#lol ew
addsalwayssick · 5 months
a wolfstar showmance
it starts out when they both get leads in a play and are backstage together most of the time
they start talking and hanging out backstage
and then sirius is all cocky like “why am i not pinned 😞”
and remus goes “well maybe because you don’t text me”
and so sirius texts him everyday
but then remus starts to like him
and they talk about their future
and remus tells him
and then they start dating
just in time for the next show
which is a romance
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mrsthunderkin · 1 year
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It me birthday
I feel it in me knees
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porcelainface · 1 year
i cant believe ive been love bombed for weeks by an idiot and that ive literally played along with it bc it was fun and distracting from my boring personal life just for him to pull a uno reverse card on me and making it seem like i’m the one chasing him rn omg i h4te men
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willowser · 6 months
"i ain't takin' a fuckin' bath."
katsuki's half-undressed, standing in the kitchen with the fridge doors wide open; shirtless, shoulders broad and muscles round and taut, cool air raising goosebumps across his exposed skin. his un-buttoned tac pants are dangerously low on his hips, so low that you wonder—while staring at the dimples of his back—if he's doing it on purpose.
the dewy sheen of sweat he'd come home with has gone matte, leaving him in a thin, sticky, grimy layer that is grimace-inducing to feel. like most nights, dirt and soot and even blood—grown dark and less worrisome with time—color him haphazardly, strewn across his body; a mosaic of dynamight, made by his own hands.
"but you stink," you fail to suppress a smile when he snaps his head around, to fix you with an ugly look that you return. he manages to hide his own amusement in the bulge of his bicep. "i'm serious! a bath will help you relax!"
turning back to the open fridge, he grumbles, "i am relaxed," in a tone that doesn't sound relaxed. at all.
"come on," you urge, shuffling up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist despite all his dried grease and muck. "you go first and i'll be there in a minute."
that catches his attention enough that he finally closes the doors, facing you as he runs a lazy hand over his stomach. to his credit, he does look a bit more relaxed than he had when he'd come through the door—but the set of his jaw is still too stern, brow only ever furrowed, a little more argumentative than usual, even if it's harmless.
katsuki seems to consider your unspoken proposition, before finally surrendering with a roll of his eyes. "fine, but i'm takin' a shower like a grown ass man."
"no!" you groan, latching onto his arm when he moves to step around you. you try to dig your heels into the ground, but you're in the kitchen in socks, and katsuki only yanks you after him with a wicked grin. "bath! a bath will help you relax, i mean it! i've got lavender oils!"
"i ain't using' your frilly shit!"
he finally slips from you when you sputter out a laugh, tugging free from your grip before throwing you a look that is hot in more ways than one. innocent as you aimed to be, something tightens in your stomach; awakened at the sight of him.
you warn, "i'm only coming if you're in the bath!" and his loud, exaggerated groan echoes nearly throughout your entire house, swallowing up your chirpy laugh.
—but, much to your surprise, he listens.
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you let him soak for a good five minutes before following after, and when you find him, he's got his head leaned back over the edge, elbows resting on either side of the tub, legs bent and knees sticking up out of the water. handsome as ever, you think, a little dreamy, before the marble of him shifts at your arrival.
he only opens one eye, and you can see already the tension has drained from his face; half-asleep, a little bloodshot and breathing too even to convince you otherwise.
"well, well, well," you murmur, lowering to the floor on your knees after his eye slips shut again. "look at you, princess."
katsuki makes a haughty noise of irritation, but doesn't bite back: a dead giveaway of his exhaustion. instead his hand finds the material of your shirt, tugging on it lightly before he slurs out, "get y'r ass in the tub."
you'd bite his fingers if they weren't still disgusting, but you place a teeny kiss on the cleanest spot you can see on his wrist. "i don't need a bath, but thanks."
"hah?" he grunts, eye shooting open again as he frowns at you. when you only smile coyly at him, he raises his head and glares at you properly. "y'dirty liar, you said—"
"i said i'd be right behind you," you grin. "not that i'd be getting in."
the water sloshes up against the sides as he straightens his posture, baring his teeth at you as he prepares, you think, to lunge out and haul you in with him despite a screaming protest—but you reach forward just before he can, dipping a hand down into the warmth right between his thighs.
katsuki jumps, seriously, leg kicking out so hard that his heel slams into the edge of the tub, when you gently hold him where he's soft. "jesus!" he all but yelps, eyes going a little wide as he realizes what you've done. what you've made of him.
he's still—marble-still—air sucking in sharply between his parted, frozen lips as you touch him, and heat pools so obviously, so suddenly, in his cheeks, sweet enough that you want to bite into the apples of them. in your hand he swells thick, quickly, a little slippery from the soap he's already added to the water.
all his tension returns, as a different strain; katsuki swallows, hard, as his eyes dart back and forth between your own and where your hand disappears into the water; when you gently rub your thumb back and forth across the tip of him, his back straightens, even moreso, and, you don't think he knows it, but his legs part even further.
an invitation if you'd ever seen one.
he finally comes back to life when you lean in close enough to nudge your nose to his, just to see him blink.
he's so cute, you want to eat him alive.
"the f-fuck are y'doin'?" he whispers, eyes dropping back down as you stroke him lightly, just enough to coil him tighter. at the end of the tub, water sloshes quietly from the movement, and katsuki's ears burn.
you've caught him entirely off guard, and if it wasn't clear before, it becomes crystalline when you kiss him, deeply. he's lazy to reciprocate, breathing softly, open-mouthed, as you press a soft kiss to his top lip and then to his bottom, whispering his name back to him just to hear his sharp inhale.
you time a clever stroke of your wrist with the firm press of your mouth to his, insistent and fast, urging the wildness of him to catch up, to come out. it hits him all at once—your desire, his own, the heat of it all—and his hand shoots out of the water to grip the back of your neck, a deep groan slipping from his chest as his cock kicks in your hand.
you try more than once to pull back from him with a sneaky little laugh, but his fingers tangle in your hair and he kisses your teeth and you think, maybe, you're not teasing him enough. his knees knock lightly against the ceramic as he tries to spread them, even further, and his hips shift up with every slick pump of your fist, urgent and eager.
he speaks, furiously, against your lips, when you snatch your hand away, instead teasing your fingers along the inside of his thigh. "get—in th'fuckin' tub." his shoulders tremble, ever so slightly. "i ain't askin' again."
you laugh against him and his nostrils flare. "you didn't ask at all!"
"so quit your bullshit already."
you lick his bottom lip, nipping at the fat of it gently before weaving your own hand into his damp hair. "no," you tease, like a brat, but when you tug enough at the strands, he gets the hint and allows you to pull away. "i'm trying to help you relax, you know?"
katsuki doesn't respond at first, only huffing out a frustrated sound when you wrap your hand around his length again. his face is steaming, despite how firm he's trying to be; your own desire strikes hot when his head tips back just slightly, jaw straining as he grits his teeth.
"no," he finally grunts, eyes dark and pinned to you. "'s'the last thing i feel, is-is relaxed."
"hmm," you make a point to frown and look away, like you're thinking, but katsuki's impatience wins out and he drags you back in for a shuddering kiss. he's fervent, now, nipping at your lip and brushing his tongue against your own eagerly, trying to muffle a painful sound against your cheek. "that's too bad," you tell him—but you don't think he hears you, really, over his low curse and the returning slosh of water against the tub.
but when you ask him again, only a handful of minutes later—his boneless answer is precisely what you were looking for.
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cupcakeslushie · 5 months
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I just like putting him in outfits. I also can’t put Donnie in a hood without thinking of Galois from @thedawningofthehour
I blame mostly @tangledinink and @teaableu for making me obsessed with limited color pallets. I love the “muted” look they can give (most of y’all know, my colors can sometimes be eyebleeding, so it’s nice to be forced to just do tiny pops of color)
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constarlations · 1 month
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Doing this thing where I slowly doodle out the protags as a destress lol so here’s what I have so far
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missedkenamine · 7 months
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eddsworld sketchys i made at like 3 am :3
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drurrito · 3 months
Idk what would be a good title….
summary: you get a haircut
Pairings: Natasha x Reader
Warnings: idk reader has short hair now I guess
You feel the breeze on your neck as you walk through the compound’s entrance. You only make it a few steps inside when someone steps out in front of you.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?”
“Haha—very funny,” you roll your eyes and Bucky flashes a big, bright smile.
“You finally did it,” his smile doesn’t break, “it looks so good!”
“Thank you! I’d hope so,” you run a hand through your new hair and let Bucky do the same.
“How does it feel?” Steve walks up, Bucky is too busy ruffling your hair to pay him any mind.
“Like I’m going to save a lot on hair products,” you grin.
“No one can grab your hair in the field anymore,” Bucky adds, falling in step with you as you walk towards the common area. Tony skids to a halt when he sees you.
“Looks like my Barber did a good job,” Tony sounds so smug, but you can’t blame him.
“Definitely,” you palm the back of your neck, reveling in the way your tapered neckline feels under your skin. You’re too enamored with your new hair to notice Natasha walking in.
“What’s all this?” Natasha asks only seconds before she realizes. The boys part for her and she’s only inches away from you.
“You look really good,” she says lowly, sincerely too.
“Thank you,” your jaw couldn’t be any more stiff.
She reaches out a cautious hand, waiting for your approval. You try to nod as casually as possible and she runs her fingers through it.
“Soft,” she mumbles, you count your breaths as she scratches your scalp. You have to stifle a shiver as her nails tickle the skin right behind your ears. Natasha steps back and your nerves have to bungee jump back into equilibrium.
Natasha leaves, only giving a curt nod to the boys before she reaches the doorway. She gives you a parting glance, her eyes traveling from the penthouse to the basement in her view of you.
It’s only when you can’t hear her footsteps anymore that your lungs finally fill with air again. Bucky gives you a nudge to reel you back into reality.
“I should cut my hair more often.”
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adxrnunofficial · 6 months
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But someday you'll understand
The meaning of my life
But someday you'll understand
The meaning of this world
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cokoweee · 4 months
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🫧The Gifted🫧
Look y’all’s I love colors now but my brain says it’s too slow for me. I wanna move faster so probs no more colors,?? Dunno yet
Posting at a weird time cause anxiety I wanna k bye
<|| The Gifter—Hello!Hello? ||>
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iloveevilwomen · 7 months
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my fave girlfails <3
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peethepauu · 3 months
The way you draw Tom is so edible.
THANK YOU he’s an idiot…
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stinkcoke · 6 months
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i made an au yaaaayyy just for funsies
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candieduranium · 1 month
forbidden popcorn
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sorry if u have a phobia of bugs lol
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asteraws · 2 years
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mesagoza marketplace! 🍅
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evelynismahnameboi · 22 days
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Please tell me no one has done this yet. I’ve been giggling to myself while drawing it.
Based off of this:
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