#little taven
starsurface · 3 months
Taven and Daegon being pet regressors?
I'm so sorry if they're out of character!!!! I can also redo them or do a part 2!!! 🥺
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Pet Regressor Taven & Daegon Hcs
🦁 Taven pet regresses as a lion cub
🐉 . . . Is it wrong to say that Daegon should be a dragon regressor? 🥺 (Cause- Cause of his name? . . . Guys, I’m actually so funny >:3)
🦁 Taven had a slightly hard time regressing in general, he’s a serious man, and has things to do (y’all, this man is so serious and direct with everything, I love him)
🐉 Daegon regresses a bit easier, but he’s much more of a brat while small
🦁 Tavens a good boy, he just wants pets and comfort :(
🐉 Y’all these two FIGHT
🦁 It’s not just physical though!! Sometimes Daegon will insult Taven about something, and then Taven will call him a naughty name and now they’re bickering
🐉 Siblings, always starting things 🙄 (I have three, and I do love them, I swear <3)
🦁 Daegon has walked over just to bop Taven on the head and Taven lunged at him
🐉 Any physical banter they have, it’s rarely ever dangerous dangerous
🦁 And if you tell them to knock it off, they’ll knock it off
🐉 Daegon, who starts half the fights, always acts like the victim afterwards, whining and wanting cuddles because Taven was being mean 🥺
🦁 Daegon is very much a brat, absolute brat
🐉 Why can’t it go his way? It should go his way!! >:(
🦁 He’ll get all huffy and puffy over timeouts too, but will sit in them and apoligize later
🐉 Taven has some bad days, but isn’t necessarily a brat
🦁 Might need timeout though, which he gets incredibly grumpy at
🐉 Daegon steals all your stuff 😮‍💨
🦁 No seriously, it’s his now, he wanted it, so he snatched it, it was so shiny and pretty!! :D
🐉 ^ This does include Taven’s stuff, which Taven mostly lets slide because he knows he can get it back when he’s bigger
🦁 Unless it’s one of his favorite stuffies, then he’ll throw hands
🐉 I know I’ve spoken a lot about the boys being against each other, but if things went better, I like to think they’re still friendly with each other
🦁 Taven helping Daegon build a fort so he has a ‘nesting ground’
🐉 Daegon helping Taven ‘hunt’ for food (which is more helping him open up the goldfish bag, but still)
🦁 Taven really likes cuddles, he’s just a big kitty, let him sit on your lap 🥺
🐉 And dragons are obviously super cold! So Daegon should cuddle up to you too!! :D (< Both their logics, works everytime)
🦁 The two actually work really well together during playtime
🐉 Mostly it’s just play wrestling, but sometimes they’ll other things!! Stomping around together, roaring, laying on the floor where the sun hits them
🦁 Snack time is very easy!! They both share very similar taste, and won’t exactly huff when they get a snack that the other wants
🐉 Absolutely will steal each others snacks when the others not looking
🦁 Nap time on the other hand. . .
🐉 Taven’s much easier, he mostly regresses when he’s stressed or upset, and he’d love a good nap
🦁 BUt Daegon? He doesn’t wanna sleep yet!! He wants to stay up and play more!! >:(
🐉 But if you promise him some ice cream? Or a chocolate coin after his nap? . . . He’ll sleep for a little bit (two hours, but whatever)
🦁 ^ Chocolate coins are some of Daegon’s favorite snacks, dragons love shiny things!! And this one's candy!! :D
🐉 Taven’s favorite snacks are goldfish and crackers, very simple man <3
🦁 Taven’s favorite nicknames are Kitty, Cub, Baby Boy
🐉 Daegon’s favorite nicknames are Hatchling, Sweetheart, Little One
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I like Taven. I don't understand his character completely, but rewarching Armageddon, he has a funnier personality than I originally remembered. :]
I don't really . . . like these Hcs though. Seriously, if anyone wants a pt 2 or something lemme know. 😭
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quietbatperson · 4 months
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blizzardsuplex · 3 months
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Undisputed Kingdom regrouping from @AEW's Twitter, 03/07/2024
[Taven continues to rise in my estimation. Roddy's little step in the last GIF is my favorite part of this though :')]
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sydsaint · 3 months
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Summary: The reader is reunited with her old friend Kyle during revolution. Kyle notices that the reader has become close with Matt Taven in his absence and isn't about to let like slide.
"Don't you think it's a bit of overkill to have all of us out there with you, Roddy?" You narrow your eyes at Strong as he finishes lacing his boots up. "Wardlow didn't need anyone out there with him." You point to the big man who is fresh off of his match win.
"What? It's not a crime to want some moral support?" Roderick replies.
You roll your eyes with a scoff. "Sounds to me like you don't think that you can beat OC, clean." You tease Roderick.
"What? That's not true!" Roderick snaps at you. "I can beat Orange easily! And on my own!" He insists.
You crack a sly grin and lean back in your chair. "Then I guess you don't need us to stay out there with you."
"She's got you there, Roddy." Matt Taven laughs next to you.
"Yeah yeah." Roderick grumbles to himself. "You guys can at least come out and do our entrance." He gives in after a moment of thought.
You giggle and nod. "Atta boy, Roddy." You wink at him.
Roderick finishes up lacing his boots up and pulls an Undisputed Kingdom shirt over his head. With his ring gear on, Roddy walks over to door and everyone follows him out to the ring.
You walk down to the ring at the side of Matt and Mike. Roderick does his usual kneeling pose and you stand between Matt and Mike to pose.
"Good luck out there, Roddy." You give Roderick one last vote of confidence before you head backstage with Matt and Mike.
The group all files backstage and watches the match from the monitor on the wall. You are enjoying watch Roddy target OC's back when movement catches your eye behind you.
You turn around and narrow your eyes at the hallway leading back to the locker rooms. You catch a glimpse of a head of unruly red hair and your heart skips a beat. "Kyle?" You whisper to yourself.
"You say something, YN?" Matt hears your mumbling and sets a hand on your shoulder to get your attention.
"Hmm?" You turn back to Taven. "Nothing. I just thought that I saw someone is all." You shake your head.
Matt nods and both of you go back to watching the match.
After a grueling match, Roderick ends up finally managing to beat OC in a pin. The bell rings and you cheer with Matt and Mike before the three of you rush out to the ring to congratulate Roderick on his win.
"Yeah! I knew you could do it, Roddy!" You meet Roderick in the middle of the ring with a hug.
"Thanks, YN." Roderick happily accepts your hug before turning to Matt and Mike.
You stand by with a wide grin and watch Roderick share a hug with Matt and Mike. He's in the middle of hugging Mike when suddenly you notice someone is coming down the ramp. The sound of the crowd cheering at full volume disorients you as you attempt to see whose coming down the ramp.
"Oh my god!?" Your jaw drops when Mike steps out of the way and you catch that same head of unruly red hair from earlier. "Kyle!?"
Kyle O'Reilly, your long-time best friend and the missing link of Adam's little group steps up onto the ring apron with that goofy grin that you love so much.
You watch Kyle walk over to Roderick and share a hug and a few words with him. Matt walks over to your side and leans down to whisper to you.
"That's Kyle, right?" Matt asks you.
"Yeah," You nod, still in slight disbelief that Kyle is actually here.
Roderick and Kyle chat with one another but the sound is easily drowned out by the crowd. The pair share one more hug before Kyle turns toward you. You flash an inviting smile Kyle's way and wait for him to approach you. But instead, Kyle nods back up the ramp and shoots you a knowing look. You take the hint and nod before Kyle turns and walks off.
By the time the group gets backstage again, Kyle is nowhere to be found. You frown once you see that Kyle isn't around. But you know from that nod earlier that you'll see him later.
"So, are you and Kyle close at all?" Matt asks you on the way back to the locker room. "it was kind of messed up him not coming over to see you in the ring." He adds.
"Kyle and I have always been close, yeah." You nod. "He's just got a certain way about doing things. I'm sure I'll see him later." You assure Taven. "I'm just super surprised that he's back! No phone call. No nothing."
Matt nods in agreement and grabs the locker room door for you. "Yeah, that is kind of weird."
Adam and Wardlow celebrate with Roderick when everyone makes it back to the locker room. You hang off to the side of the room with Matt and wonder about when you might see Kyle again.
Your answer comes about 20 minutes later when someone knocks on the locker room door. Wardlow answers the knock and let's Kyle into the room.
"Kyle! It's so good to see you back again, buddy!" Adam is the first one to greet O'Reilly.
You watch Kyle and Adam catch up for a bit and eagerly await the moment Kyle finally reunites with you.
"YN!" Kyle finally makes his way over to you after he and Adam are done catching up.
"Kyle!" You beam and eagerly cross the room to meet him.
You leap into O'Reilly's arms and he happily catches you with a laugh. You hug him tightly while gushing about how much you've missed him.
"I missed you too." Kyle laughs at your eagerness and enthusiasm. "And hey, I'm sorry that I haven't called or texted in a while." He sets you back down on your feet. "Rehab was really taking a toll on me. I just didn't have the energy for anything else." He apologizes.
"Awe, that's alright, Kyle." You shake your head and hug him again. "I'm just glad that you're back now. And the hair!" You reach out and flick a strand of his untamed locks playfully. "I love the new look."
Kyle laughs and shake his head. "I was too lazy to cut it." He admits.
"Well I think it looks cute on you, Kyle." You card a hand through his hair playfully.
"Thanks, YN." Kyle grins. "I've been keeping up with the show while at home rehabbing." He adds. "I see that you and Taven have become new best friends." He nods over to Matt now chatting with Mike.
You glance over at Matt and nod. "Yeah, Matt and I have been hanging out a lot. He's fun to have around." You confirm Kyle's suspicion.
"Anyway. What were you and Roderick chatting about in the ring earlier?" You ask him.
"Just some stuff about me being back." Kyle shrugs. "He offered me a spot in your group, of course."
You watch Kyle smile over at Roddy and you have a sinking feeling in your chest.
"And you're joining us. Right, Kyle?" You turn to him.
Kyle looks down at you with those brown puppy dog eyes that you adore so much. "YN..." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Oh." You nod knowingly.
"YN," Kyle replies softly.
You shake your head and take a step back. "No, it's fine Kyle. Really." You insist. "I just need some air."
You step back again and exit the locker room. Kyle huffs and shakes his head, intending to let you let off some steam. But when he spots Matt head off to check on you, he realizes that standing idly by isn't an option.
"YN, are you okay?" Matt finds you out in the hallway looking upset.
"Matt?" You sniffle and look up from the floor. "Yeah, I'm okay." You lie.
Matt sets a comforting hand on your arm. "Are you sure? You look like you're about to cry." He informs you softly.
Kyle comes around the corner and hurries over to you. "YN! I'm sorry." He blurts out as he rushes across the hall. "Can we please talk about this for a minute?" He asks you.
You look at Matt who's obviously ready to tell Kyle to get lost if you need. He watches you carefully and you nod to signal he can leave.
Matt walks off and Kyle moves closer to you. "YN, really I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He hugs you to his chest. "Just, hear me out please." He pleads with you.
"Okay." You reluctantly nod, not ready to give up Kyle so soon after he's come back to you.
Kyle lets you go from his hug and explains to you his desire for a solo run. You listen to him remind you about how he's always been with groups and chasing tag titles and how he wants to try it solo for a change. And you can't blame him.
"I get it, Kyle." You hang your head in shame for being so upset. "It's just..." You trail off a bit, unsure if you should confess your true feelings for one of your closest friends. "I just got you back, Kyle. I don't want to lose you again." You sniffle.
"Lose me?" Kyle replies. "YN, I love you! You could never lose me." He confesses. "Sure, I might be trying out this solo thing on screen. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop being at your side outside of work." He attempts to quell your worries. "And Matt Taven can be your work buddy all he wants. But I'll always be your number one. Right?" He nudges your side playfully.
You sniffle again and crack a small smile in the corner of your mouth. "Just...don't leave again. Okay?" You hook your arms around his neck and hug him tightly again.
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Kyle assures you and wraps his arms around you tightly. "Just promise me that you and Taven arent dating. Because making you happy is my job."
You giggle and lean back so you can look Kyle in the eyes. "Matt and I are just friends." You ease his worry. "You'll always have my heart, Kyle O'Reilly." You lean forward and peck his lips in a sweet but chaste kiss.
"Good. Because that's all I've ever wanted." Kyle flashes that adorable toothy grin at you and kisses your forehead.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 3 months
●Matt Taven x Cole! Reader●
Summary: You are apart of The Undisputed Kingdom. You accompany Matt for his match against Orange Cassidy in a Texas death match. Adam finds out about you and Matt's relationship.
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Ever since Adam formed The Undisputed Kingdom at World's End, it has been the best thing that has happened to my career. I am in the spotlight and will soon be challenging Timeless Toni Storm for her AEW Women's championship.
Anyways, I am sitting in our locker room laying on the couch, my legs across Wardlow's lap who is sitting on the couch. Roddy, Matt and Mike are discussing something with each other. Adam comes rolling in on his wheelchair.
I sit up next to Wardlow and look at Adam.
"Boys! And Sis. Pay attention. Matt, you have the main event tonight against Orange. It is a Texas Death match. Y/N, you will be going out there with him. No one else."
"Should I wear my gear or our shirt and jeans?"
"Whatever is comfortable for you to fight, distract or take moves with."
"Got it."
"Now, go get ready, you two."
I get up, grab my bag and head to the bathroom. Matt does the same, walking in the same direction. I walk in the bathroom, he is behind me closing the door and locking it.
"Hey! Matt!"
I turn around to see what Adam is yelling about, but see Matt taking off his shirt. I gulp, setting my bag on the counter.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting changed. Thought it would be quicker if we just did it at the same time."
I walk over, stand infront of him and run my hand down his chest and stomach, biting my lip. He looks at me and smirks.
"Later baby. Your brother is on the other side of the door."
He whispers while putting his hand on my cheek, running his thumb over my bottom lip. I stick his thumb in my mouth, slowly sucking on it til it pops out of my mouth. He gulps, biting his lip looking down at me.
"You are so bad. Need to be taught a lesson."
He puts his hand around my neck, squeezing a little, making me look at him. I start laughing and he smirks, gripping my throat more. Someone starts banging on the door making us jump and break apart from each other.
"What is going on in there?! Matt! Y/N!"
"Adam! Calm down! We are literally getting changed! Chill!"
Matt looks at me and shakes his head smiling. I smile, grabbing my black and gray wrestling gear. My shorts have the Undisputed Kingdom logo on my butt. I put my knee high black boots on and Matt pushes my hands away from them. He starts tying my boots for me and I shake my head smiling. I grab my phone off the counter and take a picture of him. He finishes the first one and starts tying to second one. I take another picture of him. I set my phone back on the counter as he stands up. He looks at me smiling.
"Wanna take a picture of us together now?"
I feel my face turn red as I grab my phone and hand it to him. He takes it as I grab my big sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. I put my forearm on his side, leaning into him a little as he snakes his one arm around my waist. He takes the picture. I move my sunglasses off of my face onto my head and look up at him. He takes another picture like that without me knowing. He turns his head and kisses me, taking a picture like that as well. We kiss for a couple minutes before we hear banging on the door again.
"You two better not be screwing in there! Matt, your match is in a few minutes!"
"Don't get your panties in a twist! God forbid he can't take pictures of me for me!"
I giggle and Matt laughs with me hearing Adam huff on the other side of the door.
"Let's go before he has Wardlow break the door down."
Matt laughs as I walk over to the door, unlock it and walk out of the bathroom. Matt puts my phone in my bag on the bathroom counter than walks out. We leave the locker room before anyone can say anything and head down to gorilla.
*near the end of the match*
Orange is in the ring dumping thumb tacks out of a Valentines container from Chuck Taylor. Matt is laying in the corner holding his back and I climb into the ring. I run up to Orange trying to clothesline him but he picks me up and powerbombs me into the thumb tacks. I scream clutching my back rolling over to the corner of the ring. Orange sees Matt coming and hits him with the Orange Punch getting the win. Mike and Roddy come running down to the ring to check on me and Matt. I can feel all the thumb tacks stuck in my back as Mike helps me out of the ring. They help us to the back and to our locker room. Mike helps me sit down on a metal chair backwards. Mike leans down slowly taking the tacks out of my back. Adam comes rolling up next to me putting his hand on my shoulder.
"You have some explaining to do Y/N."
I sit up looking at him confused.
"Explaining? About what?"
"Oh... I don't know.... about these pictures I found on your phone!"
He pulls my phone up and shows me the pictures of me and Matt that we took before his match. Matt looks at me wide eyed from on the couch behind Adam. I grab my phone out of his hand staring daggers into Adam.
"How dare you go through my phone! You have no right to do that! And yeah. Me and Matt are together! He makes me so happy and appreciated! You should be happy someone is treating me the way he treats me!"
I get up, walk over and sit down next to Matt on the couch as Adam moves to look at both of us.
"Matt.... you better be treating her right. Because if you don't treat her right..... just know you don't only have me to deal with..... you also have Wardlow to deal with. And Roddy."
"Adam. Knock it off."
"I'm just saying. See ya later."
He leaves along with Mike and Roddy. I look over at Matt and he looks at me smiling. I lean over and kiss him. He kisses me back putting his hand on my cheek. I pull back looking at him smiling.
"I'm happy that he knows. You can come over to my house or hotel now without sneaking in."
"Man, I liked sneaking in though."
We laugh as we collect our things and head back to the hotel to end the night.
The End 😊
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elitehoe · 4 months
I actually loved how the OC vs Taven deathmatch was a little rushed for time because it made it feel so much more intense holy shit
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mediocreshake08 · 4 months
No one asked for it but here it is, the threequel you've all been waiting For...
Incorrect Mortal Kombat quotes part 3
Someone fighting Johnny: Damn it, if i keep looking at his ass, I can't win.
(Inspired by Kenshis mkx arcade ending)
Kenshi: Hey Daegon, look at me.
Daegon: *looks at kenshi, then notices he'd been split in half*
Kenshi: Bitch
Shang Tsung: There you are! YOU think you can escape from me?
*he says as he's starting down Meat*
Kano: *counting money and having a good time*
Everyone: *points their weapons at him*
Kano: Oh, Fuck.
Cassie: You came to the wrong storyline... *cocks gun* ...BITCH.
(Based off a discord call i had with @klericofkhaos and @cyberneticsanguinaire )
Shang Tsung: Taven... is this your card?
Taven: No, no sorcerer, its not!
Shang Tsung: ...Check under your foreskin.
Taven: My wha--
*a hundred of the exact card fly out of Tavens pants*
Shang Tsung: Let me clarify something, for you, Taven. Its not magic, its sleight of hand.
Taven: what are you saying, sorcerer? What is this "sleight of hand" you speak of? How was your hand in my pants? I have so many questions!
Shinnok: What you say about my mother? *back hands you with his tiny skeleton hands*
Hotaru: Taven from Edenia, you have been charged with a crime of attempted murder, how do you pleed?
Taven: I--
Mokap: Your honor, my clint has swore on his mama he didn't do it.
Taven: what are you doing!?
Mokap: dude, trust me
Hotaru: Hmm, is that true, Taven?
Taven: I- uh, yes, yes, I swear on my mama, sir, i'm innocent.
Hotaru: If so, thats a very good plea. You're free to go. Case closed.
Kuai and Cyrax: *looking at Cyrax's new Organic body*
Kuai: are you ready, my friend?
Cyrax: can i feel it first? Just a little, please.
Kuai: Fine, just a little.
Cyrax: *hugs himself* yeah, I can dig it.
*they turn on a mind soul swapping device and Cyrax's soul transfers to his new body*
Cyrax: woah, shit!
Kuai: Cyrax! Are you okay?
Cyrax: Hold on, HOLD ON!
*Cyrax feels his body a bit*
Cyrax: Its back... my dick is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
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klericofkhaos · 8 months
What Taven goods can you bestow upon us oh chaotic one?
i have this wip i need to work on. hes like a lost little woodland creature to me
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
katy's community poll-fic 2k24
part 1 | part 2
(The people have spoken. 24 hours. Not positive weekend updates will roll out, but we shall see, haha. They tend to be dodgy for me.)
Jack loses sight of Hook when the other rounds a corner and hops into a stairwell, moving with speed Jack generally only sees in the ring. Whatever. Bowens offered up an additional option that Jack hadn’t thought of: the Undisputed Kingdom. They are pretty much the biggest assholes on the roster right now, so maybe the best idea is to interrogate them first and then start working down the rest of the list. Either Hook is heading elsewhere, or he didn’t make note of where the locker rooms are; Jack starts down the opposite hall. He remembers where the paper was taped. Mostly, he remembers because staff always has to put them near one of the wheelchair ramps now, and those end up on the main floor. In fact, the door is positioned right at the top of one leading down to a set of double doors leading outside.
He pauses outside the door, UNDISPUTED KINGDOM stuck up against the polish, hand halfway into a knock. Is this a bad idea? These dicks literally shoved Hanger against a windshield just because his name came up as a possibility. Jack’s not really sure he wants to be the next target, especially not just for Max Caster and his terrible theatrical wails.
Well. He’s come too far now—might as well see this through. Jack knocks on the door, which is opened after a few minutes, and Matt Taven stares at him, eyes narrowed.
“We didn’t place any orders for douchebag twinks,” he says.
“Bummer, I come highly recommended,” Jack replies. “In the absence of that, you got any trios title belts hidden away in there with you?”
“Any what?” Taven parrots. But he does open the door a little wider, so Jack can see the rest of them milling inside. Roddy is on the couch, and Mike is on one of the metal chairs. Adam, of course, is in his wheelchair, with his little black boot held aloft on the kickstand.
Jack can’t immediately see Max’s belt anywhere on the floor, but that certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t here.
“The fuck is this guy doing here?” Mike asks, seemingly to the rest of the room instead of Jack, even though he’s looking right at Jack, like a tool.
“Something about a trios belt,” Taven says.
Jack sighs. “Yeah, do you have it?”
Adam sits back, tenting his fingers in front of him. He looks like he’s trying to channel an evil villain of some kind, but really, the image is ruined by the whole bootie thing. “Are you saying that there’s a title belt missing? And you came here to ask us because…?”
“This seems to be one of the places that wayward items make their way to,” Jack says.
Adam’s eyebrows arch. “Is it?”
“Cut the shit,” Jack says. “Did you take it or not?”
“Why would we want some chump’s title belt?” Mike asks.
“You literally took the ROH tag belts back while wearing ski masks,” Jack points out. “You are a little obsessed with obtaining championships at present.” Then he pauses. “Also, where’s the giraffe?”
Roddy stares at him. The caterpillar above his lip trembles a little bit with the force of his frown. “What?”
“Y’know, the giraffe,” Jack repeats. “Did you keep it? Toss it? Ritually dismember it when you didn’t need it anymore? Also, why did you choose a giraffe?”
“Are you shitting me right now?” Taven asks.
“Did you choose a giraffe because you thought it made you seem non-threatening?” Jack continues. “Like, this whole herbivore thing?”
Roddy groans. “Can someone make him stop talking and go away?”
“Answer the question, and I’ll get out of your 80s bad cop facial hair,” Jack tells him.
“We don’t have a trios belt,” Taven says, with a smile that definitely does not meet his eyes. “Now scram, and let the adults get back to winning.”
“Fine,” Jack says, grumbling. He won’t get anything more out of these fucks when they’ve decided to be the biggest douchebags possible. He turns and starts back towards the hall, pausing only when he hears a “Hey!” called out from behind him.
He pauses. Twists on one heel to watch Adam wheel himself out into the hallway, injured foot bumping in time with squeezing through the doorway. Clearly, this establishment is only barely ADA-compliant, but whatever.
Adam sits back in the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest a few times. Jack finally spots the poor giraffe taped to the underside of the seat like some sort of sacrifice. Adam gives Jack a once-over, and then says, “You have no finesse and lack all sense of dramatic tension, but you’re a lot more like me than I would have thought a year ago.”
“Excuse me?” Jack asks.
“I have a proposition for you,” Adam says.
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banannabethchase · 5 months
Okay so here we go:
Under the ring dude was Wardlow. I'd know that ass and physicality anywhere.
Small guy in the tag team was a dude who was actively controlling his bump responses - it's somebody who usually is flamboyant with their selling who is trying to tone it down. My impulse response was Austin Gunn, but Kyle O'Reilly also bumps like a champ.
Bigger guy in the tag team has a very distinct walk - he was the first person I said, "I know who that is," about. Whoever it is gives me a neutral, even disengaged opinion. Impulsive response was Colten Gunn, but I think this guy is a little broader than Colten. And I think Bobby Fish is too short to be this guy. Possibly Matt Taven or Mike Bennett
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duskstarshit · 7 months
The Twins doing cute stuff
(i wanted to do animatics based on 2 Bluey audios but i decided to do writting insted, enjoy!)
"Ok, Kitty," Mileena called to her sister with the most serious tone a girl of two thousand years old could muster. "This is going to take a serious please face." She smiled, her small fists clenched in front of her.
Kitana copied her older sister, although she did not show a smile. "Serious."
The eldest of the twins took two of their Uches that were on the floor of the throne room,—as princesses, they had privileges that others wished they had, like being able to play in that room—one was a small lizard, similar to the ones Mom called 'Saurians' while the other was a black and white canine, both were fluffy and with big eyes.
"Take these," Mileena handed them to her younger sister. "And I need tears." Kitana's pretty blue eyes were soon clouded by Saurian's tears. "Yay! Now let's go to Daddy." Mileena took her sister's hand and led her right to the front of the throne.
Their father, Jerrod, emperor of Outworld... Was not the busiest man, his wife was the one who ruled the entire world, but he specifically did not have much work.
That didn't mean that he didn't work, he would always help his wife in any way he could, although today Sindel just had to review some agreements, so she decided to do it alone, leaving him lying on his throne.
When he heard Mileena's small voice calling him, he opened his eyes and looked at his little ones in front of him, curled up together.
"Yes?" Jerrod asked.
"Why don't you ever play with us?" Mileena cried, her pink eyes wet, Kitana followed her sister's example, sticking out her lower lip.
"What!?" Jerrod raised his eyebrows.
"You're always working..." Kitana sobbed, holding one of the Uches against her chest, Mileena nodded, affirming her sister's words.
"I don't always work!" Jerrod tried to refute, at his side, still with her eyes on her papers, Sindel giggled.
"It's like you don't love us." Mileena bowed her head, more tears coming from her eyes.
Jerrod gaped at his daughters for a few seconds, before looking back at his wife.
"You heard them, Jerrod." Sindel smiled at him. "You wouldn't want to not love your own daughters, would you?"
Jerrod gave a long sigh, his eyes turning to his daughters for the second time. "Alright."
As if it were magic, the tears in the twins' eyes disappeared, replaced by big smiles. "Hooray!"
"Why don't you have a wife?" Mileena asked him seriously.
"Oh," Daegon looked at the twins with slightly wide eyes. "How do you know I don't?" He tried to answer.
"Do you have a wife?" Mileena raised an eyebrow at him, Daegon could see how Kitana's gaze was also on him.
"So why don't you have a wife?" By his father, children can be quite direct.
"Uhh... His turn!" Daegon pointed to his brother, Taven, who immediately began shaking his head.
"How many friends do you have?" Kitana asked, the twins' gazes now on Taven.
"I... Him?" He pointed to Daegon.
"Just your brother? That's not many." Kitana tilted her head.
"Why do you only visit us when the Tournament is?" Mileena asked Daegon.
"Because I am a warrior, I must fight for Outworld!" Daegon smiled, puffing out his chest.
"Is that why you don't have a wife?" Mileena put her hands on her waist.
Daegon's smile disappeared, earning a laugh from Taven. "I... Maybe."
(Uches are just plushies and they are like 5 on human years)
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tunneltalkpod · 4 months
The Institution of Marriage
It's been a very fun 2024 in AEW, to our intense relief! Samoa Joe is doing everything he can to get Swerve and Hangman's attention, with little success — whatever, he's only the world champion! Danny Garcia is continuing to experiment with FTR, clearly because of his BROKEN HOME. Matt Jackson is thoroughly in boymode and getting praise for it, which we have not failed to notice. OC and Matt Taven had a kickass Texas Death Match while Roddy continued to look like a dweeb, and the women's division is absolutely cooking! O brave new world etc etc!
Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts!
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homoeroticgrappling · 9 months
Seen more than one person not know who they are, so here's a little bit of info about The Righteous! Currently they're made up of 3 people, Vincent is the leader, Dutch is his enforcer, and they recruited Stu Grayson after convincing him to abandon the Dark Order (which happened on ROH this year) and along with the Kingdom have been brought into AEW after working on ROH
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(Stu, former Dark Order, then Dutch, then Vincent)
Vincent used to be part of the Kingdom, but he turned on Matt Taven and they feuded, which is when he formed the Righteous. Basically these guys have previous issues with Roddy's new besties the Kingdom, and also apparently have taken issue with Better Than You Bay Bay, so who knows maybe fighting the Righteous will be the thing to unite Roddy/the Kingdom and Adam Cole & MJF, enemy's enemy is my friend style
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delilahcalicocat · 3 months
♤{Never Leave Again..}♤
{Rating: "it's so Fluffy I'm gonna die!"}
【Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Abandonment, Crying, short reunion of couple, Wrestling match injury, Blood, Kissing, Little smidge of smut before it stops.】
🚾: Around 1k
〔Pairing: Adam Cole & Rachelle White〕
《Summary: Adam Cole comes back after World's End to surprise his Girlfriend of 3 years, since he's been on the road for 4 months (I'm working on one of these with Will Ospreay) But she breaks down instead not expecting him to return until late March》
[Rachelle's POV:]
I was watching AEW replays on my TV, my apartment was a mess. I'd been hit with alot of sadness this week, I was missing my boyfriend Adam.. Roderick had come to pick him up from my apartment 4 months ago, and i had felt abandoned.. I was lying on my couch while the TV played the AEW sound, I almost fell asleep until I heard a knock at my door. I had quickly opened it to See Adam, my Boyfriend! He'd come back, without his friends too.
I hugged him and began to cry.. I couldn't control myself
"Dove... Calm down" He said
"I'm sorry, I've just been going through alot.." I sighed
"It's fine, I'll call Taven and Bennett, you go shower and I'll fix this place up." He said
"Ok." I hummed
I began to start the shower and began to shower, I had felt so much better than before.
『Matt Taven's POV:』
Me and Mike were called over to Rachelle's Place by Adam, we've been there a couple times. But not really in a weird way, most of the time Adam just wanted to stream games with us.
But Adam needed our help this time, He got a bad injury 3 months ago and broke his Ankle, so it's still healing up. I had no problem with helping Adam, but Mike clearly did. He complained the entire drive there until Roderick Slapped his face.
We arrived at The house and walked inside, We had to Help Adam with a couple random dishes that were everywhere, I was lucky I had brought Adam that Blanket He'd gotten specifically for Rachelle, So I while I was busy with the dishes, Mike was Vacuuming the floor, and Roddy was busy scrubbing and deep cleaning the table.
<After Rachelle Gets out of the shower>
[Rachelle's POV:]
I got out of the Shower and went to my room, I grabbed one of Adam's old Tees and threw it on with a pair of shorts.
I went into the living and was shocked at what Adam accomplished with the boys, I felt so bad for Mike and Matt though, since they got cut a couple times and were now bleeding a smidge.
I sat down on the couch and Adam put on some random show, he then decided to jokingly grab my ass while everyone was looking.
"Adam!" I slapped his hand playfully
"What? They've heard us before." He smirked
"Why!" I blushed heavily "How could you?"
"What. Sometimes my match doesn't drain my adrenaline. You help." He chuckled
"They probably wish they could have you like me Dove~" Adam Whispered against my neck
I shivered in instinct.
"You two should kiss!" Mike joked
Adam Captured my lips and trapped me in a heated kiss
"Got anything to say boys?" Adam Joked
"Can We never leave again?" Roddy Joked
"I mean if it's Ok with my Rae-Rae." Adam Said
I nodded yes as I was still blushing from the kiss mere seconds ago
"Well, I guess welcome home guys" Adam joked again
They've been with us for awhile and are fine with the occasional no night of sleep or locker room being locked after a match. Heh.
Guess they are best friends after all..
「The End」
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 5 months
●Adam Cole x Reader●
Summary: You and Adam turn on Max at World's End.
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"You got this Max. I believe in you."
I am standing infront of Max cupping his face with my hands looking at him. He looks at me with worry written on his face.
"You think I can? Even against Samoa Joe?"
"Yes! Look at all the other people you have beaten to keep your title! You are the longest reigning champion! You got this!"
"Y/N... I...I appreciate everything you do for me. You have no idea. There is something I need to tell you."
As soon as I go to say something, there is a knock at the door. I turn to look at the door.
"You better get going!"
I turn back around looking at him. He grabs his robe and title, kiss my cheek than walks out of the locker room. I pull out my phone and text Adam asking if he is ready to go. A few minutes go by, Adam walks into the locker room with a big smile on his face.
"Hi honey!"
"Hi Adam!"
He grabs me into a hug and I smile as he lifts me up while wrap my legs around his waist. I look at him putting my arms around his neck and his hands grab onto my butt.
"You ready for tonight baby?"
"We get to reveal both of our secrets tonight. Of course I'm ready."
He puts me down just in time with Roddy coming around the corner looking at us confused.
"What is going on here?"
"We are getting ready to go out for Max's match. Shouldn't you be getting ready for something?"
I make a shooing motion at him and he rolls his eyes looking over at Adam.
"We still doing this tonight?"
"Doing what?"
I look at Roddy acting confused.
"That's all you Adam. Bye."
Roddy leaves quickly and I giggle at him looking at Adam. Adam shrugs his shoulders.
"He doesn't know I'm in on it, does he?"
"Nope. Didn't tell anyone. It's gonna be a surprise to everyone."
"Good. Now let's go out there."
We leave the locker room and make our way to gorilla.
Adam and I are at ringside hitting the mat cheering on Max.
"Cmon Max! You got this!"
Joe catches him in a headlock setting up for The Kokina Clutch but Max runs into the corner, flips over Joe and pins him. Joe kicks out and catches him in the Kokina Clutch. Max is kicking around trying to get out. Me and Adam hit the apron yelling.
"Nooo! Max!!"
Max stops moving, the ref lifts his arms and it falls. The ref does it again and his arm just falls again.
"Cmon Max!"
The ref lifts his hand slowly, let's go and it just drops like dead weight. I gasp, grabbing some of my hair on the side of my hair leaning on the apron shocked and Adam is smacking the apron in anger. Joe grabs the title, celebrates a little than leaves the ring. I climb into the ring checking on Max and Adam kneels down next to me.
"Max, you did amazing."
Max sits up looking at both of us holding his arm.
I gasp standing up seeing the Devil's Henchman walking towards the ring. I help Adam stand up and Max is standing infront of us defending us. One guy grabs Max by his arms, one grabs Adam by his arms and one puts his arm around my neck making me watch. Another one comes in with a steel chair in hand facing Max.
"Don't hit him! Hit me instead!"
I look at Adam than back at Max. They are yelling not to hit each other. The guy with the chair turns to hit Adam and the lights go out. When the lights come back on, Adam is sitting in the chair and I am standing behind him with my hands on his shoulders. I smirk looking at Max. The guys take off their masks revealing Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Roderick Strong and Wardlow.
"Y/N! Adam! How could you do this to me?!"
He gets up walking towards us and I look back at the guys behind me motioning for them to attack him. They attack him and Wardlow hits him with a powerbomb. Adam pulls out the Devil's mask and holds it up as I evilly laugh behind him. Adam stands up and walks over to Max throwing the Devil Mask on his chest. I walk up next to Adam looking down at Max than up at him.
"Oh Max. One more thing."
Adam grabs my waist, pulls me into him and kisses me hard. Roddy looks over at us shocked. He pulls back and starts laughing at the crowd booing us. I look back at Roddy and smile a little seeing his face. We all climb out of the ring and make our way to the top of the ramp. We pose at the top as the crowd boos us even louder. Adam grabs my waist and kisses me hard again while Max is sitting in the ring looking up at us. I pull back looking at Max in the ring and I wave my fingers at him smirking. The lights go dark and we make our way to the back. What a way to end the year!!
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rachelfoleyisntdead · 8 months
Real talk,though. Do y'all think Sindel realized she was having twins and just went "Oh shit"? One baby is a struggle for most moms. I can't imagine how she managed two. I mean,she most likely had help, being that she's Empress and all,but still.
Also the Umgadi absolutely doubled as playmates for the girlies, both the older and younger ones. Probably had "keeping twin princesses from causing chaos in palace" as a job duty.
Nah, I could see Sindel finding out she's having twins and being like "it's a blessing". She's the Empress. Of a whole world. She has help if she needs it. She probably just assigned an Umgadi as a nanny. Maybe things got a little stressful sometimes if both twins needed her but. they also have a dad. And Li Mei. But tiny Mileena and Kitana causing trouble... oof, you know Mileena got it a little worse bc she was crown princess. I like the idea of tiny Khameleon and Tanya as playmates for them tho.
If anything, having twins probably made Sindel more beloved, bc everyone was like "Empress Sindel is truly blessed by the gods, she gave us TWO princesses!" Maybe people even lowkey started pulling parallels to Delia/Argus, Taven and Daegon. I can see it.
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