turboemmy · 2 years
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thalwhore · 2 years
What is WITH me and pathetic little Dunmer men. Revus, Llevule, who's next huh? Is there any other sopping wet beast of a Dunmer that I should know about????
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tonal-modulator · 1 year
literally why would "summoning the dead" be anathema to the dead keepers when like. the Whole Thing about ancestor worship/veneration is that they're not fully gone and you can talk to them sometimes
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quaenam · 11 months
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TESOctober prompt 6: Ancestor
Llevule Andrano summonig his ancestor Farena during the ESO Morrowind quest Divine Conundrum. She was not amused.
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Wips on Wedsdays
He kiddos, it's actually my Wednesday so imma post a few wips. tagging @thequeenofthewinter @archangelsunited @kookaburra1701 @rhiannon1199 @viss-and-pinegar @saltymaplesyrup @rainpebble3 @throughtrialbyfire @rosette-dragonborn @mareenavee @snippetsrus @snowy-weather No pressure, this is all just for funs <3
We got art and a smidgen of writing:
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Starting with a close-up of the tat details in the render I'm working on. This redo that isn't purely a redo is coming along well. Just gotta add three more tattoos and alllllllll of his scars. Full art and a writing snippet under the cut.
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IDK I think it's going well so far ;) and a snippet from Sleepers Awake chapter 7
Teldryn hated tombs. He hated tombs, the undead, the fucking bleached ash that covered the floor after centuries of recycling the same old fucking urns! He hated the way the tombs would wind like a maze. These halls had turned him around to the point of utter confusion! Teldryn hated having to enter the halls of the Dunmeri dead. It creeped him out, to put it bluntly. He had complained about this assignment, of course. It was the last thing he expected when Cosades sent him to go meet with a Blades informant who studied over at the Balmora Mages Guild. The old sugar-tooth had been vague about what this might entail. Just telling him that the notes he got from his last mission weren’t fucking enough and he had to go bother some mage about a fucking myth! The Nerevarine, how fucking ridiculous! The expectation with these missions seemed to be something along the lines of ‘a favour for a favour’ and the mage he’d been sent to, an orc named Sham gra-Muzgob was asking one hell of a fucking favour! She was after the skull of some poor sod named Llevule Andrano. That meant he had to break into the Andrano Ancestral Tomb out on the Bitter Coast. Shit was pretty much a one-way ticket to an execution if he was caught. When he’d mentioned that, the woman merely replied- “Then don’t upset the natives when you do it.” Cosades had said this would be a ‘silly little errand’. How the fuck is desecrating the remains of a member of a fucking hugely influential family in House Redoran a silly little errand? Then there was the justification gra-Muzgob gave him for all of this shit. Something about his people’s death practices being primitive, superstitious nonsense. Teldryn had held his tongue as best as he could. The last thing he wanted was to be thrown in fucking Fort Moonmoth again. The shit they did there…he was glad they’d only pulled out his toenails. Teldryn sucked in a deep breath, trying his best to calm his nerves as he stepped into what he hoped was the chamber that this skull was being kept in. “Look for the one with the ritual markings,” he murmured under his breath as he pulled down the old, silk scarf he’d taken from Suran. A keepsake he allowed himself amongst the things of his that his mother managed to save after his grandfather had thrown most of his belongings into the fire. Llaro had really tried to erase his existence entirely. He wanted to shake the hand of the guy who killed the miserable old cunt! Teldryn tapped his fingers on the rough chitin of his pauldron as her scanned the small, sand-coloured room. Carved into the earth thousands of years ago, the clay walls were smooth and rounded around the edges. His eyes fell on what looked like a small altar at the lip of a pool of ashes. An enchanted chitin dagger and a skull with something carved into its forehead, Daedric runes by the looks of it. Red pigment coloured the thin grooves in the bone. It made him shudder as he knelt down by the altar and stared into Llevule Andrano’s hollow eye sockets. He wondered if he should say something before he went and just took the thing. He knew that there was some sermon that one would recite when they visited the dead. Something that eased the ancestor’s spirit of some shit like that. He had never actually listened to what was said in those sermons. Never listened to the shit spoken by the temple priests either. Honestly, he found it boring, preferring instead to disappear into his own head whenever they started to rattle on. Shit was way more entertaining…until his mind became the enemy of course. He longed for that simplicity. Shit was folly. Teldryn wracked his brain for something appropriate to say. Sure, he might not have cared much for the Tribunal’s teachings as a kid but fuck if he wasn’t bitterly fucking aware of how wrong this all seemed. Teldryn sighed as he took the skull into his shaking hands, opting to mutter a simple “Sorry,” to the spirit before he pulled his scarf from around his neck and wrapped the skull in it before he carefully placed it into his pack.
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ancano · 2 years
ESO Sexyman Round 1 Final Results!
Well round one has come to a close! Under the cut is our results and I'll have the next round posted at some point today (as I have to get ready for work soon akfodkwj)
Rigurt the Brash / Revus Demnevanni
Elam Drals / Raynor Vanos
Sai Sahan / Rada Al-Saran
Razum-dar / Abnur Tharn
Xukas / Verandis Ravenwatch
High King Emeric / Fennorian
Leythen / Jakarn
Divayth Fyr / Za'ji
Canon Llevule / Sir Cadwell
Hircine / Kaalgrontiid
Mannimarco / Ritemaster Iachesis
Vivec / Tythis Andromo
Sotha Sil / Arkasis the Mad Alchemist
Bastian Hallix / Nahfahlaar
Darien Gautier / Valkyn Skoria
Neramo / Vanus Galerion
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amberthefantasy · 8 months
'Neath Moon and Star
Chapter 4: Dreams
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Naris was somewhere dark. Somewhere he didn't recognize. A tall figure with a golden mask was walking him among others, corpses with rotting flesh falling from their bones. He could hear voices but no one was speaking. Naris sucked in a breath but his chest didn't rise. He tried to pull away from the tall figure but they just walked forward, speaking with each figure as he passed among them, laughing and joking, as if they were alive, but they made no reply. Naris tried to scream but there was no air in his lungs to scream with.
He snapped awake.
"Naris?" Caius' voice called.
His eyes snapped to the imperial man, who was seated at the table, reading over the notes Hasphat had supplied. "It's nothing. Just a dream."
Caius narrowed his eyes unconvinced. Then he sighed after a moment, "I've glanced at Hasphat Antabolis' notes. They cover the Sixth House admirably, but not the Nerevarine cult. Hop on over to the Mages Guild. Get Sharn gra-Muzgob to tell you what she knows about the Nerevarine. She'll have some silly errand for you. Report back when she's given you the information."
Naris nodded, pulled his armour back on and headed towards the Mages Guild. He knew Sharn, not well but they had met. Hopefully his membership in the Guild would mean she wouldn't give him too hard a task.
Sharn was where she always was, on the lower floor near the books, researching. "Oh! Naris, welcome back," the orc smiled when she spotted him. "What can I do for you?"
"I was uh... wondering, if you had any information on the Nerevarine Cult?" Naris asked.
"Hmm... Caius sent you?"
Naris nodded and she smiled. "Caius and I have a very satisfactory arrangement, and I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement, if you will complete a little errand for me."
"What do you want?" Naris sighed.
"The errand, then, is very simple. I need the skull of Llevule Andrano. You'll find it in the Andrano Ancestral Tomb. But take care not to upset the natives. The Dunmer have some peculiar primitive prejudices against necromancy, and take grave objection to unauthorised tomb visits."
Naris blinked, "isn't necromancy outlawed by the Guild?"
Sharn rolled her eyes, "I am not going to perform necromancy, I just want to study the skull."
Naris hummed noncommittally. "Where is this tomb?"
"The tomb is south of Pelagiad, just off the road, just before you reach the fork where the road goes southwest towards Seyda Neen and southeast to Vivec. You may need an enchanted blade. Some spirits are immune to normal weapons--" the orc paused, then leant down and pulled out a blade, "Here. Take this old shortsword." Naris smiled as he took the blade, pulling it from the sheathe to check the edge. It was sharp and shining with the telltale shimmer of enchantments. 
"I will get you that skull." 
He indeed did get that skull. Though he wished he hadn't. Damn ghosts and spirits. Naris ran his hand over the bandaged cut on his arm, he had been just a few seconds too slow to dodge and paid the price in blood. Thankfully he now had the skull and was returning to Sharn. Who smiled when she saw him.
"Very good. I'll just take that skull from you--" she reached for the skull, which he suddenly handed over-- "perfect for what I have in mind. Thank you. Now. As I promised. I'll answer your questions on the Nerevarine cult. Go ahead."
"What is the Nerevarine Cult? No one's been able to explain," Naris said.
Sharn smiled, "This Ashlander cult believes the long-dead hero Nerevar will be reborn to honour ancient prophesied Nerevarine will cast down the false gods of the Tribunal Temple, restore the traditional ancestor worship practised by the Ashlanders, and drive all outlanders from Morrowind. Both temple and Empire outlaw the cult, but it persists among the Ashlanders, who care little for Imperial or Temple law. Here. Take this copy of my notes on the topic for Caius." She handed Naris a few pages of notes with another smile. 
"Thank you."
"Yes, oh and I believe someone was here looking for you earlier. They might be lodging in the South Wall," Sharn said with a cocked head.
Naris mirrored her in question. Who was looking for him? He hadn't done anything... he thought. He thanked Sharn once more for telling him then trekked back to Caius' house.
Caius was waiting, standing near the bed. He locked his eyes on Naris the moment he entered. And took the notes without question. "And these are Sharn's notes on the Nerevarine cult? Excellent. I'm promoting you to Blades Apprentice, Naris." Naris muttered a thanks.
"Now give me some time to think how this fits in with the Emperor's plans for you. And I'd like to see you at a higher level of conditioning before I send you out again. So take some time to polish your skills and enhance your cover story with a little freelance adventuring."
Naris nodded, and backed out to let Caius read. He should find out who was looking for him. And why.
There weren't many people in the Corner Club when Naris entered. Bacola was standing by the back wall talking to an imperial woman who didn't seem very interested. " Ju'rohn Naris," Bacola greeted when he spotted him. Naris waved but was distracted by a familiar face before he could respond. "Ryna?" 
The dunmer was seated at one of the tables, looking around uncomfortably. She smiled slightly when she saw Naris and stood slowly. "What are you doing here?" Naris asked quizzically. 
Ryna paused, "oh um... Neminda sent me, she had a task for you."
Naris sighed, "okay, let's go." He grabbed Ryna by the arm, smiled once in goodbye to Bacola and then exited and began to drag Ryna towards the Mages Guild. 
"Is something the matter?" Ryna asked, pulling her arm free.
"You're wearing your Redoran crest."
"Yes?" Ryna stopped, grabbing Naris to make him pause too, "what is the matter with that?"
Naris sighed again, running a hand through his dark hair before responding. "Balmora is Hlaalu territory, some of the people here might not be very open to selling to a Redoran." He began to walk again, crossing the bridge before he continued. "And well... I have some jobs that I would rather remain discreet about. Being a known member of a great house won't help with that."
"What jobs?" Ryna asked.
"Nothing important," Naris waved her off as they reached the door to the Mages Guild. Ryna pursed her lips but didn't comment again as they entered the guild and Naris led her down to Masalinie. The breton mage greeted Naris then glanced back at Ryna in question. "This is Ryna," Naris introduced, "she's a friend."
" Ju'rohn sera," Ryna greeted. Masalinie gave her a small smile then turned to Naris, "where to?"
"Ald'ruhn if you please," Naris said. Pulling out double the amount of coins it usually costs and handing them to Masalinie. She took the coins and waved for Naris to step onto the teleportation platform. "Meet in Under-Skar," was all he said to Ryna as the magic took hold and the world flashed black for a moment.
Ryna was quick to join him near the entrance to the Council Hall. She still looked like she had questions about what Naris had revealed to her in Balmora, but he didn't wait for them to be asked. He entered the hall and walked right over the redguard who was reading over a scroll near the desk. 
Neminda looked up when he reached her and instantly leaned down to pick up something. "Good, Ryna found you. Here, you two are to take this potion to Theldyn Virith in Ald Velothi."
Naris took the offered potion and slipped it into his travelling sack. "And how do you recommend we do that?"
"Hmm, oh," Neminda paused as she thought it over, "the Silt Strider will take you to Gnisis, then you have to walk the rest of the way."
"Right..." Naris trailed off. Hopefully Ryna knew a more detailed path because Neminda didn't seem inclined to expand on her instructions. "Well, let's go then."
Ryna clicked her teeth before leading them out of the hall and then the large emperor crab shell.
"I know Navam, let me do the talking this time," Ryna said as they neared the platform. Naris nodded once and let her continue to lead them up the stairs. " Ju'rohn Navam!" Ryna said brightly.
The caravanner responded with his own happy greeting, "Ryna! Back here so soon?"
Right she must have taken the Silt Strider to Balmora, it was a long walk and she wasn't a Mages Guild member. "Yes daeljuhn , I was hoping that a quick journey to Gnisis wouldn't be too much to ask?"
Navam raised a brow at her tone, "you can have a discount Ryna, no need to beg." He smirked, looking back at Naris and taking him in. "I'll only charge you for one, not two hmm?" Ryna smiled and began to thank the other dunmer who waved her off. "In you go."
Naris smiled slightly when Ryna ignored the obvious dismissal of her thanks and continued to do so as they took their seats inside the Strider. He saw Navam roll his eyes slightly as he took the reins. "Ryna?"
"Yes, Navam?"
"Please do shut up."
Ryna did shut up but she said another few thank yous as they stepped onto the platform in Gnisis. Navam didn't respond but he and Naris locked eyes one final time in exasperation.
"Which way is Ald Velothi?" Naris asked Ryna when they reached the edge of town.
"North," Ryna said, "almost completely due north, the only road leads right there."
"Good," Naris looked up, the sun was past its apex and heading towards the western horizon, "we should get as far along as we can before the sun sets." He glanced at Ryna. "You did bring a camp pack right?"
"Of course!" Ryna said, her voice slightly offended, she motioned to the pack on her right side and Naris nodded once.
The two Redorans took off down the road to Ald Velothi. Silent and watchful for any creatures that may spring from the wilds and attack them. They were further into the open highlands of the West Gash than Naris had ever travelled and he took in the rocky hills and sparse plants with wonder. It was different even from the ash covered ground surrounding Ald'ruhn. "So... where are you from?" Ryna asked.
"Cheydinhal." Naris said simply. 
"I'm from Akamora. On the western peninsula," Ryna said, her attempt at conversation made Naris smirk slightly. "Why are you here?"
"I was brought here by the empire. I still don't know why," Naris decided to indulge her and explain. 
"Huh... that's interesting," Ryna's voice trailed away and she began to glance at Naris then away again for a few moments.
"Just ask," Naris snapped.
"Whatever you want to know. Just ask." Naris stopped. "In fact-" he put his sack down and looked up to the sky- "it's getting late, we should stop for the night."
Ryna nodded and placed her own sack down. They set up their tents and started a small fire before Ryna asked the question. "Is the job you want to keep hidden related to why the empire brought you here?"
Naris narrowed his eyes. "I won't tell anyone, whatever you say, I swear it by the Three."
Naris sighed. Ryna did seem to want to be his friend. And it wasn't like he'd done anything illegal. "Yes. I... I'm working for the empire. I don't know why yet but they wanted information and I got it for them."
"Information on what?" Ryna asked, leaning closer.
"Have you heard of the Nerevarine or the Sixth House?"
Ryna gasped, her eyes widening in shock, "of course but... they're just stories. The Sixth House is gone and the Nerevarine is just an ashlander tale."
Naris shrugged. "I don't know why they wanted the information but that's what they asked for."
Ryna shook her head, "odd. But I mean... it isn't like the information they want is a threat to Morrowind right? So what's the harm." She shrugged. Naris smiled slightly and nodded. Exactly why he felt comfortable telling her. 
"We should sleep, I want to be back to Balmora by noon tomorrow so we need to leave early," Naris said after a few more moments of silence. Ryna muttered her agreement and said she'd take first watch. Naris lay down on the makeshift bed they'd put together and drifted off to sleep.
The room was beautiful, more beautiful than anything Naris had ever seen. With large stained windows and gilded walls. He was seated on something soft and a glance around showed that another chair- another throne- was placed to his right. A figure sat on the throne, with bright golden skin that glinted in the light shining through the windows. When the figure turned to him, he tried to recognize her face but no image stayed in his brain. "I know yi’Lohm en Cilver," her soft voice rang like bells through the space, "it's almost over, and our dear friends will be here soon." Naris blinked trying to find words to respond, trying to say anything but no words came.
"Naris? Naris? Wake up!" Ryna's voice called. Naris blinked opened his eyes and slowly sat up. "It's your watch."
"Right, thanks. uhh... get some sleep." Naris waved the smaller dunmer to the bed, she stared at him for a moment longer before turning away and laying down.
Another weird dream? This one felt different though, like he was seeing through smog. And it didn't remain clear in his memory after he woke. All he remembered was the words yi’Lohm en Cilver, spoken in a language he had never heard but was somehow able to translate. My Moon and Star.
NMaS masterlist / post masterlist
dagoth ur by besenheide
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redyn-nerevarine · 8 months
Chronicles of an Outlander
Chapter 6: The Skull of Llevule Andrano
Redyn and Julan get to know each other more as they journey to a tomb to retrieve a skull, with a few mishaps along the way.
“Alright, fine. Let’s get this over with. Just be careful. The ancestral guardians, you know.” “The what?” Julan rolled his eyes. “Every tomb has ancestral guardians. Spirits, skeletons, things like that, that protect the family’s remains. Don’t outlanders know anything?” Redyn shot him an utterly perplexed glare. “Wait, there are actual, walking skeletons in there?!” “And ghosts, maybe a wraith or two. What else did you expect?” “Oh, nothing. Just a quiet, dusty old tomb, full of unmoving dead people! But… walking skeletons? Why?! Isn’t that necromancy?” Julan pursed his lips. “No, it’s different! It’s the family’s ancestors protecting other family members, keeping s’wits like you away. They just… need a little… ‘magical’ help to remain here.” “Oh, ok.” A playful smile curled his lips. “Like necromancy.” “Ok, it’s necromancy, you s’wit! But it’s not used for evil. It’s one of the jobs of ancestors. Only magic or enchanted blades work on the ghosts, so your sword will pass right through them.” Redyn’s eyes lit up and he pulled out the enchanted blade Sharn gave him. “Ohhh, so that’s why she gave me this!” Julan threw his face into his hands. “Gods, you’re hopeless! It’s a good thing you have me around! Come one, let’s get this over with.”
Read the full chapter on AO3->
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allthingsbeingunequal · 11 months
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Day 24 (necromancer) The skull of Llevule Andrano
Day 25 (villain) Mace of Molag Bal
Day 26 (vampire) Aundae amulet
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romlyndreth · 6 years
Llevule is beautiful
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turboemmy · 2 years
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thalwhore · 1 year
Hmmmmm, who to Mermay,,,,
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flekh · 3 years
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Dunmer sketches, 2018
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kiranokira · 2 years
Everything is totally. Fine.
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g-r-i-m-a · 6 years
In fact when I ran into Revus I could not fucking believe he's a real AND a Telvanni at that. He's so good. I would die for him
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ancano · 2 years
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