error-dream-was-found · 10 months
for the wip game, Superhero au 1 (traumatized villain Dream)?
After the number one villain Nightmare (Dream) got defeated he was passed around different groups of heroes. No one really cares about what happens with villains after they´re defeated, the heroes can do whatever they please with them. Dream experiences a 1st grade abuse in the hands of various heroes. Some want revenge, some try to interrogate and some just treat him as their servant. Without his powers to protect himself with he is completely at their mercy and they don´t have much of it. Things change when he´s handed over to a new group - Sapnap, George and Bad and for the first time in over a year he´s treated like a human again.
Snippet: Dream was tired. He barely remembered the last time he wasn't. It's been a while since he could enjoy a good full night rest, or any rest at all. He just wanted to sleep. But he couldn't. He wasn't done with his duties yet. The floor wasn't scrubbed clean yet and after that he had- he had to- to ... thoughts slipped between his fingers like a sand. He couldn't sleep but his body was not giving him a choice.
Maybe ... maybe he could. Just for a moment! The heroes weren't back yet, won't be for a while and he was almost done. He just needs to wake up before they're back and finish the job. Or else-
Curled up next to the bucket and the rug he used to scrub clean the floor Dream let his eyes close. It was far from comfortable, the chains around his wrists and ankles rubbed his skin raw, the floor was cold and hard and his stomach cramped with hunger. He didn't earn food just yet, just like he didn't earn rest. But there was only so long he could function on nothing and his body told him that he already crossed that line.
Soon darkness claimed him and took him away from the hunger and the cold.
He was awoken by a rough kick not even 20 minutes into his nap.
"Fucking unbelievable-"
Dream scrambled away from the hands reaching to grab him. No, no, no. He didn't meant to fall asleep! Please, no more punishments-!
"Dream? Hey it's okay."
Two warm gentle hands moved the blonde´s arms from where he was trying to protect his head. Warily he looked up, hoping to not anger his tormentors even more. Two amber eyes looked back at him, holding no anger, only worry and kindness. Sapnap smiled a little when he noticed the ex-villain looking at him.
"Let's get you to your room, yeah? Bed is nicer to sleep on than the floor."
Dúfam, že to nebolo moc hrozné 😅 Ak budeš mať čas stále čakám na odpoveď na môj ask o copacetic au 😉 (už si ani nepamätám čo som sa pýtala 🤣)
Feel free to ask for more details or ask about another wip
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lightningonatether · 1 year
draw c!drunz in the booty shorts, I am begging
litchi, your wish is my command
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dtblrlove · 6 months
@milktearosethorn @negativepeanuthoarder @llitchilitchi @curoopeez @simplepotatofarmer you’re all appreciated :D
💌 @milktearosethorn @negativepeanuthoarder @llitchilitchi @curoopeez @simplepotatofarmer
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kg-clark-inthedark · 2 months
who will be bearing the load in the load bearing blowjob scene if I may ask👀👀
✨ corvo ✨
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uncontrol-freak · 2 months
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
(and now I understand I barely post 'personal lore' haha) I like peaches. used to have a poetry phase and even attended poetry readings where I read my stuff (and had my photos on a local news webpage). took a second place in a remix competition held by my favorite musician, but it didn't lead me anywhere. I have scars from being sunburnt.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
just a shopping list, so I wouldn't forget to buy things.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I think a lot of people research wounds or poisons or any other morbid thing so it's not strange anymore. but not so many look for information about the first crewed vessel to reach Challenger Deep. so I guess Trieste bathyscaphe is it.
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voidpidgeon · 9 months
dreblr ask game! 14 and 22?
14.What’s your favourite c!Dream line of dialogue?
one single line is so hard, the snake monolog changed my brain chemistry, but I not sure if it could be considered a line
but this line was so gooooood:
"If respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back, respect is nothing, right?"
22.What do you think is c!Dream’s greatest weakness?
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
Hiii Litchi! Do you have some kind of streaming schedule? (Like days/hours?) I'd like to follow your streams a bit more and wanted to know if I could actually manage to do it with days and hours :) you're a great streamer
hello hello thank you so much<3
I wish I could provide a solid schedule but things have been really hectic as of late in all aspects of my life, so I mostly stream whenever I can manage
I've been managing Sundays at 4pm BST as of late and I really enjoy these afternoon streams, so those are probably the best time to expect a stream from me. I also try to do Fridays but I haven't managed lately, and I hope to do streams on Monday afternoons instead.
I can't really promise that this is a schedule I will stick to though
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dsmppinup · 8 months
The Calendar Is Ready!
The mods and artists of the DSMP Pinup Project are happy to announce that our project is now ready to go. 18 months of wonderful art.
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You can buy a printed copy of it here, which should be able to ship to many countries.
If you wish to print your own copy, for price reasons or if lulu.com does not ship to you, you can find the print-ready files here.
Go forth! Enjoy! Tell the artists what an amazing job they did!
We would like to thank the wonderful team who helped us make this project a reality. They are:
amusingghost | @amusingghost | twitter | instagram
chrysalizzm | @chrysalizzm | Ao3
Err | @errs-other-other-blog
Fish | @copepods
Frelia | @frelia45
GeeVy | @thegeevy
galaxy-lilies | @galaxy-lilies | twitter
Kerbe (p-ogman) | Instagram
Litchi | @llitchilitchi | twitter
Melamoryblack | @melscrate | twitter
Paragal | @paragal
TD | @paradoxalriven
TY_helene | @manmadesunshine
Voidpidgeon | @voidpidgeon
xav xavalav | @xavalav
Emmy | @astronomeridian
Grace | @regicidal-optimism
Medusa | @antimony-medusa
This project has been a blast, thank you all for your wonderful work and your patience as we've fought the printing process. Enjoy the calendar!
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hiding-in-the-vault · 9 months
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
omg an Original Character . .. No relation to Techno, if that wasn't obvious ;u;
Ping List!! (lemme know if your tag doesnt work, these are so annoying dfjk)
@bivwifeybunny @ooh-dream @shattered-dragonfly @somanywips @cadenator @blueinkphantom @weird0strawberry @insignificant-artist @changeling-ash @simplepotatofarmer @nicholaspwildeblog @jetravenex @flattery-suplex @1randomperson15 @burnorgetburned @maryqueenofmurder @w0rped-moss @rainy-hollows @winterwhipbird2 @thefamilycryptid @fudge-101 @valiantsuitcaseskellington @whitefoxo @galactic-wonderer-2 @radarunderscore @minaturejarofjam @elliotl @liddafire @mist-mystery @annoying-and-upset @that-odd-writer @baka-monarch @whitebeakedraven @mxerror404 @dreamsclock @bi-snapdragon @lem0n-shark @susanshinning @spinal-fluids @panekd @clodthespaz @multifandom-slytherin @taran776 @certifiednobody @vadergf @lieutenantmyst @voidmatic @aprofessionaln00b @syranyth @axelotlstar @s1k-grimescoal @llitchilitchi @morgueofstories @voidpidgeon @insaneinsan101 @munchkin1156 @bebthefourth @taran776 @mysticmythia
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the-final-sif · 3 months
Anyways once my 6000 boop assault on vault finishes who should I aim the booper at next?
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error-dream-was-found · 3 months
"okej takže rozbombardovali ste l'manhole ale bolo to vlani takže už ubehla premlčacia doba" c!sam is visibly shaking with pure unfiltered rage
Omgggg, presne 🤣
Možno by z toho bola malá pokutka za nejaké to ublíženie na zdraví ... stíhanie za exile arc sa už zastavili kvôli nedostatku dôkazov, L'manhole sa premlčí ... hej, vidím to kladne. Len s ublížením na zdraví by stále mohol mať problém ale myslím, že to sa zvládne. V podstate to nie je ublíženie na zdravý keď sa respawnli úplne ako nový no nie?
Takže suma sumorov náš klient is good to go
Predstav si čo by tu c!Quackity robil s tými novými úplne rozprávkovými premlčacími dobami na ekonomickú trestnú činnosť? 🤣 Normálne rovno do parlamentu by zapadol
Content: We are talking about this post, the police car looks a bit like those used in our country so we are wondering how c!Dream's arrest would go if he got arrested here. The limitation period is short af so he'd be fine.
What Llitchilitchi said is basically: Okay, so you blew up l'manhole but it's been a year ago so the limitation period is already over
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lightningonatether · 6 months
green? green
i am very much a creature that minds its own business. i rlly should start peeking my nose out more but that's SCARY!!
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kenjo-arts · 3 months
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kg-clark-inthedark · 2 months
🍓🥤❄️ and 🪲 but only if you want to
🍓⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
So (as is many young girls’ right of passage it seems) around 10 y/o I became obsessed with the Warrior Cats series. I had all these wonderful cat OCs running around in my head but no outlet for them because the friend I usually role played with hadn’t read the series. However, I shared a room with my older brother back then and he wrote a TON of fiction as a young teen. He read his stories out loud to me on nights when we couldn’t sleep. He was 13 so it was mostly just indulgent, self-insert one-shots. Not fanfic technically, but definitely the same vibes (and little me was riveted lmao). I was inspired by his writing to try putting the stories I had in my head about my warrior cat OCs on paper. And voila, a little fanfic writer was born! (Now I’m also reminded of years later when I stumbled upon my little sister’s self-insert one direction fanfic and I was soooo fucking proud, like ahh the family business continues 🥹)
🥤⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Nobody’s surprised by this but it’s gonna have to be @uncontrol-freak’s Abyssal. First fic that inspired me enough to make fanart about it. Just has a very particular atmosphere, and it’s a unique corvosider au that I’m enjoying as of late. (And sometimes they let me preview upcoming chapters and ohhhh jeez it gets so so good I am barking 👹)
❄️⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Oh, hmmm. This one is kind of stumping ngl. I feel like I enjoy writers specifically for the themes and plots they come up with, so to assign one to someone else would be difficult. Not sure I have an answer for this one, I’m sorry. In general though I like character-centric plots, where a lot of the story’s motion takes place in shifts in dynamic or changes for the characters themselves.
🪲⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Alastor speaks dispassionately, as if he were still merely discussing the weather. The defensive panic underneath is almost imperceptible, but it shows through the set of his jaw and his animal-like tension, as though he could spring at me at a moment's notice. He lays his fingers out flat when he notices me watching them dig anxiously into his thigh, but between the pale, splayed appendages his trousers remain wrinkled where they were pulled into his grip.
(It’s 77 words my bad, but once I hit 50 I had to finish the paragraph as intended. Corvo and Alastor are having a talk 😶)
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elmhat · 7 months
Fuck it. Mutuals as dsmp characters:
c!George - @llitchilitchi (similar to an XD-induced fever dream and I mean that in the best way)
c!Bad - @hiding-in-the-vault (adopting all the poor lost children)
c!Punz - @theminecraftbox (enjoyer of dead people, no I will not elaborate)
c!Sam - @lookinghalfacorpse (24/7 putting c!Dream through the fires of the underworld)
c!Quackity - @swordfright (delights in being a source of suffering)
c!Techno - @justcallme-ange (spends time in retirement before doing the most insane shit you've seen (art))
c!Niki - @rivalsposting (fueled by a burning vengeance and also makes stunning cupcakes)
c!Michael Beloved - @simplepotatofarmer (chicken enthusiast, need I say more?)
c!Tommy - @dreamsclock (birthplace of all destruction)
c!Tubbo - @voidpidgeon (brain needs to be studied under a microscope)
c!Wilbur - @dr3amofagame (says words in the correct order)
None of y'all get the honor of being c!Dream.
(I literally made this in 10 minutes, there were more people I wanted to add but I couldn't think of characters, I'm so sorry 😭)
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uncontrol-freak · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers <3
(it was harder than I thought)
1. doing art and thinking of doing art 2. writing conflicts and horrors 3. talking to my frends <333 4. researching something while I'm in Hyperfixation Mode 5. food of course. even creatures like me love some nice food
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