#but it was too prolonged in my opinion 😭
salsakiyoomi · 1 year
hi 😭 the uhh, description thing is from a LONG time ago 😭 but i watched up till season 15 like, im still stuck on episode six ever since last march and havent moved on since 😭😭 i LOVE supernatrual, fav seasons were definitely from 4-6 they were at their peak, season eight's finale still does something to me from the way all the angels were falling from the sky, i! love! crowley! LIKE HIS DYNAMIC WITH THEM IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO ME, so sad he died him and rowena, rip to bobby, best father figure out there, his death was literally so sad but i really loved season 7 too, also im a dean girl 😭 miss him when he was still a baby in season 1 but man aged like fine wine and i'm down bad for him, castiel is my child like actually, i love him, my cat is named after misha collins bcz my mom loves misha collins
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lains-reality · 1 year
sorry for bothering u by sending u this ask :( but i really, really REALLY need your help 🥺 I know that ND is not a method by which we manifest but I CAN'T HELP 😭how do I manifest FOOD? How do I make anything appear in front me within seconds? Actually I left my house 2 day ago and now I'm kinda homeless and I've already spent all the money that i had and now I don't even have enough money to buy food and shelter for me 😔rn I'm staying in my friends home for next 2days ONLY and after that I gotta handle it on my own bc my friend won't be able to keep me in her home for so long :( idk what I'll do after 2 days I'M SCARED?!! Like please?? Help me out 😣
I sent this to soph too bc I'm just so scared 😭so srry for that but I want u guys to help me out
please girl read the MASTERLIST
also on sophie's pinned, it says shes not answering questions about manifestation anymore. idk if it was a recent add, but you need to actually read who you're sending this too
nondualism and "manifestation"
dealing with hard times?
extra / not mine
this will pass
when suffering happens
self torture (manifesting)
ego can't do anything
self inquiry:
who is sad? who is worried? you might say "i am worried!" the thought is worried? you can say 'i am worried' and not mean it, so its not the thought. you claim the thought, identify with it. you don't have to. "but i feel a pit in my stomach, my heart beating, i'm sweating-" that's okay! do anything needed to calm the body, its a reaction to percieved threat. it can be there and you don't have to make it a problem, do you? "but i feel-" the feeling just comes up in awareness, it rises, then falls. you can let it be there and it'll fall. by identifying the feeling as particularly yours, it can prolong it. where is the centre of you anyway? you are here claiming thoughts and feelings as yours, but who is the one that claims them? when you take yourself to be the mind-body, you will continue claiming all of this as yours. thats why you start questioning it all.
"the identity is a shadow. it is not us. analyze your mind briefly, and you will find that is nothing but a byproduct of societal conditioning, peer opinions, books, movies, whatever content you've most willingly consumed." - luvcompass
if you know who sophie is, then you know what 4dbarbie-backup is ... so you know she has a 2 part q&a with all of ada's posts ... the answers are already there. you're not getting anything new. there's no magical sentence
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"I know that ND is not a method by which we manifest"
you already know you are in the wrong place. sorry. none of this is manifestation. don't come at it with such a mindset. if you want manifestation content, go to aphroditeapprenticee-archive. stay safe and take care!
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
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(sorry if the screenshots are a bit mushy i was taking them quick)
firstly of course id like to mention these two. i love how when sonic is playing around and talking to himself, shadow just nods along. he didnt tell sonic to shut the fuck up, he just waited until he got his zoomies out. he even slightly participated! i just love how when shadow is cooled down a bit he’s actually pretty used to sonic and doesnt mind his silliness, it only makes him genuinely upset when it’s not the right time or place. and sure this also isnt the right time or place, but seeing as hes been blessed with literal gay magic i think shadow mightve given him a pass. that or shadow is never actually as pissed as he tries to be. which i also believe, because he plays around during fights. i think hes having fun too. hes just trying to ignore it in favor of the overall mission, which is completely fair and is kinda needed. without shadow sonic would have no fucking clue what to do hed just be running around spitting off cheesy one liners like an idiot, but without sonic shadow would be all alone with nobody but space rocks and his pissy attitude. sonic does provide shadow with fun, and everyone needs a little fun and positivity. sonic makes him happy and keeps him entertained but he’d never admit that. they balance each other out in such a nice way. they need each other in more ways than one in my opinion.
this leads me into my favorite thing about this show: sonic is not simply the hero. he’s not just saving the day and that’s that like he thinks. it’s much more complicated. lots of people he’s met seem to have clashing opinions or views of the world, and that’s not a bad thing! most of rouges variants want to just hand over the shard and get it over with, which wouldnt help in the long run but is A REASONABLE THING TO THINK!!! shadow was never malicious he was just pissed off and he’s RIGHT! hell, i dont even think nine is wrong either!!! hes never even seen the reality that sonic is wishing for! all of these people simply want to be happy but theyre from completely different worlds in a very VERY dangerous situation, of course theres going to be conflict amongst people who ARENT the villains! because the world doesn’t revolve around sonic and in situations like these its hard to find a middle ground between COUNTLESS AMOUNTS OF PEOPLE FROM ALL AROUND THE MULTIVERSE!! i think it perfectly demonstrates how all of these people arent bad people, they simply dont view things the way sonic does and thats ok. theyre all just scared and confused and in a life or death situation. well, except for dread. that motherfuckers just crazy.
i do think nine should. maybe chill 😭😭. but i think sonic shouldve at least talked with the kid a bit more about the overall goal cuz damn. i like the parallel between shadow saying “theyre not your real friends.” and nine saying hes real. because shadow was right in a sense. nine is NOT tails. he’s REAL, sure, but hes not the real TAILS. he isnt the real tails and hes not sonics friend just because sonic knows a version of him. that doesnt mean they cant BE friends but sonic being quick to assume that nine will end up like tails was just wrong on his part. sonic was quick to assume so many things about nine because of his relation to tails, and he shouldn’t have done that. he should’ve listened to shadow. it’s all “ooo shadows such a fuckin debby downer party pooping asshole” until the universe still isnt put together and THEN people consider that yeah maybe he was a little right. harsh, but right. literally if shadow was able to go into those portals i promise you this shit wouldve been over before we even got a season two. like genuinely i feel like they keep shadow in the void simply because they need to prolong the season. and i love the content dont get me wrong but please just let him go with sonic that motherfucker really does need a babysitter. i think we need BOTH of them in the actual shatterspaces. like i said, they balance each other out. if shadow was to go on his own i honestly think he wouldnt do too good either. hed just ignore everyone else and try to get things done quickly without needing help and sure he might get a little far but eventually hed need the help and he wouldnt have it. so i think sonic and shadow together should finally be allowed to do this shit fully together so that shadow can do what he has to do and sonic can go around making friends with multiverse people and saving them from robots on the side. its a win-win people!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
i do like the fact that shadows speed is artificial so it isnt the same as sonics, or at least thats what i like to think. i know hes stuck in the void because of the chaos control he did (i think) and sonics speed might not be the only factor but i do think its interesting how they cant do the same things
but truly i think the only reason the writers are keeping them seperate is because they know damn well if they teamed up full time theyd start kissing eventually
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kroganloveinterest · 11 months
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answered this ask list for calamity-12! :D i didn't answer every question, so those aren't listed below under the cut.
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic? Definitely a 'we should kill them as a response to everything' kind of a friend. Calamity is a supportive friend, but he's not really the type to go out of his way to offer said support, partly because he trusts that his friends (who he doesn't even consider friends until he's known them for a prolonged amount of time and eventually fully warms up to them) obviously know that he's there for them. This makes it sound like Calamity never does anything for his friends unprompted, which is not the case lmao, but I'm just generalizing for simplicity if that makes any sense. With that said, Calamity can admittedly be a bit direct when it comes to offering his opinion/advice when a friend asks for it. Again, mostly due to them trusting said friends to know he's coming from a well-intentioned place, and frankly part of it is that he'll be kinda less tolerant of something he might deem silly. (silly as in, "well the obvious answer is to do this") In a group dynamic, I'd describe him as the friend that's present, but doesn't necessarily stand out from an outsider perspective. Like, some of his friends might be chattier, friendlier, etc. than they are so while he's obviously noticed to be there, it's not like Calamity will really go out of his way to chitchat with newer faces while in the group or something. I hope this makes sense lmao. 🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with? Not jewelry obviously, but I'll say his helmet. Calamity does take it off infrequently, but they have a strong preference for wearing it. Looks cool, it's become a "face" for them thanks to their guardian career more-or-less, and having it on means they don't have to worry about others around him perceiving his emotions. I will honestly say that it's personal projection too lmfao, I too would love to be a robot and have the luxury of getting to wear a helmet all the time without having to deal with sweat/condensation/etc. Calamity is living my dream for me in that regard. I'll also quickly mention that this works favorably for Calamity when they first start fucking Spider, where both figuratively shake hands to agree to fucking with helmets on only. There is the personal element mentioned above for Calamity, but not gonna lie when I say it's mainly fueled by both enjoying the idea of saving the "INCREDIBLE privilege" of seeing the other emote during sex until later down the line. Also, Spider definitely seems like a half-dressed quickie kind of guy when casually fucking guardians/lightbearers to me so. Honestly I could expand on this specific detail of their dynamic, but obviously I won't because it's not even the point to begin with. 😭 🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory? His early guardian activities on the moon, which for the moment is mainly the Destiny 1 story there. It's definitely a case of someone having experienced plenty of traumatic shit, but there'll be an extremely specific experience that'll hang heaviest over them. As well as growing averse to certain elements and what not that were present in the environment.
I'll be honest by saying I don't really have any specific scenarios thought up for now, but I will say that overall Calamity does develop a bit of an aversion to going to the moon in general.
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable? While Calamity is a pretty sociable guy, I'd say it's definitely when he can be Alone and Unbothered(™). Similar to the helmet explanation, they're super relaxed and comfortable when there isn't any concern for having to put that mask of complete composure on.
Considering all the shit he's up to both in the canon story and elsewhere, it's nice to just simply exist without anyone else perceiving you. Excluding his ghost, Cola, of course. I'll also say his actual friends are exceptions too, when they're in a more private setting than like a bar or simply out and about.
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? This is kind of a difficult question, because I don't really see Calamity as someone who's interested or all that concerned with a significant other in a dating sense. I definitely wouldn't call Spider his signifcant other, regardless that he manages to worm his way into Spider's genuine good graces after a long while.
So, I'll try to answer this in a general sense. They tend to be attracted to self-assured people, for starters. Obviously, nobody is without even the briefest moments of insecurity, Calamity included, but he typically hangs around folks that have at least a good idea of what they want, who they are, what they're good at, etc. He'll also warm up much faster to people who tend to be a bit distant as he is, compared to someone who might unintentionally be kinda too nosy or "too much" for him to tolerate when he's wanting said person to like, just leave him alone and let him open up on his own. (even if it is well-intentioned and/or not even annoying to the average person, if that makes sense).
This is super vague, I know, but [shrug emoji].
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who? Well, as far as a "first kiss" goes for his current life, it was probably with some other guardian he casually fucked if I'm being real.
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise? To be honest, Calamity is a sex enjoyer, first off. While he does have very casual sex with others besides Spider, when I say he's a "sex enjoyer" I'm referring to the close relationship he has with both of them (later on in life of course) which is what makes it that much more enjoyable for him since he has a greater degree of comfortable intimacy.
Besides that, he's honestly not much of a physical affection kind of guy if it's not in private. That means hand holding, cuddling, etc. is not something they're particularly fond of doing in front of others, especially in public spaces. Also, even in private, Calamity typically needs their own space after awhile, so he's not one to cuddle for hours or something like that.
I'd say he's more appreciative of compliments, gifts, and above all, being allowed to exist in his own personal bubble of space. It seems redundant to mention at this point, but it's important to him! However, those affectionate type of gazes from across the room/table/etc. will definitely get to them too. (in a good way)
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable? While Calamity tends to be a bit self-centered and selfish honestly, I'll say that they can be very cutthroat about someone hurting a genuine friend of theirs in some way. In the more lighthearted "oh we should just kill them" way as I mentioned in an earlier question, but also like, Calamity will absolutely despise the offending person of said friend as a bitter, petty yet very strong grudge. Calamity doesn't just count anyone as a friend! So to see someone who they genuinely trust and are close to be hurt in some way, he's rolling up those sleeves for a fight figuratively and literally. This does not extend to Spider though, but again, their entire dynamic can be a whole post on its own. 🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people? I guess what I mentioned directly above counts for this question, since Calamity is typically characterized as this distant, blunt person, but when he's around those he's genuinely comfortable with, they're relaxed, cracking jokes and laughing, etc. I'll also mention that Calamity is definitely an animal person too! Most likely a very distant echo of a past life/reset maybe, but he's really drawn to learning about fauna and the kind of guy to simply observe animals in the wild while he's out and about on patrols and such. :] So you know Calamity is totally down to have a cat nap on his lap or a dog jumping up on him and all that other good shit. He likes the ocean too. Calamity would be a "stare out at sea all day" kind of guy, honestly. Another distant echo of a past life/reset is that he'd totally be a music guy!! Meaning, if he had the time or drive, he'd learn to play an instrument for sure. That and he genuinely enjoys dancing. :] 🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for? The guy is a glorified (and later, favored) errand-runner for Spider, that list grows like every month at this point, I'm sure.
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them? Bruh, I feel like regularly fucking Spider is a "funny anecdote" on its own lmfao.
A more accurate answer is probably the belief that Calamity is the one who killed certain raid bosses. I'm talking about the ones that debut in the story, are defeated there, but aren't truly defeated until later on in a raid. So, adversaries like Crota and Oryx, for example.
Calamity has to explain "yeah I faced them and pretty much softened them up for the actual raid team to take them down for good. But still, you're welcome for dealing with that." pretty much lmaooo.
I do alot of projecting of my own gaming habits onto Calamity's guardian career, so I think it's fun to include silly details like that!!
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day? Agh, I don't think this is all that canon compliant, BUT the ideal way for Calamity to unwind would be strip off that armor, get comfortable, go for a relaxing swim, shower afterwards, then chill.
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform? Not exactly a correct answer for this question, but I have to say that Calamity would probably actually have an Instagram or Twitter where he might post a picture or two; or even a simple status every once in awhile, but he'd hardly be active on it. Even when it gains alot of traction as his canon young wolf role grows over time lmao. He'd follow friends if they ask him to, etc.
Calamity would also like using emojis unironically.
Spider: "Location for drop. [attached info]" Calamity: "👍🏽" or the funnier alternative, "🫡"
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artheresy · 8 months
Everybody moved on to Penacony and I’m still in agony over the High Cloud Quintet lore… I’ll never move on from these tragic gay mfs
I do need,, HCQ revisited at some point. Doesn’t even have to be in any main story, I honestly just need more HCQ readables because those are some of the most enjoyment I’ve gotten out of Honkai Star Rail. Baiheng’s Travelogue to the Zhuming chANGED MY LIFE and sewed the seeds for an obsession that is far too unhealthy to the point I am in the process of wasting my money to make a Blade ita bag. And it was a single readable that started me spiralling into this obsession and made me motivated to read more readables and character stories and etc.
I need another Baiheng travelogue… here’s to praying we get another if we end up on the Yaoqing soon, in general heres to hoping for more BH lore on the Yaoqing since apparently she’s from a very prominent family on that ship.
I just really need more HCQ crumbs because as much as I love them, their in game dynamics are so underdeveloped. Yes, we have a lot of Dan Feng and Yingxing, but a lot is very vague, and we have to mostly make assumptions with the little crumbs we have. Baiheng and Jingliu also have a lot set up, but I really need more content of them because my god, we barely know anything bout their dynamic too. We mostly have the aftermath and Jingliu’s grief, but I want to know about their happiness so her prolonged mourning hits even harder by knowing exactly what she lost. Jing Yuan and Jingliu probably have the most show upfront dynamic mostly due to the animated short, but the knowledge of Jing Yuan’s dynamics with the rest of them are practically nonexistent outside of that one line about Yingxing and Jing Yuan bickering and sad looks he has that really don’t hit as hard in my opinion because we don’t have the context.
And personally out of all the dynamics I want more content more, I think I want Jing Yuan and Baiheng content the most. The lines he has when he visits the Express that are about her are my saving grace, I am the biggest advocate for these to have a very sweet familial kind of bond and messing around together causing all kinds of trouble. Bonus points if they get Yingxing along for the ride with them. But we have crumbs only 😭 we only have itty bitty crumbs and I am starving
I have a lot of my own views about what I hc their dynamics as due to what we know, but god I want to see what their dynamics in canon are supposed to be. I ranted so much about how I see Dan Feng and Yingxing’s potential dynamic, but even with that, I wanna know. I wanna know about Jingliu and Yingxing, to add even more pain to how their dynamic is now (which hehehe… I have some ideas for this specific topic, but I want canon stuff too not just my own hcs). I wanna see just exactly what Jingliu lost when Baiheng died, what in Baiheng and the way she treated her made her so devastated as to promise to cut down the stars from the sky (which? Is that? Potentially a code for something else like the current plan she has regarding a certain aeon?), like Jingliu was so clearly devastated and tormented by Baiheng’s death, still is 700 years later and we don’t know what about her made it so painful. Yes Baiheng was clearly kind as she’s been established, but just how was she kind to Jingliu? I have my own assumptions and conclusions given what we know about both, but even then it’s still something pretty completely fabricated in my head because we don’t have enough!! GIVE ME THE LIUBAI CONTENT HOYOVERSE I have you’re keeping it somewhere, tell me where
Ugh, too many HCQ thoughts in my head. I need to keep writing and finally finish that first chapter so I can reveal my insanity about them esp the Zhuming family to world. I love them
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
Hi! You are such a delight to read. I feel that our mindsets match on a certain way. Thank you for taking the time on prolonging this useless jikook convo 💀 ( I used to be a hardcore jikooker), but everything recently has been, feels and is LAME. Even if we got the 3J pictures, the white day dinner, and the amount of content? from the concerts, I don’t feel is the same, actually BTS has turned up to be so basic, ONCE AGAIN, trying to appeal the western market.
I understand that is inconvenient to speak you mind with so many projects, endorsements, brands and even politics, but common. They sadly are becoming what their old lyrics were against the most: puppets of the system. 😴😴😴. ( I hope I can swallow my words because I really appreciate them as artists)
Now, to the previous anons asking or feeling down because Jikookers post are so boring and dry, don’t feel alone, there’s a huge group of people who think the same.
Boring, unamusing, predictable, confusing, silly and fully cringy.
Hi! I don't really know when I got this ask 😅 a lot of times I save them on drafts for later and then I just forget. Something happened that made me remember it last night, tho.
For the longest time I've thought that Jimin was probably one of the members who had the most to say. I wasn't sure that he'd say it, because as opinionated and smart as he is, he's also very neutral and avoids conflict. At least publicly. But after seeing the stuff that's been teased from his photofolio, maybe he will speak up to some extent after all. I still don't think he, or any other BTS member will be outspoken and radical about anything, but maybe Jimin won't be so quiet like I had assumed he would be. I think Namjoon could make some points too, but tbh he mostly seems tired of everything 😭 like he just seems done and just going with the flow. Maybe kind of being over it would allow him enough detachment from the public opinion and such, as to speak up his mind.
The conversations have been repeating over and over and over to no end. After the feeling of brand new and exciting that I felt with Jimin's photofolio, the speak yourself final DVD teaser came out and it gave me some sort of whiplash. And the internet actually is Neverland, isn't it? A place where nothing changes, nobody grows old, people stay the same forever. People talk about stuff that happened years ago as if it was happening right now, as if the people they're talking about are the same they were five or ten years ago. It goes for both the good and the bad stuff. Some people get worse as years go by, and some others get better. On the internet you can "cancel" someone because they said something mean fifteen years ago and everyone will go with it, as if that person is stuck in time and whatever they said fifteen years ago is still valid. I see the same it's happening to the fandom, especially to shippers, and it's a very similar feeling to what I felt in 2020 when I said I unfollowed every BTS account because I felt like I was in a time loop. People talk in present tense about things that happened six, four, three years ago. It actually makes me feel like I'm living in a different realm of time. I'm not exaggerating, it's really strange to me. Jimin's photofolio content was exciting, and new, even the possibility of them starting to date openly is/was something to look forward to. I guess the annoying thing for me is that sometimes I check people's accounts and it really feels like everyone is stuck in time, everyone keeps talking about things that happened years ago, even if BTS themselves are long gone. They've moved on. I've talked before how fast things always changed with them, my friend and I would say "BTSyears" as if it was a valid measure of time because they did so much in so little time. They would begin the year one way and they were different people by the time it ended.
Maybe it's because the majority of the fandom is relatively new? Sometimes I just click on accounts, mindlessly browsing through Twitter, and all of them were created in 2021, 2022. So they're still experiencing a lot of stuff that I feel like I've lived through a trillion times. And obviously they have every right to, it's not that I'm annoyed at new fans, not at all. It's just a really really strange feeling for me. I thought I felt that way in 2020 because of the pandemic and quarantine but I've felt the same way for the past few days.
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As I was writing this, right where you left me by Taylor Swift came to mind haha. The girl in the song is people on the internet.
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I'm looking forward to GTA finally having a female protagonist. It's about damn time too.
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☝️☝️ Ah yes... There it is. And one of the first ones too I might add.
Someone must have missed out on the entire Tomb Raider, or more recently, the Horizon series, if they think women in games is "pOLiTiCaL" 🤦🙄
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Female protagonists or LGBT characters = brainwashing.
I don't want to live in this guy's incredibly miniscule world.
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My opinion: If I know a thing or two about Roger, is that he was probably fuming as he typed out that comment.
Roger is very friendly towards the LGBT community and I doubt he was very happy about that comment.
Sometimes, I think, it's just not worth prolonging the battle.
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uno-writing · 3 years
Oh that makes sense, i would make it a challenge if someone said that to me too🤪🤪🤪🤪
Okay no but tbh Nate wouldn't even reach Remi💀Big brother Arlo would beat Nate up like how nate beat up the guy who *😤😤😤😤😌😌😌And then Blyke would finish him off😎😎
But like imagine an Isen x Fez friendship wjsbsjnsjs idk it would be so chaotic but so amazing😭😭
Oh btw what are your opinions on Lexie and Cassie :D Oh and Jules👀👀👀👀
Also can I get some arlo angst that turns into fluff😍😍😍😍
I love both even though arlo angst makes me cry🤡🤡🤡And you CLEARLY LOVE WRITING ARLO ANGST🤪🤨🤨🤨😭😭😭
-Candy Anon🍭🍬🍫
R@ped Maddy
Oh my god I didn’t even consider an Isen and Fex friendship. I’d love it so much. You’re absolutely right. Arlo would rock Nate’s shit as soon as he saw Nate start to show interest in Remi. I have a feeling Nate would try to be friends with Arlo so Arlo would probs have at least a little bit of a first hand experience of how shitty Nate is, especially to women since Nate kinda brags about it.
I like Lexie. I think she’s p cool but I’d like to see a Lexie episode to get to know her better. I liked season 1 Cassie. The abortion/ice skating scene was really sad. It was a beautiful scene, but it was so sad. I’m not the biggest fan of season 2 Cassie (i haven’t actually watched season 2 yet, just seen a lot of tiktok spoilers). ***SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 OF EUPHORIA*** Like I kinda understand why she gets with Nate. Like if you take away the toxicity, he’s fuckin hot. Not ‘betray my bestie’ hot, but still. I mean, everyone in Euphoria’s hot. I’m not the biggest fan of Jules…I mean, she’s just kind of a shitty friend. Like I know it’s hard to be friends with someone struggling as much as Rue is, but Idk it just seemed like Jules kept putting Rue in situations where she’d struggle more (like the party where Jules gets crazy drunk).
It’s less that I love writing angst, and more that I love/get a kick out of seeing the reactions to said angst lmao I’ll be honest, I started to get teary eyed with that last Current!Arlo angst😅
Also, this one had more in Y/N’s POV than I usually do. I tend to avoid it bc to me it seems like it’s less x reader at that point since everyone doesn’t react the same way, but I wanted to try it this time for funsies :D Lemme know what you think! <3 <3🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
Y/N glances at their phone, sighing as they see no new messages from Arlo. They scoff and toss their phone on the bed, feeling stupid for waiting for Arlo to text instead of texting him first. They keep telling themselves it’s because they don’t want to bother him, that they know how busy he is and how he doesn’t like to text. But deep down they know they’re trying to test him. To see if he cares enough to reach out to them first or if they’re going to be the only one putting any effort into their starting-to-get-serious relationship. Arlo’s…not the most obvious when it comes to people he cares about and he has a bad habit of repressing his emotions, especially with softer emotions. Of course they didn’t want to blame him for their own insecurities, but they knew his repressed emotions planted the seed of their doubt.
Arlo wasn’t stupid. He knew something was wrong with Y/N. They had slowly become more withdrawn, seeming more uncomfortable around him. He’d spent several nights awake and wracking his brain, trying to figure out what he was doing to push them away. After a week and a half, he finally came to the conclusion that they were just ready to break up with him and trying to distance themselves to either make it easier to break up with him or make him break up with them first. Arlo knew it’d be a good idea to break up with them first. It’d save him time and a prolonged heartbreak, but he couldn’t do it. Even if it was going to cause him more pain, he couldn’t let go of the hope that they still wanted to be with him. So he decided he’d wait and watch them continue withdrawing from him.
Arlo watches them out of the corner of his eyes, seeing them look up at him before looking away, a sad look poorly disguised on their face. He feels his heart drop at their reaction and his stomach turns. Arlo lifts his head and looks at them.
��What’s wrong?” Arlo asks even though he knew exactly what their answer would be, the same thing they had repeated every time he asked. They glance at him quickly before looking away again.
“Something’s clearly bothering you.” Arlo replies, not noticing how rough his hurt tone sounds to them. They clench their fists in their lap and they swallow hard, trying to force the bubble in their throat down before they talk.
“I-” Y/N cuts themself off when they hear their voice crack slightly, taking another moment to compose themself. “I need someone who loves me.” Arlo’s heart drops and they lift their head to look at him, panic crossing their face when they see the hurt in his eyes. “I’m not blaming you! I know it doesn’t come easily to you, and maybe I’m just not good enough for you to love and that’s not your fault, it’s mine.” Y/N rambles, losing control over their emotions as they speak, their voice more shaky with every word. Their hand raises and angrily wipes their tears away, upset that they were unable to hold them back. Arlo feels a pang in his chest at their tears and he reaches over, cupping their face with both of his hands.
“Y/N, look at me.” His thumbs gently rub their cheeks while he waits for them to meet his gaze. They slowly lift their eyes to look into his own, their hands nervously fidgeting in their lap as he stares at them. “I love you. You will always be good enough for me.” Arlo confesses, his words breaking the dam holding back their tears. A choked sob leaves their lips and tears rush down their face. Arlo hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms around them, pulling them into an awkward hug but they don’t seem to care. Y/N hugs him back and buries their face in his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” Arlo stays silent, trying to find the best thing to say. Before he finds the words, they pull away and hide their face in their hands. “I’m so stupid. I was completely convinced you didn’t want to date me anymore.” Y/N admits, still hiding in embarrassment.
“In that case, we’re both stupid.” Arlo huffs and Y/N peeks out at him.
“You thought I was going to break up with you?” Y/N asks softly and Arlo nods after a moment, watching them drop their hands from their face to look at him easier. “I’m sorry.” Y/N murmurs and Arlo scoffs lightly at them.
“It was a miscommunication from both of us.” Arlo gently takes their hand, his thumb rubbing slow circles on the back of their hand. Y/N nods and they pause for a moment before asking timidly,
“Can…can I hug you again?” Arlo wordlessly pulls them into his arms, pressing a kiss to the side of their head. Y/N nuzzles into him, feeling safe and content in his arms.
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
I'm not sure if fully works with the list buuuut, 001 for Bloodborne?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Ludwig. Most of my reasoning is pure conjecture of course, but I do like to think that he really did believe what he was doing was right. In his favour, nothing about Yharnam can be considered “right” or moral/ethical, the city was full of bastards and was insular as fuck, but he had the posterity of an entire city to think about. His rune, and I believe even his sword also implies he was “misled”, which potentially ties into how I feel the entire upper echelon of the Healing Church was just Pure Fuckery, and never divulged much of anything to anybody who didn’t need to know it. Ludwig made do with what he had, and did his best to prolong the life of a city he probably knew was rotting from the inside out.
Least Favorite character: THE LABYRINTH MADMEN. THE ONES IN THE CHALICE DUNGEONS WHO SCREAM AND RUN AT YOU CHRIST EVEN 5 YEARS ON I AM TERRIFIED OF THEM also the one with the twin sickles basically has Maria’s moveset, I’d recognise that slow double overhead any day. 😤😤
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I got no ships to offer for this game lksdfh. But as an aside, I do have like... one from Dark Souls 2. Y’all can pry Pate/Creighton from my cold dead hands, I LOVE their dynamic so much, and I wish it was fleshed out just a liiiiittle bit more!!
Character I find most attractive: Probably Iosefka and Simon. 👀
Character I would marry: Valtr and Simon. I just like listening to Valtr talk, that man’s got a hell of a voice.
Character I would be best friends with: The messengers. The ones  that run the shops in the Dream are particularly sassy, and I love them.
a random thought: I bought a PS4 on sale for Bloodborne, and it sat completely unused and still in the box in my closet until March 24 2015.
An unpopular opinion: I have a few lksdfh. Firstly, Bloodborne isn’t hard. The game is punishing if you play without trying to understand what got you killed, but it’s far from ruthless and unforgiving. Bloodborne (and by extension, the rest of the Souls titles too) doesn’t need an easy mode, because one is already built into the game, and it’s called multiplayer. Easy Mode is ringing the Beckoning Bell. It’s just unfortunate that you require a PS+ sub to access it, but I think that’s on Sony instead of From. Bloodborne doesn’t need a sequel, and shouldn’t get one. FromSoftware is at its best when making a fresh IP, because they’re really good at writing open ended narratives. Expanding on those ideas often breaks the illusion, and also, of course, calls for one ending to become “canon”.  I’m personally not very fond of that idea. If a sequel is greenlit, I’m probably going to play the heck out of it anyway, but I don’t think I’d like it as much as I liked the first. This remains true for everything else they’ve done; I don’t like Dark Souls 2 or 3 nearly as much as the first. And Demon’s Souls is ofc very dear to me. I would also have really liked the version of Bloodborne that Miyazaki had in his head, that was had a more central plot and NPC interactions, but apparently Sony stepped in to keep it more in line with Souls Games Hard.
My Canon OTP: Me/Beasthunter Saif.
My Non-canon OTP: Me/Kirkhammer.
Most Badass Character: Valtr. He not only chased a beast all the way back to Yharnam, but when it ate his entire troupe, this madman then goes “fuck it” and decides he’ll return the favour, and he eats the beast back. Like the whole thing.
Most Epic Villain: Going by the sum of their bossfights as opposed to their characters here but big shoutouts to Laurence, Ludwig, Maria and Gehrman. Cleric Beast gets an honourary mention, because he’s still one of my fave bosses, even though he’s a bit of a chump. I just love his design to bits!! Big arm... soft tummy.... antlers... hgHGHGHHGhghghhg so goOD... I think this is also why I really love Manus’ design from Dark Souls 1!!
Pairing I am not a fan of: Me/Losing my 9.5 million blood echoes because I fucked up a jump in the Research Hall in the DLC. 🤣 I wasn’t mad, I just sort of went “hmm 🤔”. I wasn’t even planning on using those echoes anyway, so it was no big deal, but I miss having the big number in the top corner...
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Why can’t I hug Rom.
Favourite Friendship: Me&the messengers
Character I most identify with: The pig in the sewers lksdjf Just haaangin’ out. Honestly, I have no idea. 🤣
Character I wish I could be: None of them. Nobody except for a small handful of NPCs survive the night. Yharnam isn’t a fun place to be lads...
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Its just so painful but sooo good, 😩
Oh my favorite character? Well I dont play favorites but I cannot lie that its our Comedy-Feather boy - Gabriel. He makes me laugh and he reminds me a little like myself,
A reason why I prolonged watching season 13 for like months 😢
They love to break our hearts a little too much😭
Yeah our trickster is definitely one of the best in my opinion, when I tell you I screamed -
Season 13 is my favourite character wise to be honest, I mean we've got Jack interacting with Gabriel, Mary and of course Cas and Sam! And Jack himself, I think he's my favourite
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