#loading dock optimization
violettduchess · 2 months
Perhaps I could request Silvio x Leyla + Colours of Sunrise? >:)
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A/N: Here you go @lorei-writes! Thank you for your support of Leyla from the beginning!
This fic is a continuation of the Leyla x Silvio part of these OC Kiss Headcanons (I'll repost their part below)
An entry for my and Lorei's Sunshine and Starlight CC
WC: 2.6k
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From the Headcanons:
The overcast sky matches the expression on Silvio’s face. He watches as the last of the crates are loaded onto Siren’s Call. Leyla’s ship. The one getting ready to leave the royal Benitoite port. “That’s the last one, Captain.” First Mate Kai clamps a large, reassuring hand on Leyla’s shoulder and she nods at him. He inclines his head towards Silvio, a begrudging sign of respect, before heading onto the gangway. The silence between Silvio and Leyla hangs as heavy as the gray clouds above. “I don’t get why you gotta go. You know I could–” Leyla cuts him off with a sharp shake of her head, her gold hoop earrings swaying with the movement. “I won’t be a kept woman. You know that.” She sighs heavily, brushing aside several wayward strands of hair that the wind has plucked free of her dark braid. Silvio’s fingers ache at the sight. He curls his hands into fists, fighting the burning need to touch her. “Besides,” she continues, “It’s not that long. Just a few months.” Her words are hollow with forced optimism. Silvio looks down at his boots, jaw clenched. “Fuck.” His voice is ragged. “Captain!” Kai’s deep baritone calls from the ship. “The tide!” “I know!” she barks back, her own voice scraped raw with emotion. Trying to ignore the vice squeezing her heart, she turns to Silvio. He lifts his head and in his eyes she sees all the words his mouth can’t form, all the storm clouds churning in his heart. At the same time they stumble towards each other. The kiss is messy and desperate, tinted with anger and sharp with longing. It’s Leyla who pulls away first, afraid she won’t be able to take a step towards her ship if she holds him a moment longer. “Good-bye.” He doesn’t answer. He can’t. He only watches as distance shrinks her figure, taking her away from him, with her kiss still lingering on his aching lips.
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Colors of Sunrise: Red
Silvio leans on the ship’s railing, closing his eyes, the ones that match the color of the sea he is sailing swiftly across. The wind whips at his pale hair, makes a musical tinkling of his gold jewelry. It’s too dangerous, they had said. The storms around Ammolite are swallowing ships left and right. But Silvio had scoured Benitoite from end to end until he found a captain whose fear could be bought by enough gold coins. And so despite the danger, he is making his way ever closer. Even now as the sun begins its slow descent, it feels as if the ship is flying across the ocean…and still it doesn’t feel fast enough.
He is not a patient man. His ringed fingers grip the wood hard enough that his knuckles blanche. His muscles are tensed, energy coiled within him like a champagne cork that may pop at any moment. He breathes in deeply, the smell of salt water powerful and comforting. Every second that passes is another step closer, every gust of wind into the billowing white sails above presses the ship forward on its journey. Closer to seeing her again. 
She may not appreciate his rash decision. Their last real conversation, before the heart wrenching good-bye at the royal docks, was held under a sky streaked with the first rays of dawn, on the balcony off his royal bedroom. Gripping the balcony much like he is now, she had told him that she would write him when she was finished with her business on the tropical island of Ammolite. When he had demanded to know how long it would take, she had dropped her gaze, a pained expression on her face. “I don’t know. Months, probably.”
Not wanting to hear another word, he had pulled her into his arms and silenced her with his mouth, dragged her willingly back to his bed and kept her there, desperate to fill every last possible minute with the sound of her voice, the feel of her skin.
And then she had gone, leaving him pacing the palace like a wild dog, frenzied with longing, mad with missing her. Weeks went by without word, and those weeks grew into agonizing months until one day, the answer hit him, plain as day.
She may be tied to a single place for a while. But he wasn’t.
He would make sure he wasn’t.
And that revelation has lead him to this moment in time, right now, to the railing of a ship known for its reckless crew, greedy captain and record-breaking speed, rushing across the turbulent sea to find her.
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Leyla tries hard to concentrate as the guild leader drones on, his monotone voice lulling her brain into stagnancy and she finds herself desperately wanting to close her eyes and sleep. She shifts in the wooden chair, wondering how the others are still awake. Kai’s eyes are heavy-lidded and one of the shipwrights has literally slumped down in his chair, chin touching his chest. If only her ship hadn’t been so damaged. Siren’s Call had gotten them to Ammolite but just barely. A wild storm had raked its claws across her hull, sunk its teeth into her sails and damaged her so badly that weeks of repair were needed. And that particular storm had only heralded the beginning of the stormy season. Leyla had hoped to leave the tropical island before the season really began in earnest but it seems fate had had different plans. 
“And unless there is any other further business–” Thank fuck, he’s finally done.
Leyla leaps up from her seat. “Nope, that all sounded great. The guild is doing a fantastic job. Nothing more to discuss today. See ya.” She yanks Kai by his massive arm, jerking him awake and pulls him out of the meeting room, through the double doors of the government building and into the fading light of evening.
“My God, he loves the sound of his own voice.”
The main street market is slowly winding down. Vendors are closing their stands, bundling up their wares. In the distance, the local pub’s doors swing open as it welcomes its first visitors. 
Her First Mate glances at the sky as they sidestep a man carrying a large basket of oranges on his head.
“He blathers on but his guild is doing a good job with the ship.”
They pause as they reach the beginning of the docks. Siren’s Call has been repaired enough to be in the water. The shipwrights have left for the day but Leyla’s keen eye spots where they have finished their work on the hull and what is still left to do on the mizzen mast.
Kai nods his bald head towards The Gray Gull which sits cozily at the edge of the docks. “You comin’ for a pint?” 
Leyla sighs. “Not tonight.” Her voice sounds soft and blue, a sad wind trailing its fingers listlessly across the water. Kai places a large hand on her shoulder, comfortingly.
“We’ll be able to leave soon, Captain.” 
“I know. I just….” She shifts her weight from one booted foot to the other. “I just really want to get back to–” She stops herself, clearing her throat. “Back to business as usual.”
Kai smiles knowingly, dark brown eyes amused. “Is that what we’re callin’ him now? Business?”
She shoots him a Look, pale blue eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Oh shut it, you big sea slug.”
His baritone laugh barrels out of him like the deep clang of a gong. “Aye Aye, Captain.” He pats her shoulder once more before taking his leave.
His absence makes her aware of the ache in her chest, the one that she has been fighting ever since she left Benitoite all those months ago. It's a dim throbbing that hammers its way into her dreams, filling them with Silvio. Nightly, she sees his blue eyes and silvery hair. His slow, arrogant grin and sharp cheekbones that flush shockingly fast. His long fingers, bedecked in gold, and surprisingly coarse palms. 
People rush past her as another ship in the distance comes into view, heading for the harbor. It's likely looking for permission to dock. The commotion of readying a spot for the ship is enough to pull her out of her gloom.
Again she glances at her ship at the western end of the dock. She’ll sleep in her cabin tonight. Maybe being surrounded by the things that comfort her will help keep the sharp sting of her longing at bay.
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Colors of Sunrise: Orange 
Silvio leaves the captain gleefully clutching his bags of coin, more coin than he has ever seen at once, his long legs taking him down the gangplank and onto the docks. Her ship is there, at the far end. Just the sight of it sends his heart thundering. He notices several shipwrights, wrapping their tools up carefully, tying down their workstations for the night. So her ship was damaged…..
He frowns, noticing the still damaged mizzen mast. Is she ok?
Turning, he hurries as fast as he can without running, towards the small town center. The markets are slowly closing down as sunset’s prologue begins, a darkening sky, a cooler wind. He ducks past a man carrying an enormous empty basket on his head and catches the scent of oranges before heading straight for the local boarding house.
Inside, he finds a woman with dark curls wrapped up in a colorful orange turban behind the desk. She welcomes him with a warm smile, her observant eyes immediately noticing his rich clothing, his fine jewelry. 
"Welcome, traveler. May I offer you-"
“I ain’t lookin’ for a room. I’m lookin’ for a woman.”
The proprietor raises her thick browns. “This isn’t that kind of establishment, Sir. You need to head to the other end of town for that kind of pleasure.”
“No…no that’s not…” Leyla is so close, he can feel it in his blood, the way it’s rushing through him like untamed rapids. He just has to find her. “The captain. Of the ship at the end of the docks. A woman with black hair and eyes kinda like the sky."
She shakes her head. “No, Sir. She hasn’t been in tonight. You could try The Gray Gull. I believe she often takes a drink with her crew in the evening.”
The woman’s face breaks into a warm smile, fondness glowing in her round cheeks. “Captain Quinn?”
Just her name has him leaning forward, gripping the edge of the counter, nodding eagerly as his gold earring sways in the warm lamplight.  “Where can I find her? She here?”
Silvio reaches into his vest pocket and pulls out another small bag of coins, dropping it with a thud onto the counter.
“Thanks for the help.”
He leaves the boarding house and its wide-eyed proprietor behind, determination pushing him along the dusty street, towards the tavern.
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The sun is stretching its artistic muscles, streaking the darkening sky with bold reds and glowing oranges. It paints the underside of the clouds pink and outlines them in shimmering apricot. The cool wind tugs on the strands of her black hair playfully, as if enjoying the fact that she has released it from the prison of her tight braid. The armor of her daily clothing, the stiff jacket and leather pants, has been replaced by the soft, white linen of her nightgown, the luxurious midnight blue velvet and silver of her robe. Absently she runs her fingers over the sleeve, remembering when Silvio presented it to her, nearly throwing it at her in his hurry to be done with the embarrassingly sweet gesture of giving her a present, for no reason other than she once commented how cold it could get in her cabin at night. The deep blue reminds her of the Benitoite sea in the earliest hours of the morning, mysterious and beautiful, dark and inviting. 
She misses him. Her fingers curl into the velvet and her eyes close. She misses him so much and it hurts. Now, alone on her wounded ship, underneath a sky exploding with color, she allows the feeling to wash over her, giving the beast full reign of her thoughts. It tramples across the tender plains of her heart, its bellowing echoing in her mind. Not a day has gone by that she hasn’t thought of him, hasn’t tried to remember the feel of his kiss, the smell of his cologne, the strength of his arms as they pull her close. She even misses his snark, the flustered fluttering of his eyelashes, the hollow sound of his bark that contains no bite, not for her.
A hard lump forms in the back of her throat, a burning tangle of her yearning and regret and desire. Almost angrily she knuckles at her eyes, wiping away tears that have yet to fall.
All this fuss….just because she hasn’t seen him in a few months. 
Inside her chains rattle as she readies herself to capture the beast of her longing and conquer it, to hide it away in the shadows of her heart as she usually does. There’s no use in allowing it to continue its rampage. 
What good are tears? They won’t bring Silvio here.
Sighing, she squares her shoulders and turns from the ship’s railing.
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Colors of Sunrise: Yellow
The tavern doors are flung open with a bang. Silvio barges in, scanning the room, his heart clamoring with impatience. It’s smokey inside and lit only by greasy orange oil lamps. Could she be–
“She’s on the ship.” A deep voice from behind has the prince jerking away and spinning around like a marionette in the hands of a startled puppeteer. Immediately he recognizes Kai. The large man raises a heavy tankard of ale to his lips and jerks his head towards the doors. His gold hoop earring glints in the warm light. “Go on then, yer Highness. Get outta here.”
The fact that the First Mate isn’t the least surprised to see him doesn’t even register until much later.
Silvio nods once and hurries out of the tavern, practically running as he heads towards the docks. The heels of his boots thud with every frenzied step across the wooden boards, battling with the sound of the waves as he rushes towards Siren’s Call. 
He’s close enough now to see a figure standing at her railings and his breath catches in his lungs.
She turns, and in that moment, the thought of watching her turn away, of watching her leave him, yet again, sends panic through his veins, like lightning cleaving his heart in half with its merciless heat.
Her name is torn from his throat, lobbed in despair towards her even as his legs bring him closer. 
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She freezes at the sound of her name as it cuts through the air, striking her heart like a flaming arrow. 
Could it be….
Again her name.
And she knows that voice.
Spinning back around she sees him rushing towards the ship, his blue cloak with its Dalmatian trim fluttering behind him like a wild phantom. 
In an instant she is flying towards the gangplank, bare feet barely touching the ground. Down the incline she soars, her heart hammering a riotous concert in her chest. 
She’s on the dock now, tearing towards him as he bolts towards her, two hurricanes in motion. 
And then they crash into one another, a tangle of arms and lips and grasping hands. 
He’s here, her heart sings, he’s really here. 
She pushes her fingers into the pale radiance of his hair, curls them into its soft strands. He holds her in arms, crushes her against him like a vice as he kisses her over and over and over and over, a drowning man finally given air. She meets him, stroke for stroke, gasping as she drinks her fill, as the cool taste of his mouth soothes the scorched earth of his absence. 
Above them the sky is golden, the sun’s final masterpiece before it sinks to its rest.
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Colors of Sunrise: Pink
“The sun’s coming up.”
Her voice is rough, hoarse with the evidence of last night’s pleasures. Behind her, Silvio buries his face into the dark waves of her hair, tightening his embrace. He never wants to get up, never wants to leave the comfort of her bed, the cocoon of her ship’s cabin. He never ever wants to let her go. His only vocal reply is a grunt which somehow makes Leyla laugh.
She shifts, maneuvering herself around within the circle of his arms. His eyes are closed but she knows he is awake. Leaning forward, she presses a chaste kiss to his chin, a cool raindrop of a kiss in comparison to last night’s storm.
“C’mon, sea pup, let’s go look at the sunrise. I feel like stretching my legs a bit.”
The Prince of Benitoite scowls as she wiggles away from his embrace. He jerks his head to move his hair out of his face as he pushes himself up in the bed. He leans back on his palms, watching with a mix of admiration, lust and regret as she finds her discarded nightgown on the carpet and pulls it over her bare body.
“I thought I stretched ‘em enough last night.”
She laughs, loudly and brightly, no false modesty here. Tying her velvet robe tightly around her middle, she leans down, catching his chin in her fingers and kisses him hard, murmuring, “That you did and maybe, if you come along without anymore growling, you’ll get a chance to do it again.”
He needs no more encouragement.
Now, they stand together at the ship’s railing, arms wrapped around each other’s waists as they watch the sun’s yellow rays caress the morning sky into blushing prettily in soft pinks and corals. 
Leyla sighs, leaning into Silvio’s body, reveling in the feel of him.
“I know I said it before but I still can’t believe you’re here." She shakes her head, watching the undulation of the water. "Fucking hell, Silvio, it was such a damn risky thing to do.”
His hand at her waist clenches.
“I knew I’d make it. Besides, missing you was takin’ up all the room in my head. I had to come before it drove me nuts.”
She grins slowly. “I guess I missed you too.”
His eyes flash as he looks down at her. “Whaddya mean...you guess?!”
She shrugs nonchalantly, enjoying the way indignation and annoyance are waging war with his desire to keep holding her. “I mean...you know.... if I think about it….you may have crossed my mind. Like, once or twice.”
"Why you......" Without warning, he scoops her up into his arms. “You’re in so much trouble, sea witch.” He marches back in the direction of her cabin, her delighted laughter ringing through the air, a compliment to the bright colors of a tropical sunrise.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
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@ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea
@chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja
@starlitmanor-network @sh0jun @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381
@whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @ozalysss @keithsandwich @ikeprinces-stuff @bestbryn
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fledgedragonfox · 1 month
Three and One, chapter 1
It was far too early for this. The crew of the Skeld was up bright and early thanks to an unexpected cargo drop. Most of the crew was already up and about, getting things ready for the day. All thanks to the annoying chimes of the unmanned MIRA shuttle that’d flagged them down not an hour before. Brown had been assigned to help out in the kitchens and Tan had the lovely job of clearing a clog in the bathrooms. That only left Black and Gray to load up the new shipment. 
Gray had no problems with the heavy shipment crates, tossing them around like they weighed nothing. Black couldn’t help but be impressed by the larger man’s strength. Black himself was quite a bit smaller than the other three ship-hands. Having been brought onto the Skeld for his general knowledge of space and his optimism. He usually didn’t help out with heavy lifting, but seeing as Tan and Brown were already busy. Black had insisted he help, despite his trepidation. 
Orange had said he could help, but everyone knew that the man was getting on in years. He’d been complaining about his joints recently. He’d even started bugging Red about bringing in a coral crewmate to help out with the engineering tasks around the ship. So, Black was adamant that he pick up his self-perceived slack. 
“MIRA never fails to fuck us over.” Gray grunted as he set another crate in place. The grav-cart was nearly overflowing with crates packed full of supplies. Some were nearly bursting with their contents. “Six in the fucking morning, and they decided to make us lift this shit.” He complained. Black chuckled quietly, busy setting up the next grav-cart. 
Gray was tall, buff, and practically dripped with masculinity. Though he had a bit of a temper, he always seemed to have a kind word for Black. Black couldn’t help but admire him. His chiseled features were complimented by dark hair and slate colored eyes. Black, in comparison, was short and on the slightly chubby side of the scale. Curly black hair spilled onto his shoulder and framed his chubby face. His black eyes complimented his pale skin starkly. 
“It could be worse.” Black chimed in as he attempted to lift a smaller crate onto his cart. Though heavy, Black was able to slide it onto the grav-cart with only a little trouble. Gray had already docked the first grav-card and ducked back into the shuttle to help load the second. 
“Please, do tell.” Gray grumbled. 
“Well, at least you aren’t the only one loading this stuff, right?” Black questioned. His dark eyes sparkled with an uncanny mirth despite the early hours. Grey shook his head with a rueful smile, grabbing another heavy crate as he did. 
“Shimp, I enjoy the company, but you were not built for this kinda work.” Gray replied. Black looked away in embarrassment, as he struggled to set another crate onto the cart. Gray sighed, looking to the ceiling and rubbing his neck. “Really, I enjoy the company, but why don’t you go make sure that the cargo is secure in the ship. I’ll keep loading here, and you can bring in the next grav-cart.” Gray said, giving Black an encouraging smile. 
Black gave a stilted nod and mumbled his agreement before he slipped back onto the Skeld. He thought he heard Gray cursing quietly to himself, but decided to ignore it for now. The short man quickly made his way over to the grav-cart that Gray had filled up already. As he ensured that everything was in its proper places, there was a sudden jolt throughout the ship. Red’s voice suddenly boomed from the comms system.
“Everyone had better hang on tight. We just hit some sort of energy pocket. Think it might be a solar storm of some kind. Shields are holding but it’s gonna get choppy.” Just as Red’s voice faded, the ship shook violently. The crates on the inside of the subtle had begun to topple from their places. Gray slipped out of the shuttle just before the dominoes had begun to fall. 
“Shit, Gray are you ok?” Black called, struggling to hang on to the grav-cart’s handles. Gray gave a thumbs up, hanging tight to the trash shoot’s lever. 
“I’m fine Squirt, stay put!” He shouted over the crashing noises from the shuttle. “Hope MIRA didn’t send us anything fragile!” The taller man tried to joke as they were jostled about. Black let himself chuckle. The lights began flickering throughout the ship, the only constant light coming from the shuttle. Orange’s voice suddenly came loud and clear from the comms.
“Shit, the storm is messing with the power. I’m working on it, but it’s looking bad…” The older man’s voice was cut off by static as the ship lurched. The power cut out suddenly before emergency lights flooded the room. The grav-cart that Black had been clinging to lurched down as it lost power. He thought he heard Gray shout for him to move, but it was too late. Black looked up to see crates falling towards him. He fell back, shielding his head with his arms, before everything went dark. 
Gray swore violently as the emergency lights flooded the room. Coating everything in a frightening red. He could do nothing from his position as the grav-cart Black had been holding on to suddenly lost power. The crates shifting dangerously.
“Black! Get out of there!” He cried, but it was far too late. Gray watched in horror as the small human was buried under the heavy cargo. He knew just how heavy those crates were. He’d loaded them on himself. While they were nothing for his kind, to a human…
Gray lept into action, abandoning his flimsy disguise for the aid of his extra limbs. Tentacles spring from his form as he lifted the crates away and tossed them to the side. The lights flickered to life as he uncovered Black. There was blood, so much blood. His arms were twisted in unnatural ways, as was his leg. A large cut marred the pale human’s forehead, running down across his eye. 
“Shit, shit shit!” Gray snarled from his elongated snout. He quickly moved the remaining crates away, shifting back into his human disguise. Activating his comms, he growled into them with urgency. “I need medical assistance now! Black was caught under the cargo when the power cut!” He heard White swear before confirming that she was on the way. He could sense Maroon and Pink trying to contact him, but he was too distracted. 
He gently rested Black’s head on his lap, surveying his injuries, and keeping a trained ear on his breathing. Black’s heartbeat was faint, but it was there. That’s what he had to focus on. The violent shaking of the ship came to a halt as White, Purple, and Cyan rushed in with a gurney. White cursed violently as she knelt down and began feeling for Black’s pulse. 
“Shit, it’s weak.” she said, turning to the others. “We need to get him to the med bay and get him prepped for surgery. He’ll need blood and fluids. Cyan, test his blood, ask around for a match, now!” White ordered, prompting Cyan to scoop up a sample of Blood and sprint from the cargo hold. 
“I’ll help move him.” Gray said, his tone leaving no room for argument. White gave a curt nod in reply before she began counting down. At three they hefted Black’s slight form onto the waiting gurney. Instantly the bedding was stained red. They wasted no time, Purple and White running on either side of the gurney as they raced to the med bay. Gray not far behind them. As they passed through the cafeteria, Pink sprinted from the kitchen to follow them. They skid to a halt once there, White rushing to grab the tools she needed. 
“I need you two out while we operate.” She said sternly to Gray and Pink, who had little time to argue before they were ushered through the door. Pink rounded on Gray, glaring. It was rather uncharacteristic for the usually gentle being.
“What the hell happened.” He growled, teeth sharpening a bit.  Pink was a bit taller than Gray, and far bulkier. Though in place of obvious muscle was instead fat. Pink was large in many ways, and his glare was surprisingly imposing. Gray balked at the other Imposter, lost for words at the venom from his usually kind companion. Though when it came to black, all three of the aliens on board were prone to acting out of character. Gray cleared his throat and explained what happened. Pink took the explanation bravely, and only scolded him for implying that Black was weak. 
As they argued, several other crewmates began to make their appearance. Maroon, their fellow imposter, was first on the scene. As tall as Pink, and with a strong presence. It was like staring at a brick wall. His face was cold, but Gray could feel the distress just under the surface. Red, Rose, Green, Orange, Brown, and Tan all rushed to the hall soon after him. Before Maroon could ask, the door suddenly slid open. Cyan stepped out with a clipboard at the ready. 
“We have a problem.” Cyan began, flipping through the clipboard, “Black is O positive. We need someone else with O positive or O negative blood. We don’t have enough stored on board to save him.” He looked pointedly at everyone present. “Anyone?” He asked desperately. Gray shared a look with Maroon and Pink, a telepathic conversation taking place briefly. They didn’t hesitate. All three stepped forward. 
“Great, come on.” Cyan said as he dragged them into med bay before slamming the door shut behind them. Gray felt his blood shift as he changed it to what was needed. They refused to look in the direction that Black was in, forced to hear the horrible sounds of White operating. Maroon turned to Gray as Cyan set up to take their blood. 
“It isn’t your fault.” Maroon said, his stoic demeanor not giving an inch. Gray only gave a stilted nod as he turned away from the second officer. The three of them had been with the crew for a long time. They had become attached. Especially to Black. Gray couldn’t help but feel responsible, he’s the one who sent Black to check on the grav-cart after all. Pink leaned his large frame against Gray in what seemed to be an act of apology. Gray accepted the contact gratefully. 
The procedure didn’t take long on their part. Their blood was taken, bandages were given, and they were ushered out of the med bay with orders to eat and rest. Black was still under the knife. There was nothing more they could do. 
“Do you think it will work?” Pink asked as he led them into the kitchen. Bustling around to make them something quick to eat. Maroon sighed and shrugged, not verbally answering but letting thoughts through their link. Their blood was adaptive, it should work. The three of them ate quietly, worry eating away at them. Hoping desperately for news. 
Black woke with a groan. Everything hurt. He peeked one eye open, blinking at the bright lights. He took stock of himself groggily. His left eye was bangaged along with most of his head. An oxygen mask was affixed to his face. Both of his arms and his right leg were in casts, raised up above the bed by slings. An IV of blood and saline ran to one of his arms. 
“Ow…” He groaned weakly. Instantly Purple was at his side. They quickly checked his vitals and turned to him with a smile. 
“Black, I’m glad you’re awake.” They said cheerfully. “You seem to be reacting to the transfusion well enough.” Purple sat back down in the chair they’d been occupying before Black had spoken. Black looked around, distantly recognizing the med bay. 
“What happened?” He rasped. 
“An accident in the cargo bay.” Purple said, “We ran into a spot of trouble and lost power. The contents of a grav-cart fell on you. Gray pulled you out.” Purple flipped through a chart, Black assumed it was his. “You should try to get some rest, we’ll talk more when you’re feeling better.” Purple smiled as they stood. They pulled the curtains around Black’s bed closed and left. 
Black could feel the thrum of the engines, and the buzzing of the lights. It made his head ache. Black tried his best to relax into his cot. Closing his eyes and letting the sounds of the medical team puttering around lull him back to sleep.
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underspacegame · 8 months
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Patch 2.50.7A is now out for Underspace's demo! This brings a lot of reported bugfixes in but also a few new little features. Come check it out!
Audio sometimes cuts out if extreme amounts of missiles are used.
Some computers won't save resolution settings.
Some NPC followers have no concept of personal space and will ram you sometimes.
The local infestation of clockwork-eating ants on Planet Vauldric has finally been taken care of! Planet Vauldric's docking bay clock now is an actual working clock.
A few smaller customization options now exist for Kardoz, you can buy new robes off of Vauldric's bartender.
The starting campaign mission now has some appropriate markers to better lead extremely unexperienced players to the docking bay and into space.
New options now exist to invert the x and y axis when in space.
New skills have been added to the skill tree. Optimize your automated drones, dodge to your heart's content. Eat a penguin or something, it's up to you.
Fixed an issue where a save wouldn't fully load if ship engines were heavily customized.
Fixed camera issues on civilian freighters.
Fixed issue where using hotkeys to move between rooms wouldn't update service stations.
Fixed issue where joined chapters couldn't be switched between without strange errors. To those who used this unintentionally or not to progress up the ranks of various chapters: Enjoy your spoils of war.
Fixed issues relating to inputs processing incorrectly during cutscenes.
The repair terminal and storage terminals on Planet Vauldric have been moved to the equipment dealer and storage dealer respectively.
Several missions now have slightly more descriptive objectives when it comes to explaining what to do.
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hiparks · 11 days
Which Warehouse Does Your Business Need?
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You need a warehouse.
You have pinpointed the most optimal location and finalised on all the high-tech equipment and machinery to function with ease, but how do you decide which warehouse building is best suited for your operations and functions? Let’s find out.
The Standard Warehouse
For operations that only need basic walls, a roof and some clear space, the standard warehouse is the way. These warehouses can be made in any size required and are extremely versatile.
It is possible to fit them with skylights and windows as well as with multiple gates, ramps and docks. They are a popular solution for almost every industry, providing storage for machines, raw materials and equipment, and products in production; serving as transshipment points in logistics; storing goods for retailers and wholesalers; acting as distribution centres for e-commerce; and even housing donations and relief supplies for non-profit organisations.
A standard warehouse can be easily adapted to specific equipment and spatial requirements by the warehouse developer and are extremely cost effective for businesses that require minimal retrofits to get going.
The Container Warehouse
This is a specific kind of storage warehouse is a stopover for goods coming or going from freight transport. These warehouses are used to consolidate or deconsolidate freight goods to prepare them for the next legs of their journey. Or in other words, it is a temporary storage for the goods to wait a little for other goods to come and fill a container up, before they can be shipped off. The challenge here is to have a system that allows storing, tracking and retrieving the goods easily and efficiently.
Container warehouses need to be located close to ports, airports, or major railway hubs. These warehouses can be designed for efficient cross-docking and provision can be made for ample parking space for holding trucks even in case of demand surges. These warehouses are also equipped with stacking racks, crane systems, container frames, floor anchors, proper lighting, and robust security systems.
The Open-Air Warehouse
For large and heavy items that are difficult to move in and out of warehouse dock doors, open-air warehouses provide an efficient storage solution. Custom-designed racks for open yard storage can offer protection from atmospheric elements and play a key role in keeping the goods safe. Typically, the warehouse is an open area with space demarked and fenced in with walls with a high level of security to safeguard the assets.
Depending on the sensitivity of the goods and the extremities of the climate, storage can be covered or partially roofed. Goods are also protected by covering them in plastic wraps or tarps. These warehouses are commonly used to store vehicles, spare parts, machines, and raw materials for construction, metalworks, or timber sectors. The design of open-air warehouses focuses on shielding goods from harsher natural elements like direct sun or snow but may not address milder elements like humidity, wind, dust, and temperature fluctuations.
The Industrial Warehouse
This is the modern-day factory which may span across multiple halls and floors and can be tailored to integrate advanced technology and equipment. The industrial warehouse can be designed to have spacious loading and unloading areas; ample space for machinery, equipment, goods, and workplaces; high ceilings and large doors for the transporting of goods and large machines, even indoors; bright administrative and office areas; parking spaces for delivery and staff vehicles; pleasant social and relaxation areas for the workers; strong load-bearing floors; a reliable energy supply and ventilation; independent lighting systems for each work area and fire protection measures like fire alarms, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers.
These warehouses are especially popular for manufacturing companies, energy and utility companies and businesses in the food and beverage industry.
The Custom-Made Warehouse
When your business needs are too complex to be housed in a pre-made standard warehouse, you need a warehouse designed around your requirements. These are called built-to-suit warehouses. They provide a high degree of customisation and can be made to create the ideal environment needed for your operations and goods.
Need a cold storage with consistent temperature and humidity, immaculate hygiene and protected electrical circuits? It is possible. Need a chemical warehouse with good ventilation systems, fire containment measures and specialised storage? Also, possible. Retail warehouses with space for smart racking and processing machines, auto warehouses with complex assembly lines or heavy industry that need tall lifting equipment and sturdy densified floors, a custom-made warehouse lacks for nothing.
The Automated Warehouse
If you are a business that uses machines to do it all, then an automated warehouse is what you are looking at. These are computer-controlled environments with automated racking and shelving, conveyor and retrieval systems. While the investment cost is definitely high, the efficiency is unmatched. These warehouses are sought by large trading companies, global e-commerce giants, logistics parks in India and manufacturing behemoths.
At the end of the day, you know your business needs better than anybody. It is crucial thus, to find a warehouse developer who is proactive in understanding your functional requirements and who works with you to overcome any infrastructural challenges in a collaborative way. At Horizon Industrial Parks, our teams specialise in delivering custom-made warehouses as well as providing swift plug-and-play solutions that can get your operations running in no time. To learn about what our customers like about us, click here, and visit our website to connect with us for exploring collaboration opportunities.
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mrspasser · 2 years
7. Paper II
This is the same story as Paper I, except now you read it from Nines' point of view. Also, there are some extra scenes in here and it gives some insight into Nines his psyche.
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Cover made with fanart by @donlemefo​
Nines blames himself for not noticing earlier they have company. He is down by the loading dock, supposedly to review his reconstructions of the criminals’ supply route. They used this abandoned factory for at least a few weeks and after combing through hours of traffic footage he was able to link a nondescript grey van to this location. The van went to this location at least three times in the past three weeks, yet just like the criminals themselves it had vanished when the factory showed up in the DPD’s line of interest. To the RK900 the chances of there being a leak inside the force are high, yet that is something the human officers have trouble admitting to. It is simply human nature: every man has his flaws, some just have worse flaws then others. And despite being designed to be the perfect hunter, a ruthless killing machine, Nines has his flaws too.
Gavin Reed is one of his flaws. Or rather, his fascination with the human. Right now, the detective is upstairs in the former break room of the factory, working his wonderful brain to try and make sense of their current case. Nines watched him for a few minutes, something he always likes to do when they are at a crime scene. Detective Reed has a lot of flaws, most of them having to do with his rather brash personality and a slight tendency to self-destruct. The way he goes about doing his job certainly isn’t one of those flaws. He may be rude, foul-mouthed and headstrong, he is a great detective. He puts the job first, often above his own well-being.
It is something Nines noticed early on in their partnership. It marveled him at first, because humans tend to be bad at ignoring their basic needs; yet here was detective Reed, going without proper nutrition and sufficient sleep just because he fixates on a case. The detective is pretty resilient, though his limits are not as high as he thinks they are. That’s where Nines comes in, gradually implementing a more healthy nutrition schedule into their work hours to improve the optimal working conditions for their partnership. In time it also improved their personal relationship and that is something that occupies the android’s processors more than he cares to admit. A recent development is that his partner shows up in spontaneous pre-constructions that have literally nothing to do with casework; they are mainly domestic in nature, confusing and alluring at the same time.
Instead of running his reconstruction of the supply route at the crime scene, Nines sees the outlined figure of his partner scooping up the not-so-tiny-anymore kitten from the floor. He cradles the white cat against his chest with one hand, curling the fingers of the other on top of her head, scratching lightly. The outline of Gavin steps closer towards Nines, eyeing something that is in the android’s hand. His pre-construction self lifts his hand, presenting Gavin with a wooden spoon. His partner opens his mouth readily, tasting the food presented to him.
There are two intruders. One human, one android. The android is a male AP700 with light skin and blond hair; a domestic model from some years back. He doesn’t have a criminal record, though he does have a link with the DPD because he worked for the company that cleans the offices after hours. The human has a criminal record, with possession of Red Ice listed as most recent, along with two different gun charges. This one might be armed, warns the alert that pops up in the periphery of Nines’ vision.
His programming offers him multiple ways to take out the AP700, the word ‘deviant’ flashing in red in the alerts. There is nothing for the human, except the basic police procedures for apprehending a suspect. Harming a human in the line of his work is only permitted within very strict parameters and the same goes for androids nowadays. The programming CyberLife equipped him with doesn’t care about that and is still trying to root out all deviants. He removes the abhorrent pop ups, a routine gesture by now.
Nines sends a message to the detective’s phone and steps out in the sight of the intruders. “Halt! Detroit Police!”
They clearly thought that every police officer disappeared along with the holographic tape that previously closed the factory off for curious onlookers. The AP700’s LED immediately flashes red, showing his distress. Those domestic models aren’t made to handle this kind of stressful environments; the android clearly chose the wrong profession. The human is less impressed. He is indeed armed, pulling a handgun from the back of his pants. It’s an old FN FNS-9 compact semi auto pistol for which he doesn’t have a permit. He fires immediately, holding the gun in one hand and not aiming properly. The bullet buries itself in a concrete pillar behind Nines, he didn’t even have to dodge it.
The two suspects make a run for it and Nines has to choose which one to pursue. He goes for the gunman, leaving the unarmed android to his partner. Conveniently, the AP700 runs up the stairs towards the walkways, right to the level where detective Reed is. His partner is well trained: the embarrassment of being bested by his android colleague time and time again proved to be a great motivator to get better. Of course, the human’s attempts are futile when it comes to the RK-series; they are far more superior than humans in many physical aspects. However, the detective should be able to match the speed of the domestic android, if only for a short sprint. It should be enough.
Nines pushes his legs in pursuit of the human suspect, closing in on him fast. He removes the gun from his hand before the man can fire again. In a few quick movements the suspects’ hands are behind his back, the android leaning down a little to recite his rights in the man’s ear. It’s unnecessarily intimidating, yet it makes the suspect pliant and after that it’s easy to cuff him. Nines fastens the cuffs around the lowest sport of a metal stairs that climbs up against the side of a large printing press; the low attachment ensures that the suspect can’t get up to his full height. He’ll have to stay seated, which is also the most comfortable position in case he’ll have to wait a while to be brought to the station.
The moment Nines secures his suspect, he hears the sounds of a struggle. There is a loud bang first, of two bodies slamming in the metal bannister of the walkway. The sounds echo around the almost empty factory room, making it a little harder to pinpoint the exact location of the struggle. Nines runs up the nearest stairs, hurrying to assist his partner.
He is at least forty yards away when he sees it happen. The AP700 gets the vantage point and topples the detective headfirst over the rail. The floor is sixteen feet away, the percentages of surviving a fall like that are strikingly low.
The detective’s hand shoots out in reflex, gripping a metal bar of the bannister, his body lurching from the shock. Nines is still 12.8 yards way when the hand slips.
The stutter in his Thirium pump nearly makes him falter in his run, red alerts popping up all over his vision. With a loud clang Nines catches the bannister at the spot where Gavin disappeared. He looks down, dreading what he’ll see.
The unexpected relief does silly things to his knee joints and he has to lock them into place to keep them from buckling.
Gavin is lying on top of one of the giant paper rolls that were used for printing newspapers. He is sprawled out on his back, his left arm lying in a wrong angle. A preliminary scan suggests a dislocated shoulder. The limbs on his right side are dangling down the side of the roll, he is dangerously close to falling off.
Nines doesn’t know if it’s lucky or unlucky that Gavin is still conscious. He is clearly out of it and most certainly not fully aware of his surroundings. If he rolls over to the wrong side...
“Gavin! Don’t move!”
His partner’s gaze locks in on Nines’ position, his head moving like he’s drunk. He doubts if Gavin can see him properly, but that doesn’t matter as long as he listens to his voice.
“Stay still, Gavin! I’m coming!”
The suspect. The android that is now running towards the exit that leads to the roof. From there he has an 93% chance to find a way down and get away. The alerts about the suspect are warring with the ones that inform him about his partner’s status. Nines pushes the alerts about the perp down and focuses on his partner. “You’re hurt. You need help.”
The word is barely audible, yet Nines freezes anyway. He is ready to swing his leg over the bannister: jumping down is the fastest way to get to his partner.
“Get… suspect.” Gavin coughs, unable to fill his lungs properly with air yet.
“Can wait,” Gavin grunts out. “Catch asshole first.”
“You’re hurt,” Nines states again, his brow furrowed. His LED is flashing red and the only thing keeping him from jumping down to Gavin is the man himself.
Gavin lets his eyes dart around and he blinks a couple of times. Pulling his right arm in doesn’t go effortless, though he does it anyway. The detective is nothing but tough, it speaks in his next words too. “I’m fine.”
The statement angers Nines. This is not the time to play it down. “You are most definitely not fine! You are in need of medical assistance.”
“Fine, I’m not fine!” Gavin coughs again, his lungs still recuperating from the fall. “But I can wait until you catch that fucking waste of plastic first!”
Nines processes Gavin’s words at less than optimal speed. Catch the fucking waste of plastic. Catch the android that hurt his partner. The LED on Nines’ temple spins furiously, first red and then turning yellow as he lets the objective of hunting deviants take over. His jaw sets and then he steps back over the railing. With one last look down at Gavin he turns and then he’s off.
This is what he was made for. He can feel it buzzing through his artificial body. Excitement in fulfilling his main objective after pushing it down for so long. It shouldn’t feel this good, yet it undoubtedly does. Somewhere in the back is a small push note that says this is wrong, that he shouldn’t feel delight in the prospect of eliminating a deviant android. The thrill of the chase is stronger though, it takes Nines sprinting over the roof, down to the far end where his sensors have detected his prey.
The AP700 has just started to climb down the fire escape ladder, only its head and shoulders are visible above the edge of the roof. Nines could pull his gun and shoot it with 100% accuracy, but where’s the fun in that?
With one last sprint he is at the roof’s edge and the skin of his hand is already retracting when he reaches down, movements so quick they’re almost a blur. His hand closes around the neck of the deviant android and a forced interface makes the perp’s motor functions cease within the second. With his superior force Nines lifts the limp android up by the neck and he tosses it behind him on the roof.
The deviant android lies on its back on the tiled roof, LED burning red and eyes wide. Heavy rain falls down, flooding its eyes and nasal cavities. It still can’t control its arms and legs, internal systems battling against the temporary virus Nines uploaded.
It’s just a simple domestic droid, no connections to New Jericho or anything that has to do with the android revolution. A revolution that is over, that had a pacifist ending and saw to it that androids and humans could live in peace together. Nines stills in his movements. The objective of eliminating all deviant androids is still visible, yet there are other information prompts asking for his attention. His job as a detective, his own deviancy, his constant battle against CyberLife’s initial programming. And his partner, Gavin.
Nines knows better than to give in to the urge to damage the android in front of him; not beyond repair at least. He has to get back to Gavin quickly: his partner needs him.
Towering above the android, he looks down at the pathetic form. His motor controls are returning slowly, causing his limbs to jerk in all directions.
He reaches down, grabbing the android by the collar and dragging him along with him. Nines stops at the metal housing of an air conditioning unit. The space within doesn’t have the required dimensions, although the total volume is big enough to fit the AP700. The unnatural way he bends the body would be impossible for a human; the android will be fine, save for some minor obstructions in his Thirium lines because of the tight folding.
The RK900 finds Gavin in the exact same position as he left him. He even has some of his usual snark back, although his surprisingly honest answers to the question ‘where does it hurt?’ indicate that he is indeed in a lot of pain.
The detective’s shoulder needs to be relocated and Nines decides it’s best to do it quickly, even in these less than optimal conditions. Little did he know that he would end up with a lap full of Gavin. The shock of pain made him lurch upright and then double over, his forehead pressing against Nines’ thigh. The human heat of his skin seeps through the fabric of his dress pants.
They hold each other in place: Gavin has a tight grip on the white Cyberlife jacket and Nines carefully supports his partner’s newly relocated shoulder. One wrong movement and it could dislocate again. That is not what occupies his processors though: it is the feeling of Gavin’s hair threading through his fingers. If Nines would search back in his logs he would find the small, but strong command that made him place his left hand on his partner’s head.
Holding Gavin’s hand prior to this can be rationalized: it is perfectly professional conduct to comfort your work partner when he or she is in pain. Stroking his hair strays from said professional conduct into the territory of ‘casual touching’. Or beyond. Because there is nothing casual in this touch, not when it makes Nines’ receptors work overtime. He registers the smoothness and thickness of Gavin’s hair, the strands slightly damp with sweat. He shouldn’t indulge. He can’t indulge.
“What did you do with the perps?” Gavin’s question catches Nines off guard. It reminds him off the android he left in the air conditioning housing unit. He let Cyberlife take control. An odd emotion rolls through his systems, one he can identify with some difficulty as shame . There’s also remorse for letting go like that.
Gavin moves away on his own accord, before Nines prompts him. With his arm in a makeshift mitella and with help from Nines, the detective eventually has his feet on solid ground again.
The RK900 makes him sit down, leaning against the giant paper roll. Gavin closes his eyes, his breathing measured to control his pain. Medical assistance and back up are close: Nines sends them directions to come in through the loading bay.
Nines doesn’t get a chance to cover up his grave misbehaviour, or make up for it. Officer Chen, Gavin’s friend, insists he must accompany the detective to the hospital.
The ride to the hospital is silent. The detective android has already conveyed all the necessary information to the medical androids through interface, so there is nothing for him to tell. Gavin isn’t in a talking mood either: he is concentrating on his breathing, a furrow in his brows.
The doctor compliments him on the job he did on his partner’s shoulder. With time and rest it should heal just fine. A concussion is the worst of Gavin’s injuries, the rest is basically blunt force trauma which will make him ache all over the next day and the days after that.
In the hospital Nines is allowed to stay by Gavin’s side the entire time, even though he isn’t a close relative.
“We are gonna need you later,” says one of the human nurses cryptically, looking up from Gavin’s chart.
His partner is tired and in pain, Nines has trouble to keep standing at the sidelines. Gavin’s stress level is slowly climbing again, after it first went down when the initial shock of everything that happened wore off. The detective is a stubborn man, whose pride prevents him from showing his discomfort. Yet he is in pain, very much so.
“I’m gonna give you something to help with the pain. It’s strong and it should help you get the rest you need,” the doctor says, tapping on the tablet in his hands that displays Gavin’s medical records.
The doctor shakes his head and stays immune for Gavin’s pleads and curses, his words growing more desperate when they have no effect. The detective wants to climb off the bed, but Nines is there already, a firm hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. He needs to place a second hand on Gavin’s hip to keep him on the bed and he angles his face in front of his partner. “Relax, Gavin. They only want to help you.”
One of the android nurses starts to prep something at her station. She has her back to Nines and he can’t see her hands, yet from Gavin’s reaction of suppressed panic and with officer Chen’s words in mind, he can imagine what she is doing.
“Can’t you just give me some pills or something?” Gavin says to the doctor, his voice strained.
“No!” Gavin strains against his hands. “I don’t… They… No!”
As soon as the nurse backs away with the needle, Nines gathers his partner more comfortable against his chest. With one arm around his shoulders, he uses the other one to rub soothing circles on his back. He counts the breaths for Gavin, minute after minute, until the man rests his head against the android's chest in exhausted defeat.
His breathing grows erratic and quickly gets to the point of hyperventilating. Gavin’s hands claw into Nines’ jacket, trying to find purchase but unable to hold on. A thin film of sweat covers the detective’s face, soon joined by the moist of tears spilling over.
Gavin is in such a state of distress he doesn’t even notice that the nurse quickly works on, placing a firm hand on his thigh and piercing the thick muscle there with the needle. The prick gets through to Gavin’s brain and he tries to fight it off. His effort is to no avail, because Nines will not let his partner hurt himself or the medical staff.
The pain medication is strong and Gavin is tired from the whole ordeal; he is barely awake throughout the discharge from the hospital and the ride home. Taking Gavin from the car to his home proves to be a bit harder than Nines initially thought. Because of the man’s injuries and exhaustment, he needs to support the detective in his walking. Yet putting Gavin’s arm around his shoulders so he can lean on the android turns out to be very uncomfortable for his partner. The difference in height is more than what his battered body can handle right now. However, Gavin is in no shape to walk by himself; exhausted to the bone and spaced out on pain medication.
Nines doesn’t think twice about picking Gavin up bridal style: it is the most convenient and painless way to carry his partner up to his apartment. It isn’t until he meets their reflection in the mirror at the back of the elevator that his Thirium pump suddenly stutters once. He has Gavin cradled high against his chest, to prevent his head from lolling back uncomfortably. The human’s face is pressed against the stiff collar of his jacket and unexpectedly Nines wonders how it would feel if there weren’t any barriers between Gavin’s face and the artificial skin of his neck. The android catches his own eyes in the mirror, the optical units wide and uncertain, and quickly turns away from the mirror.
He is still cleaning up the software instabilities when he reaches Gavin’s flat, quickly interfacing with the electronic lock to open it. He comes here often enough that Gavin gave him the code, saying he was tired of getting up from the couch to open the door for him every time he came to visit Tiny. Not that Gavin was sitting on the couch every time Nines stopped by; sometimes he sat at his kitchen table, or he was out on his balcony for a smoke. One time he was in the shower, his still slightly damp skin and wet hair doing funny things to Nines’ scanners when he emerged from his bedroom - casually dressed in joggers and a sweatshirt. But most often Nines went home with Gavin straight from work and he would cook while the detective sat back in a kitchen chair and scrolled through his phone.
The android is careful not to come around too often, aware of social protocols he doesn’t understand for one bit. It’s not like there is one, clear set of rules. Rules considering social interactions appear to differ from country to country, from decade to decade and even from person to person. When it comes to interacting with his partner outside work hours, Nines can only try and navigate the verbal and nonverbal cues Gavin gives him. So far, he has established a visiting schedule of three times a week, with a randomly thrown in fourth visit every three to four weeks. This visitation rate prevents unpleasant remarks from Gavin about ‘the tin can being overbearing’, yet it also stays ahead of accusations about his apparent ‘lack of interest for his own damn cat’.
With visits to Hank and Connor’s house once or twice a week - alternating at a random pattern - it still leaves too many nights of staring at the white walls of his own apartment. At least at the lieutenant’s house there is Sumo to distract him, even when the dog is asleep. Nines has counted the whiskers on his snout 37 times already and he will do it again, because the amount of whiskers is not always the same. The lieutenant and Connor provide him with their own form of pastime, as does Gavin; though Gavin is less demanding than Connor. The human is content to just sit and watch tv with him, much like Hank, although the lieutenant prefers to watch sports and that makes his pre construction software go haywire if he isn’t careful. And his android sibling always wants to talk about something, anything. It’s one of the reasons Nines prefers visiting his partner’s home. The cats are nice too: Sid is about as immobile as the Saint Bernard at his brother’s house, yet Tiny is a lot more lively. It is fun to watch her chase the bright feather on a flexible stick, or look at her wrangling a toy mouse in her paws.
The detective wakes up a little, becoming aware of his surroundings. “Put me down,” he mumbles, squirming and groaning in Nines’ arms.
Nines has to avoid tripping over the white feline as he steps inside with Gavin in his arms; oblivious or indifferent to his precious cargo Tiny weaves her supple body around his ankles.
“I’ll be with you shortly,” Nines promises her, making his way to Gavin’s bedroom.
The android lowers him to the bed and proceeds to take off Gavin’s shoes. His partner rolls over on his side and tries to push himself up, mumbling something incoherent. When he’s upright he shrugs out of his open hoodie, the painful movements scrunching up his face.
Nines takes the garment from him, instructing him to lie down again. “You need to rest.”
“I need a beer,” Gavin answers defiantly, although he already slumps back against the mattress. Nines gently helps him to find a comfortable position, the detective’s eyes falling shut again.
Whether or not to undress his partner any further, is a question that needs some thinking. Nines decides to get the hospital issued plastic bag with Gavin’s leather jacket and his holster and gun from the car first and he also feeds and pets the cats before entering the dark bedroom again. The detective is still lying in the position he left him in, on his back, on top of the covers.
His shoes are neatly positioned next to the bed and his hoodie is folded up on top of the dresser. However, Gavin is still wearing his jeans, socks and a T-shirt. Nines knows for a fact the detective doesn’t sleep with his pants on, nor his socks. Removing them, especially in his own bedroom, seems like an intimate act. It crosses a line, somewhere, somehow. It’s another one of those complex social situations that continue to baffle Nines in the most unpleasant way. On the one hand he doesn’t want his partner to feel awkward or even violated and the detective is hardly coherent enough to give his consent at the moment. On the other hand there is a high probability that this isn’t the most comfortable outfit to sleep in and Gavin is lying on top of the blankets instead of underneath them. He’s not an android, he will get cold during the night.
In the end, Nines gathers more data in favour of removing the detective’s day clothes than against it. Gavin wakes up when Nines is removing his pants leg from his ankle, a shiver running over his body. “I’m cold,” he says.
In silence, Nines helps him to shimmy under the covers and pulls them up to his chin. “Good night, Gavin.”
“You’re like a blue nightlight,” Gavin whispers, blinking up at his android partner with heavy eyelids. The blue of Nines’ LED chases away some of the darkness in the room, tinting everything in the direct vicinity with the calm colour. Having a nightlight seems to have some pleasant connotation for the detective, as he smiles weakly before his eyes fall shut again.
Wikipedia classifies a nightlight as ‘a small light fixture, placed for comfort or convenience in dark areas’. Nines wants nothing more than to give his partner comfort. If he had noticed the perps earlier, Gavin wouldn’t have gotten hurt.
The android sets an internal alarm to wake his partner up at regular intervals during the night, standard procedure for concussions. It’s an injury that will give the human a lot of discomfort before it heals, same goes for his dislocated shoulder and his many bruises. Nines knows he should feel guilty about his treatment of the android suspect this afternoon, yet he can’t seem to access the proper sentiment when he looks at his partner. The AP700 hurt Gavin, because Nines wasn’t paying proper attention to his surroundings.
A failure.
One with dire consequences.
He failed his partner.
Now he has to make up for that.
<< 7/10 >>
DBH Partners series masterpost
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miamidhgh · 1 day
Affordable Solutions for Streamlined Supply Chains: Inexpensive Cross Dock Logistics Services
In today's fast-paced business environment, effective logistics management is crucial for companies looking to maintain a competitive edge. One method that has gained traction among businesses of all sizes is cross docking, a logistics strategy designed to optimize the flow of goods. For those on a budget, inexpensive cross dock logistics services offer a practical solution to enhance operational efficiency without hefty expenses.
What is Cross Docking?
Cross docking is a logistics practice where products are unloaded from incoming shipments and immediately loaded onto outbound shipments, with minimal or no storage time in between. This method reduces the need for warehousing, lowers inventory costs, and speeds up the delivery process. By consolidating products from multiple suppliers into a single load, businesses can streamline their supply chains and improve customer satisfaction.
Benefits of Inexpensive Cross Dock Logistics Services
Cost Efficiency: One of the most appealing aspects of inexpensive cross dock logistics is the cost savings it provides. By reducing or eliminating storage costs and decreasing handling times, businesses can significantly lower their overall logistics expenses.
Faster Delivery Times: With cross docking, goods spend less time in transit, allowing companies to respond more quickly to customer demands. This speed can be a major differentiator in industries where timely delivery is essential.
Reduced Risk of Damage: Minimizing the handling of goods decreases the chances of damage. Products that are quickly transferred from one vehicle to another are less likely to be mishandled, resulting in fewer claims and returns.
Increased Inventory Turnover: Cross docking helps maintain a lean inventory, as goods move directly from suppliers to customers. This quick turnover is particularly beneficial for businesses with perishable items or fast-moving consumer goods.
Flexibility and Scalability: Inexpensive cross dock logistics services can adapt to the changing needs of a business. As demand fluctuates, companies can easily scale their operations up or down without the burden of long-term contracts or commitments.
Choosing the Right Cross Dock Logistics Provider
When searching for an inexpensive cross dock logistics service, businesses should consider several key factors:
Reputation: Look for providers with a solid track record in the industry. Customer reviews and testimonials can provide insights into their reliability and service quality.
Technology Integration: A good logistics provider should offer advanced tracking and inventory management systems. These tools can help businesses monitor their shipments in real time and manage their supply chains more effectively.
Geographic Coverage: Ensure that the provider has a network that covers your target markets. This will help you maintain efficient distribution channels and reach your customers quickly.
Customer Support: Responsive and knowledgeable customer service can make a significant difference in managing logistics challenges. Choose a provider that prioritizes communication and support.
In a competitive landscape where efficiency and cost control are paramount, inexpensive cross dock logistics services present an attractive option for businesses seeking to optimize their supply chains. By understanding the benefits and carefully selecting a reliable logistics provider, companies can leverage cross docking to enhance their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction—all while keeping their budget intact. Embracing this strategy may just be the key to staying ahead in today’s market.
For More Info:-
Inexpensive Cross Dock Logistics Service
Cost Effective Warehouse Service in Miami
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portzlogistics · 4 days
Efficient Warehousing Services in Oakland: Optimizing Your Supply Chain
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving global economy, businesses are continually seeking efficient solutions to streamline their supply chains. Warehousing services in Oakland play a critical role in the seamless management of goods, particularly for companies looking to take advantage of the city’s strategic location and robust logistics infrastructure.
Why Choose Warehousing in Oakland?
Located at the heart of Northern California’s bustling Bay Area, Oakland is home to one of the busiest ports in the United States. This makes it an ideal hub for businesses involved in import and export operations. Choosing warehousing services in Oakland offers several key benefits:
Proximity to Major Transport Routes: Oakland’s port serves as a major gateway for goods entering and leaving the West Coast. With convenient access to intermodal transportation options, including rail, road, and sea, companies can ensure the swift movement of products across the region and beyond.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Whether you need long-term storage or short-term space for inventory overflow, warehousing services in Oakland offer flexible pricing models. This helps businesses maintain control over operational costs while benefiting from a strategically located facility.
Expert Inventory Management: Modern warehousing is more than just a place to store goods. Oakland’s top facilities provide comprehensive services such as real-time inventory tracking, product handling, and order fulfillment, ensuring that your supply chain runs efficiently.
Types of Warehousing Services in Oakland
Depending on your business needs, there are a variety of warehousing services available in Oakland that can cater to different industries and logistical requirements.
Public Warehousing: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, public warehouses offer shared space and services. This allows companies to benefit from flexible storage options without the financial burden of owning a warehouse.
Private Warehousing: For larger businesses or those with specific storage needs, private warehousing provides dedicated space that is custom-built for your operations. This gives you more control over how your goods are stored and managed.
Climate-Controlled Warehousing: For businesses handling perishable or temperature-sensitive products, climate-controlled warehouses in Oakland ensure that goods are stored in optimal conditions. Whether you’re dealing with food products, pharmaceuticals, or electronics, these specialized warehouses help maintain product integrity.
Cross-Docking Facilities: Designed for businesses that need fast turnover times, cross-docking services allow products to be unloaded from inbound trucks and immediately loaded onto outbound vehicles, minimizing storage time and speeding up delivery.
The Role of Technology in Modern Warehousing
Technology has revolutionized the warehousing industry, and facilities in Oakland are no exception. Many providers now offer high-tech solutions to improve efficiency, accuracy, and transparency across the supply chain. Some of the cutting-edge technologies you can expect from warehousing services in Oakland include:
Automated Inventory Management: State-of-the-art software allows for real-time tracking of inventory, giving businesses full visibility into stock levels and movement.
Warehouse Robotics: Automation and robotics are becoming increasingly common, with machines handling tasks like picking, packing, and loading. This reduces human error and speeds up the entire fulfillment process.
Data Analytics: Warehouses equipped with advanced analytics platforms can provide businesses with actionable insights on inventory trends, space utilization, and more, allowing for smarter decision-making.
Why Partner with a Local Oakland Warehouse Provider?
Local expertise is invaluable when navigating the complexities of supply chain management. By partnering with a warehousing service provider in Oakland, businesses benefit from:
In-Depth Knowledge of the Bay Area Market: Oakland-based providers understand the unique logistical challenges and opportunities that come with operating in the Bay Area, offering tailored solutions to meet your needs.
Faster Response Times: Proximity to your business operations means quicker response times for urgent orders, inventory adjustments, or changes in supply chain demands.
Reduced Transportation Costs: With a warehouse located close to your suppliers or customers, transportation costs are minimized, allowing for more cost-efficient logistics.
Warehousing services in Oakland are an essential component for businesses seeking to improve their supply chain efficiency. With its strategic location, diverse service offerings, and cutting-edge technology, Oakland provides businesses with the tools they need to manage inventory effectively and meet customer demands. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, partnering with a top-tier warehousing service in Oakland can give you the competitive edge in today’s dynamic market.
For businesses looking to optimize their supply chains and reduce operational costs, Oakland’s warehousing solutions provide flexibility, convenience, and unparalleled access to key transportation networks.
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immensitylogistics · 8 days
Optimizing Cold Storage Logistics: Automating Truck Flow and Dock Assignments
In the fast-paced and highly competitive world of cold storage logistics, efficiency and precision are the keys to success. As temperature-sensitive goods move through the intricate web of the supply chain, maintaining the integrity of the cold chain is a constant challenge that requires a deep understanding of the industry's unique demands. At Immensity Logistics, we have made it our mission to help our clients navigate these complexities and unlock the full potential of their cold storage logistics operations.
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Streamlining Truck Flow with Immensity Logistics
Effective truck flow management is essential for the smooth operation of any cold storage facility. Immensity Logistics leverages the latest advancements in logistics technology to transform dock operations into a more intelligent and automated process. By implementing cutting-edge digital solutions like Chamberlain Group's myQ Enterprise, we can help our clients optimize the flow of large trucks and trailers, minimizing loading and unloading times and ensuring a seamless operation.
Logistics experts work closely with our clients to understand the unique challenges, whether guiding tight delivery schedules, managing a high volume of inbound and outbound shipments or coordinating with multiple transportation providers. By applying our deep industry knowledge and innovative approach, we develop customized truck flow management strategies that streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance the overall efficiency of our clients' cold storage logistics.
Optimizing Dock Assignments for Efficient Logistics
Dock assignments are another critical component of cold storage logistics, and Immensity Logistics is at the forefront of this challenge. By integrating dock assignment and truck scheduling processes, we can help our clients achieve in their shipping and transport logistics. Our Retalix Transportation Optimization (TMS) solution automates dock assignments, streamlines logistics, and reduces manual entry, allowing our clients to focus on maintaining the integrity of the cold chain.
Through our advanced analytics and data-driven approach, we identify bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and develop innovative dock assignment strategies that maximize the utilization of available resources. It enhances the efficiency of our client's logistics operations and helps them maintain the strict temperature and handling requirements necessary for temperature-sensitive goods.
Maintaining Cold Chain Integrity with Immensity Logistics
Ensuring the integrity of the cold chain is paramount in cold storage logistics, and Immensity Logistics is committed to providing comprehensive solutions that address this critical challenge. Our industry expertise and extensive facility network enable us to deliver end-to-end cold chain solutions that maintain compliance from production to delivery, including the crucial loading dock area.
By leveraging our deep understanding of regulatory requirements, industry best practices, and emerging technologies, we work closely with our clients to develop customized cold chain management strategies that minimize the risk of temperature excursions, product spoilage, and compliance issues. From real-time monitoring and predictive analytics to advanced temperature-controlled transportation and storage solutions, Immensity Logistics is a trusted partner in safeguarding the integrity of our clients' cold chains.
Unlocking the Power of Efficient Logistics Solutions
By partnering with Immensity Logistics, our clients can unlock the power of efficient logistics solutions that optimize truck flow, streamline dock assignments, and maintain the integrity of the cold chain. Our commitment to innovation and deep understanding of the cold storage industry make us the trusted partner for businesses seeking to enhance their shipping and transport logistics operations and drive success in this competitive market.
Through our collaborative approach and tailored solutions, we empower our clients to achieve greater efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver high-quality, temperature-sensitive products to their customers. Trust Immensity Logistics as your partner in unlocking the full potential of your cold storage logistics operations and staying ahead in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of logistics.
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forkliftswork · 11 days
Forklifts for Sale: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right Equipment
Forklifts are the backbone of material handling in industries such as warehousing, logistics, construction, and manufacturing. Whether you’re managing a small warehouse or overseeing a large industrial site, forklifts play a critical role in ensuring efficient and safe operations. If you’re in the market for new or used forklifts for sale, it’s essential to choose the right equipment that meets your operational needs while offering durability, performance, and value.
In this blog, we’ll explore the key considerations when purchasing a forklift, the different types of forklifts available, and tips for finding the best deals on forklifts for sale.
Key Considerations When Purchasing a Forklift
Before diving into the selection process, it’s important to evaluate your specific requirements. Here are some essential factors to consider:
1. Capacity Requirements
One of the first things to assess is the weight capacity your forklift needs to handle. Forklifts come in various capacities, typically ranging from 1 ton to 25 tons or more. Understanding the typical loads you will be lifting helps determine the right forklift size. For example, a warehouse might need a forklift with a 2- to 3-ton capacity for everyday tasks, while a construction site may require a heavy-duty forklift for lifting larger materials.
2. Lift Height
The height to which your forklift will need to lift loads is another crucial consideration. If you’re working in a warehouse with high racking systems, you’ll need a forklift that can reach those heights. Conversely, if most of your work is done at ground level or on loading docks, a standard forklift with a lower lift height may suffice.
3. Indoor vs. Outdoor Use
Will the forklift be primarily used indoors, outdoors, or both? This factor influences the type of tires and the power source you should choose. Indoor forklifts often have solid or cushion tires, which provide better maneuverability on smooth surfaces, while outdoor forklifts typically use pneumatic tires that offer better traction on rough or uneven terrain.
Electric Forklifts: Ideal for indoor use, electric forklifts are quiet, produce zero emissions, and have lower maintenance costs. They’re perfect for warehouses, retail operations, and environments where air quality is a concern.
Diesel or LPG Forklifts: These forklifts are more powerful and are suited for outdoor work or environments that require heavy lifting and continuous use. Diesel-powered forklifts can handle rough terrain and are more robust for demanding jobs.
4. Environment and Terrain
The operating environment should also be considered when looking for forklifts sale. If your facility has narrow aisles or tight spaces, a compact or narrow-aisle forklift might be necessary. Additionally, consider the type of surface the forklift will be used on, whether it’s smooth warehouse floors, gravel, or uneven outdoor terrain. The right tires and forklift type will ensure optimal performance in your specific environment.
5. New vs. Used Forklifts
Depending on your budget and operational needs, you may choose to buy a new or used forklift. New forklifts offer the latest technology, warranties, and lower maintenance costs, but they come with a higher price tag. On the other hand, used forklifts are more affordable and can be a great option for businesses looking to save money. When purchasing a used forklift, it’s essential to inspect the equipment thoroughly and ensure it has been well-maintained.
Types of Forklifts Available for Sale
Forklifts come in various types and configurations, each designed for different tasks and environments. Here are some common types of forklifts you’ll encounter when searching for forklifts for sale:
1. Counterbalance Forklifts
The most common type of forklift, counterbalance forklifts have a weight at the rear to counter the load being lifted at the front. They’re versatile and can be used in a wide range of industries for lifting and transporting pallets and materials.
2. Reach Trucks
Reach trucks are designed for high-reach applications, such as retrieving pallets from warehouse racking. They’re ideal for indoor use in narrow aisles and offer excellent maneuverability and lift height.
3. Pallet Jacks
Also known as pallet trucks, pallet jacks are used for moving pallets around a warehouse or distribution center. They come in manual and electric versions and are great for low-level lifting and transporting of loads over short distances.
4. Rough Terrain Forklifts
Built for outdoor use, rough terrain forklifts are equipped with larger, rugged tires that can handle uneven surfaces, gravel, and mud. They’re commonly used in construction sites, agriculture, and lumberyards where terrain can be challenging.
5. Telehandlers
Telehandlers, or telescopic handlers, have a boom that allows them to lift loads to greater heights and reach farther distances. They’re often used in construction and agriculture for lifting materials to upper levels or difficult-to-reach areas.
Tips for Finding the Best Forklifts for Sale
Now that you know what to look for in a forklift, here are some tips to help you find the best deals and make a smart purchase:
1. Work with Reputable Dealers
When searching for forklifts for sale, it’s important to work with a reputable dealer who offers reliable equipment and transparent pricing. A good dealer will provide detailed information about the forklifts, including their service history, condition, and any warranties available. They can also offer expert advice on the best forklift for your needs and budget.
2. Inspect the Equipment Thoroughly
If you’re buying a used forklift, make sure to inspect it thoroughly. Check for signs of wear and tear, such as worn tires, leaks, or damaged components. Test the forklift to ensure it operates smoothly and safely. Don’t hesitate to ask for maintenance records or a service report from the dealer.
3. Consider the Total Cost of Ownership
When evaluating the price of a forklift, consider the total cost of ownership, including maintenance, fuel, insurance, and operator training. A cheaper forklift may have higher operating costs in the long run, so it’s important to factor in these additional expenses when making your decision.
4. Take Advantage of Financing Options
Many dealers offer financing options that can make purchasing a forklift more affordable. Explore leasing options or payment plans that allow you to spread the cost over time, making it easier to fit the purchase into your budget.
5. Compare Multiple Options
Don’t settle for the first forklift you come across. Take the time to compare multiple options from different dealers. Look at the features, pricing, warranties, and after-sales support to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.
Purchasing the right forklift is a crucial decision that can impact the efficiency and safety of your operations. Whether you’re looking for a brand-new forklift with the latest technology or a reliable used model that fits your budget, there are plenty of forklifts for sale to choose from.
By carefully evaluating your specific needs, working with reputable dealers, and considering both new and used options, you can find the perfect forklift to boost productivity and streamline your material handling processes. When it comes to investing in your business, selecting the right forklift is a step toward success.
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birina123 · 13 days
7 Tips to Reduce Food Loss and Shrink When Shipping Fresh Produce
When shipping fresh produce from India to other countries, suppliers and distributors are primarily concerned with reducing food waste and shrinkage. Improper handling, insufficient storage, and inefficient transport methods can lead to significant annual losses. This not only impacts economic growth but also worsens food security and environmental sustainability. Implementing fresh produce shipping best practices can help minimize food waste and ensure high-quality products reach consumers. By improving logistics, adopting innovative packaging, and embracing sustainable practices, stakeholders can strengthen the resilience and sustainability of the food supply chain.
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7 Steps to Reduce Food Waste and Shrinkage
Know the Cause of Your Food Loss
The food storage department often struggles to manage food waste. One major reason is the lack of visibility in the food supply chain. A reliable supply chain can help assess where food loss is happening in your facilities. Reducing food loss in fresh produce cargo involves identifying root causes like varying ingredient expiration dates and supplier issues such as late shipments or hygiene concerns. Through fresh produce shipping best practices, significant food loss can be avoided, ensuring high-quality produce reaches consumers in optimal condition.
Key causes of food spoilage at each stage of the supply chain include:
Disorganized Storage Process
Incorrect Harvesting Time
Product Deterioration
Failing to meet requirements like weight, capacity, and shape
Fungal Growth
Damaged Packaging
Reefer Container Temperature for Fresh Produce
Transporting fresh produce from farms to storage units is a complex process, requiring consistent temperature settings to preserve perishable fruits and vegetables. Proper temperature control and fresh produce shipping best practices significantly reduce food shrinkage and waste.
Collaborate with a Reliable Supplier
When shipping fresh produce, it’s essential to partner with trusted supply chain collaborators. Open communication and the fresh produce shipping best practices among growers, packers, distributors, and retailers help address issues and improve efficiency. This collaboration plays a crucial role in reducing food loss and maintaining supply chain performance.
Strict Regulations and Compliance
Adhering to international regulations is critical for exporting fresh produce globally. Every country should have fresh produce shipping practices, including food safety, quality, and labeling standards. Non-compliance can result in heavy fines and serious repercussions for your business. Ensuring compliance is a fundamental aspect of fresh produce shipping best practices.
Wrong Harvest Methods
Harvesting fresh produce at the wrong time can harm food quality and lead to significant food loss. Improper harvesting causes water loss and bruising, speeding up the ripening process and reducing storage time. By following fresh produce shipping best practices, including proper handling, grading, sorting, and efficient packing solutions, you can reduce food spoilage and deliver top-quality produce.
Storage and Ripening
Managing the storage and ripening process is key to reducing food loss. Precooling can minimize weight loss during storage by up to 6%. Prematurely picked fruits like apples are stored in controlled environments to reach full ripeness. Monitoring temperature, humidity, and levels of carbon dioxide, ethylene, and oxygen is vital to ensuring the best ripening results. With fresh produce shipping best practices , you can minimize food waste and transport the correct amount of fresh produce without loss.
Control pest infestation
Pests can infiltrate loading docks, open storage, warehouses, delivery trucks, and containers, compromising the quality and marketability of perishable goods. Pest-borne illnesses can significantly impact the appearance and value of fresh produce, leading to recalls and legal issues.
By following fresh produce shipping best practices, you can reduce food waste and shrinkage during transit, ensuring safe and high-quality products arrive at their destination.
Citrus Freight has been a key player in the global export of fresh produce. With state-of-the-art reefer containers and efficient supply chain management, Citrus Freight is one of the leading platforms for booking reefer containers.
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equitylogistic · 18 days
E-commerce Boom Demands Changes in Warehousing Services in India
In recent years, the Indian e-commerce market has experienced unprecedented growth. With more than 600 million internet users and an expanding middle class, the appetite for online shopping is voracious. This boom has fundamentally reshaped consumer behavior and created a ripple effect across various sectors, particularly warehousing. As e-commerce continues to grow, the demand for efficient, scalable, and technologically advanced Warehousing Services in India has become a critical focus.
The Rise of E-commerce in India
India’s e-commerce sector has grown rapidly, fueled by increasing internet penetration, smartphone adoption, and favorable government policies. As per a report by IBEF (India Brand Equity Foundation), the Indian e-commerce market is expected to reach USD 188 billion by 2025, from USD 64 billion in 2020. This rapid growth has been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which pushed even the most hesitant consumers towards online shopping.
This surge in online sales has put immense pressure on the supply chain, with warehousing being one of the most critical components. The traditional warehousing model, which was primarily focused on long-term storage, is no longer sufficient to meet the demands of modern e-commerce. The sector now requires more dynamic, responsive, and tech-savvy solutions.
Challenges Facing Traditional Warehousing
The traditional warehousing industry in India has long been plagued by several inefficiencies, such as outdated infrastructure, manual operations, and limited scalability. These issues are compounded by the rapid increase in the volume of goods that need to be processed and shipped across the country. Some of the key challenges include:
Lack of Automation: Most warehouses in India still rely heavily on manual labor for tasks like inventory management, picking, and packing. This not only slows down operations but also increases the likelihood of errors, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction.
Inadequate Infrastructure: Many warehouses are not equipped to handle the demands of modern e-commerce, such as same-day or next-day delivery. Poor road connectivity, insufficient space, and a lack of cold storage facilities are just a few of the infrastructure issues that limit the efficiency of warehousing services.
High Operational Costs: The cost of maintaining and operating traditional warehouses is high, particularly in urban areas where land prices are steep. This can make it difficult for businesses to scale their operations to meet the growing demands of e-commerce.
Fragmented Market: The warehousing sector in India is highly fragmented, with many small and medium-sized players who lack the resources to invest in modern technologies or expand their operations. This fragmentation can lead to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in service delivery.
The Evolution of Warehousing Services
To keep pace with the demands of the e-commerce boom, the warehousing industry in India is undergoing significant changes. The evolution is being driven by several key trends:
Automation and Technology Integration: The adoption of automation and advanced technologies is transforming warehousing operations. From robotics and artificial intelligence to the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data analytics, technology is being used to streamline processes, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. For example, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) can significantly speed up the picking and packing process, while AI-powered inventory management systems can optimize stock levels and reduce waste.
Development of Grade A Warehouses: There is a growing demand for Grade A warehouses, which offer better infrastructure, security, and connectivity. These warehouses are designed to meet the specific needs of e-commerce, such as high ceilings for vertical storage, large docking areas for quick loading and unloading, and advanced fire safety systems. The development of these warehouses is particularly important in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, where e-commerce activity is most concentrated.
Emergence of Multi-Modal Logistics Parks: To address the challenges of poor infrastructure and high operational costs, there is a growing trend towards the development of multi-modal logistics parks. These parks integrate different modes of transportation, such as road, rail, and air, to improve connectivity and reduce transit times. They also offer value-added services, such as packaging, labeling, and quality control, which can help e-commerce companies streamline their operations and reduce costs.
Cold Chain Warehousing: With the rise of online grocery and pharmaceutical sales, there is an increasing demand for cold chain warehousing. These facilities are equipped with temperature-controlled environments to store perishable goods, ensuring they remain fresh during transit. The development of cold chain infrastructure is crucial for the growth of e-commerce in sectors such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture.
Sustainability Initiatives: As environmental concerns grow, there is a push towards more sustainable warehousing practices. This includes the use of green building materials, energy-efficient lighting, and renewable energy sources such as solar power. Additionally, some companies are exploring the use of electric vehicles for last-mile delivery to reduce their carbon footprint.
The Role of Government and Policy Support
The Indian government has recognized the importance of the warehousing sector in supporting the growth of e-commerce and has introduced several initiatives to support its development. The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2017 was a significant step in this direction, as it eliminated interstate taxes and facilitated the creation of a unified market, making it easier for companies to set up large-scale warehouses.
The government has also launched the National Logistics Policy (NLP) aimed at reducing logistics costs, improving supply chain efficiency, and promoting the development of logistics infrastructure, including warehouses. Additionally, the "Make in India" and "Digital India" initiatives have created a favorable environment for the growth of e-commerce and, by extension, the warehousing sector.
Future Outlook
The future of warehousing services in India looks promising, with the e-commerce boom expected to continue for the foreseeable future. As more consumers shift to online shopping, the demand for efficient, scalable, and technologically advanced warehousing solutions will only increase.
To capitalize on this growth, warehousing companies will need to invest in modern infrastructure, adopt automation and digitalization, and focus on sustainability. Additionally, the development of multi-modal logistics parks and cold chain facilities will be crucial to meeting the diverse needs of the e-commerce sector.
The role of the government will also be pivotal in supporting the growth of the warehousing sector. Continued investment in infrastructure development, policy reforms, and incentives for technology adoption will be essential to ensure that India’s warehousing industry can keep pace with the demands of the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.
The e-commerce boom in India is not just reshaping consumer behavior; it is also driving significant changes in the Warehousing Services in India. As the demand for faster, more efficient, and technologically advanced warehousing services grows, the industry must evolve to meet these new challenges. By embracing automation, investing in modern infrastructure, and focusing on sustainability, warehousing companies can position themselves for success in the dynamic and fast-paced world of Indian e-commerce. The road ahead is full of opportunities, but it will require innovation, collaboration, and a forward-thinking approach to fully realize the potential of this rapidly growing market.
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yingying0322 · 24 days
Sea Freight
Sea Freight
Product Description
An Sea Freight is a large storage facility used for storing goods and products before they are distributed to retailers or customers. These warehouses are equipped with loading docks, forklifts, and other equipment to efficiently move and store inventory. They play a crucial role in the supply chain, helping to streamline the distribution process and ensure that products are readily available for consumers. American warehouses are located near major transportation hubs and are essential for the smooth operation of businesses across various industries.
Product Features
Flexibility and Agility: Sea Freight quickly adjusts to market changes and client demands, providing adaptable storage solutions and agile logistics operations.
Brand Reputation: Known for reliability and professionalism, the warehouse enhances the credibility of businesses it partners with.
Strategic Partnerships: Sea Freight collaborates with industry experts to offer value-added services and optimize logistics operations.
Compliance and Security: Sea Freight prioritizes compliance and security, ensuring the safety and confidentiality of stored goods.
Product Advantages
Implementing Effective Inventory Optimization Strategies for Enhanced Supply Chain Performance: Sea Freight locations may assist businesses in implementing inventory optimization strategies such as ABC analysis, demand forecasting, and safety stock planning, optimizing inventory levels and reducing carrying costs while maintaining service levels.
Robust Security Measures and Advanced Surveillance Systems for Enhanced Protection of Stored Goods: Sea Freight prioritizes security and surveillance measures to protect stored goods from theft, vandalism, or unauthorized access. This may include 24/7 monitoring, access control systems, and CCTV surveillance to ensure the safety and integrity of stored inventory.
Comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Measures and Contingency Planning: Sea Freight facilities are equipped with emergency preparedness plans and contingency measures to mitigate risks associated with natural disasters, accidents, or other unforeseen events, ensuring business continuity and minimizing disruptions to operations.
Dedicated Customer Support and Service Excellence: Sea Freight prides itself on providing exceptional customer support and service, offering dedicated account managers, responsive communication channels, and proactive problem-solving to address any concerns or inquiries promptly.
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buildmyplaceweb · 25 days
High-Performance LED Canopy Lights for Commercial and Industrial Applications
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Discover top-quality LED canopy lights, perfect for enhancing safety and visibility in commercial and industrial spaces. These energy-efficient lights are designed to provide bright, uniform illumination for parking garages, gas stations, and loading docks, ensuring reliable performance in outdoor and indoor environments. With long-lasting durability, reduced maintenance costs, and various styles to suit your specific needs, LED canopy lights are the ideal solution for optimizing lighting efficiency. Explore our selection and transform your space with cutting-edge lighting technology.
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aeautoevcharger · 26 days
AEAUTO Engineering Vehicle Powertrain Solutions
Against the backdrop of the global low-carbon and dual-circulation development pattern, electrification has become one of the important directions for the green development of engineering vehicles due to its full life cycle cost advantages.
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Powertrain composition
The powertrain of an engineering vehicle is mainly composed of an engine, a gearbox, a drive shaft, and a travel system, among which the engine and gearbox are the core components of the powertrain.
The engine is the power source of engineering vehicles, generally diesel engines or natural gas engines. Diesel engines have the advantages of high power and good economy, while natural gas engines have the advantages of good environmental protection and low working noise.
The gearbox is a key component for controlling the movement of engineering vehicles. Generally, a hydraulic gearbox or a mechanical gearbox is used. The hydraulic gearbox has the advantages of smooth shifting and strong load-bearing capacity, but the efficiency is low; the mechanical gearbox has high efficiency, but the shifting is not smooth.
Drive shaft and travel system
The drive shaft transmits the engine power to the travel system, which is generally in the form of tracks or tires. Tracks have the advantages of a strong ability to pass through bad terrain and good safety, but they are easy to wear and have high maintenance costs; tires have the advantages of good flexibility and long service life, but they are weak in the ability to pass through bad terrain.
Advantages of Engineering Vehicle Powertrain
Electric engineering vehicles are energy-saving and environmentally friendly products with zero fuel consumption and no emissions. Compared with diesel vehicles of the same model, it can not only respond to national policies and achieve zero-emission, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly transportation.
At the same time, unlike diesel engine maintenance and regular replacement of various filter elements, and the fact that electricity costs are far lower than the cost of diesel, the operating cost of electric vehicles can save up to more than 50%. Its salient features: are environmental protection, no pollution, low energy cost, and it can be widely used in various transportation conditions such as: logistics transportation, ore transportation , dock transportation, and other places.
AEAUTO engineering vehicle economic benefits advantage
Traditional engineering vehicles often encounter problems such as high failure rate , low energy efficiency , high operating noise , and environmental pollution during use. In order to solve the problems of traditional engineering vehicles , the following are the economic benefits of AEAUTO engineering vehicles :
1. Improve the stability of the powertrain
Use higher quality materials, strengthen the structural design of the powertrain, and improve the powertrain’s resistance to harsh environments, thereby reducing the failure rate.
2. Improve energy efficiency
Technologies such as oil pumps or hydraulic motors are used to improve the energy efficiency of the powertrain, extend the service life of engineering vehicles, and reduce energy consumption.
3. Reduce operating noise
The use of technical means such as acoustic isolation technology or noise-reducing materials can effectively reduce the noise generated by engineering vehicles during operation and improve the working environment of workers.
4. Battery costs will decrease
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AEAUTO is committed to promoting technological innovation in the field of engineering vehicles and continuously investing in R&D to optimize powertrain solutions.
In the future, we will uphold the concept of innovation and continue to provide advanced, efficient, and reliable technical support and product services to the engineering vehicle industry to help engineering construction.
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mariteksolution · 26 days
How to Optimize Thruster Controller Settings for Efficient Ship Maneuvering?
Optimizing thruster controller settings is crucial for ensuring efficient ship maneuvering, particularly in tight harbors, during docking, or when navigating through narrow channels. Thruster controllers are integral to a vessel's propulsion system, enabling precise control over lateral and rotational movements. By fine-tuning these settings, ship operators can achieve smoother, safer, and more energy-efficient maneuvers. Here’s how you can optimize your thruster controller settings for peak performance.
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1. Understand Your Vessel’s Dynamics
Before making any adjustments, it's essential to have a thorough understanding of your vessel's hydrodynamics and how it responds to various thruster inputs. Factors such as hull shape, displacement, and current load conditions can significantly influence the effectiveness of the thrusters. Larger vessels with complex hydrodynamics may require more nuanced adjustments compared to smaller, more agile ships.
2. Fine-Tune Thrust Allocation
Modern thruster controllers allow for the distribution of thrust between multiple units. This is particularly relevant for vessels equipped with bow and stern thrusters. By adjusting the thrust allocation, you can ensure that the vessel remains balanced during maneuvers, reducing unnecessary drag and improving responsiveness. For instance, during lateral movements, equal thrust from both bow and stern thrusters can minimize yawing effects, leading to more efficient sideways motion.
3. Leverage Automation Features
Many advanced thruster controllers come with automation features, such as Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems, which can automatically adjust thruster settings based on real-time environmental data. If your system includes such capabilities, take advantage of them. Automated systems can react faster and more precisely to changes in wind, currents, and other external factors than manual controls, leading to more efficient maneuvers.
4. Monitor and Adjust Power Settings
Over-thrusting can lead to unnecessary fuel consumption and increased wear on thruster components. Conversely, under-thrusting may cause sluggish response times, particularly in adverse weather conditions. Regularly monitor the power settings of your thruster controller and adjust them according to the operational environment. Lowering power output in calm conditions can conserve energy, while higher power settings might be necessary when combating strong currents or winds.
5. Conduct Regular Performance Reviews
Finally, it's essential to regularly review the performance of your thruster controllers. After every major maneuver, assess the efficiency of the thruster operations. Look for signs of overuse, such as excessive vibrations or noise, which could indicate that the settings are too aggressive. Making small, incremental adjustments based on these observations will help in fine-tuning the system for optimal performance over time.
By carefully adjusting and regularly reviewing thruster controller settings, ship operators can significantly enhance the efficiency of their vessel's maneuvering capabilities, leading to smoother operations and lower operational costs.
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aurorastorage · 1 month
Commercial Storage Features To Look For
Discover essential features for effective commercial storage! Look for climate control for sensitive items, robust security systems, flexible lease options, convenient access hours, ample loading docks, and customizable space. Ensure easy inventory management with shelving and organization tools. Choose a facility that meets your unique business needs for optimal efficiency!
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