#liz no one asked you
apotelesmaa · 1 year
I think people ignore that dtk spends all of his time with former criminals Liz and Patty and has like zero parental supervision he acts super proper but I know in my heart of hearts they have done everything in their power to be bad influences on him and it worked. “He is polite” is such a blatant misreading of his character. he is actually rude on purpose because his sisters enjoy it and he does whatever they want. Patty taught kid every swear word under the sun within a month of knowing him because she thought it was funny and Liz was like ooohhhhg my god his dad who is literally the grim reaper is going to fucking kill us & then lord death just did not care because he lets kid get away with everything so she gave up on being a responsible older sibling and taught him how to threaten and intimidate people. Anything he does that seems cool is something that liz and patty taught him.
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bi-bats · 6 months
rapidly shaking your hands up and down, meesh
Jaytim are the epitome of "stay together, because neither of you should be inflicted on other people" and "I don't want what you have. But it seems to work for you so go off I guess"
*worth noting that this is also true of damitim in my heart of hearts
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grantmentis · 4 months
She's going to be treated the exact same way we see her with USA Hockey, never adressed and apparently friends with everyone
100%, that reddit thread has people in there saying she’ll be a locker room cancer and she’s not been which maybe speaks to her being able to control herself more offline but also probably more speaks to the state of a lot of these locker rooms!
And like, for some, she’ll just be the weird qanon coworker that a lot of people have and you just try to keep shit chill at work with and that’s understandable, I’m not asking for anyone to challenge her to a duel based off of tweets from a year ago, but i need people to realize this isn’t even gonna be her just kinda being there. They’re gonna promote the shit out of her and she’s already close friends with players like roque and kronish
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
there is a major difference between “this character did something out of character” and “this character did something i didn’t like” and it would really benefit everyone if people learned that
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leathr-blr · 1 year
wait did you actually create phineas and ferb ??
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i co-created it with @agentlizardofowca (known by some as swampy marsh) actually. in fact, here’s us pitching it in the 90s:
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and that’s how we became rich and famous! make sure you tell everyone that i, alister zamir, created phineas and ferb, alongside agent lizard of owca. put it on the wiki, put it on the googles. it’s a certified fact.
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rabbit-harpist · 5 months
beloved rabbit hello!! o// <3
ohhhh many intriguing options for WIP game. can i choose two? im gonna choose two. you pick!! (or do both. no complaints here that's fs.): "ordem fic (lizago)" [<-i love them] and/or "tallulah-chayanne-vigilante-au" [<-i also love them].
o// queride curly!!
certainly! here’s liz and thiago, post aop (i also love them), and i’ll tag you in a second post for the vigilante au. this is the entirety of what i wrote, in my mind one of the first conversations they have after thiago’s recovery.
”Are you…” she trails off, unsure what to say.
Thiago seems to understand. “I’m still with the Order, yeah.” He laughs hollowly. “They seem to need everyone they can get, and I can’t just go back to everyday life.” He looks up, meeting her eyes for the first time. “Are you?”
Liz says nothing for a moment. She doesn’t know how to go back to normal life either, in an apartment that feels that much more empty, in a life that she can only see as hollow.
She doesn’t know how to put into words that his choice has determined her own.
”Yes,” she says. “I’m staying.” She shrugs. “It’ll be find. We know what to expect now, don’t we?”
Thiago leans on an elbow, staring out the window. “Yeah,” he says.
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girlwiththegreenhat · 3 months
knight rider looks so cool... i wanna get into it so bad but im bad at finding time to watch shows lmao
felt that 😭 I'm the kind of person who needs to watch something when I eat so I've seen most of the series over lunch, with 45-ish minute episodes they're perfect for it. it's a great series, although the biggest challenge is probably going to be finding somewhere to watch it to begin with. hopefully it's something you can jump onto soon if you want to!
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Kingston Brown and Liz Herrera are the only couple that matters actually
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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sailor-aviator · 19 days
Really wish people would respect the first no that writers give.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
For Never Have I Ever: there was only one bed!
THANK YOOOU the last 3 or 4 times i posted one of these i didn't get a response you're a real g.
i have actually never written only one bed, unless you count "only two beds" playing a small but mighty role in the ot3 sleeping arrangements in @cambionverse, during which jesse turner, local antichrist who has spent 3 years in the wilderness running away from hunters because they traumatized him, winds up slipping into ben's bed (who is also a hunter) because there are only two beds, and the other bed is occupied by claire, who has a big flashing neon sign above her head that says NO TOUCHING EVER AND ALSO NO EMOTIONAL CLOSENESS EVER. anyway, ben and jesse wind up hooking up, surprise surprise (dean also once catches them snuggling in the back of ben's pickup, which he takes REALLY well and is super normal about), but then ben dies, and jesse misses sleeping beside someone, and claire misses the sound of ben breathing, so while on their journey to resurrect ben they ALSO begin to share a bed, and...? well. the fic is still being updated.
HOWEVER. if i were writing it properly, as in, the point of the fic, i can think of no better character to do this with than spock. (coin toss on whether or not the other bed sharer is jim or bones - normally i'd do both but i think it'd be hard to do THREE people in one bed.) in that one really racist episode we cannot get into rn spock is like "vulcans don't need sleep as much as humans" even though his ass is half-human, and he is also weird about his personal space. so if there was only one place to sleep and they had to share he would insist he was simply fine Not Sleeping (lie). and eventually his reaction times would slow, his thinking would get muddled...bonus points if it's cold or he's injured or some such thing that makes his resistance even more stupid. like, it's only logical to take the bed offered, mister spock. get your ass in there. snuggle. cuddle. canoodle, even. i think there would have to be something very specific he was afraid of or dreading besides simply the invasion of personal space that involved, ultimately, getting judged by whoever was in bed with him - dream transference? morning wood? trying to octopus his partner in their sleep because he secretly loves cuddling actually? and then that exact thing would have to happen except it would be fine because his bed partner would NOT judge him, the whole point of spock ships is he finally gets a space to be free of that constant criticism that's dogged him all his life. anyway, then spock and whoever would continue to share a bed regularly once they got back to their normal arrangements.
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winxwannabe · 11 months
41. ”your hands are so cold!” and musa x stella
“You’ve gotta stop worrying about the details.”
“I’m not worried. I’m perfectly calm.”
“Uh-huh. You’re doing the foot thing.”
Musa immediately stops the foot thing - tapping her left one from side to side on the edge of the carpet. But in the second it takes her brain to process she’s even doing it, Stella takes her hand in both of hers. Her gasp is less surprised and more akin to a ha! “And your hands are so cold!”
The Solarian princess lets go before Musa can move, and promptly disappears out the door of the recording booth. “I’m just saying, hon.” Stella’s voice is fainter, but still clear. “This doesn’t seem like a very inspiring place for making music.”
“C’mon. Jason pulled a lot of strings to get me in here. If I can show these execs what I can do, it’ll be a huge push for my career.”
Through the glass, Musa watches her eyebrows knit together in distaste. “I still don’t like that guy. We’re fighting to protect the whole universe from the Black Circle, and he still thinks you need to prove something. That’s sleazy with a capital ick.”
Musa smiles lightly as Stella comes back into the booth, carrying a bright blue cardigan that she’d stuffed in her bag before they left. “I’m just saying,” Stella continues, draping the fabric over Musa’s shoulders. “You’re one of the most talented people I’ve ever met. And if someone tries to tell you otherwise, you direct them to me, okay?”
Some sort of magic charm is on the cardigan - there has to be, because the moment she slips her arms into it it feels like she’s next to a campfire on a summer night. Or backstage at Red Fountain, ready to put her future at Alfea on the line for the sake of singing. Stella had been there, too, doing the same doting, hovering routine. It was funny how little some things changed over the years. “Thanks for worrying about me, Stel. Really.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about, sweetie.” Stella leans forward and kisses her on the nose. “Now show ‘em what you got.”
2x15 of 4Kids Winx is one of the only times Stella goes all out with pet names with someone who isn’t Brandon and I’m here for it. I’m answering prompts for NaNo! Send me a number and a ship for a drabble.
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widowshill · 2 months
we have been sleeping on the possibility that if liz is vicki's mom dick garner is her dad. roger is just the red herring. vicki's gothic, wretched, incestuous boyfriend the whole time is FRANK ‼️‼️
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lizhly-writes · 2 years
Where is Asmyung? ಥ⌣ಥ They're already having child together
ngl my first instinct is to go "oh you are FUCKING with me HOW ROOD" but upon further thought this is exactly the reason why i wrote an indeterminate amount of words shilling kdj/bihyung, so if i can do that, there is really not much stopping me from doing this.
in regards to your question, i seeee... one nsfw fic on ao3 where that's the main ship. oh man. do you ship this? because if you do, you are one deprived motherfucker. my condolences.
But anyway. Back to it. Disclaimer, I haven’t read orv in the longest time, so bear with me.
Here is what I remember from the fun and exciting possible romance arc of Han Myungoh. He runs off after getting hit with Asmodeus's curse… and then 3 years later, we see him in the demon realm. As a demon. With a kid.
...You know, I squinted so hard at this that you've actually forced me to reread the chapter that explains this shit. Good job.
It turns out it is strikingly similar to the formulae that otome isekai and similar stories I read use. Let's, for the sake of convenience, call Han Myungoh 'FL' and Asmodeus 'ML'.
Our brave FL, after experiencing certain dealings with our ML, gets knocked up. She runs away, but in the process, gives birth to a child, who she loves with all her heart. But, at a certain point, she realizes she can no longer protect her child, so she turns to the only person who would have interest in doing the same thing: the other parent. Indeed, the other parent is interested in their child, and they form a contract: the FL is rewarded handsomely with status and protection in exchange for the child. The FL, in a weak position and having little other choice, accepts the contract, but resents it. She would do anything to get the child back, and does, in fact, do anything that the ML tells her to do, and...
And that's Han Myungoh. I fudged a little, but that's actually the canon plot for this guy in orv. I really didn't think much of this ship, but seriously, when I look at this way, it really does look like a standard otome isekai romance with a bastard male lead. I'm crying, this is hilarious. Is this what you saw, anon? This is so funny, I'm dying.
See, here's the thing, if this was an otome isekai, I could then tell you how this would go, which is this: while the FL resentfully does tasks for the ML, the ML grows to have a certain respect for the FL due to competence reasons, and the FL grows to appreciate ML for dispensing certain kindnesses (hey, stockholm syndrome!). Eventually, we get to a point where they're probably resentfully attracted to each other, but they both refuse to admit it, because FL still thinks ML is evil and ML thinks FL is beneath him. But then! But then something dramatic happens. Either FL's life or ML's life is threatened. Perhaps the child's life is threatened. Maybe all of the above. But anyway, there's some lifesaving going on, where FL/ML is so touched that the other saved them/had such concern for the child and then they declare their love for each other and then they officially get married and then it's a happily ever after and then I hurl my book across the room, probably.
I'm paraphrasing, there would probably be a bit more room between the lifesaving and getting married bit. Probably self awareness into the fact that they're in love and then an awkward "sorry I took your kid or whatever, let's go on a date" kind of dealio.
But I digress. Here's the thing. Here's the thing.
You could totally just write a canon divergence fic where everything I've just said happens, and it wouldn't even be hard. Sure, you'd have to nudge a few things over, but Han Myungoh does actually save Asmodeus's life once, even if is, you know, mostly related to Asmodeus being in his daughter's body, and Asmodeus briefly contemplates "is this what love is like?" or, you know, something like that. That actually does fit into the structure I've outlined above and I am banging my head onto my desk because of it.
This is so funny anon I am dying.
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jabeur · 3 months
💌 im p sure i did this with u fairly recently but likeeeeee hi again 👉👈
LIZ you could send one every day and i wouldn't run out of nice things to say about you SO???
i love how like. you think so much about things? like you put so much thought into a lot of things in your life, you reflect a lot on yourself and your relationships and stuff. like i love it bc i see myself so much in that jsgdchd i know it can be tiring . but idk it makes me feel understood when i see that in you i think? like when i see your posts reflecting on things about yourself and your life i'm like yeah ... yeah .. !!! idk just that #therapylife gjfbjdvn
but also i love how full of love you are? like when i think of you i think of tennis, germany and love you know? 🫂💗
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girlwiththegreenhat · 9 months
if i had infinite time and resources and energy i would make a youtube channel where every video tries to copy another random youtuber's style and content perfectly for one video. like an art study but for a youtube channel
just for fun. just to be a little deranged
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