frogsat · 9 months
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Welp I've learned a hard lesson in the dangers of joining hype trains. Replication and peer review came to the conclusion that LK-99's claims of being a superconductor are false. In fact, it seems to be a worse conductor than just copper at room temperature. Summary Article
So it goes. Not the first false superconductor claim, won't be the last.
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wtfearth123 · 9 months
Scientists have created a new material that can conduct electricity without any resistance at room temperature (above 127°C) and normal pressure. It is based on a modified form of lead-apatite (LK-99). This is the first time such a feat has been achieved in the world.
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bluntaction · 9 months
m i d n i g h t   h o v e r   s e s h
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courtesy of someone called “subrosian_smithy” on the Sufficient Velocity forums
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g1nger-bread · 9 months
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you're made from copper?!
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qberryshortcake · 9 months
The year is 2033. Desktop manufacture has been made illegal without an exorbitant license only available to megacorporations like Alphabet or Meta. Zoomers are swapping meth labs for kitchen superconductor labs, underground grow operations for 3D printing farms, MDMA labs for Homemade lasers.
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mintpastablog · 9 months
파워로직스는 배터리 매니지먼트 사업부 성장과 신사업 부문인 폐배터리 재활용 장비 사업이 본격화 됨에 따라 그 가치가 높이 평가되고 있던 기업입니다. 파워로직스는 재활용 에너지저장장치(ESS) 제품 생산을 위한 파일럿 라인을 구축했고, 전기차에서 수거한 배터리팩을 분해해 배터리 상태를 진단하고 재활용이 가능한 양품을 분류해 ESS용 배터리 트레이로 재가공합니다. 파워로직스는 폐배터리 재활용 시장을 선점하면서 이후 성장이 점쳐지고 있는 업체입니다. 하지만, 최근 주가의 급등락은 파워로직스가 퀀텀에너지연구소에 지분투자를 했던 엘앤에스벤처캐피탈의 지분을 일부 보유하고 있어서 초전도체 관련주로 주목을 받으며 초전도체 관련 뉴스와 함께 급등락을 반복하고 있습니다. 이와 관련하여 파워로직스 주가 상한가 및 급등락 이유와 향후 주가에 대한 전망을 알아보겠습니다.
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jjbizconsult · 9 months
Superconductor LK-99: The Room-Temperature Superconductor That Could Change the World?
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sigmaleph · 9 months
dreading the outcome where lk99 is in fact a room temp superconductor but there's some weird bullshit reason why it's mostly useless in practice and becomes a historical footnote. because then i get neither cool scifi materials nor the satisfaction of being right in my scepticism.
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facts-i-just-made-up · 9 months
can you explain lk-99 to me like i'm an idiot?
What's with all these letters and numbers asks? r196? lk99? thx1138?
I don't know this science stuff, people. I just make up facts like how windows made of glass are twice as likely to melt in the sun as windows made of tungsten, or how Catherine Deneuve was born without a lymphatic system.
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Myth of room temperature superconductivity in LK-99 is shattered
In a study published Nov. 24 in Matter, researchers led by Prof. Luo Jianlin from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have provided solid evidence that LK99 is non-superconducting, thus disproving earlier superconductivity claims. Sukbae Lee and colleagues from South Korea earlier asserted that LK-99 behaves as a superconductor at ambient pressure, with a critical temperature (Tc) up to 127°C (400 K). The groundbreaking news excited scientists as well as people on social media due to its potential impact on technology. As reported by Nature News, claims about the supposed superconductivity of LK-99 became a viral sensation, prompting numerous replication efforts by scientists and amateurs alike. Several groups have attempted to replicate the results, but none have provided direct evidence of superconductivity. The most puzzling question is what causes the sharp drop in resistivity and why it occurs only in a few samples.
Read more.
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Personally I still wouldn't hold my breath for lk99 to be necessarily a real example of room temperature superconducting - but I wouldn't not hold my breath either. So what I'm saying is *dies*
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julienleonard · 9 months
Another rendering of a previous dots pattern, pushing the depth resolution. Like how the small tendrils from each loop look like aligned on magnetic fields.
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argumate · 9 months
What probability do you assign to LK99 being, as claimed, an ambient-conditions superconductor?
definitely a number between zero and one, my uncertainty regarding every aspect of this story doesn’t permit me to narrow that range though.
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poipoipoi-2016 · 9 months
looks like there are four alleged LK99 replications: China, China, US, Russian trans catgirl in basement lab after making wildly unsafe modifications to her oven.
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mintpastablog · 9 months
초전도체 개발 이슈와 관련해서 신성델타테크 주가 상한가에 많은 관심이 쏠리고 있습니다. 지난 7월 말 퀀텀에너지연구소의 초전도체 LK-99 개발과 관련된 논문이 아카이브(arXiv)에 게재되면서 초전도체 개발이 사실인지에 대한 검증이 계속되고 있습니다. 신성델타테크는 각종 가전과 부품을 OEM하는 양산하는 업체로 알려져 있지만, 퀀텀에너지연구소에 지분투자를 했던 엘앤에스벤처캐피탈의 지분을 52.52%를 보유한 사실이 알려지면서 초전도체 관련주로 편입이 되어 연일 상한가를 기록하고 있습니다. 이와 관련하여 신성델타테크 주가 상한가에 대한 이유와 향후 주가에 대한 전망을 알아보겠습니다.
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