#lnc2 rambles
lnc2 · 2 years
idk why people think the ladrien dynamic would be the marichat dynamic now that the sides are shifting (expanding) reciprocation like these are not the same people to each other??? ladybug isn't chat noir so why would she act like him and adrien is not marinette so why would he act like her? also this is not a s1 blank slate this is s5 and these characters all have history together every interaction every side has ever had with each other informs everything they do now.
ladrien s5 is completely about the ramifications of strike back. it was never going to be nor should people want it to look like anything we've seen in the past for other sides because it's not other sides.
s5 we're seeing these boxes break down. in the same way marichat is not the new ladrien and ladrien is not the new marichat adrinette is not the new ladynoir nor is ladynoir the new adrinette.
marinette isn't going to be calm and silly around adrien like ladybug was around chat noir because that's not what she does. she's panicky and confused and so so scared and that's the battle adrien is going to have to fight. likewise i don't expect to see ladybug falling over herself trying to get with chat noir in any major or meaningful way because she is convinced that any relationship, but especially with him, will result in the apocalyptic chat blanc timeline.
ladybug and adrien i expect will be awkward around each other in the way that they will be trying to reconcile their new feelings with their old feelings while dealing with this sense of guilt that hangs over both their heads- ladybug for not knowing it was felix she was handing the miraculous over to and adrien for switching places in the first place and believing he's responsible for the whole mess.
marinette and chat noir's dynamic i expect will be some echo of what we've seen in past seasons– maybe just shyer or more uncertain. historically marichat scenes have been the vehicle through which marinette has been able to see the more serious/softer side of her partner and adrien has been able to find out more about marinette's mysterious crush. with marinette's skittishness around adrien as himself i'm sure there will be some big question in his mind when he interacts with her as chat noir– who is buttercup? where does adrien stand? is she really "over" chat noir like she said before and how can he steer her towards his civilian self if at all. meanwhile marinette believes chat noir has fully moved on from ladybug and she feels like she's too late so she'll be uncertain and wondering if she really did miss her chance, why it matters when she can't date anyone in the first place, and who exactly is chat noir crushing on now. idk how any marichat scenes will play out but i imagine these are the big questions that will hang over these interactions.
but ultimately what i think this season is working towards is the full unraveling of the gordian knot that's been woven between these two so that they can come out the other end knowing each other as the complete picture, marinette and adrien, ladybug and chat noir, two kids who very much love each other and want to call each other nauseating nicknames and have creepy cabbage patch children.
and idk i think that's exciting and i wished we embraced the nuance of the square when we talk about the dynamics more.
anyways i'm hype for this season
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iridescenceoflove · 4 years
picture me (just like this) - Chapter 2/2
Still for @lnc2 (I know it's no longer strictly Marichat, but I don't think you mind some Ladynoir). :D 
Summary: Chat Noir’s finished Ladybug’s gift. 
She didn't forget about the photos.
(Or what they meant to him.)
Chat Noir on his part hadn't uttered a single word about the project or any plans for a gift exchange to Ladybug—unlike his usual M.O. of telling her anything and everything under the sun that didn't possibly have to do with identities—so she easily deduced that it was indeed supposed to be a top-secret surprise for herself. Of course, that wasn't exactly a possibility at this point. (Not that Chat had to know such.)
He did, however, try and show Marinette the finished product, and whilst it was extremely tempting to agree, she'd forced herself to impose some sense of curtailment on her eagerness in the end. So instead, she'd insisted on waiting until Ladybug saw it, as it would be more special and intimate for her to be the first one to see it before anyone else. She'd figured she already technically ruined her own surprise, so the least she could do was wait and keep as much suspense as she could—even if there was a desperate desire to just sneak a little peek.
(But he'd sounded so giddy over the phone about it; so she could be patient for him.)
That didn't mean she arrived to patrols without bated breath and searching eyes. According to Tikki, her patience sucked.
Eventually, he showed up one evening with the precious little cargo tucked underneath one arm, and she had to contain the urge to squeal and make grabby-hands.
"What's that?" she blurted as his boots touched the rooftop.
According to Tikki, her acting skills sucked too.
Chat made a show of glancing down confusedly. "You mean this?" He gave it a little shake.
"Yeah, is it a gift?"
Tikki may have been somewhat right.
Chat didn't seem to notice though. "Maybe. Maybe not," he wheedled, rocking on his heels.
"Well, it sure looks like a gift to me," she huffed, impatiently crossing her arms.
"Somebody is the curious cat tonight."
"And unlike you, I deserve my satisfaction," she sniffed primly.
"And someone's not going to deserve her gift instead," he taunted.
"Told you!" she grinned, putting forth her hands expectantly.
"You did not!" he retorted, yanking back the present against his chest. "You were just being nosy."
"Was not."
"Were too."
"I don't see how I was being nosy when it's my present."
"But you didn't know that at first."
She scowled. "I had a feeling."
"How?" he pouted.
"Uhh," she stammered. "Well, who else would you be carrying a gift for?"
"Ah ah ah, I think," Chat declared, hiding the present from her line of sight behind his back, "you just don't want to admit you like my presents. And didn't want this to be for anybody else."
"Pffft," she scoffed, waving a hand, "sure, the diamond earrings and Chanel bag were some nice momentos, but they're a little flashy."
And extremely expensive. And the nicest things she owned that had to stay tucked away in her closet because he refused any of her vetoes, and she couldn't be seen with them without raised eyebrows and questions; but she did admire them from time to time. They were sweet gifts nonetheless.
"Alas, she has specific taste," Chat said, inching the gift back out into view.
Her eyes automatically followed the movement of it. "Please," she blinked very kindly up at him.
He sighed. "Who am I to resist the wiles of my Lady." He dropped the gift into her hands with a flourish.
She grinned triumphantly, appraising the book-shaped object covered in her favorite shade of pink and black polka dotted wrapping paper, topped off with a cute little white bow in the middle.
"I will warn you," Chat informed, astoundingly shy all of the sudden, "it's no diamonds or Versace; in fact, I sort of made it, so it's definitely nothing amazing—"
"Don't be silly—I bet it's one of your best gifts yet," she winked, slipping a finger under one of the folds on the backside.
She was pretty sure it could look like a three-year old did it and she would love it still.
Encased in the wrapping was a simple black leather book with the title Adventures of LB and CN and a yin and yang symbol in the corner.
"Uh, I actually was able to commission Nathaniel to do a little edit of the yin and yang symbol to fit our themes...since, you know, we're like yin and yang?"
She nodded, smiling as she softly grazed a finger over the area.
Flipping open the book, there was the dedication on the first page:
For My Lady, My Partner, My Best Friend
She was certain her cheeks couldn't stretch any further.
The first few photos were definitely from the beginning of their partnership. Like their first fist bump, first pose for the press, and one of their first selfies even—they all were lined against the pages, showcasing the novelty and surrealness that encompassed the first couple of weeks. She shook her head in amazement. Even as it felt so long ago, it was as if it were just yesterday she opened that little box of change and responsibility.
It was clear as she continued that Chat had arranged them in a linear-timeline, as the photos became newer and more comfortable. The photos he had first shown her that night in her room were peppered amongst others she noted, and there were quite a few more photos in between. If she were more courageous and self-disciplined, she would ask him to tell her what they meant to him again. And if she were honest enough with herself, she really wanted him to answer the same way he had that night, just so she could see that sparkle in his eye again—honest, hopeful, yearning, all in a way that made her feel warm and funny inside. He'd talk all night if she'd ask, and she would sit beside him and listen just because she could.
By the time she was about halfway through, more photos including other members of the team started popping up. Viperion and Pegasus posing ridiculously back-to-back, Carapace atop Chat's shoulders, Rena pranking Kim with an illusion, there was even a picture of Queen Bee cracking a reluctant grin and peace sign—they all were moments that somehow got captured. Some of the group photos had little descriptions underneath or beside the photos, like, "Goofing around with our buddies—the gargoyles," or "Ice cream and hang with the gang." Some were left by themselves, with little decals matching their respective kwami-animal theme sprinkled throughout.
"I actually got some of these photos from them," Chat said as she landed on a selfie of Viperion and Ryuko. "I mentioned to Rena what I was doing, so she offered to have herself and the others send some photos as a contribution."
If anything, the thought of her team each pitching in some of their own photos was even more touching, and her cheeks were already aching from all the smiling she was doing.
"That was nice of them."
It truly surprised her—the amount of pictures that had been taken and printed so she could relive them all, each photo recalling each moment with clarity and affection.
But to finish it off, at the very end was a photo of her and Chat sitting on a rooftop, her head on his shoulder and their backs to the camera as the sun set; two figures against the fevered oranges and yellows of the sky, side by side. Underneath read—
No matter what happens, I hope you can look back upon this with fond memories and remember some of the best times. Because my best times are when I'm with you. So here's to all the memories—even good and bad—and many more that will stand the end of time, just like us. You and me, against the world.
Your Partner, Chat Noir
By the time she got to the ending line, it was becoming too blurry. She swiped a knuckle under her eye, not wanting to risk a single teardrop lest it mar the precious page.
"Oh my god, you're crying! I messed up, didn't I— I'm sorry, this—"
She effectively cut off his rambling worries as she threw her arms around him, hugging him fiercely. "You didn't mess up a thing. I love this."
"You do?"
She fervently nodded her head against his shoulder as she laughed, the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck tickling her cheek. "I do. This is amazing."
"On par with Versace?"
"Better," she corrected, running a hand over the front cover reverently. "This is the best gift ever, Chat." She already knew its rightful place where it belonged; nestled in between the two dried roses in the box tucked in the secret corner of her closet.
He grinned, looking simultaneously shy and pleased as he stood before her. "Well, I thought you could use something that'd bring a smile to your face."
'And—and she just looked so happy, so carefree, standing under her umbrella in the rain with a smile that could turn any cloud in the sky away as she explained. I couldn't help but take a photo, because I knew then that as long as I know her, I'd always try to get her to look like that. Happy.'
"You make me happy."
The words slipped past her lips, unbidden, honest, and completely unchecked; but she wouldn't take back the words for anything.
"I do?" he blinked, voice colored with surprise and wonder, as if any foresight to insert the usual flair of charismatic self-assuredness into his tone disappeared.
And maybe, that was why it only felt right to be honest: "Of course! I—I may not say it often enough...but you're my partner. My best friend. You've always made me happy."
Because when he'd noticed she was feeling down, he'd taken the time and effort to make something special for her, just to try and cheer her up. And sometimes, she really wondered why she drew that line for herself, and when it had become so blurred. Especially when he looked at her like that as she held what she knew was going to be one of her most treasured possessions for the rest of her life.
It turned out she didn't have to ask again. "It goes both ways, My Lady; you make me the happiest Chat around." It was said with earnest veracity—the same veracity he'd wielded when talking about her on her chaise that night—eyes sparkling and honest, his smile hopeful and yearning. A photo wasn't necessary when her brain already committed that look to her memory.
She stepped forward. "Well," she said, before stretching onto tiptoes so her lips could meet the smooth curve of his right cheek. "Thank you again, Chat Noir. I'll cherish this forever." She pulled back, the tips of their noses barely grazing— "And the book."
Smiling, she launched off the rooftop, a blushing open-mouthed Chat Noir in her wake. As she landed on the facing building, she slid her yo-yo open and pressed the camera icon, giggling as the yo-yo audibly clicked.
This was definitely a memory for the books.
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thenovelartist · 6 years
For @lnc2 who always wants more Ladrien and who also thinks Marinette would be the first to propose. For the life of me, that proposal has been lingering in my head all day, so I combined those two things and it can be her happy fic to kick of 2019.
Adrien felt like he could drop dead. All he wanted to do was sleep for the next two days.
After he got Plagg all the cheese he desired so that Adrien was free to do so.
He got to his door, swinging it open
“Hey there, hot stuff.”
And was instantly revitalized.
He smiled, feeling the weight of the world lifting off his shoulders as he stared at the vision in red laying on his bed. He dropped his bag over by the cheese cabinet so Plagg could have at it, and then walked over to the bed. “Hey there, beautiful.”
“Do I get a hello kiss?”
With his grin ever-widening and his heart gaining speed, he crawled onto the bed right beside her. She flashed him a growing grin that made her eyes twinkle before lazily looping her arms over his neck. His hands ended up on either side of her shoulders, allowing him to hover halfway over her. “As though you even have to ask.”
She giggled right before he captured her lips with his. They’ve had a surprising amount of practice considering they’ve been together the better part of two years. Adrien had never more thankful for a freak thunderstorm in all his life, one that had sent his lady running for shelter, which had just happened to be his home. They had watched a film with popcorn that Adrien had sneaked into his room, and he somehow had found the courage to invite her back again.
That happened three times before she had confessed that she liked him. A lot. And his own confession came spilling out shortly after.
What happened after that was a very serious heart-to-heart about how they would work. After all, he was Adrien Agreste: famous model and son of famous fashion designer, and she was Ladybug: beloved superheroine to Paris. If the news caught wind of them, it would end in nothing but a nightmare for both of them.
“Then we just won’t get caught,” he had said.
And that’s how picnics under the night sky or dates hidden away in the safety of Adrien’s room or a quick kissing session in secluded corners became a thing. Being with her… it was the best feeling in the world. Because with Ladybug, it wasn’t “Adrien Agreste and Ladybug” or a “supermodel and superhero”.
It was just a boy and a girl in love.
He really liked how simple it was. But most of all, he liked how much she loved and valued him despite that simplicity.
Her fingers wove through his hair as she slanted her mouth against his to get better access, and he happily obliged. His arms somehow had snaked around her torso, bringing their chests flush together. She hummed in happiness, sending him reeling.
When they broke apart, Adrien leapt at the chance to pepper her jaw in kisses. She snuggled closer, her hands stroking his hair and leaving him dizzy. “I love when you do that,” he moaned.
“You love me,” she teased lightly scratching the nape of his neck gently.
He raised his head so that he could lock eyes with her. The world seemed to melt away at that moment, and all that was left was her and her smile and her loving gaze. “I do love you,” he whispered, causing her smile to split in two. His heart bursting and breath coming in rapid pants, he leaned down so their foreheads were touching. “You feel like home.”
She tilted her head so their noses touched. It also meant he felt ever last one of her rapid breaths roll across his extremely sensitive lips. “You feel like home to me, too.”
“I wish I could come home to you every day,” he said. “Better than coming home to this place.”
“You’re eighteen, you know,” she whispered. “You could just leave.”
“I’m looking,” he said. “I just haven’t found any place I like, yet.”
She quirked a brow. “Nothing?”
He shook his head, ruffling their hair on their foreheads. “Nothing. Do you know how hard it is to find a place on the top floor that will allow your girlfriend to sneak in on a regular basis without being caught? It’s not easy and not exactly something you can type into a search engine.”
Her expression turned stunned for a moment, and Adrien reveled in her surprise. “Because that’s very important to me,” he said. “That you’re able to visit me often easily and without worry.”
Slowly, her expression morphed into something sweet and soft. It wasn’t long before her lips were back on his.
He smiled with every kiss. She would never know just how much of a dream come true it was to be here, with her, together. “I love you,” he whispered against her lips.
“I love you,” she responded, clinging to him like a lifeline. “I love you so much.”
He deepened the kiss, causing her to release a whine. He swallowed it, only for it to burn hot in his stomach. “You mean the world to me, you know,” he said between kisses.
“You mean the world to me,” Ladybug returned, breathless. He basked in the realization that he was the one to cause that. “You’re just… you’re always the person I want to be with.”
He felt so much the same way. “You don’t think I don’t love opening my room, only to find you waiting for me? Do you have any idea how much that makes my day? How it makes every awful, horrible, miserable day into a day worth remembering?”
They shared a searing kiss after that, and Adrien forgot that he was talking in the first place.
Eventually, they calmed down, Adrien now laying fully on top of her and not caring how it happened because it was a wonderful feeling.
She paused, silence filling the room.
With a frown, he shifted so he could look at her. Her lip was between her teeth, which caused him to worry. “What is it, lovebug?”
“I’m debating,” she whispered so silently he almost didn’t hear it.
“Debating what?”
She stared at him again, and he grew slowly more worried. “Love, what’s wrong? Tell me.”
In one movement, she grabbed her yo-yo from her hip and tossed it into the air. “Lucky Charm,” she called, causing a burst of pink light to fill the room.
He didn’t see what she caught, mostly because he realized that she just cut their time short. “What was that for?” he asked, rubbing her earrings. “Now, you’ll have to leave, and you just got here.”
She smiled, her body relaxing under him. “I’m not planning on it.”
His brow furrowed. “You can’t… we agreed on this. We had this whole conversation and—”
He paused to look at her. Her smile was so wide and warm, which only made him feel more lost.
Suddenly, it clicked in his mind, and his jaw about hit the ground. “You’re going to reveal yourself to me.”
Her grin widened as she nodded.
His heart was going to race straight out the door, fly around the world, and maybe do another lap before returning to him. “Wha…” He swallowed. “What brought that on?”
“It’s not spontaneous decision.”
That was for certain. He loved Ladybug, and she could surprise him, but she wasn’t exactly spontaneous, especially if it involved something as important as her identity.
“I just… I really love you.”
“And I love you,” he assured. “But I don’t need to know who you are. You’re my lovebug. You’re my best friend. You’re the one girl who cares for me and wants the best for me. You’re the one I can go to if something is bothering me. You’re the girl I love being a grounding force for. That’s enough for me.”
Her expression fell, and Adrien knew her well enough to know there was an undertone of worry. “Is it, though?”
He nodded. “You can’t give me anything else. I realize that.”
“What if I could?”
“I would fly to the moon and back on sheer happiness,” he easily admitted.
Her grin returned, and she half-curled up on herself in a gesture that was both shy and giddy. “Then you’re not opposed to more?”
“Of course not,” he said.
“A lot more?”
“I’ll take anything you give me.”
“Like, be my husband more?”
And that’s when he froze.
She cracked open the little box that was red and covered in black polka dots. “Like, marry me more?”
Everything screeched to a halt as he turned from her to stare at the little ring she presented to him. Her words rang through his head.
It took far too long to realize this was a proposal.
His heart started up from its standstill, and suddenly, his eyes felt wet. Within a second, he was sobbing into her shoulder and clinging to her tightly. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes. Yes. Of course. Why wouldn’t I—”
“Adrien,” she interrupted, her voice sweeter than ever. “You’re rambling.”
“I shouldn’t be?” he challenged. “I’m kinda freaking out and really super happy.”
She snorted in amusement, and somewhere in the background, Adrien faintly registered her earring beeping.
He touched her earrings again, then looked at her, green eyes locking with blue.
She smiled. “Chat Noir and I had a conversation a while ago,” she began. “One about… revealing ourselves if we ever were to get married.”
He remembered that conversation. It was a long one discussing at length the pros and cons of keeping superheroing secret from their marriage partner. They could make excuses for a lot of people, but Chat had been adamant that a significant other wasn’t one of them.
He remembered Ladybug had been hesitant at the time. But apparently, she wasn’t now.
His heart was warm and drumming hard in his chest as she slipped the spotted ring over his finger. They were going to get married. And he was about as happy as he could possibly be. Smiling, he hid his face in the side of her head, shifting his arms around her and feeling her arms shift around his neck. “It doesn’t matter who you are,” he said. “I know what’s important.”
She hummed, turning her head to press her nose into his temple. “And that is?”
He squeezed her before meeting her gaze once again. “That you’re mine.”
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freedom-shamrock · 6 years
The Ladybug Special - Part 4
Also on AO3 Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
Posting this as day 2 of my personal ML WIP-Completion December challenge.
Adrien had wanted to hug Marinette the moment he saw her, but that wasn't quite the relationship they had, not yet anyway, and Nino was right that he needed to keep it chill until the time was right. Romance and wooing required the right ambiance and timing. He squirmed a bit as they took turns getting clobbered by her in Mecha Strike. It was no wonder his Lady was so good at piloting the mech when Max had been akumatized.
"Hmm," Marinette said, setting her controller on the desk. "Are you all right?"
"Me?" Adrien asked with an embarrassing squeak.  "Just fine. How about you?"
"You're not usually this easy to beat," she pointed out.
"You have to forgive him, Marinette," Alya said quickly.  "We took him for ice cream and he's not used to getting that kind of sweet stuff."
"Ohhh."  Marinette nodded.  "Sugar rush, huh? Hard to focus?"
"Something like that," Adrien agreed, readily bobbing his head along with her.
After what felt like forever, Alya's timer finally went off. "It's been great gang, but I have to head.  Siblings to corrupt."
Nino got up with her, not even bothering to make an excuse. He babysat with her more often than Marinette did. "Go easy on my bro, Mari. That ice cream really did a number on him."
"I'm fine ," he insisted. He knew his friends were trying to play off his state of mind in case things didn't go well. But that was completely unnecessary. He had this under control.
"I'll just show them out," Marinette said, smiling at him. "Then do you want to watch a movie or something."
"Definitely something," Adrien agreed. "I don't have to be home for a while yet, and we haven't gotten to spend much time together recently.  Maybe you can show me your latest designs?"
"Oh." She looked delighted and surprised at the suggestion. "Sure. If that's what you want."
While she was gone, Adrien fished Plagg out of his pocket. He'd only gotten about two minutes with his kwami during a bathroom break to discuss this exciting development. "You won't have to stay in there much longer, buddy."  Their kwamis could hang out when they were together. That was a nice side-benefit. Going to see Master Fu together, instead of on their own, would be efficient, and a whole lot more fun. Study dates were totally a thing; Nino and Alya did those all the time. Oh gosh, how had he gotten so lucky?
"So you're sure about this?" Plagg asked, tilting his head slightly.
Adrien nodded.  Nothing would change his mind at this point.  "Her kwami is Tikki, right?"
"Yeah, but she's Sugarcube to me." He straightened up as if this was some sort of honor.
"Do you want to go find her now, or after I tell Maribug…" His eyes went wide as he realized he'd had the perfect name forever. "Buginette." He let out a little squeal and pranced in a circle.
"Geeze, kid.  You're a mess." He pawed at Adrien's nose, forcing the boy to meet his cat eyes. "Tomcats do not melt into a puddle at the thought of their lady, okay? You won't be much good as a protector if you're all gooey."
"Cats are liquids," Adrien replied.
"You're a predator and you wield the ultimate force of destruction," Plagg corrected. Then he let out a tiny huff. I'm going to stay with you for now." He darted back into Adrien's pocket as they both picked up treads on the stairs. "Both so I can tease you later, and because someone needs to be able to save you when your mouth gets ahead of your brain."
Adrien snorted, unable to respond because Marinette was cresting the steps, holding a tray of snacks.
"I thought you might be hungry," she said. "And maybe a little something to balance you out after all the sugar would be helpful."  She slid the tray onto the desk.
His mouth went dry.  All the rehearsed and carefully considered words from two years of crushing on his partner, and today's suggestions from Alya and Nino, completely dropped out of his head now that they were alone. This never happened to him! He could not crash and burn.  He would not.
He took a deep breath and blurted, "I'd love to meet Tikki.  She sounds like the sweetest kwami in the world." Crap. That was supposed to come after she agreed to go out with him. But at least he hadn't gone with the 'Mari me' proposal that needed to come much later.  Like next month or something.
She turned toward him, her eyes wide and her mouth frozen in a little O of surprise.
He could fix this.  He totally could. He was a hero, after all. "We should go on a double date, find a place that has cookies and cheese... Though any date would be a double date, really, since it's not like either of us will leave our kwamis at home when we go out. You know what I mean?  It would be just my luck that an akuma would attack when I'm out with the world's most amazing lady, and I've gotta be prepared, you know?" Okay. That wasn't really better, but the information was all out there now, and he could totally work with this.
She hadn't spoken, though now her expression had turned calculating. Yes, she was clever. She'd figure it all out and save him from his rambling.
"Oh, and I got you something." He reached behind her computer and pulled out the little box he'd hidden there when he first got up to her room. "I thought this was a pretty… uh… momentous occasion, but Alya and Nino kept rejecting my ideas. I have lots of future gift plans though, so that's cool. And I hope you're okay with me spoiling you, because you're amazing and deserve everything ."
"Alya and Nino know?" she quietly interrupted his tsunami of words.
Oh dear.  He recognized the terror on her face. "Of course they know, they helped me figure it out… " When her fear only increased, he realized he'd misunderstood. "Oh.  No, no, no. Not that . Of course they don't know that you're Ladybug." He beamed at her.
Though her worry seemed to lessen slightly, it remained, paired with a dose of confusion. "They don't know I'm Ladybug?" she asked, as if clarifying, though her voice sounded a bit squeaky.  When he nodded, she continued. "But they know… something else? What are you talking about Adrien? What is going on?"
"I'm sorry.  I'm making a mess." He covered his face with both hands. "Destruction is my specialty, so I guess it makes sense."
"Stop."  Marinette pulled his hands away, stemming the tide of words. "It's… you're all over the place and it's too much at once."
"If I start over, can we pretend I didn't say the rest of that stuff?" he asked.  He wished Plagg had gone off to find Tikki, this was probably his fault, stupid being of chaos and destruction.
She nodded.
"You're an amazing person, and I've always known that."  He smiled when that caused her to look away, a blush kissing her cheeks. "And it's true whether you're my classmate and friend, or as my partner."
"How?" She took a deep breath. "How did you figure it out? How long have you known?" She stepped back, worrying her hands together.
"It's only been a couple of hours, and the story, it's kind of funny, actually." He pulled out his phone. "Alya, Nino and I met up at André's, and he gave me the same sweetheart ice cream he always does."  He opened the text from Alya, expanded the picture of his sundae, and held it out for her to see. "I've always assumed it meant Ladybug, cause she the yin to Chat Noir's yang, but Nino suggested it was you."
Cradling his phone in both hands, she stared at him in surprise.
"And I just… I realized we were both right." He shrugged.  "I didn't tell them about Ladybug, though. They would have just thought it was a celebrity crush. They don't know her… you the way I do."
"And that was all it took for you to realize it was me?" she asked, her voice a bit more shrill than usual.
He nodded. "It just… it came to me. I just suddenly knew . Probably like how you always know what to do with your lucky charms." He took back the phone. "I don't think anyone else would figure it out, I mean Nino and Alya didn't, and if anyone was going to, it'd be them." He hoped that was enough reassurance.
"Um… when you figured out it was me…" She shifted her weight, fidgeting. "What did you think?"
He beamed at her. "I was really happy. Like ridiculously happy. I don't think I'd want anyone else as my Ladybug. And if André's magic is accurate, and you're willing to go out with me, I would be the luckiest guy on the planet."
"And you're really my Chat Noir?" she asked.
He tugged Plagg out of his pocket and held him out for her to see. "In person."
The next thing he knew, Marinette had thrown her arms around his neck and was pressed firmly against his chest. Yeah. This was heaven right here. He rested his chin on her shoulder, pressing his cheek to hers. After a long moment of contentment he whispered, "I know you didn't want us to find each other, and I promise I didn't try. But I'm so happy it's you. Do you think you can be okay with this?"
She loosened her hold, and he followed suit, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, but she kept her hands on his shoulders. "I'm very much okay with this." She giggled.
"And would you want to go out with me, on an actual date?" he asked. "I'm so crazy about you."
"Ain't that the truth," Plagg interjected.
She met his eyes, happier than he'd ever seen her. One hand came up to rest on his cheek. "I'd love to go out with you.  On a recurrent basis."
Adrien pulled her back in for a hug.  "This is the best day of my life. Second only to becoming Chat Noir and meeting both of you."
Ice cream reveal. It's a thing now. And I had such fun with this. Thanks @lnc2 for letting me play in your sandbox.
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
Top 5 Ships
List your top 5 ships and tag 5 people.
I was tagged by my twin @lnc2 and I'm going to make two lists I suppose, one ML specific since this is an ML blog then one general. So for ML:
1. Love square (yall know ladrien and adrinette are my jam but I do view all sides as the same ship.)
I know everyone gets frustrated with Adrien in canon and love square has been losing face with a lot of people but tbh I always fix Adrien when I write them so I still love them a lot, and when they become canon I am going to transcend to a new plane of existence.
2. Myvan
They're just so good and pure. I adore them in canon. Ivan is so big and rough but he is also super sweet and gentle to Mylene and I die.
3. Julerose
I. Live. For. Toll. And. Smoll. Dark. And. Light. Gfs.
4. Chloluka
This one has crept up on me more recently. I liked the idea of it back before we had Luka, but I think his mellow attitude could be good for Chloe if she ever gets her shit together. I have plans for them in Lady Luck eventually that I'm super excited about.
5. Kimax
I know Kimdine is canon basically but like Kimax is so good??? Two poc, a jock and a nerd so in love and supportive and soft and I just, my crops are watered. My skin is clear. I am thriving.
And for my general non-ML otps, in no particular order:
1. Sakusyao
Aka Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura. Listen, when I heard that they were continuing the story in Clear Card I had a fangasm because they are so. fucking. precious. The second movie in the anime was such life and like the tension and second hand embarrassment that I felt for those two was another level. Love square who? Weredad what? Move the fuck over and let me tell you about these two precious beans that one confessed their love to and the other didn't know how they felt but then she decided and they traded bears so that they could stay in love forever because he had to go home to China and she waited for him to come back and he came to visit and then their friends pushed them together at every moment possible but they keep getting cock blocked anyway and then they get thrust into a romantic school play together because the male lead breaks his arm and they end up fighting a clow card together and you think that Syaoran sacrifices his feelings in the end to save the day but JUST KIDDING HE DIDN'T and she literally jumps into his arms and declares that she loves him and I die. That was a long ramble but I have a lot of feelings. Don't even get me started on those two in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
2. Amuto
Aka Amu Hinamori and Ikuto Tsukiyomi from Shugo Chara.
Now I know this ship is controversial because she is younger than him, but tbh their relationship is like such my jam. They sass each other, there's pining and denial of feelings, and not to mention Ikuto looks like a daddy but is actually a huge cinnamon roll and he doesn't try anything because she is younger than him and agrees to wait for her to grow up before they date. They're cute as fuck okay, and when she gets older they're gonna be even cuter as fuck.
3. Ichigo Momomiya/Masaya Aoyama
From Tokyo Mew Mew!
TMM was one of the first anime that I watched subbed as a kid. I remember waking up to watch the dub on Saturday mornings and my sister being like what is this garbage? Let me educate you, and so she let me read the manga and watch the subbed version and I shipped them so hard. Me and my friend have jokes that we need to find us a man as smooth as Aoyama-kun because hot damn that boy had game. "Oh, you have ears and a tail that pop out when you get excited/overstimulated? Here let me hug you and hide them." BITCH GOT MOVES.
4. Tohru Honda and Kyo Sohma
From Fruits Basket!
It has been a minute since I read FB but I remember my little shipper heart beating so fast when I finished the series as a kid because the ship sailed. I was a sucker for the bad boy turning soft when he finds a lady as a kid.
5. Kiri Koshiba/Shougo Narumi
From Beauty Pop!
So this was a manga I read as a kid or rather as a preteen and I really liked it. For anyone unfamiliar with it, it's a manga about hair styling and the main character comes from a family with a small hair salon and she is like super gifted at hair styling and there is a club of sorts at her school that is all dudes who run a big fancy salon where they pick a girl at school and give her a makeover and each guy does something different like nails, makeup, hair, etc and the guy who is the hair stylist (Shougo) becomes a super rival for Kiri because she is better than him and he knows it but he has a lot of pride and the downfall of his pride into begrudging admiration and affection was just so cute and satisfying to watch and they end up together in the end with little babies and their salons and it's super cute and I recommend you all read it if you can find it. I read it online forever ago, and if anyone finds a link to read it somewhere send it to me because I kind of want to reread it now that I've talked about it.
So there you go. I have so many ships and otps tbh, these were just the ones that came to mind first. I read a lot more as a kid, particularly manga which is why most of my general list is older. There are some anime/manga that I liked growing up that I have multiple ships in that I couldn't choose from, so some honorable mentions are: Hikaru/ Lantis, Fu/Ferio, Umi/Ascot from Magic Knight Rayearth. Ryo/Ichigo and Kish/Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew (I shipped all of them but Aoyama-kun was canon so). Nina Sakura/Hiroki Tsujiai from Ultra Maniac. Ash/Serena from Pokemon XY (yeah I shipped it, fight me). Link/Zelda. Kaname/Yuki and Yuki/Zero from Vampire Knight. Catradora and Catra/scorpia from the new She-ra. And just so many. I shipped a lot as a kid.
Anywho I tag anyone who wants to do this.
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