appledumplinslover · 2 months
who's your favorite l0li/sh0ta and/or k0do characters? (headcanon, coded, hinted/implied and/or canon are allowed except for real people and real people fiction)
i'll go first
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(they're all l0lis)
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nikolaidegen · 10 months
I find it crazy when anti shippers or anti lolishos talk about how “ah well even if they are of age they still look like children” and then sexualize or like r34 of minor character but it’s okay because they look like adults or their build is mature..because that’s going against your morals there buddy. I hate to break it to you but liking season 1 Mikasa Porn is against what you argue about..oh you liked porn of Rebecca from Cyber Punk..hate to tell you this but she’s actually a Loli!
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grimlocksword · 1 year
Okay, This Is Getting F%&king Ridiculous...
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weebookey · 1 year
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"COMIC LO" 2023-03 by Takamichi [Cleaned / Redraw / Textless + HD]
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cuntboy-enjoyer · 3 months
Loser comic artist man by day, loli by night
They call me
Loliman...wait, no...lolicom? No thats worse... Loliart?
Give me a minute I didnt think this far into names
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adultcomicclub · 3 years
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Sunday, September 26, 2021 Best Overall Comic Spheres
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darkpursezipperweasel · 3 years
Amanda Portait
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appledumplinslover · 1 month
What's something about a l0li/sh0ta/k0do character that immediately makes you love them?
For me, it's when they're a sentiment object, vehicle, alien and/or monster
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tatatonya · 1 year
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waifureaper-blog · 7 years
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anakinfuckwalker · 7 years
there are several utaite that i cannot figure out where the FUCK they went. where the fuck is beeeeige. why did tenchou quit. where! are! my! boys!
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lachithenonbinary · 2 years
It's my project on anime, and yes i took a lot from wiki
Sexualization of children and teenagers in anime:-
Before i come to this topic, i would like to tell you my view on art.
A art is is piece of creativity where you render your expressions. It's speech, your actions influences many groups. And with the coming of internet, your art could be seen by millions of people. And like how we say in speech :
Freedom of speech is not
Not a licence to abuse
It's a responsibility
I think same should be applied to art.
Anime has a long history of sexualizing children and teenagers, and even the many organisations tried to balk this, but they were put down.
Lolicon Is a Japanese popular culture, lolicon  also romanized as rorikon or lolicom) is a genre of fictional media in which young (or young-looking) girl characters appear in sexual or suggestive contexts. The term, a portmanteau of the English phrase "Lolita complex", also refers to desire and affection for such characters , and fans of such characters and works.
The main thing on how the authors and fans defend this genre is children depicted here are not real.Writing in The Book of Otaku (1989), feminist Chizuko Ueno argued that lolicon, as an orientation towards fictional bishƍjo, is "completely different from pedophilia", and characterized it as a desire to "be part of the 'cute' world of shƍjo" for male fans of shƍjo manga who "find it too much to be a man
Most scholars also identify lolicon as a form of self-expression on the part of its male creators and consumers.Sociologist Sharon Kinsella suggests that for lolicon fans, "the infantilized female object of desire has crossed over to become an aspect of their own self image and sexuality". Akira Akagi argues that lolicon manga represented a notable shift in reader identification from the "hero" penetrator common to pornographic gekiga: "Lolicon readers do not need a penis for pleasure, but rather they need the ecstasy of the girl. They identify with the girl, and get caught up in a masochistic pleasure.
Manga critic Gƍ Itƍ views this as an "abstract desire", quoting lolicon artist who told him that "he was the girl who is raped in his manga", reflecting a feeling of being "raped by society, or by the world"
Cultural historian Mark McLelland identifies lolicon and yaoi as "self-consciously anti-realist" genres, given a rejection by fans and creators of "three-dimensionality" in favor of "two-dimensionality",and compares lolicon to the yaoi fandom( yaoi, is gay relationship mostly written by women), in which largely female and heterosexual fans consume depictions of male homosexuality which "lack any correspondent in the real world". This statement might have been true to one extend, but, is it the case nowdays? This yaoi genre Became so big and popular to an extent that people started using real Life men who may or may not be homosexual, are both shipped together, and Stories are written. People even started bring their own sexuality called "quasisexual", which basically girls getting attracted to gay men
And I think we have to consider the fact these lolicon are not just read by one person, it's published to a wide public. So even if the author just tried to show themself as a little girl getting raped, there might be a others who won't see that way. It's just like saying you created a movie based on your friend where you encouraged your friend to leave his so called "girlish" behaviour and "be man up", the other audience who will see this ,wouldn't just see it as 2 friends, they will see it as a message that it's important to "man up"
Several scholars identify the emergence of lolicon with changes in Japanese gender relations. Sociologist Kimio Itƍ attributes the rise of lolicon manga to a shift in the 1970s and 1980s, when boys, driven by a feeling that girls were "surpassing them in terms of willpower and action", turned to the "world of imagination", in which young girl characters are "easy to control". Kinsella interprets lolicon as part of a "gaze of both fear and desire" stimulated by the growing power of women in society, and as a reactive desire to see the shƍjo "infantilized, undressed, and subordinate". Media scholar Chizuko Naitƍ views lolicon as reflecting a "societal desire in a broader sense" for young girls as sex symbols in Japan (which she calls a "loliconized society"). Christine Yano argues that eroticized imagery of the shĂ”jo, "real or fictive", reflects "heteronormative pedophilia" in which emphasis is placed on the ephemerality of childhood: "it is as child that [the shƍjo] becomes precious as a transitory figure threatened by impending adulthood"
As for the sexualization of teenager in anime, people just consider it as a normal thing as teenagers startes to develop sexual parts.
It may or may not be related to anime but groping of teenage girl in trains and buses are quite high.
Hiroko Goto, a feminist and vice president at japanese headquarter  NGO Human Rights Now, believes many people do not consider groping to be a crime. “[For] society at large, it’s not a big problem; that’s the kind of double standard [between] the victims’ viewpoint and the social viewpoint.”
In Ogawa’s opinion, society normalises groping as something that just happens.
So in society, where groping is kind of normalised, can we say is it ok sexualize teenagers in anime where many times show adult male harrassing a 'Naughty girl" as sexy and does not cause permanent harm
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theliterarywolf · 5 years
Though seriously why I still stand by my opinions on stuff can people 1. Stop getting offended by posts from people who already left this site and 2. Stop acting like retro anime/manga from the 1980s and 1990s are free of lolicon? The "Lolita Anime" was released in 1984 and was straight up underage rape fanservice. "Lemon People" was a magazine that ran from 1982 to 1998 and popularized loli/shota shit.
I mean seriously "Lolita Anime" and "Cream Lemon" are held up as "innovators" of this crap and "Lemon People" as starting a "new wave" of lolicom
(I also think the first part of that ask didn't come in) So yeah, while there is more moeloli nonsense anime overall nowadays, that's because there is more anime being produced period because of new technology. Not that 80s-90s anime was somehow pure and unproblematic and only sexualized clearly adult characters.
Oop, and just like all decades of anime, there has always been unique, beautiful anime that doesn't rely on pandering.
Just going to put all of this together into one.
But, yeah, anime has always had fucked up stuff. People were up in rants and raves about ‘Oh my GAWD, Devilman Crybaby is so insane and dark and violent~’ When, in reality, the art style of the recent incarnation merely brought people’s attention to what was already going on in the original Devilman series (which has been around since, woof, the 70s?)
I think it really just ties in with, as you said, how much anime is being produced now compared to other decades. And, of course, studios are going to want to have at least one eye-catcher a season. If the trend happens to be ‘moeblob lolis doing cute shit’ then we’re going to see a lot of it.
I find the conversation similar to a certain thread I was reading (don’t remember the site) about cars: someone had posted something about how ‘all the cars back in the day were better and had better designs! Now every car is just a bubble!’ 
And, yeah, there are some really sexy retro cars like old school Mustangs and Corvettes, you really can’t ignore the flops (your Pintos, your Gremlins, your Aston Martin Lagondas). And you also can’t say that every modern car is a ‘bubble’ when there are definite stand-outs. Plus what may seem like lazy design (the bubble-shape) may have a method to madness or a reason to it (resulting in the car having less air-resistance).
All things just come to a matter of numbers and aesthetics.
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sabsor · 5 years
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Gracias @lolicomes por la torta.❀ Gracias @lisa_simpsonlk por la foto.❀ Festejo de no-cumpleaños de June 🎉 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6B2nrghe6/?igshid=r3edvfenrp09
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