accountiod1 · 3 months
5 Easy Ways to Find Your Citibank Routing Number
Citibank routing numbers can vary by location. Ensure you have the right one for your area by visiting our blog for guidance. #Citibank #RoutingNumber #LocationSpecific #MoneyTransfers #LocalBanking
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babyawacs · 6 months
#examples #of #complex #motives #whatdidyousee ? .@all .@bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @deutschl and .@dw .@world banks lawyers insurances support: please follow. the. trainofthought: 1 because th e germans were allguilty but not equally guilty . 2 despite whatthey did i distinguished until abou t may2007 between germangovt its proxies and the german industry. them gamed for fraudit forever and notonly nuthobo thecase but tried to humiliate the utmost theycould and pulled rug under daytime f inances. there on noway germans benefit from my things on. 3 abit compassion (autoshows/ permanent h arm on brands) and foremost to show that itis s e c u r i t y policy criminal SECURITY i granted th ree times 500units magflight each to top3 premiumbrand theymay relay afew to a fourth premiumbrand byg usto. themmmmm thought a brainmelt worked or a sssexxxtrick or finally an irrrational nutsnessproo f or stockholm. fix damage erasers or localbank strictly mistrust a l l sparkasse a n d deka investm ent inliability : h o p e s on p u b l i c l a w but public law here meant filth sleaze with those that rape torture smear and damage allalong itwas intensified nutsness instead access to what is mine letalonefornecessites notarstampthis pegit whereitmust give it to germans too I am Christian KI SS BabyAWACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Baby AWACS.com/ [email protected] [email protected] Helpful? suppor t. donnate. pay. https://wise.com/share/christiank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
#examples #of #complex #motives #whatdidyousee ? .@all .@bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @deutschland .@dw .@world banks lawyers insurances support: please follow. the. trainofthought: 1 because the germans were allguilty but not equally guilty . 2 despite whatthey did i distinguished until about may2007 between germangovt its proxies and the german industry. them gamed for fraudit forever and…
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localbank · 3 years
localbank 로컬뱅크 비트코인 구매대행
로컬뱅크는 고객님의 자산을 안전하게 대행업무를 도와드리고 있습니다.
가상화폐에서 현금 / 현금에서 가상화폐로 환전이 가능하고
합리적인 수수료로 신속한 서비스 제공이 가능합니다.
고객님과 로컬뱅크의 신뢰를 위하여 직거래를 선호합니다
지방, 수도권 거래 가능하며 이 외 추가적인 문의사항이 있다면 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.
카카오톡 : LBCS
텔레그램 : LBCST
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vianinja · 5 years
Local banks are the backbone of the banking system in the united states, helping small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country to grow and invest. 
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guarantybank-blog · 5 years
Manage your personal account from anywhere!  https://cli.re/LWJE4r
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raulersonhal · 4 years
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Local Banks
Credit Cards
Postpaid Accounts
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globalmediacampaign · 4 years
Performing analytics on Amazon Managed Blockchain
Data analytics is critical in making strategic decisions in your organization. You use data analytics in forecasting inventory levels, quarterly sales predictions, risk modelling, and more. With Amazon Managed Blockchain, blockchain goes further by providing trusted analytics, in which user activity is verifiable, secure, and immutable for all permissioned users on a network. Managed Blockchain follows an event-driven architecture. We can open up a wide range of analytic approaches by streaming events to Amazon Kinesis. For instance, we could analyze events in near-real time with Kinesis Data Analytics, perform petabyte scale data warehousing with Amazon RedShift, or use the Hadoop ecosystem with Amazon EMR. This allows us to use the right approach for every blockchain analytics use case. In this post, we show you one approach that uses Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to capture, monitor, and aggregate events into a dataset, and analyze it with Amazon Athena using standard SQL. After setting up the system, we show a SQL query in a simple banking use case to generate a ranking of accounts whose transaction exceeds $1M, but with an exclusion policy that cross-references an allowed “off-chain” database. Solution overview The following diagram illustrates an event-driven architecture that transforms data from a peer node that prepares a series of services for analytics. Prerequisites This post assumes that you’ve already built and deployed a Managed Blockchain application, and want to extend its capabilities to include analytics. If you’re just getting started, our Track-and-Trace Blockchain Workshop or tutorial Build and deploy an application for Hyperledger Fabric on Amazon Managed Blockchain can teach you how to build a Managed Blockchain application step by step. This post focuses on work that’s critical in preparing a production application before you launch and go to market. To complete this walkthrough, you need the following prerequisites: An AWS account An existing Managed Blockchain application configured with Hyperledger Fabric The following node.js libraries: aws-sdk (>= 2.580), fabric-client (^ 1.4) Basic knowledge of node.js and JavaScript, writing chaincode, setting up users with fabric-ca-client, and setting up any one of the Amazon compute services, such as the following: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Defining and sending events Blockchain can be viewed as a new type of shared database without a central authority. Users interact via programs called smart contracts (or chaincode). You can query or invoke a chaincode on each call, or subscribe and receive streaming data under a single connection. Blockchain networks send events for external programs to consume when activity occurs on the network. In Fabric, events are produced as new blocks are added into a channel’s ledger. You can process new blocks as one of three event types: block, transaction, or chaincode. The event types compose each other. A block event is a deeply nested structure that contains a set of transactions and metadata. The transaction event composes a user-defined payload that makes up the chaincode event. Chaincode events are useful in analytics application because it can include arbitrary information. This enables us to expose specific behaviors or values that we can use in off-chain analytics applications. The following example code shows how user-defined payload is included in a chaincode event and sent out in a simple banking application involving payment: const shim = require('fabric-shim'); const LocalBank = class { // ...details omitted... async Invoke(stub) { const { fcn, params } = stub.getFunctionAndParameters(); if (fcn === 'Pay') { const resp = this.Pay(stub, ...params); return shim.success(resp); } return shim.Error(`Unable to call function, ${fcn}, because not found.`); } async Pay(stub, sender, recipient, fromBank, toBank, amount) { // ...payment logic here... const eventName = 'bank-payments'; const payload = { sender, recipient, fromBank, toBank, amount }; const serialized = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)); stub.sendEvent(eventName, serialized); } } shim.start(new LocalBank()); After the contract is deployed, you can run any compute service (such as Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EKS) to register your external programs to process events coming in. These programs act as event listeners. Unlike what the name may suggest, it isn’t actively polling any events; it’s merely a function or method that is subscribed to an event. When the event occurs, the listener method gets called. This way, there’s no cost until the event actually occurs and we begin processing. In this post, we show an example of this using a node.js program. Processing events To process events, we can use the libraries available under the Fabric SDK. The Fabric SDK for Node.js has three libraries to interact with a peer node on a channel: fabric-network – The recommended API for applications where only submitting transactions and querying a peer node is enough. fabric-ca-client – Used to manage users and their certificates. fabric-client – Used to manage peer nodes on the channel and monitor events. We use this library to process events. To batch events into a dataset for analytics, we use the AWS SDK to access the Kinesis Data Firehose APIs for aggregation into Amazon S3. Each library provides object interfaces—ChannelEventHub and Firehose, respectively—to perform the operation. In the next few sections, we show you sample code that walks through three major steps. When complete, your architecture should look like the following diagram. In this diagram, main represents our node.js program that’s receiving chaincode events from peer nodes on the channel. We use two libraries, aws-sdk and fabric-client, to import and instantiate two classes, Firehose and ChannelEventHub, to do the heavy lifting. Initializing APIs from existing libraries To access the ChannelEventHub, your node.js client must be able to interact with the network channel. You can do so through the Fabric client by loading up a connection profile. You can either use your existing connection profile (the one used for your end-user application) or create a new one that specifies which peer nodes to listen on. The following code demonstrates how to set up your program with a logical gateway and extract the ChannelEventHub. To authorize our client, you need to register and enroll a Fabric user with the permissions to access the network channel, otherwise getUserContext returns empty. You can do so with the fabric-ca-client CLI or use the fabric-client in the following code to do so: const client = require('fabric-client'); function getChannelEventHub() { client.loadFromConfig('path/to/connection-profile.yaml'); await client.initCredentialStores(); await client.getUserContext(username, true); const channel = client.getChannel(); const eventHub = channel.getChannelEventHubsForOrg()[0]; return eventHub; } In your connection profile, you must ensure that there are peers defined that can perform the eventSource role. See the following code: channels: my-channel: peers: peer1.localbank.example.com: # # [Optional]. Is this peer used as an event hub? All peers can produce # events. Default: true eventSource: true In addition, we need access to Kinesis Data Firehose to deliver event streams to Amazon S3. We create another helper function to provide the API: const aws = require('aws-sdk'); function getKinesisDataFirehose() { return aws.Firehose({ apiVersion: '2015-08-04', region: 'us-east-1' }); } Now, on to the main function. Establishing connection In the next code example, we call on the ChannelEventHub to connect with the peer nodes on our network channel and specify what data we want to ingest. In Fabric, the client must specify whether to receive full or filtered blocks, which informs the peer node whether to drop or keep the payload field. For our use case, we want to ingest full blocks to process the payment details. See the following code: async function main() { const events = getChannelEventHub(); const kinesis = getKinesisDataFirehose(); events.connect({ full_block: true }); // ...step 3... } Registering a chaincode event listener Next, we transform the chaincode event into our desired input format. For this use case, we store the data in JSON format in Amazon S3, which Athena accepts as input. See the following code: async function main() { // ...step 2... const ccname = 'LocalBank'; const eventname = 'bank-payments'; events.registerChaincodeEvent(ccname, eventname, (event, blocknum, txid, status) => { const serialized = event['payload']; const payload = JSON.parse(serialized); const input = { DeliveryStreamName: eventname, Record: { Data: JSON.stringify(payload) + "n", } }; kinesis.putRecord(input, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.log(`Err: ${err}`); return; } console.log(`Ok: ${data}`); }); }, (err) => { console.log(`Failed to register: ${err}.`); }); } Using ChannelEventHub, we register an event listener that fires a callback function when a bank-payments event is sent from the LocalBank chaincode. If your listener experiences downtime and you want to process missed events, you can replay blocks by reconfiguring the connection parameters. For more information, see fabric-client: How to use the channel-based event service. The chaincode event structure looks like the following code: { chaincode_id: 'LocalBank', tx_id: 'a87efa9723fb967d60b7258445873355cfd6695d2ee5240d6d6cd9ea843fcb0d', event_name: 'bank-payments', payload: // omitted if a 'filtered block' } To process the payload, we need to reverse the operations it came in. Then we format the data into an input for Kinesis Data Firehose to ingest. Kinesis Data Firehose buffers records before delivering them to the destination. To disambiguate the data blobs at the destination, we use a newline (n) as the delimiter. Finally, we send records as they come using putRecord() and provide success and failure callbacks. Creating a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream We can use Kinesis Data Firehose to deliver streaming events to an Amazon S3 destination without needing to write applications or manage resources. You can complete these steps either via the Kinesis console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For this post, we show you the process on the console. On the Kinesis console, under Data Firehose, choose Create delivery stream. For Delivery stream name, enter bank-payments. For Source, select Direct PUT or other sources (we use the PUT APIs from the SDK). As an optional choice, enable server-side encryption for source records in the delivery stream. Choose Next. As an optional choice, enable data transformation or record format conversion, if necessary. Choose Next. For Destination, select Amazon S3. For S3 bucket, enter or create a new S3 bucket to deliver our data to (for this post, we use bank-payments-analytics). As an optional choice, demarcate your records with prefixes. Choose Next. Configure buffering, compression, logging, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role settings for your delivery stream. Choose Next. Choose Create delivery stream. If all goes well, you should be able to invoke Pay transactions and see the traffic on the Kinesis Data Firehose console (choose the stream and look on the Monitoring tab). In addition, you should see the objects stored in your Amazon S3 destination. Analyzing data with Athena With data to work with, we can now analyze it using Athena by running ANSI SQL queries. SQL compatibility allows us to use a well-understood language that integrates with a wide range of tools, such as business intelligence (BI) and reporting. With Athena, we can also join the data we obtained from Managed Blockchain with off-chain data to gain insights. To begin, we need to register Amazon S3 as our data source and specify the connection details. On the Athena console, choose Data sources. Choose Query data in Amazon S3 for where the data is stored. Choose AWS Glue Data Catalog as the metadata catalog. Choose Next. For Connection Details, choose Add a table. Enter your schema information. For large-scale data, it’s worth considering setting up a crawler instead. For Database, choose Create a new database. Name your database LocalBank. For Table Name, enter bank_payments. For Location of Input Data Set, enter s3://bank-payments-analytics. Choose Next. For Data Format, choose JSON. For Column Name and Column type, define the schema for your data. For this post, we create the following columns with the string column type: sender recipient fromBank As an optional choice, add a partition (or virtual column) to your database. Choose Create table. Before you run your first query, you may need to set up a query result location in Amazon S3. For instructions, see Working with Query Results, Output Files, and Query History. When that’s complete, on the Athena Query Editor, you can write SQL queries and run them against your Amazon S3 data source. To show an example, let’s imagine we have an off-chain relational database (connected to Athena) called whitelist that contains an accounts table with column id matching those found in our bank_payments table. Our goal is to generate a ranking of accounts whose transaction exceeds $1M, but that also excludes those accounts listed in whitelist. The following code is the example query: SELECT B.sender AS account, B.amount FROM localbank.bank_payments AS B LEFT OUTER JOIN whitelist.accounts AS W ON B.sender = W.id WHERE W.id IS null AND B.amount > 1000000 ORDER BY B.amount DESC; To produce the collection of records only in localbank.bank_payments but not in whitelist.accounts, we perform a left outer join, then exclude the records we don’t want from the right side with a WHERE clause. In a left outer join, a complete set of records is produced from bank_payments, with matching records (where available) in accounts. If there is no match, the right side contains null. The following screenshot shows our results. Summary This post demonstrated how to build analytics for your Managed Blockchain data. We can easily capture, monitor, and aggregate the event stream with Kinesis Data Firehose, and use Athena to analyze the dataset using standard SQL. Realistically, you need the ability to merge multiple data sources into a consolidated stream or single query. Kinesis Data Firehose provides additional features to run data transformations via Amazon Lambda, where additional calls can be made (and with error-handling). An analyst can also use federated queries in Athena to query multiple data sources (other than Amazon S3) with a single query. For more information, see Query any data source with Amazon Athena’s new federated query. To visualize data, Amazon QuickSight also provides easy integration with Athena that you can access from any device and embed into your application, portals, and websites. The following screenshot shows an example of a QuickSight dashboard. Please share your experiences of building on Managed Blockchain and any questions or feature requests in the comments section. About the authors Kel Kanhirun is a Blockchain Architect at AWS based in Seattle, Washington. He’s passionate about helping creators build products that people love and has been in the software industry for over 5 years.       Dr. Jonathan Shapiro-Ward is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS based in Toronto. Jonathan has been with AWS for 3.5 years and in that time has worked helping customers solve problems including petabyte scale analytics and the adoption of ML, serverless, and blockchain. He has spoken at events across the world where he focused on areas of emerging technology. Jonathan has previously worked in a number of industries including gaming and fintech and has a background in academic research. He holds a PhD in distributed systems from the University of St Andrews. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/performing-analytics-on-amazon-managed-blockchain/
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casinouytin · 6 years
Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách rút tiền tại nhà cái M88 ko mất phí
M88 là một trong những nhà cái bậc nhất và uy tín nhất tại châu Á và trên thế giới hiện nay. Không những việc đăng ký và nạp tiền mà ngay cả việc rút tiền M88 cũng rất nhanh gọn và ko tốn bất kỳ khoản phí nào. Đây là Tìm hiểu chung của các người đã chơi lâu năm tại nhà cái M88.
dù rằng việc rút tiền tại M88 hơi tiện lợi tương tự, nhưng vẫn sở hữu các người chơi ko biết cách rút tiền M88 do đây mới là những lần rút tiền trước hết. Để giúp những người chơi mới ko gặp khó khăn trong việc rút tiền trong khoảng nhà cái M88. Cachchoi.net sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách rút tiền M88 thuần tuý mà ko phải mất bất kỳ khoản phí nào.
Cũng giống như việc rút tiền tại M88, cách rút tiền trong khoảng M88 rất đơn giản, chỉ cần thực hiện hai bước dưới đây là các bạn đã mang thể nhận tiền trong khoảng M88. Hướng dẫn cách nạp và rút tiền tại nhà cái M88 chi tiết nhất
Cách rút tiền M88 thuần tuý không mất phí
thao tác 1: Để rút tiền trong khoảng M88 kèm theo người chơi sẽ phải đăng nhập vào trương mục M88 của mình. Sau lúc đã đăng nhập thành công vào M88, người chơi chọn Thu ngân, lúc này sẽ thấy 01 của sổ bật ra. Ở cửa sổ này, người chơi mang thể thấy được số tiền dư của mình ở trong từng quỹ: thể thao, casino, ilotto, poker,…. Để với thể rút được tiền từ M88 người chơi phải chuyển hết quỹ về trương mục chính vì tiền rút ra tại M88 chỉ tính độc nhất vô nhị ở quỹ chính mà thôi. Thực hành xong, các bạn sẽ chuyển tới bước hai của việc rút tiền M88.
Hướng dẫn cách rút tiền M88 ko mất phí
bước 2: Sau chậm tiến độ người chơi tiếp tục chọn ô Rút Tiền và chọn LocalBank Transfer
Rút tiền từ M88
Để tiếp tục rút tiền trong khoảng account M88, người chơi tiếp diễn thực hiện hết 7 bước sau.
1. Điền số tiền mà người chơi muốn rút vào ô ( chú ý, số tiền rút được tính bằng đô la Mỹ. VD muốn rút 100$ người chơi điền 100 vào ô).
2. Chọn tên ngân hàng mà các bạn đã có tài khoản (Theo kinh nghiệm của mình chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên chọn ngân hàng Vietcombank)
3. Nhập tên chi nhánh ngân hàng mà bạn mở trương mục (ví dụ: Vietcombank Hồ Chí Minh )
4. Nhập liên hệ ngân hàng của quý khách(200 cách mệnh tháng 8).
5. Nhập tên người đại diện account (ví dụ: Nguyễn Hoàng A)
6. Nhập số trương mục của người chơi tại nhà băng
7. Cuối cúng nhấn xác nhận để hoàn thành thời kỳ rút tiền tại M88
Sau khi thực hành đầy đủ tiến trình rút tiền M88 mà cachchoi.net hướng dẫn thì sau khoảng 1-4h tiền rút sẽ được chuyển vào tài khoản của người chơi (Tuy nhiên, đây cũng chỉ là khoảng thời gian dự kiến, bạn sở hữu thể sẽ nhận được tiền chỉ trong 30 phút) lúc này, bạn cũng sẽ nhận được một Email thông tin đã chuyển tiền từ nhà cái M88.
chú ý khi rút tiền M8
1. Tên chủ tài khoản ngân hàng mà bạn muốn M88 chuyển tiền về phải trùng có họ tên mà người chơi đã dùng để đăng ký account tại M88.
2. Ở lần rút tiền đầu tiên, người chơi chọn rút tiền về tài khoản nào thì các lần rút sau Đó người chơi bắt bắt buộc rút tiền về trương mục Đó. Trong tình huống muốn đổi thay, người chơi phải Liên hệ theo: sở hữu đại diện của M88 để được hướng dẫn chi tiết.
3. Ở lần rút tiền M88 trước tiên, thời gian chờ công nhận sở hữu thể sẽ mất trong khoảng 4-8h vì M88 sẽ phải làm các giấy má kiểm tra. Không những thế, ở những lần rút tiền sau thời kì công nhận và chuyển tiền sẽ diễn ra rất nhanh. Mang khi chỉ mất 40 phút bạn đã nhận được tiền vào tài khoản.
như vậy, Cachchoi.net vừa hướng dẫn người chơi cách rút tiền M88. Thời kỳ rút tiền tại M88 ko quá cạnh tranh và diễn ra khá nhanh. Không những thế, giả dụ trong giai đoạn rút tiền tại nhà cái này người chơi gặp bất cứ cạnh tranh gì. Hãy Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ mang lực lượng trả lời viên của M88 để được hỗ trợ. Xem thêm cách nạp tiền m88
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instatrack · 7 years
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This week's Carterville Chamber of Commerce Spotlight of the Week is Banterra Bank. Banterra began with a single location in Ridgway, Illinois in 1975. We grew to 16 branches when we entered the Carterville market in 2000. Today, we have 35 branches in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri and we continue to grow. Banterra’s main focus is to offer superior personal service as the region’s largest locally-owned financial institution and offer products and lending strength to support growing economies. For personal banking as well as business banking, you’ll find mega bank products at Banterra such as a user-friendly mobile app that provides Mobile Check Deposit, Bill Pay and security options such as on/off debit card features. We also provide quality checking products, online banking, online mortgage applications and online loan payments. With Banterra, you’ll experience personal service, quick and local decisions, and true community involvement from our company and team members. We have team members that are born and raised in Carterville, current residents, and Banterra has been doing business as a branch in Carterville for 17 years. With that history, we know that Carterville residents as well as those in Cambria and Crainville, come together to celebrate victories like state football and softball championships, and support one another through personal tragedies and weather devastation. Carterville provides events for the community such as Christmas In Carterville, Carterville Block Party, Pumpkin Path, Chamber 5K Run and we support these events and more in both financial and volunteer support. We applaud strong organizations such as your Rotary Club, Ministerial Alliance and Chamber of Commerce that are actively involved in making Carterville a wonderful community. Simply put, we enjoy doing business in Carterville because of the people…friendly faces and helping hands…and who strive to serve our community much like we do at Banterra. #CartervilleChamber #businessoftheweek #localbanking #Banterra http://ift.tt/2r05D3N
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motorparkpage · 7 years
.@BangkoSentral: Local financial system posted double-digit growth in loans, assets while keeping bad debts at bay http://bit.ly/localbanks pic.twitter.com/38xxqiP5Mt
. @BangkoSentral: Local financial system posted double-digit growth in loans, assets while keeping bad debts at bay http://bit.ly/localbanks  http://pic.twitter.com/38xxqiP5Mt
.@BangkoSentral: Local financial system posted double-digit growth in loans, assets while keeping bad debts at bay http://bit.ly/localbanks pic.twitter.com/38xxqiP5Mt syndicated from your-t1-blog-url
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heliosfinance · 7 years
.@BangkoSentral: Local financial system posted double-digit growth in loans, assets while keeping bad debts at bay http://bit.ly/localbanks pic.twitter.com/38xxqiP5Mt
. @BangkoSentral: Local financial system posted double-digit growth in loans, assets while keeping bad debts at bay http://bit.ly/localbanks  http://pic.twitter.com/38xxqiP5Mt
.@BangkoSentral: Local financial system posted double-digit growth in loans, assets while keeping bad debts at bay http://bit.ly/localbanks pic.twitter.com/38xxqiP5Mt published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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ai38 · 6 years
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=@photopriya38 * When ▶︎ 2018/01/16 Where ▶︎ Nagano,Japan. What ▶︎ A pipe. * 美は連鎖する。 * #photoshoot #photography #photooftheday #love #life #daily #photo #nagano #japan #japanese #winter #x100 #fujifilm #fujifilmx100 #fujifilmxseries #snapshots #Chikumacity #pipe #white #localbank #building #street #streetphotography #配管 #千曲市 (Chikuma-shi, Nagano, Japan)
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babyawacs · 10 months
@law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @deutschland .@deutschland @bild .@bild @phoenix_de ‎ did localbank state the facts this is a longterm good actor betrayed with the security system f or coverup and exploitation causes with substantial fortune above dozens of bilions euro while betrayed intothe physical brink of nonexistence while still sanitising the daytime finances while substantial efforts occur to prevent any cashflow accessibility wha tsoever facts  ‎ incontrary to eagerly any ambiguity of cockroaches that rape the civilpopulation the chance to steal andor keepillions gladly while criminal efforts to gladly taxit as home ‎ gladly shuffle any cockroach that tapecivillians to molest during purchasing cheese in grocerystore it then quickly aeh german confirms ....
@law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @deutschland .@deutschland @bild .@bild @phoenix_de ‎ did localbank state the facts this is a longterm good actor betrayed with the security system for coverup and exploitation causes with substantial fortune above dozens of bilions euro while betrayed intothe physical brink of nonexistence while still sanitising the daytime finances while substantial efforts…
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localbank · 3 years
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사업자 등록증, 안심이체, 통신판매번호를 모두 구비하고있는 투명한 업체입니다. 비트코인/이더리움/모네로/리플 등 모든코인 대행가능하며 서울, 경기 외 전국 대면거래 가능합니다 #환전소#거래소#원화#매도#매수#현금화#대행업체#비트코인구매대행 #비트코인판매대행 #비트코인사는법#비트코인파는법#비트코인삽니다#비트코인팝니다#btc대행업체#비트코인사설환전소#비트코인변환#비트코인수익#로컬뱅크#localbank https://www.instagram.com/p/CST7wV6pTwQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vianinja · 5 years
Local banks are the backbone of the banking system in the united states, helping small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country to grow and invest.
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babyawacs · 2 years
‎‎ ‎‎#imminetly criminal loca lbank rushes to keepthemoney and pay germans after starvingthe case 8years .@law @law @harva rd_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom . @fisa @fisa .@judges @judge @deutschland @bild @phoenix_de @fbi‎ germanconvinced a minor with a trick that u s u a l l y wor ks? onpeople they cannot recruit anymore: chaintricks tries what a criminal shitholecountry #keypoint: ifitis a criminalg ovt intel buzzword trick then hedge that govt intel obeys noone
‎‎ ‎‎#imminetly criminal loca lbank rushes to keepthemoney and pay germans after starvingthe case 8years .@law @law @harva rd_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom . @fisa @fisa .@judges @judge @deutschland @bild @phoenix_de @fbi‎ germanconvinced a minor with a trick that u s u a l l y wor ks? onpeople they cannot recruit anymore: chaintricks tries what a criminal shitholecountry #keypoint: ifitis a criminalg ovt intel buzzword trick then hedge that govt intel obeys noone
‎‎ ‎‎#imminetly criminal localbank rushes to keepthemoney and pay germans after starvingthe case 8years .@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@fisa @fisa .@judges @judge @deutschland @bild @phoenix_de @fbi‎ germanconvinced a minor with a trick that u s u a l l y works? onpeople they cannot recruit anymore: chaintricks tries what a criminal…
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