#little gremlin (haruta)
neonscandal · 8 months
Hello, I'm new to the jujutsu fandom, I've already watched season 1 of the movie and I'm in season 2 of jujutsu, I also follow the jujutsu manga, I liked your tumblr and started following you, I like your analyzes and you make me understand more jujutsu, thank you. I have a question, don't you think Sukuna is a boring villain, sorry, but he's too annoying, even Mahito is more interesting than him and it's impressive that Mahito gave more weight to the work than Sukuna, Sukuna killed Gojo and his death It had no significance in the work, it's something terrible, I think the author got lost.
Anon(s), please still try to be mindful of spoilerssss, even if, mid sentence, you just throw one up so other readers know. I'd appreciate it since, even though I'm not a spoiler free blog, I at least tag. I am no stranger to falling behind and trying to avoid leaks and spoilers, myself and my IRL friends are anime onlys to some of the things I obsess about. All that to say: I'm glad you're here (both in the fandom and in my inbox)! Bear in mind, these are very much just the impassioned rants of a silly little person on the internet so who knows.
One thing that I've realized about JJK villains, especially in most recent chapters, is they're never quite who we assume at face value. In this battle between humans and the negative human emotions that spawn curses... each of the villains has a really striking human quality to them whether we understand it or not. In fact, it makes their whole mission of toppling the current paradigm that much more interesting when you consider their origin. I think it was Jogo who said curses were more human than humans which... when you look at the root cause of Geto's defection... he might be onto something.
To that end, Mahito wasn't really lying when he told Yuji that they were one in the same. Humans and curses are two sides of the same coin.
⚠️ Spoiler warning for chapter 248 of JJK.
If you haven't read the light novels, you'd be interested to find that in a chapter I don't overanalyze, there's a story focused around Mahito. It appears in Jujutsu Kaisen Summer of Ashes, Autumn of Dust.
In the chapter, our typical chaos gremlin who is quick to torture first and question never stumbles upon a vagrant. He finds, in the company of a man who has not and wants not, that he exists harmoniously and curiously. In his soul, he sees an unflappable peace that is not evident in other humans and behaves accordingly around him. Day after day, he causes no harm. They even converse, reasonably and academically to an extent. Uh - Mahito is like an avid reader, by the way. While you can argue this is outside of the realm of what's canon, think of Jogo's affinity to mourn Hanami. Hoping to meet Dagon in the wasteland of souls beyond. Very human hopes which are even echoed by Mahito in canon when Haruta the curse user was sneakily going to kill Hanami. Mahito stopped him with intention because even curses have camaraderie which the humans they consort with apparently lack.
Kenjaku is another villain where, even in his twisted delights and subsequent plans for the future, safely delivers Sasaki outside of the realm of the Culling Games and thanks her for befriending his son... What? This appreciation is so humble and endearing but, of course it is, it is that of a mother. Something he decisively lacks with Choso and the cursed womb paintings but still. It goes against the grain of the rest of his character, you know?
Toji, the man who can't be bothered to remember the name of the kid he sold back to the hell hole he grew up in and yet thinks of him as he breathes his last breaths. When his body was reanimated in Shibuya and was hardwired to find and fight the strongest... that recognition on his face when he realized who he was fighting? The animation did a beautiful job of clearing the black of his eyes, softening his gaze toward Megumi. Knowing that it was Megumi Fushiguro and not Zenin he took himself out, happily. Doesn't really ring true of how a lot of fans interpret him as a character.
Now, we have Sukuna. I agree, he seems to be somewhat flat in characterization so far but.. so was everyone else until we got the effective cowlick that indicated their complexity. Now, 248 chapters in, we're seeing the chip in his facade.
Gojo is no stranger to dying though he is extremely unused to comparison. He's the Strongest Sorcerer of the Modern Era, after all. But I wonder if it makes sense to call Sukuna his foil. Imagine Gojo's unchecked ego had he never met Geto. I imagine a life of isolation carrying the burden of one's own grace and strength would absolutely turn out similar to Sukuna's wherein there is no need for purpose beyond one's own whims.
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Subsequently, Gojo dying at Sukuna's hands and earning his respect was the first real human connection we see Sukuna receive positively (he gave Jogo a pretty sweet send off, too). It was done with intention, even Gojo hoped to communicate with his tempered body the fact that he too knew that isolation. In universe, it seems to be a form of love (search for "Of Love and Strength" on this post), this understanding. This lapse in Sukuna's indifference is furthered in facing off against fan favorite lawyer Hiromi Higurama.
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Following Gojo's demise, Gege has been comparing a lot of characters to the vacuum of power left in his wake. Yuta, I get, but Higurama is an absolute wild card. However, Sukuna sees something in him that he not only respects in this comparison to Gojo... but also stymies him. Especially as he meaningfully comes to terms with his dismissal and abhorrence of Yuji.
What we're seeing is the blossom of his character playing out amidst an all or nothing fight. Stay strapped in, anon!
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Platonic Soulmates
“A soulmate doesn’t have to be romantic.” It was just an idea. Something that one of their sisters mentioned. Something about a book she was reading. Soulmates weren’t even a real thing.
Marco never thought about it before. Not until he was sick. Being a phoenix did mean that he had a resilient body. Not that he couldn’t get sick or hurt. Just that he wasn’t likely to die from it. Not easily anyway. Back to what eh was saying. Marco was sick and there was too much work to be done.
They just gained a new brother. One that had the chance to burn the whole ship if someone wasn’t watching him. Though Ace was usually careful. Marco knew that Thatch was put in charge of watching the little gremlin but that didn’t make him worry any less. Not that Thatch couldn’t handle it. Marco just like to keep his finger on the pulse of the crew. Nothing getting too out of hand before he was there. His father didn’t need the headache of things going wrong.
Marco planned to just get up and do his job anyway. That plan flew out the window as he tried to sit up. The world twirled around him like Haruta jumping on a prank. It almost made him throw up. And, he hadn’t even stood up yet. It was just sitting up that split his head in two.
A knock at the door, let him know that it was late in the day. No one usually bothered him unless it was late. “Come in.” He said, his voice sounding loud to himself. Apparently it wasn’t loud enough as the person knocked again. The echoing on the wooden door making his head hurt more.
When the door opened and light filtered into the room. Marco closed his eyes hoping for the pain to go away. A cool hand touched his head, “You’re burning up.” Thatch’s voice whispered. Marco dared to open his eyes, Thatch was standing next to his bed with a worried expression.
“I’m fine.” Marco muttered again. His eyes closing again as he talked. Why was it so hard to keep them open? “Just need a minute to get up.”
The cool hand was back, Marco leaned into it. Thatch muttered something but it sounded far away. Like he was drowning. When he opened his eyes again Thatch was there with a cool towel. “Awake? I brought you soup.” Thatch said, setting the bowl on the bed side table.
Marco sat up. His head still spinning, but at least it didn’t hurt as much. “How- What time is it?” Marco asked, looking around the room.
Thatch smiled, “Now, now. Eat and then I’ll tell you.” Before shoving a spoon full of soup into his mouth. Marco swallowed because what else was he supposed to do?
“Thatch, I can eat by myself.” He said, reaching out for the spoon.
Thatch pulled it out of his reach. “Nope, You’re sick and should rest. I already told pops and the nurses. If you think I’m gonna let you leave before you finish the whole bowl you’re wrong.” Marco wanted to kick the other. Just what was Thatch planning to do? Make fun of him later for being spoon fed while sick? Marco would have if he wasn’t already tired again. All he did was sit up and talk a bit, but he felt like falling over to die.
“Here, say ‘AH’.” Thatch said, holding out the spoon. Marco took another bite, if only to get the other out of the room. “I was talking to fire fist. I think he’s starting to want to stay. Pop’s was right about him, but pops is always right. The kid has his quirks but is a good kid. Just needs a place to learn and grow.” Thatch said, as he kept feeding Marco spoon fulls of soup. Marco listened to the ‘progress’, totally not praise and Thatch wanting to keep the boy around. No, that would be silly. Thatch was a pirate just taking care of another thanks to the captains ruling.
“I can’t believe you started training him too.” Marco said, watching the other turn a little pink.
“It’s not like the kids anything… Well, no he is pretty special. He’s gotten the hang of Haki, like a fish to water. He still needs a bit more but it wont be long before he can take even us on. Pops though… he’s a long way away from his strength. But I can see it under the surface. That kid will be one hell of a fighter when he’s a bit older.” Thatched explained. Part of him hoping that Marco wouldn’t think he was just praising the kid because he was in charge of taking care of him.
Marco didn’t think that though. Thatch was a soft touch for a pirate, but that didn’t mean that someone could walk all over him. Thatch was well known before joining Pops. The man gave praise to those he thought were worth it. “Hey, I want another bite.” Marco said, as Thatch stopped feeding him to worry.
Thatch blinked before huffing. “Yeah, yeah. Use me for my food.”
“Well, it’s the only good thing about you.” Marco said back, laughing as Thatch gasped. Taking another bite of the soup. By now it was almost done. A little part of Marco was sad by that. When was the last time he got to just sit and talk like this anymore? After becoming the first division commander things changed, there was so much to do and not enough time for it all. Learning what he did about medicine and pops. He couldn’t just sit around waiting for their father to pass. But, there was no cure for old age.
Finishing the bowl, Thatch made Marco lay back down. It wasn’t hard, thanks to Marco already falling asleep again. “Thatch.” Marco called, his eyes closed.
Thatch had gathered the bowl and water he brought. Turning to Marco, he called back softly. “Yeah?”
“Thanks, for being here.”
“Anytime, You’re our precious brother after all.” Thatch said, a soft laugh in his tone. Marco heard the soft steps of Thatch leaving, and the door closing. Before he was sleeping again.
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usopp-writes · 3 years
Haruta for the reaction please!
- Always accepting
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- When first meeting the brown haired commander, he'll eye you up, before giving you a big grin.
- "Oh a new sibling, I see. Welcome. Nw tell me, rookie, are you up for a game?" His tone is only mildly excited.
- Will play 20 questions for the professor with you, only that the questions are to find out what kind of person you are.
- Is definitely not one that shy away from meeting new people and will be friendlly, though had a mischievious grin dancing at the corner of his lips.
- Will definitely tell you harmelss 'lies' as a prank, when trying to make you part of the family.
- "Thatch totally loves it when you poke his pompadour. No, Izo isn't that scary, he's a cinnamon roll, who doesn't really mind being waken at 7 am. Hide all your shiny stuff, because Marco steals it, if you're not careful. He tried to kidnap Jozu, once. Oh and then thing about Ace, he finds it funny when you play connect the freckles, when he's asleep."
- Will totally deny ever have said this to you, though.
- Haruta is chill about meeting new people, eager sometimes, if he sense another partner in crime in you. He will drag you into the world of pranking, if you show any kind of mischievousness.
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
Whitebeard telling dad jokes
Whitebeard: What did the ocean say to the beach?
Haruta: I don't know.
Whitebeard: Nothing. It just waved.
Whitebeard: Have you heard about the chocolate record player?
Thatch: No?
Whitebeard: It sounds pretty sweet.
Whitebeard: What has more letters than the alphabet?
Marco: I don't know, yoi.
Whitebeard: The post office!
Whitebeard: How do you make 7 even?
Izo: I ... You take one aside?
Whitebeard: Take away the s.
Whitebeard: Where do boats go when they're sick?
Ace: To the shipwright?
Whitebeard: To the boat doc.
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edengarden · 3 years
choso, megumi, maki and haruta with an s/o who loves to do things like play with the hems of their bf/gf's shirts, or gently intertwine their hands together under the table, or card their fingers through their hair! real tender sort of things!
oh my god he loves it. anytime you do it, he ends up with a hand on your upper back or around your shoulder to pull you closer its so cute
choso is new to PDA so obviously he probably lets you do whatever because look at him i doubt he has any shame. hold his hand as much as you want, play with his hair, shower him in kisses he’ll love it
squeezes your hand or interlocks your fingers together. he’ll blush so hard if you bring his hand up to kiss it
bro this man is down for you BAD and he has no way of hiding it. he loves when you show him little hints of affection like this because it makes his heart melt and reminds him that you love him as much as he, you.
PLS I-- he’s fine with it as long as it’s not in public or around others.
he’ll let the shirt pulling go, and maybe the hand holding if it’s really hidden for good (but that rarely goes because gojo). otherwise? nonono he can’t be caught blushing for you like that in front of others
it happened once. Itadori didn’t let it go for so long. megumi was red for like days on end. any time he’d think of it his heart would race but in a mostly good way because wow you just want to be affectionate with him?? it’s so sweet
in private though?? he’ll lay his head on your lap so quick. play with his hair, trace the skin on his face or hands, he loves it all and he might fall asleep. poor guy is tired, let him rest
she lets it slide but she ignores it omg
not because she hates it!! or that she’s ashamed!! it’s just that listen if she acknowleges it too much she’s afraid it might get her flustered. Inumaki will catch her simping in 4k
will hold hands with you no problem though!! she gets so tingly when you play with her hair and style it. she compains about it sometimes but as soon as you go “oh? i can stop” shes like ‘NO WAIT’
she started letting more PDA/touches from you slide because it pissed nobara off and got her jealous omg it’s hilarious to watch. you and maki are just straight faced while nobara is going absolute gremlin mode
is nearly disgusted if you try it too early on. you try to grab his hand? he’ll pull it away so quickly
but if you catch him when he starts getting clingy himself?? he won’t ever get enough of it
everything feels off if he doesnt feel you fidgetting with something on him
won’t blush or anything but you can visibly see that it brings him comfort. he’ll never admit that, bro haru will never admit that you make him soft sometimes
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spitfire-of-the-sea · 2 years
Day#3 of the @whitebeard-pirate-week : Pops birthday!
I'm not really entirely happy with how it turned out. It was fine in my head, but now it seems a bit boring. v.v Maybe I'll try to write a bit at the AU idea I had thanks to this event =) I definitely need much more practice!
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Marco slid his glance over to Ace, who had been weirdly quiet for the better part of the last half hour. He seemed to be trying to contain himself, but a grin was constantly pulling at the corner of his mouth, even as he sat there, lips pressed together tightly. His foot was nervously bobbing up and down, his eyes fixed on Pops and darting back towards the door then and again. Marco squinted.
“Look, Pops! This came from Sphinx Island!” Haruta announced, skipping up towards their captain, a little parcel in his hand. He held it up eagerly, eyes wide as he weighed it in his hands. “It’s heavy! I wonder what it is!”
Whitebeard chuckled, plucking it from his hands delicately and placing it on the table in front of him. “Thanks, Haruta,” he rumbled and laughed when Haruta started to fidget. “I’ll open it with the other presents once we’ve had cake.”
“Mwaaaah….,” Haruta groaned. “You could open at least one of them! You don’t need to keep them all for later! Open mine! It’s that one over there!” The commander quickly hopped over to stand beside their captain, grabbing a parcel that was half as big as he was, wrapped entirely in newspaper. Several layers, it seemed, as some were already starting to peel off.
“Haruta,” Whitebeard warned, the smile making his eyes crinkle belying the chastising tone.
“Fine,” Haruta sighed, throwing his hands up.
Marco chuckled, his eyes wandering over to Ace now, who had shifted and now crouched on top of the crate he’d chosen as a seat before. Thinking himself unobserved, he was almost cackling with glee. The little gremlin. Marco shook his head, trying very hard not to laugh and wondering if he should already start getting a few buckets of water ready.
Just then he sensed Thatch approaching and went outside to meet him. Their chef nodded his thanks, his hands full with a giant plate filled with an assortment of cakes. Marco slowly blinked at him as he watched him balance it on one hand as he came closer.
“That’s the birthday cake you’ve been talking about for days? As in, singular-yoi?” he asked mildly and Thatch shot him a glare.  
“It’s Pops’ 70th birthday, I’m not gonna make just one cake, you dolt.” Thatch looked at him as if he was an idiot for even considering that option and then focused on his task at hand. “I have created seven different cakes, one for each decade Pops has lived. They have different themes, ingredients, and combinations, each one is chosen for the decade they present – make sure Haruta doesn’t eat from cake 5. It has nuts.”
Marco hummed, seeing Haruta shoot out of Pops’ quarters out of the corners of his eye. Their brother came to stand next to them, matches in hand and vibrating with excitement. “Can I light them?”
Smiling, Thatch held the plate out for him. Each cake held 10 candles. Now that Marco got a closer look, he saw that they all had a different color and every single one was meticulously decorated from top to bottom. Thatch had probably taken all day to make them, if not longer – not that he’d ever admit it. “Are we ready?” Thatch asked him and Marco held up a hand, idling back over to the door and casting a glance inside. They all looked at him expectantly and he chuckled, then leaned back and gave Thatch and Haruta a thumbs up.
Haruta lit a match on fire and quickly lit all the candles and it was then that it occurred to Marco how utterly strange it was that Ace hadn’t even suggested taking this little task over. Sure, he might not have wanted to interfere with their little birthday traditions – Haruta always lit the candles – but that he hadn’t even offered was… weird. Marco’s eyes found Ace, where he stood next to Atmos, his hat put aside now and his grin ever-growing.
He lost sight of him when Thatch entered, all candles alight and Haruta dancing along behind him. It was Thatch who started to sing, and one by one they all joined it, some quieter and some loud enough to make Pops chuckle as he sat there, hands on his thighs, and watched them, eyes a-twinkle.
“Happy birthday, Pops!” they chorused, hooting and hollering as they all settled in around the table. Haruta was already there besides their captain, leaning against the table. “Blow them out, Pops! You gotta make a wish!” Even Izou had inched closer to stand next to them now, his usually aloof expression softer now.
“Alright, alright…,” Whitebeard said and got up, placing his hands flat on the table and looking over the cakes. “Seven, Thatch?” He quirked an eyebrow at the chef, whose face was almost split in half by the big grin he wore now.
“Yes, Pops! One for each decade! It’s not just any birthday, you know? I used all your favorite flavors!” Thatch told him proudly.
“You’ll have to tell me how you made them.” Whitebeard smiled at him and Marco chuckled. He knew that his Pops understood as little about baking as he himself did, but he also knew that Thatch loved to talk about how he came up with new ideas and how he tried out different things, and why the final creation was so special – as did their captain. Which was exactly why every single year he made a point to ask Thatch about the cake.
“Later!” Jozu said, urgency in his voice. “You have to blow the candles out now, Pops! They’re starting to drip on the cake!” He was standing just off to the side, eyes fixed on the cake. “Yes, blow them out! Thatch can tell you later!” Haruta agreed. “You’ll have to get them all in one go!” Fossa added as if this was a completely new process for them.
“Brats…” Whitebeard shook his head. “You keep that up and I won’t share my cakes with you!” Still, he obliged, and leaned forward, taking a deep breath and then blowing out all the candles at once. Just as he leaned back, one flickered back to life and then a second one. He slowly blinked at them, and then, one by one, they were all alight again.
The room was suddenly silent, all of them staring at the cakes in confusion. Thatch stepped closer, brow furrowed as Whitebeard leaned forward again and blew them out again. It took a few moments before they were all burning again, the little flames dancing happily under the stares of all commanders.
“Pops…,” Blenheim said slowly, “looks as if you’re getting old. Didn’t even manage a single candle?”
It was then that Ace erupted into laughter, hands on his belly and tears in his eyes as he danced back and out of reach of Pops’ hand as he made to grab for him. Their youngest member was quick to dodge the hand a second time, too, and once he deemed himself safely out of reach, he grinned at them like a little boy. “What’s up, Pops? Don’t you wanna blow out your candles?”
His eyes widened when Whitebeard slowly turned to him, one eyebrow raised. “Brat… come here…!” With a yelp, Ace turned tail and was quick to dodge behind Atmos, his laughter only growing when Pops made to follow him.w
“Pops! No…!” Jozu cried out. “The cakes! You have to blow out the candles! The cakes!”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
hi nat~ ✨ i know requests aren't fully open rn but i was just wondering if you would be down to write for haruta from jjk?
hi anon! i have never written for him before and i think he is a little gremlin but that has never stopped me, i would be willing to do my best! <3
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pops-and-kids · 4 years
(Ask-wbp-b) ‘Auntie Kiriiiiii— can we ask dad for pancakes later? Fruitcakes are.. ehhh’ Chaser made a small disgusted look, but turned back to normal as soon as someone passed by. If they get fruit cake.. maybe she can still save herself by wrapping her fill in foil and throwing it in Julibee’s gift box. Pretty sure Ashe would approve. In her own thoughts, the little gremlin made the exact same smirk her dad would when they’re scheming.
@ask-wbp-b (Chaser is B, Vista and Harutas child. Ashe and Jubilee are two other OP OCs of mine. They wont make appearances on this blog.)
Kiri was leaning against the mast pole when Chaser came to her. She looked at the girl, raising an eyebrow at her whining. She smiled and gave a little laugh, patting her on the head. It wasn’t hard to tell Chaser was thinking of something mischievous. “You think you’d have enough room for all that? We haven’t even gotten to the main course of dinner.” She said, “And what do you mean they’re ‘eeeh’? I haven’t seen you even take a bite of one! Ever!
Kiri laughed a little at her nieces expression of disgust. Looking around to make sure no-one was too close she leaned down closer with a prankish grin, “Hey let me in on whatever you’re planning! Who are we messing with?”
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mouseymatchmaker · 5 years
I'm no good with requests but how about one with Marco, Jabura (I hope that's okay lol), and Galahad Woehor with a much younger fem s/o, like 20 or. Like how they feel about it and how they act around them?
Of course you can dear! Jabura is the guy from CP9 right? If we’re talking about someone different, let me know and I’ll edit it
is this me because I’m 20 years younger than him
I feel like most pirates are quite loose when it comes to dating those younger than them but not in a creepy way. Some of these guys might be down for murder but they have standards
Marco is chill about it, sometimes their energy makes him feel so old, especially if they’re the type who never sits still and is always pranking people with Ace and Haruta.
He is aware that some might find it a little bit odd and he will absolutely get teased about. When it comes from his crew though, it’s okay in the sense that he knows they’re just poking fun and that it’s good natured. He’s more concerned when it comes from people who don’t know them
Marco is less concerned for how he’s viewed and more concerned about his s/o, like how the snide comments might make them feel.
He’s a pretty confident guy in himself so Marco doesn’t see himself as being particularly bad for his s/o. He has the patience of a saint too so he can handle them if they have 10/10 gremlin energy
Marco might even tease them himself about the age difference
“Isn’t it bed time for you?”“... ISN’T IT TIME FOR YOU TO GO TO BED OLD MAN?!”
The first time he got called old man, his soul left his body and Ace nearly choked on his food whilst laughing 
As an old hand when it comes to being at sea and combat, he doubles up as a training partner for his s/o. Before the events at Marineford, Marco had no intentions of leaving the Moby Dick, so prior to that he always trained with his s/o to face other pirates on the sea
His s/o teaches him slang and everything. He’s hip and down with the kids. 
He absolutely does not mother them in battle, regardless of age. He will treat them exactly like the rest of the crew. They’re not necessarily on their own, Marco will always have an eye on them as he does with everyone but he never assumes they just need his help. Marco is old enough to know when to sit back and let them take care of it.
The wolf in him nudges him to be like an alpha, so he is fairly dominant and tends to make the decisions between him and his s/o. That doesn’t say he completely ignores their opinions, it’s more of a case if they can’t make a decision, he will do it
He’s quite overprotective and is proud of that. He likes the idea that he can defend his s/o from enemies. 
Like Marco and Galahad, he isn’t concerned that his s/o is significantly younger than him (I say significantly because it would put his s/o in their teens to be 20 years younger than him)
But unlike Marco, Jabura cares much less about what people would say about them.
That being said, snide comments are not welcome and he might pick a fight. 
“If you can’t say something nice, you wont be able to say anything at all” kind of thing
Jabura is also very competitive and his s/o is not exempt from this. As with Marco, he’ll duke it out with his s/o but not to help them improve.
Jabura is not gentler with his s/o than anyone else, he will certainly be more amicable and warm, but not gentle.
Easily the softest out of the three.
I feel like he would have had the most variety regarding who he’s dated. Ergastulum isn’t exactly the best place to teach any morals but Galahad has standards
He treats anyone he dates very well. He may well be many firsts for his s/o, and not necessarily for anything naughty
Flowers bought at random for them? Absolutely. 
Write a song on the piano for them? He’s already working on a melody
 He’s a classic romantic at heart
He’s also the most distant despite being invested in the relationship. 
Twilights don’t have a long life as a standard and he’s outlived a fair few twilights already. The idea that his passing could be right around the corner has him worried.
And he’s deep in the nest of the gangster underground, he can become a target at anytime and so could his s/o 
So while he’s going to wine and dine his beloved s/o, he’s also very worried because they may not be as streetwise as they need to be, he could leave them due to dying
He’ll never let his s/o see this worry though. He’d tell them as much as he can without endangering them, but he downplays it
He doesn’t want to leave a young soul brokenhearted just because of him
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-Haruta 001-
Haruta came from and island in the south blue known far and wide for it’s fantastic theater shows and rather eccentric costume like clothing.
He lived with his grandmother in a small home smack dab in the middle of town, his window adjacent to a theater showing Shakespearean-esque plays he gained an appreciation for the ruffled collars and sleeves, plus the shoes were rather comfortable!
He picked up sword play (even if it was just mock sword play with a random stick and the moves were rather exaggerated), he continued to do so until a traveling swordsman stopped by the island and had taken him under his wing for two years.
By the age of sixteen Haruta left his home island to test his abilities, one exploded island later and a quick escape with a pirate chef with a rather unique hairstyle, who then kidnapped- (“Hey! It’s not kidnapping if you came willingly!” Thatch whined crossing his arms. “You asked me if I liked food and lured me to your ship, that’s kidnapping” Haruta huffed. “And creepy...very creepy.” Kingdew mused rubbing his jaw in amusement as Thatch squawked)ahem, who then kidnapped Haruta bringing him to the Moby Dick, and the rest was history.
Extra: Haruta paused mid chew staring down at his plate with furrowed brows listening to the odd mix of humming and whistling of the chef (”Call me thatch, kid.”), there was something…
‘Remember my little sprout, don’t follow a stranger if they offer you food.’
“Wha-hey! Put that down No! MY HAIR!”
And that was how thatch got it scar..via green gremlin.
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
Sweet dreams, my love
This is for you, @pswaney12, because I wanted to write something about the little gremlin and you inspired me in some way. Hope you like it.
Have you ever seen the sun rising above the horizon over the sea? Seeing the inferno of colors that will turn into the blue and yellow that fllows you until the days end and once more turns the sky and sea into the inferno of colors, is one of the most breathtaking thing in the wolrd.
That was what Haruta had believed, ever since he saw it for the first time. Both sunrise and sunset were the true beauty of nature, he would forever believe that, but there was one thing - or rather person - who he thought was the fairest sight and most brathtaking in the entire world.
Starring at the sunrise - after a long niht watch - Haruta couldn't help but think about seeing your face again, the smile that warmed him more than the sun and made him feel all giddy inside. He knew he'd fallen for you, he just didn't know how to tell you. Whenever he thought now was the time, you bothwer either interrupted or his courage left him.
A deep sigh left him, as he watched the sun rise above the horizon. It wasn't easy to get a moment alone with you on this ship without getting teased or raising suspection about his intention. You weren't in his division, which made it harder, but not impossible to have a one-on-one talk with you. He just didn't know how to do so yet.
"Already falling asleep?" The teasing tone of Vista reached his ears, making Haruta roll with his eyes. He had just spaced out, thinking about you.
"I don't sleep on my watch." He said, as he stretched his body. "Anyway, nothing to report. It was a calm night."
Vista shrugged. "Get some rest and see you later."
Nodding, Haruta left crow's nest and headed to his room. When he opened, he didn't expect seeing you there, looking all tired, sitting on his bed. Worried, he closed the door and closed the gap betweent he two of you within two second.
"Are you okay?" He said, taking your hand.
"I ... I couldn't sleep." You mumbled, not really looking at him.
Smiling softly, he rubbed your hand. "Is there anything I can do to help you? Maybe Marco have something that can help you sleep or Izo can recommend a tea?"
You shook your head and slowly looked at him, your face flustered. Before he could say anything or worry over you, you spoke, your voice soft and barely above a whisper.
"Can I sleep next to you?"
Haratu's cheek turned slight red, but he quickly composed himself. With a soft smile grazing his lips, he nodded. "Sure. If that helps you, you can sleep next to me. Do you have any morning chores?"
You shook your head at his question. "No, first in the afternoon." You suppressed a yawn, but he could tell you were about to drift into the world of dreams.
Quickly he readied the bed and himself - only taking off his shirt and shoes, as not to make you uncomfortable - and tugged you into it, laying next to you. You snuggled into him, face flustered, but with a pure and happy smile on your face.
Without thinking about it, Haruta gave you a soft kiss on the head, whispering: "Sweet dreams, my love." He flustered and hope you hadn't heard it. It had just slipped out and there was no going back on it.
With a sigh, you looked up at his face, your face still red. "You too ... love." Your eyes closed, face turning redder, but before you could hear his reply, you had falling asleep.
Haruta blushed heavily, but smiled. He could tell you were asleep, the words having been slight slurred, but he heard them nevertheless. When you both woke up, you had something to talk about and this time he wouldn't let his courage fail him. With these thoughts, he too fell asleep, holding you in his arms.
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
Thatch: "I had no idea that I was fruity until I joined this family."
Izo: "We are a fruity family, so you being fruity too isn't a big surprise."
Ace: "What does fruity means?"
Marco: "You'll find out soon enough, yoi."
Ace: "Why not tell me?"
Haruta: "It means they like fruit a lot."
Ace: "Oh ... Guess that makes me fruity too."
Deuce: "What is wrong with this family?"
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
*Haruta and Thatch sitting in jail together*
Thatch: So who should we call?
Haruta: I’d call Izo, but I feel safer in jail
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
Haruta: So you and Izo...
Thatch: What about us?
Haruta: You're dating, right?
Thatch: Yes, and?
Haruta: And Izo looks rather feminine...
Thatch: Do you have a point?
Haruta: Does it means he got the pants on in your relationship?
Thatch: Screw you.
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
Thatch: Izo and I are having a baby.
Haruta: That's gre-
Thatch, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
Happy Birthday little gremlin
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Come into my inbox and wish this boi a happy birthday.
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