#living in the spotlight
womenusingwords · 3 months
Love is…?
The details… Title: Love is…? Author: K.J. Wrights Publisher: independent author and publisher Publication date: March 8, 2024 Available formats: ebook, paperback  File size: 2547 KB Print length: 324 pages Genre: contemporary romance  Themes: falling in love, discovering love, sapphic relationships, women loving women, friendships, family, parenting, fame, living in the spotlight,…
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naamahdarling · 4 months
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jeeaark · 18 days
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✨I have learned a thing✨
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There ARE ways to fix that unpleasant sensory problem but who knows if there are.... consequences to those ways. Better safe than sorry sticking with goodberries. Who knew a D&D goodberry can fill you up? CERTAINLY CAN"T SAY THE SAME FOR BG3 GOODBERRIES.
I can only conclude the second best way that Greygold can help their companions sustain themselves comfortably enough while stuck in Avernus is D&D goodberries (and if I have to cook up a half-hazard story-wise theory for why we only had not-as-goodberries before then, SO BE IT).
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shanksxbuggy · 9 months
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No wonder Buggy’s obsessed with the spotlight…it does wonders for his cheekbones.
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ava-valerie · 9 months
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myymi · 1 year
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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class1akids · 14 days
I really didn’t need another chapter of All Might glazing Bakugou and Deku. I needed to know what happened to Toya and Toga.
(Also, all the civilians and rebuilding shit and a full page of that fucking Meryl bitch but not showing Shoto or Ochako in the hospital is criminal).
0/10 chapter
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Had a weird dream about Free Willy but trying to break an Angel(?) out of a government facility and honestly now I’m attached to this big anxious bird. Learning to fly is hard when you’re a gangly preteen.
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kheprriverse · 2 months
Did I ever tell y’all Tekoha has kids? Idr tbh but I'm doing that now lol
They’re twins; Tefke and Safiya!
More info in the tags ↓
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detcoco · 5 months
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Something has changed within me~
Something is not the same
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What an interesting sky pose that doesn’t look similar at all. There are no thematic ties between Elphaba and Kaito, what are you talking about. There is especially no correlation in the aforementioned song, either. They don’t both have daddy issues, don’t be silly. It’s not like magic is real in the detco universe.
…wait a minute.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
We Are Friends
an underdiscussed dynamic among History Gays is “urbane charming gay man + moderately unhinged lesbian”
he’s like “oh darling, so good to see you! I had the most splendid time at the Athenaeum last week, there was that lecture on-”
and she’s like “I have a recurring dream about fucking Louisa May Alcott in a hip bath”
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frog-man-blog · 1 year
Spoiler for AvA Season 2
I got a theory I have to share rn
Also this post is long- just be prepared
If you don’t understand or if I’ve accidentally leaned off topic please let me know! (Also remember you don’t have to agree, this is just a theory)
So we know how in the end of the episode, where Orange and Chosen were captured, they have been imprisoned.
Orange was locked inside of a cell wall Chosen was locked inside of this giant white box.
But take a good look at the giant white box Chosen was put inside of
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I’m pretty sure by now, everyone knows that this isn’t just a normal cell specifically made for Chosen so he can’t escape. And if you don’t know, well, those wires and weird contraption in the middle should give that away.
This is a machine meant to do some thing, but nobody knows what it’s meant to do. Some people have brought up the idea that Chosen could be tortured, however, I do not think that’s the case.
If they were to torture Chosen, that would mean they would want information out of him. The only information that Chosen could possibly have is anything about Dark or Alan. I do not believe they would torture him for the sake of their own entertainment or enjoyment.
Dark is a reasonable assumption as anything about his whereabouts are unknown, and nobody knows if he’s alive or if he’s dead. However, there were no wanted posters of Dark anywhere, and no indication that they were looking/going after him. 
Alan is the next reasonable assumption as to why Victim wanted to captured him, as people have been speculating that Victim wants revenge on Alan. However, if Victim had done his research considering all of their origin stories are on YouTube in canon (I could be wrong) wouldn’t he have known Alan had enslaved Chosen for five years? Thus knowing Chosen should have some sort of grudge against him?
Yes, there is a chance that showdown could have been on YouTube in canon, considering Chosen and Dark fought on YouTube’s website during showdown. However, with that logic, this episode would have been uploaded on YouTube in the canon universe. (Unless this really is just a reality tv show and they’re all actors but that’s for another time)
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 Of course, Chosen could be questioned about something else entirely however, we have no way of knowing what. I do like the idea of Victim going after Alan for revenge, but that also might not be the case because if I’m right that they’re not looking for information out of Chosen, it wouldn’t make sense why they captured him specifically. Especially if they have access to the YouTube videos that are in canon and know that Orange and his friends are much closer to Alan. 
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Yes, they could’ve very well captured Chosen to lure Orange and his friend out however, unless they planned to use Chosen for something else, capturing him in a machine meant to do something to him seems like they would be plotting something bigger.
Also the fact that they would’ve easily been able to capture the 5, or at least Orange makes it even more confusing why they targeted Chosen first and not raid Alan’s computer. (Unless you know… their computer is hard to find or not wanna make contact with Alan yet)
We do get this scene of one of the mercenary’s getting feedback from someone else as the other mercenary’s were about to attack Orange. Could it be that they had planned to capture him, but were going after Chosen first, and Orange so happen to be there? Or was that feedback meant for something else… we don’t know yet.
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However that doesn’t mean Victim seeking revenge isn’t impossible. Just because he might not question/tortured Chosen about it, doesn’t mean Chosen won’t play a big part in it.
So let’s continue back on the path before. The reason why Chosen was captured and why specifically a machine that’s definitely more than just a special prison box.
With the torture being out of the way, we still have tons of options as to what it could be that they want from Chosen. And there is no way we could go through all of the endless possibilities. However, I would like to bring up 1 theory I found that could be plausible.
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This is a machine meant to harness Chosen’s power, and use it to power up something or make them stronger. In no way do I think this is just a prison for Chosen, as there is even a control panel and tons of wires hooked up to this white box.
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Obviously, this machine could do anything. But it would make sense that Victim would want Chosen’s power for his own, considering we don’t even know if Victim has powers. Perhaps he’s stealing them, or just using them for his own benefit. Again we don’t know. 
We currently do not know anything of Victim’s character and his motives. For all we know we could have everything wrong. All we know was that he was deleted, and technically died, but is now back. (although I think it should be obvious that when you delete something off the internet, it’s not gone, it’s still there)
Yet, I can’t help but feel excited about where the story is going. Really takes me back to when the first episode of season 1 aired. It was such a small community back then and we all freaked out about Chosen’s return. This was even back when Dark was mostly (Aka a part of the fandom on insta) characterized as a nice, and goofy bestie to Chosen (which isn’t entirely wrong per say) and it caught us off guard when it was revealed he was gonna be the main villain.
No joke- I was actually heart broken when he was revealed the big bad
But that’s about it
I don’t wanna make this post any longer
And my phone is lagging bad-
So if you read this far thank you for listening to this giant post 😭 and again you don’t have to agree, I just like sharing silly goofy theories.
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laz-kay · 2 months
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This cracked me up more than it should’ve😂
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balladofmoony · 2 months
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a little collage for dstg lily of @mayescapade because honestly lily evans and the phoenix are all i think about these days.
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in-the-multiverse · 8 months
I really enjoy the life series being a thing that goes “thrown into a death game and shit gets intense and we all end up needing therapy” BUT ALSO the meta version where it’s “Grian invited us to a death game and we voluntarily went and shit got intense but it’s all good we know we’re doing this for entertainment, no hard feelings anywhere (although some players hold grudges stronger than others)”
But what if it was combined? Sorta like genloss
Maybe it’s only the winners who see eldritch beings holding cameras or floating cameras. The winners get a special mic held up to them while they rant about their strategies or thoughts. Maybe everyone else sees it too, but it becomes invisible to them as the season progresses. As shit gets intense and they get their head lost in the game
And Gem, the newest addition, doesn’t have seasons worth of ignoring the things out of the corner of her eye. She catches a camera and stares right at it. At the audience. Us
The eye imagery still stands, because what the players perceive as floaty glowing eyes are actually camera lens. Reflective black “eyes”. Watching. Waiting. Recording
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