#little artist
tote-bag-chic · 3 months
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george’s drawing of the guys 😭
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geekwritersworld · 10 months
Little Artist PT4
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Pairing: Peaky blinders x you
Warnings: blood, needles, violence,mentions of SA, angst,angst,angssstttttttt
A/N: here it is, after a billion hours. If you want to be added to the taglist let me know, I tagged a few people who commented on the last part as well as the ones who asked to be tagged ❤️❤️
Waking up at the hospital to the realization that the man that had been watching your house was next to you wasn't a welcoming realization.
Almost convinced you were dreaming, it took seconds to realize this was very real. Frantically looking around the room, hoping there was a nurse but not only was there no nurse, the door was shut.
You hadn't been admitted into the hospital in a long while, so you couldn't recall which hospital you were in out of the two in Birmingham, perhaps you were in a hospital next to your university?
"Ms. Shelby" the man tilted his hat "do you know the kind of man your brother is?" His voice low, a hint of an Irish accent.
"What?" you said dazed, you chalked your lightheadedness to just waking up.
It struck you as odd how quite this apparent hospital seemed to be, moreover outside, though there was little daylight, you didn't recognize the buildings - your view a quaint building, with a tiny white window, nothing more, nothing less.
"why have you been watching me?" your throat felt like there were a thousand needles pricking it .
Instead of answering your question right away he pulled a chair next to your bed and sat down.
"Your brothers are terrible," he paused and looked you straight in the eyes "terrible people"
Though the temperatures in the room were low, his icy stare still gave you chills even though at this point you could feel yourself fading, vision blurring, the beeping ever so distant, your body was growing numb.
"The morphine I've personally given you should help you...heal, let's say" you could only silently pray and hope you'd heard him incorrectly, regardless you could do nothing even when you heard him murmur, but it sounded like he'd been speaking to you from a different room.
Polly watched Tommy and Ada screaming at each other, Ada asking Tommy what he was talking about, why he never told them that their little sister had confided in him about the man spotted watching the house.
John had gone out to london with Finn, to scour the areas around your university, but Pol had a feeling that was pointless.
She remembered the feeling of dread washing over her; a dark grey cloud the second she'd woken that morning.
"Tommy" Pol's voice remained calm despite the circumstances.
Only snapping his head to look at her when he noticed how calm his aunt sounded, he said "what?"
"We might be too late"
Ada could feel Tommy almost physically stagger at their aunts words. Tommy Shelby did not stagger, yet today, he almost did.
Slamming the door shut, Tommy started the car and drove. He was aware there weren't many places he could trust someone to give him answers, but this was one.
Heading through the country lanes, the sight around him was breath taking, but to Tommy the roads felt never ending. Every second that passed, seemed to sting him as it passed- he felt how slowly the minutes ticked by while he was in a hurry to save his sister.
It was growing darker outside, an indication of how long it had been since he'd seen his sister, but as he neared his destination, Tommy had a sinking realization, maybe he wouldn't get any answers here.
"Fuck are you doing" the man pointed his finger at a frail man, pushing barrels, "ye haveta put your back into it innit?"nodding he walked along, his back hunched slightly, he walked into the room and slammed the door shut behind him.
Through the dust, his presence was quickly recognized, the workers straightening up to greet him "Mr. Shelby" they acknowledged Tommy as he walked, his shoulders square.
Tommy only promptly nodded as he continued walking, hating this town more than ever.
Ignoring the man infront of the door who tried to stop him from entering, quickly shoving him aside and opening the door, Tommy said "Alfie"
"Well you fuckin idiot, been waiting on ya haven't i" Alfie looked up, placing his glasses down, he looked up "Did ya know yeh, that some of my boys, they've spotted a little one that looks alot like your younger one"
Tommy tried to control his rage "And you've only just fucking decided to tell me eh?!" he stormed towards Alfie, who remained unphased at his desk.
"Well I bloody called you right? But some bloody wankers told me you weren't there, what am i meant to do? go calling for you like a little girl who's lost her fuckin dog?"
Tommy rolled his eyes "WHAT ELSE DO YOU KNOW ALFIE?!" his urge to shoot Alfie in the head growing stronger.
"Well they seen her with that inspector o' yours, but he weren't alone yeh, some men carried her, she weren't awake by the looks of it"
Once Tommy had heard what ne needed from Alfie, he then proceeded to use Alfie's telephone to let Ada and Pol know to send the blinders to the docks, where he'd meet them.
He could only hope they got there in time, each time he recalled Pol's words, he'd felt nauseous.
Tommy didn't believe it would take them days to find their little sister, he didn't think it was possible, he wasn't even aware of how many days had gone by. He'd remembered meeting the blinders at the docks, they'd narrowed down a few places where you could be, then decided to split up into two, making it easier for them to search each town.
However, when days turned into weeks, Tommy threw his glass against the wall, the crystal shattering next to Finn's head.
Arthur had just called him through a pub's telephone to tell him they had no trace of you even now.
A week in, and nothing. He truly believed at this point they had lost you but Ada had thrown an antique box at him when in his outrage he'd yelled that it was too late to find you.
Ada had refused to stay back in small heath as they searched for you, and Tommy didn't particularly have the energy to talk her out of it. Instead he decided she'd be useful.
Tommy was awake, cigarette burning, his glass refilled with whiskey.
The pub at this hour was quiet, but it was for better that way. His eyes red from lack of sleep and the number of drinks he had already consumed- the cigarette didn't help.
He sat there, his view overlooking the two men at the bar, in his delirious state he almost imagined those men knew where his little sister was.
But he knew that wasn't possible, he knew because the person who did had just entered the pub, opening the door quietly enough.
Grace who had unknowingly entered the Amersham pub, unaware of what she'd walked into, didn't notice Tommy making himself scarce, making sure he was in the corner booth with the shitty lighting.
He decided to get up the moment her back was turned, "congratulations on your boy" he stood right behind her, where he could feel the heat of her back, and she could feel the gun against her leg.
Grace turned around, her eyes wide. "To-"
Tommy had already yanked her into the booth before the men at the bar turned around, knowing full well they only sat there to protect Grace, but didn't work for Campbell.
"Where.is.she?" his voice low, blue eyes colder than she'd ever seen them to be.
"I don't-" Grace felt cold metal graze her knee, while with the other hand Tommy slipped her a picture of her and her husband with their son.
"I won't ask you how you have these" Grace said, she knew Tommy Shelby was never outsmarted, he'd always been one step a head.
"You're threatening my child? she spat at him.
"No" he lifted his gaze to meet hers once again "I'm threatening you and your husband, right now I've got men watching your husband and son prance about the fucking living room" he paused "while my sister is possibly dead at your hands"
She almost stopped breathing, it was true, her husband William was watching their son for the night, and she knew he loved rocking their son in the living room, occasionally twirling the toddler around in his arms.
"If I tell you" she paused " if I do, Campbell will kill me and William"
Tommy nodded, "but if you don't" he pressed the gun against her knee with more force "I will kill you and William" he said matter-of-factly, moving right next to her ear.
Tommy walked out of the pub, gun tucked into his waistband, as he headed to wake the blinders.
He busied himself with reloading his gun, while Arthur drove, John and the rest of the blinders counted and recounted the weapons, going over the plan numerous times.
Tommy was seething, the rage so strong his knuckles shook with it, the uncertainty of the condition they were about to find you in, made him seethe and nauseous all at once.
It was obvious to everyone the way each had dealt with their anger of having lost you, the dried blood had crusted between the crevices of Arthurs knuckles that gripped the steering wheel tight, the stench of alcohol from John made the blinders eyes water, Tommy of course took to lashing out, drinking and smoking as per usual.
In the dark, nobody could make out what exactly this building was, the street lamps were barely lit, considering the small town it was supposed to be , this was not surprising.
Tommy gestured to a few blinders to quietly make their way to the back, as he john and Arthur would go in first, Arthur silently cursed the night for being so dark and his eyesight so poor.
With their experience, they knew that lax security at the entrance of the door meant hidden security inside, like second nature they immediately reloaded their guns and stepped inside.
There was little comfort in the eerie silence that met Tommy and Arthur, this meant that perhaps their sister wasn't too badly hurt, on the other hand the silence made them impatient to get to her , because it could mean she had lost consciousness after being badly hurt.
Both of these possibilities were most likely neither out weighing the other Tommy realized, as he turned the corner and climbed up the marble stairs, both men making sure to remain light on their feet.
However, Tommy halted so fast Arthur barely caught himself before he bumped into his younger brothers back, in front of them was a hallway that was dim, but at the end was a door with a glass window, through which both Shelby's could see a nurse walk past. Tommy recalled there was no telltale sign of the building being a hospital from the outside.
However long you'd been here, it had been hell.
Campbell, as you found out his name was, wanted to get to your brothers.
It annoyed you that he took you as bait, but that annoyance soon turned into fear and anxiety when you'd realized you couldn't move your limbs. When you'd managed to lift your head the slightest bit, the metal binds around you feet and hands binding you to the hospital bed frame, were practically glaring back at you.
You couldn't recall too much after that but you remembered struggling, hyperventilating and then passing out.
When you woke, and a woman dressed as a nurse tried to feed you and you screamed, which was when Campbell sauntered in, and bruised you.
You refused to let yourself think about where his hands lingered as he hit you.
Then on you kept silent, never uttering a word. Campbell would come in, each hour he would scream and repeat every word to you, emphasizing how strongly he was convinced of your brothers being terrible people. You found yourself almost falling for his manipulative tactics, until you recalled Aunt Pols words to Ada " he does this for us, without what he has done, we wouldn't have a home, he's got his problems but he's worked hard to give us this home- to Build what we have and eat now, and out there, are men who are threatened by him, they can't stand seeing a nobody become someone so they're going to try and come for us" all you did was repeat these words to yourself.
You were given bare bread to eat, and some water. Beyond that you remained bound to the bed, starved and thirsty.
You were aware of the fact that the IV the syringe in your arm was connected to was most definitely a sedative of an extremely high dosage.
You were drowsy, sweating, your breathing slow from malnutrition, being on constant concentrated sedatives for so many days. Moreover, all you could do was sleep, you could barely breathe leave alone scream for help, even if you could, you didn't want him coming in.
In the few minutes you were able to think clearly now and again, you wondered if your family was closer to finding you? And if they'd find you in time?
In a constant state of exhaustion, you were passed out for such a long remainder of time, the only time you weren't cuffed to the bed, was when you needed the bathroom, even then, the nurse would stand right outside, of course she wasn't really a nurse but she gave you only 10 minutes to yourself in the bathroom.
The bathroom had nothing, no window, no external light. There was no way of knowing if you would ever be found - sure the Shelby's were determined to get you back, but just because they were doesn't mean they'd find you in time, find you before you succumbed to whatever your body was being put through when you were conscious and unconscious.
You needed to try to get out, the idea of getting caught petrified you but you had to try.
To best a man like Campbell, you would have to think like him, moreover you would have to think ten steps ahead, you would have to outsmart him.
Laying there, you waited for the nurse to come in, staring at the ceiling, time slowly passed but you didn't know whether you laid waiting for seconds or hours, hands beside yourself, going over the plan over and over again, you looked out your window, trying to crane your neck and see as much as you could.
When she finally did come in, and she let you go to the bathroom, you closed the door behind you, and painstakingly, fighting through the nausea, pulled the needle out of your arm and looked around the bathroom, under the sink, and immediately got to work knowing you had to be quiet and quick, you snaked your hand around the pipe and turned the knob around, hoping it would work how you hoped.
Quickly then, you started trying to turn metal ring around the pipes, a knock on the door made you jump and made you nauseous out of fear, "hurry up, 5 minutes left", ears burning, you quickly gave a shaky yes and continued trying to turn the other metal rings when the first gave away.
Feeling some sort of relief you held the now metal pipe in your hand, atleast there's something to defend myself, you thought.
Now came the hard part, the part that terrified you.
Opening the door, you stood there, pipe held behind your back, timing it right, the moment the nurse turned to grab your IV stand to reattach it to your arm, you swung. Hard. she yelped, not too loud thankfully, and tried to defend herself, but you continued to bring the pipe down on the back of her head, even as she struggled, the adrenaline made you see red, and you grabbed the IV tube, and wrapped it around her neck, kneeing her in the back so she would stay down.
Hearing footsteps outside, once she went limp, you quickly stabbed the needle into her neck, attached the tube to it, and locked the door. Stabbing her with the needle wasn't necessary, but they'd stabbed you with it so why not.
Rushing to the window, it took some trying but once the window finally budged, you stuck one leg out then the other, and almost threw up at the drop beneath you. There was no stopping now, looking to your right, there was a broader ledge, and a fire escape going right down. Letting out a shaky breath, you fought back the urge to cry, you desperately wanted this to be over.
Blinking away tears, you forced yourself to take small steps towards the ledge, fingers clinging tightly to the bricks. Slowly, you made it to the fire escape, and you ran. You ran down the stairs, your socks wet from the rain water on the stairs, but you ran. Quickly reaching the bottom, you looked up to your room one last time, and saw nothing. hoping they didn't know yet, you looked ahead, and made for the street, remaining cautious still, sticking to the wall, when you saw no one outside the building, you ran in the opposite direction. There were still people about outside, given the sun was just beginning to set. But you couldn't help the paranoia, of what if you stopped the wrong person for help and they ended up being people who worked for Campbell?
Instead you moved towards a bakery of some sort. One with a phone booth outside but you didn't have any coins.
You were about to enter the bakery, shaking from fear, socks dirty and wet, the hospital nightgown was barely above your knees and flimsy, the cold creeped up your skin, the exhaustion catching up an adrenaline dying out. but you stopped in your tracks, fear once again making you knees' wobble.
TAGS: @sillyfreakfanparty @theshelbyclan @6asm0ne @zealouspostwitch @actuallybarb
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coyote-kiddo · 3 months
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craftycorn agere board (feat. my art!!) bc they're my fav smiling critter :3c
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matt-rist · 1 month
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Drawing of Richie Tozier :)
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dannikakura · 7 months
I haven't drew in a while so the past 2 days I decided get back into doodling to sketching out Lyney from Genshin impact, is it ok so far I'm not sure, I know I've still got a bit to do but I'm trying
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redraven3093 · 11 months
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trying some digital once in a while
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alx12-0 · 1 year
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nonalcoholicbeer · 2 months
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sparksechidna · 7 months
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When Cream gets an idea, there's no stopping her. Even if that idea leads her right off the canvas and onto the walls. She's a determined little artist
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little-octant · 1 month
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verfaultprinz · 5 months
я сюда почти не захожу, а мне, оказывается, скопилось, чем поделиться
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cgtheangel · 27 days
hi i'm C.G. , i'm an artist and i have the hyperfixation of bendy
i'm italian and i'm from italy,but i'm so much interessed to geography and languages, i speak: italian, english, i speak a little bit of spanish,polish,swedish.
i'm fan of a lot of things:
-bendy (hyperfixation)
-hazbin hotel/helluva boss
-old cartoons
-warner bros
my favourite music artist:
-tally hall
-lemon demon
i listen also vocaloids and utauloids (my fav. utau is ruko)
here's a list of my favourite characters :
-joey drew/henry stein (bendy)
-the qeen (deltarune)
-W.D. gaster (undertale)
-carmilla carmine (hazbin hotel)
-ruko (utauloids)
my fav. hobbies are:
listen music
writing fanfictions and stories
Anyway I'm a transgender boy and I'm questioning (idk if I'm straight or aroace)
I hope you Like It and see you soon
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movebish-skittles · 9 months
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New models for the DCA monster under the bed AU.
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renee-writer · 26 days
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My Gemma, little artist.
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matt-rist · 1 month
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Aizawa 🐁
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dannikakura · 7 months
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I finished my Lyney doodle, I tried my best but I know I could've done better, is he ok??
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