#lo'ak is a fighter
kindoffruity · 2 years
Smitten - Chapter Three - Aonung's POV
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Mild Warning: Non canon compliant :P
Smitten - Chapter Three - Adore - Aonung's POV
The ride back on Neteyam’s Ikran had been brutal, the pain settled in on his body, there wasn’t a part of him that hadn’t been aching. But Aonung learned fast that the more he reacted to the pain the more Neteyam seemed to be worried.
So Aonung sucked most of it up until they arrived back. 
Unfortunately, their parents had been gathered in a line to meet them, Ronal and Tonowari seemed to be a mixture of angry and concerned for their son. “What is this! Why do you look like this? Was this you, demon?” Ronal seemed to accuse Neteyam as she practically yanked her son towards her inspecting him. 
“No ma’am..” Neteyam immediately looked down, not wanting to upset Ronal more. He dismissed his Ikran, looking like he was struggling to find the words to describe what had happened. 
“Neteyam saved me, please do not disrespect him.” Aonung pulled away from his mother, he looked more insulted than Neteyam had been. “I am fine, I would probably be dead by now if he had not shown up, he deserves respect for that.” Aonung corrected his mother and it was a feat that left many stunned. 
“What happened?” Jake asked Neteyam after inspecting his son and not seeing a scratch, “The altercation earlier.. I followed those boys from the Ta’unui clan, they mentioned they would get their brothers and teach Aonung a lesson for embarrassing them. I tried to go back to warn Aonung but I couldn’t find him. So I got on Etera to search.” Neteyam explained to his parents.
Aonung watched from the corner of his eyes, he hoped that Jake and Neytiri would not find some way to blame Neteyam. 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone else before you left? You could have been hurt. I’d expect this recklessness from Lo’ak but not you.” Jake huffed and looked disappointed in Neteyam. Neteyam nodded his head and looked down at the sand before looking back up at his father. “I am sorry sir, it won't happen again.” Neteyam apologized, Aonung wanted to scream. How could they blame Neteyam?
“But I do not regret it.” 
Neteyam’s words stunned everyone at this point, even Aonung was taken aback by his words. Despite this, there was a small smile tugging on his bruised lips. It wasn’t like Neteyam had disrespected his parents, but Aonung respected that Neteyam finally said something.
“Excuse me?” Neytiri asked, completely full of disbelief that her oldest son had spoken out of line. Aonung could see the twist of emotions on her face, his mother had mirrored the same emotions earlier. There was anger, hurt, and confusion all brewed into one look. 
“I reacted completely appropriately for the situation, had I taken any longer or detoured myself, who knows what could have happened.” 
Aonung couldn’t even hold back the smirk, Neteyam had finally spoken, a small chuckle escaped his lips and Tonowari gripped the back of his head and pushed in down to bow towards the Sully’s. “Your son speaks the truth, I apologize for any inconvenience my son may have caused, and I thank you for protecting my son.” Tonowari’s words were enough to put an end to the bickering. 
“Yes, thank you, Neteyam.” Aonung looked up, a smile adorning his lips as he took in Neteyam’s appearance. His posture was tense, like he was trying to seem strong but Aonung knew he was probably shaking inside from being anxious. Aonung did catch his eyes for a moment, the second they locked they seemed to share a silent moment.
 They were thanking each other for different reasons. 
Aonung was thanking him for saving him and finally speaking up for himself. 
- - - - 
The next few days were particularly difficult for Aonung, the injuries he had received and the entire talking back situation had his parents keeping him on a short leash, he wasn’t able to sneak out in the evenings and see his Forrest boy.
Aonung was struggling with just looking at Neteyam during dinner, his mother kept him attached to her so there wasn’t much he could do besides exchange longing looks with one-another as they ate. 
It wasn’t much but at least seeing Neteyam was enough to make the day bearable until he had been all healed up. 
The Ta’unui clan brought forth a series of topics with Aonung’s parents that he truthfully wished to avoid: Mates, Iknimaya and Olo’eyktan.
“Tane, while he may not have handled it correctly, he had the right idea. You will be Olo’eyktan one day, you must get serious about your Iknimaya to become an adult within the clan. You need to search for a strong mate who will continue our way of life.” His father, Tonowari, spoke to him at dinner. 
Did this conversation need to be public? Why speak of this at dinner when the Sully’s were at the other side of the room. Aonung tried to look at Neteyam for.. Guidance? No, that wasn’t it. Maybe confirmation? Could he be bold enough to claim Neteyam as his own at their communal dinner? 
But Neteyam didn’t look up at him, he hung his head low as if trying to hide himself. 
“I will focus on my Iknimaya, but I will allow my mate to choose me.” Aonung knew who he had in mind as a mate, but claiming Neteyam now without properly courting him would make him just as bad as the men who had sought after his sister's hand. 
The dinner progressed, it seemed like it was dragging, and then Neteyam excused himself from dinner. 
Aonung took that as his opportunity to escape as well, he didn’t know where Neteyam was heading but he could only imagine he would find him at the end of the beach where he went to clear his mind. 
“I knew you’d be here..” Aonung called out as he moved to sit next to Neteyam, his tail almost instinctively wrapping around Neteyam, his finned hand resting atop the others. “I have missed you, my mother worries too much when I am injured and puts me on bed rest.” Aonung felt a need to explain why he hadn’t been around, he grabbed the other's slender hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it. 
Much to his surprise, Neteyam slowly pulled away his hand. 
“Nete..?” Aonung looked confused, had he done something wrong? Was Neteyam upset with him? His mind ran through all the scenes, he couldn’t recall what he had done wrong. 
“You will be Olo’eyktan one day.” Neteyam started to speak, a tense silence filled the gap, “This...This cannot happen.” Neteyam referred to their potential relationship, his hands at his side. 
“I do not understand you.. Do you not wish to be with me? Did I do something wrong?” Aonung turned his body to face Neteyam entirely, his hands grabbing both of Neteyam’s and squeezing them gently in the middle of his hands. 
“No.. You have done nothing wrong. I think it will be best for us to end this now,” Neteyam couldn’t even look at Aonung in the eyes, his hands were shaking and Aonung couldn’t help but feel hurt that Neteyam would even suggest they stop this relationship now.
“You must be someone of your kind, a strong Metkayina, someone who understands the way of water.” Neteyam’s words were rushed, as if he didn’t want to give Aonung the opportunity to speak. 
“I want you,” Aonung felt frustrated immediately, was this why Neteyam wanted to end ‘this’. It was a terrible excuse. 
“You must be with your own kind- they will never accept me.. Aonung, you will be a great leader one day, you mustn’t waste your time with someone like me.” Neteyam tried to plead with him, but those golden eyes were saying otherwise. 
“You are a strong Metkayina. You are one of us now.” Aonung spoke, he knew he had to keep a level-head otherwise his irrational emotions would get the best of him. 
“Aonung.. I am Omatikaya, when the war is over I will return home..” Not even Neteyam believed his own words, Aonung knew it, there was hesitation in that voice. Neteyam’s voice was usually confident when he believed in his words. 
“You have been ingrained in me, I do not wish for anyone else but you. I will become an Ole’eyktan worthy of you.” Aonung’s eyes were locked on Neteyam’s, he was looking to see if Neteyam had made his decision. 
“Please.. As much as I have enjoyed this time together, and you’ve made me happier than I have been in a long time.. Your parents-” Neteyam was fumbling with his words, they were full of hesitation. 
“Then look me in the eyes and tell me you do not wish to be with me, I will not accept this otherwise.” Aonung cut off Neteyam’s fumbling words, Neteyam looked up for a moment in shock. 
“I.. I do not..” Neteyam could not look him in the eyes, he tried though and immediately those golden orbs spilled the truth. “I want to be with you.. But you need to be with-” Neteyam started again and Aonung huffed in frustration. 
“I do not want anyone other than you, I have every intention to court you.” Aonung cupped Neteyam’s face with both hands, forcing him to lock eyes and look nowhere else. 
“I adore you.” 
Aonung’s words must have struck heavy with Neteyam because he nodded, his braids bouncing around as he did. Aonung could only take it as Neteyam had accepted his words and would dismiss this thought of ending ‘this’.
“Why must they look like they are in some tragic love story everytime we look for them? I swear your brother better not hurt mine. I’ll rip off that fish tail of his.” Lo’ak asked at the other end of the beach, he had been sent to gather his brother for bed. 
Similarly, Tsireya had been tasked with the same thing. “Perhaps their relationship is troubled..I wonder if ours will be like that.” Tsireya spoke softly, tilting her head as they walked through the sand slowly just enjoying their time together. 
“I would fight Payakan for you,” Lo’ak said seriously and Tsireya couldn’t help but giggle at that. “You would not need to do that, but I do appreciate the thought.” The two locked hands as they decided to give the couple at the other end of the beach some much needed alone time.
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theobsessedbrunet · 1 year
Every morning
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Pairings: Neteyam x Y/n, Fluff
 Every morning you would walk past their little home and wave at the family in it. You would smile sweetly at every one of them, wave your hand and continue to go on your day. It was a mere act of kindness to the new family that worked so hard to adjust to a new way of living.
 Of course you didn't mind starting your day with a bit of eye candy. The oldest child of the family was something new to you. He was interesting and exotic. He was something new to you. You couldn't get enought of those alert yellow eyes that caused a chill to run down your spine every time he laid them on you. It was addicting.
 Neteyam loved seeing you walk past their little home every morning. It was his favorite part of the day since he didn't get to see you much because of his learning to adapt to the new clan and culture. You would strut past their home and he would eat you right up with his gaze. The first time he saw you, he thought it was Eywa herself.
Once again the sun was slowly rising behind the horizon. You arrived at the familiar home and smiled at the family in it. Neteyam perked right up when he heard your footsteps. He returned your smile and watched you as you continued your way. This time Neteyam walked to the entrance of their home, leaned with one hand to the structure. A sigh escaped out of him as he watched your attractive frame slip farther away from him.
 Lo'ak pushed his brother's shoulder, smirking teasingly. "You really got a crush on this Metkayina? She's like better, stronger and probably a better fighter than you!"
 Neteyam leaned back and placed his hand on his brother's neck as he leaned closer to him. "Exactly! What a woman!"
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noodlesfics · 2 years
Avatar characters reactions to you beating them in a fight
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He's very proud of you being able to take him down. He loves helping you out in your training and seeing how you are improving. He will gladly accept defeat, but he drags it on to see if you can beat his stamina. And when you do, he so proud of you and boats to everyone that he has such a fine fighter. He loves seeing you defend yourself against other people and he feels that you both look really powerful. 100% your cheerleader.
At first, she absolutely hated it that you beat her. She has always been an incredible fighter, and having you beat her makes her feel like she's no longer worthy of a title. However, she loves you very much and is very proud of how far you have come. She will make sure to gift you with something special and heave a gem into your songchord to remember your glorious moment.
Much like his father, he helped a lot in your training. He loves cherishing the memories tou have together. You told him not to hold back, he was skeptical of this as he didn't want to hurt you, however, when you absolutely thrashed him, he was so impressed. It's a massive weight off his shoulders knowing that you can defend yourself if he's not there at any moment.
He's only really had experience in little fights against other boys, so it's no surprise that you beat him. However, he showered you in praised but also told you not to push yourself to much so you don't get hurt. After having you beat him, he likes to watch you train and maybe even ask you to help him learn to fight properly to protect you.
He held a grudge against you for a while. He didn't want to accept the fact that you beat him, it just wasn't working. But when he saw you upset that he was ignoring you, he decided to accept the fact that you can defend yourself. He always liked the fact that he was the one to protect you, and you beating him made him feel like he lost his purpose.
He's extremely impressed. People have fought against him countless of times and lost and everyone was expecting the same outcome for you. However, when you beat him, it seemed that everything slowed down. He was happy that you were as strong as him, it made the burden lighter on him for being the defender of his people. He loves recalling the memory of you happy face after his defeat.
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professional-yapper · 9 months
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Aonung x Reader
(cus I kind of liked the enemies thing I had going with aonung in the Lo'ak piece)
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Aonung is the biggest moron you know. You can say that with total confidence, and do. Often.
Sometimes to his face, sometimes to others, sometimes to the back of his head as he turns away, thinking he's won an argument. You revel in the way his ears flick back to catch what you shout at him, and the way his broad frame swings around to come after you again, which is usually your sign to take off running.
It's your normal. Yours and his.
He can always rely on you to bring him crashing back down to earth when he's done something noteworthy.
And you can always rely on him to attempt to beat the shit out of you at any given moment, with the slightest provocation.
It's not like you can't hold your own. Sure, you're not equal to him in build or height, but you're a pretty good fighter, if you do say so yourself.
And it's not like anyone stops you two from scrapping, anyway. His dad practically encourages it, says it's healthy. His mum just rolls her eyes with fond exasperation and looks in the other direction.
Yeah. It's been this way for as long as you can remember. Right from day one, his mum says. You were born within a week of each other, and used to have the most vile screaming competitions as babies. It's nice to see some things never change, you guess.
Until they do start changing.
You and Aonung can't stay angry little kids permanently at each others' throats forever. Well, you can't stay kids forever, anyway.
He's getting taller, broader, thick in the arm and in the head. He doesn't spend as much time with Tsireya anymore, something she laments about to you in private.
Ah, yes, that's another sore spot for Aonung. Tsireya adores you. Maybe it's just the allure of the older kid, though not by much. You're only a year or so apart, but you've always felt the age gap even if it wasn't much. She's always been Aonung's cute kid sister, left to wail at you to stop fighting from afar for always.
You've only grown closer to Tsireya as of late, bonding over boys and girls, and going for walks on the shore to see what the tide washes in.
And of course, talking about Aonung. Well, it's mostly you talking- well, complaining, while she sits with a weird look on her face. You guess it's because he is her brother after all, and he's nice to her.
He starts hanging out with some new guys, all equally as moronic as him. They feed off each others' stupidity like a bunch of little vampires.
Which, of course, has nothing to do with you. After all, you're finding new friends too. Guys, girls, people you've never spoken to before on account of being constantly at odds with Aonung, which, believe it or not, doesn't leave a hell of a lot of time for socialising.
But you're both growing up now, growing apart, growing more mature... Well, in most ways. You still come to blows, though less frequently by the day. You find yourself missing the familiarity of it, even if you hate him.
You find yourself chasing the high that came with fighting with him, the high of having blood coursing down your face and not knowing who's, the sting of a cut, the ache of limbs, and the throbbing of bruises left behind.
Yeah, as many friends as you're making, you're making a few enemies too. You're just naturally volatile, you explain, you can't help the fact that your first instinct was to shove the guy when he accidentally bumped into you. You still think it was on purpose, anyhow.
However, you'd expect your friends to be the ones pulling you off the unfortunate kids who have fallen victim to your temper and ache for the high that no longer comes so easily or so often.
But they're not.
That's the weird part, the part that annoys you.
It's always Aonung dragging you off. You don't even know how he's always there when you're getting into a fight. He's got new friends, a new group, new hobbies, new responsibilities as future chief and warrior, basically a whole new life that has nothing to do with you.
But, regardless, it is always him hauling you off, no matter when or where. You've come to expect it like you once expected his fist flying at your face. A heavy hand on the back of your neck, an arm around your waist, fingers locking around your tail. Plucking you off whoever you're fighting like you weigh nothing. Which doesn't help your temper.
At all.
Today is one of those times. You couldn't help it, you honestly couldn't. They shoved you first this time. A rarity, you'll admit, but it's all you need to get on your little high horse and plead that you were unfairly provoked.
You're rolling back and forth with them on the ground, their hand fisted in your hair, your legs locked around their waist, both of you hissing in each others' faces like cut hoses. You're dusty and sweaty and bruised and bleeding in at least half a dozen places, and this is the best you've felt in months.
You roll your tongue over your fangs, the taste of blood raw and blunt in your mouth, taking a brief respite as you manage to pin them down for more than half a second, your knee pressing cruelly into their arm. They squeal like a stuck ilu, grabbing at you with their free hand, nails dragging down your side. The stinging sensation is welcome.
What isn't welcome is the sudden intrusion into your rather bloody bliss. Hands hooking under your arms, lifting you clear like a misbehaving pet, and setting you down on your feet with a bump that sends ground shock rippling up your calves.
You stare defiantly into Aonung's cold face, planting your hands on your hips, blood trickling down your forehead and beading on your lashes, but you don't blink it away. You take in a dusty, ragged breath, preparing to start shouting at him for always meddling in your shit, because, after all, he chose to push you out of his life and what you do as a result of that is none of his fucking business.
But you don't get a chance. He plants a hand on your shoulder and shoves you backward. Hard. "Walk," he says in a tight voice.
You do so unthinkingly, turning and marching off, only cursing yourself for your blind obedience a few steps later. But you didn't really feel like arguing with him after all. What was the point? He wouldn't fight you. He never fights you anymore. You miss that. You wonder if he'd even react if you punched him in his fat mouth right now beyond gazing at you with those cold eyes.
You hunch your shoulders and let your mouth thin into a line as you walk, heading away from the small crowd that had gathered to witness your outburst. You're shaking a little now.
"Here's fine," Aonung says from behind you, but you don't listen this time, planning to walk until you reach the water and can swim off, deep down into the cool dimness.
He grabs you by your tail, and you should've expected it, really, but you still whirl around, snarling, lips curled over your fangs, ears tilting back, hands outstretched to claw his Eywa-damned eyes out.
He catches you by the wrists and pulls you in, using your momentum to do so.
You stumble, smack your forehead on him and reel back, cursing him out, trying to touch your head, feel for any new injury, but he doesnt let you go.
"Stand still for once in your fucking life, you idiot. Listen to me," Aonung hisses, pulling you in once again while you're distracted. It's like a stupid game of tug o'war.
"I am listening," you fire back, still trying to free yourself, contemplating kicking him in the thigh or the stomach to pry yourself free. "See my ears? See how they're attached to my head? See-"
"Why can't you just grow up?!" he snapped, shaking you a little. "You're such a child!"
"And you're such a moron," you snap back, but you subside a little at the blunt admonishment. "Why can't you just stay out of my life?!"
"I'd be able to if you stopped fighting other people!" he hissed.
"I can fight who I want!"
"So why don't you want to fight me anymore?!"
Sudden, abrupt, overwhelming silence.
Aonung's ears flatten against his head and he releases you, stepping back. You'd say he looks like he's been slapped but you're an expert on what he looks like when he's been hit and that is not a face he makes. You don't know what face that is. Embarrassment? Confusion?
You're confused. And say so.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You don't want to fight me! You're too good for a little scrapping here and there all of a sudden, big guy?" you scoff, knowing you're severely understating the level of your fights but not caring enough to correct yourself.
"Well, I thought I did, but that was before-"
Aonung stops again.
You want to jump him. Hit him until he starts acting like himself again. "Before what, dickhead?! What happened that made you too good for me all of a sudden?! Because you're the future chief, a warrior in training, you can't even argue with me anymore? I mean, fuck, forget arguing, you won't even look at me! I don't know what I did and whatever it was, I-"
Oh boy. You've never been the type to cry when you get angry, but you're so frustrated and overwhelmed right now the tears are practically crying themselves. They well up, quivering on your lash line for a half-second, forcing you to look at him with blurry vision, then roll down your cheeks despite your best efforts to wipe them away.
"I-" you try to continue, hiccuping now. "I wish I hadn't, because I just want things to be normal again, I want things to go back to the way they were-" Words escape you and you settle for crying with frustration and rage, looking at him as he still says nothing.
"They can't, okay?" he snaps. "They can't fucking go back! Get that through your head! We can't fight like we used to! It's not the same, I can't fight you and hate you and argue like I used to when-"
"Don't you dare fucking clam up on me again, you bitch," you hiccup, pointing at him, scrubbing away your tears with your other hand. "I have a right to fucking know why I can't fight you, and I can't fight other people, and-"
"I can't keep hurting you when all I can fucking think about is kissing you!" he hisses, hands forming fists at his sides, tail lashing behind him. "And I can't keep letting you get hurt either!"
You still, your feeble attempt to hide your tears forgotten, staring at him like he's grown two heads. Something in your chest twists savagely as you absorb his words silently.
"Don't look at me like that, like I'm some kind of monster for loving you. Yell at me, try to hit me, cuss me out, anything. Just don't look at me like that," he says, voice hitching and beginning to tremble as he speaks.
"What am I supposed to do with that love?" you ask quietly. "Don't say return it. I don't know if I can. Or if I want to. I mean, maybe I do want to but that's mostly just stemming from the fact that you haven't spoken to me in months or even come near me except from stopping me from fighting people, and I don't think it's fair of you at all to-"
"No, I know it's not," he said a little brokenly, and you hated that, maybe even more than you hated him. "I know it's not fair, just... please. Tell me you feel nothing for me, that us being practically attached at the hip since we were kids means nothing to you, that you don't even hate me, you just don't care about me."
You hated seeing him like this. You'd never seen this side of him and you never wanted to see it again. You could tell him that maybe it wasn't hatred and if it was hatred in the beginning it had evolved to a sort of messed up attachment, and if you dug long enough you'd probably find some kind of affection for him in your angry little heart. That might make him stop looking at you that way.
You just wanted him to stop looking like that, so sad and fucking pathetic. It made that same something that had twisted in your chest before twist again, but in a more painful way.
"I don't know if I do like you back," you say slowly. His shoulders slump and he raises his hands to his face, presumably to hide his expression.
You're not finished.
You step forward and take his hands, curling your fingers around them, pressing into his palms, more gentle than you've ever dared be with him. You lower them, looking into his face steadily. "But I think I could learn to. And I want to learn."
He lets out a ragged breath, expression now totally raw and hopeful, which was honestly the opposite of what you were hoping to achieve, which was sober him up out of this sad-sack thing he was in. But you think you can live with it.
"Okay," he breathes, gripping onto your hands. "A chance is all I need, I promise."
You nod and continue looking at him. Probably the longest you've really looked at him without swinging or didn't have your hands around his throat.
The silence drags on, and you're considering what to do or say next when he speaks again, shifting one of his hands from yours to touch your face. Your hand that he just released flies to his wrist, but you stop, relenting, allowing it when you realise he's just, very gently and carefully, unsticking wisps of your hair from the dried blood on your face and tucking it behind your ear. "I want to kiss you," he said bluntly. "Can I?"
You don't know if you'll like it but you figure it can't hurt to try, so you just nod, letting him cradle your jaw in his hand, still holding your other hand tightly, and let him kiss you like you're fragile, something far more delicate than you are.
It's not as bad as you thought. In fact, you like it. Probably more than you should.
Then you don't think much anymore, too distracted by his warm mouth on yours and how he tastes of sea salt.
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(challenge to myself to write a reader who isn't a little freak next time)
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
I hope you're doing well ! I'd like to ask for an imagine on a subject I've rarely seen.
It would be a "sully family x mom!reader" where Jake and reader are mate (not Neytiri) they start a family, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk. In short, the Sully family except it's not Neytiri, but the reader.
And my idea is that in the final battle, instead of Neteyam dying, it's the reader who sacrifices herself to save her family ?
I hope I've explained it well, thanks for taking the time to read ♡
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You had fallen in love with the dream walker that your sister had brought home fifteen years ago, and you didn't know you could have a future with him until you did. Jake sully had won your heart and it seems like you won him over as well, as you had taken him as your mate and he had taken you as his wife. Within those fifteen years you had made a life with him having children and having happier but that happiest was not melt to last.
Jake " we have to get to the children"
neytiri " Jake I will help you free the children"
y/n " I can help as well ma Jake and sister" Jake and neytiri looked at you worried to death, you are not a fighter but a healer like you mother.
neytiri " no sister you most stay here"
y/n " neytiri those are my babies out there and their friends, we are going to need all the help to save them"
Jake " please honey"
y/n " I need to help save my children and their friends I will not let, innocent lives be take today or any other day" Jake and Neytiri soon let you come with the group.
Jake " if you get to them free them and make sure they get into the water and get away"
y/n " yes my love" The tiro had soon taken off and got the other warriors ready for battle, to go save the children from the RDA as everyone else was fighting you had sneaked towards the boat.
y/n " find the children and get them to safety" you are now on the boat walking slowly and swiftly, as you are trying not to be spotted by any of the RDA.
solider " hey stopped right there" you soon had seen the solider and soon went into overprotective mother mood, and you soon attacked the solider tossing them off board.
y/n " no one is keeping me from my children" you soon followed the sound of cries and those were tuk cries, as you had peeked around the corner you saw the kids.
tuk " daddy aunt neytiri"
solider 2 " stop talking you brat"
soilder 3 " why did you get stuck on watching these annoying kids"
neteyam " leave my sister alone"
solider 2 " be quite kid once you dad is here we will have our revenge" you had soon came out of hiding as the solider looked at you, they were shocked that navi got onboard their ship.
sully kids " mom"
metkayain kids " y/n" you soon hiss at the soliders as you held your blade ready for a fight, you will do anything to keep your kids safe from harm and their friends as well.
solider 2 " get her" the soldiers were coming at you but you had fought back toss some of them off board and others else where on the boat. Once they were all out you soon made you way towards the kids.
neteyam " mom you came for us"
y/n " yes I did babies" you had freed neteyam some the cuff and soon gave him another blade.
y/n " help me free the others"
neteyam " yes" neteyam and you had freed the others kids from their cuffs.
tuk " mama"
y/n " I'm here now baby girl it will be okay mama promises"
solider " not so fast lady" more rda solider had shown up as you had pushed tuk behind you as the older kids, got ready for a fight. Soon there was sound and payakan had come jumping out from the water and soon landing on the rda solider knowing them out.
kids " payakan" payakan soon had rolled back into the water and swam to the other side of the boat.
y/n " everyone onto payakan right now"
lo'ak " mom"
y/n " yes lo'ak wait where is spider"
lo'ak " they still have him mom we have to help him"
y/n " yes we most but everyone else not payakan now"
neteyam " mom I'm coming with you for help"
lo'ak " I'm as well"
y/n " I will say no but we don't have enough time tuk listen to the older kids"
tuk " yes mama"
aonung " come on tuk lets go" aonung had helped tuk into the water, along with helping his sister and kiri.
rotxo " we will swig back for you three and spider"
neteyam " thanks" rotox and aonung soon dove into the water as well as everyone got onto payakan, who soon dove under water and swam away a bit.
y/n " now come on let go save spider" the boys soon followed after as there is a race tp save spider, the boys had spotted him with some RDA soldiers.
y/n " be safe and don't do anything to reckless" the boys had nodded their head as the trio soon jumped into action, and saved spider from his capture.
spider ' y/n"
y/n " spider I'm happy you are safe we can talk later run now all three of you, we need to get off of here" the boys had nodded their heads and soon run as lyle had come. the boys were helping to fight but lyle was not giving up, soon the three had reached a place to jump into the water.
y/n " go go go now"
lo'ak " yes mom" lo'ak and spider had jumped first and soon there is you and neteyam.
Lyle " hey miss sully and junior sully" lyle had started fighting off his gun towards you and neteyam. You had soon grabbed neteyam protecting him from the danger, and soon tossing him into the water and following after him.
lo'ak " we made it"
spider " that was scary"
neteyam " mom are you okay"
y/n " I'm ... ahhh I think I was hit" the three boys panic as they soon to see blood in the water.
tsireya " guys over here"
lo'ak " help our mom has been hit she needs help" all the kids seem panic as payakan moved quickly, you had been helped onto payakan.
kiri " mom we got you someone called dad tsireya can you help me"
tsireya " yes I can help you"
lo'ak " paean please hurry to village or close enough" neteyam was one the com speaking with his dad, as the kids did their best to help you. You felt horrible because of the pain that was taking place, but mostly how the situation was is effecting the kids.Payakan soon reach a beach not the far from the village.
???? " kids" Jake voice had been heard as him and neytiri race towards you.
neytiri " go get your grandmother and norm right now"
tuk " yes aunt neytiri" tuk had ran off with rotxo coming as well, as the group had moved you onto the sand.
y/n " Jake"
Jake " I'm here my love I'm here you are going to be okay"
y/n " ma Jake thank you for the amazing fifteen years ... please take care of the kids for me and love them for me"
Jake " don't speak like that it going to be okay honey"
neytiri "sister you are not leaving us today"
y/n " neytiri please look after Jake and my kids for me please"
neytiri " please sister don't speak like that"
y/n " please for me"
neytiri " yes'
y/n " Jake I love you and the kids"
Jake " I love you as well and the kids love you as well" you felt like you were getting sleepy as your sister had helped the girls with you, Jake was holding you asking you to stay awake and talking. Soon everything become blank for you, but you had felt happy that you had been able to save the children.
eywa " my child it not time for you to leave this world you are still need"
y/n " great mother"
eywa " one day you will come here but today not the day" Even before you could say anything else, a bright light had over taken you. As you soon open your eyes and jolted open as you began coughing.
????? " mom"
????? " honey" you had soon had been talked into a group hug by your kids and Jake, they are all happy to see you are wake and alive.
Jake " you are back you are really back"
y/n " yes I back"
neytiri " thank you great mother thank you" the family was happy to have you back they had explained how you had dead, and they had been mourning your death, until you had come back to life. Everyone saw this as a miracle that you had come back to them, and not you were not going to leave them just yet. You had done anything a mother would have done sacrificing yourself for the welling of your family, as they are everything to you and you couldn't bare to lose anyone else right now.
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callsignangel · 2 years
neteyam/lo'ak love triangle headcanons x reader
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warnings: a bit angsty but also super fluffy requested by anon <3 ↳ "hiiii luv, I honestly wanna live out my dream vicariously though my oc, could I pretty please request love triangle headcanons between neteyam and lo'ak and the oc. like both brothers are infatuated by the oc and try to win her over (fav trope)"
i'm back with your regularly scheduled sully boy content. i changed it from being an oc fic to being a reader insert so everyone can read! i hope y'all enjoy these <3
you were a child of tonowari and ronal - beloved by your village and devoted to protecting and serving your people - but you despised the pressure to be the perfect child
the pressure made you act out sometimes, craving freedom from the perfect image that suffocated you. you made mistakes, tried not to be the disappointment. you were clever and quick on your feet to recover from your mistakes. you could throw a huge celebration to honor your people, and then burn the village down. it was like you were both… perfect but always two steps behind
you felt like no one understood you. no one really.. until these two omatikaya boys showed up on the foot of your village beach. they were respectful, grateful that your family allowed them to stay
neteyam, the awkward and charming one, eldest to toruk makto. a true warrior, doted on by his parents, the next olo'eyktan to the forest clan
lo’ak, the charismatic and humorous secondborn son. striving to be like his older brother, but can never escape trouble
and you, being a mix of both. maybe that’s why you were all so drawn to each other in the beginning
lo’ak would try to impress you by being a fast learner, which would always come back to bite him in the ass, like almost drowning because he was so determined to get your praise and really listened to you and what you were teaching him, and as he improved he catching your attention
but you and neteyam were not friends at first. always trying to prove who was the better fighter, bickering any time you spoke to eachother, always having to fight with him about leaving your skxawng brother and his friends for picking on his sister
and that drew you closer to lo’ak. you both understood eachother - the want for freedom, the feeling of never being good enough, always being at the wrong place at the wrong time. you cold confide in him, and he could confide in you. you finally had found someone who had your back
the more time you spent with lo’ak, the more your feelings grew for him. he defended you, wouldn’t hesitate to punch someone out for you, always made you laugh when you were sad or comforted you when you were hurt. he was always there, and he wouldn’t be leaving soon
and then the skypeople first attacked. you were being held hostage by the RDA as bait to get jake sully to come out to pay for how he wronged them
neteyam had come to save you, lo’ak, tsireya and tuk from the warship
and because you were so keen on never leaving lo’ak, you ran head first into the warship to help him find his friend spider
they were shooting at you, and as you were jumping off of the ship, neteyam had shielded you from the bullets
he had been shot, but it wasn’t fatal. just landed right in his arm
when you returned to the village, you stayed in their home to help tend to his wounds because you felt like it was your fault he had been wounded
you were changing neteyam’s bandages when you noticed how he looked at you. his cheeks rosy and his lips slightly parted and his breathing sped up
he thought you were so beautiful. he never truly knew why you were so against each other, but he would always admire you from afar. the girl who loved her island, the sea, her people, the animals. you were a natural born leader and he was so astonished by how similar the both of you were
you would be lying if you didn’t admit he had always been in the back of your mind
the passion in your fighting, the lingering touches, the lack of hesitation when it came to protecting each other in battle
he wanted you to be his tsahik one day. he thought you both would be great leaders together
and you best believe lo’ak definitely picked up on the way y’all were eyeing each other up
he felt so betrayed, and of course began resenting his brother for taking something else away from him
since then neteyam had been more chivalrous. always holding out his hand for you to hold on to when getting down or to help you get up from sitting, offering his shawl when it got too cold on your weekly walks on the beach
really wondered why he was never good enough for everyone. he thought he really had a chance at something with you
you avoided neteyam for a bit to try to escape your feelings, went to find lo’ak
eventually you found him by three brother rocks playing with payakan
you didn’t understand why neither of them wanted nothing to do with you - you had always been there to swim and play with them in the water and now they were recoiling away from you
“lo’ak, please tell me what’s wrong! i don’t understand!”
“just leave me alone!”
“no! not until you tell me what’s happened!”
“why don’t you run back to neteyam, huh? i’m sure he’ll help you understand,”
and there it was. inside you could deny your feelings all you want but you couldn’t lie to him and tell him there was nothing there.
“but i’m here with you. i have no need to go back,” you tried to tell him but he would just push you away more and tell you he wanted nothing to do with you
and of course, you were heartbroken. went back to the village, your grief instilling a strong will to be the perfect child and try to ignore lo’ak and all of the trouble he was getting into
you ended up spending more time with neteyam doing your duty to the village - they were his people now too and he needed to show his parents and yours what a great leader he would be
he stopped you on the beach one night as you were walking - just taking a small break from all of the pressure and the spotlight of being the perfect children
he confessed to you there, pouring his heart out to you entirely hoping you would accept him and his love and how he would take care of you and make sure you knew how loved you were
he was so vulnerable. but deep in your heart you knew you couldn’t do that to lo’ak
you grabbed both of his hands firmly, and gently placed your forehead against his.
eye closed, voice cracking - “i love you too. more than words can describe. but i cannot do this,”
“it’s lo’ak, isn’t it?”
you nodded softly, trying not to burst into tears
he told you he understood, but he didn’t. all he could do was let you go
so you ran to lo’ak, ready to confess your feelings for him and tell him how much you missed him
and that’s when you saw him with tsireya. giggling and holding hands by a fire on the beach
you ran as far as you could the other way, finally letting those tears flow
from the corner of his eye lo’ak could see you fleeing. it took every bone in his body to stop him from running after you
besides, he had tsireya now. in his mind, you broke his heart. with her he could repair it and be happy.
you could’ve run back to neteyam, but it was too fresh to try to mend now. he would go find someone else to try to forget you as well and now you were back to where you began
you had lost them both. the relationships you had with your two best friends were crumbling right in your hands and you felt as though you couldn’t fix it. and that destroyed you.
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usermakki · 2 years
content. aged-up!lo'ak, established relationship, fem!metkayinan!reader, physical altercation, wounds, lo'ak is a loser!! wc. 1.476
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“What did you say?”
“Your brother beat my ass,” is answered through a pout.
He makes it so easy for you to make fun of him.
“No, after that.” You press the healing paste gently against the bruised skin of Lo’ak’s shoulder blade, still struggling to make much sense of his previous words. Something about him fist-fighting your brother over what?
You have been crouching by him for a good portion of the hour, initially scrutinizing and probing at every cut and bruise you found along his cyan skin before cleaning and treating his wounds with what you had available. Lo'ak chose to come to you instead of your tsahík or a healer, so that doesn't leave him much place for complaining about your methods or tools.
Reaching over Lo'ak's shoulder from behind, you dab some more paste onto a cut on his eyebrow. A hiss breaches through his lips, head flinching under your touch.
“He said he’d only give me his blessing to date you if I beat him in a fight.”
“And you just went with it?” You fail to keep your amusement out of your tone.
The mental image of your skinny, pitiful fighter boyfriend tussling with your sturdy, exceptional combatant brother delights you in ways you didn't know were possible. You so badly want to make fun of Lo'ak for it, very much, but considering all the injuries he sustains from the fight, it's best if you leave that for later when your jokes won't make him feel even worse.
“Yes!” He says matter of factly, looking over the shoulder to meet your eyes. “He said I’m supposed to earn his respect.”
The frown on your boyfriend’s face is reasonable, although exaggerated, he lost a fight he had a clear advantage on—your brother only learned how to punch through him—and left it in a much worse state, with bruises and cuts along his face and upper back. Nothing a good night of sleep and the healing mixture can't make quick work of.
He might have a problem with the teasing that comes afterward though.
“By fighting him?” Despite your initial reaction, this whole incident doesn't surprise you—your brother has always enjoyed a bit of chaos early in the morning. And he finds it specially tastier if it involves messing with the Sully kids. “My brother is an idiot, Lo’ak, he was probably just messing with you.”
Your beloved older brother, 20 years Lo'ak's senior and vastly known amongst the reef clans for being a trickster. Knowing him as well as you do, you expect him to be laughing about this with his friends over some fire and food, goading about obliterating Toruk Matko's son's scrawny ass. You'd be laughing along with him if you were there, but somebody has to ensure these cuts won't infect and worsen.
Lo'ak's eyes glaze over for a bit as a look of realization flashes through his face.
“Ah, fuck.” You can almost feel the embarrassment in Lo’ak’s words, and you figure he already regrets not thinking his actions through. He sounds a long groan before his entire body sags against your front. “I even threw the first punch.”
“And he still beat you?”
“Handed my ass right back to me," he answers through a huff of laughter.
You don't have much place for movement in this new position, so you place the bowl with your concoction on the floor and tug Lo’ak’s hips closer with an arm around his waist. Try as you might, you can't deny that it is adorable how petulant and needy he gets when he’s hurt.
You find amusement in how Lo'ak is ensuring a great discussion topic for the next time you visit his family. You will all have so much to talk and laugh about.
The cozy silence that overtakes your family's marui is brief, interrupted by Lo'ak's deep groan. He rubs both hands down his face, smearing the concoction applied to his eyebrows, nose and lips all over his skin and completely ruining the last minutes of your work.
You'd beat him if your brother already hadn't.
Before you can reach to push his hands away and cuss him for it, Lo'ak places them back on his lap. He leans his head on your shoulder and drops more of his weight into you.
The pout hasn't left his lips since you saw him enter your marui earlier.
“Your boyfriend is a loser." He mumbles.
If you didn't know said boyfriend any better then you might have felt bad for him. But this is Lo'ak, and if trouble doesn't come his way, he's sure to go and find it.
You reach up to brush the two individual braids away from his face, and with the same hand, you cradle one side of his head.
“I like that in a man.”
Lo’ak perks up at your words, eyes lighting up like a kid’s after being offered a threat. “So you’re not pity-dating me?”
“No,” and you chuckle. Running your thumb along his jaw, you stop over his pulse, taking a moment to feel the accelerated beating of the heart under your touch. “I do fancy you, after all.” And place a delicate kiss over it.
His lips quirk in a smile, left cheek brushing against the calluses on the palm of your hand. And this is when things start to get mushy, you see, because you can never resist his damned handsome face. Drawing his face closer, you place a soft kiss under his eye and over a bruise. Your touch lingers, savoring as the skin of his cheekbone warms with every brush of your lips. Moving upward, you peck his temple and then the forehead.
When you move away, you find Lo'ak's eyes closed and a pleased smile on his face.
Softly, you start speaking, “I’ll talk to my brother later," and instantly Lo'ak's face twists into another frown.
“No." He draws out the word, pushing his face into your hand. "You’re only gonna embarrass me.”
“You already embarrassed yourself, tíyawn." You remind him with a laugh. "I’ll just talk to him about this blessing talk, it was dumb-“
“Don’t bring that up, he might want to fight me again.”
“No, he won’t. I wouldn’t let-“
“I don’t think my body can handle another beating.”
You relent with a sigh. “Fine.” He won’t listen to you either way.
There's no doubt that he'll be bothered about this for some days. Justifiably, word is sure to go around fast and reach his siblings and parents, and surely, this situation will stretch for longer than any of you want to deal with.
Your only pick-me-up at this moment is the certainty that Kiri will amuse you all for long enough with her teasing to forget about the dreadful scolding his father will unleash upon him after.
You wanted to be less lenient with Lo'ak's behavior at first but you know the next few days will be hard on him. The whole introspection talk and the chiding can wait for some other time, but for now, you'll accommodate him as best you can and keep your roasting to a minimum.
In your peripherical, you see Lo'ak touch his split lip and wince, wiping the blood off it. He faces you with adorable droopy eyes.
Pointing at the cut there, he says, “You’d be such a good girlfriend if you kissed it better.”
“Uhm, excuse me?" The recoil of your body at his words is instinctual, despite not actually feeling offended. "I already am a good girlfriend!”
Lo'ak slips down your front a smidge when you pull your arms from around him. You slap away the fingers that stretch to touch your lips, before placing both hands on the ground to support your weight.
Lo'ak chases after you, sitting up before you and clasping both hands behind your back. His breath hits your cheeks from how close he is.
Exaggerating your annoyance at him, you make sure to emphasize your scowl harder than he did at you when you started treating his wounds earlier and pressed too hard into a bruise.
Your intimidation tactic doesn't work.
“Be an ultra-good girlfriend for a second and coddle me." He pleads. And did he just flutter his eyelashes at you?
You push back at his chest and keep your hands there for good measure.
“Yeah, I don’t know." You hesitate, wanting to mess with him for a bit. "Coddling is usually reserved for people who win their fights.”
Lo'ak groans, tightening his hold on you. “Take pity on me just this once.”
You don't react for some seconds. His pout deepens and there goes your grumpy facade.
“I guess I can do that.”
And when he teases you later for being soft on him, you'll deny that the smile he flashed you ever made your heart tremble.
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usermakki© 2023 All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify or claim my work as your own.
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stell404 · 1 year
Family jewels masterlist | back to navigation Parings: Sully family x reader, jake sully x daughter!reader Word count: 887 Notes: I hate this chapter but like I hope you guys like it 😭 so so sorry if it took forever and if it's horrible😞 Taglist: @lorre-verie @eywas-heir @damiiworld @arianapjs @arminsgfloll @buterccup @ifuckinghatemathrahhhhhh @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @inluvwithneteyam @il0vejj @neteyamforlife @ducks118 @ssc7514@liyahsocorro @saltedcoffeescotch @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @avatar4life @wheezy223 @venomsvl @heart-an0n @myh3artttt
Back in high camp, the family was a mess, the clan was a mess. The crowd went silent as she ran, looking over their Olo'eyktan, hoping he'd do something; run after her, or shout at her to come back, at least. But he didn't do anything.
The clan didn't know what to do, or what to feel, they had never seen this happen; this was new. As much as they were annoyed by that Sully kid, they couldn't help but to feel a tinge of worry.
Neytiri dragged Jake back to their tent, holding him by the ear, as Mo'at shooed the prying people away.
"What were you thinking?" Neytiri hissed once they reached a secluded area of their tent.
"What? It's not my fault that she was stupid enough to actually go." he scoffed.
"She could die, Jake." Neytiri said, her voice breaking, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
Suddenly, Jake was hit with a terrible realization. He killed his daughter.
His ears laid flat on his skull. His heart thumping as if it was gonna burst out of his chest.
How could he do this?
Why did he do this?
Why did this happen?
What happened?
Millions of questions ran through his head. His memories with his daughter played back from the beginning, her first word, her first few steps, her first hunt, their first fight.
His mind played every single memory, looking  for the one that ruined them. But he couldn't find it, it was like it was erased from his life, deleted. Or maybe he just was not looking harder, scared that he would see what he does not want to see.
He heard cries, snapping him from his thoughts. Looking up, he was greeted with the sight of his family in a state of desolation.
He hated this. He hated himself. Something in him changed, snapping back to what he used to be; a father that loved his daughter. In that moment he would do anything. Anything.
"Neteyam, Lo'ak. Come with me, we'll look for her. Kiri, stay here with your mother and Tuk, arrange a search party, get the best hunters, fighter, healers—just anyone." he ordered, his voice laced with desperation
He would do anything to find her, he would send out an army for her. All he wanted was his little girl back. He was willing to do anything.
[Name] found herself standing in the entrance of the Ikran rookery. It was dark, the bioluminescent plants being the only lighting up the way. The cold wind brushed against her skin.
She started to walk in with hesitance.
Why was she hesitating?
She did want this, right?
Regardless of her skepticism, she continued to walk in. Heart pounding fast.
The Ikran rookery was majestic, there were many Ikrans, all of different colors. All of the Ikran were asleep, but one awoke the second she walked in. At first she didn't see it. It sat in the corner near the vines alone.
The Ikran was a beautiful dark blue-purple color, getting darker and darker as it reached the tail, it was the color of the midnight sky. It had green freckle-like dots surrounding its body, making it easier for it to blend in the dark forests of Pandora.
Before [Name] could admire its beauty, the Ikran launched towards her, knocking her down. Quickly, she held on to its neck and managed to swing herself on it.
The Ikran screeched, trying its very best to shake her off. She grabbed her queue to connect it to the Ikran, but, before she managed to make the bond, the Ikran jumped off the cliff; taking her down with it.
"Shit." she whispered to herself, breathing rapidly, as she was falling down.
"Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" she cried as she noticed she was nearing the ground. Quickly, she grabbed her queue and connected it to the Ikran, she felt the bond being made, she felt what he felt, what he thinks, his heartbeat, his breath, everything.
But still it did nothing, the ground was only a few feet away, she panicked, breath getting faster and faster. She did not want to die.
Not yet.
Not here.
Not like this.
Her Ikran kept screeching, panicking as well.
"Just shut up and fly straight!" she shouted, the ground being very very close to them. The Ikran quickly flew up, saving both of them.
They soared around the sky, and just then [Name] felt true freedom her whole life. She felt the cold breeze on her skin and the wind hugged her.
"Woooo! This is awesome!" she exclaimed in happiness, letting her arms spread out as her Ikran flew to the horizon.
Hours have passed, [Name] sat on the edge of a cliff with her new found friend right beside her.
"So...bud, what should I name you?" she asked, lightly nudging her Ikran.
"What do you feel about Jo?" she said, a slight giggle leaving her lips. The Ikran nudged her, burying his head on her shoulder.
"I think that's a yes," she laughed. "so Jo, do you think we should come back?"
Jo didn't react.
Should she come back? No her father would kill her
But what about her siblings?
Her mom?
Spider. What about all that?
What would Jake think?
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jamiedc-they-them · 2 years
Being Kiri's closest sibling and your family helping with your mental health struggles and the war:
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An/ Am sorry if I spell any character names wrong! Please let me know if I do!
Loved this film when I saw it back in early Jan much more than I thought I would, and I'm very glad it struck a chord with me! Was such a good time.
Sorry to ramble.
Kiri is a sweet angel and a comfort for sure. I hope you guys enjoy <3
Tw// some discussion of suicidal thoughts and self-destruction, anxiety. Other than this, just normal avatar violence.
While you're a child of Jake and Neytiri, it doesn't matter, Jake could've sworn you and Kiri came from the same cloth personality wise.
You both just clicked.
He was joyous, as while you got along with Neteyam, there is a friction - he's a fighter, and you're not.
He wants to be the best, you're fine in your own little world.
And Kiri gets that.
She invites you out for walks in the forest. The two of you just exploring and taking in the area around you.
Sometimes though, your thoughts get to you. You feel self conscious. You feel an other. You feel like what you're doing is 'wrong'.
Kiri is always there to help soothe those thoughts.
"There is nothing wrong with it, Y/N. Nothing. You are you, and I love that. Always."
When the humans attack, you are away from each other.
"Kiri! Kiri!!!" You cry out.
"Y/N!" You hear your father call out.
"Hey, hey, hey. I'm here, baby. I'm here. I've got you. I've got you, buddy. I've got you," he assures you as he holds you, pulling you away from the destruction.
"I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, baby, ok? You scared me is all," you miss when he used to say that before he became hardened by it. Before he became a commander rather than a father.
When you and Kiri reunite, she just holds you, tight. She pulls away and checks you multiple times; but you're out of it. You can't get out a single word.
As Jake becomes more protective and treats you all more like soldiers, Kiri is your rock.
"I'm still here, Y/N. We are," she reminds you, squeezing your hand to try to bring you back to where you are.
Spider is good with you as well. He's a good brother (no matter what your mother says.)
Kiri hates that you lose that explorer part of you. You shut in.
You do your upmost to become a fighter like your brothers.
It doesn't go well.
"Y/N!" Kiri cries out, running to your side when you come back, injured just like Lo'ak.
"Kiri, go help your grandmother," Jake orders.
"But my siblings," she argues.
"Go. Please," he softens his voice a bit, but he also knows the connection you hold with Kiri, and he knows he can't separate the two of you - no matter how life seems to think so; he's glad for it, to have something to ground you. His life as a marine and having brothers in arms fall around him coming back to him. It's why he's so hard on you all; he doesn't want you to face that.
"You need to be more careful, Y/N," Kiri says as she helps you heal. She knows everyone says it - more your mother, your father says it more so through action, but it counts - but she knows her words will get to you.
"I need you to be ok, Kiri," you answer back - always the default answer.
"And I need you to be ok. I need my sibling," as she speaks, she goes from one side of you to the other, knowing it keeps your attention on her because you are doing something - you're active, albeit just a head swinging, it keeps you at the moment, "I want my best friend who would walk with me through the woods --"
"That died when those woods burned," it hits her, hard, and it pains her to hear the coldness of your voice. How you seem to have shut yourself out even from her.
"You don't have to hide," she says, softly.
You look at her - unbeknown to anyone, it was a similarly crushed look that Jake held earlier - "I don't know who I am anymore, Ki."
If your first words hit her heart, those words shattered her soul.
She hugs you, tight.
She makes sure to keep you close as you listen in on your parents arguing.
The whole thing was a blur to you, almost being killed once again, this time by someone who had a vendetta against your family; and Spider being taken in the chaos.
As you all leave your home, Kiri rides with you. She wants to keep you present with everyone. She doesn't want you to get lost to the war going on inside of you.
Jake looks back once or twice; but while you are focused on what is ahead, and keeping your sister secure, Kiri looks at him with worry; he always looks away, feeling guilty for what you have seemingly become.
You've lost yourself.
You arrive at your new home and go with your siblings to explore it.
Kiri, however, sees that part of your old safe wake up once again when you both go underwater.
There's a whole life under here. A whole way to live.
But, she then sees you gasp for air. You can't hold it as long as her.
You go back to the surface, gasping for breath. The rest of your siblings approach you, as does tsireya in concern.
"I'm fine. I'm fine," you assure them, despite your efforts to breathe saying otherwise.
You go to shore first, going back to the hut you are living at. Neytiri is there.
"Y/N!" Tuk says, hugging you as you bend down to catch her.
"Are you well, my child?" She asks, as you enter.
You nod, on instinct; but her maternal instinct knows otherwise, "what has happened?"
"Nothing, mother. I am ok."
She knows this can be a make-or-break moment for you both; she loves you dearly, but you have been distant as of late, so she knows this is a choice of pushing or pulling way more.
"Did you have a good day of learning?" she says, pushing.
"I held my breath longer than I thought I would."
She beams, "that is good," she says.
Your lips twitch a bit, "but not as long as Kiri's did."
Her smile wobbles a little, but it ultimately stays.
"It does not matter," she assures, approaching you, "what matters is, you did it; did it help you at all?"
You pause, actually; and your mother sees the gears turning in your head, she finally sees you for all you are - eyes flickering between thoughts, what your body and face do as you decide on an answer.
She knows she is biased, she is a mother, but she finds it beautiful.
"It felt peaceful," you finally decide on. Her beaming smile returns.
"You're happy again!" Tuk celebrates. You smile at your baby sister.
"Always have been, Tuk," you assure her. Giving her a genuine smile you seem to only reserve for her.
Your mother is always at ease when she sees it, you're not fully gone.
The family regroups, and they are all pleased to see you have a moment of happiness with Tuk.
Neteyam knows the life you have led - not by anyone's choice - has damaged you particularly, but he still feels guilty for seemingly forcing you into that role of a fighter as well. One with commitment, but one without preservation for yourself.
You have the same amount of fingers as Lo'ak, meaning you pack the same punch in the fight.
Despite Kiri's disinterest in her siblings, she stays for a bit longer, until she can pull you away.
"Hey. Hey! Stop. Stop! I'm ok, Y/N. I'm ok. I'm safe, see?" She grabs your face in her hands, making you look at her.
Your eyes soften, knowing she's ok.
"We should go for a walk," she says. When the fight escalates again, she pulls your face to look at her, instead of the fight. She wants you to not be the violent, self-destructive person you have become.
You both do go on that walk, then both go to the water where you both have tried to find a home - moreso her - as you can't stay as long under as she does.
You leave her after a moment - both having gotten better at sign - but she then gets worried when she can't find you.
She closes her eyes when she resurfaces, seemingly hours later, and can't find you. She even goes to the hut, and sees you aren't there, your parents ask of your whereabouts. With her eyes shut, she thinks back, praying to Eywa to help her remember and find you. She feels the wind on her, and they push her to dive in from a certain place, then she feels a pull to a certain part of the water. And there you are, floating, not moving.
She swims, with more strength and quicker than she ever has before. She grabs you, and pulls you to the surface.
"MOM! DAD!" She calls out. And despite being seemingly miles away, your parents seem to hear like it's right next to them. The two of them dive in, and help bring you to shore.
"Oh, no. Oh, Y/N. Oh, my child. Oh, no!" Neytiri cries out, trying to make you wake up.
"Let me try," Jake says, gently pushing her aside and starting CPR on your chest. He counts, being used to both doing this and having this done to him, in another life - but it comes back like it's nothing.
Kiri holds your hand, tightly, silently begging for you to come back.
"Come on, baby. Breathe. Breathe," your father says as he continues his compressions.
"Please, great mother! Please!" your mother pleads, holding you close.
Water then comes out of your mouth, coughs leave your lips.
Your mother hugs you like she never has before. It's tight.
Instinctively, you wrap your arm that isn't held down by Kiri around your mother.
You look to Kiri after opening your eyes, seeing her have tears running down her cheeks, but she wipes them away with her spare hand.
You then look to your father, who just looks relieved.
After you have eaten, with your whole family making sure you do so, it is Kiri, Jake, and Neytiri who find you on your own, sat outside, feet in the water.
"Can I ask what was going through your head when you thought of that?" Kiri asks, softly, sitting on one side of you, while Jake sits on the other, and Neytiri sits behind you.
"I just wanted it to be over," you answer, honest.
"What do you mean by that, buddy?" Jake asks, slowly. He knows those thoughts too well.
You lean into him, sensing this.
"Things like this," you say.
"I feel too much," you say, pushing away.
"Hey, no," he says, pulling you back to his side. Kiri shuffles up a bit, still holding your hand, "they aren't something to hide from, Y/N."
"You do," his heart skips a bit. Is that how you thought of him?
"I'm sorry I gave that impression."
Neytiri starts playing with your hair, trying to calm herself down as much as yourself.
"It's bad, dad."
"I'm sorry, baby," he says, kissing your head. You feel a tear slip onto your head, or it may just be the water.
"Ki," you say, turing to your sister. She tilts her head, tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry I pushed you away. I'm sorry I was a bad sibling."
"No. No, Y/N --" you cut her off before you can finish.
"I thought if everything just stopped. I thought it would maybe make it all better," it hurts her to hear, but she thinks this is what she needs to do, to hear it; you need to let it out to maybe start making your back somewhat - not all the way, she knows that now - to who you were, "if I wasn't here."
You feel your mother pull back on your hair seemingly on purpose. She tilts your head up, making you look up at her, "you are never a burden on us. Never, my child. You are a Sully. You are a fighter, in all ways. But. most importantly, you are yourself. You are perfect as that. The pain we will work through, all of us will."
"We all will," Kiri promises, squeezing your hand and making you look at her, "I'm not going anywhere, ever. Whatever the future holds, I'm here with you."
You squeeze her hand too, "I'm here with you too."
Jake and Neytiri share a look of relief. Your struggle isn't over, but there - as Jake would later tell Neytiri, momentarily - breakthrough. A cloud of light amongst the darkness of your brain.
You all continue, with Kiri confiding in you her connection with Eywa, and so you follow her to try find where her origins lied, but she then has her attack.
Now it is your turn who calls out for your parents.
You stay by Kiri's side as your father's friends come to help. You pace, before you find your breath picking up to a point of --
"Y/N? Buddy? Hey. Hey, look at me, look at dad. Hey! I'm here, kid!"
You do, but your breaths aren't slowing, "oh, kid," he puts himself in front of you, "follow my breaths," he is slow with his breaths, and you try to follow; but you go to look at Kiri, only for your father to pull your view to his.
"I'm right here. I'm right here," says, "I've got you. Just try to follow my breaths, ok?"
"Dad --" you try to say, only for the rest of your words to get stuck behind your worry for Kiri and inability to keep up with everything; it's all too quick.
"I know, bubba, I know," he says, "I know. I'm here. I'm here. Dad's here. He's not leaving. I'm not leaving. Kiri will be ok, I promise. But, right now, I need you to be ok. Please, buddy, try follow me. Please, baby."
You do, after what seems like hours, but your father is patient.
"I'm sorry," is all you say.
"Oh, buddy," he says,as he hugs you, "you don't need to be sorry. I've gone through similar things."
"You have?" You ask him, holding him tightly now in concern. His heard melts at it.
"I did," he admits, allowing himself to be vulnerable, "in the army. In the army."
"I'll tell you another time, kid. Promise," he says, kissing you on the head and focusing on you.
As time goes on, Jake can't run away from the fact that the war is catching up to you all even in your new place of residence.
Jake can see it all starting to get to you again; but this time he really notices. He sees your shakey hands, your stone face.
Everyone does.
As Lo'ak goes to save his new brother, Kiri has you with herself and Tuk; but as soon as you see Lo'ak go, you go after him without a second thought, Kiri following at the same instant. She won't let you go alone, not again.
You all save his friend only to then see the RDA.
Despite your efforts, you, Tuk, Lo'ak and tsireya are captured.
You try to fight back and are shot in the side. Your siblings and new friend cry out to you.
"Jake Sully," you hear your father's enemy call out on the radio, "you've already got one kid here bleeding out, and while I do not want a kid to die, trust me, I'll do what I have to. You know what I want. Come here, and you can get them, all of them."
He starts to, but then Lo'ak's friend appears, and you already feel fainter than you did before. As Neyteyam saves you all, and Lo'ak goes to fight, he pushes you back, "go, get out of here, Y/N!"
You go with tsireya and Tuk, but your younger sister wants you to go back.
"Y/N," tsireya starts to say, but you find yourself going with Tuk.
"Sully's stick together," you argue.
They're your family. They matter to you. The war did before. Them being ok did. But you hid that love, not anymore.
"Y/N!" Kiri cries out, seeing you. You cut her binds. She immediately goes to your wounds. Instead of pushing her away, you let her look at them - despite the situation you're in.
You're apart of the family too.
Despite your best efforts, you're caught again, and tsireya is pushed off.
"Y/N. Y/N! Open your eyes! I need you, Y/N!" Kiri's cries keep your eyes open. Tuk even joins, kicking you in the leg. It keeps you going. This is your family. Your fortress in times of darkness, they rallied around you in their own ways. Neyteyam with his check-ins or looks, Lo'al out on the water and banter, Tuk with her hugs and happiness at seeing you, and Kiri keeping you grounded and here.
You'd fight for them, instead of the idea of family you had in your mind. You had your idea of your home, of your family, and what you were fighting for. But this, the people calling out for your survival, this was what you were fighting for.
You're taken instead of Kiri, and she pleaded the whole time for it to be here, but you end up going.
Your father saves your sisters and then sees the damage done to you by the bullet. How you're still standing, he doesn't know, but he is sure as shit grateful. You're barely hanging on, however.
"I'll do it, Sully! Back off!" the man holding you put the blade to your neck to keep you here, and going.
Part of you wants to ask him to just do it.
But there's a part to you that's louder now. A part that's asking you to fight. To try.
You do.
You slam your head back into the guy, using his moment of unsureness with Spider - who you are grateful to know is alive - and then running to your family. Jake puts you behind him, and Kiri holds you close, with you both putting Tuk behind you and then Spider as well.
You all back away to the water, but then your father goes to fight his fight, and your mother goes after Tuk.
That destructive part of you says to go after your mother. But you stay. Kiri and Spider need you. You know your mother has Tuk. You'll get them out.
So, on nothing but instincts alone, you begin to lead your two other siblings out of the boat to the top, catching each other when one falls.
You reach the top, but it's sinking fast. You all hold hands, "Stay together!" Spider calls out.
"Together," you and Kiri call out.
You then all go under.
And Kiri finally finds her connection with the ocean, helping it light both of your ways.
She sends some light your way, but you also find they follow you as well.
"You're you" your sister's words ring through your mind.
You use it to help your way up. You find Kiri.
Despite your mind screaming at you, despite all the thoughts telling you that you are alone, you hold your hand to your sister. She holds it, as you both go under, to find your family. You know what the hand hold means; the other isn't going anywhere.
You find them, helping them all get to the surface.
Then you grieve Neteyam. You hug your mother, and she hugs you just as tightly.
As you do, you look at Kiri, who crouches down and hugs you both.
You know it'll be a fight; both your internal one, and the external one you all face, but you'll do it together.
Kiri won't leave you. The others won't.
You're you, wars and all going on inside. They won't leave.
Because Sully's stick together.
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sullyfortress · 1 year
AWWWWW Ziri and Tezu are adorable!!! what's their ship name, if they have one? also pls feel free to infodump about them here, I'd love to hear more! (no pressure tho) 😊
Oh yes.
Ziri + Tezu
I think they get something from each other that they usually wouldn't have alone. Ziri's energy excites Tezu who is usually rather shy. She gives him confidence to speak out in his clan. (I have this idea that Tezu is the youngest of three brothers and his older brothers are much more vocal).
Tezu in turn helps calm Ziri. She has a tendency to get worked up and stress herself out. Stressed about the safety of her family - about her place in her clan. (Being the first grandchild of Toruk Makto) Tezu is calming, in his voice and actions.
Headcanons about them:
-Ziri is an extremely affectionate and rambunctious soul.
-She's a warrior, and a fighter. She does everything to the max.
-Ziri chews her nails when she's nervous.
-She spent five days observing Tezu from afar before she had the nerve to talk to him.( Like a true Sully her first word was 'hey")
-Ziri is clingy, and is seen as overly affectionate by Na'vi standards. When near him she is constantly touching him in some way.
-She challenged Tezu's eldest brother Mawte to a hand to hand fight after he said something snarky. She got chewed out majorly by Lo'ak afterwards.
-He may look intimidating, but he is a fucken panda.
Tezu is rather reserved and responsible in comparison. He is an artisan in his clan(a potter), and is very much a rule follower.
-Tezu doesn't mind Ziri's attention, and as he grew up in the shadow of his two macho warrior brothers, secretly loves it.
-Tezu being a pacifist, actually gets along very well with Payakan, as he grew up in the pacifist mentality of the Tulkun people.
-Tezu gets extremely nervous and flustered around Jake and Neytiri as he grew up hearing about them and had twig action figures. (He a fanboy).
Off note:
IDK but I keep imagining he's voiced by Ryan Gosling..... might be cuz I'm annoyed at people hating on Ryan for being 'too old' to play Ken. Ageism is no no.
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Not so bad
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@recom-week day 2: Found family
Summary: Spider's thoughts about the recoms as they travel together.
He'd jumped up onto the air craft, spying the mounted gun. He'd always been so interested in them, eyeing the one on the ship back home. He couldn't risk the attention back there, not where Neytiri could see him. Her ever present scowl followed him all his life. Never approving of anything. He tried so hard to please her, to make her at least ambivalent towards him. Still her icy cold stare cut into him, only soothed by Kiri's kind eyes.
Spider felt numb when 'Quaritch' left the room, eyeing the four finger hand print on the wall.
Tomorrow he'd be leaving with the recom unit to hunt down the people he loved most in this world. What else could he do? If he fought, protested more then he'd be locked up here. He'd never see them again, never see Kiri again. So he'd go with them.
He still remembered her rage. Her hiss and strong hands shoving him to the ground. No one was there for him, he was alone with her. He didn't mean it, he'd only tripped. Still it was the only time he could remember touching her skin. The fury it awoke still found him in his darkest nightmares. He was sure she'd only meant to knock him off her but the scar on his back burned at the memory.
Spider let the impulse win, jumping up and playing with the handles of the mount. What was another scar from a parental figure at this point. Quaritch scolded him, gripping his shoulder and moving him to the bench. His hands were firm but the grip wouldn't even bruise. Spider let himself be moved, puzzled by the gentle force. His tone felt so familiar when Quaritch spoke, like Jake when Lo'ak or Neteyam were in trouble. The firm commanding voice of their father. It sent an odd feeling through his chest, one he wanted to ignore.
He'd sat by Mansk, eyeing the stoic man as they flew past the canopies. Spider felt unnerved by his stillness, till he caught a twitch of his tail. Looking past the soldier's feigned indifference, Spider noted his posture more carefully. He sat rigid, staring out straight into the air, never lowering his eyes to the land rushing below. Spider felt a smirk cross his face, this man was scared of heights.
"Phew what a view!" Spider jeered, leaning into Mansk's space. The man remained stiff, grunting a curt noncommittal response. Spider continued his teasing, pointing out landmarks and birds as they passed. The blue toned skin blanching as he did, Mansk's ears tipping lower.
It felt good, teasing this man. He knew he couldn't really retaliate, Quaritch wouldn't have it. Any attempt to run or seriously stop their mission would have him sent back or worse. So it felt like the only fight he could win right now. A small revenge he could have for himself. Maybe it was a pitiful attempt but watching the guy squirm was better than wallowing in his own suffering.
When Quaritch mentioned going Na'vi to find the Sully's, a wicked plan crossed his mind. He couldn't stop them but maybe someone else could. He told them about the Ikrans, playing up how fast and loyal the creatures were. Never really imparting what he knew of their violence. How an unprepared hunter could be torn to shreds trying to obtain one. How even Neteyam had returned battered and wounded from his trial. Sure they were all fighters but there's a big difference between a man and a beast.
He leaped around the group as they marched. They were firm ridged things, not the leaping smooth agile na'vi he was familiar with. Their big military boots cracked branches and slipped against mossy rocks. Spider barked a laugh as Prager flailed, just barely catching himself from falling.
"You know you'd do so much better without those?" He smirked, preening at the scowl sent his way. They were foolish to cling to their human things. They didn't know how their bodies were built for this now. How their feet would shift and mold to the ground, their strength propelling them through the green. That the hot humidity of the jungle would be fine without their heavy clothes.
They stopped for the night by a river. Two days before they'd reach the cliff. There they'd have to make the jump and climb the vines to the nesting grounds. Spider told them none of this, anticipation building for the moment Mansk faced the leap. Spider eyed him now, his discomfort in the heat clear as he dropped his heavy artillery and slumped to the ground.
"What you smirkin' at kid" Lopez dropped down next to him. Spider turned ignoring him but was brought back by the smell of food. He never ate with the Sullys, not even with the clan. Always going back to the labs hungry and eating alone in his room.
Lopez saw him out the corner of his eye, smiling at the kid. Spider felt caught under his gaze. It wasn't anger, no scarcely hidden contempt for his kind behind yellow eyes. He just smiled as he nudged the plate closer to him. Spider reached cautiously, Lopez pulled the plate back at the last second laughing before handing it back.
"Sorry sorry! I'm only messin' here" Lopez laughed at him but true to his word stayed still as Spider swiped the warm bread. He held it to him eyeing the man as he chuckled into his own piece.
"Better enjoy it, be rations from here on." Lopez grimaced as he took a big bite. Spider eyed his fangs.
"Why? You guys can't hunt?" Spider jeered. Lopez shrugged, unaffected by his remark. He finished chewing, swallowing before responding.
"Ain't got the time." He spoke, though he didn't sound sure. Spider hummed, lifting his mask to take a bite. It was amazing, not cold left overs from the scientists or odd na'vi fruits Kiri kindly gifted. Real nice human food, something he'd never had. He turned his attention back to Lopez as he chewed. How could a man not hunt? Sure Norm and Max couldn't but they were human. Spider supposed for all intents and purposes Lopez was human, at least until recently.
"It's easy, even I can tag a yerik. Sure some fresh meat would be better, than whatever freeze dried crap you got." Spider boasted, he'd never actually had the chance to hunt properly but he'd plenty of practice with the bow. Plus Lo'ak and him had tracked their herds before. He was sure given the chance he could do it, though maybe it'd be better to let them struggle on rations.
"Tell you what, if Quaritch'll allow it I'm down for that." Lopez grinned at him. Spider bristled, grabbing another roll before darting off. He didn't like the way the soldier smiled so warmly at him. The way he seemed eager to allow him space in their team.
He didn't want to be in their team. He wanted to be free, to be with Kiri, Lo'ak, hell even Neteyam would be okay. Though he'd maintained the distance his mother had wanted. Spider stewed as he curled up to sleap, unaware of the watchful eyes that kept him safe through the night.
Spider waded through the river the next day. Prager had been the first to abandon his shoes, pacing with Spider as they went. The rest had followed Lyle's lead and cut their trousers above the knee. Their thick skin didn't need the protection from the plants and the cooler air seemed greatly appreciated.
"Hey kid, there's no like Pandoran leaches right?" Prager leaned down to whisper. Spider looked up at the young man. Being clones they were all the same age technically but Spider had noticed how they treated him. He was the youngest of the group before and remained so in spirit now. He was probably only a couple years Spider's senior, maybe 5 or 6 at most, he thought.
"Nope just these beetles that'll climb up your dick hole." Spider joked, laughing at Prager's horror stricken face. "Hey don't worry, not like your the one who's waist deep." Spider laughed, feeling a little bad at the man's reaction.
Prager squeaked scooping him up under his arms suddenly. Spider yelled as Prager ran the rest of the way to the shore with him held out in front of him. Spider squirmed in his grip, yelling to be put down.
"Don't worry kid I got you!" He sang out, earning a glare from Quaritch. At the river bank he gently placed Spider back on his feet. Prager kept his head low the rest of the day but Spider kept locking eyes and laughing under their breath together.
The group spoke to him as they went. He was the expert, the best amongst them at pretty much anything that mattered right now. Lopez and Prager were especially talkative. They asked him question after question, about anything and everything. Even joking and laughing with him, bumping against his shoulder playfully. Spider let his walls down, they were so open with him, never shying away from his touch or angering at his otherness.
An idea came to him that night under the stars. It was after Zdog had remarked at the horizon to him. The twinkle in her eyes as she took in the sight. Spider glanced and saw a similar look across their faces. Jake had been human once and he'd learned the way. If it saved him could it save them?
He stewed on it the next day, walking by Quaritch's side. They said they'd go full Na'vi right? So what if he taught them more than just words? What if he could get them to see the world as he did? As the Na'vi did. Would they stop? Leave the RDA likeJake and be free out here?
There'd been no sign, no floating seed to guild him as it had Neytiri. Though that would be expected, he was human, Eywa would never see him as one of hers. So it was up to him to decide if they could be worthy of her right? Or at least to guide them to her judgement. So he would, he'd take them to the Ikrans as planned and if they survived then they were chosen.
They were so kind to him, it hurt. Even amongst the humans he'd never felt so...seen. Sure they were rough and their jokes were often cruel but they never meant it maliciously. It wasn't the glares of the clan or the pity filled eyes of the scientist.
To them he was just a kid. Not evil or strange, not an outcast to both sides. Just him. Just Spider.
Quaritch was surprisingly respectful of that. He'd never slipped up and called him Miles. He'd not even pestered him about his father again. There was an understanding from him that made Spider ache. He was a everything Spider had seen a father be and he offered it so willingly to him.
When he thought he'd killed him, Spider felt numb. There was no words to describe the guilt that swelled up in him. So it had been decided then, Eywa did not want them. The group hovered around, uncertain what to do. Lyle had tapped his shoulder, Spider was so sure the face he'd turn to would be full of rage. They'd blame him, tear him to shreds and leave him for the Ikrans.
Instead there was just sympathy and sadness. Lyle met his gaze and squeezed his shoulder.
"Come on kid." He'd said, giving him a hand to stand. Then he was rounding everyone up. Spider barely had a moment to register the strange peace nestled in with his sorrow. Quaritch road up, cheering exploded from around him. He felt his own face light up involuntarily, his chest swelling with joy. It bubbled out into a laugh, the others jostling forward, clapping his shoulder or ruffling hair as they passed.
He shared the knowledge he had then. Actually preparing the others for the task. Quaritch smiling at him fondly the whole time, chest puffed out. Pride? Was he proud of him? Spider squirreled that thought away, pushing it down. He wasn't ready to admit how fond he was becoming of him, of all of them.
They were listening to him though. Around the fire he'd tell them more about this world and they were listening. He left out the more spiritual stuff for now, it went over his head sometimes too. They were learning more now about the place that could be their home too.
He let himself rest amongst them, pulled into the 'cat pile' of lanky blue limbs. Prager always somehow at the bottom of a heap of sprawling limbs. All slept in contact with at least one other, except Quaritch. He seemed to over see them instead but ushered Spider close. Letting him rest by his side, curling around him in the night.
He road with Quartich, teaching more of the language to pass the hours. He was terrible but tried so hard to do it right. His big hand jutting out to brace Spider when they turned.
Spider taught him a specific phrase on purpose. Oel ngati kameie. True it was a formal greeting, so useful as they were heading to the sea clans. He hoped Quaritch would use it when he asked about Jake. That he'd gone through the hunters trial, ate of the land, slept under the stars. That he'd changed from the man he met in the woods.
More so he hoped Quaritch might say it to him. When he finally realized they had to abandon the RDA, he might say it to him. That he saw him and was seen in return. He hoped they all would see him, these soldiers he'd grown so fond of.
Spider wanted so desperately to be seen. To be who he was and be loved for it. He saw in these recoms, in Quaritch, something he'd always dreamed of. What he'd wanted from Jake, or Norm or anyone. A chance to have a family.
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
Lo'ak x water na'vi
A/n: I love the new movie and highly recommend it
⚠️: cuddling,Mentions of fighting, maybe movie spoilers spelling mistakes
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You are one of the na'vi that is training the forest na'vi
He see you and looks shocked
Rhe first day you train them you have to snap him out of it
"Hey Forest boy" you say as you swim to the shore
"What" he said as he snapped out of stating at you
You just rolled your eyes and continued with what you were doing
Over the time they are there you get closer
As you grow closer you have to break up the fights that happen between him and the water na'vi boys
You get called a freak as you start hanging out with him and his siblings
You just brush it off
You end up spending a lot of time at 3 brothers rock with him
Kiri keeps teasing him about you
His parents love you
You keep him out of trouble and help him adapt to the water
Jake thinks you are a good fighter and are a good match from lo'ak
Neytiri just likes how you make him happy
Tuk absolutely loves you
You become a older sibling to her
When you are alone with lo'ak which is not often you just cuddle
Often just holding each other by the fire and talking about everything
Over all 10/10 relationship that is just wholesome 😌
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Just watched avatar 2 with my friends and it was amazing 👏 Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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essapedstom · 1 year
Part 5.
Neteyams pov
"Training to become a warrior will not kill my daughter, i refuse!"
He heard your mom grit from behind the long large cloth that separated the hammocks and sitting area. He got up and peeked through the cloth before looking back at his siblings making sure none of them were awake which they weren't. There your mother sat facing His dad and Neytiri pacing around the room with Your dad sitting next to your mom hand on her knee to relax her.
"I- we won't lose another child." Your mother lowly cried facing your father. "We can't." She sputtered trying to keep composure. "We won't." Your father said trying to reassure your mom.
Neteyam was aware of your older brothers death, he was 14 when it happened. He always said to Lo'ak how he wanted to be built like him which Lo'ak would then respond to by making fun of him. But only a few words were ever exchanged between the two boys.
"Look Olo'eyktan, Neytiri If this training you are hoping for Y/N to complete will kill her-" Your mother paused.
Neteyam felt immediate guilt, was he the "training" that was going to kill you? Yes he disliked you more than anyone could possibly believe but to kill you, that would never be his intention.
"Then i cannot allow for it to continue. They cannot even be friends let alone mated if they hate each other this much, it will not work." Your mother finished.
"She is right ma Jake, but Se'ayla, Ta'achi (Your mother and fathers names). She turned to face them hand on jakes shoulder. "it was decided by Eywa, told to my mother. It must happen." Neytiri chimed.
"Exactly we canno- what" Neteyam thought silently. Mated? Absolutely not, Never. Are they joking, they could not be serious. With you? Out of everyone you? Really Eywa decided?, Neteyam wasn't one to question her ever but he was certain Eywa was wrong this time. Unsure of whether or not to storm in there or go to bed he decided against aggravating his father after the trouble he was already in and went back to his hammock
"He needs this, It will be good for the clan, good for everyone. I assure you this will never happen again Se'ayla." Jake said trying to comfort your mother whilst sharing concerned glances with your father. Neteyam tried to sleep it off, forget about it, but it was no use. His parents wanted him to be mated with you. He would have to go to hell and back to get them to go back on this already made choice.
Sunlight came over the forest meaning rays of the warm light hit your tired eyes. You hadn't slept, well kind of drifting in and out mostly forcing yourself to stay awake, afraid of dreaming again. You got up realising how early it was when you saw everyone still sleeping and your parents back in their hammocks embracing each other in their sleep. You jumped down from your hammock as quietly as possible before removing your home loin cloth and top replacing them with a matching purple set. This one had a longer loin cloth but top that only covered the nipples with a few blue feathers hanging from it. You left the hut not waking anyone and going down to the lake that had a fresh stream of cooling water.
You walked instead of calling for La'ila wanting to enjoy the view of the forest and more so forget last night. Once you began to see a clearing in the trees and a large patch of bright green grass with the lake in front of it you sped up running to jump into it.
You splashed in the water being engulfed by the ripples that clung to your body and the fishes that swam around you. As you resurfaced you made your way over to the edge of the lake where you had originally jumped off of and sat admiring the small fishes swimming in and out of your legs. Water dripping from your braids and racing down your body being soaked up.You sighed feeling the warm sun against your back bathing it in temporary happiness.
You were a great warrior, Great fighter, Great hunter, so why was life so hard. You had everything at least one person in the clan craved yet you were unhappy. "Maybe i need a mate." You said aloud laying down onto the grass feet still dangling in the water. Talking to yourself wasn't something you did much but when you did it wasn't weird. You then heard footsteps coming up from behind you. Getting up and looking behind you, your heart settled. It was just Kiri. You and Kiri were the best of friends although you hadn't spoken much over the last 2 days your bond was unbreakable.
"KIRI!" you shrieked as you ran up to hug her throat still tingling slightly, covering her in the left over water that was on your body.
"Y/N i missed you so much i feel like we haven't spoken in forever!" She responded laughing. You sighed nodding not wanting to use up your voice too much. "oohhhh i forgot Grandmother said not to talk. Yikes how's it been?" she asks, You tilt your head staring at her deadpan before you both burst out into laughter holding each others arms which is something you both did for some reason. Her laughter verbal, yours silent. "ahh it's so weird not hearing you talk a lot." You raised an eyebrow at her communicating a sense of attitude.
"No i'm not saying you talk a lot.....okay i am but i miss it!" She said laughing uncontrollably, getting louder on her last words. What she didn't realise was you stepping closer towards her and her stepping backwards until she fell into the lake causing large splashes of water to go everywhere. Again you silently laughed watching her come up out of the water as she still laughed spitting water out of her mouth.
"kiri." You heard a deep voice call out from behind you freezing all and any laughter that had just been produced. You helped kiri get out of the lake before turning around and looking at Neteyams tall figure which was already facing you.
Kiri got out hair dripping with water that landed on her face and eyes. She looked between the both of you before quickly moving forward to her brother sensing the tension building up. "Yes." She said softly. "Grandmother calls for you." Neteyam said lowly not even looking at kiri but keeping eye contact with you. You returned the stare trying not to blink. "Okay let's go." Kiri said trying to push Neteyams chest back so he would follow her and the two of you would not be left alone however neteyam remained still. "I am coming, Go." He ordered her. Kiri glanced back at you as if to ask if it was okay, you simply looked at her softening your eyes only the smallest amount allowing her to turn around fully and leave you and her brother behind.
Once he believed his sister was out of hearing range he began to walk towards you his lean tall figure blocking the sun as he stood right in front of you. Again you were never one to let anyone intimidate you so you continued eye contact with him.
"I'm sorry." The words rolling off his tongue surprising you. Your skin above your eyes where eyebrows would be knitted together in confusion. "For that." He continued pointing lazily at your neck that still had fading dark bruises from his hands. Why was he apologising. You couldn't care less about anything he had to say, he was pathetic. You began to push past him and try to go home when he pulled you arm stopping you from walking any further. Your eyes shot towards his large hand on your upper arm and your ears pointing upwards before looking back up at him with threatening eyes. "I came to apologise. Accept it."
Anger bubbled within you and your mouth opened. With your voice as hoarse as a cigarette smoker you began to if you could, scold neteyam. "Accept? You want me to accept what? Your apology? I will never ever accept anything from you." You said as you inched close to his face. "Get off me." you spat, nose slightly scrunching with anger. You were now on your tiptoes to get as close to his face as possible with his tight grip still on your arm. You stared for another second before you felt his touch disappear and the heels of your feet come in contact with the soft ground again. You turned and began to walk away, tail swaying frantically out of anger. Leaving neteyam in the clearing alone, frustrated. A strong gust of wind came pushing his loincloth up before he pushed it back down in annoyance then suddenly feeling something hard protruding from under it. He was hard. "Fuck" He thought to himself before palming it gently. Did he really get an erection from the woman he hates refusing his apology. He sighed before moving behind a thick tree to take care of himself.
"What am i doing." he mumbled as he untied the sides of his loincloth and sat down back against the trunk of the tree. His large cock springing up from the restraint of the fabric slapping his stomach. He rubbed its entire length slowly trying to be as quiet as possible, breath shaking and thinking about different girls in the clan. Drops of pre-cum emerging from the spongy mushroom tip as his strokes became more desperate and fast. Different faces of girls raced in and out of his mind but for some reason yours would flash in for just a second before he forcefully removed your image from his head. "Fuck." he moaned absentmindedly as your face flashed in his mind. Chest rising and lowering slower as his breaths became longer and drawn out his hand pumped up and down faster whilst the only name he could think of was yours.
Neteyam hadn't always hated you. To be honest he was infatuated with you from when you were 10 and he was 11. It was the day your younger brothers were born, your mother had just given birth and was resting in the healing tent with Mo'at who looked after her a few days after that. It was rare for twins to be born so when they were you were ecstatic to have the new addition to your family and your mother needed extra care. You would collect flowers and pretty stones for her out in the forest so they would be ready when she came back home. And one day you were doing just that, "Hey what are you doing?" Young Neteyam called from behind you as you looked for different flowers.
"I am picking flowers for Sa'nu (mother)." You responded standing up to look at the boy. You and neteyam were extremely familiar with one another as you spent a lot of time in his home and the healing tent because of your mom or hanging with kiri and Lo'ak. "Let me see them." Neteyam demanded reaching out to grab the small basket you had. "No." you voiced pulling the arm with the basket back. "Why not? i cant tell you if they're nice." He tried to reason his voice way higher than it is today. " I know they're nice skxawng (moron) they are my moms favourite." you responded sharply wanting to leave that part of the forest and just go home. As you tried to push past him he grabbed the basket from you causing all of the pretty flowers to fall out and just as they did a strong blow of wind came scattering them everywhere. "NETEYAM!" you shrieked annoyed at his incompetence as you looked around yourself seeing the pink petals flow away into the lake and different parts of the forest. "If you had just let me see them it wouldn't have happened." He proclaimed in hopes that you wouldn't tell his father. "This is not my fault! ugh oe ve'kì nga!"(i hate you!) You cried out as you snatched the basket back making your way back to the forest with tears in your little eyes.
You honestly had forgotten about the situation but neteyam, he would never. He would always see it as you rejecting an offer of kindness from him. Especially when he had a crush on you. So your hatred of neteyam stemmed from his constant disruption and criticism of everything you did.
When you were 15 your bond with the sully kids became even tighter, they were like your second set of siblings, excluding neteyam of course. He avoided you like the plague which you didn't mind, until he only was only around when you were doing target practice or hunting for animals to critic your skills.
You were teaching Lo'ak how to shoot perfectly and never miss, which you prided yourself in executing everytime. "Straighten your back Lo'ak." You chuckled as you pushed your hand against the small of his back like you had 100 times before. "if i keep straightening my back." He said mocking your voice with the last 3 words "I'll be stuck like that forever." You laughed before immediately becoming serious. "Fnu (quiet) Lo'ak it takes a lot of concentration and a straight back to do this. Now straight back and lift your elbows up to here." You instructed stepping closer to him adjusting his elbow. "Now deep breath...." You paused. "Shoot." Just as you said that Lo'aks finger released the tight string allowing the arrow to fly free and hit the side of his target. "OOOOOOHHHHHH THATS THE BEST IVE DONE SO FAR!" Lo'ak cheered gesturing to the many arrows that lay on the floor next to his target.
"I know! Well done!" You exclaimed, happy for your friend. Lo'ak then handed the bow and arrow to you so you could have a turn. You grabbed the bow and arrow before raising an eyebrow at Lo'ak basically telling him to watch the pro. Straightening your back you fired the arrow and landing it right in the middle of the target, perfectly. It wasn't new to you it was like blinking, so natural and easy but it always fascinated others like Lo'ak. "How do you do that, it's so cool." He chimed adoring how talented you were in the skill. Before you could answer him with some fake balloon headed joke Neteyams voice was heard.
"Because it is easy." You both turned your heads to look at him, anger slowly but surely coming over you. You shoved the bow back into Lo'aks chest. "Neteyam do you think you could do better?" Lo'ak asked recovering from the small stumbled you caused to him, he loved to tease his older brother. "With my eyes closed." You scoffed at his ridiculousness before walking over to the arrows that Lo'ak had tragically used in his small practice. This angered neteyam, Why doesn't she believe me? he thought. He picked up the bow which you had given back to Lo'ak and another arrow as he then took once glance at the target before closing his eyes, inhaling a deep breath and firing the arrow. The sound of the small crack of wood could be heard. You looked up to see the arrow neteyam had just fired between the arrow you had shot. Splitting the thin wood in half. Your heart jumped a little before you continued to make your way over to the scattered arrows, picking them all up and then pulling neteyams arrow out of the tree adding it to the bunch in your hand. Walking towards the two boys neteyams eyes landed on the swaying of your hips and the new necklace upon your neck. You shoved the arrows into Lo'aks chest again telling him you'll meet him after dinner not even paying any attention to Neteyam and his little performance. The frustration in his stomach boiled, That was a absolute perfect shot so why didn't you say anything, why didn't you notice him you didn't appreciate anything good. Those were the thoughts that ran through neteyams head before being brought back by his brother. "Neteyam, Yo neteyam! we gotta get going it's eclipse soon." Lo'ak said as he hit softly hit neteyams chest.
The older boy said nothing as they both turned around and headed home to where Lo'ak would exaggerate on how good his session with you went to his parents.
"Fuck" aside from the occasional cusses the only thing that could be heard from behind the tree trunk was neteyams heavy breath and the slick sound of his hand rubbing up and down on his length intertwined with his spit. Your purple loincloth and top with blue feathers harboured in Neteyams mind. How you spoke to him telling him to get off you, Oh he was getting off on you alright. As his hand did it's job your face finally settled in his mind, everything he wanted to do to you, not another girl just you. How pretty you would look with your soft lips around his cock and shoving it down your throat finally shutting you and that bratty mouth up. He mentally cursed himself for thinking about you in this way. With a few final strokes neteyams breath hitched as long strings of white gummy cum shot out of his tip coating his tired hand. He continued pumping his cock riding out his orgasm as your shrewd up versions of your name emerged from his lips, The full version, Shortened versions he'd made up or just cuss words. Once he finished frustration took over, It shouldn't be you he thought about, why was it you? what was wrong with him? Question after question he thought about as he washed himself on the lake in front of him.
———————————————————————————sorry i feel like this one's short.
i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it xxxx
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marymary-diva17 · 10 months
my son my boy (2)
loak x mom reader + sully kids/jake and Neytiri
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Night were supposed to be peaceful and bring harmony to the world, but it was all wrong this night. As the night was not peaceful but filled with worry and upset, as tragedy had fallen upon the family that day. A mother was watching over her son as she laid in bed, after what had happened to him that day. She was able to find some sleep but once morning had come it was but to true world. The mother child was still hurt and the mother could do only do, so much as she waist for her child to open his eyes and for everything to go back to normal or some time of normal.
y/n " ......."
norm " hey how the kid going"
y/n " he heart rate and brain waves are good but he still asleep"
norm " he is a fighter he will be okay"
y/n " thank you norm"
norm " how are you doing did you get some sleep"
y/n " I'm doing okay and I did get some sleep but woke up an half an hour ago, I felt like I need to wake up and couldn't got back to bed"
norm " good has Jake been over yet"
y/n " no I told him to come by tomorrow as it was not a good time for him, to be around at the moment ... I'm so mad at him"
norm " you have all rights to be mad at him and the others their task, made this happen"
y/n " I wil do my best to be civil for the father of my child but right now, I will deal with my relationship with him and neytiri later" norm had nodded his head, you and him soon gave lo'ak new bandages and applied ointment on him as well.
y/n " it going to be okay my son you are fighter you come from a family, of mighty warriors and heroes you are their descent and will keep the family history going"
norm " you are a good mom"
y/n " thank you norm and you are a good dad"
???? " ma... ma... mama" you soon looked down and saw lo'ak had opened his eyes as he was speaking with a weak voice.
y/n " hey honey"
lo'ak " mama ... is payakan okay"
y/n " yes he is fine sweetie he had went off to deep water but he is well"
norm " max had spotted him he is doing well"
lo'ak " good ... ahh everything hurts"
y/n " hey slow down there my son you are still in recovery of what had happened"
lo'ak " what happened that last thing I remember ... I got spotted by rda and they caught us we tried fleeing but there was no much chaos ... I think other tulkun were there I and payakan stayed behind so they can escape ... "
y/n " it okay son you and payakan did something brave yesterday"
norm " you are going to be a bit of pain your mom found you in bad condition"
lo'ak " I'm sorry mama"
y/n " you have nothing to be sorry about my son" a small smile had grown on lo'ak face as he lays in bed.
???? " mama I came here bring some breakfast and to see how lo'ak if doing" it was neteyam voice calling from outside the tent, it seems like he came right away to see his brother.
y/n " hey neteyam you can come see him now"
neteyam " good morning is ... lo'ak" neteyam soon saw his brother was awake he soon place the stuff down, and went towards his brother.
neteyam " I'm so happy you are okay baby brother I thought something bad happened to you"
lo'ak " I'm still here bro but in tons of pain"
????? " lo'ak" everyone turned around to see tuk standing there with kiri and spider, before anyone could speak anything tuk ran to lo'ak hugging him and sitting on his bed.
lo'ak " oww ... hey baby sister it good to see you"
tuk " I'm so happy you are awakes happy" tuk was hugging lo'ak tightly but it seems like the boy, didn't have the heart to tell his sister he was in pain.
kiri " tuk he still hurt"
tuk " oh I'm sorry"
lo'ak " it okay"
spider " dude don't scare us like that again we were all worried"
lo'ak " I'm sorry everyone I didnt mean it to happen"
y/n " we all know that lo'ak none of us knew the humans and rda were there"
kiri " I will go get grandmother so she can check up on you as well"
y/n " good move kiri go get here and tell Jake and neytiri that lo'ak is awake" none of the kids were saying anything as you called Jake and neytiri by their names and not their pet names or what the kids call them.
tuk " we have to tell aonung, tsireya, and rotox they are worried as well"
y/n " we can tell them to but you kids will need to make sure to stay out, of harm ways while we tend to lo'ak"
tuk " why mama he talking and awake"
norm " well kiddo even due he awake and talking he still having a hard time, and making get overwhelmed and not be able to keep up at the moment"
lo'ak " yes uncle norm but one thing may I ask for"
y/n " yes anything"
neteyam " yes we can anything to make you feel better"
lo'ak " can I have some food I'm Hungry" soon there was laughter heard making the mood happier.
y/n " girls go get your grandmother and help her carry anything she needs, along with telling everyone loa'k is awake"
kiri and tuk " yes mama"
y/n " boys you can stay here and be helpful and ....."
spider " keep anyone who will be annoying and rude away on it aunt y/n"
norm " spider"
spider "what we are all thinking it dad" the boys laugh at spider words as you and norm shake your heads.
lo'ak " oww it hurts to laugh"
y/n " yes your sides are going to hurt for a while do to what happened, but take it easy when you laugh and tell me when you feel pain"
lo'ak " yes mama .... umm mama do I have to see the dad and mom along with the other adults right now"
y/n " well you don't have to see them right away if it make you feel overwhelmed and tried, as you did just awake up and are still in much pain"
lo'ak " yes mama" the tone of lo'ak voice had risen alarms in your head, you were going to find out later but right now asking more question will not help him right now. Soon the tent flap door had switch open and in came walking mo'at.
mo'at " my grandson you are awake"
lo'ak " hello grandmother"
mo'at " how are you feeling"
lo'ak " like I had been out through a fight"
mo'at " the great mother was watching over you my boy"
y/n " here have some booth" you had some some booth for lo'ak to drink at the moment.
lo'ak " yes mama"
neteyam " here I can help you"
mo'at " booth is good you might not be able to eat solid foods for a while, until you are more healed"
lo'ak " yes ma'am I was hoping to have some of mama favorite strew"
y/n " I can make you the booth that comes with it"
spider " it still the same dude but lees meat and vegetables"
???? " lo'ak" everyone soon looked and saw the three metkyaian teens standing there, as soon enough tuk was behind them. all three teens rushed to lo'ak and hugged him.
lo'ak " hey everyone I'm happy to know everyone missed me .. but can you all do a favor"
aonung " sure"
lo'ak " not hug me that tight"
tsireya " oh we are so sorry" the three teens soon let lo'ak go a bit as they were all now looking at each other.
rotxo " we are so happy to see that you are okay lo'ak we were worried when you had been found last night"
lo'ak " thanks for coming to see me everyone"
tsireya " our parents were up last night speaking with your father and mom, along with some other olo'eytahns it seem to be very important" the room had fallen silent at the moment after tsireya had said those words, and with her facial expression she was very serious.
tsireya " they were talking about what happened yesterday and I heard them talking about you and y/n...." tsireya was soon cut off when Jake had entered the tent followed by neytiri.
neytiri " lo'ak my son you are okay" neytiri made her way towards lo'ak she had place a hand on his shoulder.
y/n " neytiri we have to careful with him he sill hurt"
neytiri " oh yes"
Jake " lo'ak it good you are awake and talking I was worried about there for a second" soon tonowari and ronal had entered the tented, followed by tsu'tey.
lo'ak " sure you were sir.... I'm happy to be okay now and I'm sorry for giving my other a fight as well " the tone by lo'ak voice made him sound like he was not that very happy with his situation.He was not happy with Jake and neytiri at the moment along with some other as well.
Jake " yes and in no time you will be healed and on your feet again, being your usual self once again and that makes you a sully" lo'ak didn't say anything as he looked at his father.
tonowari " young sully we have heard of the tales of what happened to your last night, and you were very brave to fight back and protect the tulkuns from danger"
ronal " yes but it caused you majorly as well I have brought some healing herbs to help you" ronal had held out a bowl it look like she was about to help, when a hand stopped her.
mo'at " The only ones who will see to his care will be his mother, myself, and the humans as we know what to do ... your help if not need at the moment"
neytiri " mother"
mo'at " no neytiri I will attend to my granddson as his tshaik and grandmother, and should stay available for the others"
Jake "mo'at we need to accept their help"
y/n " mo'at is right we don't need all the healers here at the moment, as other in the clan will need their help we need to think of them" you were looking at the four adults as none of them dare to speak about against you.
tsu'tey " it good to see you are fine my nephew we are all worried about you"
lo'ak " thank you uncle"
spider " dude you going to have some good stoires and scars to show off ... oww father"
Tsu'tey " we ca talk about that later boy not now your cousins needs to heal, not rushing off on a new adventure"
y/n " like that has ever stop them in the past tsu'tey" a few adults had laughed about what you said, soon the kids started laughing as well and smiling. The group had talked a bit more with the kids making lo'ak feel better and showing him some cool stuff.
Jake " son I'm very proud of what you have done and it seems, like you made a name for yourself as well ... I see you my boy" the room had fallen silent after Jake had said that he place his hand on lo'ak shoulder, but the boy soon removed his hand.
lo'ak " thank you all for coming but I'm feeling overwhelmed and exhausted right now"
y/n " yes I think it will be good to let lo'ak rest for a bit, as it going to help him heal his body and mind need time to heal"
tuk " aww i want to stay and hang out with lo'ak and help care for him, like he does for us when we are sick or hurt"
lo'ak " you can come see me later on tuk"
y/n " yes and if lo'ak feeling better by dinner time maybe you all can come share a meal with him"
tuk " okay"
y/n " you all can send someone to check up on him and help around, but for now let him rest"
tisreya " yes ... hey maybe we can go see payakan and the other tulkuns"
aonung " yes that will be cool and we can bring you something back as well lo'ak"
tuk " yes I'm going to find you a beautiful shell lo'ak to make you happy"
lo'ak " I will love that"
spider " come on guys lets go" the kidd soon bid goodbye to lo'ak and hugging him lightly, as they all left but neteyam gave one look towards the four adults before he had left. Tsu'tey was helping norm and max with something, mo'at was with them as well. Jake was still here with neytiri, tonowari, and ronal.
Jake " son we need to speak with you"
y/n " Jake"
Jake " I'm sorry but I think it will be good to have some words with him, and to see if he okay"
lo'ak " yes sir...."
y/n " no you all can speaking with him later when he fine right now he need time to rest, when he good I will tell you when you can speak with him"
ronal " tell us you have no say in this matter" you soon glare at ronal after she said that the whole tent had become quite as everyone, was looking at you.
y/n " I'm going to be civil here and ask you to leave friendly as my son need time to rest after the events of yesterday, and I'm not going to have anyone second guessing me right now"
tonowari " y/n we meant ...."
y/n " with all respect tonowari right now I'm thinking about the wellbeing of my child who laying here right now hurt, and in pain so will you all please leave and come back here and speak with him later"
tonowari "yes we will leave and we hope we can speak with your son and you about yesterday events"
y/n " thank you" tonowair and ronal soon left the tent with the other olo'eythans as Jake and neytiti stayed.
Jake " we wish to stay and help you care for him"
y/n " he is fine I will call for help when I need it neteyam as offer to help, along with the other children ... you both have other responsibilities to attend to"
neytiri " y/n ...."
y/n " we can speak later lo'ak need time to rest"
Jake " I wish to stay and help me my son as well it will be bad if his father leave him in this condition" lo'ak had scoffed quite at his father words and soon laid down, turning his back on them.
y/n " we can speak about this later along with anything else... we will all need what is needed today" Jake and neytiri we going to fight you more on this matter but had soon been called away, by one of tonowari warriors as there was another meetings happening. you soon closed the tent door and walked towards lo'ak.
y/n " I will be over there with your grandmother and uncles ... get some rest if you wish but it also good to get a break as well" lo'ak had nodded his head, you kissed his forehead and soon walked off. Looking back ay him and he looked like there was something on his mind. It hurt you to see your child like that as you wish for him not to be in this pain, but what you didn't know was that the children had more news to share with you that will effect everyone involved and destroyer many relationships and images of everyone.
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vithe-potato · 2 years
Master List
Follow My Witchcraft blog!!: @a-little-bitchyandwitchy
If masterlist is not working, everything is tagged under: #vi’s writing
I take requests for any character from any fandom I have listed here // I don't really have any rules
Key: * = headcannons
There is no smut on this masterlist (yet)
The Bad Batch
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Bad Batchers reactions to you flinching*
Klutz ~ (Hunter x Reader fluff) You think you're a klutz, Hunter thinks you're adorable.
Better? ~ (Wrecker x Reader fluff) You and Wrecker decide to take a walk around the Market, and he comes up with a solution to the annoying chafing of your thighs.
Perfect Night ~ Wrecker x Reader fluff
Coming out to The Bad Batch🏳️‍🌈 older! PLATONIC! Dad batch x reader
Random: #vi’s ideas
What genre of music would the batch listen to?
Idea for a wrecker x fighter!Reader fic
I'm no longer writing for Avatar anymore. I apologize to those who have requested stuff but I lost interest. Sorry guys.
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Dating Lo'ak Sully *
How The Sully Brothers would be with a Clumsy Reader..*
Lo'ak and Neteyam as parents? *
Lo'ak and Neteyam with a pregnant reader? *
Lo'ak and Neteyam as parents? *
Lo'ak and Neteyam with a pregnant reader? *
How The Sully Brothers would be with a Clumsy Reader..*
Things I will also take requests for:
Moon Knight (Not taking Layla requests)
Stranger Things (Preferably; Eddie & Steve)
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: neteyam x augustine (na’vi/avatar oc, she/her)
summary: neteyam and augustine have finally found themselves underneath the tree of souls, what else is there left to do?
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; avatar 2009 references and avatar wow spoilers; angst, jealousy, arranged & complex relationships, violence, heavy make out sesh, light fingering, suicidal thoughts, pet names, etc.
word count: ~4.5k
• part 4 • eywa’s choice • series •
note: this one's gonna be a doozy. i'm so excited for y'all to read! i really am a fan of the na'vi language, i'm sorry if that annoys any readers. just like last time, na'vi words are bolded and will have definitions in the footnotes of the section. translations sourced via learn na'vi. as a reminder, the story is set 4 years post twow. neteyam is 19, where augustine is 18.
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“I choose you,” Augustine says. Her heart fully within his grasp. He can choose between holding it carefully or crushing it under his mighty will. Neteyam looks to her queue and back up to her eyes. He swallows as he intertwines his fingers with her resting hand. “Augustine,” he says. His big amber eyes sweet and filled with adoration. “I think I’ve loved you since I first met you,” he laughs. She giggles, blush rushing her cheeks.
Neteyam’s smile falls, then his eyes. “But,” he starts as he shakes his head. “I can’t do this.” His eyes flick up to her. The adoration, the sweetness? Gone. They are filled with sadness and worry. She drops her tswin as she slowly nods, chewing on her bottom lip. Overwhelming feelings rush through her. How could she be so stupid to think this was a good idea? How could she ever step away from this, unscathed? Any hopeless romantic fantasies of Neteyam and her were ruined.
He continues, “When we become one, I want it to be right. I don’t want it to be a secret.” His hand now cups the side of her face. Hope flickers within her heart once again. Her eyes widen as she looks up to her mesmerizing partner. His mouth flashing that incredible Sully smile. He continues, “When we become one, I want it to be right, Ma’Augustine.”
"Who said this would be a secret?" Augustine asks with a smirk that catches him off guard. "I plan on fully parading you around as my mate," she adds as she presses her nose against him with a bit lip. "Oh you would, would you?" he chuckles as he pulls away. She kisses his chin, then his cheek. "Yes, I would be proud to call you mine," she whispers. "I've always admired you. Always saw your strength, your protection, your leadership." She looks off in the distance, with brows pushing together, as she recollects their past.
"I've seen you complete iknimaya on your first try," she starts enthusiastically. Neteyam blushes as he rolls his eyes. "No, no, please Nete," she says as she places her hands on his cheeks. “But what was really impressive was when I saw how you were waiting for Lo'ak to come back from his rites. How you held him as he sobbed into your shoulder. How you helped him, trained him to be successful in his next shot at bonding with his ikran," she lists off. She places a hand to his chest and takes in a deep breath. "You were always the protector, never the protected. Always the fighter, never defended."
Augustine adjusts her sit once more. She places his hand atop her chest as she rubs her thumb against his peck. He follows her without doubt. His trust for her is abundant. "I want to be yours. I want to be your protector. Your defender," she sighs in worry due to her vulnerability. With a whisper, she continues, "I want to be your partner. Your mate. Your wife." His smile slowly grows as tears collect in both of their eyes.
"I have loved you since I first saw you," Neteyam starts again. "I know when we first met we were both children," he laughs. She smiles alongside him. She recognizes the nervousness within him. His heart racing. His ears held back. His wet hair pressed against his forehead. His breathing heavy. His hands sweaty. His freckles pulsating bright throughout his face. She thinks it's cute. She will always hold a safe space for him in her heart. "But I think I knew. I have always cared so deeply for you, Augustine," he continues. The way her name falls from his lips makes her heart skip a beat.
"I would never let anyone hurt you. I would never let anyone touch you. I would never let anything happen to you," he says sternly. His ears raise, his tail moves more frivolous. She tilts her head in concern as her brows furrow. "Nete?" she asks. "What's wrong?" He takes a breath as he shakes his head. Tears falling from his waterline due to the movement. "I just - I can’t lose you. I've never been able to," he starts with wobbling lips. He pulls his gaze away and out into the blackness of the ocean.
"When you left, I knew you were safe. You were safe with Norm," he nods as though he is trying to convince himself again. "I agreed with my father. If we stayed with the people, Quaritch would find them. He would find you." He shakes his head as he tries to hold his breath. "I would never let that happen." She watches as the joy drains from his sweet face. “I know you wouldn’t,” she soothes. “Because now I am here with you.”
Augustine's other hand instinctually lands against his cheek. Her thumb brushes against one of his tears. "You will never lose me, Ma'Nete," she coos. "I'm stuck to you like glue." She starts to laugh, which makes him chuckle and shake out the remainder of his tears. "Nga yawne lu oer, Augustine," Neteyam whispers as he turns into her palm, kissing it ever so gently. "Oel ngati kameie, Neteyam," she murmurs. Her heart so full and brazen with love for him, her one and only.
His kisses travel to her inner wrist, leaving her giggling. As his eyes watch in undeniable love, he continues to kiss up her arm causing her to wriggle about. His mouth leads closer to her shoulder. He adjusts himself where he leans into his hands at the sides of her thighs. His lips flutter from her shoulder, to her collar bone, and to her neck. The ticklish sensation now turning into something else. She gasps as she feels his sweet lips against her skin. Her hand comes to support the back of his head, keeping his lips upon her.
Neteyam looks up to her with excitement. The same look also asks for her permission to proceed. Augustine nods with a nervous smile. He continues to kiss her neck, which causes gasps and giggles to fall from her lips. She scrunches her body up beside him as he gradually leans his over her. Her head softly lands against the cool surface of the stone below her. She raises her hand to his face once more. He smiles as he places another peck to her palm and leans closer to place a soft kiss upon her lips.
She falls deep within this embrace, forgetting absolutely everything and solely living in this moment with him. No one else exists. Its just Neteyam and Augustine - forever. He presses his tongue lightly against her mouth. Instinctually, she parts her lips to allow their tongues to flow to each other. She hooks her arm around his shoulders and pulls him closer until his body is actually resting atop of hers. Her thighs hold his in place as he lays between her legs. His hands float between the sides of her shoulders down to the sides of her hips.
Breaking the kiss, Neteyam looks down to watch as his hand slowly creeps up her top. Augustine places a tender kiss against his forehead. His fingers slowly follow the curves of her body. She gasps lightly as his finger tips brush against her nipple. His face immediately shoots up to hers in concern. She smiles to reassure him. His palm presses against her nipple. They firm up against his touch. He looks up to her again as he begins to kiss her sternum. Her entire skin feels like pillars of electricity. Each kiss is a spark that lights up the rest of her body. He watches in pleasure as her freckles light up with his touch.
Neteyam's body tenses in excitement as he sees the woman he loves welcoming his advances. Following his gut, he slides his tongue across the soft muscle of her breast. He follows it until it touches the sensitive skin of her nipple. He takes her nipple in his mouth as she lets out a weak moan. Her hand rests at the base of his skull. He sucks harder, feeling her twist beneath him. He wants to hear her. He wants to make her feel everything. Every single ounce of pleasure.
He quickly decides to venture forward by trailing his tongue down her gorgeous stomach. Her freckles continue to brighten as he presses the wet, strong muscle against her most sensitive spots. Her eyes close as she firmly presses her head against the rock. Her body feels like its screaming. It's screaming for something unfamiliar. Something she's never done before. Something she's never experienced. It's desperation pulls her away from the fear roaming in the back of her mind. She lightly guides him lower and lower until he plays with the thread of her undergarment.
Neteyam peers up once more, one more check for permission. She raises her head as he stops his movements. Something her body most definitely did not want to happen. Augustine licks her lips as she watches his fangs playfully bite into her inner thigh. She pulls her legs together, letting out a loud giggle. He laughs alongside her as he circles his thumbs against her outer thighs. "Is this okay?" he asks softly as he kisses the other side of her inner thigh. "Yes," she responds with a sweet smile.
He slowly tucks his fingers underneath her loin cloth. She moves her hips side to side to help him pull it down her waist, her thighs, and string it between her ankles. He looks down at her, in all her glory, with a watering mouth. He has dreamt of his moment. Always telling himself that it would never happen. Something as beautiful as her would never be his. But, finally, she was. She always was - his. As he was hers. Not a single moment of concern or worry fills her chest as she watches him rake over her naked body. She feels comfort, joy. She feels sexy underneath him. She feels powerful.
Neteyam slowly lowers himself between her legs. His eyes completely on her, not moving an inch. His tail swinging quite a bit behind him. His nerves starting to get the best of him as he places his lightly perspiring palms against her inner thighs. His tongue lightly rests upon his bottom lip, as if it could not wait any longer. She opens her legs to invite him in. Her hand gently finds its way back to his braids. She intertwines her fingers as her thumb gently rubs circles on the side of his head.
Heavy breaths fall from both their lips as they wait in absolute anticipation. His eyes fall upon her warmth, so inviting. His fingers lightly trail up her inner thigh. His fingertips lightly touch her clit, which is enough to make her jump. He feels the wetness of her slick. Immediately, all of his blood travels south. What was since then a bulge is now a perfectly firmed appendage pressing against her leg. She knows nothing of it, but knows she wants all of it. Now.
Neteyam lightly rubs his fingertips against her clit. Augustine wiggles underneath him again as a sweet moans fall from her lips. Her eyelashes fluttering as her thighs dig against his shoulders. He looks up to watch her in undeniable pleasure. He thought it was impossible, but she is even more beautiful from this perspective. He wishes to be the only person to see her like this. To help her feel like this. He cannot believe that she chose him. That his greatest dream has now become a reality. She continues to let out heavy sighs as her fingers begin to grip against his scalp. She arches her back and raises her hips.
"Eywa ngahu," Ronal mutters as she looks down upon the pair.
Augustine immediately yelps as she attempts to roll to her side to cover herself. Neteyam yells, "Shit!" He quickly pulls up his love's undergarments and covers her as he turns back to the terrifying face of the Tsahìk. "Ronal," he whispers as he slowly stands. Augustine stands behind him, still covering herself. She feels completely exposed and is quite embarrassed with herself. He holds a firm hand at her thigh, pushing her further behind him. "Ngaytxoa, Tsahìk," he mutters as he quickly gestures a greeting and bows before her.
Ronal's eyes continue to travel between Neteyam and Augustine. She attempts to process exactly what she saw and how to move forward as a mother, and most importantly as Tsahìk. She watches as Augustine cowers behind Neteyam. Her hair wet and tussled over her shoulders. She looks innocent, is innocent. Her father - her alien father asked for uturu from the Metkayina clan. His father advocated for her, advocated for her Na'vi lineage. He briefly shared about her mother and ties to the Tayrangi and Omatikaya clans.
With a stern face, Ronal quickly decides on her course of action. She swiftly grabs Neteyam's ear between her finger and thumb. She pulls him towards her skimwing on the other side of Ranteng Utralti. He hisses in pain as he struggles to follow her. Augustine rushes behind them. "Tsahìk, where are you taking him?" she asks with a worried tone. "Where am I taking you both," Ronal corrects. "Do you have ilu?" she asks, rather harshly. Her eyes are stern. Her lip is pulled in a mixture of disgust and disappointment. "Yes, Tsahìk," she answers. "Meet us on the other side," she points where and immediately gestures to shoo her away.
Augustine clucks her tongue to call for Aazll. Aazll lets out a concerning whine as she makes the bond. "Sh, sh Aazll. It will be okay," she coos as she rubs the side of her neck. With a single thought, she dives into the water to meet Ronal and Neteyam. She swims up and overhears their conversation. "Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, I do not need to hear this. You will tell the people what you have done," Ronal says as she aggressively pulls away from his ear. He turns towards her in shock. His eyes widen in worry. "Get on," Ronal yells as she hops onto her skimwing. He lets out a shaky breath and steps on behind her. "Girl, you follow," she instructs as she dives into the water.
Augustine watches as Neteyam disappears underneath the blackened waves. She lets out a deep breath as her eyes fall upon the glowing pink and purple colors floating in the beautiful waters below her. Tonight was incredible. Tonight she loved. She knew, in her heart, that she was loved. She wish she knew what will happen next. With another deep breath released from her lips, she dives into the ocean to follow Ronal and Neteyam back to Awa'atlu.
iknimaya: omatikaya rites
nga yawne lu oer: i love you; you are beloved to me
oel ngati kameie: i see you
eywa ngahu: (may) eywa (be) with you
ngaytxoa: sorry; my apologies
uturu: na'vi tradition to provide safety to any refugee
ranteng utralti: metkayina spirit tree
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As soon as Neteyam landed his feet onto the netted floor of the village, Ronal had her fingers pinching his ear again. He winces, but does not let a sound escape his mouth. She turns back to the water to ensure that Augustine was following. She is. She sulks with nervous hands before her as she follows closely behind the two. She only looks up once she begins to see the glowing embers of the fire before them. Ronal is leading them to the people's wutso.
Ronal marches Neteyam to the middle of the people, to the Olo'eyktan. Augustine's worried eyes quickly meet Kiri's. She stands at the sight of her brother being dragged by the Tsahìk. Her movement cues the remainder of the Sully family toward the danger ahead. Neytiri and Jake immediately rush to the front of the fire to meet their eldest. Kiri holds Tuk, as Lo'ak holds Spider back.
Tsireya holds her hands to her face as she watches the horror unfold before her. Her eyes return to Augustine's gaze. She mouths, "What happened?" Augustine is unsure of what to say and just shakes her head until her eyes fall onto the ground. She notes another area of movement to her right. She looks up to note Pipxì and other Metkayina standing around her. Pipxì walks to the front as well once recognizing her promised mate.
"Olo'eyktan, I found Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan attempting to muntxa si this girl," Ronal announces before the Metkayina people. Neteyam and Augustine stand side by side in the middle of a circle at the feet of the Metkayinan leader. She keeps her eyes on the fire before her, desperate to leave this reality. Numerous gasps can be heard throughout the people. The area from which Pipxì was sitting is filled with Na'vi yelling war cries. Several of the people stand and huddle around the group.
"The warrior is promised to Pipxì Te Haie Hawota'ite," she says as she turns towards the crowd. Her eyes finally fall upon Neteyam's. "This is wrong," she says strongly in his face. Neytiri steps forward, but Jake quickly places a hand before her. Both of their faces are filled with worry. Tonowari stares down onto Neteyam and Augustine. His face displaying disapproval and an undeniable frown. "What say you Neteyam?" he asks as he stands from his sit.
Neteyam takes a step forward. He breathes in sharply through his nostrils as his ears fall flat. "I choose Augustine," he says loudly. "I make no apologies for that." The people begin to yell behind them. It is loud enough that Augustine winces at the sudden noise. Tonowari yells to hush his people. "You do not have a choice, Son of Toruk Makto," he says calmly. "You are promised by Tsahìk - by Eywa." Neteyam grunts as he pulls his eyes from the Olo'eyktan. Neytiri hisses as she attempts to discipline her son for his disrespect.
"I am taronyu," Neteyam states with his eyes still to the ground. His chest begins to raise as his eye line trails back to Tonowari. "I choose my own mate. It is my rite." Tonowari steps towards him, towering over him. Augustine watches in fear. "You do not talk to Olo'eyktan like that, boy," Ao'nung yells from the crowd. "Your promise is by the will of Eywa!" Neteyam’s strong face pulls back up to the leader. "No, my promise is by the will of Ronal," he mutters. Augustine turns towards Tonowari in absolute worry. What is Neteyam doing? How could he be so disrespectful to the Olo'eyktan?
Ronal quickly moves to stand beside her husband. "I am Tsahìk," she states viciously. "You are to marry a great warrior's daughter. Your child is to lead us into victory against the Sky People. That is the will of Eywa!" She stands before Neteyam, growling as he stands proudly still and firm before them. "Augustine is a great warrior's daughter!" Kiri yells as she pushes out from the crowd. "Kiri!" Neytiri snaps as she attempts to hold her back from entering the circle. "Tsahìk, she is the daughter of Ewtoä," she says as she tirelessly breathes before Ronal.
"Yes, Ewtoä was a great warrior of the Tayrangi," Jake continues as he turns to speak to all of the Metkayina. "Her mother helped us to win the first war against the Sky People." Neytiri adds, "Beside Toruk Makto, Ewtoä was what held all the clans together. She connected the hunters of the sky with those of the ground." She turns back to speak directly to Ronal. "It makes sense that her daughter should carry the next Toruk Makto for generations to come." Ronal hisses as her lip pulls to the side.
"Pipxì is the great granddaughter of the greatest Metkayina hunter, Sayay Te Zìkxmaw Lätxa'itan," a booming voice comes from the right side of the crowd. An older man approaches the circle with anger clear upon his face. "She holds the blood of a true leader." Augustine turns to look at him with pain her eyes. "This girl has done nothing but disrespect our people and Eywa herself," he says with disgust as he looks into her eyes. Augustine immediately turns around with tears welling. She returns her eyes to the fire before her. She never should have let her gaze leave its glowing embers.
"Pipxì," Tonowari calls out. "What are your thoughts?" Pipxì stands before the Olo'eyktan with a disapproving expression. Neteyam winces at the sight of her, remembering what she had harshly said to him this morning. "By the will of Eywa, I am promised to Neteyam," she states, devoid of feeling. She turns to look at Augustine, who's eyes are anywhere but her way. Her eyes travel to Neteyam's. Anger begins to build within her chest. He decided to do this behind her back. He betrayed her, whether she wanted to move forward with the mating rite or not. "If she is the daughter of a great warrior, then I must see this for myself," Pipxì answers with a monotone. "I challenge Augustine te Uniltìrantokxolo’ Ewtoä'ite to the First Blood rite."
Augustine's eyes slowly fall upon Pipxì's in horror. Pipxì's eyes show absolutely no remorse as she stares at the Olo'eyktan. Augustine has only heard of the First Blood rite in stories her father told her as a child. A ritualistic battle where one opponent must draw the blood of the other first. She looks up to seek guidance from her Sully family. She is met with horrified looks. Tuk continues to reach out towards her, almost to comfort her. Kiri holds her hand down in an attempt to protect her from getting involved.
"To determine what outcome?" Tonowari asks blatantly. Pipxì then, and only then, speaks directly towards Augustine. With an angered look, she spits out, "To determine who has the blood of the greatest warrior." Neteyam steps out of line without hesitation. "No, Pipxì," he yells. Jake quickly wraps his arms around his eldest son. He grunts as he struggles to hold on. "Do not do this. You don't even want this!" Neteyam pleads from his restraints. "It is done," she mutters as she looks down at him and back up to her leader.
Neteyam loudly grunts and aggressively rips himself from his father's arms. "I will fight," he yells towards Tonowari. "I will fight for Augustine." Augustine turns towards him in shock. She did not need him to fight for her, yet he chooses to make her sound weak in front of the people. Although Neteyam knows this, he would never wish any harm her way for his crimes. He promised to keep her safe. "I did this, Olo'eyktan. I broke the promise," he begs. "Not her." Tonowari stares down at the pleading boy. "You do not have a choice, Son of Toruk Makto," he states with regret. He watches as Neteyam falls to his knees and covers his face with his hands.
"The First Blood Rite will be held at first light. Rest well," Tonowari says as he walks from the crowd. The Metkayina people cheer as Pipxì walks back towards her friends and family. Augustine looks deep into the fire. The overwhelming feelings coursing through her veins, encouraging her to just jump in. It would all be over so quickly. She wouldn't have to do this -
"Augustine," Jake says, pulling her from her thoughts. He watches her in concern as she slowly pulls her gaze towards him. Her body moves in slow motion as the shock floods her muscles. "We need to go back to the pod. Can Kiri and Lo'ak take you?" With what felt like forever, Augustine slowly nods. She turns back to look for Neteyam's eyes. Neytiri had her hands on his shoulders as she disciplined him. Spider stands beside her with furious fists clenched. Augustine was not given a chance to say goodbye.
Kiri and Lo'ak rush to hook their arms with Augustine's. "It's going to be okay, Gusty," Kiri continues to repeat as she guides her back towards the Sully pod. Augustine is starting to think that those words are more comforting to Kiri at this moment. As they reach the home, Lo'ak stands worried in a corner. His eyes watching the moving water below the netting. Tsireya paces behind him with her hand to her forehead. Kiri sits in front of Augustine with absolute worry on her face.
"Can you fight?" Kiri asks as she reaches for Augustine's hand. "Yes, I continued my practices but I haven't fought against another since I left High Camp," she says as she keeps her eyes on their hands. "First blood is not to the death," Kiri adds with a concerned expression. She attempts to gain Augustine's gaze. Augustine looks up to Kiri with tears falling down her cheeks. "I don't care about that," she shares as she pulls her eyes away once more. "I don't want to hurt anyone." Kiri's lips tremble as her body empathetically watches her closest friend in so much pain.
Kiri takes a quick breath to regulate herself and focus upon her friend. "Gusty," she says as she reaches for Augustine's chin and pushes it up. "You need to. You need to win. You need to win so you can be with Neteyam." Augustine bites her lip as she shakes her head. "Why?" she cries. Lo'ak rushes to her side, placing a comforting hand to her shoulder. "The outcome is forever," he shares. "If you do not win, Neteyam will always be promised to Pipxì. You won't be able to break that promise, Gus." He then grabs hold of her shoulders to turn her towards him. "Is not hurting Pipxì more important than being with the person you love?" he asks with all sincerity.
Augustine's eyes flick towards Lo'ak. "I won't let her win," she says through grinding teeth. She feels a darkness bubble within her as she mentally prepares for the battle ahead. "Reya, do you know anything about Pips' fighting style?" he asks, turning back to his love. Tsireya rushes over and sits before them. She is a clear ball of stress and worry. "She is a great hunter, an even better warrior. She fights with grace and power," she answers with her brows pushed together. She continues to shake her head, unsure of how the girl before her will win against one of Metkayina’s strongest warriors Lo'ak yells, "Shit" under his breath. He then guides Augustine to stand before him. "We need to practice."
Suddenly, a force rushes through the front entrance. "Augustine!" Neteyam says as he runs in with eyes looking every where. "Neteyam," she whimpers with her arms open as she collapses into his chest with tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry, Ma’Augustine," he starts as he pulls away and kisses her forehead and cheeks. "I'm supposed to keep you safe and now, I'm putting you in danger?" Augustine shakes her head. "You didn't do anything, Ma'Nete," she whispers. "I'll do what I must."
Lo'ak stands beside the two lovebirds with a serious look to his face. "We need to practice, bro," he states as he turns towards his brother. "Yes," Neteyam nods. He steps back and looks at Augustine. She is thin, devoid of much muscle as she spent the majority of the past four years with her nose stuck in a book as opposed to scaling walls and trees. "Are you ready, my love?" he asks. "Yes, Ma'Nete."
wutso: dinner, served meal
muntxa si: mate with, marry
taronyu: hunter
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note: oh my gerd. what is going to happen y'all. are they finally going to be able to get together? or is it gonna end up like romeo and juliet? there's probably going to be several parts to come so i hope you will all join me along for the ride. very proud of this post and hope y'all enjoyed.
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