#lolirock prompts
lolirockin · 5 months
Lolirock Prompts
Holidays? Holidays. Make up an Ephedian Holiday!
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cloudmallow · 10 months
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For @kireiscorner 2023 Talisto Week I tried knocking out multiple prompts with this drawing; Said prompts were "Ribbon" "Lace" and "Velvet"! I had alotta fun using these for a mini Talisto fashion show~
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citrushedgehog · 6 months
SOOOO this is really really random but since the year is almost ending I thought I'd give the fellow dougisto shippers a lil art challenge: basically just uhhhh draw em lmao
But obviously the prompt "just draw them" is boring af soooooo
I DARE EVERYONE TO DRAW THEM CELEBRATING DECEMBER HOLIDAYS SUCH AS HANUKKAH, CHRISTMAS, MARI LWYD, ETC ETC!!!! (or new years if you'd prefer not to factor in religion/culture)
I HOPE TO SEE SOME FANART!!!! please tag me in any and all dougisto fanart you do for this (and other dougisto art if you want /nf) cuz I really wanna see it!!!! :D
Okay I'm gonna go nowwwww happy holidays!!!! :3
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@savvyzelda for Morgaine and Gramorr from Lolirock
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Gramorr stopped by the corner of the bookshelf and hesitated for a moment. Was that... crying? He scowled. He didn't have the time to deal with some "poor, heartbroken soul" right now, he had to find his book before anyone else recognizes it belongs to him... Then again, something about this crying made his gut tighten.
He sighed, and finally walked out of the aisle.
"Morgaine...?" He asked, barely believing his eyes.
But there she was - his best friend, absolutely broken down, sobbing on the library floor.
"Morgaine! What happened? Did someone hurt you?!" He fell to the floor and reached to push her hair from her face. He could feel his blood rush in his vains. When he gets his hands on whoever hurt her... "Morgaine, who did this to you? Just tell me and I'll take care of it..." His voice trailed off when his gaze fell on the book she was clutching in her arms.
He knew this book. It was his book. His book of dark spells.
"Please, tell me why." Morgaine finally looked up at him. Her eyes were red and her teeth clenched and when he met her gaze, it was as if a sharp claw clenched on his heart. But it wasn't pain that showed on his face.
He immediately drew back and turned away. He felt himself scowl.
"I should've seen it coming," his voice sounded so sharp, it made Morgaine flinch. "Of course you'd side with them."
Morgaine stared at him.
"What side? What- Gramorr what are you even talking about?! Please just-" her voice broke. "Just tell me what's going on? What's wrong? You know I won't tell anyone, we can just get rid of this thing and no one..."
"No!" Gramorr practically roared and ripped the book out of her hands, with a strength he wouldn't even suspect himself of.
Morgaine fell back and for a moment they both stared at each other with wide eyes.
Gramorr hugged the book closer to himself and his brows fell over his eyes in a look of resentment. He found his book and didn't even think of coming with it to him. First she evades him for months and now she tries to play the good friend again and treat him as some kind of traitor? He was right, she wouldn't understand.
The pang in his chest once again disappeared under his anger.
"That's right, you won't tell anyone," his voice was quiet, but it was overflowing with hatred. "You will just forget that you ever saw this book. We'll just go our separate ways and you'll leave me alone."
"Gramorr..." Morgaine started, but he cut her off.
"I don't want to even see you again! Just disappear like you do best - I'm sure the king and queen need you more than I do." He took a deep breath and his face once again fell into an unfeeling mask.
"Goodbye, Morgaine." He turned around and walked away.
"Gramorr... Gramorr!" She was yelling after him.
He pushed the book closer to his chest, and slammed the door behind himself to cut off her voice.
Oh Gramorr is going Through It™ I hope I managed to convey that he's being corrupted by some evil influence that makes him misinterpret every slightly unpleasant thing that happens to him as a direct and intentional attack (the amount of headcanons I had to put here. What even is canon of this show anymore.)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
Prompt lists
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praxinasshanila · 5 months
Lolirock Prompt
what do think the normal people of sunny bay spend their time doing while the princesses and the twins are fighting? chose your favorite human and write about how they spend their day
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kireiscorner · 10 months
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I forgot to post this 😭😭😭
Talisto Week 2023 Prompt II: Flirtation (Part I)
Taken from Chapter 1! I'll work on the 2nd Chapter art tomorrow! Writing is done but imma put art in it...and it's gonna be a lil spicy 🥴🫡🤭
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Hi. I think it’s time guys...
Yeah, you heard me right. 
I think I’m closing down Western Magical Girl confessions, for good this time...
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Why do I finally come to this decision? 
Well, one reason is that I’ve ran this blog for a very long time, and I think I’m finally ready to move on to other things.
I think western magical girl shows are starting to become a rarity this day in age. Shows like Lolirock, Equestria Girls, She Ra, Star vs., Winx Club, The Owl House etc. are over. There’s not much hype for western magical girl series (or magical girl series in general) like it used to be. The only real popular western magical girl series that’s still airing is Miraculous Ladybug, in which that leads to my other reason.
I’m slowly starting to lose interest in Miraculous Ladybug also. I’ve pretty much got all the satisfaction that I could get out of the show at this point. Yes, I’ll probably still do some headcanons, AUs, shipping memes, writing prompts etc. from the series, but I’m basically done with the canon.
Also...I think that I personally just want to try to detach myself from this blog. I have...life goals. Life goals that I want to really start making for myself. I want to prioritize a lot more things in my life that’s OUTSIDE of the internet. 
Also, I have 5 other blogs. Keeping up with them too is a little...tedious now, especially ones that are becoming ghost blogs as time goes on. 
So for all of these reasons, I think I’m ready to say goodbye to this part of my life...soon. 
That’s right, “Soon”, as in...not right at this moment. 
I want to do these things first before finally moving on.
I want to at least finish all of the confessions in the box, so I’ll be closing the submissions box and inbox for confessions and headcanons. So that means any confessions or headcanons that are send at this point will automatically be DELETED.
After I do, I will close them for about a week or two.
I’m going to make a poll, asking for your opinions on this. Maybe even more than 1.
After I get the final results of that poll (or polls), I might temporarily open confessions back up for about a week (or maybe even a month, I don’t know yet), to give everyone a chance to confess anything that they want. Then I’ll reclose confessions and do those confessions. 
After that, I will most likely close western magical girl confession...for good. 
But you know? Who knows??? I MIGHT change my mind. I MIGHT wait until Miraculous Ladybug season 5 is over. However, to be honest though? I hope not. 
Sorry guys, I really am. No offense, but...it’s just I KNOW that I’m week😂 I might just decide to keep this blog up for a little while longer, but I’m not making any promises. I want to be done with this blog. Will that happen or not is all due in time. 
I want to appreciate everyone who has send a confession in the past! I really appreciate it and I’m going to miss you all ^^ I’ll be on my other blogs for now on, so if you're interested, just find me at the blogs that I’ll list below. Thank you for all the good years in the fandoms and all the good times! I wish you all the best of luck in your futures. I’ll never forget the fun I had running this blog...
I love you, farewell, and as always...
Stay magical, Times Infinity ~ 
-MC (aka @curesweetbea27)
My other blogs, if you're interested:
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It's the time again!
Lolirock Multiship Week(end)!
Summer of Ships!
The news of season 3 has revived the fandom a little so we're here to offer you an event!
From August 3rd to 6th (Thursday to Sunday) we invite you to take part in a creative celebration of the show! Below you shall find Rules and Prompts to get you ready!
All ships (canonxcanon,ocxcanon,ocxoc) are welcomed! (as long as they are under Lolirock umbrella)
All forms of creativity is welcomed! FanArts, FanFics, Fan Edits (music, photo, video), Animations, collages etc.
Post your sumbissions to #lrmsw2k23 and make sure to @ us just to be extra careful
Please start posting your submissions on 3rd of August, no earlier! Late submissions are absolutely welcomed.
Works we will reblog can only be G, PG or PG-13, no NSFW works.
No AI, submitting prompts into a machine is not creative work.
We also need to say no to any work containing topics of incest. Topics of violence/triggers need to be properly tagged.
No hate speech or hateful conduct is permitted under any circumstances. Any work with racism, homophobia, sexism or transphobia will not be permitted.
This event is cross hosted on AO3 and will be gathered in the Summer of Ships Collection.
Feel free to send us questions!
They can be interpreted however you'd like and are just suggestions! There is a free space on the last day for any catch-all submissions. You don't have to participate every day so no pressure :)
Thursday / August 3
Summer Fling
Ephedia Only
Game Night
Friday / August 4
Water Fight
Dinner Date
Saturday / August 5
Beach Babes
Arranged Marriage
Sunday / August 6
Lost Episode
Free Space
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So I found a few angst prompts and since I'm bored I'll share
"Just leave."
"I hate you! God, does it feel good to finally say that."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"You care about me...right? This wasn't just a lie, was it?"
"Please, not now."
"You thought this was real."
"I never loved you. Why can't you accept that?"
"Alcohol is the only thing I have left. You abandoned me as soon as you got the chance."
"You deserve so much better than me."
"Did you even care? Ever?"
"Do it." "You are family. I'm not gonna do anything-" "Do it. Please, God, please just end this!"
"I never got the chance to tell you I loved you." "Maybe that was for the best."
Please, I'm open to write anything!
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ask-talisto · 4 years
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It's that time of year again!
Talisto Week begins August 2 - August 8, 2020! Thank you all for the lovely prompt recommendations you all sent in. I tried to keep in what I thought would be fun for everyone, especially those we've been getting asks for consistently throughout the year. Of course, these are optional and we'd love anything you can come up with to celebrate! I hope everyone has a lot of fun this year, and thank you for an exciting 5 years!
Day 1: Music Makes Us Better
For this prompt, find inspiration in music! Ephedians have a deep connection to song through their magic, and Talia loves performing as part of LoliRock. She's a talented dancer and Mephisto...could probably use some dance lessons.. 
Day 2: Gender Swap
For some reason, we get asked for this one a lot and felt we had already done it but realized it was never used. We're going to go ahead and use it, but please don't keep asking for it in our ask box. We'd like to see your ideas about what they'd be like instead!
 Day 3: First Kiss
We've all imagined that first spark, the first date, their first kid, who said I love you first  What about the first time Talia and Mephisto's lips met? How would that feel? Who initiated it? What would their reactions be? You decide!
Day 4: Retro Fashion
Mephisto and Talia always make sure they look good and we love seeing them in all sorts of new outfits! Throw them in another decade and show us how you think they'll look! (If you use a clothing reference or dress up game, please share the links in your posts!) 
Day 5: Sports!AU
We all have a sport that's well-known we hear about! Some lolirock fans are also sports fans too! Pick a sport you enjoy, whether is baseball, swim, gymnastics, etc, and show us how they fit into it! 
Day 6: Gift Giving 
Sometimes to show your love you surprise your lover with gifts! What would they gift each other? Are they good at giving gifts or do they really suck at it? Is it really well planned and what they wanted, or is it cheesy and embarrassing? You tell us! 
Day 7: School Festival
Let's finish our summer with our summer with bright lights and good food. Festival episodes in anime and dramas were always full of comedy, cute outfits, and romantic moments. Mephisto and Talia attend their school festival together! 
Be kind to one another and keep the environment positive. Anyone sharing or posting hate will not be reblogged. This is a time to celebrate our ship, not to bring down others to prop ours up.
Because of the new rules on tumblr, and because we follow @lolirockappreciationcalendar 's rules, please keep all content no more that PG-13 appropriate.
Tag your posts properly and use warnings for any triggers you may want to use.
It is not a requirement to do art! You can do edits, fics, headcanons, moodboards, AMVs, chats, cosplay, whatever you feel works best for you.
Be sure to tag us in your posts so we can share them on the blog and @lrappreciationcalendar during the event to have it shared there too.
Theft, tracing, and editing art without permission will be reported. Please dont steal someone else's hard work.
That's about it! Be sure to use the hashtag #talisto2020 so we can find your posts there too! Here's to another week! Can't wait to see what everyone creates! Be sure to find the calendar on Instagram as well!
Happy Shipping~!
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lolirockin · 4 months
Actor AU April
Hey Lolirockers! This April it's time for something special- Lights! Camera! Action! An Actor AU prompt month! From April 1st to April 30th, this blog will promote any works in this kind of au! For fanart, it will be hosted here on tumblr (with honorable eyes on the discords associated) and for fanfiction, there is an open collection for fics to be added to.
General Rules for the Event: -no nsfw, incest, or gore content under any circumstances. -no hate speech or harassment under any circumstances. -no AI generated, altered, or fabricated content under any circumstances. If you can't be bothered to make it, why would anyone be bothered to read or enjoy it? -tag works correctly and follow community and collection guidelines. -fankids, OCs, and OCxCanon are all permitted!
April 1-7 // Week 1: -casting call -callbacks -favorite role -stage name
April 8-14 // Week 2: -interview -mid-show music career -bloopers -free space
April 15-21 // Week 3: -fan meet -promotional material -other productions -dvd commentary
April 22-30 // Week 4: -behind the scenes -tabloid romance -red carpet -free space
Make sure to use the tag #lractorau so the blog can keep an eye out for your posts!
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cloudmallow · 10 months
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Might as well post the other drawing- For @kireiscorner 2023 Talisto week~! For the "Out of This World" prompt, consider this a Human!Talia AU if you want~ I haven't done realistic proportions in a while, so I'll need to take more time to practice. I still like how it turned out!!
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cockabeetle · 4 years
The Adultening
I cannot remember much about the plot of this AU but the concept was simple
After Mephisto's ""death"" in crowning glory, Iris and Praxina duke it out for a while, and eventually Queen Mora weighs in on who she supports
To the surprise of everyone, she picks Praxina over her own daughter, and Carissa and Auriana swap sides to join the Queen (and her cousin, in Rissa's case). Talia sticks with Iris, and Banes abandons Praxina to try and help Iris as well. A year or so into this new setup, Morgaine opens her portal on Earth and drops an alive and mildly amnesiac Mephisto into Iris's lap
The Chaos Gang is the nickname @curseofbunny and I came up with for Prax/Rissa/Auri's girl group, and it's kind of apt. They're the three most impulsive, and reckless princesses in the cast.
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If it's not obvious from their designs, all three use 'white' crystal magic(the kind the princesses normally use) This is because Mora is sponsoring them, and to balance against Iris, Talia, and Mephisto, who use black crystal magic(the twins and Gramorr's brand in the show).
No, I don't know what Lyna or Ellen were doing while this mild gang war developed. Maybe drinking tea? Gossiping with Nathaniel at the smoothie bar? Who's to say.
Bun designed Iris, and is supposed to design Phi and Talia as well.
This was inspired by another prompt, again, can you tell
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If I’m not too late “Given your history I shouldn’t be surprised” for Mephisto and Praxina from Lolirock where it ended on a freaking cliffhanger.
A flash of red light and she was back in their hideout on Earth. How did she get here? This new magic Banes gave her was confusing...
She looked around and quickly turned away, and squeezed her eyes shut. It was as if he was still everywhere here.
"Mephisto what... What is all this?!"
Mephisto looked up from where he was crouching on the ground and proudly gestured at the chalk scribbles theat covered almost the entire floor of the cave.
"This? Why, this is my latest plan to capture the princesses, of course!" He announced proudly.
Praxina tilted her head and tried to decipher the hieroglyphs he had created.
"Really?" Irony was just dripping from her voice.
"Yeah!" Mephisto ignored her tone and flew up to her, showing her the first drawing. "You see, I've seen humans gather many times for a ritual called 'bowling' and I've started to think to myself, that it would make for a perfect opportunity for us to act!"
He jumped from one side of the cave to the other, pointing at specific pictures and babbling on.
"We will use the heavy balls they use there and enchant them to... And I've even designed a monster... And when the princesses will inevitably..." He added a few more lines right at the centre and exclaimed with a grand flourish: "And then we'll capture them!"
He looked at his sister with a wide grin and eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"So what do you think?"
Praxina only pinched the bride of her nose.
"And what if the princesses won't go to this whole bowling thing?"
Mephisto opened his mouth and took a breath.
And then closed his mouth.
"Of course you didn't think about it! Knowing your record with plans I shouldn't be surprised." She shook her head.
She yanked the chalk from his hand and floated to where the whole explanation of his plan was beginning.
"Here, I'll show you a real plan."
Tears were streaming down Praxina's face. She shook her head to chase them away and bring herself back to reality. In a moment they disappeared when her face went red with anger. There is no point in mourning him - he's not here because of the princesses, because Iris killed him. So it's only right she learns what it's like to loose your whole family.
There it is! Honestly I wasn't sure if you meant it that this drabble should take specifically after the finale or if you were just complaining about the cliffhanger XD But nonetheless I hope you enjoy it!
Prompt lists
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vividfantasy7 · 5 years
Talisto week 2019 - #2 Alone together
if you want to accuse me that that particular post of @kireiscorner of last year’s talisto week heavily inspired this ficlet than yoU’D BE RIGHT BC I’M WEAK FOR ANGSTY SHIT! 
#talistoweek19 #talisto #taliaprincessofxeris #mephisto #lolirock
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battlemagicks · 6 years
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Well this is a wacky au
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