#ln the mirror man
queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
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teastarfall · 9 months
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ive never meant to neglect the 2017 comics i just never knew how to draw any of the lil guys in it… until now. my evilness has peaked… a bit
+ sum bonus six’s, bc i need to practice drawing her hood, it’s so hard to draw. why bandai namco…
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withinthereeds · 2 months
The Mirror Man's Victims; a character study
Once again I have been plagued by the visions, this time about some characters absolutely nobody cares about.
This may get a bit rambly and include some speculation/headcanons, but that's just the nature of this sort of thing. Might also be a little image heavy as I toss up examples to prove my points. Putting it under the cut.
Note: for brevity's sake, I will be giving names to each of the children because frankly the names we know them as are entirely too long. The Boy Who Got Tall - Ricky The Boy Who Got Strong - Linus The Boy Who Got Forked - Casper The Humpback Girl - Destiny/Dess
First, the Setting:
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Clearly this is a more modern time, in some form of urban area. I'd wager somewhere between the late 90's and early 2000's, going off of the kid's clothes (beanie, baseball cap, hoodies, etc). This contrasts rather starkly with the more rural setting of the previous comic involving the North Wind.
I have reason to believe this city is not inside the Nowhere itself. While the children do seem to be aware of an 'urban legend' surrounding the old building, Dess is the only one that believes in any danger. With the Sounds of Nightmares, we've been shown certain people may dream into the Nowhere and become acquainted with the monsters within, and it's not out of the question Dess herself has had night terrors such as those.
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(the comment about the wind is funny, considering the last chapter was about the North Wind, but that very well may be a red herring. Even so, her conviction is strong. More on her later.)
An argument could be made about how is the Mirror Man in the real world in that case, which I understand. I have two counter theories for that though. Either the Ferryman himself brought him over as part of his trap, or the Mirror Man was never fully there to begin with. I'm more inclined towards the latter.
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Notably he was already described as "the thing that wasn't there." And he isn't, really. He's in the mirrors, and he only reaches out of them without fully leaving them himself. Mirrors themselves are often described as portals or windows to another world, and I'd be inclined to think the Mirror Man's realm is sort of inbetween the Nowhere and the waking world, though it may have been tainted in some way and it's influence is severely limited outside the Nowhere.
Moving onto the children.
Ricky, The Boy Who Got Tall
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Looking at him straight up, he is notably shorter than the others, and a bit more portly though the style doesn't make it that clear in most shots. I'd wager he's the youngest of the group.
His desires almost seem naive or softhearted in comparison to the others'. Reflecting a sense of self-importance, maybe?
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(ha ha cookie fat joke so funny funny. rolling my eyes here)
Regardless. Ricky was also the one to argue with Dess about going into the building, and was the first to uncover a mirror. He takes the most initiative out of everyone in the group and is stubborn/pushy with what he wants, as if making up for a perceived inadequacy. However, he was also the one to help Dess with her plan to send the Mirror Man away (while Casper was injured and unable to assist).
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(he also admits he was wrong, which is a nice touch)
Even with his rough edges, he shows the most consideration for what Dess feels, being the only one to stop and talk her into joining them inside, as well as the most concern for her wellbeing once things go to shit. He also promises to come back for her once they get help, and although Dess claims they never did, we don't know for certain how much time passed between the boys leaving and the Ferryman's arrival.
That being said, given the Ferryman's predatory nature, I wouldn't put it past him to manipulate her at her lowest point so she'd come with him to the Maw.
Linus, The Boy Who Got Strong
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This one, we arguably know the least about, given his early removal from the comic, to put it lightly. He has very few lines, but we can infer a number of things from his actions, particularly his interactions with Casper.
He's shown being rather close to him, in the bluntest meaning possible. Working alongside him while Ricky is busy talking to Dess, having no qualms about personal space, and so on. He's also shown leading the way inside, next to Casper, and quickly follows up on Ricky's impulsiveness in uncovering the mirrors.
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(note how they went in through the hole at the same time)
Moving on. The mirror's reflection showed him in a position of power. Building a "real castle," and sitting on top of it. Never to be picked on again. I'd reckon he views himself as king, or as the unofficial leader of his friend group. However he's not on top of the pecking order in his mind, so in a broader social scale I'd wager he's a Bully, but also a target for bigger bullies outside of his group.
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(minor thing: is he throwing bugs at people? i cant tell)
I can't talk about him fully without bringing up his best friend's interactions with him. Onwards.
Casper, The Boy Who Got Forked
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Props to this boy for being the only one in the friend group to have visible hair. Jokes aside, Casper seems to be sort of a two-faced cunt? In the beginning, he follows Linus' lead, yes, but also appears to be more put off by the place like Dess was, repeating what Ricky said to reassure himself. Once the mood lightens and they're enamored, he quickly falls into line, mirroring (hah) Linus and Ricky's sentiments.
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(very much unrelated but why do they all have lighters... have they been smoking something on their past adventures...)
Anyhow, his desires, as shown by the mirror, are convenience, and not being alone. Getting his chores done early to spend more time elsewhere, presumably with his friends, as well as having more support for his "games." He calls it playing sure but it definitely looks more like he's bullying that kid. (kids?)
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(note Linus is also part of his desires, while Ricky is not.)
After Linus is taken, Casper is somewhat reckless; approaching the mirrors to get changed back. The Mirror Man appears, and Dess barks at him to run.
He does not.
The Mirror Man grabs him, and so does Dess, pulling him in half. For the rest of the story, he is of few words and little help. Even after he was physically whole again, the mirror still held a massive part of him, I'd be inclined to believe.
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This is largely speculation on my part, but his story is rather tragic too. Like Mono, he watched his best friend get taken away. But unlike Mono, he couldn't follow them. He couldn't save him. He's just a kid, after all, he doesn't have that same power.
Maybe the reason they were taking so long to come back was because he was having a massive breakdown over the loss of his friend, but who's to say for certain?
Destiny, The Humpback Girl
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(sidenote: she appears to be wearing a hijab, or some other headscarf. interesting and neat.)
As mentioned previously, Dess is (rightfully) afraid of the building housing the Mirror Man, but how does she know it would be dangerous? Again, this is pure speculation as the comics were discontinued years ago, but now that we have the context of children slipping into the Nowhere through dreams, we have a potential reason for her fearful behavior.
Going back to what was actually said in the comic, is at odds with her friends. They don't take her seriously until it's too late, and they seem to have a history of shrugging her off (re: last week it was the wind). Despite this, she still risks herself for their freedom, and shows concern for Casper when he's hurt.
She was brave when she needed to be, and clever, more than her friends were, but she still slipped up. The mirrors never stopped being dangerous.
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She risked herself again checking to see if the Mirror Man was dead, only this time she wasn't so lucky, as we know. He twisted her image, knowing how she perceived herself (re: mirrors always talked too much), leaving her to wallow in despair for her efforts.
However. The Mirror Man allowed her friends to change back. I doubt breaking the mirror he was looking through had any effect on Him specifically as it was only a window as we established earlier, so why did he let them go?
I have another theory. Dess was growing increasingly exasperated her friends, having been plagued by nightmares that weren't taken seriously, or being listened to at all. This whole experience was a trap for her, orchestrated so she'd be wounded and left behind, ready to be taken away. The Ferryman is manipulative and clever, it's possible he struck a deal with the Mirror Man to terrorize some children, allowing him to take one for himself as payment, as long as he left Dess alive and hurting.
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closing thoughts: i think the ferryman should eat his own shorts. these brats and their dynamics have so much potential but i am likely doomed to scream into the void about them. maybe ill write something abt them myself lol
first time writing an analysis like this hopefully im coherent dsjknfdsjkfnjk. also my inbox is open to suggestions
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skullkandiii · 1 year
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six with fang bangs and very little nightmares mirror man fo today 🔥
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umbrarkzoo · 2 years
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Comic characters dont get enough love
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How are the antags' drawing skills and styles?
Ah, I see. I can finally use my degree to some degree~ Image post, so everyone under the cut!
The Maw
the Janitor: Can't draw, but likes to make wood sculptures. Feels his way around the material and goes with the flow
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the Twin Chefs: Both can't draw well, so their artistic skills begins and ends with doodles
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(Art by chaxelos) the Lady: Used to do a lot of ink drawings with brushes, but none were worthy of sharing. She might still have some in her libraries
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the Granny: Likes watercolours and does a relatively good job with them. Paints scenery often
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(Art by Kuo Chi-Sheng)
Pale City
the Hunter: Does a lot of concept art for his next taxidermy idea. They're kind of messy and have a lot of notes next to them
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(Art by Savage Deviljho) the Teacher: Does a lot of chalk drawings for science class, but wouldn't call herself good at it. All of her students are stunned at the details, though
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(Art by Chuan-Bin Chung) the Doctor: Unsurprisingly, really good at drawing anatomy and medical herbs with a pen. Hasn't done so in a while, but they still look nice
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the Thin Man: Can't draw exactly, but still makes storyboards for his shows. They're really simple and get the tone and moods across for each scene
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The Nest
the Craftsman: The master of blueprint drawings. Seriously. He calls them trash, but everyone just stares in awe at them
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the Butler: Can't draw. He's the master of stick figures, and that's it
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the Pretender: Draws with crayons a lot, and they look exactly like they were drawn by a child. They're not bad, but it's not good either
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the Ferryman: Likes to draw with charcoal, but doesn't do it often. Likes to do landscapes or seascapes
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(Art by CaseyNealArtwork) the Mirror Man: Doesn't draw, but likes to make collages for clothing ideas. Will use whatever thing he finds to design a dress
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the North Wind: Enjoys drawing in sand and it extremely good at it. Their favorite thing to make is mandalas
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propertyofwicked · 2 months
summary - sneaking around finally catches up to lando and his best friends little sister
warnings: smut at the very beginning, angst + swearing but fluff!! (fewtrell!reader)
part 3 to first and quiet
masterlist the playlist
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“we really need to stop meeting like this,” lando grunted breathlessly, his thrusts never faltering as he bent y/n over the bathroom sink once more.
“maybe try not being so famous and recognisable and we could go on a date? to a restaurant?” y/n panted in response, hips rolling into lando’s tight grip on her waist, “like normal people?”
“but that would spoil the fun,” lando whined jokingly, “besides, if everyone knew about us, we’d have to start fucking in normal places. i don’t know about you but something about this bathroom really does it for me,” he added with a smirk, catching her eyes in the mirror.
“the toothpaste splatter real- fuck,” she started, cut off by the moan wrangling from her throat as lando pushed his length deeper, the pressure of the cold, bathroom counter pushing on her stomach, “keep going, fuck.”
“so good f’me, baby,” lando replied, feeling the way her walls tightened around him as he praised her, “all mi-”
“y/n? are you home?” max called out from the bottom of the stairs, sliding off his shoes.
“fuck sake,” lando groaned, stilling his hips but leaving his cock pressed deep inside of her, “i hate your brother.”
“y-yeah! i’m just….having a shower?” she called out in response before pushing herself up, pressing her back to lando’s chest before whispering, “no you don't. you do, however, need to get out of here without him seeing you.”
“have you seen lando?” max shouted again.
yes, he’s right here and he was very close to bringing me to orgasm, y/n internally grumbled as lando removed himself from her, finding his clothes quickly and tugging them on in a hurry.
“erm, not recently, no!” she replied, wincing slightly at the way her voice stuttered with the lie, her eyes making direct contact with the man in question. his arm reached around her, leaning into the shower and switching the dial quickly, spatters of water landing on his arm as he quickly retracted it.
“right you,” lando started, hands coming to hold her jaw, “shower. i’ll see you later,” he added, pushing her towards the shower, but not before pressing a quick kiss to her forehead, his heart softening at the sight of her eyes slowly closing in his embrace. he walked to the door, slowly prising it open as he peered through the gap, checking the coast was clear. nodding to himself at the empty hallway, he made a run for it, trying to walk in a way that exuded casual, but with some speed in his step.
had he only looked harder, he may have noticed his best friend stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching as he crept his way out of the bathroom.
y/n stepped into the shower, turning on the water just enough to create some steam. she wasn't really there to get clean; she needed a moment to compose herself and keep up the pretence that she was, in fact, taking a shower. she ran her fingers through her hair, feeling the cool droplets against her skin, and sighed.
and as she entered the kitchen, now with convincingly damp hair, y/n saw max sitting at the kitchen island, staring at the wall. his jaw was clenched tight, but every so often, his face would droop in confusion. he looked like he was trying to piece together a puzzle with missing pieces.
"hey, max," y/n said casually, trying to keep her voice light, "what do you want for dinner tonight?"
max didn't respond immediately. he continued to stare at the wall, his fingers drumming lightly on the counter. finally, he turned his head slowly to look at her.
"why did you say you hadn't seen lando recently," he started, his voice strained, "when he literally walked out of the bathroom you were in? i know your eyesight's not great, but i think even stevie wonder would notice a literal human being stood in the bathroom with him."
y/n's heart skipped a beat. she hadn't expected him to put it together so quickly. "max, i can explain..."
max interrupted, standing up and pacing. "i just don't get it. why would you lie about something like that? why was lando in there with you?"
y/n took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "i didn't mean to lie, max. it's just... complicated."
"complicated?" max echoed, stopping to face her. "you call sneaking around with my best friend complicated?"
"yes, it's complicated," y/n said, her voice rising slightly. "because i didn't know how to tell you without you freaking out like this."
"freaking out?" max said, throwing his hands in the air. "you think this is freaking out? i'm just trying to understand why my sister and my best friend have been hiding this from me. whatever this is."
“max, i-” lando started, emerging from the doorway from where he’d been listening in.
“and you? of all people, you?” max argued, directing his anger at lando, “how did i piss you off that badly that you decide to fuck my little sister for revenge?”
“it’s not like that, we-”
“have you had sex with my sister?” max interrupted bluntly.
“well yes, bu-”
“how long?” max asked, turning to his sister for an answer.
“i’d say 6 and half inc-”
“how long have you been seeing each other, y/n?”
“3 months? 4?” she conceded, allowing her attempt of lightening the situation to wash over, ”and may i just say - insinuating that all i’m good for is a revenge shag? thank you so much for that,” she added sarcastically, smiling at him with no happiness behind it.
“are you serious? 4 months? lando? couldn't you have picked someone else?" max continued to argue, refusing to allow the guilt of his insulting comment to weigh on him in this moment, “literally, anyone else?”
“ouch,” lando commented, looking to the ceiling to avoid the awkwardness in the room, narrowly avoiding the daggers being shot at him from max’s stare.
“well maybe i would’ve if you hadn’t threatened anyone who tried,” y/n sighed, sick of his attitude, “is it that hard for you to just be happy for me? truly, would it kill you?”
“it might,” lando added.
“why didn’t you tell me?” max asked, looking to his sister as his voice lowered for the first time since she’d stepped into the kitchen.
"oh, sure, let me just check with you next time i develop feelings for someone. you don't get to control my life,” y/n rolled her eyes - max may be calming down, but she was just getting started.
“i care about her, max,” lando interrupted, trying to control the situation as he noticed the way y/n’s hands balled into fists against the worktop, “and i didn't want to hurt you or make things awkward between us. it was my idea not to tell you, ‘cos i didn’t know how.”
“we didn't want to cause any drama."
"too late for that," max muttered.
“clearly,” y/n responded bluntly, turning on her heel and heading towards the door as she stormed off in anger. but before she could leave, lando caught her, his grip firm but gentle.
"y/n, wait," he said softly, turning her back to face max. y/n felt lando's hands stay on her hips, rubbing gentle circles into her skin to calm her down. she relaxed slightly but kept her gaze fixed on max.
“i'm sorry for how you found out, but you have to understand that i'm capable of making my own decisions,” y/n said, her voice steady but still tinged with frustration, "finding out your own brother is the reason you have felt so alone for years is not a pleasant feeling, max.”
“it was for your own good.”
“my own good?” she scoffed, feeling the anger rise in her chest again, “for the sake of your own good i suggest you leave right now.”
“this is my house? i live here?”
“yeah? and if you don’t leave now you’re also going to die here,” she gritted, feeling lando’s fingertips press into her skin as a warning that maybe she maybe shouldn’t be so aggressive.
“fine,” max muttered, walking past the two of them and swiftly grabbing his shoes and coat before leaving the house, letting the door slam behind him.
y/n stood frozen for a moment, staring at the closed door. the weight of the situation finally caught up with her, and she felt her composure slipping, her shoulders shaking as the first tears began to fall.
lando was by her side in an instant, turning her round and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. "it's okay, baby," he murmured, rubbing her back in soothing circles, "let it out."
the dam broke, and y/n let herself cry, all the anger, exhaustion, and frustration pouring out in a torrent of tears. she clung to lando, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt as she sobbed into his chest. lando held her close, whispering comforting words and continuing to rub her back.
after what felt like an eternity, y/n's sobs began to subside. she pulled back slightly, her face tear-streaked and red. she looked up at lando, her eyes filled with regret.
"we should've been more careful," she whispered, her voice hoarse.
"no, y/n,” lando shook his head, his expression firm, “your brother should be less of a dick. this is your life, you live it how you want to, and if he can't handle that, then that's his own burden to bear."
y/n sniffled, wiping at her tears with the back of her hand. "but he's my brother. i don't want to lose him over this."
"you won't," lando assured her, his hands cupping her face gently. "he's just shocked right now. he'll come around. but that doesn't mean we should regret being together."
y/n nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "you're right. i'm just... so tired of all this."
"i know," lando said softly, pulling her back into his embrace. "but we'll get through it."
they stood like that for a while, the quiet of the house enveloping them. y/n felt the last of her tears dry up, replaced by a renewed sense of determination.
“i’m proud of you, y’know,” lando started, causing y/n to pull back slightly to look up at him again.
“you stood up for yourself,” he smiled, “in all the years i’ve known you, i don’t think i’ve ever seen you stand up for yourself - not even to max. that’s why.”
“thank you,” she mumbled, before grinning at him, “turns out getting fucked daily fills me with confidence - not just cock.”
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bth3cowboi · 6 months
paint me in lovely red, mv1xreader
pairing: max verstappen x artist!reader
summary: a tiny slip can make your most beautiful secrets public. Sometimes the slip comes in the form of a painting, sometimes the secret is a relationship with a world champion.
format: social media au
a/n: all paintings used here were made by Malcolm Liepke! Part 1/?
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liked by fanuser and 500,233 others
verstappen1updates Max just admitted that he’s in a relationship on stream! Transcript of the clip for those asking:
G: Max, they’re asking about the new painting in the background. I haven’t seen it before either.
M: Ah yes, that was a gift for the championship win from- [Stops to keep driving]. Well, my girlfriend really.
G: [Laughs] That’s cute, she’s great at painting. Oh- they’re surprised now- [Laughs] about your girl.
M: Ah- We just like to keep to ourselves, mate.
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user1 YO WHAT???
user2 and just like that we’ve lost him🥲
user3 u don’t know that man
user2 a girl can dream…
user4 sooo whos the girl?? I want to know noww
user5 a whole picture of his winning car??? she must be HOOKED
user6 after that season i cant blame her
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liked by maxverstappen1 and others
yourusername Spring is coming so new prints are out on my online shop!! Make sure to check them out💛🧡🍋
From the vault: “my yellow mirror II”, oil on canvas, 18x24. Also: my bike, me.
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user1 I just came expecting more Max honestly
user2 SAME
user3 the only thing interesting on this page
user4 ok seeing her now I get why Max let her paint him like that😂 shes cute
user5 paint me like one of your french girls- max, probably
yourfriend beautiful as always Yn🥹🫶 only focus on that
liked by yourusername and maxverstappen1
yourusername thanks bby🫶
user6 oh girl stop being so dramaticcc
user7 drop the painting of the car instead, this is boring
user8 i get it know, date rich so you can afford to do your silly paintings🤯
maxverstappen1 just lovely
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liked by fanuser and 876.334 others
inthef1paddock Max Verstappen and girlfriend Yn Ln caught together after she arrived to Melbourne for the Australian GP.
The driver had to ask through his instagram stories for fans to respect their privacy and Yn’s career after people flooded her social media with disrepectful comments, he did so by posting this selfie.
Mean comments will be deleted.❤️
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user1 People are so rude, its obvious they love each other
user2 Oh that hug🥹 what a lucky girl
user3 Did you see the video? He RAN to her, shes blessed
user4 idk she still seems weird…
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 698.442 others
lando.jpg 🇦🇺 nights
tagged charlesleclerc, maxverstappen1 and yourusername;
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user1 last photo made me SCREAM, MAX???
user2 Lando is so crazy for this lol
user3 From Charles dropping it low to a hard launch he knows his public
charles_leclerc 😎😎
yourusername 🕺🕺📸📸
charles_leclerc You mean 💋💋📸📸?
maxverstappen1 Lando wont post those because he is lonely and he will cry
landonorris mate thats not true
yourusername its ok to be single lando we dont care you cried to our happy photos
landonorris I did NOT cry 🤢 you guys made me sickkkkk
charles_leclerc sick to tears
maxverstappen1 😂😂
landonorris Stoppp
landonorris Dont know what its worse, the kissy photos or the porn paintings
yourusername not porn🖕
maxverstappen1 Dont be rude🖕
yourusername I will paint you crying now idc you crybaby
landonorris Sure😂
charlesleclerc Famous last words
user4 its ok Lando I will take 💋 pictures with you
user5 me toooo, I volunteer 🤩
maxverstappen1 Please send me the rest of Yn’s photos👍
liked by landonorris and 5021 others
user6 oh wow i get lando now this is so sweet its sick😭
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liked by maxverstappen1, charlesleclerc and others
yourusername “Lando Norris, the crybaby”, oil on canvas, 24x30.
Prints will be available online soon🧡
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user1 Oh she ate this one up😭😭
landonorris NO YN
landonorris YN THIS IS SO MEAN
landonorris why would you do this😭😭 I didnt think you were serious
yourusername See, crybaby
carlossainz55 Dont worry Landito you dont look too bad
landonorris 😭😭😭
user2 the devil work fast, but yn works faster
danielricciardo Jesus how much for this one, I will give ANYTHING
charlesleclerc No man ask for your own, this one is mine
maxverstappen1 This is not leaving my house👍 good luck
danielricciardo Whatever he pays I will give double
yourusername Sorry its been bought already
charles_leclerc ???
mclaren Thank you Yn, this will look great in our hall 🧡🧡
yourusername 🧡🫶
landonorris WHAT
charles_leclerc oh my god
landonorris NO WAY
user4 SOLD TO MCLAREN? this is a fever dream
user5 I, too, want a portrait of me kissing max verstappen
user6 I respect Yn so much, cause she went from making tittie art of her bf to paint their friend crying while they makeout in the background
maxverstappen1 Lovely😂
maxverstappen1 Can I request one but without the crybaby?
yourusername I have a few already 🤔 whats one moree
charles_leclerc Dont drop them please think of the children
yourusername wow youre so boring
maxverstappen1 Make fun of him on a painting for that baby
danielricciardo I will pay for that one this time
charles_leclerc God no have mercy
yourusername dont worry i wont do that, being a ferrari driver is punishment enough
charles_leclerc 😐
landonorris LOL DESERVED
maxverstappen1 Love you my Yn❤️❤️
yourusername love you too🥹🥹
a/n: Thank you for reading!!! I might do a second part to this fic, I think there is so much more to do with the plot so if anyone is interesed make sure to stick around❤️🥹 My inbox is now open if anyone has suggestions or ideas they want to se me writw!
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Thoughts on how TSON will tie into the lore of LN3?
As of the location of the last episode, as well as explaining some more small chunks of lore and locations to expand the world, I think TSON is preparing us already for what we will see next with Low and Alone. Give us something to expect, as well as a minimal explanation of how the Nowhere works, because this is information we need to know for Low and Alone's story to make sense.
Six's story, which was the main plot line of Little Nights up until now, explained how she travelled the world only to end up right at the place waiting for her. A destructive cycle of events that had set locations (the Pale City, the Tower, the Maw -- the Nest being a small detour but an interesting addition to the bunch) and events. Whether you believe Six left the Maw or not (I like to think the former), hers was a story about losing a part of herself to the world she tried to desperately to flee, and while she "won" that piece back, she will never be the same again. It did not necessarely need to elaborate on whether the world itself was her "home" or not -- though it was always strongly implied it was not.
It did try, though. The discontinued comics were an attempt at showcasing that the world beyond the Maw was vast, and that there was even ANOTHER world beyond that same dimension, with the tales of the Refugee Boy and the Humpback Girl respectively. However, at the time, it was confusionary: we didn't know anything but the Maw, so many fans misconstrued what was trying to come across, and ultimately this partially led to the decisions that had the comics be discontinued and the DLC be made instead.
The podcast to me is just that: to make up for those discontinued comics. Some of these storylines sound very similar to the ones you would read about in the Little Nightmares comics in structure: I would not be surprised to find some concepts from them were reused, modified to fit the plot of the podcast and even added to the lore of Little Nights III.
A lot of people seem to think that Mirror Man and North Wind will both make an appearance and frankly, I can see why. I am leaning more strongly on Mirror Man: I wish to see him in action in his own realm considering Low's abilities.
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I've heard some concerns about the game potentially reusing the comic characters, but personally I find it a brilliant opportunity to expand on them. Mirror Man in particular is a... blank slate, essentially. He does have a minimum of characterization (<- post where I analyse just that) but besides that you could go wild with him. I'm interested to see if they do bring him forward.
Anyhow, sorry for derailing. As of episode four, we have been brought to a location that seems to match the circus we see in the trailer of Little Nightmares III. Considering the information we are given, it seems that it is suspended in the sky, with it being a literal ship floating above land.
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(Two images depicting the "carnival" as seen in the trailer [top] and the steam page for LN III [bottom])
The idea of such a location is an interesting one and, considering the nature of the Spiral, possibly not that far out of reach. It was mentioned that Low and Alone would be travelling behind the Spiral... considering the nature of the Necropolis, which was mentioned to be a city powered by wind, I wonder if the spiral is... a giant hurricane. Or storm. And the locations are all in the middle of it - in its eye, stacked on different points in altitude.
It would be just as Noone said if that was to be the case: places who are on top of each other, like the building she's in, but that do not work together. I think that for this reason, the locations we have seen in the podcast such as the Stone Giant and the Mall might return later on as locations in LN III in some shape of form.
... We have seen a stone giant already...
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.. although it would be more metaphorical than literal in this case as the Stone Giant was not really described as a giant baby thing, and the location is different, but you get what I mean hopefully!
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mywritersmind · 23 days
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summary : A kitten is all it takes to get two strangers in the same bed for the night. Lando likes how she doesn’t know him, Olivia likes the cat that he’s trying to take from her.
warning : Just Lando, Olivia, and Juna being adorable (again) !
word count : 1459
⋆ ˚‧。⋆
I’m in Landos clothes in the bathroom thirty minutes later. I had the best shower of my life, wiping away my club stink and snuggling into baggy sweats and a McLaren shirt.
I hype myself up in the mirror, there’s very few occasions where i’ve stayed over at a man’s house. All of those have been after sex. I am not going to have sex with Lando. It’s a weird learning curve but I was the one who wanted me to stay more.
He lets out a laugh when I walk out, slapping his hand back over his mouth he says, “I didn’t mean to laugh!”
I smile and spin around, “That’s fine. I mean… I do look sort of ridiculous.” his clothes do not fit me by any means…
He shakes his head, playing with Juna who is chasing a feather attached to a stick, “No, you look good.” His voice is a bit raspy, sounds tired.
This should not have an effect on me but the butterfly’s are definitely there.
“So Olivia.” he uses my real name, “If you don’t like F1, what sports do you like?”
I smile and sit next to him, “Soccer mostly.”
He side eyes me, “Football?”
I eye him right back, “Soccer.”
He smiles, happy with our disagreement, “Why not Formula?”
I sigh and shrug, “Sort of rough on an Americans sleep schedule. My dad loves it actually! But when I got to college I never got back into it.”
“That’s good.”
“What, that I never got back into it?” I look at him playing with Juna, a rouge curl falling into his face.
“No. You said your dad loves it. That’ll mean he likes me.” There go those damn butterfly’s, “Unless he doesn’t like McLaren.”
I smile to myself, “He’s a ferrari fan.”
He sighs, “Ah… might have to win his trust then.” I should not be thinking about how much my dad would like Lando.
I lean back against my arms, “And what makes you so sure you’re going to meet him?
He smiles softly back at me, “We have a child together now.” He grabs Juna and brings her close to his face. Something about him and this cat is just melting my heart.
“Right.” I smile and pet under her chin, “Lovely. We’re stuck together forever, I guess.”
His blue eyes meet mine, “I guess.”
“Oh my-” I take a bite of my burger that Lando and I ordered. The burger was the first thing ordered, followed by fries, two milkshakes, chicken tenders, more fries, chips, and onion rings.
Lando laughs at my groaning as he nibbles on his chicken, “Like it?”
“It even tastes rich.” I shake my head, “Wanna try?” I don’t know why I say it. I hate sharing my food, I won’t even share my water with my best friend.
He shakes his head, “Nah i’m sort of… picky.”
“Suit yourself.” I shrug and keep eating.
“Back to our game?” He asks, biting into a fry. I nod as he starts, “Favorite color?”
“Blue, Navy.” Although his eyes could be changing my mind on the navy part. “Favorite holiday?”
“Christmas. It’s always during winter break, obviously. So I get all the time I want with my family.”
“That’s really sweet.” I sip my milkshake, “Is it hard, being away all the time? Even if you do love it.”
“Not your turn yet.” He raises a brow, “What’s your favorite memory from your childhood?”
“Hm… I wasn’t exactly a child, But still. I was seventeen and had just got out of a horrible relationship.” he frowns at this, “Don’t worry I poured coffee on him- anyway my friends and I drove to the beach, absolutely blasting Taylor Swift, and we just swam in our clothes.” I shrug, “It was like midnight.”
He smiles as I tell the story, “It’s so cool you grew up by the beach.” thank you cali.
“Answer my question now, please.”
He sighs, “It’s hard. My sister has a kid so I wish I was with her a lot… but honestly my parents can make it to a lot of races and it’s not like I have a girlfriend to worry about.” I laugh at this.
I try to sound casual, “I’m assuming you have in the past?”
“Yes…” he says suspiciously, “but it’s tough. What about you, got anyone special?”
“Definitely not. Broke up with my college boyfriend a while ago…” Why am I telling him this?
He whistles, “How old are you?”
“Twenty three.”
“I’m twenty four.”
“That is good.” I laugh and he laughs with me, “You’re young.” I say.
He shakes his head, “So are you. I forget sometimes.”
“That you’re young?”
He shrugs and wipes his hands on a napkin, “Being a driver doesn’t exactly scream ‘first job!’”
“I never really thought about that. My first job was a wedding calligrapher though.” He laughs, “I’m serious!”
“I believe you! It’s just… random.”
“You’re random.” I roll my eyes as if that was any insult.
I hear scraping and see Juna join us on the bed the next second, I laugh at the tiny kitten climbing up the bed. She walks right on top of Lando, up his arm and on his neck.
“She likes me!” He whisper yells. I lay my head on the pillow, getting tired after my day.
“She has good reason to.” I say as I yawn, closing my eyes.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now, Livvy.”
“I’m not…”
She fell asleep. I look at the clock, 2:23am. I set Juna down but she keeps trying to get my attention as I clean up our food.
I’ve enjoyed this far too much. I like her company.
This girl i’ve just met. I barely know her!
Yet I feel like I've known her for years.
I shouldn’t get attached. I don’t easily. But with Olivia it feels like I've known her since I was in school.
That could be the late hours talking though. But still, we’ve been talking for hours. With this bloody cat who I've fallen completely in love with.
“Norris.” I hear her whisper.
“Yes, love?” I let it slip by accident.
“Juna peed on the couch.” she pats the bed, “Come on.”
I thank god because my back would be fucked if I slept on the floor and my trainer would not be happy. I switch the lights off and climb in next to her, Juna in between us.
“Night, love.” She whispers before promptly falling asleep.
I wake up to an arm around me and a man standing above me. I scream.
“Fuck!” Lando pulls his arm away immediately, opening his eyes quickly and looking at the man in screaming at, “Max!” he groans, “You didn’t have to scare her!”
“Sorry.” He crosses his arms, “I’m Max.”
“Hi?” I try to slow my heart rate, “God! You scared me!” I look back up at him, Lando mentioned the childhood friend but I didn’t think I’d meet him so soon.
“Sorry again. Lando scared me first! Bloke can’t figure out how to use his phone!” Max throws his phone at Lando who dodges it. I’m still trying to recall why I'm here and what is happening.
Juna reminds me when she trots over and plants herself on my lap. “I thought you’d been killed or something!” Max yells at Lando whose face is still in the pillow.
I’m suddenly very self conscious about being in this bed. Max seems to notice and shakes his head, “Well now that I know you’re alive… Plane takes off in an hour.”
He’s packed in fifteen minutes. Why couldn’t he be a slower packer?
We’re quiet up until the elevator exit, “Juna is still half mine.” He says suddenly, the blue skies coming into view as we walk outside.
“So don’t forget me, or anything.” He says, looking away from me.
The corner of my mouth lifts, “No chance.” Putting his bags down, he slides my phone out of my pocket and into his hand.
“My number.” He says before handing me my phone back, “Use it all you want.”
“Oh I should be so greatful.” I say it sarcastically but honestly, I am.
He nods, a small smile still gracing his face, “Be safe, alright? Don’t go home with any more strangers.”
My grip on Juna’s carrier tightens, “We’ll see.”
He says goodbye to Juna, sticking his finger through the wire and petting her. He stands up straight, taking his things as the valet brings his car.
“Good luck.” I say quickly, he looks almost surprised. “In your race. Maybe I’ll watch.”
His surprise turns into kindness, leaning down a bit, he places his lips softly on my cheek, “Don’t scream my name too loud, love.”
I blush as he steps back, I wave. He gets into his car and looks back through the slight tint, smiling.
note : should i do a pt.3??
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astonmartingf · 6 months
fernando alonso x photo journalist!reader
. . . twenty years into his career, alonso faced a lot of changes. but it was all because of you, that he looked forward to at the end of everything.
amgf 2.8k words. implied mentions of spygate, rumors, other controversies, accidents and more. slightly realistic? i cried writing this— made me in awe of fernando as a driver even more. enjoy 👍
death of a bachelor ; masterlist
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Is Fernando selfish?
He could say that to himself, it doesn’t matter to him what other people thought of him. At the end of the day, they’re just here to race.
He’s aware of it, if it weren’t for his skills and passion he wouldn’t have come this far— a young boy from Spain, dreaming to make it to the top. It didn’t seem like reality four years ago, yet here he is.
Standing on top of his car in parc ferme, the crowd cheering him on as his engineers flood through from the garage to greet him. The sun shining down on him— celebrating his win, it felt as if he was back at home in Spain, under the protection of his helmet he could see the entourage of people crowding him.
People as far as his eye can see, but it’s all a blur— to Fernando this was everything he dreamed of and more. It peeved him that he didn’t win the Brazilian Grand Prix, but winning the World Championship was even better.
His shoulders held high hugging every Renault engineer he could find, it was history. He will be a part of history- no. Fernando Alonso made history. And this was just the beginning.
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Where did things go wrong?
Exactly two years ago, Fernando was on cloud nine. The only thing he’s getting to the nines is stress. As much as he hates to admit he was intimidated to be one-upped by a rookie at that.
It’s his ego that’s eating him alive, nonetheless Fernando is still proud. If he has his head high, nothing could ever stop him.
It scares him, the monster growing inside him, but what else can he do? In this sport, one can either hunt or be hunted. If he had to use tricks up his sleeve, why wouldn’t he?
It’s nothing personal, Hamilton just happened to be there, his only mistake was thinking that the rookie won’t retaliate. In hindsight, he’d gladly accept P2 over his teammate.
Fernando may have an egotistical and dubious character but he wasn’t blind to the young man’s skills. But it was also a mirror and testament to his own, if Hamilton could do it, what’s his reason not to deliver?
Thinking back on his phone call with the team principal, he should’ve immediately told the FIA instead of ratting himself out. Now he has to face the consequences of his actions, deciding to do better, Alonso ultimately leaves the team.
He must be a penchant for bad luck, this time Fernando knows it wasn’t his fault.
It annoyed him that controversy seemed to follow him wherever he went. “Are you Fernando Alonso? Is it real you tried to kill your teammate? What can you say in response to the rumors circulating about you?”
“Fernando Alonso? Do you have time for an interview?”
Alonso wasn’t one to be caught off-guard, but for the first time he stood frozen, in shock. Glancing around the area, Alonso stepped forward nodding towards the interviewer. He’d been dealing with stupid questions all day long, what’s another one gonna change with his mood right?
“I’m YN LN interviewer for Formula One Herald. As someone who has witnessed you win the championship back in 2005 and 2006, what are your plans in securing the most points possible?”
Now Fernando is truly caught off guard. Wary off your question, overthinking and analyzing hidden meanings behind it. Alonso didn’t think of himself as calculative, he’s simply observant and protective of his space. Knowing how easily one’s words could be twisted into a narrative.
Fernando stares at you, Surely you’re not the type to work for meager clicks on the webs?
It was silent for the next few minutes.
“Sir Alonso? I’m sorry for taking your time, you can go ahead if you don’t want to answer.”
Somehow you managed to catch Fernando’s attention even more, “I thought journalists were supposed to be persuasive? You’re just letting me go without getting a scoop of the news?”
Fernando’s eyes widened, hearing you laugh at his words, he didn’t think of himself as funny, maybe it’s one of their tactics. To know one’s information you must soften them a bit, his expression only hardens ultimately catching you off guard.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh- I guess I’m just nervous since it’s my first time actually being dispatched on field. I used to take pictures on the sidelines- I even took one of yours when you won back in 2005, it was such a nice memory. I remember fighting a lot of reporters to catch a glimpse of you, I managed to take one and it was chosen as the front and center photo of one famous magazine! Hopefully you win more races and podiums, you make it fun and exciting. Speaking as a fan and not some journalist, I’m rooting for you- I must’ve been rambling for a while, thank you for sparing me your time, don’t worry this will all go off the record just for you. Have a nice race week.”
The air must’ve felt it too, because since then things have changed.
Fernando was left alone watching your back disappear from the crowd.
The moment things were finally looking better for him.
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“Sir Alonso!”
The voice from afar alone caused Fernando to look around for the familiar voice in the paddock. Somehow he’s been always keen on answering your questions or setting up time for interviews, often extending them for an absurd amount of time as what his manager said.
It’s not biased if your questions are the only thing interesting. That or it could be your magnetic presence, he could feel your passion beaming through as you asked him intricate questions none that he experienced before. 
Another telltale sign is you’re the only one who calls him “Sir Alonso”, thinking back on his first meeting with you, it definitely came as a shock. Despite all the formality, he’s taken a liking to the name only you call him.
It makes him feel respected and more importantly it makes him feel like he has a special relationship with you. Walking through the crowd, he spots you at one of the tables waving your cards in the air, like a bait to lure him into your trap.
Not that he minds, if he had to spend the next hour talking about how the season wrapped, he’d rather talk to you about it. Smiling unknowingly, Fernando rubs the palms of his hands on his red tracksuit. 
Was he nervous to talk to you? No. It’s all about racing, a topic Alonso is fond of, but is your presence rubbing him off? I guess he could say that. All the thoughts in his head buzzing, what should he say? What should he do? How should he act in front of you.
Fernando never thought of himself to be as calculative, but the need to impress you has astounded him even more.
“Fernando Alonso, congratulations on finishing P2 for the season. It’s exciting to see you on and off the track now that the season is over.” 
He could feel himself beaming at the sound of your voice, it’s like you infected him with your insurmountable enthusiasm. Alonso liked that about you, no need for snarky remarks, or hidden agendas behind your question, you were always talking about the sport, yet somehow your spark never seemed to fade away.
And as much as you like to praise him, he’s slowly in the making for one of your biggest fans. Not that he will admit that to you himself.
“YN, it’s always a delight talking to you.” Grabbing your hand for a handshake, Fernando pulls you in for a hug without thinking. Immediately pulling away, Alonso’s thoughts began firing, overthinking the previous interaction.
His doubt was erased once he saw the smile on your face, happiness reaching the corners of your eyes. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, this is becoming a thing isn’t it?”
A thing. What thing? Fernando raises his brows asking for more context, maybe he’s overthinking it again or confused, maybe he didn’t hear you properly, totally not distracted just by being in your personal space.
“Post-season interviews? It’s always nice to catch up and look back on the season, especially this one P2. Congratulations Alonso…” Your voice drowns out into the background.
It was another turning point in Fernando Alonso’s life, and somehow this was all because of you. Only realizing then that he’d rather sit down for what seems like the longest time in his life, talking to you, not just about his racing but about your own life. He realized that he’d never catch himself doing this with other interviewers, and this was your thing.
Fernando liked that.
It’s nice to catch up and look back on the season with you.
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Lucky to be alive. Lucky. To be. Alive.
It only dawned on him what happened then. Fernando sat in silence next to you, from the corner of his eyes, he could see you tidying up the small things you prepared for the interview. Alonso felt vulnerable, it’s been a while since he’s experienced such a crash.
“I should leave you to rest, hmm?” Raising his head, Fernando meets your eyes full of concern or at least that’s how he sees it. In a spur of the moment, Alonso shakes his head ‘no’.
“Can you stay for a while?” Fernando avoids your eyes, halfway in regret from being unable to control himself. To his surprise, you drop your papers sitting down next to him.
“Do you want to talk as a friend?”
A friend.
Fernando stays quiet before nodding his head.
And just like how you do all the time, just being by your side Fernando could feel himself slowly getting better. Letting himself let go of all the thoughts and worries in his head. If not now, when?
When will he have another chance to spend time with you? Not just as a friend.
It was the second time he felt it change.
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“Congratulations Alonso!”
The corner of Fernando’s lips curl up to a smile watching you approach him closer, opening his arms, catching you in his arms. If he wasn’t already feeling better with his win, having you here by his side is even more enjoyable.
“Didn’t think you’d actually come here. Sick of the F1 Paddock?” Fernando inquisitively asked, he expected you to reply politely for support, but what he didn’t expect is for you to suddenly grow balls.
“Honestly it’s boring without you there. Why would I go when you’re here?”
Or were you always so straightforward that he didn’t notice it? Stunned. 
It was always a surprise with you, not that he minded it didn’t matter what you would’ve said, Alonso would gladly listen to you. “When did you arrive?” Clearing his throat, trying to not get your words to affect him as much as he wants to.
“Oh, I’ve been watching since yesterday, I stayed in one of the tents.” 
And there goes Alonso, surely if you had looked further into his eyes, you could see his heart doing somersaults and cartwheels. Is this your effect on him? He wasn’t that aware, but now it’s slightly concerning for him to be acting this way in front of you.
You simply stunned him. And Alonso wouldn’t have it any other way.
“It’s surprising how I managed to hide from you, to be honest my self-control isn’t that good-”
I’m sure yours is better… if only you knew mine, Alonso thought, lips curling into a smile.
“But somehow I thought, wouldn't it be better to surprise you in the end? If you win then it’ll be a surprise and a celebration. Just like now! I took so many photos of you, you want to see?”
Fernando didn’t notice you moving closer to him, showing him the photos you took of him. 
“And if I lost? What would happen then?” A smirk grows in his face, feeling proud to put you into the corner, but Fernando should know by now that you will always have the upper hand. Especially when it comes to you.
“Oh, I planned on giving you a big kiss, comfort you and take you out for dinner. But isn’t it good that you won?”
The way Fernando’s face fell at the thought of getting a kiss from you sounded a lot better than winning.
Joder! I’d rather kiss YN than win… Is this where I’m at now? 
“What a shame that I won then, are kisses only for losers?” Fernando ought to shut up, but he just can’t let you win, taking blow after blow he’s been hit hard where it hurts. His ego and what could’ve been a kiss from you.
As if you couldn’t surprise him more, Fernando stood frozen watching you move closer to him, hands wrapped on both of his cheeks. He could feel the coldness of your hands against the warmth of his cheeks, pressing a small kiss on the side of his face totally catching him off guard.
“Winners get one kiss. Losers get two.” 
Fernando can’t help but burst out laughing, eliciting the same to you laughing along with the sound of his laughter. “What?”
Alonso shakes his head, face red from the blushing, laughing, or just being in the same proximity as you. You’re full of surprises, he’ll give you that, but he completely surprises himself in the end.
Fighting the urge to kiss you then and there, Fernando settles on grabbing your hands, “Let’s get out of here. Let’s go on that dinner you were talking about.”
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Getting out of his seat, Fernando immediately looks around for you. The energy, adrenaline, and excitement fueling him. Walking towards his team waiting for him by the barricades cheering, yet his eyes linger towards you.
Behind a camera with a wide smile on your face, Alonso waves as you mirror his movements. It’s as if time had stopped, as you capture his moments, Fernando has already ingrained you in his mind.
Coming back to Formula One wasn’t easy. He had sacrifices to make, but seeing the warmth and familiarity of your face around the track. He kept his shoulders up.
Now more stable than ever, his sacrifices, priorities, and privilege will all be tested as the season comes to an end. Nevertheless, Fernando is grateful to have you by his side.
It’ll only be the beginning for more changes to come, and with you by his side, there’s nothing stopping him now.
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“You're back with the interviews?” Fernando sits at the other side of the table overlooking the view of the yacht dock.
“My favorite driver is on the grid, so why not. I thought this was our thing?” Fernando watches as you prepare the papers in front of you, head tilting, focused doing your own things. Sitting back and letting you do your magic, Fernando grabs one of your cameras.
You were always behind the lens of your beloved camera, Alonso remembered you saying to him that this was one of your oldest cameras. You also gave Fernando free reign in using your camera, he wasn’t aware of the magnitude of you letting him use your camera, but knowing how special it is to you, Alonso knew to handle it with care.
Fernando turned on the camera immediately looking for the photos you took in them. He has an inkling of the contents inside them, but what he didn’t expect was the overwhelming amount of photos you have of him.
Going as far back as 2003, photos of him in his first win in Hungary, photos of him in podiums, smiling, some showcasing his losses, photos of him with past teammates and in various uniforms.
The feeling dawned on him, you’ve been there from the start, watching him through the lens. Seeing himself from your eyes, Alonso was taken aback at the photos. As if you couldn’t sweep him off his feet even more, learning this about you even made him fall in love with you more than he already is.
“Why are you crying?” 
Your voice breaks his train of thought, blinking away the moisture poling into his eyes. Alonso isn’t one to be emotional, but seeing your love flow through the pictures from the screen, fills his heart heavy with emotion.
Wiping his tears, Alonso places the camera back on the table. “I never thought I would feel this way about these…” Fernando watches you shuffle around, dropping everything as you move beside him.
“I remember telling you about these photos. They’re all about you.”
Alonso nods his head, still deep in thought, beyond belief at his love for you, ever growing every single day.
“I never saw myself like this… how you capture my every moment, through the good and bad. I feel loved, and I love you.” Fernando, professing his love for you. Truly, one of the best seasons.
You allowed him to see himself in a different light, different from what the media says, the roles he played in the sport, a conniving villain. You allowed him to see himself in a new perspective.
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amgf death of a bachelor comes to a close. thank you for supporting the series this far, i laughed, cried and felt a rollercoaster of emotions writing this. i hope you enjoy this, until the next series <3
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
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Hello my darling Cia! Thank you SO much for sending in this gif!! You always provide the best inspiration! (I’ve a couple more waiting in my inbox 🤭) but in the meantime I wrote this little blurb, I hope you like this 🥰
The complaint
“You made the count wrong… again, Y/N.” Freya left the heavy book over your papers.
Feeing a cold sweat you looked at the red marks she made with confusion. “I counted the money two times, it matched.”
“I just finished and it’s wrong.” She pointed loudly for everyone to hear. The other secretaries throwing discreet glances in your direction.
Counting to three mentally, you looked at Freya. “That’s not possible.” You felt frustrated and her attitude was irritating you.
“Counting the money it’s a huge responsibility, if you can’t do that just tell me.” Tap, tap, tap the sound of her shoe against the floor made your stomach twist.
“What’s the matter?” Tommy’s voice called from the door frame, making the two of you turn your heads.
“Y/N counted the money but I checked it after and there’s a different amount.” She let out a loud sigh to add more drama. “This isn’t the first time she made a mistake Mr. Shelby.”
“If I remember correctly it was John’s fault last time since he took some of the cash.” Tommy explained politely to defend you.
“Nevertheless she should’ve known.” Freya insisted. “But she continues to do it over and over again, she shouldn’t-”
“That shouldn’t be a problem because I took some cash this morning and I forgot to tell you Miss Y/N.” He added in a soft tone.
She babbled and winked nervously.
“That would be all.”
Once she was out of sight, you took the book to place it next to the others. Tommy’s eyes danced around the office, a couple of blinders checking the bets and secretaries taking the money.
“If you’re done with that I want you to go to the Garrison, need to talk to you.” Tommy added in a serious tone.
“Of course Mr. Shelby.” You nodded and by the corner of your eye, you noticed Freya smirking.
Oh that bloody triumphant smirk, like she was always right, as if she knew it all. She made your blood go boiling.
She was a walking headache.
Organizing your desk, you finished covering the typewriter.
“Let’s see if you can keep that smile later.” She whispered as you walked by her desk with your coat hanging from your arm, your purse on the opposite shoulder.
“I can assure you it’ll grow even more.” You added with a forced smile marching outside.
Freya thought she could embarrass you in front of your boss? You were sure the count was right, now you just needed to find out what happened to the money really, because you knew Tommy was lying.
“Hello Harry, is the Shelby family in the private booth?” You greeted him.
Harry stopped wiping the counter and took a few glasses. “Miss Y/LN good evening, Mr. Shelby called a moment ago you can go ahead I’ll take the drinks in a minute.”
“Thank you, Harry.”
He looked towards you with his eyebrows raised not used to being thanked, but he knew you were different, kind and he had seen you hanging out with Tommy so you were under his protection.
You tried rubbing your hands to get them warm, then as you passed by the window you took the small mirror from your purse to reapply your lipstick and fix your hair when you heard the click by the door.
Tommy entered the private booth in a swift motion, not moving his eyes from you.
“Mr. Shelby.” You tried to control the blush that covered your cheeks.
“Oh please stop, Y/N.” He chuckled placing his hands on your waist.
“Well you made a dramatic entrance.” You giggled.
“What happened at the betting shop? Was Freya being rude to you again?”
Your fingers smoothed the neck of his suit jacket. “I think she’s jealous. A poor soul bored by herself.”
“You want me to fire her?” He asked with his lips touching the corner of your mouth.
Harry opened the window. “Oh Mr. Shelby I didn’t see you coming in. Your drinks.” As he thanked the man, you walked towards Tommy to wrap your arms around his back.
Covering your hand, he gave it a light squeeze, feeling his body burning up from the fragrance emanating from you.
But you shook your head. “There’s no need, she just needs a lesson.”
“Does it mean we’re finally going public about our relationship?”
“Is that what you want?“ You asked before lighting a cigarette for him.
“It should be me asking you that.” He frowned playfully, blowing the smoke away from you. “Even better, I’m naming you secretary in chief, so she won’t dare to bother you again.”
“What if she fills in a complaint?” You asked.
He gave you a nod and a wink. “I won’t even pay attention to it.”
You squealed at his announcement, not able to contain your excitement you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed all over his face.
Suddenly someone opened the door unannounced, taking the two of you by surprise as Polly gave you a shocked look, Tommy cleared his throat.
“What’s the celebration for?”
“Y/N got a promotion.” He took his glass with whiskey and gave you a small wink.
“Ugh please stop pretending Thomas.” She took another glass and poured herself a drink. “I haven’t seen you smile like in a while and poor Y/N deserves more than raise for keeping up with you.”
Her blunt but honest comment made you burst into giggles as you felt Tommy’s hand sneaking around your waist to pull you closer, then you felt him smiling against your cheek.
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
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whoiseduardito · 5 months
pairing: miguel o'hara x exbsf!reader warn: prologue, world building. song: tambaleando by Pedro Suarez Vertiz
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let's start on the present,
and never, years ago.
you're name was y/n y/ln, you were a journalist, transfered directly from the nueva york branch years ago, and now you were transferred back there again.
"'there are more interesting stories there' my ass" she glared onto the flat's mirror. it wasn't hard to get a place to stay, 'there's always space' were the exact words of your friend; hobie brown, and he was right;
there is place, but not convinience.
you barged out of the bathroom, stepping into the chaos hobie lived in; 4 more people were living here, and and two where musicians and one an artist, you wished you could call yourself a writer, but you sticked with journalist.
as you grabbed a toast from the table and putting your slice of cash on the counter, yelling with a mouth muffled with toast
you were greeted with the scawny man leaving his room, grumbling
"don't worry peach, just remember-" you were already halfway through the door "TO BRING SOME BOTTLES! THAT GWEN AND PAVTIR WANT TO MAKE POTS!" he yawned before scratching his scalp.
you closed the door, quickly going down the stairs, not being careful with your heels because in the end of the stair, you fell face first onto the floor,
you stood up quickly, you'd check if you're okay when you're in the cab, hauling a cab was easy, the hard part was getting your makeup done in the cab.
every movement was precise, when you were putting your lipstick on, the car made a turn, running your lip to the side.
"no, no, no, no!" you tried to clean it off, but each time you tried, the color would smudge more, you groaned out loud. when you arrived to your office you ran, being greeted by a nice lady, who guided you to your desk, and let you know, you were needed.
where? on the meeting room.
by who? the fucking boss.
she groaned, silently groaning, trying to wipe your makeup off
"ma'am we need you on the meeting room"
she nodded 'fuck it' she went to the meeting room.
with lipstick smudged on her cheek.
when she walked close enough, she saw a man in a suit, next to the fucking OWNER of the newsfeed.
she tried to walk away, hoping they didn't see her
"Miss l/n!"
you are so screwed.
shit, you had to walk there.
"hello boss, hello sir." you stretched both their hands "i'm-"
"miss l/n right?" the man in the suit cut in "name's peter benjamin, i'm part of alchemax-"
alchemax, great. the biggest pharmaceutical company in the world.
"-and we want you to be the writer of our investigation paper."
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 2 months
Helloo!!! l have a small request that l was hoping you would do? Can you do Baldwin x reader angst , but the reader has long thick eyelashes like very thick because l have that and sometimes l get very insecure since every morning l get some eyelashes stuck ln my eye , when l cry they look hideously huge and long, and sometimes l cut half of lt but nothing works lt always grows back way more thicker, can you do lt like the reader cutting their eyelashes off while Baldwin finds out?..and how would lt be like being with him with that type of eyelashes 😭 lt would make me so happy 😭💕 love your content btw 💞
♧ Beautiful As You Are - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you for the request, I love this idea. As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy, Insecurity
Y/n was a modest woman. She never boasted about her looks or achievements and many admired her for it.
But deep down, this modesty was based solely around insecurity.
Despite her beauty, too many days of sitting in front of a mirror, questioning each and every inch of her face had rendered her terribly insecure about her appearance.
It had been this way since she was a child. But of all things that pained her to see, her eyelashes were what bothered her the most.
While many women would consider themselves blessed to have such long eyelashes, the young queen hated them.
To her, they looked horribly out of place. But to her husband? They were as perfect as the rest of her.
While Baldwin was aware of just how insecure his wife was, he didn't believe that someone so beautiful could possibly dislike anything about their appearance.
She was the most perfect being he had ever laid eyes on, an angel in a world of dullards. A swan amongst geese.
He made sure to complement his wife on every tiny detail, just to make sure she felt loved. And while it certainly made the queen feel adored, she never truly believed he meant it.
Especially when he complimented her eyelashes. How could he find such things beautiful? 
This continued on until one day, Baldwin entered the royal chambers with some news about a meeting that just concluded, only to find his wife sitting at her vanity with scissors in her hand.
At first, he was confused but as he approached her, he realized that she was cutting her eyelashes? Tears stained her cheeks as the scissors cut dangerously close to her eye.
“My love!” Baldwin said urgently, rushing to her side and taking the scissors from his wife's hand.
Y/n was shocked by his sudden appearance at her side as she did not hear him enter the room.
“What on earth are you doing?!” the young king stammered out, lost for words.
Y/n began to sob uncontrollably,
“I was cutting those hideous things off, I can't take it anymore!” she cried.
Baldwin instantly wrapped his arms around his wife as she buried herself into his robes.
“What do you mean darling? Your eyelashes are beautiful-” 
“They are not! I hate them, you're only saying that because you're my husband” she cried even harder.
Baldwin’s heart broke for his wife. She was gorgeous and he hated how poorly she saw herself. Pulling away to look into her eyes, Baldwin cupped y/n’s face in his hands.
A moment of silence passed before the young king sighed softly, reaching up to his face to remove the iron mask from his skin, thus revealing his bandaged, mottled face.
Y/n did not flinch one bit at his appearance. She always loved seeing his face.
“Tell me darling, do you think I am ugly?” he asked gently.
“Of course not, you're the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on!” y/n replied in a hushed, broken voice.
“And you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world. I myself believe that I am ugly, but I know that in many ways you see me as beautiful. Just as you see yourself as unattractive, I see you as the most gorgeous woman to ever grace God’s earth”.
Y/n felt her eyes welling up with tears again as Baldwin smiled gently. She adored his smile.
“Thank you Baldwin” she replied, burying herself back into the warmth of her husband's body.
“I love you y/n, never forget that” the young king murmured, wrapping his arms tighter around his wifes frame.
“I love you too Baldwin, and I always will as long as I live”
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How did all the antagonists, including the comic characters, look like as kids?
If anyone wants to draw these, go right ahead! I skipped the Pretender for this since she’s still a kid
The Maw
the Janitor: Not too different from how he looks now, except his face didn't sag. Long noodle arms, stubby legs, peach fuzz hair the Twin Chefs: Both were round and chubby, and usually wore the same clothes to confuse everyone the Lady: A spitting replica of Six, but with longer and straighter hair. She always had a serious look on her face the Granny: She looked like the Raincoat Girl, but with very short, red-brownish hair. She liked to dressed in tomboy-ish clothes
Pale City
the Hunter: Scrapes and cuts everywhere, especially on his knees and elbows. Had really long hair to cover his face the Teacher: Always had short hair, even as a child. Liked to wear hair clips or little ribbons, and usually wore a school girl uniform the Doctor: Looked like a chubby caterpillar, and always wore knee height shorts and shiny, black shoes the Thin Man: I mean...
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The Nest
the Craftsman: Had ridiculously long, blonde hair and everyone mistaken him for a girl. He was always in his wheelchair and mostly wore jumpers the Butler: Very much looked liked Mob from Mob Psycho, bowl cut and all. Dressed formally
the Ferryman: Actually looked liked a normal child, but with butter-yellow skin. Wore clothes too big for him the Mirror Man: A short boy that ALWAYS wore a bow tie, regardless if the outfit needed it or not. Thinks he had short brown hair... the North Wind: A black wisp of smoke
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queenshelby · 5 months
The Law Student (Rewritten)
Part Four: Mistakes
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (20) & Reader (30)
Note: This plays in 1996, just before Cillian drops out of law school.
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"Can I ask you something, Miss Y/LN?" he said, addressing you with a formality that was endearing in its earnestness.
"Of course, Cillian," you replied, mirroring his formality but unable to suppress the slight tremble in your voice.
You could feel your heart beating faster as you waited for his question, unsure of where this conversation was headed.
Cillian took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Do you think that, sometimes, people can fall for one another despite their best efforts not to?" he asked, his gaze locked onto yours.
His question hung in the air between you, heavy with meaning and implications. You swallowed hard, unprepared for his directness.
The night air had grown colder, and you shivered involuntarily. The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a magnetic pull drawing you closer to this handsome young man who seemed so intent on understanding the mysteries of human connection.
"Uhm, I suppose so," you answered, trying to keep your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions racing through you. "But I should really, uhm , get some rest now," you added hurriedly, avoiding his gaze. You wanted to run away from this intense connection and the confusing emotions it evoked.
As you fumbled with your keys, trying to unlock the building's entrance, Cillian reached out and gently placed a hand on your arm. "Wait," he said, softly. You froze, your heart pounding in your chest.
Slowly, carefully, he pulled you towards him. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he whispered, his eyes searching yours for a sign that you were okay. "But I just can't stop thinking about you, Miss Y/LN," he told you , his voice barely above a whisper.
"Cillian , I-," you started to protest, but he silenced you with a gentle finger on your lips.
"No, don't say anything," he murmured. "I know I am crossing a line here. But, I don't know. I just had to take my chances I suppose," Cillian admitted honestly and his words hung between you in the cool night air.
You could feel his breath against your skin, and your body involuntarily leaned closer to him. Cillian's hand moved from your arm to cup your cheek, and he gently brushed away a stray lock of hair that had fallen in front of your eyes. His touch sent shivers down your spine, and you suddenly felt very aware of how close he was.
"Would you, uhm, like to come inside?" you heard yourself ask, surprising both yourself and him.
You weren't sure where this was going, or what would happen next, but you knew that you couldn't just let him go without clearing the air between you.
Cillian's eyes widened in shock for a brief moment, but then a small smile played on his lips, and he nodded.
Without a word, you turned and unlocked the building's door, leading him up the stairs to your apartment. Your heart raced with every step, unsure of what would happen next.
"Come in ," you murmured, pushing the door open to reveal a cozy and warmly lit living space.
The furniture, dimly illuminated by a standing lamp, consisted of a plush couch and an oversized armchair, sitting opposite a cream-colored coffee table adorned with a large vase of fresh flowers.
Cillian hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, his eyes scanning the space with an intense curiosity.
You closed the door behind him, the sound of the latch clicking into place echoing in the silence that followed.
"Can I offer you something to drink?" you asked, breaking the silence. You could feel his gaze on you, but you didn't dare meet his eyes. Instead, you walked towards the kitchen area, your movements deliberate and measured.
"Sure," Cillian replied, his voice husky and low. You could sense the tension building between you, the anticipation making your heart race.
You busied yourself with pouring two glasses of wine, taking your time to steady your shaking hands.
The clinking of glass against the countertop filled the apartment, punctuating the charged silence.
As you turned around to face him, you saw that Cillian had taken off his coat and had draped it across the back of one of your kitchen chairs.
His eyes were locked on yours, the intensity in his gaze setting your skin on fire.
Slowly, deliberately, you made your way towards him, the glasses of wine barely registering in your hands.
"Listen, uhm,  Cillian," you began, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled to find the right words. "I want you to know that I really appreciate your kindness and, I guess, your honesty as well," you trailed off, finally mustering the courage to meet his gaze. "But this, this thing between us, it can't happen," you said, your voice steady despite the swarm of emotions consuming you.
Cillian opened his mouth to protest, but you placed a finger on his lips, effectively silencing him just as he had done with you earlier. 
"Please, just listen," you implored him. "I can feel it too, the pull between us, but it's wrong. You're my student. I'm your professor and if I was to pursue anything with you then I could lose my job, my reputation, everything I've worked for. Despite, you're young and ambitious, with a bright future ahead of you. You should be with someone your own age," you  told him, pushing the glass of wine into his hand. You knew you were making excuses and that the real reason was that you were afraid. Afraid of what would happen if you gave in to this attraction, afraid of the consequences, and afraid of losing yourself in the process.
But Cillian wouldn't back down and placed the wineglass  back on the table. He took a step forward, closing the gap between you, leaving you with no room to retreat. You looked up at him, your breath hitched, and your heart pounding heavily in your chest. The tension was building up; you could feel the heat radiating from his body, and the electricity that sparked as your hands brushed against one another.
"I don't want girls my age. They are boring. Predictable. Sometimes, I even feel like I can't breathe when I'm around them," Cillian said, his deep blue eyes never leaving yours.  "I want someone like you."
His confession hung heavy in the air, and you couldn't help but feel your resolve crumbling. You knew that giving in to this attraction was a dangerous game, but you couldn't deny the pull you felt towards him.
"Cillian," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper but Cillian didn't seem to hear the warning in your voice.
All he heard was the longing, the desire that you tried so hard to suppress. And before you knew it, his hands were cupping your face , drawing you close. His gaze dropped to your lips, and you could see the hunger, the anticipation in his blue eyes. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the moment you knew was coming, but you couldn't deny the thrill, the excitement that coursed through your veins. You felt his breath against your lips, and then time stood still. You felt his lips brush against yours, gently, hesitantly, and then more confidently. It was a kiss, sweet and tender, but with a promise of more to come. 
"Cillian, I don't think we should be doing this," you murmured, your voice a breathy whisper, but your words fell on deaf ears as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his touch, and you realized that resisting him was futile. You let yourself sink into the kiss, your heart pounding with desire.
The kiss quickly became heated, and you could feel the chemistry between you ignite, setting your body on fire and it was at this point that you took over control. 
You reached for Cillian's shirt, pulling it over his head and letting it fall beside you on the floor. His chest was lean and firm, with a small patch of chest hair covering his skin. 
You ran your hands over his bare skin, relishing the feel of his warm skin beneath your fingertips. Cillian let out a low moan as your fingers trailed over his abs, making their way down to the hem of his jeans. 
"Oh my goodness Cillian, you are already so hard," you murmured, running your thumb over the growing bulge in his pants.
Cillian blushed heavily. "Well, you have this kind of effect on me I suppose ," he mumbled, his eyes never leaving yours. His voice was thick with desire, and you could hear the slight tremble in his words.
Your heart skipped a beat at his response. He was right - you did have this kind of effect on him. You had an inexplicable power over him, and he over you. It was a dangerous game, but the pull between you was too strong to resist.
You undid the button of his jeans, and slowly, teasingly, pulled down the zipper.
Cillian's breath hitched as you slipped your hand inside his boxers, wrapping your fingers around his shaft. He was rock hard, his length impressive and intimidating all at once.
"You like that?" you murmured, stroking him slowly, watching as a shudder ran through his body at your touch.
"Miss, uhm...fuck," he gasped, his voice hoarse with desire as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the sensation of your touch.
You watched him, your own desire building as you stroked him, feeling him grow harder and hotter in your hand. You could feel his pulse throbbing in your fingertips, his breath coming in ragged gasps as you brought him closer and closer to the edge.
"Please Miss Y/LN, you need to stop," he begged, his voice strained. "I don't want to cum yet." 
You pulled your hand away reluctantly, a wicked smile playing on your lips before you reached behind your back and unzipped your dress, slowly letting it slide off your shoulders and onto the floor.
"Holy shit," Cillian breathed, his eyes roving over your lingerie-clad body. "You are so hot."
You smiled at his admiration, feeling a thrill run through you at his words. You loved being desired by him, and you reveled in the way he looked at you.
"Come here," you said, crooking your finger at him and beckoning him closer and, like a shy boy, he obliged, moving towards you with hunger in his eyes before kissing you again. 
Reaching for his hand, you eventually guided him to your plush couch, urging him to sit down. Your heart rate was almost pounding out of your chest, but you reveled in the desire that coursed through your veins.
Cillian sat on the edge of the couch, his eyes never leaving yours, and before he could even blink, you removed your bra , revealing your perfect breasts for his gaze to admire. His gaze was locked, nearly fixated on them, and you could see the desire burning behind his eyes.
Slowly, you then walked towards him before, finally, taking off your panties as well. 
"Is this what you want, Cillian?" you asked, your voice thick with longing and anticipation.
Your eyes locked onto Cillian's, and you could see the raging desire in his deep blue eyes. You could tell he was struggling to contain himself, and you reveled in the thought of being the one to unleash his primal urges.
"God, yes," Cillian breathed, his voice raw with yearning and you wasted no time and pushed down his briefs , allowing his erection to spring free. It was impressive, to say the least, and your mouth watered at the thought of wrapping your lips around it.
"You are beautiful," Cillian breathed as you dropped to your knees in front of him, your hands roaming over his thighs. You could feel his muscles tense and quiver beneath your touch, and you smiled and knew you had him right where you wanted him.
You leaned forward, your lips brushing against the tip of his erection, causing Cillian to gasp and groan.
"Do you think you can cum twice for me?" you asked, locking eyes with Cillian as you slowly stroked his cock, your lips mere inches away from his tip.
"Fuck, Miss, I-I don't know," Cillian stammered, his hips bucking involuntarily into your grip, his breath coming in short, desperate gasps.
"Well, we will just have to find out then, won't we?" you smirked before taking him deep into your mouth, swallowing him to the root and reveling in the feeling of him hitting the back of your throat.
Cillian let out a string of curse words as you began to suck and stroke him in earnest, your other hand reaching up to play with his balls. He tangled his fingers in your hair, pulling gently as you worked his cock, grinding your teeth against his girth as you swallowed him hungrily.
"F-f-fuck," Cillian gasped, his voice shaking with pleasure. "I'm gonna fucking cum if you keep doing this!"
You pulled off of him with a satisfying pop, looking up at him through your thick lashes.
"That's a good boy," you murmured, smirking at the shocked look on his face before taking him back into your mouth.
Cillian's moans and curse words filled the room, his hips thrusting upwards as you sucked him with abandon. It wasn't long before you could feel him tensing up, and you knew he was close.
"I'm gonna cum, Miss!" Cillian exclaimed, groaning loudly as he shot his load into your mouth, filling you with his warm seed. You swallowed eagerly, savoring the taste of his release.
But you weren't finished with him yet . You looked up at Cillian, your mouth still wrapped around his cock.
His eyes were closed, his head thrown back in pleasure as you continued to work your mouth over him.
Slowly, you began to move again, sucking him deeper and harder with each stroke until he hardened again completely  in your mouth.
"Ah, I can't believe how good this feels," Cillian gasped as you worked your magic, coaxing his cock back to a steel-like stiffness between your lips.
He opened his eyes and looked down at you, the heat in his gaze scorching as, finally, you released him from your mouth and stood up.
"Sit back against the couch," you instructed Cillian, your voice soft and sultry but at the same time, unyielding, demanding.
You needed this. Needed to take control. Needed to feel what it was like to possess him.
He obeyed, lying back against the couch, his cock straining towards the ceiling.
Slowly, deliberately, you climbed onto him, placing one knee on either side of his hips. You were straddling him now, your pussy hovering tantalizingly close to his cock.
You could feel the heat emanating from your wetness, and you knew that he could see it too.
"You're so fucking beautiful," Cillian breathed, his hands reaching up to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your nipples.
You arched your back, gasping as his touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
"And you're so fucking perfect," you replied, your voice low and sultry as you reached down to guide his cock towards your entrance. "God, I need this. Need to feel you inside me," you moaned, slowly lowering yourself onto him, inch by inch.
Cillian gasped as you took him inside of you, his cock stretching you wide, filling you up in a way that made your toes curl. You began to rock your hips back and forth, grinding yourself against him, your clit rubbing against his pelvis with every movement.
"You are so wet for me. So fucking tight," Cillian groaned, his fingers digging into your hips as he began to thrust up into you.
"Are you going to be a good boy for me and cum deep inside me?" you demanded, your voice low and sultry.
"Yes, Miss, I-I'll do anything you want," Cillian stuttered, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to thrust harder and faster into you.
But you weren't satisfied yet. You wanted to feel him even deeper inside of you, so you leaned back, placing your hands on Cillian's thighs for support.
"Ah, fuck yes," Cillian moaned as you began to ride him harder, the angle allowing him to hit even deeper inside of you.
"I am so close ," you panted, your breath coming in short, sharp gasps as you drew closer and closer to your climax.
Cillian groaned, his fingers digging into your hips as he thrust up into you.
The feeling of him inside of you, the sound of our bodies slapping together, the smell of our sweat mixing together - it was all so overwhelming, so intoxicating.
"I'm gonna cum," you exclaimed, your voice rising in pitch as your orgasm washed over you.
Your nails dug into Cillian's thighs, leaving crescent-shaped marks on his skin as you rode out the waves of pleasure that coursed through your body.
Cillian let out a loud groan as he felt you clench around him, his cock twitching as he emptied himself deep inside you. His warm seed spilled forth, filling you up completely before leaking out slowly, trailing down your inner thigh.
You collapsed onto him, your chest heaving as you struggled to catch your breath.
Cillian wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as his own panting subsided. You both lay there, spent and exhausted, your bodies intertwined in a tangle of post-orgasmic bliss.
But as the haze of passion cleared, reality came crashing back down.
You had just fucked one of your students. There, you said it. It was wrong, and you knew it - but you couldn't deny the wave of satisfaction and contentment that washed over you. It had been so long since you had felt anything other than isolation and loneliness.
But as the adrenaline wore off, guilt and panic began to set in. You quickly pulled away from Cillian, your movements hurried and frantic as you scrambled to collect your clothes from the floor.
"What's wrong?" Cillian asked, concern etched on his face.
You couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze as you pulled your dress back on, the material sticking to your sweat-slicked skin.
"Did I do something wrong?" he then asked quickly , his face falling as he pulled on his boxers and jeans, trying to cover himself as if he were naked and vulnerable.
"No," you stammered, shaking your head as you pulled your panties back on beneath your dress. It was true, he hadn't done anything wrong, but you couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that had settled in your stomach like a lead weight.
"Then why are you freaking out?" Cillian asked, searching your face for an answer. "You know I won't tell anyone about this," he added, his voice soft and sincere.
You met his gaze, grateful for his understanding and compassion. "I know," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's just, I fucked up Cillian. I should have acted responsibly,"  you reluctantly confessed.
The mood had shifted dramatically, and the heavy weight of guilt and shame hung in the air between you.
Cillian looked hurt for a moment before masking it with a nonchalant shrug. "Hey, it's fine. I wanted it probably more than you did. I made the first move," he assured you but you knew that it wasn't that simple. You were his professor, and you were meant to protect him and guide him academically - not to take advantage of his youth and vulnerability.
"Cillian, I think it's best if you leave," you said, your voice trembling as you forced yourself to meet his gaze.
Cillian's face fell, and you could see the hurt and confusion in his eyes. He nodded slowly, his movements stiff and jerky as he grabbed his t-shirt.
"I'll see you tomorrow in class," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
But you knew that things would never be the same between you. You had crossed a line, and there was no turning back.
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