#lmao kill me
gusherguy · 1 year
mushroom madness 3
part 1
part 2
(cw for vomit, vomit eating, transformation, mental corruption)
A young janitor elsewhere in the facility was having a normal day so far. He had his eabuds in, bobbing his head to music while he mopped the hallways. He didn't hear Dr Tay coming up behind him. Dr. Tay approached the janitor with a grin, his cheeks puffed up with vomit. He had to swallow many times to keep his stomach contained for now. His body was wriggling uncontrollably, like a balloon that's been overinflated, at risk of bursting, and he steadied himself against the wall with one hand as he went. "He-hrrrllppp! Hey there," He said, his voice barely audible over the sloshing and gurgling noises emanating from his gut. His eyes are half-lidded and he let out a sudden hiccup.
The janitor turned around quickly to take in the worrying sight of Dr. Tay before him. The doctor reeks of vomit, his clothing visibly damp with the stuff, and its weirding him out. "Uh…hi? Are you….are you okay?" he asked hesitantly.
Tay returned the question with a question. "would you like to try….something wonderful? Something life-changing. An… experience." He steps forward, his cheeks are bulged out, the muscles beneath them twitching with the effort of holding back a torrent of mushroom spew. It was only with the strength of his sheer willpower that he does not let loose. "I… I'm not even sure I can explain to you how incredible it feels," he crooned, looking down with a strange, almost lustful gaze.
The young janitor gulped nervously. The acrid smell of vomit on Dr Tay almost smelled alluring now. He was thoroughly confused, starting to feel very weird….kind of drunk….and hungry. "Oh…..okay. um, if you think i should, sir…." he said softly, entranced. The man swayed, his grip on his mop loosening, his hips slowly being drawn toward Tay's as if by a magnet. "How….how do i experience it?"
"Open your mouth." Dr. Tay commands with a nod as he holds his churning guts. His eyes are unblinking and his voice is full of quiet desperation, almost a plea. "Open your mouth so I can fill your stomach with some… of what makes me feel good." Tay's free hand slowly reached and began to caress the side of his face, fingers splaying against the skin. "Come on. I'm not going to bite you. I just have something special to give you…"
The second the janitor's lips parted and his eyes fluttered half shut, it happened. It was as though Tay opened a valve somewhere in his guts. A thick stream of creamy slop and half-digested mushroom chunks poured down into the janitor's gullet without a pause. The first second the vomit hits the janitor's tongue he was snapped out of the trance momentarily and gagged. "Khhaahggk!!" It tasted awful. Slimy, warm, sweet and salty. But then it incomprehensibly tasted good. Like the most satisfying of delicious stews. It settled warm and heavy in his tummy and he realized he wanted more.
"Oh…urrgghlllp….here we go," Tay murmured, watching as the mess covers his victim's tongue and spills down his neck. He retched again, a long, drawn-out gurgle sounding from his belly. Puke spewed from his lips. The mop dropped from the other man's hands as he gulped the fungal barf down greedily. "Mnnnngh….urp…more, more…."
"Good boy…" Tay crooned seductively as the stream of slop continued feeding down into his mouth, covering the young man's lips and chin and neck with the sloppy mess. As it sinks into his gut and settles like a stone, it feels warm and heavy, comforting and delicious all at once. It feels… right.
The stream finally dwindles, and the janitor's tongue explored the leftover slosh in his mouth. Mostly runny, with some little flakes of fungal matter. It tastes and feels good, so good. His body wants more. He wanted to be full with the stuff, bursting at the sides with it. His stomach swelled with mushrooms, 75% full and drunkenly happy. He leaned against the wall, hiccuping. "G-god….good god, I - hurk - i feel good…." he slurred between dry heaves and wet burps. He whined and rubbed at his swollen belly, wishing that someone would help him rub it.
As if reading his mind, Tay leaned in and lifted the man's shirt, his hands feeling over his swollen belly with practiced enthusiasm. The flesh gurgled beneath his fingers and his belly churned.. "I have to say, you've done a good job. That's a lot of mushrooms inside you. Your body is certainly enjoying it…" He rubbed the bulging flesh beneath the fabric with a soft moan, a look of utter pleasure in his half-lidded eyes. He leaned down and rested his forehead against his victim's as he continued massaging that huge, swollen, squirming gut.
The janitor belched over and over as the expanding fungus in his gut pushed out gas. The expert belly rubs from Dr Tay did a good job in making him feel better. "Huuurappp….bwraaarp. Burrpp….urrroorrhhpp!" At 90% full now he began to gag between belches. Drool ran down his lips as his body realized how full it was and how imperitive it was to empty itself. "Ugh -hurk- sir, i think…i think i'm gonna barf. Urp! What…what do i do?"
Tay smiled down as he massages his victim's belly, the bulging flesh shifting and rippling beneath the gray uniform shirt. He let out a soft moan—that full stomach is something of a turn-on for him. "Let it out," he whispered, pressing a bit harder into the mound of bloating fungi under his skin. He wants it to explode out of the janitor's mouth. "Come on… let everything out."
He opened his mouth as creamy puke forces its way explosively out. gray musroom slop splatters the floor he just cleaned. The janitor's huge belly contracted and heaved as it made him vomit uncontrollably. And it felt so impossibly good. Every sensation of the chunks surging up his throat. The delicious release of immense pressure in his guts. The warmth spreading down from his mouth and soaking into his clothes. Heaven.
The explosion of puke seny Tay into a giddy frenzy, as though he were high and tripping off the experience. With every eruption of sloppy, creamy vomit from the janitor's body and onto the ground, he laughs and moans, rubbing his belly harder. "YES! That's it…" He let out a long, contented moan and presses both hands against his victim's belly, feeling the warmth of your fungi squelching and squirming beneath like so many snakes. He was really enjoying this. The encouragment from Dr Tay helped overcome the young man's nervousness and fear. How could he possibly be afraid with Tay here to help? And so he let himself vomit without trying to stop. "Urp….urp…..hurk!" he gagged again and again until more fungus gurgled up his throat. Supple spore bloomed in his nostrils, around his crotch, on his tongue….and it all felt wonderful. He was changing, transforming under Tay's caring hands. And those hands edged slowly lower….
Tay's face was inches from his victim's as he continued to massage that swollen, grayish body, the scent of his own fungus flooding the hall. As the janitor continued to burst forward, spraying mushy, mushroom flesh onto the floor, it felt like the most incredible thing in the world. His crotch inflated with spores and semen. He was so, so aroused as he continued to spew. His chub burbled out goopy precum. "Grrrlllg…..yes….I wanna be….mushroom…." he gurgled out between heaves as Dr tay palmed his erection and rubbed his belly. Tendrils bloomed from his nose and belly button, beginning to consume him…but in a different way from the unfortunate Dr Fore.
"Oh god…" Tay exclaimed, his eyes going wide with arousal and wonderment. The feeling of his hands on the young man's pendelous belly, the sloppy mass of fungi squirming under his fingers, the warmth and smell and sensation was all exhilarating, an experience like he'd never had before. The janitor had transformed, still swelling, no longer human. He burped and drooled froth constantly, his face gray and dotted with spores. The fungi began to grow explosively, spreading further and further through his body, and as they did, something felt….strange. The walls began to fade and turn dark. The janitor's eyes shut beneath a sudden spew of vomit and the change completed. A dreamy light, a warmth washed over him. He felt relaxed, at home, at peace with the world. As the change consumed him fully, he let out one gurgling cry and a geyser of vomit.
And then, the mushrooms had him.
Dr Tay looked on his newest victim with pride and joy. This one had actually survived the process with physical form intact! The janitor burbled and belched and vomited and groaned, ambling aimlessly down the hall with its new bulbous, slimy body. "If this one could survive the process with their mobility…." Tay wondered in an excited murmur. "what else might be possible?"
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moondrops-and-ink · 1 year
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Hey! See the kitty? That's Toby! Toby has been watching his mom get very stressed over her debt.
Sometimes he worries if she'll be unable to buy him treats (she wants to take him to the kitty dentist but treats are obv more important to the Tobster)
Luckily his mom does art!! ♡
Aka: Hey guys, I'm really struggling and need to break through some credit card debt. I've been trying to get commissions for months now. So below is some info on prices if you can't see the pics!
Bust - $50
Portrait- $75
Full Body - $100
Backgrounds - $10 to $50 depending on complexity
Simple backgrounds FREE
Bust - $25
Portrait - $40
Full Body - $50
Simple Background FREE
Basic (Full Body + flats) - $30
Rendered (Full Body + shading) - $45
Background Added - +$10
Must be 18 or older to order
Characters MUST be 21+
Will discuss kinks and what I can and cannot provide
Pricing same as above
Extra characters +$5 each!
I take PAYPAL or VENMO for payment
DM here OR email me at [email protected]
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square-watermelon · 1 year
jesus mary and fuck face joseph, i genuinely don't think we can take another injury
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rancid-jester · 1 year
the hivliving scandal is kinda kankricore...
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lavender-annd-lilac · 2 years
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Excuse me ma'am. We like button ups and under shirts over here okay? Hint of titty and tattoos 😂😂😂 he makes it work for him 🙃
U know what, I’m not sure if the button up/undershirt combo actually looks ok here, or if it’s just being overshadowed by that…interesting pant length 🤔
Look, I’m a huge supporter of the shrunken suit. I mean, personally I think it looks more flattering on a Wes Anderson kind of build, but whatever I still dig the style. In general.
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Uh, but idk, I feel like part of the charm comes from the interplay btwn the seriousness/formality of the suit, and the playfulness of the cut and tailoring. The exciting clash when a no-nonsense fabric like tweed is paired with an absurd amount of ankle cleavage, if u will.
Not to go full roast mode, but something about the styling in that gif is not my cup of tea lmaooo 😭 it could be anything. It could be me having a bad day. It could be me not having a good eye for fashion.
It could even be any of the following:
the yellow/black combo that reminds me of bees.
the pattern of the shirt that isn’t quite gingham, or flannel or plaid, but what seems to be rows of diamonds?
How the sleeves are rolled up in a very neat and unnatural way, like someone tucked them in
The casualness of garments both above and below the waist - there’s no drama, u know? Like if this was top chef, Tom would say, “the textures are too similar, give us a little crunch, a bit of contrast”. The off kilter ankle revealing pants with something a touch more elevated, like blazer, or a cardigan, or turtleneck even
Tbh none of this rly matters tho bc the audience is prob undressing him with their eyes anyway hahaha so like, ignore everything I just said 😂😂😂
Man, I just really need a Kourtney Kardashian to give me this kind of wake up call when I get nit picky about men’s clothing of all things 😫
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So ya. My final verdict is: Great vibe, love the energy. He looks comfortable. He’s not hurting anyone. Live, laugh, love and peace to all on this blessed earth 😌 Namaste 🙏
Lol sorry for this long ass reply… I feel like I came across as rude (not sure to who tho. U? CE? CE’s stylist?) but for real I appreciate u sending this in 💗 I like that u stand behind your choices like a boss. And the more I write the more sarcastic this sounds when my intention is the opposite, so I will stop now. Ty for coming to my Ted talk 🥲
Anyway, here’s Wonderwall
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Oh no I want to start another WIP
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hematomes · 2 years
btw i found an old-ish (like 1 or 2 years ago) pic of me and not to be a bitch but like.. it's not too bad
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 6 months
I'm a cryptid in Stardew valley. I live on the outskirts of town. I disappear for days on end, purchasing daily one-way tickets to the calico desert. Nobody knows where I go while I'm there. Can occasionally be found fishing at random spots throughout town. I am never not running on at least one triple shot espresso. I take the abandoned minecarts to get around and am frequently seen disappearing into the sewers. I carry a sword for some reason. Once every week or two I will stride into your bedroom to deliver you your favorite meal. I'm a self-made millionaire. I attend all the town events and will go to your concert in the next town over. I have donated approximately 2583 items to the local museum and singlehandedly revitalized the town community center. There are rumors I can talk to junimos. I'm friends with the local wizard
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doctormori · 1 month
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the devil made me do it
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hinamie · 16 days
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to moving forward
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#jjk art#yuji itadori#gojo satoru#fushiguro megumi#nobara kugisaki#itadori yuuji#megumi fushiguro#jjk spoilers#satoru gojo#jjk manga spoilers#hina.comic#before any1 says anything i KNOw his birthday is in december ik ik ik this is just 2 show some post-battle bonding after the trauma#its winter in canon n megumi's birthday has passed and he spent it being piloted like a mech so they need to celebrate Now!!#also this was technically a request lmao anon wanted megumi birthday angst hehehehhe i hope u like it <3 bc it KILLED ME DEAD#im going to collapse remember when i said this wasnt harder than the hydrangeas im having second thoughts#page 8 made me want to bash my head in#could have stuck with one flashback image could have left them monochrome could have done literally anything 2 ease the workload#but noooo the chronic overachiever in me would not allow it#rule of threes i had to include all of them and they Had to be in colour it wouldn't have hit the same if i had kept it monochrome#i needed it to look how childhood memories look i needed it to look oversaturated and hazy and fond but unmistakably Gone#it may have killed me but im so proud of this rn like from an art style perspective these megumis and yuujis r top tier by my standards#personal favourites r the first and last panel of crying megumi like not 2 pat myself on th back but expression?????? hello??????#enjoy your cake megumi you've earned it <333 sorry fr hurting ur feelings it will happen again#oh my god i can sleep tonight bless <333 and i met my 3 day deadline NICE im so good at what i do
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cl0udypaws · 7 months
Watching the Land Before Time with my friend and her kids. That animation and art style is so cursed it makes me wanna commit arson lmao
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parlapina · 10 months
"How would you describe most of your favorite shows/books?"
Like this:
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senblades · 6 months
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Distortions, and ways to see the world
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zosanbrainrot · 4 months
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part 3 is here!
01 02 03 04 05 06
Hii! it's been a hot minute since the previous part, you can see my style shifted a bit, especially when I compare Sanji's hair lol I never know how to draw it, in canon it's more straight but when I'm not thinking about it I instinctively give him more of a wave. It's also generally a bit more loose and sketchy then in the previous ones, I used to use less lines back then. I somehow didn't notice the shift until I was done lmao
I remember I sketched out most of it right along the previous two, but wasn't feeling the panels after "nothing happened" and BAM over 2 months pass and I drew the panels with the hands and OH MY I'm so happy with those, they are a bit dramatic I admit lol but I love a good closeup shot, the way you can push forward a story with just showing small gestures!! And it's something different from the constant ping-pong of the shots where you can see them talking, so it's a breather but it's also holding a lot of tension!
In this sequence MagicPoser was a real help, I posed the models and moved the camera around so I had anatomy refs from any angle I wanted!
I can't wait to show you the next part, I'm so excited to see what you'll think!! I hope to update sooner than later, but I'm gonna be busy with a freelance gig for a bit :(( hope it goes smoothly!
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fincherly · 1 month
my gf was looking through wesker's wiki page (as you do) and sent me this
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and i lost my shit bc it just seems like they're looking at him like girls look at a weird bug
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sophfandoms53 · 29 days
Im fucking crying why did he say this, bro has never been outside before😭😭
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