited Dryl for the first time in Season 1, Aria was there acting as both a lab assistant and royal advisor to Entrapta, and joined the rebellion alongside her. Nothing crazy happened, but when Entrapta “died” Aria was beside herself with grief and ended up leaving the rebellion in order to go tend to Dryl, since it needed a ruler and as advisor it was her job to step up and take responsibility. Unlike the others, however, she refused to return to aid in the battle of Brightmoon, since she was kinda miffed at how the Princesses treated Entrapta (lookin’ at you, leash lady Perfuma) and was thoroughly pissed that they didn’t even TRY to go back for her, even if it was just to find her body and give her a dignified burial.
-Season 2 was when things truly went to shit. When the Horde came to claim Dryl, Aria resisted but was defeated pretty easily. When Glimmer and Bow came to scout out the situation, they saw her being hauled away and tried to save her but basically got caught in a stalemate where they couldn’t act because the Horde threatened to harm Entrapta if they acted. They told Aria to go with the Horde and promised that they would form a rescue party to save the both of them. But after they learned that Entrapta had joined the Horde by choice and had more important missions to deal with, rescuing her just..stopped being a priority. She wasn’t a rebel so they had no obligation to get her, so eventually they forgot about her entirely.
-Aria was kept as a prisoner for a while, but Entrapta found out pretty quickly what happened and went to find her. At that point Catra was growing frustrated with all the menial paperwork she had to do, and since she’d had experience being an advisor/secretary type, Entrapta basically proposed to Hordak that Aria act as his assistant in the same way she used to at Dryl. He accepted since it meant he would be spending less time running the Horde and more time building the portal. Aria was against the idea of helping him since she was still holding out hope that the rebels would come save her, but she was simply threatened with the classic Evil Horde punishments (torture, more torture, being locked in a cell for weeks without food or water, a tad more torture). So from mid-Season 2 to the end of Season 4, that was pretty much the position she was in. Being the Fright Zone’s resident desk jockey.
-Not much happened in that timespan, most of what occurred revolved around the portal incident and the aftermath. While Aria had been playing the part of Hordak’s pretty little secretary she was trying to find weak points in the Fright Zone’s security system so she could bust her and Entrapta out of there. Due to her and Hordak building the portal (and smooching lol) she’d been spending less and less time with Aria, which had been making her a little upset. She felt like someone she’d spent her entire life caring for was replacing her for something better, but her suspicions weren’t confirmed until she asked Entrapta about leaving together and she refused. That was the first small nudge towards a downward spiral. Then Catra returned with Adora and the Sword in hand and the Princesses came to stop the Portal. The rebels had come to save Adora and forgot about her. She was willing to forgive and join them, until they saw that she had been assisting the Horde, assumed she had betrayed them alongside Entrapta, and decided to leave her behind without giving her a chance to explain herself. That was the second, slightly stronger nudge that made her teeter over the edge of a breakdown. And then Catra told her that Entrapta had abandoned her to rejoin the rebels. While it was a lie, it was perfectly placed salt in the wound, and the straw that broke the camels back into her shifting allegiance and properly joining the Horde.
-Throughout Season 4 she had the same role as before, except this time she actually cared about her work, and had taken on the additional role of helping Hordak with his busted tech since Entrapta wasn’t around to do it. He had already come to rely on Aria for paperwork, but now she was helping him with his machines and they had a shared trauma over being “abandoned” by someone they cared deeply for. She was literally filling the void Entrapta left, and in a way they started to care for each other. Aria, being a hopeless romantic who had read about a trillion love stories about gentle protagonists who healed the evil monster men with their kindness, took to him like a moth to a flame and happily played the role of “the next best thing” against her better judgement. It wasn’t really a healthy relationship, but they did genuinely care for each other and found comfort in one another’s presence.
-It didn’t last, however. Catra was vaguely aware of the “thing” they had, and while she was indifferent for the most part, she was dealing with a downward spiral of her own, and she slowly became paranoid that Aria would distract him from completing their plans. In her poor, burnt out kitty cat frame of mind, the only way to deal with the situation was to get rid of her. So, deciding to kill 2 birds with one stone, she told Hordak that Aria had been jealous of his relationship with Entrapta, and SHE had been the one to send her to beast island. And Hordak believed her.
-I won’t go into detail about what happened after that, because it was VERY GRUESOME! We all saw how Hordak reacted when he found out what Catra had done in the original show. Now remember when I mentioned that Aria has hollow bones that made her incredibly frail and physically incapable of defending herself? Yeah. It was not pretty. Hordak wasn’t completely at fault, since he thought his anger was warranted, but by the time he’d learnt the truth and realised his mistake she was dead. In the space between the incident and learning what really happened he’d thrown her in the abandoned black garnet chamber with no food or water and basically left her to rot. He was EXTRA mad at Catra for pulling that with him, but he didn’t have time to grieve since he, Glimmer, Catra, and Aria’s lifeless corpse were beamed up into Horde Prime’s flagship.
-When Prime initially found her she was still dead. However, remember the healing magic that came from the mysterious meteorite that had now fused with her soul? Spoiler alert! It belonged to him. The meteorite was one of his most prized possessions, and the dreams Aria had been having were the magic’s attempts at trying to establish a connection with him across dimensions. (the meteorite was somewhat sentient. This is perfectly normal and well thought out writing I swear) And being reunited caused a huge surge of magical energy that resuscitated her, allowing Prime’s clones to give her some much needed medical help.
-After being pretty much comatose for 2 weeks Aria finally woke up, and was finally able to speak with Prime in person. When she found out that the “mysterious figure” from her dreams who had promised to find her was REAL and had just saved her life, she basically just latched onto him. She was, understandably, TRAUMATISED from the last 2 or so years of her life, so she was too scared to go anywhere else or trust anyone, so Prime didn’t even have to try to win her allegiance. He was also very happy to have his meteorite back, even if it now had a mortal body with skin and a face and a slew of emotional baggage. So she spends most of Season 5 being showered in love and affection by Prime and all her attendants, eventually being crowned Empress. While Prime was unequivocally evil and Aria was aware of that, he mostly sheltered her from what he was doing, in fear that her loyalty to him might falter. Maybe in a fun au she could’ve convinced him to leave Etheria alone so they could be together for longer, but alas, it was not to be.
-In the aftermath of the Heart being destroyed and Prime being killed, her downward spiral returned and shifted into OVERDRIVE. The people who had abandoned and neglected her took her one safe person away from her and they were being hailed as heroes for it. While she now knew that Entrapta had never abandoned her and was instead sent to beast island, seeing her get a happy ending with the man who had, to be quite blunt, physically abused and assaulted her, shattered any part of their friendship that might have been recoverable. She retreated into herself, taking over Horde Prime’s role as ruler over the Clones. She turned the Velvet Glove into their new home, trying to be civil with the other Princesses but eventually descended into a cold, bitter, vindictive Empress who ended up making terrible decisions as a cry for help.
-I’m still undecided on what to do with her after her fun villain arc, but I do know that in the aftermath she’d probably either step down from the throne so she could properly heal from her trauma, or work with her clones to fix up Prime’s flagship and get as far away from Etheria as possible and find peace in a new life away from everything that hurt her. I may also bring back Horde Prime from the dead through my sheer will to ignore canon so they can be together, since they are for all intents and purposes, soulmates. And I don’t think it would be very fair to let my poor hopeless romantic who just wants to be loved lose her handsome prince forever. I think it would be sexy if I committed necromancy I think.
TLDR: babygirl has had it ROUGH
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So THAT is why someone was in tha a&s tags on my blog. Sneaky 👁
(Also dw. Yr in no rush, I'm having the time of my life editing my replies in the docs bit by bit (which i haven't done, actually, im a liar <3))
theo i love u and always will. a&s is A Place
ngl tho side-eyeing that last a&s post. i'm narrowing my eyes...........
(oh my god goomt pLEASE just write your own library arc im DYING)
hey so remember this fun little ditty i wrote a while back--
If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly
--that was actually the pitch of @adreamingofguns but i latched my nasty little teeth into it and ran off into the landfill sunset slobbering and flailing my head around???
i do that a lot actually huh. give me an inch and i'll take the Titanic
anyway so i don't remember exactly how much of the pitch was Nick's doing but the point is that i grabbed it and ran lmfao and thus, If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly
i actually re-read my own fics a lot, especially when i'm stuck. i've always been REALLY PLEASED and PROUD of how i wrote If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly so i'll go back to that and try to siphon The Juice from it. well, i was reading it recently (and i tweaked a name in the third chapter for fun Suggestion - can u find it?) and i was ho-humming at the end of the fic.
i'm not really sure if readers understood entirely what happened at the end there, and i never did anything with it - and honestly, i'd never planned to. .. not really, at least. the idea was there. i thought maybe it'd be a fun thing to pursue sometime after GOOMT but hEHh,
i'm like. well. what IF, indeed. and ofc this is another AU that'll probably never see the light of day outside my vivid hallucinating while trying to go to sleep or staring into the wild pale yonder (very disco of me tbh), BUT LET'S WORKSHOP IT TOGETHER EH
anyway uh if you haven't read the fic that's chill idk if anyone cares about the ~spoiler~ but SHRUG
RUNDOWN of the fic (in 3 easy chapters i pwommy) is that Harry and James initially meet waaay back in the day when James takes Mary to go see Mary's favorite pianist in concert. (that pianist? Jodi Mason. really makes u think) James and Harry literally run into each other during intermission, small chat, hi Mary! then they go back in. after the show, while James and Mary are waiting for the elevator, the Masons show up to ruin lives and the snowball keeps rolling down the hill.
James and Harry meet in SH and together, bring Heather home. they raise her together, though their relationship is extremely tumultuous, rly kinda toxic lmao, really just. riddled. with Bruh and love and it's disgusting. they love each other and their daughter but there is A Lot that's suggested. ends with them celebrating their anniversary (which is, coincidentally, Heather's birthday!!!)
but i gave a peek into Mary and James's relationship (and touched Jodi and Harry's relationship on the nose) and that was a lot of fun :3
SO! that's that one pls read and enjoy it it's def a favorite of mine lmao
spoiler: heather gets kidnapped at the end of the fic when everyone's just trying to have a nice fucking day god can't anyone mind their business around here
naturally the au takes place when James and Harry figure this out. 'Silent Hill Is On Its Bullshit' Senses Tingling.
now, quick note is that neither of them were IN Silent Hill the first time for very long at all. their time there overlapped and it was and wasn't meant to be intentional by the town. i don't think it knew what to do with the timing. it was great but also hhhhhhhh in its "eyes" but anyway, point is, James's got a Leave ending with Harry and baby Heather, he didn't get any conduit nonsense going on, he was probably in the town upwards of a week and a shake before he met up with Harry.
Harry, on the other hand, was probably in SH for a little over a week before he met up with James. James hadn't even really.. "finished" his arc..? which is important when they realize what the fuck just happened and oh god DAMMIT they gotta go to SH to get their fucking daughter back
i'll admit, this AU is certainly Dark. like, a&s is dark, but if you take into account what this one entails, oh buddy MAN is this one gonna be a rough fucking ride LOL like look
these two love each other to their depths but their relationship was havoc at times. i alluded to it, but there was a suicide attempt that Heather unfortunately got to see, and was probably dug up in therapy at some point. they argued and Heather remembers James not coming home some nights, or weeks, or months, and yeah, there was cheating from both James and Harry, they did NOT learn how to cope lmfao and did NOT process their wives' deaths very well, ESPECIALLY YOU, JAMES--
-- since he didn't get to have that closure like at the end of SH2. his and Harry's plots got mashed together, and Harry's took all importance with the Alessa/Order problem. as you can imagine, James has a LOT of unfinished business in SH.
they DID, though, see a lot of each others' SH and baggage, which is super important ofc to how they lived out their lives, and their lives together as a family and as fathers. stuff to keep in mind too, there are A LOT of unresolved problems between the two of them and a LOT of things repressed; and it's really just sad how much Heather actually remembers from her childhood that she'd've preferred remained stomped doooown down in the ground
Harry's Jeep is still crashed and fuckin pwnt in SH, and James's Pontiac is still at the observatory. they actually try to go in through South Vale i think to the observatory but ARE BLOCKED (!!!!!) on the road
a trucker
unfortunate business really :( this guy, this poor trucker's got his trailer in the middle of the road, taking up both lanes, looks like there was a minor accident here :( he apologizes to them and says that he's trying to get a hold of someone to help him with this, awful sorry. he redirects them instead: they can head in via Central Silent Hill, or they can go in via Shepherd's Glen. ur choice.
the trucker's a really sweet dude this Travis Grady, what a darling, obviously from Alabama, he's good humored and all but man. man there's something about him that's just. hrm.
well they decide to try to get in through Central Silent Hill though it means they'd have to go AAAALLL he way around the lake again (fuckin Toluca Lake) and ignore that Shepherd's Glen is closer, but agree that Travis had Weird Vibes and that the blockage seemed intentional which Great. Love That. Super Duper.
i think she's going to show up THIS time instead. which DOES mean older lady cop Cybil B) ur so welcome for that
SHE'S probably in SH herself looking for someone, or following a lead. not sure. something tells me it has to do with Alex? they might pass each other on the drive, so they see/pass Cybil's car heading in and take the exit towards Shepherd's Glen and she saw them on passing ofc.
things are TENSE the entire time bc i think that the discovery of Heather's kidnapping really was just a Bad Feeling and so they got up from the piano and went to her room and 404 DAUGHTER NOT FOUND
her phone was still on the bed tho, and the call was still active. Harry goes to pick it up and listen to the line and ask who the fuck's there and just hears someone sigh on the other end and hang up
(later, Harry's like, that situation was very Liam Neeson in Taken wasn't it lmfao wish i had the monologue memorized and James is like yeah now that you mention it. holy fuck lmaooo)
after that, Heather's phone bricks/locks itself up good and tight and useless to them. while they're really starting to panic, a radio turns on!
.. in the garage!
...... it's coming from the car!!!
they only hear it bc it's otherwise dead silent (ha) while they're up in Heather's room and just BARELY hear it so they'd have to go downstairs and into the garage and naturally it's really not THAT loud but w/e, spookiness
guess what's playing :)
guess what's playing guess
ok you'll never guess so i'll tell you it's Somewhere Over The Rainbow but naturally it's the very recording that Jodi played and recorded and the one that Mary listened to all the time <3 (maybe whispering lyrics on it? mary? who knows! is it even the right time for that bit of joy fun times or would a better place for it be when they arrive in SH? probably that tbh.. so when they arrive it could ~fittingly end~ when they come up to park and just have dead air after, hmmmMM isn't workshopping whatever i find in my ass FUN
bc ALSO there's the possibility of having it play continuously for the drive and even Travis comments on it like lol you guys sure like that song huh and they look TIRED lmfao; harry's like yeah sure but this yellow brick road sucks, i prefer elton john's and travis is like LOL yeah not much of a musicals person myself or elton john for that matter but i vibe, better than copperhead road i suppose.....
James........... squints at that wonders why it sounds familiar, it pings a bell for Harry too but he has no idea, but anyway)
(they'll figure that one out later :3c)
anyway they're about to have a horrible horrible near future lmfao bc wELL
they BOTH knew that there was a high high chance that they weren't done with the Order and all that bullshit but still like :\ come ON
Douglas does show up here - but was he involved with Heather's kidnapping? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
......... sure :) you know? sure. especially since he and the Sunderland-Masons (reversed -adjacent name asldfhaog -adjacent are the Mason-Sunderlands, gotta tell the AU's apart at least a LITTLE bit i mean like. The Connotations. that are only understood by me i guess skldf) have known each other for uhhhh
glances at watch-less wrist
maybe four years at this point bc Douglas is James's AA sponsor (spoiler for what i changed in ch3! LOL) so they're familiar to say the least! a family friend :)
:) Ruh Roh :)
ANYWAY I'LL STOP HERE thank u for coming to my impromptu ted talk and causing problems, ILU THEO AND I LOVE A&S LIKE BURNIIINNNGGG
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amoosewritesfanfic · 4 years
(Part 2)
[Part 1 / Part 2]
[Enji Todoroki x Fem!Reader + Keigo Takami]
[Warnings: humiliation, light bondage, gag, blindfold, overstimulation, sensory deprivation, Enji lowkey being yandere at the end]
[Requested by: @madamcashe ]
[Tags: @daedaep69 ]
[I don't own any of the characters or art posted, all credit goes to original creators, I do however own the story and I did make the edit :3]
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"So Endeavor what was it that you wanted me to see exactly? Not that I'm complaining." Keigo asked as he was led down the hallway towards his bedroom, Enji had managed to get Fuyumi and Natsuo to go spend time with their friends, Shouto apparently said he wouldn't be home for the weekend. "Just relax Hawks, it's nothing too crazy." Enji told the blonde haired man as they finally got to his room.
"Close your eyes." He told the birdman and Keigo did, closing his eyes as he felt Enji pulling him into the room. With a firm pat on his back and Enji telling him to open his eyes he was utterly shocked, there you stood, your arms tied to your back, body being kept up by a roped which hung from the ceiling and your legs spread, Keigo took in the sight, the way the drool fell from your gagged lips and the way your body was twitching, then he heard it. He heard the low vibrations coming from between your legs, there was no way in hell he couldn't get hard at the sight of you in front of him bent over and whining.
"What's happening here Endeavor-san?" The way Keigo asked was in a way that made it seem like he didn't just fuck you the other day, which pissed off Enji but the burly male didn't react he just walked over to you pulling Keigo with him who had no choice to follow along. "I'm showing my cute little slut what happens when she disobeys me." When he spoke his fingers trailed along your spine making your back arch slightly, a muffled whimper escaping your gagged mouth. "And am I that punishment? I don't think-..." "Oh trust me Hawks you'll definitely love this punishment, because you get to fuck her. You get to fuck her as much as you want until you're satisfied, because let's face it you like fucking things that don't belong to you." His voice was cold as he stepped away moving to the corner of the room where a single leather couch sat, next to it a small table with a glass of whiskey sat.
Keigo stared at your body for a moment before glancing over at Enji who had a neutral expression. "C'mon get fuckin' this is a once in a life time opportunity, to fuck such a pretty little cunt." He said, you could barely even focus on the words, because the vibrator randomly went on and off so you were having multiple denied orgasms, but the number two hero removed the vibrator, using his fingers to lap up your slick in his fingers. Keigo huffed and unzipped his pants pulling out his hardened cock rubbing it against your folds which earned a desperate gasp from you, your hips pushing back into his touch, it didn't take much time for him to bury himself in those velvety walls, his cock hitting all your sweet spots making you moan out in delight against the gag.
"Does it feel good Y/N?" Enji asked and you were afraid to answer if you said no you would probably hurt Keigo's ego, but if you said yes Enji would be even more pissed off. You knew he was pissed, but you didn't know why or what you did to have Enji's wrath on you. Was this out of jealousy?
"C'mon princess, answer me~" at this point Keigo's hips had started moving, he was moving at a somewhat slow pace, but his thrusts were harsh hitting all your sweet spots just like Enji would. You gave him a slow nod. "Oh? Do you prefer his cock or mine? Oh wait, let's take out that silly little gag so I can hear you say it." You heard shifting before you felt Enji's large hand hold your face as he removed the gag, your moans were a bit more audible now too.
"Well princess? Answer nice and loud for us to both hear~" he coaxed running his thumb along your saliva coated lips, Keigo's hips smacking harshly into yours making you moan out in delight, your back arching slightly. "Y-yours...~♡" you moaned out. "Mine? Even though it's not my cock buried inside that pretty little cunt?" He sounded surprised as his hand pushed up the blindfold now, allowing you to look up into those beautiful cerulean hues, yours were glazed over tears threatening to spill out.
Dear gods you looked so fucking innocent like that it made Enji's cock throb in his pants.
"How mean Y/N~ here I am doing my best~" Keigo teased, his hands gripped your hips rather harshly as his speed now picked up. "Jealous Hawks?" Enji laughed as thumb stroked your cheek, you were losing your mind your entire body was trembling, you could feel your pussy tightening around Keigo's cock. "Nah... fuck... not when she's about to cum on my cock~" he teased Enji who watched your expression carefully, he watched the way your eyes rolled back and your tongue lulled out as you came, your hips bucking slightly.
"Don't relax yet little bird~ I'm not done yet~" Keigo teased now, his hips hadn't stopped moving, he was still slamming into your sensitive pussy, prolonging your orgasm. Then you felt it again, your pussy tightening around his cock which had him groaning. Your body was shaking now, you had cum again. "Twice in a row...~ fuck Endeavor, this pretty little bird is doing such a good job at taking my cock she even came twice." He cooed happily. Every inch of your body felt so sensitive it didn't help now that your mouth was forced open, tongue hanging from your lips as you felt that big meaty cock touch your tongue.
Enji's familiar scent filling your nose, he didn't waste any time as his cock filled your mouth, stretching your jaw out. Your jaw was always sore after you sucked off the red haired male. Enji anything but gentle, tear filled eyes now looking up at his expression, his jaw was clenched, his eyes glazed over with lust, but you could tell he was pissed off and he made that apparent with how he shoved himself down your throat causing you to gag, with wide tear filled eyes you looked up at the male, pubes tickling your nose and his balls touching your chin, saliva spilling from the corners of your mouth.
Enji said nothing, one hand held onto your chin keeping your face in place as the other threaded through your hair softly before getting a good grip on it, his hips started moving now, matching the pace of Keigo's thrusts. Your moans coming out muffled or replaced by gags, skin slapping against skin, heavy breathing and praise about how good you were taking Keigo's cock filled the room. If anyone walked in they'd see what a mess you were, your own juices flowing down your thighs, hair matted to your skin, strings of saliva connecting from your chin to Enji's balls as he violated your throat and tears streaming down your face.
"There's a good... slut. You're taking our cocks so well~" Enji cooed, everything was blurry from the tears but you knew he had a smirk on his face. "Fuck... I'm almost..." Keigo breathed out, their thrusts increased in pace, becoming harsher and harsher, until they buried themselves inside you, Enji's cock buried all the way down your throat and Keigo's cock buried all the way inside your pussy, tip kissing your cervix. Groans fell from their lips as they unloaded themselves inside you, their seeds sending a warmth throughout your body which had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. When Enji was done he pulled back, letting you breath as you coughed for air, some of his cum dripping down your chin. Keigo on the other hand had pulled out of you, hand spreading your asscheek and pussy folds watching his white load drip from your hole.
"What do you say princess?" Enji said as he ran a thumb along your bottom lip which had you whimper and tremble. "T-thank... you..." you breathed out. Enji at this point got level with your face so he could whisper in your ear.
"This is the last time you'll ever fuck other than me princess, that pussy belongs to me and no one else... if I see you spreading your legs for him... or anyone else I'm gonna fuck you in front of an entire room... everyone will know that this pretty cunt belongs to me~" Enji's voice was so demanding and you knew that he wasn't joking, after all he was never the joking type.
"You can go now Hawks, your duty is done." Enji straightened himself up as his thumb stroked your cheek softly. "Ncaw, here I thought you'd let me enjoy her some more~" "No, I had no intention of letting you enjoy her more, if you touch her again though, I'll burn your wings so you can't fly again." Keigo gave a whistle. "I'll be sure not to touch her then." The blonde haired man said as he fixed up his appearance before opening the window. "By little birdie~ don't piss off flame daddy anymore babe~" Keigo teased giving Enji a wink before leaving through the window flying out.
"Now..." Enji burnt the ropes holding you up, his free hand catching you before he picked you up and tossed you onto the bed, making you wince. "You look like a deer caught in headlights, don't worry, I'm thinking of treating you." He started as his hands trailed along your thighs, spreading your legs exposing your abused cunt. "I'm gonna fuck you until all you can think about is my cock princess~" he said with a hum as he trailed his fingers along your cheek before slipping his fingers in your mouth making you suck on his large digits.
"Now... let's get started shall we?"
[Haha I finished it, tbh Y/N got fucked so hard she literally passed out, Enji fucks her almost everyday, like when they're busy with paper work, in their free time and he may or may not have her on her knees under his desk sucking his dick while he's being briefed about some hero stuff. She can only now be satisfied by flame daddy lmao]
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cynicalseven · 7 years
I want to post new content but i really don't know what, does anyone have a suggestion?
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I wrote this just cause I noticed, I wasn’t the only one thinking about this happening. Tagging @rinmatsuokatrash, I know it’s not exactly what you wanted and I’m not a writer, but I know you were thinking about it, too <3  And yeah, I totally agree with "with how oblivious Rin is I feel like Haru could literally ask him to be his boyfriend, and somehow Rin would still misunderstand” post (he already told him to call, right to his face and he was still like “I really want to call him, but should I tho?” I was like “Nevermind, Einstein” lmao). But I honestly think that at one point a long time ago Rin thought that the possibilty of his feelings being requited was zero, and now he just idiotically thinks that Haru’s “I’m totally in love” face when he looks at him is meant for a tree behind him aparently *smh*
Here the link to AO3.
Just Be With Me.
Rin accidentally finds out what Hiyori said to Haru (cause I've been fucking dreaming about this since 3x04 lol). Which leads to an unexpected turn of events.
Set after arcades, but doesn't fit the canon timeline, since it's also set after Rinharu reunion and Haru isn't at camp.
They were on their way out of the arcades, when Rin overheard Kisumi and Asahi actively arguing about something.
"He has some good qualities!"
Asahi only shrugged angrily.
"He’s an asshole!"
They were clearly still deep into the argument, that Kisumi has started with Sousuke about that Hiyori guy. Rin just shook his head, smiling. Pink haired boy was almost laying on Asahi's shoulder, while he was talking.
"He’s not that bad."
"You weren’t there. And you didn’t see Haru’s face when he said that. And he still didn’t even apologize. That asshole clearly knew, what he was saying. Haru looked miserable for days, he didn't even listen much, when I said that it was total bullshit. If it wasn’t for Nao-se.."
Rin found himself beside them, without even realizing it.
"What did he say?"
Asahi immediately lost his train of thought, startled by sudden interruption, and Rin tried to pull himself back, noticing that his tone was too harsh.
"It’s okay."
"What did he say? To Haru?"
Kisumi's face lit up with a grin, his eyes stopped on Rin's face, as if trying to find out if his guess is true, which Rin didn’t quite get and decided to ignore.
Asahi shrugged again.
"He said that everyone who swims with him ends up getting hurt, I just don’t get why Haru reacted like that. It’s a complete bullshit, that doesn’t make any sense."
Rin's blood went cold. He thought he hurt you, so he quit swimming.... Rei's voice resounded inside of his head. It felt like many years ago and at the same time like yesterday. To Rin it didn’t make any sense either, at a time. But he knew that Haru felt differently... Still? But he thought they cleared this up already. Rin frantically tried to replay all the events from that day. He clearly remembered saying to Rei that he never blamed Haru for anything that happened, but he just realized that he actually never said anything about it to Haru himself. But there was no way he could still feel that way. That felt surreal. Why? Rin's brain completely short-circuted.
He suddenly felt someone touching his shoulder.
"You okay?" Asahi was looking at him worriedly.
Rin shook his head, trying to get back to reality.
"Yeah, I’m... fine. Hiyo.." He turned around to look at the doors.
"They already left." There were clear hints of disappointment in Kisumi's voice.
Rin turned to Sousuke.
"You guys go without me. I need to..."
Sousuke just shook his head smiling and lightly waving.
"Go, Romeo."
Rin didn’t even hear him, already turning another way. It wouldn’t be the first time him and Haru unexpectedly needed to talk in the middle of the night. The only thing that Rin could think of right now is that he wouldn’t be able to sleep without talking to him after hearing that.
Haru was staring at Rin with wide eyes in the doorway, his hand froze on the doorknob. The pure shock in his gaze was quickly replaced with a flick of something that Rin couldn't quite identify, but what made him blush for some reason as he averted his eyes and awkwardly noticed.
"You shouldn't just open doors like that. It's not Iwatobi, you know. It's Tokyo."
When he raised his head again, Haru's face was already back to its usual unreadable self.
"Did something happen?" his voice was full of worry.
Rin shook his head. It was late and he didn't even know how to explain why he was here now.
"I.. I just needed to talk to you."
Haru just stepped out of the doorway, silently inviting Rin in.
"Actually we met Kisumi and other guys, when I was visiting Sousuke and I accidentally overheard them talking."
The door closed with too much force. When Haruka turned to Rin, his eyes were almost glossy.
"What is it?" His voice was tired now, no trace of the glint in his gaze, from when he saw him at the door. He looked as if he was expecting Rin to bring him mackerel, but got celery instead.
"I've heard about Hiyori."
Haruka rubbed his eyes, sighing. Honestly, this was the last thing that was on his mind.
"Do we really have to do this right now?" He snapped.
Rin furrowed his brows.
"You’re angry. Why are you angry?"
Haru took a deep breath. Seeing Rin's genuine concern made him feel embarrassed about his outburst.
"Sorry, I just.." His voice was barely a whisper. "It's because I thought you came here for another reason."
Red eyes got filled with confusion.
"What? Why would I come here?"
Haru chuckled bitterly.
"Of course. Why would you? You can go home, Rin. I’m okay now, promise. I forgot about what he said a long time ago."
"You're lying!"
"What's it to you, Rin?"
"Because it is about us! And I just want to know, why you let him think it was true!" Rin raised his voice, as he felt the anger filling him. Because that asshole was given the much wanted satisfaction of seeing Haru hurt. Because Haru was hurt and couldn't say anything back. Because he wasn't there with him. Because that asshole used him to hurt Haru. His Haru.
Rin tried to calm himself down.
"Did you think I lied, when I said that swimming with you was the only surprise I needed from that stupid party? Or when I said that without you I don't even see the point of this?"
Haru's eyes softened. He raised his hand for a moment as if he wanted to touch Rin, but then dropped it.
"No. I didn't. It's just..."
Haruka stopped for a moment. He honestly didn't know how to say this without it leading to him telling things he shouldn't. Rin's voice brought him back from his thoughts.
"Talk to me, please."
Haru felt himself giving up, catching the warm look in red eyes.
"I can't get this out of my head, you know." He said weakly. "A thirteen year old you sitting on the pool tiles and crying, because of me."
Rin winced. God, how many times since he grew up, he wanted to relive that moment and do everything differently. He looked into Haru's eyes, desperately trying to put everything he felt in these words.
"Never because of you. I swear, never once the thought of blaming you for anyhing has crossed my mind, Ha..."
"I know. Rei told me. I know you weren't. But I thought it was me. For four years I thought, I was the reason for that, and it just.. I can't get it out of my head. Just the thought makes my stomach turn and I can't sleep and I still can't get used to this."
The last time Rin heard Haruka talk this much was when he was yelling at him on that bench. Haru took a deep breath to calm his voice and smiled sadly.
"I think, I've felt like this just three times in my entire life, and I still don't know how to deal with this."
Rin watched him carefully, before asking, "W.. What made you feel like this the second time?"
Haruka eyes drifted, like he was reliving something. I don’t have to swim with you ever again. Ever. His voice was distant when he simply answered.
Rin swallowed hard, feeling like he was about to puke and already dreading hearing the next answer.
"And.. and the third?"
Haru's face flinched, as if he was in pain, his voice was barely a whisper, when he finally said, "Can we not do this, please? It’s humiliating."
Rin lowered his gaze to the floor, unable to meet the bright blues.
"I’m sorry. I..."
But Haru interupted him as soon as he started to speak.
"I didn't mean it like that.." His voice was much clearer now and yet sounded so much softer, that it made it made Rin raise his eyes again. "What do you have to be sorry for? It’s my problem, not yours. Besides..."
He froze for a moment, as if considering, if he should finish the next phrase. The second of the vulnerability in his eyes was immediately replaced with determination, as he looked right into Rin's eyes.
"...if I got to pick the happiest moments in my life, they’re all about you, too."
Rin felt like his heart actually stopped for a moment. There's no way Haru meant it like that. He cleared his throat.
"Don't, don't just say things like that so easy."
"E..easy?" Haru looked at Rin for a long time, his gaze still unreadable. "I just said the truth."
Rin let out a quiet chuckle, that meant to be sarcastic, but turned out sad.
"Right, sorry."
For a second he thought, that he saw Haru's face turning ever more pale.
"Right, sorry?!" Behind the irritation in his voice, two words were filled with so much hurt that Rin felt his blood going cold. "Well, don't be, it’s not your fault, you don’t feel the same."
Rin froze. It can't be. But there's no way those words can be interpreted any different. No, there's no way he heard this right.
"Haru... you’re killing me, it can’t..." Rin ran his shaky fingers through his hair. "But you can't be. In love with me?"
No, with Gou sarcastically remarked Haru in his mind. He couldn’t believe that this absurd idea of him being with his sister somehow has crossed Rin's mind already three times in his lifetime, but not once he would think about him being Haru's second half.
"Go home, Rin."
"You didn’t answer my question."
"I don’t think it’s fair Rin. I think, I’ve said enough already."
"Will you please look at me?"
Hearing a shaky voice, Haru lifted his head only to meet eyes, that were staring at him so intently that he suddenly forgot how to breathe. He honestly just felt very tired. Of everything. And of this stupid constant pretending.
"I love you" Haru’s voice was very soft and quiet, but his eyes were full of challenge. "That's what you wanted to hear, right?"
"It’s not funny."
Haruka’s eyes grew a bit wide, when he suddenly swallowed and turned away, before saying, "Can you please leave, Rin?"
The barely heard shudder in his voice by the end of the phrase felt like a bucket of cold water. Suddenly Rin was shaken back to reality. Cause Haru would never joke about something like that.
Haru was in love with him? Haru... the one that made his heart an absolute unrecoverable mess throughout all these years... the one he wanted so badly, it hurt sometimes, wanted him back? Rin never even allowed himself to think about this possibility. He forced himself to take a shaky breath.
"You’re serious.. you’re actually serious."
The relief that filled his heart at this moment was so sudden, that he felt his eyes become watery. He never even realized that this feeling he tried to keep as deeply buried as possible was weighting down on him so much. It's like there was a constant hurt inside of him that he got used to living with, that has finally stopped. Rin needed to touch him. He caught Haru near the door, grabbing his wrist and forcing him to turn around, only to find himself eye to eye with a dreary blue gaze. Rin's hand traced Haruka's cheek, catching the wet trail and just like that the pain in his heart was back again. He made him cry. He never saw Haru cry. Rin buried his face in Haru's neck and felt a shaky hand on his hair.
"It's okay, Rin. Really. I'm gonna be fine..."
Only then Rin realized that he didn't even say anything. Was he.. was Haru just comforting him after thinking that he was rejected? Rin felt tears falling down on Haru's neck, when he pulled him closer, wrapping his arms tightly around the slender figure.
"I love you." Rin breathed out in a wet warm skin. He let his hand trace Haru's neck and felt the body in his arms tense. He forced himself to raise his head a stared straight into the disbelieving blue eyes. "I love you."
His mouth crushed into a slightly opened lips with such fervor, that the fingers in his hair harshly gripped the red strands. Haru's body shuddered in his arms as if was holding his breath for too long. His other hand trailed down Rin's stomach, until it found the way under his shirt and his arms got wrapped around the hot naked skin. Closer, he needed him as closer as possible. When Rin's teeth slightly grazed Haru's lower lip, he let out such a sinful moan, that Rin started to shake. Haru... Haru was so warm, no, he was buring in his arms. His legs quivered, when he felt Haru's tongue licking it's way past his lips. As if sensing that, Haru grabbed Rin's shirt and pulled him, while taking two steps back until his back hit the door. They pulled back for a second, taking a breath and catching each others eyes, still so close that their noses were touching.
Haru's hand found it's way behind Rin's ear, brushing the sensitive skin. "I've missed you. I’ve missed you so much."
Rin kissed the tip of Haruka's nose, his cheekbone, the corner of his mouth, thumb gently stroking over red swallen lips.
"Feels like I'm dreaming."
Haru let out a little laugh, but it still sounded almost painful.
"Stupid.." He breathed out into Rin's mouth, pinching his earlobe.
Rin's eyes slowly traced Haru's face and he felt himself blush. Haruka was just an absolutely beautiful mess. His eyes were still glazed with unshed tears, but were shining so brightly, that Rin found it hard to look away. He looked... he looked so breathtakenly happy, that Rin felt his chest clench.
"I'm sorry, I made you wait for so long."
Haruka's fingers under Rin's shirt thoughtlessly went up and down his ribs, making Rin shiver.
"Maybe... maybe now is better." His eyes drifted for a second. "I'm not sure, I could've let you go to another continent after that."
Rin laughed breathlessly, suddenly felling very shy.
"You want to... Will you go out with me?"
Haruka's eyes glinted.
Rin visibly flinched, his arm slightly loosened his grip around Haru.
"N..no? Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume that..."
"No, stupid" Haru's eyes softened. "Just... be with me. I.. I really need you to just be with me. So... skip the dates, okay?"
Rin's head dropped to Haru's shoulder, as he tightly wrapped himself around him, hiding his face. He can really stay with him, for as long as he wanted. He felt the lump in his throat, as tears of relief soaked Haru's shirt, when he barely whispered, "Deal."
Haru was still holding him in his arms, when he suddenly softly chuckled, making Rin raise his head.
Haru's hand cupped Rin's cheek, brushing the soft skin.
"Just thought for a second, that maybe, we should thank Hiyori next time we see him."
Rin eyes flashed, when he angrily mumbled under his breath, "Sure, right after I punch him in the face."
Haruka chuckled again, wrapping his arms around Rin's neck and lightly brushing their lips together.
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