#literally so fucking nice oh my god. we smoke on the balcony together hes so fucking cool.
nullwork · 2 years
losing my mind my new roommate just told me he'd love for me to adopt a cat to play with his cat. in tears so fucking excited
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oblxvion · 4 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (1)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 5.4k
-> warnings: use of marijuana, smut, praise kink, degradation kink, spit kink, oral (f and m receiving), fluff
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you were stressed. it was almost the end of the term, and you had spent the past two weeks studying and prepping for your exams because you needed those grades. you had been slipping a lot in your classes but you managed to bring your grades up with the help of your good friend armin. he was extremely smart and honestly, without him, you didn't even want to think about what your grades would be.
“ugh, sasha, i can’t study any more.” you groaned, bringing you head down to into the vast sea of review that you had been going over as per armin’s request. “i need a break, i feel like my brain is going to fucking explode.”
sasha looked over up from her phone and laughed. “it’s gonna be worth it, i promise. once you finish these exams, you’ll be able to relax for a bit. do you wanna smoke later ‘cause we’re all getting together later at eren’s, i forgot to tell you.”
you hadn’t checked your phone in the past few hours so you didn't know that there were plans that had been made. 
you didn’t move your head as you contemplated the thought, it sounded like fun to see everyone and ignore the work you had for at least a bit. exams weren’t for another week and a half, so you should be fine.
“yeah, i'll come.”
“yay! i’ll text the group chat and let them know that we’re gonna leave at around 6.” she squeals as she grabs her phone and starts typing away a text that you soon receive as well.
“ok, i need to nap first. plus it’s like 4 so i’m gonna pass out for a bit.” you got up from the kitchen table and made your way over to your bedroom, beginning to get comfortable. “wake me up at 5.” you yelled so she could hear from her room.
“you got it.” sasha yelled back. you could tell that she said that with food in her mouth. 
“typical.” you chuckled as you felt your body drift off to sleep.
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“y/n! hey! wake up! it’s 5:30. i lost track of the time.” sasha tried to shake you awake in which you grumbled in response. 
“ugh, ur so timely.” you joked as you made your way out of your room, and into the shared bathroom. wow i look like shit you thought to yourself as you turned from side to side trying to see all of what you looked like in your oversized sweatshirt and shorts.
there was not enough time for you to get ready to look at least presentable, but you felt gross so you turned on the shower and threw your clothes into your hamper. you put on some music because who showers without music and you made sure to shave because it had been awhile since you had and you wanted to feel clean.
once you had finished, you grabbed a towel and checked the time on your phone. 5:40. perfect.
“y/n, we have like 20 minutes,” sasha called from her room. “do you think you can be ready by then?”
“yeah, i just need to dry my hair and throw on some clothes and i should be good.” you said as you walked into her room, she was pretty much ready to go, and dressed in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. no one really dressed up for these sessions because everyone was already super comfortable with each other.
“ok i’m gonna go change, i don't know if i’ll have enough time to dry my hair though.” 
“you’ll be fine. plus, we can be a bit late, they wouldn’t start without us anyways.” she says with a smile as she puts on a sweatshirt.
you made your way back to your room and threw on a pair of sweatpants, a loose fitting tank top and your favorite pullover. as you made your way back to the bathroom to dry your hair, you found yourself stressing once again about your exams to which you took a deep breathe and reminded yourself that you needed to relax and this was a well deserved break. 
after you finished drying your hair, you quickly ran a brush through it, and put on some deodorant along with your favorite perfume.
“ok sash, i’m ready.” you called from the bathroom as you fixed your appearance for the last time. 
“perfect! i ordered us an uber because i don’t really wanna drive and i know you don't like driving high.” she says as she grabs the last of her things and we make our way out the door and to the bottom of our apartment complex.
you look at her as the uber pulls over to the side of the road. “so what?”
“have u been seeing anyone recently?” sasha looks over to you as she gets into the uber after you. 
“how could i? i’ve literally been studying nonstop. i wish though.” you say with a sigh. you had been so preoccupied with studying and getting your grades up that you haven’t had the time to see anyone except friends. “why do you ask?”
“oh, it’s nothing really. i was just curious, you know, being your roommate and all.” somethings up, she’s clearly trying to pick at something and this does not go unnoticed by you.
“ok,” you laughed and shook your head. “whatever you say.”
before you knew it, you both arrived at eren’s apartment complex. for some reason, you felt anxious. you knew the boys that were going to be there but you had this gut feeling that something was going to happen.
the two of you made your way up to his floor and knocked on his door which was opened almost instantly as if he were waiting.
“sasha!” connie exclaimed, embracing the girl into a bear hug. “hey y/n.” 
“hey connie.” you smiled in response. it was really cute how the two of them were so close, it’s almost like they were twins. you made your way into the apartment and saw jean and eren, arguing over god knows what.
“hey guys!” you say as you walked over to the two of them, hugging them both. 
“y/n! it’s been a while. how’s studying with armin?” jean asks as he pulls away from the hug.
“god. don't even get me started. i am in hell. armin’s being so helpful though.” you chuckle as you walked over to eren, who was looking at something on his phone but quickly shoved it away when he saw you coming towards him.
“hey y/n.” he says with his boyish smile as he pulls you into a side hug and you notice that his hand lingers for a bit longer than normal but you smile in response.
“so, can we smoke now that they’re finally here?” connie asks as it was very clear that he was getting impatient. 
“yeah, yeah, let’s go to the deck.” eren’s apartment had a deck with was extremely nice and over time, it had become the signature smoke spot for you guys. it had an outdoor couch and a few chairs along with a small table which was perfect.
you made your way to your favorite spot which was the right corner of the couch so you could be close to the edge of the balcony and look out at the view of the city. everyone had their signature spots, it was like an unspoken rule but everyone followed it. eren next to you on the couch, sasha, jean and connie in the three chairs on the opposite side of the table.
there were some blankets already outside along with a speaker that eren played some music on to set the vibe. 
“since you guys were taking too long, i rolled us a joint so we could smoke sooner.” eren said as he sat down next to you.
“aw, how kind.” you tease him as you nudge yourself against his shoulder, earning a chuckle from him. “dibs on first hit.” 
“aw, c’mon!” jean whined, knowing that you always give the blunt to eren right after you hit. 
“i get priority since eren is my best friend.” you smirk and wait for eren to say anything but he just laughs and shakes his head. 
you and eren had always been close ever since you started school. he even introduced you to everyone, which was the reason why you were here with them now.
eren took out his lighter and lit the joint and passed it to you. you took it between your pointer finger and thumb and took a long drag. 
oh how you had missed this feeling. the feeling of being high with your friends. you passed the blunt back to eren as he took a hit himself and you exhaled the smoke.
the joint was passed around the circle until everyone had gotten a good amount of hits and it was finished. you felt your high and you leaned back into the couch as you closed your eyes.
you opened your eyes and looked over to eren who’s eyes were red, just like yours. “no, just relaxing. this is nice. i needed this.”
“yeah, i noticed. armin told me that you’d been really stressed lately so i texted asking if people wanted to smoke but you didn't respond so i assumed you were studying,” he says as he stretched his arms and placed them just behind your shoulders.
“thanks,” you laughed as you stared into his turquoise eyes only now noticing how pretty they were. you had looked him in the eyes before but this time it felt different and he felt it too. but your staring was soon broken by sasha’s wails of being hungry.
“there’s food in the fridge, i had takeout last night so there’s probably some leftovers.” eren nods his head towards the inside of his apartment. sasha stood up and made her way towards the food as connie followed her.
“hey! save some for me!” he yelled as he chased after her. all that was left was you, eren and jean. there was clearly some tension in the air but you decided to ignore it.
“ain’t no way i’m gonna be third wheeling right now.” jean huffed quietly and joined the two inside. 
third wheeling? you ignored it because jean obviously knows that you and eren are close friends, nothing more.
oh, how you were wrong.
eren looked over to make sure that there was no way for the others to see the deck and he moved his arm down towards your shoulder. you were shocked by this, but in a way, it was comforting. 
“y/n?” he asked staring off into the distance.
he didn't respond so you took it upon yourself to look up at him.
“what’s up?”
no response once again.
your lidded eyes becoming heavy as he looked down at you with a tender look on his face. he leaned his face closer to yours until your noses were touching.
his lips connected with yours, igniting a feeling inside your chest that you had pushed away when you first became close. you melted into the kiss and kissed him back in a slow and sensual kiss. eren pulled back and tucked your hair behind your ear as he went back in for another kiss. you didn’t know what to do but the feeling that this gave you, it wasn’t like any other kiss you had before.
“wanted to do this for a long time.” he whispers and rests his nose on yours. 
you didn’t know what to say in response so you pulled him back for another kiss that was interrupted by the three of them coming back out onto the deck. you pulled away quickly, hoping that no one had seen what just happened. eren kept his hand on your shoulder, but no one had asked about it so you just let it slide.
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it had been a few days since you had last seen eren. everyone was texting in the group chat about plans for the upcoming days but you had to study, or at least try to study. the kiss that you and eren shared had been replaying in your head ever since it had happened. you knew that he was high and he may not remember it, but it still bugged you and you had to know.
but most importantly, this kiss had sparked feelings inside you that you had pushed away so long ago and it was beginning to get hard to consume them. eren was constantly on your mind, and you couldn’t focus on your work. 
you needed to talk to him but you didn't know how because you didn't know that he had these feelings for you and you didn't know that you still had those feelings for him. you realized that you were ignoring these feelings that you had for him because he was your close friend and you didn’t want that to ruin your relationship.
it was driving you crazy. you needed to talk to him. 
you grabbed your phone and clicked on eren’s contact and called him. it didn’t even finish the first ring.
“hey y/n! what’s up? how’s studying?” he said and you felt your heart swell at him saying your name, which never happened before until now.
“hey, can you come over later? i need to talk to you,” you sigh. this is it, you need to know if he truly had those feelings or he was just playing with you.
“yeah, of course,” he stammered. “is everything ok?”
“yeah, everything's fine, i just wanna talk to you.”
“ok, i can get a ride now if you want me to.” is he eager?
you looked at the time and remembered that sasha was out with connie and jean so she would probably not be coming back tonight.
“actually, yeah, that sounds fine. see you soon, eren.”
“ok, i’ll text you when i’m close.”
“ok,” you ended the call and placed your phone down, taking your head in your hands. you’re overreacting right? he definitely feels for you, why else would he kiss you?
“i need to shower.” you said to yourself, trying to ignore the thoughts in your head.
as you got out of the shower, you heard your phone get a text, which you assumed to be eren. walking back to your room, you heard a knock at the door and you froze. you were still in a towel and debating whether or not you should open the door for him, which you did because you didn't want to leave him standing out there.
“hey y/n, oh,” he stops and looks you up and down. 
“sorry, i just got out of the shower.” you say as you open the door and motion for him to come inside. “can you just wait a sec while i go put some clothes on?”
“oh, uh, yeah. i’ll wait in the kitchen.” he looks around and scratches the back of his head nervously. his hair was tied back into a messy bun like usual and wearing gray sweatpants with a black shirt and his chain peeking out from under it. “you good?” he asked as he took off his shoes.
oh my god, was i staring?
“oh, yeah, i'm fine. i just spaced out a bit, sorry.” you chuckle nervously, tucking a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. “i’ll be right back.”
“take your time.”
you made your way back to your room and threw hung your town on your closet door as you looked for clothes to wear. you opted for a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt that was sasha’s but for some reason, it was in your closet. once you had finished changing, you made your way over to the mirror that was across for your bed to make sure that you looked fine.
“ok, breathe.” you exhaled and opened your door calling for eren to come into your room.
he came into your room, still clearly feeling awkward about your interaction from before. “nice room, i like the led lights you have.” 
“thanks,” you laughed and sat on the bed, motioning for him to come sit next to you, which he did.
“so, what's on your mind y/n?” he asks, leaning up against the headboard and trying to get comfortable. 
“i don’t know, i've just been thinking about some things recently, and i can't seem to get them out of my head.” ok, good start.
“like what?” he looks over at you. oh no, don't look at me like that.
“the kiss we shared a few days ago, it’s been in my head on repeat.”
eren looks confused and looks towards your mirror, “is that a bad thing?”
“huh? i mean no, it’s not, i just don’t know what to do because these feelings have come back that i pushed away from when we became close because i didn’t want to ruin our friendship. but right now, it’s consuming me and i don’t know what to do.”
“well, i wouldn’t have kissed you without having feelings for you, y/n. i don’t know how you didn't notice it. i’ve been kinda bad at hiding it.” he said calmly as his gaze remained in front of the two of you. “but if you didn’t like it, we can just forget about it. i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” he turns to look at you once again. 
“no, i enjoyed it actually, but...” you trail off nervously, feeling your face becoming hot. you tried to turn away but his hand grabbed your chin and turned you back to face him. 
“but what?” he says softly, looking into your eyes which caused your heart beat to pick up. he thought it was so cute how you were getting so flustered by him.
“but i don’t want to be played...” you averted his gaze.
“y/n, i would never play you.”
you look back at him, now knowing the answer that had been bothering you for the past few days. it took all your strength to not kiss him right there but he beat you to it, closing the gap between the two of you. in that moment, all your worries had washed away, feeling content and glad that you had this conversation with him. the kiss soon escalated into you and eren sliding your tongues into the others mouth. you felt yourself getting hot once again but this time, a completely different reason. eren brought his hand that was on your chin behind your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss as you melted into his mouth once again, whimpering at the feeling. eren could feel it go straight to his dick that was now straining in his pants, trying to contain himself because he didn't know whether you wanted this or not.
“let me show you how much i care for you, yeah?” he says as he pulls away for a brief second. 
“eren, please,” you whimper as his lips met yours once again but this time with more passion. eren then moved so he was on top of you, caging you in his arms as he continued to kiss you. “i want you.”
“’want you too, baby.” the pet name going straight to your core. eren moaned as he moved from your lips down to your neck, gently kissing and sucking to leave a mark. he then placed his hands at the bottom of your shirt, looking at you as if he was asking with his eyes for permission to undress you, you nodded your head vigorously and lifted your hands up so he could take it off. 
“no bra? it’s like you’re begging me to fuck you, angel.” he then brought his lips down to your left nipple, gently sucking on it while taking the other between his fingers, moving it around earning a moan from you at the feeling. he then moved over to the right and did the same action. “you’re so beautiful.”
“ohmygod please, please,” you knew you sounded desperate, but you couldn't help yourself. you had been denying the fact that you had wanted this for so long.
“use your words, tell me what you want.” he groaned and came back up to kiss you, relishing in the feeling of your lips against his.
“’wanna feel you,”
“where, pretty girl?” he sat up at looked down at you with a smirk on his face, he knew where you wanted him but he wanted, no needed to hear you say it. 
“’want you inside me eren, please,” you whined arching your back so he could get the message. he chuckled and brought himself back down towards your sternum, placing wet kisses as he made his way down to the waistband of your shorts. 
“can i?” he looked up at you and immediately saw the approval in your eyes. “you don’t know what you do to me, do you?” you whimper at his remark, lifting your hips up in the process so he could take your shorts off easier to reveal your thong and the painfully obvious wet spot. he placed a finger on your slit, dragging it down slowly, teasing you.
“stop teasing me,” you whined, trying to prop yourself on your elbows but to caught up with the euphoric feeling that you couldn't. eren slowly took off your panties to tease you even more, and threw them behind him onto the floor.
“fuck, baby. this all for me?” he looked up at you with his jade green eyes meeting your e/c ones. he could feel the precum running down his shaft, struggling to keep his composure.
“yes eren, all for you.” your breath hitched as he spit onto your needy heat, bringing his tongue down to your clit, giving it a few kitten licks before he quickened his pace and wrapped his left arm around your leg to keep you in place, not once breaking eye contact. “fuck, keep doing that, holy shit!” you could feel him smirk against your core, and if it couldn't get any better, you felt a finger at your entrance before sliding in. “eren!” he felt so embarrassed to be rutting his cock against the bed but the noises you were making were sinful and he couldn’t help himself.
you began to feel your stomach tighten as he added another finger into your hole and picked up the pace. the sensation was incredible, the feeling of his tongue on your clit and the pace of his fingers going in and out of your pussy. your slick was dripping down his fingers, it was driving him crazy. he felt you tighten around his fingers, you were close.
“’gonna, ‘m gonna cum eren, please,” your release was so close, you just needed one more push.
“c’mon baby, cum for me.” he groaned against your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your whole body and you felt the coil snap. the moan you let out was pure sin and eren thought he was going to cum on the spot. “that’s it baby, good fucking girl.” as you got down from your high, you realized that he didn’t stop, you were sensitive, eren knew that but he needed one more from you.
“eren it’s too much, fuck,” you cry out as he brings his mouth back down to your heat and you can already feel yourself getting close again, and he could tell. you came even quicker this time, your juices gushing all over eren’s tongue. he lapped all of it up, not letting a single drop go to waste, and then taking his fingers covered in your slick into his mouth.
“you taste so good, i couldn’t get enough of you.” he whispers as he comes back up to kiss you. you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue. you reach down towards his throbbing cock, but he shook his head. “this is about you, baby.”
“please?” you look up at him and he couldn’t say no. he knew that he would not last long if you did as much as place your tongue on his tip. noticing that he didn't say anything, you took this as your chance. you flipped him over so that you were on top, and you could feel how hard he was. you grabbed the bottom of his shirt and helped him take it off, revealing his perfectly toned chest with chiseled abs. he threw the shirt to another place in the room, pulling you into another kiss shortly after. you moved from his lips down to his neck and down his chest stopping at his sweatpants to pull them down along with his boxers, revealing his swollen tip leaking with precum. he was larger than average and it excited you every bit. you smirked to yourself, and placed your lips on his tip, his breath hitched at the feeling.
you began to slowly drag your tongue down his shaft, maintaining eye contact with him, just like he did with you. you then took him in your mouth seeing how his legs tensed, you began to go even further. 
eren was trying so hard not to grab your head and push you onto his dick, afraid that he was going to ruin the moment with you and be too aggressive. you then took your mouth off with saliva connecting from his tip to your lips and then went back down taking him all in your throat before bobbing your head up and down, coming up for air while jerking him off. the sounds he was making went straight to your warmth, making you wetter by the minute.
“keep doing that, fuck y/n,” he groaned as his will vanished and he took your hair in his hands beginning to help guide you on his dick. he ran his hand through his hair and looked back at you, knowing that this image will forever be imprinted in his head. his legs tensed and you felt it, he was close. “fuck, i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna fucking cum.” he groaned as he shot thick white ropes of cum down your throat, you gladly took all of it and opened your mouth to show him that you did. 
“fuck, you did so good, so good.” he pulled you up towards him as you laughed into the kiss, and suddenly you were back on the bottom. “but now i’m gonna fuck this pretty little pussy, yeah?” he aligned himself with your entrance and your mind became fuzzy with the feeling of his tip right where you needed him most. he slowly pushes himself in but you didn’t need to adjust, and he began to move at a steady pace.
“oh fuck,” eren threw his head back at the sensation of finally being inside of you, the way your walls grazed his dick, pulling him back him. it was addictive, and he couldn’t get enough of it. “you feel so fucking good y/n.”
“fuckfuckfuck, ’m gonna cum eren.” the feeling came back embarrassingly quick but you didn’t care, the feeling was amazing.
“yeah? you’re gonna fucking cum? cum on my cock. cum on my fucking cock.” eren growled as his chain was in your face. hearing him be so demanding and aggressive set something off and you felt yourself release but this time it was different, arching your back at the feeling. eren was taken aback by the fact that he made you squirt, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
“that’s it, squirt all over my fucking cock.” he rode you out of your orgasm and continued to plow you into the mattress, picking up his pace. he was close but not quite there yet. you had taken into account that eren was aggressive in bed but he was being gentle with you at first, and you loved every bit of it. you wanted to make it more interesting. before you could even think, your hand met his cheek, and eren looked at you with a shocked expression but his eyes grew dark with lust. 
“fuck me like you mean it, jaeger.” you growled, hoping to get a reaction out of him. and oh boy, did it get a reaction.
“yeah? fuck you like i mean it?” he slapped you across the face, and then grabbed your cheeks and spit into your mouth. “swallow it.” if you thought you couldn’t get turned on anymore, you were so wrong. you rutted your hips against his, moaning at the sensation. this side of you was so different, and eren fucking loved it. he grabbed your throat, squeezing it and making you look him in the eyes as he fucked you with force.
“look at you, never knew you could be such a slut.” the name made you clench around him like a vice, earning a groan from him. “taking my cock so fucking well.” the feeling of you tightening around his cock for the 2nd time that night was making him lose his mind, he wasn’t going to last any longer and he knew that you weren’t either. he brought his hand that was around your neck down to your neglected clit and began rubbing circles as his pace became erratic. he was so close and so were you, but he needed you to come with him, he had to feel that feeling again. 
“fuck, i’m so close baby. fucking cum with me,” he moaned as he brought his head to your neck, you brought your arms and wrapped them around him, bringing him closer to you. before you could even comprehend, you released your juices, spraying all over his pelvis as he came shortly after you, painting your insides white. he stilled, trying to catch his breath but to his shock, you flipped him so that you were on top once again.
“not done yet.” you moaned as you began to grind yourself onto his cock. eren still so sensitive from his past orgasm that he was barely holding on by a string. seeing you on top of him, the way your breasts bounce and the way you look from this angle is driving him insane. he knows that he’s not going to last like this, the way you’re riding him, he grabs onto your hips and guides you.
you’re so overstimulated, you can’t even think straight. eren is trying so hard not to cum before you, but your pussy is milking him dry and before he knew it, he came inside you once again, legs shaking from the overstimulation. you lifted yourself off him and began to frantically rub your clit as you squirted all over his chest and pelvis. eren stared at you in awe, the way you looked like when you came and knowing that it was from him was a huge boost to his ego.
you finally collapsed onto his chest, trying to calm your breathing as he wrapped his arms around you. the both of you basked in this silence, thinking about the sex you just had.
“hope i wasn’t too rough, i kinda got carried away.” eren chuckled as he ran his fingers down your back, earning a laugh from you.
“no not at all, i really liked it actually.” you looked up at him, placing your chinos his chest. 
“I'm glad, been wanting to do that for a while,” he paused, as if he was looking for the right words to say. “i really like you, y/n.”
your heartbeat quickened, and you gave him a quick peck on the lips. “i really like you too, eren.” you blushed, “stay the night.” you didn't have class the following morning, so it was fine.
“ok, will do.” he squeezed you tighter, and you utterly being exhausted, you felt yourself drift off to sleep. eren gently moved you over and walked into the bathroom, finding a small towel and cleaning you and himself up. he grabbed you a new pair of underwear from your closet and the his shirt on the floor, dressing you before he put his sweatpants back on.
you felt the bed dip and a pair of arms bring your back to his chest and press a kiss to your cheek.
“’night y/n.”
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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Kombat Krew and Summer Headcanons: Part two.
Have some fluffy headcanons, before Smutty Saturday and Smuttier Sunday. I can hear you all, ‘But Smut Goblin, you’ve already written these’ Well, I have more ideas, and my thirst is now unrivaled. So, Summer with the Kombat Kast Part two: Electric fucking Boogaloo. Oh yeah, there’s also smut, I lied, they aren’t just fluffy.  
I know I said I’d have more characters. But this was ten pages. TEN FUCKING PAGES! So, like Part 2.5 is coming up! Enjoy. 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Shitposts about Kano. 18+ under the cut. I fixed Sindel and her retcon. I hope.  GIFs do not belong to me. Either found on the Tumblr Gif finder thing, or google. 
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·       What fresh fucking hell is this? Short haired Fujin is because he’s sick of this shit. His hair is sticking to his fucking back, he can’t cope with the warmth. So, he cut it. And now he looks like sin incarnate. Fuck yes Fujin.
·       He’s an actual sweetheart when you both go for walks. If it’s too warm and he sees kids trying to fly their kites, he may, just may, summon a breeze. Because he’s actually a giant softie. When you ask him if that was him, he’ll tilt his head and look shocked. Him? Use his powers like that?! He wouldn’t dream… don’t tell Raiden.
·       He loves discovering new mortal customs and culture. Day drinking still confuses him. Why is everyone drinking at 2 in the afternoon? He jokes Bo Rai Cho is having an effect on everyone. He’s not opposed to have a sneaky drink with you as the suns setting though. He does like to have a good time, as we’ve all heard in his intros. You’ve never seen him drunk, you’re pretty sure he can’t get drunk. But he has joked that the Elder Gods must never know, that you’re both drinking wine at 2pm.
·       He’d love visiting winebars on an evening for nice relaxed drinks. Any bar with an outside area, bonus points if it’s got a balcony and a good view… he’d suggest Sky Temple, but relaxed drinks, turn into a bender with Bo Rai Cho. With Bo often suggesting skinny dipping. Raiden has consulted the Elder Gods, ‘Relaxed drinks’ are banned.
·       Long walks. This man has stamina for days. He loves getting out into the middle of bum fuck nowhere and walking. Nature seems to love him and flocks to him. Every. Fucking. Time. You. Sit. Down. You look away, and when you look back, there’s just a fucking rabbit sat near you both. Fujin is feeding it grass. He looks so happy and content.
·        If there’s any music/art/food festivals on, then you’re going, he wants to know more about mortals and their customs. So, any opportunities he’s going to want to take up. Nothing better than him playfully wrapping an arm around you and chuckling when you blush. He’s not that against PDA whilst you’re amongst mortals. He’s sure his brother wouldn’t tease. But Kung Lao would. And he doesn’t fancy a lecture from his brother. It’s not a lecture, but, it’s a lecture.
·       As much as he loves exploring. He’ll also love those lazy warm days. Either sat comfortably close, talking about anything and everything. Or lounging out in the garden or your balcony with him.
·       He’ll always make sure you’re hydrated. Like ‘Y/N, do you need some water? You look dehydrated. Please don’t get dehydrated.’ He’s a bit of a worried mother hen sometimes.
·       He’ll also love watching the sunset, whilst you’re both comfortably laid together. You’re always unsure if the cool evenings breeze is from him or not. You like to think it is.
·       Lots of cute photos. You take loads. He’s so photogenic. He’s always got such a happy genuine smile on his face. He’s got super long arms too, so he can always get the best angle.
·       He secretly loves you both walking together, and you holding onto/your arm linked with his. He loves the way you kind of fall forward when you laugh, placing a hand on his as you do so. He’ll always flash you a half smile.
·       The first time you had sex in the shower was when you were taking a cold shower the try and cool yourself down. He naturally wanted to join you, because this fucking heat can fuck off. Long story short, a bit of teasing, led to him fucking you against the wall of your shower. The shower didn’t cool you down at all. In fact, you were warmer in the shower than out of it.
·       Lazy sex on the sofa too. He loves watching you ride his cock. He loves running his hands up your side, as you slowly ride his cock and savour every moment.
·       Is the weather making everyone uncomfortable? He had no idea. He fucking did, because he’s living for the chaos. He’s also used to this weather. Chaosrealm is either baking hot or extremely cold. So, he’s literally chilled with this. Why is everyone panicking? He’s sat there in sunglasses and drinking a Pina Colada. Such a little shit.
·       He’s a hot mess all the time. But summer makes him an even hotter mess. You’ve never seen someone give less of a fuck till you met him. Great thing about Havik, he doesn’t give two fucks about anything. He’s so laidback. You don’t want to go out because it’s too warm? That’s fine. You want to go out and get wine drunk? He’s got two hands to carry two bottles. Whatever you want to do.
·       Relaxed drinks in your garden, he’s burning the food on the grill, your neighbours are telling him to put a shirt on, because you don’t have a fence. Everyone is having a great time.
·       He lives for terrible BBQs. He loves the disappointment more than the food. Your parents aren’t who this fucking behemoth in the most chaotic Hawaiian shirt is. No one is going to tell him his shirt is gawdy, because he’s so fucking tall.
·       He knows all the lyrics to ‘We didn’t start the fire’ which is a skill and slightly concerning.
·       Extremely good at limbo… too good. You’re watching as people’s faces switch from whimsical whimsy to fucking shocked. You’re sure someone was sick. Lives for the chaos.
·       He hates going outside for long periods of time. His face itches and it’s too warm to wear everything normally. Badly. Loves Halloween though, because people always compliment how great his ‘Costume’ and makeup is.
·       You’ve had a few comments on how handsome he is and laid back he is. He doesn’t get the ‘handsome’ thing, he prefers his face, when half of it’s you know, missing.
·       He loves Summer and how warm it is. When you ask why, he admits ‘It’s because Hotaru will be miserable’ And then he’ll smile. Summer is his Christmas. Because Hotaru is miserable.
·       When you can’t sleep, he’s awake, you’re not sure he needs to sleep. But he’s awake. You’ll have long chats, and, you both end up sat on your Livingroom floor, playing trivial pursuit. You’re sort of surprised by how much random knowledge he knows.
·       He’ll go on walks with you. This is where he met his first goose. He fucking loves them. What are these hate filled, angry creatures? Why does he want an army of them? When one hisses at him and falls in the river, he’s so happy. The circle of Chaos goes on.
·       Loves the beach. Because there’s loads of water. He fucking loves it. Ready to jump in as soon as he sees you. Pulls you in and you both swim for ages. He loves watching the waves crash against the shore with you, your head on his shoulder, whilst he draws circles… or squiggles on your leg.
·       Summer sex with him is so easy going. You’re sure you always end up fucking him in your car more than usual. You’re down to fuck on the way back from a day out? Fucking pull over, he’s good to go.
·       Don’t let him drive. He can’t drive.
·       Havik fucks hard and he once broke your headboard with his grip… and two fingers. But that’s fine, he just put them back together all good.
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Tomas Vrbada Smoke:
·       He’s not a fan of this shit. He’s not overly bothered about the heat, it’s his hair. It’s sticking to his back and he doesn’t like it. Has asked Bi-Han for a hug. He just wants to feel cold.
·       Queue the manbun. He’s not cutting his hair. He loves it too much. So, hair is up and tied back. Which only elevates his hipster status… and makes him look that little bit hotter. Burns hotter than the weather.
·       He’ll always put on sunscreen. He burns very easily. Way too easily. No tan. Just burns. He does get a slight dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose. He’s not overly keen on them… but you think their cute. He starts to like them a little bit more when you remark how cute they are… and when you run your finger over them.
·       He’ll love doing something a little adventurous in summer. Which surprises you. He’s normally pretty introverted and wanting to relax and lounge. He’ll love doing something like hiking in the hills or taking long walks along a river. He just lives strolling, hand in hand, if it’s not too warm, and chatting genuine shit.
·       Imagine: Smoke, grey short-sleeved t-shirts, some cropped jeans, a good pair of hiking boots (Probably timberlands, the hipster) and a grey flannel jacket wrapped around his waist. Fucking hell. I need a fan!
·       Cute dates to cafes, where you both either talk about what you’re reading, or you both go to read. Said café dates can also be in the park with a takeaway ice coffee. Smoke is a hipster, fight me on this. You’re both looking up at the sky, laid arm on arm, head to head, whilst watching the clouds go by. You love moments like this and you both feel so content.
·       If you can ride a bike and are into that shit. He wouldn’t be opposed to having a bike ride, either along a canal or river. Somewhere that’s got a nice even off-road trail, with shade, nice scenery and is easy going. He’ll always make sure to pack lots of snacks, water and also sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen. He’ll plan a huge day out for you both, with lots of stops to see sights along the way. It’s all going great until he gets a bug in his mouth. Then he remembers why he hates the outdoors.
·       If gets too warm, you’re both going to the Lin Kuei temple. Smoke doesn’t care. You can live his room. He’s got a kettle and plenty of cup of noodles. Kuai thinks it’s nice that Smokes found someone. Bi-Han teases, because what kind of older brother would he be? Bi-Han totally views Smoke as a younger brother. He comes up with a cute ship name and he makes sure everyone refers to you both by it.
·       Loves the beach. Loves drinking iced tea at the beach. He’s under a big umbrella though. Sat in the shade, sipping his tea, reading his book, looking absolutely fine as fuck. People fall into ditches watching him lounge around. Bi-Han wanted to come with you both. Suns out guns out. He totally throws a bucket of water on him, saying he needs to cool the fuck down. And throws the bucket at him. Only to proceed to fall flat on his face.
·       Relaxed afternoon drinks at some hipster bar. He’s drinking an IPA. He doesn’t give a shit what you think… he really does. But it’s too warm for a hot chocolate.
·       He’s not overly fond of sex if it’s really warm. But saying that, on those cooler evenings, he’ll love just having you ride his cock. It’s soft, gentle, with a lot of touches and caresses. He loves you and loves spending time with you. He’ll also love the sight of your body in the moonlight. That slight summer breeze cooling you both down. The sound of the city below you, drowning out the moans.
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·       Pre-Burn Kabal is so hyped for summer. The moment that barometer or the weather says it’s slightly warm. That’s it. He’s wearing cropped shorts, showing off those finely tuned calves, and wearing a vest that may as well not be a vest, because side-boob.
·       He totally as a duck barometer on his desk, that turns yellow when it’s supposed to be warm. ‘Sorry Kano, can’t work, Mr Quack says it’s going to be sunny. You know what that means’ Queue everyone sighing, because they know their in for a month of awful outfits.  
·       You notice he slows down a lot in the summer. ‘Babe, papa is out of shape’ is the most uttered phrase for him. He’s used to the heat, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be speedy. He wants to savour every moment of his favourite season, with his favourite person.
·       He’s a mix of lazy and energised. He’ll want to go for long walks in the park, the woods, the river, the beach. But he’ll also want to lounge around in his underwear, AC on, whilst you both watch shit TV and binge watch bad films.
·       Drives at 2 am in the morning, because he wants a really cold drink, and he knows this place that does really good slurpees. Queue, some very bad summer music. If you have to listen to ‘Steal My Sunshine’ One more fucking time, you’re going to scream. The slurpee is pretty good.
·       He’ll also tease your thighs on the way back home. Which leads to you giving him a blowjob whilst he drives. Which leads to him having to pullover and fuck you in the backseat. Lord have mercy he can’t cope.
·        He’s really good at BBQ you’re so surprised. You both have two people BBQs, you’re both sipping on cocktails, having fun, listening to terrible music. Annoying your neighbours who don’t want to hear his shit music. He’ll love spinning you around and picking you up over his shoulder and carrying you back inside. Just so you can make out on the couch.
·       Prank calling Kano at 2 in the morning. With very unfunny jokes. But it’s funny, because it’s Kano and it’s winding him up.
·       Nothing better than walking into the living room and seeing a near fully naked Kabal on the sofa. Sprawled out, glistening skin, playing on his Playstation. Glasses on and a lazy smile. God.
·       If you wear shorts, he’s going to be very distracted. Loves your ass in them. And will always give it a discreet and cheeky squeeze. He’ll always lean in to whisper and tease you, about what he’s going to do when you both get back.
·       Going to the beach or swimming is always fun. He’ll totally drag you into the pool and splash you.
·       He’s so glad his hair is fairly short. Because who’s got the time in this heat.
·       Cute dates to diners and relaxed drinks on the kitchen floor. Because it’s cool, and you can both eat ice cream from the tub.
·       Post burns everything is different.
·       I still headcanon he’s not a massive fan of his body and his skin is hypersensitive to the heat.
·       He’ll love you rubbing sunscreen affectionately onto his skin, or maybe rubbing a balm to try and ease it. If you’re whispering sweet nothings, or how much you love his body, whilst doing this, it’ll make him so fucking happy. He wants to feel loved.
·       Sometimes, the gentle rubs, turn into teasing rubs, and then into needful grabs. Which leads to some pretty intimate and passionate sex. Lots of body worship and lots of caresses.
·       He will want to stay in more in Summer. His skin will feels like it’s on fire and it won’t be comfortable. He will not dress casually in the summer when out in public. But when that confidence returns, he’ll be back to wearing next to nothing on the sofa.
·        He can handle this better than Kuai. Or so he says. He hates it really. He fucking hates this warmth and this weather. He wants to be cold. You’ve caught him threatening to climb into the fridge or the chest freezer.
·        Endearing whines from him. He loves the excuse however, that gets to lounge around in next to nothing. Queue you coming back from work to see him on your couch, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Complaining that he’s melting. He knew he was hot, but he didn’t think he was this hot! You hate and love that joke.
·        He’s eaten all your ice cubes, ice cream and ice lollies. He’s trying to cool down, but nothing is working. When you suggest maybe going to back to Arctika, he’s not down for that. He wants to stay here with you… that and going back, would confirm to Kuai that he was right and Bi-Han was wrong. He ain’t having that shit!
·        He’s constantly taking ice cold baths and showers. But nothing is helping. But on the bright side, you’ve got an unlimited supply of ice cubes. He sees yours are melting, boom, have some more.
·        He does manage to lower the temperature of your house, but he really has to focus, and he hates his concentration face. Kuai makes him look really majestic, Bi-Hans looks confused, sad and angry all rolled into one. He ain’t a fan of it.
·        He does love spending time with you though. He’ll love wrapping his arms around you out in public. Barely anyone knows he’s the Grandmaster of The Lin Kuei so why the fuck does it matter?
·        He’ll love going on cute bar dates, he looks pretty fucking FINE in a suit. All dressed up, looking like a whole three course meal. He’ll love sitting on a balcony, with some good food and a few glasses of wine.
·        Ultimate tease. His hands are cooler than any drink, and he’s an obsession with your legs in summer. He’ll love running a hand up and down your thighs, cheekily squeezing your ass in shorts. He’s very discreet, which makes you call him a Ninja, he’ll wrinkle his nose at that. He’s no ninja, he’s just good at been discreet.
·        He’s also a fan of sitting on the kitchen floor because it’s cool. You’re both listening to music in your kitchen, sat on the floor, eating ice cream and drinking frozen drinks.
·        Summer sex for Bi-Han involves a lot of him surprising you with some sweet kisses. Which get heated. Very heated. He’ll end up picking you up, placing you on your kitchen counter and helping you get rid of some layers. The counters cool against your skin, and he’s still pretty cool, so it’s all round refreshing.
·        He loves the beach. Not only because he loves showing off his physique, but you look cute and he likes the thought of the water been cool.
·        Water is saltier than he is. But he doesn’t give a shit. He can swim pretty well, and he’s soon out pretty far. It’s so good to finally be cold.
·        Low-key drags Smoke and Kuai with you both to the beach. Smoke is chilling, vibing with his book and the little sandcastle version of the temple he built. Kuai is fucking miserable.
·        Bi-Han will chuck you into the sea if you ask. If you want to be Yeeted, he will yeet you as far as you want to go. He’ll also playfully push you off the pier and jump in after you.
·        Small kisses in the water, his arms around your waist.
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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero):
·        He still hates this. Nothing has changed. Summer can go fuck itself. He handles the complaints better than Bi-Han but he doesn’t handle the heat better. The only upside, he gets to spend some quality time with you. With no Bi-Han interrupting. Because he’s the worst.
·        He still doesn’t let on how bad he’s feeling it. He’s there, stoic, teeth gritted, whilst you’re having lunch. You decide to surprise him with a cold bath, the AC on the lowest setting, and ice in the bath. You leave him a note saying ‘Surprise and enjoy’ he fucking loves you. His heart actually may do a backflip.
·        When you get back, he’s less teeth gritted and more relaxed. He’ll take your hands in his and bring you in for a very soft kiss. You’re in your apartment so no one can see. It’s all cool!
·        He still tries to dress in his Grandmaster gear. He’s trying to remain stoic and trying his hardest to be his usual self. You remind him, that no one but you can see him in your apartment.
·        He will bite the bullet eventually and will shed his upper half of clothes. He’s currently sat in the comfy pair of short joggers you bought him. He’s a Grandmaster but he’s going to melt unless he changes. This is no different than when he’s in his relaxing gear back at the temple.
·        Your neighbours are in for a treat. When he wakes up, does his morning meditation in front of the window… only to realise the curtains and door are open, your neighbours are watering their flowers, and they are just stood there. Staring. Wondering how one man can be so chiselled and fine looking. Que him, leaning over to close the curtains. ‘Y/N. Did you open the curtains whilst I was meditating?’ ‘Yeah, why?’ ‘I don’t think your neighbours appreciate seeing me’ Oh, if only he fucking knew.
·        His bonus for living through his own personal living hell, you’re dressed in your cute summer clothes, and you constantly want to be close to him in your apartment. He does love how close you are to him. He loves when you’re relaxing on the sofa, and your head is on his shoulder. He will watch you from the corner of his eye, a small smile tugging on his lips. Just as his arm snakes around you more.
·        He doesn’t drink a lot. He isn’t against it. But then you introduce him to a Long Island Iced Tea. He can’t taste the tea but it’s pretty nice. He’ll love lounging with you on your balcony, watching as the evenings sky bleeds into the nights sky.
·        He’ll tell you about the constellations as a refreshing breeze washes over you.
·        He’ll love going for walks with you. He loves been out and exploring more of Earth in a more relaxed way. He’s been to many places, but they’ve always been mission related.
·        He may not be able to last long with the heat, but he does love wandering around the Forests and woods. He’ll spout random facts about the wildlife and fauna you pass.
·        Sex with Kuai when it’s warm is often difficult. He’s feeling flustered by the warmth and struggling. You do offer to run him a cold shower. He’ll sit there, asking if you wish to join him. You’re not going to pass that up. It’ll start innocent, with him just holding your body. Musing how he’s missed your touch.
·        A few kisses later and you’ve got him all flustered again. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on, when you slowly sink to your knees and take his cock into your mouth. At first, he’s like ‘Y/N, we can’t do this in the shower’ But, even all of that stoic training can’t help him here. His moans betray him, hands hovering over your hair, before you tangle them for him. This leads to him showing you some of that strength of his and fucking you against the wall of the shower.
·        After, you’re both panting messes, and you hear him chuckle. He comments on how he guesses the weather has bonuses. That’s as horny of a comment you’ll ever get from him.
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Kung Lao:
·        He’s actually fine in this heat, why do you ask? Kung Lao can handle heat, who said he couldn’t? Their lying. Okay, they’re not lying. He hates it. He fucking hates it. He’s confused at how Raiden can be stood there, completely unphased, and Fujin can be there with long fucking hair. They are winding him, and he knows it.
·        Liu Kang is fine. But he’s fucking not. Of course, he’s fucking fine with the heat.
·        He does love spending the time with you though. I mean, you look pretty cute in those shorts, and he loves how you smile and your so giddy about going out places.
·        His arrogance will be the death of him. Death will be caused by melting. He won’t admit how much he’s not overly fond of the heat. But when you see him staring into the fridge, you know he’s too warm. You suggest going for a swim and going to the beach.
·        Best idea in the fucking world. He can swim pretty well, so he’s dragging you into the water, before you can even pull off your clothes. He’s like ‘Lets go Y/N. Lets go.’ He’ll splash you, like the dick he is, he can give but can’t take when you splash him back.
·        Will feign falling over, only to have you rush over to him. He’ll then pick you up and spin you around and launch you into the water. You both piss about far too much. Lord Fujin is smiling down, so happy and proud, Lord Raiden is face palming so hard. The Elder Gods couldn’t give a fuck, their too warm as well.
·        He’ll always insist you take photos, bonus if it’s a polaroid so he can take the photos back. He will continuously show Liu Kang, Raiden and Fujin. He acts like the heat wasn’t that bad… Fujin knows the truth but he’s not going to say shit.
·        He’ll love going for small evening walks with you, just as the suns starting to set, you’re both strolling beside a rive. A small breeze is blowing past you. When you’re not looking, he’s thanking Fujin for been a bro and having his back. ‘Thank you…’ ‘What was that Kung Lao?’ ‘Nothing Y/N. You look very pretty. How’s that breeze?’
·        He loves the sunshine though and will want to make the most of going out in it. Que you both spending as much time as possible outside. Whether you’re just lounging, walking or exploring.
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Sindel: (The Smut Goblin will do you right, since 11 just retconned you.)
·        Outworld is naturally warmer than Earthrealm. She knows this and understands that it may be hard to cope. She’s there, looking ethereal, not a single hair out of place, barely breaking a sweat. Whilst you’re boiling. She thinks it’s cute.
·        She’ll always shake her head when you deny how warm you are. She’ll make sure you’ve always got fresh water and are kept cool. If it’s warmer than usual, she’ll make sure you’ve got baggy clothes to keep you cool and make sure you’re okay.
·        She’s not mean by any standard, but she will tease you ever so slightly about it. If you’re slightly red from the heat, she will tease you about it. ‘Y/N, blushing to see me already.’ Will tease you discreetly. And she will always remark about how she didn’t know she had this effect on you.
·        She’s discreet. She can’t be embarrassing Kitana like that. She ain’t about that life. Kitana fully supports your relationship. She thinks it’s nice her mother has found someone to spend her life with. Shao Kahn who? Who’s that dick? Never heard of Shags Cars.
·        She’ll personally request you join her when she goes to try and cool down at the warmest part of the day. The pool is surrounded by blooms and lush scenery, scenery you didn’t know existed in Outworld. Because, it does look barren.
·        You’re not arguing that it’s a mirage, until she strips down and asks you to join her. Everything is pleasant and cool. She asks you all about Earthrealm whilst you’re chilling in the cool water.
·        She wants to know more about you and yourself. And what better place than whilst taking a leisurely dip.
·        She’ll love lounging around on one of the balconies in the evening. Wine in hand, whilst you’re leant against her. She’ll plant a gentle kiss on your head, before asking if you’re comfortable. Very caring, because you know, she’s actually a caring person. NetherRealm seemingly forgot this shit. Let me remind them.
·        Sex with Sindel is fucking WILD. She can go from a pillow princess (Queen?) to a fucking dom in seconds. One minute she’s sat on your face, trying to stifle a moan, less anyone hear. The next, she’s got you flipped over, pinned down, whilst she attacks your cunt with her very skilled tongue.
·        You forget about the heat of the day and focus on the heat that’s pooling in your stomach for a few moments. Once you’re spent and wasted, she’ll always remark ‘I told you I could make you forget the heat my dear’
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·        For a man that has lived an eternal life and has lived through the heats of many summers. He’s never got to experience them because of ‘Can I see the manager’ Kronika. Fuck her.
·        He can cope with the heat of the day and is pleasantly surprised when there is a refreshing breeze. He’s so happy to be able to enjoy the summer and the sunshine, without the Titan of complaints, bossing him about.
·        He’s blissfully unaware of how mortals struggle with heat.
·        When you go on nice walks, to show him more of Earthrealm, and so you can both take cute photos. He’s walking miles head, happy and curious about everything. ‘Isn’t this nice Y/N. What a refreshing breeze… Y/N?’ Turns around to see you in a puddle on the ground. Que him turning back and picking you back up.
·        He loves experiencing different cultures and will love you exploring different parts of your city and trying new things. Kronika was a bitch and didn’t give him any downtime.
·        He’s loving this new lease on life, the fact he doesn’t have to go on bullshit missions for the Elder God of bullshit and family problems.
·        He’ll love cuddling up with you, whilst you both chat, and he tells you all the stories of his life. You name a time period, and he has lived through and experienced it. Bonus if you’re doing a history degree.
·        ‘Actually, my boyfriend was there and that’s not what happened. Give me my 100% on my test’
·        He’ll be a little confused why you always take photos of him at first. Until you explain you’re creating memories. Then he’ll be constantly posing for your photos with you. He takes the cutest selfies. He’s got such a warm smile and some gorgeous eyes. You’re the envy of all of your friends.
·        When you suggest going to the beach, he’s all for it, he loves the sound of the waves and finds it soothing.
·        He makes the most impressive sandcastles. It puts everyone else’s to shame on the beach. He’s not even trying which is the best part.
·        Geras is a tall guy. So, when he wades out into the ocean, you’re stuck behind in a bit of a shallower end. He wants you to come with him, so you’re getting picked up, and he’s got you on his shoulders. Your toes skimming the waters edge. He loves hearing your laugh, and you swear you hear him chuckle when you fall in.
·        He often remarks how he’s no longer eternally alone. And it makes your heart skip a beat.
·        He loves life in the slow lane, time is no object to him, so why not take things slow?
·        He’ll prefer slow and passionate sex during the warmer months. He knows you’re warm and he wants to make sure you’re okay. So slower and softer sex is on the cards. But if you want him to fuck you rough, then he is down for that, and the man has skill.
·        Geras needs a hug and I think we need to give him one.
586 notes · View notes
Drama Track: Sake & Soda Pop pt. 1
As a chance to get to know one another, the Harajuku Division joins Kyoto’s team for a chance at friendship.
[Lana’s apartment in Kyoto]
Itsuki: “What time are they supposed to be over here again?”
Lana: “Uhhhh any minute now I think.”
-Itsuki sighed-
Itsuki: “I don’t think it’s a good idea to have another fucking division come over for drinks...aren’t two out of three of them still underage?”
Lana: “Oh relax will ya! We have plenty of things other than booze in this god damn apartment!”
Itsuki: “Yeah yeah I know I know, besides I highly doubt you’d be able to drink a whole bunch of this stuff on your own. It’s not like Kanade can exactly drink with you since she’s still underage.”
Lana: “I don’t think Kanade can stand the smell sometimes.”
Itsuki: “Oh?”
Lana: “Long story...speaking of Kanade, where did she run off to?”
-the girl in question was waiting by the door excited that there were people coming over-
Itsuki: “By the door, hey I’m gonna go out to the balcony and have a smoke”
-Itsuki searches through his pockets only to find out...he forgot his lighter, he still had his cigarettes though-
Itsuki: “Fuck I forgot my lighter!”
Lana:“You can borrow mine”
-Lana tosses him the lighter and Itsuki goes out to the balcony to smoke, Lana heads over to Kanade and ruffles her hair gently-
Kanade:“Gah! onee-san your gonna mess up my hair!”
-literally hours earlier Kanade had gotten out of another performance at a more small time theater, she opted to ditch her makeup and keep her hair up in some fancy braid they made her wear-
Lana:“Heh sorry Kana.”
Kanade:“It’s ok.”
-Eventually Lana goes back to making sure everything is ready for the visitors when they arrive-
[rhythmic knocking]
???: Lana-neeee! You in there!
???: Uh I don’t think you should be yelling here Emiko. 😓 This place looks kinda sketchy.
???: Come now she’s just excited, I don’t see any harm in it.
???: It’s been awhile since I’ve seen Lana, it’ll be fun! Oh, but remember no fighting you guys.
-a thunk could be heard as Kanade ran into the wall somehow while trying to get the door open-
-Lana ended up back at the front door opening it up while Kanade got up off the ground-
Lana:“Why hello there everyone so great to see you! Come in come in!”
Emiko: Suprise!! ~ ☆
Hiroshi: [bows] Thank you so much for having us.
Seiichi: . . Yea. . thanks. . .
Hiroshi: *sighs* Do try to be polite Seiichi.
[they walk in]
Emiko: Lana Lana! [glomps her] We brought you guys stuff!
Emiko: I’m not old enough to drink just yet but I lookie! Look! I brought orange juice!! ~ ☆
[holds bottle like a trophy over her head]
-Lana chuckles trying to catch Emiko when she tackle hugs her, turning her attention to the other two she smiles-
Lana:“Thanks for showing up! Glad y’all brought stuff. We also have drinks and stuff here I think.”
Kanade:“Oh I think we have snack cakes! Let me go get them!”
-Kanade scurries off to the kitchen, around that time Itsuki finally steps back inside tucking his cigarettes back in his pocket and handing the lighter back to Lana-
Itsuki:“Oh hello it’s nice to meet you all, I’m Itsuki.”
Emiko: Aaaaah~ there’s cake! 🤩 I want soooome. ~ 🤤
[she tries to rush to the kitchen but Hiroshi gently grabs her]
Hiroshi: Are you paying attention m’lady?
Emiko: Eh? Oh! I-I’m sorry! It’s nice to meet you! I’m Emiko Akaibara, at your service everyone! ~ ♡ *giggles*
Hiroshi: Hiroshi Sakura, it’s a pleasure. 😉 I wasn’t sure of everyone’s preference but since two of you are adults I bought some sake.
Seiichi: . . .
Emiko: C’mon Seiichi, your turn to say hello.
Seiichi: . . . .
Emiko: Seiichiiiii, please! 🥺🙏
Seiichi: . . . Yo. . . . . I brought soda. . . [pulls his hood over his head]
Emiko: Eh he he 😅 Ok, I’ll take it. Don’t worry, we’ll all have fun together, promise! ~ ☆
Lana:“ooo sake~ I like your style Hiroshi!”
-Itsuki chuckles watching Lana interact with everyone. Turning his attention to Seiichi he flashed him a smile-
Itsuki:“Seiichi is it? No need to be nervous”
Seiichi: U-Um. . . yea I. . . . yea, sure. .
-a thud could be heard from the kitchen followed by a low groan-
Emiko: Lana Lana! [raises her hand] Can I go help Kanade now?
Lana:“Ah sure you can Emiko...uh it seems like she can really use it.”
Emiko: ‘Kay! ~ ☆ I’m coming to save you Kanade!
-Kanade was currently on the floor in the kitchen having been knocked down by a bag of flour-
Emiko: Kanadeee, you need some help—Ah! Oh my gosh! Are you ok! [puts the juice on the counter] Here let me help y—EEP!
[Emiko slips on some flour and falls too]
Emiko: OWIE!! That. . .really hurt. [her eyes start to water]
Kanade:“Oh no Emiko are you ok!?”
-Kanade tries to stand up but falls over once more-
Emiko: *sniff* N-No I’m o-ok, pfffffft! [wipes her tears as she giggles] I-I’m sorry, but you have flour all over you! Here! *sniff* I’ll help you for sure this time!
Kanade:“Owwww...I’m ok”
-Kanade rubs her head-
Lana:“Oh lord what happened!?”
-Lana had found the two of them in the kitchen with flour EVERYWHERE, she could hardly contain her laughter...the scene was honestly quite funny to her-
Kanade:“O-Onee-San! I was trying to get the box of cakes up in one of the cabinets...I climbed on top of the counter to reach them...and the bag fell over and then Emiko fell over and...”
-Lana sighed gently shaking her head, a large grin plastered on her face-
Lana: “You should have had me do it, I’m pretty sure I’m the tallest one here! Cmon let’s get this cleaned up”
Seiichi: Hey, Emiko? You two ok in h—Oh my gosh! What happened in here!
Emiko: He he, hi you guys. 😅
Hiroshi: We heard a crash, are y—Oh! Are you ladies alright? [pulls both of them up] Here let me see.
Emiko: Yea, I’m ok Hiroshi. 😅 My face hurts though, he he he.
[Kanade’s face flushes but Emiko doesn’t notice as she hands over a kitchen rag]
Emiko: You ok Kanade? You’re all red? Oh is it because your makeup got ruined! I can fix it for you if you want. ~ ♡
Kanade:“Y-Yeah sounds good.”
Lana:“Go get cleaned up you two I’ll take care of the mess”
-Lana goes to find a broom while Kanade goes to her room to go fix her makeup, Itsuki turns to Hiroshi and Seiichi-
Itsuki:“This is normal I swear”
Hiroshi: Is it now? 😅 Well I suppose it not that different from our usual antics.
Seiichi: At least you can’t blame me for anything this time. Here. [hands him a broom]
Hiroshi: Tch. Ingrate.
Lana:“Apparently I’M the trouble maker of this group” -Lana says helping sweep up the mess-
Itsuki:“You and my sister are a match made in heaven Lana I swear to god.”
-Lana chuckles-
[in the other room, Emiko’s pouring cups while waiting for the others]
Emiko: You like to use dark colors right Kanade? I feel like you fit that aesthetic really well. Or Lana-nee said your in a band right? That’s so cool! ~ ☆
Kanade:“Yeah I usually do use darker colors.”
-she said digging around in her makeup bag-
Kanade: “I do a lot of things involving stage performances...singing, acting you name it.” -she shrugs- “Hell I was a part time shrine maiden at one point!”
Emiko: Whoa! Really!! That’s so cool! ~ ♡ So you’ve pretty much done all kinds of things huh? I’ve always wanted to try stuff like that, [digging through her purse] but I just stuck with makeup!
Emiko: Don’t get me wrong it makes me happy! But, it was kind of hard. . . trying to get around back then. . . O-Oh! Y’know! 😅
-Kanade let out a small chuckle-
Kanade:“I guess it’s just...something that makes me happy...granted it is stressful at times but usually it’s all worth it in the end, to see people in awe of the show your able to put on...to make people happy..it’s one of the only reasons why I even keep fighting.”
Kanade:“Makeup is something that does sound interesting to me...I’m no professional with it though.”
Emiko: [smiles warmly] Well, that’s ok. Besides I think you’re super pretty!
Emiko: Now just watch the master at work! ✨ [poses cutely with her brushes] A true makeup artist is always prepared! Everyone’s gonna be starstruck once I’m done with you! ✨
Kanade: -giggling- “Alright...I trust you”
[meanwhile in the now clean kitchen] Lana:“Alright we should be good”
Hiroshi: That seems about it. Now, would you two mind if I poured some sake? I’d hate for it to go to waste.
Seiichi: No thanks old man. [cracks open a soda can] I’m good—UGH!
Seiichi: *coughs* Jeez! What the hell did I buy?! Eh? Matcha soda?!
Hiroshi: That’s what you get. Besides, I wasn’t asking you. 😑 You’re far too young.
Lana:“Sake sounds great right now!”
Itsuki:“I’ll take some to if you don’t mind, I’m gonna step outside on the balcony for a moment can I borrow your lighter again Lana?”
Lana:“Sure!” -she tosses him her lighter-
Itsuki:“Thanks!” -catching the lighter he steps outside onto the balcony-
Hiroshi: Hmm, I’ll have to join him later. [grabs cups & opens the bottle]
-Lana puts the broom away before turning her attention back to Seiichi and Hiroshi with a smile-
Lana:“Oh you don’t like the soda you got Seiichi? I’m pretty sure I have some Ramune in the fridge if you want that instead”
Seiichi: O-oh, are you sure? I did buy it after all, I just got the wrong ones. 😑
Lana:“Of course I’m sure! What kinda host would I be if I didn’t offer drinks to my guests?”
-Lanas phone rings and she goes pale-
Lana:“Ah uh excuse me...I’ll be right back”
Hiroshi: Of course, take your time dear.
-As Lana steps out onto the balcony itsuki steps back inside, seeing Lanas expression he goes stiff for a moment before shaking his head-
Itsuki:“I’m back, sorry about that I had to go take a smoke break.”
Seiichi: No don’t worry, it is your place after all. Also, would you mind opening this please? [hands Itsuki a ramune]
Hiroshi: If you don’t mind me asking Itsuki, I’d like to join you on another smoke break. I carry my own lighter so you needn’t ask.
-Itsuki nods taking the ramune and opening it before handing it back to Seiichi, he then turns his attention back to Hiroshi-
Itsuki:“Oh sure, I didn’t know you smoked Hiroshi, I would have offered you a cigarette earlier if I’d known...Lana has a no smoking in the apartment rule since the smell of cigarette smoke is hard to get out of things, same thing with my older sister Yumi.”
-a quick glance out the sliding glass door of the balcony and one could see that Lana herself was smoking a cigarette while rocking back and forth looking stressed out of her mind, she was still on the phone with someone-
Itsuki:“As you can see here most of the adults do smoke...I’m more inclined to think that everyone’s favorite onee-san is a stress smoker.”
Hiroshi: Oh, I see.
Hiroshi: Lana Alarie, a former member of the Darling Divas. I’ve heard word of them only once before, but I never thought I’d be meeting her in the flesh. . . Surely Emiko has realized this by now, but I doubt she’ll pay any mind.
Hiroshi: After all. . .we’re criminals too.
—To Be Continued—
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Sweet Spot - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
Sway: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
All I Want For Christmas / When I See You Smile / Good Woman
@mandy23b​ @wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​ #mendotagsquad
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Author’s Note: Haha - So, this Midweek is my Sway Anniversary, and to celebrate this, I uhm... came up with an Anniversary fic for your Mendo Midweek-!! 😉
That’s literally all I wrote this for but I hope you can still enjoy it for what it is! 😁
Sweet Spot - Kim Petras ❤
Disclaimer: Bloodline characters not mine / All OCs are from Sway but you don’t necessarily have to know who they all are at all. / lyrics + gifs not mine!
Premise: Danny is always full of surprises - but it’s your anniversary today, and you wanna surprise him. If he doesn’t get too mad with you first!
Words: 2774
Warnings: Swearing / Drinking...sorta. / sexual connotations
See you dancin' like you wantin' my attention See you dancin', see you dancin' Now your body's movin' into my direction My direction, my direction
Baby, what you waiting for? You got the green light Don't you hold back no more Let's live our best life Everybody wants to leave here with somebody Everybody, everybody Time of night we start to dip into the candy Give it to me, give it to me
Baby, what you waiting for? You got the green light Don't you hold back no more Let's live our best life
So baby don't stop, don't stop We're getting to the sweet spot, sweet spot Baby it's a sure shot, sure shot We're getting to the sweet spot, sweet spot
I wanna with you, I wanna with you I wanna with you, I wanna with you 
Anniversaries weren’t supposed to start with fights; but yours did. You completely understood why, he wanted to spend the day together. It couldn’t happen; unfortunately the reason that Danny was able to spend all of today with you was also the reason that you were able to get away to execute on your plans, or rather, couldn’t stay with him. Danny had shut his restaurant – he could have taken the day off but no, he’d given everyone a break -  that was just the kind of man he was. You had other ideas. He didn’t like this; and whilst you didn’t really expect him to, you thought Danny might be a little more understanding than the argument you now found yourself in the middle of. “Baby, I’m sorry-!” “Are you kidding!? I’m taking the whole day off from work for this--! The restaurant is CLOSED for you!” for us you mean! But you held your tongue, Danny was hurt, but it really wasn’t your fault – as far as he knew! You tried your best, but placating him wasn’t working; “I know-! I know! And you’ve been excited all week but-” “Can’t you just tell them you can’t do it!” “Danny, if I could, then you know I would!” “This is fucking ridiculous! It’s a Saturday.” “At least it’s not travelling…!” That didn’t help things, and Danny scowled before dragging his cigarette packet off the kitchen table and slamming the balcony door closed behind him. What you had told him this morning was that work needed to pull you in on something. The truth? You were about to meet your parents, Nolan, Danny’s best friends (and coworkers!) Javi & Jason, and your best friends Amanda & Evie down at Viva Caputa and decorate for a ‘surprise’ anniversary party. Surprise only for Danny of course. But right now, you’d be lucky to get him out for it. You sighed gently and followed him outside; “Baby…” touching his shoulder delicately you rubbed soothing circles. When Danny didn’t turn to you, you pulled yourself into him. “Baby, I’m so sorry…” His breathing was deep and Danny took at least three drags of his cigarette before he spoke. “I know. I just can’t believe this is happening today.” “Danny, please look at me?” He turned, and gathered you in his arms, brushing your hair back from your face. He was trying his best not to look super pissed, but you supposed he wasn’t really angry with you. “I’m sorry, baby girl, it’s just… It’s not what I wanted.” “Me either, you know that. God, Danny, I wanna be here with you so bad…” You leant up, brushing your lips to his. He chuckled, deepening your kiss, tasting like smoke. “What if you skipped out?” You raised an eyebrow, hoping that he was joking with you. Danny’s smiled faded, “Right. Okay.” You held him closer running a hand through his tangle of curls, “Just stay here, relax, okay? God knows you deserve it. I’ll pick you up later and we’ll go out for dinner.” “At this place you won’t tell me about.” “Why ruin a good surprise?” You realised the double meaning of your sentence and grinned, “I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” He took a double meaning of his own from that; “OH, I’m assured it will be!” You kissed him once more, “I’ll be back soon, I promise.” “Yeah, yeah! Go on! Leave me!” He might have put on a pout, but you were almost positive that he’d be sulking all day. As you waved goodbye part of you wanted to race back to Danny and tell him everything. You couldn’t. For this to work you couldn’t.   *** You’d hidden your dress of choice and a bunch of decorations in the car, and as you pulled into the parking lot everyone was already waiting for you. “Happy Anniversary!” “Oh no!!” You held your hands up, kissing Nolan gently on the cheek as he came over to help you remove the boxes, “Not when my man isn’t here, and NOT when he’s already pissed at me!” “For what!?” Javi raised an eyebrow “Well I’m at work, as far as he knows.” “That’s typically Danny.” Jason scoffed, “He’ll be fully in love by tonight!” “If he’s not, this Anniversary is gonna turn into a funeral-!” “Yours?” You narrowed your eyes at Jason and had half a mind to slap him, considering his amused little smile, instead just shoving a box into his arms; “No. YOURS!” *** Despite Danny not being here, you made sure to keep messaging him every spare moment you had. Danny wasn’t a texter, but keeping him up to date with what you were up to was important. You called him during your lunchbreak only, he seemed pretty fine – and didn’t complain once, which you thought was good of him. But Danny certainly wasn’t in high spirits; hopefully you could change all that quickly. It was a lot of fun, helping everyone else put up decorations. As you did so they all kept shouting random questions at you about your relationship, wanting you to tell stories and talk to your favourite memories. To which they all added running commentaries or their own anecdotes – either on things Danny had said about you when you weren’t around, or, if they’d been a part of any of the situations, their own personal take on it. Towards the end of your decorating Amanda paused and turned back to you, it dawned on her – much as it had your own mind – what exactly this was for, and yet your participation in it. “Wait, shouldn’t we have been doing this for you!?” You shrugged “No. I mean you could have! But, the amount of stupid surprise parties that Danny has thrown me in here?” You pointed around the room, “That all of you were all in on, I 100% need to throw him one this time! Even if it is for our anniversary…” Then you smiled, “Which uhm, reminds me, I guess I best be saying thank you!!”
On the other side of Miami, Danny Rayburn was growing more and more anxious. It was getting later; about the time you should really be getting home, or at least picking him up. Yet he’d heard nothing, not a text or a call. Danny was ready: nice shirt, smart pants, he even had a jacket. He wasn’t exactly sure where you were taking him, but he could guess that you’d like to sweep him across town and into a 5-star restaurant with views of the Pacific. Danny would roll his eyes and say you were paying too much, and you would smile and say he was worth every cent; and he wouldn’t be ungrateful, Danny would surely enjoy every second of your company. Even more so now he’d been bereft of you all day. Now he was pacing, and sure that you wouldn’t make it - at the rate things were going you definitely wouldn’t be on time! – he’d already had a few cigarettes to attempt to calm himself in vain, Danny didn’t dare have another. Alternating between staring at the door and the phone; which one would alert him first? Turned out it was his phone and as he scrambled to pick it up, Danny was disheartened to find it wasn’t even you on the other end of the line, but his head waiter, Javi: “Danny you need to get down to the restaurant there’s a problem.” If it didn’t sound so urgent Danny would have left a longer pause; what else could possibly go wrong today? He didn’t dare ask that question out loud. “You’re fucking with me right!? I’m waiting to go to my anniversary dinner, everything’s already ruined because my girl got dragged off to work. Now there’s something wrong at my restaurant!?” “Danny we need you!! We NEED you!” Javi did his best to sound panicked, “But she… she’s gotta be on her way back by now… I can’t just drive down to ya!” “Y/N left you for the day man, that’s on her! Just get down here!” Javi shot you an apologetic look but you waved him off. All he had to do was get your partner to his destination, it didn’t matter how. Heck, for leaving Danny all day you probably did deserve some slander. Hopefully it’d all be worth the pain. “Okay. Okay. Just, hold on!”  Danny cut the line, sighing, well this was just GREAT. He scribbled a little note to you, hardly believing that after you left him this morning he was now going to have to apologise for this. In the state he was in though, Danny never stopped to ask the question; If everyone was off for the evening, what was Javi doing at the restaurant in the first place? *** Danny couldn’t pull into his parking space fast enough, Javi’s car was the only other one here (you’d all moved yours into a parking garage to keep from ruining the surprise until the last second.) and yet the restaurant didn’t seem occupied at all. “What the hell?” Danny muttered to himself. Locking his car, he sprinted to Viva Caputa’s front door, wrenching it open as soon as he could get the key in. Stepping inside he peered around in the pitch darkness, reaching for the nearest light switch; “Javi, I swear to GOD-” Danny didn’t get a chance to flip them, as the lights were thrown up from the other end of the room. All your collective friends and your family standing there. “SURPRISE!!” Banners and balloons and streamers decorated nearly every surface, and the more culinary skilled of the little group had clearly been busy at home. He quickly noted signature dishes of both your mother’s and Jason’s. Danny’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. He just stood in stunned silence and shook his head, before his hands came up to his face and his eyes settled on you. No longer in the clothes you’d left in this morning, you’d changed into a gorgeous dress, standing in the centre of the restaurant with a glass of champagne in your hand; “Happy Anniversary Danny!” His hands came away from his mouth; “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’D PUT ME THROUGH A DAY OF HELL FOR THIS!!” Yet as he laughed and everyone joined in, Danny stepped quickly forwards, throwing his arms around you and pulling you into a tight embrace “THANK YOU!!!” “About time I threw you a surprise party, huh?” “Oh, baby girl…” He placed his forehead to yours, “You didn’t have to!” before kissing you to a room full of cheers. *** Nolan got the music going, a playlist you’d helped him put together, and the party started getting into full flow. Although Danny and yourself were the centre of attention, it was nice to lean back against him as he sat on a bar stool - arm around your waist and drink in his hand - and observe all your friends chatting amongst themselves and having a good time. “Sorry this isn’t the anniversary you expected.” He rubbed his hand over your hip and chuckled; “You don’t need to be sorry, I like this. Right here with the people most important to us...” Danny looked up to you with a smile; “As for this morning, you CAN take me to a 5-star restaurant to make up for it.” You shook your head at his cheekiness, but knew he probably deserved it, as you bent to kiss his forehead, “Okay, baby, it’s a deal!”
With the music up it was no surprise that eventually Danny took your hand and suggested you make your way to the middle of the cleared space. “If you’re gonna stand there in a good dress, and you and Nolan built a playlist, it’d be a shame to waste it!” You couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled you out; “Just be careful, this isn’t a dancefloor in the middle of Little Havana.” “Oh, I think I’ll save that for back home.” You raised your eyebrows, with a small smirk at his suggestion; “That better be a promise, Danny Rayburn.” “Oh, you bet!”
You weren’t sure if shuffle wasn’t working, or the fact that Nolan was smirking and standing relatively close to the music player with Beth, Evie and Amanda had something to do with your realisation that it was slow song after slow song. Probably was your best guess – your friends would certainly love the opportunity to control the playlist. It didn’t matter to either of you; Danny held you strong, one hand in yours and one supporting your waist - everything about it respectful, perhaps even delicate. Danny cared about you more than anything and you knew that; his body close and tight, back sloping to fold into yours; head resting against your own as he spun you slowly around the floor. Every so often you’d catch his smirk as the lights glittered on your ‘D’ pendant - and that look on his face persisted as he continued to hold you. Sometimes you really did love that Danny made it so obvious, and you pushed up against him a little harder just to let him know you knew exactly what he was thinking about. As you did you Danny gave you a little look; ‘I’m trying to be proper here!’ And you laughed, ‘Yeah right!’
 Eventually others joined you, your parents, Jason and his wife, and you and Danny even persuaded Javi to stop making eyes at her from across the room, and go drag Amanda onto the dancefloor. When everyone’s eyes weren’t solely on the two of you, you were able to relax a bit; and his hands fell a little lower on your waist as you looped your arms around his neck. You still gave him your best ‘careful’ warning look, yet Danny’s little cheeky smile let you know that he’d heed your words, but only for a time. If he thought that he was going to get away with it, Danny was absolutely gonna get a little inappropriate tonight. It was your anniversary after all!
 You were in your own little world, that much was for sure. People were aware of what this meant, and let you have these quiet, private moments together - when all that mattered was each other. Danny grazed his lips to your forehead, and cheek before he chuckled: “You know maybe we aught to stop celebrating every special occasion here.” “You’re the one who doesn’t like taking big days off!” You were specifically referring to Valentine’s Day, but Danny’s look was sharp and you laughed, embarrassed. “Today is hardly the day to complain at me for that. Thank you for the surprise, all the same.” “You’re welcome, you deserve it... Happy Anniversary Danny!” He accepted your kiss with a sweet smile; “Happy Anniversary, baby girl...” You looked around at all your friends but none of them were paying attention, all in worlds of their own too; “Maybe we should make this tradition?” “Oh yeah, gone are the days of good meals out, it’s all about hanging at Viva Caputa!” Although his voice was purely sarcastic, Danny couldn’t help that little smile he flashed “Something like that...” You smiled back, kissing him gently again. Then Danny laughed; “I have to say though, considering your antics you’re lucky we got an anniversary at all-!” “Oh what, c’mon! Danny!” “You just wait until we get home, you’re in BIG trouble.” You weren’t sure you trusted the suggestive look on his face, and you tipped you head curiously. Danny however was under no illusions that you weren’t hopeful; “Good trouble?” “VERY good trouble.”
Danny pulled you into his body, and you locked your arms around his neck as he kissed you. That wasn’t a sweet ‘Happy Anniversary’ kiss, and his hands ran way lower than the respectful line of your waist as he kept you as near to him as possible. That only made you smirk into the kiss as he grazed his tongue over your bottom lip. The dancing had paused; and no wonder. You allowed him what he wanted, Danny hummed in approval as sweet and short became fiery, hungry and passionate. You were in half a mind to ask him to abruptly cut your own party and take you back home right now.
You wouldn’t; because this was just Danny’s way of teasing you. Merely a taste of what was in store when you closed your apartment door to the world tonight and the lights were off.
Very good trouble was damn right. And you couldn’t wait.
Thank you for reading *possibly* the most self indulgent thing I’ve ever written 😅
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
63. Part 2
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We have not even left, the plane hasn’t even taken off and I am worried already. I am leaving my son for the first time, I mean I am not worried that Cassius can’t look after him but it’s like what if he struggles and I am not there. It’s like I have left my heart at home “I know that look Sofia, stop it. I am sure he will be ok, he seems quiet” she knows I want to run back to them “he is, it is because I have told him. About what happened” Amira let out an oh “and how did it go? Do you feel better about it?” nodding my head “I do but I also feel bad that I told him, I feel like I have hurt him. He was so hurt, he said anybody but you. But I think it will make him aware on how I feel about things, I said to him that I don’t hate him for it but if I do get that way you know why. It could have been worse” it really could have been “right, I just want Kyle and him to make up now. It’s weird to have them like this, Kyle seems so lost without him too. Kyle hates the thing they do anyways, he knows he has messed up. I feel like Kyle is shrugging it off like Cassius will make it up to him but I think Cassius is really like done with him” my eyes near buldged out “what!?” I spat “seriously, Cassius is on this new me vibe, he is keeping face but I think he will keep his distance with what he is doing, I see Cassius playing no games with things. He will build himself back up but bigger and better with nobody by his side like he was before, I see it” Amira has been really thinking on this “that is his best friend Amira, that is stupid” Amira moved in her seat facing me “listen to me, I think what will happen. Cassius will build his empire without Kyle, and then he will be friends with him but this time, it won’t be for business. Just friends. I know it, trust me on this but I think Kyle will be upset. I think Cassius has cut him off, he is angry with him. Kyle has let him down before” letting out an oh “well you should know it more then me, but I would never let that happen. They will be friends” Kyle is a good man so I will not let Cassius do that.
I hope I haven’t upset him too much, I hope I haven’t put back his healing process because of this. It does feel like a weight has been lifted from me but what about him, he did take it well but I am worried for him. What is he not showing me that he may do now I’m gone, will he vent his anger elsewhere. I know that has hurt him so much, and I have forgiven him for it. Looking out of the plane window, I miss them both already. I really wish Cassius said he needed me to stay back because then I would have, I wouldn’t have gone at all. I need to just clear my mind, it’s a little break away with my friends and if anything was to go wrong he would let me know which it is straight forward, I have laid everything out for him. Told him to put the dirty clothes in the hamper, the hamper is literally in his face. I moved it because I want him to see it’s there, he will only travel so far into the room to search for it. Maybe I am babying him, but I just want him to have a good time with his son and not say he was crying throughout “I miss my son” I said, Amira groaned out “see I can’t say I miss Kyle, because I really don’t but that’s your baby. You gave birth to that so of course you will feel it, it’s just a few days. Stop it” taking in a deep breath “it is” I mumbled “I’m being dramatic now” let me stop now because the girls will hate me.
I am anxious in meeting my friends, they said they will see me at the airport but I am just anxious in seeing them after all this time. Mia seeing Cassius come back from rehab and then all this mess, I just don’t want them to judge me on this wedding thing “this fertile bitch!” Olivia spat, looking to the side of me and Olivia hugged me “you fertile fucking bitch! Oh my god!” I laughed out hugging Olivia back “oh god, I have missed you so much Sofia. To see you again, I thought we lost you!” I feel choked up “never, I love you guys so much” I breathed out “it’s been months Sofia, I just thought you didn’t want to know” I did ditch them “I am sorry, I would never let you go” moving back from the hug “don’t cry, I was just worried. You my sister, I love you so much. You know that” I am so emotional “I know but I just feel bad, it’s so good to see you, you look so well” I strained out “and you pregnant again, you look so well. Don’t cry, we can spend some time together now. Amira, girl how are you” Olivia walked by me “bitch” Mia said with her arm open “Mia” hugging her “I love you girl, you look well” I smiled wide, I am happy to see my friends.
Turning around in the SUV “if you wasn’t pregnant I would make you sit in the back but Mia told me, how is Cassius? Is he ok now?” taking in a deep breath “he is well thank you, he is taking care of Cartier for me. I am slightlly nervous, but he is well. He is more content and I couldn’t be happier with him. Cassius doesn’t see it but he has so much love, look at you girls asking about him. It means so much to me but he is well” Olivia smiled at me “he’s a good guy, I know I fucked up that time and I am sorry but he is a good guy. You think he will be ok with the nephew?” nodding my head “well I erm hope so” I chuckled “if not then we got problems” then I will have to go back “I am nervous though, like very nervous because it’s me leaving my son and yes I am going to keep on talking about it” the girls groaned out “bitch you need to relax but you going to be the good girl in the group, I hope he knows we going to the club. You don’t even look pregnant” letting out an oh, I didn’t get that part of the memo.
The girls wanting to go othe club, I mean I didn’t think we would be doing this and also I am becoming a very boring bitch I know but I don’t think Cassius will like it “you’re pulling that stupid face” Mia pointed at me “well you know me” placing my bag on the bed “yes I know you, you know we was about to turn up. Yes I know you can’t drink but we got to have fun” nodding my head “I know, I will stop being a boring bitch. I will just check on Cassius. It’s been a few hours” searching for my phone in my bag “ok you do that. Don’t worry about him, honestly. I think he will be ok, we will look after you too” smiling at Mia, seeing a text from Leyton. Unlocking my phone to check the text.
From: Leyton
To: Sofia
He is so cute!! he looks like us and that is good. Are you in California now?
All of my family say that but he does have Cassius in him, I want my son to have Cassius in him and be like this dad, replying back to Leyton.
From: Sofia
To: Leyton
He does and yes I am in Cali now, speak soon
Pressing send on the message and tapping on Cassius name to call him, I hope Cartier is being good. He should be asleep now, I did write this down for him but will cassius read rules, he wont “hey bub, you get there?” I love him “I did, I am here. I am ready to go home now, I think I am done here” I laughed as I turned around to sit on the bed “don’t say that, you have fun, is the place nice where you at? I hope it ain’t tacky” biting on my bottom lip, I love hearing his voice “it’s nice, it’s a mansion type thing anyways. She did well, the weather is nice here, how is my baby?” I can’t hear him “I am ok” Cassius and I both laughed “you know who I am speaking on, is he ok?” it is very quiet “he is asleep, I gave him his bottle. I burnt my wrist, I don’t get all that checking wrist bullshit, so I did that. And he fell asleep, now I am just downsatirs. I spoke to Henry and he was just telling me that I should forgive myself for what I did, I am finding that part hard, because I am so sorry” pulling a face “stop it, it’s ok. I am happy you are speaking to Henry but I want you to be ok, I want you to see you wasn’t there, I forgive you. Please don’t be upset about it” he sighed out, maybe telling him I am going out at night is a bad thing because then he may think things and I don’t want that “I love you Cassius and you know that” I think I will keep that away from him.
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Stood on the balcony as I smoked my blunt, I should be proud with what I got and what I have done. I mean from what I had, I had no life and now I got a son, another baby on the way and a wife, that is a lot for me. I am trying to keep positive, I am trying to seek positive energy and I need this blunt before Cartier wakes up, I went to sleep at eleven I think and I made sure I was going to be awake before him. Squinting my eyes at Kyle just coming back home, wonder where he has been. It’s like seven in the morning, could be the club but he ain’t on my list of people to do things. Placing the blunt between my lips, seeing everyday people just waking up to go to work, it is rather cool to see the world just going by. Blowing the smoke out from my lips seeing Fabian walking at front of my yard, he looked up at me and I just nodded my head as I moved back. Looking over at Kyle’ crib, he also looked at me but I turned away. I am cool on that end.
Wrapping the towel around my waist, I can hear Cartier crying. I had the chance to shower, he luckily let me do that. Jogging out of the bathroom, I should have put Cartier in my room but I didn’t. I am feeling a little high, I mean I am ok. Jogging down the hallway and to Cartier’ room, pushing the door open. Cartier is stood up crying “hey” I smiled at him and he let go dropping into the crib, I don’t think he wanted to see me at all. Walking over to his crib “Cartier! Son, you can’t be doing that to me” looking down into the crib, he cried out “aight cool, you are doing that to me” reaching into the crib and grabbing his pacifier “here” placing it in his mouth “I need to get some clothes on” tightening the towel around me “so you need to just relax in my room until I can just feed you” picking him out of the crib, holding him out to me “I am wet too, but you got to cheer up. You can’t be crying on me like this, we boys” Cartier is quiet now so I will take that.
I snorted laughing “yooo, your mom would kill me. This shit is bad” this whole feeding business is not me, he got this nasty ass shit everywhere. All in his hair, face and clothes. He rules me and he knows it “you laughing player? Son, you laughing at me” he knows, he is laughing at me “I ain’t even sure if I fed you, you good? You ate?” Cartier looked down at his hands, he made a mess and I have to clean this “I should have stuck to milk, I ain’t made for this Cartier” getting up from the chair, my phone started ringing “if momma asks, I did good” looking over at the kitchen counter, it is Ethan “it ain’t her” Cartier screamed out clapping his hands together “yo” nobody has this number yet, just Ethan for now “meeting at the club?” I forgot that “yes, you right we are. I am coming” I did request this meeting and I forgot all about it.
Ethan looked at me and then Cartier “push the damn stroller inside then?” I said to Ethan just staring at me and Cartier “it’s bring your son to work day, didn’t you know. Take that in for me” fixing Cartier in my arms “I can tell, did you go out of your way to match. Fabian, Laurence” Ethan said behind me as I made my way into the club with Cartier, I am bringing my son to work, it’s just a meeting anyways. And I did go out of my way to match us both so that is a thing “Cassius Warren, he lives. He is alive, he bought along his prodigy” Raphael said “he is better than me” I said as I made my way over to Rapheal “actually Ethan, just hold my son for me” looking behind me “actually he is still trying to bring a stroller in here” I held out Cartier to Fabian, Fabien grinned as he took Cartier from me “the young boss” turning to Raphael “are we hugging?” He said, my fist met his face, he stumbled back a little “you call me a pussy again, I will kill you” Raphael laughed “he remembered, you are funny. I missed you Cassius. It’s nothing, I have had worse” I ain’t forget that.
Raphael keeps touching his cheek, I did actually bruise his face which makes me happy because he think he funny talking shit about me. Taking my son’ beanie off of his head “cold out there ain’t it?” placing him a top of the table “let’s take your jacket off, you being a good boy today ain’t you” unbuttoning his jacket, Cartier is thinking who the fuck are these people “so you really went to rehab then? Again?” Raphael asked “I did, but what does it matter?” smiling at Cartier as I placed his jacket on my lap “you can sit on the table, you the boss son” he is the boss on this “where is your little bitch? Him” he clicked his fingers “Kyle” he pointed “he is at home, where he should be” sitting back in my chair “he should be killed for what he has done you know that right? He lost my money too, and my drugs. This is bad business, you should kill him” licking my lips staring at raphael, he ain’t loyal “I think you need to back up Raphael, I ain’t doing shit like that. And if you try it, I mean it I will kill you and yours” Raphael put his hands up “I wouldn’t ever” Fabian placed Cartier’ toys near him “thank you” I said to Fabian “it’s good to see you Cassius” Ethan said “likewise, I am alive and ready” I am ready.
Staring at the pictures of Kalia’ family “so these were taken when she visted, that is true. There is a file on you Cassius but she isn’t even on it anymore, they took her off a while ago because she couldn’t get you, so I entered the room and sat there. She near died, like she was going to cry. I was like you see this, remember it and walked out. If this plays out she could be a big person in our dealings” Ethan said as he sat down “so that checks out, with that being said. We don’t need to move in silence like we do, you know those places we can’t go, that shipment we can’t get too. Bitch got a badge, but I need to be there. She will do anything for me, I see it anyways. What I want you to do, we need to watch her. We need pictures of her picking up our drugs up, also taking drug money so we have something on her, you know what I mean right? We can fuck up her career. She wants to be our informant then so be it, call her too” Cartier turned to me “yes boy” I smiled at him, he held out his toy to me “you want daddy to have it” taking it from him, he turned his body to me “come here” picking him up and placing him on my lap “hello?” Kalia said on the speakerphone “imagine that, having a number you never gave me” pressing a kiss to the top of Cartier’ head “Cassius” she breathed out “don’t say my name out loud now, you ready?” I love this boy so much “is that a yes?” She said, looking over at Ethan “let the games begin” I said while nodding my head at Ethan as he disconnected the call, Raphael slow clapped his hands “you my friend, will always come on top” least he knows.
“I feel like because my drugs went missing, I get a new cut of more money” I had to laugh “even my son can make a better decision than you, you think I will let your goofy ass take more money. Your team is gone, they mine. Half of your people are dead or back in France, you are nothing here in America my man, you ain’t shit Raphael. You foreign, you played a game of mine you see. You did something that only a druggy would do, and that is trust me. You think people die for nothing? Ethan is my person. These people are loyal to me Raphael, you pissed me off and also you are alone, you have nobody here left. They dead, you think everything is funny or a joke to you, it ain’t a joke Raphael. You can be dead and people would think you back in France while I generate money on your name, shipments on your name motherfucker. You know what, you see these. Two of my son’s favourite toys, this one” I placed on the table on the left “is to keep you alive and this” placing the second one at the side “to kill you” Raphael’ face dropped “I don’t need weak links, if you want to play we can. Which toy you want son” lifting Cartier up “wait! Cassius, I get it! I am crazy!” he spat “just please, I have no issues, I am stupid. I just want to be alive and die under some pussy that is me friend. I will do anything for you, I can get you anything” placing Cartier back on my lap “disrespect my name again, you are dead!” I pointed at him.
He disrespected my name, saying I have gone mad. I think the fuck not, Cartier fell asleep in the stroller “I am boss in France, I am sorry friend. I was high and I not realize it, you know me” nodding my head “anyways, we move forward yeah? I am letting you off with this Raphael, you hear this. I know you are a good guy but you talk too much, you speak on me badly and it looks bad. We will be this high, we will be good yeah?” Raphael nodded his head “I trust you always Cassius, I shall go now” turning to Ethan “dude is crazy” Ethan said “he talk too much Ethan, so things are ok now? We will get this up and running but on the low” Ethan nodded his head “you ruthless though, your son going to deicde someone life” I chuckled “I am a bastard, what can I say? I just don’t want people talking down on me. I am ruthless, you know why now more than ever. I have my fucking mind with me, I ain’t high anymore. I am me, I am getting everyone out there. I ain’t letting nobody get in my way, even my own dad. Kyle is no more either, he can stay away from this. You hear that, until further notice. Kyle is a no, but he stays alive!” I spat, I have things to figure out now to go ahead with my things.
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scornedlove · 6 years
Chapter Fourteen
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Why didn’t I just die? I thought to myself as I stared at the ceiling. It was 2am and I couldn’t sleep. I hated nights like these. I had a couple of glasses of wine and smoked couple of blunts with Rorrey and Le. Mel asked Rorrey to perform at her New Year’s Eve party so he and Le were staying with me for a few weeks, before heading North. It was nice having them around. I miss my brother, so their company was always welcome.  
The wine and weed together usually helps me sleep, but tonight I was high and tipsy, thinking about the car accident that redirected my life. I was supposed to be a mother right now and on nights like these I drowned myself in pity.
Just think of the bright side, now I don’t have to forever be attached to the lying cheater who got me pregnant in the first place…. No matter how much I still love him.
I missed Chris like crazy. I missed his goofiness more than anything. I missed the times he would do or say something silly just to make me laugh, but most of all I missed his friendship.  
The last year or so was more than enough to drive anyone crazy but the two and a half years we were together without the drama was everything I ever wanted.
Suddenly I had the urge to contact him. It’s been over six months since I even considered reaching out to him, but I was curious. I grabbed my phone and dialed the last number I knew of his. My face got hot with anticipation, so I hung up before it could ring. I’ll just start with a text. I decided with a sigh. After typing and deleting several things, I decided on something simple.  
Hey, this is Robyn. Just wanted to see how you’re doing these days.  
I stared at my phone, hoping for a quick reply. After a few minutes, I decided to get up and do something productive since I was up anyway. I cleaned out my fridge, did a load of laundry, and started to go through the stack of mail I had been avoiding since I got back.
I was scanning the pile, sorting the bills from the advertisement when a pretty, lacy envelope fell to the floor. I opened it carefully and a smile crept across my face as I read.
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They decided to do it anyway I smiled, remembering the last conversation I had with Nikki. She said it would probably be years before they actually walked down the aisle, guess she was wrong.
I paid the bills I could online then found myself shopping. I bought myself a new bag and a couple of pairs of boots. Finally, I felt asleep approaching so I laid down.
The minute my head hit the pillow, I heard a soft tapping noise, and quickly sat back up.  
“Oh, it’s just you” I relaxed as Ollie jumped into my bed. He snores pretty loud so I usually kick him out, but tonight I needed his cuddles.  
“How’d you know I needed some kisses?” I asked, as he kissed me on my cheeks and hands until we both passed out.
“The last day of this sorry ass year” I huffed, as I hit snooze on my alarm.  It took me so long to fall asleep that I probably would’ve been better off staying up all night. Then I remembered the text. He never responded.  
“Is he gonna be an asshole for the rest of his life?” I muttered to myself, dialing his number. This time I was prepared to give him a piece of my mind.
“Hello” Kate’s familiar voice answered after the third ring.
“What the fuck!” I groaned. I’d hung up so fast, she barely even got the whole word out.  
Why didn’t I realize they were probably still together…a happy lil family?”
Now I remembered why I forced him out of my mind to begin with. He’s with HER. That was just the confirmation I needed to let go of the past.
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“YOU KILLED THE FUCKIN STAGE” I yelled, slapping hands with Rorrey. He performed two songs, opening the act for an up and coming artist from England, named Ryan. He definitely had the crowd warmed up for her.
“Just wait until I get in the studio” he grinned excitedly. We took shots and I started to let loose.  
I realized I’d been stressed out over so much and for once I needed to let go. I found myself on the dance floor and after a few songs of dancing on any and everybody in my way, I knew the liquor was hitting me hard because I felt like I was being watched.  
I looked up and could’ve sworn I saw Chris, but when my eyes focused, I realized it was Matt.
“You tryna have a repeat of last year?” he asked with a smirk.
“Hell nah, you bad luck. I had a fucked up year after that kiss” I laughed, overly obnoxious.
“Well my year was great. I think you’re my good luck charm” he winked.  
I started to ease my way out of the crowd, to get as far away from him as possible, when someone stepped on my foot. Before I could stop myself, I shoved the man in front of me and he instantly pushed me back, only he was twice as rough with me and shoved me into someone else, whose drink spilled on me.
“Are you ok?” He asked helping me out of the crowd. I was fuming with rage as I fought back tears.  
“No, I’m not fucking ok” I yelled in frustration.
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“Whoa, I’m not the one who pushed you” Dre frowned, clearly offended. It took me a minute to recognize him.
“Dre!” I smiled giving him a hug. As his scent filled my nostrils, I was reminded of the last time we’d spoke (which was the day before my wedding that never happened) and I started to feel uneasy.
“I figured I would run into you here, but not literally” He joked at the wrong time. I was wet and irritated so I couldn’t help but give him an evil glare.  
“I saw Mel and knew you couldn’t be too far” He explained, taking off his jacket and placing it around my shoulders.  
“Thanks” I replied, gladly taking it.
“If you don’t mind me asking, where is your husband?” He asked looking around nervously.
“You know what, fuck you!” I cursed him and took off. My blood was boiling and it took a lot out of me not to slap him. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a few paper towels and patted my shirt, which was useless considering it was a white T.
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“Robyn? Hey girl!” Lala smiled, giving me a quick hug. ” This is Chris’s ex I was telling you about” she announced to the girl behind her.
“Ooh, I love those boots!” the other girl smiled.
“Thanks how you been, where’s Trey?” I asked, giving up on my shirt and tossing the paper towels in the trash.
“He’s out there acting a fool. It's too packed in here and these hoes are disrespectful. They wanna dance all on your man and shit” she shook her head. “Matter of fact, let me get back out there before I have to be a bitch’s ass. It was good seeing you though” she called over her shoulder.  
When I walked out the restroom, Dre was standing nearby, obviously waiting for me. It was hard not to feel guilty for my attitude with his soft eyes locked on me.
“I’m sorry you probably didn’t even know” I sighed with realization. We hung around mutual people occasionally but maybe the topic never came up.  
“What happened?” Dre asked, confused when I held up my hand to show him the bare finger that once held that beautiful princess cut diamond.
“It doesn’t matter” I shrugged walking off. If Trey was here, there was a pretty good chance that Chris was too. I wanted to make it back to our section which had a pretty good view of the crowd, maybe I could spot them.  
After 10 minutes of searching the crowd, I found Trey and Lala but Chris was nowhere to be found.  
He’s probably at home with his family I assumed and my spirits dropped. Fuck him. I was here to support Mel and Rorrey, and considering Rorrey’s performance was over and Mel’s party was packed, my time was served. I was ready to get wasted, then beat the crowd getting out.
I looked at my watch, five minutes left this year. Good I’m out right after I decided.  
“You bored?” Dre asked, appearing behind me.
“I’m good” I muttered, taking the glass that was in his hand and tossing it back.
“Water? Why am I not surprised? You always playing it safe. Don’t you ever take risks?” I slurred, shaking my head. He answered me by pulling me into a kiss.  
I wanted to pull back but when he slipped his tongue in my mouth, I wanted more. It had been so long since I felt so much passion. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer and that only intensified it.  
Before I knew it, everyone began to count down to the next year, and when they got to zero, he pulled away to say Happy New Year.
What have I done? I groaned, slapping my forehead. Not only did I have sex with Dre, I also stayed the night. I came back to his place to catch up. I told him about the wedding I ditched and the baby I lost and he told me about his new life being stress free. Apparently, he was enjoying being a bachelor and focusing on his career. One thing led to another and we had wild, passionate sex on his balcony, sofa, and bed.
I turned my head ever so slightly to see if he was awake and almost had a heart attack when he started to snore. Thank God I sighed, relaxing and easing out the bed. I grabbed my clothes and boots and slipped out unnoticed.
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“Bitch!! You got some last night, didn’t you? “Paige asked, interrupting my thoughts. I couldn’t believe last night actually happened, my whole morning was thrown off because I was off in lala land.
“Huh?” I asked dumbfounded.  
“Don’t play dumb, we all saw that kiss last night” she teased. Instantly, I could feel my face get hot with embarrassment.  
“Caught red handed” Jenn giggled, adding in her two cents.  
“A lady never kisses and tells” I winked and Frankie gave me a high five.  
“I’ve taught you well” he clapped and we all roared with laughter. I was even more embarrassed when Dre showed up at noon with my purse and some food.
“Well at least we know you put it on him” Paige whispered when she saw him walking in.  
“I tried calling you, but your phone was going to voicemail. I thought you might need this” he stated handing me my bag. Do you have time to eat with me?” Truth was, I turned my phone off so I could put this conversation off as long as possible, but he was here now so, there was no use in avoiding it.  
“What’d you bring?” I asked when we were upstairs. I'd changed my old apartment to a break area for the staff and used it for storage now.  
“Burgers and Fries” he replied handing me mine, then settling down to eat his.
“How long are you planning on avoiding talking about this” he asked bluntly. We were eating in complete silence, waiting for the other one to speak first.
“I’m not avoiding anything” I lied. “It was just sex, it’s not a big deal”
“Why did you leave before waking me up?" he asked, ignoring my statement.
“I had to work early. I didn’t want to wake you” I replied nonchalantly.
“So, it was better to wake Melanie and have her drive across town to come get you?”
“I took a cab”  
“Why would you do that? I could have taken you home.”
“Relax I take them all the time. It’s no biggie” I shrugged, tossing my last fry in my mouth, then reaching over to grab a couple of his.
“If that’s the case, you need a driver. It’s much safer, there are weirdos out there” he pointed out.  
“I guess I never really thought about that” I replied, realizing he was right. I hadn’t drove since the accident because I always use Mel or a taxi. It would be much smarter to hire a driver.
“So, you didn’t sneak out because you were regretting last night?” he asked, getting to his real concern.  
“No. I enjoyed last night” I whispered. “It’s been a long time for me and last night was a much-needed release”  
“Then what are we doing here?”
I had fun. If you did too, we should just keep having fun” I shrugged as he nodded in agreement.
“I want to have fun right now” he whispered, slipping his hand up my skirt, and sending chills up my spine.
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The last ten days were straight bullshit. I couldn’t believe I was arrested for something I didn’t do. If I weren’t mad enough to kill Michelle before, I definitely was now.
Turns out she had blackmailed mama for money, art, and jewelry. On top of that, they had footage of my vehicle parked near her home the last day she was seen. I was in jail with no bond because I was at flight risk, until my lawyer proved Michelle was still alive the next night.
He found a video of her on Facebook. She was on the pole upside down, but it was definitely her. Her desperate need for attention had finally paid off.  
“I don’t understand how this got so far” Mama stated, breaking the silence. She’d come to take me home and after learning about all that she had given Michelle, I wasn’t all that excited to see her. I wanted to say she’s the one who let it get this far, but I held my tongue. I wasn’t trying to get popped in the head.
“I’m just glad this is over with and they can finally stop harassing me” I exhaled. I was glad mama came, but I wasn’t interested in the lecturing I knew I was going to get.
“Oh, and Kate was really helpful” she stated with a side eye. I had completely forgotten about that situation.  
“Yeah, she’s gonna be staying with me for a little while” I revealed. I didn’t expect to have to explain this to mama.  
“I hope you know what you’re doing with this girl. She’s already put you in some bad situations, just like Michelle did. You need to be more careful with these women and quit leading them on" she warned, and I realized she was right.  
“I’m just trying to do the right thing for a friend, like you taught me” I explained. I had absolutely no desire to be in a relationship, especially with K.
“How has Robyn been?” she asked unexpectedly. “That’s what you should be worried about. I ran into her a few months ago and she had lost a lot of weight. Poor thing is probably so depressed” she stated sadly.  
“Mama, I tried reaching out to her, she wants nothing to do with me” I replied feeling helpless. After the past week I was not interested in any other negative news. I had plenty of time to think while I was sitting in the cell. My mind needed a break, so instead of responding, I let my mom ramble on for the rest of the ride.
“Thanks for helping me out with Diamond” was the first thing I said to Kate. I swear Diamond was twice as fat now, then when I left.
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“Of course, she kept me company” she smiled, making eye contact.  
“What?” I asked, when she continued to stare.
“Do you not want to talk about the fact that you were just arrested?” she asked. I was a little irritated that she would be all in my business, so I shook my head.  
“Well it’s just… the other day you said you could take care of Ty…did you have someone else taken care of?” she asked, fearful of my answer.
“No, I was wrongfully arrested, which is why I’m out now” I defended myself. Everybody wanted to talk about this, when I preferred to leave it in last year. It was New Year’s Day and I was free, I just wanted to eat a good meal and relax.
“Oh” she nodded. “Well I’ve been working from your office. I rescheduled your meetings, classes, and events for the past week but that means you’ll be super busy for the rest of this month” she informed me and I nodded.  
“Thanks. I’m sorry for the attitude, it’s just been a long week” I apologized, feeling guilty when I realized she was only trying to help.
“It’s ok. I’m on your team” she winked.
The next few weeks were busy as promised. I was barely even home. The past few nights I stayed at the studio, while working on a new painting, so when I came home to pancakes in the shape of a heart and Kate cooking in nothing but one of my shirts, I was highly confused.
“Happy Valentine’s Day” she grinned. “I didn’t know if you’d be here today or not but I made breakfast for two”
Before I had a chance to respond, my stomach growled. The food smelled great, plus I had been working so hard that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday, so I gladly accepted. I wolfed down my food while K bragged about a daycare she’d found for Cindy.
“I was hoping you could help me out on the first month’s bill" she pleaded. I swear every time I turn around, she was asking for something. Well, I was not in the mood for anymore favors, I guess she picked the wrong day.
“I hate to disappoint you, but I can’t give you any more money” I replied, dropping my fork. “I’m going to have to draw the line. You’re taking advantage of my kindness and you know what? I don’t blame you because everything you’ve asked for, I’ve always said yes. I love ya’ll and all but I’m going to give you thirty days to figure your shit out. I’m putting the house on the market.” I announced, getting up from the table.  
I was barely here anymore and it wasn’t like I had a family, so it was only logical. This house didn’t make me happy anymore, it held too many memories, and it was kind of depressing. I think it was her being in Robyn’s favorite shirt of mine that had me feeling some type of way. It meant she was going through my things and invading my privacy while I was gone.  
I expected her to go into apology mode and beg to stay, but she didn’t even respond. Just stared at me wide-eyed for moment before nodding.
I went back to the studio to gather the paintings that were ready to hit the gallery when I ran across the painting I done of Robyn last Valentine’s Day.
I ran my fingers over it, remembering everything that had happened that day. We fought that morning and made up that night. She never even got to see the finished product.
What better day then today? I asked myself, loading it up with the rest of the art I was taking. I made it to Robyn’s boutique before I could talk myself out of it. I was going to try and steal a moment with her, but she wasn’t in. My timing was never good. I decided to leave it with a note, letting her know that after all this time, she was still on my mind.
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I told myself I was just going to show up for my bro and chill for a little while, then go home and crawl  in my bed. Trey had finally proposed to Lala, after 6 months of carrying around the ring, so here I was at their engagement party. It’s not that I wasn’t happy for my boy I was geeked for him, but I was exhausted. I just finished helping K pack and move her and Cindy’s, things including the brand-new furniture I had no use for. She decided to move back in with her parents while she continued to save more money, so I was happy to be done with that situation. “-And here is the best man” Trey announced, approaching me with a woman I had never seen before. “Chris, this is Shontae, Shontae-Chris" 
“Nice to meet you” I nodded, shaking her hand.  
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“Good to finally meet you too” she grinned.
“Shonte is the maid of honor” Trey explained “Really? I guess I just assumed that would be Lexi” “Well she asked Lexi first but she be declined, I guess she’s going to be doing the catering so she doesn’t want to be overwhelmed.” Shontae responded. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still honored. She is one of my best friends so anything for the bride-to-be” 
“Why haven’t I met you before?” I asked intrigued. She was cute with her little country accent and it was hard not to notice her banging body.
“I’m from Texas. Lala and I went to high school together” she replied. “But I’ve heard quite a bit about you” she smiled shaking my hand.
“Good things I hope” I replied a little surprised, but not much. I know how women like to gossip so there's no telling what she’d heard. 
“Well I've been a fan of your art for some time now, I just wasn't aware of how attractive you are” she smiled, biting her full bottom lip.
“You're not too shabby yourself” I winked. 
“You should give her a tour at both of your galleries” Trey suggested, with a nudge. It was obvious he was trying to hook us up.
“I'd love that. I'm here for a few days figuring out the wedding stuff anyway. Would you mind?” she asked excitedly. 
“I'm sure I can make something happen” I smirked. We exchanged numbers and she promised she would be calling soon. 
“I see what you did there” I stated, punching Trey in the arm as soon as she was out of sight.
“She cute huh?” he laughed, waiting my approval.
“Yeah, she is fine, but don’t be trying to hook me up. Especially with Lala’s friends. She’s crazy so I know they are too” I laughed.
“You just need some fun. It’s obvious that all that Robyn shit fucked you up. You gotta get back to your old self, and why not start now....with her?” he asked with a smirk. I knew he was right, but I wasn’t interested in courting any women or starting something new, so all I could do was nod.
I was literally on my way out the door when I was stopped by Lexi. “Chris” she yelled, trying to catch up to me. “Where you headed?”
“I have some stuff to take care of. Why? What's up?” I asked curiously.
“Nothing, I was hoping we could hang out after this, but I guess you have stuff to do” she rolled her eyes and started to walk off, then stopped in her tracks. “You know, you could have just kept it real with me” she blurted.
“Girl what are you talkin about?” I sighed. I swear women are always in their feelings.
“Well I used to think you were just going through the motions and hoping to get back with Robyn, but after meeting her and seeing her new boo, I know that couldn't be the case. You could have just told me you're not interested, no hard feelings” she shrugged and continued walking off, leaving me confused.
I wanted to not feel affected after hearing that but I was. I knew I had no right to be upset, she’s made it clear she's done with me. I just couldn’t accept it.  I thought maybe if I gave her some time and space, she would eventually reach out to me. After hearing the possibility of someone new in her life, I realized I should at least give it one more shot. I had to think of a way to win her back before it was too late.
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overwatchworks · 6 years
How do you think the mcgenji recall reunion went? I adore your writing and am curious to see your spin on it.
Thank you very much, and I’m glad you enjoy it so much! I love writing all this for you guys too. ^^ 
Now, did anyone ever see that really adorable picture from kingsdarga’s art blog about their reunion? If not, check it out, their art is phenomenal (andtheirgenjiissuperhot). I like to think that was kind of how it went down, because I do believe that even if they weren’t quite sure where they stood relationship-wise at first, they were still absolutely best friends.  
Seven years. It felt like it had been decades or more, though, so much had happened, so much had changed in both Genji’s world and the real one. Genji thought he had used his time well to heal, mostly thanks to his master, Zenyatta. Nepal had been more than just enlightening. It had quite literally changed everything in Genji’s life, mostly for the better. The first two years were not in the slightest good nor easy. He had been a nomad, wandering in search for something he did not know how to find, constantly looking for something he couldn’t even name.
Then, Zenyatta had found him on the verge of losing all hope, his body weak and mind broken. Genji was saved by a warm metallic hand offering to help him up, a smooth tenor voice giving him the strength he needed to continue. Zenyatta had led him back to Nepal, up into the mountains where the Shambali monks lived, and he began training–reluctant and skeptical as he was, for a while.
The years he had spent with his new master there had been full of pain and realizations that Genji had not been ready for, but Zenyatta had guided him through it all to the light at the end of the tunnel. And before he knew it, Genji heard whispers that Overwatch was reuniting. He received his recall message from Winston when he and Zenyatta were travelling, and they had talked long together about whether or not he should answer it. His master had told him that, ultimately, it was Genji’s choice, and he was the only one who could decide where his future would lie. 
Genji was a new man, older and wiser than he had been before, and he figured that he should try and do some good in the world, just like he had always wanted to when he was younger, before he was taken into Blackwatch. And then there were the memories of Blackwatch, specifically Jesse McCree.
If there was one person he was eager to see and work with again, it was that man. They hadn’t really kept in touch, but Genji had stayed on the lookout for signs of the cowboy. Signs that mostly consisted of wanted posters. Genji smiled to himself at the thought; Jesse simply didn’t know how to keep his nose out of trouble. The ninja didn’t quite know Jesse’s stance on Overwatch nowadays, but he was hopeful that he would answer Winston’s message. Things had been tense when they parted ways, but they, at least, had been on good terms.
He had talked Zenyatta into coming with him to the coordinates that the recall had given out, and together, they made their way to Watchpoint: Gibraltar. The trek was a long one, giving Genji plenty of time to think about what he would do, wonder who would be there, how many had come already. He figured Winston would have been able to recruit Lena immediately, so that was at least two. 
Genji and Zenyatta made it to Watchpoint: Gibraltar one pleasant afternoon, the sun bearing down on them but cooled by the breeze blowing in from the strait. And, it wasn’t like Genji and Zenyatta’s internal processes would let them get too hot anyways. Sometimes being part metal man had its perks. 
There were a few people mulling about outside, moving various crates around the place, Lena being one he recognized right away, followed by Reinhardt’s massive form. Genji smiled, about to call out and wave to get their attention when an easily recognizable voice reached him first. 
“Well I’ll be damned…If it ain’t Genji Shimada.” 
Genji whipped around, eyes widening when he saw that easy smile and god forsaken cowboy hat again, Jesse McCree walking over to greet him. 
“JESSE!” He practically screamed, forgetting all pretenses of being calm and collected to instead throw himself at the cowboy, knocking his hat off. 
Jesse laughed, full and joyful, catching Genji and spinning them around in the embrace. Genji pulled back after a moment, too much excitement and energy bubbling up in his chest to keep still. He stared at Jesse a moment, that smile of his making something warm settle in Genji’s core, and he gave him a cursory once over. His eyes settled on his arm, a metal arm he most certainly did not have when they had last seen one another.
“Wait, what the fuck did you do?!” Genji gasped, holding up his arm between them and gripping at Jesse’s collar. The cowboy laughed nervously, his free hand going back to rub at his neck. A classic Jesse move.
“Eh, well, ya know…Shit happens.” 
“Tch, I guess this is what happens when I’m not there to keep an eye on your impulsive ass.” Genji sighed, letting go of Jesse and crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Well, I ain’t the only one who’s got some new metal, lookit you! All sleek an’ sharp. I like the green.” 
“Why thank you, I picked it out myself. And you, mister, are still wearing that hat.”
“Gotta keep up appearances, darlin’, yanno how I am.” Jesse told him with a grin, picking up his fallen hat and brushing it off. Genji tilted his head a bit, caught on the endearment. Jesse had thrown it out so casually, it didn’t feel like it meant as much as it used to. 
They had been a thing back in Blackwatch; Jesse was Genji’s safe haven and Genji was there to protect Jesse in return. It wasn’t what would traditionally be called love, but Genji felt it, felt it the most when he had to leave with the knowledge that they may never meet again. The ninja wasn’t about to deny that he still had feelings for him, but seven years was a long time.
“Oh, here. Jesse, this is Zenyatta, my master. He found me on my travels and brought me with him to Nepal, helped me.” Genji finally spoke up, shaking himself from the memories of the past. He would deal with that later, when he had time to speak with Jesse alone.
The cowboy grinned and held out a hand, eyes flicking back and forth along Zenyatta’s face minutely, assessing. Genji stood to the side, eagerly watching their interaction as Zenyatta shook his hand with a pleasant tilt to his head.
“Nice to meet’cha. I’m glad Genji found someone like you on his travels.”
“Excuse me, what exactly are you saying here?” Genji gasped in mock hurt, Zenyatta laughing softly.
“That you were in major need of guidance, my student. There is nothing wrong with that.” He chimed, Genji looking over Zenyatta’s shoulder and finding Jesse smiling at him. Soft and warm, a little something more than the usual friendly one he gave everyone else. He wanted to say something, maybe get Jesse to agree to some time tonight where they could talk.
Genji frowned, turning around just in time to be tackled by a streak of blue and a mess of spiky brown hair.
“Lena! It has been too long, how are you?” He laughed, Lena squeezing him as tightly as her lithe arms would allow.
“Oh Genji luv, you came I’m so glad! Winston will be so happy, and you look amazing! Come come! We have to go check in. Bring your friend with you too, and wait, wow are you a member of the Shambali…? That’s incredible, it’s an honour! Here, just follow me, and we’ll get everything sorted out in a jiffy.” Lena babbled, voice as excited and bubbly as ever. Genji had no choice but to follow, Lena dragging him along by his hand. 
Genji looked back at Jesse, the cowboy giving a lopsided grin before waving. 
“I’ll see ya later, Gen. Nice meetin’ you too, Zenyatta.”
It wasn’t until that evening that Genji was able to get Jesse alone. He had been passing through a hallway trying to remember where his room was when he went by a door that led outside, noticing Jesse out on the balcony smoking. It reminded Genji of different times. He decided to go out and meet him, walking up next to the gunslinger and leaning on the railing.
“Heya, Gen. Been a long day, huh?” Jesse said by ways of greeting, Genji smiling and taking off his faceplate. It never bothered him anymore, what he looked like. Zenyatta had taught him much, but learning to be at peace with himself again as he was now had been what he focused on the most. He was comfortable with who he was.
“It is good to see old friends again.”
“Yeah, it really is. I’m glad ya came. I didn’t think I’d be seein’ ya again, especially not because ya wanted to rejoin Overwatch.” 
“I think this is for a good cause…And I was hoping to see you here as well.” Genji murmured, rubbing his thumbs absently over the smooth front of his faceplate.
“Aw, hon, makin’ me feel special.” Jesse teased, stubbing out his cigar on the metal floor. Genji only gave him a half smile.
“You are, you know. You still are special to me, Jesse…”
The gunslinger stared at him a moment, Genji gazing back up at him, waiting. He wouldn’t push anything. Jesse then smiled a bit shyly, looking down at his hands on the railings.
“Didn’t think ya’d still…I mean, seven years is a long time…”
“Are you saying I should be over it?”
“Nah, I mean…Hell, I’m not. Seein’ ya again today was more than I had ever hoped for, an’ now you’re sayin’ ya still have feelin’s for me…? ‘S too good to be true.”
Genji tilted his head, then lightly caressed Jesse’s cheek and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. An invitation, a confirmation, a simple, heartfelt message.
“Well, it is true. I still love you, Jesse McCree. That much was one thing that never changed from the past for me.”
Jesse huffed a laugh and pressed their foreheads together, both of his hands coming up to rest on the sides of Genji’s neck, thumbs rubbing soothing circles over the synthetic skin there.
“Is it alright if I say I’m glad for that?” He whispered, their lips brushing as he spoke.
“Only if you kiss me again.”
Genji smiled when Jesse leaned down and pressed their lips together, slow and soft and full of warmth.
“I love ya too, Genji. I always have.”
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troublemakerfiction · 7 years
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When Darnell’s phone started ringing again I looked at her with annoyed expression on my face. That shit has literally been going off for the last thirty minutes and I was tired of hearing it. She either needs to answer that shit and talk to Xavier’s annoying ass or turn it off. He and Trouble both have been blowing our phones up for the past two days. I got some common sense and just blocked his ass so he couldn’t call me anymore; I wish this bitch would do the same.
“Darnell put his ass on the block list until you’re ready to talk to him. That shit has one more time to ring and I’m throwing it.” I told her after sitting my drink down. We were having dinner at this really nice restaurant called ‘A Fish called Avalon’ just getting some food in us before we really got our night started.
We got to Miami yesterday afternoon and the first thing we did was hit the club. We didn’t really get to go in like we wanted because we were tired as shit after getting everything together to come down here, but tonight was about to be a movie. We were going to K.O.D’s. I personally couldn’t wait to get my ass up in there.
“Leave her alone, she can’t block his ass. That’s her man; Trouble isn’t yours so it’s understandable as to why you don’t care about blocking him.” Raven stated after putting some food in her mouth.
We invited her because we didn’t want it to just be us, we needed a crew. We wanted to bring Imani with us but she has a lot going on with school so she couldn’t come. Along with Raven we had two of Darnell’s clients, Gia and Selena with us.
I was a little apprehensive about it, not Gia because this wasn’t my first time chillin’ with her, but I didn’t know Selena from a can of paint. So far she was cool as hell, and she was paying for her own shit with no problem which was even better in my book. I couldn’t stand being around a broke bitch. I’m not saying my friends have to be rich, but be realistic. Object to going to an expensive ass spot if you know you can’t afford it.
“I’m just saying she could put the shit on vibrate.” I shrugged before going back to eating my food.
“This place is really cute.” Gia said while she looked around. “I needed this get away. Between work and house hunting I was about to lose it.”
“Y’all still haven’t found a place yet?” Darnell asked her. Apparently Gia was married to this nigga named Stacks from New York. I met him through Vick a couple of times, I don’t know too much about him. All I know is he gets work from Trouble and his ass is nowhere near broke nor is he the one to play with. I personally thing he’s crazy as hell just by looking at him but Gia was married to him so that’s her.
“Yeah it’s harder than I thought it was going to be. Speaking of, Trouble told Steven that you were into interior decorating Millz.” She looked at me.
“He did?”
“Yeah he said you have a degree in it. I don’t have a damn clue on how to really decorate a whole house so if you want to help me I know paying you for it will be no problem.”
“You know what,” I smiled at her. “That sounds like a plan. We’ll handle all of that when we get back to New York.”
“Cool with me.” I was happy to hear Trouble kept his word about helping me build a portfolio but he was still on knock off for the bullshit his bird pulled.
Smiling to myself I decided to be a little bit petty. I took his number off the blocked list and sent him a text.
Trouble 👿 : Thank you for giving Gia and Stacks my info.
After the text was delivered and I saw that he read it I hurried and put him back on the block list. I laughed telling them what I did.
“You’re a petty ass somebody I swear to God.” Darnell shook her head at me. I am petty as shit and I give no fucks at all.
After we finished with dinner we left the restaurant then headed back to the hotel and up to Darnell’s suite so we could ready together. The whole time we were getting dressed we had the music on blast while taking shots and going back and forth on the balcony so we wouldn’t get busted for smoking weed in the room.
By the time we were all ready I was lit and hype as hell to get the fuck out this hotel room. “Alright Millz! Kill it bitch,” Raven said to me when I came out the bathroom fully dressed. I was the last one done but the way I looked was well worth the wait.
I was in full Miami mode wearing a hot pink scoop neck bralette top with a matching body con skirt. I had a pair of gold Giuseppe sandals on my feet while a 18 karat gold Cartier bracelet decorated my right arm and a Gold presidential Rolex was on my left wrist. My makeup was light and natural while my hair was brushed up into a tight bun.
I grabbed my hot pink YSL monogram chain bag and my phone then looked the girls. I was impressed by how everybody looked. Darnell was killing it and keeping it simple in a Bronze Stretch Satin Bikini Top, matching high waist shorts with a pair of knee high high heeled boots of the same color. Her hair was down in it’s naturally curly state reaching the top of her ass, as usual.
Gia being the only one married to a psychopath decided to be covered up. She was wearing a black bustier jumpsuit. She wasn’t showing anything but her shoulders but she still looked good. Selena had on a HERVÉ LÉGER Aqua Foam Bandage Dress with some nude Saint Laurent leather pumps while Raven decided to wear a burnt orange sleeveless mini dress with a pair of brown open toe ankle boots on her feet.
We all looked great which I was happy about because I have no problem telling somebody they looked a hot ass mess. I wasn’t going anywhere with somebody who didn’t look right. It wasn’t going to happen this way.
“Thank you, come on let’s go slay these Miami bitches.” We left Darnell’s room then made our way downstairs and got a taxi van to King of Diamonds.
When we got to the strip we paid for our table then got seated while we waited on the bottles of champagne and Ciroc we ordered. When they finally got to our table we wasted no time popping them open. I held a bottle of Rose in one hand while I threw money on the strippers that came over to our section to dance for us.
I had to laugh because we were definitely dropping the most money, I could tell by how many girls were trying to get into our section. We had some of these niggas bowing their heads in shame; getting sonned by a group of females had to be embarrassing.
After being there for over an hour I was done with the strippers, it was nothing against them I just don’t find ass and titties entertaining. I was basically acting lie one of the strippers with how I was poppin’ my ass to damn near every song that was being played. At this point I was happy as hell I was single because if I had a nigga he would be pissed off at the way I was showing out.
I had just finished the bottle of champagne I was holding and was about to ask one of the bottle girls for some water when I felt my arm being grabbed. I turned around ready to go off but rolled my eyes when I saw Cameron standing there with an angry expression on his face.
“The fuck is you doing here?” I asked him after snatching my arm out of his grip. Why is this nigga even here? Fuck is he doing, stalking me?
“Come with me,” He grabbed my arm again and pretty much dragged me outside and over to some black Audi R8.
“Let my damn arm go,” I pushed him away from me then looked down my watch. It was almost one in the morning and I was fucked up. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing; you in there shaking your ass like you work in that bitch.”
“Maybe I should, I would probably make a lot of money.” I laughed at the look on his face, this nigga was getting angrier by the second.
“Stop playin’ with me Millz.”
“Nigga I’m not playing, I don’t even know how you found me down here. Leave me the fuck alone, go annoy the bitch that felt comfortable enough to suck on your neck.”
“You’re coming with me.”
“For what?”
“Don’t act like you don’t miss a nigga.” He got closer to my face pushing me up against the car. “You know you do.” I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing. I didn’t miss the relationship with Cameron, why would I? It was filled with bullshit. I did miss the way he would make me feel though. It’s always the niggas that bring the most bullshit fucking you the best. “Oh shit, I got Millz quiet?”
“Shut the fuck up,” I laughed pushing him away from me.
“For real, come with me.” He bit down his lip and I swear to God I almost creamed my panties right then and there. I hated how attractive this nigga was. Cameron was six foot even, light skin, waves, that could make you sea sick and a long black beard that he always kept nice and neat. This nigga was serious about his beard and his waves, I didn’t mind it because he was fine as hell.
“I’m not going there with you, plus you’re a whore. Who’s to say you don’t have the cooties?” I smiled at him.
“I don’t and you know that,” He put his arms around my waist making sure to press his hard on right against my thigh so I could feel it. “Come with me.” Every fiber in my brain wanted me to say hell no and take my ass back in the club, but the liquor I consumed, plus the way he was looking at me had me losing all my common sense.
“Alright, we aint doing shit though.” I told him but he laughed.
“Aight,” he laughed because he and I both know I was full of shit if I thought we weren’t doing anything. He unlocked the doors to the car we were leaning on the opened the door. I got in on the passenger side while he went to get my stuff from Darnell and them. Lord knows I wasn’t going to do it so I could get a speech. I know going with this dummy wasn’t the best thing to do but I really didn’t give a damn at all. I’ll worry about the consequences of my actions another time.
Sitting up I looked around the hotel room then down at myself. When I saw that I had no clothes on I sucked my teeth. I was about to get up the bed but got pulled back down. “Cameron let me go I’m going to the bathroom.”
“Hurry up and come right back.”
“Nigga, shut up.” I got up off his bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower then came out wth the towel wrapped around my body.
“Why did you change your code?” Cameron asked me with my phone in my hand.
“Because I wanted to, now drop my phone. Thank you.” I went into one of the three suitcases he had on his floor and pulled out a pair of his basketball shorts and a t-shirt then put them on. When I was dressed I looked at him. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Nothing, why are you rushing out of here?”
“Yeah I need to go back to my room and get myself together. What are you even doing down here?”
“I had some business to handle out here.”
“The same time I was down here? Mhm, who told you I was coming?”
“Nobody, I’m telling you I didn’t follow you down here. I’m meeting some people down here about business, that’s the truth.”
“Alright if you say so,” I put my hair in a bun then picked my clothes and stuff off the floor.  I took my phone out of his hand slipping it in one of the pockets.
“Let me take you out to eat later.”
“You’re good on that. Cameron we’re not about to confuse shit, we fucked last night. So what? We’re not back together.”
“How long are you going to play this game Millz? Alright, I fucked up you made your point. It’s time for you to stop playing.”
“I’m not playing, I’m dead serious. I don’t have time for your bullshit, I’m done with it. It’s been six years of the same foolishness and I’m over it so you might as well let it go too.”
“You’re on some bullshit.”
“No you’re on some bullshit. Nigga you cheated on me, you basically been cheating on me the whole time we’ve been together and you think because we fucked one night that it means we’re going to act like you’re not around slinging dick to everybody? No, hell no. We’re done, it’s over and that’s it.” I went over and opened his room door so I could leave and when I did, it was a girl standing there with her hand up like she was about to knock.
“Who the fuck are you?” She asked me with her face twisted up. “Prophet! This is why you wanted separate rooms? So you could pick up some random ass bitches?”
“Oh wow,” I laughed looking at him. He looked pissed off. I knew he was mad this bitch just basically put his ass out there. “And you got the nerve to say I need to stop playing? My nigga, you are something else.” I looked at the girl shaking my head. “If I were you, I would run. He’s about to beat that ass girl.” I left out his room then went down to the lobby and called an uber for myself to get back to my hotel.
When I got to my room I changed my clothes, putting on a sleeveless white maxi dress with some silver sandals. My hair was curly and wild from last night so I brushed it into a high ponytail. After I was done I called Darnell who picked up on the second ring. “Look who’s finally up and not out somewhere being a whore. Where are you?”
“In my room, where are y’all at?”
“You called just in time, we just the lobby. We’re about to go get something to eat. Bring that ass downstairs.”
“I’m coming now.” I hung up the phone and grabbed my purse before heading downstairs to meet everybody.  
“Mhm look at this hoe walking out here like she don’t have some explaining to do.” Darnell shook her head at me. “You know you better tell me everything that happened.”
“Fine, can we go eat first though? Damn.” We left the hotel and walked about ten minutes until we found the restaurant Darnell wanted to go to. Every time it was time to eat or go somewhere her ass was on Google looking shit up.
After getting seated we ordered our drinks and our food. As soon as the waitress left they all looked at me. “Oh boy, what do y’all want?”
“Why the hell was Prophet at the club last night and where the hell did y’all dip off too?” Raven asked.
“He said he was down here for business, I don’t know what kind of business it is and I don’t care. We went to his hotel, I got some then I left this morning.” I shrugged.
“So I hope you’re not going back to that nigga.”
“No Darnell we are not back together, I told him that this morning. Funniest thing is I’m leaving just as some bitch came to knock on the door. That shit was all the confirmation I needed.”
“Well at least you know not to go back to that. Trouble is after you.”
“Oh please, I’m not thinking about that nigga. Fuck him.”
“That’s how the fuck you feel?” I heard from behind me. I didn’t even have to turn around to know that Trouble had his tall ass right behind me. I could tell just by the looks on my girls’ faces. I turned around to see this nigga standing there with a mean mug on his face. Here we go.
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Millz was really bold as shit, I will give shorty that. She’s not a punk and she has some big balls. First she basically curses my ass out for not saying the right thing to Bianca when they pulled that bullshit at her house. Then she blocks my number so she could bring her ass down here to Miami to act up. The only reason I knew she was even down here was because Bianca accidentally told Kason and he relied the message.
From what I could see on her social media she was down here turning the fuck up and having a good old time all the while ignoring my ass but sending me petty ass messages at the same time.
I knew all about her leaving the club with that nigga Prophet. Xavier and I touched down last night and met them at the strip club. When we got there I asked Darnell where she was but she didn’t say anything. I asked Raven she didn’t say anything and neither did Gia. I went to the last girl Selena and she said she didn’t know where Millz was she just saw her with some light skin nigga with a beard.
Now the only light skin nigga with a beard Millz would be going anywhere with is that dumb nigga she was with. I know she wasn’t about to leave with a complete stranger, plus I knew that nigga was down here. He was at the tattoo shop running his mouth about how he was coming down to Miami to meet with a new connect who had some pure shit. I couldn’t even do anything but shake my head at this nigga. What breed of stupid nigga spills the beans about meeting a connect? Like cops or snitches don’t get tattoos or some shit.
Fuck that though, I knew Millz had her hot ass with that nigga last night. I wanted to knock her head off for that shit but I couldn’t even be mad. Shit, I still didn’t cut Bianca off so how could I come at her like that. Plus I’ve learned that Millz likes to argue, she likes drama. She likes to act like she’s so above fighting and bullshit but her ass is always cursing somebody out or trying to fight.
“Don’t get quiet now Millz, that’s how you feel?” I asked her again. She turned to face me and I clenched my jaw tight when I saw the hickies on her neck.
“Trouble, if you don’t go somewhere with this childish bullshit. Nobody has time to this arguing with you, yes I said fuck you. So what?”
“Let me talk to you for a minute.”
“Nah I’m good.”
“Millz, you really wanna play with me like you don’t know what I’m about? I will drag yo ass out this fuckin’ chair. You think I won’t?”
“Alright now Millz, you already know this nigga is crazy as shit. Just go, we don’t need to make a scene out here. We’re in Florida; they kill niggas and get off down here.” Darnell told her.
“Ugh, y’all annoying. Darnell fuck you for not telling me he was down here, I know you knew.”
“What the fuck? Millz don’t even go there, for real don’t do this shit. Not with me, fuck you think I told him where we were? The fuck would I get out of that?” Darnell snapped at her.
“I don’t know but I find it mighty funny that he’s here, he knew where to come and everything, The fuck is up?” Millz looked at me. “Xavier here?”
“Yeah he’s at the hotel.”
“Oh yeah, your man is down here too now I know you ran your mouth.”
“Millz go the fuck on with this bullshit, we’re not about to do this. I am not Leah or his biscuit head ass girlfriend. You’re not going to talk to me any kind of way because I will slap the shit out of you and you know damn well you can’t beat me. I taught you how to work them hands so don’t ever think you can get bad with me. You don’t want to get embarrassed out here, bring that shit the fuck down. If you would’ve stayed your dumb ass at the club with us and not ran back to fuck that wack ass nigga that sticks his dirty dick everywhere, you would know they popped on us last night. By the time I saw you this morning I fuckin’ forgot that he was even here so don’t come at my neck because shit is blowing up in your face.” Darnell checked her.
“Whatever Darnell,” I knew Millz knew she was wrong because she didn’t have a comeback. She just got up and walked with me outside of the restaurant. “What do you want Trouble?”
“First off, fix your face. You don’t even have a reason to have an attitude with me.”
“Yes the fuck I do. Your bitch brought her ass to my house.”
“That wasn’t my fault, that was behind some shit you and Leah had going on. That shit had nothing to do with me, hell it didn’t even have anything to do with Bianca she was just being nosey and got her ass beat.”
“That’s not the point.”
“So what’s the point then? Tell me because I don’t understand you right now. You’re smart as hell. Too smart to do the dumb shit you’re doing.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You say you won’t play a side chick for me even though you and I both know I would never have you as my side chick, but you can run back to the nigga that was fucking you over. You told me yourself that you knew he was cheating on you with multiple bitches and you go and fuck that nigga?”
“What I do with my body is nobody’s business but my own. So what if I did? I can do whatever the fuck I want, I’m grown.”
“You are grown, a grown ass dummy. Chasing behind some nigga that don’t give a fuck about you?”
“I’m not chasing behind nobody, one night doesn’t mean I’m back with him because I’m not. It happened oh the fuck well. Why am I even explaining myself to you? You have a girlfriend, you fuckin’ her right?”
“I’m not, I’ve barely spoken to Bianca sense I touched you that night let alone fuck her. I told you I want you, it’s going to take some time to break it off with Bianca because even though she gets on my nerves I give a fuck about her feelings. I want to sit down and talk to her but every time I see her we end up in an argument so I just get away from her as fast as possible so I won’t put my damn hands on her.”
“Is that supposed to make me not care that she’s there?”
“I’m not saying that, I know I had to handle my shit and that was my fuck up. It’s cool though,”
“What does that even mean?”
“That means you’re not over that nigga, as much as you scream fuck him and claim you don’t love his ass if you didn’t you wouldn’t have fucked with him last night.”
“Oh please, I’m done with Cameron I don’t want him.”
“You probably don’t but you’re not completely done with him and just like you don’t want to share I don’t either. So instead of trying to force you into some shit you’re clearly not ready for I’m going to fall back and let you get that nigga out of your system.”
“Why do I feel like I’m being dumped and you’re not even my man?”
“Nah don’t look at it that way,” I chuckled at her. “I just think this is what’s best for both of us. We’re still homies though so when I call you and tell yo ass to let’s go you better move.”
“As long as you’re feeding me I don’t care.”
“I already know that fat mama.” She rolled her eyes making me laugh at her. “You’re going to be real mad when your eyes get stuck like that. We’re about to turn up tonight, everything on me.”
“You sure about that?” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“I’m dead ass, I got it tonight.”
“Say no more,” She started to walk back in the restaurant but I grabbed her arm. “What Trouble?”
“Apologize to your cousin man.”
“For what?”
“You came at her for no reason, she didn’t know we were coming down here and X told me where y’all were eating. Go apologize and quit being so stubborn.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Yeah aight,” She smirked at me then went back inside the restaurant. I really didn’t want to tell her that shit about me backing off because I didn’t want to but I had to. I’m not about to be this niggas rebound, she’s not as over him as she claims to be. Plus she was still childish as hell; she had some more growing up to do. I’ll be here when she really gets on her grown woman shit. Bianca isn’t even an issue. She was getting her walking papers as soon as I got back up top.
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“So you took your ass to Miami to fuck that bitch or what?” I asked this nigga and he sat there looking stupid. I wish I could slap the shit out of him through the damn phone.
“Why are you worried about what the fuck I’m doing? I’m not your nigga Bianca the quicker you understand the better off you’ll be.”
“I’m getting so sick of this bitch, why can’t she just go the fuck away? Damn, keep your bitch in check.”
“You were just mad about me fuckin’ her but now you want me to keep her in check? What type of dummy are you bitch? Look, don’t worry about whatever I have going on with my bitch. Worry about yourself and getting rid of that problem.”
“I’m not getting rid of my damn baby Prophet; you can shut that shit up. Why are you even telling me to get rid of our baby? You think that bitch is really going to be done with you this time.”
“That and I don’t want a baby by your lazy ass. You don’t do shit, all you wanna do is live of muthafuckas. That nigga Trouble can do that shit, I’m not doing it.”
“Fuck you, this is your kid. I’m not getting rid of it.”
“Well tell your nigga it’s yours then because I don’t want it. It aint like he’s going to be able to tell, we both light as fuck.” He started laughing and I rolled my eyes in disgust.
Here I was pregnant with his child and he’s just going to try and push my ass to the side like it means nothing. I was tired of this nigga for real.
“So you’re going to neglect your first kid?”
“You think you’re the first bitch to get pregnant by me? Hell nah, but I don’t give a fuck. If your name aint Millz I’m not claiming a fuckin’ baby. That’s it and that’s all.”
“You’re a dog ass nigga Prophet I swear to God.”
“You been knew that, I told you that myself. I don’t know what you want me to do. I’m out though, I got shit to do.” He hung up on me and I sat there looking and feeling like a dummy.
I knew I shouldn’t have dealt with that dumb nigga but I had to find some type of way to one up that bitch Millz. She gets on my damn nerves; all she does is walk around like she owns the world when she’s just another hood rat ass bitch. She’s no better than the rest of us but you can’t tell her that.
On top of that I knew she was the reason Trouble was acting funny with me. He just got distant out of nowhere and I wasn’t feelin’ that shit. Every nigga is always bowing down to this bitch or running up after her ass like she’s God’s gift to the world. I shouldn’t be jealous of anybody because I know I look good, I know what I bring to the table but this bitch is like an itch that won’t go away.
Trouble was playing me for that bitch, Leah’s retarded ass baby father would drop her in a hot second for Millz if she even looked in his direction. Now Prophet was playing me and his child for this bitch. If he thought I was just going to back and let him keep playing me stupid he had life fucked up.
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scorpioslut-blog1 · 7 years
A week of bullshit
Damn, life really has been coming at me fast recently. This whole last week has been WILD. I’ve quite literally been drunk every night for a week. It all started a week ago, last Monday. Me and Briana were doing a normal, run of the mill, Croads sesh. I ran into Gina, Felix, and Jae (Gina’s room mate), and they invite me to sit with them, but homegirl’s busy with Briana so I hang for a second, mentioned to Gina how I stopped by her room the other day to say hi but she wasn’t there, and went back to hang with Briana. Then, as me and Bri are jammin to Mariah Carey by the dish racks, Gina, Felix, and company roll up to put their dishes away and join us temporarily in the jam. Then, Felix goes, “Why didn’t you stop by my room?”, referencing how I had tried to stop by Gina’s. He THEN proceeds to invite me to his room that night for a “party”. Of COURSE, me and Briana show up like an hour later to his room. It was Felix, his hot tall Connecticut friend named Will, Jae, and Gina, and we’re all just chilling to music. Felix was being a lil weird, him and his friend were sorta just in deep discussion together with no explanation, and they soon kicked us out, claiming we would link up again at 10:30 to drink Four Lokos. Apparently Four Loko Monday is a regular occurrence on floor 2. When he said “party” I didn’t LITERALLY know he meant PARTY. Anyways, we chill in Gina’s for a while, then he comes back with the Lokos, and we have a great time getting drunk in Gina’s room. Anders, this INCREDIBLY ATTRACTIVE Wasian on the lacrosse team that basically every girl in Unit 2 is obsessed with and whom everyone has basically just assumed at this point is completely unattainable, comes to join us cuz I guess him, Gina, and Anders are best friends or whatever. We follow each other on Instagram so I KNOW he recognized me, but this was our official formal introduction. He’s pretty shy and lowkey and introverted so whatever. I’ve seen him at a few rapey frat parties because, as afore mentioned, his friends are all fellow lax bros and lax bros are attracted to rapey/racist frat culture (Fiji, SAE, DKE, etc.). But that’s besides the point, for now. Anyway… my plan was just to Uber from Unit 2 at the end of the night cuz, at the time, a bitch could afford it. But Felix literally offered to walk me back at like 3 am so he just walked me back with his SKATEBOARD in hand. But that was whatever.
Ok, next night: me, Briana, Leah, Ariel, and Luna decide to get drunk on Leah’s balcony on floor 1, and low and behold, Felix lives DIRECTLY above her. So he hears us and peeps his head in, Anders in present company, and he fucking SPIDERMANS down from the god damn WINDOW onto the balcony. I deadass thought he would die. Then Gina came down to hang and drink with us, and Felix and Anders skateboarded away to smoke in the parking garage. I can’t really tell you much else about that experience except for that it was indeed an experience. I actually don’t know how I got home that night, now that I think about it.
Anyway, next up… Wine Wednesday. Boy was it a rough one. It’s Wine Wednesday today, incidentally, so I can’t really remember much from last week. I know we went to DKE, the one where I hooked up with a Trump supporter and also the one where Mohammed, the love of Leah’s life, is pledging. One time we went there and literally witnessed some minor hazing and forced binge drinking. Saw a poor fucker completely blacked and passed the fuck out being dragged up the stairs by like four guys in a conjuncted effort, one of them being Mohammed. Anyway, I know we started at DKE… went to Sig Chi… came back to DKE… lost Ariel and Luna at some point, and ended up with this girl I know who loves Sig Nu a little too much. So the two of us went to Delta Chi, got her scratch patched up by the brothers there (lmao), checked out a very empty Sig Nu, then ended up back at DKE…. Long night. Definitely blacked. And I basically just woke up in Avery’s bed in Rocky’s room with very little context. Then me and Julia, both having woken up still drunk in Phi Psi mens’ beds, with very different contexts at that point, decided to get breakfast and coffee in a late birthday celebration before my work shift. And that was actually a really good Potle sesh for me. Flirted with hella guys, got flirted with, finessed… good shit. There’s some longer record of the whole incident somewhere in my screenshots. But anyway, decent day. I guess at this point we’re at Thursday, so…
Thursday. Briana’s AXO date party night, where srats hold parties at various clubs in SF, bus us there in nice ass party buses, and I pay absolutely nothing to participate in them. I love being a GDI (god damn independent). It started out pretty stressful, since Briana gets a little crazy with being on time, staying on schedule, sticking to the plan, etc. This was a fun, somewhat eventful night, and I’ve made good progress on the whole week’s shenanigans, but alas, I have to go right now to get Potle while Leah’s working (a bitch tried it for the first time yesterday and the chicken is too god damn good), then get ready for a Chi Phi philo event that our friend Rory invited us to at Croads today, in which we watch pledges and brothers auction themselves off to us women atop a stripper pole as we lightly objectify them and pay for their company. Good shit. Anyway, that’s tonight’s shenanigans. Still gotta finish Thursday’s date party and aftermath, all of Friday (Whomsty and Whomstders), Saturday (Sig Nu disasters), Sunday (hall association), Monday (dick), and yesterday (a combination of Unit 2 shenanigans and hall association dick). So that’s my next big thing. Oh, and Briana’s birthday is on Friday so a bitch has to make her some art.
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