#fav sassy demon
salsakiyoomi · 1 year
hi 😭 the uhh, description thing is from a LONG time ago 😭 but i watched up till season 15 like, im still stuck on episode six ever since last march and havent moved on since 😭😭 i LOVE supernatrual, fav seasons were definitely from 4-6 they were at their peak, season eight's finale still does something to me from the way all the angels were falling from the sky, i! love! crowley! LIKE HIS DYNAMIC WITH THEM IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO ME, so sad he died him and rowena, rip to bobby, best father figure out there, his death was literally so sad but i really loved season 7 too, also im a dean girl 😭 miss him when he was still a baby in season 1 but man aged like fine wine and i'm down bad for him, castiel is my child like actually, i love him, my cat is named after misha collins bcz my mom loves misha collins
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krakensdottir · 1 year
Fav Aziraphale Moments in S2
Okay, I admit, I'm more of a Crowley blogger. He's my blorbo. But you literally can't love him without loving his other half. It's time to show some Aziraphale appreciation.
In no particular order, here are things Aziraphale did in S2 that made my jaw drop / breathing stop / otherwise really stuck with me:
Cradling the jar
Who would've thought hugging a jar of formaldehyde with a tumor floating in it could be heartbreaking? The look on Aziraphale's face when he learns it came from a young child, one that couldn't be saved, and the way his body language shifts as he tucks the jar close and precious against his chest, trying too late to protect it... Listen, I have really stubborn tear ducts, the final scene of S2 didn't make me cry (though it made a valiant effort), but I teared up at this.
Standing up to Crowley in the Job flashback
Really, the entire Job flashback is 10/10 for both of them. But Aziraphale especially shines when he steps in front of Crowley and says 'Tell me you want this.' They've only met a handful of times since the Fall at best, but Aziraphale is confident enough to call him out. And he doesn't falter or hesitate about it, either. He gets right up in the demon's face and makes him say it. Makes him lie outright that he wants to hurt anyone.
And then, of course, in front of the children, Aziraphale - no longer asking, now absolutely certain he's right - steps into Crowley's space again, looks him dead in his sinister eyes, and says he's dead sure those children are safe. Buddy, I had chills.
SPEAKING of chills...
I didn't know his voice could go that deep (Furfur scene)
Okay, I actually knew Michael Sheen could sound like that. But I admit, I 100% did not expect to hear it come out of Aziraphale. In the form of his own name, no less. I guess that's what happens when someone threatens Crowley right in front of him.
The sassy eyebrow
We've all talked about this but it's never a bad time to bring it up again. Shax really says 'You don't seem like his type' and Aziraphale's eyebrow says 'Honey you have no idea' right back at her. She can pry at his defenses in a lot of ways, but making him doubt his importance to Crowley is clearly not one of them. And that's really good to know.
Telling both demons and angels to fuck off
I was already giddy from seeing him go full Protective Principality at a horde of demons, but telling off the Archangels took it to a new level. He has had ENOUGH. Screw the angelic hierarchy, this is his bookshop and he's done. (Crowley giving him that oh-so-proud smile through the window without Az even knowing it was the icing on the cake. Yeah Crowley, I feel exactly the same.)
Honorable mention, again from the Job flashback: when Crowley says 'See you in Hell' and Aziraphale, instead of hesitating or having a crisis over it, defiantly sinks his teeth into the ox ribs again, tearing out another hunk of flesh. There's such a mood of 'Fuck it then, if this damns me I might as well enjoy it.' Fuck yeah, Aziraphale.
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motion-blur-crowley · 1 month
6, 11 and 15 for the GO ask game ✌️
yeeee thanks for asking phoenix!!
6. What is your favourite line from the show/book? I'm awful at remembering lines LOL - mostly I'm a sucker for the themes (and one day will synthesise all these themes into a coherent fic storyline[*]) - so instead: "Is it something I can help you with?" as an expression of love from Crowley <3
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Also: "One, single, better idea?" That sassy eyebrow lift changed lives.
11. Which character do you think you are most like? Aziraphale. Much to the dismay of those near and dear to me.
They thought they'd get a studious, easygoing, well-adjusted girl with a nice boyfriend, etc. HAHAHAHAHA. Unfortunately they get an anxious, disorganised person with more queerness than anyone expected, a vague sense of shame about most of their personal preferences and a penchant for air-conducting (and words like penchant) :P
that's also why my fav character is crowley :)
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15. If you could be besties with anyone from the Good Omens universe, who would it be?
Mrs Sandwich, I think!! She seems like a whole lot of fun, and has her head screwed on right :) Shoutout to Seamstress of Soho this fantastic fic!!
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link to the ask game
[*] I have so many thoughts about uhhh Western (or British) church culture vs the Bible and theology and how that colours Good Omens Heaven, Hell and angels/demons etc.....
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the-monkey-ruler · 8 months
do you have examples of Tripitaka being sarcastic or sassy?
I will say that it is kinda subjective what you think is him being sincere or him being sassy but I personally enjoy when he gets either defensive of his disciples or tries to explain to humans that they are nice guys and they should watch their fucking tone.
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Sanzang gives Wukong a little bit of cheek when he was bragging how powerful he is. Def a fav of my own.
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And also Sanzang MAKING FUN of bandits and their weapons by saying "You should see my disciple's rod" LIKE HE HAS SEEN BETTER PEOPLE.
Also can't help but feel that Sanzang was DEF flexing with these demons here bragging off each of his disciples' names AND titles to make them scared.
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A few more tidbits that I enjoyed at least. Sanzang telling Bajie to shape up
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Saznag talking back to Cleat Breeze and Bright Moon. He telling them to stop babbling and just get to the point.
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Also I consider that Sanzang correcting people when he calls his disciples ugly as sass cause he like "you better watch your tone, they are strong and very kind-hearted and you are rude to judge them on their looks"
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Much much "Why are you running?! Why are you running?!"
Sanzang being SUPER passive-aggressive calling the Head Monk to a covetous and deceitful person LIKE HE KNEW HE KNEW this guy was sus.
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Sanzang being cheeky when they are being tempted with marriage and he is saying how only Wujing is taking this seriously.
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Sanznag moreso just telling Wukong not to be mean but I like to think he was being snarky.
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Sanzang also tries to explain to Wukong (when he first met him) that they are being ROBBED and not being helped.
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These are the best example I got on but if anyone has more please feel free to join in!
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prentissluvr · 2 months
hii hiiiii marí ^_^ !!! i hope you have an awesome time at the concert that sounds so exciting gosh ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ have fun!! hugs nd kisses >3>
also !! what are some of your favorite spn episodes or scenes ?? ^.^ i feel like s2ep11 playthings was the first episode to really hit for me and make me feel insane lol ^_^
HI LAURENNNNN ty for this askkk !!! spoilers through season 7, im not sure where you are so i stopped there and it was getting long lolol @deadgirlsam
sooo i LOVE w*ndigo (1x2) because i think it’s one if sam’s best looks LOL
no exit (2x6) because JOOOO !!
2x10 where dean tells sam that john told him he might have to kill sam! lol! and then he goes off and finds ava!!
i also LOVED playthings SOOOO SO SO MUCH !!!! i definitely remember that one hitting especially hard!!
born under a bad sign because meg!sam GRRRR
heart 2x17 because it’s so awful that he had to kill madison LOL
and the finales for season two were so so good!
i liked the kids are alright from season 3 and i think about how traumatic mystery spot must have been for sam like literally ever day!
uhmmm literally all of season 4!!! too many good moments, ruby, demon blood sam i just love it sm <3 i know what you did last summer bc anna!!! all of anna!! the finale is crazy for that season too
5x6 i believe the children are our future bc i think about it a lot i think they should’ve brought jesse’s character back bc the idea of the antichrist is fascinating
abandon all hope (5x10) was the WORST bc they killed off two of my favs ellen and jo and i think about it ever day!!!
from season six i loved sassy soulless sam LOL
7x14 sam covered in sparkles from exploded clowns and he looks so cute and he laughs!
i really liked 7x17 i think it was where sam was in the mental hospital and he helps the girl marin <3
AND THEN THE GIRL WITH THE DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS TATTOO BC CHARLIEEEEEE i think its her best episode so far which is sad bc its her first one LOL
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strawberrytalia · 11 months
once again i am mourning dc’s inability to promote their own characters (besides batman) and stories outside of the comic media because i just KNOW people who don’t even read comics would go crazy for a show about the mystics
like we live in a day and age where shit like JJK and black clover is trending nonstop, and soooo many people eat up the idea of found family + messy magical bitches + genuinely bone-chilling horror
also the mystics in DC are like very known in-universe for not being a dependable resource, and so many of them don’t abide by a strict morality code. their storylines are more depraved and dark in comparison to popular dc superheroes, and if you read older stuff like Hellblazer, very much political and touches on real issues.
and they’re just such a fun colorful group of beings, like you got a stage magician who needs therapy, a british con artist, a demon that only speaks in rhymes, extremely sassy spirit that possesses ppl, a girl who has her devil father trapped inside of her, a talking chimp with a sword, a giant swamp monster who would sooner protect a flower over you, wonder woman except she’s slightly in over her head, a 20-something medical student who becomes the most powerful lord of order ever, and soooo many more.
ugh i genuinely feel there’s a huge crowd outside of comics who would just eat this up, and then dc would make more comic stories for them (esp my underrated favs like Khalid or Amy). and there’d be more posts and content 🥺 also justice league dark was like the only dcau movie i truly enjoyed lmao, and it’s literally what got me into them.
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the-prince-of-pigs · 8 days
If you're doing the fandom ask game, what about the Hellaverse?
blorbo (fav): Asmodeus - he’s Lust, he’s sassy, he’s bird-shaped (I LOVE bird- and fish-based characters), he’s fire-themed, he understands consent, he’s voiced by James Monroe Inglehart. what’s there to dislike? 11/10
skrunkly (baby, Shaped): Fizzarolli - I wanna fold him up like a stim toy and shake him like a lightbulb. he is both babby and So Shaped. 9/10
scrimblo bimblo (underrated): Vassago - yes, he hasn’t debuted yet. yes, he has a ton of fans already. no, I don’t care. more birds for the brain blender. 8/10
glup shitto (obscure): Jesse the bouncer incubus - you know, the one from Ozzie’s that dropkicked Blitzø to the dumpster? A+. great design. very fun. would bite. 6/10
poor little meow meow (problematic): Blitzœ - tossup between him and Stolas, because they’re both fucked up. however, Blitzø has the angry wet cat coding that I enjoy in a punching bag. he’s full of shit, he’s a great character, I’d never wanna know him irl, I wanna examine him under a microscope. 7/10
horse plinko (torment): Stolas - tossup between him and Blitzǒ, however, Stolas is much more torturable. dumbass glass cannon. super powerful demon yet first offensive move is throwing plastic debris. I have the desire to hurt him JUST to see him hurt. 10/10
eeby deeby (going to superhell): Striker - I would have said Emberlynn Light’ness Demoanya Pinkle, however; Striker went from a super intriguing and badass complexly-written side character to Silly Villain Of The Week. plus he’s had more screen time than Emberlynn, and yet has LESS character development, somehow. 2/10 (also Emberlynn would probably enjoy superhell)
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cartoonsfromhell · 20 days
What are each of the characters personalities like? :D
The main character Vixxen is very anxious and he gets overwhelmed easily(this will play into the plot)
Juno(who I haven't shown yet) is Vixxens adopted sister, she's very energetic and always happy despite having a giant scar on her face
The jackalope character(I haven't given them a name yet) is very small but very aggressive and edgy, they wear fake claws on their paws to make them look tougher
Casino is the black and white goat demon, the kids summon him but he doesn't care, he only helps them to gain their trust
Second to last character, casinos sister! She doesn't have a name yet but she's very mischievous and kinda sassy, she loves to prank people
The last character is a Cerberus that's very close to casino, basically his pet. The Cerberus is heavily based off of my fav characters
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
Popular Danmei Character Tournament
CWs: spoilers, s*x mention, G*d mention, dead body mention, death, d*mon mention, violence mention
Hua Cheng / San Lang from Heaven Official’s Blessing
Submission: he's my boy, my blorbo, my big fav, i can't believe he wasn't on the list yet 
Ahhhhhhhhh, we love a sassy devoted love interest in this house
Devoted himself to Xie Lian for 800+ years before they properly met and was one of the only people who actually listened to how Xie Lian wanted to be “worshipped” / treated as a god 
“The one standing in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is ‘you’ and not the state of you.”
“To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything. That’s the worse suffering in the world.”
“If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. But I know you wouldn’t allow it.”
“Your Highness, I am forever your most devoted believer.”
“...I don’t care if anyone else is disappointed. But to some, the very existence of a certain person in this world is in itself hope.”
His handwriting is HORRIBLE. He literally tattooed Xie Lian’s name on his arm, and NO ONE KNEW because of how bad his handwriting is. 
His communication array password is so embarrassing Xie Lian assumes that pretty much no one wants to say it (and that may be the point)
Mobei-jun from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Submission 1: Everything he says makes me laugh. I just think he’s neat.
Submission: 2: Beloved by God
Submission 3: Hoping for a Mobei Jun vs Shang Qinghua face off for the drama of it all 
Luo Binghe’s subordinate as the ruler of the Mobei Clan of the Demon Realm who got beat up by Luo Binghe and then followed him forever ig (“the jet fuel to [Luo Binghe’s] flame” or his right-hand man)
Shang Qinghua, the transmigrated author of Proud Immortal Demon’s Way, wrote him as his ideal man (and Mobei-jun is his favorite character). After he saves Mobei-jun and defects to the demons, Mobei-jun tends to beat him up, which is the demon equivalent of flirting. 
He thinks he’s doing a great job seducing Shang Qinghua who just Wants a Break. They somehow get into an actual relationship and have horrible sex
“If I let you hit back, then will you not go?” - Mobei-jun to Shang Qinghua
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nevidika · 9 months
Some kind of year total?..
Jokes aside, it's my fav KFP ships list that nobody asked for. Time has passed, so the otps have changed. For some of them I have the comments with description. Also, I want to inform you that the list has rarepairs. Okie?.. Okie, let's go!
- Kai x Veruca aka VeruKai. The straight ship that stole my heart for the whole year! I know that they didn't ever meet, they totally don't know each other, but I can see how it can go. It's not just a "pure evil villains couple", it's a great story about two outcasts with a lot of crazy philosophy and they both are lonely and they both want to be loved, but they are very toxic- And they can find everything of it in each other. Maybe this relationship will be ruining, maybe; but it's the reason why they're cool to me. However, I suppose that one day they could create a healthy relationship.
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- Jindiao x Shen aka JinShen/Shendiao/Evil Birbs. Another pair with two villains that should become abusive as well, but it happened partly. Also, they're literally a hot demon who wants to rule the world and a twisted lord heir, it's classic that you need to know. They both are psychos with big unhealthy energy, but I think they have "soft" moments sometimes.
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- Colin x Luthera (Blade) aka Colithera/Colilade. I know how it looks, I know, I still can't believe I'm saying this, but please, let me explain! I find them attractive in s1 when they have a fight together where Blade shows her skills to Colin and he is surprised af. This has built the basement of the ship for me. However, s3 had happened and it was so bad. Why DW made Colin out of his character? I didn't mind that he could have some respect for Blade, but- Not in that way! I wish DW rewrote their slowburn (not only them, but the whole s3, please, it doesn't exist!).
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- Klaus x Po aka KlausPo. However, the thing that s3 made well is them. Po was the only one who did some comfort to Klaus and Klaus opened up to Po about how much he missed Veruca and his past. The way how they protected each other, how Po worried about Klaus... They literally made the trope "from enemies to friends" and they could go for more steps, but for the beginning Klaus needed therapy.
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- Mei Mei x Viper aka Meiper. Obviously short: they are dancers. Even though they are dancers, they are different to each other. Mei Mei being sassy and confident, Viper being tender and attentive. They totally can talk about smth in between and share own thoughts. I didn't know where to put them in the list, so, only here.
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madrone33 · 9 months
So I read the first book in the Percy Jackson series ‘The Lightning Thief’ a few months ago, and then I realised there was a musical after randomly coming across ‘The Campfire Song’ in a Greek Mythology song playlist on yt. So I finally listened to 'The Lightning Thief' musical! Yay! And now I have way too much in my head, and now I’m shoving it all onto the internet! Be warned, this isn’t really ordered or even coherent :)
I'm too used to Hamilton and Epic lol, I kept getting surprised when there were time skips between songs. Only 19 songs instead of 40? Skipping or compacting battle scenes? Actual spoken lines most of the time? Wow.
I really like 'Prologue/The Day I Got Expelled', 'Another Terrible Day', Percy's part in 'Their Sign', 'Put You In Your Place', 'The Campfire Song', 'Good Kid', 'Lost!', 'Drive,' 'The Tree on the Hill', 'The Last Day of Summer', 'Bring on the Monsters'. So most of them lol.
Tho my favs 5 are probs 'Prologue/The Day I Got Expelled', 'The Campfire Song', 'Good Kid', 'The Tree on the Hill', 'The Last Day of Summer'.
I love Percy. He's so sassy bitter exasperated done with all this shit XD. I almost like him better than in the book lol.
Also Luke. I actually sympathised with him a lot. Probably because the resigned bitterness all the half-bloods feel about their parents is emphasised a lot more in the songs, at least to me.
Kinda a play by play of my reactions?:
L: The gods are real. Like the Greek gods.
A: Like the ones you learned about but weren't paying attention to.
L, A: Well, they don't pay attention to you, either.
All: Especially if you're their kid.
[… that’s rough buddy]
All: *bitterly carefree* Yeah, the gods are real. And they have kids. And those kids have ISSUES!
P: Look! … I didn't wanna be a half-blood.
[Yesss! It’s actually happening omg. Also his VA is amazing]
P: And, honestly, I'd be totally be fine if I could make it to the next grade!
[someone give this kid a hug plz]
P: It wasn't dirty socks or my stepdad. It was danger that I smelled.
[pffft he really just did Gabe like that lmao]
P: *sarcastic* Maybe you don't know what a half-blood is because your life is normal and happy and not constantly in danger-
P: That's when this story should probably start. We were geeking out on ancient Greek at the New York Metropolitan Museum Of Art.
[honestly just impressed they managed to make this long ass title rhyme and fit the beat]
Ch: Anyone? Any student?
[lol, yeah no kid wants to bring attention to themselves like that]
P: My best friend was acting strange, at which he so excelled.
[damn Percy’s kinda savage]
P: Grover, you're a good friend.
G: Awww… *amused pity* Dude. I'm your only friend.
[bro Grover is even more savage!]
All: The day it all went down!
P: I saw something odd in Mrs Dodds’ frown.
All: The day it all got weird.
P: The day I got expelled!
[the sudden switch to just saying ‘yeah shit got weird’ is hilarious]
MD: I have heard much about you, Percy Jackson.
P: *vaguely impressed, dry* Really? That's very dedicated for a substitute.
MD: Kicked out of five schools in six years. One might question your parentage.
P: *mutter, protective* Hey, don't talk about my mom-
MD: *smug* And your father? That's right… You don't know who he is! *starts laughing maniacally*
P: *defensive, wary, demand* What's this about anyway?
[I just love his vocal delivery on those lines. He’s a total mama’s boy, for good reason, Sally’s awesome. But also, yeah, I’d be freaked out too if my teacher isolated my from the group and then started talking this shit]
P: *tentative, freaked out* Um… I didn't know what just had happened. Was that all a creepy, crazy dream? *incredulous, questioning his own sanity* My teacher was a creature, then she vanished in the ether with a demon scream.
P: The day I got- Expelled?!
P: *bitter, hurt, resigned* You think I’m trouble, just like everyone else.
[oof the way his voice is just so resigned, like he’s used to this, which he is. And Chiron, you’re not helping. God, this kid needs competent adults in his life]
S: He warned me that things might be hard if… you were like him.​
P: *sarcastic, harsh, bitter* Was he a screw up too? *tired, shame, resigned* Sorry, mom. If I was only- normal.​
[no Percy that’s not what she means! Don’t call yourself a screw-up :( ]
P: *vacant, pleasant* This is weird. *bland* Oh look, a strange man in a Hawaiian shirt.
Poseidon: *in THE goofiest voice ever* "What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea." It's a seashell.
P: *mild, moving on* … Like I said. Weird.
D: *sarcastic, grimace* Oh, you're alive. I suppose that's good news for you, but it means a lot more paperwork for me. So don't expect me to be happy to see you.
D: *grumble, pissed, sarcastic* Great! You haven't been debriefed. This is way out of my pay grade. Which is saying a lot, 'cause I don't get paid!
[average teacher’s salary smh]
D: *snarl, irritable* Someone find Professor Hay-For-Breath and tell him Peter Johnson is awake, so he better clip-clop over here!
P: *unimpressed* It's Percy Jackson.
D: *can’t care in the least, snaps* Whatever!
D: *throws up hands, done* Does no one watch the orientation film?
D: To tell you the truth? The best thing is to *aggressive table banging* BREAK UP WITH THE GUY!
[I am cackling rn]
D: *loudly and musically complaining about how much his job sucks*
P: *in complete confusion* Mr. Brunner! You’re a horse?! WHAT IS HAPPENING??
P: *bitter, pissed* My mom raised me all on her lonesome. When I would reach out, no one else would be there! *incensed* Well I want my birthday cards and fishing trips! Child support and homework tips!
[Poseidon! Pay 👏 your 👏 child support 👏]
P: *gritted teeth, holding back tears* So- So who is he?
L: *dry, bitter jazz hands* Welcome to the dysfunctional family.
[I know Luke’s technically the bad guy, but let’s be real. He’s cool]
C: You're gonna drown, you ain't gonna float!
C: Don't mean to boast, don’t mean to brag!
[I adore those high notes on ‘drown’ and ‘don’t’. Actually. Just- all of Clarisse and Annabeth’s high notes and slides are incredible]
[yo, 'Put You In Your Place' kinda sounds like 'Do What you Gotta Do' from Descendants 3. And I love that.]
A: *bright* Go to the boys bathroom!
P: *raised eyebrow* And…?
A: *questioning Percy’s intelligence* Stay there? *the ‘duh’ is implied* It’s your first day. We don’t want you messing this up.
P: *rocks on his heels, mild* Okay. Just stay here. Just stay in the bathroom, and stay out of-
C: *teleports behind him, smug sneer* Trouble? Ha!
C: Maybe the minotaur died from a case of laughing too hard from seeing your stupid face!
[that burn tho]
L: *wry* Offering to the gods. *rolls eyes, sardonic* It's not enough that they're omnipotent and all-powerful, they need to feel appreciated. *raises glass, dry* To the gods.
All: *lacklustre, cynical* To the gods!
P: *curious, cheery* Chiron! Who’s your dad?
Ch: *delicate* Oh! Well. My father is Kronos. *pause* Remember my lecture. He ate his children.
*awkward silence*
L: *winces* … Chiron wins.
*unanimous agreement*
P: Oh, no no no! If I try to sing, it’ll probably cause an avalanche.
[haha get it? ‘Cause Poseidon’s the Earthshaker? Anyone?]
P: *soft* My mum was named Sally. She loved scary movies.
[was. WAS. I’m crying]
P: Did he not want me? Or not want the stress? Too bad he's the worst, and my life is a mess! Oh no… *grins sharply, starts getting into it* I hope he shows even a trace, ‘CAUSE I’VE GOT SOME CHOICE WORDS to throw in his face!
All: *cheer*
[hell yes! Tell him Percy!]
P: *frustrated, bitter* I try, I try to be a good kid! A good kid! *tired, resigned* A good son.
[noooo 😭]
P: *pleading, defensive* I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid! (Scoff) *dismissive, resigned* Yeah, Percy, that's a good one.
[Nooo Percy! You are a good kid!! Stop talking down on yourself like this-]
P: *furious, bitter* And no friends! And no hope! And no mom- *broken* She's taken away.
P: Yeah, I'll do it. Not 'cause my dad needs me - he's been less a dad and more absentee.
[preach Percy!]
P: *triumphant* We're gonna march straight down to the gates of hell!
L: *interjects, nerd emoji* Underworld.
P: *waves off* Close enough.
P: *serious wtf energy* Guys. We just exploded a bus.
A: *casual* Yep.
P: *nah yall don’t get it* That was being attacked by demon triplet math teachers!
A: *unconcerned* Oh yeah.
P: *disbelief, dead eyed* Is the whole trip going to be like this??
G: *vacant, panicking* All our food was in there. All our clothes were in there. All our food was in there!
A: *umm…* Take that bus to Los Angeles.
P: *deadpan* We're not on the bus.
A: *rolls eyes* I know.
G: *blank* To Los Angeles.
P: *sarcastic, incredulous* We blew up the bus.
A: *exasperated* I know!
G: *having a minor breakdown* To Los Angeles.
P: So what are we supposed to do??
A: *shrugs* Wait for another bus?
P: *throws up hands* What if we blow up that one too?!
G: *anxious* It’s not safe to stay out here in the open, when Monsters are trying to eat us alive!
P: *sardonic, exasperated* How do they know where we are, when we don’t even know?
P: *sarcastic* Fantastic, gang. Well, I don’t wanna die in the Garden State!
[Grover talking to the squirrel like Aang talking to Momo is killing me.]
Squirrel: *helpfully* You’re all screwed.
G: *brightly* Thanks, buddy!
S: *cheery* Welcome!
*ominous thunder*
P: *strained* I think the gods are trying to tell me they hate me!
A: *dry* I’m getting that too.
P: *quiet, tense* Hungry monsters on the ground.
A: *soft, scared* Angry gods are in the sky.
G: *despairing* No safe places to be found.
P, A, G: *helpless* Wanna run. Wanna cry.
P: *exhausted, grieving* Can't go back to any home.
A: *anxious* Camp is way too far away.
G: *hopeless* Can't protect my only friends.
P, A, G: No place to go. No place to stay!
[no bbys it’s gonna be ok! Just wait a few more, uhhh, books?]
P, A, G: We're lost in the world, and the world is freaking awful!
P, A, G: *wild eyed* Who put the fate of the world in the hands of three unprepared scared half-bloods? It's crazy!
[^ this. Someone get an actual responsible adult on the phone]
A: *fierce, stubborn* But I promise you, I'll never be invisible again! Someone will notice! *quiet, longing* … Me.
[come on. Get these kids someone who loves them already!]
[Grover just being the best optimistic hype man in ‘Drive’]
G: *warm* ‘Cause people are counting on us, and I'm counting on you!
P: If you hadn't bought all those dam snacks–
G: Uh, it was the Hoover Dam, and I was hungry!
[that dam joke lmfao]
A: *gives him a Look, once again questioning his intelligence* You're joking, right? In The Odyssey, if you went to sleep in a lotus bed, one night could last one hundred years!
P: *waves Annabeth off* I'm sure that's irrelevant. Um, excuse me miss, how long have you been at this hotel?
B: *cheery* Why, my brother and I arrived just yesterday: May 1st… 1939!
P: *pasted on smile* Uh, we can sleep on the road.
P: *bright* Oh look, a bus to Los Angeles!
A: *sceptical* Are you sure that's a good idea?
P: *reasonable* This one we just won't blow up!
G: Ha!
G: Ask Annabeth, she knows.
[Grover proceeds to tell the whole story himself]
P: *thrown* But- I thought I was the only kid of the Big Three gods.​
G: *ominous, tired* You are now.
G: *grieving, raging* And maybe if I’d been a little bit braver! Maybe if I’d stayed behind to fight! But ‘maybe’ doesn't let me go back and save her… ‘Maybe’ doesn't make it alright.
G: *quiet* And it’s there reminding me of all I failed to be…
[y’know, Charon being voiced by a woman kinda reminds me of Hades in ‘Ulysses Dies at Dawn’]
Charon: Who has two turntables and three sick heads? Everybody give it up for D.J. Cerberus!
[omg this is so funny for some reason]
Charon: *to Percy* You ain't ever gonna save what matters! *to Grover* You ain't gonna protect your friends! *to Annabeth* You ain't ever gonna be remembered!
[The callbacks are so good!!]
P: *resigned* Seems my good intentions, always crash and burn. *helplessly frustrated* Everything I try to do will fail! Never once will I prevail! Going wrong at every turn…
[the way it’s set to the melody in ‘Good Kid’ is heartbreaking]
Hades: *throws up hands* Oh, come on!
P: So this could be the end, but I ain't sad. 'Cause you're the two best friends this screw-up ever had.
[happy crying because he has friends, and sad crying because he’s still calling himself a screw-up]
Ares: I’ll put you in your place!
[like daughter, like father]
P: *firm, eyes blazing* I'm the Son of Poseidon. I never asked to be. But I'm the son of Poseidon! Now face the tide inside me!
[screaming yes Percy kick his ass!!]
P: *quiet* Stay or go. Pick one.
[I just love how he sings that sm]
D: *growl, done with life* Attention, campers. It's the last day of summer. If you intend to make me miserable year-round, please inform us by sundown. Otherwise, the cleaning harpies will eat anyone who remains! Perry Johanssen, this means you.
P: *rolls eyes* It's Percy. Jackson.
D: *snap* Whatever!
A: *bitter, casual* My dad couldn't deal with the monster attacks, and my stepmom couldn't deal with me.
[nooo someone give her a hug]
[the way the music becomes discordant and not quite right, with minor chords and dark piano when Luke pulls Percy aside is such cool foreshadowing]
L: *bitter, dark, disillusioned* My quest was supposed to be the biggest thing in my life. I came back changed. But the rest of camp was exactly the same.
P: *numb realisation* … You’re the Lightning thief.
L: *simple, apologetic* The Oracle warned you. "Betrayed by a friend."
P: *horrified, disbelief, hoarse* … You set me up. *furious, disgust* You were trying to free Kronos! WHY?
L: *strained, earnest* He promised me the power to defeat our parents!
P: *furious, disbelief, bared teeth* Yeah? He's using you! To get back at the gods!
L: *honestly can’t care anymore, running on anxiety and spite* Good.
L: *empty, helplessly raging, hopeless* I’ve been here since I was a kid! I did everything they ever asked, yeah I did. And for what?
[bro why does everyone in this thing need a hug? They’re all just traumatised kids whyyyy]
L: *quiet, desperate, resolved* So I’ll do anything. I don’t care if I hurt anyone.
[the way you can hear in his voice how much he does care, because that’s exactly why he’s doing all this. AHHH-]
L: *bitter, broken, ragged* It doesn't pay to be a good kid. A good kid. A good son.
[screaming, crying, throwing up]
G: *longsuffering* Are we ever gonna once have it easy?
P: *bright* Nope!
P: Don't feel bad 'cause we're usually about to die :D
[ah yes, gallows humour]
S: They’re breaking your heart? Then try to hear it pound!
[I love her VA. She’s beautiful]
C: They'll put us in a box, but we won't be contained!
[yess Clarisse!]
P: 'Cause the sea doesn't like to be restrained!
[he said the thing!]
All: I'll make mistakes, but my own, and it frees me!
[for some reason, I just really love this line]
[that whole last part where they’re all overlapping is godly]
Damn that got long, but uh. That’s... probably all for now. So. Yeah.
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ohsc · 2 months
belph anon here - 100% agree i have like a love hate relationship w him bc hes so cunty and sassy and so fucking silly but also grrr hes possessing jack ... hes one of my fav temp characters
jack is one of my favourites and i watched the s14 finale and 15x01 in one go so i was like. bawling for jack. and then this cunty demon shows up and idk whether to laugh or cry QKDNWKFKE
i love love love the demons in this show though will always love a good possession (meg 2.0 my beloved)
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thefreakhouseband · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak House!
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About Us
Audrey Arson
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I'm the oldest of the band. I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed older sister to the others and I feel super protective of them. When I'm not making music with the band you can usually find me working on my comic or some other artistic pursuit. I'm a chronically exhausted college student. You can tell what songs I wrote by them having a more jazzy or melancholy tone to them or just being bat-shit off the walls insane. Some of my inspirations are MCR, Scene Queen, , Set It Off, and Demi Lovato (for some reason).
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-Your resident garbage girl
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I’m that guy with the neon green hair in the blog’s pfp lol. pronouns are he/him, xe/xem/xyr, and it/its. I take a lot of influence from older punk rock and, surprisingly, country and folk music. my favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, Oingo Boingo, They Might Be Giants, The Cure, Talking Heads, Bikini Kill, Shilpa Ray, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Iron Maiden, The Magnetic Fields, The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra, Lemon Demon, Man or Astro-Man, Radiohead (not in a pretentious way, I swear), Will Wood, Creedence Clearwater Revival… oh boy, there’s a lot. I like music! I tend to disappear at unpredictable intervals due to chronic pain/fatigue and parental restrictions, but I always come back. I like writing songs about things I’m passionate about, which is often personal, sometimes political, and every now and then a ballad about freaky-looking deep sea creatures. or weevils. I keep my dad’s old stenobook by my bedside to write lyrics in - he wrote lyrics for the Panama City punk bands he was in in 1990-ish in there, and I figured I could put it to good use again after all these years. he’s cool with it. see you around, and stay safe out there 🪲
Harley Homicide
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I'm sassy, I'm trashy and (if you pay me enough) I'll let you put it in my ass-y. I'm the band's second oldest and the token British person. I use any pronouns, I literally don't care what you call me xx. My music taste is all over the place, having been raised by a metalhead and a former chav during a time where pop punk and emo were more mainstream. I'd say my biggest inspirations in terms of performing are Freddie Mercury and Ronnie James Dio. You'll be able to tell which songs are written by me because they're shit! I'm not much good at writing, but I'm great at partying like I'm Paris Hilton. When I'm not doing band stuff, you can find me shopping, watching/reading/playing anything DC comics related or just sorta... Staring into space. I don't do much, but I'm still your fave member fer sure! Thanks for visiting The Freakhouse! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Xoxo Harlz <3
Dart Darling
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Hi I'm Dart, I'm genderfluid (any pronouns), and I'm from under the ground at your local graveyard! I'm one of the youngest, and that's super tragic because I'm an undead zombie who died from being too damn glamorous. My idol is Melissa Marie and i love the Millionaires. Also, my ghostly tendencies give me a lot of appreciation for the dramatic, and as well as all things scene and crunkcore I love theatre, cabaret, and steampunk. I've been producing music for about a year now so if the synths crunching, just know it was me, tapping away and not understanding what the equalizer does. I'm bringing you Dead Girl Couture 25/8, 366. Don't mind all the Sanrio merch around the Freakhouse, I started a cult for Hello Kitty! I mean church. You should definitely join us 😁
Til death do we party,
-Dart <3
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YOOO WASSUP!!! X3 My namez GRACE! (if you dont know me, pls call me Grace, not Gracie)
I'm gendersylphen (he/they/neos) and I'm a super cool alien with adhd from OUTER SPACEEEE! My fav colors are all of them except brown, my special interests are space and doraemon, and I LOVE SCENE SM! Crunkcore 4 LYFEEE! I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up! Also I'm the youngest here 💀💀💀💀💀 (btw im a minor so plz don't be a weirdo, tyyyy)
I'm mostly new to music and I'm SUPER excited!!! X) Ik this is gonna be rllyrlly fun!!! For me, my music stuff is gonna be super bouncy, upbeat, happy, optimistic, full of rhymes, so tht's when yk smth's by me! My fav bands/artists are Amy Can Flyy, Green Day, Nikasaur, 4*Town (4townie 4 eva!!! Aaron T is best boy) and a LOT of other stuff.
When I'm not with tha band, you can find me playing with my sibs (including my dog), doing stuff with my homiez, reading/watching Doraemon or abt space, or doing idk whatever bc I do alot. XP
So ye! Thts a bit abt me! Tysm for reading abt us, may God bless u, follow ur dreams, and have a super duper fun day! 😄
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pillroidcanon · 8 months
spongy for the ask game?
fav thing abt them: his personality! he’s just a sweet sensitive guy who can sometimes be sassy (I also like his voice a lot)
least fav thing abt them: how much he was bullied by the other characters AND the fandom
fav line: “…the among us ventilation system!”
brotp: i like the idea of him and leafy and/or flower being friends! also him and the rest of team ice cube
otp: aroace spongy FTW!!! (spongy x donut is cute tho)
notp: pencil, match, or taco (also none of the kids obviously)
random headcanon: spongy is good with children!
unpopular opinion: he is WAY too overhated in the fandom. my boy retaliated against people who hurt him and HE’S the one who gets demonized???
song I associate with them: Rather Be Me from Mean Girls
fav image of them:
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squish--squash · 9 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
hello! I don't think anyone's asked me this before, thank you for asking!
oh god my top 10 okay- I don't really have a ranking for them, so their numbers don't really mean I like the character above more per say
kirishima ejirou from mha: I watched mha from middle school to like halfway through my sophomore year, and I've adored kirishima since even tho I don't keep up with mha anymore. I just love him so much, he's so kind and strong because that's what he wants to be and he tries really had to achieve it. if I existed in the mha I would love to be his friend!
sherlock holmes from mtp: I think this adaptation of sherlock holmes is hands-down the best one. He's a brat, he's sweet, he's aloof, he's cunning, he's such a fun character! you can't help but like him despite his many flaws. he really grew on me the first time I watched mtp; I'd only been exposed to a tiny bit of bbc's sherlock holmes and a vague remembrance of the source character, so I wasn't expecting to like him that much, but oh boy I stood corrected! he's tied with another character as my fav mtp character
william jame moriarty from mtp: this is who sherlock is tied with as my fav mtp character btw. I love how much depth he has, and how underneath all his layers of masks and a dark past, he's a guy with a heart so big it hurts him. he's amazing!
crowley from good omens: I love a demon who's kind what more can I say?
aziraphale from good omens: I love an angel who's a bastard what more can I say? (okay fr tho I just adore aziraphale and crowley sm, I just love how they fall in love with the earth and then each other it's so nice to read and watch)
xie lian from tgcf: do you ever see a wet cat out on the street and feel the deep desire to scoop it up and take it instead to dry it off? yeah. that's xie lian. GAWD he's a walking tragedy but you see him get better and I was screaming the whole time about it. he's also a sassy bitch who could snap you in half like a twig tho which I think makes him even better (and funnier) like this sopping wet cat has CLAWS lmao
hua cheng from tgcf: this man makes me ill he makes me want to become homophobic he's like half wet cat and half mary sue but in the best way possible I cheer him on with everything he does he's the goat
okay I know you said top 10 but I really only could just think of 7 I'm sorry :( I hope the descriptions made up for them tho
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connorinabeanie · 2 years
For the ask game: Madison
Madison is such a wild one so I am so ready to give my terrible opinions.
1: sexuality headcanon
Madison being into Ethan is just the weirdest thing to me because it's both so obsessive and she just doesn't seem like she'd be the boychasing type? So I like to think maybe she's just deep deep in the closet and is overcompensating or something.
2: otp
No one in canon except maybe Lauren; obviously they've never met but I feel like they're similar enough they'd get along without being so similar they'd drive each other crazy. She and Ethan aren't a terrible couple, but as I mentioned it just feels so awkward and forced, though outside of that their personalities work okay.
3: brotp
Ethan and/or Jayden because the extreme chaos levels give me life. I really enjoy these three as BFFs overall, and we know from canon that Madison and Ethan work well together; I feel like Madison and Jayden would annoy each other but in a frenemy kind of way? There's lots of ridiculous fun to be had with that relationship.
4: notp
There are some easy lazy answers but I think I'll go with Jayden for this one. I dunno why I'm so against this pairing I just think it's kind of like... It's so bland but also wouldn't work at all, since like I said above I think they'd annoy each other and in a romantic relationship that wouldn't be great.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Madison probably participates/participated in extreme sports. I feel like she was a skateboarder as a teen, complete with a totally personalized skateboard, but maybe she was an inline skater too.
As a bonus: in the texture files for her apartment, there's an unused texture of an MP3 player which has the clearly visible album cover for Demon Days by Gorillaz on it. So I like to think Madison's a Gorillaz fan.
6: favorite line from this character
"I've nothing against techno-trance-whatever music, but this stuff is really���loud."
Sexy Girl is a terrible chapter but it has so many choice lines from Madison, especially since it's like... The one chapter where she gets to show any real personality somehow? Like she's being sassy and making little jokes to herself and all that and it's not just all about taking care of Ethan and all that. I wish we'd gotten more of her just being herself.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I too like hang out in my house all alone and am awake at odd hours. But more seriously I relate to her liking to do things on her own, and just kind of doing whatever feels right to her on a whim without telling anyone else or getting them involved.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
A lot. Madison is wild in both the best and worst ways. Her weird obsessive crush on Ethan gives me a lot of embarrassment, as does this aspect of her personality which is, in her own words: "Actually, I might do anything for a little bit of information…pretty scary when you think about it."
Yes, Madison. Please have some self respect.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fav, though pretty close to cinnamon roll since she has very good intentions all the time. Her methods are just dubious at best, and let's not talk about what she says to Ethan in the Tears in the Rain ending.
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