#lol im too embarrassed to color this tho lol
xeraeus · 7 months
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Im in the eldest daughter club that just wants to be taken care of now 🥲🥲🥲
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
How is it that after watching The Terror literally countless times, I still want to rewatch it?
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damn girl ur so sexy aha
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Alright all your Cove and Baxter anguish has me FUCKED UP and I need some adorable Cove fluff to recover. How about a little about Cove and M/C as newlyweds coming home after the honeymoon?
at first i didnt know what to write but then i start thinking n.... pls i love this sm i hope it heals your broken heart <3333
tags : Fluff, cove loves you sm, sharing money (cove shares his money/bank acc w you), he's just in love w you theres nothing else to say
synopsis : how cove acts after your come back from your honeymoon
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he's bringing you flowers everyday
at first he brings you a couple bouquets but you've run out of places for them so he just brings you one and add them to your collection.
none of them are the same either
so you have sunflowers, lilies, roses, tulips, peonies, orchids, and many many flowers all in one vase
is it a little ugly? probably. definitely. the colors and sizes n shapes all clash but it's the thought that counts
if you don't like flowers, are allergic, or you get tired of him bring so many...
he brings you food <3
I think one of cove's love languages is food
he brings home sweets like cheese cake or marbled cake
or fudge, or chocolates
or if you aren't into sweets like that, then he'll bring lunch/dinner instead
he's a decent cook, and even if you're bad at cooking he wants you to help him
lots of kissing n half burnt food (he takes whatever portion is burnt so you don't have to eat it)
and he tries to always bring u lunch
if he can't bring you lunch for whatever reason, he either packs one for you or sends you money for lunch
COVE: hi bby, have you eaten yet YOU: im ordering food rn COVE: i sent u 50 is that enough YOU: ?!*!&!(!? YOU: that's too much 😭😭 cove pls YOU: ill send the rest back COVE: keep ot COVE: it* COVE: my money is your money
he does this all the time now, in fact he'll even had you his card
which he's always done before your marriage, but now ge even gets you a card connected to his bank account too
he doesn't even care if you share your money w him too, he just wants to give you everything he has
like if you asked for his shirt in the middle of the store I think he'd ask why n then just give it to you
as if he was gonna say no in the first place 🙄💀💀
he just becomes so much more obsessed w you after you're married
always cuddling or touching u
if you're around your mom's they're always cracking jokes....
especially if you want kids they're all "we're gonna be grandparents soon at this rate lol" (even if u want to adopt or dont wanna birth/can't have kids bc you're amab or infertile or smth)
they just think they're so hilarious 🙄🙄🙄
does he blush bright enough there's steam coming off him? maybe
does he stop? nope!!!
loves you so much, he just needs to be close to you
prbly has 2 actually
one is of the two of you bc sometimes he can't believe you're married n he just needs to make sure life is real
n one is of just you in your wedding attire
will talk abt you to anyone who asks or makes a comment
this mf would prbly get a shirt that says "y/n's husband" on the front
even tho it's in small print on the front it's embarrassing.... like pls we get it you're in LOVE
he'd get you both jewelry w your wedding date on it
will hold you up at the door if you try to leave without kissing him
you've always gave him a peck before leaving but now it's WORSE
once he even stopped you in the driveway before you pulled off...
man's ran out of the fucking house in socks and unicorn print sweatpants
you roll down the window "what? what's wrong?!" cove, leaning thru the window and pouting. "kiss."
you look at him in shock n disbelief before you just laugh and kiss him
he taxes you two extra kisses for the trouble, he got his socks wet from running out here!!!
you have to push him off otherwise you're gonna be late to work bc you were too busy making out in your driveway
your single/divorced neighbors hate you
the teens idolize what yall have n their standards got so fucking high after yall moved in
n the old ppl laugh bc they've been there when they married and/or they find it amazing how obsessed cove is w you
if it wasn't such a bad omen or if you didn't disapprove, he'd get your wedding date or your initials tatted on his ankle.
maybe it seems extreme all of this bc I think cove just realizes how amazing you are sometimes n all his love overflows in this way <3333
no matter how old you get he's always gonna run out in the rain, snow, or sunshine n get a kiss if you forget
pfx by the time he's 80 he can't move as fast but he's hustling down the path before you can escape
if you do get away before he can get a kiss though, he is pouting when you come back
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
BJYX - Thursday Madness ( 12/7/23 )
I don’t know what’s with this date that they both decided to attack us with updates. We were prepared for WYB, because the event was planned tho he still surprised us with some bits. I swear when I saw the alert on my phone for XZS update I was 🫢🫢🫢. They are both feeding us so well.
Here’s my attempt at doing a recap of the candies ( and other things ) we got today. This may not be all inclusive, I only added the popular ones being talked about.
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let this lovely boy invite you in….
Our day started pretty early when WYB posted on his Weibo. All of the attendees of the event were actually sharing some pre show photos on their accounts and some of us were waiting what’s he gonna post. Everyone else were sharing professional photos but then WYB goes ahead and shares a b&w photo that tells us he is still in bed 😂😂😂 this bitch. I also feel like he didn’t want to shoot outside the exclusive “town” cause there are people going around and they may crowd if he does opening shooting. The night he arrived, 12/6, everyone saw Lele / Yanyan around but no WYB. So he was really trying to not be seen unless it was time for the show.
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The photo itself is kinda mysterious tbh. It’s like something you can send to your s/o and be — “im waiting for you” HAHAHAHAHA! Tho I think for WYB he can send a more explicit one to XZ 🫢🫢🫢 So we get the PG version. What we noticed is the channel he is tuned in is CCTV 5. He said this in an interview with XZ, that when he is alone, he keeps the TV open with CCTV 5 and Volume 3. So he’s still doing it! Also, this was taken using his Leica M11 b&w. I feel so happy knowing that! He is still on his photography hobby. Too bad he couldn’t go around the venue cause i bet there are lots of sights to see. The Leica CPN is only getting stronger. ☺️ ( I have already talked about the Leica CPN at length, so just search it on my blog ). Side note, even if the photo was so simple it went on HS #7 lol. His power.
Then it was time for WYB to make his appearance and he didn’t disappoint. First of all, he was in YELLOW. BXG color. Yeah, it could be a stylist choice or whatever. But this is a clowning space and I think we are free to interpret it as a sign for us.
But what’s more glaring is his hat. It looks so much like the one he wore at CQL concert & fan meet. Also reminds us of the whole One Piece CPN between them ( the post i’m linking is a starter but there has been more examples since like this one ).
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To be fair, WYB is someone who loves a good old hat/cap. from his bucket hats & caps — that is more for anonymity. It also extends to his performances like 11/11 finesse or the initial photoshoot for ROMW. What i’m saying is, we should not forget the fact that this is his personal preference as well and not entirely because of candy. Tho I have to say that the style is interesting. Why does it have to be so close to that? It’s like he is bringing us back memory lane.
WYB is honestly so beautiful today. He always is but there was something about his aura. He is chill. He was genuinely interested and i found it sweet of him, during the boat ride, he was clapping for Rocco, like applauding him for the event i guess. In the meantime, on Weibo, the top hot search were people criticizing the “boat” thing on GQ ( literally something like GQ boat embarrassment was the tag ) As soon as the live started it went on 1 or 2. I don’t know if Bobo saw that but I just like how he showed his appreciation to Rocco, and by extension, his team. That’s just my interpretation and it could be a completely different thing but knowing WYB, he is very generous with acknowledging people.
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I also want to address another “candy” some cpfs are laughing about, it’s a fancam where Rocco moves to sit with WYB before the boat sailed and WYB smiled and said no. They were interpreting that as WYB doesn’t want Rocco to sit with him. Speculating that as he doesn’t want to get close cause ZZ will be jealous. But if you look at it, he was asked if he wants to switch seats. WYB declined. He was okay with his position. I guess some people have some beef with Rocco & GQ and that’s fine. However, what we feel about certain things is not the same as what the boys would feel. I also think that at this point, It’s in WYB’s best interest to have a good relationship with people in the industry. For example him attending 10c Starlight, even if a lot of his so/os hate Tencent ( and with good reason ok sure ). He is only extending his reach and it’s better to not burn bridges.
That got serious, so here, have some comparison between the gremlin in 2018 to now. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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I was cackling at the comments that they should have invited XZ so they can be paired up and quarrel for 9 mins 😂😂😂😂
NEXT UP IS GG’s VLOG. I don’t know why it slipped my mind, they usually post on Thursdays, but anyway —
The first thing is the BGM for the exercise section of the vlog Hans Zimmer/Richard Harvey《Preparation》 which was used in the 2015 movie The Little Prince. A favorite CPN symbol among us. Another glaring one is Uptown Funk. Hello. Bruno Mars? That’s WYB’s thing. Yes, ZZ has his own team who edits these but I am one of those that believes ZZ approves the final cut. He is also asked about certain choices cause let’s be honest — his suggestions matter cause he knows what looks good. He is a professional in that aspect too.
Next is his hand held fan! It’s the same brand but a different design. They finally upgraded!!!! 🥹🥹
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This scene (p1) with ZZ’s fondness for leaning on railings and balconies. It reminds me of the fake rumor before that WYB hates it when he does that.
XZ has a habit of lying on the balcony guardrail in a daze. Sometimes on a higher floor, WYB feels unsafe and won’t let XZ get close to the guardrail. Except for shooting, XZ is prohibited from approaching the balcony guardrail.
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I would have loved to get some more day to day bits of his vacation cause there is usually more candy in that. I want to see him roaming around, like this part, these two love to mimic what they see and take a photo beside it. Tho this is mostly GG’s thing. They really have the same braincell.
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LASTLY, Let’s discuss XZS 🤝 YBO.
XZS starts talking about the hot wind, which is most likely talking about the weather in Singapore. But then minutes later, here comes YBO talking about a comfortable breeze. Lol. The the hot could also allude to that “summer” since WYB decided to remind us all with his photo and hat. Then YBO’s caption, drawing more attention to his hat, knowing that CPFs are clowning over it.
and what time did they post their last set for the day?? 00:38. These clowns. Zhan Bo. 🫢
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Some are saying it’s out of character for XZS to post stuff like this when there is an event going on. For example today, the hot search is filled with talk about GQ. Which I can agree on to some degree, but his team have been posting mostly on Thursdays and they are already “due” for a vlog. However, when they have a vlog ready, the fans can usually see it on Weibo, we know that there will be something coming and i didn’t see any talk of that today. Or maybe i missed it? Others are clowning that this is his “answer” to WYB’s strong candy today, i personally don’t think so but it’s all good for us cause we have so much content!!!!! 💛
BONUS: this transition 👀👀👀👀. Their editors are dating!!!!!!
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
OFC I will do Taylor too <3
-Ace because im projecting on her
-(c)sa survivor because I'm projecting on her (also one of the reasons Tyler is so protective), she's obviously upset about it but she really tries to not let it control her. She still sees the best in people.
-kinda has mommy issues because I'm projecting on her
-She loves dancing and doing karaoke sm <3 Listens to a lot of rock like her brother, but also pop music and banda.
-"Childish interests" like toys, puzzles, coloring, face painting, going to the park...let her heal her inner child omg. I am also projecting here. (Tyler will destroy anybody who teases her about this)
-animal lover!!! Loves big dogs like huskies and pitbulls! She loves penguins too, she always cries watching nature documentaries about them. Look at then protecting their eggs...
-wants to be vegetarian but she likes meat too much 😭 she can't resist empanadas... con carne y quesito blanco...mmm...she really loves food and eating lol. Tyler makes sure she Eats her veggies <3
-really good at arts and crafts. She LOVES DIY projects cuz...um, they struggle for money so why buy something when you can do it yourself haha ...🙃 (projecting)
-got into mechanics after doing home repairs around the house when Tyler wasn't around. She really likes fixing things, it makes her feel awesome.
-I think whenever her friends do something cute she internally screams "QUE LINDOOOOO <3333!!!" (Yeah even Aiden)
-Likes painting her nails and putting cheap stickers on them, used to practice on Tyler even tho it embarrassed him, has convinced Ben, Aiden, and Logan to do it as well. Still working on Ash.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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okay. OKAY. ok. um. exposing my lore. also SORRY i rarely use color these days bc ive never had a good grasp on it so it’s just. very rough ideas here. a concept if u will.
anyway lore under the cut bc it’s long and all over the place and i do not expect anyone to have the patience LOL but it will be here. for ME. 😌
FOR THE RECORD before there was really an english twst fandom anywhere, i just had my friend in discord as we dove into translations off of youtube early on. these characters kinda were born from discord ramblings and goofy inside joke doodling BUT now im going. to share or whatever. i mentioned these two here but ill probs cover all that again here as i will try to be thorough!!!
anyway i have to give backstory in like 2 sections first. these guys [if u dont care then skip to the bullets for the actual character lore/story summaries], their main purpose for existence is CATERELLA soap opera drama. WHAT is caterella you might ask??? some people in the fanbase either headcanon or theorize or au-ify cater as being in a cinderella storyline bc he’s got the 2 pushy older sisters and kind of a more solemn side he hides while trying to be all upbeat around others yadda yadda. i thought that was FUN. i have. so many different branches of caterella aus/concepts involving other potential cater ships lol, but this is the only oc route. i have a really big web of all those potential ideas but it’s VERY erratic and would be a monster of a thing to show anyone. also it’s embarrassing LOL so it stays in discord. for now.
ANYWAY. first we have CHAR (left). He’s very loosely based off prince charming from cinderella. a friendly guy, in line for the throne or whatever, and I think a third year at RSA. He’s long lost childhood friends with CATER from when they were like, five years old or something, but lost contact when cater had to move away because of his dad’s work.
Canonically, Cater has said he’s had to move around every two years or so because of his dad’s job (i think he’s a banker or something? i dont remember exactly tho). Because of this, cater’s mentioned a lot that he’s not really had childhood friends that he grew up with, like how trey, riddle, and chenya have each other.
a while ago on twitter (or pixiv? idr) when i was scrounging for fanart, I came across fanart of cater and some RSA guy smiling and waving to him, and cater looked kinda like, surprised and startled?
now this was like a Year Ago and I can’t remember how much of it was in the image vs how much came from my inference vs how much i came up with later on my own -  according to my discord rambles, adeuce were in that pic in the background going :0, and it looked like they were in town shopping or something and had run into this guy. i feel like i either got the impression from the post that cater knew the guy and he was recognizing and happy to see cater, and cater was either like “uhh who r u” or “oh, uh, nice to see you too what a surprise??” and i was like oooo maybe hes a childhood friend. idr if the post or his design specified he was prince charming or if i did that myself to fit caterella better. i do not remember what the guy looked like in the post lol.
ANYWAY  from there i pretty much took off running with the concept of cater having a childhood friend that had a crush on him and then was all sad when he moved away, only to run into him year’s later on sage’s island when he was in town shopping and cater was out with ace and deuce.
here r some forbidden doodles from forever ago lol
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ACE JUMPSCARE!!! anyway. not important. we’ll come back to this later!!
oh also his name LOL. since he was from prince charming i was looking up names that mean charming lol, and then i found this
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and i thought yknow what. if snow white is allowed to be given a name like neigie leblanche, or VIL for the EVIL QUEEN,  i should be allowed prince char for prince charming klfjdsf
OKAY moving on FOR NOW to. lol. Dañarte. like i mentioned in the other post, that very much Is Not A Name and was kind of just a joke at first bc of my typo getting autocorrected.
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sorry it’s BLURRY anyway he spawned into existance a few months later when i was trying to say fanart and autocorrect said Dañarte. which is just spanish for harm you. this was maybe while i was tyring to think of a name for char, my friend said it sounded like a fancy prince name, i looked up the meaning, my friend was like oh god it’s a threat, i remembered hans from frozen existed, and then that catrella line grew more branches. he eventually ended up in the role of char’s cousin and a second year[we’ll come back to that]. since hans had that whole thing of i think he was like one of 7 brothers or something he was all huffy about not having a place to rule of his own or whatever?? i was like hmm maybe he’s all jealous that his cousin’s in line for whatever throne they’re a royal family for 🤔 which flkjdslf yeah kinda ended up sounding like leona LOL dont worry about it that’s not the POINT the point is SOAP OPERA ROMANCE DRAMA!!!!
anyway. god this is already so much and i’ve barely gotten into it LOL UM... according to discord here’s a rundown of what my initial thoughts with char were:
rsa and nrc are having a mixer party thingy [hosted at RSA] and cater’s talking about how GRAMMABLE it’ll be and that he wants to find a fun outfit
he jokes(?) “oh maybe i’ll finally find my prince charming there lol~ since no one here appreciates caycay’s charm 😔”
riddle’s like 😒yea yea cater please pull your head out of the clouds and take the first years to town so you guys can do the shopping for the next unbirthday party
big brother caycay takes adeuce and probably other npcs off to do the shopping list stuff
MEANWHILE!!! at RSA, Char is hanging out with BESTIE CHENYA and talking about the mixer with nrc. chenya mentions he’s got some friends at NRC and pulls up magicam to show char some IMAGES- specifically he goes to CATER’S magicam bc riddle didnt really use magicam except that one time he made an acct to help cater study [ft in riddle’s dorm uniform story ❤] and idk trey probs doesnt post much besides maybe baking pics, dont worry about it, the important thing is that he pulls up a selfie caycay took with the heartslabyul family
[chenya voice] those are my childhood besties, trey and riddle, those are their funny little sons ace and deuce, and that one in the middle is cater, he’s fun too-
[char voice]  !!! the one with orange hair you said is cater? not cater diamond, is it????
chenya goes back to the main profile page and is like ya it says his last name’s diamond
char’s all 😳 and tells chenya he knows cater, because the two of them were childhood friends!! and wonders if he’ll see cater at the mixer....
chenya goes “oooo or we could go see him right now nyahahaha” bc BOOM cater JUST posted a selfie 15 seconds ago with his adeuce sons out shopping in town!!!!
they zoom to town, chenya jumpscares his pals bc it’s the law 😌 and then char comes up to cater and is like “it’s been so long cater!!! do you remember me??” and caters like 🤔 who’s this pretty boy talking to me 🤔
said pretty boy’s like “I’m char!!! we used to play together all the time when we were little!!! but then you had to move away 🥺“ and cater’s like “....hmmm.... i do that a lot- OH!!!!! I remember now!!! wow, let’s take a reunion selfie 🤗” and they do, it’s cute.
char’s like “haha glad you remember! we were each other’s first kiss after all 😌” and caters like UM 😳 and adeuce are watching like 😯😯 and chenyas 👀
and it’s just something goofy, char’s like “yea we were like five and we had a wedding on the playground and you kissed me 😊 and then we promised to get married for real when we were old enough hahaha” [<- partially inspired by my mother telling me when i was like 2 i ‘married’ my bestie on the playground. i have no memory of this but jklsdfsd ANYWAY]
cater’s all “ahahaaaa omg that’s sooo embarrassing i cant believe you remember that!!!” and char says something like “oh yea of course I do! i had like the biggest crush on you back then and i was soooo sad when you moved away forever 🥺” and caters like oh, ummmmm 👍
still they exchange magicams/numbers/whatever and go about their business with adeuce pestering cater for the rest of the trip like the nosy little brothers they are
fast forward to heartslabyul returning to the dorm and ace [like in the doodle up there ^ lol] LOUDLY barges in shouting something like “CATER HAS A BOOOOOOOOOOYYYYFRIIIIEEEEEEENDDDDDDDD!!!!!!” and cater’s all flustered and swatting at him like ace!!! no!!!! 😤😤
riddle n trey are just ?????? confused
cater’s just like “we just ran into an old friend of mine who goes to RSA now, and he asked me to be his date to the mixer, that’s all!!!!”
juice is just like “👀diamond senpai is this the Prince Charming™ you were talking about 👀” and caters like “🤔 i was totes kidding before but this totally does feel like something ROMANTIC out of a fairytale doesn’t it? haha how fun~”
POTENTIAL AU ALTERNATE BRANCH: for some maybe light angst, a potential trey route, trey’s either quietly listening like oh.... 💔💔💔 bc secretly HE had wanted to ask cater to be his date to the mixer. OR maybe he’s feeling some sadness but isnt sure why, talks to riddle alone later about it and is all “idk what it is with me, i guess i just assumed cater would be with us at the event like the three of us usually are, but i guess... he will be busy if he has a date....” and riddle has NO romance experience in his LIFE so hes just like “hmm yes i suppose it will be different to be at an event without cater constantly at our sides, but i am sure he will still hunt us down for his ‘memories’ to take pictures of, like always 😌“ and they just kinda laugh it off for the time being. but then cater’s texting this boy more and trey’s getting increasingly more restless and coming to terms w/the fact that hes PINING after his BESTIE!!! it’s ok in this branch they would be endgame sorry char
i also had a side note of other alternative branches for vil and malleus being the endgame, like aduece gossip about cater to the first year group and somehow it makes it back to them via epel or sebek. tho vil doesnt get the full story at first and just hears some pretty rsa guy asked cater out  to the mixer and hes like “was it neige 😠😒” but anyway this aint about these guys those are just. some of many caterella alts. not even all the alts are char related LOL anyway
so that’s as far as I had for that specific concept before Dañarte spawned.  heres another doodle of them
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ok onto evil cousin guy!!
Dañarte starts as an RSA guy but eventually will change to NRC, mirroring how hans was like ‘ooo im a nice charming prince u can trust me’ and then went all jk im a villain bye
cousin to char, second year, they more or less maybe grew up together but Dañarte never met cater or if he did it wasnt often so they wouldnt remember or know each other
Dañarte  and cater meet either at the aforementioned mixer or just at RSA if cater’s over there hanging out with Char and catching up
Dañarte is all charming and sparkly like most RSA students so he and Cater hit it off real fast 😉✨ and Char’s like, oh, uhhh, ok 😅??
cater either doesnt know Char’s interested in him again or he’s just not sure what to make of it, Dañarte does know Char’s into Cater and deliberately steals him away bc he resents his cousin. petty teenager drama lol
so ya potential route, Dañarte ends up dating cater for a while. but then [VAGUE SITUATIONS] occur and they have relationship problems and break up, leaving caycay HEARTBROKEN
WHICH!! could lead to more au branching LOL for who potentially is the one to try and heal caycay’s heart, mainly either Char, Trey, or.... SURPRISE, IDIA!!! (also i guess i mentioned vil and malleus earlier lol, all these au ideas came over the course of many months so i tended to forget details 😌)
i hear you going “what? huh?? when did idia get here!???!?!?!” shh. shhh. this post required me, forced my hand even, to ramble about all my aus/unposted fanfiction lol. i do have some mini fanfiction about the idia route that never left discord bc it’s so au specific hehehe but anyway, idia right?
ok taking a break from bullets while we detour here. so back when i was looking for names for char, i found another name meaning charming: eppa! it was cute 😌 this part spawned from more discord glitching and my friend’s idea from there- that eppa is just a fake name that IDIA is using to talk to cater on magicam or whatever bc he’s shy and hiding behind a fake prince charming [prince eppa of rsa!!] persona. this could just be a branch on its own w/o those dudes up there^ OR as I mentioned, he could be an alternative person for caycay to end up with after getting his heart broken. I wrote a little bit of unpublished fic and have a few doodles that follow this storyline lol, but we’ll get back to that later maybe.
ok but basically things could end there OR another bonus for MORE soap opera drama: for whatever reason that i never came up with, Dañarte gets KICKED OUT OF RSA!!!! or just transfers for some reason idk.
i debated on having him in scarabia or pomefiore, but ultimately went with scarabia, and here’s why I said he’d probably be a second year lol
because now he’s with kalim and jamil!!! at first kalim’s like “oh!!! a new friend nice to meet you!!!” but then quickly discovers at pop music club that this is in fact the same Dañarte that cater dated and broke his heart!!! oh no!!!
and cater’s like oh god!! my ex goes to school here now!! FUCK!!
but never fear. he claims he’s turned over a new leaf. that he will be civil. he just wants to start over and be a good boy 😌
cater is hesitant, but doesn’t wanna make a fuss. kalim wants to believe in the good in everyone and wants to give him a chance. and JAMIL who is ALSO HERE bc scarabia, does NOT trust this guy and does NOT want to leave him around kalim alone so he’s making an effort to be around the two of them a lot
basically jamil and Dañarte kinda suss each other out pretty fast as being people who hide their true intentions well under a facade of being polite and agreeable. idk if he’d show up pre or post overblot tho
so he spends a loooot of time with kalim and by extension jamil. and he’s also hovering around cater a lot
circling back to the idia thing lol, in some of the little fics i wrote for this au, i had written from i think idia’s pov and it was snippets that were basically:
idia likes cater, azul likes jamil [lol surprise they showed up in this eventually] and theyre board game buddies that kinda poke at each other about it. idia’s talking to cater behind the prince eppa account, and azul’s the only one that knows the secret. idia and cater bond via the account, idia learns more about cater’s melancholic side, they get really close, convince each other to go to class more in solidarity, cater sometimes vents to ‘eppa’ about the problems he’s having with his BOYFRIEND Dañarte... but idia is there to support caycay bc he’s SPECIAL <3 anyway then cater and Dañarte break up, idia and azul bully each other about how they’re afraid of making a move, blah blah blah. eventually cater’s gossiping to idia in class about how azul asked jamil on a date [i made a specific ref to my fic that i DID publish, Fake It Til We Make It 😌 but that’s not importantdsjlfd], the topic of valentine’s day comes up, cater mentions boohoo caycay is single on valentines day again... and idia has worked up the courage to invite cater to ignihyde’s movie night! hooray bonding irl and not behind the eppa mask!!! ohh but then. fast forward a little? cater’s talking to idia, hes like wow u and i have gotten closer lately, can i talk to u about something personal? u see... my ex asked me out. and i said id think about it 😔 cue heartbreak for idia again!! idia goes to board game club SAD. azul is also there and is like “oh sulking solidarity? i gotchu bro. jamil dumped me :’)” and idia’s like uhhhh fuck azul looks like he’s trying not to cry... wanna play VR games so we can escape reality... and they do 😌
^that’s where the written part ended. i have a doodle somewhere of like. even more soap opera drama. like i think Dañarte had asked cater out and cater was gonna give him a chance, but then ohhh noo guess what? cater’s telling pop music club.... and he’s like “ya Dañarte asked me out again-” and kalim FREEZES. hes like WAIT WHAT. WHAT. OH NO. bc uhhh turns out!!! Dañarte also just asked jamil out. WHAT THE!!! and the only reason jamil said YES(OH NO!!!) was bc he was sulking about his break up with azul 😔 a situation of jamil and azul fighting, breaking up, but still really really missing each other wahhhh making bad choicesssss
i dont think i ever went past there LOL but in my head and heart, that specific branch would have to be a happy ending for idia/cater and jamil/azul, Dañarte is simply there to cause problems on purpose
i also had a side reason, like a bonus for Dañarte’s motives (he’s not that deep a character lol this is mostly just goofs and giggles here) hes basically like “grr i resent my cousin so im going to do everything i can to sabotage his happiness. just because i guess. also maybe i should just become famous on the internet MYSELF since i cant be a cool royal, ill just use my title and charisma, and ill steal the fans of popular people like neige and vil - ooh looks like my dumb cousin’s crush is a fan of them both, excellent. hmm so is this rook person what- oh god no he’s weird and scary i’ll stick to terrorizing cater. anyway-” but i kinda didn’t stick with the magicam thing lol. just like a potential extra bit.
wait i found a snippet ^ from discord im just gonna copy/paste bc im getting lazy
‘ I have a scene in my head of pop music club going to do a small performance sometime after dañarte transferred to scarabia , and Kalim is torn bc on one hand he’s the housewarden and must make everyone feel welcome! But I’m the other hand that’s caters mean ex  but on the other hand again he seems so nice and apologetic   what do I do!! So Kalim ends up coming up to cater right before their performance and is like “ummmmm don’t be mad but I kind of invited dañarte ” and caters like KALIM WHY  and kalims like IM SORRY HE SEEMED SO SAD AND REALLY WANTED TO SEE YOU PLAY They’re loudly stressing out off in the corner, meanwhile dañarte  is wandering around the audience with Jamil like fellow scarabia buddy I hope u don’t mind if I hang around u Jamils like  whatever but we have to sit… waaaaay over here, bc he saw tako and idia and he’s still in his awkward confusing feelings heartbreak stage with azul, And azul+ idia are at the show together just In Distresss'
okokok uhhhhh i  think ive done enough talking wanna see more doodles and erratic notes
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char and caycay reunited!!! char didnt actually end up getting much spotlight LOL he doesn’t have a lot of personality aside from Sweet Gentle Puppy. sorry bestie you got sidelined for drama jklfdskfl
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#notatako is a side joke w/my friend ignore that kldfjdls but. caycay seeing pretty man Dañarte  but hasnt met him yet
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Dañarte   jumpscare, looming over char’s phone when char’s just met back up with cater and has been Texting Him A Lot but hasnt invited him over yet
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the boys being exes or something, and me trying to figure out what dorm he’d be in
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doodle from when i brielfy forgot  Dañarte was supposed to start at RSA lol, here’s him and jamil if they’d met as first years before jamil’s intentions were revealed with his overblot
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Dañarte grumbling evilly to himself at RSA and getting chenya jumpscared -> caycay and the boys!!!
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this is what it looked like when i tried to timeline plot some story ages ago LOL, ft silly little lad faces, an illustrated journey
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[idk if u can read that maybe if u full view the image lol] basically this is the scene of jamil and azul having newly broken up and being all sad about it, Dañarte is all “hehehe give me a chance jamil we could be so great together” and jamil, who normally just ignores Dañarte and doesn’t fall for his FALSE CHARM, is at a WEAKER LOW POINT bc he REALLY MISSES AZUL but he doesnt wanna ADMIT that he misses azul, and now Dañarte just sounded Just Like Azul, and he’s just asked jamil out, and azul is Right There Looking At Jamil bc he was walking by and heard Dañarte ask him out... jamil’s like 😔fine sure whatever 😔 and azuls like ..... 💔💔💔
SAD! anyway, jsdlfjkds. sorry caycay jamil and azul got shoved into ur soap opera. it’s fine. jamil/azul would make up with each other eventually somehow. cater would find Real Love elsewhere. IT’S FINE!! no perma angst in my house ALLOWED!!! but it’s fun to play with. temporarily.
i thought i had a doodle somewhere of kalim going 0_0 when jamil told kalim that  Dañarte  asked him out, right after cater just told kalim the same [or vice versa idr] but i CANT FIND IT!!! it’s not important tho it’s literally Just That lol. i think. 🤔
anyway. dear lord. i doubt anyone is going to read all of this LOL, maybe skimming or skipping around if im lucky 🧡 those are my like, ‘canon compliant’ twst ocs i guess. something like that. the only other twst related ocs i have [FOR NOW]  are fankids my friend and i made of ships for funsies flkdsjfl okay. thank u for reading.  if anyone did LOL if i were you i’d just look at the pictures and live with being confused 🧡
OK THANKS BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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trrickytickle · 1 year
Phineas and Ferb tickle headcanons
you guys are feverish, a flushed color from crying out your tickly desires to my askbox or messages and I never echo back like a ghost town tends to. but @tickleu233 says "how about some tickle headcanons from phineas and ferb?" and i come screaming, with the souls of 400 stray banshees. LIKE LMAO IF UVE NEVER SCEEN PHINEAS AND FERB UM
but to all my requesters, (iykiyk) gitchee gitchee goo. srsly. i need to answer all dat grout in my askbox and im procrastinating bc i laughed at some random poast on the tickle tag for a straight min. ok im gonna try my absolute bestest
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pictured, me when your mom
ALSO here's some research I compiled, study up
Phineas Flynn
okay what is the context for this
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ok i feel like he wouldn't have problems or be stubborn or any sort as a lee. he's the bluntest yet most oblivious triangle lmao.
most frequent lees are ferb and candace, AND perry- they're siblings (family) alright and they got tons of bonding moments in the show, lol. esp candace when she gets REALLY high-strung, the boys gang up on her. it makes her W H E E Z E
has no problems with tickling. he WILL go a little too far as a ler tho. he seems like the type of mf to just be oblivious to the plight, and accidentally tease a shit ton. always gets wrecked back for being a little shit
it definetely inspired some of his ideas w/ ferb. maybe they got like 1212903109 tickle machine blueprints. like i can see them both planning to build one to annoy tf out of candace or their lil backyard gang. probbaly with the cartoon hands or some rotary feather blades HAOUUUGH cartoon tickle machines... i LOVE cartoony tickle machines u cant BELIEVE
SEE VIDEO ABOVE- they studied the reflexology of the foot lmao--- maybe that one blip in a montage lasted long real time
gets tickled by candace and ferb as well. prob w/ ferb its more brothery stuff like- rough housing and punch to the head while with candace its like affectionate? iykyk
Ferb Fletcher
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BRI'ISH lmao
usually softspoken- laughs like thomas brodie sangster BC THATS HIS VOICE AND I LOVE TBS HES SO HES SO ok ill stfu
ler, his one line per episode can be reserved for a snarky teasing remark like "it's been one second." or something. definetly really blunt when it comes to tickling, keeps his same expression while his hands move dynamically, maybe.
embarrassed at being a lee specifically for vanessa. who wouldn't? goth gf omg
the most ler out of everyone here, he's literally so ler. Literally have not seen him laugh
buckles down laughing as a lee, usually wheezes a lot
Candace Flynn
me when I
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HAUUUOOUGH that is a LEE. just.
she panics whenever "tickle" is said- probably second-ticklish to Phineas, worst spots are basically everywhere.
such a teasy ler, says stuff like "ooooh, you are SOOO getting it!" or even just straight up says "busted!". FEARED ler in the flynn-fletcher household, even by Perry. the fucking platypus
however that makes people want to get revenge. and revenge they get. super panicky lee, flinchy, leg-kicky, her laugh says it ALL. just- she has canonically been tickled TWICE, will bargain like HELL.
tickles her bf and siblings, verbal teases a shit ton
likes it when jeremy tickles her bc obviously, so it happens often, they switch. OH bless her, shes genuinely the funniest i thought she was annoying
does her little "hehehehe" AAAH
with her unlucky streak always ends up unintentional guinea pig for tickle related inventions.
Agent P
Heinz Doofenshmirtz
he's a platypus, but still. ticklish tummy and sides and stuff bc those are his anthro parts, pretends not to react in his disguise- but his "krkrkrkr" noise gets more high pitched and squeaky.
doof had to restart his monologue about some sort of bacckstory on why he made some random like banana-inator or something while he was being tickled lol
also under his tail and back.
once a tickling trap has managed to subdue him, but managed to get out. he's BAD fucking ASS guys i used to be obsessed with perry bc just- yes
laughter just sounds like the little perry sound ITS A CUTE SOUND
is also a canon ler. LIKE his little fingers omg
maybe his evil clone from the movies used tickles :> LIKE the dystopia setting that was so funny i loved it, i remember the hologram of major monogram showering
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canon lee. take this knowledge as you will
either touch starved or absolutely tickle repulsed. perry canonically used it against him in combat
got tickled by norm before he programmed that out of him. some of the 'inators have turned on him. SPEAKING of that, great evil ler for sorta goofy hostage situations and interrogations. OWCA agent hostage situation, yk
invited perry over to work on his "evil laugh" or something would happen in the show and yk what else would happen.. maybe a tk fight
used to tickle vanessa a lot, she H A T E D it.
makes a bunch of stupid descisions that ends in him getting wrecked lol
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
Reserved as fuck. refuses to crack, uses her stern voice through laughter, then breaks out into "KGH- HAHAHA-" sort of restrained laughter.
definetly had tickle-inators thrown at her as a halfhearted way to cheer this emo up by doofenshmirtz. i love doof hes funny lol
when she was friends w/ candace iirc, they probably had tk fights bc no matter how weirdly shaped they are, these are tickle headcanons, you can imagine them as regular human shaped lol
this is what procrastination does to a mf but it was fun so it's ok I got to listen to the SONGSSSS THEY SLAP
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soobinies · 2 months
seen your “my ask is open” and yeonjun is your ult posts now i'm not a kpop blog but yeonjun is one of MY ults so I'm about to ask you a bunch of questions about him if that’s ok!! <3
1. favorite personality trait
2. favorite physical feature
3. favorite fancam
4. favorite era / concept photos
5. favorite hair color
6. favorite outfit
7. something you’d like to see yeonjun try in the future (related or not to his work)
8. something about him you think is underrated
9. how did he become your ult?
10. lastly, do you think you two would click?
1. favorite personality trait?
one of my favorite things from him is his mbti type, hes a enfp. like i feel like he is someone who makes friends really easily
2. favorite physical feature
it would have to be his eyes, his eyes are pretty and i swear if he ever looked at me i would pass away. i also like his mole he has near his eye
3. favorite fancam
or this
4. favorite era / concept photos
blue hour! nahh but this one! i love this one too!!! but also srr. the photos for those was so pretty! the freeze chapter i think would have to be my favorite tho like loser lover and 0x=lovesong era was so beautiful to me
5. favorite hair color
pink!!!! his blue hour hair he had was soo pretty, he looked so good in it
6. favorite outfit
this one
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blockbuster yeonjun was something i wasnt ready for
7. something you’d like to see yeonjun try in the future (related or not to his work)
acting! i would love to see him in a drama. he would be soo good in it
8. something about him you think is underrated
hmm i really cant think of anything right now
9. how did he become your ult?
well to be honest when i first was getting itno txt soobin was my ult and yeonjun wasnt doing anything he was just being himself and i fell for him. it was like in the beginning of 2020 like January fhdjfjsdfj! i remember how i didnt want to admit i was starting to bias him. its the little things he did then pretty soon he joined soobin lol
10. lastly, do you think you two would click?
i say we would but in reality i dont think he would like me bc im too boring and i wouldnt be able to talk to him. he would prob tell me something and i would be like "haha yeah.." and then akward silence. i would say something dumb like "your eyes are pretty" and I'd embarrassed myself so bad. i think he would laugh at me dsjfsfshgjdsjg
thak you for sendinf these in, this was so fun
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
You make me want to rewatch the anime...wonder if i can force my husband to watch it with me(he showed me it but it was like...highschool its been sooo long)
Since everyone has autism/hj? Do u have any headcanons for special interests?
I FUCKING LOVE THIS ASK also husband?? HUH?? KAGEFANS ARE MARRIED ALREADY??? huh...well...kagepro IS 12 years old HUH...HAHAHA *holds head* (happy late kageversary, btw)
everyone is autistic. yeah.
ayano's is 1000% all the superhero shit. comicbooks. i like to think of her as a huge spiderman fan. i think she'd love the guy. BUT YEAH comicbooks, superhero franchises in general lol
kido's is music! i imagine them as the kind of person who basically studies a whole album when it comes out LMAO i also think theyre the kind to be embarrassed abt talking a lot so theyre probably online a lot and is instead active in there. they rotate hyperfixating on different bands but music in general <3 also i think they hyperfixate on cooking sometimes and they will just cook and cook and cook one thing after another. it used to be a problem when they only lived with 3 other ppl but now there's like 10 more and also haruka so <3 no more wasted food!!!!
fuckgn. seto. animals. ANIMALS. ANIMALS. ANIMALS. i love ppl with animal special interests bc its literally the fucking BEST thing to talk about ever. and mary is plants. theyre both into each other's things too so their talks are so awesomely autistic i think seto and mary just talk for hours and hours and are always asking each other questions and if seto had a long day marys just like tell me abt why birds are fun colors like blue but not other animals :) and seto's like :DDDDD
momo and kano..... hmmm.. everyone else's seems so obvious. but them... like i see momo getting hyperfixated with a ton of different shit always rotating from lets players to toy collecting to makeup to lost media and etc etc but i cant think of like the One thing. kinda same with kano i feel like his thing is that he doesnt know who he is or what he wants so he wouldnt even Have his one thing. i think he'd be super into makeup tho. bc thats awesome but not only cutesy makeup but like special effects insane kinda thing. hes like whoa ppl change so much without any powers......... lol special effects makeup artist kano real
takane. lol. god theyre all so fucking obvious. coding. and i love takane but programmer ppl are SOOOOOO ANNOYING god this bitch would be insufferable. but the autism makes it awesome so its ok theyre not annoying <3 obviously videogames too. UGH harutaka indie game developers is so real to me. also this one is more my hc but erm technician takane is real he is real to me <3 the dan out of wifi bc this bitch took apart the router AGAIN just bc they like looking at the insides. the dan is complaining until the wifi is back AND its faster bc takanes improving and hacking shit. she helps shintaro build his epic pc
shintaro ohhh mygod have u ever met a more autistic bitch than this. he is everything. music!!!! like kido!!!!!!!!! i think kido and shintaro are an underrated duo. in the novels they hang out so much. wait im getting off topic ERM pianist shintaro is real to me idc. also super into collectibles of anime figures lol. also videogames!!! and lost media. i think he'd be one of those people super excited that a secret burgerking commercial never translated from english was found (momo too, they bond over it)
hibiya with the doll making shit. doll costumizing. also psychology post-shitshow bc hes 12 and hes like whoa. this wasnt normal *studies abt how this will affect him and his friends* i talked abt this in a hibiya ask i got lol but yeah also his whole thing abt making dolls. ofc it comes from something creepy but i still think its a cute thing he knows how to do i think he'd love using his new smartphone to find out abt doll costumizing communities and he sews mini mekakushi dan for everyone <3
i bestow to haruka the autistic honor of dinosaurs. FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH also art/drawing ofc. and cartoons/animation. ppl who like to draw like cartoons okay. he'd be into that. idk if into animating himself i rather see haruka as a painting kinda girl. AND OFC VIDEOGAMES. srry to harutaka again but harutakas autism coexists so harmoniously ...domestic harutaka... these bitches have NO real schedules and are staring at their computers drawing/coding for days. it stinks in there. they make an autistic game together born from their autistic and disabled love. heart<3
i cant think anything for hiyori so hiyori experts feel free to add. maybe idols n stuff!! back to music heh
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parkjiminxfloorpt2 · 1 year
get to know me 💫- thank you my bestie @bts-ify C for tagging me!! it really has been very long since i last played a tag game, ily!!
name: jans sign: Cancer (idk all that rising sun and moon things, im bad at zodiacs lmao) time: 7:28 PM IST birthday: July 10 fav band/artist: BTS, Conan Gray, and so many more lol last movie: this is embarrassing but, baby's day out last show- the kdrama called coffee prince, its one of my favs now!! when i created this blog- my first one was in the june of 2021, but this one was i guess november of last year :/ what i post- NOTHING. im not talented enough to create gifs, nor am i creative enough to write, so i do what i can, reblog <3 other blogs- none do i get asks- i used to..omg i remember my sexy whore anon..we used to talk almost every day!! i miss them so much, but rn, i get no asks hehe :) followers- all of them are my moots, my gorgeous pretty moots &lt;33 avg hours of sleep: 7-9 hours Dream job: okay please dont mind it if i get a little passionate here, BUT I LOVE THEATRE!! i love acting and performing on the stage. ive been into it since i was like 8 or smthg lol, uk its just smthg about drama that makes me feel alive.. so an actor it would be dream trip: i really wanna visit Paris atleast once <3 fav songs: counting stars, numb, astronomy, just one day, case 143 and soooo many more lol last song: (C WHAT A COINCIDENCE, MINES FROM INDIGO TOO!) still life, god im obsessed with that song currently reading- a jimin ff called silk sheets, its so well written <33 currently watching- the office :) when was the last time you cried?- hmm i guess last week..do you have kids- nah bro do you use sarcasm: a lot actually, so much to the point even if im saying something with no sarcasm, people think im just kidding, its annoying lol whats the first thing you notice about people: a tricky question, cuz theres a lot i notice..but maybe the way they communicate whats your eye color- black hehe scary movies or happy endings- id legit choose horror on any day. but got a soft spot for happy endings <3 special talents- idk really i guess i can make people comfortable around me.. what are your hobbies- baking!! tho im not good enough to do it by myself :/ where were you born- india do you have any pets- i really wanna adopt that stray ginger cat i see every morning in my apartment..ill just bring her home one day 🤭 what sports do you play- i TRY playing basketball, but i suck so bad fav subject in school- english. one of the easiest subjects 😚
honestly, this was stress-relieving!! really enjoyed writing it, thank you once again, C my beloved <333
tagging anyone who wants to do this!!
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
You know the drill embly. Show me those prime numbers
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
dont get smug with me bitch i BURN my bridges
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
genuinely couldnt tell ya, it depends on both your definition of virginity and whether or not my ex lied to me. she sure did take mine tho
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
havent had a chance to hang out with kay for a while but hopefully this weekend!
7. What happened tonight?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
love being able to answer these as Girl. anyway there is exactly 1 .
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
hopefully clear p4s!! if jeim and his girlfriend are free lol
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
shit girl at this point its you <3
19. Have you had sex today?
ansewred this before but ill fucken do it again, im not allowed to have sex for another month, doctors orders
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
i dunno anymore. they used to be. we were both blue. but ive gone significantly more gray now.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
answered this one already but i still miss kay shes still sleeping
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no thats the one i trust!
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
my demi ass doesnt even find people attractive at first sight. absolutely not lol
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
mmm i wanna say late May? i came back from my surgery and there were some cupcakes in the fridge. they were weird but not bad!
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
i embarrass myself in front of everyone. yesterday i confused arknights attack speed with attack interval while talking to kay and almost imploded creating a neutron star and destroying the planet
47. Who was the last person to call you?
lets check. its a number i dont recognize. i wanna say it was my patient coordinator for my surgery? i dont know for sure.
53. Is Christmas stressful?
nah i basically do nothing for it anyway except buy gifts for people i like
59. Take a vitamin daily?
nope but i really should
61. Wear a bath robe?
no but i REALLY should that would fuck
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
oh you KNOW a bitch love her sunflower seeds
71. Can you curl your tongue?
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
recently yes!
79. What was the last concert you saw?
answered already, it was dream theater
83. Can you swim well?
not like, competitively well but im very capable of keeping myself afloat and moving quickly in the direction i need to go. not that ive gone swimming since . god when was it. since i was 23? like 6 years ago? i miss it but not with this body lmao
89. Which are better black or green olives?
answered this already too, i dont care for olives but the black ones on sausage and olive pizza are good
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sungbeam · 10 months
Sorry I think I actually went into a comatose state once the Holiday teaser ver pics came out
Suffice to say that I will be investing in these albums 🫡
Also lemme just talk abt the fact that we’ll technically get 9 different versions of the same album technically 😀
The Boys is also way lowkey scary so yeah you’re right 😭 AND YEAH THE ACTOR THAT PLAYED HOMELANDER WAS LIKE… TOO GOOD AT HIS JOB 💀💀 ALSO I saw what you meant about marvel invasion cause ummm what is up with that reader insert plot armour type beat character 💀💀💀 like I saw her scene on twt and not only does it look bad but I was like HUH??? Characters that are so OP are fkn ejdwjjrkekf TOO MUCH LMAO
And I am once again sooo excited for Rhapsody Anonymous even though I saw you were struggling a bit writing it but I think it’ll really pay off 🥹🫶
I’m so glad that you did take some time off for yourself to ground yourself when you felt overwhelmed and I’m really glad that it helped you as well!! Take care of yourself above all else! 🥺💖
Also! Random Q&A time!
1. What’s your fav type of bread
2. What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever put up on social media (optional answer 💀)
3. Have you ever been in love 🫣
I got like 2/4 of these from teen vogue so don’t @ me ok 😔💔
- So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. (Paulo Coehlo)
Love always, 🌷 anon
NO CUZ SAME???!(!(!) like I literally was supposed to wrote the day the present concept came out and i couldn't think abt anything else for the rest of the day :l BRO THATS WHAT IM SAYING ?? ist making MONEY MOVES this comeback 😭😭😭 pulling out all the stops to suck the money from our wallets ksnfkemdk I'll need to drop out of college if I were to get even one per concept 😭😭😭
HELP NO CUZ THE COLORS FROM THE PRESENT VER ARE SOOOOOO VIBRANT AND BEAUTIFUL???? THEY WERE SO SO PRETTY. and omg CHOI CHANHEE WAS MADE FOR THE GLITTER VERSION 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ someone said *im spinnin like a ballerinaaaa* LMAO have u seen the clips from the zeneration behind lol chanhee and kevin on the POLES !!! so iconic tbh i think it was for savior?? not too sure
ur so right anthony starr (?)/homelander plays his role FAR TOO WELL O_O he freaks me tf OUT w that smile omg sknfkendk all his scenes put a shiver down my spine and i haven't even properly watched the series 😭
bro secret invasion threw me for a mfkn loop 😭 idk if you've watched the whole thing but KEVIN FEIGE WE NEED TO TALK ABT UR CHOICES FOR MISS MARIA HILL WE NEED TO TALK S I R. i actually really like the title sequence for it tho i thought it was so masterfully done like for some reason i really liked it in particular 😭💀
ahhhh thanks !!! 🤧🤧 hopefully u like what I've done for it LMFAOOOO it's been a struggle up in here, but it's prob gonna come out to be longer than the estimated word count 🤣🤣 i am not doing very good at keeping it under 20k
omg random q+a 😃
brioche !!! tho i think i have more opinions abt cheese than bread 😭 wheat works too LMAO
uhhhhh 💀 the things i posted way back when r more embarrassing/"u idiot"/"u bitch" type things, but ig i can say all of the over filtered pics 😭😭 i cry every time i think of that try hard bathing suit post i did once it was awful
uhhhh if being in love counts as being in love w white rice then yes 🤩🤩 idk dude lol i don't think i've met anyone yet whom i have really felt so strong an emotion for as sad as it sounds, but i am patient
HELP ME KDFKLEMDK CUZ .... Apparently when i was 1 or 2, i had a SICKENING crush on jimmy neutron 🧍🏻‍♀️ but after that it was probably zayn from lego ninjago, i don't make the rules LMAO i am a nerd-lover through and through !!!
NOW UR TURN GO !!! 😼😼 LMAO no worries i think it was cute and fun !!
— "'If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you.'" - T. J. Reid 💖
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weltonreject · 11 months
hi !! super late bc i never refresh my dash so i just saw the ask game thing BUT,
1. i hope you are doing well it's been a while !!
2. i went to meet my advisor for my masters starting in the fall last week and she was soo sweet and helpful, im going to be doing research with figurative language which i'm SO excited for i have a lot of reading to do to figure out what exactly i'll be looking into but i'm excited !!
3. i have pottery class tonight, it is my second last class of a 2 month course but i'm really excited, i made a soap dish last week, this week i'm going to attempt some kind of mug or maybe shot glasses ?? we shall see what happens tho haha
4. i have become fully obsessed with the album "under the new light" by maia friedman over the last couple of days it was the only thing i listened to all day at work today lol, what have you been listening to recently ?? i will need more new music soon so i don't get tired of the one album i'm listening to right now lol
i hope u have a great evening and week !! <33 egr
omg it has been a while! what a nice surprise thank you for sending this update i love it! i am so so thrilled for you and your masters program. that's so exciting and i hope you get lost in the research and reading and just feel pure joy. like you're finding things in those pages that no one else has. that you feel like you've caught a thread in the legacy of literature that is just yours-- you're the first to find and pull it. god speed (but you're going to do amazing, i just know it).
and as if you weren't doing the most: pottery?? that's so gd cool too. would literally kill for that specific soap dish i love that i bet it looks so cool-- did you glaze it with a color or just leave it? also, with that: if you do make a shot glass.... paint the bottom of one cobalt for me.
i bookmarked that album i'll have to give it a listen thank you! i'm in a bit of a rut with music lately. not that i'm not enjoying myself but every time i go for that same playlist i'm like... bitch come on PICK SOMETHING ELSE. but it instantly picks up my mood so i will not be stopping until my spotify wrapped embarrasses me. that is to say, it's been a lot of albums from when i was a teenager: infinity on high, believers never die, i like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it, hello nasty, days are gone, dare to be stupid...
i hope you have a great week love (and re: your other ask enjoy your blueberry cake)!
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il-eux · 11 months
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top redraw, below attempted sketches, bottom og from 2 yrs ago
this...took so many steps. first it was a messy sketch color style test back in 21 (that makes me sound so old LOL) but i was too shy to post it anywhere since it differed a lot from what i usually drew. i wasn't quite satisfied with it, but i was also really embarrassed so it stayed in the folder (i did like the eyes tho)
then here i am two years later looking for stuff to redraw and was like sure why not. at first i tried just working with the original and transforming parts and coloring over...which could only help so much. SO i decided to try and sketch a redraw. the one on the right made better sense positioning wise, but it didn't have the same feel i was originally going for.
the one on the LEFT went through so many stages. i tried redrawing it to have more of the feel i was going for at first with my current style kinda mixed in but i COULDN'T. GET. THE. ARM. RIGHT. and THE HEAD ANGLE JUST WASN'T WORKING. (not very cash money ú_ù) the hair wasn't really doing it for me either so we come to REDRAW ATTEMPT 3. where i changed the hair to that of another character i had in mind but the funny thing is that then i didn't like the color of the hair, but in changing it im like OH these characters fit the vibe i was going for for ANOTHER set of characters we have for a DIFFERENT story so im like cool, lets just combine these stories or well like, the character i had in mind at first was the mermaid dude but that'll be an AU maybe of these two LOLOLOL
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dumbegglife · 2 years
media rambles
i think it was really cool how omori portrayed how sunny and basil were very close but after the incident, it's clear that sunny still loves him but also hates him intensely. the portrayal of their relationship is pretty interesting... aside from himself, sunny hates basil the most. and misses him the most. the pain of their former happiness being so intense that he just wants him erased (the scenes in blackspace where he imagines the most cruel (but creative!!) things about basil...god...)
watched chainsaw man with some ppl last night and everyone named off characters they related most with... 2 akis, 2 powers and i said kobeni...and i was embarrassed...just like kobeni would be...........embarrassing...im still embarrased.
what i like about chainsaw man is that everyone is in immense pain!! it's also really funny!!
had to close my eyes for the blood/gore tho (probably also like kobeni?? she probably just kills devils with her eyes closed too!)
i am once again thinking about why i like genshin so much. i think what it does very very effectively is that it sets a stage. the crumbs of lore we get allude to something huge and epic. i think the overall archon quests push at something really juicy and dramatic. however, since they aren't that fleshed out, people go HAM in their own imaginations using what bits of info we've been given. i think that's what i've been doing too. the writing can be super weak, but the characters are colorful enough that you can heavily project. THE POWER OF PROJECTION. it may be easier for genshin to do this since it's a game where you mainly fight and grind lol, whereas a show or anime would require it to tell its story consistently.
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