#little menphie?
emily-lotus · 6 months
it's better that you don't know the truth.
"Like hell it is!" Emily wanted to smack the man but knew it would hurt her much more than him.
"Just tell me if they actually had the damn donuts I wanted!" Being pregnant had...consequences that uh, even she wasn't aware of. The cravings were just horrible.
Of course working while pregnant just meant everyone got to see how fucked up her hormones were. Mainly thanks to the Mako and Jenova cells that Hojo gave her that no one knew of.
"Damn it Gen did you even get anything for me? At least something sweet."
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that-one-i-think · 4 months
My Liochant Drabble cause mind blank.
Liochant never truly knew coldness until he came to Ru'aun.
Well, one would think that would be the case given how he is from the desert. Bronze skin made darker from time in the sun and his deep eyes shining with gold flecks as if they caught the rays of light just by looking. A sand dweller through and through, though those people truly do not know what the desert truly is like.
They do not know of the temperature drop that comes with the night, the howling with where your only warmth comes from the friction of sand, or the cool temperature of the sandstone buildings and temples. Those who do not think that Liochant would know freezing are dead wrong, for the little sand viper knew the freezing floors of a prison cell and the icey hand of dread tearing up his insides as he patiently waits for his next battle.
Even with that icey touch, Liochant could never truly say he was cold. For the sands were always warm, the blood covering his hands always warm despite the hours after the battle, the adrenaline in his veins lighting his veins a blaze, and the burning hands of his various handlers, where the heat lingers and hurts more than it comforts.
As a man who has only felt ice and heat, the coldness he faces when coming to Ru'aun is painful. The piercing glares, not unlike the ones he faced in the gladiator ring, but with no reason behind it. For in the ring one was fighting for their life but now.... Liochant is not harming, he is simply existing, but that is truly enough for him.
Training at the guard academy was not much better that the pits. For while a snake may be cold blooded, that does not mean they don't crave the heat.
Despite the familiarity of the harshness of the pits, the battle is not what he was used to. The cold armor was restrictive, the sword against shield with none of the closeness of true fights, the only motivation being to protect or in a lot of cases, a true cold hatred for what Liochant stands for. The skin against skin, the warm blood released from blades, and the hot sun shinning on them as the crowd cheers their name. A fight for your life is almost... passionate compared to the cold calculating moves of the academy.
There is nothing colder than isolation, and by the Divine, the chill that has set in Liochants lungs have made themself known. The people here give him the coldest of shoulder and the bite of words so icey that one would think Liochant was soley responsible for the Tu'la invasion
For here, he is not anything but an invader from Tu'la
Not Lais Havilah - An orphan residing in the temple of Menphi
Not Lais Ravana Havilah - An official temple priest of the Roaring Goddess Menphia
Not Lais Seshadri - The Pit Viper of Solspear
Not Lions Chant of the Sands - An immigrant fresh to Ru'aun who is still learning the language.
Just Liochant - A man from Tu'la and a danger to everyone.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Maat, is NOT "Only The Egyptian Goddess, that appears in The Weighing of The Heart; to decided if that Soul deserves The Eternal Life?!"
     Well... The answer?!... Is, Yes! (...And, No!)
     Maat, (Or, Ma'at) really is The Goddess that appears during that key event; according to The Book of Dead, BUT... Maat, have other functions as equally as important; as deciding the fate of the weighed souls.
     Maat, is too: The Goddess of Order and Balance, The Goddess of Harmony; The Goddess of Morality, The Goddess of Truth, and... The Goddess of Law and Justice!
     According to Wikipedia... Maat, is the daughter of Ra; that existed after the Beginning of Creation, and he put her in the place of Isfet; (Chaos) and since then, all the Pharaohs had to keep order and balance in the nation, to ensures the survival of the People; their Kingdom, and... Of Egypt. She is the wife of Thot, (The God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic; with the head of an Ibis) with which she have a daughter, called Seshat; and her cult, included her own temple in Menphis; a santuary in Karnak, and... She was venerated, in all the temples dedicated to other Gods and Goddesses; in all the cities of Ancient Egypt!
     And now... The other domains of Maat!
     The Goddess of Order and Balance: Without Order, only exists Chaos and Confusion, which will make immposible that we could make; even the most basics of tasks. And, without Balance; we could be living in a world where we will have too little or too much of anything we need: Clothing, Food; Water, Basic Services, Anomalies in Temperature the same day, More or Less Money for your job every month... Ancient Egyptians, got it: Without Order and Balance, Life will be very hard to live; and all around will be lacks of common sense; so this is one of the key importance of... The Goddess Maat!
     The Goddess of Harmony: And of course, the result of an ordered and balance world; is... Harmony: Everything is proporcionate, balanced; and in its ideal amount, in The Universe; The Earth, and... In Human's Life! Also, is relate to Peace and Understanding; between two or more people: Only with Harmony, can people in a nation get along together; to work for the common good, or at least; don't be wasting their energies in fighting to each other, when they should reserve the same to fight; side by side, against invaders... (Another reason of why is important, to keeps the favor of Maat!)
     The Goddess of Morality: For to keep Order, Balance; and Harmony in The Human World, The Goddess Maat created a set of rules of behaviour, called Morality: Is a set of costumes and norms that are taking as good, to directs or judge the behaviour of persons in a community; like for example, don't sleep with somebody that is already married with somebody else, which was in Ancient Egypt, one of the most grave things a person shouldn't never do; because he/she will losed the favour of The Gods, and... Of the whole society! Maat, is the one that demanded that every man or woman; in behave in a way that they doesn't cause harm to their community, or; to another person.
     The Goddess of Truth: This atribute of Maat, is very evident during the ceremony in The Egiptyan Underworld; (Duat) called, The Weighing of The Heart: When the recently deceased, enters into The Hall of Maat, the soul said all the wrongdoings he/she never committed in their life; and once was confirmed the soul is pure, the heart of the soul must be place in one plate; while in the other plate; is a Ostrich's Feather, that represents to Maat: The soul that was in the same level as the feather, or was lighter, Thot recorded the result; and will be presented to Osiris, which will admitted that soul, in The Kingdom of Osiris, and... Became an Immortal Soul! The ones which heart is heavier, well... Will have a fate, that is much worse; than Death!
     The Goddess of Law and Justice: Sometimes, it wasn't enough that Ancient Egyptians knew the moral codes; and try to be as honest as possible... Sometimes, people in Ancient Egypt transgressed the moral roles they learned since they were children; so, they had to they create laws to protect to the offended... And punishes to the offenders. The Law, is the set of rules established by a superior authority; than regulates in accordance to Justice, some aspect of the Social Relatioships. In equal way, it has to being created persons that persecute to offenders; (Ancient Armed Forces) to defend to the accuse to avoid being punished unfairly, (Lawyers) the one that defends that the offence made happened and has to be punished; (Prosecutor) someone that has to decided the luck of the accused, (Jugde) a group of people that are not judges but help to The Judge to takes the final decision, (A Jury) the appropiate procesing of all this, (Trial) people than may talks in favour or agaisnt the offender, or offended; (Witness) and... The place to makes The Trial, as long this may lasted. ( A Court)  All of this elements, ensured the application of The Law against the offenders; and avoid that innocent people ended in jail, or punished. For all of this, Maat was the one that presides everything related to Law; and/or Justice!
    Curious Fact: Some kings, added the name Maat into their own names; be it as a probe of devotion; or, as a way to show their seriousness in keeps order and balance on earth; day by day, and being called after this; as Lords of Ma'at, or... Beloved of Maat! In fact, when Hapshepsut; (One of the first female pharaohs) rised to power, she put herself the name of Maatkara before her own name; because Ancient Egiptians believed, that if a woman ruled Egypt; that would disrupt order and bringed chaos and destruction upon Egypt! (Funny: I thoughted, that cruel and corrupted rulers; civil wars, a climate of religious/social intolerance, famine, droughts; deadly rivalry inside royal families, losing wars against invaders, poor administration of The State, spending carelessly the money of your subjects; and constant attacks from States that are your enemies... Is what brings Chaos, and Destruction: ...How Silly of me!)
    Maat, keeps the harmony and equilibrium in the Cosmos; by regulating the movement of the stars, the seasons and the accions of mortals and deities alike; so... There you go: She is a Goddess with a great amount of power, if she can manage everything; from The Universe and Deities, than bringed order after chaos... Until the actions of Humanity!
    In conclusion: Maat, is one of the most important Goddesses in Ancient Egypt; and her relevance, goes beyond The Trial of The Souls; because, she was present too with The Ancient Egyptians; everyday of their lifes, while they were alive!
    This is all, about The Egyptian Goddess of Order and Balance, Harmony; Morality, Truth, Law, Justice; and... The Goddess of The Fair Trials, in this World; and in the next: Maat! 
Have a nice, harmonius and balanced Life; where you will be fairly judged... So Be It!
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itsdanystormborn · 7 years
Sinbad no Bouken 145
A quick an Long rant by me ^^ I tried to be more careful this time but i’m still at work and doing this as a side task, so beware of the usual things ( missreads, typos, i tried to not miss any stuff this time) i will check it later when i’m home.
Update: Revised ^^
Night 145 “The sound of Revolution”
The chapter starts with Barbarossa telling Mogamett “let’s build a magician’s country, Matal Mogamett”, Mogamett seems pretty taken aback by his words.
The scene changes to Yamraiha who’s alone looking through a window and then Mogamett appears and tells her that he’s sorry he made her wait. She’s really happy to see him and asks him is his talks are over. He touches her head gently and says that yes, let’s go back to the academy. She starts following him but something caught her attention, she looks at the yard from the balcony and she sees Sinbad with Ja’far, Sharrkan and Masrur.  Sinbad tells them that he’s sorry they (Sinbad and J’afar) made them wait, Sharrkan says something like “king!, listen please, this Masrur ( apparently Sharrkan got mad at him for something he probably didn’t do haha) and Masrur says “I didn’t do anything”
Yamraiha observes them and thinks to herself, “what’s with him? only that person’s rukh movements seem to be different from the others, what a mysterious person” while she thinks that, Sinbad is laughing at Sharrkan’s antics.
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Moments later, Sharrkan spots Yamraiha on the balcony and thinks to himself “A cute girl” ( Sharryam spotted haha) “why is she looking at me?”, “is it possible that she… ( it can be interpreted as if he were to say “likes me” next,  far as I understand ) he goes on “this is terrible, my heart is beating fast, what do I do?!”
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Yamraiha is thinking: “something is wrong, the child in the front is looking too much this way…”
Mogamett interrumpt that little exchange and says “let’s go, Yamraiha”, at the same time Sinbad says to Sharrkan “let’s go Sharrkan” and both Yam and Sharr say “yes!” to their respective people.
The scene changes to Barbs who is looking pretty creepy ^^ someone calls him from behind and refers to him as “his excellency president Barbarossa” is the cute boy from his political party, I don’t remember his name (does he have one?) he says “excuse me, here are today’s reports”
The scene changes to a Narration that says: 
The current Parthevian empire lead by Barbarossa is under the control of the independent nationalist party, Although The name of the empire didn’t change, in fact it was as if it had been made into an entire different country.
Party leader Barbarossa himself was renamed as “supreme ruler/president”, and reigned the country as the highest commander.
Receiving an overwhelmingly endorsed support from the popular masses, he used the national strength as a firm base of the dictatorship.
It was believed that the stability of Barbarossa’s administration was immovable….
But, on the other way,
*There’s a panel with a graffiti on it ( yes, a graffiti ) that says “Opposition to Barbarossa’s administration”
Forces against the current administration also began to move.
The scene changes to Memphis
He’s with the other guys that serve Barbs while Barbs is sitting in his trone and Falan is standing next to him.
Menphis says:  “Although the rebellious power still continues to act, it is reported that the situation is being shrunk by the work of the party members”
Zayzafon says that it appears that it’s not likely for them, the heavenly generals to get involved. ( like it’s not needed)
Shaka says that: exactly, this has happened before, is it relevant to talk about it now?
Memphis answers, “that is also my point of view”, “It will be temporary just as it has always been” then he asks Rotter ( who’s also there) “what do you think?” but Rotter looks like he was dozing off XD and Menphys calls again “Rotter!” Rotter answers “eh, eh… I also think that it’s okay!, but, sorry, what we were talking about?” XD haha Menphis tells him “that’s enough!” Menphis continues telling him that even if he’s one of the four heavenly generals led by his highness, he’s in such predicament.
Rotter says : “that’s why I said I was sorry…” but he’s interrupted by Memphis who says:  “it’s not just about today’s discussion” “Even those who were border guards the other day… weren’t their stories saying that your troops were dozing off at the site not even involving in the mission? What are you doing on this big phase? Are you willing to embarrass your Highness?
Rotter is very embarrassed and just stays silent and Memphis says: that’s enough, you are dismissed. And Rotter goes away saying “yes”. Zayzafon: oh my, at this rate he will be degraded from the heavenly generals
Barbarossa just looks and thinks something to himself (….) Falan is just standing there with her eyes closed.
The scene changes to the streets of Parthevia, two people wearing hoods approach a door and one of them say to a guard: I came back, the guard answers: come in.  The guard conducts them towards an underground place and while they are at it he asks: how’s the state of affairs? The hooded person responds, “just right, I wonder if our existence is noted” the guard says “be careful, it has been one year since Barbarossa grasped the administration…. Finally, the time has come for us to move” Then they enter a room with other various people. The guard continues saying that the people that is reunited there are the soldiers who were oppressed by the new administration, noble people, the people who Barbarossa calls “unpatriotical/ Non-citizens”
We are the revolutionary army!  The group that won’t allow Barbarossa’s dictatorship!! The guard says: You ( the two of them) will be on the first team, for that, I also expect good work from you.
He says their names: Myers, Doron
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They say yes
And that’s it
Thanks for reading ^^
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karmatrendz · 5 years
Text description provided by the architects. My first inspiration was the trip to Milan, where I saw the color trends and started by choosing my palette, which are earthy and pastel shades, ranging from roses, blues and greens. Between project time and inauguration we would have only 45 days so many solutions adopted went from a quick work to a 40 m2 apartment with kitchen and bathroom.
I worked with a super simple and inexpensive menphis-inspired ink solution in arcs and curves, super trend. Little woodwork, only in the kitchen, and bathroom, in the living room just a shelf. In the bedroom the closet where we customize the hanger with ropes and branch. In the bedroom part we create a more intimate atmosphere with a super panel botanicals, in the colors of our palette, and a personalized baby corner with the detachable crib and decorations.
In the living room the earthy and caramel tones are with everything. In the bathroom highlight to economic suler tile, meter white only in the wet area. In the bathroom the rosé metals are featured launch of the lorenzeti where we made a bespoke locksmithing with corrugated glass. As we work with many colors, I left the base of the most neutral furniture. Featured for lighting spheres, and vertical led strips.
Arquitetos: Camila Fleck Arquitetura Location: Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Area: 40.0 m² Year: 2019 Photographs: Denilson Machado – MCA Estúdio Manufacturers: Amorim, Eucatex, Tidelli, Lorenzetti, Trimble, Dellanno Lead Architect: Camila Fleck Colaboradora: Mariana Barreto Clients: Morar Mais Rio de janeiro Mão De Obra: FR2 Engenharia
Cores Apartment by Camila Fleck Arquitetura Text description provided by the architects. My first inspiration was the trip to Milan, where I saw the color trends and started by choosing my palette, which are earthy and pastel shades, ranging from roses, blues and greens.
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lynnzelin · 7 years
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VTwins Menphy’s
Nice little boots to wear anywhere.  Cute with a skirt or with jeans.  Comes with a color HUD to mix and match the boots and straps.  Be sure to grab you some.  Exclusively at Spotlight by Hashtag. 
Outfit is VTwins Iris.  Also comes with Color HUd and you can wear it leather or denim. 
Body by Maitreya
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itsdanystormborn · 8 years
Snb 137 "Parthevia's sorcerer"
About snb 137, the visitors from work are still here, and won’t go after another week or so :( I did look at the raws but obviously might have missed a lot of details or might have misread a couple of things since it was a super quick look. I feel like a slave of the working system xD
i might not be very detailed or accurate this time because i’m just glancing at the pics while i work so, sorry in advance, but here’s more less what the chapter is about
the chapter starts with “a few days ago” in parthevia, Barbarossa is in the palace and a lot of people is cheering him, but then Falan appears and is revealed that she’s using magic on them after a while Barbarossa says “that’s enough” and Falan says “yes” and stops. Barbarossa says that today’s speech was a success. Falan says that with her “mind’s magic” ( Barbarossa has them brainwashed lol that explais a lot) she’s able to bend down people’s hearts and with that the people’s support to barbarossa is as solid as a rock barbarossa says thats shit ( lol) he says that humans are very simple creatures he says something about them supporting a statemans for their own convenience ( sorry, don’t take my words literally, i’m reading this really quickly beacuse work work work) then he tells falan that her magic doesn’t work on certain people ( arba and hakutoku ( is it him? i guess it’s him) appear on the panel) and she says she’s not interested in people without ability. barbs goes away and then rotter and ( i don’t remember his name, the heliohapt dude, was it menphis?) appear, rotter says he remembers her, and that she uses the magic from the dungeons, she says that they wouldn’t understand such thing ( i guess?) and more stuff i didn’t get to read with detail.
then the scene changes and falan says “what do you mean arba?, did you invalidate my magic?” she says that of course she would, her hakutoku finds that magic troublesome ( or something like that) then arba says that enevn though Barbarossa seems better than the others she wonders if he’s the right man to bring darkness to the world and she says that her kou empire is quicker in bringing back “their father” then she says “do your best falan” the scene changes and there’s falan in a room washing her make up ( she looks just like she did in alma torran, she’s so pretty!) she’s thinking about how arba must be wrong but then she starts to question is she could be right about barbs not being enough, then she hears “cof cof” and there’s ceylan in the bed calling for her he says “falan, don’t go, everyone goes, dad, my sister, please don’t go” then falan says “i won’t go” and she calls him tess ( omg this is so sad, she sees tess in ceylan) next day she’s with barbs and he says something like:  “Ceylan is the royal simbol but if it’s necessary i’ll kill him”,  and that he exists just for that. and he tells her that he finds feelings troublesome, he asks her if she understands, and she says that she does. she thinks that she should find another vessel ( guess she ralized she doesn’t like barbs) she thinks about the boy with a lot of magoi that can see destiny ( omg omg omg) the one that i met in valefor, Sinbad. she thinks that this boy can potentially be used to bring darkness into the world
the scene changes to little Judar. falan calls to judar ( rukh powers buhuu) he says “what is it old hag, nothing has changed here” she says “it’s not about the situation, it’s about the king vessel” ( i guess, sorry) Falan asks “is the king vessel doing well”? judar says “yes, can you feel my king vessel?” or something like that ( of course he’s talking about Seren who’s sad and standing alone in the yard. Falan says that’s right, and he tells him that if he’s necesary he can increase them, vessels that can create dark sports in the word" ( sorry for awkward wording ) and he says that that’s righ and that there’s interesting stuf happening And by the pic it seems that serendine fell into depravity.
sorry if some things are not accurate, i obviously missed some things or might have read a couple of things wrong in my rush, but i really needed to rant about this ^^ thanks for reading!
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