#lol get curbstomped bastard-
twilightofthe · 1 year
gonna put my random liveblog reactions for Ahsoka Ep 1 here
okay so the rebels fam are literally some of my favorite star wars characters i've loved and missed them since 2018 and if anything this show will give me them
i am going with zero expectations except a plea, a plea to just not make me hate it lmao idc what happens just let me have fun
just press the start button coward ass come ON
okay i'm startiiiing Now!
oooh they didn't name it interesting
kk cool drums that's neat we like that
whoa was that sabine's helmet in the intro????
y'all the new republic's about as stable as a human jenga tower don't u have anything better to do than find thrawn i'm p sure even the imperials didn't like him THAT much they were xenophobes
former jedi knight? HMMMM
why is it always a secret map
also appreciating the OG "let's open up on big ass ship in space" makes you feel small
ok have i heard this new republic(?) captain actor before he seems familiar
bitch literally anyone could have an old jedi clearance code clearance codes were passed around like
yeah he doesn't trust it either
but i feel like he's actually dickish and we're not supposed to like him so
ah yes rebel soldiers and their stupid-ass egg helmets
wait old white bearded guy you ain't obi wan you AIN'T a jedi
his voice sounds familiar too
i have such face blindness lmao
oh whoops that's a darkside saber his friend has!
she kinda looks like Merrin from JFO
Eh probs some kinda Nightsister of sorts
I'm guessing he's some Inquisitor who got forgotten
Hmm we really paralleling ANH with darkside guy slaughtering all the egghelmet guys on a ship xD
Ok his name is Baylan
And hers is Morgan and the intro crawl mentioned her but my memory is shit so I don't quite remember what she was about except vague Thrawn-related reasons
ooooh name drop!
ok i'm good lol
ohh wait so there IS a title
master and apprentice
alas it seems like the thing i didn't want is gonna happen but we are staying OPEN MINDED we are going to SEE
ok lots of tall pillars in what looks like another fuckin desert lmao
ey there's Snips
something on the ground? That kinda looks Sith-ish but also I have like no clue
hmm did they kinda fix her montrals or not i can't tell
Ehhhhh slightly
eyyyy wait are those the world-between-worlds lines
the statues kinda look like nightsisters but also like old sith statues
mmm caress the whispering pillar
ok indiana jones time to get your ass out of there before the booby trap
what am i saying she's anakin and obi wan's spawn she LIKES this shit
oh hey she made something happen
i feel like all of these pillars should have been turned at once
the force likes teamwork and that kinda thing
but it also kinda echoes maul and ezra's little teamwork exercise lifting those walls in the sith temple that one time
ope she found something
guessing it's the Magic Maul Map
ooh it's one of those bakugon balls or whatever they were we played with as a kid i had one that turned into a dragon
armor person hello
what's the mask that's not a mando is it
nah i don't think it is
is it a person in armor or a droid i can't tell
oh subs say droids they're droids
you poor bastards curbstomping droids was her high school internship job she is WAY more qualified than you
wasn't quite expecting ahsoka to play whackamole but good for her that sounds fun
oh hell yeah we stan the droids that self destruct xD
waiiiit yeah i forgot she had a B-wing they're cool!
ahsoka there was NO way you didn't wait till the last moment to jump away from that explosion except to be dramatic
"the order doesn't exist anymore" you shush missy we KNOW you know who luke is he's trying his best
ahsoka lbr do you even know what standard jedi protocol is
also he looks so good in live action i forgot to mention that!!!!! <3
"T-6" girl u need to name your SHIP anakin would be APPALLED
well if that's the same ship with the darksiders on at least
oh right this is mary elizabeth winstead oh boy i hope she does well!
i wonder if ewan was there
ok unpausing sorry had a Moment
Ok so the voices aren't quite matching but we'll see
ooooh hera has a patch on her jacket let's go back to that later
"abilities like you" hera kanan told you what darksiders were like inquisitors tried to kill y'all
she has sabines firebird on her jacket
don't mention thrawn around hera she'll just think of ezra ;_;
oh so morgan was thrawn's
ok this is nothing on mary's performance she's doing fine but hera's dialogue doesn't quiiiite seem her? we'll see
oh yeah and rosario's doing better this time more natural
wait who's speaking
Hi Clancy Brown good to see you do you know you have an evil Devaronian twin who's running around bothering Din Djarin as we speak
well at least sabine still hates politics
my dude ryder you know her tf did she say to make you think she was coming at all lol
wait ryderrrr c'mon don't be a dick again you were so well
not quiiiiite liking how sabine grew her gay haircut out in this but still digging the bike fit
also hello Natasha good luck pls treat my dear well i love her greatly!!!
hmmm not sure how much i like other non-OG ghost crew giving themselves Spectre callsigns yes i AM being gatekeepy fuck off
good sabine is running from authorities we do love that
hey her voice kinda matches that's great!
oh i'm liking her acting already
i think
that's my GIRL
also it's very interesting how the pilots call each other by their spectre callsigns but address sabine--an ORIGINAL spectre--exclusively by name
lothkitty LOTHCAT
im gonna DIE
it's so cute i can't even
also getting Emotions(TM) at ezra's old tower
hmm you think sabine has depression
oh hey hey it's his original message to theeeeem
wait shit yeah it's the new one just to her
ooh it's eman! i can't see his faaaaace expressions but the voice sounds similar? like it seems like he's tryna match taylor's way of speaking good for him
ok yes but ezra is a jedi show pretty please for me don't go there with sabine
ok ok that's enough complaining from me lmao
i would prefer sabine and ezra to stay platonic friends. no hate to shippers but i just personally would like them to be friends/siblings, that's what would make me happiest because i like to imagine sabine as a lesbian and also their dynamic as friends/siblings just makes me happy
but shippers are of course still welcome here and if they do become a couple i won't begrudge you your fun :')
ok ok ok ok ok NOW i'm done lmao
back to Best Boy sorry bby you were speaking and i interrupted you <3
oh hey hey he did say sister! i'd like that!!!
but also ezra when tf did you have the time to record those both weren't u a bit busy planning the attack on lothal
oh it's darkside goth girl
nice smoky eye
oh wait fuck she's got a PADAWAN BRAID
heyyyyyy i was RIGHT about the temple statues looking like nightsisters!
but wrong about darkside goth girl being one then tho
well masked emo fucker following bryan or whatever his name is is probs an inquisitor
wait wait wait does MORGAN have gold eyes?
oh no wait darkside apprentice has gold eyes again
ugh okay so we ARE getting force sensitive sabine then
alright fine i'll make my peace with it this episode
even though it makes no SENSE
no no pe not going there we are going to have FUN
aaaaa repeating ezra's final dialogue from the rebels finale ;_;
love the mirroring shots to rebels ep 1 RIGHT DOWN TO SABINE WEARING EZRA'S ORANGE
ahsoka and anakin leitmotiff coming back hmmm
oh wait fuck i think ezra drew those lothcats oof ;_;
ok good good we going back to sabine being the rightful art expert in the gffa take second place and DUNK urself thrawn
ok i get they're tryna make them ex master and apprentice but imma say it. imma SAY IT
ahsoka and sabine give awkward exes vibes
BIG awkward exes vibes
m a s t e r
you both know damn well she's gonna take it anyway or at least try who are y'all even kidding urselves
oooh surprise surprise the darksider are former jedi-associated
oh right his name's baylan not bryan
oh there's goth darkside girl
if anyone hurts sabine's cat i will kill the entire world and then myself
ahsoka ur being emo so hera is allowed to make a dig at anakin
hera you're trying your best girl lmao
it's always rule of three it seems
kinda gives me that mortis trinity vibe
this reminds me of the time i got one of those 3D puzzles from barnes and noble and i was supposed to take it apart and put it back together and failed utterly
ope she did it!
again if someone even TOUCHES that fucking cat wrong i go full john wick
ope they smashed the map
ahsoka my dude i'm guessing you know where sabine lives why didn't u just go find her lmao
wait does sabine have ezra's green lightsaber i can't tell from the hilt because i'm shit at recognizing hilts
i can't even appreciate the duel because i am admittedly pouting but they are both very pretty at least
sabine how r u not getting ur hair chopped off
oh fuck she got stabbed?
maybe shoulda worn ur mando armor
oh and she's still MOVING
oh nope there she goes
oh wait who's Ray? :(
okay okay okay
dave my dude.........
okay so i am going to take some time like a few minutes or so
and process this sabine thing
like if i cannot find a way to come to fucking terms with it i will not be able to enjoy this series
ik ik that sounds dramatic i'm just
hmm ok five minutes
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alteredphoenix · 1 year
A clear memory I have, when working on That Old PMMM/Sailor Moon Fusion AU fic (as in: it's a fic where in this AU the PMMM girls were reborn part and parcel with the Guardians after the Fall of the Silver Millennium), was coming up with a short story about a group of assassins that jumped through time and dimensions that tied into the modern day setting.
The second POV character I made the reader (because the first is a male POV) followed was an OC, and the guy she's walking down the hall with recalls how there were rumors about her being the bastard daughter to Queen Serenity a'la "she fucked around after her husband passed away" because she had silver hair and having that was usually the go-to mark for being part of the royal family.
I never did finish that story, and it's buried away somewhere in the USB Drive (EDIT: NEVER MIND FOUND IT), but she was the head of the group meant to look for two girls in the modern day that were pretty much Madoka and Homura who were...basically constructs of magic born from both Ultimate Madoka and Devil Homura from the PMMM Canon AU but without the godhood attached that were given human form but over time gained free will (and were essentially watched over by an unknown female benefactor named Lady Iris, who was actually an aspect of Queen Serenity who existed beyond the confines of space-time - she was basically the fic's equivalent of a Force Ghost). I don't think I even remember what the goal was once they found them but there was an element of "I'm getting back at the assholes that called me a motherless bitch, and I'm taking it out on Queen Serenity's girl and her squad even though they had nothing to do with my misery", and Not!Madoka and Not!Homura would...eventually find out that they're more than just regular schoolgirls that are able to live on their own and dream of hitting up Akihabara and Shibuya to See The Sights (because they're unconsciously aware they're god-beings but at the same time consciously aren't). The girls would've eventually be protected by the Guardians, who'd be butting heads with both the assassin group and Devil Homura (who's eating up her AU selves who are magical girls like fucking candy for More Power so she can curbstomp Kyouko and Sayaka, who are blessed with the last fragments of Ultimate Madoka's power and on the run, and drag Madoka back into their world, who managed to break out of it, and sit nice and pretty and not worry about all that magical girl shit).
It's...a very complicated AU I've made lol
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from-ib-to-asshai · 3 years
i may not like got but there is something very heartwarming about watching kit harrington and rose lesley fall in love as their characters, knowing that they were also doing it irl
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tarisilmarwen · 7 years
Pressed Thrawn stans are my favorite, lol.  The best two bits of their post-finale kvetching:
1. Thrawn should have somehow been able to anticipate and have a back up plan/strategy in place for Ezra calling in the purgills.  Somehow.
Ha ha right.  And how exactly is one supposed to plan for “a pod of giant ship-crushing space whales emerging from hyperspace, bashing through my planetary blockade, and taking me and my ship Force knows where”?  Like, how do you even counter that?  And how exactly was Thrawn supposed to have known about Ezra’s befriending of the purrgil in the first place, much less anticipate him calling them in for help, much less that they would actually come?!  Even with his expansive resources and extensive research there’s no realistic or logical way he could have possibly found out about the specific details of a minor fuel run mission of a single Rebel ship in the middle of podunk space nowhere, especially one that left no witnesses or evidence.  Outside accounts of the events at the refinery likely don’t even exist.
Come on now.
Thrawn wasn’t even paying all that much attention to Ezra in the first place, focusing most of his strategic analysis on Hera, you know, as the Worthy Opponent leader of Phoenix Squadron.  Why would he even bother trying to puzzle out, “On the remotest off chance defeating this idiot Force Sensitive teenager whose strategic plans suck balls becomes marginally relevant to ensuring my victory, how would he potentially try to trick me?”  Ezra was a non-entity as far as Thrawn was concerned; he only became relevant when Palpatine said he wanted him.  You really expect Thrawn to have devoted that much time to devising counter-strategies to Ezra’s ideas?  What, out of hyper-paranoia from his Bendu encounter?
Like the worst of Batman stans I think Thrawn stans have this hilarious mistaken notion that of course the man can plan for every possible unorthodox scenario ever because he’s Just That Smart.  Admittedly not helped by Legends Thrawn being an OP borderline Villain Stu that Timothy Zhan sort of wrote himself into a corner for and had to come up with some bullshit about Noghri life debts/loyalty debts to Vader and his children just to actually get the guy killed off and defeated.
New Canon Thrawn, wisely, is not so overpowered it’s impossible to beat him.  He’s still a brilliant genius tactician who can strategize circles around the Rebel Alliance and curbstomp them into tiny pieces but he’s also realistically fallible and can be blindsided by things he can’t or doesn’t anticipate.
Like, you know, giant ass space whales outta nowhere.
2. Thrawn is reasonable/noble enough that Ezra could have talked him down from destroying Lothal.
Again, somehow.
This one has the opposite problem, in that Ezra doesn’t know enough to pull that one off.  He’s great at befriending people and empathizing with them, sure, but it takes time and consistent interaction, neither of which he had before being brought before Thrawn and which he got, like, five minutes of when he was before Palpatine wanted him downstairs.
Also, despite his knack for getting himself ingratiated into people’s hearts, he doesn’t have a very good track record of getting them to actually change their ways.  Hondo and Maul didn’t exactly turn over new leaves or stop doing what they always did just because they liked Ezra.
All Ezra knows about Thrawn is that he’s an art-stealing ruthless Imperial bastard.  If he’d talked up his need and desire to protect his people (again, not something he could have known to do) maybe he could have gotten Thrawn to sympathize a little, on accident, but not enough for Thrawn to suddenly stand down and defy the Empire.  Because honestly, even if he’s reluctant and begrudging to destroy Lothal he’s still perfectly willing to do it because Palpatine commands it so and what can Ezra possibly offer him at that point that’s better for protecting the Chiss Ascendancy from all those creepy outside threats than the order and stability and might of the Empire?
Ezra can’t exactly sell him on, “I know how to make friends with mysterious and powerful Force Sensitive creatures, that’s loads better than Star Destroyers” in the five minutes he gets between his chat with Thrawn and his meeting with Palpatine.  Thrawn would take a little more convincing that that, doncha think?
All kind of a moot point anyway since Thrawn doesn’t get enough time to be convinced because Palpatine is chomping at the bit to have Ezra down to see him.  Course he’s not going to piss off Palpatine and keep him waiting just to hear what a teenager he’s never cared about anyway has to say.  Thrawn don’t give a shit about Ezra.
He might have to give a shit now, lol.
Admit it, y’all are just pissy that your fav villain got his ass beat.  Stay salty, it nourishes and exfoliates my skin.
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velkynkarma · 6 years
Voltron Ask Game
I totally forgot I got tagged for this by like...everyone. Let’s do it! How did you discover the show? I’d been working on a big art project for an RP group but I was starting to burn out, and I ran out of fic in my then-current fandom to use as a carrot on a stick. ”So watch something,” I told myself. ”Yeah, but what?” I asked myself. ”How about that Voltron thing all over tumblr?” I suggested to myself. ”What, the thing about the robots?” I asked myself, wrinkling my nose in distaste. ”Yeah but you’ve seen some clips from the show and they were funny,” I argued with myself. ”Well. Okay. It’s only got a few eps and it’s something to do. Not like it has to be important,” I finally agreed with myself. BOY that worked out funny, I was hooked after that. Lurked in the fandom for a month and then finally started writing. Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show? I was intrigued by the first ep and the 2nd and 3rd were okay. By S1E4 there was a cliffhanger and I felt compelled to move on to 5 to finish. By that point the found family had been pretty well established and I was hooked. Do you have a favorite episode? Not really, no. If it’s Shiro-centric I tend to enjoy it more but I don’t have any episodes that stand out as a ‘favorite.’
Do you have a favorite Paladin? Shiro! I bet you didn’t see that coming. Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?) Again, not really. I think they all do interesting or cool things and have interesting designs, but none of them stand out to me as a ‘favorite.’ Though if I had to pick one I matched with personality-wise it’d probably be green (or, I’m told by others, possibly black). Do you have a favorite villain? Haggar is a really fun villain because she has so much potential (and we still haven’t seen druidism explored fully in the show). I also really liked Sendak back in S1 because he was a terrifying villain archetype that was physically strong but also SMART, and he nearly curbstomped the paladins twice early in the series. You don’t usually see that kind of power that early on. I’m definitely curious what he’ll be doing in later seasons. Do you have a favorite Alien Race (Recurring and/or minor) Whatever the hell Slav is. I think fandom has established ‘bytor’ but that’s still not official. They just look cool, those weird owl-centipede-ferret people. Favorite side/other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc? SLAAAAAAAAV. When will he ever come back? I miss him! Ryner’s pretty cool, too. And I always liked Nyma, Rolo and Beezer...happy to see they ended up being good guys. How/Why did you join the fandom? I kind of lurked in the fandom for a while in September when only the 1st season was out, slowly digging through the fic archives on both AO3 and FF.net. There was a depressing lack of decent platonic fic though, so I burned through that stuff pretty quickly. There was also 1 specific kind of fic I’d been hoping to see, on Shiro dealing with the difficulties of having a mechanical arm. There were lots of Galra prosthetic drama fics, but by and large all of them were of the ‘mind control’ or ‘angst over having an arm removed’ variety, and while those were certainly fun and interesting, it wasn’t what I wanted. So I eventually wrote it myself and Routine Maintenance was born. I still wasn’t sure I’d stick around the fandom after that, but RM’s reception was so good it seemed worth it, and I just kind of never went away. Care to share your favorite headcanon? I don’t care what S6 says, you can pry ‘Kuron earns redemption and joins the crew’ from my cold, dead fingers What do you think is the best part of the show? It’s a great show for found family and a great show for platonic interaction, which there’s depressingly little of in media. Character makes or breaks a show and these ones have some great development and interesting interaction that I love. There’s a lot of room to play with interaction and development for fic too, though, which I appreciate. Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons? Can Kuron pretty please get some redemption and some respect. Poor bastard got burned so bad with the S6 finale. He just wanted to be a paladin! :( Also, MORE SLAV PLZ. Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show? Sure, I’ll watch it to the end. If final seasons get particularly ship-heavy I may not bother with writing anymore, but unless they do something monumentally rage-quit inducing, I’d probably watch it through. Anyone can feel free to play since I’m pretty sure everyone I would have tagged has already been tagged lol
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Final Fantasy X: The Faded
Continuing with the crowd-sensationalizing popular series of Final Fantasy, this is a dream video game (or a dream focusing on other) within a dream, which makes it as bizarre as it sounds to be. This is “The Faded”, a Final Fantasy game that focuses on Spira, the setting of Final Fantasy X. However, it bills itself as an “Interquel” between the main X and X-2, which is already even more bizarre because such materials differ themselves in terms of chronological events that adding The Faded between it just creates even more plot holes and contradictions that would make Kingdom Hearts blush.
Unless it all sets place within the Farplane, then that is at least agreeable.
Based on what I can gather from watching on the video, here is the plot of the entire dream video game/dream story: Sometime after the events of Final Fantasy X… or whatever… but right before the events of Final Fantasy X-2, the crew were transported into a yet unnamed region other than the main continent in Spira, where they discover that they are not alone and have more people in it. Led by Wakka (lol, wut I know, right?), the group are traveling around the continent with their huge armies of New Yevon soldiers, which would probably been sent by Yuna or someone. Together with a band of young, aspiring soldiers and mages, they are going through the country and checking up with their towns and cities, while keeping a mysterious and evil cult at bay from summoning their dark gods, which can cause the end of their world as they would know, along with some of their angels, who have wings in their arms and wrists, wears flowing clothes made of either silk or their feathers and screams like banshees after busting out of a womb or egg.
Despite that this is going to be a train wreck full of plot holes, inconsistent time lines, occasional flanderizations, overpowered characters and bizarre characterizations, this particular dream video game is NOT a comedic parody dream game, but is instead an aggressive, HOLY SHIT and dark one that is in par with, if not oversteps, Drakengard, one of the darkest fantasy video games in the industry!
Setting within the unnamed continent, Wakka and co. are in the plains, with several of the army are within this certain place to set up their camp. Wakka and co. are in a platform high in the air, which is described as to be this world’s equivalent to a blimp; a seashell-shaped platform with spiked magitek ringed propellers that surrounds a large chunk of pseudo-land, while the area where it is standable is lightly guarded with light golden fence. There is no shelter for it and is fairly light weight, and it is pretty much OSHA’s worse nightmare, made even worse as it is also an acrophobic’s hell, because the platform is several hundred feet away from the ground, while it is floating above them.
Wakka and co., along with several dozens of New Yevon soldiers, are standing on top of it, looking through the horizon. Honestly, watching this particular scene just makes me squeamish, because of the various OSHA violations that this scene commits, and it also follows a ridiculous sequence that made me think that it is something of a parody.
Just as Wakka and co. are passing through, a thunderstorm happens exclusively in the atmosphere, causing only a darkened area in the land below. Because of this, the whole platform begins to rock and shake violently, causing everyone to be thrown out of their balance. The unluckiest are the mooks, as 90% of all of them, due to over boarding the platform, are thrown out of the OSHA-violating blimp platform and are falling to the ground.
This is where it gets ridiculous, along with added slow motions, dramatic music and incredibly improbable physics.
The troops below, which consists of regular footmen, Chocobo riders and mages, begin to notice of the falling troops and are acting fast to save them. In the manner similar to ass pull or highly unrealistic way of incorporating science, the Chocobo riders begin to command their Chocobos to fly above them to rescue, something that is impossible due to their actual nature, weight and small wings. Deliberately ignoring with the fact that they are full set in armor, the Chocobo riders manage to catch some of them, including a child soldier that is present for some reason. By catching with them in their Chocobos, they manage to save them before they become bloody red chunky salsas on the ground. How and why it happens made me think that this is some sort of a parody Square Enix is making.
In the next scene, it features Wakka grabbing the hands of a mook who is about to fall… except that it is followed by a series of other mooks who are also grabbing his legs, and it even reaches down to the ground below them. Wakka tells him that he’ll tries to save them, but the mook said to him not to and gives some sort of cheesy lines that made me cringe.
“You don’t have to, save yourself, for you are the light of our future.”
Afterwards, he let go of Wakka’s hands and he lets out an anguish no… while I am looking at them slowly folding down in half as if they are made of paper.
At this part, my jaw only drops due to its sheer ridiculousness that the scene carries itself, being so melodramatic but the way the scene is executed is so poor it left me in stunned silence due to the awkwardness of the scene.
As the ridiculously long line of hanging soldiers begin to fold and fall down, some of them loss grip and fall down, all of it down in dramatic effect. Some of their swords also fall down and ended up killing some of the falling soldiers by the sharp edges stabbing them, so the fall didn’t much kill them. Some of them that hit the ground just… turned bloody with their missing limbs appearing next to them, as if they are just replaced with cadaver textures and models along with the missing limbs. Blood also appears, but it looks like a tomato stain on the floor. Everyone acts so melodramatic and over the top it is basically insane.
And up to this day when I am awake, I still think that it is crazy.
Then suddenly, one of the main playable cast suddenly sprout wings in their arms and back, effectively turning into one of those winged humanoids that are their enemies. Fortunately, it is one of those short-haired brunettes who is an ally to them, so they are most fortunate. Then she jumps from the platform and sprouts a scorpion tail coming from her ass and I am not sure if I see or describe it correctly, but that is how I accurately remember it.
I think I’m going to take some therapeutic eating once this is done.
Once she jumps off, she quickly uses her super sense powers that are not really explained well and starts flowing to a random direction, where the rest of Wakka and co. and army begin to start following her. She’s ridiculously fast in flying, but so was everyone else in running and galloping. The army were quick enough to follow her and have no time to wonder why she grows wings on her arms, a scorpion tail on her ass and starts flying randomly.
The countryside soon takes an interesting turn in its design, which slowly features some trees, slightly more varied vegetation and some crops. There are also clusters of towns in the area, each of them covering several kilometers around a church, which serves as their town center. Thing is that there is a church, stylized as a cathedral, in every single town in the area, no matter how close these towns were. It turns out to be part of the kingdom of whatever region we are in, and the army is sent wandering around to protect it from outside threats.
What outside threats, you may ask? Well, we can begin on how they were introduced.
Distorted Latin-like Gregorian chants, sung by deep male vocals but also slightly distorted with a faint echo and chamber effect, can be heard. They sound off and unsettling, probably because of the vocals because it feels so uncanny that it is less of a heavenly choir and more of a mock demonic choir that tries to copy a heavenly choir but ends up unsettling. This is the arrival of the malevolent mysterious gods and their agents, as the distorted nature of the song can sometimes serve as their arrival call or something to wrap the minds of weak-willed mortals.
And then it turns out that these cursed chants are found in churches of each town.
So, we are going to smash in and kill the ones who are chanting with it. Relatively simple and easy in their eyes, extremely controversial in some religious people’s eyes.
While they are busy fighting and slashing the cultists and their chanters, some of them are quite busy taking over towns. It turns out that the chanting also serves as a summoning ritual, which is used to summon one of those creepy winged screaming bastards which would only be successful if it takes took long for our army to take them down. Some of the towns are relatively fine, as they manage to keep their pseudo-Italian architecture and buildings intact. Other towns are not so lucky, as they are forcibly invaded by the cults, with desiccated corpses of civilians, guards and soldiers gather in heaps while the undead, summoned by the cultists, are shambling around. Homes and buildings are on fire, while the church/main hub remains intact for the cultists to use.
Wakka and co., the army and the winged girl are sent here to curbstomp the cultists from causing too much permanent damage, as summoning them can cause the end of the world as they would know.
And all I am left as I woke up is just confusion of the overall nature of the dream video game.
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