#literally the only thing I know about iorveth is that he tried to kill me
romulan-gender · 2 years
Currently being forcibly reminded of my weakness for mean elves whilst playing the Witcher games
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bloededhoine · 4 years
Maybe ☾,☠,✿ for Iorveth?
i am in love with this sexy elf and i'm not afraid to say it lets go. also i am so sorry this took so long aksjjs
☾ - sleep headcanon
☠️ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - sex headcanon
he's a pretty light sleeper, so it's not hard to wake him up
he really likes naps
he doesn't get to take a lot of naps, but when he has some extra time there's nothing better than finding a sunny spot in a field and falling asleep
sleeps cold, and always either has a fire going or at least three blankets
he does Not like sleeping alone
even after the war ended he equated sleeping alone with "everyone who i'm comfortable enough to fall asleep around is dead"
he always sleeps with at least 6 knives in arms reach
but is really cuddly
would never admit it tho
he just knows he sleeps best when he can just curl into someone he cares about and feel protected for once in his life
okay now i made myself sad
he kinda mumbles in his sleep, no real sentences but more like "mnhh... fucking dh'oine... imma.. i'm gonna fucking kill you... bitch"
roche thought it was adorable
doesn't snore, but almost does
it kinda sounds like purring, his whole chest just slightly vibrates
roche also thinks that's adorable
he sleeps on his right side, absolutely cannot fall asleep any other way
but, he needs to be facing the door in case someone breaks in
he either sleeps facing the foot of the bed or moves the bed across the room if the layout isn't right
little spoon all the way
for iorveth, anger and violence are actually two separate things
anger is secondary to violence, that is to say he would never get violent in a fit of anger, but does get deeply angry from violence
for all the war crimes, he is a pacifist at heart
he knows the power of violence, and would never use it with emotions clouding his judgement
the tranquility he carries even when soaked in blood is a big part of his fear factor
plus, the death glare ™️ relies on his collected rage
he completely shuts off any emotions for a battle or raid, he can't let them distract him
but as soon as it's over...
he's in serious pain
but he can't show that, he can't allow himself to cry or seem weak or feel loss
so he hides it with anger
he feels even worse after screaming at ciaran for doing literally nothing wrong, but he can't stop himself
he'll only stop when literally choking on his own sobs
ciaran almost always understands, and just pulls iorveth into a hug and lets him cry
iorveth realized quite young how exhausting keeping up anger is, especially if that anger is a mask for fear and pain
but he feels like he Needs to keep that anger, it's the only way the aen seidhe can have a future
thank you @bard-llama and the entirety of the rare pair discord for the hc that iorveth has both
i absolutely love it
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and a bratty one at that
roche has found it takes about 3 fingers for iorveth to lose his sass
he absolutely loves being dominated and just fucked
he's in commander mode all the time, of course the prospect of letting someone else take all control is insanely appealing
but he really needs to trust someone to let them do that
he's very experienced, but not with many different partners
i mean he's been alive for hundreds of years there's not much he hasn't tried
he just prefers to form a strong emotional connection first
he's a kinky little shit
like... reallllly
loves being told how good he is, how he takes it so well, how he's so fucking tight
"good boy"
being marked >>>
just looking at his chest and seeing teethmarks and nail scratches and bruises... yeah that's the shit
i've always thought of him as pansexual and homoromantic
he loves group sex, especially if he's the most submissive there
the attention he gets from one dom(me) is excellent, but throw in four?
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advena87 · 4 years
What if… Part 4
Here is Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3
Iorveth, blows a kiss: That’s for Saskia.
Iorveth, throws a Molotov cocktail: AND THAT’S FOR THE REVOLUTION!
Geralt: Good morning.
Ves: Good morning.
Saskia: Good morning.
Roche: You all sound like golems, why don't you spice it up a bit?
Iorveth, kicking the door open: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!
Saskia: Iorveth I swear to go-
Roche: Ah yes, that was missing.
*After the battle of Kaer Morhen, Iorveth and Roche watch Geralt and Ciri play snowballs.*
Iorveth: I’ve never been in a snowball fight.
Roche: Really?
Iorveth: I don’t even know the rules. Is there like a points system, or is it to the death?
Roche’s answering machine: Hi, it’s Roche! Leave a message.
Iorveth: How DARE you let your machine pick up! You are scum! You are worthless, spineless, rotten-to-the-core… That’s it! We are no longer rivals! I hate you! We are done! If you ever try to SPEAK to me again, I will literally STRANGLE YOU! [pause] Come over when you get this. …It’s Iorveth. [hangs up]
Geralt: I told Roche to fight his demons.
Geralt: He punched Iorveth in the face.
Roche: You're really campaigning for Asshole of the Year, aren't you?
Iorveth: As defending champion, are you nervous?
Iorveth, together with his archers saves the day: I’m being extremely clever up here and there is no one standing around, looking impressed. What’s the point of having you all?
Saskia, to Geralt and Roche: Couldn’t you just slap him sometimes?
Roche: Anytime.
Roche: Letho is my archenemy. Why would I want to talk with him?
Iorveth: Now wait, hang on a minute. Letho is your archenemy now? I’ll slit his throat!
Iorveth: Hey, Letho! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?
Roche: Probably because no one’s that big, elf.
Iorveth: What are we now? We used to be glamorous, amazing villains, and now….
Letho: Now we have depth and character.
Iorveth: *look of disgust*
Cedric: Has anyone ever told you you've got anger issues?
Iorveth: I prefer to call it "leadership skills".
Iorveth: Stop it, dh’oine. Do you want me to never talk to you again?
Roche: …
Iorveth: …What?
Roche: Hang on, I’m considering.
Geralt: He thought you could be a model if you tried.
Iorveth: He said that about me?
Geralt: Yeah!
Iorveth: Wow! Hey Roche! You think I’m not FUCKING TRYING?
Iorveth, about Roche: The only way he could ever pleasure me is if he lit himself on fire and let me watch.
Roche: Not much could ruin today.
Iorveth: Hello, dh’oine.
Roche: Shoot, I forgot, saying that summons him.
Roche to Anais: How’s the most wonderful person in the world doing?
Anais: I …
Iorveth, from across the room: I’m doing great, thanks.
Iorveth: You'd feel better if you accepted your fuckin' flaws already. it worked for me.
Roche: You accepted your flaws?
Iorveth: No dh’oine, I accepted yours. You’re either perfect or you’re not me, there’s no grey area.
Roche: Anything you want to talk about?
Iorveth: Anything I want to talk about?
Roche: Yes.
Iorveth: Well, you know, now that you mention it, I’ve been having this recurring dream about killing you.
Roche: You threw a knife at my head!
Iorveth: Sorry dh’oine, but you caught it.
Roche: You threw... A KNIFE... At my HEAD!!!
*Playing a moral puzzle*
Roche: If you push this button, two things will happen. One, some people  somewhere in the world who you don't know will die, and two-
Iorveth: Okay. *presses button*
Roche: Y-you just- you just pushed the button, you didn't let me finish.
Iorveth: Sorry.
Roche: Some people somewhere in the world will die-
Iorveth: Got it. *presses button*
Roche: Don't hit it again!
Roche: Are you just going to walk around all day without a shirt on, elf?
Iorveth: Just giving you a show, dh’oine. Appreciate it.
Roche: Can I change the channel?
Roche: Wait, did you just flirt with me?
Iorveth: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
Roche: Do you call deadly threats flirting?
Iorveth: Duuuh!
*Ves tells Roche what happened after the drunken party.*
Ves: I woke up underground, it looks like someone tried to bury me alive and my clothes were filled with dirt and this woman kicked me out of her garden and poured the slop on me and then I went to Inn and AND NO ONE HAD A FUCKING IDEA where the rest of our guys go, then I got attacked, but I stole their money and went to our meeting spot and you weren't there and I wasn't going to wait in the open so I went to see Geralt, but he had amnesia again and refused to remember me and he took my horse away and-
Roche: I woke up with Iorveth in my bed.
Ves: Ok you win.
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bard-llama · 4 years
The Witcher Fic Masterlist
Masterlist of all of my Witcher fics, updated as of June 5, 2021.
If you like my writing, consider donating to my ko-fi! I am writing gift fics for all donors.
Here is a masterlist of all completed multi-chapter fics.
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Families of Choice
Geraskefer Canon Divergent AU
Summary: The best families are those you choose. Jaskier realized that early in life, but his family continues to expand over the years.
Series Masterlist
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Cintra Happily Ever After Series:
AU from the Families of Choice Series (as of the end of 5 Dinners with the Lioness chapter 5)
Summary: A series in which I pretend everything is fine and nobody dies, and Geralt makes Cintra his home base after the feast in episode 4.
Series Masterlist
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Chronic Pain Series
Summary: Unconnected shorts in which I vent my pain onto fictional characters.
At Her Back
Summary:  Yennefer was born with a twisted spine. Her transformation had cured her, but she still felt the pain as if nothing had changed. Geralt offers Jaskier's services as a masseuse.
Coming to a Head
Summary: During a confrontation gone wrong, Jaskier gets hit with a spell that is supposed to cause unimaginable pain. So why does Jaskier seems mostly unaffected?
When Pigs Talk
Summary: When seeking pain relief, Yennefer takes something that makes the pigs in her pig pen start talking. It’s the start of an interesting evening.
Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep
Rated E
Summary: Geralt’s eyes burn and ache like he’s undergoing the trials again, so Jaskier does his best to help distract from the pain.
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Don’t Cry for Me, Temeria
Iorveth/Roche Witcher 2 Different First Meeting AU
Summary: A Witcher 2 Canon AU in which Iorveth and Roche meet before either of them know who the other is. Somehow, this changes absolutely everything.
Series Masterlist
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Fish Out of Water
Iorveth/Roche MerMay AU
Summary: Once upon a time, all elves lived in the sea and had mer forms. Now, Iorveth is something of a novelty, one of the last true elves.
Series Masterlist
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For You, My Love, I Bleed
Iorveth/Roche angsty AU
Summary: Iorveth and Roche had been happy, or so Iorveth had thought. Then King Foltest recalls Roche to the capital, and suddenly Iorveth is left alone as Roche returns to Foltest. Roche made his choice, clearly, and Iorveth just has to deal with that. But all is not as it seems, and Roche considers everything worth sacrificing if it protects the man he loves.
Series Masterlist
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A Hard Day’s Night
Iorveth/Roche interrogation AU
Summary: Iorveth ends up imprisoned, with Vernon Roche as his interrogator. From there it only gets worse - or better, depending on your point of view.
Series Masterlist
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If You’re Good to Mama
Iorveth/Roche Outsider POV
Summary: The Clarabelle is the finest brothel in town and its located in the shittiest part of town. Follow the adventures of the Madame, Eliza, and the brothel workers as they start working to supply food to the terrorist elves in the Scoia'tael.
Series Masterlist
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Keep Me
Iorveth/Roche fanart AU
Summary: All Vernon Roche wants in life is someone to keep him and appreciate him. Surprisingly, he may find exactly that - in the form of his enemy, no less. Based on this art.
Series Masterlist
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King and Country
Iorveth/Roche divergent AU
Summary: When Foltest rejects Vernon Roche, he sets into motion a series of events that have consequences he never could've expected. A universe in which Roche's anger and hurt at Foltest remove the rose colored glasses.
Series Masterlist (NEW ADDITIONS!)
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Love Shack
Iorveth/Roche Secret Relationship AU
Summary: The Love Shack: a ramshackle cabin in the forest that happens to be Iorveth and Roche's only respite from a reality full of violence, war, and hate. In the Love Shack, all that matters is each other.
Series Masterlist
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The Lovestruck Fox
Iorveth/Roche Schoolgirl Crush AU
Summary: It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that the Scoia’tael Commander holds his opposite in the highest esteem. 
Series Masterlist
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Petals and Stripes
Iorveth/Roche Hanahaki AU
Summary: Those that felt the deepest of deep loves could develop a condition known as the wasting disease. Those afflicted slowly suffocate as their lungs fill with fruit representing the one they love. Well, it's supposed to be fruit. So why is Commander Roche coughing up flowers?
Series Masterlist
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With A Look I May Not Meet
Iorveth/Roche capture AU
Summary: When Iorveth is captured using his relationship with Vernon Roche, Roche is forced to make a decision. Stand with King Foltest and Temeria as he has always done - or choose Iorveth and go on the run.
Series Masterlist
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The Woodland Fox and The Temerian Hound
Iorveth/Roche animal transformation AU
Summary: Roche usually didn’t mind Triss’s magic much. Sure, she poked at him with it all the time, but it was always playful, inviting him in on the fun. This time, however, something had gone very, very wrong and he was quite sure that it would take him a long time to trust her magic again. Because somehow a rebound spell had hit him, and now he had a tail. A dog’s tail. Well, he was always getting called Foltest’s attack dog. Now it was just a bit more literal.
Series Masterlist
Under the cut:
New! Gen fics (22)
Yennefer fics (4)
Geraskier/Geraskefer fics (25)
Geralt getting railed fics (4)
Cintra fics (Calanthe/Eist and others) (9)
Lambert/Aiden fics (6)
Lambert/Jaskier fic (1)
Wolf Witcher fics (2)
New! Iorveth/Roche fics (45)
New! Saskia fics (3)
Gen Fics:
(They came after me) With Masterful Deceit
Summary: When Jaskier discovers that Yennefer has Elven blood, he is forced to confront his prejudices.
Beauty and Imperfections
Summary: Jaskier signs up to be a nude model. He's expecting it to be a fun, sexy time. It goes a lot differently than he expected.
The Blood of the Covenant is Thicker Than the Water of the Womb 
Summary:  Found Family prompt fills, focusing mostly on Iorveth and Roche. Chapter 1: Geralt invited all of his family to join him in Corvo Bianco, which is great, but has the downside that finding a moment alone is near impossible.
Cards Out For Your Country
Summary: In which a great number of people are convinced or coerced into posing for a Gwent Pinup Calendar.
Greg the Demon Horse
Summary: Jaskier tries to make a stuffed toy for Ciri. If only he knew how to sew properly.
Gwent, The Good Old Game (NEW!)
Summary: Zoltan, Dandelion, and Priscilla decide to go all in on a new money-making scheme involving gwent. This time, they are going to sell stories and dolls of the characters that appear on gwent cards. It's guaranteed to make a killing.
History is Written by the Victors
Summary: “Dara said grandmother’s men laughed as they raped women and killed babies by - by swinging them by their legs, bashing their heads in.” Fuck. Tentatively, Jaskier wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug when she didn’t flinch away. In his head, he could hear Filavandrel’s voice, the humans proudly watch these very fields grow... our babies fertilizer for their grain. He swallowed against rising bile. Against his neck, he could feel Ciri finally succumb to tears. “How could grandmother order that? I know her, that wasn’t what she was like! But Dara wouldn’t have lied.”
Wherein our characters struggle with knowing that good people can do awful things, and that everything you think you know is probably wrong.
How to Train Your Roach
Summary: The story of how Jaskier's stupid ditties on the road accidentally trained Roach.
Inspired by Her Fire
Warning: Spoilers for Witcher 2, specifically something from the end of Iorveth’s Path.
Summary:  Saskia's POV during the Council Meeting where Saskia introduces Iorveth.
It’s the Little Things
Summary: A collection of fills for various prompts! Chapter 1: “You. Rest. Now.”
jaws that crack the bones the lion leaves
Summary: Jaskier writes a song about the Slaughter of Cintra.
Life is a Cabaret
Witcher 3 Canon/Spoilers
Summary: Set during the Cabaret quest, after Geralt helps Dandelion with his staged fight, he decides that Dandelion's big comfy bed at the Rosemary & Thyme is perfect for a bit of rest. Dandelion doesn't exactly mind.
The Lion That Haunts My Dreams
Rated M
Summary: Calanthe does what is needed to protect her kingdom. Dara just wants to forget. Two perspectives on a genocide.
Summary: Geralt knew he couldn’t claim his Child of Surprise. Destiny had punished him harshly the one time he’d thought about raising a child. He could not risk its wrath again.
Summary: Yennefer had been forced to fight for every bit of power she had. So why does the power to make people see her seem so unattainable? An introspective look at Yenn during the Dragon Hunt (but ignoring the break up because I can)
Sentenced to Write
Summary: A collection of fics from 1 sentence prompts. Chapter One: Thief!Ciri Chapter Two: Kid!Calanthe
Soft Words and Kind Hearts
Summary: A collection of fills for Geralt Fluff Week 2020. Day 1: First times. Geralt gets a tattoo and becomes part of the Blue Stripes Commandos
Sweat and Blood and Tears: A Geralt Whump Collection
Summary: Collected shorts for Geralt Whump Week
What Makes a Family
Summary: Ciri spends her first birthday since the Fall of Cintra at Kaer Morhen.
What You Meme to Me
Summary: A collection of Witcher fics inspired by memes. Just because. Second chapter: Jaskier doesn't understand why people are so obsessed with gender. Why would what's in their pants matter?
The White Wolf
Summary: Geralt always gets named the White Wolf in fight clubs, even before Jaskier gave him the name. Sometimes he even hid his medallion and gave a fake name, and still, he was always called the White Wolf.
Your Voice is Your Life
Summary: “Your voice is your life.” His old teacher used to tell him. Jaskier largely disagreed, but then a djinn steals his voice. Bottled Appetites from Jaskier's point of view
Yennefer Fics
To Be...
Summary: Collection of shorts for Yennefer Appreciation Week on Tumblr!
A Tribute to the Fae
Rated E
Summary: When Yennefer accidentally trespasses on fae land, she must pay the price.
Viscount Pankratz and Wife
Summary: When Jaskier receives an invitation to a fancy party addressed to him and his wife, he decided he deserved a night of fun causing problems for people. Who better to help than Yennefer of Vengerberg?
Yenn & Djinn
Summary: Bottled Appetites AU Jaskier’s last wish is for Geralt to appear. This manages to change everything.
Geraskier/Geraskefer Fics: 
(I would not wish) Any Companion But You
Summary: I’m not your friend, Geralt always insists whenever Jaskier calls them such.
100 Ways to Love You
Rated E
Summary: A drabble collection for Witcher OT3 sex Okay, it might be more double drabbles than drabbles, but shhh
Awaken in Pleasure
Rated E
Summary: Geralt dreams of having Jaskier waking him up with sex. He finally manages to ask for it.
Bounce a Coin Off Your Witcher
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier has lots of thoughts about Geralt's arse in leather pants. And then they get stuck in a small room together.
Butter That Biscuit
Rated E
Summary: Bottled Appetites Ep 5 AU – When Jaskier awakes in Yennefer’s room, he does, in fact, butter that biscuit.
Five Almost Kisses and One Happily Ever After 
Rated E
Summary: What it says on the tin. Geralt knows he wants Jaskier, but why would the bard ever be interested in a witcher? Five times Geralt ALMOST figures it out and one time he actually makes a move.
Five Times Geralt Frotted Against Jaskier’s Ass and One Time He Fucked It
Rated E
Summary: Based on this tumblr post about Geralt frotting against Jaskier's ass in his sleep.
Fulfilling a Need
Rated E
Summary: Geralt has been twitchy and restless lately. When Jaskier confronts him, he discovers that what Geralt needs is for Jaskier to take control and fuck his face. So he does.
Gestures of Affection
Rated M
Summary:  A collection of shorts featuring any configuration of the relationship between Geralt, Jaskier, and Yennefer and the ways they show affection to each other. With bonus Ciri, because she’s their family.
Hit Me Baby (One More Time)
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier desperately wants physical evidence of Geralt’s love for him.
How to Spoil Your Pet
Rated E
Summary: Yennefer and Jaskier team up to give Geralt everything he wants. He wants a lot. Good thing they're amenable.
Howling Swirling Storm
Summary: Jaskier is a winter spirit who has always been shit at hiding his powers. But somehow Geralt still never figured it out?
Jaskier’s Words are Horseshit
Summary: The thing about Jaskier is, he never shuts up. Literally, ever. That was the first thing Geralt noticed about the bard, but he was not prepared for all that entailed. Jaskier was, quite literally, always making noise of some sort. If he wasn’t singing, he was humming, muttering, strumming at his lute. Even in his sleep, the bard hmm’d and sighed and mumbled and snored continuously.
A Kiss With a Lash
Rated E
Summary: Geralt asks Jaskier to punish him for the Break Up (TM)
Making Amends
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier is putting his life back together after the Mountain™. So what is he supposed to do when Geralt arrives at his doorstep?
Pamper Your Witcher
Rated E
Summary: Geralt doesn't let himself have the finer things in life. So Jaskier decides to pamper him.
That Wild Blue Yonder
Summary: Jaskier lives in the modern world as Julian Alfred Pancratz. When his family vacations at an old castle his cousin owns, he discovers an old wardrobe that leads to the Continent. Specifically, it leads to a wardrobe belonging to Madeline de Stael.
The Pleasure of a Good Bath
Rated E
Summary: Geralt had always enjoyed baths. Since Jaskier had joined him, they'd gotten even better - and it was making it difficult to hide that he wanted more.
Porny Prompt Pile
Rated E
Summary: Just porny fics based on prompts. First chapter: Geraskier - blow job while standing Second chapter: Geraskier - Jaskier riles Geralt into rough sex
Relationships Require Communication
Summary: Jaskier liked to joke about him being allergic to the word ‘friends’, but he wasn’t far off. Geralt was aware that he was not good at talking, not good at feelings, and definitely not good about combining the two. After Yennefer and Jaskier leave him on the mountain, Geralt does some thinking about what happened and how exactly he messed up. And how to fix it.
Rushing Thoughts and Pulsing Hearts
Rated E
Summary: Geralt knew he was in love with Jaskier, but what could he do about it? No one believed Witchers could love. Not even him, sometimes.
So hold me, lover, like you used to
Rated E
Summary: When Geralt brings Cirilla to Oxenfurt to search for Jaskier, he was not expecting to walk into a concert the bard and another were giving together. Songfic based on The Amazing Devil.
When Words Act As Phantoms on Horseback
Summary:  Jaskier gets Geralt used to the lack of silence. Without him, the silence creeps up on him and itches at his mind until he must break it. AKA how Netflix!Geralt slowly becomes more like Game!Geralt.
With Knot But A Look
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier asks tamed werewolf!Geralt to fuck him in the forest under the full moon.
Worth 100 Words
Summary: This is a Witcher drabble collection, using prompts. Mostly OT3 and family fics with Ciri.
Geralt getting railed fics:
A Cintran Welcome
Rated E
Summary: Geralt’s Witcher stamina is too much for Jaskier to handle alone, but he wants Geralt to experience being fucked to exhaustion. So he arranges a gangbang in Cintra. Featuring Geralt’s self–loathing getting overwhelmed with pleasure.
Forest of Plenty
Rated E
Summary: Geralt goes to visit his friend Mousesack for some fun and discovers that Mousesack and Jaskier have already anticipated his arrival and prepared quite a surprise for him.
I’m Yours to Claim
Rated E
Summary: Geralt knew he would eventually agree to go to Cintra. It was Jaskier asking, after all. He hadn't expected to run into his old friend and fuckbuddy, Mousesack, but it was nice to see him again.
Size Matters: The Geralt Size Queen Chronicles
Rated E
Summary: Just porn about Geralt being a size queen.
Cintra Fics: 
5 Gifts from Family, 1 Vision of the Future, and 1 New Start
Summary: Pavetta gets to know her family after the banquet.
Artistic Endeavors
Rated M
Summary: Calanthe discovers that her daughter has a habit of drawing rather explicit art. For the Banned Together Bingo prompt "Porn". Set before Episode 4: Of Banquets, Bastards, and Burials
Falling Into the Lion’s Den
Rated E
Summary: Calanthe and Eist have slept together many times, but it was never about feelings. So why does Eist propose to her and insist on changing everything?
Her Mother’s Legacy
Summary: Ciri had always had trouble with schooling. So if Geralt wants to train her in monster lore, he's going to have to do some things for her. Featuring ways Pavetta helped Ciri figure out how to manage her ADHD.
Like a Punch to the Face
Summary: “Oh sweet Cintra, you were so promising, from your spoiled princess to your stupid old king! But when I arrived, the royals were dead! Tossed out a window or shot in the head!” Ciri forced herself to keep walking past the puppet show, feeling like a fist had reached into her chest and ripped out her heart.
The Lion in the Woods
Summary: Mousesack teaches Ciri about the importance of balance.
The Lioness and the Seahound
Rated E
Summary: A collection of Calanthe/Eist porn fics. Chapter One: Calanthe positions Eist so that she can ride him while giving the illusion that she was taking him. Eist loves it.
Mousesack’s Educational Retreat for Proper Young Nobles
Summary: 13 year old Calanthe gets sent to a “whip-your-heirs-into-shape” 6 weeks and she is not happy about it. She’s also not delighted by this kid Eist, who is determined to become her friend, and sharing her room with 2 other noblewomen was not fun. Featuring 13 year olds’ interpretations of cultures, some significant cultural misunderstandings, and some slow but sure developing friendships.
O war! Thou son of hell
Summary: In the aftermath of war, Calanthe waits to feel the way everyone said she was supposed to.
Lambert/Aiden Fics:
An Evening of Frippery
Rated E
Summary: When Lambert and Aiden get invited to a fancy party, it’s the perfect excuse to dress up, dance, and have some fun.
Fuck Me Properly (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Aiden stumbles upon Lambert getting fucked by a plant. With tentacles. Then his brain kind of shorts out.
One Way to Skin a Cat (NEW!)
Summary: A reflection on Aiden's thoughts in the aftermath of his near death, and a realization of what Lambert must be thinking.
pretty witcher (walking down the street)
Rated E
Summary: Lambert decides to finally make his move, dressing up in his prettiest dress to encourage Aiden to give in to temptation. Before he has a chance, though, bandits force them into an unexpected position.
Silk and Lace
Rated E
Summary: When Aiden and Lambert split up on the road to tackle separate contracts before meeting again, Lambert takes the opportunity to spoil himself with pretty clothes and slow, drawn out pleasure.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (NEW!)
Rated M
Summary: Lambert wakes up when Aiden has a bad dream. Fortunately, he knows a good way to get Aiden's mind off of it.
Lambert/Jaskier Fics:
Desperate Affection
Rated E
Summary: Lambert didn't know when he'd fallen in love with the bard, but he could no longer imagine life at Kaer Morhen without him.
Wolf Witcher Fics:
Rated E
Summary: Lambert, Geralt, and Eskel have a long tradition where Eskel ties them up. This time, they've invited Aiden and Jaskier in on the fun.
The School of the Wolf
Summary: Vesemir is old, the oldest Witcher alive. Witchers don’t retire, they get slow and they die. He knows he's slowing down, but all he has left in this world is the boys he trained, and the legacy of the School of the Wolf.
Iorveth/Roche Fics: 
A Kiss Can Mean A Thousand Things 
Summary: Fills for kissing prompts based on the 50 Types of Kisses Writing Prompts
And Ghosts Did Shriek and Shrill
Rated M for violence/gore
Summary: After the unjust murder of his team, Vernon Roche is willing to do anything to get them back. Even if it means drawing on unspoken-of beliefs from a childhood in Velen.
Before All Else, Be Armed (NEW!)
Summary: Iorveth and Vernon Roche are finally getting together. But when it comes time to disrobe, they run into a few problems. Namely, the sheer number of concealed weapons each of them carry.
Brewing Romance and Dissent 
Summary: When a spear to the eye means that Iorveth needs to take at least a year to recover, he decides to spend it undercover in a coffeeshop in Vizima's Royal Quarter. He's also not expecting his favorite customer to be a human.
Can’t We All Just Get Oolong? 
Summary: In which Iorveth and Roche discover that Roche's mom Eliza works for both of them, drink lots of tea, and slowly get to know one another.
The Chase
Rated M
Summary: Iorveth likes making Roche chase him when the Blue Stripes and the Scoia'tael clash. When Roche manages to catch him one day, something entirely unexpected happens. And then it keeps happening.
Commander Roche’s Secret Lover (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Commander Roche is very clearly hiding a lover. His team tries to figure out who it could be.
Deep Inside Me (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth longs for things he shouldn't want and his attempt to ignore that ends up making everything worse.
Devour What’s Truly Yours
Rated E
Summary: When Roche discovers Iorveth inside a magical circle of flowers with pollen that makes you feel good, he was not at all prepared to find out what they had to do before they could leave.
A Dh’oine’s Only Use (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth arranges for his Scoia'tael to make use of his new whore, Vernon Roche. After all, a dh'oine's only use is as a hole to be fucked.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Rated E
Summary: It totally doesn’t mean anything that Roche dreams of Iorveth.
‘Ere Our Souls Are Ground To Dust 
Summary: After Nilfgaard conquered the continent and deigned to let Temeria be self-governed, Roche finds himself drowning in work trying to build a new government and keep an economy afloat (well, more get it back there for some parts of Temeria). Meanwhile, he and Iorveth were managing to live a fairly domestic life together. It had only been a few months, but it was going well. Then they have their first fight. Over coffee, of all things.
Every Kiss Begins With Kayran (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Every once in a while, there was a local brave enough to seek out the Kayran for a pleasant distraction. The Kayran was delighted to oblige. And sometimes, sometimes there were people who wanted a more regular experience. People like Iorveth, who had scheduled monthly fuck dates to work off the stresses of command. Neither of them expected to get discovered during one such session.
Explore That Which Sets Your Soul Aflame (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth very much was not expecting Vernon to ask about his ears. But if he's going to satisfy Vernon's curiosity, it's only right that Vernon satisfy his in return.
Eye on You 
Rated E
Summary: 5 Times Iorveth Accidentally Watched Roche Come and 1 Time Roche Watched Him
False Positive (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: When Iorveth sneaks into Lobinden in disguise to enjoy the Imbolc festival, the last thing he expects is to deal with Vernon Roche - especially because Vernon doesn't know it's him.
The First Seeds of Trust 
Rated E
Summary: As soon as Iorveth had started fighting vines rather than fighting him, Roche knew something was up. Still, nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.
Great Eggspectations (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: In the aftermath of Temeria's fall, Vernon Roche is feeling unmoored. So it only makes sense to track down his once-enemy. Iorveth has always encouraged his mind to bring its best and right now, he dearly needs that. He's in for a slight surprise when he actually finds Iorveth, though.
A Heart’s Fire (NEW!)
Summary: Skellige is the only kingdom without a price on Iorveth's head, so it only makes sense to seek shelter there after the Scoia'tael are disbanded. The isles are nice, but what had been pleasantly cool in summer now turns freezing in winter and elves were not made for temperature extremes. So of course Iorveth manages to get caught in a blizzard.
How to Fluster an Elf 
Summary: When Geralt, Dandelion, and Zoltan make a casual remark about never having seen Iorveth flustered, Roche decides to take it as a challenge. Featuring Nilfgaardian feasts, cultural differences, really fancy beds and baths, and a witcher, a dwarf, and a bard who are having the time of their lives watching Roche try to catch Iorveth off guard.
It’s the Little Things
Summary:  A collection of fills for various prompts! Chapter 1: “You. Rest. Now.”
The language of friendship is not words but meanings 
Summary: When Geralt is hired by the Blue Stripes and the Scoia'tael to find their missing commanders, he discovers that not only have said commanders somehow turned into children, but that the two groups managed to scare them away before introductions could be made. Fortunately, Roche and Iorveth both have their own ways of making themselves understood.
Leap of Faith
Summary: When Roche changes the rules of engagement in a skirmish with the Scoia'tael, Iorveth ends up captured.
Needs More Dragons
Summary:  Frankly, 2 dragons in all the Witcher stories? Not enough. So have some fics with random dragons! Chapter 1: Honey, I Adopted A Dragon: Iorveth may have acquired a baby dragon while Roche was traveling. Roche is about to find out.
Never Have I Ever
Summary: The Blue Stripes have an evening off. What better way to spend it than by playing drinking games?
On Knife’s Edge 
Rated E
Summary: After they assist in the Battle of Kaer Morhen, Iorveth and Roche end up traveling back to Temeria together. An injury to Roche’s arm leaves him unable to shave himself, so it’s only polite for Iorveth to offer his assistance… right?
Olfucktory Senses (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth typically found the smell of human exertion to be nauseating. But when it's Vernon Roche's sweat, somehow he finds himself responding entirely differently.
Orificial Business
Rated E
Summary: When Roche hears a rumor that the Scoia’tael might be frequenting a brothel on the edge of town, he decides it’s worth going undercover to see.
Pining and Poignards (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth may spend a lot of time thinking about Vernon Roche, but it didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything. Doesn't stop him from contemplating the possibilities, though. Meanwhile, Roche attempts to teach himself Elder Speech to translate the carvings on a knife Iorveth stabbed him with.
The Portrait of Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (NEW UPDATE!)
Summary: Ciri hates the portrait from her childhood that Geralt displays openly and proudly and loudly. He shows it off to everyone he can and she wants to destroy it. Lucky for her, two fighting enemies present a prime opportunity to make the portrait's destruction look like an accident.
The Pride of Temeria
The Blue Stripes are Temeria's elite Special Forces Unit. Their mission is to hunt down the Scoia'tael, but in between fighting and drilling, they get up to an awful lot of shenanigans. “He looks like he’s dead,” Shorty said, poking the sleeping form of their commanding officer with a stick. “Shorty!” Silas hissed shrilly. The newbie was still scared of breaking rules and he fidgeted nervously. “What?” Shorty shrugged, “He sleeps like the dead, it’s fine. As long as he’s not actually dead, anyway.” “He’s not,” Ves, their erstwhile second in command, rolled her eyes. “He’s just fucking weird.” “Are you sure he’s okay? How can he possibly breathe like that?” Igo frowned in worry, which wasn’t surprising for the man who had accidentally become their de facto team therapist. “What he needs,” Thirteen pointed in what would have been a dramatic gesture if not for the drunken stumble, “is a goo’ pair o’ tits to bury his face in.”
Red is the Rose (Complete!)
When Roche gives Iorveth a rose of remembrance, Iorveth doesn't know what to think. Legend has it that if you give a rose to someone you love, then it’ll live forever, but surely that can't be true. After all, Roche is his enemy.
Run Away With Me
Summary: Iorveth and Roche spend a starlit night together. “Run away with me,” he murmured, only half aware of the words he was saying. But when Iorveth froze, they truly processed and suddenly cold fear gripped him. He stuttered a correction, “I mean – I know, obviously, you can’t just leave your people. It’s – I–” Iorveth cupped his face, cutting off the stream of words. “Vernon,” Iorveth said, voice soft and wondrous. “Vernon,” he said again, tugging Roche forward into a desperate kiss, full of wanting and longing and regret. Even though Roche already knew the answer – of course they couldn’t just run away together – he still had to close his eyes and brace himself against the words he knew were coming when Iorveth drew back again. “Cariad,” Iorveth whispered, stroking his face. “Were my life my own, I would go anywhere with you.”
Scenes from Another World
Summary: Standalone scenes based on different trope AUs, but set in the canon Witcher universe.
Sentiment and Condescension
Summary:  Roche hadn’t been planning to go to the Vengelbud party, but as soon as Emhyr told him not to... Now if he could just get Iorveth to leave him alone, he could get wasted in peace.
Seven Seconds in Holding 
Summary: Iorveth is very, very unclear on how his last fight with the Blue Stripes led to him here, spooning Roche in the Blue Stripes’ holding cell, both their wrists cuffed together.
Spousal Privilege
Summary: Stuck at a diplomatic conference, Roche is frustrated that none of the elves in the room will even acknowledge he exists. Then Iorveth enters and it's like seeing an old friend. And then somehow they end up pretending to be married.
A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Roche wakes up in a different world, one where he and Iorveth are raising Foltest's children in the dwarven city of Vergen.
These Boots (are gonna walk all over you)
Rated E
Summary: Neither Iorveth nor Roche had expected their fight to go like this. Inspired by this gorgeous art.
Time is Cruel, To Rob Us from Ourselves 
Summary: An AU of Don’t Cry for Me, Temeria/(Im)Perfect Strangers where a magical artifact sends everyone back through events of Iorveth’s past. Iorveth is less than pleased, but the insights into his character may be invaluable for more than one person present.
Under Pressure 
Rated E
Summary: When Iorveth defeats Vernon Roche, he intends to take his time interrogating his enemy. Fortunately, an abandoned mage’s house nearby provides him with the perfect toys to make this fun.
The Value of a Man
Summary: When Iorveth finally defeats Roche, he decides that such a valuable prisoner is worth ransoming back to the King. After all, surely the King's Enforcer is worth a few concessions to elven rights. Right?
To Weave The Strands of Fate (NEW!)
Summary: There is a tradition in Velen. Whenever a child is born within Velen, a lock of their hair is cut off and gifted to the Ladies of the Wood. According to whispered legends, the Lady Weavess could add the hair to her loom and thereby change their Fate.
What Happens in the Cave-In Stays in the Cave-In
Summary: When Iorveth and Roche’s fight ends abruptly because of a cave in, they find themselves trapped together as they wait to be unburied. In the meantime, Roche is injured and Iorveth has herbs that could help - but all he knows about humans is “they need more”.
Wolves and Squirrels and Stripes
Rated E
Summary:  A collection of Witcher 2 short fics featuring Geralt, Iorveth, and Roche. Chapter 1: Iorveth had never expected this to happen when Geralt invited him to visit Kaer Morhen.
Saskia Fics:
Damned Be The Thoughts That Refuse To Leave (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: When Saskia gifted him a toy shaped like a large human penis, Iorveth had sworn he would never use it. After all, it wasn't as if there were any humans he desired... right?
Shared Custody (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth wasn't sure how walking into Saskia's office to see her talking with Vernon Roche of all people led to the three of them jammed into a closet with him in the middle, but he supposed it could be worse.
What Goes Around Comes Around (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Philippa decides to give Saskia a little treat to wake up to. Saskia repays her in full.
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