#location: harcourt house
anonymousewrites · 3 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 3) Chapter Six
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Six: One Hell of an Exit
Summary: Violet House escapes their fire, but there is something suspicious about them.
            As the fire blazed within Violet Wolf House, Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) watched with satisfied grins. Inside the house, people were raising the alarm and getting to the exits.
            “They will be here any minute now, Young Master,” said Sebastian, scooping Ciel up and jumping to the woods at the side.
            Ciel let out an undignified yelp at the movement, and (Y/N) chuckled as they followed him.
            “Out with the lot of ya!” Cheslock threw the door open and pushed frightened students outside. “Get somewhere safe! No lollygagging!”
            From the woods, Ciel looked at Sebastian and (Y/N). “Locate Derrick Arden and the others!”
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian, removing his glasses.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian’s eyes turned fuchsia as they gazed at the crowd of souls funneling out of Violet Wolf House. However, no matter how many students emerged, none were the missing boys.
            “Have they come out yet?” said Ciel, frustrated.
            “Not yet,” said Sebastian.
            “Room Captains!” said Cheslock. “Do a roll call and report to the Prefect!”
            Behind him, Violet stared at the burning mansion. No one else seemed to be coming out of the house. A window exploded from the pressure within, and everyone flinched.
            “Are they still not out yet?” exclaimed Ciel.
            “No,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes.
            “Kuh! Very well,” said Ciel. “Sebastian, (Y/N), go and get Derrick and the others out of th—”
            “A moment, if you would,” said Sebastian. He stared long and hard at the house. “(Y/N), do you feel it?”
            “Yes,” said (Y/N), nodding.
            “It is as I thought, then,” said Sebastian.
            “What is it?” asked Ciel.
            “There are no longer any traces of human souls to be found within Purple House,” said Sebastian.
            “What?!” cried Ciel.
            “At this slight distance, those of our kind can sense the presence of living humans from their souls,” said (Y/N). “And there are no signs of living beings within Violet Wolf.”
            “Are you saying that every resident has already evacuated the building?” said Ciel.
            “Indeed,” confirmed Sebastian. “Lord Derrick and the other four students who were reported to have confined themselves in Purple House are not present.”
            “In other words…Derrick wasn’t in Violet Wolf to begin with?!” said Ciel.
            “My, my, how deep does this mystery go?” said (Y/N), their nose twitching.
            “Violet!” Greenhill—accompanied by Redmond, Bluewer, Clayton, Edward, and Harcourt—ran towards the Violet Wolf house members. “Is everyone alright?!”
            “Yes,” said Violet, pulling his hood around himself. “Everyone’s here.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed, and their nose twitched again. “This is turning out quite suspicious indeed.”
            “Quite,” agreed Sebastian, tilting his head. “The P4 is clearly concealing something having to do with Lord Derrick and the four other students.”
            “If Derrick isn’t here, taking this any further is meaningless,” said Ciel. “Put out the fire.”
            “Very good, sir,” said Sebastian, jumping away.
            “Yes, Young Master.” (Y/N) ran off to follow Sebastian. Once they caught up, they raised a brow. “Why are you going towards the stables?”
            Sebastian smiled. “I think an elephant would carry quite the right amount of water to help with the fire, don’t you?”
            (Y/N) chuckled and grabbed buckets. Filling them quickly, they attacked them to the elephant’s saddle, and Sebastian swung them up onto the elephant’s back, and they swiftly galloped towards Purple House.
            “Everyone!” said Sebastian, official as ever. The students jumped and stared in shock at the housemasters riding the elephant. “If it is waster you seek, we have some right here!”
            “Grab a bucket and douse the flames, now!” said (Y/N).
            “Mr. Michaelis?! Mr. Noir?!” cried Bluewer, as surprised as the other P4 members.
            “Oh, my elephant!” said Soma brightly.
            “Quickly, douse the flames,” said Sebastian, sliding from the saddle and handing out buckets.
            “Understand?” said (Y/N), pushing a bucket into a student’s arms.
            “Understood!” chorused the students, eager to help.
            “Alright, Green House follow me!” said Edward, of course taking the lead.
            “Yes, sir!” said his fellow Green Lion members.
            “Blue House will be heading in, too!” said Clayton, removing his jacket and taking a bucket.
            “Stay out of Purple House!”
            Violet’s voice cut through the crowd, and everyone stared at him.
            “B-But—” Clayton nervously attempted to speak back to the prefect.
            “Is this truly the time to be saying a silly thing, you fool?!” Everyone looked at the person who had burst out at a prefect, and (Y/N) was impressed to see Soma standing proudly at the forefront of the Red House crowd. He already held two buckets and was glaring at Violet. “You! You’re supposed to be the leader of Purple House, are you not? Your worthless pride won’t protect your people, you know! And if you can’t protect your people, then you’re a sorry excuse for a leader!”
            (Y/N) concealed a smirk with their hand. “It seems our lesson was quite impressionable.”
            “I believe it was more your words that struck him deeply,” said Sebastian, remembering just how much (Y/N) had torn into the once-arrogant prince. It seemed he had made some improvements since then, and now they were truly showing.
            “Why you—” Cheslock barely managed to keep from swearing, and he grabbed Soma’s shirt roughly. “Who d’you think you’re flappin’ yer gums at?!”
            “Cheslock.” Violet spoke quietly. “It’s fine…let’s have them lend us a hand.” His own hand was clenched in a fist, though.
            Cheslock backed off. “…Yes.”
            Immediately, Clayton and Edward jumped in to direct the effort to douse the flames.
            “Keep your mouth covered with cloth at all times,” said Edward. “Don’t inhale the smoke.”
            “Do not go about unwittingly opening doors. Doing so can cause the fire to flare up,” warned Clayton.
            “Those who have been injured, please come this way,” said Harcourt, taking charge of the people who had already gotten out of the flames.
            (Y/N) nodded approvingly. After having such a terrible drudge like Cole, Redmond had chosen well with Harcourt. He was a member of the house of fame and fortune, yet he had a touch more humility. It would serve the house well. ((Y/N) had no need for modesty, not as the brilliant, powerful demon they were, but they knew that humans—especially cis men—needed to have their ego kept in check or else terrible things happened).
            “I’ll get you for this, you sods,” huffed Cheslock. He turned on his own house members. “I’ll definitely return the favor! Just you wait!”
            His fellow drudges just laughed at his antics.
            “Oi! Don’t drag your heels, Purple House!” Despite his rough exterior, Cheslock was as eager to help as anyone else.
            Everyone surged forward to help put out the fires. Well, all except Violet, who watched quietly, hood up to obscure his eyes. Whatever was weighing on the P4, it was beginning to become a true burden. And sooner or later, it would break them.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian were merely there to help the process along.
            “Now that we know that Derrick Arden was not even in Violet Wolf House, it is even more important to make contact with the Headmaster,” said (Y/N).
It had been a few hours since the fire had been put out, and it was not yet time for classes, so they and Sebastian had retired to their separate rooms—and then decided to spend some time together.
            “Indeed,” said Sebastian. His hand drew lazy patterns on (Y/N)’s back, his gloves removed to reveal his contract seal and black nails. “He made the decision to move Arden to Purple House, so he must have answers to where he is now.”
            (Y/N) nodded and closed their eyes as they rested their head on Sebastian’s chest. No heart beat within his chest, but the closeness was pleasant all the same. They had never been so vulnerable or intimate with any being before Sebastian—not during their human life or during their demonic life. Having the ability to trust someone to not hurt them, to support them, to love them, filled (Y/N) with joy.
            “The only option is the Interhouse Cricket Tournament,” said (Y/N). “If Ciel is on the team and proves his worth in some way, he would be invited to the Midnight Tea Party.”
            “I wonder when he will discover that option,” said Sebastian in amusement.
            (Y/N) opened one of their eyes and looked at him. “I doubt he will before Sapphire Owl makes its team.”
            Sebastian smirked. “What a pity.”
            (Y/N) chuckled and closed their eyes again. “We both know we’ll just recommend him as a clever strategist and get him in. It won’t take much of a nudge after the incident with Cole.”
            “My, my, how he relies on us,” said Sebastian, tsking. “Now.” His hand tracing sigils—because what else would he draw?—on (Y/N)’s back moved down to their waist and pulled them up to kiss him. “No more talk of business tonight.”
            “Throwing away work? How irresponsible,” said (Y/N). They kissed him. “What lesson on contract-making are you teaching me?”
            “All work and no play, as they say,” said Sebastian, smirking. “And contracts and love are quite different.” His thumb stroked affectionately over their waist. “And I can assure you, contracts are fulfilling and entertaining, but I find love only in you.”
            “As do I,” said (Y/N). They smiled and kissed Sebastian. “I love you deeply. You are the only being I have loved and will love.”
            Sebastian’s smirk turned to a true smile, and he kissed them back passionately.
            “Mr. Michaelis, Mr. Noir!”
            (Y/N) and Sebastian smirked as Ciel ran up to them. There were people milling about, and they knew that Clayton had just informed Ciel he had been recommended to the cricket team by them, and so poor Ciel would have to truly act thankful.
            “Thank you for recommending me to the team!” He smiled brightly, and (Y/N) and Sebastian reveled in how forced it was.
            “Now, now, Phantomhive,” said Sebastian, extremely amused by how much he could play up being a housemaster. “You must not run in the halls.”
            “I’m sorry, sir, but I wanted to thank you two right away,” said Ciel.
            “It isn’t necessary to thank us,” said (Y/N), chuckling. “We simply believe you have the right skills to bring out some extraordinary plays in Blue House.”
            “Yes, sir,” said Ciel. “I have so many things to take care of before the tournament.”
            “We will assist you, if you wish,” said Sebastian.
            “You will?!”
            (Y/N) doubted they had ever been so entertained as when Ciel playing up his goody-two-shoes act.
            “Of course,” said Sebastian. “Once we have checked that you have completed your assignments, that is. After all, we are merely tutors.”
            “A hell of a pair of tutors,” said (Y/N), smirking ever-so-slightly. They were looking forward to the fourth of June.
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roomselfcontain2 · 28 days
1 bedroom 1 bath house for rent visit website cheap affordable house brand new in an estate with stable power supply fenced with gate grab this affordable house now located at Nta road before obiriikwerre interchange axis in port Harcourt city rivers state Nigeria
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ultraheydudemestuff · 8 months
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Harcourt Manor
2178 Harcourt Drive
Cleveland Heights, OH
Harcourt Manor, located at 2178 Harcourt Drive in Cleveland Heights, OH, part of the Ambler Heights Historic District, is a 10,050-square-foot, four-story Elizabethan Tudor Revival style mansion designed by architect Frank Meade for $37,000. Kermode F. Gill built the home between 1910 and 1915. Gill’s company, John Gill and Sons, also built the Allen Theatre (1921) and the Terminal Tower (1927). The stone house featured massive chimneys, a crenelated central tower with a slate roof, and a half-timbered prominent gable. The façade featured an unusual small auxiliary wing with a garage. Coffered ceilings and sumptuous woodwork were included in each of the imposing large-scale interiors. The mansion had a ballroom, gymnasium, large foyer, marbled tiled morning room, seven fireplaces, and eight bedrooms.
     The Gills resided in the mansion until 1954 when Dorthea died. It was then sold to the Herget family. Three generations of Hergets lived in the home. They kept its original style and fixtures, but added a secret room, hidden behind a bookcase, to the fourth floor.   In 2011, the Hergets listed the home on Howard Hanna; News 5 Cleveland (2013), and the Cleveland Plain Dealer (2016) covered its sale. It sat vacant until 2016 when John and Anya Rudd purchased it for $565,000 from James P. Herget. The Rudds spent the next four years undertaking a comprehensive restoration of the property and grounds.
     New landscaping was designed by David Thorne of DTR Associates, using photos of the original gardens. The gardens took three years for Exscape Designs to install and build. Architect Richard Gates designed and constructed a pool house and spa, and the manor’s new exterior areas also include a koi pond, pergola, and fountains; the manor's original sculptures, iron gates, potter’s shed, and stone summer house were retained and restored. The restoration work was covered in numerous news and design publications and the Rudds received the AIA Craftsmanship Award from the Cleveland Restoration Society in 2019.  Although privately owned, Harcourt Manor is made available to the community at large for use in fundraisers and other social functions.
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Since That Day
Fandom: DC, The Suicide Squad, Rick Flag
Summary: Since the day you lost Rick in Corto Maltese, you have been planning your revenge. And now, the time has come…
Word Count: 1251
TW: Language, Guns, Major Character Death, Possible Suicide, Ambiguous Ending
Note: This was written before Peacemaker (2021) aired
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It had been 121 days since Jötunheim fell. Since Project Starfish went tits up and half of Corto Maltese was destroyed. Since the love of your life was taken from you by a bastard with a fucking toilet seat on his head.
It had been 119 days since all of your tunneling and digging had paid off and you had finally found Rick’s body in the rubble of Jötunheim, the shard of porcelain still jutting out of his chest. You had sat amongst the debris and dust as you held him in your arms one last time, your tears washing away some of the dirt from his handsome face. DuBois had found you an hour later and he helped you bring Rick’s body somewhere safe.
It had been 117 days since you watched them reduce Rick’s body to ashes. There was no fancy military service, no 21-gun salute like he deserved. Instead, it was just you and the surviving members of the Suicide Squad standing around a furnace. And when it was over, you were left with a vase filled with the ashes of your heart.
It had been 50 days since you had gotten a restful night’s sleep. Because even though Rick was gone, you were able to take comfort in the fact that so was his killer. But then you heard the first whispers of rumors. That the son of a bitch who took Rick from you was still alive, he had survived when Rick had died. And you weren’t going to let that stand.
It had been 46 days since you were able to convince DuBois to help you with your mission. He could see the obsession in your eyes and if it wasn’t for the guilt he had about letting Peacemaker walk away from his bullet, he might have tried to stop you. Instead, he suited up and followed on your quest for revenge.
It had been 40 days since you took the vase of Rick’s ashes out of your closet for the first time since you had brought them home. It hurt too much to stare at it just sitting on your counter every day but now you have found a way to put them to good use. And you knew Rick would approve.
It had been 35 days since you poured those ashes into five separate shell casings. Each casing had Rick Flag carved into the side of them in your handwriting. Because when all was said and done, you wanted to make sure everyone knew that Rick Flag took out Peacemaker once and for all.
It had been 12 days since you had received your first real lead on his whereabouts. DuBois discovered Peacemaker was working with Economos and Harcourt, and you weren’t surprised in the least. Of course Waller had something to do with this. And as DuBois promised to update you and you hung up the phone, you tightly grasped Rick’s dog tags that now hung around your neck. Soon, baby. I promise, this will all be over soon.
It had been 4 days since you got your first look at Peacemaker in person. Hiding on top of the building across from his location, you were able to see him exiting the building, Economos and Harcourt on either side of him. Part of you wanted to take out all three of them right now, you had enough bullets. But you forced yourself to wait. Peacemaker had shown he was stronger, more resilient than anyone could have predicted. You couldn’t risk him walking away yet again. So you waited….for now.
Today is the day. You can feel it in your bones. Everything has been planned out to the last detail over the last few days and now it is time to act.
Breaking into Peacemaker’s house was simple. He left the key to the front door under his mat. Stepping inside, you knew instantly you were in the right place. Everything looked dingy and coated in a layer of unknown substances (that you really tried to not look too closely). American flags or flag themed memorabilia decorated almost every inch of the walls. The table in the living room had four or five half finished whiskey bottles laying on it while beer cans littered the floor. In the corner, there was a dog bowl that had “Eagly'' crudely scrawled on it. Yep. This is Pissmaker’s house.
According to the information DuBois found for you, he should be back home within the hour. So, trying your best not to disturb anything that could alert him to your presence, you slip into the closet directly across from the couch. And you wait.
Twenty-two minutes later, the front door opens and your blood runs cold as you hear him mumbling to himself in the other room. His voice alone is enough to send you into a blind rage, but you use all of your training to keep your composure. Peering through the slats in the closet door, you watch as he approaches his table and drains one of the still open whiskey bottles.
As softly and quietly as possible, you slide the door open and sneak out. As soon as you are standing behind him, you raise the gun and cock it. Peacemaker freezes at the sound before cautiously raising his hands over his head.
“Smith.” You growl, trying to keep the fury filled trembling out of your voice.
Peacemaker slowly turns to face you, his hands still in the air. With what can only be described as a visual gulp, he warily says, “Hey, didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“Why? Because you left me there to die with Rick? Because you thought your bullet pierced my heart like that shard did his?”
“Well…. Yeah.”
“It’s called Kevlar, you dumbass. Next time, make sure your target’s dead before you walk away. I learned that lesson the hard way.” You point the gun at his chest. “So, do you have a preference? The heart”-you raise the gun higher- “or the head?”
“Now, let’s just hold on a second-” he takes a step forward but the sight of you tightening your finger on the trigger stops him in his tracks. “Listen, I’ve changed. After everything that happened, everything I did, everything that I saw, I’m not that same man.”
You shrug, “I don’t care what kind of man you are now. You will always be the man who took my love from me. Nothing else matters. Oh, and Rick Flag says hello.” You pull the trigger twice in quick succession, perfectly placing a bullet into each eye socket.
Like a marionette with its strings cut, Peacemaker crumples to the floor. Calmly, you stroll over and flip his body with your foot. Two bloody holes stare back at you, but you aren’t taking any chances this time. Pressing the gun firmly against his chest, just above his heart, you pull the trigger twice more. His body jerks and flails, but there isn’t the slightest hint of life left. Satisfied with a job well done, you wipe your hands on his shirt and walk into the hall.
One bullet left….one more piece of Rick. You stare at the gun in your hand, knowing what you want to do and knowing it is the last thing he would have ever wanted. But Rick is gone…..and now, so is Peacemaker…..so what’s left? You raise the gun as you tighten your finger on the trigger one last time.
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safeguardsfety · 21 days
Where Can You Get Designated First Aider Training in Nigeria?
First aid training is an essential skill that can make a significant difference in emergencies, potentially saving lives and reducing the severity of injuries. In Nigeria, there is a growing recognition of the importance of first aid training, including specialized courses for designated first aiders, CPR, and AED training.
The Importance of First Aid Training
First aid training in Nigeria equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide immediate care in emergencies, such as accidents, medical emergencies, and natural disasters. This training is crucial in a country like Nigeria, where access to medical facilities can sometimes be limited, and response times for emergency services can vary. Trained first aiders can stabilize patients, prevent conditions from worsening, and support professional medical personnel upon their arrival.
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Types of First Aid Training in Nigeria
Designated First Aider Training: This specialized training is designed for individuals appointed as first aiders in workplaces or community settings. It covers a broad range of emergency situations, ensuring that Designated First Aider training in Nigeria can respond effectively and confidently.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Training: CPR and AED training focuses on life-saving techniques used during cardiac and respiratory emergencies. Learning how to perform CPR and use an AED can significantly increase the chances of survival for someone experiencing cardiac arrest.
General First Aid Training: This course provides comprehensive first aid skills, including wound care, managing fractures, treating burns, and addressing other common injuries and medical conditions. It is suitable for individuals, families, and organizations seeking to enhance their emergency preparedness.
First Aid Training Locations in Nigeria
First Aid Training in Lagos: Lagos, being Nigeria’s largest city, offers numerous first aid training centers and courses. Organizations like the Nigerian Red Cross and various private training providers offer comprehensive first aid certification programs tailored to meet the needs of both individuals and corporate clients.
First Aid Training in Port Harcourt: As a major hub for the oil and gas industry, Port Harcourt has a high demand for first aid training, particularly in industrial and workplace settings. Training providers in Port Harcourt offer specialized courses that address the unique safety challenges of the region.
Benefits of First Aid Certification
Enhanced Safety: Certified first aiders can create safer environments in homes, workplaces, and communities by providing immediate care and reducing the risk of further injury.
Regulatory Compliance: Many industries in Nigeria, especially those with high-risk environments like construction and oil and gas, require employees to have first aid certification to comply with health and safety regulations.
Life-Saving Skills: First aid training empowers individuals with the ability to save lives during emergencies, increasing the chances of positive outcomes for victims of accidents or sudden illnesses.
Confidence and Preparedness: Trained individuals are more confident and better prepared to handle emergencies, providing reassurance to themselves and those around them.
How to Get First Aid Training and Certification in Nigeria
Enroll in Accredited Courses: Look for accredited training providers like the Nigerian Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, and other reputable organizations. Ensure the courses are recognized and meet international standards.
Attend Regular Refresher Courses: First aid skills need to be updated regularly. Attending refresher courses ensures that you remain competent and up-to-date with the latest first aid practices.
Corporate Training Programs: Many organizations in Nigeria offer in-house first aid training programs for their employees. These programs can be tailored to address specific workplace hazards and safety protocols.
In conclusion, first aid, CPR, and AED training in Nigeria are vital skills that everyone in Nigeria should consider acquiring. Whether in Lagos, Port Harcourt, or any other part of the country, there are ample opportunities to obtain first aid certification and contribute to a safer, more prepared community. By investing in first aid training, individuals and organizations can enhance their ability to respond to emergencies effectively, ultimately saving lives and promoting overall well-being.
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bu1410 · 6 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - March 26th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
January 1998 - October 1999 - NLNG - TSKJ Port Harcourt Project (Nigeria).
Part 8.
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It was an hot and humid afternoon, but obviously the work had to continue. We then did an inspection around the construction site, Monceri and myself. We entered the building intended to house the diesel generators, and in a separate room we noticed a local worker sleeping on the floor, leaning against the wall, holding a hammer and chisel. Security Officer Mr. Pepper – who was accompaning us – woke up the worker by topuching his shoulder with a stick.
- Sorry Sir!! Sorry Sir!! I hit my finger with a hammer and passed out from the pain Sir!!               He said showing a black fingernail, the result of an accident a few days earlier.
Come on??!! Said Mr. Pepper, it seems you react in a completely different way from any other! when a similar episode happens, everybody start jumping, swearing, maybe running to the emergency room, but I have never heard of one of us falling asleep as a result of a hammer on the finger.
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The site, as already mentioned in another episode, was located on a branch of the Niger river which, through tortuous channels, gave access to the island of Bonny and then to the open sea. For this reason, next to us, there was a pier from where speed boats were leaving for various destinations, and where a delegation from the Immigration Police was stationed. After the episode of Commander Zampatti - in which the Immigration station Chief had detained our compatriot because he at the time lacked identification documents - he had no longer shown himself. But personally I thought that sooner or later the Chief would show up, and in fact... He showed up in my office one afternoon, and after the usual pleasantries, he addressed the topic of the visit head on:
- Do you know why I came to see you? He suddenly said to me, pointing his index finger at me inquiringly and implying ''You can't know... because 'I'm smart and unpredictable and you white people are dull and stupid''.
- No Sir, I don't – I replied while I looked at him sideways expecting ''anything''.
- I came to tell you how you can help me! He said, looking straight at me to gauge my reaction.
- And I - not to disappoint him: Really??!! And how could I help you??
- You see – said the Chief with a confidential air – I am building the house for my family, and I tell you, you are a lucky man!! And do you know why? Because you don't have to worry about sending anyone to see if things are done properly, nooooo... I'm here for that! You just have to regularly send all the necessary materials, sand, cement, bricks and everything else! These are materials that you have in abundance here, no one will notice if you send small quantities to build my house!
- Yes?? Well I confess that I didn't know you were building a house, and I congratulate you - but unfortunately I'm not alone here, and if I did something like that my superiors would find out, so I would suffer all the serious consequences... you know what I mean ?
- Sure, sure, I understand – he says – mmmm……then…you could send at least two or three of your best workers, so the construction of the house will proceed quickly!!
- Mmmm……You know, I don't think it can be done! Imagine if an accident were to happen – accidents at work are frequent here, aren't they? – who would take responsibility for what happened? Who would compensate the unfortunate worker involved, given that he would not be here, in his usual workplace, but in your home?
- Well... this is true... I hadn't thought about this eventuality... and so, in short, I know a supplier of building materials, he has practically everything for a building site like yours!! From tomorrow you go and buy everything you need in his warehouse, and then I'll make do with him!
- (It smells like crest…)
- Naah... no it can be done... I'm not authorized to buy materials, if you want I'll give you the name and telephone number of our Procurement Manager, talk to him and if everything goes well, then I'll go to that supplier to get the materials.
The pantomime went on like this for more than an hour, with him proposing increasingly more imaginative solutions, and me finding a way to get rid of them. Until, exhausted, he said to me:
- I have the impression that you don't want to help me...isn't that so????
- I – I said – would be more than happy to help you, but as I explained to you, my hands are tied so I can't do anything.
-Good – he said, getting up – I'm leaving for now, but you'll hear about me very soon!! And he left the office throwing his hands in the air, with those gestures typical of Nigerians when they are very angry at having been defeated.
The Major's threats were not followed through, also because few days later  I was the one who paid him a visit. With me an Army Colonel who bluntly told him that if he allowed himself to enter our construction site one more time he would would have to pay the consequences bitterly. At those words, theChief jumped up, clicked his heels and said
- ''Yes Sir…yes Sir…I'll follow your instruction Sir…Yes Sir!!
We were at the beginning of the work, and the perimeter of the foundations of various buildings on the base was being traced. The local surveyor – a very polite young Nigerian – came to my office with a worried expression on his face:
- Sir...something is wrong with the measurements of the Store Building, the building seems to take on a strange shape, not rectangular as in the drawings.
- Let's go and check, I said.
Indeed, after careful measurement, the tracking had one diagonal of 55.00 meters and the other of more than 70 meters! It couldn't be like this, obviously the diagonals had to be perfectly equal.
We spent the whole morning trying to discover the reason for this error. And then the light bulb went on for someone: let's go and buy a new metric rib and check that the two that were already supplied were correct. Two hours later we were in possession of a new 100 meter rib, Made in Germany. The 'suspected one ' Made in China ribs were laid out on the ground along their entire length. The new rib was laid exactly next to it and...the Chinese ribs were missing about 30 cm every meter!! Basically the Chinese ''meter'' was actually 70 cm!! What wouldn't a Chinese manifacturer do to save money??!!
We had solved the mystery of the different diagonals, we threw the Chinese ribs in the garbage, and I sent the warehouse worker to buy another Made in Germany rib.
To create the internal plasters of the Base buildings, it was decided to install a ''ready-to-use'' product in order to facilitate the work of local bricklayers. Before deciding to purchase, we received a visit from a strange character - very frequent in Nigeria - one of those ''alleged priests'' of the countless ''alleged churches'' present in the country. Dressed in gold vestments and lizard green, which not even the Pope would wear during the opening of the Holy Door of the Jubilee, Father Oluwa Sunday offered to provide the material for the plastering:
- I came here – he said making large gestures with his hands as if he were flying – to help you to find this material but – he continued – if you want me to help you, you have to help me: pay $120,000 cash, and then I will assure you that in 10-15 days you will have the material on site!
- Okay – I said – Father Oluwa let me think about it for a moment, I will consult with the Procurement Dpt and then I will let you know……
Having avoided the certain scam on the part of Father Oluwa, it was decided to purchase the material from the French construction company Spie Capag, SAIPEM Sub Contractor for the civil works of the SOKU gas plant project. However, they too required payment in cash before the material delivery.
In consideration of the fact that they were Sub Contractors of SAIPEM, the payment of 218,000 USD was granted. The material was stored in SOKU, so it was agreed to transport it by barge to the Support Base site. The loading of the material onto the barge took place under the eyes of SOKU's SAIPEM warehouseman, an Italian - He informed me by radio that the barge had set sail towards Port Harcourt around 9.00 AM. At 5.00 PM of the same day the barge arrived at the Support Base dock. I saw from afar that the crane was unloading the large jute bags that were supposed to contain the 25kg bags of ready-made plaster. – I use the conditional because we were on the verge of having a shocking surprise: I immediately realized that something was wrong, the jute bags were dangling and the crane made no apparent effort to unload them from the barge. When I got closer I discovered the sad truth: the bags were empty!! No material! We immediately checked the other 3 jute bags on board of the vessel: they were also empty! At this point we questioned the barge pilot:
- Where is the material???
- What material? He replied with an incredulous face.
- Inside the big jute bags there should be several bags of cement material!
- Ahhh...I don't know that...I witnessed the loading and it seemed strange to me that they had hired me to carry bags that seemed empty...
- You're joking...
- I sweare to God it's like this....
I called SOKU on the radio, and spoke to the warehouse SPV, who confirmed that the jute bags were full when they were loaded. At this point there was nothing left to do but call the police, who arrived less than half an hour later. Having reported the disappearance of the cargo, the police questioned the sailor, who repeated the statement he had made to us an hour earlier: he had not had any inkling that the bags were full of other material. So the police got hold of him and transferred him to the nearby station under arrest.
It really seemed that this material was ''cursed'' or affected by one of those spells that Nigerians blindly believe in. In fact, upon learning of what had happened, all our local employees favored the thesis of the ''magical disappearance'' of the material:
- ''They played an evil juiju on us, it's a bad sign for the project’’ was the common opinion among the locals.
The material was never found again, and we were forced to buy another batch.
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udo0stories · 6 months
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Posted: 3/1/2024 | March 1st, 2024 Dublin is a literary, gloomy city. Because there are so many writers and poets living there, it is an excellent city for history buffs and book lovers. There are castles, classic pubs, and lots of live music venues to be found here. Dublin's relatively small size makes it simple to visit all the attractions, events, and walking tours. On foot, you can go almost anywhere. Consequently, unless it is far from the center, do not worry too much about a hotel's location when considering one. Additionally, the city's tram system facilitates easy transportation. Here is my selection of Dublin's top hotels: 1. Hotel Harcourt This three-star hotel is situated in the heart of the city and is housed in a collection of old Georgian townhouses from the eighteenth century, one of which was once owned by renowned author George Bernard Shaw. There is a restaurant and beer garden on site, as well as a bar with live music every weekend. The rooms are not large, but they have lots of natural light, wooden accents, and lovely color pops that make the room feel brighter. Each room has a desk, flatscreen TV, free Wi-Fi, and comfortable beds. The bathrooms are rather small, but they have excellent water pressure, which is a huge plus in my opinion. There is also breakfast included. 2. Clarence Hotel Located in the boisterous Temple Bar area, this hotel was bought by Bono and the Edge from U2 in 1992. It was completely renovated a few years later and is considered one of the coolest places to stay in the city (though it’s no longer owned by the duo). A boutique four-star property, the hotel has an arty, quirky design that features lots of colorful art and wallpaper. The rooms were designed by Irish artisans and feature stylish custom furnishings like white oak floors, colorful and plush headboards, and unique artwork on the walls. The bathrooms have powerful rainfall shower heads as well as limestone flooring and tiled walls. In-room amenities include the standard offerings (flatscreen TV, desk, minibar, coffee/tea maker, desks). Downstairs, there’s a luxurious cocktail bar and a fantastic restaurant serving elevated Irish fare, including daily breakfast and a bottomless brunch on Sundays.   3. Maldron Hotel, Kevin Street Situated on the edge of the Portobello neighborhood, the Maldron is a comfortable place to stay with a view of St. Patrick's Cathedral. It’s a sleek four-star hotel with a simple, minimalist design. The rooms are large with lots of natural light, and the beds are large and comfortable. You also get flat-screen TVs, coffee and tea makers, desks, and free Wi-Fi. The bathrooms are spacious, with showers that have good water pressure. I loved the breakfast buffet, which had tons of variety and lots of fresh fruit. It’s a great place to stay if you want to be centrally located. 4. The Dean This is a hip and funky boutique hotel. The rooms aren’t huge, but they’re bright and uniquely designed, with colorful furnishings and artwork on the walls. All rooms include a flatscreen smart TV (with streaming services), minibar, Nespresso machines, desk, and free Wi-Fi. The white-tiled bathrooms come with powerful rainfall showers, Bluetooth speakers, and Lux Bath products. I also love the chill rooftop bar and restaurant’s view of the city. There’s also a sauna and a heated outdoor pool. Overall, you really get a lot of value here, considering the amenities and central location.   5. The Alex Just south of the Docklands, this is a comfortable and stylish four-star hotel. The rooms here are sleek, with rich, deep colors and elegant design touches (like artwork and wooden desks). The beds are large and comfortable, and rooms also boast large smart TVs, desks, and fast Wi-Fi. While the standard rooms don’t have a coffee/tea maker, there is a café on-site where you can grab a drink. I especially liked the rainfall showers, as they had great pressure. The staff here really go out of their way to help and keep things clean (the property is always spotless).
The hotel also has a fitness center and a few excellent in-house eateries. The buffet breakfast (which can be included in your stay) has a ton of options too.   6. The Spencer Hotel This four-star hotel overlooks the river and boasts an array of upscale amenities, including an indoor pool, a fitness center, a cocktail bar, and a cozy restaurant. The breakfast is great too, with lots of variety (including vegetarian and vegan options). If you happen to be traveling by car, they have a secure parking lot on-site (which isn’t common in Dublin). Rooms here are spacious and minimally designed in a soft, pastel color palette. They have lots of natural light too, thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The bathrooms are also large, with a shower/tub combo and complimentary Rituals bath products. Rooms also have a mini-fridge and a coffee/tea maker. It’s a classy property that offers excellent value for your money. 7. The Hendrick Smithfield This fun and quirky three-star hotel is covered in artwork by local artists. The rooms aren’t huge, but they make good use of the space and have all the standard amenities, including flatscreen TVs, coffee and tea makers, desks, and Wi-Fi. Some rooms even have bunk beds, which makes it a nice choice for traveling families. The bathrooms are well lit, and the showers have good pressure. There’s a bar on-site if you get thirsty, with over a dozen beers on tap. The Hendrick is a solid midrange option in Smithfield, a less-touristed and hip area of the city with great pubs and cool coffee shops.   I always love visiting Dublin. Brimming with cozy pubs, world-class whiskey, and home to an impressive literary history, Dublin is a city with character and one of my favorite places to visit in Europe. Stay at one of the hotels above to supercharge your visit.  Posted: 3/1/2024 | March 1st, 2024 Dublin is a literary, gloomy city. Because there are so many writers and poets living there, it is an excellent city for history buffs and book lovers. There are castles, classic pubs, and lots of live music venues to be found here. Dublin's relatively small size makes it simple to visit all the attractions, events, and walking tours. On foot, you can go almost anywhere. Consequently, unless it is far from the center, do not worry too much about a hotel's location when considering one. Additionally, the city's tram system facilitates easy transportation. Here is my selection of Dublin's top hotels: 1. Hotel Harcourt This three-star hotel is situated in the heart of the city and is housed in a collection of old Georgian townhouses from the eighteenth century, one of which was once owned by renowned author George Bernard Shaw. There is a restaurant and beer garden on site, as well as a bar with live music every weekend. The rooms are not large, but they have lots of natural light, wooden accents, and lovely color pops that make the room feel brighter. Each room has a desk, flatscreen TV, free Wi-Fi, and comfortable beds. The bathrooms are rather small, but they have excellent water pressure, which is a huge plus in my opinion. There is also breakfast included. 2. Clarence Hotel Located in the boisterous Temple Bar area, this hotel was bought by Bono and the Edge from U2 in 1992. It was completely renovated a few years later and is considered one of the coolest places to stay in the city (though it’s no longer owned by the duo). A boutique four-star property, the hotel has an arty, quirky design that features lots of colorful art and wallpaper. The rooms were designed by Irish artisans and feature stylish custom furnishings like white oak floors, colorful and plush headboards, and unique artwork on the walls. The bathrooms have powerful rainfall shower heads as well as limestone flooring and tiled walls. In-room amenities include the standard offerings (flatscreen TV, desk, minibar, coffee/tea maker, desks). Downstairs, there’s a luxurious cocktail bar and a fantastic restaurant serving elevated Irish fare, including daily breakfast and a bottomless brunch on Sundays.
  3. Maldron Hotel, Kevin Street Situated on the edge of the Portobello neighborhood, the Maldron is a comfortable place to stay with a view of St. Patrick's Cathedral. It’s a sleek four-star hotel with a simple, minimalist design. The rooms are large with lots of natural light, and the beds are large and comfortable. You also get flat-screen TVs, coffee and tea makers, desks, and free Wi-Fi. The bathrooms are spacious, with showers that have good water pressure. I loved the breakfast buffet, which had tons of variety and lots of fresh fruit. It’s a great place to stay if you want to be centrally located. 4. The Dean This is a hip and funky boutique hotel. The rooms aren’t huge, but they’re bright and uniquely designed, with colorful furnishings and artwork on the walls. All rooms include a flatscreen smart TV (with streaming services), minibar, Nespresso machines, desk, and free Wi-Fi. The white-tiled bathrooms come with powerful rainfall showers, Bluetooth speakers, and Lux Bath products. I also love the chill rooftop bar and restaurant’s view of the city. There’s also a sauna and a heated outdoor pool. Overall, you really get a lot of value here, considering the amenities and central location.   5. The Alex Just south of the Docklands, this is a comfortable and stylish four-star hotel. The rooms here are sleek, with rich, deep colors and elegant design touches (like artwork and wooden desks). The beds are large and comfortable, and rooms also boast large smart TVs, desks, and fast Wi-Fi. While the standard rooms don’t have a coffee/tea maker, there is a café on-site where you can grab a drink. I especially liked the rainfall showers, as they had great pressure. The staff here really go out of their way to help and keep things clean (the property is always spotless). The hotel also has a fitness center and a few excellent in-house eateries. The buffet breakfast (which can be included in your stay) has a ton of options too.   6. The Spencer Hotel This four-star hotel overlooks the river and boasts an array of upscale amenities, including an indoor pool, a fitness center, a cocktail bar, and a cozy restaurant. The breakfast is great too, with lots of variety (including vegetarian and vegan options). If you happen to be traveling by car, they have a secure parking lot on-site (which isn’t common in Dublin). Rooms here are spacious and minimally designed in a soft, pastel color palette. They have lots of natural light too, thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The bathrooms are also large, with a shower/tub combo and complimentary Rituals bath products. Rooms also have a mini-fridge and a coffee/tea maker. It’s a classy property that offers excellent value for your money. 7. The Hendrick Smithfield This fun and quirky three-star hotel is covered in artwork by local artists. The rooms aren’t huge, but they make good use of the space and have all the standard amenities, including flatscreen TVs, coffee and tea makers, desks, and Wi-Fi. Some rooms even have bunk beds, which makes it a nice choice for traveling families. The bathrooms are well lit, and the showers have good pressure. There’s a bar on-site if you get thirsty, with over a dozen beers on tap. The Hendrick is a solid midrange option in Smithfield, a less-touristed and hip area of the city with great pubs and cool coffee shops.   I always love visiting Dublin. Brimming with cozy pubs, world-class whiskey, and home to an impressive literary history, Dublin is a city with character and one of my favorite places to visit in Europe. Stay at one of the hotels above to supercharge your visit. 
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linma-wigram · 11 months
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lightkuo · 1 year
Three basic mistakes to avoid when decorating your home
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It is crucial to decorate your home carefully because even the smallest error could ruin your plans. Home decoration can include several choices, from choosing the ideal accessories to positioning them in the appropriate location, which can lead to a few frequent home décor errors. A perfectly balanced and arranged room can make you feel pretty satisfied, but the opposite can make you feel just as unsatisfied. Nothing is more gratifying than designing your home to reflect your preferences and character. Below you can see the mistakes to avoid when decorating your home:
Ignoring function
Focusing on utility and bringing in necessary furniture are important to home decorating guidelines. Consider multipurpose furniture with at least two uses when designing small houses. Vases can be added, and the area looks better as a result. To buy that choose the shop which offers unique vases glass for sale.
Floating rugs
You probably found a stunning rug while traveling or shopping online at a furniture store. Consider the cost and opt for a modest size because it best matches your spending limit. That is a blatantly inexperienced error. An attractive and eye-catching rug that makes the space look out of proportion is a waste if it appears trapped in the middle with furniture floating around it. To buy the right rug and Dior beach towel, according to your decoration, choose the reputed shop.
Hoarding spaces
It is been said that too much of anything is incorrect. The same holds for interior design. You don't have to put ten framed pictures on the mantelpiece because there is a blank space. Displaying your mementos or crystalware might clog up the room and be unpleasant. Better yet, you can place a table there and add a crystal Harcourt glass. To get that, pick a store with appealing designs.
Bottom line
Finally, those mentioned above are about the mistakes to avoid when decorating your home. Making these mistakes when decorating a home is common, and if you prevent these things, you can wonderfully decorate your home.
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bigmacdaddio · 1 year
In the early morning hours of 18 February 1777, Colonel John Neilson, of the Second Regiment, Middlesex County Militia, launched a well-planned surprise attack on the British military outpost of Bennett's Island, New Jersey. The main mission was to disarm this new strategic post and capture Richard Witham Stockton, the infamous local Tory guide to Lieutenant Colonel William Harcourt, who just recently, on 13 December 1776, had played a key role in the capture of General Charles Lee, second-in-command to the American forces under General George Washington. (1) The story of the surprise attack on this strategic site and the significance of the capture of Loyalist, Major Richard Stockton, had long been forgotten until an amazing chain of events led Stockton's fifth great grandson, Chris Hay UE, and well-recognized American Revolutionary War author, Christian McBurney, to unravel this intriguing tale of Revolutionary history. (2) Soon after establishing their new winter command post at New Brunswick in January 1776, British officers had quickly realized the adjacent Raritan River to be the safest and most 
efficient supply route to their nearby post at Perth Amboy. This was soon to change as the local American Militia Commander, Colonel John Neilson, of the Second Middlesex Militia, had also realized the military importance of controlling the surrounding road access routes and the strategic Raritan River waterway. In order to ensure the unobstructed use of this river, the British had quickly established military posts at Raritan Landing and Bennett's [formerly Lawrence] Island, both at key locations on the lower Raritan River. The post at Bennett's Island lay about three miles south east of New Brunswick, New Jersey, on a high point of land with strategic river views as far away as the City of Perth Amboy. (3) The British had occupied a large farm house here with numerous outbuildings in order to build their new post. (4) Stockton and his officers had made the main house both their headquarters and sleeping quarters. 
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Are you looking to buy or sell a house? Harcourts South is a professional real estate agency located in Caroline Springs. We have been serving the area for over 15 years and have built an excellent reputation that has resulted in a high percentage of repeat business every year. Harcourts South has one of the largest networks of genuine professionals in any suburb, making us one of Melbourne’s best options for buying and selling property
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roomselfcontain2 · 21 days
Luxury vintage federal light visit website one bedroom house plan modern design for rent this is a full option American standard 1bdrm apartment new home with modern facilities located at Rumuosi new layout port Harcourt city rivers state Nigeria.
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brendonbroad254 · 2 years
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Looking for the Best New Homes in Swanson? then contact Lisa Girvan - Harcourts Real Estate Agent. They specialize in Property Appraisal, House Valuation, New Homes, and many more! They are located in Swanson. They are the real estate agent you have been searching for, with an eye for detail and a focus on customer service.
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mic-nz · 2 years
2023 Full List of Military Secondary Schools in Nigeria
New Post has been published on https://militarywifi.com/full-list-of-military-secondary-schools-in-nigeria/
2023 Full List of Military Secondary Schools in Nigeria
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Military Academies are institutions that are under the control and direction of the military of a country. These institutions are reputed for their exceptional ability to instill discipline and moral uprightness in their students, while at the same time helping them to excel academically. Military schools adopt the same curriculum as other conventional schools.
If you wish to have a comprehensive list of all military academies in Nigeria, then you have come to the right place. 
List of Air Force Secondary Schools in Nigeria
The Administration Branch of NAF Headquarters houses the Directorate of Education. It is located in Area 7, Garki, Abuja. An Education Officer of the Air Rank heads this directorate and also doubles as the Director of Education.
The Chief of Administration (COA) is accountable to the Director of Education (DOEDN) for initiating policies controlling the supply and management of NAF educational services. The Directorate is in charge of the 20 NAF elementary schools and 13 NAF secondary schools.
Due to the establishment of a military school in Jos in 1980, the demand for Air Force Secondary Schools (day schools) and Air Force Comprehensive Schools (boarding schools) materialized earlier than anticipated. Therefore, the idea of creating an Air Force Secondary School (AFSS/AFCS) at the Command level was floated in 1981 to alleviate the pain experienced by NAF personnel on posting in getting admission for their children and wards. 
Below is a full list of all the Air Force Military Secondary Schools in Nigeria;
Air Force Military School, Jos
Air Force Secondary School, Makurdi
Air Force Secondary School, Ikeja
Air Force Secondary School, Kaduna
Air Force Comprehensive School, Ibadan
Air Force Comprehensive School, Enugu
Air Force Secondary School, Kano
Air Force Secondary School, P/Harcourt
Air Force Secondary School, Yola
Air Force Girls Comprehensive School, Abuja
Air Force Girls Comprehensive School, Jos
Air Force Comprehensive School, Uyo
List of Command Secondary School and Command Technical Secondary School
Below is a comprehensive list of Command Secondary School and Command Technical Secondary School. The schools have been subdivided into Day and Boarding categories. 
Military Day Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Command Day Secondary School, Abuja FCT.
Command Day Secondary School, Makurdi Benue State.
Command Day Secondary School Enugu State.
Command Day Secondary School, Ojo Lagos State.
Command Day Secondary School, Oshodi Lagos State.
Command Day Secondary School, Ikeja Lagos State.
Command Day Secondary School, Jos Plateau State.
Command Day Secondary School Owena Barracks Akure Ogun State
Command Day Secondary School, Ijebu-Ode Ogun State.
Command Day Secondary School, Ede Osun State.
Command Day Secondary School, Mokola Ibadan Oyo State
Command Day Secondary School, Ibadan Oyo State.
Command Day Secondary School, Kaduna State
Military Boarding Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Command Science Technical Secondary School Rinze-Akwanga Nassarawa.
Command Science Secondary School Agwada Nassarawa.
Command Science Secondary School Lafia Nassarawa State.
Command Secondary School, Suleja Niger State.
Command Secondary School, Orlu Imo State.
Command Secondary School, Ohafia Abia State.
Command Secondary School, Makurdi Benue State.
Command Secondary School, Abakaliki Ebonyi State.
Command Secondary School, Ipaja Lagos State.
Command Science Secondary School Girls Gusau Zamfara State
Command Science Secondary School( Boys) Talata Mafara Zamfara State
Command Secondary School School,(Girls) Sokoto State.
Command Science Secondary School,(Boys) Shagari Sokoto State.
Command Science Secondary School,(Girls) Goru Kebbi State.
Command Secondary School, (Boys) Jega Kebbi State
Command Science Secondary School,(Girls)Moringa Borno State
Command Science Secondary School, (Boys) Auno Borno State.
Command Science Secondary School, Numan Adamawa State.
Command Science Secondary School Yenegoa, Bayelsa State
Command Science Secondary School, Effa-Etinan Akwa-Ibom State.
Command Science Secondary School, Port Harcourt Rivers State.
Command Secondary School, Mbiri Delta State
Command Secondary School, Jos Plateau State.
Command Secondary School, Ibadan Oyo State
Command Science Secondary School,(Girls) Barkiya Katsina State.
Command Science Secondary School,(Boys) Faskari Katsina State.
Command Secondary School, Kaduna State.
List of Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Attending one of the Nigerian Navy secondary schools (NNSS) is usually a good choice if you’re thinking about joining the Nigerian Navy because you’ll receive all the fundamental intellectual and physical training required for a successful military career. 
Currently, there are seven Navy Secondary Schools in the country, find their list below;
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Okura-Olafia (NNSS Okura-Olafia)
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Ogbomosho (NNSS Ogbomoso)
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Imeri (NNSS Imeri)
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Calabar (NNSS Calabar)
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Port Harcourt (NNSS Port Harcourt)
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Abeokuta (NNSS Abeokuta)
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Ojo (NNSS Ojo)
Summary of Military Secondary Schools in Nigeria
In Nigeria, there are several military secondary schools that provide education and military training to students. Some of the notable military secondary schools in Nigeria include:
Nigerian Military School, Zaria – This is one of the oldest military secondary schools in Nigeria, and it provides education and military training to students interested in pursuing careers in the military.
Nigerian Air Force Secondary School, Jos – This is a military secondary school in Nigeria that provides education and military training to students interested in pursuing careers in the Nigerian Air Force.
Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Abeokuta – This is a military secondary school in Nigeria that provides education and military training to students interested in pursuing careers in the Nigerian Navy.
Nigerian Army Children School, Bonny Cantonment – This is a military secondary school in Nigeria that provides education and military training to children of military personnel.
Nigerian Defence Academy Secondary School, Kaduna – This is a military secondary school in Nigeria that provides education and military training to students interested in pursuing careers in the military.
These schools provide a unique learning environment and offer students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, physical fitness, and military tactics. They also provide students with a strong foundation in academics, preparing them for further education and careers in the military.
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safeguardsfety · 3 months
Where Can You Get Designated First Aider Training in Nigeria?
First aid training is an essential skill that can make a significant difference in emergencies, potentially saving lives and reducing the severity of injuries. In Nigeria, there is a growing recognition of the importance of first aid training, including specialized courses for designated first aiders, CPR, and AED training.
The Importance of First Aid Training
First aid training in Nigeria equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide immediate care in emergencies, such as accidents, medical emergencies, and natural disasters. This training is crucial in a country like Nigeria, where access to medical facilities can sometimes be limited, and response times for emergency services can vary. Trained first aiders can stabilize patients, prevent conditions from worsening, and support professional medical personnel upon their arrival.
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Types of First Aid Training in Nigeria
Designated First Aider Training: This specialized training is designed for individuals appointed as first aiders in workplaces or community settings. It covers a broad range of emergency situations, ensuring that Designated First Aider training in Nigeria can respond effectively and confidently.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Training: CPR and AED training focuses on life-saving techniques used during cardiac and respiratory emergencies. Learning how to perform CPR and use an AED can significantly increase the chances of survival for someone experiencing cardiac arrest.
General First Aid Training: This course provides comprehensive first aid skills, including wound care, managing fractures, treating burns, and addressing other common injuries and medical conditions. It is suitable for individuals, families, and organizations seeking to enhance their emergency preparedness.
First Aid Training Locations in Nigeria
First Aid Training in Lagos: Lagos, being Nigeria’s largest city, offers numerous first aid training centers and courses. Organizations like the Nigerian Red Cross and various private training providers offer comprehensive first aid certification programs tailored to meet the needs of both individuals and corporate clients.
First Aid Training in Port Harcourt: As a major hub for the oil and gas industry, Port Harcourt has a high demand for first aid training, particularly in industrial and workplace settings. Training providers in Port Harcourt offer specialized courses that address the unique safety challenges of the region.
Benefits of First Aid Certification
Enhanced Safety: Certified first aiders can create safer environments in homes, workplaces, and communities by providing immediate care and reducing the risk of further injury.
Regulatory Compliance: Many industries in Nigeria, especially those with high-risk environments like construction and oil and gas, require employees to have first aid certification to comply with health and safety regulations.
Life-Saving Skills: First aid training empowers individuals with the ability to save lives during emergencies, increasing the chances of positive outcomes for victims of accidents or sudden illnesses.
Confidence and Preparedness: Trained individuals are more confident and better prepared to handle emergencies, providing reassurance to themselves and those around them.
How to Get First Aid Training and Certification in Nigeria
Enroll in Accredited Courses: Look for accredited training providers like the Nigerian Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, and other reputable organizations. Ensure the courses are recognized and meet international standards.
Attend Regular Refresher Courses: First aid skills need to be updated regularly. Attending refresher courses ensures that you remain competent and up-to-date with the latest first aid practices.
Corporate Training Programs: Many organizations in Nigeria offer in-house first aid training programs for their employees. These programs can be tailored to address specific workplace hazards and safety protocols.
In conclusion, first aid, CPR, and AED training in Nigeria are vital skills that everyone in Nigeria should consider acquiring. Whether in Lagos, Port Harcourt, or any other part of the country, there are ample opportunities to obtain first aid certification and contribute to a safer, more prepared community. By investing in first aid training, individuals and organizations can enhance their ability to respond to emergencies effectively, ultimately saving lives and promoting overall well-being.
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bu1410 · 6 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - March 26th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
January 1998 - October 1999 - NLNG - TSKJ Port Harcourt Project (Nigeria).
Part 7.
SANITATION In Nigeria- the second Saturday morning of every month was dedicated to a meritorious yet useless operation: Sanitation Day. The entire population had to dedicate themselves to cleaning their courtyard, yard, and the surroundings of the house in which they lived. Until 11.00 in the morning, on Sanitation Day, no one could move around the city, under penalty of arrest and a large fine from the numerous police patrols and task forces scattered along the streets and at the main intersections. The checkpoints were equipped with homemade spike bands – long strips of wood with sharp nails – which the police would throw across the road when they saw a vehicle approaching, in order to make it stop. Every Friday evening before sanitation day, a special pass was distributed to us by the logistics office. The pass, issued by the Governor of the River State, in theory should have guaranteed that we would not be blocked by the police, and was given to us because we were ''operating in a project of national interest''. In reality, at every checkpoint there were endless discussions with the policemen, who claimed that the passes were not valid.. During one of these sanitation days, the off-road vehicle in which Mr. Trovato - SAIPEM Project Director - was travelling, was stopped at a checkpoint. After the usual ''useless pass'' was shown, the Task Force soldiers ordered Trovato to get out of the car, stuck a sorghum broom in his hand, and despite he was shouting protests such as ''you don't know who I am! !'' they forced him to sweep the road and the surrounding flowerbeds until 11.00, the time the block expired.
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In 1998-99 there was only one traffic light intersection in Port Harcourt, it was located on Aba Road and was commonly called ''Traffic Light''. The traffic lights hadn't worked for years, and usually the traffic cops worked hard to further aggravate the chaotic traffic. Being the most important intersection in the city, it was a popular place for street vendors of all sorts of goods and animals, living and dead, who took advantage of the slowdown in traffic to offer their wares to motorists. One morning a seller offered me a baby crocodile through the window of the Land Rover, which we had imprudently left open. As luck would have it, the animal had its jaws secured by numerous turns of insulating tape, so there were no consequences for us.
Another morning aseller wanted at all costs to sell me blank birth certificates - with authentic stamps - where I could prove that I was born in Nigeria. It was quite difficult to refuse and convince the seller that I didn't need the certificates. Next to the intersection was a fence with an electrical substation. Once, upon returning from the site, while we were queuing as usual to be able to pass, suddenly an explosion rent the hot afternoon air. The street vendors, taken by surprise by the event, launched into a frantic race to escape as far away as possible. A transformer had blown up, numerous live cables were touching each other causing discharges and sparks typical of 6,000 Volts. A fire had developed fueled by the oil contained in the transformer tanks. An infernal scene, complicated even more by some elements who tried to take advantage of the temporary absence of the street vendors to take possession of their goods. So the inevitable scuffles between improvised thieves and illegal vendors added to the chaos of the explosion and the unbearable smell of burnt oil. The situation became further complicated with the arrival of the police and the emergency response teams and the Task Force, which as usual began to beat up everyone who came within range. We ended up arriving home at 9.00 in the evening.
SUPER BOWL FINAL SAIPEM's Sub Contractor for the swamp part of the pipeline was an American company called WILLBROS. The Americans had their camp in Choba, near the Choba River, a location 35 km from Port Harcourt. On the occasion of the Super Bowl final, we were invited to a large BBQ organized in their base. Excellent meat, free flowing beer, the big screen connected to satellite was ready to show live images of the American sporting event par excellence. Most of the Yankees were drunk when the game finally began. The Super bowl preliminaries could crush even the most hardened fan. Around the minute 15th there was a twist: the satellite connection went black out, and the screen went off with a general ''ooohhhhh'', which was followed by whistles and curses upon realizing that the images from Dallas were not returning. The technicians got busy, someone called the headquarters of the local satellite provider. All in vain, the connection was not restored, and the Americans were increasingly angry. Chants against Nigeria soon became the ''background'' of the evening. The most agitated ones got up from their chairs and started kicking them. Only the intervention of the Project Director, who spoke from the stage under the big screen, prevented things from taking a bad turn. He apologized to everyone present, and put an end to hopes that the match would be seen live. All we had to do was get up, and after saying goodbye we returned to Port Harcourt. Thus ended sadly an evening that had begun under good auspices.
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Among other equipment, the Support Base also had a 119 meter high telecommunications antenna. The works for its construction were entrusted to a Sub Contractor from Lagos, specialized in this type of activity. The first problem that had to be faced was to ask the local Power & Electricity Company to cut off power from the electrical cables that passed near the tower. Once the metal structure was assembled, an electric arc could be created between the live cables and the tower itself.
There was no such incident, but we never knew whether the power had actually been cut or not.
The Sub Contractor proceeded quite quickly in assembling the elements of the tower, even if from a safety point of view they left much to be desired. In 2 months the tower was completed, and now all that remained was to hoist the telecommunications dishes to its top, 119 meters above the ground. As always we requested the so-called ''Method Statement'' from the Sub Contractor, i.e. what method he intended to use to install the satellite dishes. But there was no prompt response from the Sub Contractor's representatives. We procrastinated, many verbal hypotheses were made, but nothing was put on paper to obtain the necessary authorization from the Client Management to proceed.
Until one Saturday came, a day on which, especially in the afternoon, no TSKJ representative ever came to the site. And then the young Site Manager of the Sub Contractor came to my office, he closed the door and said to me:
Sir, today we want to install satellite dishes! Good - I said - but you haven't yet presented the Method of Statement of how you intend to do it… Yes Sir, but the fact is… that … we don't want to present it… we want to take advantage of Saturday, install the antennas, and when the Client comes on Monday he will find himself faced with a fait accompli. Do you realize – I replied – that this is a big risk? If something goes wrong during the operation, they will kick us allout here. Yes Sir, I know, but we are willing to take the risk – we will take full responsibility in case of problems, but I am sure everything will be fine. Ok – I said – let's proceed, but if I see that the risk is high, know that I will stop the work.                                                                   Ok Sir, let's start immediately!
I immediately realized the reasons why the Construction Manager had not wanted to present the Method of Statement: it would have been rejected outright! After installing a pulley at the top of the tower, and passing a sturdy rope through it, the first of the 4 satellite dishes was attached to the end of these.
And the other end, you say? Well the other end - listen to me - was tied to the bumper of the Construction Manager's Mercedes 200D!! The car had been placed outside the site fence, and in front of it had a straight road of about 200 meters of dirt, along which the Construction Manager intended to lead the Mercedes, causing the satellite dish to rise to the top to the tower! OMG!! I thought, if everything goes well here, we will all be ignominiously kicked out of Nigeria…
The operation began, in a few minutes 3 of the 4 antennas were raised to 119 meters from the ground with this stratagem, and at practically zero cost for the Sub Contractor. The fourth and final antenna remained, and I begged Mr. Murphy to stay away from his laws…
Ready for the last shot, but another driver got behind the steering of the Mercedes. I interpreted this fact as a bad omen: if everything had gone well for the three antennas, why change? And so it was!
The accident that according to Murphy's 1st Law should have happened.............. happened, but fortunately no one was hurt, and the antenna was somehow lifted to its destination. The driver of the Mercedes, perhaps less experienced than the Construction Manager, perhaps too nervous, after having traveled the 100 meters or so that were necessary to lift the antenna to the top of the tower, leaned out of the window to look up towards the tower and that moment was fatal: the Mercedes ended up in the gutter that ran alongside the dirt road, tilting vertically, and giving a final tug on the rope that had raised the antenna. Was it luck or chance? The rope did not break and the last centimeters that were missing for the antenna to reach the deck were covered thanks to the strength of the arms of those involved in the operation!! Meanwhile, a completely reassuring steam was gushing from the radiator of the Mercedes, while the driver was helped out of the cockpit, in pain but unharmed.
The operation was successful!! I congratulated the Construction Manager, but scolded him because he had left the steering wheel of the Mercedes to someone else for the last shot.  On Monday when Monceri and the American Shell Supervisor arrived at the construction site and saw the antennas at the top of the tower, they asked me in amazement how we had done.
We had spent the weekend inventing an abstruse but quite logical procedure, so after explaining it, everyone complimented us.
AIR NAVIGATION LIGHT We had the tower, the satellite dishes had been installed, then it was the turn of the signal lights for air navigation. These lights were supposed to follow an on-off sequence, but unfortunately at 119 meters high, and in the blinding Nigerian sun, we were unable to control their operation.
We decided to return to the construction site one evening to check if everything was OK. So at dusk on any given day, we got into the car, me, Monceri and our American friend. When we arrived near the construction site, we noticed one of those long queues of people holding plastic cans, which in Nigeria, despite the country being the sixth largest oil producer in the world, are unfortunately very frequent. Then with great surprise we noticed that the long queue of people ended right at the entrance to our construction site!! And at the side of the gate, the security guards were managing the filling of the jerrycans through rubber hoses which transferred OUR diesel and OUR petrol from OUR tanks into the jerrycans themselves!! Obviously our arrival interrupted the ''trade operation'' and we called our Mopol (Mobile Police) so that everything was recorded, those responsible for the illicit trafficking were arrested.
After seeing what was happening in our absence, we realized the reason for the anomalous diesel consumption of our generators, and the constant lack of petrol in the large tank. The security people from outside agencies, who we paid to ensure there were no thefts, were in charge of the gang that stole from our construction site!
And the signal lights worked perfectly anyway.
N'DELLE CAMP The N'Delle camp had been set up to have a base as close as possible to the pipeline route. It was the typical SAIPEM's camp of the time, very ''Spartan'' (to use a euphemism) made up of containers recycled from a hundreds other projects, and then re-conditioned (so to speak) by the Onne logistics base. So a ''poor'' camp with ''caravans'' (as they were called in SAIPEM jargon) of 2 or 4 rooms, depending on the category of the employee. (Another very questionable criteria). There was the canteen, the club, the prefabrication workshop, the workshop for equipment maintenance and repair, created as usual by superimposing two rows of containers and then covering the central space with corrugated sheet metal. At the time I visited it, given the absence of the Site Manager, a guy called Cittadini Bellini was in charge. A strange event occurred, involving an Italian employee whose name I won't mention. He had brought a local girl into his room, but something had happened during the night for which he had kicked her out. The next morning, while having breakfast in the canteen, this Italian had asked Mr. Cittadini Bellini to have the room linen changed. Cittadini replied that it was only Tuesday and that the change was expected as always at the weekend. The other replied:
Not this time please make me change sheets, blankets and pillow covers even if it's not Saturday.
And why should I? Said Cittadini Bellini (who we remember claimed to be of noble origins)
Because last night it happened that at a certain point the girl started scratching his head so I asked her:
''You have animals''?
And what did she answered?
Well she replied: ''Yes I have animals………but smaaaallllll…!!!''
Then I'd better give the order to change everything – concluded Cittadini Bellini.
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