#lmk and ill remove you if you want
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Hope its okay to post this. Wanted to bring attention to it.
But yes! The way I draw the characters is to imply they're young adults now.
Aging has been implied vaugely throughout the run of Lalaloopsy. With the babies for the original 8, The Webisodes and the Nick Jr. Series portraying them as young children (10-12ish if I had to guess), then Lalaloopsy Girls makes them presumably highschool age, and We're lalaloopsy always felt like they were going for older teens young adults since they own businesses (Crumbs cafe, Spots Studio, Jewels Boutique ect.)
I know a lot of franchises really like to stick to the cast being children but I like turn to MLP: FIM which had the same feel of the cast being young adults in the primary show. I liked the feeling that these characters were growing up with me while still being for kids.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 7 months
i make a new theory post on a frog (psoilers ahead)
with theories such as felipe is evil and/or working with niklaus:
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(post from aethlingg, his post can be found here! note: after research they no longer do jrwi content but rather qsmp content [specifically q!bbh and q!forever from what i noticed! theyre still very cool so go follow him [heres to hoping ik how he/they pronouns works btw])
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(post from redcloverf3y, their post can be found here! i cannot find if they still do post jrwi and just talk about other fandoms rn, but nonetheless go follow them!)
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(post from razberrypuck, its post can be found here! they def are still into jrwi from their lil bio and shit, but theres also others things they post, like q!charlie [or qsmp in general] and stuff, follow it too!)
to theories of what demon actually got felipe:
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(post by pulchrasilva, their post [correct the pronouns if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the blog] can be found here! considering how five or so minutes ago they made a jrwi post, they def still talk about it, as well as other things, go follow them!)
to even some on felipe BEING niklaus (which i reblogged and stuff):
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(post is from aethlingg again, this one can be found here! for once i cant get a full image because its a long one but ill be talking bout my tags on it too)
theres been 2 posts on how felipe wasnt the culprit (heres one by wrinklemcdinkle) (heres another by ralexsol) ive seen, so im throwing my own theory into the mix: the demon is kuba kenta and kk (or mr. kenta) has relations to both niklaus hendrix AND the compass. lets get into it!
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lets start with the tags i wanted to use (i found they werent actually on the felipe is nk post, but rather on the second felipe is being framed post i linked)! theres a couple details here i mention but why do i say kuba in particular?
the only person who could actually have something against gillion straight up is jayson ferin, mainly cause he got stabbed by him twice, but jayson isnt a demon! you know who is a demon though? kuba kenta. so for jayson, mr kenta was the perfect way.
as for felipe's escape, the rope was burnt, correct? who has fire powers again? mr ferin. when felipe was being investigated or whatever, kuba contacted jayson and he got him out of there, leaving there be reason to assume felipe was dragged to hell.
yes i do think felipe was controlled by kuba to hurt gillion, it plugs up some plot holes thats for sure. so how would felipe been target if he only pulled the card the next day? because felipe probably was a target since he was born.
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its important to point out the compass not only having effects like kk's scratches do (give nightmares, cause physical reactions/changes, etc), but a similar color pattern to both niklaus and felipe. (pointed out by several people before me, like aethlingg in his actual essay about evil felipe working with niklaus shown above) another interesting detail is the nk tattoo is used with a moon attached, felipe's choice of goddess to worship. he immediately finds a friendship with chip when about 4 eps ago, niklaus had been given a stick by chip (important cause of how it was harder to spy on niklaus since the stick was in his room and stuff before, i think itd also add in an idea of "greater connection with the person" and stuff). i could go on and on abotu their connections.
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lets get back to the connection of niklaus and kuba. how would they even have met? probably something like chip did for his deal. as the quote above shows (found from the post by redcloverf3y, heres another link to it), people who have that desire for their goals will find him, not those who look for it. why would kuba need to strike a deal with desire daddy? because how else would he be able to use felipe. theres no way the curse would change the free will of felipe (it didnt do that for chip or gillion), so if he wants felipe to be a better puppet, he needs something to interfer with that. niklaus and kuba cut that deal, and felipe doesnt lose that curse on him, well to the others. kuba wouldnt have been able to give felipe the nightmares, anytime we see him hes with the three, so someone would have seen him get scratched! even if he got scratched in the couple months before they met him (cause felipe was six months old, not a couple days), the scars dont fade, rather theres the black ooze to them that burns, making it not a forgetable thing.
speaking of that, lets move onto the daggers situation. why the fuck would a tour guide have such dangerous daggers, poisonous ones to be exact (i heard it had poison effects somewhere, but sadly cannot find any info about that)? felipe has no need for poison daggers! he literally can spit acid! that means its only being used for its forgetfulness, which doesnt make too much sense to me since its not like being stabbed isnt just something you remember but theres the fucking pain of it too (example being, when i was younger and we were in the car getting ready to leave some place, there was this like tightness on my foot and i look at the door and [because it was one of those automatic doors and shit] it was closing on my foot. i didnt remember getting my foot in there and i still dont know how it happened, i do remember though how much of a bitch the pain was. not close to the pain of stabbing im sure, but you still remember the pain even without the memory of how it got there). that leaves one last usage: actually stabbing. again, hes a tour guide, he has no reason to need to stab people, no reason he should have a dagger that damaging, let along access to one like it. you know what has good weapons, ones with magic and shit? the navy. hell, theyre building a mechicanical leviathin! they of course have magic weapons for combat and such. and being a vice admiral, kk would have access to all of them. he gets a dagger for felipe, uses his deal to make sure felipe does whats needed, there.
so why would pulling the card get kuba as his enemy? its the magic of the cards! why would felipe hate gill? why would gillion dissappear only able to be brought back by powerful magic (whole can of worms for niklaus's abilities btw, needed to point that out)? the cards! theres also how felipe did reveal what his plans with gill were gonna be, but its probably just the cards.
i do also think the compass is related to kenta cause of their abilities being matched and it kinda fits him, a man driven even beyond the grave to reach a goal, even if that goal is only known by him...but this is long enough!
i hope i fed someones wants and if theres any contradiciting (or even more proving) evidence, lmk and ill try to counter it, bye and ill see you probably in a writing thing ive been putting off since this morning to write this
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librarycards · 1 year
hi! im not sure if this is the right place to ask but my friend recently suggested to me that i probably have chronic pain and i sort of dont really know what to do? do you have any good resources for newly felt chronic pain (idk how to word it but its only cropped up in the last year or so) and how to navigate it? im really worried since its getting worse and i feel so lost :(
Hello anon! I'm also thinking and moving with this pain-made-pain, and very much empathize with what you're dealing with here. I recommend looking into the work & wisdom of crip doulas like Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Shayda Kafai, both of whom have written extensively on grief and grappling with worsening pain / "becoming more disabled" and the complex fears that go along with that. I also wrote about acquired disability, and will probably do so even more in the future.
Annie Elainey is/was an influencer who spoke a lot about queercrip matters, including tracking their chronic pain. They aren't so active on youtube anymore, but they provide an excellent grammar for talking about shifts in pain and ability.
#NEISVoid is also a huge community on basically every platform, where you can ask questions and get answers from a variety of people –– many of whom have been through exactly what you're feeling before.
Lastly, there are a few folks on here I also trust to speak about pain and becoming (more) physically disabled/ill - @crippleprophet, @cannabiscomrade, @materialisnt, @illnessfaker, @myalgias, and @osmanthusoolong, and whoever they all recommend.
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preciouslittlecreature · 10 months
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Not sure when Ill finish this (my mental health has been on and off lately) but here's a W.I.P Nikolai Ive been poking at! Ive loved Nik for a good long while now and seeing him get more attention has made more happy so I figured Id finally throw my hat in the ring too. Especially wanna thank @sofasoap and @nrdmssgs for sharing all their wonderful work and being such great people!!
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dbssh · 2 years
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ive not really had the brainpower to do a ton of attacks this year but we’re about halfway through so heres the ones ive done (1 is @sistervirtue, 2 is broadcastpath9, 3 is @majorarcanas, 4 is @fictionallesbian ^-^) also heres my profile if you want to take a peek!
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cozyqueerchaos · 2 years
Oh, oh, can I have another one?
💤 for Infinite
💤 sleep headcanon-
omg okay okay I have to admit @dreaminginmysoup's amazing fic "simulated delusions" has infected me a little bit- the idea of infinite being able to dreamwalk is so cool to me, intentionally or not on his part. Unintentionally, I think it'd happen more often with people he's in close physical proximity to! Makes sharing a room a bit awkward heh. Intentionally, well. That'd be a really fun way to fuck with shadow :3
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
umm i doubt literally anybody aside from me is at all interested in this but here is my frankensweeney playlist its got all the songs from the 5 casts that r on spotify (1979 broadway, 2006 broadway, movie, 2012 london, and 2023 broadway) organized to the best of my ability :]
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something angsty for paige where maybe yall are talking and then you see the live of her kissing azzi at the bar?? (make it gut wrenching pls)
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summary — paige makes drunken mistakes and you figure out where you both stand
pairings: paige bueckers x fem cheerleader!reader
word count: 418
warnings: cursing, angst
authors note: hii thanks for this request! i dont really know the full context of that live moment so i didnt really wanna write it without that much knowledge but heres something similar! i kinda wanna make a part 2 just lmk if u guys want me too 🫶 ill stop talking now rah hope u enjoy!
part 2
It was around 2 am, everyone in the room feeling buzzed and tipsy.
After another victory from the women’s basketball team, they had decided to invite the UConn dance team to go out and celebrate with them for the night.
“Yo, guys! We should play a game.” KK sat up and leaned forward.
“What game?” You spoke up, making eye contact with Paige.
For the past few weeks, you guys have been getting to know each other and spending time with each other. Paige was so sweet to you. She got you gifts, took you out on dates and even introduced you to her family. You were starting to question things since none of you made it official.
“Truth or dare. But!-” KK stood up and poured a shot. “If you don’t wanna answer or do the dare, you gotta take a shot.”
Everyone started to sit up, listening intently.
“Alright, let’s start with you Paige!” KK rubbed her hands together. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room.”
She scoffs. “Easy.”
Your grin widened as you realized she was walking to your direction, quickly dropping once she leaned in to kiss your teammate next to you.
“Ooh!” Everyone around you raised their eyebrows and laughed.
You felt like your heart dropped to your stomach. Did all of the gifts, kisses and the time you spent with each other mean nothing to her?
You cleared your throat. “I think im gonna head out. You guys have fun though.” You put on the best smile you could before grabbing your things and walking out.
“Get home safe!” Nika smiled warmly at you before glaring at Paige. “You’re a fucking asshole.”
Paige rolled her eyes. “What’d I do now?!”
Nika snatched the can from her hand. “You’re wasted. You’ve had too many shots and now you’re making stupid decisions.”
“Stop being such a killjoy Nika!”
“She’s done nothing but be there for you for the past 4 weeks!” She fumed. “You aren’t even going after her! Is she just nothing to you?!”
Paige stood up, rolling her eyes for what seemed like the tenth time tonight. “Whatever.”
She ran after you. “Y/N!”
You walked towards the taxi faster, wiping your tear-stained cheeks.
Paige jogged over to you, grabbing your arm. “Hey!”
You turned around, removing your arm from her hand. “What?”
“I’m sorry okay?” She slurred.
“Paige, I just don’t get it.” You sniffled. “You can’t treat me like im your girlfriend then go off kissing other girls!”
“Come on Y/N!” She groaned. “I thought we were just having fun! Playing around and being casual.”
You felt your chest tightening as she said those words. “Nice to know where we stand.”
“Wait Y/N-“
“Get home safe Paige. You’re wasted.”
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eccentricwritingbaby · 8 months
part one part two! part three
lando norris x fem!reader
summary - y/n is giving lando a run for his money in playing hard to get, and lando knows he's in love so so soon. 
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author's note! should i make another part or possibly make this into a series? lmk what ya think!
you woke up to a distant ringing running throughout the room. slowly rubbing your eyes and giving a bit of a stretch, you roll over in an attempt to find your phone. once found, you grimace at the time yet your smirk grows when seeing the contact read ‘mr mclaren’. 
“yes?” you answer the phone while letting out a cough to remove the sleep from your throat.
“did you just wake, love?” lando replies. you can practically see his teasing smile through the phone as he questions you. you rearrange your body so that you’re leaning against the headboard of the bed while biting into your answer, “mclaren, it’s currently 8am on a sunday, no person alive should be awake right now,”
you hear lando’s contagious chuckle from the other line along with a bit of shuffling around on his end, “i wanted to know if you were busy tonight,” he gently asks. you could tell he was a bit nervous from the small quiver in his voice. it had been around two weeks since your first meeting at the coffee shop, since then there were texts and calls constantly, but never an in person meeting since. you didn’t want to just be used by lando, expecting him to be a prick due to his celebrity status. there were certain insecurities that would become undone with seeing him in person that you were yearning to keep at bay for the time being. lando, on the other hand, only grew more attached to you. ever since he even saw you in the coffee shop he was beyond forward which he had never done before. sure there were girls in clubs that he could easily chat up, but he would never be so bold. and so sober. he knew from that moment - you were something special. something he needed. he enjoyed that you didn’t care about his celebrity status and were making him work, it gave him the reassurance that you liked him, not his wallet size. 
“i have dinner tonight for a friend's birthday,” you sigh, “maybe a quick lunch before?” you add on in haste for lando’s peace of mind. you honestly were not trying to avoid him, but his schedule was hectic with travel and you had many friends with whom you’ve made previous plans. 
“i’ve got plans during lunchtime,” lando says, you could practically hear the irritation in his voice, therefore leading to your next line, “i’m really not trying to avoid you, lando. I’ve just got a loaded schedule,” your words are gently said, attempting to ease his brain. 
“I know, love. I just really want to see you,” 
and then your next words came out of your mouth so quick you couldn’t even think, “come over,”
“what? i-i mean, are you sure?” his excitement was not hidden, yet the hesitation was purely based on his knowledge that you had just woken up, and only ever been with each other in person once. and that was your first time meeting. and nothing overly romantic happened. and now he’s invited straight to your place. 
“well, shit, if you don’t want to come thats fine ill just head back to sleep-”
“no no no no,” he interrupts sporadically, “i’ll be there soon, send me your address please,”
“hmm, i don’t know. you’re lack of excitement really turned me off from the whole idea i think i’ll keep my address to myself,”  you giggle a bit into your teasing. lando wants to be annoyed - he truly does. and if this was any other girl he just may have been. he most likely would have given up this chase the minute any other girl turned his request down in the first place. yet - there was something about you. you were different. and you were so worth it. 
lando clears his throat and begins to speak in a dramatic tone while giving your teasing right back, “that’s alright, y/n. i will drive all day and night if i have to, knock on every door. trust, my love, i shall find you,” your loud laughter rings through the phone and he swears his heart skips a beat. 
“ah mr. norris, your lovely sense of humor and perseverance have allowed you access to my apartment,” you smile once more and rattle off your address. once the call has ended, you jump out of bed and begin to get ready as lando said the ride would only be about 10 minutes. face washed, teeth brushed, perfume and lotion on, quick change of clothes from your ratty old pajamas to cuter loungewear, hair tied up to look as though you didn’t even try - all in record time. just as you finished the last spritz of your perfume, the knock on your door echoed through your home. 
sauntering over towards the door and swinging it open, you’re met with the face you hadn’t realized you miss so dearly. “why hello sleepyhead,” he chuckles. you usher him into your home while replying, “y’know you’re the one being irrational here? its currently 830 in the morning, it is crazy to be up right now. on a sunday,” he laughs once more while grabbing your wrists and lightly tossing them around his waist. his own arms then wrap around your shoulders as he plants a kiss to the top of your head. “i’m not being irrational, darling. but if you want to head back to sleep i would not be opposed to a nap,” you look up at him from where your face was resting against his chest, “please,” lando plants a kiss to your nose, “lead the way,” 
lando wakes up around an hour later, tucked into your bed with your head adorably pushed into his neck. he soaks in your appearance, one leg thrown over his hip, head cuddled into him, arm thrown over his chest and he relishes in it. the two of you hadn’t even kissed, hadn’t gone on a proper date, for the past two weeks only had fleeting phone calls and yet - this was normal. this was home. you were home. he thought as he laid with you curled into his side, he thought about a future, about a new beginning, about how adorable you would look in a certain papaya color, and god how his mother would just love you. lando couldn’t help the thoughts. he didn’t even know if you had siblings or anything remotely deep about you however he knew for sure three things. one - he was and forever will be completely, head over heels, insanely in love with you. two - his future has you and you only in it. and three - you both were so unconventional in your ways and in your soon to be love story that he knew his life would never be boring as long as you were in it.
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thebestandrealestever · 7 months
miles morales 42 x black fem reader
sum : miles is late again , but makes up for it warns : fem/black coded reader, yk he’s the prowler btw a/n : drabble. i realized i write like “hood love” 😂 anyway shessssssbackkk!!!!
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“where is this lil nigga ?” you said to yourself as you shivered outside the movie theater looking over your shoulders trying to spot him , when you couldn’t you grabbed your phone to check his location . it was off , n he only turned it off when he was doing sum he wasn’t supposed to . you decide to text him again and ask if you should just go home . surprisingly he responses within a minute. “nah go inside and start watching it i’ll be there .” you read it in a mimicking voice then he text again “15 mins ma , swear ill be there” you just send an eye roll emoji and head inside . you show the worker your ticket , gets your snacks nn just go watch the movie . after what seems like WAY more than 15 minutes you can sense a brownskin demon enter the building. and you were right , he sits down beside you and takes some of your popcorn looking at you . “ you look good , what i miss bae” you slow turn your head to him with a stank face “what i miss bae” you say mimicking him and he rolls his eyes and kisses your cheek “m sorry i got you sum it’s in the car , an apology to say the least .” he says putting his arm around you and moving closer . “you like making me look like a dummy ? this the 5th date you been late to , starting to seem like youn really care .” you say in a hushed voice looking back at the screen and he smacks his lips . “ don’t start bro , you know i got shit to do . you know i care and i don’t mean to be late im sorry baby” he says removing his arm and sliding it onto your knee and rubbing all the way to your thigh at a slow pace . “yeah i do know u got shit to do BRO but you gon be late every single time ? jus lmk what we really doing . you could just plan better” you say softening your voice and sipping your drink and he sighs rubbing his temple with his free hand . “im sorry mama , i need to be better and i will . trust me ima start doing right , these dates mean a lot to me , and im fucking them up . im sorry , imma be better for you okay ?” he says facing you and you turn to look at him too , its dark but you can still see the genuine look on his face . “i love you girl , and i do care . don’t ever question that ight ?” he says putting his hand on your neck to kiss you deeply and you return it of course . “i love you too miles , m sorry for being so harsh” you say pecking him one more time “you wasn’t being harsh i deserve it , you wanna stay and watch the movie or leave ?” he says adjusting his position and putting his arm back around you, “well shit i already watched half the damn movie let’s just finish it” you say and he chuckles leaning to peck your forehead again “whatever you want princess .”
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wispystar · 4 months
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aaron hotchner
✦ = finished | ✧ = not finished
Feel free to recommend me some more fics! If there is any author that doesn't want their work on here pls let me know and ill remove it. Series are at the bottom. Be warned for spoilers. I will not be adding spoiler warings so tread lightly. please lmk if links arent working
all i need to hear by @wildflowerluver
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: aaron’s comfort is all you need
a solitary mistake by @luveline
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: You're not sure you're ready to come back. Hotch has total faith in you. Or, your transition back into the team after your abduction doesn't go as smoothly as you'd hoped. 
bad ideas (and good results) by @hotchscvm
genre: slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: after aaron’s rejection, you enlist spencer’s help to make him jealous.
Better Days by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: Aaron gets shot and you reflect on your relationship while waiting for him to wake up in the hospital
Brooklyn Baby by @amorechris
genre: fluff, gn reader(?), bau reader | summary: After a case that hit close to you, not only were the victims paper copy of you, and you had taken on a very heated standoff with the unsub. When you all return to quantico you are greeted with another case, however your boss seems to have a soft spot for you.
cologne by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, gn but kinda fem reader (?), bau reader | summary: where the team find out about your relationship through some cologne
coddled by @astrophileous
genre: slight angst, gn reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary:maybe him lowkey coddling reader when she gets hurt shortly during a case shortly after they start dating? Maybe the team wasn’t aware until they saw him fret this much when he had never done it to this level in the past? | tw/warings: mentions of injury, hospitals, traffic accident
caught by @/hotch-stufff
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: they have been dating in a secret for like a year and the team discovers about them being in a relationship after drinking night out (the team without aaron and y/n meet up in a bar, which is next to a fancy restaurant and they will see them through the glass enjoying themselves. and bcs they are kinda drunk, they go inside and confront them about it
Caring by @ssaaaronmontgomery
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: Just imagine a heated argument between hotch and reader with “why do you even care?” and “because i care about you, okay!?”
cough medicine by @ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: aaron and jack are sick so reader takes care of them
Child's Play . ii by @yuly
genre: angst, gn reader, established relationship | summary: Hailey’s attitude towards you results in an unexpected argument between you and Aaron.
cooking up trouble by @/ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: Thinking about reader asking Jack what Aaron’s favorite meal is and then reader surprising him by making it when he comes back from a case?
Combat training by @kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: Where you and Aaron are dating, and you do your combat training with everyone but Aaron.
dr. by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, doctor reader | summary: I was wondering that you could write a Aaron Hotchner x reader but the reader is a doctor and the team don’t know that you exist until hotch one day gets hurt and took to their hospital.
deserving by @happiest-hotch
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader | summary: Aaron has a rough day being a dad, and you reassure him that he is very deserving of your family
Divulgence by @laurensprentiss
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: You get more than you bargained for when a certain somebody reveals your relationship with your boss to the team.
don't leave by @show-your-fangs
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship| summary: I hate seeing sad Hotch but what about Hotch being sad and feeling he’s inadequate but reader does a BIG/GRAND gesture and hotch is floored and becomes like cute puppy hotch and is all like
do you mean it? by @helmihotchner
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: reader and Aaron are going through a rough patch in their relationship but no one in the team knows abt them. this is how it unwinds | notes: there is not a part two yet
family by @/luveline
genre: fluff, fem reader, pregnant reader | summary: hi can i request girl dad!aaron i am such a sucker for him, anything would be amazing thank you so much
frozen by @/thewulf
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader | summary: Aaron has a new neighbor, a sweet young woman. There's something between them. She new in the city and he invites her when he has the team over for a bbq...
forehead kisses by @zvdvdlvr
genre: fluff, gn reader | summary: imagine him kissing you on the forehead when he finally convinces you to get some sleep after you've been injured in the field. Or when you get home from a long case and you're finally standing together in the privacy of your own kitchen just having a little moment or when you're sick and he checks your temperature by pressing his lips to your forehead
Gone viral, gone wrong by @perpetuallyconfused10
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: Imagine Garcia "screaming" about a video, telling the whole team about it (except Hotch and Reader), and that video is on tiktok. When they spill something about the video, Hotch and Reader ask which video they're referring to, not knowing it's from a tiktok account where the person makes videos on Hotch x Reader (like edits taken from some interview where they look at each other, slightly touches and things like that) and it's a whole profile with a lot of videos like that! So the whole team teases them and they obviously like eachother!!
gold star by @honeypiehotchner
genre: fluff, fem reader, teacher reader | summary: You’re Jack’s teacher and Aaron is basically your nemesis. Until he’s not. (Kinda enemies to lovers?)
honey by @/luveline
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: you faint on the job and worry your unit chief
hotch by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: When Aaron realises after 3 years of dating and 1 being married, that you still have him saved as “Hotch”
hotchner frown by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: I have always imagined the reader sort of ‘mocking’ Hotch when he’s sporting the Hotchner™️ frown (like she pouts her lip and furrows her brows just like him) and he hates to admit that he finds it funny, well I can imagine the reader doing the same for their baby girl when she’s also frowny and she looks just like Hotch doing it, it’s truly trademark of the Hotchners and the reader is always SO delighted by it
if things go bad by @/luveline
genre: angst, fem reader | summary: when an unknown intruder breaks into your apartment, you call hotch. he races to make it to you in time. | tw/warnings: home invasion, assault, attempted sexual assault, reader is badly hurt/held at gunpoint
in the dark . ii by @/winterscaptain
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: But can you do a hotch x new bau member? Like her and hotch are already a thing and they try to keep it hidden (and they do for a like a month) before someone makes the connection.
I won't let go by @0and0its0doctor0
genre: angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: You wake up thinking everything is perfect. In reality you've been stabbed. | tw/warnings: blood, stabbing
I Wanna Hold Your Hand by @/reidscanehand
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: hotch knows surprisingly a lot about you or hotch having a very obvious crush on you
Jealous? . ii by @slutforsilverfoxes
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: BAU!reader being married to Hotch but keeping her maiden name in the field to avoid assumptions and judgment. The team knows, obviously, but then a former colleague of Aaron’s from the Seattle office happens to be in town for a conference and wants to catch up over a drink. You can’t help but tease him, of course
little family by @/wildflowerluver
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: Aaron stays at work later than expected (typical lmao) and s/o is watching Jack and he walks into his apartment and finds the two of them cuddled up on the couch/his bed asleep waiting for him
Lover, Please Stay by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: angst, slight fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: you get shot and Hotch worries about you while trying to keep it together. 
make up by @inkdrinkerworld
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: hotch and reader who've had a fight so he's testy and short fused with the team all day till david/emily call you to tell you to come over to the bau and sort it out so he's not so difficult to work with
Pretty Girl by @thewulf
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, slight bau reader | summary: Aaron Hotchner x F!Reader where the reader is actually a criminology or psychology professor and is good friends with Spencer...
Protective by @headkiss
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: I LOVE the idea of protective Hotch constantly having an eye out for younger bau!agent who’s literally sunshine personified and the complete opposite of him!! Do u think u could write something along the lines of that—maybe him protecting her from something or just their dynamic?
reckless by @ptersparkers
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: After two years with the BAU, you get the feeling that Aaron Hotchner isn’t your biggest fan. That’s too bad, because you really like him. | tw/warnings: reader gets kidnapped
Realization by @writtenbysprout
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: waking up without you beside him gives him a fright
Really hot boyfriend by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: When you told the BAU girls your really hot mystery boyfriend would come pick you all up, because Sergio can’t drive.
smiley by @/luveline
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: when they're on the jet, yn is smiling a lot at her phone so the team starts to tease her because the think that she has a mysterious boyfriend. and she does, but he's sitting right next to her and he's also wondering who's making her smile like that since it's clearly not him
spoiled plan by @tinyluvs
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Could you do reader being pregnant with Hotch’s baby but she accidentally blurts it out to the whole team, Hotch included at the same time? Thank you if you do!
steady hand by @/headkiss
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: hotch catches you at the worst times, but you’re not mad about it. or: 4 times you need hotch’s help +1 time he needs yours.
sick of maybe by @/luveline
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, newly established relationship, hurt | summary: You worry your boyfriend is ashamed of you. This is very much not the case. Or, 5 times Hotch hid your relationship (+1 time he didn’t).
sharing by @/wildflowerluver
genre: fluff, fem reader, | summary: 3 times aaron shares his clothes with you | tw/warnings: nsfw mentions, aftercare, injury, case details
sick by @/luveline
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: bau!gf who desperately tries to hide the fact that she’s sick even when she’s burning up and can’t keep her eyes open, and Hotch who just wants to take care of her!!
sir by @/thewulf
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, adhd reader | summary: Do you think you could do a Hotch x ADHD reader where they are energetic and talkative all day since Aaron came back from a tough case. With the constant questions and comments Aaron gets irritated due to stress and says something like “can you be quiet for 5 seconds please” or “enough with the stupid questions, it’s annoying” and the reader ends up talking less with him and only responds with short answers and they try to suppress their ADHD ticks around him.
sleep by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, gn reader | summary: Hi!! can i request a blurb for reader falling asleep on hotch? like where they're not together, just best friends and have lots of feelings for each other and reader just is so tired she falls asleep on his shoulder or lap and he just kisses her forehead and lovingly teases her about it later?
secrets by @happiest-hotch
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: secrets get revealed after reader gets shhot | tw/warnings: gunshot injury, mention of blood
secrets by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: you and Aaron keep your relationship a secret. well, it’s a secret until the team finds out.
soft spot by @greg-montgomery
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: Please just the team telling r about HOW MUCH OF A SOFT SPOT AARON HAS FOR THEM like god he’s literally such a grouch to Morgan and prentiss but he kisses the ground you walk on and they’re like BESTIE GET A GRIP HES WRAPPED AROJND YOUR FINGER bc reader is convinced he doesn’t share their feelings and he’s just being polite
something more by @headkiss
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, friends to lovers | summary: you and aaron are friends with feelings more obvious than you think. or: 5 times the team suspects you and hotch are dating +1 time they know it.
suspicious . ii by @/greg-montgomery
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: bau groupchat with Jack stealing your phone and answering all the questions about you and hotch (and the fact that you're together rn)
Snippets of Our Life by @hotch-stufff
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, reid reader, doctor reader | summary: You and Aaron’s relationship through visits to the hospital.
Secret admirer . ii by @/greg-montgomery
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: bau!reader coming to work and finding a sticky note with puns about coffee not knowing its from hotch. every time he watches from his office just to see her giggle
Some Kind of Love . ii by @ssahoodrathotchner
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: Aaron comes to work with a cold and you make it your mission to take care of him
team building by @ddejavvu
genre: fluff, slight angst, gn reader, bau reader | summary: Summary: Hotch whisks you away for a team-building session after you reveal to him that your short time at the BAU hasn't been quite enough to assimilate you into the group. You have a wonderful time, you're just confused as to why he leaves the rest of your team behind.
to be enough by @the-modernmary
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: During a movie night with your boyfriend Aaron, you accidentally stumbled onto his old wedding video, and it makes you wonder if you could ever compete with his first love?
Too Hot, Hotch Damn by @imaginethebau
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: There was an imagine for telling Garcia Hotch put’s the “Hot” in Hotchner and for Hotch to pick the reader up from a bar after they’ve been drinking. This fulfills both
the mark of a lover by @/wildflowerluver
genre: fluff, fem reader | summary: 5 times aaron had to adjust to physical affection and the 1 time he accepts it
The Goodness, Love by @reidscanehand
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Hotch comes out of WISTEC and there are a lot of unsaid feelings
the scent of home by @htchnr
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: Aaron comes home broken, so you do what you do best, you take care of him. slowly piecing him back together.
the shimmer in your eyes by @reidersspencer
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader(?), bau reader | summary: aaron hotchner, the person you cant get along with, tells you his darkest secret in what he thinks may be his last moments | tw/warnings: injury, criminal mind things
will you be my valentine? by @/honeypiehotchner
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Each time a new member of the BAU figured out Hotch had feelings for you…and when he finally told you.
"Who did this to you?" by @headkiss
genre: fluff, gn reader | summary: I’d love to see a “Who did this to you?” Hotch x femreader piece if you’re still taking suggestions! | tw: blood and broken nose
with my life by @/thewulf
genre: angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Hotch x Bau!reader where readers boyfriend turns out to be the unsub. Maybe like a case where the bau gets attacked and threatened personally and the unsub generally knows alot abt them...
under the weather by @/ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: Reader being sick, but still doing domestic things around the house and Aaron has to force the reader into bed to get some rest
Unexpectedly by @/thewulf
genre: angst, bau reader, fem reader | summary: The reader is a member of BAU, but nobody knows her dark past. She's running from her abusive ex. Once he hurt her so bad (fractured skull, several severe injuries) he left her to die in their apartment. Nowadays she keeps that past hidden, as good as she can... | tw/warnings: Abuse. Both physical and mental. General Criminal Minds TW – talk of blood/gore/death/stabbing etc. AGE GAP between reader and Hotchner, reader is implied to be younger 25-35.
undercover by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: slight fluff, angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Hotch and BAU!reader are married, but the team doesn’t know? They always pretend like they don’t like each other, but then something happens (idk what exactly), and Aaron gets all soft and worried for his wife, and the team learns about their marriage?
unexpected by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: i was wondering if you could write something where the reader is talking with the team, maybe with all of them maybe some, and they're discussing about how the reader is crazy about hotch and hotch accidentally overhears???
Unwanted Attention by @emberfrostlovesloki
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Having to travel to the middle of nowhere Ohio for a serial killer was bad enough, add to the fact that the local LEOs are looking a little too hard at JJ, Emily, and _y/n_ was seriously testing Aaron’s resolve.
Whiplash by @/ddejavvu
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary:  You receive minor injuries in a car crash that Hotch manufactures to get a killer off the road. Despite having saved the day, he feels guilty for hurting you, and your professional relationship quickly spirals into something more.
yours by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: i have brain rot for Hotch’s secret relationship with BAU!reader being exposed trope (bonus points if Jack exposes them) pls help me get through this
Your Girl by @/kryptonitejelly
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Hotch and the reader aren't together yet but he (and everyone else on the team) have noticed that the reader has really started to gravitate towards him? Like in high anxiety situations or just in general the reader is always closest to hotch or looking to him for permission or comfort? he's just obviously become the readers favorite person.
Your Son by @/greg-montgomery
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: imagine jack being sick and aaron coming in to check on him but jack asking for you and referring to you for the first time as mom. something along the lines of "can you ask mom to come lay down with me?"
You’re Losing Me by @natashasfilms
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader, lovers to exes to lovers | summary: Dating a colleague has always been an exhilarating experience. However, as you reach a point where you’re ready to take the relationship further after spending years together, doubts start to creep in. You begin questioning whether you’re the only one putting effort into saving something that seems to be slowly fading away. | tw/warnings: drowning, criminal mind things
You're Losing Me . ii by @14buddy22
genre: angst, fem reader, established relationship | summary: Aaron will always put the bau before you and you have to come to terms with that
✧ A Joyful Future by @winterscaptain
genre: fluff, angst, fem/gn reader, bau reader | summary: follow readers journey of becoming a bau agent and falling for their boss | notes: this is such a good and well written series!! These can be read as oneshots or as a series, so have fun!! Also some chapters have smut so be wary
✧ cross the line by @hufflepuffhaze
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: longtime colleagues aaron hotchner and y/n’s working relationship quickly develops into something more…and everything changes when their rendezvous are exposed within the bureau. | notes: most likely discontinued
✧ learning to trust . ii . iii . iv . v by @svu-ncis-criminalminds
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Things with your boss were becoming complicated, but they became even more complicated when an Unsub sought you out and began targeting you. Can a relationship that hasn't even officially begun survive this?
✧ Profiling 101 by @little-diable
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader | summary: The reader enrolls in professor Hotchner's class "Profiling 101", a man she has always looked up to, a man who treats her like an asshole from day one. Will her need for academic validation manage to push the two closer together? Will her bright mind push her into the world of Aaron Hotchner and the BAU team? Will he manage to keep his distance before the world he tries to protect her from can get its grasp on her?
✦ Right where you left me . ii . iii by @mischiefmanaged71
genre: angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Did you hear about the girl who was ripped from a fantasy with only a few words?
✦ While you were sleeping . ii . iii by @/reidscanehand
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader | summary: while you were sleeping but aaron hotch and spencer reid
more this way —-> aaron hotchner . ii
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jkroom · 6 months
jungkook fic recs !
ahhh i've finally decided to make my first post and make a masterlist of all my favorite jk fics ! 
!!! for any reason you see your work listed and don't want it up here please let me know and ill remove it! !!!
❀ - fluff ✿ - smut ✷ - angst ♡ - favorites
⇆ - cross posted ୨୧ - ao3 ʚɞ - tumblr
oneshots ༉‧₊˚✧
greedy ⇆୨୧✿ 567
୨୧ ʚɞ - he gives, you take. you want more? he gives you more. It's simple.
birthday gift ⇆୨୧✿ 715
୨୧ ʚɞ - An argument with Jungkook on his 26th birthday has rough sexual consequences. Now you need to give him the best birthday gift ever.
Small hours ⇆୨୧✷ 1.4K
୨୧ ʚɞ - your tired boyfriend comes to your place at night for some comfort. and to reveal a startling confession 
snippets ୨୧✿ ♡ 5.4K
୨୧ - You're a writer. Your boyfriend Jungkook doesn't mind it, until he finds out what you've been writing about.
every side of you ⇆୨୧❀✿ 1.2K
୨୧ ʚɞ - Jungkook is a devil when he's fucking you and an angel when he's out of bed. You need his aftercare just like you need his tattooed arm choking you so hard.
chronicles of my witchy gf  ⇆୨୧❀✿ ♡ 31.8K
୨୧ ʚɞ - just Jungkook and a few cute tales about his witchy girlfriend~
heavy lifting ⇆୨୧❀ ♡ 13.4K
୨୧ ʚɞ - you work the night shift in a supermarket. and now your crush, aka the cutest boy in the world, aka the guy you’ve been thirsting after for months, aka jeon jungkook, works the night shift too. les geddit
brain dead ⇆୨୧✿ ♡ 1.3K
୨୧ ʚɞ - jungkook fucking you brain dead is nothing out of the ordinary, but fucking *himself* brain dead?
series ༉‧₊˚✧
the art of revenge ⇆୨୧❀✿ ✷? ♡ 69K
୨୧ ʚɞ - sometimes, getting even can be hot.
alpha jeon ⇆୨୧❀✿✷ 87.6K 
୨୧ ʚɞ - You’ve been raised to be a Luna since you were born. You’ve always had an idea of how your future would be, there was little room to imagine anything different. You’d meet your mate and fall madly in love, and the two of you would take over for your parents once they got older. But what happens when a certain wolf comes in and throws all of your plans on its head?
candles & flames ⇆୨୧❀✿✷ 100K
୨୧ ʚɞ - He wasn’t supposed to be yours. His foolery wasn’t supposed to target you. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
waaaaa making this was faster than i expected hehe, lmk if you need more ! i mean ill make another one anyways BAHAHA ꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ˀˀ i have a couple more up my sleeve -ᴗ-
<lmk if none of the links work, ill fix em !>
zᶻ gank
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kristlewrites · 9 months
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“Lucid Dream”
CW: cheating(?),semi-public sex (elevator),smut, oral(f!receiving),nicknames (baby,mamas,ma), unprotected sex.
PAIRING: Ex!Zoro x Blk!FemReader
WC: 1.8k
🫧🗯️: Didn’t expect so many people to actually vote lmao..😭😭, but ty to all those who have!! This is made just for you guys. First of all it wasnt supposed to last a week, but as soon as I saw zoro taking the lead I had to write this. So ill make another one based off whose in second place!! lmk if i missed anything for the content warning!!
You pick up your phone, it's ten pm.. It's been over an hour since you arrived. You spent even longer getting ready. Wrapped in a beautiful emerald dress with gold accessories to match you felt amazing, but that feeling quickly went away once you realized your date wasn't coming. Picking up your phone you see his message. 
"Sorry, I can't make it…maybe next time?” 
Maybe next time my ass! You cannot believe this. You slam your phone onto the table and leave, storming off in the direction of the exit. Wiping away your tears as they stream down your face and hurrying down the restaurant stairs. Making your way out you step into the cold Atlanta night. Using one hand to warm up your bare shoulders you use your other to grab your phone to call an Uber...except that it wasn't in your purse. 
Dammit! You had left it on the table. Practically out of breath from the stairs you pick up your pace gearing towards your table. But when you finally reach your table you are met with someone you'd rather not see again. Especially tonight out of all nights!
Pulling out a chair for a blonde??! You see his gorgeous mint hair first.
“Fuck!” you whisper-shout making sure he doesn't hear. You quickly snatch your phone as fast as you can, apparently too fast because now the glass of water has fallen onto the mint's lap. “Oh my god..” you gasp, You cannot believe your luck.
The man looks up in response to your voice, recognizing it almost instantly. You guys make eye contact for about a solid second, but that was enough to make you fold. You ran away, breaking for the elevator, you wanted to get away from all of this. The blonde shouting in the background for spare napkins. You cannot believe you just saw your ex, at a restaurant out of place. Not only that but with someone else!!! It's been only three months since you broke up with him.
Now you were really crying, you walked into the elevator and pressed some random ass buttons, you just wanted to be home. To dazed in your own world you didn't even realize Zoro being right next to you in the elevator, he pushes the first button which you had already pressed undoing the action. “It was already going down…” you whisper and go back to press the first floor button. 
“Well, I didn't mean to press that one. I was gonna do the third floor” He hits the third floor button, not even a second later he presses the first floor again! 
“You are so..” You seethe. This nigga cannot be serious at all. Just when you are about to hit the first floor button, the elevator rocks.”Fuck..what the actual fuck.” You are absolutely losing it, no way this is happening to you. You start spamming the panic button, yelping for help hoping someone would hear. 
“Relax, someone is probably already on their way.” Zoro sitting down already making himself comfortable.
“Relax..?1!! Nigga are you fucking insane? I feel like I'm boutta explode.” You pace around the room thinking of possible solutions.
Zoro grabs your ankle and halts you in place, “Stop moving around, you're gonna make us more stuck. Just try and sit down” 
“You moron that's not how it works..” You kick his hand from your ankle cause who does he think he is? He removes his jacket, and places it down underneath you, he pats the jacket a couple times gesturing for you to sit down. Hesitantly you go down and sit down with your legs in a 45 degree angle (?) (idk it's hard to explain, but like that sit you do when you're on the floor and you dont want yo panties showing.)
“Who was she?” you ask, staring dead at your phone, no service on your phone either.
You hear a small chuckle and immediately regret everything.
“Why are you here?” He asks looking you up and down, you know you look good and damn he knows it too. Green is his color and to see you look pull it off better than him makes him proud a lil bit.
“I asked the question first.” You utter and stand right back up, only for him to drag you down. “What is wrong witchu!” 
“Her name is Dahlia, Sanji he had us go on a blind date, I had only met her like two hours ago”  Zoro had finally admitted, rubbing his forehead. You laughed a lil, just the idea of sanji going through all that trouble. His face nearly illuminated when he heard you laugh, it's been almost three months since he last saw you let alone heard you laugh like that.
You check the time, it's been twenty minutes already and there's been no sign of help. How is this possible if the restaurant still should be opened? How have they not been able to get any help?? By this time you and Zoro were about an inch apart, he was glaring at you not in a mean way but in a possessive way. You guys were just staring at each other not saying a word.
Within a split second Zoro had quite literally grabbed you and plopped you down right onto his lap, still damp from the water, and kissed you. You almost instantaneously returned the kiss. It was absolutely exhilarating, you've missed him so much. Tongues were clashing teeth clanging it was messy but you loved every second of it. You pushed away, trying to catch yo breath. 
“What about your date..?” you were panting so hard and out of breath. 
“Man fuck Daffodil” he said, reaching his fingers to your cheeks “Ive missed you so much baby” Caressing your soft skin
“I've missed you too” You were definitely gonna regret this the next day, but with his stunning face and practically hypnotizing smile it was hard to go against anything he was doing.
He begins to remove your sleeves, bringing down your dress revealing your cutie pink lace bra. Your hands react quickly and cover your boobs,
 “Awe baby don't be shy” he pouts a little and undoes your bra tossing it next to him. He immediately latches onto your brown nipples sucking and licking them like a starved baby. You start grinding against his crotch becoming impatient. Sure you've had a few one night stands after you guys broke up, but quite clearly none of them met up to the bar that zoro had established long ago.
“Seems like you’ve really missed me heheh ” He laughs a bit at your desperate grinding. You were too focused on reaching your high to even feel embarrassed. Zoro noticed this, the increasing moisture from your underwear “woah, not without me mamas.” 
He moves his coat and places it behind you, with ease he sets you down on your back with your wet panties facing him. He tears off your underwear so aggressively it’s for sure torn, He rubs his hands together and licks his lips before diving into your cunt.
“Ah” you exclaimed, it was all so sudden you didn’t have a chance to even think about it.
“Ma, I’ve missed hearing your voice so much” zoro groaned, but you couldn’t hear him with all the squelching from him absolutely raving in your pussy. He was going up and down on every corner, letting his tongue fly in n out your pussy. Your thighs started closing in on him
“I-i'm cummin’” you moan out loud grabbing on to his short minty hair, letting your orgasm flow out with zoro still licking it up
 “so sweet, can't get enough”, he pants while still lapping at your drenched pussy. Your legs Leg’s jittering, heart racing, you haven’t felt this way in months. Retracting his head from your now damaged cunt, he licks up all remaining cum from his lips. He lowers his pants and boxers, to reveal his pulsating cock leaking with pre-cum already. “You still on the pill?“ he asks, with his tip already teasing your entrance. You nod, too dazed to even speak. With no second to waste his dick already making it way into your pussy, you hiccup at the suddenness. “That’s right mama, take me nice n slow” he mutters, going in at lagging pace. 
“Fast, go faster” you say airily as you squeeze your pussy wanting more. He obeys and picks up pace with your fat cunt enveloping his dick so well, the sound of his balls slapping your ass and the subtle moans escaping your mouth fill up the air as both of you guys are now short winded you can feel his dick reach up every inch of your vagina.”Z-zoro, I’m gonna c-cum!” You scream, whilst creaming all over his dick. Hearing his name come out of his mouth was enough to send over the edge and fills you to the brim with his warm cum. Breathing hard he removes he cock from your pussy and marvels as, his cum flows out of your pussy.
Banging from the outside, got you straight up. “We’re gonna get you out of there, helps coming give us five minutes!” A man shouts.
Zoro helps you dress back up, because your whole body is aching. Even with the jacket the floor was still pretty rough. He helps gather up the piece of your underwear keeping one of them ‘for a souvenir’ he explains to you, you roll your eyes too tired to even argue. Meanwhile zoro buckles up his pants and tries his best to clean up any leftover cum on the floor, while you sit down by the door damn near immobilized.  
The doors finally open up, and the cacophony of fire trucks and power tools was already enough to send you into a spiral. Trying to stand up you’re a lil wobbly, zoro grabs your hand aiding you out. The whole staff is outside all lined up cheering for your rescue. “How long has it been?” you ask clearly, you are absolutely exhausted. 
“Forty minutes” zoro responds. He lends you his jacket once you get outside. “Where’s your ride?”
“I don’t have one, I’ll just get an Uber.” You answer fishing for your phone in your purse.
“Here, I’ll take you home” zoro says, walking towards his car acting all nonchalant..
‘Who does this nigga think he is?’ you think to yourself while trying to keep up with him. “how are you gonna offer me a ride then leave me chasing you..goodnight you know i can’t even walk properly.” You shout, the audacity is crazy.You can practically hear his eyes rolling when he stopped in the middle of the road turning around towards at a concerning pace. He grabs your waist and hangs you over his shoulder, flailing your feet and hands “Let me go nigga!”
“Weren’t you jus complaining…right, stop moving before I really leave you” he replies in an irritated voice.
regardless of his warning you continue to flail around, jus for the fun of it hitting his ass and laughing. zoro continues to walk, you can’t see his face but he smiles a lil at the sound of your laughter. He wishes that this would last forever.
(Thank you all for the support on my first fic!!)
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
talk of the town - will smith
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tw: lowkey cringe. if ur not into it lmk lowk...
wc: 1.4k
will smith x influencer/ d'amelio sister
dylan couldn't believe the shit day she was having. she had woken up late and missed her pilates class, then she spilt coffee all over her laptop, and right now she was fifteen minutes late to her music class. it was her first ever day of college too.
even though she was having a horrible day, she was still dressed cute. she decided she wanted to start taking her school more seriously. and that meant actually going to class.
the thing about dylan though is that she didn't need school. she had over one hundred million followers on all platforms. she was what someone would call an influencer.
influencers usually didn't continue with school if they didn't need to so when dylan decided to still attend college it was a shock to a lot of people; including her family.
her family were all also influencers and didn't decide to attend college; rather deciding to work on their brand instead. a brand that dylan opted out of, she had decided to enter marketing at boston college.
she entered her music class to find that there was no less than twenty five students inside. thats what happens when you attend a private college! dylans strategy her whole life was to always sit in the back of classes. (it was easier to skip class and just lie to the professor and say you were there)
there was one seat left where three other boys sat. she set her stuff down. the boys giving her an odd look, not thinking anyone was going to take that last seat between them or probably trying to figure out why the hell she looked so familiar. dylan got that look often.
the professor though was deep in lecture about their upcoming assignment and dylan was too busy trying to find a top for her upcoming brand dinner in New York. she was pulled out of her own little world when the professor noticed she was not listening and had missed the introduction part of class and decided to call her out on it.
she felt a tap from the boy next to her getting her attention because it seemed the professor had been calling her.
"oh my gosh im so sorry what" she said removing an AirPod and sheepishly looking at the class who all seemed to be either smiling at her or giving her dirty looks.
"since you decided to grace us with your presence introduce yourself please" she said pointing to a slide that stated what exactly to say.
"uhm... im dylan. im from connecticut but I've been living in LA for the past four years, and im a marketing major" she said awkwardly feeling like everyone was judging her.
"alright thank you miss dylan. I want to see the title slide of the assignment done before I dismiss you guys" she said.
the three boys she sat with seemed to be life long friends and she was feeling a bit left out. she had zoned them out till she heard them whispering to each other.
"ask her"
"no thats weird"
"ill ask"
"your tiktok famous huh"
she looked up to a freckled boy her while the dark haired boy giggled and the blonde haired boy cringed.
"uhm, yeah... I guess" she said awkwardly. she really didn't know what to say.
"nice" he said going back to working on his assignment.
she smiled awkwardly and looked at the other two boys. who looked like they were cringing about their friends actions. the dark haired boy seemed to let it go and work on his assignment while the blonde one spoke up.
"im sorry about him, ryan doesn't know how to talk to girls"
"yes I do! if I didn't how would I of pulled frankie" ryan says.
"she basically pulled you" gabe quipped back.
dylan just giggled along to their battering. they seemed funny.
"he's fine. a lot of people don't realize its me in real life but instead just stare at me trying to figure out why I look so familiar, and thats creepier to me"
"well we knew it was you because everyones been saying you go here" ryan told her.
oh god it was a hot topic?
"people talk about it?" she said grossed out.
"yeah, but like no one ever sees you for some reason"
"I did online classes and lived in LA last semester" she told them. it was true, her family was filming their Hulu show and it didnt make sense for her to leave mid-way through filming.
"do you live on campus?" the blonde one asked her again. he seemed like the quiet and calmer one of the three boys.
hes hot
"no, I live in beacon hill, the city"
"why didnt you dorm" gabe nosily asked.
"I didn't think it would be too fun to share an apartment with random girls at first but now I regret it, because I have no friends here" she honestly told them.
"oh my god! my girlfriend has no friends!" ryan said loudly. which made will, gabe, and the people around them to laugh.
"im telling her you said that" will smiled mischievously at him.
"shutup smitty. we have a game tonight and she usually sits alone or with my parents but they're not coming tonight so she'd probably like the company!" ryan said. he was honestly just trying to do a nice thing. he knew frankie struggled with the fact she had no girl friends; even though she said it was fine, and dylan seemed nice.
"game?" Dylan said confused.
"oh ya! we play hockey" the freckled boy answered.
"oh thats cool!" dylan said. she had attended a couple games recently due to the fact her sister was dating an NHL player.
"im will, thats gabe, and ryan" the blonde one said pointing the dark haired boy and the freckled one.
"im dylan. and what's your girlfriends number, id be down to go" she said to the freckled one.
"here" he said writing it down and handing her a crumpled paper.
"her names frankie by the way"
"okay, ill text her after class" she said smiling getting back to work.
"what's your major?" will asked her. he didn't want the conversation to end for some reason. she was lowkey his celebrity crush since he was like fourteen and they first started getting famous.
"marketing. you?"
"your quite the communicator then" she said.
oh my gosh dylan you sound pathetic what the hell even is a communicator?
what didnt help was that will looked clueless and Ryan and gabe seemed to be biting back a smile acting like they weren't listening.
"im sorry?"
"like, you like communications- like the major" dylan said, trying to save herself but digging an even deeper and awkwarder hole, turning as red as a tomato.
"uhm ya, I didn't really know what major to pick coming in" he said smiling at her. a smile that dylan liked to see.
"well what do you want to be?"
"a hockey player."
"oh... too bad hockey isn't a major huh" she said chuckling at her own joke while ryan and gabe gave her funny looks except will of course, who was laughing at the joke like it was the funniest thing ever said. (thats what your supposed to do when your crush tells a joke)
"and what do you want to be"
"honestly, I dont know. I just want to have the degree so I can have more of a say in the brands I deal with, and all that"
"so you want the knowledge" gabe said, since he's been listening.
"yeah, basically" she said. making eye contact with will who looked to be studying her a bit.
he knew she wanted to say more but seemed to be putting up a wall which was understandable seeing as she just met these boys twenty mins ago.
"well im all done." she said closing up her laptop and standing up.
"maybe ill see you guys later!" she said waving to them.
"look for 6" will said to her.
"six what?" she said confused.
"what?" he said equally confused now
"six of what" she said cluelessly.
"like the number six" he said smiling awkwardly.
"oh!! omg I knew that! okay!" she said grabbing her bag and waving bye to them.
gabe and ryan gave each other a knowing look before immediately chirping will.
"you are such a flirt"
"that was painful"
"and he said I dont know how to talk to girls"
"shutup guys" he said packing his stuff away before leaving. hoping to see her in the stands tonight. her personality was even cuter.
im so sorry for not uploading! I just keep overthinking everything so I end up just deleting it! but thats just a me problem lol. but I hope u guys like this au. I plan to the it all together.
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Sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ Sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ (Dɪɴ Dᴊᴀʀɪɴ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Din Djarin × Male/GN Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4,8 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: One week is what took him to gather the bravery to go and talk to you again. You didn't expect him to appear in your home out of the blue like that, much less if it wasn't to apologize for what he had done.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: spoilers for the mandalorian, angst (i guess), descriptions of pretty violent scenes, reader is mad at din and din is mad at reader, mentions of getting people killed, lots of arguments, fluff, teasy flirting, brief mentions of smut (if you squint), no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N (reader is referred to as Lost). (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: STOP RIGHT THERE. this is the third part of a series, so if you havent read them go do it right now! ahem, i took my time with this one, didnt i? hope you enjoy it, i dont like it a lot but i couldnt find the way to make it better, also wanted to give this thing an ending. well, idk if this is the ending for real or if ill make a fourth part (itd be a short drabble anyway), ill tell you more when i know lmao. until then, i hope you enjoy this one <3
𝕡𝕥 𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚𝕚 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕
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One week.
That is how long it took him to gather the bravery to go and talk to you again.
Truth be told, he wasn't even going to your place to apologize, or even to really talk to you. He was going back in search of your services. And he knew you would be mad at him, but to be honest, all he wanted at that very moment was to be a Mandalorian again.
"What troubles your thoughts this time, Din Djarin?", the voice of the Armorer resounded in the cave, her head not turned to look at the man, but focused on the hot beskar on her hands.
"I have removed my helmet. Voluntarily", he said bluntly. Only then did the Armorer turn to look at him.
"Again?", she sounded mad. But she just turned back to the piece of beskar, putting it into a bucket of water. "Then you already know, that makes you a Mandalorian no more".
"Yes", Din bent his head down. "I will beg for your forgiveness once more".
"Then, according to the Creed, you may only be redeemed in the Living Waters beneath the mines", she turned to look at him again. Din took a deep breath before nodding at her.
"This is the way", he said before practically running out of the cave and to the Razor Crest.
"This is the way", said the Armorer, more to herself than to the now gone Mandalorian-no-more.
Two days after that, he was back in Nevarro, with Grogu by his side as he stood at your door. He didn't know how to ask you a favor after the last time you saw each other. He did know he didn't have the right to do it after that, but he still hoped you would take care of his kid one last time. After almost dying in the mines and having taken Grogu with him, he didn't trust himself to take the child on a mission like that again.
So he pushed his pride aside and knocked at your door.
It took you every ounce of strength in your body to dry your tears and get up from your couch. You shouted at the door to make whoever was at the other side know that you were coming. And when you finally opened, it only made you want to go back inside and curl up in your couch to keep crying until you had no more tears left in you.
"What do you want?", you said with stern tone, nose crinkled and a deep frown on your eyebrows, all mixed in the most disgusted expression you could give him.
"I need you to take care of him", he looked down at Grogu. You swallowed, suddenly self-conscious of the way you had talked to his father.
"Didn't I say I didn't want to take care of him anymore?", you got on one knee, despite your words, and stroked the little one's head with a soft smile.
"You sure look like you don't", he said sarcastically. You looked up at him with your disgusted expression. "It doesn't matter. I'm going somewhere dangerous and I need him out of it".
"There's no one else?", you got up to look him straight in the eye —or as much in the eye as his helmet let you look into. "For real? Am I the only damned babysitter in all of Nevarro?".
"The only one I trust that is not busy", his hands went to his hips. "Look, I put my pride aside to come ask you this, can you do the same? This is not about me, it's about him and his safety", he pointed to Grogu again. "I don't want him to die in the place I'm going to", he took a deep breath. "So, please".
You looked back down at the kid, who was now lifting and moving his hands in hopes you would take him in your arms. Then you looked back at Din —you guessed he would have a pleading expression right now, though you couldn't see.
"How long will you be gone?".
"Two days, tops... If I make it", he muttered the last part.
You took Grogu in your arms, just like he was seeming to ask, and gave Din a stern look.
"Two days", you looked at the child to make sure he was comfortable in your arms. "Don't wanna have him making more messes than necessary".
"No, sure", he almost chuckled, relieved that you had accepted to take care of his kid. "Thanks", he cleared his throat. "I'll be here to get him as soon as I'm done".
"You. Better. If not, I'll go to whoever in town and leave him with them".
That made Din's heart jump scared. But he knew you wouldn't do that. Not to a kid. Not to Grogu. Or at least he hoped you wouldn't.
"Alright", he nodded and stepped away from your door, leaving you with his adoptive son. "Good luck", he turned around and walked to his ship. You got inside your house and closed the door.
It took you less than one hour to start feeling uneasy. You had heard him well: he was going somewhere dangerous, and would take two days tops if he made it. That couldn't mean anything good. And the worst part was that you were worried.
You sat beside Grogu on your couch. Somehow, you had managed to keep him distracted with a bowl that he had somehow not shattered into pieces yet. You caught the small ceramic mid-air and looked straight into the child's eyes.
"Here we go again", you whispered to yourself, crossing your legs, facing him. "Hey, little fella", you gave him the most sincere smile you could pull off. "Do you happen to, you know, by any casual... know where your dad went?".
Immediately after asking him, you regretted your words. You knew it was pointless. He didn't understand you and you couldn't get to him with words —the night you had spent with him a week before had proved that. But you couldn't give up. Not knowing that Din was risking himself so stupidly —you didn't even know what he was going to do, wherever he was going, but you knew it would probably be some dumb Mandalorian thing.
You tried your best to try and ask Grogu about his father's whereabouts in a nice way. And it took you some time, but you finally managed to make him understand what you were trying to say.
"Your...", you pointed at the kid. "Dad...", you drew a round, helmet-like shape around your head with your hands. "Where?", you pointed out all around yourself, then shrugged. Grogu looked at you and smiled with a squeal. Then he grabbed the insides of his robe and pushed them aside to open it, leaving a metallic piece be seen under it. You immediately recognized the animal engraved on it.
What the hell did you get yourself into, Din?
"You are one amazing kid, little guy", you grabbed Grogu in your hands and took him with you as you grabbed a small bag and ran to town.
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It took you a while to figure out how to make Grogu fit on your ship, since it was thought to fit one passenger only —and it was a bit of a mess, to be honest. It made you ask yourself how you were going to make Din fit in there once you got him back. More so, it made you hope that his own ship hadn't gotten damaged. Then maybe you could get on yours and let him and his child go on their own way, and continue to be mad at Din after he was over that stupidity of his.
When you finally got the two of you to fit alright in your ship, you headed to Mandalore.
The entire way you spent it talking to yourself, sometimes looking at Grogu to see if he was listening or minding his own business —also making sure he wasn't making anything float or turning the ship more into a mess than it already was. Most of your talk was just cursing Din and asking yourself why the hell were you doing that, after how he ha treated you.
"Maybe I want an excuse to keep being mad at him. You know, I wouldn't want him to die right when I'm having a thousand thoughts of how he was an idiot to me. Damn, I don't wanna feel bad if he dies when I'm still mad at him! I don't want that thought tormenting me everyday, let's be honest", you looked back at Grogu. "Am I right?", you gave him a forced smile. He just stared at you with his usual expression. You let out a heavy sigh and went back to piloting. "Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. That womp rat couldn't stay in one place, no, he has to go and do something stupid. And of course, it's Lost who has to go save him", another sigh. "Why do I even bother?", you whispered to yourself. "He'll probably give me another one of his Mandalorian crappy faces and walk away without even saying thank you".
You kept going back and forth about it for the entire way. Until you got tired of hearing your own voice and proceeded to just think, also trying to not force Grogu to throw something at your head to make you shut up.
After some hours, you made it to Mandalore. At first sight, it looked like a messed up planet, grey, sad. Then you saw some ships going in and out, and it made you think it wasn't that bad. But then you also remembered how Din had said he was going somewhere dangerous and your thoughts were taking aback.
Focus, Lost, you shook your head.
You tried to keep a low profile as you approached the planet, avoiding areas where you saw many people. You flew low as well to try to stay out of any possible radars. The last thing you needed was to come across some Mandalorians and have them shoot you and keep you from going after Din. All those hours in light speed would not be for nothing.
You noticed your own communications system starting to fail. At first, you tried hitting the computers in hopes it was just static or interference given the stormy atmosphere you had just flown through, but you gave up when they didn't show any signs of having been fixed.
A squeal from the back of the ship made you turn your head in a sudden movement. You saw Grogu's eyes half closed and one of his hands extended out, as if wanting to touch something.
Here we are, you thought.
You drove the ship to the nearest secure area you could find, leaving it behind some huge spiky, glass-like stones. You looked around to make sure no one would see you or the ship in that position. Then you saw what you guessed was Din's ship not too far away from your spot. A heavy sigh left your mouth.
You looked back at Grogu, who was now looking at you with curiosity. He let out a squeal and shook his head. You sighed again.
"I know, little one", you looked around once more. "Doesn't look great, does it?", you said more to yourself than to him. "But you know this place, right? You've been here before?".
Grogu nodded, his face now showing worry. You took him in your arms and wrapped a blanket around both yours and his body to secure him against your torso. After making sure he wouldn't fall, you got out of the ship.
The child showed you to the entrance to a cave. You looked back at your ship and Din's one last time before walking inside.
You were left speechless at the sight of a city below you. Grogu didn't take long to put you out of your astonishment and point down to a dark abyss. You felt the energy immediately leave your body as you saw there was no way you could go down without bruising your hands. So, you went back to the ship, grabbed some knives and a rope and went back into the cave, not entirely ready to go all that way down.
You were tempted to lay down —despite the water beneath your feet— to take a break and tend to the cuts in your hands, but the strength Grogu was gripping your shirt with made your heart thump in fear. 
You had taken him with you to a place that couldn't be good, and you were going to make sure he was making it home safe.
You kept walking in the direction the kid pointed to. The unsteadiness went back to your body when you looked down and saw pieces of droids and fallen ships on the ground. You grasped your knifes and unsecured your blaster.
Soon enough, you heard metallic noises and groans in the distance. You squeezed Grogu against your chest and started running towards the fuss.
A shot came out of your blaster as soon as you saw Din fighting a group of beings you had never seen before. Each of them four, green-eyed things were looking straight at you, and there were more than you were able to count when all of them came running in your direction.  Another shot prevented a couple of them to strike you down as you tried to fight against what were left of them with your hand that wasn't grabbing Grogu.
"Are you out of your mind?", Din shouted, shooting his blaster towards another four-eyed thing. "Why did you bring him?".
"Could you shut up for a moment?", you yelled back as your knife pierced through the throat of one of them beings about to streak a hit to Din's head. "I'm trying not to get him killed!".
"You couldn't have thought about that before bringing him here?".
The conversation was interrupted by a loud clang, followed by a robot-like huge spider. You had no time to react as one of the smaller beings came at you before the bigger one's leg pierced through it and pinned it to the floor. Almost immediately, you grabbed Din's arm and ran away, your other hand keeping Grogu safe in his blanket.
"Hold on tight".
With no warning, Din grabbed you by the waist and pulled you flush against his body, then his jetpack shot the three of you up and back to the entrance to the cave. Then, you did lay down to take a break. Din sat next to you, not before taking Greg from the blanket you had put him in. He took a second to check on his kid, who smiled and squealed at him. Then, he spoke again.
"You shouldn't have come".
His words made you huff with sarcasm.
"And let you die down there? Because that's what it looks like you were doing, honestly", you sat upright. "And he was the only one who knew where you had gone, so...", you gave him an ironic smile. "You're welcome, and all".
"Thanks to you, I didn't get to where I was going".
You turned to see him with a deep frown.
"Does it even matter? You really wanna go back down there?", you let out an exasperated sigh. "You almost got killed, Din", you got up. "Does your Mandalorian dignity mean more to you than your son?".
He didn't say a word. He knew you were right. But he wouldn't leave the mines having almost lost his life without what he had gone there to get.
"Thank you for helping me, I'll take care from here", he turned around, ready to go back down.
"Wait, you're seriously doing it? Didn't you hear a word of what I just said?", you stepped in front of him. "I just came here to help you not get killed. I came with your child, who almost gets killed! And I told you your Mandalorian bullshit can't be more important than him, and you're still going back? With him?".
"This is my business", he replied with a stern voice. "I appreciate you came to help me, but I'm here for a reason and I'm not leaving—".
"Yes, you are", you crossed your arms. Your heart was pounding, and your patience was running out. "I'm not letting you go back down there. Or at least not without knowing what are you so determined to get yourself and your child killed for".
Din let out a heavy sigh, almost as if meaning to say how come you couldn't understand something as simple as the situation he was going through.
"I removed my helmet", was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "A Mandalorian never removes their helmet".
"Seriously?", you turned around for a second, laughing in disbelief. "As if kicking me out of your house after a whole day together wasn't enough, you're disappointed in yourself for failing to be Mandalorian enough!", you turned back to look at him. This time, though, instead of a smile you had an exasperated frown on your face. "And it was worth your own life?".
"I've been a Mandalorian my entire life. It's the only thing that keeps me going".
"What?", your frown deepened. "Are you talking seriously?", another huff left your lips. "I can't believe you came all the way to this planet, all the way down that death path, willing to leave your own son by himself with the excuse of being a good Mandalorian again because it's the only thing you have", you said the last part trying to mimic Din's voice. "There is absolutely no way you're so damn selfish and stupid to let yourself be blinded by what, the fact that someone else saw your face? And you forget about him completely?", you sighed. "You know what, I'm done trying to understand you", you walked towards him and leaned down to scratch Grogu's head. "Sorry I dragged you here, little fella", you smiled at him. "Hope I'll see you again sometime. Good luck out there".
And like that, you walked away from them and back to your ship. You did hope to see Grogu again sometime, though not his father.
You really hoped you would never have to deal with his Mandalorian bullshit ever again.
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"No! Don't touch that!".
You ran towards one of three little twi'lek babies in your hut, who was about to put a knife inside his belly button. Right before he did, you reached the knife and slapped it away, picking te kid in your arms along with the one you were already carrying.
A knock at your door made your heart skip a bit at the suddenness of it. You turned around, only to see the third baby somehow opening the door, her tiny hands holding onto the knob. You ran towards her and picked her up into your arms as well. You didn't get to turn back around before you saw the man standing at the other side of the door.
"Ugh, not you!", you shouted at Din. One of the small twi'leks got away from your grasp and crawled back to where he was before, probably to search for the knife again. "Do you want something?", you tried to make yourself be heard over the noise of the little baby girl crying in your arms.
"Err, I can wait", he said, then leaned against the doorframe. "Uhh, should I help?", he asked at the sight of you running to one of the children, the girl escaping from your arms as well.
"Is that a serious question?", you ran towards her. Din sighed and closed the door before joining you.
He helped you deal with the kids way better than you were doing on your own. You could see all the time of practice he'd had with Grogu be put to good use. It was almost as if he was effortlessly making them laugh and calming them down whenever you had too much of a problem. Every time he did, you looked at him with a mix of anger and admiration. Not even a cycle had gone by and it had been enough to make you forget how much you despised him.
Almost by nighttime, the three twi'lek babies were asleep and picked up by their parents. You and Din were left alone, exhausted, sitting on your couch. You didn't even have the energy to tell him to screw off until you had closed your eyes for a couple minutes. Then, you spoke to him.
"Where's Grogu?", you opened your eyes and tried not to look at him.
"I left him with a friend of mine, on another planet".
You immediately turned your head to look at him.
"What?!", you almost screamed. Din chuckled at your reaction.
"Don't be mad, we've been traveling for a long time and it was on my way here, so...", he shrugged. "I had to come talk to you alone".
You sat up straight, your arms crossed on your chest. You scanned him up and down for a moment before leaning against the backrest.
"Alright. Talk", you tried to keep a straight face. Din cleared his throat.
"I didn't go to the Living Waters", was the only thing he said.
"Uh, sorry, the what?".
"It's where... Well, the place I was going when I went to Mandalore", he swallowed. "It's where us Mandalorians go for redemption when we take our helmets off. Voluntarily", he sighed, then took a deep breath. "I didn't go, after you left".
Your mouth opened in a reflex action, but you stopped to think for a moment and process his words.
"You didn't?", was the only thing you managed to say.
"I didn't", he huffed, almost with a smile. "I was tempted but I didn't go".
"Well... You were right", he cleared his throat. "I thought about what you said, and I realized that you were right. I was... actually embarrassed that I was willing to leave Grogu alone just to earn back the right to call myself a Mandalorian", he let out a heavy sigh. You could almost feel how uncomfortable he felt telling you about his feelings, his mistakes. "And it is pretty stupid, because I wasn't doing it to be able to proudly call myself a Mandalorian. I was doing it more to... free myself. From my feelings".
And just like that, it was as if the Din who had left Grogu with you for the first time had returned. His humor, his kindness, was back all of a sudden. Realization made you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"You were also right about that, I guess", he continued. "I let myself be blinded by how I felt about someone else seeing my face. Well... About you seeing my face", he looked away. "It's kind of difficult to say this—".
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there before you say something you might regret", you got up.
"No, I'm here right because of that", he grabbed your hands. "Please. I will not regret it".
You looked at him for a second. Though you couldn't see his face, you could picture his puppy brown eyes staring into your soul pleadingly. An involuntary sigh left your mouth and you sat back down with him, your expression showing your slight dissatisfaction. Still, he kept going.
"The night we...", he cleared his throat, not wanting to say it out loud. "I didn't feel good with myself. I mean, Mandalorians are supposed to never show their faces, and I showed you mine the night after the day we met. And I blamed it on the alcohol, but then you left and I had more time to think", another distorted sigh came from his direction. "At first I didn't want to admit it, I just wanted to act as if it hadn't happened. Then I remembered I had to go back to Mandalore to atone, but I didn't want to do it. It felt as if it was something I was just obligated to do, not something I wanted", he let out an exasperated chuckle. "Then you came looking for me with Grogu. And I saw things clearly", he grabbed your hands again. "I don't want my feelings to be a weakness. Hells, they're not! I mean, they do make me weak for you, but—".
"Shut up, will you?", you stared into his eyes —well, his visor. "I just have one question for you".
He stayed still for a moment. As he saw you didn't elaborate, he nodded, as if giving you permission to proceed with the question.
"Is there any rule or whatsoever in the Mandalorian sacred books that establishes that having feelings for a fellow makes you weak?", you tried to hold back your smile. Din couldn't hold back his laugh.
"No, there's not. That was my paranoid reaction to feeling something for my fellow over here", the way he put it in words made you laugh as well.
"You're so stupid", you chuckled.
"You know, going to Mandalore with Grogu and putting you both in danger like that was something stupid".
"Oh, you wanna fight about who's been more stupid?", you crossed your arms. "I suggest you don't challenge me, I've got a long list".
"Fine, I'll stop".
You kept laughing for a while longer. Then, you both sat upright on the couch, looking at particularly nothing in front of you. You stayed in silence. It was not an uncomfortable silence, so you let it go on for a couple minutes, until you finally thought of something to say.
"So", you turned to look at him. "What are you gonna do with that thing of being a Mandalorian again? I mean, I don't exactly know how that goes, but...".
"I guess I'll have to figure something out to trick the Armorer", he chuckled. You didn't know what he was talking about, but you giggled back anyways. "Let's see how long this lasts", he took your hand. The sudden approach made both you and him blush, and you wished you had a helmet on like him to hide the way the heat was taking over your face.
"This is a thing?", you said as calmly as possible, your eyes fixated on your entangled hands.
"I mean, if you want it to be...", Din's voice was almost as hesitant as yours.
You moved your hand away from his. Then you grabbed his helmet. His first reaction was to reach up and stop you, but he stopped himself instead. You took it as a sign to keep going, and you removed his helmet.
Just like you had imagined, he was looking at you with his brown puppy eyes, his expression still a bit hesitant. His stubble and moustache were a bit longer than the last time you had seen them, but not enough as to cover his upper lip completely. His hair was also longer, and disheveled, making a fluffy helmet of its own. It made you smile.
You reached up to touch his face, like the first time you had seen him with no helmet on. As soon as your skin graced his, he closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. Your smile grew wider. Then, you approached. He blushed, now unable to hide it behind an armor, and closed his eyes, his lips half-opened. Though, you stopped right before you got to kiss him.
"You are one stupid womp rat", you whispered. His eyes suddenly were wide open and staring right into yours. The blush on his face got darker.
"I thought we had stopped talking about that", the way his expression barely changed while speaking made you laugh. You slid your other hand to cup his face, then left a quick peck on his lips.
"We had", you gave him a sly smirk. "But I'm still mad at you".
Din let out a breathless chuckle.
"What can I do to make it up to you?", he stroked your shoulder all the way up your arm to your wrist, then entwined his fingers with yours. You both let out a sigh.
"Well, first of all, you're gonna have to help me with kids around here if you wanna be able to step into my home ever again", you grabbed his jaw. "As for that other thing... I can think of a couple ways you can make it up to me", another smirk appeared on your lips as you looked down at his.
Without wasting any more time, you pulled him closer and gave him the most passionate kiss you could pull off, and that you had ever given to anyone. Din answered with just as much desperation —not a heated desperation, but needing to show you his feelings, how much he regretted having pushed you away the way he had, how much he was willing to give so that you would forgive him, how much he wanted his feelings to not be a weakness. Having thought of that was something stupid of him, indeed.
But not as stupid as you made him feel that night, making such loud noises as you touched him in all the right places in just the right time.
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crazystargirl · 10 months
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instagram posts ft. @jackchampion & @y/n_l/n pt. 5 ♥︎
pairing ♥︎ - jack champion x fem!reader, jack champion x actress!reader
a/n ♥︎ - hahahahah lmao i only made this bc i was bored at school and someone commented to be tagged in this "series" alsp i was so unmotivated to finish this but i finished on monday night bc i couldnt sleep (i'll probably post the next few chapters of the smau today) ALSO ILL ADD PHOTOS ON THE TOP LATER I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL NOW 😭
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liked by y/n_l/n, baileybass, and 738,324 others
jackchampion back from vacation and ready to start filming!!
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y/n_l/n luckyyyyy im stuck at school 😭
| jackchampion aw you'll be fine school isn't that bad
masonthegooding have fun im still on vaca 🤭
user494 can i get a hi from jack?
| jackchampion hi :)
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liked by jackchampion, devynnekoda, and 829,336 others
y/n_l/n i actually live my school life in constant fear that someone will recognize me 😭
view all 67,282 comments
user143 hold up i think i go to school with her 🤭
| y/n_l/n wait rlly??? 😭
misstrinitybliss awww it'll be fine at least we're both still in school
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liked by jackchampion, jennaortega, and 933,724 others
y/n_l/n i actually love him sm he came to hang out with me during lunch
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jennaortega hes taking my job i miss u 😒
| y/n_l/n i miss u too 😭
user149 im betting it was jack fs
user947 couple goals fr 🫶🏻
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liked by y/n_l/n, jasminsavoy, and 2,394,027 others
jackchampion so like idk if i should've bought these since she stole mine even tho i bought her own one 😒
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y/n_l/n why buy them if ur not gonna let me have them 💀
| jackchampion …that's not the point of me buying them
| user719 my parents are having a little argument 🤭
jennaortega y/n better share those
| y/n_l/n no way in hell am i sharing them
user927 awww they look cute
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liked by devynnekoda, masonthegooding, and 936,294 others
y/n_l/n he told me we could play monopoly last night since school sucks and this is the convo i had with him this morning
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jackchampion cant help it if im better 🤷🏼‍♂️
| y/n_l/n LITERALLY STOP 😭
masonthegooding damn he kicked your ass, never thought you'd be bad at monopoly
| jackchampion i told you i was better and you didnt believe me
| y/n_l/n blocked.
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liked by melissabarreram, y/nchampion, and 1,947,248 others
y/n_l/n i actually love him sm 🥹
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taglist ♥︎ - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @kaeswor@urmomcomsiimiamour, @abodyhasbeenfound, @phsychobanana @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz
lmk if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
©crazystargirl || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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