#lmao @ the one that's all muted colors vs the others that are like if a rainbow vomited on a canvas
kordyceps · 7 months
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Part 2 collection of the banner artworks for chapters 7, 8, 10, & 11 of my Steter fanfic, Mutiny of the Hardest Order. 😁
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eclipse-song · 1 year
this is all japanese stuff since that's what i've been watching lmao
things to watch on viki:
rokuhodo colorful days. 4 guys in a restaurant vs the main guy's twin. one of the most bl bromances i've ever seen
encyclopedia of hopeless love was pretty fun imo
hey sensei don't you know i know was kinda pooped on by others but i liked it for what it was
three star bar in nishio okikubo is very slice of life
peanut butter sandwich is fun. questionable use of government but fun
dangerless detectives is super funny
kakafukaka has some HEATED OPINIONS about it. team "well life is messy sometimes and not all of it is the great romance but whatever" (so i liked it)
i liked the 3bs you shouldn't date lmao open ending
things that are kinda meh but i wouldn't necessarily stop you either:
ai-chan's secret. this would have been better if it was made in 2009 with like satoh takeru as the main guy and aiba hiroki as the evil twin, sorry beppu yuuki. it's fine but i also found it kind of boring
cool boys only high. also would have been better if it was made in like peak hot boys high school era of like 2007-2011, but it has jirou donbros and touma saber (and spiders jeramie)
absolute boyfriend. hi mizushima hiro you're fun but it goes on a little long
ojisan is cheering for me (in my brain) is cute but also i watched it like mostly mute because my second hand embarrassment was getting so bad
marry me is cute and also went on a little long but if you like "falling in love after getting married" it's fine
things to NOT watch on viki:
the japanese version of you are my destiny. i couldn't get past like 2m of the second episode it was so gross imo
melancholy of the betrayed was just not satisfying emotionally
super rich. love yourself. do not watch this.
bewitched by my sexy boyfriend is one of the very few shows i didn't even get through the first episode of i think i noped out at like the 8m mark
VERY GOOD THANK YOU FOR THE REC LIST I'LL LOOK THROUGH THESE. Absolute boyfriend and princess jellyfish I've read the manga/seen the anime for so I already know what I'm in for there. But anything else is new to me!!!
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
OC tag game: Intended for Inquisitors but wording it so you can use for other OCs as well! Alternatively you can RB this to make posts for all the OCs you want, in case you don't want to tag others. and feel free to tag me (elvhenprince) or reply to this post so I can see your ocs!
tagged by @jazzmckay this time~
tagging: @dreadfutures | @wailing-willow | @arlathvhenan with the usual no pressure caveat <3 <3 <3
velari lavellan | she/her | 40 | mage, shapeshifter self-centered: originally selfish, now she's switched gears to being outright self-sacrificing, but it's all rooted in the same core of fear
Associated colours/symbols/animals
halla; ram (normal, not august rams); red, gold, and green
What are their hobbies/skills?
she's reasonably skilled with leatherwork and prior to joining the inquisition made her own gear. leather is the only material she feels confident working with though, and is subsequently the only material that gets ornamented. otherwise she reads - a lot. she and solas parallel play study lmao
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying?
she considers some of her leatherwork to have an artistic bend to it, but it's not something she would call art. she's very focused on a piece being functional. and although she appreciates art in all its forms, she doesn't feel like it'd serve a purpose for her to create - she undervalues her own perspective and that shows here.
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves?
she will eat whatever, she's not that picky. she likes tea... much to solas' chagrin. herbal, earthy flavors are her preference, but again, not picky.
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s)
reading! and she practices shapeshifting with morrigan - it's an important bonding activity for the both of them.
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game?
absolutely not. she struggles to hide her feelings and reactions, and although she's aware of it she's uh... really not getting that much better about it
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion?
something small and soft. i can see her with a cat tbh.
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)?
she has really, really bad insomnia, so her nighttime ritual is mostly "lay down and pretend like i can sleep." she probably gets somewhere between 3-4 hours of (interrupted!) sleep each night, but she spends a lot more time than that just laying down in bed. when she's with solas she falls asleep much easier. her nighttime routine in that case is, well, normally cleaning up after some fun with him... regardless, basic hygiene stuff and she usually brushes her hair and dresses in comfortable clothes before laying down
What is in their inventory?
almost exclusively practical items - extra rations, sewing materials, bandages and a few other basic first aid items, empty waterproof/oilskin wraps for things like herbs found while traveling, etc. as she's out and about she will take small mementos from animals she's killed, so those go in her pack as well but they stay in her room at skyhold.
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down
daily: long-sleeved but loose tunics, breeches, simple, muted colors formal: whatever josie picks. she's not into formal looks and she doesn't have a strong sense of fashion anyway. if she did pick her own outfit, she'd choose something that looked powerful rather than beautiful casual: same as daily tbh; for bed she usually takes her breeches off and switches to a short-sleeved tunic; alternatively, she'll sometimes sleep in a slip since several nice ones mysteriously ended up in her dresser at skyhold (she suspects josie)
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them?
main plot is different for her and that's all i can say :)
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any?
alas, a major spoiler for bigfic
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 24
Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots) vs. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
495. Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots)
skitt usez any, ena usez they/it/she (bc of her eczema), and olive usez he/they
The TL;DR 4 them is that theyre little fucked up guys living in a circus 2gether. Skitt is a repressed traumatized clown amphibian, Olive is a sweet jackalope who acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism, and Ena is a chaotic little shithead w a short fuse, whos actually secretly the mom friend. I like to put them in2 situations in my head and then never write said situations down. Also theyre all aspec and trans.
he is simply a little guy! (puts him thru the horrors puts him thru the horrors p) Oh, hes a bit fucked up actually.
-a mishmash of basically any amphibian features i think r cool! It is also a clown! Isnt that silly? Well its actually 4 trauma reasons. Lol. lmao.
-has rejection sensitive dysphoria and wants every1 2 love him so much all the time. Cries and throws up when it inevitably doesnt work out.
-super in2 fashion and makeup. Can u guess why? Trauma reasons, of course! Honestly most of her hobbies r rooted in wanting 2 escape something.
-i cant think of anything else non-spoilery 2 put here. Uhm. ze really likes bubble baths and swimming.
A little skrunkly autismic sourpuss. He wishes that he cud b more sincere w people sometimes, but every past attempt has been met w people shutting them down, in 1 way or another. The only person in the world he feels even mildly comfortable around is Ena (and later on in the story, Skitt).
-acts like an asshole around most people bc theyre used 2 being seen as one. And by asshole, i mean a little quiet, sulking, wet cat in a corner of the room who makes angy faces at any1 who invades their space.
-mute! This is bc bunnies do not have vocal chords. Communicates thru sign language and annoyed noises. Screams when overstimulated. Yes, bunnies can scream, just not using vocal chords. There r also other sounds they can make! (mostly annoyed sounds. He does purr as well! Just like a real bunny)
-very in2 music. Plays the harmonica and other woodwind instruments that r easy 2 steal. Can they play good? Uhm. havent decided yet actually.
-has a sort of heart shaped facial scar and a broken antler he got from entirely mundane causes (antler is permanently broke, dont question how that works bc i dunno).
-very incredibly touch averse, only tolerates Ena’s touch. theyre also fat and very fluffy! Great 4 cuddling! But he wont let u. Sorry.
Money gremlin!!! Chaotic anarchist motherfucker!!! Probably owes u money! Is currently being gay doing crime. In this world, 1 does not have to pay/steal 2 survive, but Ena does it anyways 2 fuck shit up and stir the pot.
-escaped from a shitty orphanage w Olive.
-horrible anger issues. If Olive is a sourpuss, Ena is a bomb waiting 4 an excuse 2 go off. This is bc in the orphanage, they learned that no 1 wud listen 2 them unless they scratched and fought and clawed and bit and punched. (and shocked!). Shes generally chill tho, just, its easy 2 get on her bad side.
-sorta the therapist friend, bc its good at telling ppl what they want 2 hear. Her charismatic attitude also helps when scamming people.
-uses prosthetics! In this world, aquatic animals r given the ability 2 stay on land 4 extended periods of time via prosthetics! Want 2 know more? Ask me :>
-basically blind. Electric eels have awful eyesight, and shes no exception! She can only see bright lights and colors. They use electrolocation 2 get around. (please ask me what it is if u dont know, i am v happy 2 infodump abt anything oc related!)
Remember kids, a vote 4 my ocs is a vote 4 disability, queerness, anarchy, the found family trope, little guys being put in situations therye entirely unequipped for, furries, and much more!
Skitt has a triangular dress with purple and yellow split colors, and purple leggings. Pointy, slender legs. A long pointed yellow hat with a little green thingy on top (idk what to call it). Blue eyes with froglike pupils. Minty-green, short, curly hair. A classic clown makeup look (off-white facepaint, a clown nose, and pennywise-esque makeup lines going from the bottom of his eyebrows to the sides of his mouth.
Olive is a jackalope with short, olive/forest green hair swooping over one eye. His eyes are the same color as his hair. Most of their fur is darkish brown, while his belly, his inner thighs, and lower left arm is beige. their right arm, lower legs, and the top of their ears are black. Only wearing black arm warmers thanks to sensory issues.
Ena is a vaguely pirate-themed girlie. Dark brown skinned, with grey arms and greyish legs. Big thicc tail. Mostly black hair. Tattered black shorts and an even more tattered, dark green crop top. Has red eyes and a red sash tied around its waist. Lots of little spots all over their skin. lazy-eyed.
496. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
she's a werewolf she's aroace she stalks people on accident. she didn't know what a crime was until the police went after her. her best friends are a supervillan and a failed actress. she thinks she would make a good detective (she wouldn't). she's fun and friendly and sweet but still a fully thought out character. she runs away from her abusive home to find her sister and in the process finds a whole new family. she even takes down the government.
Pris is a short, pale girl with  black hair styled to look like wolf ears. she has brown eyes with diagonal red pupils and a bit of a snaggle tooth on one side.
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radioconstructed · 1 year
Internet Grandparents vs Apartment Decorating (9/9/2023)
(alternatively, "Al creates her new cuffing season lair, Ruddy also lives there" or "Arson in reverse; Bug/Net home decor")
Ruddy's (@ruddygore) apartment (that he got after exploding the last one) is ready for decorating! Al (@radioconstructed) her interior decorating hobby to use & helps him out! The Internet Grandparents get creative & make a fun, wholesome time out of it. They're very cute & sweet. (Not a formal chatlog, more of a rundown. It's a good insight into their off-screen interactions.)
Oh YEAH that actually reminds me, now that Ruddy’s rib is better, Al can help him with interior decorating like they talked about!
She would be so happy to! She spent a lot of time in the early 2010's remodeling/redecorating (she still has some spots in progress, it's the ADHD) so it's not her first rodeo and she's so happy to join in!
Hell yeah! Since his apartment got Exploded (by him) (on purpose) (to kill a rude person) he needs to redo it from wallpaper to flooring to everything else. Turns out fire really wipes out upholstery.
Haha for sure! What's his style? Does he have any reference images? Are there certain stores he likes to go to for furniture? That's probably a good starting point!
Al's home is pretty Hollywood Regency. It has a lot of that 1920's art deco look, mixed in with some of the ornate look of fancy homes (maybe Victorian?) and some MCM to complement the fancy shapes. But in a southern swamp chic way. Very maximalist.
He's an old victorian man and it reflects in his style (wood and busy wallpaper) but he's trying NOT to make his apartment look like a tiny dark hole. So they'll probably still stick with the general aesthetic, just in brighter colors.
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This is probably a good idea of what they'd be going for, together.
bright colors, nice rugs, but still clearly victorian-esque
or as he'd put it "peepaw peacock"
previously it was like. dark green walls, wood paneling, heavy velvet curtains over the windows, dark wood furniture.
That's very pretty! Nice! Dark green & wood paneling sounds SO pretty, but admittedly pretty dark. Heck yeah, let's brighten things up!
Al is a big fan of antique/vintage stores & treasure hunting at thrift shops, because that's where all the solid wood good quality stuff is! None of that Hellkea particle board (though she enjoys some of Hellkea's other offerings!). There's probably first-hand furniture stores that do it right, too. It's up to whatever Ruddy's preference is!
She's thinking, if he wants lighter colors, he can complement jewel-tone peacock colors with muted versions of them like sage green. Sage green makes for some gorgeous furniture colors.
He'd be down for thrifting around for some stuff! Especially for guest rooms or seats for normal sized people. Some he'll have to make himself for his own weight.
So she can help him design some custom stuff and he'll carve it out and finish it with whatever stain they decide is best.
It can be a fun exercise in designing something to tie all the thrifted stuff together
That sounds like fun! The treasure hunt is part of the enrichment in the enclosure! Discovering what's in stock and thinking up what to do with it! Get those creative juices flowing!
She's sure she can find some nice inspo pics and they can brainstorm something custom! She'd love to see him build stuff.
(The last thing she redecorated was the hotel lmao and anything was better than the starting point.)
VERY true. That hotel was a MESS.
Like girlies, get a working fridge before you open?
"Al is going to sabotage the hotel" and is the thing that can be sabotaged in the room with us? Sabotage WHAT?
Al did them a favor and now she's doing RUDDY a favor, and he is happy to pay her back however she'd like when it comes up.
Aww! The enrichment and the privilege of having a hand in designing her friend's apartment is all she needs.
Al does have experience painting stuff, she repainted some of her furniture. DIY level. Can use voogle, stripper, a carbide scraper, and an orbital sander as well as the next hoe. She's a fan of self-leveling paint. She loves that stuff. Otherwise she'll spend all day fighting the brush strokes in the paint.
(She spent a year in near-isolation, that's a story for another day, but aside from making a bunch of music, she did a bunch of DIY fixing up her house. Things she didn't feel she needed to contract out. Weird time. She learned a lot.)
She's the ideal partner for a reno/DIY project!
He'll treat her to dinner at The Velvet Glove then, she can experience the surreal luxury of an eldritch all seeing building.
No charge, no menu, you just tell it what you want and it tastes like the best version of whatever you ever had.
And she's very happy to learn from Ruddy!
Most of her experience with a toolkit is from fixing stuff up when it broke around the house, especially since hiring a professional was out of the question during the Great Depression. It's fun to learn from a professional engineer/inventor, especially for fun, and not like, distress.
That restaurant sounds AMAZING, she's THRILLED! Oh she's gonna dress up and have a great time, Ruddy is the Best
Let them dress up NICE and have a GREAT TIME getting all the food they want.
And of course Ruddy is happy to teach her everything she could ever want to know.
YEAH! That sounds like SO much fun!
She's gonna be so enriched by whatever tools he has. She's seen people on the Inter Net using a "gravity fed pneumatic sprayer" and it looks cool as anything. Fancy tools for the Win!
She has Opinions on stuff too. Like "Minwax is a subpar product. General Finishes is good stuff" for wood stain. "Latex paint is terrible. I wouldn't thrift anything with latex paint I have to remove."
(But ultimately his furniture, his decisions, and she's happy to help regardless!)
He values her input, and frankly after so long doing things a specific way, she's going to know more about anything modern like latex paint. He's always just hand made his stuff or ordered it custom. Never a single particle board in his home
She made the mistake of thrifting a 1920s waterfall dresser and went "oh I can clean this up" and discovered what latex paint was.
Has he ever seen a resin pour table? Like one with pressed flowers? He could do something like that with anything, with any memorabilia that he has.
He's seen them in OTHER people's houses but he's never made one. He'd be happy to try it with her though!
Like this! 
With whatever he wants to put in there! And they can make the base color something light instead of black. Maybe get a wood table that has tiles inside and gut out the tiles, and use the recessed space for the resin pour. Instead of using whatever the lady in the video has (it looks modern and not wood)
That's SO pretty, he'd love to try his hand at it. There's tons of options. He's got coins, fancy cigar labels (which are mostly brightly colored foil), dried flowers, the shiny little curls of scrap metal from his workshop..
Hell even potpourri would look pretty if you encased it in resin
Those all sound like they'd be SO pretty encased in resin! And seconded on the potpourri! Whatever he wants! A custom Ruddy themed table. She doesn't have a lot of experience with epoxy resin but she's seen videos. She can follow instructions.
HMMM. He'd probably put copper scraps and potpourri in together. Make it look like little sparks of fire in the middle of what is essentially spicy wood.
That's so cool and creative! That would look REALLY cool.
He and Al are gonna turn into that YouTube crafty couple, Evan and Katelyn
Just doing wacky ass DIY for fun
Oh yeah I've seen their stuff! They're so fun! Al & Ruddy doing wacky DIY! I'm here for it
Resin sword, why not!
Hell yeah!
I'm in a few furniture groups and someone turned an unsalvageable cabinet radio into a terrarium. It's gorgeous. Al would mald until she understood that it was truly unsalvageable. Then like, ok, that's a cool upcycle.
You know how Al likes to obnoxiously plaster deer-themed stuff everywhere on her interior decorating? Including the hotel? Well, she thinks Michi deserves to have cat themed stuff plastered on her furniture. If Ruddy agrees. For example, a cat bed shaped like a cat.
He would be more than willing, he'd love it
He'll happily make her a little deer themed item as well if she wants something to match for her own place
OH THAT'S SO SWEET 🥺 She's so happy, she's having so much fun with helping him redecorate. She feels so alive!
It is an enriching joy and PRIVILEGE!
He's thriving and feels much more confident and comfortable with her around to do this with
OH AWWWWWW??? 🥺 That's so cute and that warms her heart!
It's really nice to be in a position where her presence is wanted and appreciated and enjoyed, and where she can be passionate and creative! (she's radiating heart emojis)
He's an old stubborn autistic man, but with her around, the change isn't bad, it's fun with a friend, trying new enrichment and joking around.
She keeps him from getting into his own head about things. Emotional support deer.
Oh right, change can be difficult, right? She's very ADHD, so change is fun for her (when trauma doesn't get in the way). Opposite end of the spectrum. She's super happy to help this be a fun experience! Emotional support deer!
Well he's her emotional support Lorge Snake because this sure is grass-touching, and getting to be creative & fun & appreciated & wanted as a Person is so good for her soul!
Her good attitude is infectious and he will tell her many times how much she's helping this feel good and not miserable. Kiss her on the head, mwah mwah. Her presence is a balm on his weary soul and he's grateful for her.
Can't get too stressed about changing things when she's all excited and being so creative and offering all these ideas, and anything he would sit there and get overly perfectionist over is automatically good because they did it together.
Get her considering abandoning all her jobs and becoming a personal interior designer! Haha! She feels so appreciated and she's full stupid. Excellente. But she insists that the enrichment is hers! She's having so much fun. It's good because they did it together! AWW!!! WEEPS
Honestly that's such a good coping mechanism on his end. Making a stressful thing fun by including a friend who'll have fun! Al of course is happy to Play Tunes to make the ambiance even more fun! But she'll behave. Fun but not music that makes her go feral. The time to bring it bring it back is not when she's pouring resin. Sorry Pitbull Featuring Lil Jon And The Ying Yang Twins, you will have to make an appearance another day.
He's old enough to have learned how to wrangle his stubborn brain, and she's just a pleasure to have around in general so it's a win both ways. Vibe with a friend, listen to tunes together, and try fun new crafts to make him a nice new apartment to entertain in.
They can listen to music that makes them insane later, do a little cocaine and get stupid
Lovely! Vibe and listen to music and do arts and crafts with her bugkeeper friend who provides her the enrichment and the friendship. Her socialization sim bar is FULL & GREEN and it's GLORIOUS! Cocaine and music that makes them go insane as a reward 🥺 he gets it! He knows how to have a good time!
She would.... 🥺👉👈 she would like the right to keep a mug at his apartment. With a deer on it. Like, Her Mug for when she comes over to hang out. Is that ok
She is welcome to have a special mug just for her in his apartment, hell she can have the spare key.
He LOVES having a good and unhinged time, with her specifically, because he feels safe with her and is willing to let his guard down in her presence. Get off his ass and full Sillay.
He'll stock up on her beverage of choice as well, to go with her mug. Gotta have her favorite sip so his bug feels comfy and wanted in his place.
Oh wow that's so sweet?? Hello?? That's so touching she's going to cry?? Not externally but internally. She is crying internally but in a good way.
Honestly, there are very few people she feels Safe around and he's one of them. Like, as a person. It's Sillay Time!! She's honored to be a safe person he can be silly with!
She is getting so spoiled. She just likes coffee, as far as mug drinks go! (Alcohol is not for mugs.) She likes dark roast, black.
He will get a nice assortment of different beans she can try, one of those fancy little gourmet sampler packs.
He understands her! That sounds like enrichment!
Her spare key is in the custody of either Mimzy, Rosie, or Niffty tbh but Ruddy is welcome to have a mug at her place, and whatever his fav coffee (or other drink) is!
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amethystdarkwolf · 4 years
My ‘Orange Side’ predictions, theories and a lot of Logan angst.
So I've had this theory for a hot second, and only recently decided to finally sit down and write it out. This goes on for quite a bit, and is a little bit on the heavier side, as it has my predictions for the last dark side, and a bunch of little patterns that are interesting to point out, that mostly lead to angst.
Okay, enjoy!
TL;DR is right before the little bonus thing at the end that's just more angst stuff for Logan that kind of applies.
So if you've been in the fandom for really any amount of time, you will know about The Rainbow Theory. Basically, all it is, is that the sides colors will make up the rainbow, and it seems to be nearly canon. We have all the colors except one. And that color is Orange.
Using the knowledge that this side will (most likely) be orange, we have a clue about him. That he's watching, and that he's aware of the audience.
From 26:34 to 26:44, in the upper left hand corner there is a score in orange text, the number is '07734'. Now, if you were to put that number into a calculator and turn it upside down, it would spell out, 'hello.'
Now this is mostly common knowledge at this point due to the fandom (me included) absolutely losing it over the hint of a new dark side. Especially since he shows up seemingly out of nowhere. I just needed to get those establishing bits out of the way before I continued on with the theory so it's a tiny bit easier to track my thinking (I tend to not explain my points correctly before moving onto the next one so I hope I did a better job of it this time through).
He is speaking to us. He's not saying hello to Patton or Roman or even Thomas! They don't even notice it! He is speaking to the viewer, which leads to the question of what exactly this side knows, and more importantly what this side is capable of.
There is also speculation that this dark side is going to be somehow attached to or the opposite of Logan. The opposite of Logic, that implication alone should be at least a little unsettling. Now, I love Logan, I love him a lot, him and Janus are my favorites. But he does seem to have kind of not the best relations with the others at times. However, I do not think we've reached him actually despising any side, not even Remus or Janus. I think that is going to change.
The color schemes Thomas and the team have been using are really clever. They convey a lot about the character just by having the color associated with them. They have also been working with the idea of opposites. And those opposites seem to conflict quite often.
What I mean is, violet on the color wheel is the opposite of yellow. Virgil and Janus' colors. Now, it is very, very plain to see that Virgil and Janus do not get along. Whatever history they have is still up in the air for specifics, but it's obvious that they have one. And at least Virgil hates Janus.
Red and green are also opposites on the color wheel. Even though they have barely interacted, it's clear by Roman's language towards Remus that they don't have the best relationship. Roman breaks down at the mention that him and Remus are similar. Also the funhouse simile, (DWIT: 35:56) "It's a little like, looking into a funhouse mirror,  but instead of a giant head, or, like, long legs and a tiny torso... It shows you... Everything you don't want to be."   That's more than enough evidence to prove they aren't on the best terms.
Now, onto blue. Blue, more specifically, Logan's shade of blue, is opposite to orange. And judging by the pattern we see developing with the opposite colors. Logan will not like the orange side one bit. Hold onto that piece of information for a moment while I make a few more predictions based on some more patterns.
Someone has already pointed this out, (if someone will be so kind as to remind me of who pointed this out that would be lovely <3), but back in Moving On Part 2, in the background, there is a picture hanging on the wall that will typically change  to fit whatever topic they're currently on, (ex: it changed to a picture of Thomas preforming in the show he won the golden apple for when it was brought up, or a zoomed in picture of the children's book he made.) At 1:30 the picture changes to show Thomas doing the 'speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil' poses. (Covering his mouth, ears and eyes)
The dark sides and Virgil seem to each have a connection to one of these.
Virgil: See no evil. (Embarrassing Phases: 7:32. Virgil makes the room go completely black, blocking everyone's field of vision while he changed Logan's costume.)
Janus: Speak no evil. (Self-explanatory)
Remus: Hear no evil. (DWIT: 5:36-5:48. Remus muffles the other sides conversation, making Thomas hear him clearer than anyone else with the "Have you ever imagined killing your brother?" line.)  
The last one in that same vein, would be 'do no evil'.
So what does this pattern have to do with the other patterns I've pointed out?
Well, in order to get there, I need to point out, yet another pattern. (I'm so sorry)
Logan has always been a bit more physical than the rest of the sides I think. I don't really like using pre-Fitting In information in my theories, as I'm unsure of exactly how much they had planned at that point?, but I'm unsure of how to explain my point that well without this example. In Accepting Anxiety part 1, at 6:36 you can see Thomas rubbing the back of his head where he was hit with the laptop, immediately after, you can see Logan do the same thing.
To me this sort of establishes that what happens to Thomas can happen to Logan, making him a bit more of a physical presence than the others. The brain is what stimulates pain after all, it controls all the nerve endings and pain receptors.
Another much looser example, is his puppet choice in LNTAO, the whole 'not made of felt' thing was most likely just because of what Logan said that y'know, he didn't feel anything. It is also the fact of, all of the others puppets had felt somewhere on them, except his. Which makes the puppet, in contrast, feel more sturdy and physical.
I don't think this one applies all too much, but it is worth noting that out of all of the sides, Logan tends to always end up holding something/having something more physical in his possession more than the others. (Moving on being the exception)
The note cards.
The yerkes-dodson curve chart.
In Can Lying Be Good he was given a little headset.
Logic Vs. Passion he had a notebook (Which also made an appearance in Embarrassing Phases) as well as the drawings and graphs, while he wasn't physically holding them, they were real and not animation like Roman's examples.
(If you wanna count the crofters go ahead...?)
LNTAO also had the paper ball throwing physically hurting Roman.
In SvS when he was summoned (lmao summoned to appear in court I just got that as I was typing this out.) He is holding a law book.
In DWIT he gets physically hurt, twice. Having his teeth pulled out, and the throwing star. [Side note: the little interaction at 19:07 could also apply here, showing how he's more grounded as he stays almost completely still when Remus practically jump scares him.]
In the Healthy Distractions video he has what I'm assuming is coffee-
Then in the redux, he physically ends up hurting Patton by popping up too close. An odd little detail that really didn't apply, don't you think? And it's immediately followed up with Patton reiterating that they were just figments of Thomas' imagination.
Logan is much more grounded in reality and more physical than the other sides. Which is a very good thing for Logic to be, that's what it has to be.
Now what is the actual theory?
Virgil can blind the others
Remus can mute the others
Janus can silence the others
My theory is that the 'orange side' is going to have the ability to physically or mentally control the others.
And Logan is going to be his chosen victim, at least at first.
Logan is going to have an antagonistic relationship with this side because of the fact that he takes control away from him. Which order and control is what Logan seems to thrive on!
Keeping schedules, having everything in order, being taken seriously, attempting to make sure that Thomas is punctual, all of those things are Logan trying to maintain control. Now that isn't a bad thing in this circumstance at least, he's trying to make sure Thomas doesn't do anything that would cause his life to devolve into chaos.
But when it's taken away from him it's going to send him into some kind of spiral, and lead to his two-part video. Losing control of things is scary as hell. It was one of the points brought up as to why Remus was being a pest more than usual (DWIT: 29:37-29:56). And obviously being ignored and pushed to the side isn't helping either. It could just be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Long story short, Logan's arc is going to be directly tied to that other dark side, at least in my predictions.
And it's going to hurt.
Okay, this last little bit, is purely speculation, with very little connection to anything in canonicity. All of the dark traits seem to have a connection to some kind of animal, and they're typically ones that are seen as gross or creepy in some form, spider, snake, octopus.
What if the last dark side's animal was some kind of bug? A beetle or something. Like seriously the thought of a bright orange beetle or cockroach is, disgusting.
The only reason I'm saying this is because of a random thought I had. We all know Logan's 'robot' persona he puts up, he can't feel anything, he's mechanical, right? Well, a side coming in and completely flipping all of that on it's head, and ruining the control Logan had...
That would be a real bug in the system, now wouldn't it?
Well! Thank you for reading through all of this! I know it got a bit long-winded I just like having as much evidence as possible before stating a theory.
But those were just my thoughts and I'd love to hear yours! So please tell me what you think!!!
TL;DR: My prediction is that the orange side will be able to take control over the other sides, and he will take control of Logan which would cause Logan to spiral enough to warrant his two part video.
BONUS: Some more angsty bits about Logan and control, that didn't apply to the theory too much! 
So first off, to me Logan seems like a very straight-forward (ha.) problem solver. If there is a problem there is no need to go through extensive loopholes or anything, no emotional mires or musical numbers unless necessary, the problem just needs to be fixed, period end of sentence.
I have a feeling that Logan applies that same logic to himself.
In the videos prior to Losing My Motivation, Logan was very very happy and bubbly. Easily excited and willing to participate in things he probably wouldn't have otherwise. He was much more expressive. (I know this is most likely because he was not a fully fleshed out character yet, but it can tie into some angst.)
Then in Losing My Motivation, Logan was brought the conclusion that he was the problem. (Note: this was also where the infinitesimal mistake was also made.)
From then on, we can slowly see minor changes to him in the videos, he starts becoming more reserved, serious, as well as trying new things to sort of fit in? (i.e the note cards) He saw the problem, and he tried to fix it. He became the definite voice of reason. Him smiling also went down a lot.
Looking back on this better explains why Logan was so upset at the beginning of Logic Vs. Passion, 2:28-2:41. To him he's already fixed his problem, he's fixed himself, he was the problem, how could Thomas run into this problem again!
Then we get to the crofters musical, where he just completely drops his walls down and sings and has fun with something he enjoys. Then of course, Virgil and Patton kinda come and unintentionally embarrass him. And he starts getting more feelings of inadequacy which build up to the whole problem of LNTAO.
Then in SvS almost his entire time on the witness stand was Janus subtly poking at him, and at 15:04, he talks about wanting to make sure Thomas is punctual and productive. He in fact calls it his passion project, something he is PASSIONATE ABOUT.
After two or three years, Logan is still trying to fix the problem. He's still trying to fix himself.
Now this link to control is mostly in what Logan is trying to get Thomas to do, be punctual, follow schedules, produce adequate content at a steady pace, and follow the same pattern every day, according to the chart in Logic Vs. Passion. This habit forming, tends to nearly eliminate variables from Thomas' life. Earning Logan more control. Which is clearly what he's wanting, as he feels that is the way to prevent problems from happening.
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3, 4, 6, 7, 15 OMG I LOVE THIS ONE, 18 and 30!!
3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
J U M P  A R O U N D LIKE A MONKEY ON SPEED. I’m way too ADHD to stay in one place for long in real life, why should writing be any different? XD
4. Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
I’m a trash human so... no. What are plans?
6. If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
My record is 13k in one night. Usually, a good day is like 5k-7k. 
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
The writing itself, ahaha. I have the desire to write, and the plot, and the enthusiasm... but the actual writing? That’s actually something I’m supposed to, like, do???????? Sounds fake but ok. 
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
Ehhhhhh. Probably We Are an Ocean, everything else would be too short, lol. But if I knew that there was the potential for a fic to be filmed, I’d write something entirely new, probably, and make it really cinematic, ahaha. 
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
This is the final part of Tali’s birth scene from That We May Forgive. 
When they finish and place the baby on her chest, Ziva's vision blurs for just a moment as her eyes fill with tears. She blinks impatiently, wanting nothing more than to stare at her new daughter's face and then… there she is.
The little one's screaming has softened into muted whining, still protesting the indignities of birth but no longer shouting about it. Her wrinkled skin is still wet and bright pink from stress, but Ziva can tell it has the same olive undertone that her own skin has. Her hair is wispy and fine, barely there, a beautiful light brown in color and different in texture than either her own or Tony's. Ziva experiences that great rite of passage for new mothers everywhere, thinking passionately that hers is the most beautiful baby the world has ever seen.
She drops a long, wet kiss to the tiny girl's forehead, reveling in the warmth of the skin under her lips. "Hello, little one," she breathes, and the sound of her voice, however faint, quiets Tali entirely. "I love you so, sweet girl."
She only realizes when she feels Adam's hand leave hers that he's still there at all, and her eyes flash to his with a sudden brilliant smile. "Adam," she starts, pride in her voice. "I would like you to meet Tali."
"She is perfect, Ziva," he responds earnestly, his gaze drifting from her face back to the baby's. Her own gaze follows, landing on Tali's large, dark eyes. For just a split second, too brief to ruin Ziva's euphoric mood, she wishes again that it was she and Tony staring down at Tali's small features, not she and Adam.
The real ache for Tony and its accompanying regret will come later, however, when the oxytocin and the endorphins have faded and she's truly alone with her daughter for the first time.
Okay so this scene is one of my favorite scenes from the best fic (in my opinion) that I’ve written. The entire fic is one long comparison—Ziva’s first pregnancy, alone in Israel, versus her second pregnancy, now part of a vibrant family in Paris with Tony and Tali. This scene is the culmination of that first pregnancy, the true point-of-no-return. She has made the choices she’s made and now she can never take back the fact that she kept all of this from Tony.
She’s euphoric about Tali’s birth, but that little grief still sits in the back of her mind, the undercurrent of every other thought. She’s completely and totally in love with that new tiny human, but it’s all going to hurt very much later. There’s nothing she can do to stop it.
The juxtaposition of what is and what should be is very clear in the presence of Adam vs the absence of Tony; as much as Ziva cares for Adam, as deeply as she appreciates his presence in this difficult experience, he’s a poor substitute for the man who should be there holding her hand. That’ll be reinforced later, and it’ll break her heart. Furthermore, she’ll feel it all again—even if the feeling is more of a muted echo—in experiencing a second pregnancy that’s much easier, kinder, more right. 
But above all else, I love this scene because Ziva... man, our girl is just MADE to be a mother. That was proven time and time again in season 17; she loves that kid as much as any of us can ever hope to be loved by anyone, and I took great (cathartic) joy in giving Ziva and Tali their first scene together. (I may have cried a little while writing it, shh.)
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
Bold of you to assume I come up with ideas in advance, lmao. I wish I had a better answer than that, but I usually come up with an idea and start to write it immediately.
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midorichan10 · 5 years
KnB Stageplay Ultimate Blaze Report (5/5, 5/11, 5/19 Livestream)
Okay I know I said I’d do my report after my second viewing on the 11th but then the finale was on the 19th so I thought I’d wait til then so it’d be easier to remember everything. A 3.5 hour play is super long....
So I watched the play live on the 5th and 11th, and the finale on livestream on the 19th. This is the very last Kurosute ever...Thank you Kurosute for 4 years of wonderful casting and performances. I also want to thank Ono Kensho for once again doing an outstanding job of his role as Kuroko. 
FYI, for those who also watched the livestream or plan to purchase the delayed stream, sharing pictures/screenshots or clips in public is prohibited. As such, I will not have any pictures included in this report. Please support the franchise by purchasing the DVD or Blu-Ray.
Major spoilers ahead. Proceed if you only wish to be spoiled. Again, this was a 3.5 hour play so this is VERY, VERY, long. 
EDIT: This took me two days to type out ORZ
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Before the play starts, Tsuchida’s actor has a voice over on the intercom about stageplay rules and manners. Turn off/mute your phone, no recording, etc. It’s nice that they had him still do his rules even though he wasn’t in the play. ;w; 
The play opens up with the Yosen and Seirin scoreboard and Haizaki walking in the audience
Haizaki goes up to a random girl in the audience and flirts with her asking for her phone number.
On the show on the 5th the girl just tried to ignore him lmao
Kagami walks on stage and sees him and calls him out. Haizaki then confronts him saying he beat Mukkun and taunts him until a ball is thrown from the side at him. Kise comes on stage and the whole Haizaki and Kise bickering proceeds. 
Haizaki gets REALLY close to Kise like literally breathing down the neck kind of close. How Mario didn’t flinch is beyond me. 
Kagami learns that Kise has never beaten Haizaki, and eventually Haizaki leaves. Kise tells Kagami to leave Haizaki up to him.
Kise leaves and Kuroko comes on, using misdirection on Kagami. Kagami asks Kuroko who Haizaki is and that he’s met him. Kuroko explains he’s a former teammate but that he was still a regular so regardless he’s a strong player. Hyuuga and Seirin come telling them off and says they’re going to watch the first quarterfinal match of Kaijou vs Fukuda Sougo.
The opening song for this play’s dance is “Memories.” Personally this is my favorite one so far. I think I have the team order for this correctly...
Opens up with Seirin then switches to Kaijou proceeded by Shuutoku. Then there’s a Kaijou Shuutoku and Haizaki segment.
I just want to say how good Haizaki’s actor is and how his moves were so appropriate as Haizaki....wow
Seirin comes back on for a bit then exits with Aomine and Momoi taking over. 
Oh, for the 5th I had Airi (new Momoi) and 11th and 19th were Arisa (original Momoi)
Mukkun does his own dancing segment between Aomine and Momoi
for the 19th finale he danced with a lollipop in his mouth. Isnt’ that dangerous? Lol
Akashi comes out with his jacket on his shoulders to the front of the stage, Then quickly takes it off and runs back. Rakuzan then dances in the front (without Akashi) and Seirin joins back on. 
For the instrumental intermission, Kuroko goes to the center and each of the GoM come out and then surround him and do a short dance ending with a dance motion of their signature move/pose. 
GoM exit and Kuroko watches Akashi run off  (who went directly back) with a pained face, and Ogiwara runs out all smiley (seriously protect this boy he’s so pure) . Ogiwara runs off to the side and Kuroko chases after him. As Kuroko still looks pained, Kagami comes out on the other side and the two walk towards the center and meet in a fist bump. 
The last chorus everyone (except Ogiwara) comes out. (Yes, including Mayuzumi). The song ends with each team forming a group pose (Except Rakuzan, Mayuzumi runs off before they form a pose)
All the other teams run off leaving Seirin left, and the senpais then exit leaving only Kuroko and Kagami to do one last running motion as the display title falls on the back. The two of them fist bump again as the title falls. 
The play resumes with the match against Kaijou and Fukuda already starting. There are two other members on Fukuda besides Haizaki (apparently they are Ogiwara and Mayuzumi’s actors in black wigs hahahaha)
As always, the match more or less follows the manga/anime so I’ll leave out most of the story details. Most of it is gameplay anyway.
In this play, they’ve really incorporated more ball handling, aka using the real ball. 
Seirin is watching in the back. At some point Aomine and Momoi join in to watch. (I can’t remember if Mukkun joins in to watch here or later...I’m almost certain he joins later)
After the match with Kaijou’s victory, Kise limps off with his injured leg. Then Haizaki walks back on stage, looking for Kise. Aomine sees him and tells him Kise hasn’t come out yet from the stadium. The two have their argument and Haizaki tries to punch Aomine but Aomine beats him too it. Aomine always says some sort of variation of “Oops..I did it....Eh, he’ll be fine”
Scene changes to Kagami calling someone, which is revealed to be Kuroko, saying his shoes broke. Kuroko replies how his feet are unnecessarily big (Kagami: OI!!). Kuroko says he’ll have to call ‘that person.’
‘That person’ is revealed to be Momoi as she runs up and gives Kuroko a tight hug. She tells Kagami that Aomine will give him one of his many shoes and that Kagami’s the type that wears by model rather than care for color.
As Aomine and Kagami are playing basketball in the back (Aomine lecturing him) , Momoi tells Kuroko about Aomine punching Haizaki.
Aomine finishes the quick game and convinces Kagami to accept the shoes.
The scene ends with Kagami and Aomine stupidly arguing and Momoi and Kuroko are literally dragging them off the stage. 
For the May 5th show, they just literally drag them off
For the  May 11th and 19th, Kuroko jabs Kagami in the stomach and pushes him off as Momoi pulls Aomine off.
Midorima walks on stage prepared for the semifinals.
His lucky item is a giant shogi piece
The rest of Shuutoku join him and the senpai question why the shogi piece is so big. Miyaji asks Midorima what rank is Cancer that day and he says 2nd and he gets mad. Takao says Midorima is never wrong with Oha Asa but Miyaji asks  for a pineapple from Kimura (off stage) anyway. 
Shuutoku is introduced as the first team of the semifinals with Rakuzan following (except Mayuzumi). 
Seirin is in the back again and Hyuuga explains how the other Uncrowned Kings are in Rakuzan with Akashi.
The Shuutoku supporters are ‘jacket mob’ actors which are Haizaki and Kaijou
Haizaki’s actor kept dancing around with Mario.....
Ogiwara’s actor is the referee for this match.
Again , more gameplay here. For the actual story read the manga or watch the anime. 
For the May 11th show, there were a lot of ball handling errors here. 
Otsubo was supposed to pass a ball to Midorima but Nebuya accidentally caught it instead, so he quickly passed it back to Otsubo who passed it to Midorima again.
Midorima ‘shot’ the ball but the ball bounced against a railing and into the audience. It was during the part where he and Takao do the miracle shot. In the script, the senpais pat and hug Midorima and Takao for pulling off the play anyway but for this show they gave Midorima extra hugs and paps for the mistake. How sweet. 
One of Reo’s shots also bounced against a railing but it was towards the back so the ball just rolled behind the front fence
Akashi uses a real ball for his Ankle Break. He dribbles the ball around his legs and finishes with the ball going between his legs and catches it. I’ve never seen him mess up nor seen any reports of him doing so.
Mukkun joins Aomine and Momoi in watching the match. 
During Hayama’s speed dribble, everyone who is watching ‘shakes’ to the vibration. I don’t know whose idea it was but Mukkun excessively shakes to the point he looks like he’s being electrocuted or something haha. Oh yeah, he’s eating Pocky in this match, real Pocky. 
Mayuzumi was out most of the match but occasionally you see him run past between the main fence as he ‘passes’ the ball to Akashi.
When Shuutoku loses, Takao and Midorima are crying real tears. For the finale, everyone was crying...
The scene immediately changes to playing Punky Funky Love and Kaijo senpais practicing. Talk about a mood change. I was still crying over Midorima crying....
It’s a flashback of when Kise joins Kaijou and Kasamatsu explaining how the senpai have worked longer than him. 
Just as Kise leaves, Kuroko and Kagami join the stage and they make eye contact with each other.
Of course as usual, before a break there is the Kagami vs Kuroko janken game. Usually involving Kuroko asking for a longer break and him mostly losing. For this break, it was 10 minutes. 
May 5th janken- Kuroko tells Kagami that ten minutes is fine, much to Kagami’s surprise. Instead, Kuroko wagers that if he wins, Kagami must treat him to this fancy eel later. Kuroko wins and Onoken posts on Twitter that Yuya did indeed buy him the eel lmao
May 11th janken-Kuroko again tells Kagami that a ten minute break is fine. This time if he wins, he’ll switch to speaking ‘tameguchi’ which is using the casual form of Japanese (like basically everyone else, aka not using ‘desu/masu’). He actually switches to ‘tameguchi’ as he’s talking to Kagami, and Kagami’s trying his best not to laugh. At some point he says it’s annoying haha. Kagami wins so Kuroko’s like ‘well I guess I’m not speaking in ‘tameguchi’
May 19th- it’s their last time to do janken so Kuroko suggests that this time they just play janken for the heck of it. Kagami’s surprised but goes with it. Kuroko wins to his delight, but Kagami being stubborn begs for one more chance. Kuroko allows it, and they have one more match. Kagami wins and Kuroko kneels in defeat. 
Other adlibs I’ve heard were Kuroko asking Kagami to buy him boba tea, and the usual longer breaks like 3 hours. 
The second chapter opens with one of the ‘jacket mob people’ making sure the audience’s phones are off. The rest of the jacket mobs come out holding various items, such as a camera, cheering horns, towels, and one member has a corndog.......
These are the Shuutoku+Haizaki and Rakuzan actors. 
Akashi was the smallest one with the camera on the Rakuzan side. Also he just had Yohchans body structure anyway I mean-no
The corndog guy was on the Shuutoku+Haizaki side, I’m not sure which it was since it was harder to tell who was who (except Takao)
Seirin and Kaijou are introduced and the second semifinal match begins
May 11-Another mistake in this match. Kise jumps to knock a ball out of someone’s hand from Seirin, but the ball hits a railing and bounces back onto the court so Hayakawa quickly picks it up and throws it off stage
May 11- Kise shoots the ball but either doesn’t put enough power into it or shoots in the wrong curtain so the ball ended up going to Kiyoshi who was just coming out from the side. 
The jacket mob members act as the ‘fans’ in the stands. Both support Kaijou at first then Rakuzan cheers for Seirin and Shuutoku+Haizaki for Kise.
For Kagami’s line “This is our drama!” Hyuuga and Kuroko had the most outstanding ‘wtf’ faces
When Kagami said it, he puts his hand and fists together. So Izuki repeats him and continuously punches his hand like a bodybuilder. 
Hyuuga taunts Kiyoshi with the “Iron Heart” nickname. For the finale he gets everyone in the audience to chant “Iron Heart” with him and Kiyoshi gets mad, “EVEN IF ITS YOU OR THE AUDIENCE I’LL GET MAD AT YOU GUYS!”
When Kaijou loses, Kise cries real tears, every time when he says he wanted to win with everyone. 
For the finale, the other members of Kaijou are seen crying too when they lose...
After Kaijou walks off stage with Kise crying, Seirin comment how they made it to the finals and look at the scoreboard which has now changed to Seirin vs Rakuzan.
Kagami walks on stage noticing his necklace is missing. He starts to look for it and Midorima walks on with his giant shogi piece with the necklace. After he gives it back to Kagami, Kuroko walks on with Takao following. 
As Kuroko and Takao are talking, Kagami and Midorima are talking (whispering) to each other. Usually it’s about Kagami pointing out Midorima’s shogi piece and for the May 5th show he even tried to take it much to Midorima’s displeasure. 
Midorima tells Takao they’re leaving before telling Kagami there’s two Akashi and tells him to ask Kuroko about it. 
Here some really dark music plays and I wish they had a soundtrack for this play.....because wow I got chills
Kuroko tells Kagami that he’ll explain what Midorima meant by the ‘two Akashi’s’ by telling everyone about ‘our past’ 
At this moment, the instrumental for the Teiko ending song, Ambivalence, plays and Ogiwara runs out (Kagami exits and Kuroko moves so he’s behind Ogiwara who’s facing us). Ogiwara then says “Are you alone? I’m Ogiwara Shigehiro! Let’s play basketball together!” and the stage fades into darkness. This marks the end of chapter 2 and a 15 minute break before the last chapter of the play. During the break the instrumental for Ambivalence is still playing so we’re all just preparing ourselves for the feels.
*Note: The Teiko arc is briefly covered in the play, but the actual arc itself is  covered in the Teiko Reading screening which was available to stream online and in select theaters before the play, including scenes with Nijimura and Coach Sanada. The Teiko Reading only goes up to right before the match between Teiko and Meiko. The play covers highlights of the Teiko arc and the Teiko vs Meiko match.  For those who were unable to watch the Teiko Reading, it’ll be included in the Ultimate Blaze DVD/Blu-Ray.
The third chapter opens up with Ogiwara and Kuroko playing basketball together and Ogiwara confessing that he’ll be moving. The two promise to play against each other in junior high school.
Kuroko explains how by second year, he had moved up to the regulars and he and Ogiwara keep in contact with each other.
Each of the GoM come out in their Teiko practice shirts (and colorful shorts....)
Mukkun had red shorts and Kise had neon green.......
For every other GoM member, they had a dramatic DON! when they appeared. For Kise, he had a super *SPARKLE” effect as he did a double peace sign and smiled.  Kuroko comes out last and his is his ‘misdirection’ sound effect that is often used in the play for him. 
Oh yeah, Momoi is here too as she watches over them/Aomine. 
The Teiko members do some practicing.
Akashi (who is receiving the passes from someone off stage) passes the ball to the rest of the members on stage. 
The scene shows how Kuroko and Aomine work well together.
The scene changes and Kuroko narrates how Aomine has started missing practice. They discuss that maybe he had a valid reason and then the stage darkens to just Kuroko who confirms that the reason for Aomine’s absence was that he was ditching. He calls Ogiwara for advice, who said that Aomine is different from Haizaki in which he actually enjoys basketball and the problem is because he likes basketball. He tells Kuroko that since Aomine helped him, Kuroko needs to be there for Aomine. 
Aomine comes on in his Teiko jersey, having regained his happiness with Momoi watching. However the other players give up and he in turn gives up playing his hardest. (there’s no players on the stage but  you have the image based on the sound effects). Kuroko walks on smiling for a fistbump but Aomine walks away saying his “The only one who can beat me is me’ line. 
Kuroko gets a call from Ogiwara later saying that he lost in the first round, and that their promise will have to wait til next year. 
For the finale, Ogiwara was almost crying, or he was crying....save this boy please. 
Kuroko and Momoi talk about Aomine, making no progress. And Momoi asks him if they’ll always be together, in which Kuroko is hesitant to answer.
Slowly, the other GOM members (minus Akashi) slowly realize their abilities. 
Mukkun with his ability to block, Midorima with his ability to shoot.
Kuroko then finds Aomine by the river, and the whole “I don’t remember how to receive your passes” scene plays out. 
Aomine’s face looks so pained here /cries.
Back at the gym, the rest of the GOM are wondering about Coach Sanada’s approval of Aomine ditching practice, and Mukkun wants to ditch too. Akashi tells him that’s not allowed and the Mukkun vs. Akashi match starts with Bokushi awakening.
Akashi’s acting was so good, the contrast between Ore and Boku. And the music for Bokushi’s appearance was spine-chilling....I want the soundtrack for this please....
They use a mix of actual ball-handling and using an ‘air’ ball. Even without the ball you can tell Akashi’s actor is really good at basketball.
Akashi declares as long as they win, no one needs to show up for practice, much to Midorima’s shock.
Kuroko returns and asks Akashi who he is, and Akashi responds, “Of course, I’m Akashi Seijuurou.”
Months pass and the GOM are unbeatable and getting bored in matches, so Kise suggests making it a competition of who can score the most, with even Akashi joining in. 
Ogiwara happily tells Kuroko they made it to the finals, but Kuroko is unhappy with the current atmosphere of the club. He asks Akashi to let him start out in the semi-finals, which Akashi permits. 
Ogiwara is impressed with how much Kuroko has improved.
Kuroko gets hit in the head by the other team and is taken to the nurse.
Ogiwara talks with Akashi about Kuroko, and asks Akashi if basketball is fun. Akashi responds he doesn’t understand such a question.
Kuroko asks to play but Akashi tells him no under doctor’s orders, and tells him Ogiwara’s message about playing each other agian someday. Kuroko asks Akashi to not hold back against Meiko.
Despite losing 111-109, Ogiwara is fighting back against Teiko, telling his teammates to score one basket and losing proudly.
Ogiwara shoots and misses, and Aomine complains how they gave him the chance and tells Mukkun to shoot it.
Ogiwara, on the ground, looks at them in confusion to why they would score on their own basket. 
Kise happily announces how they reached their goal and that they’re all matching, and points to the scoreboard to reveal the score of 111-11.
Kuroko comes out to see a heartbroken Ogiwara, who looks at him before leaving the stage. 
Kuroko talks how painful it is, and what is victory. Onoken’s acting here was emotional, as expected from already portraying Kuroko in the anime. 
The GOM come out and line up behind Kuroko similar to the panel in the manga. 
Kuroko announces his resignation. 
Kuroko narrates how Ogiwara has transferred, and Ogiwara comes out on stage saying how the GOM had such cold eyes, but Kuroko can melt that coldness. 
Kagami then comes out, and scolds Kuroko along with the rest of Seirin. 
Hyuuga gets mad at both of them and sends Izuki and Koganei to drag Kuroko off and give him a tickle attack. Riko follows.
Kiyoshi and Hyuuga comment how it was a sad story and that Kuroko never talks about himself like that, so now they must win.
The next day is the Kaijou vs Shuutoku match for third place and the finals.
Mukkun meets up with Aomine and Momoi, who talk about who would win. They say third place is decided but the finals could be anyone.
Kise is on the bench due to his injury, and Shuutoku easily wins the third place match.
Midorima tells Kise their match is ‘postponed’ for now.
Kise gets annoyed saying, “WELL OF COURSE. IF I WAS IN THERE I’D WIN”
Kise and Midorima continue to bicker.
Kasamatsu and Otsubo just look at each other and let their kouhais fight it out.
Towards the second half of the runs, when Midorima points his finger at Kise, Kise actually bites his finger. No, I mean it. He actually bites it. Midorima gets grossed out by it.
^yes, those were actual lines.
Now it’s time for Seirin vs Rakuzan. 
Haizaki’s actor is the referee.
For the tip-off, Nebuya gets upset that Kiyoshi isn’t the one jumping.
Seirin declares Mayuzumi not a threat since there’s little information on him, so Aomine asks Momoi about it. This is an adlib scene and varies per show.
May 5- Aomine asks Momoi to get ‘that’ (her notebook) from her bag. Instead she pulls out one of his gravure photobooks. She proceeds to put it back but Aomine hastily takes it away. Momoi asks Mukkun if it’s in his potato chip bag. He looks in it and pulls out..................a chip. Turns out the notebook was in her bag after all, much to Aomine’s annoyance.
May 11- Instead of her notebook, Momoi kept pulling out Mukkun’s empty potato chip bags. Aomine gets mad, but Mukkun only responds, “They were yummy~.” The notebook again was in her bag after all. 
May 19- similar to the May 5 adlib. 
When Hayama does his dribbling, Mukkun agains shakes vigorously on the side. This time, since he has chips, he sometimes dropped them on stage. So afterwards, you would see him picking them off the ground.
Both Reo and Mayu admit how loudly annoying Hayama is (they were running across stage too )
When Nebuya gets upset that Kiyoshi doesn’t remember what he told him 2 years ago, he literally throws a tantrum on the ground. 
Everyone in both Rakuzan and Seirn:.............
When Akashi goes into the Zone, he actually dribbles around everyone with the ball across the stage. Talk about coordination! 
Akashi’s shocked face as he’s starting to lose was perfect too. Sorry I have a lot of Akashi notes....
As he’s starting to lose, Akashi starts switching between Oreshi and Bokushi. Oreshi’s voice has like an echo/autotune effect but it’s not a recording or anything. 
Thus, the monologue between Oreshi and Bokushi was amazing. The actor constantly switches between both sides very smoothly. Give this guy an Oscar please.
When Oreshi talks about his mother, a ball falls from the sky and he hugs the ball close to him as he mentions it’s what he has left of her.
You can actually visually see the difference between Oreshi and Bokushi in face expression. 
As Seirin admits defeat, they’re all collapsed on the ground, even Riko, until Ogiwara comes out and cheers for them. 
Aomine shouts out from the side of the stage. In the finale he was even crying. 
Kaijou and Shuutoku go in the audience and cheer for Seirin from there. 
For the May 11th show I had Kaijou right behind me. Literally -screams
Aomine was crying real tears when he says “So it was you all along, Tetsu...” 
For the finale was sobbing more
For the final shot, the stage goes all dark as Kuroko says “I’m a shadow.” Then Kagami comes out from behind and makes the final dunk. 
Lantana then begins to play as Kagami declares Seirin the winners of Winter Cup.
In the final performance, Akashi cried as he admits his loss and even when he shook hands with Kuroko. 
After Kuroko shakes hands with Akashi, and says that they can play basketball at anytime, Seirin and Rakuzan make a quick bow and run off stage. 
Final Scenes
The remaining GOM come out in their uniforms, each with a basketball, and happily dribbling around the stage. 
Kise sees Haizaki walking out with his shoes, about to throw them away, but Haizaki hesitates and instead hugs them close to him. He sees Kise was watching him and Kise smiles knowing Haizaki didnt’ really hate basketball after all. 
The different teams come out taking a stand in front of the stage and then having a fun match against each other. 
Kaijou vs Shuutoku
Seirin vs Rakuzan
The players even go up against other players that we didn’t see during the matches. Everything was so emotional and happy. 
The last scene ends with Kuroko and Kagami fistbumping each other and Kagami poses as he’s about to dunk and Kuroko kneels below him fistbumping towards us as all the other players are reaching out towards Kagami.
Curtain Calls
May 5th Aichi Finale - Akashi and Reo
Reo mentions how in high school he was the only one in his group who didn’t read KnB. And now he’s IN KnB. 
May 11-Kiyoshi and Koganei
They got Hyuuga to go to the center and do a big “KUROSUTE FIGHT O” cheer with the cast and audience.
May 19th-Kuroko and Kagami
This one was really emotional as it was the final performance ever. Yuya starts crying over his talk over Kagami, and he even deeply bows to Onoken to thank him. 
Onoken didn’t cry but he was on the verge of doing so, his voice was shaking. 
I lost count of how many curtain calls there were for the finale, but there was a lot.
Every show Rakuzan would high-five Akashi as they left the stage
For the finale Mayuzumi even hugged Akashi, and then for another curtain call afterwards all of Rakuzan group-hugged Akashi
Kuroko and Kagami asked if the director was around, apparently he wasn’t so they asked someone to say “Thank you” in his place instead. The cast chose Akashi to say it. 
Momoi ran up to Aomine and Kise and walked off together.
On one of the last curtain calls, Aomine and Kise decided to have OnoKen thrown up in the air and got everyone to join in. 
Every curtain call ends with Kagami and Kuroko fistbumping each other and leaving. For the very last curtain call, it was all of Seirin together. 
Kiyoshi lifts Riko up in the air for a few seconds to celebrate. 
And thus concludes my last Kurosute report....please consider buying the DVD or Blu-Ray when it comes out, you won’t regret it. 
Once again, thank you for four years Kurosute. Thank you cast members for doing a wonderful job portraying our beloved characters. Thank you Fujimaki-sensei for creating such a beloved series. 
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kukurubean · 5 years
really long character survey » kassem
tagged by @to-the-voiceless​! i feel like i’ve done a version of this for rothe before, so i picked kassem. tagging: @theseventhdawn​ gimme jorge, @aethernoise​, @ahlis-xiv​, @holyja​, @coeurlfist​, and whoever else wants to!
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FULL  NAME: Kassem Tariq
AGE : 29
BIRTHDAY : 8th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon (1/8)
ETHNIC  GROUP : Midlander Hyur
LANGUAGE / S : Eorzean Common, Hannish
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION : Asexual? probably? hell if I know anymore
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : I would’ve said aromantic but uh SOMEONE fell in love
HOME  TOWN / AREA : Radz-at-Han
PROFESSION : Alchemist; private investigator
HAIR : Very thick, considerably curly, and pushed back the best he can manage lol
EYES : Glow-y because I say so. Ice blue.
FACE : Defined cheekbones, brows, perpetual scowl
LIPS : Probably frowning.
COMPLEXION : Gods bless Thavnairian skin care bc otherwise he’d have enough frown lines to make any middle-aged woman gasp in horror.
BLEMISHES : Let’s be honest this man’s gonna have circles under his eyes for the rest of his life
SCARS : Minor acid burns from cheap Ul'dahn gloves
HEIGHT : 5'6"
BUILD : Small for a midlander; not exactly petite, but it’s starting to become obvious his current habits are taking a toll on his body
FEATURES : He has a pretty large birthmark on his lower back 
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : Pushed back, usually falls into his face esp when it’s late.
USUAL  CLOTHING : Long cloaks, muted colors, Ikraam’s Laziest Model Ever
FEAR / S : Dying on Ul’dahn soil.
ASPIRATION / S :  To go home. Raise their family’s standing. Make $$$.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : He’s a genius.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : He does not use his genius well.
MBTI : INTJ (The Architect)
ZODIAC: Nald’thal
TEMPERAMENT : I googled this. Melancholic?
SOUL TYPE / S : I also googled this. Thinker?
VICE HABIT / S : Not sleeping.
FAITH : I’ll say Twelve until we see a Thav/Hannish character throw us a bone on what they practice. But I HC they have a different faith distinction.
GHOSTS ? : Nope.
REINCARNATION ? : Hm. Maybe. I’m not allowed to say maybe on him but I honestly can’t decide what he’d reply with rn.
ALIENS ? : Nah.
EDUCATION  LEVEL : (Brianna, yelling about Thancred: HE HAS A PHD.)
FATHER : Eilqar Tariq
MOTHER : Firuzeh Tariq
SIBLINGS : Ikraam Tariq
EXTENDED  FAMILY : I mean, yeah. Have I made them? no,
NAME MEANING / S : Tariq usually refers to things that appear at night, describing both travelers and the stars.
BOOK : Some big complicated alchemy tome that he has at home and desperately wants back. The only copy he’s found in Eorzea is grossly marked up by a Ruby Avenue vendor.
DEITY : Thal,
HOLIDAY : Heavensturn
MONTH : January 
SEASON :  Winter
PLACE : His room. At home.
WEATHER : Rainstorms
SOUND / S: None. Silence. (or rain)
SCENT / S :  Incense
TASTE / S :  Nut bake
FEEL / S : Putting on clothes warmed by the sun.
ANIMAL / S : cat,
TALENTS : ...alchemy skfdjhsd
BAD  AT : normal human functions
TURN  ONS : idk
TURN  OFFS : idk
HOBBIES: Working. Passing out when the work is done and starting all over again.
TROPES : Good Is Not Nice, Icy Blue Eyes, Badass Longcoat, The Insomniac, Deadpan Snarker,  Bunny-Ears Lawyer , Black and White Morality, i don’t want to spend any more time on tv tropes,
QUOTES : “You’re blooming at the mouth again. / A field of red, your hands catch like tinder. / This messy hunger dissected on the table with open eyes. / To say you gave a name for the rain.” — Ana Carrizo, A Field of Red
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 : I’m no good with movies. I’d stick him in an Ace Attorney game so he can be even more of an illegal menace than Edgeworth with the autopsy report (because Kassem made the report.)
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Boy do I have the album for you. (It would be the Suitei Yuuzai OST.)
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : I was bored in a course I was taking to get a law assistant certification. I was joking with friends about this text post and making a character who could be that law professor.
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 : I feel like it’s obvious how much more comfortable I am with Kassem compared to Rothe. He’s a bunch of tropes I like.
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : It’s frustrating having to define all things to black/white. I can’t duck out and go halfway with him; I have to make a solid decision and he has to carry it out.
Q6 : What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 : Our MBTI’s are one off so take that as you will. (INTJ vs INFJ.) We’re both a little too averse to sleeping than we should be. I’m a boring ex-law student turned accountant. Though I wish I could calculate numbers as well as he can...
Q7 : How does your muse feel about you?          
A7 : LMAO. We’d get along, especially if we were working together. 
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : I really love his involvement with @theseventhdawn​‘s mafia, Vigil. It was a setting I never really considered putting him in, so it’s fun to think of him interacting with a group that doesn’t exactly abide by his personal creed or expectations.
Q9 : What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : ...I just really enjoy picking on him.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : I honestly have no clue because I was doing about 4 other tasks while I filled this out (over several days,)
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mikanrulz · 7 years
What do you think of the ending of vs? For me it was disgusting they gave a happy ending to a genocidal king and put him as a hero, is offensive for his victims. Jeanne ans Mugaro didn't deserved this treatment, and the Genesis cast didn't deserved all this OOCness to benefit the romance.
it was… meh.
just let this anime be a dance anime
ultimately I think Virgin Soul uses false advertising
i wish they’d change the introduction to the series in the official site;
instead of saying bla bla bla conflict demons gods humans three races, they should’ve just changed it to bla bla bla Nina the cheerful village girl…in order to find true love…must defeat bahamut…..
at least then the ending, which actually totally ignored the war in order to further the romance, would actually make sense
also whoever wrote ep23-24 obviously never watched ep1-4 or have erased the eps from their memories
fine, I *might* have thrown some profanity loudly at the screens during certain scenes while I was watching it the first time
but now I’ve reached the state of zen, where nothing about it can touch me anymore
tho something kept nagging at me, something about chari being blind and nina being mute now, like I’ve heard/read it somewhere before…
and I was right; it was from the book The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
excerpt from chapter Red Brocade:
Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.
This is how the girl who couldn’t speak and the man who couldn’t see fell in love.
I wonder if it’s just coincidence?
I certainly hope this isn’t a homage to Ms Atwood’s novel tho, bcs wow what an insult it would be, considering the context of nina and chari  compared to the two characters in the book.
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also, ngl but during the scene above, I kept expecting the rag demon to come out of the shadow and slit his throat.
It wouldn’t be a perfect ending, but it certainly would be a better ending than the one we’ve got.
Also about everyone getting paired off:
admittedly i just noticed this since I kept my slash google on and refused to see Sofi/Jeanne getting broken up for the sake of *bacchus*
but like
the priorities tho
instead of using precious screentime to explain more about the relationship between 3 races now, this shows uses it to pair everyone off, bcs off course :’)
just bcs the protags are happily in hetero relationship, it means other charas must also be in love with the opposite sex too, no in between, no friendship, no nothing
also, it could be what the writer nina meant by ‘forbidden love’ is not necessarily romeo/juliet love thing, but more the kind of love you keep to yourself and not telling other ppl about
e.g. nina/chari - they don’t say to other ppl who they really like
rita/kai - she can’t tell anybody about him, can never tell another soul they’re together now
sofi/bacchus - god/exiled god
jeanne/azazel - demon/holy maiden
amira/favaro - he never tells another soul that he’s looking for her still
I mean lmao, at this point, i kinda expected the writers to also pull a Gabriel/Lucifer ship while they’re at it
idk, i guess i’m still bitter :’)
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what’s the meaning of Mugaro’s existence then?
Gabriel: you’re born to save the world
Bacchus: you’re born as a gift to your mother from your father
Mugaro: *gets killed before doing anything*
In relation to Jeanne, at least it looked like Mugaro existed for the sake of returning Jeanne status as holy maiden and making her stand in battlefield again
this is the girl who hasn’t stopped losing ppl since genesis, whose life keeps revolving around battlefield, never taking a break
and what did she get in the end?
her son buried six feet under while the one person responsible for making her life hell gets a happy ending
I won’t speak about azazel here since I feel I already speak about him often enough
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but Lucifer’s shiny golden eyes bothered me greatly
it just looks…cheap…to me
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I man, just look at genesis ep12, he managed to look majestic and powerful without his eyes needing to change colors and all
also another thing: it bothers me that during ep21 Lucifer uses pronoun boku - kimi for pronoun I and you, instead of the usual watashi - omae, which he used in all three fallen angel brothers skits, and which is also his default in SnB game.
this esp stands out bcs there’s a fallen angel brother skit at the end of ep21
so obviously, whoever wrote the eps do not write the script for the previews
it’s… probably nothing big, but hearing lucifer uses boku/kimi is just… uhhhh he sounds kind of young-ish instead of ancient
speaking of, in gbf, lucio also uses watashi
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chari getting lauded as hero is just funny to me
like, didn’t these ppl realize chari was the one who purposely brought bahamut to anatea???
if bahamut stayed in ebos maybe the destruction to anatea wouldn’t be as severe???
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asgardian--angels · 7 years
so I saw Thor: Ragnarok!
as always, spoilers under the cut as I give my initial thoughts.
That was an awesome movie. I wouldn’t rank it my number one, but definitely in top 5 I think. Ok, where to start, where to start...
The cinematography. Good stuff. I like what Taika Waititi brought to the table aesthetically. A real crowning moment for me was Valkyrie’s flashback - that was absolutely stunning, the best shot of the whole film to me. All I could see in my mind was Asgårdsreien, Odin’s Hunt. Truly beautiful. An interesting thing that stuck out to me also, neither good nor bad per se but, the lack of extreme closeups. Were there any, actually? That showed just part of the face? I suppose the Hulk had a few, maybe one for Thor summoning his powers. But the lighting in the film would have looked phenomenal on like, some silhouettes of Loki or Hela. I want the closeups man, give them to me.
The Plot. Lot to say here. So obviously, this is not the Ragnarok of legend. At all. While some of the key players were there (Baldr?? Where art thou?) and some of the principles remained, they really took it in a different direction. I’m ambivalent on that. If they had stuck to the real apocalyptic Ragnarok, the comedy aspect they worked into the film would not have fit whatsoever. It would have been Winter Soldier, not Guardians of the Galaxy. Can’t really have both. Because the real Ragnarok would have been extremely dark and sad and serious, with all our favs dying bloody, the world being destroyed, and probably a lot of slow-mo shots of Jormungandr’s gaping maw and dripping fangs descending upon the Aesir, etc etc. It would have been awesome ngl. But utterly out of place with that comedy. They went for a more lighthearted, less dire version of events - while the in-universe situation was dire for Thor and kin, I... didn’t feel it emotionally. Not saying that’s good or bad. There were no moments in the movie I felt real suspense, or that I shed any tears. There was no Loki dying in Thor’s arms, or Frigga getting stabbed, no startling turn of event situations that tugged at your heartstrings apart from a few mild melancholy Thor and Loki brother interactions. I suppose if you went into the film expecting those scenes, you may be a bit disappointed. A lighthearted apocalypse seems like something of a contradiction, and yet they pulled it off fairly well, and I think worked better if you dropped the context of real Norse myth Ragnarok or any Marvel comic Ragnarok and just experienced the film for what it was. 
This whole atmosphere they went with is, I’m sure, a response to the success of films like GOTG (colorful space comedy) vs Civil War or Ultron (gritty uber-serious graytone manpain). But even GOTG had scenes that were far more serious and emotional - I cried a hell of a lot during GOTG2 - despite also having scenes that were further on the funny/raunchy spectrum. They struck a perfect, surprising balance with GOTG that made you feel almost every emotion possible in the span of two hours - this Thor film tried to be more muted on either end. They really downplayed the lasting enmity between Thor and Loki, the fear and sorrow associated with the literal end of their world (esp by the common folk), and Odin’s death. Like, seriously, Thor or Loki didn’t even mourn or cry at their father’s death? I would have liked to see some scenes of Thor trying to cope with that. Any scenes at all showing some emotional vulnerability or struggle, by any of the characters - Valkyrie was really the only one who got that. 
Now, seriously, I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy the film - I did!! I really liked that they added some comedy to Thor’s character, because the last two Thor films didn’t give him much character at all. This made him more charismatic and relatable. And I do love Loki in this. I am 1000% here for them being brothers and not focusing on them constantly at war with each other - what Thor said, about, at the end of the day, I’m me and you’re you, is I think really the heart of it. They’re brothers, but they’re fundamentally different, and that’s ok. Loki will always be a trickster, he’ll sometimes betray Thor, but that’s just his role, and Thor doesn’t have to hate him for it. So I’m glad they had that relationship in this film, and Loki got a lot of great scenes. But yes, again I’ll say there wasn’t much emotional turmoil by anyone in the film, likely because it was all focused on the big bad, the time for feelings is later, yadda yadda. But there is still a lot to work out, and I hope they eventually do. 
Other notes -
 Is the Grandmaster the brother of the Collector? I feel like he is. Having him in the film gave off such a GOTG vibe, gosh. 
So much was changed from the trailers! Thor losing his eye was definitely not in the equivalent trailer scene from the Bifrost. 
Some of the green screen was... not great, I feel. It was really obvious at times. A little surprised by that. Knowing that they changed an entire scene with Hela (from the city to the cliffside in Norway) made me wonder what was going on in the editors room that they made so many major changes and possibly had to redo the greenscreen vfx at the last minute?
The fact that Thor knew it was Loki disguised as Odin and just let it go on for that long..? And so few people were startled by it?
Idk a few reactions I thought were just not as grave or extreme as they realistically should have been.
Surtur’s voice was weird tbh, they should have put some filter on it to make it sound like it was coming from a rock/fire being
I just want to say that I listened to Amon Amarth’s Surtur Rising before the film because how could I not
Hmmm that’s all I can think of right now. Thoughts? I’m assuming it was Thanos’s ship in the PCS there? 
I did like the film a lot. Despite my complaining. I’m just a perfectionist. I’m not really settled in my mind of how I think they should have treated that plotline. There’s a lot of potential with something as big as Ragnarok, and they downplayed it as much as possible. It worked in its own way, but man, it could have been huge. 
Overall? Maybe an A-?
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litcci · 7 years
Reblog or repost. DO NOT remove credit.
TAGGED BY: nobody i STOL this
TAGGING: @melligine, @serapheit​ (honestly use whichever oc you’re feeling tbh!!), @kaqenui​, @infernosis​ THIS ISN’T A PARTICULAR LIST S O  FEEL FREE TO STEAL THIS REALLY!!!! i had fun doing this
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FULL NAME: Selen Cypress Steele MEANING: Selen’s name is the Sami variation and I couldn’t actually find a meaning for it!!! However when used in Turkish, it means gospel or asset Cypress and Steele should be obvious NICKNAME: Sel. Right now only like, two people are allowed to use this MEANING: Should be obvious!! AGE: 23 BIRTHDAY: February 20th ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aquarius GENDER: Agender, masc presenting He doesn’t feel much alignment to any particular gender, but he’s very content with the way he presents currently
ALLERGIES: None. SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Men and masculine people, exclusively. THEME SONG(S): Honestly I couldn’t think of much BUT...
APPEARANCE HAIR COLOR: White. Just straight up white. He’ll deny it but it’s absolutely white. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Choppy and asymmetrical; longer on his right hand side, which he usually keeps in a little braid. The shorter side sits just above chin length. Tends to let it get shaggy EYES COLOR: Muted brown HEIGHT: 5′8′‘ | 173cm. Not as blessed with height as some of his other family members, but it could be worse. WEIGHT: 134 lbs | 61 kg. OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Tends to be pretty extra, favouring thicker fabrics and fur. Sweaters are a constant. When not working he leans towards a more minimal style. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS, MOLES): Freckles everywhere (face, arms, legs), a few scars here and there SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Occasionally he’ll fill in his eyebrows if he’s feeling insecure; he favours nice perfumes and colognes, too (especially vanilla scents) FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Composed, a little unapproachable SKIN COLOR: Pale beige, prone to sunburn and reddening. BODY TYPE/BUILD: A little on the scrawny side, but there’s some definite muscle definition around his arms and core DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Neutral and focused. Resting bitch face honestly. Some days, you might be able to spot a little smirk--usually in the company of the king. POSTURE: Upright, hands on hips, hands by his side--he’s ready. He keeps his arms folded when he’s relaxed, shifting his weight onto one leg. PIERCINGS: Both ears. He rarely wears earrings these days and they’ve pretty much sealed up, though DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Pretty monotonous, more so out of being calm than anything. Usually fairly quiet, doesn’t speak particularly quickly or slowly. As he warms to you, it becomes more rhythmic and emotive
RELATIONSHIPS MOM: Jerusha Steele HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: It’s complicated. They’ve not been in contact since Selen left Belori. Selen completely understands why she acted the way she did towards him--he was equally heartbroken and angered by his father’s disappearance. But the way she went about it is something he can’t forgive so easily, and has left an impact he’s still healing from. He’s not rushing to see her again, but he still thinks about her. DAD: Tobejas Steele HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Again, it’s complicated. Up until the age of 10, the two got on wonderfully. The man was very up front about his heritage and what he was, with Selen embracing it as best he could. Calm, gentle, fun, and all around a fantastic father figure. After his disappearance--knowing it was planned and how his mother reacted to it--Selen’s opinion of his father is incredibly bitter. He’s not as desperate for answers as he was (he’s stopped actively looking for him). Out of spite, he’s choosing to barely acknowledge certain aspects of his heritage, but he still holds lingering respect for him he’s barely aware of. The braid in his hair is the same one his father wore, after all.
SIBLINGS: Saskia Steele HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Like a house on fire. She’s aware of his whereabouts but hasn’t told her mother, but the two of them share an incredible amount of mutual adoration, respect and hatred of their father. CHILDREN: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. PAST LOVER(S): One. Very short lived. Admittedly, it was out of desperation on both their parts and they were barely compatible, but not from lack of trying. Selen was the one to be broken up with. CURRENT LOVER: A certain king. Selen’s been head over heels for him for the last three years and it doesn’t look like this is stopping any time soon. And really, he couldn’t care less about peoples’ opinions about their differences in ranks. He’s in deep. REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: By default, he’s sceptical of their intentions, but he greatly enjoys listening to them and what they have to say. That scepticism persists for a while, but he’ll still act friendly enough. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: He’s more of a follower than a leader and takes to orders like a fish to water.  Still, he feels he works better alone than in a group. That being said, there’s been some definite improvement in his approach in recent years. LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: People who are overly curious or obnoxious, honestly. He needs his privacy and to save his energy. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE, ETC): He’s remarkably good with children!! He’d be far more protective of his own children, but he’s the sentimental type. Days out, reading bedtime stories, listening to everything the kid has to say.
PERSONALITY …WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: A little stiff, but it’s obvious he’s making an effort to be friendly. Acts calm and collected, but aspects of someone who’s a little inexperienced still shine through. …AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Talks and smiles a lot more!! He starts being a lot more playful (think awful jokes and awful puns), but also a lot more protective. He gets a lot more receptive to affection too. …AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Resting bitch face.  Passive aggression. To an extent--with his words at least--he’s capable of hiding his feelings very well, but it boils over to a point of outright rudeness. FAVORITE COLOR: Red, some shades of purple, green FAVORITE FOOD: He would die for banana bread FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats FAVORITE ELEMENT: Water (ironically, he can’t swim) LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Blue, yellow LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: He’s not a big fan of pizza LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Like most, he’s not too fond of insects. HOBBIES: Fashion, photography, and... knife throwing. He’s starting to develop a budding interest in gardening, too. USUAL MOOD: Calm, focused DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Occasional drinker. He’s a stress smoker, but it’s a habit he’s trying to stop. And occasionally. He’s done weed before no thanks to a certain someone’s influence. DARK VERSION OF SELF: He’s inherently very neutral, so there’s nothing especially light or dark about himself LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Again, he’s neutral! HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Pretty serious, but he can definitely appreciate fun and doing things on the spur of the moment CLASS IN AN RPG: Rogue BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Eh (IN)DEPENDENT: Independent. VULNERABILITY: People he loves getting hurt, his loyalty being challenged, his past to some extent OPINION ON SWEARING: Occasionally! Never at work. Gotta stay professional. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Cautious MUSIC TYPE: He’s fond of chilled out electronic music, but he’ll honestly listen to anything. MOVIE TYPE: He doesn’t have an absolute favourite--rather, he likes specific films rather than overall genres. He’s biased towards adventure, however. BOOK TYPE: Murder mysteries, hands down COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Anything below 50F is nice. He’s cold. He can appreciate warmer weather in small doses, but anything beyond that is a nightmare for him SLEEPING PATTERN: Very structured, sleeps about 8-9 hours a day consistently. If he can’t get that, he’ll gladly nap. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Very tidy and organised, though things turn to disarray when he’s stressed out DESIRED PET: He’d love a cat, or a tortoise HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: People watching, so much people watching BIGGEST SECRET: Unless you ask, everything about him is a secret... so in a strange way, he doesn’t have any particular secrets. He still greatly prefers being mysterious, though HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: His sister and the last king of Melcio WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: ......Cat. Like honestly i thought about this for a few minutes but no he’s a damn cat i can’t do this FEARS: The king’s assassination, especially if it’s something he can prevent. He’s not the best about being controlled or manipulated, either. Or blood. COMFORTS: Piping hot cocoa, fairy lights, hugs--but only if he knows you well enough
HOW DO THEY REACT TO… DANGER: Tries to be as level headed as possible, thinking of every solution to get out of it SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Straight up tells them no, no hesitation whatsoever. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Depends who it’s from. If it’s from a certain someone he’s definitely gonna start crying. Anybody else? ‘...Um.’ DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Isolation, solemn sadness... after a while. Then it turns to eventfulness if applicable. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Frustration, honestly. He’d want to walk away from the problem and start again if he can, but if it’s under pressure he’ll just take a deep breath and do the best job he can INJURY: Tries his hardest to ignore it and power on through until he has no choice SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: If it’s an animal he’d want to try and lure it in and say hello!!
FIRST APPEARANCE: He’d face’d first be put to the public after his appointment of first knight, by the king of Melcio’s side on excisions.
KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGES: I’m not sure how we’re going about languages over at Frucitaion lmao but he definitely has a couple under his belt SCHOOLING LEVEL: High school graduate FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Psychology, textiles, math INTERESTED CAREERS: He considered pursuing psychology further at one point, but his heart was set on militia EXPERTISE: Ditto CHEMISTRY: C MATH: A+ LANGUAGE: B GEOGRAPHY: B POLITICS/LAW: A COOKING: B MECHANICS: A BOTANY (FLOWERS): A MYTHOLOGY: D DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): A, exclusively for acting
READING LEVEL: High school graduate HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Very good, and he adores it. 500 things that could go wrong are considered and worked around, almost to the point of obsession. You can never be too careful.
ROMANCE . DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: He’s perceptive, so he knows when and how to initiate when it’s needed! Otherwise he takes a backseat, since his boyfriend is the affectionate sort. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Shameless and unapologetic, honestly. It takes a while for him to come out of his shell, but when he does he’s staying and he’s gonna enjoy himself, PDA and all. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Somewhere in between! He has his moments of being a klutz when he’s truly being himself, though he enjoys putting on a gentlemanly facade. Really, he can’t take himself seriously. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Slow. PROTECTIVE: Absolutely. He’d put his life on the line to keep Carmi safe ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Lovers, no mistake about it. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Tends to pick his gifts carefully, with plenty of sentimentality behind most of them! It’s hard to resist some impulse buys, though. Plants are always a must, but things that remind him of his significant other or trips out they’ve had together are always welcome. TYPE OF KISSER: He’s prone to quick impulsive kisses, but he has a tendency to get really into it once he gets going DO THEY WANT KIDS: He’d love to adopt whenever they feel they’re ready DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: He’s not rushing, but he’d love to MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Ones that are beneficial to both parties. So yes, mostly good. He can make poor decisions that are too extreme, especially when it comes to keeping his loved ones safe. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Definitely. He’s all about the corny, cliche stuff, as long as they’re both having a good time. HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Touchy, loud, pretty average? He isn’t sure. Ask his boyfriend. He’s pretty receptive and attuned to what his partner wants, though. GET JEALOUS EASY: Not at all! He knows Carmi has a lot of love to give--that’s why he adores him so much MARRY FOR MONEY: Nope FAVORITE SEX POSITION: -- WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: Something corny, like a picnic at sunrise or a trip to the aquarium and a nice meal afterwards. OPINION ON SEX: He likes it, but he doesn’t need it and definitely has to be in a certain mood for it.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X9 the Real Ghostbusters
...oh mORE META?
oh HELL YEAH Actually this might not be good, but let's do this
oh yeah never mind this is going to be a mess
the bb flashbacks tho, they were so small
Chuck...said come...uh oh
nope nope I'm muting this oh my goD KILL ME
he's..is Chuck dating Becky
nothing makes sense anymore
the leather jacket again? oh?
...hey wasn't last episode also emotionally raw?
also cuz the jacket is recognizable I think
I cannot believe that they just said "frightened little boy(Dean)" and "the homoerotic subtext of supernatural" what the FUCK WAS GOING ON HERE
listen I wasn't in the fandom then I don't know what's happening what is happening what the fuck
great so God's a terrible public speaker
nothin makes sense anymore
"Where'd you come up with the characters" *stares directly at Sam and Dean*
their technique is getting critiqued lmaO
Sam's like "fair enough," Dean's taking it personally
Becky what the fuck
"Dean goes to hell what happens"
Dean in the back of the auditorium: wow I SURE WONDER
dang now I want a yellow eyed cooler
God is actively trying to date a Samgirl
I...just...typed that what the fuck
"I'm not a good writer" THEY FUCKING WARNED US
ah they're roleplaying I see ok
"who gave you the right to our life story" and "our lives aren't for public consumption" are raw ass fucking lines tho
aw Dean doesn't know what LARPing is yet
they got the badges too with the stupidfucking FBI agent names
oh god they actually show up
oh my god it's a Tulsa isn't it
oh it wasn't her
it doesn't work cuz they think it's them
I think they should lose a look alike contest I think that would be funny
oh it's...actually authentic oops
lmao he said the actual thing oh my gOD
oh god they think it's part of the game but GUYS IT'S NOT
the role-play hurts me
hey I have a shirt the same color and pattern as Sam's
god this kid is actually terrifying, as is this episode
Becky what the fuck
ah Dean has the parental issues ok
ah and they found the other guys
yeah fuckers have fun getting therapized by NERDS
"why choose to be us" oh gOD THAT'S HIS DAMAGE WAIT
"Their pain is not for your enjoyment" :(
Sam saying he takes it seriously oh my GOD AHAHA
hey wait in the meta plot line does that mean the fans like the character versions and not the writers? Is that how that works?
wow I just cannot tell what is happening anymore
ah he takes the Dean Shot that's neat
"we read the books" LMAO
"and screw you very much" LMAOOO
ah it's the lady
ah jeez not the kid
wait who did it? the kids??
oh good it is the other kids
the mom was trying to protect him
"invasive questions" seriously
the angels lmAO
'lapping" dean
oh they were only scared of Letiticia and the...larpers
oh that's so neat
"we got to do something, even if we're terrified"
the story gives them strength aw
I'm so sad they stopped making him say sweetheart that was sweet
oh shit the ringtone
it almost worked
enough to buy them time ig
these kids are so fucked up omg
Chuck has gone to the Worst Stories oh my god
this is gonna be fun
yes it's a bit self congratulatory it was still cool
Rob Benedict is fun
they don't believe him
it was a GOOD LINE Though
they get to be the escapism for people! they get to have a family that would die for them!
that's so good though
are they..
no they seem just friends
if they snuck in w//nc//st I was gonna be very confused
ah good here's the Becky plotline I have fun
yes go and date Becky God
"no not really we have guns and we'll find you" AHAHAHA
oh my god
1 the good fan portrayals! look..yeah ok there was some stuff that was weird, we weren’t supposed to see them as like..the Ideal. but the whole thing of like…family that cares about you and that you care about and saving the world? they did understand that part of the appeal at least, they were just wrong about their target audience. The majority was sad teens, but…I think…I think they had the right vague Idea. It wasn’t AS unsympathetic as I thought.
2. the bad whatever the FUCK they were doing with Becky. Like…oh wow. Some of the convention stuff was clearly made to be mocking. Actually a lot of it. I’m honestly surprised at ANY good. Jesus that was cringe for like 80%. Like I’m glad in the end it…tried, but OUCH it was…Listen I get it wasn’t your target demo but you still have fans guys for FUCK’S SAKE
3. the reactions listen…Sam’s lil “ah yeah this is kinda funny in places, we can make this work, I can hide it” vs Dean’s “WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE”…like idk Sam at least feels like someone who has let himself be weird and nerdy, Dean hasn’t, so he knows the vibe. Also I feel like Dean hates himself and his life a lot more than Sam does, regardless of how much they pretend it’s the other way. Like it reads as everything Dean wanted not to be, or was told not to be, and like…yeah ok there’s a metaphor in there. Whereas Sam the Protagonist is just kinda more chill. Also that one scene at the end was unironically funny(no chuck abort was very good)
4. the meta/self congratulatory ok as far as meta: they did take advantage of the fact that we the audience know shit the characters don’t to like…actually find the colt! like that was a very good use of meta! using the lady as the matron was also good use of meta! and yeah it’s self congratulatory(nerdy underdog niceguy writer gets the girl that’s a fan of his work)(hey if chuck’s a stand in that’s really fucked up guys) but that scene with Chuck was actually cool, and yknow…he’s not that bad right now. I know he will be, but he’s just kinda fun and funny
5. actually really good set up and payoff this episode like the shot glasses, the lady, the “they all think it’s a joke” hell even the fucking colt and bela and crowley. I just thought it was neat
6 hbo supernatural. Ok so…every single thing that was a bit Lighthearted ended up dark and vice versa. I think that they’re straddling this line a lil bit here, because they clearly wanna tell darker stories, but the CW is forcing them to stay peppy and they’re…not fantastic at integrating it. Like changing channels has two COMPLETELY separate vibes. I think that actually the curious case did it better, but both are good. Once again, the straining against circumstances that makes this fucking show so compelling, even if it’s not good
and that was our meta section of the season peeps!
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