carmendei-agere · 3 months
Could I request a minific of little Ayato with cgs Ayaka and Thoma? Maybe him getting overworked and slipping because of that? Thank you!
foams at the mouth
Little!Ayato + CG!Ayaka & CG!Thoma - Overworked Ayato.
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"Let's take shelter for the time being. Don't worry, one of my people will be here with umbrellas momentarily."
Mentioned ship (briefly): Thoma x Ayato
─ 𖥔 ─
The first time Ayato did "it", he had to get help. He was rather confused at first- and with good reason. "Age regression" was the act of acting like a child would- but Ayato wasn't a child. He trusted Thoma. He trusted his beloved with his life, even more if that was possible.
But now? It was happening again. That...feeling of lightheaded-ness. It felt like all his thoughts were growing distant, which was not something he wanted in the middle of ever-so important paperwork.
...perhaps he'd been overworking himself a little too much as of late.
A knock on the door interrupted what little thoughts he held, and he glanced at the door. He picked up his writing utensil in an attempt to make himself look busy, and let the person in.
It was Thoma.
"Good evening, my lord!" he smiled.
"Greetings, dear." he smiled. Much to his amusement, the pyro wielder planted a kiss on his forehead. He is unsure what came over him at that moment, but he giggled at the action.
Something he would not usually do. He loved Thoma to death, but the aforementioned "laugh" erupted more as a "squeal" than anything.
"Oh?" he chirped up, sitting opposite from him. "Is this my little guy?"
Ayato gave a scoff, albeit a playful one- no ill intent behind it. "Not at all."
"Not if I got you a new toy?"
"Toy?" the other perked up. "I suppose I'd be interested...especially if it came from your hands."
The housekeeper quickly handed him a box- with the contents making a small rattling sound inside. If Ayato wasn't regressed right now, he's certain that the sound made him small as ever.
Removing the paper which concealed the bow was a rather tedious task, but after receiving some assistance from the other, it was no longer an issue. Inside the box, however?
It was a rattle.
Thoma quickly picked the item from the box, allowing the younger to see the item in it's full glory. The rattle itself was rather childish, perhaps too childish for him, but he didn't mind. It was rather...big, seemingly commissioned. The sound seemed to entice him, and suddenly, any thought about doing "big work" and writing was thrown out of the window.
"Do you like it?" Thoma questioned, handing it back to the little. He nodded, and gave it another shake, before squealing.
"Mhm! We go show it t' sis?"
"Absolutely! She's the one who gave me the idea for the item- and commissioning the item raised...questions from a few people, but it was all worth it for my little guy!"
Thoma was always like this- willing to embarrass himself for small regression items. Diapers, pacifiers- and even using the rattle as an example- he seemingly didn't mind.
And this...this is why he loves Thoma, among a billion other reasons.
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rinskazuu · 2 years
their voice lines about you, as their lover!
just my fav characters^^
INSPIRED BY @fatuismooches and their “harbingers’ voicelines about you.” they did so well, i loved it. y’all should go check it out!
xiao, itto, tighnari, ayato, ningguang, sara, yanfei, childe, diluc, zhongli, kaeya, beidou, cyno, & al haitham x gn!reader
implied that reader is an immortal/non mortal being in xiao & zhongli's.
cw: fluff. use of they/them pronouns. pet names: you’re mostly referred to as their “lover”, and “my darling” in 2 of them. some of them are slightly ooc, but i already put it in parentheses. i tried my best!
a/n: this is my very first post here, and im kinda nervous because even tho ive been writing for a long time, im still rlly insecure of my work. i removed a couple characters cus it got too long.. but if you guys like it, ill make a part two<3
about [name]:
“hm? you want to know about [name]? well… there’s not much to say. what? i’m not blushing!”
chat: meals
“personally, the idea of human cuisine doesn’t delight me much. food isn’t necessary for an adepti but, i do enjoy [name]’s cooking quite a lot. they make the best almond tofu.”
chat: stress
xiao lets out a deep sigh, “[name] is too careless. and while they have such a big heart, they take too many dangerous commissions. on more than one occasion, i had to find them myself, just to see them injured. they claim they didn't call my name, because they don’t want to become a burden but, i… ah, never mind.”
chat: bonds
“hm… [name] and i have known each other for centuries. it really does make me happy seeing them and morax together. ah? he goes by zhongli now…?”
chat: flowers
“flowers? such a distraction... i pay no mind to them. but, i have heard from many mortals that, people in relationships do cherish such gifts. should i pick some for [name]?”
about [name]:
“[name]?! you’ve met [name]? they’re so cool right? they’re my best bro, my everything, my one and only! tell me, has [name] said anything about me to you? they said they love me? oh! hm? my cheeks? THEY’RE NOT TURNING RED, it’s just the paint…”
chat: onikabuto
“yeah, i’m the best and number 1 at onikabuto fighting! i always win! well, except when i fight with [name]. somehow, they always win, i don’t know how! they never let me in on their secret too. one day, they will tell me.”
chat: jail
“[name] is great. they bail me out all the time. really, i’m so grateful to have them! they’re fit to be the leader of the arataki gang but, nobody can be the leader except me, arataki itto.”
chat: picnics
“[name] and i always go out for picnics, and then we have an onikabuto fight. even though they always win, i’m happy to be spending time with them. but, you gotta be careful, last time, i spilled some of the juice and [name] got a bit angry. huh? what do you mean i don’t seem like a picnic guy?”
chat: horns
“yeah these babies are painted! i usually paint them but sometimes, [name] helps me cover the spots i can’t. they’re so good at it too. is there anything they’re not good at?”
about [name]:
“you’ve met my wonderful lover, i see. yes, [name] often helps around gandharva ville. they do visit frequently, even though they reside in sumeru city.”
chat: sadness
tighnari sighs, “i do miss [name] a lot. i know they come often but, with them being busy working for the akademiya, it does get a little lonely without their presence during the night.”
chat: views
“hm, i’d say gandharva ville has some of the best views in all of sumeru! i take [name] to some of these places and, it lights a smile every time! a lot of beautiful flowers and mushrooms grow here. i do make sure to pick the non-poisonous ones though!”
chat: jealousy
“[name] has such a kind soul, all the forest rangers admire them. how could they not? i’ve never seen them do a bad thing in my entire life! though, it does get frustrating when they stare at them too long… i do admit, i get a little jealous.”
chat: petting
“ah? you want to pet my ears? well… i usually only allow [name] to pet me but, i’m sure they wouldn’t mind either. my tail? hah, now you’re going too far!”
about [name]:
“hm? [name]? yes, that is the future head of the kamisato clan. ah, don’t tell them just yet but, i do plan on placing this lovely ring where it rightfully belongs.”
chat: family
“well, with only my sister left of our family, i do cherish her very much. [name] gets along with ayaka quite well. hm, speaking of which, they’re probably spending time together, at this hour.”
chat: work
“aside from being the head of the kamisato clan, my role as a commissioner does get in the way of a lot of things, including spending time with my lover. it’s such a shame. yet, they’re so patient with me. say, traveler, do you think i’m undeserving of [name]?”
chat: bubble tea
“haha, i am quite fond of bubble tea. i request for thoma to get it for me often. somehow, [name] always gets wind of it and steals a couple sips. they probably think they’re sneaky but, i know thoma is always telling them. they’re adorable so, i suppose i can’t be complaining.”
chat: safety
“during the vision hunt decree, [name] was really busy working and it worried me to death. i barely saw them and, unfortunately, i had to ask their close friend, kujou sara. both her and i share concerns over them so, she helped me even though, she was a little reluctant.”
about [name]:
“apologies, traveler, i’m a little busy right now. [name]? ah, my lover. well, i suppose i can sit down and have a chat about them for a bit.”
chat: danger
“although i’ve had a couple discussions with the adventure guild about [name]’s dangerous commissions, nothing seems to stop them. of course, they’re very passionate about helping others but, i’m worried they’ll put themselves in danger and i won’t be there to save them. traveler, maybe you can talk to them?”
chat: lunch
“hm yes, [name] and i go out to liuli pavilion a lot. i hear many people of liyue mutter about how jealous they are of them, how easy it is gain my attention and time. though, that does strike up my worry about their safety…”
chat: shopping
“although my job, as the protector of liyue, tends to get me busy, you might find it shocking that i do spend a lot of my time with my lover. we go shopping every week. not that i’d ever let you see but, my closet is filled with clothes that match theirs.”
weather: rain
“agh, the rain is such a bother. on the other hand, [name] is fond of the rain, they often venture during this weather. although i despise it, i suppose i can tolerate it for them. will you be a dear and fetch me an umbrella?"
about [name]:
"so, you want to know about [name]? i hope for your sake, that you don't have any malicious intentions, but other than that, i'll be happy to talk about them."
chat: loyalty
"yes, i am rather extremely loyal to the shogun. [name]? i assure you that this topic doesn't affect our relationship. despite the fact that i'm not shy to talk about it, i'd rather keep our affairs private."
chat: knitting (ooc? hc)
"huh? knitting... so, [name] told you about that. well, i suppose i can tell you, i do enjoy the simple hobby with them. it tends to release a lot of stress. although, i'm not sure why they spoke about it..."
weather: thunder
"the lightning and thunder is a sign of the shogun's will. i do often announce my loyalty to the shogun but, more times than none, i get aggravated by it. the only other thing that allows me to tolerate it is [name]. they love to huddle up to me and i find it adorable, it really takes my mind off the weather. don't tell them... or you might have to start sleeping with one eye open."
chat: onigiri
"as a warrior in inazuma, it's hard to carry heavy foods with me when i am not home, which is why i ask [name] to make me onigiri. they make it so well, it's packed with flavor and it's easy to carry. i always miss their specialty dishes though."
about [name]:
"have you met [name] yet? you have! hm, the expression on your face tells me the meeting with them was delightful. i'll tell you, being a legal adviser is not easy but seeing their bright face every time i come home, makes it a ton easier. they make me forget about all the civil cases."
chat: comfort
"sometimes, i think i'm good at hiding my facial expressions but the moment i come home and see [name], they know exactly how my day went, or more so what type of day i had. they're exceedingly perceptive and, having a lover like them makes my life a whole lot worthwhile."
chat: late night work
"like i said, being a legal adviser isn't necessarily easy, especially when you have a big case. i spend a lot of nights reading into boring cases, like that will i've recently encountered, however, [name] tends to bring me tea and sit in my home office to comfort me. it often distracts me but, i don't mind."
chat: cooking
"i'm sure i've mentioned how much i love tofu, right? well, [name] makes it ten times better. they spoil me too much, often rewarding me with tofu. i can't cook the way they can. archons, i wonder what i did to deserve such a lover like them."
chat: legal knowledge
"though it may come off as a shock, [name] knew quite a lot about laws before i met them. it wasn't until we got into a relationship, did i know about that. you bet i fell even more in love with them."
about [name]:
"good evening comrade! ah, what am i doing? picking flowers for my darling of course. i see, so you have met [name]. haha, they are truly wonderful aren't they? the more deserving they are of my time to be picking glaze lilies for them then, huh?"
weather: snow
"are you shivering, comrade? this weather is nothing compared to snezhnaya! you really remind of [name]. when i brought them to dragonspine, they were sniffling and whatnot. scared me half to death when a hue of blue took over their face, which is what convinced me to halt my vacation to snezhnaya with them."
chat: sparring
"everything in this world pales in comparison to the thrill of sparring. well, aside from spending time with my lover, of course. speaking of which; they're truly strong. [name] has beaten me every time we've sparred throughout our entire relationship, and they think i'm going easy on them but truth is, i really struggle against them..."
chat: spending
"[name] often scolds me for pampering them with expensive gifts but, i see it as a harmless gesture. of course i'm going to spoil my darling, how could i not?! ah, don't tell them about this one. do you think they'll like it? should i get another ring? i am getting sweaty thinking about their reaction. hm, thank you for the reassurance, comrade."
chat: family
"apart from teucer, [name] hasn't met any of my family yet. i'm fully convinced they'll love them though. they get along really well with teucer, he's even went on to call them an older sibling. it makes my heart swell. nothing brings me more joy than seeing my family and lover getting along."
about [name]:
"[name]? of course i've met them, they are my lover after all. so you've heard...? they're a wonderful, kind, and passionate soul. what truly delayed our love was that they're a knight of favonius, a captain no less. but, i've grown to love that part of them as well."
chat: job (slightly ooc?)
"[name] looks wonderful under the dim light of angel's share, don't you think? even though we've been in a relationship for a long time, i will never get used to the way they're always so beautiful. ah, pardon me, i'm being unprofessional."
chat: brother
"tch, kaeya can be quite a bother, honestly. but, [name] always encourages me to reconcile with him. i'm not sure what there is to reconcile... though, i understand they do have only pure intentions."
weather: breeze
"usually, i pay no mind to the weather but, as of late, [name] has taken a keen interest in taking me out to cider lake during the night. it's often windy, sometimes a light breeze will cross us. like usual, they look wonderful under the night's light."
chat: art
"i'm not one to be into art but, it's one of [name]'s hobbies. they spend quite a lot of time indulging in this. everything they've made has been, how do i say this... a masterpiece."
about [name]:
"i'm not too understanding of human emotions but, one thing i've grown to recognize is my love for [name]. if you haven't met them, i'd be more than happy to introduce them to you. oh? so, you already have. enlighten me on what you think of them."
chat: gifts
"yet again, i've never quite understood the concept of this human tradition; gifting. [name] has informed me on it and i'd like to get them a present too. what do you think, traveler? something sentimental would suffice."
chat: familial bonds (based off hc, might be a little ooc)
"throughout the millennia i've lived, death has swept past me time and time again. aside from [name], that i met a couple hundred years ago, i've gotten a little attached to xiao, which in turn caused me to keep him closer than i intended. no matter, it fills me with joy to watch xiao open up to someone beside me. [name] tends to have that effect."
chat: tea
"tea is arguably one of the only human invented drinks i can tolerate. it's far better than wine. hm, speaking of which, i often send packages of tea i've acquired to [name]. they seem to love it so, i'd be more than delighted to grace a smile on their lovely face."
chat: painting
"quite like the art of tea, painting is... calming. [name] has been painting for centuries and yet, they have not grown bored of it. i find it astonishing, the way they're easily inspired by the changes of liyue. hm, i do enjoy watching them. sometimes, they would ask me to help them, and who am i to say no to my lover?"
about [name]:
"you're surprised i have a lover? haha, well a lot of people fall for my charm, and it's no different for [name]. though, i was also a little shocked, that somebody could have me wrapped around their finger like they do."
chat: drinking
"often times than not, [name] has dragged me home from angel's share, quite literally. yet, they haven't grown tired of me. i suppose i should stop, for their sake."
chat: intimacy
"[name] and i both work long hours, and even though we pass by each other a lot in the halls of the knights of favonius headquarters, i do miss their touch. recently, [name] has suggested late night dates. that's when we started going out to cider lake to go swimming. the water's cold but, it's nothing either of us can't handle."
chat: secrets
"you want to know my secrets? haha, if i told you then, they wouldn't be secrets anymore, would they? [name]...? well, it's best they don't know about my secrets... for their safety of course."
chat: spare time
"what i do in my free time...? well, i spend it with [name] of course! life would be dull without their presence. i'm often busy, and i drink a lot but, without them, i'd be nothing but a shell of a man. i have [name] to thank for making me a happy person."
about [name]:
"what do you want to know about [name]? i'm the official [name] guide! they easily make my life like a boat on calm waters. though, i'm always adventuring on the sea, and they're associated with the qixing, we always make time for each other."
chat: souvenirs
"am i that easy to read? well, anyone with the right mind would bring back gifts for their lover, especially if their lover is [name]. they've told me about how much they enjoy the portrait i ordered to be painted for us, even though it's not a souvenir."
chat: sailing
"of course, [name] has been on my boat! it took a lot of convincing and arguing with ningguang to allow her subordinate to take a couple days off... i'd love to take them sailing again one day, but, i suppose i'll have to wait a while before that opportunity comes by again."
chat: occupation
"being a pirate did not make it any less intriguing for [name] to start a relationship with me. initially, it was platonic but, during my time on the sea, i began really feeling the absence of their voice and touch. that's when i really understood my feelings."
chat: drinking
"regardless of the fact that i do hold my alcohol well, i'm afraid [name] has seen me drunk on multiple occasions. they gave me an earful the mornings after. i understand their worries over me so, i drink less now."
about [name]:
"you are not the first to be shocked that i have a lover. what? is it because i'm the general mahamatra? my career doesn't often get in the way of our rela- what? it's because of my appearance? what's wrong with it...? ah, i see. i can assure you, [name] is a person who's almost never afraid. they're mostly fascinated by things that seem thrilling, though i advise them to keep themself safe. not like they listen to me..."
chat: desert
"while [name] hadn't originated from the desert, they adapt quite well. occasionally, they have complained about the heat, not that i blame them but, they adjust rather quickly."
chat: rivalry
"hmph, that al-haitham... he doesn't get along with many people, probably because of that awful attitude of his but, unsurprisingly, he and [name] are close. i'm not afraid to lose them to him, no, but rather cautious of him. you can never trust a man like him."
chat: star watching (slightly ooc?)
"i was never a big fan of the stars but, ever since my first encounter with [name], they've always encouraged me to go star watching with them. the sky has hardly any affect on me and even though i agree to tag along, i always spend my time staring at them. they are truly mesmerizing..."
chat: concerns
"i'm confident in [name]'s ability to protect themself but, my title as general mahamatra does worry me regarding their safety. sometimes, i follow them during their adventures to make sure they're alright. what? they've noticed? i- never mind..."
about [name]:
"apologies traveler but, i am on a time crunch at the moment. [name]? did something happen to them- ah, never mind. your expression is too relaxed for anything bad to have happened to them while i was away. you want to talk about them...? well, ask away, i suppose."
chat: academic
"yes, [name] and i both studied at the akademiya. we were rivals at one point but, somewhere along the way, they had me hooked. looking at it from a much different perspective, i see now, that it was the best thing to have ever happened to me."
chat: knowledge
"nothing halts me from my thirst for knowledge. but, if anything comes close to it, it would be [name]. hm... no, i'd say they're the only one who could. nonetheless, they would never, seeing as they always praise and encourage me."
chat: rivalry
"general mahamatra? i wouldn't be surprised if he wanted [name]. first, after a position he was second best at, and now my lover? i'd like to see that fool try."
chat: reading
"comprehending every aspect of this world and it's secrets is a passion both [name] and i share. i'd have to admit, they're more into the pleasure of sparring over knowledge but, we do often spend our time reading together."
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romanticvampiric · 4 months
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I have many thoughts that are flooding my head with all this new illustration, and it’s that... is it me or Ayato seems stronger, but also mature❔❔ He doesn’t give me silly boy vibes anymore. 😭
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otaku553 · 5 months
I'd love to request an Ayato if you're up for it!
I hope things are going as smoothly as they can for you. Good luck with finding an internship!
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Thank you!!! Internship hunting is going alright :) also my qpp is a huge fan of your world eater aether au!!! When I told them I got an ask from you they were really excited :D I’ve read it myself and it really is an excellent au with really really cool worldbuilding, amazing characterization, and a lot of great explanations for in game mechanics! Thanks for writing it!
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And here’s ayato! Thanks for the request!
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euniveve · 6 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐞 — k. ayato
pairings: ayato x reader tags: christmas, modern AU, angst to fluff w.c: 839 a.n: this is a very very very very late christmas present for @fuoon as part of the @2023gisecretsanta event! I never back down never give up (also i was technically sick so i can latch on to that reasoning hahahhahah I'm still very sorry tho) merry christmas, happy new years, hopefully you like your gift!
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“Sweetheart, I am so sorry but there’s an emergency meeting that can’t be delayed. I’ll be home as soon as it’s finished.”
You let out a sigh of defeat, looking at the bare Christmas tree in the corner of your living room. The spruce sits there, dreary and gloomy, void of life and celebration, just like your heart. The corner of your lips twitch and you swallow the growing lump in your throat, your eyes shifting back towards the fireplace.
“It’s alright,” you reply, your voice shaky before clearing your throat, “hopefully your meeting goes well.”
“Again my love, I am so sorry, I’ll try to make it up–”
You press the red button before you can hear him say anything more, sparing you the inevitable disappointment it would bring.
Ayato always does this; business before family, or perhaps in his mind it is one and the same. After all, the man has been brought up for the sake of the company, his parents burdening him with the knowledge that it will all be his responsibility someday. That “someday” came 3 years ago and it has been weighing heavily on your relationship.
Last year you were stuck with his sister, Ayaka, and housekeeper Thoma while the head of the Kamisato Corporation ended up coming home after the celebration was finished and the leftovers from the feast stored away. They aren’t bad company per se, you could even say their presence is enjoyable, but they aren’t him.
They are not Kamisato Ayato.
Granted, the previous years he had returned home in time, but this year is no different than that one. The only difference is that Ayaka and Thoma were busy this time of the year, something about helping with the business, so it seems like you will be celebrating alone. 
You suppose you are being selfish, seeing that his enterprise is the one managing the cultural aspect of the Tri-Commision, therefore they would be busy in the time of holidays, it is given. A sacrifice you would have to make, a taste for the coming years undoubtedly.
Wishing for it to change is a childish dream; you are only his fiancee after all. You ought to understand.
You look around the boxes, spotting your headphones before putting them on and arranging your favourite playlist to keep your mind off things, humming along to the tune of a familiar song. 
With absentminded singing, you pick up the tinsel and begin to wrap it around the tree, arranging tiny lights in between the branches. Your fingers twirl the ornaments before placing them in a neat and florid manner. 
Staring blankly at the now fully decorated tree, you took a couple of steps back, trying to admire your own work; that is, before your back pressed against something… warm?
You furrowed your brow, your lips pressed together as your heart began to beat faster in a panic. You quickly contemplate many possibilities; did an intruder manage to get past the property’s tight security? Are you going to get mugged? Will Ayato be sad if a bunch of stuff is missing?
You shook your head; the fiancee of the richest man in Inazuma shouldn’t be scared of such things– so you bite the bullet and turn around, only to be greeted by those dreamy blue eyes and an aloof smile, one you have the pleasure of witnessing every morning.
Ayato reaches over to you, his gaze soft as his hand gently grabs onto your headphones and removes them from your head, your heart beating out of your chest as you watch his every move.
Warmth engulfed you both as you felt his soft lips against yours, his arm wrapped around your waist, a tender touch shared only between couples; the happiest couple you know.
“But you said you wouldn’t?” You whisper with bated breath, “How.. why?”
“I will not miss another Christmas with you,” he softly replies before letting one of his mischievous smiles slip in, “After all, there are worse nights to miss than this one.”
His blue eyes shift away from your face, that smirk still sitting on his lips before his sights landed on the fully decorated Christmas tree, except for arguably, the most important part. “Where is the star?”
He slightly bent down, resting his chin on your shoulder, kissing your jaw before whispering into your ear, his hot breath fanning over your earlobe almost making you shiver. “Were you waiting for me to put it, darling?”
“As if!” You stifle a chuckle, eyeing the golden star on one of the boxes before tugging the fabric of his suit. “But could you perhaps do it?”
Ayato hummed, his arm’s grip tightened on your waist, peppering kisses on your shoulder before finally loosening and walking over to the boxes, picking up the star and placing it on top of the tree effortlessly. He then suddenly turned around, taking a mistletoe out of his pocket and holding it high up.
“Shall we complete the ultimate Christmas tradition, my love?”
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hotaru-no-yume · 2 years
loyalty to the raging tempest
CW: This contains spoilers from the new archon quest. Read at your own discretion.
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"You can start a new life here if you want to."
The God of Wisdom's words echo in your mind as you watch your Lord's unmoving figure on the hospital bed. You saw his fall, from the proud and cruel harbinger to a lifeless puppet who had its heart taken away. With Scaramouche's defeat and the Fatui branding you a traitor for refusing to return with the Doctor, you had nowhere else to go… until the Dendro Archon offered you sanctuary in her region.
"Gravedigger… You will regret this." The Doctor spits with the promise of your death.
"I'm sure the matra would be willing to take you in. Creating a final resting place for the dead is also necessary." In contrast, the Dendro Archon's kindness promised protection.
She was right. Under her watchful gaze, no one will be able to lay a hand on you in Sumeru. You can leave everything behind; even the pitiful puppet in front of you. Truthfully, Scaramouche was an awful person. No one in the Fatui liked him and your colleagues would often give you pitying looks once you got summoned to his side. You've lost count of how many times you were punished for not following his orders perfectly.
But still, for some reason, you can't leave him alone. Perhaps it's because of the way he looked at you when you first met. The look of recognition, fury, and something else. You remember him looming over you, staring at your dirt-covered body - the result of digging tirelessly in the cold mornings of Snezhnaya, all in an effort to create a tomb for a soldier you hardly know. Once you lock eyes, you see a raging tempest and you wonder what he's seeing when he looks at you.
"Pitiful. What's with that look in your eyes? Are you merely a doll who knows nothing more than to roll around in the dirt? Perhaps I should call you a rat."
You nod, but that seemed to make him angrier. As insulting as his words are, you really don't know anything else. In a distant memory, you see the blurry faces of your mother and father, hear their whispers of your duties and how it is important to create a final resting place, you remember the old shovel they handed you before you dug your first grave and the sight of their backs as they left for a mission and never returned.
You feel his attack before you see it. Your vision glows and you parry the blade of electro he sends towards you. You get thrown back, and you feel the air get knocked out of your lungs as you slam into a tree.
"...Good. It seems you're not entirely hopeless."
You stand up on shaky legs, tensing as he steps closer and closer. He scoffs as you raise your weapon defensively. He probably thought fighting you was mere child's play.
"Work under me. I'm sure I can find some use for a little rat like you."
And he did find some use for you. Before you knew it, you became his right hand… or maybe "errand runner" was a better description for your job. "The Balladeer's Servant", others would whisper behind your back as they see you tailing the Harbinger's figure. You were at his beck and call and usually the one that bears the brunt of his anger (or as you like to call it in your head - his temper tantrums.) It was exhausting work; trying to keep up with his demands.
But sometimes, you would see the eye of the storm. He was calm in those times, his voice losing the sharp edge it always seemed to have - like a storm temporarily diminishing into a gentle, soothing rain.
"What are you looking at? …The cherry trees?"
He hums, tipping his hat up as he stares at the lush pink trees, not minding the rain of petals falling on him due to the strong gust of wind. You think that he looks very beautiful.
"I don't need anything. Just stay there and don't make a sound."
You watch him collapse in pain after enduring the Doctor's experiments. Regardless of his protests, you help him get settled on his bed. You silently question why he doesn't see himself as a human. After all, he feels pain and suffering, just like everyone else.
Your current situation reminded you of those quiet nights with only the candle light to keep you company. But instead of seeing your Lord's eyes open the next day, he's been asleep for more than two months. Just as you think he's never going to wake up, he stirs from his slumber one morning, jolting you awake.
"...My Lord?" You call, making his pretty eyes focus on you.
"You're still here?" He mutters in disbelief, like he expected you to be gone from his side.
"Why wouldn't I be? I pledged loyalty to you, didn't I?"
Your honest words stun him into silence. He narrows his eyes, looking for a lie, a hint of deception and desire for personal gain.
He finds none. Just an honest fool that he picked up from the dirt littered with flowers and concrete.
"̵͉̐̈́S̷͍̜̓c̶̱͎̈ặ̸̪̕r̴͚͎̉̍ă̵̤m̴̻̃̀ö̴̤̣́̈́u̷͍̙̽c̷͓̘͠h̷͈̟̉̀ė̸̗"̷͚͍͒̚ ̶̲̈ǎ̸̲͋ń̶͖̥̐d̷͉̒ ̴̤͍͗̀"̸̬̳̈K̴̤̤͝ả̵̰̈͜b̶̦̱͝u̶͖͚͋ķ̷͆̀ì̵̦̙̓m̸͓̥̑ô̸̠̥͝ṉ̴̦̀͆o̶͖̘͑́"̵̟͂ ̸͖̆̀ͅw̷͕͆̊ǐ̶̺̮l̷̦͋̅l̴͔̹̈́ ̴̫͗̾ç̵̖͋́ẽ̶̯̺ả̸͎̒ş̴̪͒e̶̳̼̍ ̵͍̱̿t̸̬̍̀ọ̸̩̒̍ ̶̻̯̿̚e̷̤̎̚x̵̼͗ì̷͉͈s̴̯̈̈t̸̡̻́.̸̬̏
"Do you… do you remember him?"
A floating fairy that carried the scent of stars asked you as she gestured to the man in blue. Four pairs of eyes stare at you in anticipation as you gaze at the man with a frown. He crosses his arms as he waits for your answer. You weren't expecting this strange turn of events at all. Your life was finally becoming peaceful under the kindness of the Dendro Archon. She gave you a home and a place to work. You needed nothing more. And yet, you feel like things are about to go upside down again with the presence of this strange man.
"I'm sorry. I don't know him." You said. Their gazes turn uneasy and the man in blue's neutral expression breaks for a moment.
"...But I feel like I should." You added, stepping forward to get a closer look. Not expecting the close proximity, he flinches and moves back, as if electrocuted.
"How dare-!"
"What's your name?" You ask, not paying attention to the spark of anger and embarrassment that appeared in his eyes.
"...Give me one." He says with a sigh.
"Pardon?" Did this familiar stranger really ask you to name him?
"How fascinating…" The Dendro Archon mumbles, placing a hand on her chin as she regards you with curious eyes. "Their memories were definitely erased… but somehow, the connection you formed with them was so strong that it resisted the data deletion process. There is a saying that the heart and mind are two separate things. In this case, the mind may have forgotten, but the feeling is still there. It seems you've garnered someone's loyalty regardless of your lack of divinity."
"...I suppose that's enough." The man in blue looks away, tipping his hat over his eyes.
"Well? Have you thought of a name yet?" He addresses you and you find yourself at the center of attention once again. They were actually serious about naming him…
"How about…"
The man in blue closes his eyes. You think you see the corner of his lips twitch upwards into a small smile.
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hellosweetart · 28 days
Little Employee
(chapter 1 fanfic is already here finally.)
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Chapter 1: Infiltration
As Yui is enjoying her conversation with her fellow worker, a sudden commotion is happening in the club.
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When the girl got curious to see what it is, she felt the same fear when she sees the very same group who tormented her.
Ayato, the third son of Sakamaki brothers, begins to threaten everyone. Bodyguards were beaten up; one is almost getting choked to death. The violent vampire is getting impatient.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" He roared.
"I'm here!" Yui rushes in. She doesn't want the vampires to cause any more harm because of her.
Remembering the sport that her boss taught her, she pulled out her handgun.
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In a blink of her eyes, she felt strong hands grabbed upwards by the angry vampire, causing the gun to blow up. People screamed and panicked. 
"You think you can fight me, idiot?" He laughed, and pushed her hard to the floor.
Yui looked up, all eyes of Sakamaki brothers are on her. She noticed that Subaru, the youngest one, cannot look at her further, and moves his eyes away.
How stupid of her. She should have listened to her boss.
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"Remember dear, your new heart is still under developed. So make sure to avoid any sort of trouble, okay?" 
The rest of the brothers are clearly enjoying the sight of her in pain and humiliation. Though, Ayato scrunched up his nose and told her with irritated voice, "You smell weird, pancake. Did they do something to you?"
"It doesn't matter." The second son, Reiji, intervened. "We have her now. Let's leave this wretched place."
"No, all of you leave this place! I AM NOT GOING!"  Yui told the brothers off in determined tone.
This caused the vampires make various reactions, but she knows they feel insulted.
"You're ordering us now? And who said you can deny us?"
"I DO."
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An ominous figure appeared behind the girl, much to the vampires' shock, disgust and awe.
"Gentlemen...Gentlemen. Please let us not cause anymore chaos into my club, shall we?" He greeted the brothers with his polite smile.
Ayato, whose eyes are fixed to the mysterious entity spoke, "W-who are you?"
"Ah, silly me! I am the owner of this nightclub. You may call me Mr. Dealer." He puffed out his smoke for a bit and added, "How about we have a nice little chat at the moment?"
The Sakamakis didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." The Dealer made a toothy sharp grin. 
"Except for the humble guests... EVERYONE, OUT." His voice echoed around the club.
People began scrambling away, some goes through the fire exit, some jumps out of the windows, some directly runs to the employee's entrance. The female co worker of Yui took her hand, pulling her to get away from the club. The fifth son, Laito, witness them and begins to go after Yui. 
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His chase got cut off when he felt a huge hand grabbed his body, stopping him to go further. The Dealer is not harsh on him, but giving him a hint to not resist.
"I believe this is a better place to chat." The club owner gently puts down the shocked young man to the floor, and puts the hat to the guest's head in a friendly manner.
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"Now then, why don't we start? Would you like me to gather seats for you? Beers? Cigars? A bite to eat?"
"No thank you. We won't be staying here for long..." Reiji said in a polite manner as possible. Shu (the eldest) noticed how the tone of his brother's voice changed a bit. For the first time, he felt worried.
"I see..." Mr. Dealer replied. "So, what exactly brings all of you he--"
"WE WANT HER!" An abrupt, straightforward response from Ayato himself. "GIVE HER BACK TO US!"
The club owner shook his floating head.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see, Ms. Yui has signed a contract with me. She will be working for me for quiet sometime."
The vampires couldn't believe what they've heard. She give herself up to this ball of freak?! Most of the brothers were seething. How dare she left them over this monstrosity? Was she not grateful for living with them in the luxurious mansion? Compared to this garbage of a place, they imagine that she will be used and---
"I understand... Losing someone as important as her can be upsetting. She is a kind and compassionate girl." The Dealer said.
Subaru winced at that comment. He knows that is not the only main reason why he and his brothers are after her.
"But I can guarantee you... She will be well taken care of. And besides, she seem to develop quiet a liking towards this club---"
"THAT'S A LIE!" Another interruption from an angry Ayato. 
"How so?" Mr. Dealer asked, staring blankly at the hot headed boy.
Reiji had to step in before his stupid brother say and do something reckless.
"She is a shy and quiet girl who doesn't know what she wants. That is why we find it unbelievable that she is willing to stay here. We want to escort her back to our home."
"Really?" Reiji felt a chill down his spine when those pair of black hollowed eyes stare at him. "Strange... That is not how she reacted when she sees all of you."
Suddenly, one of the brothers moved forward. Shu cannot handle the small talk anymore.
"You want to know the truth?! We are the Sakamaki brothers, the vampire clan who lives from far from here. We need her as our bride to continue our bloodline." Much to Reiji's noticable a annoyance and anxiety, Shu continued, "Our father planned it all. She is supposedly the Eve of our family. So we beg you, to please give her back to us."
Subaru just frowned. He never seen him show any sort of care towards to anyone but himself; even Yui is just piece of blood to him. He doesn't know if he mean this, or just an act to persuade the strange creature.
"Vampires? Ah...that make sense... No wonder she suffers in constant chest pains. That's why I had to have my doctors get rid of that pesky heart of hers."
"You..did what?" 
 "Some wicked soul is attempting to take over her body, and her heart is the main cause. So in order for her to properly work for me, I've recommended her to undergo heart surgery, which she willingly participated."
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The brothers were speechless.
"Oh, you all didn't know? And here I am thinking she gets better treatment back in your town." The Dealer chuckled.
"How is she still alive?" One of the brothers questioned.
"We've replaced her old heart with a new improved one."
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Mr. Dealer showed a glass container. Inside is Yui's former heart.  The Sakamaki's sense of smell and desire heightened. So this is why they were so drawn to her blood. 
That heart... It originally belonged to Cordelia, the triplets' mother. (Ayato, Kanato, Laito)
"Here, this is all yours." The club owner handed over the heart to Ayato with care.
"I hope this concludes your chase for the girl, yes?"
Ayato and his brothers are stunned. So this explains everything. They've all been thirsting over her because of this heart. The heart of the so called mother they've despised and killed.
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As the heart container is now on Ayato's hands, what will be his reaction?
Will he take it or break it?
Here is the link to the Poll
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arisewanekosuki · 8 months
So for little traveler helper
I want travel with aether,ayato,tighnari and klee in seirai island..
Anyway congrats and thank you
Thank you! I hope you like it! (*^ v ^*)/)
Event Masterlist -------------------------
[Traveler's little helper event] [Aether, Ayato, Tighnari and Klee in Seirai Island]
When Tighnari with the rest of your group stepped on the beach of Seirai Island, he couldn’t help but feel worried. Not only there are storms around the Island, there seems to be one at the center as well. The sounds were unpleasant for his sensitive ears but not unbearable yet. -“Will you be alright Tighnari?” you asked, with worry written over your face. The Forest Ranger really like how you pay attention to everyone well beings, but still you’re the last person he would like to worry. -“Thank you for your concern but I’ll be fine.” Before you could say anything else, the young girl in red hat asked. -“Is Mister Fluffy not feeling good?” You and Paimon couldn’t help but giggle, Tighnari crossed his arms, clearly embarrassed at how Klee called him. He coughed into hand and then crouched in front of the young girl. -“My name is Tighnari, not Mister Fluffy.” -“Oh! Klee is sorry, didn’t wanted to make Mister Flu-.. Tighnari angry.” She looked sad, hiding her hands behind her back. -“I’m not angry, I just wanted to remind you of my name.” He patted her head. Klee smiled and then started to look around. You can tell she’s excited to be here. Ayato approached you and asked with a smile -“So what plans do you have for us today?” You thought for a moment. -“Hmm… we need to gather some Amakumo Fruits and get some Spectral Husks from Specters-” -“Don’t worry (Y/n)! Klee will find it!!” before you could react, the little girl started running deeper into island. -“Wah! Klee come back here!” you started to run after her. -“What are you waiting guys! Let’s go!” Paimon shouted at the boys and fly after you. Ayato and Tighnari looked at Aether who shrugged his shoulders and started to follow after you. -“It seems today will be very interesting day, don’t you agree Mister Tighnari?” Ayato asked with a smirk. Tighnari’s ear twitched, he didn’t like the look the Head of Kamisato Clan was giving him. -“We should catch up with them.” After that the forest Ranger started to run in direction your group went. Ayato chuckled and followed him.
Only little parts were left behind of Ruin Cruiser and Defender after the machines were meet with Klee’s bombs and Aether’s sword. Paimon gathered the parts that were laying on the ground and give them to Aether, while you were talking with Klee -“Klee please, don’t run away alone. We all should stay together, okay? Ah I don’t even want to know what Albedo and the rest would do to me if something bad happened to you.”  The little girl perked after hearing you mention her brother name. -“Klee will be okay!! Klee will protect (Y/n)!  So Albedo can-“ The girl stopped, remembering something. You looked at her with confusion -“So he can?” Paimon suddenly asked with curious look on her face. -“Ah..um…T-that’s a secret!” Klee started to wave her hands in front of her. -“Hmm… now Paimon is even more curious!”   Klee was avoiding looking at Paimon, while Paimon was saying that she promise to keep it secret. -“If it’s a secret you shouldn’t pry, Paimon” Aether finally spoke, the flying girl pouted but then she looked around. -“Where is Tighnari and Ayato?” -“I’m here!” Tighnari came, holding something in his hands. “Is this what you need?” He gave you Spectral Husks. -“Oh! Yes! Thank you! ... But wait… where is Ayato?” You looked behind Tighnari, trying to find blue haired man. -“Oh no! Did he got lost?!” Paimon panicked. “What are we going to tell Ayaka?! What if Shuumatsuban-!” -“Please don’t think like I’m already dead just because I took small detour.”  Ayato stood behind Paimon. -“Ek?!” Paimon screamed and hid behind Aether “D-Don’t scare Paimon like that!!” She said.
Ayato only smiled and then approached you. -“I found some Amakumo Fruits for you.” -“Oo! Thank you Ayato!” You took the fruits and put them with the rest in your little pocket dimension. Klee was looking between you and Yashiro Commissioner, then she suddenly hugged you while still looking at Ayato. You were surprised by little girl actions -“Is something wrong Klee?” You asked her. -“…” She was still looking at Ayato and then she spoke “(Y/n) is Klee big sister! You can’t take her away!” Everyone in group was surprised, then Ayato chuckled. -“Little Miss Klee, I’m not going to steal your ‘sister’. “ Klee nodded and then hold onto your hand. You never saw her behaving like this. The atmosphere felt awkward, Aether coughed, bringing everyone attention to him. -“We still need to find more fruits and Husks, so let’s go. (Y/n) stay close to me.”  -“There is no reason for her to be close to you, we all capable enough to protect her too, you know.” Aether stopped in his track, turning around to look at Kamisato who put his hand on your shoulder. Klee after seeing this started said. -“Klee and Dodoco will protect big sister!” -“I know you all strong but I feel better when she’s close to me.” Aether added. -“Yeah! (Y/n) is our companion after all!” Paimon joined. -“We all are companions now, aren’t we?” Tighnari's ear twitched with irritation. To your dismay the four people started the passive-aggressive argument. You noticed how Klee become silent and with one look at her face you could tell she was feeling uncomfortable. Finally you spoke. -“Alright! That’s enough! You all make Klee sad!” All the guys and Paimon looked at little girl, they started to feel bad for upsetting her. “ I don't understand why you even argue, let’s just all stay together, okay? And don’t separate like before! “ you sighed after that “I know I can’t fight but you all should be more concerned of yourself and each other than me…I would hate if something happened to any of you because of me…” you mumbled the last part but they still could hear it. -“(Y/n) is right, we all team now and we all should take care of each other.” Tighnari said and approached Klee. “I’m sorry Klee that I upset you, will you forgive me?” The girl looked at him and nodded with smile -“Yes! Klee forgives Mister Fl- Tighnari!” -“Paimon is sorry too!” -“I’m sorry too Klee.” Both Paimon and Aether apologized to the little girl. Klee smiled and said that she forgives them. -“I apologize for my behavior, little Miss. I hope you’ll find in your heart to forgive me as well.” Ayato smiled towards Klee, who took a bit of time to finally nod and accept his apology. After that, the whole group went on, together.
You all found a place where more Amakumo Fruits were growing, so you all started to collect them. You noticed how Tighnari was crouching in front one and writing something in his notes. Curious, you approached him. -“What are you writing, Mister Fluffy?” you ask him with lighter voice. The Fox boy looked at you, not amused how did you called him just now. -“I could only read about Amakumo Grass so this is good occasion to study them by myself before we leave the Island. It’s really interesting how this plant can only grow on Seirai Island with such environment.” He ripped off one fruit and motioned you to come closer “Come here, can you hear it?” Tighnari held the fruit close to your ear, you could hear it crackling with a tiny current. -“Oh! I never knew there is noise coming from it!” The Forest Ranger smiled, then opened the fruit. -“If you open it, you can see small electrics coming from it. This fruit is not edible for humans, only elemental creatures can consume it. It interesting that people still didn’t find anything they can use this fruit for… well expect you, of course. I suppose you do need them for something?” -“Yeah! This fruit will help me make my friends stronger. “ -”I thought so, are they perhaps use electro vision?” -“Well… one yes, other uses Dendro and is a Yōkai!” -“I see! That’s interesting… Dendro and Electro works well with each other so maybe-“ And Tighnari started to ramble. You don’t mind it, for you, Tighnari always looks cute when he speaks about flowers or plants, hearing the excitement in his voice and seeing smile on his face always put smile on your face too. Tighnari stopped talking after he realized how you were looking at him. Your lovely eyes focusing now only at him and your smile that he adores so much, make his heart beat a bit faster. He only hopes you won’t notice how his tail started to wag. For some time Tighnari wanted to invite your for a date but most of the time he’s busy or Aether and Paimon are by your side, they always too invite themselves to your both’s hangouts. Now the two of you are alone, this is a good chance to ask you. -“(Y/n), I been wondering, after we come back to Teapot would you-“ -“Big sister! Mister Tighnari!” Klee interrupted, running towards you two “Mister Ayato said that we have enough fruits! Let’s go search for monsters!” Tighnari looked behind him, there stood Ayato with that smile he disliked so much, waving at him.  You said ‘Coming!’ and got up, following the girl. Tighnari could only sighed. -“Maybe next time…”
Your group couldn’t find anymore Specters so you started to search for them on islands around Amakumo Peak. The boys held some competition, who will get more Specter Husks. What they didn’t expect is that Klee was the one who win in the end. With big smile she gave the Specter Husks to you. -“I’m sure brother would get more but Klee did good job, right?” -“Yes, of course! What would we do without you Klee?” you laughed and patted on the head the little girl. Then you turned towards the boys “But you all did good job too! Thank you boys!” Ayato was the first to respond, showing you his lovely smile -“Anything for you (Y/n)~” Paimon noticed how you were staring at the Kamisato so she flew in front him, to block his face from your view. -“How about a break and eat something? Paimon is really hungry!” she make puppy eyes and hold onto her stomach. You laughed and shook your head with a smile. -“Paimon is right, let’s find some pot and take a break.”
Aether was the one who volunteered to cook for everyone. The rest of the group fond some logs to sit on it, Klee quickly took place by your left side while Paimon sat by your right side. Mostly Klee and Paimon filled the air with their talks, sometimes Tighnari would join to the girls conversation. Ayato would go check how Aether cooking is going and you would only listen to girls talk and respond if they asked you something. After awhile the food was ready, Paimon called Aether and let him sit by your side while she smirked towards other two boys. They didn’t said anything but she could see their displeased expressions. Then Paimon said -“Aether makes the best food! Right (Y/n)?” you looked at her chewing the food and nodding with big smile.  “Fufu~ Future Aether’s wife will for sure be happy to have husband like him! Don’t you think (Y/n)?” Aether slightly blushed after hearing that, he took small glance at you, to see your reaction to what Paimon said. But you were only continue to smile. When you swallow the food you said. -“I think so too! His future wife will be so lucky to have him as a husband!” this made Aether red as tomato. Before other boys could say anything Paimon continued. -“He’s strong! And good looking! And let’s not forget that he’s the one helping in every nation with their problems!” -“Paimon I think that’s enough…” Aether covered his face with hands, feeling embarrassed. -“Aw don’t be shy Aether, Paimon is right! You’re truly incredible!” you patted him on his shoulder, Aether’s heart skipped a beat. He heard many compliments from many people but only yours make him feel this warm. He only wished the other guys wouldn’t be present now, he can tell that both of them are annoyed that he gets your attention. Aether really miss those days where only three of you would travel around the nations, yes, you still do that but lately it seems more and more people find time just to join to your group. Or worse, you tell him to relax in Teapot cause he has been ‘overworking’ himself while you take some people with you to do commissions so you still gain some mora. As long you go with girls he’s not worried but if you go with guys he can’t relax at all. He can tell how his male friends look at you, how they try to steal your heart. He can’t help but be afraid that you'll fell in love with one of them and decide to stay with them, just this thought make him feel sick on his stomach. When you got up, Aether come to reality from his thoughts. With a smile you said. -“There is one more place I want to take you all!”
-“Uwaa! There so many kitties!” Klee said and then run to play with the cats. -“It’s interesting how the weather is…different here. It’s like we not even on Seirai Island anymore.” Tighnari looked around, surprised at how he can't hear any storms, but he’s not complaining about it. -“So this is Asase Shrine? How interesting.” The Yashiro commissioner was watching Aether and Paimon approaching Black Cat. You smiled and patted Ayato’s arm. -“I like to call it…a cat island! I know you’re more of a dog person so if one day me and Aether find ‘dog island’ you’ll be the first I’ll show it to you!” Ayato chuckled and come a bit closer, whispering to your ear.. -“I hope you’ll keep this promise~” -“O-of course!” you stuttered, not expecting his face to be that close. Ayato was pleased with your reaction. You’re always adorable in his eyes. How much he wish to spend more alone time with you but with his busy schedule it’s hard. And even if he gets some time, there is always Aether by your side or other people. But now it seems others are busy. Tighnari talks with some adventurer that already been here when they come, Aether with Paimon spoke with Black Cat and little Klee is playing with other kittens. This was a chance. -“Would you like to take a small walk with me?” you looked at Ayato and nodded. He held his arm for you to hold on it, you hesitated for moment but then you put your arm around his and start walking on the small beach, of this part of island. When you both were walking, Ayato thanked you for being such good friend to Ayaka. -“That time you invited her for this…’pajama party’? When she came back the next day she was so happy, but she didn’t wanted to share what you girls were doing back there.” You laughed after hearing that. -“Well this is secret between girls!~ “ -“Hm, I expected you will say something like that.” Ayato chuckled and there was comfortable silence. You loved moments like this with your friends, no fighting, forgetting about all problems and just relaxing with people dear to you. And Ayato couldn't help but appreciate your beauty. You two stopped, watching the sea. The cool breeze caressed your skin.  -“How about coming to Kamisato residence and stay for a night? I’m sure Ayaka will be happy if you visit us.”   -“Thank you but I wouldn’t want to be burden-“ -“I would never think like that about you and the same goes for Ayaka. Even…Thoma… will be happy to see you.”  -“Hmm…” you hummed, deep in thought. “Then if it’s really not a problem I-“ -“There you are (Y/n)!!”  Paimon shout, flying towards where you and Ayato were standing and then she got between you too.  “We already done for today so Aether wants to come back to Teapot!...Hm? What are you two were talking about?” Paimon asked, looking innocently at Ayato. -“Oh! Ayato invited me to his house!” Paimon gasped -“We are going to Ayato’s house?! Yay! Paimon can’t wait to eat some delicious food!!” you sighed at that and shook your head “Paimon, please , stop thinking about food for a moment! So…when we can come, Ayato?” Paimon smirked at him. He knew she was doing it on purpose, but he doesn’t mind, after all Aether and her will be on his ‘territory’.  He smiled towards little girl. -“How about tomorrow?” -“Alright, I’ll go and tell Aether about our plans!” you replied with smile and went towards the Shrine. Paimon looked at Ayato and pouted. -“Don’t even think about stealing (Y/n) from us! Hmpf!” and with that she flew after you. Ayato only laughed at that.
When you all come back to Teapot, Klee immediately ran towards Albedo’s room. -“Thank you for today, later I need to go brush my tail…” then he whispered to your ear “if you want you can help me with it~” You looked at him surprised -“Really? Can I?” Tighnari doesn't let anyone touch his tail or ears but for reasons unknown to you he sometimes ask if you want to help brush his tail and you always accept to do so. -“Of course, just came to my room when you'll be ready.” And after that he went towards his room. Ayato approached you, putting his hand on your shoulder. -“Don’t forget about tomorrow.” He didn’t even waited for your reply and just went towards the kitchen. You sat on the couch, after so much walk your legs hurt. Aether joined to you but then he placed his head on your lap. You starter to play with his golden locks. -“Tired?” you asked. He only hummed in response, closing his eyes and enjoying your touch. After a moment Aether said. -“But today wasn’t that bad…” -“Yeah, we got so many Husks and fruits, we won’t have to visit Seirai for awhile~” That's not what Aether meant, he was glad that the other guys didn’t had too much time to speak with you alone. But the thought that there are more of them , just waiting for any chance to steal your lovely heart, makes him feel tired even more.
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actiniumwrites · 6 months
they look SOOO good omg
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amistyshadow · 9 months
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If Kanato raised Kanna… That would’ve been Latio’s last day on earth 😂
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requinum · 12 days
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Family picture
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justtasia · 5 months
Spot 5 differences (impossible)
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paw-padss · 4 months
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he hates this. spending countless hours of every day behind his desk, leaving you to fend for yourself elsewhere. he does more than just miss you; he yearns for you, longs for you. his heart aches deeply every second he’s away from you. he sighs. every word of his documents, every bite of his meals, every sway of the wind—it all reminds him of you. but all his emotions of sadness fade the moment he sees you again; they seem like a distant fragment of his consciousness as he embraces you, listening to the honey of your voice, taking in your presence. he doesn’t know how he stands it, being away from you for so long.
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kyanitedragon · 5 months
Do you think some natural ghouls would be able to pass through the RC Gate?
We know through Eto that the rc signature the gate looks for can be passed down genetically. Yoshimura was V, so the Washuu had allowed the gates to let him pass, and we saw that Eto herself was able to pass through the gate.
But the RC Gates aren't just for V and the Washuu. Publically, their "main" use is to be programmed with the rc signatures of all quinques.
But wouldn't that mean that any family member of a deceased ghoul made into a quinque could pass through the gate?
The Arata Armor exists, and Narukami is theorized to be Hikari. Could Touka and Ayato both pass?
Tatara, because of Yan?
Tomoe, because of the Bin Brothers?
Or perhaps it's only rc signatures that are extremely similar. Yoshimura and Eto's kagune look visually the same, and he even purposely mimicked her owl form for years.
Meanwhile, Arata was a koukaku while Touka and Ayato are ukaku. Hikari may have had a similar ukaku flame, but judging from what we know of Yomo's kagune, and the possibility that Narukami and T-Human are the other 2 Yomo siblings, then its possible Hikari's kagune didn't much resemble her kids'.
But Hinami's is a near-identical copy of both of her parents, who are both separate quinques. So she'd probably be an exception, even if the others couldn't pass through.
That's a pretty glaring but very interesting weakness. And because of the Washuu secret, I doubt anyone outside of the Washuu would know its even possible.
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greyhavensking · 1 year
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Kaneki’s definition of beating Ayato half to death is as insane and hilarious as always
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sarahsartistportfolio · 7 months
What I imagine our children to be like/Genshin fathers <3
Notes: Completely self indulgence. Technically self ship? Can be read sagau or just traveler!me. Basing this mostly on vibes, I'm still lacking knowledge on a lot of characters personal quests and insights. Very very tempted to draw some of the children. Would you wanna see that?😊
Lyney- One boy and one girl. Birth order doesn’t matter. I could also see him very much adopting. Maybe our third child is an adoptee. And yes he is including them in his magic acts Lyney darling where did the toddler go? Hm? What do you mean say the magic word and he'll reappear??!!
Cyno- One boy. Looks just his father. Child is quite and has a very calm temperament. Most well behaved child ever. All the other parents are jealous. For sure teaches his son how to protect himself and others when he’s older.
Childe- Twins, one girl and and boy. A mix of brown hair like me and bright red hair like their dad. Freckles too. If we decide to try again it’s another set of twins lol.
Heizou- Two little girls. 3-5 years apart. Omg he babys them so much. Spoils them rotten.
Zhongli- Just one little girl. She looks a lot like her father but has my eyes. Inherits archon power so she is a little dragon herself. Has a name referencing a flower or jewel like Jade or Amethyst. She's the ideal daughter when she's a young adult.
Ayato- Three boys. Oldest 10 years old, middle 8, youngest 5. And they are a menace. The biggest trouble makers. They did not inherit their father’s calm demeanor. They behave well enough in front of Ayato but left alone...chaos.
Wanderer- A single little girl who Scara is secretly so soft for. Outwardly and mostly in the early stage of fatherhood treats the child pretty indiffrently in public. But behind closed doors cuts the crust off the bread for his daughter and lets her braid his hair.
Venti- One son who has my hair color but still carries Venti’s teal color gradient. Venti is really clueless on how to care for a newborn but as soon as the baby starts to babble and become mobile he becomes surprising a really good dad. In true god of freedom fashion lets the toddler wonder around barefoot outside ! Venti sweetie your baby's about to eat a worm go get em!!
Kaveh- Oldest a boy, middle a girl, and youngest a boy. Actually very deicated to his family, gives him a reason to get up in the morning. When his child needs attention he sits them on his lap while he (trys) to work at his desk, giving the toddler a paintbrush to play with.
Tighnari- Four children. Hmm maybe two girls and two boys? All of them have fox ears and tails. Mix of them looking more like me and more like Tighnari.
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