#literally walked out and as soon as i turned the corner i just started bawling
annmarcus63 · 3 years
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Warning: this might hurt a little
on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/34157128
Grandma said once that to give away your raw score is forbidden.
"Your heart in it's full rawness, chaos, is a precious and dangerous thing. Never you should do something as giving it to someone else."
"But our ancestors used to do it. Look ma ¡look!" said Jaskier holding his story book on the air for grandma's tired eyes to see. A handsome knight was lying on the dry grass, dying from a wound on his stomach. He started calling for his love, an ancient fae with blond hair and fair skin. She fell upon the prairie from the charged clouds, with something shiny between her hands. The fae feed the wound with her raw core, her heart. The knight lived along side her, flying amongst the starry night, happily ever after. "This are just stories, Julian" said Grandma with contened anger in her dry voice. She took the book and close it on her thighs "Things were rarely like that. Knights and kings are more inclined to use our cores against us and other people. We can't recover from that loss" Julian look at the drawing on the coverbook, the fae was kneeled by a pond and the knight stood glorious in practically all the cover, leaving a very small space for the real hero, the one who save the life of the protagonist.
"Never give your raw core away. Stop reading these, THEY wrote this, Julian, you must be clever than her" said Grandma pointing at the beautiful fae. Julian nod, undesrtanding much more that he wanted to, and so little, so so little. Maybe that was the reason his family were hiding, they never express it in a literal way, that was the point really, but Julian notice anyway. The way, for example, of how they said their names and the rust taste that was left on the air after. It was common to hide their real names for fae, but you'd give that name knowing it's false, on the opposite when you say the false name thinking is the real one then another fae would know. Losing the self was something of a disease between the fae. Jaskier later knew that his parents have not choice but to lose themselves to save the lineage. Most fae really. Humans did that. Like they did to the elfes. Julian promise to never forget about the fae from his last storybook. He'll never forget about her sacrifice and the sacrifice of his people. But come on, after some years it was just naturally that, despite the wound on the history, a selfish creature he was and he forgot. He was raised as human, and he wanted to be a bard oh how he want it. And he did accomplish that, and a bloody good one that's for sure. Fae were extinct for all the world and that wasn't a cover, they're doomed to extinction sooner or later. It has been years since the last time Jaskier felt another fae being born. He is Jaskier troubadour, master of the seven liberal arts a mastermind amongst the crowds, a legend…an idiot most of the time basically.
What grandma failed to mention is that for a fae to be able to give their core away the recipient must be worthy at the eyes of the fae. Once this worthiness makes evident, that person would plant roots in the core itself, whether the fae want it or not. It's inevitable. Grandma should have said "be aware of where you place your heart. Hold it until you're fully sure of them" But well, it wouldn't have matter in the end. Jaskier have never being someone who follows advice, much less from his dead relative. It happened naturally, like breathing, eating and shitting. One moment he was standing next to Geralt under a pouring rain, the witcher kept looking for a missing girl on the edges of the woods, her parents place a bounty on the towns board, they couldn't offer payment in form of crowns but they're willing to let them sleep on the girl’s room. Jaskier became indignant, how a witcher is supposed to take a payless bounty? No, that is unacceptable. But despite the protesting bard and zero reward whatsoever Geralt went anyway, he look for a girl who surelly was already dead.
"I found her body near the cave by the pond. You can go for her by morning when it's safe. I'm sorry" after a minute of silence the parents with equal expression of cold sorrow release a heavy sigh charged with so much grief.
"What did it?" asked the father
"Nekkers. I got rid of the pack living there"
"Thank you, witcher. You and your bard can come in, i'm sure you're exhausted” Said the mother with great effort, like someone who can't breathe quite well.
Geralt rapidly added "No, I'm sure you and your husband need time to resign and mourn alone. My bard and i already had another place to stay" Eh, no they didn't.
"But...we don't have any crowns"
"I didn't do this for payment" And while the parents thanked infinitely to Geralt, Jaskier felt something wild and untamed surging from his chest. Reaching unabashed for the witcher with a big golden heart standing next to him, explaining to a mourning parents that he went to search for their lost daughter because he wanted to help. This new awareness of chaos, he knew what it was.
Chaos, core, raw.
And it had marked Geralt as his. We want him.
Give us to him. He's worthy.
He was doomed, so doomed from the very beginning since they encounter each other on Posada. Grandma tried to warn him of this. Oh grandma, you and i both know that I was never obedient or wise. So Jaskier let it happen, four years after knowing the witcher and his raw core already belong to him. But he didn't do it. He hold back despite the urgency on his chest because he wasn't sure it'll be welcome. Geralt was still trying to get rid of him in every town, sometimes Jaskier felt like a pet you don't want but you can't abandon it either. Surely there'd be a time in the future. And Jaskier wait and fell in love deeply with each passing year. And Geralt...well he was the same and also different in his own way, more at ease around him, softer maybe. Jaskier didn't need to be call a friend to felt like one to Geralt. They're friends, even if one part has being in denial for the past decade.
And then the djinn happened follow by the complicated affair with one Yennefer of Vandenberg. The curse caused the core to retreat afraid and wounded. He hurt us, he wished to hurt us. Jaskier argued with the voice that it wasn't his intention, he didn't even know he was the one with the wishes. In truth his heart shattered not for the wish but for the easiness in which the sorceress become someone important to Geralt, something to hold on to even if drowning. One decade and still Jaskier thinks he haven't reached that relationship level with his friend.
He doesn't want us
"You said no"
"Oh, it's nothing" Geralt didn't ask again
But weak and in love he was, the raw core and him reached out again, with fully open arms for Geralt to pull. Jaskier long to belong to him, oh how he did.
Yennefer and her shining imbecile knight join the hunt and he was jealous because as soon as she appear the witcher was drooling as if she was all he needed to shut down the darkness inside.
Don't you know? inside me there's a full light waiting for you to hold
At the softness of the afternoon Jaskier found Geralt sitting on a rock lost, as usual, in though. But this time were different, he had failed three people, Borch's dead has left a wound that surely would scar badly. And the bard felt a deep sadness for his golden heart witcher. He's definitely blaming himself for the fall, for that narrow and insecure path alongside the mountain as if he was the one to build it.
Jaskier asked him to come with him to his home, to the coast, he yearn to be there with him and feel the sea wind on their faces while walking by a cliff near a quiet village that Geralt wouldn't mind to visit.
We want to be his.
Give us to him.
We can love him better.
But Geralt didn't want him, he wanted Yennefer.
He give himself to him anyway.
"Here" said Jaskier putting a hand on Geralt's thigh, surprise, instead of flinching away Geralt held Jaskier's hand and with most carefulness took what was inside the palm. A small glass vial, similar to the ones where he pours his potions. He held it on his gloved open hand. There was something inside, warm and inviting. White, almost yellow that make Geralt felt calm and safe.
"What's this?"
"A gift. It'd take care of you" Geralt frown at him, confused and uncertain of what it meant, but he took it with a barely there smile only for Jaskier to see.
He's a coward, he couldn't confessed him the reality of what it meant because he was terrified of being rejected, grandma said that a rejection is so devastating that it might kill him. And even at this point in their friendship Jaskier couldn't know for sure.
It's me. Take me, i'll protect and save you if needed to. Have me, please have me.
Geralt went that night at Yennefer's tent and Jaskier felt glad for not having told him the truth
"If life could give me a blessing it would be to take you off my hands"
No, no, not now.
They're doing fine.
And then very fast very suddenly Geralt reached for his breast pocket to held the vial of raw core on his fist and toss it unceremoniously to the hard soild.
The noise of shattered glass invaded Jaskier's ears before the heavy blankness surged from his chest to every corner of him.
“No, no, no” said he, giving a fumbling step towards the vial but deciding to turn around instead.
Away away away away.
He can't see me like this.
Something was tearing in fine lines caused by the trembling, an earthquake from his very bones that were fighting on maintaining their solid formation. Something inside was bawling with such and intensity that make his ears bleed.
Was this dying? let it be death for he can no longer take it. Does breathing always hurt this much? like if his lungs were filled with wool and the air only add heaviness on them. What was this? a beating heart, so afraid so betrayed, like a laugh from his ancestors. He wanted to throw up his intestines, they're on fire, but when he tried only saliva flood. He was not himself anymore, and to become whole was an impossibility that the pain was making sure off. Dirt get inside his mouth, his cheek on the ground was getting cut by rocks. A voice calling for him to react, to say something. But he no longer have a voice, he was death itself preparing for a long dream.
I’m sorry grandma.
I'm sorry, said to himself
and he remembered the blond fae on the cover book between grandma's hands, of how she give her life to save her love one, but who'd give their life for her?
who'd give their life for him?
He needed to sleep, right here on the mountain ground, to become whole again or at least half whole.
He begged for death instead.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
All right! I have an inner ear infection, I got water in it. How would Daddy!Henry take care of me?
(i wasnt sure if this was just a prompt or if you have an inner ear infection, just to be sure I hope you get better soon love!!🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘)
Summary: SoftDaddy!Henry looking after his little.
warnings: DDLG, Little Reader, Sippy’s, Bottles, Pampers
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Henry felt guilty as he followed you out of the doctors office. The ear ache was an ear infection... Inner ear caused by water.
He felt like a failure, he'd been brushing off your ear ache as just that an ear ache! He put it down to you listening to your music too loud and had confiscated your aptly named Scullcandy 'crushers' that had a ridiculous base that literally vibrated the head set.
After a few hours he'd gave in giving you some medicine and popped your winter ear muffs over your ears to try and help.
Then this morning you had a bout of vertigo as you sprung up violently from bed trying to get to the bathroom to be sick.
You didn't make it, collapsing at the door and emptying your stomach on the floor in the hall.
Luckily the hall runner caught it all instead of the actual carpet.
He had quickly whisked you into the shower hosing you down as you bawled apologizing profusely.
He had hushed you cooing quietly. "its okay, you couldn't help it sweetheart- its okay i promise"
You cried feeling worse after the shower, henry had to help you back to the bedroom as you couldn't balance very well.
He'd taken care of you dressing you in your favourite baggy cowl neck jumper dress and a pair of your fleece lined leggings, then grabbed a small sick bag and bundled you into the car.
The good thing was your gp offered and emergancy drop in clinic from 8-10 in the morning where you could use if you needed treatment immediately.
So now he was picking up the antibiotics from the pharmacy feeling like an asshole for not believing you yesterday instead blaming you for your loud music
The drive hadn't helped you a single bit, you were a mess by the time you got home, to the point you couldn't walk on your own.
You tried to wobble out of the car before henry had got out of the car himself
You'd only managing to slip one foot out before you began to tip out unsteady and began falling
Luckily henrys hand shot out dragging your ass back on to the seat securly. "Stay right there love, daddy will get you out"
You were quickly placed on his hip and carried into the house he took you straight upstairs to bed stripping you before wrapping you in a soft reusable nappy.
You didn't fight instead just held your hand out to him crying as your ears hurt.
"shh shh its okay baby- come on lets get you in your footy pyjamas and then daddy will get a bottle and we can spend all day in bed-"
"nooo- daddy downstairs"
"okay-okay poppet we can snuggle downstairs but first we need to pop your jammies on"
You nodded only to whine as the movment made you feel sick all over again.
He carried you downstairs and placed you on the corner sofa
He fussed about you fluffing your favourite huge feather pillow and tucking you in the corner of the sofa supporting you, in a way that would keep you as still as possible.
He'd get your new fur weighted blanket and drape it over you hoping it'd help you sleep and pin you in place so you don't try get up without him.
Before he walked away he turned and nodded to Kal who was sitting at the sofa waiting patiently.
At his dads nod he jumped up on the blanket, laying across your legs huffing stretching out over you eyeing you both like don't worry I've got the pup'
Henry would leave the room and come back with a warmed bottle of milk and a sippy of weak Vimto, the new pink raspberry one you'd snuck into the cart simply because it was pink.
"Here sweet pea take a sip and swallow these for daddy" he coaxed sitting beside you handing you the large pills.
You whined but moved drinking the juice and swallowing the tablets before resting back on the pillow.
Henry quickly connected his phone to the sound bar and began playing some of your asmr rain tracks that helped you sleep, though he kept the volume low trying not to hurt your ears anymore then they were already.
Henry moved leaning next to you popping two small cotton buds with some apple cider vinegar in your ears, an old remedy his own mother used to use to help.
"shh shh hey its okay- this will help love, come on stay still... Oh poppet I know it hurts baby but daddy will be gentle"
You flinched at first but tried to be still fisting your hands in his top sniffling into him as he moved from one ear to the other
He managed to secure the two small pieces in your ear's then tugged you closer letting to curl around a little resting a sore ear on his chest
"Good girl, now let that have a few minuet's to work its magic"
"m-magic daddy?"
"yes poppet, it should have worked by the time you've had your milk- come on open up"
You did as you were told letting him tip you slightly before feeding giving you your bottle, holding it for you as you drank.
It wasn't until you started to suckle you realised it wasn't just any milk, he'd put a few spoonful's of chocolate Ovaltine- a malt drink that always put you to sleep.
You closed your eyes feeling relaxed one hand comeing up to wrap around one of his fingers as he patted the side of your bottom in slow repetitive movements.
It wasn't long until you were drifting off to sleep, he was a firm believer that sleep was the best medicine.
After he was sure you were deep asleep he pulled the bottle that had become a pacie substitute away, it was still half full but that was alright he'd give you the rest later.
He reached over grabbing a pre-prepared pacie popping it in your mouth before you even realised the bottle was gone.
"well, looks like this is us today Kal" he whispered quietly managing to grab his tablet from the sideboard behind the sofa. He may as well reply to some emails whilst he was here watching over his sick babygirl.
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Patched up with the doc
'For a request, would it be okay if I asked for Herman taking care of a reader who got injured outside of a trial? I do kind of want it to be an angsty moment at first, but it just turns into fluff and comfort. I don't want smut or anything. Just Herman being a gentleman and showing the reader his affectionate, caring side. They both might not admit it at first, but they really like each other and always wanna be extremely close; Hugs and cuddles.'
This was the prompt, and here's what I went with! Enjoy a bit shorter of a fic featuring our good doctor, Herman Carter, taking care of a slightly belligerent reader!
It was just like any other day. You’d gone to the saloon in Glenvale with a few other survivors to just hang out. You couldn’t remember what you went out onto the upper deck wrapping around the saloon for, but you were cursing yourself for it now.
It was humiliating to be dangling with one leg partway through the broken floorboard. Whatever reason you had for coming out here was not worth it as you tried to pull yourself back up without further hurting yourself.
You weren’t having much luck, low curses leaving you as you prayed no one would come out to check on you. The last thing you needed was any of the other survivors, or entity forbid, any of the killers, to see you in such a pathetic position.
Being clumsy and mucking up a gen or two was bound to happen. Not making it to a pallet in time, no big deal. But something this pitiful was not something you wanted anyone to know about or see. You would never live it down.
You could picture the laughing stock you’d become if people caught wind that you literally fell through the floor and hurt yourself. You fell from greater heights during trials and had no problem rolling through it on the balls of your feet. Hell, there was that place in the Gideon meat plant that was way higher than the saloon and you’d never had trouble with that.
One last growl of frustration left you before a sharp intake of pain left you holding still after you definitely stabbed yourself on part of the broken board.
A barely audible whimper followed not soon after, the splintering wood jabbing at your torn skin. You could feel the blood dripping down your shin from where you had scraped yourself up, and from the fresh stabbing from trying to free yourself.
And just as you were going to try to move a different way, you heard the footsteps make creaks from somewhere behind you.
This was the worst case scenario, you could hear it was someone heavier than any of the survivors that had come with you. There’s no way Feng’s or Meg’s footsteps would be that loud.
Dread filled your heart as you whipped your head around, grimacing as your shift made the wood dig into you again.
And the eyes that landed on you lit up green when they saw the position you were in, awkwardly hunched onto the deck, obvious pain on your face and one leg dangling at just above the knee into the broken hole.
“Here, let me help you, my dear.”
Herman took purposeful steps towards you, intent on helping you free yourself and seeing to your wounds he caught the slightest glimpse of when you shifted in place.
He stopped, shocked at your sudden outburst.
You held an almost trembling hand up, as if that would keep him at bay. And it did, for a moment.
“I-I’m fine. I can do it myself. I don’t need any help, I’ll be fine.”
And as if the universe was amused in your suffering, when you tried to lift yourself once more from the jagged hole, a piece of wood lodged deeper into the beginning of your thigh, causing you to gasp out and almost choke on your pain.
“You don’t seem fine, y/n. Please let me at least assist you in getting out, I insist.” He’d moved forward a few steps, approaching slower, and eyeing the floorboards cautiously now.
You struggled again, throwing the same hand back up as you grit your teeth.
“I said no! I don’t want your help!” The tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes, stinging like you’d just cut up onions. Your nose burned as you held them in. The pain and humiliation leaving you a mortified and stubborn mess.
He hadn’t stopped in his approach, moving to the side and gently touching your arm with his hand, rubbing a small soothing circle on your shoulder.
“While any other time you saying no I would listen, I really must insist. You have injured yourself quite seriously, and are having a difficult time freeing yourself. I’ll get you up and out of that, and then we can head to Lérys and get you cleaned up. You’re sure to have splinters, and those are nearly impossible to remove on ones own, especially at the angle you’ve got them at.”
He sounded so matter-of-fact that you couldn’t even argue further, just holding in the tears and trying desperately not to sniffle and sound even more pitiful than you were sure you looked.
You tried to reason with yourself that at least it was Herman to find you and not someone like Danny or Frank. They would have probably laughed at you and gotten everyone else to come out and point and laugh with them.
You tried not to break down into tears of frustration as Herman moved around to your front, being careful of where he stepped and testing out the weight first before fully committing to the step.
He bent over, taking a moment to observer where the most damage was that he could see, the front of you leg just above the knee.
He simply hummed out in acknowledgment as he saw a rather large sliver of wood having made its home in your thigh, looking rather painful.
“Alright, I’m going to move you back just a bit and then lift you straight up. You might bump into the boards, but I’ll be able to get you up and standing just fine.” His hands moved to under your arms, taking care with his grip so as not to cause you any further discomfort.
At this point, you mutely accepted defeat, simply letting him take the lead as he adjusted you minutely before finally lifting you up, your leg not even brushing against the boards.
You felt even more miserable as you realized just how easily he’d gotten you out versus your own painful struggling that ended up with you hurting yourself more than doing any helping.
Once he had you out of the hole, you’d expected him to set you down on your own feet, but you were not expecting him to only rest you on them for a moment only to lean down to scoop you into his arms, injured leg on the outside.
At your bewildered look, he smiled gently. “Can’t have you walking with your leg like that, and Lérys is a bit of a walk.”
You wanted to protest, but at the same time you were getting your first good look at your leg, and maybe you really should just let him help you patch it up.
You weren’t even sure if Claudette could truly help fixing it up at this point.
So instead of fighting him on it, you nodded numbly, withdrawing into yourself so you wouldn’t give into the urge to start bawling like you’d been struggling with the whole time.
He went down the back steps, avoiding alerting any of the others to your condition, having noted that you were not in the mood to have anyone see you like this. You hadn’t even wanted him to help you, going so far as to try to pull yourself up and hurting yourself further.
No words passed between the two of you as he made his way towards Lérys, avoiding anyone else that you might have gone by with ease.
The relief you felt when he finally crossed the threshold into his realm was visible, pulling a very soft chuckle from him. It was nothing like his usual laughter. This laugh held a gentle mirth in it, a light but non-judgemental amusement.
“Rest assured, y/n. Your dignity is safe with me.” His thumb rubbed a small but soothing circle on the arm it was pressed against as he finally made his way into the building of the hospital, making a beeline for the closest room with the right equipment in it he’d need.
After carefully placing you on the hospital bed inside the room, he immediately went about gather the supplies he would need onto a rolling tray.
It did not take him much time at all to ready everything. There was a bottle of antiseptic, two pairs of tweezers, one big and one small, some gauze, a needle and some suture thread. It seemed you’d be getting stitches today.
At least these would be in a sterile environment with steady hands, unlike the ones you received during trials.
A meek “Thank you.” barely made it past your lips, your gaze staring at the gashes in your shin and the bit of wood protruding from your thigh.
Herman looked up from his readying of items, a soft smile gracing his features.
“It is not a problem, y/n. You were in distress, and I am more than happy to help.” He reached out, patting your uninjured leg for a moment before returning to the task at hand.
At his touch, you felt a warmth blossom in your chest, but you didn’t want to think about that right now. So you instead locked your gaze on your leg as he started meticulously cleaning your wounds and removing all the splinters you’d managed to get.
After the first touch sent near white hot pain through your body, you’d decided it was probably best not to watch so you laid yourself back, staring instead the ceiling as you balled your fists in an attempt to stay as still as possible.
Thankfully, the good doctor was precise in his movements and had you sufficiently patched up in seemingly no time at all. Considering the amount of damage, having to sit still for 20 minutes really hadn’t been that bad.
You let out a shaky breath in response to his question of how you were doing, still trying to hold your tears that had never left you in.
The weight of his palm against your upper arm startled you into opening your eyes and looking up at the now blue eyes of the doctor.
“It is okay, y/n. It’s understandable that this kind of injury is quite painful, especially considering the entity will likely not heal it until your next trial.” There was understanding in his face, a tenderness you’d never seen on him before.
It was foreign, but not unwelcome. You still felt plenty embarrassed by your situation, but the voice inside your head happily reminded you that it could have been worse.
Although, at the gentle press of his hand, the dam that had been holding back your emotions finally burst.
Hot tears trickled out the sides of your eyes to disappear into your hair behind your ears, the sensation feeling strange and only adding to your already frazzled nerves.
You sniffed once, twice, then let out a small but frustrated sounding whimper as your hands came up to rub almost viciously against your eyes.
Why of all times to loose your cool was it in front of a killer? Granted, he’d helped you and had never treated you poorly outside of trials, but this was beyond mortifying.
Your outburst didn’t phase him, knowing that the survivors already had a stressful enough existence with the trials and not having their own places unlike the killers. Living in a makeshift tent with just the campfire to keep the place lit up wasn’t easy for any of them.
He moved his hand to the top of your head, gently running his hand down it a few times, effectively petting your hair while he let you cry it out.
You instinctively turned into the touch, your body curling in on it’s side while you reached out blinding to grab the hem of his shirt while you tried your hardest to cry quietly.
Content with just letting you take your time, he continued the gentle petting of your hair, taking a small step closer so your arm wasn’t so outstretched.
A low hum left him, intent on soothing you in any way he could.
He’d been a bit off put by your almost venomous refusal of his help at first, but looking down at you as you slowly stopped crying, the hiccups starting and seeing you scrub your sleeve at your face to try and wipe away the tears there.
His other hand moved to stop you from rubbing your face anymore, offering you the pocket square he always had one him.
“No need to dirty your clothes when this is here. It is what it was meant for, after all.”
His encouraging smile was enough to have you taking it with no resistance.
And after you’d dried your face and blown your nose, he helped you sit up, hand lingering at your arms for a moment before he tilted his head.
“I know this is rather unorthodox, but would you like a hug? I believe it would benefit you, and to be completely honest, I wished to comfort you so this whole time.” His eyes were a gentle white now, as he waited patiently for your response.
A light blush took over your face, trying not to feel any smaller than you already felt.
Turning your face away before giving a small nod had him smiling at your own bashfulness.
And that’s how the first hug you’d received after coming to the entity’s realm happened. And there was many more to be had with the doctor, as you had been quick to find out.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad accepting help sometimes.
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binnieboyswhore · 3 years
93. "I believe in you" with binnie 👉👈
Hey, if you want to send me a number from this list and skz member and I’ll write you something <3
Pairing: Changbin x Reader Genre: fluff Word count:1,008 Warnings: Needles Authors note: Please i love this so much and i really want to start doing prompts like these more often, i get tired writing from my list sometimes so it’s nice to jog it up a bit. But further ado Binnie baby. 
For the last month and a half you’ve been begging and pleading with Binnie to get matching tattoos, well more corresponding. At every opportunity he never hesitated to shoot you down even after you showed him your birth flower (I got it from this chart) and how pretty it would look on his skin or how pretty a little poppy, his birth flower, would look on the back of your shoulder. He just kept telling you how ridiculous it sounded and that he didn’t want to cause, “What if we do it and you don’t like me anymore.” worry very evident in his eyes.
“Oh Binnie,” you say cupping his chin in your hand “I don’t like you now.” You smiled real big at your joke as he frowned not thinking you were funny at all. “But I’ll always love you Binnie, I promise.” you kissed the tip of his nose.
That was  two weeks ago and he still has said no to you everytime. Slowly you began to give up on the idea, deciding maybe it was better that it stayed in your head, in your imagination alongside tongue piercing Binnie. Some things just weren’t meant to be reality. Because of finally giving up you spent most of the day sulking on the couch thinking of what could have been and how hot Binnie would’ve looked with a piece of you attached to his body.
At that he peeks his head around the corner from the hallway into the living room, “Hey.” he said trying to get your attention. You ignored him. “Hey Y/N.” he says a bit louder.
You turn to look at him glaring a bit, “Do you secretly hate me is that why you won’t get my flower tattooed on you.” you stick your bottom lip out pouting the best you know how.
Binnie just smiles at you, “Would you stop being so dramatic, I love you and you know that. I’m getting ice cream if you wanna go with let's go.”
You hop off the couch, “You’re lucky, ice cream is the only remedy for a broken heart.”
You go to slide your sandals on by the door as he grabs your waist turning you so you’re face to face with him, “Bunny don’t be like that, you’re not heart broken.” he says grabbing hold of your chin.
“I am a little, but it’s fine I’ll get over it.” you said trying to smile feeling bad for having made him feel bad over something so silly.
“You can find something else coupley for us.” He says leaving a soft kiss on your lips.
“Matching tongue piercings?” you nearly screamed.
He looked at you feed up, “I was thinking of a cooking class or shirts.”
You guys had decided to get ice cream downtown so you could walk up and down and look at all the shops. Binnie was very adamant about going downtown saying he didn’t want to go right back to the house after ice cream so you indulged him. About an hour later you had started to complain that your legs hurt and you wanted to sit down.
“Okay, you can sit down here, I just needed to do something here real quick.” He said opening the door to a shop, you hadn’t caught the name as you were looking down at your phone.
As you enter the shop you hear faint buzzing and look up, Binnie already looking down at you with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Wait, what are we doing?” You asked, not wanting to assume.
“Look, you said you were gunna love me forever and I figured I’m gunna love you forever and you really want this so why not. Plus I like the idea of being able to have a piece of you everywhere I go.”
You could’ve cried. You could’ve bawled but you were in public so you kept it together opting to kiss him gently while whispering I love you. You walk up to the desk and start filling out all the necessary paperwork for your new art and soon enough the artist was taking you both to the back.
“So who’s going first?” The tattooist asked, sliding on her black glove.
Binnie saw the panic flash in your eyes so without hesitation he took a seat and removed his shirt. You sat across from him jumping when the needle started humming. Binnie flinched a little when the needle first touched his skin but after that he sat pretty still. You tried to calm your nerves, this is what you’ve literally been begging for. Why are you so nervous?
In no time Binnies was complete and he was standing looking at it in the mirror trying to angle the hand mirror just right. You stood up to stand next to him, you fell absolutely in love with it resisting the urge to reach out and touch it.
He made eye contact with you through the mirrors, “It’s your turn bunny.”
You took a deep breath and sat in the chair removing your jean jacket, thankful you wore a tank top so you wouldn’t have to remove your shirt. You stuck out your hand for Binnie to hold, “I’m a little scared please.” you said with pleading eyes.
He dragged his chair closer to you lacing his fingers with yours, “You got this, I believe in you.” he smiled at you.
The buzzing of the needle started and it hurt a bit but nothing like you thought it would and it felt like 2 minutes before she told you she was finished. You ran to the mirror looking at it in awe. The little poppy sat on your shoulder blade just beautifully. Changbin walked up and put his shoulder next to yours so they were side by side.
The tattooist asked if you wanted her to take a picture of it and Binnie handed over his phone, you guys intertwined your fingers and just stared at each other in awe of one another and just absolutely in love.
A/N tag with your birth flower i wanna know what Binnie got
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darkatsumu · 4 years
Okayokayokayokay, hear me out. What if one of the bar girls got the job because she has to pay for one of her only family members medical bills. And one day she got news that their family member is getting worse, so she’s at work upset and Suns is just making all of these jokes or sumthin. Just being the worst as per usual. But for some reason they just dug at her way worse than before, and she just looks at him with tears in her eyes and goes ‘fuck you’ and goes into the back.-🦒
You wanted to be a hard worker; more like, you needed to be a hard worker. How else would hospital bills be paid? Majority of the tips and pay you receive go towards putting your family member in the best hospitals, for the best treatment possible, for literally anything to keep them well. But lately, things haven’t looked so good. 
“You can go home.” Osamu had said to you during outfit checks. He wouldn’t be the boss if he didn’t know everything, “I’ll give you your pay for the night.” 
You only smiled, shook your head because if you were going to send your family overseas for better treatment, then you needed more money. Yet, was money really worth this? With your heart already bruised over the thought of potential passing, here was this asshole, the worst man alive, giggling watching you fetch the cash he tosses. 
“Here.” Suna narrows his eyes, dropping the wad of cash onto his lap, “You should use your mouth.” 
Your lips twitch, was this worth it? Your eyes watered, being treated like some toy? Your nose starting to sniffle, when all you wanted was to be with your family, “Fuck you.” 
There was an obvious shift in the air, the table left with opened mouths, as you angrily throw the tray onto the ground. You rush away from the table, Suna can hear you shouting to Osamu, “I’m going home!” 
“Get out.” Osamu pulls Suna up by the neck of his shirt, “You’re banned, for three months. I’m being lenient, but these girls have lives Suna; they have dignity. Stop toying with them for your amusement.” 
He angrily kicks the ground, this was your fault he reasons. If you had just played along like usual then he’d probably still be down there and not banned. He digs his hands into his padded jacket, headed to his car. 
“Yeah, I’ll be there soon.” Your voice forces him to pause. He sees you standing near the piles of garbage from the restaurant, “Is she going to be alright? I’ll get to the hospital as fast as I can.” Suna tilts his head, from the weak light of the alleyway, he notices your tearstained cheeks, “I just have to go home and change; what do you mean right now?” He watches you begin to bawl, “Okay. I’m coming. Just tell her to hold on.” 
When the phone is hung up, eye contact is made. He feels like shit. Seeing your beautiful face tattered with tears and sobs and in the middle of winter you’re adorned with a thin skirt and cropped top. For someone who he knows he drops thousands on; you’re wearing just a thicker sweatshirt. 
You turn on your heels, walking away from him with your hand wiping away tears. He was the last person you’d want to see at the moment. It was warmth that made you turn, a jacket hung on your shoulders, one so large the ends touched below your knees. Your watered eyes watch as he casually walks by, t-shirt and slacks in the middle of winter. The coat smells like him, a contrast to the wintry air, he gives off a sea breeze. 
“Keep it.” He mutters, eyes peeking from the corner to stare at your awestruck expression. So quick, his thumb grazes your cheek to wipe away the tears. The image of his back is burned into your memory, “See you in three months darling.” Suna glances over his shoulder, “Be prepared.” 
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
[Identity v] Cheese!Andrew Kriess x gn!Reader
Andrews new “cheese” skin recently came out, and he’s been wearing it ever since. It’s a cute white and turquoise outfit with a bunch of pastry looking accessories. You’ve always wondered if they’re just props or if you can actually eat them. You’ve never seen Andrew try it himself, and you’re eager to just go up to him and take a bite. If it wasn’t obvious enough, actually doing that would be very weird and awkward. I guess I could just walk up to him and ask, but I’m a little shy, especially around him...
It’s early in the morning, and you were in the hall way talking to Emma about who knows what. You haven’t had breakfast yet, so you’re thinking about is fluffy pancakes with maple syrup or a delicious blueberry muffin with a cup of coffee. She’s rambling on about something, and you’re not listening to whatever somewhat sounding word comes out her mouth. You see Andrew walking towards you guys from the left with a big yet still shy smile while Servais is walking the opposite direction. They bump shoulders and a bunch of the frosting on his headpieces plops onto Servais’ shoulder and sticks to his rough leather jacket.
Andrew apologizes profusely but Servais is already steaming. He starts yelling, saying how Andrew ruined his jacket and calling him clumsy and telling him to dig him his own grave when Servais is done with him. Andrew yelps and runs back away to the opposite direction. Quite harsh, just for a small mistake—no—very harsh, too harsh. You run off to find him and it seems he’s left a trail of melting frosting from the hallway, leading to his room. You turn the frosting plastered and sticky doorknob, and walk in. You see him sitting in the corner of his room, face buried in his knees, sobbing quietly.
You walk over to him and pat him gently on the back. He flinches when you touch him, and he looks up to see who did it. He looked into your eyes with a calm manner then suddenly tended up when he realized he was bawling his eye out in front of you. His whole face is red, but it’s a little hard to tell because of his blush makeup. “I-uh-I-um y/n- I...” He was stuttering a lot, trying to find the right words to spit out his mouth, but all he could say was “I” and “uh”. You grabbed his wet hands— wet from crying and the melted frosting— and held them tight. You looked in his eyes and told him to calm down, and that everything is fine. His breathing got steadier and hands less stiff. While looking at his eyes you can’t help but notice what looks like white chocolate tears. Your stomach rumbles. You still haven’t eaten, and you’re craving something sweet. “Y/n, I-“ Andrew starts to talk but you cut him off. You lean in and-
You licked him.
You licked his tears.
They tasted good, but nothing can distract from how awkward it is to just lick frosting off of someone. Especially just after having a mental breakdown. He doesn’t say anything, just looks at you in disbelief. You take your finger and swipe a dollop of icing off of his head piece and licked it off your finger clean. You’re so hungry you don’t realize what you’re doing. You’re literally eating his costume off of him. He’s too stunned, too confused and surprised to realize what and why you’re doing it. After you’ve almost eating his whole hat cake thing, you finally snap back into reality and apologize for eating his costume. He lets out a small chuckle, that starts getting louder, then turns into laughter, then full on uncontrollable howling.
Your face goes red as you think Andrew is laughing at you, but he just finds it so unbelievably adorable how you’d eat icing off of someone, or lick their face because you were hungry. Gasping from laughter, Andrew tries to tell you something “HaAgahHah, y-y/n *snort* are- are you hungry? I heh- I wanted to ask you out *snort* for brunch!” He keeps giggling in between words, and soon enough you joined him, laughing with the aftertaste of sweet sugar cream in your mouth. After you both finally calm down, you say “I’m starving! Let’s go get brunch then!” You say with a bright smile. He smiled back and you help him bring him up to his feel with one hand, and you both go to get brunch without letting go of each other the whole time.
Hdhdhjsj sorry this took so long! Hope you like it :))
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bundle of love (alex turner x reader)
description: a very fluffy alex learns big news regarding your child-to-be
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none
she looks as if she’s blowing a kiss at me, and suddenly the sky is a scissor / sitting on the floor with a tambourine / crushing up a bundle of love 
When a muffled sound pulled you out of your sleep, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes and groan. For a brief moment you thought it might be something from outside, that when you rolled over in your bed you’d find your husband sleeping soundly, but you knew that just wasn’t the case. The sound was all too familiar for it to not have been Alex and the space behind you was all too cold for him to still be sleeping there. When you rolled over, you frowned at the empty place in the bed, and muttered a few profanities to yourself when you looked over at the clock. 
“God dammit, Alex. 3 a.m.”
You huffed as you did your best to rise up out of bed - the large bump that was your stomach making things a bit more difficult than normal - before grabbing your silk house robe and slippers and shuffling towards your bedroom door. As soon as you opened it, the noise that had woken you became clear and far louder, causing you to once again mumble some not-so-nice words to yourself as you walked toward the living room. 
“Al, it’s three in the morning. Can you please go to bed?” You nearly had to yell over the sound of your husband playing his guitar. When you had come around the corner into the living room, you found him on the floor with sheets of music and lyrics sprawled out everywhere, strumming an acoustic guitar.
“Hey, darling!” He chirped and smiled as you came around the couch and stood beside him, but his expression quickly changed. “I’ve woken you, haven't I?”
“Yes Alexander, you woke me. I don’t know how you thought you wouldn’t, with that bloody guitar and these thin walls.” You tisked, and put an arm on his shoulder.
 He smiled sheepishly up at you and put an arm around both of your legs. “Would you mind helping me, for just a second? I wanna get this hook before I go to bed, and Miles isn’t here to be my tambourine-ist. I’ll only be a few minutes, I promise.” 
You sighed and used the couch and his shoulder to support you as you lowered yourself onto the soft carpet beside him. “Fine. Maybe some of the musical talent will rub off on the baby if I’m around you while you’re working more.” 
You looked at your husband to find him beaming down at your belly. Or, well, the thing growing in your belly. The sight made you smile as well, the way he looked at your future child was so sweet it put tears in your eyes, he had never looked at anything like he did at your bump. His sweet brown irises held a different sort of twinkle, the creases around his eyes seemed deeper yet softer, and his lips held a sort of content smile that could only be associated with unrequited love. He loved you, he loved the house the two of you owned, he loved the dog the two of you had adopted a few years back, but he loved nothing like you knew he loved your unborn child. He constantly had his hands on your stomach, feeling for little kicks and movements, he couldn’t help but smile any time you wore anything that showed your bump off, and - he didn’t know that you knew this - but sometimes at night after he thought you were asleep he’d lay next to your tum and sing softly to the baby. You thought it was absolutely precious and you could not wait to see the daddy-to-be’s face in a few months when your baby girl finally entered the world. 
“Alright, darling. Here’s what I want you to do for me. Take this here tambourine, right, and just bang it along with what I’m playin’.” Alex passed you the instrument and gave you a tap on the thigh for encouragement. He gave you a little “one, two, three,” before beginning to strum his guitar, and within a few seconds you had caught onto the beat and began to play to the best of your ability. Alex wasn’t singing any lyrics, just humming a melody, and yet you thought it was one of the prettiest songs he had ever written. A large smile emerged on your face and you began to have a bit more fun playing the tambourine, bopping your head along and adding some fancy handwork to your playing. 
 You hardly noticed when Alex turned his attention to you, you were too caught up in your own little musical world to care about or acknowledge anything but the strumming of your lover’s guitar, his thick voice humming an unfinished melody, and the hiss of your tambourine. Alex’s face was lit up, his smile lines and crow's feet complimented his rosy cheeks, his tired eyes had a new sort of sparkle to them. When he stopped strumming abruptly and you were yanked out of your rhythm and back into the moment, you gave him a disappointed look.
“Why’d we stop? I was just starting to have fun!” You whined. 
Alex let out a hearty laugh and pulled you close to him, so your head was resting in his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around you. “I got the hook, Love. You’re an absolute natural, only took me one try to find something that sounded right. Almost wanted to keep playing, though. You looked right gorgeous playin’ like that.” He placed a kiss on the top of your head.
You looked up at him with a look of adoration. He was so perfect, he always knew exactly how to send butterflies shooting through you, even years later. “Aw, Al.”
“I love you so much Sweetheart. Every time I look at you, the ring on my finger, the bed we share, the pup, everything. All I can think about is how happy I am to be here with you.” Alex whispered. “And now with this baby so close to being here, I just can’t believe it. Makes me want to cry. I’m literally the luckiest man alive.”
It took everything in you not to start bawling tears of joy yourself, what he had just said was so incredibly beautiful. You looked up at him once again and caressed his face. “You’re perfect, Alexander. You’re gonna be an incredible daddy. Our little girl is so lucky.” 
Your eyes widened. Your hand shot to cover your mouth. Fuck. Alex had wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby until she was born, you were meant to keep it a secret just so you could buy the appropriate clothes and toys for the baby.
“Oh my God Alex, I can’t believe I’ve said that. I’m so sorry, baby.” You winced as you turned to face him completely, fully expecting to look at him and see an expression of disappointment. You had ruined his surprise.
However, when you looked at Alex, you were faced with something far different. His mouth was slightly ajar due to shock, but a massive grin was painted across his face, and tears were streaming down his face. “We’re having a baby girl?”
You nodded and your eyes filled with tears too. “We’re having a baby girl.” 
Alex jumped up from the floor, a wild look on his face. “We’re having a baby girl,” he giggled, still not completely at terms with the information you had just slipped. 
He held out a hand to help you off the ground, and once you stood up as well, he put his hands on your shoulders. “My love... my baby… My angel. My darling, my sweetheart, my princess…. My wife, my soulmate, the actual mother of my child… is having a beautiful baby girl with me.” Tears were still streaming down his face.
You couldn’t get any words out, you were too emotional. All you could do is smile and nod. Alex let out a broken laugh through his tears and pulled you in for a hug. His arms wrapped around you tightly, and when you snaked yours around his back he began rocking the two of you back and forth. You were both practically sobbing now, the realization that you were going to be the parents of a baby girl in only a few short months had finally really set in. Alex seemed to hug you for hours before pulling back and looking into your eyes once again. You giggled as you placed your hands on the sides of his face and wiped his tears away with your thumbs. He took a deep sigh and did the same for you, then he broke the silence.
“I want to name her Willow. We met in Willow park, I proposed to you under a willow tree, the first thing you planted in our garden was a willow sapling. I think it’s only fitting that our first baby is a Willow, too.” 
You had never felt the way you felt at that moment. Your heart felt so full it could burst. Your smile was so wide you thought your face would tear. You felt so much love in your soul at that moment, you couldn’t even respond. All you could bring yourself to do was take the hands still cupping Alex’s face and pull them towards you. You attached your lips to his and he grinned into the kiss, moving his hands onto the small of your back and pulling you closer. The kiss was passionate but not lustful, your lips moved together gently and in harmony. It was as if the kiss was saying “I love you”. When Alex pulled out of the kiss, his lips were puffy and his cheeks red. It warmed your heart that even now, years after the two of you had met, the two of you still got flustered every once and awhile. Alex pressed his forehead to yours, so the tip of your nose was touching his and your eyes were staring up into his. Alex’s hands were on either side of your head, tangled in your hair. He said nothing, just looked at you with loving eyes and a toothy grin. You couldn’t help but chuckle a bit before patting his cheek. 
“Alright, Daddy, off to bed. You won’t be able to do this late night stuff anymore when little miss Willow hits the world, so get used to it now,” you whispered and gave your husband a kiss on the forehead before making your way back to bed. 
“Right behind you, Mum,” you heard Alex giggle, and he gave you a playful slap on the arse as the two of you reached your bedroom. Alex took off his shirt and practically jumped into bed, whereas you took your time to take off your robe, put your slippers away, and stretch your back before slowly strolling to bed. Alex had an impatient look on his face. “Please, for the love of God, Darling, get into bed. I want to say hi to my little angel before going to sleep.”
You shook your head slightly and chuckled, you knew exactly what he meant. When you finally slid into bed, Alex turned toward you and began tracing little circles on your tummy. 
“You know, sometimes after you’ve fallen asleep, I like to sing to her.” Alex whispered. 
“I know Al, it’s really sweet,” you beamed. 
Alex looked up at you with furrowed brows. “You know? I always wait till you’ve gone to sleep, though.”
“Babe, it’s kind of hard to not know when there’s someone singing to your stomach. I’m only a few inches away from you,” you muttered. “I think it’s really quite precious, though. I never mind hearing your voice.” 
Alex rested his head on your pelvis, so he was looking up at you and was right next to your swollen stomach. You began running a hand through his hair, and he cleared his throat. “Well, I guess I won’t have to wait for you to fall asleep then.”
You nodded and gave him an endearing look.
“And I know just the serenade for my two ladies tonight, I couldn’t stop thinking about it while we were in the living room. It was just too perfect.” Alex giggled.
You did your best to hide your excitement when Alex began softly humming the opening to That’s Where You’re Wrong. You were mesmerized as Alex stroked your stomach and began singing softly.
a pussyfooting setting sun
make a wish that weighs a ton
there are no handles for you to hold
and no understanding where it goes
you laid your head back into the pillow and gently shut your eyes as Alex kissed your stomach and started into the next verse.
jealousy in technicolor 
fear by name, love by numbers
street light amber, wanderlust
hide her in a blunderbus 
by the time Alex got to the chorus, which obviously was the part of the song that he was thinking of when he mentioned the song being ‘too perfect’ for tonight, you were practically asleep. Alex’s hands on your belly, his voice in your ear, his hair tangled in your fingers, it was all so perfect. If you could choose to have one moment last forever, it would have been that one.
she looks as if she’s blowing a kiss at me
and suddenly the sky is a scissor
sitting in the floor with a tambourine 
crushing up a bundle of love
don’t take it so personally
you’re not the only one
that time has got it in for honey
that’s where you’re wrong
Alex’s voice faded out as you began to lose consciousness, the last thing you remember hearing was his final “oooh”s after the chorus, and then him kissing your bump once again before getting up and kissing your forehead. You mumbled an “I love you” to your husband as he laid down beside you and wrapped his arms around you, so your head was in his chest. He then tangled his legs in yours before letting out a deep sigh and shutting his eyes.
“I love you too.”
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kermitbread · 4 years
putting this here too. it's been a while since I've written anything proper and I've finished this on someone else's computer (I make do lol)
it's also in my AO3 :) ok see ya
Caw, caw, caw.
It was now dusk, the air becoming cooler now that the sun was setting. Everything was silent, from the far away cries of birds up in the sky, to the sound of a swing being pulled back and forth by the children's playground nearby.
The clouds were almost covering the sky, letting the sun illuminate through with a pretty red-orange color. As the wind began to pick up a little, Nene could feel that it was going to get real cold any time soon.
The clackety noise of a bicycle made her turn around. Well, she should have known. Amane always took the same path home as her, and automatically that made them companions everyday.
He pulled the brakes, letting his bike go to a halt. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me, Yashiro?"
"You were busy with Astronomy club, and I didn't wanna bother you." She admitted. Knowing how busy he was ever since he got the position as president of the club, she didn't want to waste too much of his time.
He chuckled, shaking his head as he got off his bike and set it on its stand. "You're never a bother to me, you know."
Nene had to avert her eyes away from him, her grip on her bag's strap tightening. It's times like this that made her feel so… strange. Just being around him would probably make her heart explode, with all the nonsense he would say.
"Hey, Yashiro. Look up over there." Amane's voice guided her back to where he was pointing at. The clouds slightly parted, and she could see the outline of the sun slowly descending downwards.
"The stars are about to come out. I heard there's gonna be a lot out later on when it gets a bit more dark, cuz the clouds won't be in the way for at least a few minutes."
Stars. She didn't know why, but hearing Amane talk about the stars felt comforting, somehow. Seeing his eyes brighten up at the mere mention of them, it was always a welcome sight indeed.
Nene heard him walk up to her side, and unexpectedly take her hand. "Let's go over there a sec!"
"Amane-kun, I'm gonna trip!" She tried to stop the red grazing upon her cheeks, staring at their intertwined hands together.
It was really not fair how he had her feeling this way so much.
He only laughed, proceeding to pull her along to the playground, right towards the swings. Upon reaching the first swing, he let her hand go at last, and she couldn't help but miss the warmth they brought from the chilly air.
"We're not little kids anymore, you know." Nene smiled regardless, sitting on the swing beside him. Amane was known for being the mature one out of him and his brother, but that didn't mean he didn't have a childish side to him.
"Swings are still fun, though. Age doesn't really matter here." Amane grabbed the handles, stepping on the seat of the swing. It wobbled around, worrying Nene.
"You're gonna fall, get down from there."
"Don't worry! I'm used to this." He started swinging back and forth, but Nene couldn't help but remain worried. What if he fell and broke a limb, or even worse—
With one last push, Amane stopped the swing from moving, hopping off, arms up in the air. He turned to Nene with a big smile on his face. "Ta-da!"
"You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself. That was dangerous, Amane-kun."
"You need to relax, Yashiro." He went back to the swing and sat down properly this time, kicking his feet forward a little.
A comfortable silence followed between them. Aside from the sounds of the chain swings going to and fro, and Amane's feet kicking up the dirt below, it was just peace and quiet.
The sun was now near the lower edge, and the stars finally clearly visible right up the darkening sky. Nene looked back at Amane, and was rather taken aback by the sight before her.
He wasn't looking right at her, but he had his eyes up at the stars above. The setting sun illuminated his figure, and it pretty much made him look like some kind of extraterrestrial being.
In a good way, of course.
"Hey." He finally averted his gaze off the sky, turning back to her. "You think there's anything out there that's watching us right now?"
"You mean like aliens?" She asked, and he laughed, as if the question had sounded silly, which it was.
"Something like that, I guess. But have you ever wondered about the possibility that there's something out there, probably light years away?"
Nene hummed, making the swing she was on go back and forth a bit. "Not really. What brought this on, Amane-kun?"
The sun had since long gone, the moon now taking its place up the sky. She couldn't help but notice how Amane's face brightened up at the sight of the moon, and once again it was something that somehow gave her a strange sort of comfort.
She wondered if she did the same to him, in some kind of way.
"I want you to know… that I really really like you, Amane-kun!" The phrase hung around her mouth for so long, all she needed was a little push for it come out.
How would he react, though? Would he accept? Would he just take it for her as one of her jokes? Knowing him, he'd definitely not take it seriously.
Maybe it was best she didn't say that out loud. Not like this, anyway.
"It might seem weird if I tell you." He stopped kicking on the ground, letting the swing gradually come to a stop. Nene shook her head at that.
"I'm sure it won't! You can tell me."
Amane contemplated for a second, the both of them looking at each other intently. Seeing no doubt in her expression, he gave in, turning back to the moon.
"Remember the time we first met? Back in middle school."
Of course she did. It was an important day to remember, after all.
"Yeah." She answered, not really sure where this was going. The nightly air became a bit more chillier, and she rubbed her arm, trying to get herself to stop shivering.
"I found you sitting by that swing you're on, bawling your eyes out." Amane rose both hands to his face, making a mock-crying pose. He had to swivel backwards when Nene tried to shove him off the swing.
She huffed angrily, glaring at how he could only laugh at the whole situation. "For your information, I was suffering a terrible heartbreak that day!"
"Ah, yeah. That jerk of a senpai who turned you down."
"Are you bringing this up just to make fun of me?!" She couldn't see how anything good was coming out of this conversation.
"No, no, it's not like that at all." The teasing tone he had in his voice faded to something more sincere. One by one, the light posts around them lit up as the sky darkened more, and the stars popping up at every corner.
"It's kinda weird, but I was kinda glad you were there that day."
Red eyes blinked owlishly. At her confused expression, Amane let out another light chuckle, leaning himself forward so that his elbows were propped on his legs, head tilted at her.
"I believe there's something out there looking out for you, Yashiro. And I think that's what lead me to meeting you in the first place."
Why was her heart beating so fast again?
"L...like a guardian angel? Don't be silly, Amane-kun. You out of all people should know that." Nene waved her hand at him, trying to dismiss his words and the fact her cheeks were beginning to turn red yet again.
He got off the swing, walking towards her and squatting down in front of her so that she could see him face to face. Something tells her he was being serious about this.
"How else would you explain this?"
"Eh… uh… explain what?" It was hard trying to get into eye contact with him without getting flustered about it.
"You, me. An unsuspecting couple of kids. We literally don't match up in terms of how we want to live our life. Yet, here we are." To further prove whatever point he was carrying across, he removed both her hands off the handles of the swing and led them to her lap, their fingers intertwined and all.
Suddenly it didn't feel so cold anymore.
"Something out there cared enough to let our paths cross that day. It knew I'd care enough to stay by your side. Don't you think so?"
She felt frozen on the spot, unable to do anything but watch him, as through the street lights, through the soft shine of the moon, he smiled.
"...yeah. Yeah, I do. I really do." Almost mindlessly she nodded. She had to be careful; she didn't know what she'd do if her heart had bursted from all of this going on.
"To be perfectly honest, I was also happy you came along, Amane-kun." Now her gaze turned shy, preferring to look at the ground below them than right at his eyes.
"You're annoying, you're a perv most of the time, and you never take anything seriously…" She had to grin a little when she could feel Amane grimace at those words, like he had been struck physically.
Finally gathering up her courage, she lifted her head back up, her smile directing to him. "But things probably wouldn't be the same if you hadn't sat there next to me and spoke like my life depended on it."
Here goes nothing.
Nene leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, and if you think about it, they were awfully looking like a princess giving her knight a reward for his duty.
Doesn't sound too bad, to be honest.
"So thank you, for heeding that call. Thank you for being there by my side."
Amane became a little flustered from the sudden act of affection, as he could only sit back up rigidly and nod. He had a silly little smile on his face, though, and that was enough to know what he was currently feeling.
There were so many words he wanted to say to her, so many things he wanted her to know.
"I want you to know—"
"Y-yeah." Was all he could muster out as a reply.
Nene giggled at his unusually shy demeanor, standing up from the swing and picking her bag up to her shoulder. "Well, it's getting dark out now. Let's go!"
To his surprise, she was the one who grabbed onto his hand first, and she was the one who was now dragging him along the path, smiling all the way.
That crooked, goofy grin of his came back, as he just let her lead him far away, never taking his eyes of her.
"—that I really, really like you, Yashiro."
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solastia · 3 years
Day 22
Faith, Namjoon x Reader, 8/8 Chapters, 31k words
After trying to squeeze everything for Beneath the Surface, I think I’m going to split this one into two days. So...today we will be squealing about the first four chapters. Buckle up Buttercup, this about to be a whole damn emotional rollercoaster!
I think it was this story that cemented in me just how much I love your writing style. I love going through it with a story, but please give me a happy ending. I get too emotionally involved and invested in these characters and having a sad or open ended final chapter is too much for me! Give me the warm and fuzzy feels in the end! You really like to give us satisfying stories and happy endings. I was once deeply invested in a Harry Potter fanfic and it ended up having a tragic ending and I swear to Bob, it scarred me! We have enough sadness irl, give me the fairytale!!!
So, in this story, our MC falls in love with Namjoon, who is an underground rapper. You see how you ground the story for the fans? This could have really happened, or maybe it did...wait. Thinking about it now, we’ve all heard the theories that Joon is secretly married with kids. GURL, DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T??? Ok, ok, ok, moving on.
“You weren’t going to leave before your brother even got to the stage.
You MIGHT get kicked out before then though, you thought to yourself, glaring as another random hand smacked your ass as they walked past you.”
AGAIN, you always make your female MCs feisty and I am here for it!!! I know these are reader inserts, but I rarely ever see myself in them, if that makes sense? I still form a mental image of these main characters and I love how you are able to flesh them out so well without giving in depth descriptions (which is not ideal for reader insert fics, you know?) And I love that they stand up for themselves, no doormats here!
“You look up to find an incredibly handsome, and very tall, guy looking down at you, dimples on full display. He was dressed in all black. From the black skinny jeans that encased his long legs, to his black snapback on top of his bleached blonde hair.”
LAAAAWWWDD!!! I have a very clear memory of the rap line doing Cypher Part 1. Hobi looking like he was prepping for Mic Drop with his fit, Yoongi was blond, snapback, ripped jeans, bomber jacket, and his Straigh Outta Daegu attitude. And Joon...he had that undercut, kinda silvery blond hair, a simple beige t shirt, and black shorts. THAT’S THE JOONIE I PICTURE IN THIS FIC!!
“And your rap name is?”...
“It’s Rap monster.”
“Huh. Well, it’s not the WORST I’ve heard. Remember Llama guy? His name was MC McGriddle. I finally convinced him that it would be in his best interests to change his name. He finally did. Now he’s Hilbo Haggins. I don’t think he understands the concept of copyrights.” You smiled over at him.”
HILBO HAGGINS!! I am literally in tears. And is that Hobi??? Is it? Cuz if it is I will hereby stop calling him Hobert and refer to him only as Hilbo! Wait no...Hilbo reminds me of Himbo. Who is the biggest Himbo rapper I know, hmmmm…..OFC, MATTHEW! The big tiddy man himself. Ok, new theory. Hilbo is BM from Kard, and no, you cannot convince me it is not Matthew!
The first time between Joon and our girl is so damn hot and tender at the same time. Joonie is, of course, the perfect gentleman, invested in our girl’s pleasure just as much as his. And then…
“I can hear you overthinking.” He chuckles into your hair. He leans back and tilts your chin up, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“So what’s it going to be? Am I staying the night or do you want me to leave?”
You look at him shyly, and bury your face into his chest, mumbling, “Stay…please.”
“Good, because we obviously really like each other, and I wasn’t ready to leave. Give me twenty minutes to rehydrate and we’re going for round two.”
“I’ll never survive!” You squeak out, as he laughs and picks you up, carrying you to the kitchen.
“You watch the rise and fall of his chest, letting your mind ponder the situation you’ve found yourself in as you drift off to sleep. The only conclusion your exhausted mind can reach is faith. It’s time to let yourself believe in someone. You’re probably an idiot for it, but you’re going to put your faith in this man named Namjoon.”
This is incredibly romantic and scary at the same time. Putting your faith in someone, being vulnerable with someone, is so damn scary! It is a huge leap of faith. I can feel the angst coming!!!
The little snippets of them together in chapter 2 are so damn cute! I am on the verge of tears! When Joon calls himself a dad because she got a puppy, saying he wouldn't let her be a single parent, omg that was so cute!!! UUggh so fluffy.
And then...
I just got it. The foreshadowing. Excuse me, I need to go cry in the corner for a bit, be back in three business days. This is like the tenth time I’ve read this story and I was today years old when I realized. It hurts, thanks! *finger guns*
Anyways, more cuteness please!! The peanut butter in the fridge, his apology, Joon befriending her brother, so freaking domestic. I cannot!!! And then, the emotional whiplash:
“You watch him over dinner, excitedly talking about his plans for the future (with a full mouth), and you slowly start to realize…you could never tell him. This was his chance. With his level of talent, you were sure he would be at the top in no time. You were going to have to set him free, so he could achieve his dreams, without worrying about you or what was soon to come.”
“Namjoon pulls off your shirt and expertly unhooks your bra (Heh)”
We, as a fandom, have decided to erase all memory of that particular song! Because we have deleted all information stored in our collective memory about that song, I do not understand this reference. Thanks! Lmao
AND THEN YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO NAME THE BABY FAITH??? So, my feelings don’t matter to you? My personal well being is not a priority for you? Noted. Not like I can do anything about it. What am I going to do, stop reading your stories? Bwahahaha that ain’t gonna happen. I guess I’m a masochist cuz here comes chapter 3…
Their reunion was freaking amazing. I thought he'd be mad or that his anger would turn into hate, but it seems our boi is even more in love with our MC than he was before. The looks across the room, toying with her fishnets, the flirting, the back and forth, the ride to Jack-in-the-Box. Talk about foreplay!!! And then the culmination inside the Jack-in-the-Box bathroom! Woooooooo! And she still hasn’t told him about the baby?!?!?
“If the two of you had gotten into a fight, Namjoon would drag you there to sit and talk things out.”
This is so spot on, Joonie would!
“Tell me what happened. Tell me why everything changed. Tell me why you didn’t want me anymore.” Namjoon whispers, his voice laced with pain.”
“You lose yourself in the familiar feel of his soft, plump lips moving tenderly against yours. If there was one thing that Kim Namjoon was better at than rapping, it was kissing. He always kissed you like he was worshipping you with his lips and he could happily do it forever.”
I feel this in my bones!!! Joonie would be the type to take his time too! And with those lips! Dayum…
I think I am done for today, my heart can’t take any more!!!
Tomorrow we will finish this story!
Now that I picture Matthew as that rapper, I can’t get it out of my head! Totally canon lmao. 
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Birthday present
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 24 | Part 25 Birthday present | Part 26 >
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Disclaimer: Just cute fluff
Author’s note: I couldn’t make myself finish this story on a Monday, of all days, so I did write an epilogue that will be posted tomorrow. ❤️
Word count: 1.632
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
Time flies when you’re having fun, and I’m bursting with joy right now. Quite literally actually, my belly so large that baking a birthday cake for my partner in crime was almost impossible. Almost. I managed. It is today the 5th of May and as he is out to the gym for his morning workout, I am working out to slap this house into a state of celebration. Cake, balloons, garlands, everything. The golden 40 should not go uncelebrated! Now, as time is running short since everything is taking a million times longer than I had initially anticipated, I will be off again now.
Your ever loving, MOM-TO-BE,
Breathe in, puff - puff - puffff out. Folded over on a kitchen chair, my hands wrapping nervously around my belly I tried to calm my breathing, the ghost of a contraction taking longer than it probably should. Was this it? Was this..
The front door opened and I heard an all familiar tipple tap of dog paws on the tile floor of the hallway, followed by squeaking sneakers as the front door was closed again. ‘Honey, I’m home!’ Henry called out, making me groan in silent frustration as the pain was just too bad to get up - or speak for that matter.
It took a minute or so before Henry finally found me, still on my chair in the kitchen, brows furrowed and face focused as I tried to steady my breathing. I wanted to cheer him a happy birthday, but all I could manage was a broken whine. Henry widened his eyes and quickly squatted down before me, his hands also folding over my belly in concern.
‘Hey..shh..it’s okay. Are..are you okay? Do I have to..? I can..’ The big bear of a man started to babble a string of words I could barely follow - that is what happens after months of poor sleep, nausea and aches everywhere. Blinking at him I nodded at a small puddle on the kitchen floor beneath the sink. ‘I think..pffff pfff pfff …I think my water broke.’ I swallowed. ‘Not sure though..I mean..I was..pfff..doing the dishes..and..’ I gave him an exasperated look - he had told me to just take it easy, sleep in a little if I could manage.
But of course I had been stubborn, simply refusing to let his birthday go uncelebrated.
Henry started to laugh, shaking his head. ‘Ali..’ He looked into my eyes. ‘..you..’ His smile reached both ears. ‘Me.’ I nodded, pouting. Slowly his eyes lowered down to my belly again, a careful thumb brushing over the cotton of my t-shirt. He was quiet for a moment, just brushing his thumb over my belly, my breath back to a calm, steady rhythm now. I could see those big wondering blues study every fibre of my shirt, of the way the babe in my belly responded ever so slightly to his touch.
It was a feisty baby bear, for sure.
And then his eyes started to sparkle. With tears, his lip shivering ever so slightly as he quickly looked back up at me. ‘Oh don’t cry please.’ I muttered, cupping his cheek. ‘Then you make me cry.’ I sniffled, already feeling the tears starting to roll down my cheek. We both sniffled back some tears, just sitting there in the kitchen, Kal hogging down some food after his large morning walk in the corner. The dishwasher buzzing.
This was it. This was it! Pack your bags everyone, we’re going on an adventure!
Exactly a minute to midnight it happened. FINALLY. I wasn’t even sure what to do with myself anymore. Nothing was comfortable, everything was frustrating and painful and I was so exhausted that I couldn’t even scold the heaven’s up above anymore, all sounds coming from my throat being animalistic growls. But it was all so very worth it, I swear. Because there’s only a few moments in life that truly etch themselves in the fibre of your being for eternity.
One of them being Henry bawling his eyes out as he held his newborn baby boy in his arms for the first time. The large papa bear looking all kinds of disheveled and exhausted, I couldn’t help but think it was his best look yet. His smile so wide it nearly tore his face in half, his watery eyes sparkling with true joy, his large hand tracing the features of a very small, but already very bubbly boy.
Because everyone needs a Sam. Sams are the best friends, the most loyal of all, and this little Sam sure would make for a great protagonist, already tugging at his fathers hand with strong little fingers.
Henry laughed, another tear dripping down his face, his index finger being clutched by mighty baby paws.
‘He’s already as strong as you.’ I smiled, looking at the two from the sweaty mess of my hospital bed. Not that I cared. Not that anything mattered. This was perfect. Henry looked up and smiled at me. ‘No, he is as strong as his mother.’ He corrected.
I raised an eyebrow. ‘Meaning..?’ Henry chuckled and leaned in, carefully laying the babe back on my chest, my whole body firing up with happy little sparks. ‘He’s already MUCH stronger than I could ever be.’ Henry pressed a careful kiss on my forehead as I looked down at the small human laying there. My little human. Perfect, just per-fect, in every way.
‘I wonder what he’s dreaming of.’ I said quietly, leaning into Henry’s chest, the tv playing some movie but neither one of us truly paying attention. We both just couldn’t stop gawking at the little human that was safely snuggled away on my chest, sleeping. Henry pressed a kiss on my temple and hummed. ‘You, most probably.’ He sniffled and I poked him gently in his rib. ‘Hennn..’ I shookmy head in disagreement. ‘What? I don’t blame him.’ He chuckled. ‘Ugh..you’re such a sap.’ I rolled my eyes.
‘Please allow me.’ He murmured, pressing another kiss, this time on my cheek. ‘Very well then.’ I laughed, turning my head to kiss him on the lips. It was a sweet, tender kiss. Almost a bit too careful on his side. But that was Henry, the new dad. Everything was done with utmost care and tenderness. Too soon he broke away from the kiss again, his eyes locking deep with mine. ‘There’s one more thing..’
I raised my eyebrows, seeing him slip off the couch, his hands reaching for my free left hand as he settled on one knee, a tiny velvet box being conjured from his sweater pocket.
Oh. OH!  
I watched him wide-eyed as the following words slipped with a smile of his tongue; ‘Would you please, please allow me to marry you now, Ali? Dearest, dearest..’ - I started to laugh aloud, making Henry frown slightly, his words dying on his tongue and little Sam muttering some quiet protest as I jumbled him with my laughter.
I quickly calmed down and took a settling deep breath, before managing: ‘Oh..sorry. I mean..uh..gosh..I got you a present actually. Could you..could you fetch it? It’s in my bedside table.’ Henry frowned even more, then looked at the door to the hallway. ‘Please..’ I begged him, biting my lip with mirth.
‘Now, Henry.’ 
Giving me another suspicious look, Henry quickly moved to fetch the present from my bedside table, his face having turned to equal mirth when he returned downstairs.
Another velvet box in his hand. My ring to him.
We both started chuckling.
‘Sorry..it didn’t go quite as planned.’ I giggled, making him shake his head in disbelief, his feet carrying him back to his initial spot before me on the couch. And once again he settled down on one knee, reaching for my left hand, which I gladly offered.
‘Ali. For real though this time.’ He raised a teasing eyebrow. I giggled. ‘Third time’s a charm.’ - ‘Would you please, finally, marry me?’
Smiling giddily I nodded, muttering a barely discernible yes from my laughing lips. ‘Yes..yes.. yes!’
Henry smiled, then carefully placed the ring on my finger - not entirely easy as I was still sporting quite sausagy fingers from my pregnancy. Both giggling, he finally managed to squeeze it onto my finger, after which I picked up my box, reaching out for his left hand and taking it in my left hand as my right hand was still occupied with a sweetly sleeping baby.
‘Dear Henry. Did you know that after we drafted that darn Marriage Pact, I made a copy? Just to make sure I wouldn’t accidentally lose you if we lost that pact?’ I clicked open the box and a folded sheet of paper was in there. Henry blinked and unfolded it. And indeed, it was a perfect greyed-out, slightly faded copy of the pact.
Our pact.
Beneath it a ring. He huffed with amusement and I continued: ’I didn’t want to lose you then. But I most DEFINITELY don’t want to lose you now.’ I reached out to cup his cheek, his beard hair growing out after a few days of not shaving, his eyes looking back into mine. ‘Dearest, sweetest, bestest of friends. My Henry. Would YOU marry me, please?’
Henry’s eyes glittered as he looked up at me, his lips quivering ever so slightly as he started to nod. ‘Ye-yes. Yes please. Yes finally. Oh gods.’ He quickly sat back onto the couch and pulled me in a not-so-careful hug, his lips pressing a number of kisses on my face.
‘YES for the love of God!’ He exclaimed, then finalized our promise by pressing one proper, solid kiss on my lips.
And thus, the Pact was consumed, gratified. He was mine..and I was his.
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​ @luclittlepond​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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courtofjurdan · 4 years
One Chance part 2
Jurdan College Au - masterlist
*I hope you guys enjoy this. I am not the best but I tried. Feel free to tell me what you would like to see and any advice or tips. Thanks, enjoy!!*
Summary: Jude is just an average college girl at Elfhame University with her twin sister Taryn. She is trying to learn the ways of life with tons of school piled upon her, but when she sees a certain person that she met some time ago, her world gets shook in too many ways. 
Jude is beyond livid for the fifteen minute homeroom class which they have to go for attendance. The bomb tries to talk to her, but Jude just ignores her, well, really she is deep in thought of how she can kill Cardan. So when the professor Noggle says dismissed, Jude jumps up from her seat but before she can leave a strong hand grips her shoulder and turns her around. By God if this is Cardan I’m going to smack him. 
She turns around, sees his pretty face and smacks it hard. She could hear the remaining classmates in the room take a deep breath of air. She surprised herself with how hard she could hit when she becomes angry. Cardan put a wicked smile on his face as he said,”Jude, Jude, Jude, my sweet Jude, did you miss me?” This was obviously said in his sarcastic tone of voice.  
Jude rolled her eyes,”Yeah, you wish.” She walked out of the class room and went to her other class which thank God, was without Cardan. The roach tapped Jude on the shoulder once she sat down and asked,”Is everything ok?”
“Why is he here? I can’t do college with him here. Heck, I barely survived high school with him.” The anger in her voice disappearing, replaced with a little bit of worry.
“Remember Jude, we are always here for you” he said while placing a hand on her shoulder and looking at Bomb and Ghost. Jude just nodded. Next Jude had a break from classes and she sat outside the university until her friends were done with their class so they could go get lunch together. And so coincidentally, Cardan had a break too. They didn’t have the same classes but they had the same break time, wonderful. He finds Jude on her phone, sitting on a bench. Jude quickly looks up, sees who it is and says,”Nope, nope, I am not sitting here wasting my time talking to you.” She begins to get up to walk away. 
Cardan puts his hand over his heart and scrunches up his face acting like the words sting. “Jude, how many times do I have to apologize? I went too far, I get it. You can stop avoiding me now.”
She turns around, face red with anger,” No Cardan, I can’t stop avoiding you. What you did was unforgivable. Do you know what people told me for the rest of the year? That I was worth just as much as the dirt on the bottom of their shoes. And you know what? I started to believe it.” She was basically shouting at this point. She didn’t mean to let that last bit fall out of her mouth. She didn’t want to seem vulnerable in front of Cardan.
“Jude-” but it was too late. Jude had already walked away before he could say anything else. Well, it wasn’t like he knew what to say either. 
She went and sat at the other end of the parking lot hoping no one would see her. She just wanted to scrunch in a corner and never come out again. She wanted to go back to before her parents died. She wanted to go back to when life was good, and fun. As she sat here with her thoughts bundled inside her head, she sees Taryn and Locke walk out the door. Please don’t see me. Please don’t. Too bad. Taryn saw her. Taryn with a happy face, and Locke with an amused face, comes up to her. Taryn quickly lost her happy expression and replaced it with a worried one when she could physically see the anxiousness of Jude. 
“Jude, what's wrong?” Taryn asked, worried.
Jude rubbed her face and started to get up. “Nothing you can fix.” She hated how resentful the words came out. 
Because Locke always has to make his presence known he spoke up,”Man, I wonder if this has anything to do with Cardan.” Spoken sarcastically. 
Jude, through gritted teeth,”I wonder if it does, Locke, it would be nice if you would let me know.” Jude walked away knowing that any moment her friends would come rescue her from the trap of everyone else. 
   Not much longer later, Jude meets her friends and they get into the bomb's car, and goes to a little diner called Underseas diner. Everybody talked at the table except Jude. Ghost knew something was up so he asked her, “Hey Jude, did anything happen while we were gone?”
“No, nothing worth telling.” 
“Jude, we are your friends. You can tell us anything.”
“I am just thinking.” 
The Bomb pipes in,”Sure, It’s ok boys, i’ll get it out of her later.” Bomb then continues to wink at Ghost and Roach. They laugh as Jude rolls her eyes and smiles.
They all ate together and celebrated their first day of college. Unfortunately, Jude had one more class she had to attend. It was her least favorite, it was literature. She hated anything with paper and reading but oh well, there’s college for ya. 
She was running a little behind so when she got to class, there was only one seat left. It was by the one person she was trying to avoid. It felt like the universe was trying to pull them together and she didn’t understand why. She groaned inwardly and went and sat down. She sat as close to the side of her chair away from Cardan as she possibly could. 
She was thankful though because this time he didn’t try to talk to her. She would just periodically see him look over. He also kept on hitting his pen on the desk, Jude guessed it was out of boredom or it was a nervous tick. Do I make him nervous? Jude thought. 
When they dismissed the class, she was out of there before the professor could even finish the sentence. She raced back to her dorm. Her dorm felt almost like a security blanket. A safe place to hide. 
She changed into some comfortable clothes, and sat down on her bed. She ate some mac and cheese and watched some netflix. Then she heard her phone buzz. It was Vivi. 
She said flatly “Hello.”
“Umm, Hi I wanted to see how your first day was?” Vivi said hesitantly.
“Oh Vivi, it was great.” 
“What’s wrong? Did something embarrassing happen? Don’t tell me you started your period and it got all over her bottoms in front of everyone?”
“Uhh no, Vivi, that didn’t happen. Cardan decided he needed to join college. I walk in homeroom, and there he sits, in all his glory.”
“Ohhhh Nooooo” 
“Yep, I smacked him in the face in front of a bunch of people.” 
“Oh wow, Jude.” Vivi paused. “I swear, one day you're going to end up with him. Your biggest enemy is going to become your best friend.” 
Jude was quiet for a moment and then said,” I got to go Vivi, someone is calling in.”
She heard Vivi say, “sure” right before she hung up. 
There is no possible way Jude could ever think about Cardan being the one for her. Just thinking of all the stuff he did. The bullying scarred her. She at least hopes Vivi was just joking because if she wasn’t, and she is being literal, then she might be right because when is Vivi ever wrong? 
Day two of school and Jude was not prepared for it. She gets up and ready, she forgets breakfast because, well, is that really important? When she walks in the grand wooden doors people are giving her weird sneers and smirks. She thought maybe something weird had happened before she got there. But, all that changed once she knew what her locker had on it. It is senior year of highschool all over again, she thought. 
Someone had taken a video of her slapping Cardan, everyone probably knew that reunion was worth looking at. They took screenshots of the video at different points of view. She didn’t even realize her peers had their phones out because she was so angry at Cardan. They had put notes on her locker saying “Maybe kissing Cardan would make him want you. Try that next time.” She was mad. She looked around and saw that a crowd was enclosing her, and people were laughing. But she wasn’t going to give them the last laugh. 
She looked around looking for one particular face. And boom, right there leaning against the other lockers, with the biggest smile he could muster was Cardan. She pulled him to the middle and said very loudly, “Ok, ok, if this is what you guys are dying to see then i’ll make it happen.” She grabbed Cardans chin, and brought his lips to her mouth. Cardan’s back hit the lockers with a thud. It was a hard and deep kiss. Like almost something they both needed, but would never admit. Jude broke it off abruptly, surprised. Not surprised that Cardan didn’t back away, or make some witty remark, but because she was feeling something that she couldn’t place.
She quickly turned to her silenced audience, and said with a big mask of a smile on her lips,”Happy?” and she walked right back out of those big grand doors. On her way out, she passed Bomb with her mouth hung open, the Ghost and Roach had wide eyes plastered on to their faces, and Taryn with a frown and Locke with a smirk of enjoyment. Jude was walking back to her dorm and the one thing she thought about was that it was only the second day and she would already miss a class. And, maybe how sweet that kiss was but she quickly shook her head to get that thought out immediately. 
Jude went back to her dorm, and bawled. She was humiliated, again. She couldn't believe she didn’t see the trap coming. She kept on wondering, Was this Cardan’s doing? Did he have this ultimate plan? Little did she know, she would soon find out. She did the only thing she knew to do. She called Vivi. 
“Hello” Vivi greeted.
“Vivi, it is senior year all over again.”
“Woah, Jude, what’s wrong?” 
Jude told her the rundown of what had happened. 
“Jude, walk your butt back into your next class and show them who’s boss. Don’t show them that their words hurt you because that will only want to make them hurt you more,”
Through the sniffles,” Ok I will. Love you, bye.”
Vivi always knew the right words to say. She was, if not more, just as strong headed as Jude was. Vivi became the closest thing to a role model Jude would ever have. 
Before she knew it, it was 1:30. Her next class started at 2. She debated on going because Cardan was in it, but then she thought that she is not letting everybody win, she will walk in there with confidence she didn’t know she had. 
She walked in the classroom and everybody looked at her. By now, everybody knew because rumors spread like lightning. She looked in the back and found a wide pair of black eyes looking at her gaze. She sat down with a friend she met yesterday in this class. Her name is Sophie. Sophie gave her a small smile, and Jude gave the same back. 
Class was over rather quickly, and Jude decided to be the last one out this time. She let everyone go, keeping her head low. She went to get up to leave once the room was cleared out, but realized quickly that one other person lingered behind. In the silent room, you could hear Jude’s stomach growl so Cardan said hesitantly,”Jude, would you like to get something to eat with me?”
     Jude retorted back defiantly while she got her bag,”Isn’t there like five hundred other girls here you rather ask?” 
“No, there isn’t.” He said quite confidently which drew Jude back a little bit, but still, she did the Jude thing -
Jude just rolled her eyes and started walking away.
“Jude -wait, I’ll buy it. Just come. Please.” 
She stopped dead in her tracks. She heard a “please” come out of Cardan Greenbriars millionaire mouth. She turned around slowly, saying, “Ok, only because I’m not paying, and I’m really hungry.” He nods his head and puts a small grin on his face that made Jude almost pity him until she remembers that she doesn’t know his motive. 
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mallhit · 4 years
A lil fic based on some headcanons with @dollhousemuses where huey asks wakko to move in with him when he goes off to college. kinda a mix of a Brotherly Bonding fic and a lil Huey/Wakko...with another huey/wakko fic to come aowiejf enjoy
It was easy to tell when Wakko was upset if you knew him well enough. And Yakko definitely knew him well enough. 
The dead giveaway that something was wrong was always his tongue; it wouldn’t be hanging out of his mouth, meaning that he was biting it either out of anger or anxiety or concentration. Sometimes Yakko mused about the humor in the quietest sibling literally having to bite his tongue, but those thoughts were often overlooked by his worry for the younger. Sure Wakko had his outbursts, but there was a difference between that and his more unsettling contemplation.
So when Wakko came into the kitchen as Yakko was cleaning up from lunch, he knew he was in for some big news right away.
Wakko never liked to talk until he was ready, over the years Yakko had learned that trying to get him to voice his issues before he was prepared only ended in disaster. So for several minutes Yakko continued to clean while Wakko stood there, mulling over his thoughts. The dishes got scrubbed, the food put away, it wasn’t until the last counter was dusted that he finally spoke up.
“Hey Yakko, can we talk?”
“I sure hope we can,” the eldest replied, “Or else my name is about to become real ironic.”
“Wise ass.” Wakko said, but there was a smile twitching at the corners of his previously down turned mouth, so that was a good sign.
“Hey now, let’s watch the fucking language around here.”
They both burst out laughing at the same time; Yakko high and fast and Wakko deep and slow. It was a familiar sound in the water tower, the siblings had a habit of being able to make each other laugh at any time no matter the situation. 
Slowly the laughter died down though and then they were both back where they first started, gawking at each other in the kitchen as they both tried to prepare for the conversation to follow. 
“It’s about Huey.” Wakko finally came out with it. 
For a brief moment Yakko’s blood began to boil. He thought of the worst possibilities, the most outrageous things that could’ve happened and even the mere assumptive thought was enough to almost send him over the edge. His anger was quick to calm though; if Wakko and Huey had been having relationship troubles then he would’ve heard about it long before now. Not to mention Wakko would be bawling his eyes out if they’d broken up, so it couldn’t have been that. 
He really should give Huey the benefit of the doubt. The duck had been good for Wakko. Not many 18 year olds could say that they’ve had the same sweetheart for the last 6 years; Wakko and Huey were just lucky like that. 
Yakko thought back to what his sibling had been like before meeting Huey. Wakko was never one that people would call shy, but it was fair to say that Huey had definitely brought him out of his shell. The number of times the duck had made the pup laugh, or blush, or just smile contently was too much to count. 
Not to mention the effect Huey had physically. Before meeting, Wakko was nothing more than a scrawny scrappy mess of a kid. They all were really, however with how active and energetic Wakko was, he’d gotten the worst of it. 
But that was a thing of the past once Huey came along; the duck was very good at making sure Wakko got enough to eat, between snacks and dinner dates and the ‘junior woodchuck recommended’ 3 square meals a day, the days of worrying about food were no more than a distant memory. The duck was so good at it, in fact, that Wakko had even managed to get a bit chubby around the middle, something Yakko was quite grateful for. He’d rather his brother get a little bit fat and happy than to go back to being underfed and miserable. 
It was a healthy sort of weight. A good chunk of it was also muscle. None of the Warners were built for a bulky physique, all being naturally lanky and lean, but Wakko came the closest to having some semblance of noticeable muscle. 
It had all started the first time he went on an adventure with the duck family. That night he’d returned both excited and exhausted. Apparently globetrotting wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. Once he hit his teen years, Wakko put on muscle fast, even beneath his softness. Though he’d said it was so he could keep up with the others when he was invited along, Yakko knew the truth, he could see it in the other’s worried eyes. 
Wakko wanted to protect Huey. He wanted to be strong enough to handle any situation that could arise. And if one of those situations involved picking the duck up and twirling him around and carrying him for miles upon miles as he slept during one of the longer adventures, then so be it.
So, with those thoughts in mind, whatever had happened between his brother and Huey, Yakko was sure that they could get through it. 
“What about Huey?” Yakko prompted his younger sibling to talk, speaking more gently than he would usually. 
“He’s goin’ off to college. Out of state.” 
Ah, that explained things. Of course, Wakko’s boyfriend leaving for school was going to be rough on everyone involved, but it certainly didn’t seem as serious as Wakko’s previously somber mood had indicated. 
“Well,” Yakko started, “it won’t be too bad buddy. Lots of people make long distance work, you just need to have open communication and try to plan times where you’re both available to each other. It’ll be fine-” 
“And I’m going with him!” 
Now that caught Yakko off guard, which was very hard to do. It wasn’t said as a question or as a discussion topic. It was closed. It was final. Wakko wasn’t asking permission, he was telling Yakko. And it sounded final. 
Yakko’s voice caught in his throat, something that added even more distress than he was already feeling. He wanted to come in with a quip or a gag or something. But he just couldn’t. So Wakko took that as a sign to continue. 
“I wanted to tell you and Dot together but she was stickin’ her nose in places and saw my texts so I just had to deal with that whole conversation. But I’m goin’ with him ‘cus I-I love him. A-an’ he said he wanted me there and I’ve never said yes ta somethin’ faster in my entire life. It feels right, goin’ there with him. And he’s got a nice apartment in mind, it’s a really cool place. We-we’ll still be able to come back too! All the time and...and...yer upset aren’t you?” 
Through Wakko’s whole rant Yakko hadn’t noticed that his fists were tightened at his side. As soon as Wakko’s voice dropped-a puppy whimper whining through his words-Yakko instinctively loosened them up. He was a brother first, afterall, and he didn’t like being the one to make his siblings upset. 
The fact remained though that Wakko was leaving. Not asking, not thinking about it, he was leaving. Not only that but he was leaving to move in with his boyfriend. That was so...adult of him. 
In the moment Yakko remembered that Wakko was an adult. 18 years old. He wasn’t just his little brother anymore; he was a young man. The thought made Yakko want to either burst out laughing or cry. 
Right now wasn’t the time for either of those things though. There would be time later, when Wakko was out and Dot was asleep. Then he would cry, holding onto the old blanket they all used to share together because it was the only one they had and they shared everything. The three of them, the only friends and family they had ever known. 
“So, using the L word now?” Yakko managed to keep his tone calm and happy, a hint of teasing in his voice that made Wakko blush a bright red. 
“We’ve uh, been usin’ it fer a while now. Been thinkin’ maybe...maybe after he finishes school i’ll propose to him. Or start talkin’ about it. That’s years from now though. Are you...is this...ok?”
“Of course it is! I’m gonna miss ya’ like hell, so don’t go forgetting that. But it’s exciting isn’t it?”
Wakko perked up, ears lifted and tail wagging. It was just enough to make Yakko feel like his world wasn’t falling apart, just a little bit. 
“Yeah it is! He asked me and I think I coulda’ died right then from happiness. An’ he really meant it to. He-he really wants me there. He wants us to be together an’ livin’ with each other. So we were talkin’ about it an’ it’s a one bedroom-” 
Wakko continued to talk, raving about every little detail that he and Huey had discussed. Yakko stood a little closer to him, touched his shoulder a bit more, laughed a little harder at his jokes. He’d have a few months to come to terms with everything. Boy would he need them. 
But in the end, his brother was in love, and was very obviously loved back. To the point where it was almost ridiculous how much his face lit up just by talking about Huey.
What more could an older brother want but that? 
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localkatshelter · 4 years
Okame’s Underbelly: Reunification |4th|
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Katsumi’s POV (localvillageidiot#0870) and Shinso’s POV (hecker#8339)
Warning: Contains mentions of a breakup, minor alcohol consumption, mild anxiety, swearing, and a wild Denki and Mina
Preview (Shinso’s POV):
| “Dude...what the fuck! Why did you wait until now to tell me this?! I thought you loved me! “ Denki whined with an exaggerated pout on his lips.
I cocked my head to the side “When did I say that?” I questioned with feigned confusion.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know you love me so shut up. Third, wait we’re on three right? Right. Third, we're besties til death do us part so there’s some invisible contract that states that I get expedited dibs on all your dark, dirty secrets.” He concluded smugly, as if he made a point.
“Oops, I breached the contract." I stated apathetically. "but I told you now, so no need to cry about it.” I went to mock wiping a tear from his face and he immediately attempted to bite my hand. I reflexively shoved him away.
 “Why are you like this?” I choked out between laughter.
Denki shrugged. “My body literally microwaves my brain so...maybe that’s why.” |
Beautiful Artwork By: Sinfulhime
1st Chapter - Anticipation
(Katsumi’s POV)
I groaned as I fidgeted with the ugly student mover tee shirt that the volunteer coordinator had handed me to wear for move in day. I can’t believe that I got bullied into volunteering to help students move into the dorms today. Stupid RA asking me for help, stupid RD guilt tripping me into it, stupid students bringing way too much shit. I hate it here.
I was standing by the entrance hoping no one would ask for my help when I saw a small car pull up in front of my dorm building. A boy with wild purple hair got out and was greeted by a blonde, who practically tackled him with a hug. That's adorable. I love when boys aren’t afraid to be affectionate with each other. I watched the two of them talk for a bit before beginning to unload the car. The kid with purple hair felt oddly familiar to me for some reason. I moved out of my hiding spot and away from the entrance a bit to get a better look at him. I started to squint to try and put him into focus when he turned around and noticed my staring. He gave me a dirty look and something clicked in my brain. Oh shit, it’s fucking Edgelord! He turned back around and started unloading his car. I started to walk over, though I didn’t really know why. I guess I just wanted to say hi, maybe check in with him to see how he was doing. I mean, he did bawl his eyes out in front of me and sleep on my couch after all. As I got closer, a question popped into my brain. Wait... what was this kid’s name again? I know he told me.... Sato? Shido? Shit... I can’t really remember. I drank that bottle of soju pretty fast so I was a bit buzzed... Before I could wrack my brain any further, I was right behind him. Well, let's hope he’s still got a good sense of humor.
“Hey Edgelord.”
“Um, hey?” he said, looking confused, but not mad. Well that’s a relief. 
“Funny running into you here. How’ve you been?”
I could feel his confusion rise. Maybe he doesn’t recognize me?
“Uh, I’ve been good.”
Well, I’m already here, so lets roll with it. 
“Well that’s good to hear. You’ve been feeling okay?” 
I smiled at him to try and put him at ease, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. He looked at the ground and shifted awkwardly at my question. When he looked back at me I could feel the anxiety swirl around in his head. When I felt a slight realization from him, I tilted my head to the side as if to ask if he had recognized me yet.
“Y-yeah, I’ve been feeling fine.” he stuttered. 
Guess not. I giggled. I didn't really care whether he recognized me or not, but it was good to know he was doing alright.
“Oh good. So, do you need any help moving in? I got bullied into volunteering anyway, so I might as well be of some use.” I showed him the heinous shirt I was wearing and rolled my eyes. He looked at it and laughed.
“Nice, but I think w-” 
His friend came up beside him and poked him in the side, apparently really hard considering his clenched jaw, and cut him off.
“What my colleague means to say is that he’s super weak and could really use your help moving in.” the blonde said to me with a sweet grin. 
I laughed again and nodded towards the car next to us. 
“You got it. Is this everything?” 
I leaned down and picked up a box, leaning it against my hip. Edgelord nodded and I followed them upstairs to their dorm. I talked with the blonde as we made a couple of trips between the car and the dorm since Edgelord was being quiet and, well, edgy. His friend was an absolute riot though. I already loved him.
“Who knew Edgelord would have such cool friends? I honestly thought he was a figment of my imagination until I saw him again today. I mean, who even likes grapefruit soju?” We cracked up at the slight jabs I threw. 
“Yeah, I think me and Denki got the rest.” Edgelord said, cutting us off abruptly. 
I tuned back into his emotions. He was feeling really uncomfortable, as if something I said had shut him down. I was honestly a bit annoyed by his rudeness at first, but I decided to let it go. He clearly didn't want me there anymore.
“Oh, okay cool. I’ll be on my way then.” I said, trying to keep my tone cheerful. I turned to the blonde. 
“It was really cool meeting you though! I’m glad we got to talk for a bit. Hopefully I’ll see you around.”  I shot him a big smile and headed towards the door. 
“Hold on there, stranger! What’s your name?” he called out to me.
“Oh right! It’s Katsumi, but you can call me Kat, everybody does.”
“Hi, Kat! I’m Denki, but you can call me anytime.” He shot me some finger guns, which I found corny, yet endearing. 
“Okay, you got it.” I chuckled.
I made my way past Edgelord and left, turning the corner and heading back to the main entrance to help the stragglers finish moving in. I wonder what set him off like that... Weird. 
Once the student mover volunteers were released from duty, I immediately called Mina to hang out. She was always the best person to unwind with, especially when I was in the mood to drink a bit after a long day. I dialed her number.
“What it do babyyyyy?”
“My place, ten minutes, B.Y.O.B, I have a couple of beers left.”
“Down, be there soon.”
I hung up and pulled out some snacks for us. Mina arrived a little while later with two packs of our favorite beer and a big smile on her face. We just lounged around and talked some shit about people in our lives that the other one didn’t know as we drank. I loved Mina because she was so easy to be around. We didn’t have to do anything but enjoy each other’s company to have a good time. 
“Hey Mina.”
“Hmm?” She turned to me, away from the television that I had put on for background noise.
“Do you remember that guy that I told you about? The one from the summer with the fucked up purple hair that cried to me at a bus stop?”
“I mean, I remember you mentioning it, but I know a lot of people with fucked up purple hair that cry a lot so...”
“Well, I saw him again today. He actually goes to the same university as me.” “No fucking way.” She sat up a bit, seeming more interested. 
“Yeah, but he was acting super weird when I was talking to him. It was like he didn’t want to be around me or something... but his roommate was super cool. His name was Denki, I think.”
“Wait what did you just say? Did you just say Denki?”
“Um, yeah. I’m pretty sure that was his name.”
“Blonde, with a black bolt? Corny as hell?”
“Yep, that's the one.”
“Shut the fuck up. This whole time you were talking about Shinso? Like...SHINSO Shinso?”
“Oh my god you're right, that was his name... Wait, how did you know that?”
“We all went to high school together.” she said, leaning back into her lounging position, pulling out her phone. 
“That’s crazy, what a small world. Anyway, I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick, do you want me to grab you another drink on my way back?”
“Yes please!” she sang. 
What I didn’t know was that while I was in the bathroom, Mina was up to no good. 
                                                 Mina’s Phone
                                           ⚡️ Discount Zeus⚡️
Speak, wench
                                                    You’re living with Shinso this semester right?
                                                                       And some girl came over today? 
                                                                                                A little brunette?
...yes...spill… 👀
                                                                                 SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND 
You’re fucking w me rn???
                                                  IM LITERALLY AT HER PLACE RIGHT NOW
NO FUCKING wAY ahkswsuwdl
You know her and my son, shinso had 
a lil moment over the summer right??
                                                                        Yes omfg she told me about it
                                                                         Dude, fucking EDGELORD?? 
                                                                           Ok but on some real shit....
                                                                       Im tryna stir the pot.... You in?
Are you seriously asking me that??
You know I’m always down to rustle 
some jimmies 🤠
but like...what we doing?
                                                    Don’t tell Shinso anything, just bring him to 
                                                                                 Kiri’s party this weekend.
omg that sounds like a scrumptious idea!!
                                                                               Speaking of scrumptious,
                                                                            lets get food before. Imy bb
& let’s bring our children with us
Marley’s? you know that’s our spot 🤤
                                                              YEEESSS MARLEYSSSS im so down
                                                        I miss Marley’s I haven’t been all summer
then it’s a must
can’t wait 😈
(Shinso’s POV)
“Dude...what the fuck! Why did you wait until now to tell me this?! I thought you loved me! “ Denki whined with an exaggerated pout on his lips.
I cocked my head to the side “When did I say that?” I questioned with feigned confusion.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know you love me so shut up. Third, wait we’re on three right? Right. Third, we're besties til death do us part so there’s some invisible contract that states that I get expedited dibs on all your dark, dirty secrets.” He concluded smugly, as if he made a point.
“Oops, I breached the contract." I stated apathetically. "but I told you now, so no need to cry about it.” I went to mock wiping a tear from his face and he immediately attempted to bite my hand. I reflexively shoved him away.
 “Why are you like this?” I choked out between laughter.
Denki shrugged. “My body literally microwaves my brain so...maybe that’s why.”
I shook my head at him and hopped off the bed to continue unpacking. After a couple minutes, I realized that Denki was too quiet. That was a rarity for him. At this point, he would usually be asking me personal and/or wildly inappropriate questions to catch up on the summer where I went from seeing him almost every day to about once a week. This was a huge difference according to his standards. Yeah, he's kinda clingy like that, but I didn't mind, to be honest. There were a couple weeks in between where I didn't see him, because I was at the start of processing the breakup, using the word process lightly. I looked back at him to see him grinning devilishly at his phone. I assumed he was talking to a potential “date’’ and went back to what I was doing. 
About an hour later, I was pretty much done. The only thing that stood out on my side was one large Rorschach inkblot poster above my bed. I had always interpreted it as two kitties playing with a ball of yarn, but I left it up to the viewers interpretation. That and no one needed to know why I liked the poster so much. 
“Ayo, Shinso.” Denki called out to me. 
I gave him my attention and the look on his face made me a little uneasy. 
“Want to go to Kiri’s party this weekend?” 
I knew Denki was aware that I wasn’t a big fan of parties, but he seemed eager so it was hard to say no. Since it’s the beginning of the semester, I’ll play nice for now. This wasn’t the first excursion that he had dragged me out on and I was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Wait, really? That easy?” he questioned in disbelief. 
“What do you mean?” I asked, mild annoyance creeping into my voice.
“You usually don’t say yes the first time around. I always have to whip out my boyish charm to convince you.”
I rolled my eyes at Denki, laughing under my breath.
“Also, before the party, we’re gonna eat at Marley’s with Mina and her friend. Y’know, our beloved grease-bucket.”
I raised my eyebrows in mock excitement. I always had to mentally prepare for when Denki and Mina were in the same room. It was easy to get overstimulated with their relentless energy, especially because they build off each other. It was similar to being in a wind tunnel, I would say. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy their combined company. Just…in moderation.
It was finally Friday, and the first week of classes were done thankfully. I was tired of going over syllabi. Denki and I pulled up to Marley’s and she was looking janky as ever. I can’t lie, the food was disgustingly good. It sounds like an oxymoron but I assure you, it’s not. Your tongue and brain were in ecstasy but you could just feel the sludge forming around your heart and slowing it down. I tried not to frequent this place due to that reason. My mouth was already watering as I stepped out of the car. I immediately caught  a glimpse of Mina’s pink mop behind the window. The mess we call hair is something we could relate to each other on. She was prematurely flipping us off as we walked by her towards the entrance. Since Denki is an actual child, he immediately ran towards Mina, swiftly sliding into the booth. They embraced each other dramatically with a series of squeals. They pulled apart for a mutual cheek kiss, when a small flash of light connected them. 
“Ah! You bitch!” Mina exclaimed as Denki leaned against the table, chest convulsing with laughter. 
Mina began giggling reluctantly, before hovering a small bead of acid above her finger, eyeing Denki threateningly. 
“No no no, please! I’m sorry!” he sputtered. 
Mina raised her brow smugly at his pleading and evaporated the droplet. 
“Hey Shithead, I mean, Shinso.” Mina greeted casually. 
“Hey, Meanie.” I addressed her with my usual nickname for her, before sitting down.
We all looked over the menu, cracking jokes at eachother like usual. 
“Mina, when is your friend going to be here?” Denki asked. 
Oh yeah, I forgot there was supposed to be another person coming.
 “Uuuuuuuh, right now.” 
I followed Mina’s gaze to the entrance of the Diner. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I saw the same little brunette from earlier in the week. My head snapped back to Denki and Mina’s faces. They were deviously chittering to each other and tried their best not to look at me or else they’d lose all composure. I did not look back again and just fixed my eyes on the menu. I heard her footsteps approaching and realized the only seat available was next to me.
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jooheoniesdimples · 5 years
Leap of Faith (Alex Hogh Andersen)
Characters: Alex x Oc, bestfriends!lovers
Warning: Fluff, Smut
Words: 6,301
  You we currently lying on the couch with your feet up in your best friend Alex’s lap. Having the usual movie night in the living room of your shared apartment, the night started very promising, and it was…until you started watching some chick flick movie. The more you were watching the more you identified with main female character and it pissed you off.    You can’t help but run your fingers through your hair in frustration, a sigh leaving your mouth. Alex kept glancing at you wondering what was going on, but you chose to ignore it as you stuffed another pop corn in your mouth. As another annoying scene in the movie came up on the screen you dropped your bawl of popcorn on floor beside the couch and sat up  abruptly on your butt, removing your legs from Alex’s lap causing you to kick him lightly, shocking him a bit in the process. You apologised quickly as you crossed your legs in front of you.      ’‘Seriously, why can’t the parents and all relatives leave their kids alone to live their live as their wish? Why the fuck do they always have to stick their noses where they don’t belong’’ You exclaimed frustrated, waving your hands all around in air, rolling your eyes. Alex turned to you with furrowed eyebrows not understanding where all of this is coming from all of a sudden.    ’'What’s going on?“ He asked you concerned.    ’'This!”  You pointed at the movie. “What’s so wrong about being 26 and single?” You exclaimed, identifying perfectly with the female character. “My family is the same! They just won’t leave me alone,for god’s sake! Ever since I broke up with Ryan two years ago, I’ve been the black sheep of the family. 'Why are you still single?’,'When are you going to introduce someone to us’, 'Your younger sister is gonna get married before you, if you keep going like this!” You mimicked their voices annoyed beyond hell, causing Alex to chuckles at you. Oh how cute you were at the moment, he thought. He couldn’t stop starring at you as you continued to rant about your family.    ’'Like seriously, at the wedding of my cousin literally everyone at least once told I should be thinking about it too. It gets even better when I walk around shopping with my mom and we see some of her colleagues and they start sharing how they kids just got married. 'Isn’t it your turn honey?’ they would nudge me on the elbow winking at my mom. Thank god that at least she gets me and stands up for me saying that when the time comes it will happen, no need to force it.“ You sigh ’'It’s so annoying. Like, I’m still 26 for god’s sake, now is the time for me to do whatever I want, whether be it single or not. What is it with everyone up in my business about me being single. What does it fucking change for them whether I am or not?!” You sigh again, leaning back on the back of the couch next to Alex this time. He kept looking at you amused the whole time, thinking how adorable you looked frustrated over such small matters.   “Well, you shouldn’t pay attention to them. If you feel good single, then be single and when the right guy comes, then you won’t be. Why are you getting frustrated over this all of a sudden? It never bothered you before.” He turned to you with a sympathetic but assuring smile on his face.    ’'As you know I usually don’t, but I’m going home in two days for a week. A whole week where I’ll have to listen to them going on and on about it. I wish there was something I could do to shut them up’’ You sighed again turning to him, meeting his deep blue eyes trying to figure out something for you to help. You didn’t realise until now how close to him you were at the moment, but suddenly his musky and woody cologne hit your nostrils, causing the hair on you body to stand up. “I can’t really think of anything at the moment, but we have two days. I’ll help you figure something out, hmm?” He smiled. That damn smile was your doom. You had been weak on the knees for his smile for a while now, and to be completely honest, he was the reason you were single. Every guy you met you would secretly compare to him, but no one could even step on his little finger. His gorgeous eyes, his full lips, his broad shoulders and strong arms that melt you every time he hugged you. They way he treated you, how your humours matched perfectl. The way he made you feel when he would pull you gently on the inner side of the sidewalk when you were walking to keep you safe, they way he would always give his green Haribo jelly beans and Skittles to you, because he knew they were your favourite. They way you would catch his eyes on you at the other side of the room at a party as he was talking to someone, only to give you a sweet smile and turn his eyes away almost a little shy. Some times these looks made you feel like maybe he felt something more for you as well, but you never dared to dream that far. That never stopped you from getting small butterflies in your stomach every time he did all of those little things that made him so him and made you fall for him. You caught yourself blanking him out. You only nodded to his question in response, hoping he didn’t think too much of you starring at him. You tried to casually turn back to the movie that was running at the back ground and saw him doing the same with the corners of your eyes, exhaling quietly in relief to yourself. Just as you focused back on the movie, you guessed that while talking with Alex you had missed a steamy bed scene, because now the main female character was inspecting the hickeys on her neck in the mirror, when it hit you! Hickeys!    ’'That’s it!“ You exclaimed shocking Alex again, who looked at you like you were mad.    ’'What’s it?” He turned to you with curious eyes.    ’'Hickeys! If I have a hickey or two when I go home, I can all so casually flip my hair for them to see,“ you flipped your hair playfully ’'and when the questions start raining, I’ll just brush them off saying they’re from my boyfriend whom for now I’m keeping to myself and won’t introduce yet. That’ll shut them up!” You exclaimed slightly jumping on the couch in joy.    ’'Y/N, If you have no boyfriend to give you hickeys, you won’t have hickeys when you go home.“  He mockingly chuckled at you trying to get his point through to you, which made you still in you place for a second a sheepishly look at him.   ’'Yeah, about that.. I was thinking about how you could give me a few hickeys instead” You looked at him straight in the eyes, trying not to back down yourself. You sounded so confident in your head, but after saying it out loud you were kinda scared of his reaction. But nevertheless, you would keep your ground, it was the only solution you had.   “What?” He stiffened in place on the couch, looking at you like you were mad again. Million things were going through his head right now, trying to comprehend if what you were asking of him was true or if he was dreaming.   “C'mon! Who else could I ask? Besides, it’s no big deal, it’s just a hickey.” You moved closer to him taking his hands in yours, trying to persuade him. You were dying to feel his lips on your skin, and what better opportunity than this?  ’'Wouldn’t it be awkward?“ He cleared his throat looking away from you, his cheeks getting slightly pink. You were really asking him this question, he thought. It’s not like he didn’t want to, in fact he was dying to do so. And more. Oh, so much more. He was freaking in love with you. But he couldn’t bare it to get a taste of you, of your skin on his lips only to have to pull away and never feel you again. His heart wouldn’t take it.   ’'So, it’s not awkward to kiss me during a truth or dare, but when I really need you to do this for me suddenly it’s awkward?” You raised an eyebrow at him. The truth was, during that exact game was the first time you noticed him like you do now. The first time he made butterflies appear in your stomach. As soon as he was dared to kiss you, he didn’t even hesitate to do so as you were right next to him, taking you off guard. As soon as his lips touched yours something sparked in you and saw him in a different light. All the things he did suddenly could make your knees weak, head spin and before you knew it, you had fallen for him. Little did you know it was the same for him. That exact kiss changed everything regarding you. He turned to kiss you confident, with no worries. You were his best friend, a small innocent peck wouldn’t matter, you were still going to be his best friend. And it’s true. You still were his best friend to this day. But the way he saw you was different. Every little thing you did drove him crazy after that night. The way you would hum to yourself while putting on your make up in the morning, which he would see as the door to your room was always open by that time. The way you would always run your hand on his back as he laid on your lap during a movie or when he needed you to calm him down, the way you would take care of him when he was sick, how you always left the TV on his favourite channel when you turned it off so it would be the first thing to see when he turned it on. How you always joined him, in his car or yours, with the music loud and both of you would  sing out loud not caring about other people watching, but how sometimes you would just keep quiet and that’s how he knew something was really up. How you always tried to cheer him up, but you were just as capable of sassing his ass when he deserved it. And so many other things about you suddenly made such difference after that kiss a year and a half ago, that before he knew it he was head over hills for you. Earlier he wanted to suggest to at least play your fake boyfriend in front of your family, but as soon as he though about it he laughed at himself. Who was he kidding? Why would you agree to such ridiculous thing? But now the way you were holding his hands, asking him to give you hickeys sounded just as crazy. The closer you got to him trying to convince him, the more his nostrils filled with the scent of your skin that would chase him in his dream and get him wondering how soft your skin would feel on his. The closer you got, the more tempted he felt to give in and finally find out. And before he could stop himself, he barely whispered in response to you.    ’'Ok’’ He looked at your surprised eyes as if you couldn’t believe your ears. You were taken aback at first, not really expecting him to agree. Without giving him a chance to change his mind, the second you realised he had indeed agreed, you moved to straddle his lap to keep him in place. He looked at you surprised, a slight gasp leaving his lips. You thought you must have been too forward, so you just cleared your throat and spoke.      ’'I just..think this would give you the easiest access to my neck’’ You cursed yourself for your voice trembled a little, but you couldn’t help it, because exactly when you spoke he moved his arms to encircle your waist to keep you safe from falling.     “Are you sure?” He must’t have caught on it, because now he was leaning slightly towards you looking straight in your eyes, looking for a confirmation, while massaging your waist with his thumbs. It felt so damn incredible. You felt his hands through your tank top and your skin felt burning hot, you almost forgot to answer. You moved you hair away from you neck to make space for him to nestle in.   “Yes.” You answered tilting your head to the left, inviting him in. You were wondering if he was really as calm as he appeared to be, but the way his eyes darkened just before they fell from yours to your neck, the way his nostrils widened slightly and how his jaw tightened for a split second hinted that he might be just as nervous as you were. You closed your eyes waiting for him to dive in. He hadn’t even touched you yet, but just his breath on your neck was sending you into overdrive and you wondered if you could really actually handle this. He seemed to take his time and you opened your eyes to see what was taking him so long, when you met his eyes.            He was taking you in, how beautiful and hot you looked in his arms waiting to feel his lips on your neck and barely held a grunt, because he didn’t want to show you just how turned on he felt and scare you away.    They way he was looking at you got you tripping for a second, you felt so wanted and desired, it send shivers down your spine. Before you could dare dream further his eyes changed to a final questioning look, giving you a last chance to back out even tho his tightening grip on your waist told you otherwise. The anticipation was killing you. You gave yourself one last second to enjoy his gorgeous eyes before you nodded at him to feel free to go further. The second he dived for you neck and you finally felt his lips on your skin you lost it. Your breath hitched in your throat as you inhaled deeply, biting you lip to silence your moan. You felt him leaving open kisses on your neck, switching to soft feathery kisses, slowly going for your collarbone, then switching to the other side of your neck repeating his every little action, only going for it harder and gripping you tighter. You placed your hands on his shoulders for support as you arched your back, not being able to handle the sensation he was giving you. You felt his breath on your neck getting heavier and heavier as he was still leaving chaste kisses wherever he found fit, taking his time. Your breath getting heavier as well, you couldn’t help but squirm in his arms as he left soft smooches on your neck, your mouth shaping a silent moan. He was definitely taking his time, but you could never complain. Feeling him so close to you, he was so warm, his breath and lips on your skin, his tight grip in your waist, his thumbs massaging you sent you into overdrive as you felt your lower region starting to painfully throb. You had no idea how long you could this before saying a big 'fuck it’ to any doubts and thoughts, and moaning out loud giving into your senses.  The way Alex felt at the moment was indescribable. He couldn’t believe that you were there, in his arms, your body squirming at the way he was working your neck. Your scent, your soft skin, the way the tips of your hair fell over his hands at your back that arched in his chest, and your soft, almost silent, moans were driving him insane. He never in a million years thought that this would happen to him, that he would be holding you like this. He wished he could keep you like this forever, tangled in him, feeling your warmth.  As he kept exploring your neck, he found your sensitive spot, causing you to grip the back of his head and pull him closer to you as slightly roll you hips.You heard him grunt right after you gripped the undercut of his hair that was tied in a man bun and felt him still in one place and for a second you panicked that maybe you did something wrong. But then the way he kept you close, squeezing you in his arms, how he kept his breath heavy on your neck just breathing in and out at the back of your ear, his nose buried in your now messy hair, and most importantly when you felt something poking on your heat, you knew what was going on.    ’'Did this turn you on?“ With a heavy and shaky, curious and excited about this breath yourself, you pulled away to look at him slightly, but he wouldn’t budge, a bit too embarrassed to look at you. What would you think of him? You asked him for a hickey as a trusted friend and here he was with a raging boner poking your heat.   ’'Alex..” You tried again running one of your hand down his back while the other one massages the back of his head. “C'mon, talk me” You insisted with a gentle voice, trying to coax him, not scare him. You pulled away a bit further so you can cup his cheeks and make him look at you.   “How can I not be, when you’re so gorgeous and in my arms, with your hands in my hair while i’m kissing you neck?” He finally looked at you and you could see excitement, yet a little bit of fear and embarrassment in his eyes. His words made your heart skip a beat for a second. Sure, it’s not like he was confessing his love for you, but you never knew he thought about you this way. And they way he said it, the look in his eyes, god, you could melt.   “You think I’m gorgeous?” You smiled gently at him, assuring him you weren’t mad or anything. He sighed shaking his head a bit not believing you’re asking him this question. He leaned back on the couch taking you with him, his tight grip on your waist keeping your body against him, your chest pressed against his, one of your hands on the back of the couch, the other one on his shoulder, your heat on his.   “Have you seen you? I might be your best friend, but I’m still a man” his Adam’s apple bobbed and he pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, not daring to look in yours eyes. His gestures, his gentle voice, the way he avoided your eyes. Something was up with him and it made you imagine things. Things you wouldn’t dare to imagine. Things you weren’t brave enough to imagine. But you took a leap of faith anyway.  ’'Alex..what are you saying?“ You cupped his cheek encouraging him to speak, praying you weren’t making the biggest mistake in your life.    They way you were looking at him was so gentle he could melt. Your soft hand on his cheek keeping him in place, not allowing him to look away. Your eyes were encouraging him, it’s like you knew what he wanted to say, but did you feel the same way he did? Would you accept him if he told you, or would you look at him with petty eyes and try to sugar coat your rejection not wanting to hurt him. Because that was you, as sassy as you could be with his mischief ass, you also always took his feeling into deep consideration when serious matters were involved as you didn’t want to hurt him. And this was a serious matter. But what if, just if, by slight chance you felt the same and he screws up his chance by being a coward and hurts you in the process? He could’t live with himself. What if- what if this, what if that. He could be asking thousands 'what if’s and still be back at square one with your bright expectant eyes staring at him. With a final sigh he mumbled a quick 'fuck it’ before speaking.   ’'I’m saying I think you’re gorgeous and I’m in love with you” Founding an unknown strength in his voice he said it, looking straight into your eyes, into your soul. Your breath hitched again, your heart about jump out of your chest as you couldn’t believe your ears. He loved you too. He fucking loved you back. You couldn’t find your voice to speak as you kept looking into his eyes starting to blank out. He loved you back. Alex brought you back to him, when you heard him whisper.  ’'Say something, please’’ his arms tightening around your waist again.You blinked once, twice, your eyes refocusing on his again. You realised you haven’t said anything back yet and he was freaking out, panic evident in his eyes. You cleared your throat and licked your lips nervously, making him look at them involuntarily.   “I..I think you’re gorgeous too” You said diving for his lips as you’ve been dying to kiss him again ever since that fateful kiss you shared a year and half back. He had definitely not expected this as you felt him stiffen for a second and it took him another to realise what was happening. You were kissing him. Actually kissing him. Cupping you cheek, he returned your kiss immediately after he caught on and couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of you lips on his. You were both so lost in the kiss you almost forgot how to breath. You broke the kiss first, leaving him to chase after you as you did. You couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he looked, as he panted underneath you.  ’'Does that mean you..“ He left his sentence hanging, looking up at you waiting for you to finish it. ’'Yeah” You nodded without hesitation.“I’m in love with you too” You leaned in kissing his lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, down his cheeks again and back to his lips. His heart was about to beat out of his chest when he heard you saying it back. He swore he was the luckiest man on the planet. As you kept kissing, you couldn’t help but roll you hips on his. He lips left yours to release a loud gasp as your heat rubbed on his manhood getting him hard again. He dived for your neck again, pulling on the straps of your tank top down so he could kiss your shoulder as well, your back arching against his chest. When he was done covering every inch of your skin he traced kisses up to ear to ask you.   “May I?” He breathed, tugging at the hem of your tank top and you couldn’t have nodded faster mumbling a breathy 'Mhm’. He pulled it over shoulders and leaned back again as he gave himself a few seconds to admire you as you were up on his hips just in your bra and dark blue loose cotton shorts. “Jesus” He mumbled as he setup against you again kissing the outlines of your breast, his hands under your rib cage. Your right hand moved from his shoulder to take his left one and placed it on your right breast.   “Touch me.” You whimpered, your hips going wild over his, your heat throbbing over his clothed manhood clenching around nothing. He moved his other hand behind yaour back running his fingers up and down your spine teasing you, about to unfasten your bra, but then he doesn’t, while his lips couldn’t get enough of yours.     “God, I love you so much” He mumbled against your lips, sounding so sincere and sexy. You trembled again, moaning, taking control over his lips. Placing your hands behind your back at the bra you pushed his away to do the deed yourself making him chuckle in your kiss at your impatience. You couldn’t care less tho, you just wanted to feel him everywhere on your body, to feel his hot skin on yours. As he was kissing you he turned around and leaned you down on the couch with him now on top of you, your legs circling his waist. You pulled him even closer to you with your legs and felt his throbbing member against your heat, sending electric shocks up your body. Alex moaned grinding his hips into you repeatedly as his lips moved to your chest. Your hips bucked against his on their own when you felt him mounding one of your breasts with his hand while sucking the other, smooching all over it and biting its nipple. “Alex *sigh* god..it feels so..fuck!” You exclaimed when he bit your other nipple twice as hard. “I wanna touch you too” You moaned while reaching down to tug at the bottom of his t-shirt. He sat up grabbing his t-shirt from the back of his neck and pulling it up, the sight of it making you bite your lip. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. He was so godly sexy it wasn’t even fair.   “Like what you see?” He smirked down at you and you swear you could feel the Niagara falls between your legs.  ’’ I absolutely do’’ You sat up again and pushed him lightly to lie down on his back as you straddled him him. Your hips rolling on him, you attacked his neck wanting to return the favour, leaving open kisses wherever your lips took you, your hands roaming down his chest, lightly scratching him.  ’'Fuck Y/N’’ He felt your lips tracing down his chest, your tongue playing with his nipples, which turned out to be his weak spot judging by the strangled moan he released. You repeated your actions a few more times as his stomach contracted against your palms. You continued kissing further down as he watched you with half closed lids, his breath and moans coming out heavy. You bit the string of his sweats with your teeth and looked up straight into his eyes and pulled it up to untie them while never breaking eye contact. “Jesus Christ, fuck.. you’ll be the death of me I swear” He cursed as his hands went through his hair in frustration. It made you feel so proud of yourself, he was loosing his shit and you haven’t even touched him yet. You tugged on his sweats and boxers at the same time as you were loosing all you patience. Your heat was already painfully  clenching hard around nothing, aroused by the moans he was releasing. His member stood up and proud and your mouth watered at the sight, precum leaking from it. You blew a light breath over it and it twitched in response, Alex releasing the hardest grunt you’ve heard so far. You looked up at him and he was up on his elbows watching you intently as you took his member slowly in your mouth. The sight of you was enough to finish him, but he wanted to last longer, he wanted to enjoy you as much as he could. You slowly bobbed your head up down, taking your time to torture him. He was barely breathing, his stomach muscles contracting as you reached one of your hands up to scratch him lightly. You took him out again to lightly blow on him, then licked the underside from bottom to the top taking him with your right arm pumping him a few times. The moans he was releasing were so fucking sexy, you felt the need to rub your thighs together for some friction, otherwise you were going to go nuts. You took him in your mouth again, this time going all the way down  your throat and keeping him there for a few seconds, your gag reflex kicking, making Alex curse in pleasure as you lightly scratched his godly thighs with your fingernails simultaneously before gripping them and you felt him pulsating even harder in your mouth before you took him out, flattened your tongue on his tip before taking him in again. You felt Alex grabbing the back of your head for a second before he moved to your chin to signal you to stop.  ’'I don’t wanna cum yet’’ He breathed heavily pulling you on top him again to kiss you hardly cupping your ass and mounding it as hard as he could. He sneaked his hand in your shorts and started rubbing you through your panties. The sensation was good, especially after neglecting your heat for so long.  ’'Alex’’ You breathed against his lips as he kept rubbing you at all the right places before he pushed aside you panties to rub you painfully slow. He almost came feeling how wet you were.  ’'You’re so wet for me’’ He moaned, finding  your lips again. “Mhm, all for you” Nodding you moaned in your kiss. He pulled away to sit you both up and this time he picked you up as he stood up.  ’'What are you doing?“ You yelped and held onto him tightly, you hands around his neck, legs circling his waist. He smiled at you nudging his nose with yours lightly.  ’'Did you really think I would let our first time together to be on the couch?” He mused, shaking his head as he walked to his bedroom and the next thing you know he was laying you down on the bed while he stood up to pull you by ankles to the edge of the bed a bit stronger than he has been so far. “Wo!” You exclaimed surprised giving him an excited look as he smiled at you mischievously. You lifted you hands above your head as you enjoyed his light kisses on your ankles going gently up your tights. He took your shorts and underwear off and dived in, leaving butterfly kisses on each of the inner sides of your thighs, close to your heat, almost there but not quite. As much as you wanted to feel his lips on your heat, you knew you could’t take it anymore. If you didn’t feel him inside of you in the next seconds you were gonna go insane. “Alex” you moaned his name, as his started rubbing you heat again, teasing you, a wild smile spread on his face. “Yes, love” He looked up at you, expecting you to plead him to kiss you down there already. “Fuck me!” Your hips buckled in his face, your wet cavern dripping as you spread your legs wider and wider. He couldn’t look away from you, you looked like a goddess before him. “But I wanna enjoy you first” He pouted, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to refuse you. “Please. You can enjoy me later, but now I’m hurting already. Please, please” You buckled your hips again not being able to contain yourself anymore, one of your hands reaching out to him, the other one to your heat to play with your clit.  ’'Fuck this is so hot’’ Again, he couldn’t look away from you, feeling his member throb is anticipation himself and harder than it has ever been before. “Aleeex” You moaned again,to get his attention. “ You’re so impatient, love. I got you” He climbed on top of you, pulling you upwards on the bed and reached for his nightstand for a condom. As soon as he got one, he opened it and couldn’t put it faster on himself, meanwhile you going insane. As soon as he was ready, he nestled between you legs and looked at you once again, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. “Ready?” He asked, teasing you with his tip at you entrance. “Alex, I swear if you don’t get-ahh!” You moaned arching you back so up your chest was in his and he didn’t miss the opportunity to bite one of your mounds. “Fuck” you moaned again, one of your hands grabbing him at the back of his neck, the other one at his biceps, as he exhaled hard on your chest feeling your heat gripping his now still member tightly as you were still adjusting to his size. “You can move” You barely breathed and buckled your hips against him, raving your fingers through his hair which drove him wild. He started moving in and out slowly, enjoying how good you felt around him.  ’'God, you feel so fucking good around me, I’m not sure I’ll last long’’ He breathed in disbelief to himself. He can’t remember the last time he felt so good, that he almost came immediately. He has been dreaming about this for what it feels like ages, and he couldn’t believe you’re right there. On his bed. Under him. Where he had imagined you to be so many nights only to wake up in the morning without you there and having to take care of himself alone.  ’'Mhm, you feel ..so…amazing’’ You moaned enjoying how good he filled you up. “God, you have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this, Alex” You whispered in his ear. “Yo fill me up so good” you moaned.  ’'Fuck’’  He moaned when he heard you saying that. So he wasn’t alone imagining this.  ’'You have no idea how many times I touched myself dreaming about this’’ You continued, causing him to speed up in inhuman pace. You seriously were going to be the death of him. You had no idea where you were, all of this was too much for you, his body on top you, him going in out hitting that specific spot in you causing your toes to curl, your moans coming out breathless due to the intense pleasure.  ’'Babe, tell me you’re close. Please say you’re close’’ He pleaded desperately for you to cum.  ’'I..am. I’m..so..close just don’t..stop’’ You moaned between pants and your toes curled again when he repeatedly kept hitting that sweet spot inside you, while one of his hands found your clit to stimulate further. “God, Alex..I’-i–can’t! This is too much I-” You moaned loudly while he never slowed his pace. Was he trying to kill you? “Cum babe, let it go. C'mon” He urged you lovingly, his eyes never leaving yours. You closed your eyes in extazy as you he fucked you into oblivion and beyond, riding out your orgasm. He buried his face in you neck, kissing you as he took your left hand in his and placed it beside your head entwining his fingers with yours. You contracted your wall around him on purpose and felt him loosing his mind as the grip on your hand got tighter and so did the grip on your hip as he placed it higher on his waist to get more access and digging his fingers in it.  ’'Do that again!“ He chocked pleading. You did it again and again as he kept mumbling sweet nothings in your neck as he chased his high. ’'I’m cumming. Ah! Fuck, you feel soo good!” He dug his hand on your hip harder as he sped up. You used your free hand to scratch his back as he was cumming to heighten his senses as you kept complimenting him in his ear, making his orgasm last even longer. “I love you” he moaned in your ear as he kept cumming, before he buried his face in your shoulder biting it to get himself through. As the two of you calmed down, you felt him laying down on top of you, his weight feeling so good on your body. He was breathing down your neck, as you ran both your hand through his back and up in his hair, hugging him to your chest. After a few minutes however, it was getting hard for you to breathe as he was a lot heavier than you. “Babe, I can’t breathe” You muttered in his ear. He only mumbled slightly in agreement as he turned you both on your sides facing each other, not moving out of you, slouching down a bit to kiss you breasts before nestling his face there content in your warm hug. You felt him pulling the covers of his bed over you, before he tightened his grip on your waist. You stayed like that for a while and just as you were about to fall asleep, you felt him pulling out and getting up to throw the condom away before getting back in the bed with you, pulling you into his arms. “I love you” his smiled looking down at you. “I can’t believe you’re mine” He squeezed you tightly. “I can’t believe we were so damn oblivious for so long” You chuckled. “And I love you too” You kiss the side of his chest. “Well, at least now you won’t have to go home single anymore” He poked your side. “Oh, I am. Imma burn them on a stick a little more before I show them what a wonderful boyfriend I have and it was worth all the waiting” You sassed agitated again and he chuckled at your cuteness, pulling you even closer to him if it was possible. “Agreed”
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gh0stfacesho3 · 5 years
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader 
Warning: Mentions of death
Type: Angst with some fluff
Words: 1,864 words
Quirk: Puppeteer. This quirk allows you to control someone’s actions once you touch them with all five fingers. The only drawback is that you sometimes you get frozen in your position while you’re controlling someone.
   You and Katsuki have always butted heads from a young age but it wasn’t the same as him and Midoriya. It was almost worse then because y’all would always get into fights as kids that would end up terrifying your parents. Not to mention, Bakugo’s mother and your father dated in school before you and Bakugo were born, but then split up after Bakugo’s mother caught your father cheating on her with your current mother which created you. Then Bakugo’s mother got back at your dad by sleeping with his best friend which is currently Bakugo’s father. So there was rivalry before you and Bakugo were even born. You and him always hated each other but as you got older, the two of you just stopped talking because y’all hated the trouble you’d get into when you destroyed parks and playgrounds. Yet now, here y’all are. Stating each other down as you sit in your desk. The hate literally effected everyone in the room.
   “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much negativity in one room before.” Kirishima spoke with a small cough to clear the silence.
   Then Aizawa walked in, causing everyone but the two of you to look forward. Aizawa used his scarf to grab the two of your heads and make them turn to the front.
    “We are here to learn how to become Pro Heros, not to have rivalry. We will be doing a lot of things together so you need to learn how to work together, got it?!” Aizawa spoke with a stern tone.
    “Tch- yeah whatever. I’d never work with that poor excuse of a person.” Bakugo spoke under his breath.
   “Pft you act like I had anything to do with what happened between our parents.” You muttered back to him.
   “You did! If you were never born my mom would have been happy. She told me how amazing your father was but you ruined their chances of ever getting back together!” Bakugo yelled as he stood up.
   “You would have never even been born if it weren’t for me if you wanna pin this all on me. I understand why you’re mad but grow up Katsuki! We’re not little kids anymore so grow up. You’re just mad because my father has a better quirk than your father has!” You yelled back, standing up as well.
    “Enough!” Aizawa yelled, using his scarf to force both of you in your seats. He covered the two of your mouths to keep y’all from talking.
    That was the first day of school and now its the almost the end of the semester. You and Bakugo were alone in the commons area of the dorms, cleaning because y’all were punished for a fighting.
    “Why do you hate me?” You spoke up as your washed the dishes.
    “Because your fath-“ He started off before you cut him off.
    “No damnit! Me! Why do you hate me? Not my parents. Me.” You yelled as you slammed your hands on the counter. This question seemed to stump Bakugo for a few seconds so you decided to speak up. 
    “I’ll tell you why I hate you....because I’ll never be you. I’ll never have the confidence or power you have. You have so much and you don’t even realize it. You have an amazing mother who isn’t dying and a father that has a steady job. You don’t have to work just to make sure you can continue to attend the school or to help pay for your mother’s medical bill damnit!” You yelled as tears streamed down your face. “The only thing you have to worry about is being the number one hero and I would kill just to have that one thing to worry about but no, I’m stuck with all this bullshit and you hating me doesn’t help. As kids I hated you because I wanted to be you, I still do sometimes, but now I want to be better than you. The only reason we fought so much was because you wanted to because YOU hated me. So please Bakugo, tell me why you hate me.” You yelled out, looking at him with tears streaming down your face.
    “I always thought you hated me so that’s why I started to hate you. You always seemed so happy no matter what happened. Even when we fought yesterday you ended up smiling, saying that you could learn something from your loss. You have all these things wrong in your life yet everyone loves you because you’re so happy all the time. I never understood how you could be so happy all the time. That’s why I hated you, because you looked so happy all the time while I watched my parents argue over and over again. I wanted to live your life because you seemed like you had everything.” Bakugo admitted.
    “Now you know, I don’t have everything. I never had anything if you think about it. The only thing keeping me sane and alive was you. I never had real friends before UA. My mother was an alcoholic, that’s probably why she is dying in the hospital now, my father always wanted me to be better than him so he pushed me to limits that shouldn’t be pushed as a kid. I had every reason to leave this place but you were the only thing that got me out of bed because I wanted to be better than you.” You responded back as tears still streamed down your face. When you looked up, you see Bakugo standing in front of you.
    “I-....I’m s-sorry.” He apologized with gritted teeth to you as he stared at his feet. “I didn’t know all this was happening. How-...how could you be so strong?” He asked as he looked at your bloodshot eyes with his crisim ones.
    “Because I was basing my strength off of you.” You replied with a small smile as the tears started to slow down. Bakugo hugged you tightly. He doesn’t mind hating people but hating people over the wrong reason or for something they didn’t do is wrong.
    “Woah what the hell?” You asked as you laughed lightly.
   “Shut up...this is a once in a life time experience okay. The only other person I’ve hugged was shitty hair and it was an accident.” Bakugo said as he rolled his eyes.
    “Then I’ll enjoy every bit of it. I’m sorry for all the past things.” You replied as you hugged him tightly.
    Bakugo didn’t know what came over him but he melted into the hug too. “Don’t be sorry.” He replied as he pulled away and wiped your tears.
    “Now stop crying you nerd. We have cleaning to do and you have a lot of smiling to do.” Bakugo responded with his normal tone.
    It was now mutual between you two and the two of you actually started to become friends, well at least Bakugo’s understanding of friends.
    All of class 1-A was in the commons area having fun. It was about 6:30 pm and y’all were playing truth or dare for a little bit before you got a phone call.
    “Excuse me you guys. I gotta take this.” You said standing up. You walked over to the corner of the room and answered the call.
    “Hello?” You asked.
    “Hi is this f/n l/n ?” The caller asked.
   “Yes this is them. What’s going on?” You asked remember this caller ID was from the hospital. Your heart started to race as you waited for an answer. Last time you check you’re mother was about to leave the hospital so maybe today is the day you get to take her home.
    “Your mother passed away today. I’m so sorry for your loss.” Was all they said. You dropped your phone and screamed out, falling to the floor bawling. Everyone came running over, asking what was wrong.
    “She can’t talk you dumb asses.” Bakugo said as he walked over to you.
    “Oh yeah and do you think you could make her talk anymore than us?” Jiro asked with a huff.
    “No, but I can at least take get her to stop crying so that way she can talk.” He said as he picked you up. You tried o fight and protest but you couldn’t, you hated when people saw you like this but you just couldn’t do anything but cry. He brought you to the showers, telling you to take a shower and calm down. Momo walked in and looked confused yet concerned.
   “You’ll get in so much trouble, I’ll help her shower. You go get her clothes and come back.” Momo said causing Bakugo to nod before he went up to your room. He felt kinda weird going through your stuff so he went to his room and grabbed one of his hoodies along with a pair of boxers.
    “Hey Denki, I don’t want people seeing me take care of her and all that so distract them. Calm them down with that dumb face of yours.” Bakugo told Denki. He went back down to the showers and handed them to Momo.
    “Really?” She asked and went to create some clothes but you stopped her.
    “That’s fine.” You muttered softly, holding the fluffy towel to your chest. Bakugo turned around and waited for you to get dressed. Once you were dressed, he went over to you, walking with you to the commons area.
    “Here or your room?” He asked you quietly.
    “Room.” You said as you stayed close to him. Bakugo made Denki distract them for a little bit as he brought you up to your room. He placed you on your bed and went to walk out.
    “Bakugo?... Can you stay please?” You asked as you looked up at him. He sighed and closed the door, crawling into your bed while pulling you close to him. The two of you laid like that for awhile before you spoke.
    “My mother...she passed away today.” You told him causing Bakugo to hold you tight.
    “I’m sorry that happened.” He said looking down at you to see you staring at the wall, as it was keeping you from crying. He played in your hair, hoping you’d fall asleep soon, luckily you did. He slipped out from under you and went downstairs.
    “She’s okay. Her mother passed away today.” Bakugo told them and a lot of them gasped.
    “How?” They asked as they looked at him.
    “She’s been in the hospital for awhile now so she might have finally passed but she doesn’t know the cause yet.” Just as he said that, your phone that was still on the floor rung again. Izuku went over and let it ring, allowing it to go to voicemail. They left a voicemail so he opened it, seeing it was from the hospital.
    “Y/n, you need to be careful okay. We found out your mother died from an overdose but the autopsy showed there was struggle which means she was forced. We might have a murder on our hands. Please get back to us soon or we will call authorities in two hours.” The voicemail read out.
    “Shit.” Bakugo said as he looked at them.
part 2 coming soon
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murdertrialimagines · 6 years
Imagine Meeting For The First Time (DRV3 Boys)
Hey! This is my first Imagine on this blog so I hope it goes well! (Y/T means Your Talent)
-Imagine: Meeting the Boys in the Killing Game for the First Time
Shuichi Saihara
This had to be a dream
A bear running a murder game for people with special talents?
Completely unrealistic
But true apparently, since you were stuck in a school with 16 other students with talents
After the killing game announcement you decided to look around
make sure there were no bear-traps (heh)
You quite literally ran into him while entering the game room
He was with that girl, Kaede was it?
You both apologized at the same time, causing you to fumble over your words.
He introduced himself
“I’m Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective. Sorry for running into you.”
“Oh it’s fine! I’m always running into people. Y/n L/n, Ultimate Y/T.”
“That’s pretty cool”
“Not as cool as a detective!”
He made a small laugh, causing you to grin for some reason.
“Well uh, Kaede and I were gonna look around some more, see you later?”
“Yea, definitely”
lowkey jealous of kaede 
Kaito Momota
How could you not notice this boy immediately he’s super loud
You meet him as soon as Monokuma leaves you all
mostly because you heard him shouting like a child
He’s loud
He’s shouting about leaving and needing to go to space
Why did you approach him? No idea
“I’m guessing your talent has something to with space?”
“Well you guessed right! I am Kaito Momota, Luminary of the stars!”
He’s standing in a superhero pose
You laugh
He doesn’t
“So uh, what’s your name?”
“My name is Y/n L/n, and my talent is Ultimate Y/T.”
“That fits someone like you!”
You’ve known each other for a whole two minutes what does that even mean
“You wanna go look around this place? I wanna see my cool space classroom!”
Boy is like a 13 year old at heart
But you don’t really act your age either so it’s nice to see someone familiar to you
Ryoma Hoshi
You honestly didn’t see him at first
He’s so short how
But who cares, he’s a person who needs help like all of the students here
You find him in the game room sitting by himself
You’re trying to meet everyone, he should be the last one
“Hey, I’m Y/n L/n, Ultimate Y/T, what’s your name?”
He stares at you
Tense situation?
“Why would you bother knowing me if I’m just gonna get killed like half of these people”
You weren’t expecting that voice
“I think it’s better if I know everyone better, to build friendships and to help if anyone needs it”
He chuckles
“You better be careful, you can’t be naive in these situations.”
He reaches out a hand
“Ryoma Hoshi, Ultimate Tennis Pro. Nice to meet you, Y/n.”
Rantaro Amami 
You can’t find him for a few hours
Not that you were really searching, you just wanted to meet everyone so you kept an eye out
You saw him leaving the dorms after dinner and stalked followed him to the dining hall
He didn’t expect anyone to come in 
He wanted to eat his sandwich alone please
You suddenly grew nervous
What if he decided to kill you? What if he thought you were gonna murder him?!
“You hungry too? I can make you something”
He’s got a soft voice
“Oh, no thanks. I just saw you walk in here and wanted to introduce myself.”
He saw you follow him but didn’t care, you don’t look like you could kill someone
You walk up to the table he’s sitting at and hold out your hand
“Y/n L/n, Ultimate Y/T.”
“Rantaro Amami, Ultimate...something.”
He shakes your hand
“Ultimate something? You don’t remember?”
“Nope. Crazy, huh.”
He’s so chill about it it’s kinda scary
You actually sit with him for a bit, talking about your talent (He’s very curious to know about it) and other things like the killing game and small facts about yourself
You sit there until it’s nighttime
You had a great time
Gonta Gokuhara
This boy.
Can you even call Gonta a boy? He’s a man
a gentleman
But all you saw when you first laid eyes on him was six feet of pure scariness 
That is until the first words out of his mouth around you were 
“But butterflies are harmless creatures! How could Kokichi not understand that?”
Your heart
You want to introduce yourself immediately
You do
You tap on his arm 
He spins around and looks down at you
You’re surprised by his red eyes
“Hi um, I’m Y/n L/n, Ultimate Y/T.”
His eyes light up and he smiles
Boy that smile is adorable
This boy wouldn’t hurt a soul
 “I am Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Entomologist! Welcome to meet you, Y/n!”
You guys talk about your hobbies, which turns to being a gentleman and bugs
You guys plan to go bug hunting the next day
You feel like you already found your new best friend
Kokichi Ouma
You really thought he was thirteen when you first saw him
That’s why is was more believable that he was bawling his eyes out
You asked him if he was okay
but then again who would be, you’re in a killing game now
You ask him if he’s alright
He starts laughing
What the heckie
“Why wouldn’t I be, this is a game after all!”
What the heckie
What do you say in response to that?!
He starts first
“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I am Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader!”
He poses
What the freak is going on. 
“Hey, I told you who I am, you tell me who you are!”
“I’m uh, Y/n L/n, Ultimate Y/T.”
He starts jumping up and down
“Whaaa that’s so cool! Tell me about it!”
You start going into more detail, him actually seeming interested
“You know, you’re not as boring as you look. Let’s talk later!”
He just walks away
You actually think he’s kinda funny, in an annoying, twelve year old who screams at multiplayer games kind of way.
Korekiyo Shinguji
After the bear had left, you were one of the first to speak
“What do we do?”
No one responded, except for mumbled curses from a few individuals
Everyone immediately started branching off from each other, so you sat down against the stage, resting your head back and closing you eyes
“This is quite the predicament, isn’t it?”
You snap your eyes open, looking to your side, seeing a very pretty boy in a mask, in the same position as you
“Oh, I wasn’t talking to you.”
“So uh...I really like your hair.”
“Thank you, my sister showed me how to take care of it, especially since it’s so long”
���That’s so sweet! I’m Y/N, Ultimate Y/T” 
“Korekiyo Shinguji. Ultimate Anthropologist.”
“What’s that?”
You guys spent a brief moment talking
Well, mostly him explaining his talent 
Then everyone started to go their own ways
He stood up. “This has been a pleasant conversation to have, especially in times like this. Stay careful Y/N, this world’s beauty is especially fragile.
He walked away, a small flower where he once sat
You pick it up, putting it in your hair before heading to your dorm
“He seems...nice”
This was seriously freaky
Kill each other? Who would even do that?
The purple haired kid apparently
You watched from the corner of the classroom as the purple haired kid, who’s name was apparently Kokichi, chased the robotic teen.
“Kokichi, I ask you to stop! I currently have no data on those requests!”
“Aww, c’mon! I just wanna know if you have a-
You sigh, looking at the two
“This isn’t a conversation you should be having at this moment, don’t you think?
Just then the ultimate detective strolled in with his partner in crime, and they began to speak to Kokichi
Kiibo came over to your side, thanking you for halting the ‘attack’
“It’s no problem, It seemed to bug you”
“I should properly introduce myself! I am K1-B0, but you can call me Kiibo! I am the ultimate robot!
“That’‘s really interesting Kiibo, I’m Y/N, Ultimate Y/T”
His eyes glazed over, code seemingly running through them
“Ah, I have much knowledge on the topic, but no first hand education. Please, educate me!”
You spent the next few minutes explaining your passion and how you came to develop the ultimate title for it
Kiibo seemed to literally light up at the info, taking it all in and asking expert questions
You would be lying if you said you weren’t a bit disappointed when the detective asked to talk to him
Kiibo was too 
With a quick goodbye, you left the room, bouncing with happiness that you found someone to talk to
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