#lob corp fan abnormality
markerofthemidnight · 4 months
C-03-303: “The Fractured Martyrs” (Lobotomy Corp. x CCCC Fan Abnormality)
I’m back! And I’ve got something else for you!
Yet again, this one’s a crossover. A CCCC crossover, specifically. Hope you like it!
“We will be combined, wether that be dead or alive.”
The Fractured Martyrs are an Abnormality that can take many forms depending on their mood. However, the Abnormality tends to take three main forms, each belonging to a different identity they can take on.
The Fractured Martyrs-1 takes the form of a man with purple, angelic wings, wearing a black blindfold, sitting in the Containment Unit.
The Fractured Martyrs-2 takes the form of a partially-damaged android with piercing blue eyes, standing in the Containment Unit.
The Fractured Martyrs-3 takes the form of a man with a trident and hypnotic red eyes that stay shut until an employee enters the Containment Unit.
Basic Information
Risk Classification: ALEPH
Attack Type: Unknown (Red (-1) / White [-2] / Black {-3})
Max. E-Boxes: 30
Good Mood Range: 21-30
Neutral Mood Range: 11-20
Bad Mood Range: 0-10
Max. Qliphoth Counter: 3
Managerial Guidelines
1. The Abnormality has three states of being designated as The Fractured Martyrs-1, The Fractured Martyrs-2, and The Fractured Martyrs-3. These entities take on distinct personalities: as such, the Abnormality’s work preferences cannot be properly distinguished.
2. When Insight work was performed on The Fractured Martyrs-1, the state of the Abnormality changed to The Fractured Martyrs-2. The process was reversed upon performing Attachment work with The Fractured Martyrs-2.
3. When two or more Qliphoth Meltdowns occurred in the facility without the state of the Abnormality changing, the Qliphoth Counter lowered.
4. When an employee with III or less Temperance finished work with The Fractured Martyrs-1, the Qliphoth Counter lowered.
5. Subsequently, when an employee with III or less Prudence finished work with The Fractured Martyrs-2, the Qliphoth Counter lowered.
6. When the Qliphoth Counter became 1, the state of the Abnormality changed to The Fractured Martyrs-3.
7. When an employee got a Good Work Result with The Fractured Martyrs-3, the Qliphoth Counter raised. Subsequently, when the work result was Bad or Normal, the Qliphoth Counter lowered.
8. When all the Abnormality’s states breached at once, The Fractured Martyrs-3 voluntarily helped out with the suppression. However, after the two were both defeated, the Abnormality became hostile and required immediate suppression.
9. When The Fractured Martyrs-1 or The Fractured Martyrs-2 were defeated, they shrunk down to smaller forms and stopped moving. However, once both were suppressed, they began making their way towards The Fractured Martyrs-3.
10. The Manager must be very careful to suppress The Fractured Martyrs-3 before any contact is made between it and its other thirds.
Work Preferences
The Fractured Martyrs-1
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression I Common Low Low Very Low II Common Low Common Very Low III Common Low Common Very Low IV Common Low Common Very Low V Common Low High Very Low
The Fractured Martyrs-2
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression I Common Common Low Low II Common Common Low Low III Common High Low Low IV Common High Low Low V Common High Low Low
The Fractured Martyrs-3
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression I High Low Common Very Low II High Low Common Very Low III High Common Common Very Low IV High Common Low Very Low V High Common Low Very Low
Escape Information
The Heart Acoustic (The Fractured Martyrs-1: Breaching)
The Heart Acoustic in its breaching form takes the appearance of a large purple heart with a fanged mouth, enclosed by two purple rings lined with empty eye sockets. Floating just outside the rings are large violet bird wings.
It has 3000 HP and little movement speed, but will teleport to the healing room of a random department (that isn’t currently occupied by The Mind Electric) every time it loses 25% of its HP.
Wing Attack: The Heart Acoustic slaps a single target with one of its wings, dealing 20-30 Red damage with little cooldown.
Bite Attack: The Heart Acoustic bites a single target, dealing 25-40 Red damage with a medium cooldown.
AOE Attack: The Heart Acoustic lets out a shrill screech, making the room shake and dealing 30-50 White damage to all employees currently in the department with a long cooldown.
Red Defenses: 1.2
White Defenses: 0.8
Black Defenses: 1.7
Pale Defenses: 2.0
When it is defeated, it shrinks into Pathos Wisp, a small ball of purple smoke. It will not move until The Mind Electric is defeated and shrinks into Logos Wisp, at which point it will slowly move towards The Soul Eclectic.
The Mind Electric [The Fractured Martyrs-2: Breaching]
The Mind Electric takes the form of a large blue eye with a rhombus-shaped pupil, surrounded by glowing “eyelashes”. Protruding from its back is a spine-like limb with a mace on its tip.
It has 3000 HP and little movement speed, but will teleport to the healing room of a random department (that isn’t currently occupied by The Heart Acoustic) every time it loses 25% of its HP.
Sanity Attack: Its pupil slits as it stares at a single target, dealing 15-20 White damage with little cooldown.
Laser Attack: Its eye and eyelashes glow as it fires a short laser beam at a single target, dealing 20-35 White damage with a medium cooldown.
Mace Attack: With a few seconds charging up, it slams its mace onto a small group of targets, dealing 35-50 Red damage with a long cooldown.
Red Defenses: 0.7
White Defenses: 1.4
Black Defenses: 1.4
Pale Defenses: 2.0
When it is defeated, it shrinks into Logos Wisp, a small ball of blue electricity. It will not move until The Heart Acoustic is defeated and shrinks into Pathos Wisp, at which point it will slowly move towards The Soul Eclectic.
The Soul Eclectic {The Fractured Martyrs-3: Breaching}
The Soul Eclectic looks mostly the same as in its Containment Unit, except wearing rusted armour under its cloak and wielding a trident.
It has 9000 HP and average movement speed. It will focus its efforts on attacking The Heart Acoustic and The Mind Electric until they are both suppressed, upon which it will teleport to the central room of a random department (not occupied by Pathos or Logos Wisp), and attack all entities that attempt to suppress it.
Trident Attack (Blunt): It attacks a single target with the blunt side of its trident. Deals 15-20 Black damage with little cooldown.
Trident Attack (Tines): It attacks a single target with the prongs of its trident. Deals 25-30 Black damage with a medium cooldown.
Red Attack: With a few seconds charging up, it throws its trident at a group of targets, dealing 20-35 Red damage to all of them with a long cooldown.
White Attack: With a few seconds charging up, it drives its trident into the ground, dealing 40-50 White damage to the whole room with a long cooldown.
Red Defenses: 0.7
White Defenses: 0.7
Black Defenses: 1.6
Pale Defenses: 2.0
If its HP reaches 1000 before The Heart Acoustic and The Mind Electric have been suppressed, it starts rapidly healing until it reaches 4500.
If one Wisp reaches it while it’s attacking Agents, its colour changes to either purple or blue, it either grows wings or dons a crown, and its health increases by 4500. If both Wisps successfully reach it, a cutscene will play in which it momentarily transforms into a man wearing a half black, half tan jacket.
It grins, its head tilted down towards the floor, before suddenly its body beings glitching, and a shockwave engulfs the facility as they, once again, split. The Fractured Martyr-3 is immediately knocked unconscious, as the SP of 75% of the Agents in the facility immediately drops to 0.
E.G.O. Equipment
Gift (Observation Level 3)
Blissful Ignorance (Eye)
A dark purple blindfold.
Drop Chance: 1%
Effects: +10 Work Speed, +10 Work Success Chance (+5 SP when worn with the corresponding EGO Suit)
Suit (Observation Level 3)
Circuitry of Fright (ALEPH Suit)
A dark grey suit with black pants and bright blue lines running all over it.
Red Defenses: 0.4
White Defenses: 0.4
Black Defenses: 0.6
Pale Defenses: 1.0
Requirement: V Fortitude, V Prudence, IV Temperance
Cost: 120
Max Amount: 1
Weapon (Observation Level 4)
Tridential Regicide (ALEPH Spear)
A glowing red trident, almost identical to The Soul Eclectic’s.
Damage (Black): 15-25
Attack Range: Medium
Attack Speed: Medium
Special Ability: Can be driven into the ground, dealing 30-40 White damage to all hostile targets in the department with a long cooldown.
Requirements: V Fortitude, V Prudence, V Justice
Cost: 300
Max Amount: 1
The Abnormality takes the form of a humanoid figure in the Containment Unit. The appearance of this humanoid figure differs depending on the identity of its current host.
It identifies itself as three separate entities trapped within the same body, and all information gathered about the Abnormality backs up this claim. Each are capable of taking control of the body at certain predictable intervals.
The first of these identities: C-03-303-1, or “The Heart”, makes the body grow wings and don a blindfold whenever he takes control of it.
He identifies himself as the emotional side of the three. He claims to be blind, though no one has seen what is beneath the blindfold while he is taking control, and his refusal to cooperate with Agents means that his claim cannot be confirmed.
The Heart has expressed a great distrust for the company and all employees within it. He may attempt to attack those who he believes pose a threat to him, though he can easily be fought off with a decent EGO weapon. Despite this, Agents must try their very best to ensure that no physical or emotional harm is done to him as to not aggravate him.
He has shown symptoms of many mental illnesses, including paranoia, but can warm up to Agents if they show him enough kindness. He has also shown symptoms of mood swings, as there have been multiple occasions where he has violently lashed out at an Agent that he believes wishes to cause him harm, only to profusely apologise and beg for forgiveness the next time the Agent works on him.
It is also believed that he may suffer from depression and anxiety. He seems to have, to an extent, a low self-esteem, but not the point where he disregards his self-worth as the emotional third. And above all, he expresses a great hatred for The Mind.
C-03-303-2, or “The Mind”, makes the body transform into a humanoid android when he takes control.
He identifies himself as the logical side of the three, and expresses a great hatred for The Heart, calling his mood swings pitiful and unnecessary.
Out of the three, The Mind is by far the most willing to cooperate with Agents, though still cautious of them. He has regularly expressed an interest in the Containment Unit’s mechanisms, though Agents are advised to share as little information as possible and to lie if necessary.
However, he has displayed intelligence on a level considerably greater than the other two personalities, and despite our best efforts, has figured out some of the Containment Unit’s mechanisms all by himself [though Agents must be careful never to let him know his deductions are correct].
He even claims to be able to unlock the door and leave containment at any time, though he’s never demonstrated this supposed ability simply because he knows the company doesn’t want him to.
The Mind regularly assists Agents in their work, specifically Insight work, although it’s suspected that it’s mainly to learn more about the Unit. He has also expressed an interest in being promoted to an Agent himself, saying he “could easily accomplish in 20 minutes what would take a whole department 2 hours”.
While there is little doubt that this is likely the case given his hyper-intelligence and status as a particularly powerful Abnormality, the existence of his other two identities has resulted in this idea being shot down as quickly as he brings it up.
C-03-303-3, or “The Soul”, makes the body transform into a man wearing causal wear hidden under a brown cloak when he takes control. He wields a glowing red trident which he can summon at will: the exact capabilities of it are unknown, but he has been seen using it to manipulate matter on multiple occasions.
He refers to himself as the “host” of the three, calling the other two parasites doing as they please within his head.
He generally distrusts Agents, though he tends to be more trustful of those who pretend to be willing to help him “become Whole”: a desire he expresses regularly, which he cannot reach apparently due to The Heart and The Mind’s constant fighting.
Aside from that, The Soul has also expressed a desire to leave, repeatedly insisting that they aren’t an Abnormality and acting particularly aggressive towards any Agent who challenges them on this point.
He is the least regularly seen of the three, typically appearing after repeated agitation from both Heart and Mind. As such, little data has been collected about him. However, Heart and Mind talk about him rather often. They are both sympathetic towards Soul and try their best to please him, claiming that his mental state is slowly deteriorating.
Despite this, the relationship between the two and Soul doesn’t appear to be positive. Mind refrains from talking about him for too long, preferring to focus on the task at hand, whereas Heart may express something close to fear of him depending on the topic.
We can only be sure of one thing: no matter the situation, The Soul must be approached with extreme caution to prevent further unnecessary death.
None of the employees really know where Abnormalities come from.
It’s said that not all of them began as Abnormalities, though nobody really knows whether this theory is true, and if it is, clearly it isn’t in all cases.
If there were any of true, normal origin, however, my guess is that The Fractured Martyrs are most definitely one of those ones. They act too human to have come from anywhere else.
I’ve only worked with them a few times, but I’m certain of that, from what I’ve seen from them. The whole “three people sharing a body” thing aside, they seem too… normal in casual conversation.
There’s no such thing as a truly normal Abnormality, however.
I began overseeing work with them after the death of my upperclassman. We call it the Trident Incident, and it’s kind of taboo to mention around here.
After all, who knew that such a complacent- if unusual and fairly stressed- Abnormality could cause the death of five people, including a Level V Agent with ALEPH-class EGO, so easily?
When The Fractured Martyr breached, it happened with zero warning: in fact, they seemed to knock the door straight off its hinges. Natsuki did her best to fight him off, but the blast still did a number on her spine: and unfortunately, the first people in the department other than myself to react to the blast were all clerks and low-ranking Agents.
It all happened so suddenly, and I don’t know why, but I froze up. I disobeyed the Manager’s orders and just watched. Ultimately, though, that cowardice might have saved my life. By the time Natsuki finally went down, the hallway was covered in red, bodies were littering the floor, and Soul looked like he was barely even scratched.
I heard footsteps as some of my more experienced colleagues arrived on the scene, but as soon as he realised they were there, Mind took control and just… nonchalantly walked back into containment.
Apparently, my status as the Trident Incident’s only survivor in the department made the Manager think I was a good replacement for her. Exactly why, I have no idea, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was answers. Natsuki was a well-respected Agent who’d been working in the company for far longer than I had: and she had worked with The Fractured Martyrs dozens of times before and they had no problems with her, even enjoyed her company, so what happened?
Luckily, the first time I stepped in that door, Mind was willing to clear up my confusion. That day, the day she was killed, Natsuki was working on Soul. Due to how rarely Soul takes control of the body, this was one of the first times she had worked on him.
As usual, he was talking about fusing himself with the other two to make himself “Whole” once more: taking back what rightfully belonged to him, and putting an end to the “dissonance”.
But she didn’t agree that that was right. Natsuki was a kind Agent, kinder than the company deserved, and when she heard all this talk of fusing with the others once and for all, she thought it was essentially killing them. She told Soul it was a good fate he had, to be stuck for the rest of eternity with people who cared about him so much.
He didn’t like that response. Of course he didn’t. After all, how would you react to being told the “parasites” taking control of your body were people too, and deserved to live just as much as you did?
Or at least, that was probably the way he saw things, because eventually he got so agitated that he broke down the door and painted the corridor red in a fit of rage that couldn’t have lasted longer than a minute, but took the lives of five people.
After that, Heart and Soul started acting more aggressive towards Agents, calling them traitors for opposing the one thing that would fix all their problems. Mind, as usual, called Heart’s grudge against the company petty, but doesn’t seem to hold it against Soul that much.
And to this day, Soul has shown no signs of remorse for the damage done during the Trident Incident.
I’m beginning to doubt whether a way out is even possible for him, though I’d never say that to his face or to any of their faces. Don’t want to suffer the same fate as Natsuki, after all.
Soul is obsessed with the idea that a way to make himself normal again is possible. But every time he comes close, all it ultimately does is make things worse than they used to be.
And from what we can infer, it’s been this way for a long time. Still there’s been no luck, and still he doesn’t give up hope. The others suffer for it, sure, but he shows no remorse. Innocent people suffer for it, but still he shows no remorse.
He’ll go to any lengths necessary to stop the fighting between Heart and Mind, to “fix” himself, and he’ll more than likely take this whole facility down for the sake of it.
Flavour Text
(In General)
‘Not all Abnormalities have a reason to exist, but they all have a will to persist.’
‘That day, The Fractured Martyrs were split into three by an incomprehensible weight.’
‘There’s no sure way to tell who lies within the Containment Unit until you step inside.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs have started to get more passive around <employee’s name> recently. However, it is important to be discreet at all times.’
(The Fractured Martyrs-1)
‘Loose feathers are scattered around the Containment Unit.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs-1 sits in the opposite corner of the Containment Unit, pressed against the wall.’
‘<employee’s name> must be careful what they say around The Fractured Martyrs-1. Without caution, another incident may easily occur.’
‘No one has seen what is below The Fractured Martyrs-1’s blindfold. Though perhaps that is for the best.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs-1 seems frail at first glance, but don’t underestimate him.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs-1 might be starting to get more comfortable around <employee’s name>. But at any moment, that could change.’
‘Emotions may be cruel and weak, but they are still necessary to survive.’
‘Can a person whose will is not their own really be considered a person?’
‘Out of stubbornness and spite, The Fractured Martyrs-1 refuses to succumb to the cold.’
[The Fractured Martyrs-2]
‘The Fractured Martyrs-2 intently watches <employee’s name> as they continue their work.’
‘Employees have regularly discussed whether The Fractured Martyrs-2’s appearance counts as a violation of the AI Ethics Amendment, but as he is an Abnormality and not an AI, this is an irrelevant question.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs-2 tends to assist Agents in their work whenever he is in control. In fact, he might actually be better at it than is.’
‘On multiple occasions, The Fractured Martyrs-2 has requested to be promoted to an Agent. Given his intelligence, it’s easy to realise his potential, but at the same time, it doesn’t take a genius to see why that’s a bad idea.’
‘<employee’s name> feels a chill in the Containment Unit.’
‘Mechanical parts click and hum from within the Containment Unit.’
“Do not confide in your emotions. Everything under the Moon’s light is an illusion.”
‘Emotions must be suppressed to allow for a perfect life.’
‘Out of stubbornness and self-worth, The Fractured Martyrs-2 refuses to be blinded by the night.’
{The Fractured Martyrs-3}
‘A long time ago, there was only one of The Fractured Martyrs-3.’
‘A scarlet glow emanates from inside the Containment Unit.’
‘When <employee’s name> opened the door to see a darkened Containment Unit bathed in a red glow, they knew the only thing they could do was pray for their own safety.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs-3 has been consumed by a dream he can no longer reach.’
‘The Fractured Martyrs-3 has a bass in his Containment Unit. He knows how to play it, but refuses to do so correctly.’
“We will be combined, whether that be dead or alive.”
‘It’s rare for The Fractured Martyrs-3 to appear, yet still he acts as though he’s been through this Work Process a million times.’
‘When your brain is torn in a constant war between heart and mind, what can your soul confide in?’
‘Out of stubbornness, spite, and self-worth, The Fractured Martyrs-3 refuses to give up.’
Sorry if the damage outputs during the Escape Info feels unrealistic! I’m not very good at that. Anyways, this was a whole lotta writing and I’m running on a bit of a tight schedule today (for once), so… I’m done now!
Other Fan Abnormalities
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readingsfrommars · 2 months
A Hero in a City Full of Giants, Part 2
Alright, I've done Shi Association and Blade Lineage, now it's time for Lobotomy Corp and W Corp! These two will probably be relatively brief (they were not), but if you know the context, it won't come as a surprise.
After this will be Don's Middle and N Corp IDs!
Oh, Lobotomy Corp Don. You silly thing, you. I will say, on a completely unrelated note, it's cool to see how abnormalities look without the cognition filter active.
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The Walpurgis night IDs feel slightly less "canon" than the others, to me, although that's more of an opinion thing. I'd be happy to explain why if asked.
Anyway, the fact that Don received a Lobotomy Corporation ID instead of one of the Library of Ruina ones is interesting here, as we know this specifically is the Lob Corp facility we play through in the game. So, we get the benefit of knowing a bit more context toward her working situation, although to be perfectly honest, the only thing that actually matters is the knowledge of her assigned abnormality, O-04-84, or Meat Lantern.
For those who don't know, Meat Lantern can be a rather frustrating abnormality to work with. First of all, it doesn't like if a work session with it ends too early, and is a fairly common escapee when shit hits the fan. Now, if it were any other abnormality this would be fairly manageable, it's just a matter of suppressing it and that's that, but Meat Lantern is a special case.
Firstly, you will not be notified that Meat Lantern has breached containment. Secondly, once you do realise, you will notice that it isn't roaming the facility. Instead, it has teleported somewhere in the facility and is waiting with its lantern sprouted out of the ground like a flower. If someone walks over the flower, they are killed instantly. You will need to find it before it kills too many people, or, worse, kills one of your important agents. It is a deceptively lethal abno with the right circumstances.
So why did I take the time to explain all of this? Well, if you were someone who, for example, aspired to be a hero that helped the weak and were given the responsibility of dealing with an abnormality that when left to its own devices can kill dozens of employees without being noticed, you would probably place a lot of importance on making sure it didn't do exactly that.
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Lob Corp Don has a different way of seeing things, comparing it more akin to a game of Hide and Seek and punishing it for the "mischief" of killing multiple people by smacking its backside before placing it back in containment.
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While, Don has always been an oddball case, this feels... strange to me. The most likely cause of this in my eyes is the armour she's wearing. As we have been shown through a number of different stories in Project Moon's catalogue, wearing E.G.O is not without its side-effects upon one's psyche. Obviously there is also the working conditions, as multiple instances within Lob Corp show that the body count is very high in that place (Lookin at you, Queen of Hatred). The way that it appears to have affected Don's mind is that she appears to have a great deal of affection towards the abnormalities, calling Meat Lantern (which outright eats people) cute and struggling to punish it for, again, eating people.
Suffice it to say, Lobotomy Corporation Don Quixote is no hero, although she has a commendable work ethic at least.
W Corp Don is a prime example of the speed at which The City can and will bring Don to ruin.
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If you know how WARP trains work, you know why I don't need to explain much here. If you don't...
WARP trains are a form of near-instantaneous public transit, which is all well and good until you remember how time works when moving at or close to the speed of light. If you are not in first class seating, you will discover a few things.
Firstly, the train does not, in fact reach its destination instantly. Initially, people on the train may think this is the result of some sort of breakdown, and that, once the train is fixed, they will be able to get out at their desired stop soon.
Secondly, you do not need to eat or drink while on the train. This is not immediately apparent to the passengers, but when minutes becomes hours and the train still hasn't reached its destination, this will eventually be noticeable.
Eventually, hours will become days, weeks, then months. People will begin to panic, some may become violent, and if you are unlucky enough to see someone go past the point of no return, you will learn the final, terrible truth of WARP trains.
You cannot die within a WARP train. No matter what happens to you, you will still be conscious. You are forced to experience the full journey, even after a hundred years and you've watched countless people, who were once strangers, but have become life-long friends in the countless years since. Even after three thousand years, when you have long since forgotten your name, language, and what you were when you got onto the train. You will live through it all.
At your destination, a functionally identical reconstruction of you will leave the train at its destination, completely unaware of the eternity they experienced behind them.
This one does not need much explanation, although I will happily point out one very interesting detail about the ID story.
W Corp Don's ID story does not show her Uptie 3 art at all. All we see after her initial ID art is a black screen as it describes that Don's reaction of disgust and horror is the same reaction anyone has upon learning the truth of the trains.
Instead, the Uptie 3 art gives us the aftermath.
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It shows us what the revelation has turned Don into.
Do you see a hero here? Because if you ask me, I don't think the word "hero" will appear in W Corp Don's thoughts ever again after this point.
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To test my game making abilities, I’m brainstorming ideas of a dating simulator. But trying to do one for all the sephirah (minus the Tiphereth) would be time consuming to try and write events that would happen in the games and to do art for it, as well as the dialogue. Frankly I’m still wanting to do that, but to start, it makes me not want to do it.
So I thought “if I’m going to make a lob corp fan game for quick fun, might as well make it something that I would WANT to work on” so I came up with a short idea.
You (the player) are some kind of abnormality. You take it upon yourself to try and play matchmaker after seeing the pathetic pining of Netzach toward Yesod. Your goal? To help Netzach woo over Yesod in a week’s time so they could have a chance of being more than just co-workers. Gay rights or whatever.
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catalyst-llc · 3 years
Employee Notice 19
Over the past few days, there has been a variety and increase in the amount of heavily concerning incidents regarding abnormalities; such as breaches, failures during testing, and actions resulting in the outright death of an employee, among other things. Just today, O-01-17 breached and heavily damaged an entire department. The clerks are still vacuuming and setting up air purifiers to remove the resulting massive amounts of dust. Many of the employees in the aforementioned department are currently getting treated for internal damage sustained during the breach. Due to this and other circumstances outside of our control, employees are only to work on and do what is specifically ordered of them in regards to certain abnormalities, nothing more and nothing less. There will be no further communication on this subject.
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scarabteeth · 4 years
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WIP fan made abnormality !!! shes an aleph has a counterpart who i'll draw soon ! theyre kinda like yin and yang/big and will be bad wolf and little red riding hooded mercanary but way more difficult ,,, i have most of their stuff written down already (like work orders) and i cant wait to post them ,,,,,
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aminojackal · 4 years
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Uuuuuh Fan Abnorms???
Meet Child of the Dead Woods and Beast of the Dead Woods! They’re both based off of The Main Guests from Knock-Knock 👀 Basically went “What if they were abnormalities and had backstories n shiit? But like also it’s mixed up a bit for fun and profit?” And here we are
I made bios for ‘em too! Here’s the bio for the kiddo and the bio for the big big Sorry if they’re not the best btw, writing is not my strong suit ; v ;
(Click for quality on the first two drawings: also have a bonus drawing)
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cryptixd · 5 years
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kira-moonrabbit · 3 years
I have soup in my cute brain right now it's full of thoughts I dont want there so lemme put thoughts I want in there. Let's improve the broth.
I started out my lobcorp fan life cycle not really remembering the Sephirot and only really being drawn towards the abnormalities because I like monsters and creatures and Beings. There being two space-themed ones with sparkles and a magical girl that's pink helped.
I think the first name I memorized concretely was Netzach's, but I assigned that name to Yesod's face because I'm not that clever. Now let me tell ya I had no idea what to think at the time they were just there. I looked up lobcorp on tv tropes and read the character pages One Time Each.
But then. Studying. And I had decided malkuth was the boring one and I liked hod better. I thought hod was just malkuth bit better. I even made one of those "dont pit the Sephirot against one another! Netzach is FUNNY, chesed is CONSIDERATE, malkuth" type posts. But then I made my first iteration of the malkuth dr pepper blog and. I started forgetting Hod even existed.
I got into Ruina real late into its life cycle (if it can be called that) but once that started I got more reasons to love malkuth. I started really really really relating to her. Call me a kinnie, I care not. But then I discovered Hod's funny bleed floor and never forgot hod ever again (so far).
But later on my focus and love the Corp of Lobs was on the employees. You can blame wonderlab for that, too. I made a few nugget OCs with the power of sprite editing (a hobby of mine; I have some old kirby comics that would knock your socks off) before but once I saw wonderlab it was like my eyes were put in a blender (but they're made of metal so it's ok). Employees good. And even before that I did get a teeny bit miffed that they dont talk about the librarians often.....not even just the nuggets the LIBRARIANS, who arent roland and angela. I dont mind roland but I really do hate to see a girlboss winning and I dont like Angela a lot. Also I wanna see more Momence with Malkuth than just the like. Five.
.......I dunno projmoon taught me math. Taught me to compare numbers. That's gotta be somethin'
Why do I have so much to say??? Well it's been a bit. Anyway enjoy the broth. Soup.
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rpchive · 6 years
105th Encounter-- Thread The Needle
welcome to Lob Corp fuckos
Nydins, Rio, Jay, and Maya are all gathered in the console room; Jay and Maya just sort of discussing casually. Collin steps out into the console room somewhat nervously as he notices the crowd. He has changed into a long deep blue cloak that cuts off right at the knees, with a creamy yellow trim around the wrists, collar, and hem of the cloak. The trim at the bottom sweeps up along the inverted v-cut of the cloak and forms a star pattern at the apex. A red gemstone button holds each sleeve and collar closed, while a simple zipper closes the front of the cloak. Under that he now wears a dark pair of pants with leather boots that are tucked underneath the legs.
Collin: Oh, uh... hey? Maya: Whoa, you changed clothes again! You guys have another party to get to or somethin'?
Rio swivels her chair around to look at Collin's outfit. "...Aww, he's got a little star thingy like Jay now! Is that our thing now? We should totally put those on the comms."
alienrabitt: Where'd you even get that? Well, I guess the IT made it, huh...? ...You look good. Collin turns slightly red and scratches the back of his head. "W-Well, it certainly beats the old jumpsuit, huh?"
idk where the actual drawing went but
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something fresh for once!
can I say I’m actually midkey a huge fan of the trope of characters going through Some Shit and them changing their design after?
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Maya: Anything probably feels better than that...I ditched my armband as soon as I got on this ship. The suits, not so much, but those are all mine anyway. Collin: Don't blame you there. So uh, what were you guys talking about? Maya: Not much. I haven't heard about anything going on in a while...guessing the trouble's waiting for us somewhere for once. Collin: Works for me. I would've been in a bad way if something had happened while I was still trying to recover. Rio: How are you now, anyway? Collin: I'm... better, physically at least. In terms of my magic, well... The good news is that I still have magic. I definitely can't channel any of the powers from the pantheon like I used to, but I can still do some things. I haven't really been able to test it all out too well since I haven't really been able to do much of anything until recently, though. I'm thinking I'm gonna need to make something that can help me use my magic more easily, but I haven't figured out what yet. Maya: Well hey, if you need any help, let me know. I don't know anything about magic, but I know plenty about building stuff that harnesses energy, so that can't be too different. Collin: Hopefully you're right. It'd be nice to have some help with that, since I'm not really sure what I'm doing. Clair comes into the console room briefly, though upon seeing the small crowd gathered there, she considers going back down the hall. She stands in the hallway, visibly debating how badly she wants whatever she's come for. Collin: Oh, hey Clair. Need something? Clair: I, uhh...I kinda...I know that the Operation is totally empty now, and I know that Zenith's...but Alzedeth's still out there...even if he still doesn't have a soul, as long as he's in that armor...we should...we should do something... Collin: ... Shit, I guess you're right. I'd sort of forgotten about him with everything else that's been happening recently. Maya: The way you looked when they dragged you back in, I don't blame you. Even I heard about that one...
Nydins: Alright, don't beat a dead horse; I'll take us back to OZ. Daedalus approaches the group from behind Clair, stopping a few feet behind her. "Ah, there you are. I checked your room but you were already... Wow, big group. Something going on?" Clair: ...I have to find Alzedeth. I can't just leave him like that... Daedalus: ... Yikes. Always heavy stuff, isn't it? Nydins: Hey; we wouldn't be superheroes if we got vacation days. ...Though I do like the little quiet gaps... Daedalus: Pretty sure constant danger does not a long life make. Whatever, I'm coming with you. Nydins: Guess we were closer than I thought. Looks like we're gonna touch down soon. Good luck out there... Daedalus: Sheesh, good thing I was right behind you guys. I swear it's like you're trying to leave me out or somethin'. Nydins: Sorry; I wasn't really expecting a field trip. But something like this should be easy enough, right? I mean, all you have to do is break the armor...
Maya: Jeez, sound like you care less, why don't you? It's still her brother, right?
Nydins: The divide between body and soul's hardly controversial. This is just clean up; I don't see why you of all people are getting invested... Collin: Nydins, this really isn't the time or place for an argument like this... Nydins: R-right...well, uhh, we're here, so...! Good luck...!
Rolling her eyes, Maya heads out the door, Clair nervously following behind her. Collin, Jay, and Daedalus follow them out. The layout of OZ remains as silent and emptied as ever, however the hallway leading towards Alzedeth's chamber seems to be covered in signs of some sort of struggle. Upon reaching the room itself, the group finds the floor littered with corpses, all of which in black suits with red ties and armbands of varying colors and letters on them. A hole has been blasted in the opposite wall, and the distant sound of a nearby airship can be heard.
Maya: I-it's Lobotomy! Why the hell are they here?! Daedalus: I'm gonna hazard a guess and say "the spooky suit of living armor". If those assholes want their hands on him, that can't mean anything good. Maya: But abnormalities have to be reported! They're taken in because they pose a threat to humanity itself! ...Some bastard from here must've been recruited when the place went to shit...damn it, we need to get on that airship!! Collin: But how do we sneak into something that's up in the air? Clair: They can't have taken off with me here. Alzedeth still only responds to me; he knows I've come to find him, so he'll try to get to me at all costs. We have to find where they're parked and board them! Daedalus: Alright, well let's go see what we're dealing with first. Hopefully they're still on the ground. The group heads off further into OZ, where they find a massive airship nearly the size of an entire floor hovering beside one of the fire escapes. Without hesitation, Maya jumps the gap between the fire escape and the rope ladder extending up to the doorway onto the ship, Clair hesitantly following behind her. Jay, however, seems significantly more cautious about the endeavor, and instead shifts to his original true form, waiting to see if Collin or Daedalus would rather ride up. Daedalus: Hey, listen, I appreciate the offer, but maybe turning into a giant star monster around a ship full of people specifically interested in capturing strange creatures isn't the best strategy... Snorting, Jay shifts back to his humanoid form. "If my arm gives out when I climb up this thing, don't blame me when I knock you off...though, uhh... you two should go first because of that..." Collin: No no, no one is falling to their death today. If flying up there gets you there safely, then do it. I'll come with you, just be careful about it. alienrabitt: ...Alright.
Jay shifts back once more as he waits for Collin. Collin climbs onto Jay and holds on tightly, while Daedalus hops over and climbs the ladder with Maya and Clair. Careful to keep his distance from the ladder, Jay waits until everyone else has boarded the ship before coming closer. The beating of his wings blows the ladder around quite a bit as he approaches, however he grabs it with his arms, steadying it properly for Collin. Collin quickly climbs over onto the ship and turns back around to help Jay on if he needs it. Shifting back to his humanoid form, Jay accepts the help onto the ship, letting out a sigh of relief as he touches the floor. "I hate heights so much..." Daedalus: Says the person who can fly. alienrabitt: Hey, I didn't ask for the wings! Or...most of this, really... Collin: It's alright, let's just get away from this ladder; the height isn't doing me any favors either. Do you know where we should be going, Maya? Maya: I don't...unless there's a Sephirah here, I have no idea where he could be... Daedalus: What about you, Clair? You said he'd try to get to you no matter what, right? How does he know where you are? Clair: He...I...th-that's something I don't want to talk about in a situation like this...
Maya: Can you just tell him to come to us?
Clair: He's trying; but he's got an entire ship's worth of people to mow through!
Maya: Don't do that! The majority of the personnel sent on these missions are fresh recruits; they have no idea what Lobotomy is! Call him off!
Clair: B-but if I do that, the ship will leave...!
Maya: And then we'll know where he is, because they'll have to unload him, and there will be Sephirahs! Collin: Please trust us. We're not gonna let Lobotomy take him away. Clair: ...What do we do in the meantime? Just...hide?
Azreldeh: Why not? I did that all the way here.
Azreldeh’s just this but in reverse
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alienrabitt: STOP THAT!! I hate it when you do that!!
Azreldeh: Sorry! I would've said something sooner, but you guys kept complaining about your little issue, so I had to make a field trip. Anyway, you really wanna check this ship out before it sails? Collin: We're gonna have to if we're going to find Alzedeth, right? Azreldeh: Ohh, I was hoping you'd say that.
Snapping her fingers, Azreldeh summons forth Rio from the shadows, catching her by her arms as she tumbles from the shifted position and nearly falls off the ship. "Hey, R2; I'm gonna have to ask you for a favor real quick..."
Rio: I-I-I really don't wanna hear those words from you!! B-but, in my current situation, I really can't say no!!
Azreldeh: Oh, you couldn't have even if you wanted to...ugh, sorry, I'm getting into this like a job.
Smoothly, Azreldeh pulls Rio up into the ship properly, placing her hands upon Rio's shaking shoulders.
"...Right, so two things, I need you to find the loading dock, and I need you to check for Sephirahs."
Rio: B-but I'm not a part of their systems...! I can't do anything with technology that's not integrated into me...!
Azreldeh: Oh come on, how unique can Earth tech get?! You've gotta be able to do something here...!
Rio: ...I...can probably find one of those things, at least, but there's no way I could do both...
Azreldeh: ...What the hell are these Sephirahs anyway?
Maya: They're basically the core of Lobotomy; though I doubt any but Angela would be able to get very far away from anywhere the Corporation was stationed...
Azreldeh: Okay, but what are they? Humans?
Maya: I'd argue closer to androids, but more human than machine...it's uncanny...
alienrabitt: It's uncomfortable is what it sounds like. And what the hell were you thinking pulling Rio up like that?!
Azreldeh: What, and just let her fall? Collin: You know damn good and well what he meant. You can't just pull her into something like this and then immediately put her in danger! Azreldeh: Which is why I'm asking her to do something safe!
Clair: The task isn't the problem...
Azreldeh: Look, we aren't making any progress just standing around here arguing; c'mon! Let's get out there and kick some ass already!
Maya: Absolutely not! We aren't fighting /or/ killing /anybody/! This is a stealth mission!
Azreldeh: My favorite! Alright, so you and I can walk on in there, and...I guess everyone else will just have to hide or something...
Maya: ...They could pass as new, but Jay's gonna have to hide.
alienrabitt: I...yeah, okay. I guess I could just...be small or something. One of you has pockets, right? Collin: I've got space. Will you be alright like that? alienrabitt: It's less magic intensive; so I'd be better than I am now, honestly.
With that, Jay shifts into his bat form.
Clair: So cute...! Collin: He's always cute.
He opens a pocket on his cloak and holds it out for him to fly inside.
Flying up, Jay crawls into the pocket, his face barely poking out of the top as he squints up at Collin.
Azreldeh: Right, well, somebody should go with Rio just in case she gets caught; the rest of us can keep looking out here. If you find what you're looking for, turn the lights in the room off; I'll come right to you.
Rio: O-okay...just don't throw me or anything...
Azreldeh: Hey, not my fault nobody moved away from the door...
Maya's group heads off towards the right, leaving Rio and Collin with the hallway across from the door. Collin: Alright, so I guess we just... pretend like we know what we're doing? Rio: I think the goal at this point is just...try not to be noticed, and find a way to find out what Azreldeh was asking for...but I don't even know where to start with that... Collin: Are we looking for the loading bay or those... "sephirah" things Maya kept mentioning? Rio: She wanted us to find the location of both; but I'm not sure we could find those in an airship...even one this big probably doesn't have some sort of map; humans wouldn't need those kinds of things on a ship... Collin: Well, if I had to guess, it'd make sense for a loading area to be somewhere near the bottom of a ship, right? Rio: Yeah! Typically, for older human ships, they'd be at the lower or middle section of the backmost part of the ship. ...Though I guess they'd be modern ships for you, huh? Collin: What, you callin' me old or something?   /He gives Rio a jokingly insulted look. Rio: I mean, you were originally...born? In the 70s, right? Physically, you might not be, but chronologically, by human standards... Collin: I was just joking, don't worry about it. I'm fully aware I'm technically the grandpa of the IT crew. Anyway, why don't we just head that direction and see what we find. Who knows, maybe one of those Sephirahs will be down there too? Rio: Um, alright...but don't you think a lot of people will be there? Alzedeth doesn't strike me as something that's easy to contain... Collin: I... guess? I'm open to ideas, did you have some other plan in mind? Rio: Well, if Lobotomy's half as observational as Maya makes them seem, I'd bet they have a security room even on their airship that's bound to have eyes all over the place. But if you'd rather not be in a place like that, I'd understand... Collin: No no, it's fine. I just wasn't really thinking about there being a place like that. Can you figure out where that is somehow? Rio: Not without being able to access parts of the ship; but modern human technology is so laughably primative in comparison, I'd have better luck trying to hijack the cameras remotely. Collin: Is that... safe? Surely they'd have security systems or something to stop that sort of thing. Rio: Well, it's either that or we just do this the old fashioned way and hope we find the room we're looking for by chance and guesswork...unless something can scan the ship for places with profuse amounts of electronics. Collin: Well, I... don't really think I can help you there. I guess we don't have much of a choice then. Just be careful, alright? Nodding, Rio looks around for one of the cameras, carefully opening up the maintenance panel beneath it and plugging in a wire she retrieved from her sleeve. Her visor flickers varying colors briefly before settling back to her usual appearance as she disconnects and replaces the panel. "...I think I know where to go, but also, I think there's just one Sephirah on this ship...I don't think she noticed me, though. She seemed occupied; it looked like she was with Maya and the others...I guess they convinced her to help or something?" Collin: My gut says that's wishful thinking, but who knows? At any rate, you lead the way. Let's find what we're looking for before things start going sideways. [Meanwhile...]
Maya: Azreldeh; that's not just some employee, that's--!
Azreldeh: Hod, one of the Sephirahs; yeah, I got that. I'm kinda in her head right now...and her everything else. You weren't kidding about Lobotomy being a bad place...but the good news is that I know where we need to go now! Too bad nobody can tell the others... Daedalus: I'm sure they'll figure it out. So where do we need to go, then? Azreldeh: Well, it's pretty much straight down this hallway, but there's also a bunch of employees up ahead, and the amount of them that are both alive and still in Hod's division..is very small. Needless to say, she's really upset about this since she kinda has a councilor role back at Lobotomy...
Clair: Do you think anybody would recognize Maya?
Azreldeh: None of the employees on this ship, but Hod does. She feels...guilty. Scared. And...angry? But not at Maya...her feelings are really complicated, but I don't think she wants to work with Lobotomy anymore, which is great news for you guys, and fantastic news for me!
in the market for a new body or somethin’? I guess it would be less magic intensive...
Maya: Don't think you can just walk out of here with her...Sephirahs are the brains of Lobotomy; arguably in a literal sense. Her body would give out within minutes of her being outside of Lobotomy's territory.
Azreldeh: Yeah, yeah; whatever...shouldn't we be going somewhere or something? Daedalus: Always the bleeding heart, huh? Alright, let's get headed down there before things get any messier. The group heads further down the hall, which is very much bustling with employees scrambling to get from one half of the ship to the other. Several of them try and stop Azreldeh to ask Hod questions; "has anyone contacted Angela with the updated situation;" "do you know if the abnormality is secured;" "should we still be sending suppression groups to the abnormality's holding area;" all of these Azreldeh answers rather coolly in passing. After clearing the hallway, however, Hod seems visibly overwhelmed with enough anxiety for the both of them.
"...We really need to get out of here before this thing lands...if it gets where we're going, Angela will..."
Maya: ...She'll recognize me, and she'll try to kill us all. She might even try to destroy the entire ship before we even land if she finds out I'm here...
Clair: ...But nobody recognizes you besides Hod, right?
Azreldeh: You're right. We should be safe so long as she can't access the ship's cameras or Hod herself...but Hod still seems uneasy... Daedalus: So we just need to work fast then, right? Find Alzedeth, get the other guys, and bail. That's not a super long checklist. Azreldeh: Theoretically, yeah. I'd say we're about halfway there now...Maya, you should go find the others and tell them how to find us. All you need to do is get back to this hallway somehow, and Alzedeth will be at the end.
Maya: But won't that blow your cover?
Azreldeh: Not if I keep Hod with us. Now get going, will you? We need to be fast; I'm sure those guys won't notice another scrambling employee running through.
Mulling it over for a second, Maya turns around and heads back the other way to find Rio's group. Daedalus: So what are we supposed to do in the meantime? Azreldeh: We'll all meet up at Alzedeth; so the three of us should just keep moving. Daedalus: Easy enough. I was expecting a lot more insanity around here, honestly. Azreldeh: This won't get chaotic unless someone figures us out. We should be clear until Angela finds us...or unless, hopefully. Daedalus: Go with "unless". I'd prefer us all not dying horribly, thank you. Clair: ...This is such a mess...why did I even leave him behind after we cleared out OZ?
Azreldeh: What would you have to gain from lugging your brother's soulless body around in a suit of armor that's gonna trigger half the IT if they think about it for too long? Daedalus: Not to mention that you weren't really in a position to pack your things before we got you out of there. It was sort of unavoidable, really. Clair: But if I'd had Alzedeth, then maybe--...
Azreldeh: Nope, gonna stop you there; you won't get anywhere thinking like that. Zenith wouldn't have been better off with his soulless body hanging around. I mean, what the hell would he have done with it?
Clair: Lived!! We could've had his body out of the armor; we had the sword; we had Zenith; if we'd just done something, then Zenith wouldn't have had to die!
Azreldeh: And your mom would still be alive too; just full of speedwell poison and a little angrier than she was before she saw you all again. Maybe you'd still be human too, but then what? So you and Zenith /don't/ fight your mom; that means that Jay has to, right? Another kleivenn? How do you think that would've ended when she already had so many others...? Daedalus: Clair, I get it; it sucks to think that maybe if something had gone differently, things would've turned out better. But at some point, you have to understand that playing the "what if" game is only going to hurt you in the long run. Latching onto the past is what made Alzedeth in the first place. If you don't learn to let go, it's just going to make you do something you're going to regret. Trust me on that one. Clair goes bitterly silent as she looks for a response she can't quite articulate into words, accepting that glaring at the floor would be a better decision than speaking her mind. Daedalus sighs quietly. "I'm sorry. I know this isn't easy. Doesn't help that we're sort of on a time crunch either..." Clair: ...I just don't want to let him go like this... Daedalus: There's nothing left for him here. I think you know that at some level. This was always just sort of... delaying the inevitable. Clair: But it's not fair! He didn't even get a chance to have a life; now suddenly I'm probably immortal, most of my family is dead, and I just have to...to move on?! It's not that easy! Daedalus: I didn't say it was easy. Shit, you've arguably got it just as rough as the rest of us honestly, and a lot of it being so recent isn't gonna make it any easier to push through it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't start, though. I was a complete nutcase because I literally could not move on from Aperture. I don't want to see you go down that same road; that's why we're all on that dumb soda machine together. We're supposed to look out for each other... or some other sappy bullshit like that. Azreldeh: Part of your problem is that you're just kinda sitting on all that grief, too. Jay did that once and it literally brought Demo back from the dead in the worst way possible. If you're this haunted by "letting Zenith down," you know everything that led up to that will...quite /literally/ come back to get you, right? You need to let go; and coming here to stop Alzedeth's just the first big step to doing that.
Clair: ...I don't know if I should thank you, or if I should be fearing for whatever kind of life I have now...
Azreldeh: I get that a lot.
Clair honestly has a really good character despite her being 100% combatively useless
Daedalus: Hasn't been that bad so far, in my experience- Wait... How do you know about that, Azreldeh?
Azreldeh: Maya told me about a lot of stuff that happened on the IT when she got drunk one night. She always talks about either things she's afraid of or her family when she gets drunk, so she doesn't get drunk unless it's /reeeeeally/ late. Daedalus: That sounds..... fun? Azreldeh: I mean, most of you are asleep at 4 AM, so it was either that or watch somebody sleep...
Clair: There's...rooms dedicated to doing other things, y'know...
Azreldeh: ...Yeah, but it's not as fun without other people around. Daedalus: Go bug the robots. They don't need to sleep, right? Azreldeh: Oh yeah, Chessman 5000 and the Cowardly Little Toaster would be great company for a gal like me. Daedalus: C'mon, I'm sure Rio has a crazy wild side to 'er. Azreldeh: I don't wanna think about how intricate that walking circuit lasagna is. Jeez, what's taking those guys so long to catch up...?
god, Azreldeh has some good lines in this one, lmao
Rio, Collin, and Maya have managed to find a series of hallways that leads around the one filled with employees, and, coincidentally, the majority of the airship, though the final hall seems to let out near the end of the crowded hall. Maya: Ugh, we really didn't have the time for that kind of detour, but there's no way in hell you two could slip past all those Lobotomy bastards... Collin: Sorry about that. I wasn't really expecting something like this when we left the IT... Maya: It's fine; we just...seriously need to catch up with the others. Collin: Let's not burn any more time, then. The others are just down this hallway, right? Maya: Yeah. They wouldn't go in without us. Collin nods and heads down the hall with the rest of the group. The two groups finally converge at the end of the hallway, where a large, metal door is bolted shut and sealed with a multitude of curious and unrecognizable security measures. Daedalus: ... Sure looks inviting, huh? Just need a welcome mat and they're good to go. Maya: So all we have to do now is...break in, destroy Alzedeth, and escape. Seems...
Azreldeh: Dangerous. Maybe even stupid. We might be killed.
Maya: Just a standard day in Lobotomy, then! Let's break this thing down. You can get in, right?
Azreldeh: Of course I have clearance. Nobody else is even in there, so this should theoretically be the easiest part. But there's also a ton of cameras in there, and everyone will get suspicious if they go offline...
Rio: How long has the room been unoccupied?
Azreldeh: Looks like...roughly an hour?
Rio: I'll connect with the cameras and replay an edited loop of the footage until you're done. It'll look smooth until we need to be gone.
Azreldeh: Man, I didn't expect you to be so prepared for a break in! We should try to steal something cool the next time we go somewhere! Collin: Please don't be a bad influence. We're not wandering cat burglars... Azreldeh: Hmm, but this door's gonna make a ton of noise when it opens; that's gonna be kind of a problem...
Maya: Mmm...I don't have anything that could muffle it either... Collin: I... think I can do something about that? Hang on...
He steps up to the door and holds one hand out to hit, resting his other hand on the opposite forearm. He takes a deep breath and stares intently at the door, which then briefly flashes with a blue light. "Okay, that's not gonna hold long but it should do the trick." Nodding, Azreldeh turns to face the massive door, swiping her right hand from right to left, which causes the bolts to roll back and the door to slowly unlock and open.
"Alright, demolition's turn! Rio's got the cameras; Clair...can go in if she wants; you guys better act quick if you can't do that trick again, though, 'cause we'll need to lock it back when we leave!"
Clair: I...I can't. I can't watch it. I'll stay here... Daedalus: Don't really blame you. We'll get this over with as fast as we can. Azreldeh: Alright, I'll...not totally close the door behind you, but I'll at least block the view. Good luck! Collin, Daedalus, and Maya step inside through the doorway. Alzedeth stands alone in the center of the room, quiet and immobile as ever. He does not stir when approached, only patiently waiting for something to happen. His armor has been stained with the blood of others, presumably the Lobotomy employees that dragged him onto the ship, but beyond that, there are no signs of any changes from the previous encounter. Collin: Jesus...
Daedalus: Who would've thought something could be so damn terrifying without even having to move... Maya: He doesn't even have any weapons on his person...if he doesn't fight back, all we'd have to do is break the armor and tear out his body... Daedalus: You have such a way with words sometimes.
Maya, 100% desensitized to any and all bullshit: let’s fight this bitch
Collin: I could probably break off pieces with spells, but it's probably gonna take quite a few hits. Maya: ...This feels so wrong. He's just soulless, not dead, right? Is it really okay to just...do this? Daedalus: What else are we gonna do? We can try not to hurt the body inside, but how's Clair gonna react if we just walk out with her brother's old body? Maya: ...I guess you have a point. We're just killing something that's already dead, huh...? Alright, let's get this over with... Collin: Alright, everyone get ready. Let's see if he's gonna do anything if I try taking that armor apart...
He wrings out his hands for a moment and then quickly slings out a gray bolt of energy from his right hand. The projectile strikes the left shoulder of the suit, weakening the connecting pieces attaching it to the torso. Alzedeth recoils at the blow, reaching up towards the area he was struck, but does little more beyond holding it. Daedalus: ... Shockingly peaceful for a blood-soaked suit. Listen, should I just... do one clean stab through this thing and get it over with?
Clair probably told him not to fight back
Maya: I...think that's probably for the best, unfortunately. Daedalus: Alright. Collin, weaken that chest plate. I'll do the rest...
Collin nods solemnly and throws another bolt at Alzedeth's chest. While the spell travels through the air, a single spear of white-hot flame flares into being in Daedalus' hands. He charges after the bolt, and right after it hits, he drives the spear straight through the suit's chest. Alzedeth stumbles backwards, shakily reaching for the spear protruding from his chest before collapsing onto his back, his arms falling with him. Closing her eyes tightly, Maya shakes her head, takes a deep breath, and heads for the door, exhaling as she does so.
Maya: ...Never gets easier, does it...? Daedalus: I hope it never does...
His spear disappears, and he turns to follow her out, Collin close behind them. As the group exits, Azreldeh closes the door behind them. "Alright, it's over, Clair. Now we just need to get out of here..."
Rio: ...I don't think we're gonna make it... Collin: What? Why? Rio: ...There's another Sephirah on the ship...you said only Hod was here, but...
For the first time since the group has seen her, Hod finally breaks past Azreldeh's hold, if only to whimper out a singular name: "Angela..." Daedalus: Well, this has been fun, but I think it's time to run like hell, right guys? Maya: We need to get off this ship now!
Clair: B-but what about the Sephirah that Azreldeh's in? Won't she die?!
Azreldeh: ...Oh, absolutely; if Angela finds her after all we've done, she'll be dismantled for sure. ...Oh no, why do you know about this too...? Quit making me feel bad for you, ugh...! Daedalus: Ah hell, if she's dying either way then either take her or don't. We can't waste time standing around! Azreldeh: Ugh, fine...I'm gonna look like a baby goat after this; but we really don't have the time for options!
Leaving Hod, Azreldeh pulls Rio closer after she disconnects from the cameras. The power goes out in the entire hallway as a massive red circle appears beneath the entire group, a smaller circle appears beneath Azreldeh, with four even smaller circles containing varying runes and symbols within them gravitating around it. In a flash of light and a powerful gust of wind, the group is returned to the IT, Hod and all, though Hod's now dysfunctional body collapses to the floor of the console room with Azreldeh, whose horns have shrunken down to tiny, gray nubs.
Nydins: Wh--what the hell?!  Couldn't you use the door?! And who is that?!
Azreldeh: No...no time...we gotta leave...we gotta leave now...don't care...where we go...just go...
S1: ow the edge
S2: all redo: electric boogaloo
S3: panic attacks to the max
S4: self destruction for self defense
Nervously, Nydins spins back around to face the console, sending the IT off to an unknown destination. Collin: Are you okay, Azreldeh? That seemed like... a lot. Azreldeh: I'll...live. You should be worried more about the robot, I couldn't help it... Collin: Crap, what are we gonna do about her? Do you know what it is that ties her to Lobotomy like that, Maya? Maya: I don't...something to do with the intricate make of her body, I'm sure; but only A and C knew about that; and I...didn't really get to talk to either of them.
Rio: ...Don't worry about it. We'll figure something out; just stay away from Lobotomy.
Maya: Oh, I fully intend to for the rest of my natural life; you don't need to tell me. Collin: Should we take her to XL's room for now? Maya: I guess so...Sephirahs aren't built like an average android or robot, though, and they aren't entirely human, either...I don't know if she'll be able to do anything; repairing Hod would need surgery and robotics...
Nydins: Good thing she can do both of those things. To a point... Daedalus: Well, I'll leave voiding her warranty in your hands. I'm... gonna go lie down for a little bit. Rio: ...I'm sorry you had to go through all that. If there was anything I could've done to help without getting somebody hurt, I would've. Daedalus: Bah, don't worry about it.
He waves a hand absently over his shoulder as he walks out of the console room.
Collin: Here, I'll get Hod over to the- wait a second... Jay, you can come out now. Crawling out of Collin's pocket, Jay glides a bit away before shifting back to normal.
"You couldn't have done anything anyway; all you could do was look through the cameras, right?"
Rio: ...R-right! I guess so...b-but if I could've helped, I...probably would've done more! Collin: You did fine, Rio. Honestly you kinda surprised me with that bit about manipulating the camera feed. I didn't think you were so sneaky. Rio: Well, I...had to be to get around Greenfinger sometimes...n-not like that matters now...
Maya: Okay, I get that you're nervous; but you're tripping all over yourself like a drunken prom date suddenly. What the hell got into you?
Azreldeh: ...You don't wanna know that... Collin: What is that supposed to mean? Azreldeh: L-listen, we were in a hurry, and...and you guys needed to leave where you were as quickly and safely as possible; so I just...did that. I took everybody with us. Well, everybody close... Collin: ... What did you do? Azreldeh: ...I...I know, this is gonna sound ridiculous after all the other stuff I'd done; but, I mean, that place was a nightmare; they weren't just gonna dismantle her, what I saw made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't leave her behind; not after seeing everything she'd gone through; not while knowing what would happen if I left her behind, but those things don't have human souls; they're too much like AIs; so I couldn't really...put her...anywhere...else? Collin: ... Oh god dammit. Azreldeh: Well, I wouldn't really say a god did it, but, thanks for the admiration...?
Maya: Admiration; you're lucky he's not trying to blast you back to hell!
Azreldeh: H-hey, look, you guys are all about protecting the innocent and stuff, right? This isn't hurting anybody, I mean, Rio's still there too; she's just...got a roommate. Collin stares straight through Azreldeh for several seconds as he tries to process her words, until finally he turns to Rio. "... Are you okay?" Rio: I'm fine! I just...wish she'd asked first, but there wasn't really time for it...b-but I'm okay! Hod isn't bad, she's just...very sad. But if we can help her, then I'm okay with doing this until she can go back to her real body. Collin: ... Alright. I'm sorry. And you...
He turns to Azreldeh and starts trying to say something, but the words catch in his throat as his thoughts smash together in a pile. He shakes his head, giving up, and turns to leave the console room. Curling her tail around herself uncomfortably, Azreldeh hides herself in her wings as she quietly mumbles: "...I really messed this up, huh?"
next time, we uhh...pop the top on fixing Hod, and some other stuff happens! I think
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markerofthemidnight · 1 month
Cringe culture is dead, so I’m making an Abnormality based off one of my childhood favourite Disney movies. I can promise you it’s not one of the first ones you’d think of.
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
T-06-327: Memento Mori (Lobotomy Corporation - OG Fan Abnormality)
So I figured it was about time before I started posting original fan abnos and not just crossovers. I came up with this one… about a month ago, although I only finished it just now.
It’s based off of Missingno from Pokemon. As well as death like Funeral, but unlike Funeral, Memento Mori is more based off the fear of death than death itself.
“After you’ve drawn its attention, you’ll be the centre of that attention until the day you die.”
The Abnormality takes the form of a large, floating, dark pale-purple coffin in the Containment Unit. Its lid is kept closed by three pairs of ribs, and there are rectangular patterns of a similar light grey colour running all over it.
When Memento Mori is reaching for an Agent, its door will open, revealing several grey hands reaching for them.
When Memento Mori enters Red Mode, it will change appearance. Its entire body will go a reddish-orange hue, and its ribs will begin dripping with blood. Its hands will be replaced with bloodstained blades.
When Memento Mori enters White Mode, it will change appearance. Its colour scheme will invert, and smoke will begin pouring from its lid. Its hands will be replaced by pure white tentacles.
When Memento Mori enters Pale Mode, it will change appearance. Its entire body will become blurred, pixelated, and go a cyan colour. Its hands will be replaced by a ray of light.
Basic Information
Risk Classification: WAW
Max. E-Boxes: 24
Attack Type: Black
Good Mood Range: 24
Neutral Mood Range: 13-23
Bad Mood Range: 0-12
Max. Qliphoth Counter: 3
Managerial Guidelines
1. The first Agent that worked on Memento Mori became the centre of its attention for the rest of the day. This state was designated as Targeted.
2. After an employee became Targeted, when another employee tried to work on Memento Mori, its Work Success Chance saw a 33% decrease, and the Qliphoth Counter had a medium chance of lowering.
3. When the Targeted Employee worked on any Abnormality other than Memento Mori, their Work Success Chance also saw a 33% decrease.
3. When the Targeted Agent got a Bad work result on any Abnormality, the Qliphoth Counter lowered.
4. When the Targeted Agent was attacked by a HE or higher breaching Abnormality, the Qliphoth Counter lowered. This effect does not apply to Ordeals and cannot happen twice with the same Abnormality on the same day.
5. When the Targeted Agent got a Good work result on Memento Mori, the Qliphoth Counter raised. 6. When Memento Mori breached containment, it immediately teleported to the home layer- but not home department- of the Targeted Agent, and began to pursue them. It will always be slightly faster than its target.
7. Memento Mori identified its Targeted Agent’s weakness when it breached, and changed its damage type accordingly. If something tried to attack it with the corresponding damage type, it absorbed the attack and recovered HP.
Work Preferences
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression
I Common Common Low Common II Common Common Low Common III Common Common Low Common VI Low Common Low Common V Low Common Low Low
Escape Information
In its breaching state, Memento Mori has 1000 HP and movement speed that changes depending on its target.
Red Defenses: 0.5
White Defenses: 0.5
Black Defenses: 0.5
Pale Defenses: 0.5
(note that these all become -2.0 in its corresponding Attack form: however, the damage type it picks doesn’t necessarily have to be its target’s biggest weakness, simply one it is weak to)
When it Breaches, it will identify its targets’ weaknesses and change its damage type accordingly. However, it will usually avoid entering Pale Mode unless its target has two or more weaknesses in joint second.
Memento Mori will not instantly kill its target when it gets too close. It deals 50 points of its chosen kind of damage, which depending on how badly the Agent is affected by their weakness, as well as their current HP/SP, may be an instant kill, but may not as well.
If Memento Mori attacks and the Agent survives, it takes a few seconds to begin pursuing them again. This gives you a chance to get its target out of there, and your other Agents some more time to attack it.
If Memento Mori succeeds in killing its target, its lid slides off and it drags their body inside it before disappearing back to containment. All employees currently in the department where the killing took place will take 75 White damage.
E.G.O. Equipment
(No associated E.G.O. Gift)
Suit (Observation Level 4)
Relentless Pursuit (WAW Suit)
A piece of dark, pale-purple clothing with ribs and other bone-like accessories decorating it, similar to Paradise Lost in design.
Red Defenses: 0.7
White Defenses: 0.7
Black Defenses: 0.7
Pale Defenses: 0.7
Requirements: V Fortitude, IV Prudence
Cost: 80
Max. Amount: 1
Weapon (Observation Level 4)
Relentless Pursuit (ALEPH Cannon)
A large cannon decorated with Memento Mori’s ribs, with a white glow coming from its mouth that grows brighter once it’s set off.
Damage (White): 35-55
Attack Range: Very Long
Attack Speed: Very Slow
Special Ability: Damage pierces through any targets until the end of the room. Agents, including panicking ones, suffer 75% less damage from it.
Requirements: V Fortitude, V Justice
Cost: 100
Max. Amount: 1
The Abnormality takes the form of a floating coffin.
Its door is seemingly kept closed by three pairs of ribs: however, it has been observed opening itself occasionally, the door apparently phasing through the ribs entirely to accomplish this.
The Abnormality has demonstrated many concerning abilities, including but not limited to:
⁃ The ability to deal all known damage types
⁃ The ability to interfere with the Qliphoth Deterrence of other Containment Units
⁃ The ability to interfere with the cognition filter
⁃ The ability to cause blackouts in the facility
⁃ The ability to absorb certain attacks
During Attachment work, there have been multiple occasions where it has opened its door to reveal its contents to the employee working on them. However, every Agent sent to work on them has their own personalised testimony of what lies within it, and recordings of it simply show a glitched void.
Sometimes after an employee works on them, they will show signs of mental deterioration, and the Abnormality’s agitation will, in turn, increase. Once this happens, the following events may be recorded as time passes:
Stage 1 - The employee shows paranoid delusions of being followed
Stage 2 - Banging noises are heard from inside T-06-327’s Containment Unit
Stage 3 - The Qliphoth Deterrence of Abnormalities the employee has recently been ordered to work on starts slowly decreasing
Stage 4 - The employee becomes extremely afraid of entering T-06-327’s Containment Unit
Stage 5 - T-06-327 starts spraying blood from inside its coffin all over its Containment Unit, requiring immediate Insight work
Stage 6 - Blackouts start to happen around the facility, seeming to follow the employee as they move from department to department: some employees report seeing T-06-327 within the darkness
No employee has lived past the sixth stage of this process so far. Those who have been affected by it have repeatedly claimed that the Abnormality is ‘looking for them’ and is deriving pleasure from their suffering.
During the sixth stage, some employees may try to suppress it. It has, so far, made no attempt to fight back when this happens. However, it has demonstrated the ability to absorb certain damage types, apparently specialising in a different one each time it escapes.
When the employee comes face to face with the Abnormality at any point during these stages, they will slowly be dragged inside of it as they kick and thrash, begging anyone who will listen to save them. ^
^ Should this situation ever arise, simply cover your ears and turn your eyes away. Leave the vicinity if you feel that you have to.
The days following incidents like these, some employees may report hearing banging and muffled pleas coming from within it. We assure you that these are simply hallucinations.
Flavour Text
‘Inside Memento Mori, people see their worst nightmares.’
‘(employee’s name) never wants to enter the Containment Unit again.’
‘After you’ve drawn its attention, you’ll be the centre of that attention until the day you die.’
‘This isn’t the last time (employee’s name) and Memento Mori will meet.’
‘In a place like this, everyone is bound to come across a situation they cannot control.’
‘Is anyone ever truly ‘ready’ to die?’
‘Memento Mori has taught (employee’s name) that you don’t need legs to follow, or eyes to watch.’
‘As (employee’s name) finishes their work, Memento Mori keeps up its relentless gaze.’
(When the employee working on them wasn’t the Targeted one, specifically after one had been chosen)
‘Memento Mori shakes and rattles as (employee’s name) enters the Containment Unit.’
‘Memento Mori creaks loudly. It cannot speak, but still its message is clear: ‘You are not who I’m looking for.’’
‘The more (targeted employee’s name) is kept away from Memento Mori, the faster it will come to them.’
‘(employee’s name) does their best to please Memento Mori, even in its agitated state.’
‘As (employee’s name) works, little do they know that Death is approaching one of their coworkers.’
Special Interactions
(note: I’m coming up with these on the spot, so they’re subject to change)
When the targeted employee was ordered to suppress Funeral of the Dead Butterflies, Memento Mori made a screeching noise, and the employee took 50 White damage
When Blue Star, Apocalypse Bird or WhiteNight breached containment at the same time as it, Memento Mori suddenly stopped its pursuit before voluntarily teleporting back to its Containment Unit. The employee was no longer considered Targeted after this.
Employees wearing Courage (Crumbling Armour’s EGO Gift) could not be Targeted by Memento Mori.
When F̵͕͝-̵̪̇0̷͔̏1̸̛̫-̴̢͛2̴̱͋4̷̘͑ passed the hallway to its Containment Unit, particularly in their hostile state, Memento Mori immediately breached containment in order to pursue them. Should it successfully kill them, it began to drag their corpse into it before their claw suddenly burst out, preventing it from closing the door. They disappeared soon after, as did Memento Mori after a few seconds, and both returned to their Containment Units.
If an employee with S̸e̶l̵f̶-̷P̵r̷e̸s̵e̴r̶v̵a̶t̵i̶o̷n̶ (Sword) was its Target, and was ordered to suppress an Abnormality in a different Department so they could escape, Memento Mori paused, let out a short screech, and teleported to the same department its Target teleported to, slightly faster than before.
And that’s all… I think?
Now, I know what you’re all thinking: ‘Hey, Marker, what the absolute balls is F-01-24?!’ And the answer is… another Abnormality I made! And yes, Self-Preservation is the name of their EGO weapon, and as you can infer, it has quite the funky ability!
It’s also an Abnormality that, despite being very nearly complete, I still won’t be able to show you for a while… unless enough people beg for it, that is, but no promises… ;)
Other Fan Abnormalities
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markerofthemidnight · 2 months
T-02-68-A: “March of the Flames”
Back in action with a new fan abnormality! This one’s inspired by a DND stream I watched recently, since I really liked one of the PCs and decided I should make an Abnormality based off the theming of their backstory!
I could link the series to you guys if you want (it’s VERY underrated), but for now we’ve got some work to do!
“Everything else in their path will burn away.”
{Aberration of the Funeral of the Dead Butterflies.}
The Abnormality takes the form of a rotten tree in a swamp-like environment within a darkened Containment Unit. A dull green glow emanates from the tree.
Basic Information
Risk Classification: HE
Work Damage: Red
Max. E Boxes: 16
Good Mood Range: 12-16
Neutral Mood Range: 7-11
Bad Mood Range: 0-6
Max. Qliphoth Counter: 1
Managerial Guidelines
1. When the Work Result was Bad, the Qliphoth Counter lowered.
2. When March of the Flames breached containment, multiple entities spawned within the facility and began making their way towards one another.
3. These entities were unaffected by all forms of attack. Anything in their path began to suffer constant Red damage, and were engulfed by flames that allowed the damage to linger even after leaving the room.
4. Once all the entities reached each other safely, the HP and SP of all wounded employees was instantly healed.
Work Preferences
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression I Low Low High Very Low II Low Low High Very Low III Low Low High Very Low IV Low Low High Very Low V Low Low High Very Low
Escape Information
When March of the Flames breaches, three HE-entities known as Flame Marchers- taking the form of a large swarm of fireflies- will appear in a random department each. These entities have 500 health, but are immune to all types of damage.
Flame Marchers make each room they enter illuminated green due to their light. Anything in the same room as a Flame Marchers will begin to suffer 2-4 Red damage each second from the flames they emit.
If something touches the Flame Marchers itself, they will be applied with the Burn status, dealing an additional 1-2 Red damage per second until one of five events takes place:
1-2 in-game minutes pass
They have their HP recovered by any means
They are applied with a RED Shield Bullet
Two out of three Flame Marchers reunite
They successfully complete a work with The Firebird
When two Flame Marchers reach each other, they remain inside whichever room they reunited within, which is engulfed in a brighter version of their usual light. All burn victims are cured of their ailments.
When all three reunite, the facility is engulfed in their light before all Agents are healed. Harmless fireflies remain in the room they disappeared in for the rest of the day.
EGO Equipment
Gift (Observation Level 3)
Alight (Hat)
Two long, insectoid antennae with glowing tips.
Drop Chance: 3%
Effects: +2 HP, +2 Movement Speed, +2 Attack Speed
Suit (Observation Level 3)
Alight (HE Armour)
An outfit resembling both armour and a firefly’s exoskeleton.
Red Defences: 0.6
White Defences: 0.8
Black Defences: 1.2
Pale Defences: 1.5
Cost: 30
Max. Amount: 3
Weapon (Observation Level 4)
Alight (HE Rifle)
A grey rifle carved out of wood with green flames pouring out of its mouth, which spew from it once activated.
Damage (Red): 6-8
Attack Range: Fast
Attack Speed: Very Slow
Cost: 40
Max. Amount: 2
The Abnormality takes the form of a large swarm of constantly-glowing fireflies.
This Abnormality posses the ability to burn and set ablaze anything that they so choose. Drastic changes have been applied to the Containment Unit to satisfy them, thus avoiding the possibility of them attacking employees in this manner.
However, whilst the Abnormality can certainly hurt, on rare occasions they have also been observed healing employees, as long as they keep their distance and allow them to complete their journey without disturbance.
Should you ever see a green glow in the halls coming closer to you, retreat to the centre of the department and warn your colleagues that the fireflies are coming.
Should this warning ever be made to you, be sure hide everything flammable and be as still as possible while the fireflies pass. So long as they make their journey without being disturbed, everything will be fine.
Fireflies have always been depicted as miniature, ever-glowing stars, constantly lighting up the night with their bioluminescence. However, anyone with even a mild interest in entomology can tell you that this is not always the case.
In fact, they only use these abilities on specific occasions. It’s widely believed that their powers evolved to help ward off predators, however in modern times they’re used moreso to attract mates.
And these fireflies, through all the time they’ve spent dreaming of reuniting with one another, have become so riddled with fear and faith that not only does this function serve both purposes, but it cannot be deactivated.
All that you need to start a fire is oxygen, heat and fuel: this Abnormality has proven this principle to us, as their heat is so intense that anything flammable bursts into flames at their mere presence.
After all they have been through since the swarm was separated, they must keep burning. They cannot afford to let anything get in their way anymore: and yet, no matter how many times they reunite, there’s always far too little of them by the time they return to their Containment Unit. Such is the illogical, endless pain of an Abnormality.
Fireflies from a time long gone will light up the facility as they march, and after the chaos, return peace to it once they reunite and dance.
They have done this once before, and must know that they will again. Yet still, they yearn to see one another once more, and everything else in their path will burn away.
Tonight, the fireflies dance, reunited and alight.
‘March of the Flames yearns to dance again. However, they stay still: they’re saving the opportunity for someone very special.’
‘(employee’s name) is sure to mind March of the Flames as they work, lest they burst into dancing lights too.’
‘The Abnormalities have been known to set paper ablaze with their mere presence. It’s a miracle March of the Flames’s tree is still intact.’
‘Everything is still until something gets between March of the Flames and their beloveds.’
‘(employee’s name) feels the intense heat of the Containment Unit.’
‘There is some beauty to be found in March of the Flame’s dance, but with any luck, they shall remain still for the time being.’
‘If something happens to intensify their suffering, the fireflies’ minds and bodies will begin to wander.’
‘The flames shall march once more.’
Extra Details
All entities recognise Flame Marchers as threats by default, despite their immunity to all damage types.
However, The Firebird and Void Dream would not become hostile upon being damaged by them.
Passive non-employees- including Rabbit Team members and passive Abnormalities (such as The Queen of Hatred, Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary, and Army in Pink)- will also heal upon their suppression’s end.
Suppressing March of the Flames does not count towards any mission that requires you to suppress an Abnormality.
March of the Flames’ healing effect still works during Netzach’s Core Suppression.
Should an employee wearing any part of Alight (Suit, Weapon, or Gift) work on F̸̲̀-̶͖̈0̶͕̑1̴̭͗-̷̭̉2̵͕̊4̴̭̅, their Work Success Chance decreased by 33%, like how they interact with the Fairy Festival’s EGO gear.
However, if both Abnormalities were breaching at the same time, F̸̲̀-̶͖̈0̶͕̑1̴̭͗-̷̭̉2̵͕̊4̴̭̅ still recovered health upon March of the Flames’ suppression being completed, as long as they were breaching passively.
Hmm, more mentions of this mysterious F-01-24 person! I wonder who they could be…
Anyways, that’s it for tonight. Like I said, I’m more than willing to link the series of DND streams that inspired this (though be warned that the specific character doesn’t show up until about Session 3- that’s not too much of a problem though because it is a very fun campaign)
Other Fan Abnormalities
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
T-04-29: “Tickle-Me Wiggly” (Lobotomy Corp. x Hatchetfield Fan Abnormality)
So yeah, turns out the reason why I’ve been writing so little is actually because I’ve been writing fan Abnos!
I actually have a few more of these sitting in my notes- this is just the first one I finished. Naturally, it has to be Wiggly: Black Friday Wiggly, specifically! Might make a few more for his brothers if this gets popular enough.
Anyways, it’s getting late and writing all this really knocked the wind outta me, so without further ado:
“And those people, those sheeple, the tall and the small, will fall, and they’ll crawl, and they’ll brawl for a doll.”
The Abnormality takes the form of a small green plush toy with tentacles instead of a mouth, sitting on a shelf in the Containment Unit.
Basic Information
Risk Classification: ALEPH
Work Damage: White
Max. E Boxes: 30
Good Mood Range: 22-30
Normal Mood Range: 21-11
Bad Mood Range: 0-10
Max. Qliphoth Counter: None
Managerial Guidelines
1. When the Work Process ended, there was a chance that the Agent took Tickle-Me Wiggly with them outside of the Containment Unit.
2. The higher the Agent’s Temperance, the lower the chance of this effect occurring became. However, no matter how high it becomes, there will always be a small chance that the Agent is affected.
3. When Tickle-Me Wiggly was outside of its containment unit for too long, employees all over the facility began to suffer constant White damage, starting with the ones closest to the Abnormality. However, Agents with 100+ Temperance were immune to this effect.
4. When an employee’s Sanity Meter reached zero because of White damage dealt by Tickle-Me Wiggly, they began attacking everything around them while searching for the Agent holding the Abnormality. This state was designated as “Frenzied”.
5. If a sane employee’s Sanity Meter reached zero because of White damage dealt by a Frenzied employee, the same effect as above was observed.
6. When a Frenzied employee found the Agent holding Tickle-Me Wiggly, the two fought. If the Agent died, the employee took the Abnormality from them.
7. Once a Frenzied employee’s Sanity Meter was restored to its maximum by a sane Agent, they returned to normal.
8. The sanity of the employee currently holding Tickle-Me Wiggly could not be restored. Because of this, the Manager must order the Agents to execute the Frenzied employee.
Work Preferences
(I have no idea how I’m gonna make this layout work on Tumblr but here we go)
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression I : High Very Low High Common II : High Very Low High Common III : High Low High Common IV : High Common Common Low V : High Common Low Very Low
Process Information (flavour text)
Instinct - The Agent tells Wiggly all about their job and life, trying to avoid admitting how unsatisfied they are with it at all costs to protect the company.
Insight - The Agent manages Wiggly’s preferred environment in the Containment Unit. Its lighting must remain dim, with most light stemming from fairy lights or glow-in-the-dark stars. Only then is the Abnormality at its most satisfied, claiming it reminds him of home.
Attachment - The Agent engages in what can only be described as a 20-minute tickle session with Wiggly as their target. No, this is not a joke.
Repression - The Agent sticks red pins in Wiggly while doing their best to shut out the death threats he curses out at them.
E.G.O. Equipment
Gift (Observation Level 3)
Feast or Famine (Helmet)
A golden crown endowed with small blue gems.
Drop Chance: 1%
Effects: +12 HP, -5 SP (+5 Movement Speed and Attack Speed when worn with the corresponding EGO suit)
Suit (Observation Level 4)
Feast or Famine (ALEPH suit)
A suit made almost entirely of dark green tentacles, with a red ribbon in place of a tie.
Red Defenses: 1.2
White Defenses: 0.2
Black Defenses: 0.3
Pale Defenses: 0.5
Requirement: V Fortitude, V Temperance
Cost: 120
Max. Amount: 1
Weapon (Observation Level 4)
Feast or Famine (ALEPH Whip)
A black, four-thonged whip with a green hilt. This weapon is a unique type as there are no other specimens of its kind currently known.
Damage (White): 8-18
Attack Range: Short
Attack Speed: Fast
Special Ability: Every five attacks, the whip’s damage range spreads to every target in the room currently facing the Agent. The attack will restore SP to not only Agents, but also any passive non-Agent entities (such as Rabbits and passive Abnormalities).
Requirements: V Fortitude, V Temperance
Cost: 200
Max. Amount: 1
The Abnormality takes the form of a plush toy resembling a green tentacled monster. On its back is a tag identifying the toy as having been manufactured by an unknown company apparently named “Uncle Wiley’s Toys”.
The doll itself consistently remains motionless no matter what it is subjected to. However, when an Agent enters the Containment Unit, the Abnormality begins to communicate with them through telepathy.
It calls itself ‘Tickle-Me Wiggly’, and regularly engages in casual conversation with staff. It “speaks” in a babyish manner, as if addressing a child, and regularly asks employees how satisfied they are with their life.
When it does so, it is imperative that Agents always respond positively.
If it senses that an employee is unsatisfied with their lives at the moment, it will attempt to form a “bond”. It is unknown how this “bonding” works, but if it succeeds, the bonded Agent will become obsessed with Wiggly, revering him like a god and violently attacking everyone who speaks against him.
If you suspect that a co-worker has become bonded with Wiggly, report it to your department’s Sephirah immediately and they will be properly disposed of.
If an Agent has taken Wiggly out of his Containment Unit, dispose of the Agent immediately, burn the doll, and return its charred remains to the Containment Unit.
(The next two corresponding documents can only be access by Level 5 or higher employees.)
For a long time, nobody knew where Wiggly came from.
Agents thought he was just that: an unsightly, unsettling children’s toy that says violent things occasionally, but is relatively harmless.
Until the day came that, after a particularly successful Instinct work, Wiggly told an Agent a secret. They returned from the Containment Unit with a smile on their face, and even after suppressing a WAW Ordeal with quite a few casualties, showed a considerable lack of mental corruption.
Once the day was over, however, the company was surprised to see that the reports the Agent sent in regarding Wiggly previously that night were written in an indecipherable language.
The next day, the very same Agent constructed an alter in the middle of their home department, spreading misinformation and religious propaganda whilst constantly switching between English and complete gibberish suspected to be the aforementioned language, before finally opening the door to the Containment Unit and returning with Wiggly in hand.
All they had to do was make eye contact with it, and suddenly, the mental corruption of almost all employees in the department near-instantly became 0. When all was said and done, the Agent died, and we very narrowly avoided losing half of the facility’s total employees.
It took far more time and resources than we would have liked, but eventually we were able to roughly translate the previously-mentioned Agent’s final report on Wiggly into understandable text:
When I entered his prison today, he was looking at me with a smile on his face.
The process started out normally. He asked me what was wrong with my life, and when I answered truthfully, promised me he would do everything in his power to fix it.
He told me that he had grown attached to me in the time we had spent together. Asked me if he could tell me a secret, to which I obliged and leaned in closer. At first, I thought it was just some gibberish language… but once he told me his name, suddenly I understood, just like that.
With those words, a whole new reality was opened up to me. I saw Him. The face of God, ancient and welcoming. The Father, a beast. The Son, a doll. And the Holy Spirit, a beautiful, inky ocean enveloping this doomed world, ready to wrap it in His tentacles and cleanse it of all sin.
I haven’t seen this place the same way since. And I don’t want to. Now, for the first time in my life, I can work in peace knowing He will be watching over me, in all His holy glory.
The others aren’t so lucky. They’re still stuck in their cages, with no knowledge of Him or just how beautiful He really is. He has the power to set us all free, and yet nobody realises, because nobody believes.
Nobody but me.
In wake of this information, I have decided that I shall be His prophet. I shall set my darling coworkers free from their abyssal cages, and once they have all seen the light, we will depart this doomed world and join Him in the Black.
This company is doomed, as is this world. But with Him by my side, it doesn’t have to be.
The Lords in Black call us. All hail Wiggog Y’rath.
Flavour Text
During Work
“And those people, those sheeple, the tall and the small, will fall, and they’ll crawl, and they’ll brawl for a doll.”
‘A tag on Tickle-Me Wiggly’s back states he was manufactured by a company called Uncle Wiley’s Toys. Nobody recognises the name, but it’s clear he was made with a lot of love and care put into him.’
‘Tickle-Me Wiggly has a soft and squishy design unlike anything you’ve ever seen in a toy before.’
‘Tickle-Me Wiggly enjoys talking with Agents about their lives.’
‘Tickle-Me Wiggly came from a place deep, deep within a dark, drowsy void.’
‘Tickle-Me Wiggly starts telling <employee’s name> about his little brothers.’
‘To ensure the wellbeing of everyone here, it’s best to make sure a cautious employee works on Tickle-Me Wiggly.’
‘Just because something is still, that does not mean it isn’t alive.’
“Being asleep and dreaming is just being awake, but in another world.”
(When the Manager zooms into the Containment Unit while no one’s working on it)
“Hello, Mr. Mani-wazz. Are you here to give me a new fwendy-wend?”
“We both know you can’t ignore me forever. Your pally-wals certainly don’t.”
“You have a job to do, don’t you? Why not send someone in?”
“Why don’t you get off that seat and come down here, with me? I’m sure we’d be very good fwendy-wends.”
(When an Agent is working on it)
“I think we’re going to be very good fwendy-wends, <employee’s name>.”
“I wish you could come back here more often, <employee’s name>. I always enjoy our little chats.”
“I’ve spent enough time in your home here. Why not, someday, you come down to visit mine?”
“You would get along just swell with my brothers, <employee’s name>. Let me tell you about them…”
“What wonders await you down in Drowsy Town…”
(When an Agent takes it outside the Containment Unit)
“So this is your quaint home. How charming… but I know a place you’d like even more.”
“I’ve only met a few of your fwendy-wends, <employee’s name>. Why not introduce these ones to me?”
“I’m sure I’ll fit in just fine in this place. Your pally-wals love me already…”
(When employees start entering Frenzy mode)
“*giggle!* See? They couldn’t love me more!”
“*cackle* CHAOS REIGNS!”
“So many sheeple, desperate to get their hands on me… I wonder how that happened?”
“Don’t hold it against them, Mr. Mani-wazz. After all, you never should settle for the lifetime that is handed to you…”
(When the Agent holding it is being attacked by other Frenzied employees)
“Take what you want, return what you get!”
“Thank you so much for taking me outside, <employee’s name>. But now, it’s bedtime… and not for me, that is.”
“Do you think you can take care of them, <employee’s name>? We’ll see how well that goes.”
(When a Frenzied Agent somewhere in the facility has their Sanity restored)
“You really think you can win against me so easily?”
“Resisting a Lord in Black is no easy feat, you know! Resisting me… is more of an impossibility.”
“*sigh* My brothers are probably laughing their asses off…”
(When sane Agents attempt to suppress the employee holding Tickle-Me Wiggly)
“What makes you think you can defeat me?! <employee’s name> can take care of your pawns with ease… erm, you can, right, <employee’s name>?”
“I know you’re watching me, Mr. Manager! When I find you after this, you’ll only wish the others got to you first!”
“You should feel lucky you even got this far. I’ll take my kingdom back easily!”
(When all Frenzied employees are suppressed)
“When I come back, I am going to shove my tentacles so far down your throat they come out your sorry ass. That’s a promise!”
“Rgh… fine. But just know I won’t forget this, Mr. Manager! I’ll come back! I always do…”
“Those little shits… YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, DON’T YOU?!”
(When the Manager uses a Reduced Mobility Bullet on the employee holding it)
“…Oh, you’re no fun at all.”
“Do you seriously think that’s going to stop me?”
“Boring. Maybe use the Execution Bullet, I’m sure it’ll help.”
(When the Manager attempts to use an Execution Bullet on the employee holding it)
“What? You actually thought I would let that work?”
“Oh, poor Mani-wazz. The creatures here must have seriously muddled your brain if you actually thought that would do something.”
“…You know, in all my eons of existence, I’ve never met someone with worse critical thinking skills than you.”
(When the employee holding it encounters CENSORED)
“…Oh! Hello, K’Gwijan-sycok. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
(When it encounters WhiteNight, its Apostles, or Blue Star)
“Yuck. And this is the work of a creature that calls itself a god? It doesn’t even know the meaning of the word.”
(When it encounters the passive-breaching Queen of Hatred)
“How disgusting. This woman genuinely thinks she can defy me?”
(When it encounters the hostile Queen of Hatred)
“Now this is something more my speed!”
(When it encounters Rudolta of the Sleigh)
“What’s this? A fellow holiday horror, come to wish me a happy birthday?”
(When all Agents are dead or panicking)
“Thank you so much for the help, Mr. Mani-wazz! I’m sure you’ll love it down in the Black…”
Whew. I… I think that’s all of it?
Other Fan Abnormalities
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
T-03-13: “The Singular Voice” (Hatchetfield x Lobotomy Corporation - Fan Abnormality Concept)
Oh yeah, you thought this would take me a second, didn’t you?
Well, too bad! Ladies and gentlemen, Pokey’s Lobotomy Corp concept is now here! It only took me like twelve hours, and that’s not even talking about all the other work I’ve been doing on his brothers!
“The song shall sway even the weariest of souls, and will spread around the Earth until no other music remains.”
(Known as Mask from the Cosmos before Observation Level 3.)
The Abnormality takes the form of a grey mask carved from stone, dripping with blue ooze, sitting on a pedestal in the Containment Unit.
At the top of its Containment Unit, next to its Qliphoth Counter, is a bar that slowly fills with a blue ooze after a certain stimulus (see Managerial Guidelines below for more information).
Basic Information
Risk Classification: WAW
Work Damage: White
Max. E Boxes: 24
Good Mood Range: 17-24
Neutral Mood Range: 11-16
Bad Mood Range: 0-10
Max. Qliphoth Counter: 2
Managerial Guidelines
1. When the Work Result was Bad, the Qliphoth Counter lowered with a high probability.
2. When the Work Result was Good, the blue bar seen at the top of the Containment Unit was filled by one fifth.
3. As the bar filled, the chances of the Agent being affected by The Singular Voice’s special ability increased, with one fifth being equivalent to a 10% chance, and a completely filled bar being equivalent to a 50% chance.
4. When the Qliphoth Counter reached 0, the bar immediately reached its maximum, and a random Agent was sent to work on The Singular Voice. The Manager could do nothing to prevent this process once it began, and if the infection was unsuccessful, the bar would completely deplete.
5. Successful Insight works resulted in the bar decreasing by one fifth. However, this effect only took place on a Normal result when the employee hadn’t been infected.
6. When an Agent was successfully affected by The Singular Voice’s ability, it donned the Abnormality and left the Containment Unit, where they began to attack those around them, typically starting with Clerks and low ranking Agents. This state was designated as ‘Infected.’
7. This effect would also be observed if an Agent panicked or died while working on The Singular Voice.
8. When an employee was killed by an Infected employee, their corpses rose from the floor as more Infected.
Work Preferences
Instinct Insight Attachment Repression
I: Very Low Low Very Low Very Low II: Very Low Low Very Low Very Low III: Very Low Low Low High IV: High Low Low High V: High Low Low High
EGO Equipment
Gift (Observation Level 3)
Earworm (Hat)
A mask, similar to but visually distinct from The Singular Voice itself, worn on top of the employee’s head, instead of covering their face.
Drop Chance: 2%
Effects: +6 Work Speed, +6 Work Success Chance, -2 SP
Suit (Observation Level 4)
Earworm (WAW Suit)
A conductor’s outfit with a long cape made of blue ooze, and pale, rock-like spikes growing near the shoulders.
Red Defences: 0.5
White Defences: 1.2
Black Defences: 0.5
Pale Defences: 0.7
Requirements: V Temperance
Cost: 65
Max. Amount: 2
Weapon (Observation Level 4)
Earworm (WAW Sword)
A silver rapier with a blue hilt, its tip dripping with blue ooze.
Damage (White): 8-11
Attack Speed: Fast
Range: Medium
Special Ability: When an employee attacks with this weapon, there is a 10% chance per attack for a second, opaque version of the sword to appear and strike the target again for the same amount of damage. However, this ability will not activate when suppressing a panicking Agent.
Requirements: V Temperance, IV Justice
Cost: 80
Max. Amount: 2
The Abnormality takes the form of a small mask with a mysterious substance leaking from its eyes.
As time passes, this substance may begin to leak throughout the Containment Unit, typically requiring Agents to wear protective clothing to prevent themselves from being affected.
If an Agent is affected by T-03-13, they may begin to exhibit the following symptoms over time:
Stage 1 - Sudden symptoms of a cold, starting immediately after the end of the Work Process.
Stage 2 - Frequent complaints of music coming from the Abnormality’s Containment Unit.
Stage 3 - A previously unreported tendency to hum tunes during work hours.
Stage 4 - Unusual lack of mental corruption.
Stage 5 - Bleeding blue goo from multiple orifices.
Stage 6 - Complete assimilation: attempting to attack other employees, typically whilst wearing T-01-13.
If you notice any of these symptoms in your coworkers, contact your department’s Sephirah immediately and they will be properly disposed of.
After frequent tests done on those infected by T-01-13, we now understand that prolonged exposure to the blue sludge it produces, or inhalation of its spores, will slowly mutilate your blood and transform it into said substance, effectively turning you into an Abnormality from the inside out.
From then, the Abnormality will begin attempting to infect other employees, all whilst singing the same dreadful song.
It calls it an apotheosis of sorts, attempting to unite the world into a singular goal, and achieve true peace by giving power to one Singular Voice.
The song shall sway even the weariest of souls, and will spread across the Earth until no other music remains.
Flavour Text
‘When (employee’s name) enters the Containment Unit, even with their protective clothing on, they do everything in their power to make sure they don’t touch the blue ooze spreading across the floor.’
‘Some things must be heard to be believed.’
‘Echoing from The Singular Voice is a song of peace and harmony.’
‘The Singular Voice is intrigued by (employee’s name). Nobody would choose to be in a place like this if they didn’t want anything from it.’
‘They say that those who put on The Singular Voice are never the same again.’
‘The blue ooze spreading from The Singular Voice holds galaxies within its shining surface.’
‘The Singular Voice has a smooth surface, even more so than you’d expect from something carved from rock. However, (employee’s name) dares not touch it to see for themselves.’
‘If an employee ever comes out of the Containment Unit singing, we must quickly consider which would be the most effective way to dispose of them.’
Special Interactions
If Singing Machine was activated near an Infected employee, they began focusing their efforts on taking out all Addicted employees to prevent it from singing again.
When Fragment of the Universe sang near an Infected employee, they suddenly all began to attack it.
When a sane Agent was doing Performance work on Il Pianto Della Luna near Infected employees, they all stopped to listen.
If Il Pianto Della Luna wasn’t currently being worked on, an Infected employee may choose to do Performance work on it, and for the duration of the work will be treated like a regular Agent again.
When The Silent Orchestra breached containment near Infected employees, they all stopped to listen.
Other Fan Abnormalities
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
The Lords in Black x Lobotomy Corporation: Abnormality Selection Poll
So I’ve finally decided to keep my promise that I’d make Lob Corp Abnormality concepts for the other Lords in Black if Wiggly’s got popular enough! You all seemed to like it, so here we are!
Here, we’re going to be holding a little four-way Abnormality selection. I will tell you your options (and avoid naming the Abnos for funsies- though it’s still rather easy to tell which is which.) and the concepts will be released in the order of how popular they are!
Without further ado, your options are:
T-02-10: “Keep your smile wide and your fear stowed. Whatever pain you suffer is unnecessary as long as it prevents further deaths.”
T-05-14: “They have been transferred to another branch due to their special skills, and won’t return until their duty is complete.”
T-08-25: “Only when the day comes that the sweetest employee in the Corporation is decided, will that hunger be quelled.”
T-03-13: “The song shall sway even the weariest of souls, and will spread around the Earth until no other music remains.”
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