#literally the hq for the spn fandom
salsakiyoomi · 1 year
hi 😭 the uhh, description thing is from a LONG time ago 😭 but i watched up till season 15 like, im still stuck on episode six ever since last march and havent moved on since 😭😭 i LOVE supernatrual, fav seasons were definitely from 4-6 they were at their peak, season eight's finale still does something to me from the way all the angels were falling from the sky, i! love! crowley! LIKE HIS DYNAMIC WITH THEM IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO ME, so sad he died him and rowena, rip to bobby, best father figure out there, his death was literally so sad but i really loved season 7 too, also im a dean girl 😭 miss him when he was still a baby in season 1 but man aged like fine wine and i'm down bad for him, castiel is my child like actually, i love him, my cat is named after misha collins bcz my mom loves misha collins
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dfenestrate · 4 years
thank you, spn. [pt 1 of many]
so i haven't been active on tumblr much lately (mental health, school, diff fixations on twitter), but i’m back bc tumblr’s where i’ve engaged with spn the most. 
here goes the first of many random gushes of emotion that will come in the future. 
spn is probably the fandom that's carried me through my highs and lows from high school to college. in college, it's been my biggest connection to my lil bro, and we've grown so much closer beyond our live facetime sessions at 9 pm every thursday. not that we weren't close, but the biggest struggle i had when i moved to college was my worry of how i'll stay connected to him as he is v younger than me and i wasn't gonna be there for him through his high school career. 
so yeah. 
not to mention the growth the fandom has given me. i joined hq v v v recently, but when it comes to navigating fandom spaces and managing that balance between creating/consuming, i was literally mentored by tumblr gif makers/writers in all that.
dammit i really don't know how to express this, but the fact that today is the last day of spn filling is really hitting me (could also be bc of my earlier mini breakdown) but yeah. dammit.
is it the best show in the world? no. are there many, MANY issues in it? yes, ofc. but still, the themes and questions i asked myself when analyzing, writing, and creating for the show were critical in expanding my world outside of boxes labeled "academic and career success".
this makes no sense, and im literally just gushing emotions i do not understand, but yeah. there will be a better formed tweet on 11/19 when the final episode comes out. but until then...
thank you @JensenAckles , @jarpad , and @mishacollins  for working so hard to bring these characters to life and for engaging the fandom through conventions, your philanthropic efforts, and just general wank that had me rolling in laughter till my stomach hurts.
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dearmrsawyer · 5 years
ok in regard to a post by OTW linking to this interview with Naomi Jones on their website, this is just a huge dump of things i want to say that don’t come to any sort of conclusion lol, i just say them! but it’s so cool to hear someone talk about the specific phenomenon of supernatural conventions!! i LOVE the discussion around the evolution towards digital participation in the convention circuit and the fan practices this created. i started watching spn convention recordings in high school, 2007ish, when they just started happening. i remember that jared attended a couple of multifandom cons, and his panels were recorded and put on youtube and i watched them like, daily, over and over. and soon after the first spn-specific con happened, and then they just started multiplying. eventually they built up to an annual circuit, which is what still do now. there’s around 12 cons a year, like one month, and the circuit travels around the US (usually including 1 or 2 international cons as well). and it just became part of my life and the lives of SO many of us. i watched them in high school and i still watch them now! i’ve got a bunch in my ‘watch later’ playlist on youtube that i need to catch up on from the last few months.
i remember the era of recording laws that naomi mentions too lol, and how it rippled out to all of us fans who would watch the panels on youtube. i remember a period when the videos would sometimes be a bit off centre so it didn’t look like the camera was pointed at the stage, or the recording fan would take a photo every minute or so it looked like they were only doing photography (which was fine??), or there’d be a 5-min chunk that was pointed at the floor, as the diligent fans in the attendance remained committed to getting a recording for the rest of us (that was specifically their motivation!). i’ve wondered many times over the last few years whether the fans just got better at circumvented these rules or whether the cons themselves just relaxed them because they realised it wouldn’t hurt attendance. i mean i've long said that society's ability to virtually tune in won’t threaten live attendance to events. it’s odd that the normality of televised sports hasn’t spread to other industries in a more standardised way. like what Zachary Levi tried to do with Nerd HQ, and comic con now does exhaustively. don’t get me wrong, the entertainment industry is getting better at this, but some branches of entertainment are being spectacularly resistent, eg broadway lol. anyway this is SO OFF TOPIC. 
but the spn convention circuit has created this bizarrely interesting and wonderful phenomenon for both the ‘stars’ and the fans in attendance. the actors OFTEN talk about how they've developed friendships with other cast members even though they’ve literally never had an actual scene together on the show. some of them have years of separation between the seasons in which they guest starred. not to mention the amazing levelling that’s happened between the actors and the fans, almost the opposite of putting someone on a pedastool. i think its a really interesting case study of a fandom space that’s not centred on fanworks, and yet is not driven by the commodity of celebrities. i don’t know if that makes sense, but like, the energy of a spn convention is not centred around ‘these celebrities are here for us to consume’. obviously there will always be elements of that, and of course this energy can shift with the intent behind each fan who steps forward to ask a question. but i’m thinking about the energy of these cons compared with like, comic con. which is essentially 3 days of mass hysteria lol. the size of these events certainly comes into play but the point i’m trying to make is i think these cons have created a unique energy that’s very rare in fan-driven events. i don’t know if i’m saying what i want to say! but spn conventions are more a sort of community event than a fan event. its beautiful and fascinating and a pleasure to be a part of in my own distant, virtual way.
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159potterhead · 3 years
I really want those tapes. Even when I saw 15x18 the first time it was easily visible. There was so much editing. I don't normally go analysing every bit of scenes but that one in particular can be observed even if we don't psycho analyse. I mean Dean getting thrown away the wrong side and that crying scene I mean come on people we have eyes even if we don't notice we know if actors are gonna cry, the whole crying progression takes place eventually it's not like one moment you have tears and the next is just blank.
And I get where you are coming from there are equal chances Misha also cried coz of him getting cut. Misha deserved so much better than this and many other actors too, I was also kinda rooting that they will bring Mark Sheppard back for s15 coz they are bringing lot of other peeps so that was also a big disappointment. It could have been so much better with Crowley around yk.
Ready to roll babe? You get the dagger and I'll bring the guns. We are gonna takeover the spn headquarters and then we'll have a date.
🎶Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini gallardo maybe go to my place and just kick it like TaeBo and possibly bend you over look back and watch me, smack that all on the floor, smack that give me some more🎶
but srsly tho the power jackles has with the tapes…. IKR!! even if you’re not that kind of observant, you definitely noticed something off in the order the clips played in the scene. yes exactly! FOR REAL!!!! jensen and misha gave it their ALL in that scene!! I just wish they were treated the way they deserved to be treated for how flawlessly they delivered that scene😔
yess so many actors were robbed of the opportunity to bid a proper farewell, and mark was definitely one of them. the finale had so much potential… only if it didn’t go to waste😩 ugh I really hate the finale it literally had no right to happen.
I was born ready😎🤝 alright, i’ll also pack my grenade launcher to pay tribute to dean:’) spn hq who? it’s thee base of the fandom now, our property!
🎶I love you so much that I hate you, right now, it's so hard to blame you, cause you're so damn beautiful, so damn beautiful. is it easier to stay? is it easier to go? I don't wanna know, oh🎶💕
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spacematriarchy · 8 years
Creation is going to try out streaming panels!
The many people who are too far, not physically able to attend, or not well off enough financially can finally at least get in on the con experience legally. 
More people being able to participate at all MIGHT (i’m not holding my breath) spread the financial burden around a bit and halt the incredible price hikes just to get in the door, let alone get a good seat, at the conventions themselves.
Quality video! With audio from the sound board! Sweet fucking Jesus! My auditory processing disorder will no longer be infuriated by echo-y rooms and loud audience members!
I, for one, would much rather pay a reasonable price for content I love than consume it illegally, and this makes that an actual option.
At current, pick and choose what you want is nice. There’s always that one panel that you end up flipping through your phone during and it’d be nice to be able to avoid that. And also to not pay full price for Sunday when there are only two or three panels.
It’s still on their schedule, and that just isn’t going to work for everybody. If you have to carve out your weekend to watch a video on the internet, that’s a big fucking inconvenience.
A 15$ price tag for 45 minutes. Guys, I know this is just a trail run, like NashCon was, but be honest about the fact that that’s not a reasonable price. If I purchased tickets for all four panels streaming on Saturday, I’d be paying 60$ US. I got my general admission ticket for Saturday at VanCon for 70$ US. If it’s not actually a discount to not be there, It’s not an attractive proposition. That 45 minutes is not super content heavy, and it costs more than a 2 hour movie? eeeeee idk
20$ for the SNS isn’t that bad, honestly, but if you’re expecting people who don’t have the cash to travel to 3+ cons a year to start paying to view the SNS multiple times in a year? Guy........ it’s the same concert. It’s a concert I love but a) you have to FUCKING LOVE Louden Swain and b) unless the guest list is really different, it’s a similar setlist every weekend. I paid 15$ for the NashCon SNS stream and that had the same guestlist, minus Jim Beaver, but plus Jensen freakin’ Ackles.
I’m not convinced on Creation’s set up quite yet, and I’m worried that this means those wonderful people who have been dedicated to uploading panel videos all these years will stop, and we’ll be left with an inferior option or no option at all.
Did um......... did any of you guys try the streaming ticket for Ladies of SPN Con? God love everyone involved, they were doing their very best, but if the stream goes down does the convention stop? Do the streaming fans get a refund? Obviously Creation has the resources to fix the problem faster than a teensy fan run event, but I worry about who gets shafted if something goes wrong, because when I think ‘Creation’ I don’t think ‘masters of audio visual presentation’. I think ‘literally name me one day the mics didn’t stop working halfway through a panel’
Stageit isn’t my fave platform. It works for what it was built for, tossing a few extra bucks to an indie band you like and paid pennies to see play in the livestream, but the tipping system is stressful and ripe for the exact kind of money grubbing Creation is known for. The need to buy notes, and then buy the tickets with those notes, is needlessly complicated.
Next steps (IMHO, and before having actually seen how the streaming goes):
A weekend pass to the stream. Maybe a season’s pass to the stream? At a fucking discount, none of this full GA pricing shit.
A streaming library of panels, like Comic Con HQ have. It’s not fucking convenient to block out three days to watch a series of 45 minute videos. Honestly, I watch panel videos in the bath, or I play the audio while I’m driving. It’s also nice to have an archive when, at least for me, the SPN Family is an equal and almost seperate fandom, in which social media and panel videos are the canon. If we’re going to shift over to legal streams, there needs to be an archive, or half the purpose of illegal panel videos is lost. I’d probably pay a few bucks a month for access to a back catalog of panel videos! I’d probably pay a dollar or two a video for older videos. Obviously it would take a year or two to build up a back catalog since they haven’t been recording until now.
I might buy tickets to the R2M and J2 panels, depending on if I’m working that weekend. We’ll see how it goes!
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