#logan is their big brother and if i don't bring him up or mention him at least once it wouldn't be canon to the lover verse at this point
sinofwriting · 7 months
How was the decision for apples and Oscar to get married? Like their family and friends? Ooh how were the fans reactions to the news?
Okay, okay! I'm so excited to talk about my loves, Apples and Oscar.
It wasn't really a decision to get married as much as Oscar turning 18, proposing when she flies to him to spend a few days with him before she leaves to go back to Australia and her accepting.
So family (hers and his) were in no way surprised. They've met each other really young and their whole relationship was long distance due to Oscar having to move to the UK for his racing career. They also got together shortly after she turned fourteen. (more under the cut)
And more importantly her parents kind of had to approve because while Oscar was 18 when they got married, she wasn't 18 quite yet, and her parents had to give permission for them to get married since she wasn't 18. Basically how that whole situation happened, is that Oscar only had a limited time he'd be able to be back home in Australia due to the 2019 season and other things, and he wouldn't be able to come back for a long time (and then Covid happened, but we don't need to talk about it) and while they could've gotten married in the UK after she turned 18, they despite just going to the courthouse to get married still wanted to celebrate with family.
Her friends are also in no way surprised because they all knew that Oscar and her were going to make it. Oscar's friends are a little, mainly because just how young he is, and also like dude? at any point you are going to be huge? You don't want to explore your options? But overall they aren't. Logan is also the only one of Oscar's friends not from Australia that goes to the wedding and is Oscar's best man as well.
Now, fan reactions...
It's both good and bad. The fic mentions that no one knows that Oscar was married because despite marriages being public, it was pretty buried and hard to find. Oscar had also never mentioned a girlfriend publicly and none of the drivers he was friends with who knew about her had ever said anything either.
A small percentage isn't too surprised because of how levelheaded Oscar seems but overall everyone is like wtf??? What do you mean Pastry boy is married?
Apples of course (sadly) gets quite a bit of hate from it, but Oscar also gets some backlash for keeping something so underwraps from fans.
Explore the lover verse here
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pearldog30 · 6 months
David (hesh) Walker Head Cannon.
Alright, so. this was what y'all voted for that I do Hesh. So here's our bb boy hesh! Hope you all enjoy the head cannon on our boy 🖤
(also this hc is before he lost everybody. Because I genuinely can't bring myself to do that hc right now...)
Other works 👉 Master list
Warnings| a little tiny mention of PTSD.
I'm sorry but I can just imagine this man singing this song to you on your wedding day/anniversary 😭 (Love song say You won't let go by James Arthur) hesh can low key sing. no one can convince me otherwise!
I feel like hesh has only had 2 or 3 short-term girlfriends in the past, and each time he legit thought they were going to spend the rest of their life together, but they just ended up cheating on him or using him. and so when he met you he was very standoffish, and did not trust you for a while. because he thought you were like the others, so when you showed him that you only wanted HIM! When I tell you this man fell head over heels for you... It's like as if someone put the world in his hands. Because well.... in his eyes, they really did.
the very first person he introduced you to when you guys got together was Riley. This man was so nervous to introduce you to his goddamn dog, it was adorable. and when Riley liked you it was a weight lifted off his shoulders.
Since hesh's family is very VERY! important to him, it's important for them to like you too. So when he realized that you were the only one for him. he practically ran to his dad's house with you In his arms to introduce you to anybody. And when his dad/brother actually ended up liking you a lot. it just made him so madly in love with you.
out of all the guys when he's not working. he is the most sweetest, and genuine person ever! Which surprises a lot of people.
Since he grew up in San Diego he obviously is a big surfer. so if you're into surfing as well that is major bonus points for you. but if you're not, don't worry. he'll teach you, he'll definitely try to show you some tricks. And OHHH BOY! if Logan comes along, you might as well forget learning. cuz it's going to be a competition between those 2 on who can do better.
Slow dances with you in the kitchen. (although It's more like holding you in his arms and just standing there)
Since it's pretty obvious that hesh is a major Hot Head. (I mean just look at all the times he's blown up at everybody) so before he met you, he had quite the temper. And after y'all have been together for a while. you've noticed how much he's calmed down, like his temper is nowhere near as bad. To the point that even Merrick has said something about it "oh damn it looks like we're losing our boy. what has that woman done to you?" Merrick jokingly says, but he low-key grateful he's not as hot-headed anymore.
Now when it comes to day to day life he's a little... dumb. Like he's always calling his dad asking him if the difference between laundry detergent is the reason why his work-clothes have holes in them/asking if he should go to the emergency room because he's SOMEHOW sliced his leg open. so when you came into the picture just know you made Elias's blood pressure go down so much. you saved him from a heart attack.
I'm sorry but this MAN has a major sweet tooth. especially on the nights he can't sleep, so you'll often find him in the kitchen eating candy or some sugary shit. and then he complain on why he doesn't have abs later that week.
Hesh is a low-key hopeless romantic. Although he sucks ass at being romantic, but he tries his hardest. give our boy a break!
We know that hesh has PTSD but he certainly doesn't let it show. He's probably one of the very few guys that has it somewhat under control. But that doesn't mean he doesn't get the occasional panic attacks/nightmares. And when he does he usually goes very quiet, which is unlike him. That's when you know he's having a rough time, and your sign to step back and let him come to you when he's ready.
Now that doesn't mean he doesn't want your help, it's just 1 time in a past when you were trying to calm him down during one of his panic attacks, he absolutely snapped at you, and went off, It was the most angriest you've ever seen him. ever since then he keeps his distance when he is going through something like that, because he doesn't want to take it out on you. And hurt you. He still really hasn't forgiven himself from the last time. so he tries his best to protect you from it.
Secretly has a candy stash in his barracks room when he's deployed.
And lastly he CANNOT! be trusted to be in the kitchen when you're cooking..... By the time whatever you're making is done, half of it's already gone. You know those 5-year-olds that get excited when you have like brownie batter or something like that. yeah that's him, and he manages to get it all over his face in the process. The man is somehow a 5-year-old in a 27 year old body. you often question how Elias made it all these years.
Love language. Quality time, and words of affirmation. (I'm sorry but you cannot tell me this man's knees go WEAK when you tell him you're proud of him.)
And that's going to be the end for this thank y'all so much for voting! I hope you enjoyed our chaotic, angry boy. As always I hope you have a good day/night wherever you are. reblogs, comments always appreciated 🖤
Tags| @macravishedbymactavish @alexkellersleg @walker33961 and if you would like to be added just message me or comment.
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e4 recap: ken brings a strap-on to a gunfight
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^^ from my recap of season 4, episode 1
turns out succession really is channeling their inner CW teen show. translation:
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what gave it away? her face. oh, and she ordered a club soda with a closed top at the dive bar in episode two. don't think i didn't notice.
anyway, i know she's all poly representation and all, but let's be honest with ourselves: it's toms baby. she's planning her 20 week ultrasound, so i reckon.... italy?
kendall arrives at logan's makeshift wake/board meeting and overhears hugo in the lobby.
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now, if you overheard someone saying "you fucked me in the ass with a strap-on" on the phone, would you guess that someone was talking to their daughter?
only on succession.
i'm not going to use space showing you hugos face, so let me summarize: his daughter sold stocks right before the news of logan's death was made public. he tells kendall. kendall has leverage.
now, enough hugo.
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the girlies love marcia. lying about having intimate conversations with logan every night? we love that.
death truly does become her.
also, did anyone else pick up on the fact that cyd simply said "sorry babe" to kendall as he walked by?
supportive queen!
greg is also trying to be supportive and we collectively join in on the kids giving him serious side eye (or ignoring him altogether).
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much like the rest of the roy family, he is incapable of any type of normal hug.
the kids discuss marcia and kerry, and roman notes that he thinks kerry is "in marcias trunk. inside an anaconda. inside a sarcophagus." for a pre-grieved boy who doesn't want to make phone sex jokes about his late dad, he's still got it.
the suits are also there, gathering in the kitchen to look at the china.
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just two gal-pals backing each other in business and sitting on each other's faces
tom receives a proper whooping from karl and eats a seafood taco.
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i know i should aim higher in my important trade of recaps and give you more detail, but i can't. i shan't. it is what it is.
oh, but important: karl is in on a greek island with his brother-in-law.
and "your wife doesn't even like you" is a wonderful insult.
shiv gives us an accurate representation of what it is like to talk to a swede:
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for context, i'm norwegian. the banter is scandi culture.
saying "bad one" when your dad dies? also scandi culture.
willa is truly winning in this episode. she gets logan's apartment, a dig at marcia AND a moneymoon touring the midwest. cheese curds all the way.
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and they save a bunch on realtor fees, of course.
the gang finds a piece of paper.
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we are getting so much gerri/frank/karl content this season, i am chuffed! yes, sure, the sibling dynamic is interesting, but the gerkrank (?) vibes are strong!
they all make very funny jokes about throwing the piece of paper in the toilet. haha comedy gold.
kendall manages to make his brother and sister laugh for once in his life. all it took was for him to make a joke about their dad not being a pedo.
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i'm going to make obit decoding my new thing.
a summary of logan:
threw phones at staff
racist, again
relaxed about sexual assault
never payed a penny of tax
not a pedo
wouldn't even hug his grandkids
kendall's name is on the piece of paper. i reckon it's from around early season 1 times, maybe even before then.
it's not certain if the name has been underlined or crossed out. (but really, does logan strike you as the type of man who would underline anything?)
greg is also mentioned with a bunch of ????? and the big bozo deigns to suggest he might be logan's #2.
frank reacts appropriately:
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they keep putting roman and gerri in the same frame.
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AS IF i wouldn't notice. i see you, lorene. doing the lords work.
they rag on greg some more. it's a doodle, fuckface.
ken shares a moment with his #1 dad.
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frank: he was an old bastard and he loved you me: sobbing
ken realizing he wants back in? that's self-destruction, bby!
shiv continues to hit rock bottom....
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with a lil pregnancy hint and some narcisissm, framing it as if she's the only one who lost something she cared about.
but is she talking about logan? or tom? or none? or both?
i need a shiv redemption arc soon. it's beginning to feel so sexist, and not in a critique kind of way.
spooky embryo mencken is on his way to join the rest of the right wing crazies in logans eulogy.
if you are in need of motivation, work every day in your life to ensure a right wing guy will never feel inclined to do a speech at your funeral.
or, live a life that will make greg never want to talk to you. ever.
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we all know tom wishes he'd taken that route.
sandy is smiling at logan being dead. sandy is us<3
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why is this sex party so sad?
marcia sends kerry in a taxi to a subway so she can go home to her little apartment.
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last time we see her, or does she have an unborn baby up her sleeve?
<3 roman showing kerry kindness and then immediately shitting on tom's redemption tour <3
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wambsgans deserves to grovel.
stewy is a softie when it comes to ken.
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his pubes got a little singed last time, but they are in love.
willa is enjoying her new apartment, as she should.
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her mom is me at a buffet.
shiv gets shivved as her brothers decide to take on the role of CEO without her.
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redemption arc! redemption arc! redemption arc!
obligatory screengrab that is just in here because gerri looks cute:
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i couldn't even bother coming up with an excuse for this one.
chant with me: STE-WY! STE-WY! STE-WY!
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power move from a power bottom. jk he is obvi a top.
and with stewy in the room, the power dynamic shifts to favor the siblings.
gerri makes a very slight move, but backs up immediately.
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(don't think i don't notice that roman is still in this frame, guys. it's dark, but i notice.)
ken and his homey romey are the new interim CEOs. we all know what a thankful job that is...
shiv trips and falls and i want to kms.
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do i need to chant again?
please, for the love of god, give shiv a win. the baby is not a win.
hugo and karolina suggest to the newly appointed CEOs that they throw their dead dad under the bus. roman reacts the way an emotionally mature person would:
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utter distain.
ken, however, does not.
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this photo will be in his phone and in his subconscience forever. the question of whether his dad loved him or not anthropomorphized.
so he tells hugo to go ahead with the "shit on logan roy" communcation strategy.
it's what his father would do.
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he is pleased. and we, my girlies, are one step closer to kendall having a full godfather-like arc.
pretty sure i predicted that too, back in the day.
or is episode 4 too early to peak for our dear ken? time will tell.
next week: the gang travels to norway and i go absolutely bonkers.
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shut-up-its-funny · 3 months
My AUs in a list, with pictures and links to the AO3 if there are fics attached.
There are other designs and stories I have made that are not attached to an AU I will not be including those.
I will however include AUs I have thought about but have not made anything for under a notable mention area!
Under the cut, I have no idea how long this'll be! (Pretty fucking long)
My canon sides! (RemRom) (LoMoCeit)
AO3 Link These are for the canon Thomasphere. Note: I have since revamped Remus' design in touch his titties Tuesday and plan on doing so with Roman eventually.
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On The Sidelines! (RemRom) (SleepAlity) (DeMas) (AnaLogical)
AO3 Link This is my RemRom band AU where they were separated when they were teens and by coincidence meet back up as adults because Roman's band buys the space under Remus' apartment. (Feat: Patton and Logan)
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Slice of Life AU! (RemRom) (MoCeit) (AnaLogical)
AO3 Link This is what I dubbed my human AU when I first started it but it's basically just a slice of life AU of them as humans, being and doing people things. (I do have other AUs where they are human but those have more of a distinction to them.)
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Punk AU (RemRoMas)
AO3 Link Just as the title says, I honestly don't have much for this story wise (just yet) I just thought it would be fun (also Roman is more goth-esque) (Feat Patton & Thomas)
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Ghost AU (RemRomLoCeit)
I don't have any writing out for this (I did start it a long time ago though) and I only have two drawing for it. But It's what it says ghost AU! Where Remus is dead, and Roman wants to find his killer cause he knows he was killed but the police issued it a suicide. Then one day Roman finds the murder weapon! (Remus' own dagger) and now Roman can see Remus who is bound to the dagger!
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Troublesome Trio AU (RemRomAlity)
Blog Link This is an ask blog about Roman, Remus and Patton owning a drive in theater, in the middle of the woods where cryptids and mythical creatures live.
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Circus AU (RemRom)
Another thing that I have not exactly done anything for except started writing for it a long time ago, but it's basically Remus and Roman are fleeing from someone and they end up working at a circus!
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Borrower AU (RemRom)
I have... done nothing but this one picture for this AU but I love it and I do intend on doing more with it.
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R3 AU (RemRomRem)
I have got almost nothing for this too, except that Remus and Roman and married and they both get a crush on Remy at the same time and try to woo him. (as you can see... I kinda changed a few things between these pictures)
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Murder Bros AU (RemRom)
Blog link Just a fun silly little blog about murderers, and considering I made this 4 years ago and only now started another post for it this picture, really doesn't do them justice.
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And Now! For The Notable Mentions!
These are AUs I have thought of doing, but sadly have not done anything for, some I have talked about some I have not.
Cryptid/Ghost Hunter Remus and Creature Roman AU! Roman is a huge fuzzy creature living in a dilapidated estate deep in the woods, when one day Remus stumbles upon it and decides it's the perfect place to investigate.
Sugar Baby Remus Big Celebrity Roman AU! Just as it says, Remus is the older brother who is the sugar baby to younger brother movie star/singer Roman.
Ghost Soulmate YouTuber Remus AU! Everyone is born with a marking of their soulmate, it turns up when you turn 18, Remus however doesn't get one, until he does a ritual in a graveyard For The Views and ends up accidentally summoning Roman -who also doesn't have a soulmark and is very salty that he died without one- but neither of them notice at first that theirs show up when Roman is awoken, and is now bound to Remus who gets Roman to do things to get him more Views.
Reaper AU! Based on the TV Show Reaper, Remus' parents sold his soul to the devil before he was born now on his 21st birthday he has to hunt down escaped souls from Hell.
Pushing Daisies AU! Again based on the TV show of the same name. Roman has the gift to bring back the dead, and if it exceeds one minute the person stays alive but something of equal value nearby dies. Remus is obviously in the role of Chuck.
Lisa Frankenstein AU! This one, kinda speaks for itself through the name, I also have not fleshed it out all the way yet, except that Remus is in the role of Lisa, Roman is in the role of The Creature and Patton is in the role of Taffy. Will update when necessary.
Dr Horrible Remrom AU.
I have thought of an Intruality AU for this moodboard that I wanna do more of. So maybe!
If I think of any more I have missed or if I come up with more I will update!
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littlecloudprince · 3 years
I'm Not A Little!
Summary: Logan refuses to admit that he's a Little. He keeps bottling it up, but the bottle's bound to pop at some point.
Warnings: A pretty graphic panic attack/meltdown scene, slight off-hand mentions of an accident + nakedness, one (1) swearword (the f-word), let me know if there's anything else I should add
A/N: First time posting a fic here! Hopefully people like it! Feel free to send me any Asks/suggestions if you want to, but don't feel obligated to if you don't want to! I'll write pretty much anything, the guys can be Big or Little. I won't write N/S/F/W, r3mr0m or unsympathetic anyone though. You can also ask stuff from the guys themselves if you'd like! Just keep everything PG and we should be jolly good! Anyway, now I'm rambling, so off to the fic you go!
Logan was not a Little. Even if all the other Sides were, Logan was not. Maybe he sometimes wished he could join Little Roman and Little Remus when they played pretend. Maybe he sometimes wished Janus would bounce him like he bounced Little Patton. Maybe he sometimes wished Patton would lovingly feed him a bottle and sing lullabies to him like he did with Little Virgil. But Logan wasn't a Little. He couldn't be. Thomas needed him to be the responsible one. Logan couldn't be responsible if he was a child. He wouldn't be taken seriously. So he wasn't a Little.
Logan collapsed on his bed, beyond exhausted. It had been a long day of helping Thomas, and his unicorn onesie was calling his name from the closet. However, dinner was yet to be served, and Patton, who usually had the cooking duty, was currently three years old. Logan was the one who usually cooked whenever Patton was unavailable. So, internally groaning, Logan got up, readjusted his glasses and tie, and sunk down.
In the living room, Janus and Roman were looking after Patton, Remus and Virgil. The kids were all colouring, Aladdin quietly playing in the background.
"Greetings," Logan said, trying his best to hide how exhausted he truly was. Patton looked up from his colouring, his eyes immediately lighting up.
"Lo-Lo!" he exclaimed behind his pacifier, scrambling to his feet and bolting to hug Logan.
"Hey there, Patton," Logan said, ruffling the little boy's hair. "Are you hungry?" he continued. Patton nodded eagerly.
"Jan said hafta wait fow ou befowe tan haf dindins," the curly haired boy explained.
"How about I make the dinner tonight?" Janus approached Logan, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"No, it's...it's quite alright, Janus. I can handle it," Logan smiled, hoping his tiredness wouldn't shine through in his voice.
"Are you sure? You totally don't seem like you were hit by a truck," the scaley Side said, picking Patton up and plopping him on his hip.
"Absolutely certain, no need to worry. I'm just a little tired is all," Logan said, already halfway in the kitchen. Janus wasn't convinced, he could taste the lie, but he didn't want to push it, so for now, he let Logan go. The snake-like Side had his suspicion on what might've been going on with the logical Side, but he had yet to recieve any solid proof. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Logan before bringing his focus back on the kids.
Logan took a deep breath. He felt a lump grow in his throat, and rapidly blinked his eyes. Why on Earth was he on the verge of tears? Janus hadn't said anything bad or mean. There was no logical reason to be upset. Logan wasn't supposed to feel. He wasn't supposed to be about emotion. He was Logic after all. He clenched his fists and vigorously shook his head before taking another deep breath. Make dinner, eat dinner, you're done. Then you can rest. Should be easy enough, right? Wrong.
Dinner was a catastrophy, Remus downright refusing to eat the pasta Logan had cooked.
"Remus, you have to eat!" Roman groaned at his brother, who just responded by blowing raspberries.
"Remus, listen to your brother," Janus reprimanded before turning his attention back to feeding Virgil his apple sauce.
"Nuh-uh! Vee not eatin pasta eithew!" Remus argued, somehow managing to turn himself upside down in his chair.
"You know Virgil is too little to eat solids. And please sit up, you're a big boy, you know the table manners," Janus explained to the ever-so-huffy boy.
"Remus, just eat your fucking food!" Logan blew up, startling Virgil to tears. He slammed his hand over his mouth, instantly filled with regret, as everyone turned to look at the logical Side in shock.
"I..." Logan felt his cheeks flush red, as he looked around at everyone.
"I'm sorry, I...don't know what that was," he apologised after a moment of awkward silence.
"Logan..." Roman opened his mouth, trying to wrap his head around the situation.
"I'll just go," Logan mumbled, getting up and hurriedly sinking down to his room. His head was spinning, and he felt his breathing getting faster. He closed his door, and with a swift hand motion, soundproofed his room before letting out a scream. He didn't know why he screamed. He knew there wasn't a logical reason to. Right now, however, he couldn't have cared less about being logical. Tears pooling in his eyes, he gripped his hair harshly. He screamed again, this time kicking his door with full force. His heart was beating fast, his throat felt tight, and he was sure he was dying. He felt like he was being strangled, and he instinctively began scratching at his neck. He fumbled his tie off, and threw it somewhere on the ground. He felt a sob shaking his body and tears and snot freely running on his face. Suddenly, he felt his body starting to shrink. A part of his brain argued, that he was not a Little, and this was not happening. He needed to be an adult, remember? But another, definitely younger, part of his brain argued, that he did not care. He wanted to be a Little. He wanted to be dependent. He wanted to be clingy. Screw everything! He was a Little. He tried to get to his bed, but his legs felt like steel. He managed to take one step before everything went black, and he collapsed.
That was where Roman found him a few hours later. He had gently knocked on Logan's door, but after not recieving an answer, he took it upon himself to open the door.
"Logan? It's Roman. Can I come in?" he gently called into the dark room. No answer. He could've sworn he heard sniffling though.
"I'll turn the light on, okay?" Roman spoke gently. Still no answer. The prince clicked on the lightswitch, and saw a very regressed, and very naked, Logan curled in front of his bed. There was a puddle underneath him, and his eyes were red and puffy.
"Hey buddy, it's okay," Roman gently approached the tiny child. The closer he got, the more intense Logan's crying got.
"Hey, shh, it's okay babystar, I'm not here to hurt you," Roman shushed gently. With a swift flick of his wrist, the puddle underneath Logan was no more. Next, he summoned a diaper and a space-themed footed sleeper. With a snap of Roman's fingers, Logan's groin was now clean and dry. He then conjured a changing mat, and laid the still crying Logan on top of it. Roman got the baby changed, and then picked him up and sat him down on his hip, gently rocking and shushing him.
He took the baby in the kitchen, figuring that some warm milk might help soothe him, and possibly help him fall asleep, the poor kid must've been exhausted. Roman conjured a dark blue soft-spouted sippy cup that had planets and stars all over it, hazarding a guess that Logan was around a year and a half old. With a snap of the prince's fingers, the sippy cup was filled with perfectly warmed milk. Roman took Logan and the sippy cup to the living room, and sat down on the couch. Logan was still crying, but not quite as violently anymore.
"Hey bud, maybe this'll help you feel better?" Roman offered Logan the cup. Logan hiccuped, and, through wet eyes, inspected the sippy before making grabby hands toward it. Roman happily handed the milk to Logan, who gladly latched on. He quickly emptied the cup, and yawned around the spout.
"Wo-Wo?" suddenly came in a sleepy tone from behind Roman. He turned around, surprised to see a rosy-cheeked, messy haired Patton rubbing his right eye, left hand clutching his blankie. The moment Logan noticed the other boy, he snuggled close to Roman to hide, and the tears made a reappearance.
"It's late, why aren't you asleep, honey?" Roman gently asked.
"Heawd cwyin. It Vee?" Patton explained, muffled by his glow-in-the-dark night pacifier.
"No, not this time, darling. It's Logan," Roman gently rocked the still sniffling baby.
"Lo-Lo?" Patton whispered, tilting his head in confusion.
"Yeah, but we can talk about it more later, okay? For now, you need sleep, little one," Roman said, carefully getting up with Logan still on his lap.
"Let's put you back to bed, okay?" he offered a hand to Patton, the other holding Logan on his hip. The little boy nodded, and took the offered hand. They all sunk down to Patton's room together.
In his room, Patton climbed in his bed and grabbed his frog plushie for cuddles. Roman tucked the sleepy boy in, and kissed his forehead.
"Sleep tight, honey," he whispered. Patton mumbled a barely audible answer, and quickly fell asleep. Roman sunk back to the living room with Logan, and sat down on the couch.
Logan was still sniffling, though at this point he was half asleep, having tuckered himself out. He was sucking on his thumb, and when Roman noticed this, he conjured a pacifier for the baby. It was blue, and had a glow-in-the-dark handle. The shield was covered in planets and stars, and it even had a smiling sun on it. Roman gently coaxed the thumb out of Logan's mouth, and replaced it with the pacifier. The baby latched on it gladly, and moved the now free hand to get a gentle grip on Roman's shirt. Logan felt safe, and finally allowed sleep to take over him. Roman gently rubbed Logan's back and let his thoughts wander before he, too, without even noticing it, entered the Dreamland.
Dni if: N/S/F/W, k!nk, ship r3mr0m, exclu, ableist, LGBTQ+ -phobic, racist, anti-pan, etc. Full DNI in desc.
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Me: okay im feeling kinda good about the el noli au time to work on i--
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Some messy bullet point explanations for the characters under the cut (since they contain spoilers and might get too long to read and scroll past lmao)
Warnings: death mention, cannibalism, gorey descriptions, betrayal
Thank you for considering reading this explanation lmao 🍪 have a cookie!!!
- so what i wanna say here is that the janus silang stuff has themes that revolve around twins and duality
- I'll also refer to janus sanders as deceit here so as not to cause confusion with his namesake
- there are three sets of people that have something to do with twins: miro and mira, the tiyanak and tala, and probably Janus himself, given his name and some stuff about his character that gives him this sort of dual nature thing
- i was actually tied between whether I make thomas or janus as Janus Silang in this, because thomas' red shirt with the star on it looks similar to the one Janus usually wears, but Deceit and Janus are essentially namesakes
- i decided to go with both of them because of how i saw Janus as a character. His duality in my opinion is brought by the fact that he used to know and be super close the main baddie of this story, the tiyanak, and was used by the tiyanak to gain important information (sorry remus!!!) and yet he's also the only one that has the power to help the counterpart of the tiyanak, tala (roman)
- it's also interesting to note that I also think that Janus' duality will fully come out in the fifth and final book in the series
- during the fourth book he was fated to die in order to set the world right, however this death wasn't just physical death, but an existential death in which his sacrifice reset the whole timeline and created a world wherein he never existed in the first place.
- only one person, who used to be a diwata, now human, remembered him. I hope that Janus returns in the fifth book and things are set back into place.
- anyway, the fact that this happened shows a big duality; his past existence saved the world and his nonexistence created an alternate world in the future that didn't need saving at all
- the timeline where Janus existed (2015 when things went down), I assume is simply an alternate universe where magic exists and is based on Philippine Myth and belief. The nonexistent Janus timeline (which is 2018), I assume, is this world we live in right now, a more realistic version of the original timeline.
- i want to think that janus, tala, and the tiyanak disappeared permanently from existence in order to set the world right
- it was said that only tala and the tiyanak can match each other in power, but in order for one to die the other must die as well.
- meaning that whatever happens, both tala and the tiyanak will disappear to save the world, but janus still has to die permanently in order to make tala's existence possible.
- which brings us to the other twins, tala and the tiyanak
- some important stuff in this is that the tiyanak and tala were twins born from a curse from humans in the Tabon cave.
- the tiyanak was cursed as a baby to be a man eating baby who eats the innards of people who neglect their family (or so i remember???)
- their very existence as cursed magical twins was a mistake, so bringing back to the saving the world part, in order to set the world right they both have to yeet out of existence
- as for their duality
- the tiyanak as i said earlier is a cannibal, and can create creatures to do his bidding. These creatures are from Philippine Mythology and each have their own abilities. He emerged from his mother's womb fully able to walk and talk, and can shapeshift into a child. (He cannot shapeshift into an adult though, so his underling creatures, the do-ol, do it for him)
- the tiyanak during the first book, disguised as Janus' brother in order to gain information about his twin, since Janus was supposedly the only one that can help Tala reach maturity to counter her twin.
- tala on the other hand was born without enough physical maturity, and is said to age by one year every 1000 years. When the events of the story play out tala is nearing her true maturity and only needs janus to do so.
- interestingly, before she appeared as her true form, before Janus' whole dying from existence thing, she looked like the tiyanak.
- anyway this is an abrupt end to this part of the explanation but let's get to the third set of twins
- miro and mira
- the thing with miro and mira is that they're not polar opposites unlike tala and the tiyanak. they have the same ability of switching and seeing between a purely magical world and the lesser magical earth.
- i chose logan and patton based on their personalities and the dynamic of the duo
- miro is more extroverted of the two, which seems like a good fit for patton
- mira is more reserved and quiet, and less open with talking about her ability. She preferred to figure things out on her own, retreating into the pure magic world in order to experiment with her ability.
- they die tho, miro by literally getting vertically cut into half in the middle of teleporting to the pure magical world, and mira by the hands of a mambabarang in the fourth book.
- the thing about these twins is that they don't necessarily completely oppose each other, and only their personalities seem to be different.
- i can see a similar thing happening with logan and patton, how they're not moral opposites but differ with how they work.
- next up is mica and renzo
- they're not twins but their characters are really important to the story
- mica is janus' crush, who gave him a usb necklace in the shape of a star (at the same time, star can be translated to "tala" in Tagalog, and the usb necklace played an important part throughout the series as well.
- she also played an important part in the third and fourth book, being a regular human without any power gave her advantage to magic (and lack thereof) related problems.
- And finally renzo
- did i mention that janus was orphaned? Well he was and another important character took him in. Renzo was also an orphan and he and janus had a brotherly relationship.
- that is, until janus got stuck in a dilemma where he could only save either Mira or Renzo from falling off a literal cliff, at the very end of the third book. Janus saved mira and renzo was left hanging and eventually fell (Well that was a cliffhanger amirite heheehe)
- one bit of lore about renzo is that he was a creation of the tiyanak as well. The tiyanak saved renzo from his doom and revealed this and I dont exactly remember why but it definitely had something to do with Janus as well.
So uh that's it i think hsjdjs this is kinda messy but yea if you made it here 🍪 have a second cookie!!!
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milomeepit · 5 years
Kiss Me- Moxiety (Highschool AU)
Word Count: 2.3k
Ships: Logince, Moxiety, Decani
Content Warnings: Minor blood/injury, violence mention, sex jokes, homophobic classmates
AN: Should I be working on my Big Bang? Yes. Should I be doing homework? Also yes. But I had the idea and it refused to wait 😂 Also, I'm on mobile so 1) no taglist but I'll reblog it later if I remember, and 2) I think I did the read more correctly but if it didn't I'd like to make a formal apology to everyone who gets this spaghetti mess of a oneshot on their dash
Virgil was somewhat used to the feeling that he couldn't breathe. Be it from panic, anger, or other overwhelming emotions, it was a familiar sensation; his lungs squeezed so tight it felt as if his chest would collapse in on itself. But nothing caused such a sweet ache as Patton.
(Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You'll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress)
It had been Roman's idea, to begin with. The asshole. He'd teased Virgil endlessly about his flushed cheeks and soft smiles, directed entirely at Roman's best friend. Virgil had vehemently denied all accusations of love, of course.
"Come on, Danger Drone, you can't lie to me!" Roman teased Virgil from his position sprawled across his bed. "You've got it baaad."
Virgil shot a glare at his brother before returning his attention to his laptop. "No way," He scoffed, shifting on his own bed, tucking a small stuffed cat beside the pillow so it wouldn't be squished by his squirming.
Roman rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out before starting to sing, "Who ya think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and he-" He was cut off by a pillow smacking into his face.
Virgil snapped his laptop lid shut and hopped off of his bed, stalking over to Roman and crossing his arms. "I. Do not. Have a thing. For your dorky friend." He hissed.
"You know, you could really take some acting tips from Dad and me," Roman flashed him a toothy grin as he sat up, sitting nose to nose with Virgil.
Virgil scowled. "You're seriously cruising for a bruising, you know that, right?"
"As if. Logan would kick your ass," Roman winked. "He may be your best friend, but he's my boyfriend."
"As if. He'd be too busy lecturing you on provoking violence. And then you two disasters would probably start bickering and end up making out on the kitchen table again."
"Hey, that was one time!"
(Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me)
As much as Virgil hated to admit it, Roman was right. He was head over heels for Patton. Who wouldn't be? 
He had such a pleasant way of speaking. Sweet, warm, but not superficial. He was always trying to look after other people, be it upset little kids from the elementary school next door, students freaking out over exams and friendships, teachers carrying things to their car, or lost and distressed animals.
He knew that Patton wasn't always the super sweet, happy, helpful person he seemed. Nobody could be, they wouldn't be human. But Virgil found himself wondering what it would be like to comfort Patton, help him with the little things he was always helping others with. The bubbly boy was always so busy with everyone else, Virgil sometimes worried that he didn't look after himself.
On the plus side, he thought as he trudged to school one morning, Roman was good with that kind of thing. He would nag Virgil to eat, to have his meds, to go to bed if it was too late. It was annoying at times, but he appreciated it. Roman was protective of those he cared about.
Which meant he really should have seen this sort of thing coming.
(Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me, upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
We'll take the trail marked on your father's map)
"What the fuck happened?!" Virgil gaped at the blood smeared across Logan's face, leaking from beneath the crimson-stained tissues he held to his nose.
"Oh, you know. Charming small town high schoolers," Logan sighed, his voice muffled and nasal, as he gestured to the pencil skirt he was wearing. 
He was in Roman's lap on the cot in the nurses office. Patton was already with them, sitting in a chair he had dragged from across the room, his hands fluttering anxiously as he cleaned up blood from Logan's shirt.
Roman was quiet, his arms wrapped around Logan's waist. "I'm going to beat them into the dirt," He muttered, his eyes glowing with anger.
"That's not necessary, Roman, honestly. I'll just stop wearing feminine clothing to school, it's obvious that was the catalyst here." Logan shook his head.
Virgil perched on the cot next to them. "You shouldn't have to, though. It's hardly your fault that they're a bunch of close-minded assholes."
"Close-minded assholes who should know better than to bully my beloved," Roman growled. 
Virgil glanced at him, noticing his tense shoulders and clenched fists. "Ro, you can't fight everybody who hurts us," He cautioned. "Jock or not, you've got limits like everyone else."
"Well, it isn't like they're going to stop." Logan twisted to face Virgil. "Let's face facts; they'll get in trouble, detention or suspension at worst, and then they'll go right back to it."
Patton pouted. "I wish there was something we could do, though."
The four were silent for a few seconds before Roman lifted his head. "You know," He said slowly, his eyes lighting up, "I might just have an idea of what we could do."
(Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me)
Virgil fiddled with his seatbelt nervously in the backseat of the car. "Are you sure about this?" He asked Roman.
Roman didn't respond for a moment, squinting into a compact mirror as streetlights flashed past, illuminating the interior of the car with yellow light. He snapped it shut, apparently satisfied, and turned to Virgil. "Of course! I'd love to see them try to come after us after tonight."
"You two look great," Pops chirped from the front seat, turning to look at them. His glasses obscured his face in the dim car, but Virgil could make out his wide grin. "You're really gonna knock 'em dead tonight!"
"And if by chance any of these bullies don't make it through the night, I have bleach and a shovel in the garage," Dad added with a smirk, throwing a glance over his shoulder before returning his attention to the road.
Pops smacked his arm lightly. "Dee! You can't fight fire with fire like that!" He chided. "Don't encourage them to murder people."
Dad laughed and winked at Pops. "Oh, lighten up, Em. I'm just kidding."
Pops let out an unconvinced hum before turning back to the boys. "Do you guys have everything you need? Phones, water bottles, snacks?"
"Condoms?" Dad added, earning him another smack. "Hey!" He complained jokingly. "I'm just making sure they stay safe."
"The school is catering for the dance, it's fine, Pops," Virgil laughed. "And we're probably gonna grab dinner on the way home, anyway."
"Alright, alright," Pops smiled, turning back around in his seat. "Make sure you guys stay safe tonight, okay? And if anything happens, call us."
"Yes, Pops," They responded in unison, sharing a fond eyeroll.
(Kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me)
Virgil wasn't sure what he'd been expecting when they walked into the dance. Roman was obviously going to get a lot of attention in the long, hip-hugging, vibrant red dress he had picked out. The lacy bottom of the skirt swirled around him as he casually strutted into the room, white heels clicking against the wooden floor. He wondered suddenly if he should have worn heels.
"Roman! Virgil!" He turned to see Patton and Logan, already posted up by the snacks table, Patton waving wildly at them. As they approached, Logan handed them each a cup of soda with a nod.
"You guys look amazing!" Patton gushed, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he looked back and forth between the two brothers. "You look really nice in purple, Virge, you should wear it more!"
Virgil felt a blush creeping up his neck as he took a swig of soda. "Uh, thanks," He responded. He hadn't been sure about the floaty violet skirt and silver, off the shoulder bodice when Roman had thrust it at him in the store, but he had to admit it was growing on him. Especially if Patton liked it.
He took a moment to look Patton up and down. Something about the shimmering, wide blue skirt and butterflies dotted across the neckline seemed familiar, but it was hard to focus on when Patton was smiling sweetly up at him, his sparkling blue eyes framed with delicate eyeliner and his cheeks dusted with shimmery highlighter.
"Your dad's really outdone himself with this one!" Roman exclaimed. "Cinderella, right? It looks gorgeous!"
Patton giggled and did a little twirl, the skirt swishing around him as he moved. "Yeah! He's been working on it for a while to sell as a costume piece, but when I told him about the dance, he said I could have it!"
Virgil grinned. Patton's dad was an odd one- a chaotic cryptid with all the self control of a hyperactive monkey- but he certainly knew how to hit an aesthetic. 
Logan reached out to Roman, standing up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "You guys really didn't have to do this, you know," He smiled gently.
"What? And have the world miss out on this view?" Roman spun, the flared base of his skirt brushing against Virgil's ankles, and struck a pose, his hand on his hip.
Logan chuckled. "I suppose you're right. It would be a shame."
"Nothing compared to the potential tragedy of not being able to see you all dressed up," Roman winked, tipping up Logan's chin and pecking him on the lips.
Logan blushed faintly, his hands moving to smooth out his dark blue skirt, the star-like silver dots speckled down the fabric catching the light as he moved. "Thank you."
"Shall we?" Roman offered his arm. 
"This is a dance, after all," Logan slipped his hand into the crook of Roman's arm, and the pair disappeared into the crowd.
(So kiss me)
Virgil leaned back against the wall, swirling his soda idly as he watched couples twirl past, dresses and suits and jewelry shining in the coloured lights.
Parties were... so not his scene, but he supposed it was worth it, between the surprised looks from the brats who'd beaten up Logan, Roman and Logan clearly enjoying themselves on the dance floor, and-
"Heya!" He jumped, turning to see Patton appear next to him. "Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to spook ya," He giggled, and Virgil's heart thudded in his chest.
"It's all good," Virgil responded. "So, uh... I kinda figured you'd be off dancing with your friends. Harley and Brian and all that."
Patton shrugged. "They all paired off for the dance," He explained. "It's okay, though! That means I can hang out with you!"
"Oh," Virgil said dumbly. "Uh, do you... do you wanna dance with me?"
Patton looked up at him with a wide smile. "I thought you'd never ask."
(So kiss me)
He was dreaming. There was no other explanation for this. Patton's arms looped around his neck, chatting happily to Virgil as a slow dance played over the speakers. Dreaming or dead, he repeated as he shifted his hands on Patton's waist.
Roman caught his eye from across the room and winked. Virgil fought the urge to flip him off as Logan laughed.
So what if he liked Patton? It wasn't like this meant anything. They were just dancing together as friends, and that was fine. Virgil would enjoy it while it lasted, and that would be that.
".. rgil? Virgil, are you okay?" He blinked and looked back down to Patton to see a concerned frown on the other boy's face. "You look like you're a million miles away, buddy."
"Oh, uh... just thinking. Don't worry," Virgil blushed. "I'm okay."
"I'd hope so. If I upset you, Roman might revoke his approval," Patton giggled.
"Wait. Approval?" Virgil paused, staring down at Patton in surprise.
Patton blinked, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Well, ah, I thought you- and he said he... is this not a double date?"
Virgil shot a glare at Roman, who flashed him a sweet smile and twirled away gracefully, vanishing into the crowd with Logan once more. "First I've heard of it," He told Patton.
Patton recoiled and took a step back, his face red. "Oh! Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, Virge, I- you don't have to-"
Virgil pulled him close again, his own face blazing hot. "I don't- I don't mind," He stammered. "Dancing with you. Or the, the date part."
Patton reached up and, after a moment's hesitation, put his arm around Virgil's neck again. "So... this is okay?"
"Y-yeah," Virgil confirmed. "More than okay."
Their faces were inched apart like this, and Virgil felt his breath catch in his throat as Patton bit his lip, his eyes darting down to his mouth. "Can... can I-"
Virgil didn't wait for him to finish the question before he leaned forward, connecting their lips in a soft kiss. It tasted like caramel lipgloss and cheap soda and cheese puffs and Virgil swore he was fucking floating.
When they broke apart again, Patton's eyes were shining in the pink-yellow-blue-green lights swinging over the dance floor. "Wow," He said, sounding almost as breathless as Virgil felt, and rested his head against Virgil's shoulder.
As they spun across the dance floor, the tulle of Patton's skirt flaring around them, Virgil decided maybe parties weren't so bad after all, as long as he got to bring Patton with him.
... Roman was still dead meat when they got home, though.
(So kiss me)
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arks-self-ship · 4 years
Hi!😊 I just wanted to ask about your F/O and your S/I? Just about you guys in general since I don't really know much yet 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 though I do know that you are so cute together 💜
Ah that's fair! I mostly just talk vaguely about them because I don't stick to one specific timeline and just bounce around ideas. Also thank you >////<
My basic F/O and S/I list are linked in my bio but there's not a lot about the relationship, so I'll probably link this to that soon. If you have any specifics you want to know I'm happy to answer those too! I am working on ref sheets of all my main AUs so hopefully soon there will be faces to attach with each one!
(This ended up being way longer than I thought, so I put it under a read more!)
Classic Blue
Kurt's always so helpful and sweet, helping my S/I. I tend to jump around the timeline, usually it's classic new team stuff, but sometimes it's Excalibur or when Logan ran the school. They are there to support each other. Ark is always blunt when it comes to helping him face problems he may not always know are there because that's what he needs, not dancing around the topic. Meanwhile Ark is slow to confront problems, and they can usually realize their problems and Kurt is there to be a support and help them at their own pace. I like doing the storyploints of him having to confront his foster family on a lot of nonsense from when he grew up, them helping him get used not to using his image inducer, and confronting the professor on a lot of his bullshit together. He's my default to think about and is definitely a huge comfort for me
Goldy's important because he makes Ark actually feel important and special. He adores them so much, even at their worst. They're his source of comfort, and when they get together he is very much not in a good place but they are his rock while he works to get better. A lot of hurt/comfort with them, going both ways as theyre both healing from severe past trauma. Lots of late nights of nightmares and insomnia too. Fun secret dating stuff for a bit too. Kurt is also sort of a younger brother to Logan in this. W/eapon X hugely fucked him up, but he was only there for about a year. Main plot points I go back to are Kurt almost having the complete mental break he has in the canon ultimates comics but with Ark being there to bring him back to reality and help him (the start of their relationship too), dealing with the fact theyre kinda trapped and don't have a choice to not be X/men, and Ark preventing the ultimatum. Probably the one I focus on the most lately
Three is what Goldy could have become, spending several years as part of the w/eapon X program (also being much younger when he was taken, about 13) and it broke him. It's all about the protective tough guy and soft squishy shorter one dynamic. He gets so easily lost in his paranoia and is so distanced from everyone and tends to scare people, but Ark helps ground him and connect him to those around him. Before Ark the only one he got along with was Logan, and that's because he goes with Logan to track down smaller branches program and shut them down. But now he's actually become (sort of) friends with the rest of the team! Specifically their friend group is Ark, Kurt, Piotr, Warren and Alison (Goldy has the same friend group but with rogue too) and theyre the only ones who have really gotten to know him. He has much less qualms about killing when he needs to and is very skilled at fighting with a variety of weapons. The main plot points I have are him not only slowly coming to terms with his PTSD but also Ark helping him learn to cope, Him confronting what he could have been by eventually going back to his family after years of not seeing them and realize he doesn't belong there anymore
Goldy and Three do have some overlapping plot points because they have the same roots which I'll mention here
-Being kidnapped because after a fight with his foster mom he ran off into the woods, which wasn't uncommon for him to do when upset but that's when he was taken
- Returning to his family to visit after being gone so long and trying to not only for in the place of who he once were but his family realizing something deeply changed about him. For Goldy he keeps going back to visit until it reaches a boiling point and talks very vaguely about it with his brother and his brother knows someone did something to him and his Mom overhears him on the phone with Ark after he has a panic attack from his PTSD. On the other hand Three is quick to realize how he'll never be who they think he is again, and doesn't visit often but keeps in contact.
-Though whatever methods he ends up meeting his dad A/zazel, who in this universe (cause I say so) isn't locked away in another reality and wanting to conquer this one. Instead he lives way way out in the countryside, having retired from his life of crime (how he met M/ystique, Kurt's mom) and settled down with a wife. He had 4 kids, A boy named Arthur who's 13, a girl named Jezabell (16), and the twins (9). Kurt ends up finding a lot of comfort in the family he never knew he had, and A/zazel never knew about Kurt and just considered M/ystique the one who got away. Three is a lot more cautious about this than Goldy is, but ends up having deep conversations with his dad that are very vaguely about what happened to him that Goldy wouldn't have.
Nighty has had the same story since I first started self shipping, although details have changed over time. It's all about young dumb love, being deeply in love with your best friend and just the feeling of driving down the road to get out of the house with the windows down and blasting music and singing together. A lot of it is just fun dumb stuff, lots of shenanigans as their relationship is very casual. The most angsty it gets is Kurt very slowly comes to terms with the fact he's gay (also Nighty is the only version who's specifically gay, other AUs he's Bi). Big plot points I go back to are Kurt first realizing he's gay and going to Kitty cause the only other queer one on the team (that he knows of) is Ark and he likes him!!! He can't ask him about it!, Kurt and Ark just chilling together and they look over at him and smile and Kurt's heart is just so filled with love he kisses them which cause it catches them so off guard that they freeze and Kurt panics and teleports way (they talk about it later and kiss again), getting used to going to the local college and dealing with being in a new setting, Toad finding out theyre dating by catching them kissing and Ark threatening him if he tells anyone (he doesn't, he's also gay), Rogue finding out cause she borrows Kurt's powers and asking who all knows and Kurt says "Well Kitty, and Toad by accident, and I think Jean and the professor know, and maybe Logan? But he's hard to read so I'm not sure". Just a lot of fun secret dating shenanigans cause Kurt isn't ready to come out yet
To be honest those are the biggest ones to know? Big blue, Red and Band are so loose there's not really anything to talk about?
Big blue it's all about the big protective magical monster boyfriend, Red it's about the hurt comfort but darker this time (and usually has a different S/I than Ark) and with Band it's all about the band aesthetic and helping him heal
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