gongal · 4 days
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Takamichi in Mens egg June 2000
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Could I request a part 4?? 😭😭😭 (immaculate series)
God. I never thought something I write would ever be popular. But I'm enjoying it. I made a series master list where the other 3 parts are at. Just wanted to let everyone know. Alright here's Draken's Brother part 4. Enjoy!
Draken's Brother
Part 4
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It's been almost 2 full weeks since (Name) dropped. It was taking a toll on everybody. Takamichi didn't realize (Name) had such an influence on Toman. When he asked Chifyuu about it he said "(Name) is like the Guardian Angel of Toman. He may not fight but he shows us how much he cares and looks after us."
He didn't know what he meant until he met Naoto back in the present. Where the future was so much worse. When Takamichi first arrived everything looked normal. Until he was almost shot alive just walking through Tokyo. We he asked Naoto what happened he didn't expect the answer. Nor did he like it.
"Takamichi I didn't think a future could be this bad." Naoto's face said it all. "Naoto I was almost shot! These guys came at me like they knew who I was and tried t shoot me! What happened?!" Takamichi was panicking. What happend in the past to make the future so bad. When they made it back to Naoto office they got to work right away.
Takamichi was the one to come across it. Takamichi paled reading the article. "RYUJI (NAME). FOUND DEAD IN HOSPITAL ROOM!" Takamichi couldn't believe what he was reader. "Naoto?! What happened to (Name)!" Naoto whippedhis head towards Takamichi confused. "Who?" Takamichi looked hurt. How did Naoto not know (Name)?
"(Name)! He's Draken's baby brother and he's an Omega!" Naoto turned back to his computer and searched up the name (Name) and many articles popped up. "How did I not know about him? He was close to both the Comanders and.....Kisaki?!" Takemichi rushed over at the name of his enemy.
There was a picture of (Name) joking around with Kisaki and Hanma. Both Alpha's had smiles on their faces along with a laughing (Name). Another picture of (Name) on Draken's back with the biggest smile on his face. Baji was behind them looking to be chasing them with a sleeping Mikey on his back. The picture that caught his attention the most was one with Taiju. (Name) was with Taiju and Kokonoi. It looked like the two Alpha's were fighting while the Omega was trying to calm them down.
They all looked so happy. What had happened to them? Could (Name)'s death really cause such a bad future? "Naoto how did (Name) die?" Naoto looked at them with a frown before turning back to his computer. He was reading the article Takamichi had found. Takamichi watched Naoto's face. It was like Baji all over again. He watched Naoto's face go through multiple emotions.
Sadness. Anger. Fear. But the difference was Naoto didn't look heart broken at the end. He looked like his soul had eft his body. "Takamichi....(Name) was poisoned while he was in the hospital....but that's not the worst part." Takamichi looked confused and angry. How could that not be the worst part?!
Naoto turned to Takamichi with fury in his eyes. "Takamichi according to the statements in this article (Name) was killed while under YOUR watch." Takamichi felt the world stop. He was dozen. (Name) died while under his watch? That's impossible. He wouldn't let someone poison him! "That's a lie! I'd never let something like that happen to (Name)!"
Naoto turned the computer towards Takamichi. Motioning him to read the article. While he was reading the article it was like he was dumped in the coldest water know. "According to Draken (Otherwisely know as Ryuji Ken. Victims Brother) Ryuji (Name) was supposed to be watched over by their friend Takamitchy (Otherwisely know as Hanagaki Takamichi). When said friend walked away from the victim to spend time with his girlfriend Tachibana Hinata."
He abandoned (Name) while he was at his weakest moment for Hinata? Takamichi shook his head. "No. Even past me wouldn't have done that!" Naoto growled at Takamichi. While Naoto was a Beta the glare he was sending him was almost like a glare from an Alpha. He shivered. "Now I know why Hinata was killed in this future....SHE WAS KILLED BECAUSE YOU LET (NAME) DIE!"
Takamichi shook his head again. That's impossible! He wouldn't do that....would he? But another thing popped into his head. "Wait! Who would want to poison (Name) anyways?! Everyone I know loves (Name). He's one of the kindest Omega's you could ever meet!" Naoto rolled his eyes before looking at Takamichi like he was the dumbest person ever.
"His brother is the vice-comander of Toman! He's around multiple gangs and delinquents!" That's when something click in Takamichi's brain. "Bleeding Sirens" he mumbled. Naoto looked confused for a moment. "What?" Takamichi looked at Naoto with eyes widened in fear. "The Bleeding Sirens! They attacked (Name) and Koko! That's how (Name) ended up in the hospital!"
It clicked to Naoto what Takamichi meant. The person who poisoned (Name) was a member of the Bleedin Sirens. But why does that gang sound so familiar? Naoto turned back to his computer and quickly searched them up. What he got didn't make the mood better. "Takamichi? You might want to see this." Takamichi confused looked over Naoto's shoulder.
He felt the air leave his lungs. "GANG WAR LEAVES MANY DEAD AND A WAREHOUSE BURNED!" Takamichi quickly read through the article. Multiple names stuck out to him. But it's was 5 of them that stood out the most. Invincible Mikey. Draken. Baji Keisuke. Shiba Taiju. Finally Kisaki Tetta. Takamichi couldn't believe his eyes.
Toman destroyed the Bleed Sirens. But he was wondering how he was still around. I mean they got Hinata, so how come they haven't gotten him yet? It seems like Naoto knew what he was thinking. "My sister didn't know about the target on her back. Not like you did." Takamichi nodded. That would make sense. He did the same thing he did in the original future. He ran away.
Takamichi stared at the screen. Noticing the date. "Naoto when did (Name) pass?" Naoto pulled the other article back up. "He passed away....Oh that's not good...." Takamichi looked at Naoto confused. "His 12 year death anniversary is tomorrow." Takamichi paled. He needed to get back to the past now! He turned to Naoto with a determined face. "I'm going to save (Name) and never let Toman take out the Bleeding Sirens!"
He held out his hand to Naoto who for once looked worried. "Takamichi be careful. These guys play much more dirty then your used to. So watch your back." Takamichi nodded. "I'll make sure none of this happens." Naoto nodded and shook his hand. Just like that Takamichi was back in the past. When he came back he noticed he was in (Name)'s hospital room.
He wasn't alone though. On the other side of the room was Hanma, Draken, Baji, and surprisingly enough Taiju. Takamichi looked around confused. "What's going on?" Draken turned to him. "Oh good your awake." Takamichi looked at the Alpha's in the room. Draken must have noticed how confused he looked. "According to Taiju the Bleeding Sirens put a Target on (Name)."
Takamichi was horrified. They put a hit out on (Name)? "Why would they do such a thing?" He was so confused. What could (Name) have done to have a hit put out on him?! Draken looked uncomfortably out the window. Baji looked like he was a second away from snapping. Hanma looked serious which surprised Takamichi. He's never seen Hanma so serious. It was the defeated look on Taiju's face that caught his attention the most.
Taiju noticed the stare before sighing. "I may or may not have tried to court (Name). So when he rejected me I got upset and fought a bunch of their members..." Takamichi stared at Taiju. He tried to court (Name)? Takamichi turned toward Baji who was giving Taiju a look he couldn't even describe.
"Wait. You're telling me...that because (Name) rejected you. You went out to beat a random gang and you didn't think this would affect you later?" Taiju growled and looked away. "I knew it'd affect me! I just didn't think he'd get involved...." Taiju looked at (Name)'s unconscious body with so much guilt and love. That when Baji stepped in Taiju's line of vision. "Stop eyeing my Oemga like he's one of your prey!"
Baji lunged at Taiju but luckily for both of them Draken caught him. "Baji stop it! Remember what the doctor said! We need to release soothing pheromones so (Name)'s Omega can come back." Baji glared at Taiju one more time before taking Takamichi's spot beside (Name). He grabbed his pale hand and held it to his face. Pumping out as much soothing pheromones as he could. He just wants his Omega back. That's all he's asking for.
Takamichi pulled out his phone and went to Chifyuu's contact. He needs to inform him that he's back and what happened. It was almost 15 minutes when the door opened. The Alpha's turned to the door with straightened postures. Ready to protect the unconscious Omega with everything they got. They relaxed when they saw who it was. But not Takamichi. He straightened more.
It's was Mikey, Kisaki, Kokonoi, and Chifyuu. They entered and looked around. When Chifyuu made eye contact with Takamichi he signaled to the door. Telling him to meet him in the hallway. Which he did while Kokonoi held up the plastic bags he was carrying. "We got the food."
While Takamichi was explaining the possible future to Chifyuu. The inside of (Name)'s room was tense. Ever since the hit had been put out many gangs have tried causing trouble for Toman. Hoping it'd take away the attention so they'd leave (Name) alone. But they wouldn't let that happen. Draken turned to Mikey. His face void of any emotion.
"Find anything out?" Mikey nodded and turned to Kisaki and motioned him forward. Kisaki walked forward and pushed his glasses up. "According to a few rumors. The Bleeding Sirens are going to try and take out (Name) the day after tomorrow." The others growled. They wouldn't let that happen. They wouldn't let anything else happen to (Name).
Mikey and Draken shared a look. "Mikey we need to have a meeting about this but I'm not leaving him alone." Mikey nodded. They did need to have a meeting but they couldn't just leave (Name) alone. Who knows what would happen to him? "We'll look after (Name) so you guys can have your meeting." Mikey turned towards the door where Takamichi and Chifyuu stood.
Determination written on both of their faces. Mikey and Draken shared a look. While Takamichi wasn't exactly a good fighter he'd have Chifyuu with him. That's when Taiju spoke up. "I'll watch over him with them. This is my fault anyways. I need to be responsible." Takamichi looked confused. Taiju wasn't mentioned in the article with (Name)'s death. Chifyuu must have sensed what Takamichi was thinking because he nodded.
Draken sighed and looked over at his brother. He hated how weak his brother looked. (Name) was so pale. So many wires surrounding him. Chest moving so slowly you had to look hard to see it. I (Name)'s Omega doesn't come back soon....who knows what will happen.
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If you want to read others. Click HERE
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greymappy · 3 months
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My pixel request (2/2)
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Who is the best character from Tokyo revengers
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When you realize you have the power to create Aus about anything and the first thing you do is smash your two favorite characters into one and combine their universes together.
Muzan!Takemichi au
Muzan has found a way to conquer the sun(aka eating his demons), making him almost completely immortal. The only thing he’s weak to is wistaria poison. He hides for many years before he knows that he can return(aka after World War Two). Muzan pretends to be human, Kakucho, Chifuyu, Hina, Izana, Sanzu, Ran, Koko, and Kisaki know he is a demon. Hina is a demon she asked him to turn her. Chifuyu wants to protect him, and Kakucho, Chifuyu, Izana, Sanzu, Kiaski , and Ran desperately what him to turn them. Koko is paid by Takamichi to stay quiet(takamichi is hella rich, dude never runs out of money). Sanzu was stalking him when he found out. Ran just made a joke about his complexion to Kakucho and Izana when he was around and they both tried to stop him, they failed and Hina had to hold Takamichi down so Kakucho could quickly explain to Ran so he could apologize before he was murdered, let’s say Ran apologized and Takamichi let it go. Kiaski just knew, he’s too smart.
Takamichi is bi. Hina knows, and they are pretending to be human. Takamichi doesn’t actually love Hina. Takamichi is constantly trying to make Kisaki take her away from him, she always comes back. (Dude just wants his space.) Kisaki likes Takamichi as a friend. Izana just wants to have more power, and Takamichi is planning on staying by his promise to himself not to make more power hungry demons again. Kakucho just wants to support Izana.
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weebookey · 2 years
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"COMIC LO" 2023-03 by Takamichi [Cleaned / Redraw / Textless + HD]
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tootinyhuman · 10 months
Say, I really wanna do another turn on headcanon for either haikyuu or tokyo revengers.
Comment below who I should do!
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We asked Takamichi about the best practice for shiny hair...
Follow the guide!
Cleansing: Start with double shampooing using the size of a coin each time. (The biggest mistake we all make, according to Takamichi, is using too much shampoo). The first wash removes excess dirt and grime, and the second is deep cleaning. Rub the shampoo in your hand and run them through your hair. There won't be too many suds in the first wash. The second shampoo will allow you to go more in detail, in contact with the roots, and create a real lather. Washing every two or three days is optimal for most hair types. If you wash every day, use less shampoo or just wet hair and use conditioner.
Conditioning: Getting shiny hair comes down to the moment of application of the conditioner and getting in tune with your hair. Those with fine hair may not want to use it at all, while others may only want to apply it to the ends or put it everywhere for particularly dry or coarse hair. If you have really thick hair, don't be afraid to put on a lot. But here is the best salon tip to replicate at home: after the shampoo, be sure to wring the hair well with a towel (and not just between your hands) to remove all the excess water. The conditioner will penetrate much more deeply, and its action will immediately increase tenfold. For extra shiny hair, rinse with cold water.
Drying: It is better to dry your hair with a hair dryer than to let it air dry. The reason is that the hair swells under the effect of humidity and is 17 times more sensitive than when it is dry. Start to dry it with a microfiber towel, then blowdry at low temperature.
And never, ever go to bed with wet hair!
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TBR Shiny Hair Kit
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(via Dédale T1 & T2 (série terminée) - Takamichi) Un manga bien sympathique en 2 tomes.
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entomologize · 1 year
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Lego tiger beetle by Takamichi Irie
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mo-ok · 6 months
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big brothers 😌
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teradomarimotoki · 1 year
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Tokyo Revengers + Flowers
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 6 months
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To a wonderful shinning prince 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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I cant believe they’re making the little artist guy run again…
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hoshimirufuri · 10 months
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