nonsimsical · 5 years
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|  F U T U R E   G I N G E R S N A P  |
@charsimatic @littlegingersnaps
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ittybennibugs · 7 years
I suppose it’s time to introduce Sprout?
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This is our daughter, Macie’s little sister, Ivy James Phoenix. She’s 3 mo, 3wks and a day old. I know it’s been long over due, but I’ve just been so busy getting to know her and adjusting to being a Mommy of two tiny humans as well as getting to know myself and my own body as I have gained 100+ lbs since becoming pregnant with Ivy and after giving birth to her. It’s been a major adjustment that has left me in a state of depression and anxiety, but I am getting through and mostly because of my best friend, Meghan ( @littlegingersnaps) and my boyfriend, Theron. Mak has also been a godsend as well.
Anyways... as I have said, I’m working through my depression and anxiety and getting to know Ivy and adjusting with macie to our newest addition, though Macie has adjusted fairly easily to having a little sister. Already they seem to be like two peas in a pod. I’m going to be ok.
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charsimatic · 5 years
thecuriousclementine replied to your photo: littlegingersnaps: Harrison is turning 7! We’re...
Dorian will come!
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tomlikson · 12 years
*winds blows*
*instantly horny*
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nonsimsical · 5 years
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|   H a z e l   S h i e l d s   |
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nonsimsical · 6 years
1 - 20 for Bennette ^^
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1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Bennette Elizabeth JonesI chose that name because I absolutely love Pride & Prejudice (and yes.. the zombie version as well) and I thought that Lizzie’s last name would be a beautiful first name. For story purposes, I had Bennette’s Father, James, be the one who chose her name and played on my love for P&P and gave it to him to pass down to his daughter. Which is why she gave her eldest daughter, Macie, the middle name Jane (unasked for information - Macie’s first name originally was going to be Jane, but because Bennette’s late husband was so keen on the name, in honor of his memory, she named her Macie Jane.)
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
You mean like, Mom? LMAOBennette grows her own produce and has her own stall at the local Farmer’s Market. Recently she’s started getting into making her own soaps out of fruits and vegetables and local plants. She’s also been making her own baby food which she’s been selling at her farmer’s market stand. She has all her permits, licenses, and insurance to create and sell food out of her home/stand. She also travels and sends out packages for online orders etc. She doesn’t have any employee’s. I don’t see her becoming this huge in home name kind of thing, but sometimes her friends come over and help and so do their older littles (those aren’t sold, lol).
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Yes and no. I’d say that 89% of her childhood was good up until her Father passed away (this is probably her the worst thing that happened to her as a child). Her fondest memories are all with her Dad and her closest friends. What she loved doing most was going fishing and checking the crawdad traps with her Dad and horseback riding. 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Bennette knows both of her parents. She was closest with her Father when he was alive and even now she still feels closer to him than she does with her Mother with whom has always kept herself emotionally distant with her only daughter. All memories with her Dad were good, even the ones where he had to be stern with Benni. She cherished every moment she had with him. Definitely a Daddy’s Girl. Her worst moment is finally understanding why her Mother was so cold towards her. A little less than a month after her Father’s passing, Bennette had worked up the courage to ask her  Mother if she even liked her. Her Mother, not batting an eye or even turning to look Bennette in the eye, her only child, said she’d only given birth to her because it was part of the agreement she’d made to her Father. Like it was a job. That’s when Bennette stopped trying to win her Mother’s affections/attention.  
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
She has a half brother named Cash whom she recently just found out about a little more than a year ago. Though it didn’t start off the way Cash would have liked, Bennette and her brother have grown close and have found they have a  lot in common. Cash is the illegitimate child of James Jones, Bennette’s Father, who’d had an affair with his old high school sweetheart. He’d wanted his children to grow up together, but Bennette’s Mother absolutely refused and threatened to take Bennette and leave with her if he so much as brought Cash or his Mother around. So, Cash was kept a secret from his sister until he was old enough to receive his inheritance he was left by James upon his death and set out on his own to find her.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Bennette was one of those girls who was friends with literally everybody. Always laughing, smiling, singing and just living life to the fullest. She loved school and lived by her Father’s moto, life is what you make of it.. if you look at it with a negative perspective, you’ll get negative outcomes.. if you look at it and can see it from a positive perspective.. then you’ll have a happy life.Bennette’s favorite subjects were English and History. She played on the girls Softball and Volleyball team and volunteered as a peer tutor in her free time.She wasn’t much of a fan of Math, mostly because she didn’t think she understood it even though she had an A. She didn’t necessarily “hate” anything though, she sees “hate” as a pretty strong word and doesn’t use it freely.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
As polite as she was to everyone and many would of called Bennette their friend, Bennette didn’t share the same feelings. Though she treated others how she wanted to be treated, she only considered a small group of people her “friends.” And those were ones she trusted most. She keeps in contact, but not as well as she would like to. Especially after her late husband passed away. She has a few, two or three, that she sees regularly though.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Bennette had a dog, a Border Collie, named Ace when she was a child. He passed away not too long after her Father’s passing. She suspected her Mother had a hand in Ace’s passing, but never found evidence that she had. She also had a bird, a parakeet, named Cornelius. She gave it to a friend after her Mother complained that it gave her headaches.Nowadays, Bennette has two farms that has LOTS of animals! Domestic animals, Bennette has had a lot of animals honestly, but counting the ones she’s had on her own since Atlas passed away she’s had four dogs. A Pug named Pugsley, a Basset Hound named Molly, a Bloodhound named Dixie (Bennette’s friend Selena ended up with her as Dixie kept following her from Bennette’s farm to her home, turned out Selena is pregnant and they think that’s why Dixie kept following her), and now she has a Border Collie (thanks to her friend Thea @msmidnightblonde for finding the ad about needing to find a new forever home for the dog) named Pal. She’d like to adopt another Border Collie, a female, but with the move to Georgia - they decided to wait. They also had a cat adopt them, yes he adopted them, in which Macie Jane named him Kevin the Cat. He’s a three legged stray that took a liking to them and after taking him in to the vet to make sure he wasn’t chipped they waited a month before adopting him officially (he’s chipped now).Farm animals - They have a horse, Duke.In Arizona they only had cows and some chickens (and yes, Duke, too).In Georgia, they decided to expand and now have pigs, sheep, goats, more cows and a lot more chickens! And yes.. still Duke
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Bennette has always had a soft spot for animals and they for her
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Bennette absolutely ADORES children. She and Atlas had tried for years to conceive, but after several miscarriages they started taking in and fostering animals until they could find forever homes for them. Bennette didn’t find out she was pregnant with her first child until a few months after her husband’s funeral. Her second child was conceived the first time with Theron, and her third child was adopted through a wonderful adoption agency @bootsandleaves. Bennette would love to have more, but it would be very dangerous for her and for her baby.She is also a godparent to her best friend’s children, Meghan Shields (@charsimatic - @littlegingersnaps), Harrison and Hazel Shields.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Yes, they’re on a “see” food diet. As in they see food and they eat it *winks*As for food allergies, Bennette has noticed recently that her throat and tongue burns whenever she eats a banana - which is odd because she’s ate them her whole life and though she’s had issues like she does when she’d drink milk where it feels like she’s got something stuck in her throat, but she’s never had the issue of it burning (like having a sore throat).Other than that, she is allergic to alcohol so she doesn’t drink often. A glass of wine maybe as she doesn’t have as bad of a reaction to dark wine as she does other alcoholic beverages.She’s also allergic to cat dander and poison oak (not food I know, but..) and she has seasonal allergies.
12. What is their favourite food? 
She loves cheeseburgers and anything spicy.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Okra and black licorice.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Sleeping outside on the screened in porch during the summer.Going horseback riding with her Dad.Taking tours as a teenager with her best friends through the swamps, laughing with the locals as the vacationers screamed or jumped at the ‘gator’s in the swamps and snakes when they’d swim by the boat.Racing her dog, Ace, from where the bus dropped her off at the end of the long drive back to the house.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Bennette would say she’s an average cook and she likes what she makes, but others would say she should of become a chef and missed her calling.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
Do animals count? JK Lol. Um, idk. I wouldn’t say she’s a collector of things.. she used to have a sea shell collection, which is probably still in her bedroom at her parents plantation house in Georgia. 
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
She loves taking pictures, or making memories as she calls them. She takes all kinds of pictures, including selfies, in which most she uploads to her mumblr. The ones she prints off she has a in a box to put in frames to eventually hang up around the house.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else?
She loves reading psychological thrillers, horror movies, fallout 4, the witcher, bones, ncis, the walking dead, charmed, etc. She also loves Gold Diggers (a movie starring christina ricci and anna chlumsky) and other cute movies that I can’t think of the titles right now. She’s a big movie buff and she loves loves reading. Anything that can hold her interested or keep her on the edge of her seat.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
I don’t think she has a least favorite, really.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Bennette’s never been to a musical. As for her favorite songs, she dances and sings to them, even if she can’t sing that great :) It doesn’t stop her!
Thank you so much for the ask
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ittybennibugs · 5 years
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Hello Everyone,
Today was absolutely PERFECT in terms of weather here in Savannah, Georgia and instead of staying on the farm like we usually do, Theron and I decided to take them to one of my favorite little parks in town. It only recently was just put in. I discovered it while walking with Pal, though at the time it was still under construction. I love all the bright colors, they really did an amazing job!
Ivy was so upset when we finally had to go (mosquitos were coming out in swarms). She didn’t understand why she couldn’t take “just one” of the dinosaurs home with her, lol. I promised we’d come again soon! Especially with summer approaching, I expect my favorite red haired trio to be spending a lot of time over at our farm. Well, maybe at least Harrison and Hazel. Meg’s very pregnant right now so I try to take the kids off her hands, especially on the weekends when they’re restless. However, Reese is home today so they decided to go do stuff with his family. It warms my heart to see my best friend so happy and her kids adoring their soon to be step father!
Anyways, I just wanted to post some pics and say howdy-do! I’ve gotta go feed the pigs and milk Betsy before she starts a riot!
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@narusasu-simblr @littlegingersnaps
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ittybennibugs · 6 years
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Howdy Strangers!
I know it’s been awhile since I last updated. Things have.. well.. it’s a lot to say and I don’t have much time in between the girls napping, cooking, cleaning, getting ready for the cows and the rest of the animals to be brought over and just... *sighs*
My Mother is sick, so I’ve come ‘home’ to Georgia to see to her needs and make sure everything is in order if things go south. It’s great to be back in Savannah, I’ve missed it, but I don’t miss the plantation. So, Theron and I have bought our second home so that we can come back and visit whenever we want or whenever he’s working out around here. To be slightly closer to him. The girls are loving it here. I don’t think they really knew what to do with themselves with so much greenery, lol! However, they love it. Especially Ivy and Ari. I think Macie is a little homesick, but Meghan ( @littlegingersnaps) has promised to bring Harrison and Hazel out for a visit. What she doesn’t know is that I’ve been talking her up to an old friend of mine that I think would really suit her! Hehe!
Anyways, I’ve gotta go. My Mother’s calling and Theron isn’t home yet so I have to get the girls up and take them with me to the old plantation. Wish me luck!
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ittybennibugs · 7 years
As you may of noticed, I have been kind of silent.
A major part of that is due to the surprise we had after Macie’s birthday party. I’m honestly not even sure if I mentioned it in my last post, but a man showed up on my door step claiming to be my younger brother. As I am sure you can imagine the shock I was feeling and of course the denial, I called my best friend Selena and her husband (@becoming-us) over so that my daughter and myself were not alone with him.
The resemblance, as my friend Mak (@oopsiemama) pointed out, is pretty close. However, I still was siding with caution. With my Father’s passing and my Mother giving me the silent treatment over the decisions I have recently made, I am left with my only other reliable source.. DNA Testing.
Well, that was a few weeks ago. I have had the results for the past two days and I have to say that I am kind of afraid of finding out the truth. Either he isn’t my brother and this person who obviously is searching for the family he never had with his own Mother - or he is my brother in which case, that means my Father cheated on my Mom and had a baby out of wedlock. A baby that he was apart of his life until he died.
My mind is literally blown. I’ve dived into my garden and filling shipment orders. Taking care of Macie and watching Harrison and Hazel for Meghan (@littlegingersnaps) all to avoid the inevitable truth. So.. here goes nothing.
The results.
Well.. it looks like I have a half brother.
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ittybennibugs · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Macie Jane!!
Today is not my daughter’s birthday, however it was on August 10th! She turned 1 years old officially and my hormones and traitorous emotions played havok on my heart all day! Saturday, Theron was home and we decided to have a little birthday dinner. We rented a bounce house for the older kids to play in and invited all our friends. Of course, it was last minute and so a lot of them couldn’t make it, but we understood.
Meghan (@littlegingersnaps) was out of town with Hazel and Harrison since it was their Dad’s weekend with them, but we’ll have a small dinner with them when they return. The few of our friends who were able to make it were Newlynn (@simplisticmotherhood), Alice & Schuyler; Andra, Jamie & their son, Kida; Selena (@becoming-us), Isiah, Macey Anne, Ellie, Tobias & Elias. We had tons of food. Mac and Cheese, Corn on the Cob, Lasagne, we even made some pizzas. Macey Anne helped make the kitty cupcakes, which turned out absolutely adorable! Mak (@oopsiemama) was there as well, but she preferred to be the one taking the pictures. She’s in love with my Polaroid camera! LOL
Aside from my sweet baby girl turning a year old, I’m also faced with less than 3 months until I am due to have Sprout. I’m very nervous about being a mother of two and trying to give both of my children my attention. The fears of being a horrible parent are plaguing me as of late, so much so that I am having a difficult time sleeping even when Theron is home, which lately is very rare. He had to leave Sunday afternoon even though it was a requested and approved day off. Thankfully I have such great friends.
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  The biggest surprise though laid in wait for the late evening on Sunday. A man showed up at my house just before 8:00 PM. Zay and Selena headed over as soon as I texted her telling her what was going on. Turns out.. I have a half-brother. His name is Cash Jones, but goes my CJ. Not only does this man have a similar quippy initial resemblance to my own child’s nickname (MJ), but they also share the same birthday. I don’t know much else about him as it was late and the stress of his surprise visit and finding out that my Father had been unfaithful to my Mother during their marriage (yes, he’s my younger brother of almost 4 years), but my Mother had knowledge of this and never once told me that I had a half-sibling and neither did my Father’s attorney.
Cash is staying at the The Grande Inn here in town, but I plan on having breakfast with him tomorrow morning, Selena has offered to babysit Macie for me, I will talk to him then about doing a DNA test though to be fair.. the resemblance is a little uncanny. We definitely favor our Father, but he has dark brown eyes and brown hair. Whereas I have Blue eyes and Blonde hair like our Dad. I wish he were still alive. I have so many questions that I know in my heart, will never be answered.
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