nonsimsical · 2 years
The Park's..
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..Would love to introduce to you their newest addition to their little family
Tomie Park
8lbs 20z and 19in long
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nonsimsicals · 2 years
| Family Outting |
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..just a little trip to the zoo with Meara, Atticus and Shay!
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ittybennibugs · 5 years
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Hello Everyone,
Today was absolutely PERFECT in terms of weather here in Savannah, Georgia and instead of staying on the farm like we usually do, Theron and I decided to take them to one of my favorite little parks in town. It only recently was just put in. I discovered it while walking with Pal, though at the time it was still under construction. I love all the bright colors, they really did an amazing job!
Ivy was so upset when we finally had to go (mosquitos were coming out in swarms). She didn’t understand why she couldn’t take “just one” of the dinosaurs home with her, lol. I promised we’d come again soon! Especially with summer approaching, I expect my favorite red haired trio to be spending a lot of time over at our farm. Well, maybe at least Harrison and Hazel. Meg’s very pregnant right now so I try to take the kids off her hands, especially on the weekends when they’re restless. However, Reese is home today so they decided to go do stuff with his family. It warms my heart to see my best friend so happy and her kids adoring their soon to be step father!
Anyways, I just wanted to post some pics and say howdy-do! I’ve gotta go feed the pigs and milk Betsy before she starts a riot!
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@narusasu-simblr @littlegingersnaps
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veelous · 7 years
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I forgot how to edit and idk how to edit night shots, BUT~
I hope this brightens up your day and mood, hun~!! ♥♥
Cheer up~! ₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎
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marco-garcia98 · 7 years
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Beautiful day 🚶
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fallynephemeron · 7 years
neversayenevermore replied to your photo: fallynephemeron: lolabourbonsims: I missed this...
He looks amazing
agree.   four years i’ve worked on him and i have no idea even what i’m aiming for when i’m editing. 
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nisuki · 7 years
Music Tag
theI was tagged by my bby @igotsims (♡___♡) 
Rules: Put your music library on shuffle. List the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten people.
Like, I don’t really put any music on any device.. So I’m using my youtube list hohohoho! 
Eric Nam -  Can't Help Myself
MELODYDAY - Kiss on the Lips
Olivia O'Brien - Empty
CHEETAH - Blurred Lines
Meng Jia - Drip
Triple H -  365 FRESH
TINY-G - Miss You
2PM - A.D.T.O.Y.
Holy smokes, like number 9. That’s been ages ago. Wow.. It’s quite groovy. *tries dancing along XD * THERE’S A MAGIC ENGLISH SONG LMAO. no.3. *lols* Surprised to not see a japanese one considering I’ve got quite a bunch of those too. (most are anime op/eds tho lolol)
I tag these cool penguins ;; @sulsulpixels, @lilyshadowwriter, @thesimperiuscurse, @simply-kita-b, @enchantedunicornhideout, @neversayenevermore, @ciarasia, @jordutch, @meeyou-x and @plushxsims ♡
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nonsimsical · 2 years
| Daddy & Me |
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..had to get a pic of Jun and Miki!
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nonsimsicals · 2 years
| Mousie & Shay |
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ittybennibugs · 6 years
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Hello Friends & Family,
As you were made aware not too long ago, our family was in for some big changes. Big changes that came in tiny packages <3
Theron and I have been talking for months about adding to our family. I’ve been feeling so much better these past three months, honestly more myself than I’ve felt in such a long time, that when Theron told me he wanted more children I started to panic. A lot of you may or may not know this, but it was a close call for both myself and Ivy and we were told that I couldn’t have any more children or I would be putting not only myself, but our future child, in danger. So when Ther said he was ready for more.. I didn’t react well.
After talking and talking, we agreed that our best option for our family was to adopt. We reached out to an amazing adoption agency called Boots and Leaves (two things I happen to like most) and met with a representative of the agency. We filled out our applications, got finger printed, had a full health check up (physical and mental) and then we sat on our hands in wait to hear back!
Once we found out that our application had been approved it was another waiting game until a worker was assigned our case and contact us. The waiting was the most excruciating part. I’ve never been great and “not knowing” things. It gives me anxiety and I tend to break out in hives. So, I apologize to my dearest friends for getting snappy with them.. I hope now that you’re reading this you’ll fully understand why that happened!
Meeting our daughter, Arianna (who we affectionately call Ari), was a mind blowing experience that left me feeling ragged, but in a good way. I can’t get enough of her. It was like someone out there created her specially just for us. The girls have already formed a special bond with their baby sister, not that we were ever really concerned. We’ve watched Ivy with Thea’s (@msmidnightblonde) little boy and knew that she was ready for a sibling and Macie loves all babies, though it’s hard to explain to a two year old that Ari isn’t “her’s,” lol.
Today Ari will get to meet her Uncle Cash and Auntie Thea <3 We didn’t want everyone to come over at once for many reasons other than being totally overwhelmed, but also because we don’t want to spread any germs and one of my best friends works in a hospital and the other has five children and works with with many more children in her every day job.
I’ll be posting more pictures later! Right now, I’m going to go peek in on Theron who’s rocking Ari to sleep (you’d think I would of known this, but he actually has a beautiful singing voice) and check on the girls. Macie’s our little night owl and she likes to get out of bed and play. Until next time!
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kalethegrey · 7 years
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@neversayenevermore my poor English skin, I feel like I'm tuning into mr krabs
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veelous · 7 years
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Cris tried to keep his tone light, fight or flight instincts bristling. The memory of their kiss was now in the front of his mind, as though it had just happened. Even over the distance between them he remembered his taste and scent and the way he'd trapped him against that wall...
His hand on his waist...
Oh God, he was blushing again wasn't he? Cris would never admit he liked it, Logan probably didn't even remember it.
'I'm...going to be late.'
Logan finally looked up at the younger man.
'We’re locked up. I guess you can skip the rest of the day, because I’m – not – gonna – say – anything.'
Each pronounced word was gruff and slightly louder than the last, directed to the woman behind the door that now held them captive. She wanted them to make up, but this probably was not the best way to go about it.
'What? Why?'
Cris' eyes widened as he dropped his books and walked over to the door. He jiggled the handle and found it locked.
'Why is it locked?'
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simtanico · 7 years
replies [starting from 2 weeks ago woop]
There’s more than like.. 5 so it’s all under the cut
simmeraddiction83  replied to your photo “Kinda lame I still have to use more than no brow sliders, but it’s for…”
I love your sims! <3
Thank you. You are too kind. <333
evangelisims replied to your photo “Kinda lame I still have to use more than no brow sliders, but it’s for…”
You’re amazing *sobs*
I only attempt to try. Haha. seriously though, thank you omg
lothariodon replied to your photo “Kinda lame I still have to use more than no brow sliders, but it’s for…”
seeing sims like this makes me want to reinstall ts3…. but i don’t know how to use sims 3 cas good enough yet
It takes so much practice. i feel like I have a hard time getting things visually appealing and I’ve seen your ts2 sims they’re beautiful! I’m sure you’d be really good at it. :)
natalia-auditore replied to your photo “took @natalia-auditore ‘s advice and used a rigged model (thanks to a…”
looks very good *——* this is the best way to convert stuff to sims3/4
It is! I really really cannot express my thanks for the help. It’s amazing
natalia-auditore replied to your photoset “still need to align all the fingers on the gloves, try to fix clipping…”
looks so cool
thank you!!! love star wars so much. especially the clone wars
lothariodon replied to your photo “better brows ;)”
when the sim looks so good u can tell who he is by first look
I’m glad he’s becoming more recognizable. Sometimes i want it to be more lowkey but when I’m playing I can’t even tell anymore bc I see the same sim so often so I wanna just improve. so it’s alway a little tug of war
nisukiye replied to your post “wanted to see how male ryder’s hair would fit in-game so did a quick…”
Add extra hairstrands by copying pieces of the kind of hairline �� does that make sense?
Once I get the motivation to open up that mess again, I’ll definitely try!
neversayenevermore replied to your photo “tbh of course he looks weird with like 0 age detail”
he looks amazing
<3 he needs more work ofc but I feel like it’s finally in the right direction
simovee replied to your photo “tbh of course he looks weird with like 0 age detail”
I feel the same way lmao. I aspire to do joel like at least 5% justice
inanaereshkigal replied to your photo “tbh of course he looks weird with like 0 age detail”
Love your simmy…and I want that hair :D
Thank you! it’s getting better than before but it’s still pretty ugly. Don’t know if it’s ever gonna be good enough for release but hopefully I’m proven wrong! [if you’re still interested i can always send the WIP anyway as a private download]
lothariodon replied to your photo “tbh of course he looks weird with like 0 age detail”
he’s hot tf :/
it’s extremely unfair right wtf (thank you again ily)
lothariodon replied to your photo “still ain’t never seen Teen W*lf lmao”
is this an upgraded version of tyler posey bc i love
Hoechlin, actually! …now that you say it though, posey sounds like a good- no great idea…
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dandylion240 · 7 years
Phoebe Replies
@legendofsim replied to your photo post
She's like a replica of her mom! But with Ev's hair color
Thank you! I never thought her mom was that pretty!
@wannabecatwriter replied to your photo post
Mine too! She's gorgeous.
If Phoebe is this pretty as a teen I wonder what she’ll look like as an adult.
@neversayenevermore replied to your photo post
that hair is amazing
I love that hair too!
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photosimthesis · 7 years
Seymour is so adorable I can't deal and I love seeing him on my dash
thank you so so much!!!! I tried to find a hugging gif in order to express my happiness but they’re all shit so you’ll just have to trust that you’re wonderful and you make my day wonderful~
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nonsimsical · 2 years
| Ash |
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