#literally the only thing you can't do is copy quotes from my work
lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Mcyts x autistic reader
•Like autistic reader, who is very open and proud about being autistic. And like openly stems, especially when happy. Hand flaping, finger wiggling, spinning, vocal stims, full body shaking ext
• reader is really bad with volume control and often either mumbles or yells. Maybe when talking about something they're interested in, they just scream mid sentence and then carry on.
• read unknowingly mimicking there s/o while masking like copying their accents, laughs, boy language or just repeat whatever they just said.
• reader info dumps and asks allot of questions (even if that seem obvious)
• reader will randomly just stop masking and give like resting bitch face and speak with more monotone voice.
•and reader quotes things a lot like shows, movies, tiktoks, and people.
oooo okay okay!! I did my best here I swear 🙏 I only did Tommy, Freddie, Quackity & Nihachu bc I genuinley had no new ideas for the others so I apologize 😭🙏 ranboo and tubbo would've been mixtures of everyone and I'm trying to make them all different and it just didn't work ; also this took way too long and maybe ill do a pt2 of this w them + foolish & charlie and whoever else ; anyways hopefully this is good, I did a little bit of research just in case so yeah djsjskkaka
MCYT ; autistic reader
includes ; tommyinnit, badlinu, quackity, & nihachu
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; i'm not autistic so i referred to req above + some research, i apologize if anything is incorrect
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he's never had a problem with you being autistic and neither have you, and you're totally fine with him making little jokes or comments because you can most of the time see therough them
he finds your stimming, especially when you're happy and excited, so fucking adorable. he literally crumbles everytime.
he also loves when you have him stim with you
you two have this little finger wiggling thing you do together, reference the "dunga dunga dunga" moment in the amsterdam vlog because I can't describe it 💀
if you're spinning to stim, he'll often joke about you getting dizzy or needing to throw up, and halfway join you because you're spinning to create a damn tornado, he can't go that fast LMAO
if somewhere is too loud and you need out, you're going dw, he couldn't care less if you just automatically yell, go nonverbal, or only begin mumbling to him. he's got you
absolutely loves when you're ranting about special interests or hyperfixations
he'll genuinley listen all day long
"and it's so interesting *cue yell* because-"
he'll lightly cringe at the change in volume but don't worry, he's fine. if you ever think differently he'll 100% reassure you that he's alright and he doesn't mind it whatsoever
you'll unknowingly pick up his accent and he'll notice immediately but not point it out, because he's learned that you'll go back to normal after he points it out. he finds it so cute tho
if you're masking in public and get comfy enough, you'll have this miserable looking bitch face and he's just like "Oh they're just like that, don't worry"
you also pick up saying bitch a lot, which he finds hilarious
doesn't understand tone tags a hundred percent but he uses the ones he knows and learns a lot of the other ones as your relationship grows
youre probably quoting total drama and mean girls 24/7 let's be honest
"you're just a homeschooled jungle freak!"
"christ, okay, y/n"
"you know I was quoting mean girls"
whatever phrase he's addicted to saying, you are too
always smiles seeing you stim when you're happy/excited
vocal stims with him >>>
9 times out of 10 he'll repeat them after you say them to kind of make it a game, to see who can say ___ the most
you copy his accent and his frequently used phrases a lot
it makes him get all mushy inside because you're literally thinking about him 24/7
info dumping to him >>>> he's always listening bro
he doesn't mind you asking a lot of questions, even if the answer seems obvious. he understands that you don't wanna screw something up or understand something wrong
lots of quoting Garfield. I don't make the rules
"WE'RE BACHELORS, BABY" ; you both quote this often, let's be honest
"whoever moved my shit around should be dragged out onto the street and shot"
"i really hope you're quoting Garfield this time.."
your resting bitch face genuinely makes him giggle, ESPECIALLY the monotone voice
you're also constantly quoting bits from Tommy's show 💀 or replicating the little dance they learned to introduce Freddie
he apologizes a million times, he just can't take you seriously sometimes (if it's a more lighthearted situation)
he seems like the type to know most the tone tags and knows when to use them, but the ones like /nf trip him up
like wdym nf??? like the rapper?? like the guy from those gacha music videos? what's he doing here?
when you randomly yell when you're talking about a special interest/hyperfixation, he raises his eyebrows with an amused smile and nod
"and *cue yell* it's so fucked up but so good!"
she's picked up some stimming from you
you guys finger wiggle little whiskers, like ants or some sort of bug
spinning when you're exited >>>
she cheers you on to try and get you to go faster LMAO
bad with volume control? that's totally fine. she completely understands
giggles whenever you get loud mid-sentence and playfully throws her hands up like you scared her
"Peter... the horse is here"
"is it now?" she giggles
always quoting tik toks and vines istg
"road work ahead? yeah, I sure hope it does"
"oooo I love that scarlet color" she smiles
"I love that scarlet color" you whisper
she loves when you info dump about your special interests/hyperfixations, especially if it's something she's not really into but will gladly hear you talk about because it's interesting
she's also very on it with tone tags just in case, whether you tell her you need them or not
"I'll kill you wtf"
she knows every single tone tag, if there was a tone tag test, she'd ace it
the monotone voice and bitch face always scare her for a moment, she's gotta make sure if you're okay and just not masking or if you're actually upset about something
she always gets you gifts surrounding your special interests/current fixations
bro if you're a fanfic writer... she's ur number one reader. absolutely lovessss your writing
you'll pick up her soft tone of voice and the accent and she will do anything but point it out, she loves knowing that she's the one paying attention to it, and seeing you just catch onto something and for you to not notice
need compression for comfort? he's there, any squeezing or form of compression you need is there
need to squeeze his hand? go ahead. need a tight ass hug? he's there
always does a proud smile when he sees you stim, especially in public
generally proud that you aren't masking in public and you're comfortable being yourself
he'll even stim with you sometimes to make you not feel weird about stimming in public and shit 💔
you catch onto his mannerisms a lot, like adjusting your hair, any hats/beanies, talking with your hands, etc
like you'll catch yourself going to adjust your sunglasses and you don't have any on. you realize "wait I've been watching him do it all night, have I been doing that??"
so much info dumping and he's here for it
"wait, what then?"
"she *cue louder talk/almost yell* fucking dies! it was either die or suffer!"
"holy shit, for real?"
you guys are both quoting dumb shit let's be honest
modern family quotes.... you can't go an hour without them
always mumbling "gotta fix that step" it's a vocal stim atp
there's not even a step to fix.
y/u/n was slain by Tubbo
"I'm the cool dad, that's my thang, I'm hip"
"y/n I can't do this today" He cackles
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
ONTF, you're older than I am, you're highly media literate, maybe you'll know: what was the appeal of the Joss Whedon style of writing to begin with? Everyone whateverishly wording their phrasey bits in that very Whedon-y way never did anything for me, positive or negative, and the constant need to have comedy during serious moments or interrupt a serious moment with either snark or a remark that nods towards tropes diffuses the tension to the point where I can't get invested. None of his characters ever felt capable of having sincere moments like most characters in other things I watch, and the few moments of that they did have would get undermined by one of the aforementioned flaws.
I do think the "omg worst writer EVER!" crowd is a bit much, because I've seen things so bad that Whedon looks like Shakespeare by comparison. But my half-sister, who is 25 years older than me and thus in her late 40's, swears Joss' style is revolutionary and deep. And frankly I've been wrong about a lot of media I used to hate and I'm open to the idea I'm missing something. It's super likely given my limited media exposure, though I am admittedly trying to work on that and branch out into more genres of media and more formats so I don't become that 'guy who has only seen Boss Baby thinks every movie has Boss Baby vibes' meme.
So. What am I missing? What's the context I'm missing and the key here that will allow me to appreciate the appeal of and enduring fandom for Whedon's work? I am admittedly a fandom baby but I am willing to learn.
I mean... I despised him from the get go, other than the Buffy movie, which I still quote that death scene from regularly, so I'm probably not the best person to describe what's appealing about his style.
But one-liners during action are a common taste even if I'm fonder of the sorts of homoerotic 80s trash Ruthless Reviews used to cover.
Ironic distance is also popular and easier to swallow than earnestness for a lot of people.
However, I do think Buffy's original audience was connecting with it emotionally. Look at the part where Buffy's all upset after the most clownishly 1980s take on loss of virginity and heavyhanded metaphors for guys being jerks that just made every writer involved seem excessively middle-aged and out of touch Giles asks if she has any idea what could have happened to Angel. For people who weren't going to high school in 90s California, that bilge was apparently very moving. Certainly, there are parts of Buffy where the quips die down for some actual emotional moments.
People like style. Something that commits to being aggressively stylized will often stand out from the bland clones that surround it. Look at Wes Anderson (another creator I don't particularly like). Whedon's godawful faux-witty dialogue did sound different from other things on TV at the time. He also lets women say some of the one-liners, which is sorely missing from most media.
But mostly, he was formative for a lot of people, and I had to live through many, many years of them earnestly entreating me to give his shitty writing another chance because this time I would somehow connect with this sex-negative parasite and his casting aesthetic that I didn't find hot or interesting.
(I like dumb and campy things. I just like them to star a bunch of body builders from New Zealand, not waifs.)
People always hold up the things they imprinted on as more revolutionary and deep than they seem in retrospect. In Whedon's case, his already obnoxious style suffers from having been copied so much since, but even if he weren't famous or popular, if you were talking to that one person whose adolescence was defined by their love of him, they'd say all this same nonsense your sister does.
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longlivefeedback · 1 year
Commenting 101
Lesson 3: Quote. Or paraphrase
Sorry about going MIA last weekend, but I'm back with Lesson 3 💪 But before we get into it, how are we doing with describing the indescribable and commenting in general?
Alright. So let's talk about quoting bits of the fics and commenting on them in a comment. Personally, it's one of my favourite ways to comment because I find it easier to focus on a specific thing/sentence/paragraph/turn of phrase that I really like and gush about it to an author. By doing this, I can also focus on the bits of the story that I really really liked, and not worry about the parts that I didn't like so much. Win-win for everyone!
The one downside of this particular commenting technique is that it does take a relatively high amount of effort and is not as easy as a keyboard smash or entering a bunch of smileys and a catchphrase into the comment box. But hey. Some fics are worth it :)
So, here are some tips on how to quote while commenting:
Keep 2 tabs open.
Use a third party browser script that gives you a floating review box.
1. Keep 2 tabs open
Easier on a computer, but I've done it on mobile before. This is literally having two tabs open to the same chapter/fic as I read. When I get to a sentence or phrase that I really like, I'll copy it from my reading tab and paste it into my second tab which has the comment box open.
Sometimes I'll notate what I am thinking in the moment for that quote, and sometimes I'll leave it for the end and experience all the bits I loved again 😍. My comment at the end usually looks something like this:
"Sentence I really like" ~~ I really love how you described this character!
Everything from "Start of a paragraph/section..." to "...end of paragraph/section" is giving me life!!
"Paragraph I really like" ~~ This was perfection and made me cry 😭
and so on and so forth.
It's nice when I notate as I go, because when I'm done reading, I've got quite the comment already written and I usually just round off the comment with a catchphrase like "This was all wonderful! Thank you for writing and sharing!" and hit post, easy-peasy.
2. Use a third party browser script that gives you a floating review box.
This is not something I personally use, but the people who do have really loved it and I love the concept of it so here it is for you to try and see if it works for you!
There are a couple of scripts:
AO3 Floating Comment Box by ScriptMouse. This is a script to create a floating comment box at the bottom of the page for works on AO3. Box will be closed by default, and can be open/closed using the button in the top left corner of the window. Thanks to @memorizingthedigitsofpi for the link!
AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks Tampermonkey script by @ravenel. Click on the link to take you to the original post describing the tool and here's a follow up tutorial post by @bourbon-ontherocks on how to install the script. Credits to @altschmerzes and @castillon02 for the links!
I think these are only for browser on computers (so no mobile?) but please feel free to correct me in the notes if anyone knows.
3. Paraphrase
Let's be real. While Tips 1 and 2 are really just giving you tools to make commenting easier, when it gets down to it, commenting really requires you to, well, comment on something.
So what to do if you forgot to take notes as you read, didn't feel like doing it as you were reading, or found it just too hard to wrangle on mobile?
Just refer back to that one thing that caught your attention ala:
"I really love how you described this character in that part!"
"That part where you wrote about that thing that happened to that character is giving me life!!"
"That part where you that happened was perfection and made me cry 😭"
Yes, this does require you to remember and be able to point out and talk about certain parts of the fic. It can be a lot to remember particularly if it's a long chapter. So, as I've stressed in previous lessons, don't let it paralyze you. Just pick one thing you can remember and have the ability to comment on.
Just quoting and commenting on one thing is better than nothing.
When you cannot quote, paraphrase!
And as always, when in doubt, comment your catchphrase.
If you want more help constructing a comment or validation that you're writing good comments, please send in an ask or submit a screenshot!
Lessons masterpost.
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Special Editions
The Raven Cycle FairyLoot Edition
These special editions of The Raven Cycle were originally scheduled for May. Due to a publication issue, they were delayed until "August-September". They finally arrived in the last weekend of September... and my copy of 'The Raven Boys' was bound upside-down.
FairyLoot were really good about it, they agreed to send another one out. But it took ages to get a response, so it was a couple of weeks before they sent it out, and then the courier delivered it to a completely different address! Literally, one nowhere near my house. Again, I contacted FairyLoot, and they followed up with the courier. This took even longer, but after another two weeks, they concluded that the package had been lost, and they sent out yet another replacement.
So, not only was the first package four months later than originally expected, but the replacement book took nearly two more months to arrive!!
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The dust jackets on these special editions are very closely modelled on the standard covers. The thing I didn't like about the original covers is that they were all different colours, so didn't look that good lined up together. These ones fix that, by all being blue! It's just a shame that the spines look so... basic. Almost amateur, in fact.
The back covers are different from the standard ones, though, and they each feature a quote from the books. This is the great thing about special editions - they're designed to look good from every angle.
The hardcases are also really cool - each has a super elaborate tarot-style design on the front, representing: Blue, Ronan, Adam, and Gansey. No designs for Noah or Henry, unfortunately, but I guess they aren't really "main" characters in the same way the others are. The foiling is only on the front cover, I'd have loved the back to be foiled as well, even if it was just with the same design.
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The interior artwork on the dustjackets is impressive. They work as reversible jackets, so you can choose the design you want to display. Each features artwork of the character that matches the hardcase design, and the quote on the back is the same as on the outer dustjacket. I really love the artwork on these, but they do look way less professional than the blue/white covers, so I'll have the other ones on display instead.
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Other than the outrageous lateness of these editions, I have two major disappointments.
The first is kind of my fault, I didn't manage my expectations well enough. I made the assumption that these would be the same size as the standard hardcover editions, which I own (see above), but have taken the multi-coloured dustjackets off. I was hoping I could put the lovely new blue jackets on these, so that they would match the rest of my Stiefvater books, which are all blue. Then I could display the new books with their gorgeous foiled hardcase spines on display (also see above). It was not to be. The FairyLoot editions are much taller than the standard books, so I can't swap the jackets over! It also means they don't fit on the shelf with the rest of the books. Fortunately, I think the OwlCrate editions will match the rest of the books.
The second disappointment is not my fault. There's slight, superficial damage to the books. It's not bad enough that FairyLoot would replace them, but it's enough to be annoying with how much they cost. The third book, especially, was quite crushed around the bottom edge. I've tried my best to straighten it out, but it's still very noticeable once you're close up.
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The endpapers are my favourite part of these editions! I love that each one is different - four books means eight gorgeous pieces of artwork! I love the scenes chosen for each book, and the illustrations are so beautiful!
The artist who designed these endpapers also designed the Raven Boys book sleeve I got in my first ever book subscription box - and it's still one of my favourite items I've ever received!
These editions also have silver gilded edges, printed foil signatures, a bound-in author letter, and ribbon bookmarks.
There's so much going on with these books, I should be absolutely delighted with them, but the ridiculously long delay in receiving them has kind of just soured my mood towards them a bit.
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lexosaurus · 9 months
The Phantom Martian: Chapter 9
I am a day late on this update on account of I fell asleep while editing not once but twice.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter! And look at the art featured by @pompomqt and @friendzoned61 at the end because it is s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g
This is a crossover between The Martian x Danny Phantom. You do not have to have read/watched The Martian to understand this fic. Andy Weir, the author, has also written a few other books including Hail Mary which is unrelated to this fic but I am obsessed with the character Rocky in it. He's literally an alien rock and I would Die for him thank you.
Summary: When Astronaut Mark Watney went to Mars, he knew there was a chance he'd never come home. Now, though, he's determined to last long enough for NASA to save him because this whole dying for science thing is not as fun as it sounds.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton is just trying to keep his identity a secret amidst a potential crisis with his powers. Seriously, what's up with that weird current under his skin? Why is he having so much trouble controlling it? And why does it feel so familiar...?
In a fit of determination (and possible stupidity), Danny goes to Mars to save Watney, only to add to both their crises when he arrives and can't get home. Will NASA save them? Will Danny have a home to return to if they do?
Chapter WC: 5370
Fic Tags: Danny Fenton & Mark Watney, Canon Divergence, Ecton AU
Chapter excerpt under the cut
[08:01] JPL: Watney, what is your status? [08:13] WATNEY: Still alive and kicking. Phantom slept on Martinez's bed. The potatoes are doing well. [08:25] JPL: Be advised that the longer the ectoentity stays in the Hab, the greater the risk of you being compromised. [08:37] WATNEY: Heard, but Phantom has reiterated that the GIW are, quote, “Full of s*** and don't know f*** all about ghosts.” [08:49] JPL: We have put together a plan for removing the ectoentity from the Hab. You will receive it in your data dump today. [09:13] JPL: Watney, do you copy? [09:25] WATNEY: Yes, I copy. My guest has joined and has a few things he'd like to say, so I'm handing the keyboard over to him for a minute. [09:37] JPL: Do not give Phantom control over our sole communication device. [09:39] WATNEY: Hi NASA, this is Phantom.
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vintage-bentley · 4 months
Honestly i read that out of context quote (haven’t read the book but enough of the paragraph has been flowing around) of “angels are sexless unless they make an effort” as in “lacking sexuality unless they make an effort” (as wasn’t it the explanation that Aziraphale being gay was not necessary true) and then effort in the way that… Angels don’t dance but Aziraphale made an effort to learn it. Or they aren’t hungry or need to eat or sleep or drink wine by default or need as humans do they lack all the things that made those things A Need, unless they put effort in it as eating and getting drunk and sleeping does bring unique pleasure too it.
So i read that quote as “yeah they have no sexuality unless they make an effort” which again is what the show and especially Aziraphale is all about. Angels by default and by nature don’t need sexual desire and have a “sexless” existence just as they don’t need food or sleep, but these specific angels have gone native and put an effort in doing useless human things as it does bring them joy.
Yeah, the full context is that it's explaining why Aziraphale isn't gay like he's perceived to be. Which as l've discussed before, is problematic despite how much the fandom loves it.
Because essentially what it means, is that two straight authors created a character who appears gay so that straight audiences can laugh at him... but refused to actually let him be gay to soften the blow for LGB people. The full quote is:
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"Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. […] angels are sexless unless they really want to make an effort.”
I forgot that "effort" wasn't even capitalised like the fandom does all of the time! Given GO’s tendency to capitalise things that are Important, I think that they’d have written it as Effort if it was as significant as the fandom claims it is. It being written as “effort” makes it seem like it really is just making an effort like one makes an effort to go somewhere, or do something, etc.
I checked my physical copy to see if it’s written like that there too, and it is.
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So I agree with you on the interpretation of this line. It makes sense to me that "making an effort" is literally just making an effort. I can see it being about either sex or sexuality; making an effort to have a sex would just be having a sexed body, so the “making an effort" would just be getting a human body. And making an effort to have a sexuality would just be opening oneself up to the idea that an angel can enjoy sex and romance, like Aziraphale opened up to the idea that an angel can enjoy eating, or drinking, or dancing, etc.
That of course opens up the risk for it being interpreting angels as choosing their sexuality...but I think it would just be like rolling dice. A and C make the effort to try the whole intercourse thing out, and they find themselves only wanting to try it with men.
And for those that say "but they're celestials, they can't work the same way as humans do! They can't have a limiting sexuality!": 1. The whole point of the story is that angels and demons are more similar to humans than they like to think, and 2. Homosexuality is not "limiting" in the sense that we're missing out on or preventing ourselves from enjoying something. There’s no reason that every single non-human character should be bisexual, and there’s no reason that gay people should never be allowed to see ourselves in non-human characters because you think they’re above us.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
What is your opinion of the Ron Chernow book on Hamilton? I'm reading it now and it's informative but I don't know how I feel about it yet and we're already almost at Hamilton's wedding. Thoughts?
Oh boy, that book...
Honestly, I hate it but I also quite appreciate it. It's one of the only Hamilton biographies that goes so in-depth about Hamilton's life, and almost covers everything. Like, it's the size of a Bible for a reason and I really did enjoy the background checks on all the figures that were brought up (Like especially Faucette, or Maria). But also it's entirely bias, and filled with inaccuracies. I haven't read the book in a year, and no longer have it in my possession but here are a few things I remember that I hated about it;
Rambling — oh God, does Chernow have a tendency to go on and on and on. He often repeats the same thing several times throughout the book, especially in regards to praising figures in the book, but I'll talk about that and his glorification a bit later. I completely understand the habit to ramble on, but there is the opportunity to edit over your work. I swear after Hamilton did anything, Chernow would copy and paste the same sentence about how “hAMilTOn WAs JUst sUch aN InsPiRaTiOn wIth hIS iRrepresSiBLe pAsSiON aS An ImMiGrANt” I get it. I know. I would go on about how rising from your poor status wasn't anything new or unheard of, but I'll spare that for today.
Glorification — Chernow has a terrible case of glorifying the historical figures mentioned in the book, mainly Hamilton - as he is the protagonist, I suppose - but also Washington. He paints everyone else that is featured as these evil, big, bad villains that are just out to ruin poor, innocent Hamilton's life. And that if Hamilton did anything wrong; it was obviously all their faults and they somehow influenced him into this terrible decision. Chernow glosses over so many times Hamilton ruined other's lives, and throughout it portrays him as this inspiring hero.
Misogyny — you'll notice pretty quickly on; Chernow portrays all the women in the book as pathetic, (Or evil if they ever wronged Hamilton). He does a great injustice to Maria Reynolds, and makes out the affair to be all her and her husband's malicious influence. Because poor Hammy Ham, and not the oppressed woman getting abused by her husband, right? He even has the audacity to frame Elizabeth as a villain throughput a lot of it as well, claiming she wasn't doing her “wifely duties” and drove him to commit the affair (Jesus Christ). It's worse than the portrayal of these women in the musical.
Homophobia — Chernow quite often dismisses the homoerotic undertones throughout Hamilton's life. I'm not saying he has to do an essay on the plausablity of Troup and Hamilton having something more than friendship, but man, you could at least say anything but “lol but they were very no homo”. But the case that pisses me off the most is the complete dismissive attitude towards Laurens's and Hamilton's relationship. Chernow only scaps the surface of their relationship by quoting the April 1779 letter, and then shrugs it off and says that men just had those flowery - platonic apparently - sext letters during those days. Oh, but don't worry, he can dedicate half a chapter in regards to how true the debunked Angelica+Hamilton love affair was.
Inaccuracies — I don't know what I was expecting from a guy who has a very questionable education, but Chernow makes many inaccuracies throughout the book. I can't name them all off the top of my head but; he claims Jefferson said nothing on Hamilton's death when he did, he got Hamilton's children baptism dates wrong, made the same stupid mistake of calling William's portrait as actually Philip's, and misinterpretades many letters. If you want more on the subject, @runawayforthesummer literally has a tag called “Chernow was wrong”. And speaking of villianizing, I urge you to read about Burr outside of Chernow because that is the worst portrayal you'll read him as. Chernow made up this whole betrayal backstory for Burr and Hamilton, when they were actually never friends, or anything beyond acquaintances or political rivals.
Chernow isn't a historian — he's a journalist and a biographer. But biographer doesn't necessarily mean he has taken any studying in regards to being a historian. I'm not staying if you didn't go to college for a four year institution, that you're immediately unqualified to write a biography. But. You should take some initiative to get some education in that matter. Because we have things like this where Chernow makes glaring mistakes.
Phew, okay, that's a rundown of everything I found wrong with it. I'm sure I'm missing other things, but these were the major issues in my opinion. I mean, if you've gotten that far in the book, might as well finish it. Just remember to do your own research, and fact check before you take someone else's claim on something. Once again, Chernow's biography has some good aspects, like how detailed it is. Just remember his major flaws with it too.
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OMG BPP! I just heard (and counted) that there are 13 'set me free's when the song concludes!! I'm,,, what?! I mean, it must not be a coincidence, right? I'm so delulu right now, can't think straight. Oh,,,, Jimin,,,,,,,😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 P.S. Thanks for sharing your reaction with us. It's always a delight to hear your thoughts (and know that someone is definitely freaking out with me, barely alive)
Ask 2:
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From magnum ice cream to universal music Brazil... everyone be tweeting about his solo.
Ask 3: I think the dichotomy between the autotune and his regular voice and the "fuck all your opps" being in quotes (its one of the two lines quoted in the lyrics) is meant to convey Jimin having a conversation with himself that's how I understood it and tbh that's highkey the only way to interpret it in a way that makes sense cus we not bout to switch up the meaning of an actual word just cus the internet people don't understand something
Hi Anon(s),
Anon in ask 2, when I copy-pasted your ask the link pasted like that, I'm not sure if that works but I've linked it here too.
I went to count the "set me free" myself (because I usually check for myself whatever y'all tell me here) and by golly, you're right. There are nine 'set me free's in the chorus, four in the outro, and 13 in the final chorus + outro.
Hate to be the party-pooper here, but I feel it's coincidence Anon. Then again, Jimin is the same person who sings "All this is not coincidence." So who knows?
Anon in ask 3, thanks for sending in your thoughts too. I agree with you and have said more or less the same thing in previous posts. Frankly I think it's obvious how autotune is used as a narrative device and stylistic choice in the song. The only people missing it are those with an interest in 'missing' it. Or people who cannot tolerate autotune in any way, shape, or form. Sucks for them though because Jimin just dropped the song of the year.
Take breaks, stay moisturized and hydrated, treat yourself to something sweet, and stream Set Me Free Pt 2.
Aside, I feel the need to say this: I'm getting that rush again. That orgasmic, euphoric high when the tannies drop music designed to be perfectly wired to my wavelength. In terms of solo work, D2, JITB, Indigo, and On The Street all stimulated that rush in my head. I expected that from the rapline but to be honest, while I've liked a lot of Jimin's material (Black Swan, Dis-ease, Friends, Promise, Vibe, and you won't find a stronger defender of Christmas Love than my sobok sobok-loving ass), I've not experienced that rush with his music and I didn't expect to feel that rush with his material.
The minute I heard the autotune in Jimin's voice at the start of the song though, how it was used, the fact that right from the jump they make it impossible to miss or ignore, it's like something in my brain shifted. Jimin has blown out every doubt I ever had about him. He's exactly what I suspected is.
A freak.
And I feel a bit ashamed I had dimmer expectations to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I expected Jimin to bring the roof down and dominate, but I expected him to do that differently. Instead, Jimin has not just brought the roof down, he's obliterated the very ground the house was built on. He has quite literally ended k-pop in 2023. It is ended. We're all existing in the post-mortem universe of k-pop. Our dates now read B.J. and A.J. - Before Jimin and After Jimin. He has served all there is to serve by any man, woman, creature to ever exist in k-pop.
But thing is, I feel this way about Hobi most recently with his Vlive & OTS, Joon most recently in his El Pais interview & ig pics, and Yoongi most recently three minutes ago when my friend sent me this picture:
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So I've been reflecting on BTS, on the fact that it is BTS who is at the very top of this unforgiving and cruel system, a status paid for by their blood, sweat, and tears, and that to have gotten to the top all seven of them were forged through fire in the process. It's comical when people comment about how BTS lacks in this or that area, because most times, it's simply not true. All seven members are extremely remarkable people. To be in a group like BTS requires nothing less. Jimin could only shine in a group like BTS, where there are members with similar intensity but distinct and dissimilar colours. And their solo projects fully highlight the value and magic they each bring to BTS.
It hit me today that I might not survive Jungkook's solo debut.
That's what I'm really saying here.
Taehyung too is going to do something very interesting, after all he is a BTS member, so I'm expecting him to shock and awe. But today I realized that Jungkook could also debut this year, and I really had to sit down and think about if I could handle it. We know Joon and Hobi are back in the studio so we might get even more music before they enlist. And then there's Yoongi's tour right after Jimin's promotions, and what if they tour together...
Just... there's so much going on. And I'm loving it.
Chapter 2 is incredible!
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eternal-night-owl · 6 months
for the ask game:
21, 33, 39, 40
21: What I love most about myself
I think I can be pretty patient and understanding in most circumstances. Which is a good thing in retail; I can definitely get overwhelmed and frustrated, but I try to put myself in other's shoes and understand that sometimes a customer just needs a little extra help with something or they've made an honest mistake.
The moment they get snippy or demanding though, all that benefit of the doubt goes out the window. The only thing I ask is to be treated with the same understanding and respect I give to others, and if they can't reciprocate I'm not gonna lift a finger to help them out.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
To be honest... I'm not really sure? It's rare when I find a "meaningful quote" that actually speaks to me, because I feel like most of them are just surface level things that are relatable to everyone.
I guess if you're talking about something like compliments, literally anything lol. A little girl called me pretty at work a couple weeks ago and it made my entire day. Another girl complimented my earrings last year and I still remember it. One of my professors from college who I looked up to left a comment on an essay of mine saying it was "extremely well-written" and I still have a copy of it somewhere lol. So I guess what makes me feel the best are ones that are specific or unexpected.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Probably either Chocolate or Cookies 'n Cream. Chocolate fudge brownie is also pretty high up there.
40: Who wish I could be
At the moment, I'd honestly be satisfied with just being a normal person in their 20's. Someone capable of doing adult things and having it be no big deal, maybe with a friend group or a partner. I've considered signing up for something like Bumble or Hinge but I'm so afraid whoever I match with is going to take one look at my life and be like "damn bitch, you live like this?" and nope out
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transhawks · 1 year
1) How long until Dabi almost kills Endeavor and AFO starts calling Hawks "the New No.1" and that it seems to be a curse for the No.1 to fall one after the other in a big way to their own sins? 2) How long until AFO coughs up more HPSC comments besides calling Hawks "Mr. Replacement." (Which is super creepy, did he always know about the HPSC or was he listening in on when Hawks called himself that and this was meant to be a quote and not a fact? He seems to buy into the lie the HPSC told about Nagant killing a hero, but when she explodes it's like he knew what she really was, "a tool." And to this day I can't tell if "heroes employed under the HPSC" is a common known fact. Deku recognizes her as such, but he could've heard from Hawks, who for all that he keeps his backstory hidden away, saying "this lady is trained by the HPSC and also my Senpai" is super telling, but just like at his mom's house where he says "I'm free of my shackles because those guys are gone" everyone is too disturbingly chill about one of their co-workers feeling imprisoned by the guys that sign their paychecks.
(Somewhere in the 40s, I think Ch 47 that says their hero work is based on commission and how much pay they get is based on reports they write on how helpful they were, so I'm pretty sure the HPSC reads that to pay em.) And the HPSC building is a direct copy-cat of the "National Public Safety Commission" drawn the same as the irl one in any of Hawks' flashbacks to them. But not every single one matches, I imagine they have several branches that handle different work and buildings. In 191 what we thought was him standing outside the hospital actually matched the HPSC building drawn in Heroes Rising, maybe the real reason Hawks looked so worn down and like he was crying was because they chewed him out over "how come Dabi tricked you like this, you're all out of feathers, did you lie about the attack to us, does he suspect you, are you compromised, didn't we tell you it's okay to allow civilian casualties, you could've risked the whole mission, no wonder Dabi doesn't trust you, don't mess up the next task he gives you, etc."
(Read: Literally DEMANDED casualties, "you can and you will." Lmao if he went public with this, y'all be getting some heat.) Also with Hawks being a canon workaholic, no way the HPSC was all "sure you fucked up your chance to get Dabi's trust and now you're a grounded bird so you can relax the next 3 days" he might've told that to Endeavor about taking it easy but he was 100% still working. I bet it's a common misconception in hero society that Hawks' quirk is a free ticket to getting days off, but in reality he both never does and doesn't have a place to relax if he doesn't feel safe trying to get to his secret home if the HPSC is stalking him more when he's wingless. I also hope that place has stairs tho in case he does wanna go back but if it's only flight-accessible, rip. Actually now that I think about it, when he's wingless is probs when he uses the place HPSC gave him so they feel secure about where he is. 3) How long into AFO rewinds himself into a child so Hawks can punt him into the sun? Or maybe he magically stops rewinding in his 20s so we can write meet-cutes or "the demon lord is my age and now I have to supervise him as my roommate" fics? Alternatively, I'm still willing to accept AFO seeing the way he raised Shigaraki in how the HPSC raised Hawks and pointing that out to him.
1) Dabi will attempt to kill Enji when the asshole finally hugs him. Nothing like realizing the most precious thing on the battlefield that you want to destroy to hurt your dad is actually you. I mean he's already suicidal, I'm sure the realization Daddy loves him but sucked too much at being a dad to tell him, causing all this fuckery, is just a "okay I've had enough of this fucking family" moment.
2) I don't know how much AFO knows. It's weird, as you said. I can't imagine he doesn't know what the government is doing. And this is one of the most annoying things about lore. We know the HPSC regulates the heroes, decides their pay. But whatever Nagant and Hawks are under is a different thing. And in some ways, people are aware that Nagant was a HPSC hero? I wonder if it's just a thing of like her debuting as being sponsored by the HPSC itself. Like all the other heroes tend to get a leg up from their schools but Nagant's debut was seen as a thing of, "We want to introduce a hero we have scouted on our own and who will represent the ideal HPSC hero".
Actually the idea that he was upset because the commission chewed him out is likely. I think if there is a difference between Nagant and Hawks is that the killing of civilians, at least, was not something Hawks had to do. Being told to go against all his instincts in saving people (and desires. Remember at his core he wants to save people)....
I do think Hawks going public wouldn't do much good. The HPSC is in shambles. Mera might deny any knowledge, because he probably didn't know. If Hawks did it before the fight, it might have collapsed society further but bringing up all the shit he's done post-war will be seen as making trouble. The reaction might be like the one to Dabi, where a lot of people just wish the victim kept that shit to themselves.
But yeah, I think Hawks never like.....has a vacation. Even if his wings are down, he can use very small feathers to hear things so I think his "downtime" is when he's the most effective for more information -gathering missions.
3) AFO pointing out Hawks is a grooming victim would be amazing in the way he was insulting Enji for fucking up his kids. Look in the mirror, man.
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miahmethyst · 7 months
✨ 12 things I learned about Inktober ✨
Ok. I know, Inktober is already ended, and you'll be bored reading this post because it's way too long. I totally get it. But I really appreciate it if you read this whole thing. I worked so damn hard to make this thing. And a little disclaimer, this is just based on my personal experience.
Inktober is all about ink, literally. It's a 31-day drawing challenge, where you have to draw with ink for 31 days every October. Besides ink, you can work with other mediums and colors too, apart from black and white. Also, you can make inktober digitally, like some artists do. There are no rules for participating in Inktober, except sharing 31 artworks online.
I've been doing Inktober since 2019. It's my fourth time joining this art challenge, except in 2022. It was quite difficult to start without planning or any knowledge of using ink at all. I wasn't used to drawing with pens until I started to do more studies and sketches using them. It's better to look at more artwork from other artists for inspiration, as well as to get ideas and use them as references. I wouldn't say "copy" it. I'd been experiencing art blocks, burnouts, and stress. But in the end, it really paid off.
It's time to share my 12 things I learned about Inktober:
📝 Make a plan ahead
Make a plan at least a month in advance. This is life-changing, at least for me. I write down all my plans in my notebook, such as goals, preparations, art materials to use, etc. I wish I knew it sooner when I started Inktober four years ago 🥲.
✒️ Practice inking
An ordinary writing pen will do if I don't have any drawing pens or ink to use for practice. It's quite hard using it at first because I can't erase it if I made mistakes. I tried to get used to drawing with pens. Also I started to practice strokes and hatchings, as well as sketching directly on a sketchbook.
🖥️ Gather references from the internet
Google Images and Pinterest are two of the best sites to find references. Some people are encouraging artists to NOT use references, which is WRONG. Do not listen to these dorks. It literally helps to sketch out ideas. You can make your own references, too.
🖼️ Get inspirations from other artist
To get me inspired, I take a look at the best artworks made by incredible artists. I saved them for later and took them as inspiration.
💡 Sketch out ideas and make thumbnails
This is essential! Before doing ink drawings, I first sketch out ideas gathered from references as many as I could. Thumbnail sketching is a great tool too. It's where I plan out my composition before making the final artwork. I can't explain it enough. My brain has reached its limits.. lels..
🧪 Experiment with other mediums
Apart from ink, since I don't have enough ink and pens I could use for Inktober, I tried to play with other mediums, like watercolor, colored pens, poster paints, etc. Just keep experimenting and having fun with them.
⚠️ Take risks
One of my favorite things to do is to push myself to take risks. Don't play safe. I tried to step out of my comfort zone and draw something that I hadn't drawn before or use mediums that I hadn't used before.
One example here is ink washes on my sketchbook, which is supposed for dry media only because the paper is thin. I took my risk to do ink washes. I put a lot of water in it and layered it up multiple times. It turned out great. I was expecting that the paper would be ripped off, but it didn't, "almost".
🖌️ Let it go from mistakes. These are "happy little accidents"
Does this quote above ring a bell? If you know, you know. Every time I do art, I don't expect "perfection". Almost of my artworks are filled with imperfections. If I make mistakes with my artwork, I'll just leave it there. I'd set my expections down all the way to the void. Who needs to make art "perfect"? Mistakes aren't as bad as they sound.
🛌 Take breaks if I need to (LITERALLY I NEED IT!!)
While doing inktober, I'd been encountering burnouts, art blocks, and stress. I'd been doing these "repetitive" tasks everyday. When I feel grumpy, I take a break for an hour or more. Sometimes, I take a nap, or do things other than art. And then I proceed to do it right after breaks.
💯 Ignore algorithms and engagements
I have high hopes that my artworks will get noticed. Always. This is the most challenging one if you're trying to grow your social media accounts, especially if you have a small number of followers (less than 1,000). Since algorithms are changing anytime, especially on Instagram, chances are not getting more reach. I found this way more annoying; no matter how hard I tried to get more attention in my art, it always ended up reaching fewer people.
I'd been uploading my inktober drawing process videos for 31 consecutive days on Instagram and TikTok. They said, post more reels to reach more accounts than just posting a photo or carousels, as well as using "trending" audios. I'd been filming the process, editing, and uploading it to my social media every day for 31 days. 31. FREAKIN'. DAYS. And it's always never been easy. Ever! THIS IS BULLSHIT! INDEED!
On the bright side, despite my issues on growth, someone is still barely seeing and interacting with my art, which I'm really grateful for. Somehow, I've been getting some likes, comments, shares and follows. I guess that's how social media works. It only sees specific people, and that's okay. It would take ages to grow my accounts.
👩‍🎨 Interact with other artists
There are so many incredible artists everywhere on social media. So, I tried my best to interact with other artists -- just give a like to their art, comment (I'm getting used to it), share and follow.
❤️ Have fun!
The importantest shit of all is to have fun. Inktober is an art challenge, not a contest. This is why you shouldn't take this seriously. Forget all the doubts in our minds. Just to have fun. That's it. Finished your Inktober? Don't forget to treat yourself.
So, yeah. If you reached down all the way to the void, thanks for reading this. I've never writing this stuff before, and it's freakin' hard as hell, not to mention having a mental block. it took over a week to come up with these words, but I made it to the end 🥹.
I want to express my gratitude for those who supporting me and appreciating my art, as always ✨❤️. y'all the best!
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mallowstep · 3 years
irregular reminder that idgaf what you do with my work! plagarism aside (no direct quotations and cite your sources), you can all do basically whatever
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