#liv x major x ravi
maycanady · 2 years
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reallyhardy · 10 months
i wonder if its worth re-watching izombie...
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Ravi: I never said I was gonna get back together with him. But I was thinking, he's in town, would it be the worst thing in the world if I gave him a call? Liv: No. No, Ravi, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. It would be the fourth worst thing.
Number one: a supervolcano.
Number two: an asteroid hits the Earth.
Number three: All the Evel Knievel movies are lost.
Number four: Ravi calls Major.
Number five: Blaine gets eaten by a shark.
Blaine: I’m Blaine, and I approve the order of that list.
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Im rewatching season 1 how crazy it is that liv could have- probably not, but it would have definitely changed things- stopped blaines brain business by supplying him with brains herself. It would have been nice to have another zombie during those early days to talk to, esp if liv still believed blaine was making a change in his life or whatever he said. Kinda like what lowell was to her but less british
(I actually have this very similar AU-idea that I like to explore at the bottom of my hindbrain 'what if Liv hadn't seen Blaine in that alleyway and had been willing to buy into his 'repentant drug dealer' persona and they had been on semi-friendly terms for the first season)(though I kind of like the angle that he still does the brain business thing. And Ravi and Liv (and Major, separately) catch on to the fact that a brain business exists and try to find out who is running it - and even clue Blaine in case he can help and perhaps he delivers them wrong information or otherwise manipulates them) so it's a bigger personal betrayal when they find out that it was Blaine all along)
The thing is, I think it's a bit of a veeeery soft retcon they did at the beginning of season 2 (or perhaps just a clarification) because when the cast talks about Blaine's original return in the second episode, they talk about how it was supposed to be very ambiguous where he's standing.
But at the start of season 2, Blaine mentions that Angus was his 'first customer' - and since the first person we see him infect for his business is Jackie (we don't really know when he infected the Meat Cute gang or when he stored Julien and the others in his freezer), season 1 leaves the option that Jackie was the start of his business and that he used her money to expand OR that she was just one of many in a row. Saying Angus was the first means he would already definitely have been at it for a while when he found out about Liv. (On the other hand, it could be argued that infecting and 'owning' Angus is so personal that it doesn't really count as part of the bigger brain business scheme. That maybe he just infected him to keep himself afloat AND to get back at his father and then only later decided 'hey, actually I can do this to everyone I want!' (or perhaps he just told Angus that he was the first, but personally, I like the theory that he went straight to Angus the moment he had a shot at revenge. Plus, I don't think he would tell Angus that he was the first if he wasn't - because that would be admitting how much power Angus still has over him.)
Though, I also think that the way in which Blaine infects Jackie...seems pretty routined and pre-meditated. And when he did that, it was before the alleyway scene so at that point, Blaine still thought Liv was going to give him brains. So to me that certainly always felt like the plan was to x two birds with 1 stone:
a) check out the people who are looking for me online and who are working at a morgue and stay in touch to keep an eye on them (and the cops by extension)(after all, he even does a similar thing in season 2, when he wants Liv to keep an eye on Dale for him)
b) do hapless remorseful drug dealer and fellow zombie act, secure brain, secure customer, play grateful that Liv is giving you brains but sell them off behind her back. Profit! >:)
(that's my personal interpretation though)
But I also definitely would have enjoyed if there had been a longer period of just...uncertainty about what Blaine's deal is and more time in which to perhaps explore Liv's feelings about Blaine's part in her infection and everything that happened at the boat party at large and also perhaps the way her feelings on the matter conflicted with Ravi's, who was a lot more willing to give Blaine the benefit of the doubt. (and you know who could have given us that??? the old 24-episode format!! ...but that's another passion topic of mine)
(On the other hand, it's also a topic that I feel a bit conflicted on because I've seen some people (cough reddit! cough) literally blame Liv for the bullshit Blaine does à la "ohh, surely Blaine wouldn't have gone and built a giant business on the back of murdered orphans if Liv had just shared that brain with him in ep. 2" ...which. nah. I think that is an obstacle that could be overcome without going full Mrs. Lovett.)
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* WIP * Ch. 10 - Lay You in the Ground (Am iZombie/Blaine x OC AU Fanfic)
Something’s wrong with Blaine—she can tell it in the tension in his shoulders, in the way his smile never quite reaches his eyes the whole night. He stays behind the bar with her, something he hasn’t done in weeks, and Kitty catches him watching her if a customer leans in to be heard over the music, definitely catches the anxious look on his face when she slips back to the walk-in to switch out a keg.
It's Ravi who brings it up, though, giving voice to Kitty’s low-simmering level of concern. As she slides an apple martini across the bar to him, he ducks close.
“Zombody is on edge tonight, innhe?”
Kitty’s gaze flicks over to Blaine, who is, at the moment, distracted by another customer. She leans on her elbows on the bar top, scrunching her nose at the man across from her. “He is. I don’t know why. I was going to ask you guys…figured maybe something he talked to you or Major about?”
Ravi shakes his head, squinting over at Blaine. “Nah. In fact, he put Clive off on an invite out afterhours tonight. There’s this place—roving hookah lounge. Pops up in a different place every weekend, somewhere in town. Very mellow. Food trucks swarm wherever it lands. The crew thought a wind-down would be nice after you two were off, Post closed up. A little peach tobacco and some carne asada fries.”
Kitty blanches at the thought of that particular combination. She can tell from the flush on the tall doctor’s face that he probably won’t make it to after-hours. The soft, slurred edges of his words are a fairly strong indicator, too.
He grins. “Maybe the waffle truck will be there. Or that curry fusion one. Anyway, me and Peyton, Liv and Major, and you…and Blaine?” Ravi’s eyebrows dance up and down his forehead in a way that is both suggestive and annoying.
“You’re as subtle as hot sauce on vanilla ice cream, my friend,” she quips. “Do they have that fusion at your little hipster pop-up?”
Ravi slaps the bar top. “Come on. Wouldn’t be as fun without you two. Don’t make it an awkward double date with Liv and Major. Things are so weird with them right now. And Don and Darcy are having a date night, apparently.”
“Mmmm,” she says, nodding. “That’s what Blaine said. But he neglected to explain the reason that he swapped shifts with Don.”
“He just wants to be near you, Manky Cat,” Ravi croons, propping his chin in one hand and batting his lashes.
“I will cut you off, Dr. Frankenstein. I have the power. No more booze.”
Mock-offended, Ravi snatches up the apple martini and swigs it down in three, swift gulps.
“I thought that was for Peyton!”
Ravi burps as he clinks the glass back down. “I thought you were cooler and that you would go with your friends to a hipster pop-up.”
“Ask Blaine, you animal.” She’s laughing now, her anxiety over Blaine’s odd mood nearly forgotten in the spectacle of Ravi’s tipsy antics.
“Ask me what?”
Ah, yes—that silky voice that somehow manages to sound, even over the pulse of the music, like it’s only for her ears. As if it’s not unnerving enough that he’s hovering behind her, so close that she can feel his words on her neck—hair up tonight, not because he’s asked, but because she knows he likes it that way with this dress—she's suddenly aware of his hand curving over her hip. Asserting a slight pressure. He presses to her back, and she can feel the hard lines of his chest through his thin linen shirt, against the open back of her dress.
God, she has never felt so physically unnerved by someone in her entire life. Or suspicious of someone. It’s an exhausting metronome.
“Waffles?” Ravi says, and then, he wobbles on his feet.
Blaine’s laughter is another wash of warmth against her bare nape.
“Did you cut him off?” Blaine asks lowly. He’s making slow circles with his thumb against the satin at her hip.
Kitty crosses her arms over her chest. "I did."
Another laugh, low and even closer. "Good girl. He looks like an oak about to topple."
Good girl? It’s suddenly, entirely too hot in The Post. Besides that, the whole thumb business is making her breath hitch.
And then, as if on cue, Ravi grins widely, pivots halfway toward the main bar, and promptly passes out.
(Full Chapter Coming SOON!)
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multimuseficreblogs · 11 months
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purpleyin · 5 years
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iZombie moodboards: Multiamory March 2020 - Liv/Major/Ravi
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clarasghosts · 2 years
rewatching izombie has only affirmed how I felt when it was on air, which is that no one had liv's back like ravi did.
keeping her secret when no one else knew, trusting her when she went full zombie right in front of him, then calming her down, helping her want to live again, being excited over her personality changes and rolling with them without judgement, beating a mercenary with a fire extinguisher on the instinct that she was in danger. I still think the end of season three where they tell that they love each other right before she scratches him (the trust the intimacy) is the most emotional scene in the show.
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polyamoryinfandoms · 7 years
Ravi/Liv/Major headcanons for raviweek day 5: Favorite Dynamic
Ravi and Major are always playing video games together and Liv is lowkey #exasperated by it because they will get absorbed it in for hours but they only have two controllers and they’re awful at sharing. 
 For Christmas, Ravi and Major gave Liv a third controller and she really teared up (”is this a -” “no, no, this isn’t a brain it’s all me thank you guys”) 
They’re competitive jerks so they’ll play Smash Brothers and be screaming and yelling insults at each other the entire time.
 Cuddling is nice and they all take turns being the little spoon in the middle. Ravi loves being spooned let’s be real. Liv also enjoys it and will just crawl right on top of Ravi and push him from the middle so she can be spooned. 
Major usually likes to be the big spoon but there are moments when he’s #stressed and needs to be cuddled by the two of them. Ravi is a nuzzler and will really  nuzzle himself into Major’s chest and swing his leg onto Liv and she groans but is hiding her laughter. 
They fight for the couch all the time. Ravi is constantly sleeping on it and Liv will lift up his legs and plop down onto the couch and let his legs plop onto her lap. 
Major will usually shove himself into the smallest open space on the couch and then Ravi will groan and lift up his head and Major will grin and shuffle in more and Ravi will lean his head onto Major’s head and they’ll stay like that for the night. 
Don’t tell me Liv hasn’t dabbed while on a brain. Major and Ravi just stared at her and walked away. 
They love watching movies together - well, Liv and Ravi do, but Major gets a little frustrated because they are always making snarky comments. 
Major is showing them one of his favorite movies and they’re sitting there snickering to each other while Major glares at them.
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raviposting · 7 years
obviously liv/ravi/major
Who’s the best gift giver? Do they go in on gifts or do it separately? Okay so they’re all actually pretty Sweet and Thoughtful on gifts but they’re also Lazy Hos so every birthday it’s up to someone to be the thoughtful one while the other just tacks on their name. This year, Major was all nice and thoughtful for Liv, Liv was thoughtful for Ravi, and Ravi for Major. They spread the responsibility there lmao 
Sleeping arrangements: Do they push the beds together? Who takes all of the blankets in bed? Who’s practically draped over the others? They don’t push the beds together actually; they’re very Dedicated to getting their butts into that one bed for the entire night. It’s a pretty spacious bed honestly so it works?? Liv is constantly taking the blankets though in a need to feel like she has some warmth, and her and Ravi will usually fight over the blankets the entire night, while Major just has his arms draped around them both. 
Who is always in the middle in triad cases? It really switches off depending on the mood (Major usually isn’t - he likes holding them - but there are moments when he needs to be in the middle as well). 
How do date nights look like? Either following the steps of Liv’s current brain’s last night or a nice night at home eating popcorn (+ siracha and brain popcorn for Liv). You know, the usual. 
Do any members get jealous? How do they act when they do? Liv’s only really got jealous on a brain, and she was kind of passive aggressive the whole time. Major sometimes gets jealous and he just sputters a lot about Ravi or Liv getting flirted with but they just make fun of him lmao 
Who asked who out? How was the first date(s)? Oooh. I’d like to think this is one of those things where they all realize they love each other and talk about it, stepping around the subject until Liv says she likes them both. Their first date is bowling, of all things. Ravi wins and he’s a brat about winning the entire time but Liv and Major are just looking at him with heart eyes. 
Who brings home stray pets and convinces the others to keep them? CANONICALLY MAJOR LMAO. Ravi adds on the puppy dog face.  
Who are the reckless ones that make Bad Decisions? Who are the sensible ones who follow after them to make sure they don’t die? God usually liv is sensible unless, again, she’s on a brain. Major is the reckless one though and Ravi is there to be like “I TOLD YOU GO AHEAD AND DIE YOU DUMBASS” but he’ll always be there to help his baes out. 
Who’s the one who remembers everyone’s favorite orders at cafes/restaurants? Liv!!! She’s got that stuff memorized down to the amount of sugar that Ravi loves in his chai. 
Would/do they have kids? Who are the Responsible Parents, who are the Cool Parents™ to the polywogs? So I don’t really see them having kids tbh? But I think they’d be awesome brother/sister figures and they probably take a few zombie kids under their wing. 
Send me a polyship + number!
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
Heyyyy, it’s been fucking ages! I just realised I totally forgot to check in and see what you thought about the ending of izombie! 
Oh hiiiiiiiii Jade!!! It has been ages, thank you for checking in, how are you, love?
So, fun fact, while I watched 95% of iZombie about a year ago, I only watched the final ~3 episodes or so fairly recently, I think partly because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the show and characters, but also because by the end of season 5 I found that the plotlines tended to be a bit repetitive and everyone had been turned back and into a zombie so many times it was getting tiresome.
Anyway, the short answer is that I kinda hated the ending. Details under the cut for spoilers and also because it got a bit long lol.
So the thing is, I didn't expect the show to go for anything else than a happy ending, obviously. It has always been a fun, quirky show, and even though it got a bit plagued with heavier, heartwrenching drama in later seasons (Isobel... 💔), it was still greatly balanced with comedy. But my problem with the ending is that I found it overly simplistic, to the point of dumbness and naivety to be honest, and way too cheesy. This whole "everything and everyone is fine, the good ones were rewarded and the bad ones died" felt artificial, especially given the moral complexity that the show had managed to explore over the seasons.
Like, this is a show that started as a weird crime show, developed a whole universe of its own based on extremely believable premises (people starting a business by scratching people and them brain-food blackmailing them, etc), and switched its genre mid-show to explore a socio-political dystopia that while not necessarily avoiding all the clichés of the genre managed to be brilliant and disturbingly accurate in the way it portrayed the variety of human (and zombie lol) reactions to the publicity of the zombie outbreak.
Obviously, the parallels and metaphors with past and present real events were sometimes a bit too on-the-nose, with references to nazism, civil war(s), military dictatorships, predicators, racism (the parodic bit about the whiteface and zombies’ cultural appropriation was perfect in its delightful absurdity) etc, but for the most part it was handled pretty cleverly and entertainingly in my opinion.
All this long introduction to say that the show explored a certain kind of complexity that forced it to introduce some nuances. While the goods and the bads were clearly identified in early seasons, the characters started becoming more morally grey as the story progressed, the most spectacular example being the evolution of Major through the show. Not to mention the bigger picture of a humans vs. zombies society with extremists and idealists on both sides.
So for me, the simplistic conclusion of the ending felt like an insult to the show’s brilliance at delving into more nuanced statements. Some stuff also didn’t really add up (like, I read the interview of Rose McIver where she explains that zombi-ism had become a metaphor for minorities which is the reason why Liv decided to remain that way even in a post-cure world, but this feels like a character alteration mid-show since early Liv was begging for a cure and frankly eating brains didn’t sound so fun), and oh boy, must they be bored to hell on their island!
I also felt deeply betrayed by the fate of Blaine and Don E. Obviously, they were the villains of the story, but they were also audience-favourites, especially Blaine (just look at the fanfic section lol), and they both had quite interesting redemption/humanity arcs. So to just have them ending up in that well for eternity, after we’ve been extensively shown what happens to unfed zombies after a while, this was just a tragedy to me. Especially when Blaine’s last action was showing a bit of redemption by saving Peyton’s life, you know? I would have enjoyed SO MUCH to learn in the finale scene that Blaine was Liv and Major’s neighbour on zombies island and that they all spent their eternity time pranking against each other for instance.
Speaking of, the whole Zombie Island was so DUMB! Who would want to spend eternity isolated from all humanity with kindred brain-eaters? And to think that this would magically solve the problem of humans vs. zombies is borderline stupid. I expected a smarter statement from a show that indeed built this world where there is so much anger, resentment, disgust, predation, and fascination between both factions.
And pardon me but if zombi-ism was some kind of metaphor for minorities struggles, as the show claimed, then the segregation as ultimate solution is ironically the saddest ending that anyone could have come up with. I would have preferred a more realistic conclusion where both populations try to coexist more or less pacifically and a little teasing on the tensions/challenges/difficulties still at play. The ending as it is felt rushed and definitive, and wildly unrealistic.
tl;dr. There was absolutely no surprise to this ending, but I would have liked something more open and bittersweet and in one word, complex than this.
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userlaylivia · 3 years
I just started watching iZombie on Netflix and I like it so far!!! I have no idea why I never watched it before tbh!! I watched videos of the show before I started and I ALREADY know I'll ship lowell/liv and major/liv and I know what happens to lowell but I still ship it!! I also know I'll ship ravi/peyton and liv/peyton and I regret nothing!!!!
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Blaine: We wouldn't have this problem if the lunch ladies could make a decent chicken breast.
*Major (on high zombie brain) starts snickering*
Ravi: What's so funny?
Liv: Blaine said "breast".
Major: Breast... *snickers*
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zodiyack · 4 years
iZombie Masterlist
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Blaine McDonough
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Fics And More ~
Be My Sleepy Valentine ♡
Valentines Day special! Enjoy, my lovlies!
Donald Eberhard
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Fics And More ~
Zombie Life ♡
(Request) Y/n is a new zombie and Don E’s girlfriend. She has a small problem with letting people into her life but a soft moment shows Don E that he’s making progress.
Olivia Moore
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Vampire Steve
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Headcannons ~
Ravi Chakrabarti
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Major Lilywhite
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~ 
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Peyton Charles
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request whenever requests happen to be open!)
Enzo Lambert
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Chase Graves
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~ 
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Lowell Tracy
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request whenever requests happen to be open!)
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iZombie Season 4 rant
I can not explain how much season 4 of iZombie disappointed me. Especially the final episode. The main premise was that they ran out of brains and they feard to get attacked. That's what nearly everybody was trying to stop. That's why Brother Love even "worked". Without hungry and disappointed zombies he wouldn't have had followers.
After all this, they want us to root for Liv, who turns even more people into zombies. Yes, they were sick, but did she even think about the consequences? Probably they end up as Romeros or nuked a few weeks later. And no one, not even one, of the "good characters" doubts her actions even a bit.
Then there is Chase Graves, a really complex character, they developed so great as an actually good person, who just is in a terrible position: he has to save both humans and zombies, while his own people turn against him and force him to follow radical plan b he never wanted and push him to kill Renegade 1.
I really wanted to see more aspects of his characters. But they just go so fast with his arc from this to ice cold villain that you feel like they want you to hate him, while in the universe of iZombie his point of view is actually the one that makes more sense. Especially after Peytons trip to Washington, when it was clear that soon there will be not enough brains for sure.
And then it ends with Chase (and Angus too) being dead in an instant, while Isobel who just appeared a few episodes ago got such a long and touching death scene. And Major as new Fillmore-Graves commander is like: "oh you know, Liv, bring as much people here and turn them into zombies as possible!" And she is the hero who saved the day like...what?¿? So everything that happened in the season, the main premise, seems totally irrelevant.
For me so much happened way to fast in this season with ends that just don't do the characters and storylines justice. Plus, the writers just tried to make the viewers love Liv and hate Chase way too hard in my opinion. He deserved so much better than this.
What are your thoughts on this?
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superspookyjanelle · 4 years
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❝ Lavender Yale was so painfully gifted at attracting tragedies. In fact, she probably wrote all of the tragedies that plagued both mankind and zombie alike. When she was nothing more than that of a mere human, her life had seemed like a cold numb fever dream, but truly it was a freakish nightmare. It was something that was so inherently dark and twisted that not even the love child of Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, and Stephen King couldn’t bare to fathom. Yet, she managed march on through her daze of grief and utter misery. This would lead to Lavender hiding herself from the world around her and the people that occupied it. This wasn't because she had a hatred of people, but, it was because they couldn't begin to understand her. She had died. Lavender had literally been stuck in the mountains for days on in due to a ravaging snow storm. She had helplessly watched as all that she loved froze to death before getting by some bleach blonde man; from that day on, Lavender Yale life as a member of the undead began and it wasn’t as bad...❞
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