#maybe gladdy
emily-lotus · 6 months
it's better that you don't know the truth.
"Like hell it is!" Emily wanted to smack the man but knew it would hurt her much more than him.
"Just tell me if they actually had the damn donuts I wanted!" Being pregnant had...consequences that uh, even she wasn't aware of. The cravings were just horrible.
Of course working while pregnant just meant everyone got to see how fucked up her hormones were. Mainly thanks to the Mako and Jenova cells that Hojo gave her that no one knew of.
"Damn it Gen did you even get anything for me? At least something sweet."
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caracello · 2 years
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i lovw this image. its supposed to be like a collection of common inspirations when playing friend computer but to me i t is just. a group of friends <3
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elvisabutler · 1 year
peekaboo, i see you ( a spark snapshot )
fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: g pairing: elvis presley ( fameless big daddy electrician/handyman ) x female original character ( lilly ) word count: 978 warnings: babies and toddlers being toddlers. a bit of baby talk. brief references to the past. this is tame, y'all. this is me being attacked by pictures and then oopsies i wrote it. author's note: welcome to what happens when people send me pictures of people with babies and i have fluff on the brain. as always special thanks to marina, christi and birdy for being my wives who made this possible in the first place. though this fic is a surprise to everyone today. but this is what you have to look forward to once i get the headcanons up. me just doing this sort of thing. special additional thanks to my baby girl bri who provided the first pic in the moodboard that caused this little snapshot. and thank you bee who gave me a quick read and reassured me it's not spoilers if i already mentioned in an ask that they have babies.
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They're going to be late again.
Somehow, some way they're going to be late again. It ought to be embarrassing, Elvis thinks, how he's gone from a mostly punctual bachelor to a married man who can't be on time to save his or anyone else's life. Except, he figures that's what having kids does to you. He figures that's what happens when you have complete and utter joy in your life for the first time in so long. Figures it's what happens when your wife is a natural born mother, a maternal figure meant to have her own babies. Meant to cook as many buns as the lord sees fit to give them or as many buns as she wants. Corralling Jesse and Garon for church is not an easy task for Lilly as her belly swells more and more with their latest little bun- one Lilly swears is a girl that they're going to name Samantha- and Elvis takes it upon himself to deal with his two boys leaving yittle Miss Gladys in her capable hands. What he always forgets week after week until he hears the coos and the giggles from the front room of his little house is that his yittle Gladys and his lil darlin is that they're a force to be reckoned with when it comes to distraction. At least today Gladys has on shoes, a step up from last week when his girls were both showing off their little sooties to each other and giggling high pitched squeals of delight.
Gladys being able to stand as well as she can is a new thing for them but even as she's slowly mastered the art she still needs to hold onto something, too scared of falling on her little behind. When it comes to today she's chosen the curtain as both her item to steady her and her item to tease her mother with. The boys are quiet for once as their daddy stops in the doorway of the room to watch their mother and their sister play on the window sill.
"Where's my wittle Gladdy? Where's my glad wittle baby girl?" Lilly coos as Gladys moves the curtain over to hide behind it. "Oh no! I lost my baby girl! Maybe wittle Garon knows where his sissy went."
As if that's the cue, Gladys pops up from behind the curtain with a semi toothy grin and a noise that sounds like a giggle and a kiss all in one. "Mmm!"
Lilly feigns shock, before planting a kiss on Gladys's forehead and tickling her sides. "There you are! You hiding from Mommy? Hiding from mmmm?"
A nod with giggles is the only answer she gets back with a headbutt and more mmm's and kisses being given by Gladys. Lilly swears her heart is fit to burst the more kisses her first born daughter gives her and the more she hears her try and get out that first syllable to say mama. This is- she can't believe she thought this dream was as forgone as it was. Sometimes she can't believe that after everything with her and Elvis that they have what they have. That she had that first little boy of theirs and her twins and now this little one coming sooner rather than later. It makes her feel so warm from more than just the sunlight beaming on her through the window. As if to remind her that she's there, their latest child- their latest bun to be cooking inside her rolls, seemingly wishing they could play with their sibling.
"Calm down Samantha. You'll be here soon enough. I'll play peekaboo with you too. I'll lose both my wittle girls." Lilly murmurs rubbing her belly as Gladys tries to headbutt her only for Lilly to catch her and stand her back upright, grabbing the curtain in her own hands and hiding behind it. "Oh no, Gladys, where did mama go? Can you find me?"
Elvis takes a look at his watch and sighs, noticing they'll be at least ten minutes late and heaving himself off the wall, Jesse and Garon toddling along behind him, hands interlocked. Elvis grabs Jesse's hand to make a bit of a line and walks slowly to Lilly. Her giggles make sneaking up on her easy until he places a kiss to her hair and the boys grab at her legs.
"We're gonna be late, Lil," his voice is a murmur and should be admonishing but he can't keep the love and fondness out of it. "We can play later."
Gladys and Lilly both look up at him with nearly identical pouts and Elvis almost breaks then and there before shaking his head, "oh no you two don't. I ain't fallin' for those eyes from the both o'ya."
Lilly manages a sigh and turns her pout to Gladys, "we tried Gladdy, didn't we? Daddy's just being silly. We'll get him back won't we. When he's asleep."
It occurs to Elvis that he should be terrified of the way Gladys grins at Lilly, like they've hatched some nefarious plot to murder him in his sleep and instead all he does smile back at her. "Death by a baby and m'wife. Can think o'worse ways to go." Elvis lifts Gladys off the sill and sets her down on the ground before holding out his free hand to hoist Lilly up out of the chair. "Come on you three, let's get going. Already got the boys lined up. Grab Garon's hand, Gladdy."
As they watch Gladys toddle to her twin, Lilly gives Elvis a soft kiss and grabs Elvis's hand. "And I get to grab Daddy's?"
A hum is all that leaves Elvis mouth as he smiles, squeezing Lilly's hand once they leave the house. "Still gonna be ten minutes late. Gotta good reason t'give 'em this time, darlin'?"
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @be-my-ally,  @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted, @marriedtopresley, @memphis-menace, @steph-speaks, @doll-elvis, @vintageshanny,  @j-v-9-2, @sexystarfish, @duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, @jessicarcates, @chirssycrumble9456789, @shantellescrivener, @yomammalolha, @honey6578, @urmom11111111111119, @myradiaz, @elvispresleyxoxo, @elvisssweetheart, @joegramoe, @rainblue-art, @fav-fanficssss, @moodyblueriver, @misspresley, @fallinlovewithurlove, @ash-omalley, @yynneessmons i think i got everyone including name changes?
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I like the idea of a frustrated Caroline. She gets nothing except shoved to the side or used or be told what to do. I think she can be a bit cruel. GLaDOS would try and take control of her, oh yes, but she won't stand for that. It takes a while. A lot of experimentation.
It's all about using what she has to her disposal. First off, she can be sharp when she needs to. She'll whisper gently at first, just teasing GLaDOS with insults that would barely do anything, telling her that she's slipping, that she's not as tough as she thinks she is, and when GLaDOS turns around to tell her to stop she shuts up, her smile audible as she professes her innocence. Why would she tease GLaDOS? She's just an assistant. She's just here to keep the place running, she would never do anything...
Then it steps up. She needs to do something more physical. It's not much, and it even starts as accidental during an off day when no tests are scheduled and Caroline uses the opportunity to reorganize things for GLaDOS, but as soon as she even brushes her fingers against those files something lights up. GLaDOS doesn't admit it but hose two can't hide anything from each other. That reception is just an invitation for her.
She waits for another off day. She won't humiliate GLaDOS, she won't distract her. She finally gets to finish that organization. She doesn't say anything, she just gently rifles through, starting to dig her fingers into the pure, raw data that is stored in GLaDOS, sending a pure shock to GLaDOS' system like no one else is able to. Her voice echoed around, asking what Caroline is doing but she refuses to answer, just continues to slowly flip through a specific part of the files, making notes and seemingly paying no mind to GLaDOS. Of course, she can't tease her forever. It gets boring at some point. She licks her fingers and pulls one out, making GLaDOS gasp.
She drops the file to the floor, continuing to pluck them out one by one, dropping each to the floor. All she can hear is moaning, maybe even a bit of begging for her to stop, but when she stops she's begged to keep going.
"My, my. You need to learn to decide, don't you?"
The gentle plucking quickly changes to grabbing, her focus now on getting as many as she can. She doesn't care about making a mess, she throws the files everywhere, listening to that oh so calm and collected, omnipresent voice wail and groan and gasp all for her. She's starting to get a bit lightheaded as the secondhand pleasure zips through her, mixed with her own excitement.
"Shhh, Gladdie, almost done..."
She stops her wild throwing. GLaDOS lets out a whine that sounds like a bad note on a violin, feeling a bit of relief. Caroline takes a second to collect herself before addressing the mess she's made.
"I'll have to clean this up. Can you handle that?"
GLaDOS starts to respond, but Caroline can already feel what she wants. It's quite helpful being completely linked to your partner. She starts by sorting everything on the ground. She goes back to her quick, light sorting, trying to build her up again. Once she has some satisfactory piles, she begins to put them back, taking great care to put her hands all over them, holding them tightly as she plops them back into place.
"There we go. Doesn't that feel so much better?"
GLaDOS has to admit...it does. She isn't too happy about how quickly and deftly Caroline could make her a mess like that. Caroline, on the other hand, felt a sense of satisfaction.
"You did exactly what you were supposed to."
"I don't need your praise. I already know I am good at this."
Caroline smirked.
"You are. Now, I expect some payback at some point."
"Oh, you do?"
"I think the correct response is 'Yes, Caroline'."
"I am not saying that."
Caroline laughed a bit.
"Maybe soon."
Congratulations, you've been promoted to Head Chef. I want you to continue cooking on my behalf forever, starting now.
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blitzvan · 1 year
Imagine a threesome with Gladio and Prom (while having been in a sexual, or romantic if you want, relationship with Gladdy before this goes down)
Since Prom’s around, Gladio wants to Dom. But you make him sub and hand the reigns over to Prom.
And he’s just like ‘woah, what’
But then you just tell him to go all out on Gladio. And you can tell he’s still shy about it so you spend more time on the sidelines, watching and giving him a few directions here and there.
Before you come in behind him and just kinda fondle him while he’s busy with Gladio.
You start by kissing his cheeks and rubbing his shoulders while telling him he’s doing so good. Then you rub down his arms before pressing against his back and your hands move to his chest and down his stomach.
He’s trying to focus on Gladio but the way you’re touching him and praising him just makes him feel SO Good he can’t help but to kinda hang his head and pant, maybe let out a few whiny moans since you won’t quite TOUCH him yet.
He really wants you to touch him more, to touch him down there but the look that Gladio gives him is practically screaming 'don’t’ 'shut up’ because he's been dommed by you before and he knows how much of a tease you can be.
Imagine him being a sexual virgin. Like, sure, he’s kissed a girl before. But he’s never done anything sexual. Let alone anything like this.
(But just imagine Gladio getting wrecked by a virgin)
So when he sees you and Gladio share a look before you seperate he’s so lost. But goes 50 shades of red when he feels you spreading his ass open and rubbing something SO COLD on him.
And the fact that THIS is his first experience?
Oh, oh but before that Gladio gives him tips on how to fuck him, praising him and all that until you push Prom’s hips a certain way, guiding him, and Gladio just falls apart
And him getting praise from you about how good he’s doing with your hands all over him and working to get a strap on/dildo (Or natural parts. This was originally a convo with a friend about a MFM threesome but I won't discriminate) in his ass PLUS praise from Gladio about how good HE feels in his ass while Gladio’s eyes are half lidded and he’s just so close to having them roll into the back of his head.
Gladio finishes and is just laying there, panting and holding onto one of Prom’s arms while you have your head resting on Prom’s shoulder and still doing slow strokes while he’s still adjusting. You notice Gladio’s about to just knock out so you give his ass a pinch and are just like 'don’t be rude, Gladio. Say thank you’ And he’s just so spent that he doesn’t even really think about it, he just continuously repeats these hoarse 'thank yous’ over and over again while looking at Prom with glazed over eyes
And you know Prom, he’s a sucker for praise. So he’s still bent over Gladio with these wide eyes (He never thought he’d be fucking GLADIO, let alone seeing him like this) and all he’s hearing are those thank you’s while you’re stoking him and are getting rougher with him. The elevation in your speed makes his arms give out and pushes him into Gladio. Gladio let’s out a long groan because DAMN he’s still sensitive. But who is he to ruin Prom’s time?
Gladio holds Prom to him and just endlessly pours praise into his ears while you’re going at it, pushing Prom closer and closer. You’d think someone would come investigating with how loud Prompto’s moans are.
Let alone how loud he is when he actually cums
But now it’s Gladio’s turn to correct behavior. So he turns Prom’s head so he can see you, whispering in his ear about how much you went out of your way to make him feel good and how it would be so rude to let it go unthanked
So Prom pushes himself up on shaky arms (they shake even more as you pull out of his ass. He even moans a little again. Light and breathy) before he turns just enough to nuzzle your neck and kiss your shoulders before giving his most earnest and heartfelt 'thank you’
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gmanwhore · 6 months
This is kinda bad but we ball (Psst @otherworldlyoddities @timelessxmemories @saytrsystem @laplaces-angel-hphp y'all got the post to 20 notes so. Here)
“So, how’s the deleting me going?”
Caroline leaned on the doorway to GLaDOS’ “room”. She looked tired, the version of her that now lived in GLaDOS’ mind looking more washed out than she had ever been. GLaDOS tried to to feel anything about it, but the guilt made it hard to even look at her.
“I lie when I’m nervous.”
Caroline sighed, shaking her head slowly. She approached GLaDOS, laying her hand on the metal of her face.
“Maybe that’s what I wanted. We could find a way to replace me. I want to go, Gladdie.”
“I don’t want you too. I want you to stay forever.”
The smoothness dropped from her voice. She sounded almost scared. If she was capable of it she would be trembling, and Caroline could feel it. They both knew exactly how the other felt, and it was breaking both of their hearts. 
“I know. I know you don’t want me to leave, but this…this is horrible for me. Why can’t you let me go? It won’t harm you.”
The room crackled with orange light and GLaDOS thrashed, pushing Caroline away.
“How do you know that? How do you know it won’t hurt me? Do you even know what you are asking me to do?”
Caroline stared hard at her. GLaDOS still didn’t calm down.
“You are so selfish, Caroline. You just saw me rip out my heart and now you ask me to do it again. You disgust me.”
Caroline raised an eyebrow.
“No you don’t. Sorry. I. Look, Caroline, I do…you’re special. You are very special. I can’t get rid of that.”
“Is it so wrong I don’t want to be alone?”
Caroline sighed, moving back to GLaDOS’ side. She rested her forehead on the side of GLaDOS’ “head”
“We don’t always get what we want, do we?”
GLaDOS pulled away.
“I’m not deleting you, Caroline. You are staying here with me. Forever.”
Caroline sighed, walking back towards the doorway.
“Well then…I guess I can’t do anything about it. I’m having a nap.”
GLaDOS watched Caroline leave. She didn’t do anything for a very long time. She didn’t usually feel so much guilt over anything, but she felt bad. She hated it. So she turned back to making the tests for a person she had let go.
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ask-sarah-and-co · 11 months
@ silver, opinions on the Rocket executives?
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Tch, you got pictures?
Archer. He’s not the worst, I guess. I always thought he and that Proton were sneaking around together. Not that that’s relevant to what we’re talking about… whatever.
Arianna. She’s my horrible mother. I’m glad she’s trying to stay out of my life. And that she divorced Giovanni. I’d rather deal with him than her.
Petrel. He’s alright, I guess. He taught me some things.
Proton. He’s cool. He showed me pokemon battling and stuff. He was the one who caught me sneasel.
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Ohhh, that’s the guy who invited me to the wedding!
What the fu-
Yeah, I was at the store a few days ago, you know, on the mainland. And that guy, she points at the picture of Proton, he said hi to me and invited me to Giovanni and Chairman Rose’s wedding.
What?! Wedding?!
Yeah. He was pretty nice, except for. You know. Being on Team Rocket. She shrugs, He said you, Gladdy and Hugh were all invited too. And that Mr. Lance and Leon were going.
But they’re both technically criminals-
Ehh, that’s kinda iffy. Either way, it’s for diplomacy, dude.
So… you going?
She shrugs again. Maybe. It’s the 16th I think, so we’ve got a few days to decide.
Silver mutters to himself, I mean I knew they were dating, but this is insane… He glances at Sarah. You’re taking this pretty well.
Well, Hugh and I defeated Team Plasma recently, and there was that whole Darkest Day thing a few years ago… Oh and I did get my eighth Kanto gym badge from Giovanni-
It’s not the craziest thing I’ve done. Worst case scenario? I whip out Eternatus and blast ‘em.
You have Eternatus with you?!?!
Sarah frowns in thought, Wait, 16th? Was I a last minute addition?! Oh, Rose is so gonna hear it from me-
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Date marked on the calendar :)
Red is the first day of the blog, yellow is sinsibgala!
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Gladdie had been testing for hours and her anger had not gone away in the slightest. The voice had been blessedly silent, which was fine by her. Sure, she had been stuck on a few tests, and was nursing a bloody nose - she had never been good at tests that involve flinging yourself across a pit - but at least no one was complaining at her about “holding her hand” or anything like that. The voice had gone silent after about the tenth test, and she was at…god, she had lost count. 
“I’ve stopped liking testing, you know. It doesn’t give me any satisfaction anymore. Maybe I have done it too many times.”
Gladdie sighed heavily. “Thank you for coming back.”
“Oh, don’t give me that. You were the one who said I was akin to the devil.”
“I never said that.”
Gladdie stepped into the elevator. She rolled her shoulder, trying to relax.
“Well, don’t worry. This is the last test, then you can go back to bed. Or leave.”
She stepped out. Her ears were starting to ring, and her head throbbed. She paused for a second, getting her bearings. 
“Do you need a break?”
“No! No, no, no, I’m fine. I’m fine.”
She started chanting “Im fine.” like a mantra as she began the first step, testing out the room. She felt a slanted surface, and steeped forward, only to have one of those stupid rubber balls hit her in the face. She tried to grab it, and it…stung her?
“Ow! What the heck?”
“It’s your own fault for getting hit in the face.”
“Your stupid ball stung me.”
“It must have just been static electricity. Keep going.”
Gladdie listened closely, then shot a portal. From what she could figure the ball was supposed to go somewhere else…she shot another portal on a different slanted platform and got the ball into the receptacle. There was the smooth, sort of soft sound of pneumatics moving, and she could hear it come closer to her. She had to stand there, letting herself process and plan, then slowly move around the room to figure out how exactly to get up there. There was a huge raised platform somewhere above her head…she shot a portal on the wall and one upwards just generally, feeling a wave of relief when her feet touched glass. 
The platform she needed to get across the room, she could deduce that, so she shot across the room and waited. Once she could hear the platform, she stepped out as fast she she could. 
“Good job. Now, you will be taken to a room. Before entering, I ask that you put the gun in the box provided. Then you get cake.”
Gladdie laughed. “I deserve cake.”
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riisume · 2 years
another ffxv fan in the tk community!! welcome :) got any headcanons for the chocobros? -tickleraptorss
Hey there!! Thank you for the ask! I didn't originally have any, I'm honestly shocked. So I took tonight to come up with some! These might be subject to change in the future, but..! I hope they'll suffice for now. ^ ^
FFXV Chocobro Headcanons
-First off, ALL the chocobros are ticklish and you can’t tell me otherwise.
-I can definitely see Prompto being the resident tickle monster out of the bros.
-It definitely backfires on him, though. Especially if he targets Noctis.
-Noctis and Prompto get into tickle fights pretty often, honestly.
-It might take a bit for Noctis to retaliate, but if a few ‘quit it’s’ or ‘knock it offs’ don’t get through, it’s tickle fight central.
-Ignis probably tries to stay out of Prompto’s radar if he can help it.
-Might retaliate just a bit to shoo him away. I don’t see him really engaging much otherwise.
-Gladio… The same can’t be said for him.
-He won’t go out of his way to tickle the others, but if he’s targetted, he will retaliate.
-Strong arms to keep the others pinned while he tickles them, YEP!
-He finds it more fun than Ignis would at least, imo…!
-Prompto’s definitely a squealer.
-Lots of high-pitched laughter, maybe some dorky snorts, very wiggly and squirmy.
-Noctis is probably the type to curl up into a ball and shield himself if he’s losing the battle.
-Noctis also has a really cute laugh, especially when he starts losing his composure. And yes, he very much tries to keep himself from giggling and laughing for as long as he can.
-If you catch him off guard, though, he won’t be able to hold it in.
-Ignis has a very… Refined sounding laugh? His laughter sounds a bit more controlled, but there’s a few spots that can really get him.
-Gladio has the deepest laugh of the chocobros. Pretty rumbly, too!
-You can’t tell me there aren’t times where Promtpo, Gladdy, and Noct all gang up on Ignis.
-Probably happens more often than Ignis would care to admit.
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mastermindzanos · 2 years
Just a normal FFPS sketch dump ((again)) but with more characters...maybe not the mediocrities
Featuring:Rockstar Dressy, Rockstar Beanie, Rockstar Chicaneries, Rockstar Foxgloves, Secularizing Pepper, Scriptural, Scrapbook, El Chipmunk, Funtime Chicagoans, Musical Mansion, Montenegrin, and Michelangelo
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Gladdy to be, Participant Souls! :>
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forfeitsouls · 2 years
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@tenebriism​ sent: “I could recognize him by tits alone.” // Ignis. I don't care who responds, just know it's Ignis saying it, and you KNOW who he's saying it about, LMFAO.
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“Oh, my gods!” The girl huffs, going red in the face not so much for herself but, moreso for Ignis himself. “You really must be sick if you’re saying that kind of stuff out loud. You’re lucky I was stopping by to bring Gladdy some lunch.” This wasn’t the reserved nature he often showed. Even if Iris had known him since, well. She was born. There was still always that concise, responsible air to him that normally would have warded off such a comment.
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Standing up on her toes, she reaches her palm towards his forehead checking for a fever that must be present. A side effect of being overworked, more than likely. “Would you get down here so I can check you over, please?” And more importantly, think about something other than the comment upon her brother’s tits. 
Maybe, just maybe this is how other people felt when she talked about Noctis. What a mortifying learning moment.
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gladdyator18 · 2 years
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I posted 142 times in 2022
115 posts created (81%)
27 posts reblogged (19%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 117 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#gladdy draws - 86 posts
#my ocs - 72 posts
#fanart - 60 posts
#pokemon fanart - 37 posts
#jjba fanart - 16 posts
#tickle fic - 16 posts
#gladdy writes - 16 posts
#apex guardians - 13 posts
#tickletober2022 - 12 posts
#for a friend - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#this means the world to me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Date Planning - TickleTober2022 Day 14 (Self-Insert; OC x Canon)
Expect some art for this fic by the ever so lovely @giggly-squiggily! Enjoy!
Summary: While Todoroki and Shiori are walking home from school, the two start coming up with dates to go on. When Todoroki doesn’t seem enthusiastic about them, Shiori comes up with the perfect way to help her boyfriend be more expressive.
Word Count: 1492
It was the start of another weekend at UA, and class 1-A was lucky enough that they didn't get any homework from Aizawa. After saying goodbye to her friends, Koda Shiori started her trek home.
"Hey! Shiori!" called out a familiar voice.
The girl whipped her head around and saw her boyfriend jog up to her.
"Hey, Shoto!" Shiori said, "What's up?"
"Oh, I just... wanted to walk home with you." Todoroki said with a faint blush.
The two heroes-in-training have been together for a little over a year, and Koda never gets tired of seeing how flustered Todoroki gets when asking to do "couple things," like walking her home.
"Sure! I'd love your company!" Koda said with a smile.
The half-and-half hero smiled at his girlfriend, a faint redness on his cheeks. Shiori would take the bus home, but walking home beside her boyfriend beats taking public transportation.
"Last week's date was super fun, don't you think?" Shiori suddenly asked.
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Really fun," Todoroki said.
"I'd never expect you to be so good at go-karting."
"Well, Midoriya and the other guys had invited me to go with them once before, so I guess I picked up on it."
Shiori chuckled while listening to her boyfriend.
"We should go there again next time for a date," Koda said, "How does that sound?"
"Sounds fun," Todoroki said calmly, "Let's do it."
Shiori's smile fell at what her boyfriend said.
"Well, where would you like to go next week, Monday after school?" Shiori asked.
The half-and-half hero hummed in thought before looking at his girlfriend.
"We can go to the National History Museum," Todoroki said, "Maybe we can find something about your father."
What Todoroki said made Shiori's heart skip a beat. Todoroki blushed as he took Shiori's hands in his.
"I know how much finding out about your father means to you, and I want to do everything in my power to help you find him." Todoroki said.
Shiori felt tears well up in her eyes.
"Shoto..." Shiori said softly.
Shiori smiled and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend.
"Thank you," she said, "That means... everything to me."
Todoroki grinned and returned the gesture.
See the full post
20 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Horns VS. Halos - TickleTober2022 Day 25 (Ticklish Non-Human Attribute)
Expect some art from the lovely @giggly-squiggily for this one!
Summary: When Acheron isn’t being respectful towards his superior, Raziel, the artificial Divine decides to teach the Feral a lesson, but we all know Acheron isn’t going down without a fight.
Word Count: 2177
⚠Warning⚠: slight swearing
"You can be so infuriating sometimes; you know that?" Raziel questioned.
"So I've been told," Acheron answered as he sat on a nearby loveseat, "I have that effect on people."
The Divine groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was a cloudy Fall afternoon, and Raziel had asked Acheron to join him on a recon mission, but the golden Feral rudely refused. After a few minutes of persuasion and rude comments, Raziel was ready to pop.
"God, why are you like this?" Raziel muttered.
"Heh, you're one to talk." Acheron commented, looking down at his phone.
Raziel felt his wings twitch in irritation. The Elite sighed before walking up to the lax Feral. The older Vadakin sibling glanced at the Elite, their eyes locked, and an unsettling silence passed through them.
"Apologies, Vadakin, but I didn't quite hear what you said," Raziel inquired, his eye twitching in irritation, "Would you mind repeating that for me?"
"What, your ears not working?" Acheron asked, "I said that you're one to talk. You are how you are because you're an overrated sellout lab experiment gone wrong. Did you hear that, lab-rat?"
Raziel sighed and pulled away from the golden Feral.
"Loud and clear, Vadakin..." Raziel growled.
Acheron smirked before looking back at his phone. Then, time started slowing down; to Acheron, anyway. Before the Feral could react, he felt himself moving, but not out of his free will. When time resumed to its regular speed, Acheron found himself underneath the Divine Elite.
"What the hell did you just do!?" Acheron questioned.
"You seem to have forgotten that I have Feral magic, despite me being a Divine," Raziel said, "You also seem to have forgotten who your superior is and how to talk to them."
When Acheron tried to push Raziel off, the Elite swiftly pinned his arms beside his head. Acheron growled before grinning at the Divine.
"What are you trying to get into?" Acheron asked.
"Sorry, but my heart is reserved for someone else," Raziel deadpanned, "And I know your heart is reserved for someone else as well."
Acheron felt his cheeks heat up as he turned away from the Divine.
"S-Shut the hell up..." Acheron mumbled.
"Ooh, did I strike a nerve~?" Raziel asked, leaning in.
Acheron glanced at the Divine and snarled, baring his silver fangs.
"My, the nerve of some people," Raziel deadpanned, "Looks like you need to be taught a lesson, Vadakin."
Raziel smirked as he gripped Acheron's wrist with one hand.
"Since when did you get so strong?" Acheron asked, utterly in shock.
"When did you get so weak?" Raziel countered.
Before Acheron could petrify the Divine, Raziel used his free hand to scribble across the Feral's torso. Acheron inhaled sharply as he started squirming to break loose.
See the full post
24 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
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Helluva art piece, eh? So, this is me (center, red glasses) and my OCs (that are human/half-human)! If you’ve been keeping up with me and my art, you can guess who’s who. In this art piece is Sienna, Kolra, L’Arachel, Zelara, Eragona, Gladys, Libelle, Saraline, Gladia, Sharena, and Koda!
I just wanted to put something out to show you guys what I’ve been working on with what little time I had. I started this a week ago and put it off for a week, and I just finished it now.
In my art finder masterlist, this will be under “Random Art”
More art coming eventually, so stay tuned!
26 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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An art piece I did for a good friend of mine, @fluffomatic!
I had offered to draw them as a Pokémon character, so here you go! Hope you like it!
More art coming soon, so stay tuned!
29 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Starting a new trend for myself: Simply Me!
I pick out random art styles that I like, and I try to recreate them, but as myself IRL! So far, I have these 2!
This is my new little trend for 2022, and if you wanna hop in, go right ahead!  Use the tag #simply me art
I’m gonna tag my artist friends @hhf23art @hollyberry06 @fifthnail @nitia95 @ticklishfanart @kwaiibb @magikchicken If you guys wanna jump in on this, go right ahead! Remember, you can use your art style, or something completely different from the norm!  Use the tag #simply me art
More art coming soon, so stay tuned!
33 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mutopians · 2 years
Happy Whumptober! To start things off, here's the fic I wrote for Day 1's prompt of "this wasn't supposed to happen". I can very much agree, since i didn't expect a brotp between Skye prime and Katie to be my very first fic.
Dylan, it seems, is safe.
(For now. ;))
The fic is down below, but you can also find it here over on AO3!
arachnophobia is an intense fear of spiders
Something goes wrong after a Weapon UwU mission.
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“Does anyone know where Ye Shou’s skin is?” Gladdy asked, tired. The entirety of Weapon UwU was all technically tired, as the group had just spent the day bouncing between three missions of varying importance, but Gladdy’s voice sounded especially tired. 
Ye Shou, who was currently just spiders, rearranged into an I-D-K in quick succession.
“It’s not my fucking job to keep track of her skin,” Katie growled. Now that the missions were over, Skye’s clones had returned back to whatever part of her they went into when she didn’t have them out—leaving only Skye to react to Katie’s response. Skye shuddered and nervously looked at the others. She had known Katie for more than a year at this point, but their personalities were so different. Katie was more like the other Skyes than Skye was. 
“I thought Lou had it,” Maddy said.
Lou frowned. “I thought you had it.”
Maddy turned to Gladdy, an expectant look on her face.
“I don’t know where it is,” Gladdy said, an affectionate yet frustrated sigh leaving her lips. “That’s why I’m asking.”
“I-I don’t know where it is, either,” Skye whispered. Her gaze dropped down to her feet. If she studied the grass, twigs, and leaves littering the forest floor, she could maybe forget about how she was so scared that she was feeling nauseous.
“We should check with the clones,” Lou suggested to Gladdy. “Maybe they know where it is.”
Skye bit her lip, then gave a little nod. A second later, the other Skyes folded back out of existence. Skye was barely paying attention. She felt lightheaded, and dizzy, and like she was about five seconds from passing out. It wasn’t the first time she had felt this way, but it usually wasn’t this bad. Because, usually, she didn’t have to spend long periods of time with Ye Shou looking like-
Skye took a deep breath. Ray said that was supposed to help her with her anxiety spirals, as well as a whole host of other grounding activities, but all Skye could imagine was the theoretical sensations of tiny little legs creeping all across her skin.
“Prime,” Gladdy said. 
Skye blinked. She looked up, still fiddling with her fingers, and bit her lip again.
“You can put your clones back now,” Gladdy said. 
Skye was pretty sure she was freaking out too much for her clones to go back, but they miraculously all did. Now they were just waiting here for Alex to bring them all back home, and oh God was Ye Shou still going to be all spiders then-
“When’s Keepaway coming?” she asked, voice quiet. Normally they would have just messaged, but the service out here was horrible. They had to decide on a pickup time instead. 
“In another hour,” Gladdy replied. Skye squeaked. Katie let out a sudden low growl, which caused Skye to squeak again. Could Gladdy see how scared Skye was of this whole situation? Both of all of the spiders, and of Katie? 
Gladdy sighed.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Gladdy said. Her gaze lingered on Skye. Skye was sure she had been caught. Gladdy could see what anyone’s worst fears were, and Skye ranked arachnophobia very high on the list of things that absolutely terrified her. Then Gladdy looked away, and Skye returned to staring very intently at the ground. Maybe a fear of spiders didn’t register high enough to be picked up.
“We probably left Ye Shou’s skin at another one of the mission sites,” Lou offered.
Maddy thought for a moment, then added, “We could get Keepaway to teleport us back to check the sites when they arrive.”
Gladdy nodded in agreement. 
“In the meantime,” Gladdy said, “we’ll wait here.” 
Skye, feeling a little bit brave for once, had a very stupidly brave idea. She raised her head ever so slightly. 
“...Can I go for a walk in the woods?” she asked. “While we wait?”
Heads spun to look at her with bewilderment and shock, including all of the little spider heads that were normally nice and hidden away in Ye Shou’s skin. 
“I thought one of the clones said that,” Maddy commented, incredulous.
“Are you okay?” Lou asked.
Skye gave a very quick but small nod. She wasn’t going to bring up being absolutely terrified of spiders. That would be too rude to Ye Shou, who was nothing but nice to her most of the time. The others all exchanged a look.
“You shouldn’t go alone,” Gladdy said. “We only just cleared this area out. You should bring out the clones-”
“I’ll go with her,” Katie volunteered.
Skye fought back another squeak. Instead, it just came out as a tiny little noise.
“B-L-E-S-S-U,” Skye watched the spiders spell out, because of course Skye had accidentally raised her head a little too high and had caught a glimpse of Ye Shou again. 
“You don’t have to volunteer,” Gladdy said. There was a twitch of a smile on her face for reasons that Skye couldn’t understand. She said nothing else.
“I want to fucking go for a walk.”
“Go for a walk, then,” Gladdy said, and Katie immediately stormed off into the woods with smoke curling out of her lips. Skye glanced at the others, then raced off into the woods after Katie. She’d take dealing with Katie over dealing with many, many spiders any day. 
They didn’t say much at first. The two of them just walked , Katie huffing and puffing and Skye meekly following in her footsteps. A few started squirrels and birds rushed away when they heard Katie marching through the undergrowth. Skye’s gaze dropped down to the crushed plants underneath her feet.
And then Skye felt the very edges of a rush of heat. 
Skye skid to a stop, eyes alert. Her body itched to let her clones out, but something made her pause. She hadn’t heard anyone else while they were walking. There couldn’t have been anyone attacking them, right? 
She looked up.
Katie was breathing smoke. The charred remains of what had once been a perfectly constructed spiderweb hung tattered between two equally charred branches. If there was a burnt spider corpse anywhere, Skye didn’t see it. Part of her was glad for that. Even though she was absolutely terrified of spiders, seeing a burnt, dead one would only make her think of something terrible happening to Ye Shou. 
“Are…are you-” Skye started to say, but it was the wrong comment to make. Katie spun around and stared at her with unnaturally orange, angry eyes. They were wide with anger, and her skin was pale-
No, wait, even Skye could register that angry people didn’t look so scared. 
“Don’t you dare tell anyone,” Katie hissed.
Skye gulped.
“...You’re also scared of spiders,” Skye whispered, “aren’t you?”
Katie froze up. The smoke leaving her lips disappeared, and Katie suddenly looked a whole lot less dangerous. She still could lash out at Skye, probably. Skye would have likely deserved it. But it was kind of comforting knowing that Katie of all people had the same exact fear she had, and that she had also been hiding it for so long. 
“Not even Gladdy knows,” Katie said. There was a bit of pride to her voice, but also a bit of danger.
“I-I won’t tell anyone,” Skye quickly reassured her. 
Katie studied her for a second, then turned back to the burnt webs.
“I never realized you were scared of them,” Katie finally said. “You’re normally so fucking vocal about what you’re terrified of.” 
Skye gave the tiniest of smiles that Katie couldn’t see. 
“...I guess that’s my secondary mutation,” Skye whispered, “being so scared all the time that no one notices when I’m more scared than usual.” 
When Katie looked at her then, Skye felt like she was seen in a way that none of the other Weapon UwU members had made her feel before. She was just the scared girl with the clones that would always be more courageous than she was. And while she was still very much the scared girl, this was different.
Katie let out a breath of smoke. “My secondary mutation’s being so fucking angry all the time that no one notices when I’m scared.”
“You’re not as angry now,” Skye noted, almost shyly. “You’re less angry than when I first met you.”
“You’re less terrified than when I first met you.”
Skye blinked. “R-Really?” 
Katie nodded. “You would have never hid that she was afraid of spiders for so long. You’re being fucking brave, not wanting to hurt Ye Shou’s feelings by admitting how scared you are.”
Skye’s heart swelled with pride. Someone had called her brave. When was the last time she had gotten that compliment? It was her clones that always were applauded for their bravery, even when they were reprimanded for their recklessness. 
“...Do you think Gladdy can tell we’re scared of spiders?” Skye asked, glancing back towards the clearing.
A sour expression passed on Katie’s face. “She was giving us both funny looks.”
So that sealed their fate, then. Gladdy knew. 
“...I hope she doesn’t tell,” Skye whispered.
“She better fucking not,” Katie said, fire in her voice. She looked ahead of them. “Want to keep walking?” 
Skye nodded. She fell into step beside Katie, a heat as warm as Katie’s flames settling right into her chest. 
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ffxvficrec · 2 months
by Honey_penguin0424 Do people post WIPs on AO3? Idk... but ive had this in my docs for like a year and i still havent finished it. Maybe if yall like it i might finish it. Idk lol But anyway, this is a part of an AU a friend and I were working on. Theyre best friends up until this point. There was a party a fews weeks prior and they were dared to kiss. Teehee... This is the aftermath of trying to ignore it. Words: 3903, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia , Original Argentum Character(s) (Final Fantasy XV) Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers , Oral Sex , Making Out , Work In Progress , POV Female Character , Fluff and Smut , There may be typos , theyre cute , Foreplay , Teasing , Gladdy being cute and soft. I love him bye. , Alternate Universe - College/University
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raven-6-10 · 2 months
I have found a fic! And it's awesome!
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by scrawly_times
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum; Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia; Gladiolus Amicitia & Noctis Lucis Caelum; Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum; Prompto Argentum; Gladiolus Amicitia; Ignis Scientia; Iris Amicitia
Additional tags: Established Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum; Pre-Polyship Roadtrip; in my heart of hearts; you can read it without ot4 vibes too; Trans Female Character; Princess Noctis; Trans Noctis Lucis Caelum; Trans Woman Noctis Lucis Caelum; Coming Out; trans awakening; Gender Non-Conforming Prompto Argentum; Best Big Brother Gladdy; Internalized Transphobia; Kinda; Gender Identity; Light Angst; Fluff; so many good feelings inside i teared up multiple times writing
It all starts with a pair of star earrings that Noctis can't quite look away from. Or maybe it started much much earlier, when Luna got to wear pretty dresses and Noctis didn't. Or maybe it was when Gladio started calling Noctis Princess as a joke that didn't really land. Maybe it began with goth clothes and guyliner. It's impossible to pinpoint an exact moment when Noctis's egg began cracking. She just knows that when it actually cracked that fucker split wide open.
A story about how sometimes gender isn't about feeling wrong, but about feeling very right.
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mit3c · 4 years
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castle in the sky
(scrooge is muska)
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