#little nix?
emily-lotus · 6 months
it's better that you don't know the truth.
"Like hell it is!" Emily wanted to smack the man but knew it would hurt her much more than him.
"Just tell me if they actually had the damn donuts I wanted!" Being pregnant had...consequences that uh, even she wasn't aware of. The cravings were just horrible.
Of course working while pregnant just meant everyone got to see how fucked up her hormones were. Mainly thanks to the Mako and Jenova cells that Hojo gave her that no one knew of.
"Damn it Gen did you even get anything for me? At least something sweet."
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nix-nihili · 3 months
“You okay there, mate?”
“Simply… tired.” Edwin waved Charles off, already picking himself up from the chair he’d collapsed into, an errant sort of exhaustion wearing him down. The day out had stretched on longer than we would have liked and he had only felt the smallest hint of relief at having returned to the Agency before he caught sight of the still-expanding case list. It was shaping up to be a long few weeks at this rate, and as much as Edwin lived for solving each mystery, each case, each unfinished business, he missed having the scarce hours to himself. 
No. Correction, not himself.
He missed spending time with Charles alone.
“Woah, Eds” – Charles was suddenly across the room, gently pushing Edwin back into the chair – “you can take it easy for a few ticks, yeah?”
Charles’ hands held him in place and Edwin didn’t have the energy to fight him off but he still tried to say, “But-”
“Nuh-uh,” Charles tutted, leaning over him, and from here, Edwin could count each eyelash, trace the perfectly put eyeliner, and watch escaped curls fall onto Charles’ forehead. “I need the break as well. This way, we both decompress.”
Then Edwin was being pushed further into the inviting chair as Charles leaned in, non-existent huffs of breath intermingling before Edwin’s lips were captured in a kiss, soft and sweet. He sighed into it, felt his limbs go lax and his head settle as he kissed back, lifting an arm to settle it against Charles’ waist where he bent.
Charles pulled back first, smiling down at him, eyes half-lidded. “Alright?”
It had been too short but it was all they could afford at the minute. He nodded, filing the memory away. Not for rainier days, because Charles would always be there on those too, but just because he could. Because he wanted to save each one.
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evidenceof · 3 days
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"You tell them what you always tell them. That their sons died as heroes." "You really still believe that?"
LEWIS NIXON III EP 9 Why We Fight, EP 10 Points | Band of Brothers
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maviacomic · 3 months
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animated version: x
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horseradish-girly · 30 days
I need to explain how insane my linux setup used to be
The first partition was boot, it had systemd-boot and a custom kernel build from vanilla kernel.org source. The second partition was an LVM physical volume with three logical volumes: an @arch-official rootfs, a @debian-official rootfs, and the rest of the space was shared for a directory I invented called /common which the distros shared. Kernel configurations, source, and all kernel modules were stored there. I wrote a hook for init ramfs to mount /common early so that the symlink to /common for kernel modules would work
For the home directory, subdirectories with normal files were in /common/homert/<dirname>, and gnu stash linked them to my home directory. All of my config files were stored in a git repo, the upstream being in /common and clones being in the home directories in each of the distros, each distro having its own branch committing and pushing to upstream whenever .zshrc was run. (.zshrc was also tracked by the repo & I had trouble because i didn't think to set up an extra clone with a dev branch) In retrospect I should've just used git watch
Anyways I got a ton of strange issues I never figured out like my config files being sent back to February 2nd randomly and debian not being able to connect to the network. That's what happens when your OS is a tangled web of shell scripts XD
In the end I decided it was too cursed switched to @nixos-official and left that hot imperative mess behind B)
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ceemi · 3 months
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incorrect quote: boom edition
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nix-xin-art · 7 months
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Gallagher you beautiful bastard <333
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pianokantzart · 10 months
In a bit of a peek behind the curtain, here is a panel that ended up getting scrapped:
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assassin1513 · 16 days
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tinderbox210 · 5 days
I really love the little conversations during hyperspace jumps, especially the ones with Nix and ND-5. I love how quickly Nix has adopted the droid as its 2nd favorite person in the galaxy after Kay.
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Also the little head nudges Nix gives ND when he's [spoilers].
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em0-alpaca · 1 year
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what if instead of Wu Time Twins found Morro
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thenixkat · 3 months
But also wild how dipshit stans really be saying that 'Kabru was never violent towards Laios' and then gushing over how Kabru punching Laios is so important to their ship.
Like, if you actually like the character why do you feel the need to lie to people? Hell, why try to defend the character from the shit he canonically did and said if you actually like the character other than you being weak bitches who can't stand negativity but can sure as shit go out of yer way to be rude to strangers and think no one should call you dipshits when you do.
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mleelunsford · 1 year
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Idle animation or little dance? You decide!
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lesbiandarvey · 1 month
how do i know nix is gay? . cus ron livingston isn’t
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nixotinix · 10 months
Sooo I realized yesterday that I.. haven't *actually* updated my redesigns for JJ/HH from when I first joined MH Tumblr almost a year ago. And I figured since they've gone through so many iterations on this account, might as well make some more concrete redesigns with mini profiles to boot. So introducing the new and improved Jackson Jekyll & Holt Hyde redesigns! (+ Some closeups) (pls pls click)
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I've got a couple notes about this Non-Descript G1 AU that they live in below the cut!
-English on their mom's side, Korean on their dad's side.
-Same as my 40k G3 fic, Holt's parents never actually GAVE him a name. So he used 'DJ' as his name until Draculaura helped him come up with the name 'Holt'. And thus his full name is DJ 'Holt' Hyde.
-Jackson wears clear jewelry in all of Holt's piercings, especially the facial piercings. They still have the shared yin-yang tattoo on the nape of their necks.
-Despite many beliefs in the monster community, blue skin is not indicative that a fire imp is half human. It's just a genetic mutation like blue eyes or red hair in humans. Though it is more common in half-fire imps than full blooded ones.
-There are, though, 3 main things that set Holt apart from other fire imps appearance-wise. 1: he doesn't have horns or a tail thanks to the confines of Jackson's human body. 2: his flames are a little droopier and look a little more like hair, again thanks to half human-ness. And 3: visible irises and pupils. Full-blooded fire imps have pure white eyes.
-Holt is fully willing to deck somebody who points any of those 3 things out.
-Holt also has blue pupils rather than black!
-Jax/Holt and Heath are actually friends here, even if Heath is sometimes disrespectful to his half-normie cousin.
-Jax is still the shy, nerdy kid who gets bullied, but overtime he starts to come out of his shell. Holt, on the other hand, was popular from the get-go and has a relatively high standing on the social pyramid. Definitely not teen royalty like some of his peers, but he's certainly more favoured than Jackson.
-Same as always, Jackson is about a foot taller than Holt.
-Holt and Catty are best friends. They collab a lot on different music and she introduced him to her boyfriend Pharaoh.
-Jackson's coat is a huge comfort object for him. It's made of wool and cashmere and he got it in London where he grew up. He's almost never seen at school without it, and he maintains and washes it regularly.
-Jax has a lot of those rubber bracelets from his favourite bands under his sleeves. Most of them are metal bands. Jax is a metalhead argue with the wall.
Hope y'all like the art and minor worldbuilding as much as I love these boys!! I hope to use these redesigns in some artwork soon enough huehue.
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junebugjo · 9 months
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sabriel sketch
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