thebest-medicine · 1 month
#84 You’d better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse for ler!Sango and Lee!Miroku from Inuyasha please, if you have time?
Prompt 84 - "You'd better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse!"
A/N: omg i'm sooooo glad you sent me one for them I LOVE MIRSAN ugh the original otp of all timeeeeeee
“You’d better give up now, or this is about to get a lot worse, Monk!” Sango was straddling his lower back, an arm wrapped around the ankles she had pulled in and captured before her. Miroku’s legs strained awkwardly where she held them in a curve and tickled with her free hand along his soles.
“Bahahahahha! Sangohohohoho– yohohohou know I dohon’t give up sohohohoho easilyhehe!” Miroku cackled from his place beneath her. He may have been suffering, but he wouldn’t dare get out of this place willingly. 
“Alright. You leave me no choice.” She released his ankles, and shifted so that she was instead sitting over the backs of his thighs just above the knee. She shifted around so she was facing his head, and dug in.
“WahahahahHAHAHAIT!” Miroku gasped, his nervous system jolting. “WAAHAHA NOOOOO! HaHAH HELP! NOHOHOHOT THERE!” 
“Who are you calling out to, hmm? No one’s going to help you.” Sango teased, rolling her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. She squeezed mercilessly at the back of his thigh, just under his ass. He was absurdly ticklish there, she had found out once, with glee, and never let him forget it since.
He would cave eventually, Sango knew. Until then, she could enjoy the irony of practically groping him back – something he could use a good taste of. But, she could do it in a way that was so much more ..unbearable. 
Miroku snorted, cackling and squealing under her as she tickled furiously into his tendons and muscles. The squeezes sent shocks up his spine, directly to his brain to scramble any thoughts or hopes he may have had. 
Eventually, he’ll remember how this all started in the first place, and that he can make this end any time by simply yielding. Until then, he’ll shriek and laugh and scramble for any way to tolerate the unceasing sensation.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further inuyasha drabbles on ao3]
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neopuff · 4 months
Hi, roswell conspiracy person again. You don't have to answer this one if you don't want, obviously, but in this era of reboots and such, would you want it to come back? And if it did what would you want to keep and what would you want to improve of the show?
well it's interesting that you ask that, 'cause a Roswell Conspiracies reboot was announced in 2019
it's been so long without anymore news that I assume it's cancelled or on hiatus or whatever, but it looked like it wasn't really related to the first series. Takes place in the same universe, but doesn't use the same characters (edit: i found another article that says it was supposed to come out in 2021 lol that sure didn't happen)
a proper reboot I think could do pretty well, turn up the violence and the action and you've got a fun scifi/action animated series. improvements....well, some of the writing is very 90s in a good way but some of it is very 90s in a bad way, it'd need some general character updates (especially for the native american guy lol)
i like the stories in Roswell Conspiracies but if it was made into an adult animated series then itd probably have 8-10 episode seasons so they'd cut a lot of the fun monsters, hopefully not the vampires 'cause those bitches are crazy and i love them
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#18, 26, and 2 for one Captain of the guard for your character ask game please?
For a moment I didn't notice the "one" in your sentence and thought you were asking about Captain from Tangled XD
But of course, if there is even a chance to interpret this question as being about the one and only Gabriel Nuñez, I am going to take it 😌
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Xbbdhzhd okay so I've probably talked about it a million times already, but I really disliked Gabe at first XD And it was even worse because of the fact that I love the name Gabriel/a (there's a very dear to me person of that name) and I was so angry because they gave this name to a stupid musclehead >:(
Obviously by the time I joined the fandom I didn't dislike him anymore, I was kinda indifferent to him, and I think I only really started to like him once the show ended or very close to the finale, mostly, of course, thanks to one and only Amuel and her bonafide propa-gabe-da. But at the time of the finale and around it I was still mostly focused on Francisco, with Gabe being only like 3rd or 4th in the ranking of my favorites, and then my attention just kinda switched to Gabe gradually. And now I love him <3
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Ekhm, I mean...
I definitely think he was generally quite an adventurous child, we know that he liked travel/adventure books, so I can see him wanting to go on his own adventures too, often coming home late and with scraped hands and knees. I think he also always had a strong sense of justice and as I'm always saying, he has immaculate older brother vibes, so I think it all came down to him declaring himself a local protector of younger and smaller kids. We also saw that he doesn't have a problem with rougher games and types of affection, so even if he was never into sports, I can see him being in some sort of club/group where they'd do forest-adventure-survival kind of stuff cough scouting cough. And when compared to current Gabe, I think he was much more carefree and didn't worry that much about proving himself to everyone around (as a child, now teenage Gabe is a completely different topic...)
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
That's such a good question! And the answer depends on who we think Gabe really is...
If I was to say a period then well, post finale of course, he has already changed a lot, came into his own, in a way, and generally grew, he also got more confident and comfortable with his position, so I'd say that's what "himself" might mean for him, though obviously his personal growth is far from over.
In terms of specific episodes, definitely "Princess Knight", "Blockheads", "Snow Place Like Home" and, all in all, "Captain Mateo"
Generally with the one exception, I think the best Gabe episodes are actually the ones that don't focus on him (here I could go on a tangent about Gabe and his place and connection to community, and about how you can divide the amigos based on their approach being more individualistic vs social, but then we'd be there the whole day)
Thank you so much for the ask! Gabe <3
Ask game
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
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And though you're so annoying
So easy to despise
And though there's something scary
Behind your cold, dead eyes
And though I'll never like you
It's nice to realize
Maybe I shouldn't quite say never
Maybe you're not the worst thing ever
Happy birthday @cartoonfangirl1218 !! 🥳❤️
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lostbutterflyutau · 23 days
Matters of Care (9/9)
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Ships: Gabe/Carla with background Elena/Mateo
Characters: Carla, Mateo, Rafa, Gabe, Elena, Naomi
Rating: T
Genre: Mostly gen/sickfic with bits of romance
Summary: When BOTH Carla and Mateo fall ill during the preparations for a diplomatic visit (and while the rest of the royal family is gone!), Elena calls in Mateo's mother to help. Unfortunately for Rafa, Carla isn't an easy patient. But with time, persistence and her motherly instincts, Rafa is sure she can get Carla to come around.
Notes: Thank you to my beta and to @cartoonfangirl1218 for support throughout. Remember! Comments are my everything! I love knowing my readers' thoughts!
Also, sorry I forgot to post this here for... forever. I just got really busy.
Link: AO3
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camelottree638 · 2 years
The story was inspired by both the amazing writers @cartoonfangirl1218 and @Lauraschiller.
Despite years of trying to hide their true past, Esteban and Hortensia know more about each other than the other can guess.
When Esteban helped Shuriki to invade, Dona just came to the city to work after her family had lost everything in the flood. She was still an assistant and they constantly quarreled. But the spark soon grew into an affair. When Shuriki found out, Esteban broke up with Dona to protect her. His family’s magical portrait is under a constant threat by Shuriki and he cannot bear giving the Sorceress Queen even more power over him.
Dona emerses herself in gossip and shopping as she rises in rank and money and her rivalry with Esteban becomes harsher and harsher.
During their bet about Naomi’s Quinceanera  she could not stop her curiosity and watched Esteban and Naomi practicing dancing. She knows that there is no romance between the Chancellor and the young Council Member, but Dona cannot stop the sudden jealousy. If things had worked out differently, she could have been the one to dance at the ball with Esteban now.
The party turns into a personal fiasco as Esteban braggs with Naomi’s success and a hurt Dona flirts with Julio out of revenge.
When Esteban runs away from his banishment with Ash, Dona meets them in the forest and accuses him that he always runs away from his problems.
They get in a big argument that finally brings the burried feelings to the light and at Elena’s coronation they are at the start of a second chance.
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I just wanted to say I loved your character analysis of the blights. I tried to write out something similar but yours is just so eloquent and gets to the heart of it, just amazing! Especially that moment you pointed out that Amity never apologized to Willow. I can’t wait to see more thoughts from you
Thank you so much! I’m so happy you loved that, I spent an unreasonable amount of time on it 🤣
Definitely planning a couple more analysis posts in the future, one lengthy one is already a WIP.
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
Oo I’ve been looking through your tag. You know the dicktionary! Oh please tell me you know where to find it, I’ve been looking everywhere but no one seems to sell it. Or have pages.
Happy to hear you're enjoying my stuff! :D Ohhh my goodness, it's been a bit. I'd seen a picture going around for a while with most of it. I'm not totally clear on what you mean by selling it, I'm afraid.
Honestly, I'd largely memorized it at the time, but I haven't been particularly active in the fandom for almost a year. I can't remember too much now. But I'll see if I can go poking around a bit when I have the time.
These are the ones I do remember off the top of my head: whelmed, taken from "overwhelmed"; traught, from "distraught"; aster, from "disaster"; and turbed, from "disturbed." Definition-wise, I think you kind of have to decide for yourself what exactly Dick means. It's a bit tricky since they aren't real words.
I'm gonna put this out to the fandom, too: can anyone else fill in what I've missed?
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ranibell · 4 years
Looking at your blog and you brought back such a vivid flashback of Spring, I think she was one of the messenger fairies. Anyway I remember when it was first coming out, how I wanted more info on her cuz I really liked her design. Did they mention any personality traits of hers in the book? Also is there a place I could find Art Lessons by Bess since Amazon is so expensive.
Spring interests me, too, because she appears several times in her role as a messenger-talent fairy, but never really has any actual scenes to flesh her out. She appears in “Welcome to Pixie Hollow” with a description so I’ll copy that down for you.
As for Art Lessons by Bess, check out the archive of DF books mod Piper from pixiehollovv has shared!
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tangledbea · 5 years
I just had the crazy dream that it wasn’t Rapunzel who talked down Cassandra and saved the day but Eugene since he was an orphan himself and talking about how biological parents and what you do don’t define you and stuff but those you love. Sort of taking from the lesson of Flynnposter and him shedding his old legacy. Crazy dream
It would actually be really nice if Eugene’s relationship with Cassandra had a bigger role to play in the story.
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jakeperalta · 4 years
Hi, I found you through the anti Jafar’s tag and ahh omg I love everything you’ve written about how the just don’t work. One thing that really sets them apart from villadro I think was when Jafael gets together for the last time, they immediately have sex the next episode. And I get it’s supposed to be a joke that they have “a lot to catch up on” but like... compare that Villadro where they had a lot to catch up too. Emotionally. Let’s face it all jafael has in common was sex and Mateo, it’s obv
i didn’t even see that because i stopped watching as soon as jane decided rafael was her one true love because i figured that if i’m thinking “i wish my favourite character had just stayed dead instead getting this storyline” then i’m not interested in seeing how it all ends lol. villadero just had sooo much more going for them in their relationship they were literally best friends in love 🥺
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moltenhair · 4 years
I watched the finale again and that one line in the end where Rapunzel says she realized that Cassandra had to go off away from Corona when Rapunzel had been trying to keep her there. It seemed totally off the left field. Where had that thinking been before? And honestly I’d rather have seen a story about Rapunzel realizing friends and friendship grow apart than a lesson on never losing faith in someone who tried to kill her.
I feel like that last bit is what Rapunzel’s line was going for but they never showed how she came to that realization. If anything the show had gone out of its way to justify Rapunzel doing everything she could to make Cassandra come back and be her friend like things used to be. It treat Even down to the emotional breakdown Cass has, it’s never even hinted at that Rapunzel thinks she might have been going about this the wrong way. Or that she’s realizing anything has to change. Or that Cass is, in any way, better off without her and vice versa. She just suddenly decides this out of no where and it contradicts everything she has previously done in a last second heel turn.
My assumption is that in the time skip that happened between the hug and that parting conversation, Rapunzel did some thinking about it. Or maybe she had some more heart-to-heart talks with Cass. Lord knows they had a lot to work through after all those attempted murders. But if that happened, it happened off screen. Which makes that nothing more than a hopeful headcanon because anything that isn’t stated or shown on screen isn’t canon. 
I’ve said it before and it still applies here:
I like the endings for each character and I think they all make sense for their characters.  This is what SHOULD happen. Where they all ended up is fitting to their personalities. It was just the way we GOT there that was clumsily executed. Things were skipped over or ignored completely until the last possible second without showing the thought processes any of the characters had that lead to those choices. So everything felt rushed and sudden rather than organically transitioning into a naturally occurring ending. Things just kind of HAPPEN because that’s what needs to happen in order to tie a tidy bow on the series. 
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
What do you think Evil!Httyd gang would be like? Like evil!Tuffnut and evil!Ruffnut and evil!Snotlout and the rest?
Ooooo I love thinking about this!
When I imagine evil! counterparts, I think it’s most interesting when you take the imperfect character traits they canonically have, and just… nudge them… further. That is, evil!Hiccup shouldn’t have any traits he doesn’t have in the canon franchise (or couldn’t grow from his starting point in canon). In slightly altered environments or circumstances, or with different choices, a character should be able to become their evil! counterpart.
Here’s what I think about evil!gang.
Hiccup: Hiccup’s easy for me to imagine. What’s interesting to consider is that Hiccup clearly has the potential to be a killer. There are several times (especially in the shows) in which Hiccup’s anger leads to violent desires or actions. He almost kills Alvin the Treacherous when he’s a tiny teenager, something around fifteen or sixteen years old. Imagine if he continued down that path!
RTTE!Hiccup particularly shows that Hiccup can brood, become frustrated, become snappish. If we get a brooding, frustrated, more dark-minded Hiccup who is willing to kill in necessary circumstances… welp. Evil boy complete. Instead of seeking merciful or peace-loving solutions, Hiccup believes it’s necessary to take dark actions to meet his goal. He won’t thwart Viggo’s crews by shooting their chains and breaking their traps. He’ll shoot the people. Problem solved… permanently. He’ll give in more quickly to his frustrations, his internal violent side. He won’t go berserk wild-violent or something… but his plans and his choices will have a more morally questionable spin.
Honestly… I love this vibe to Hiccup.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: I think one thing we can use for evil!Thorston twins is to consider their violent side. Ruffnut and Tuffnut bond through rough, physical activity. They don’t mind being the victim of each other’s reckless violent behavior. But what if they instead found sweet satisfaction in harming others?
Snotlout: I could see lots of directions to take Snotlout, though I’m sold on none of them. Snotlout has a proud side in which he wants to appear like a tough, rough, callous macho man - in part because of how his father Spitelout views him. If Snotlout managed to become a more callous person (instead of learn to accept and embrace his softer side), he could quit acting on the internal cares and sensitivies we know he has. He’ll become hard and act according to the cold, violent, over-masculine type he thinks he should be. Basically: I think Snotlout has to snuff out his emotions, and once he does that, he can act according to a more selfish, braggy, callous side. Evil!Snotlout is about himself, and everyone else is a sad, pathetic wimp.
Astrid: Think of Astrid at her nastiest. She can be competitive, harsh, aggressive, snappish, confrontational, suspicious, and violent. She’s determined, she’s unrelenting, unstoppable. Warrior Astrid will reign supreme. The loving, sympathetic, good listener won’t be how she grew.
Fishlegs: Hooboy, this one is hard. I think where Fishlegs could mayyybe go “evil” is from one of two possibilities: 1). the pursuit of knowledge, or 2). a coward side resulting in him making compromising decisions to save himself. Neither of these sound exactly like him, though. Fishlegs loves learning, but he doesn’t sacrifice other things for it. And Fishlegs might have a nervous side, but we’ve also seen he can be a brave, bold protector. 
I think it’s important to consider that many of our choices come within context. Whether or not I’m evil isn’t always about my demeanor (am I cold or friendly? bitter or smiley?) as it is whether or not I’m making moral choices. Technically, every member of the gang could act exactly the same personality-wise, but be more evil in their decisions. With Fishlegs, maybe he gets pulled in because it’s the peer group he’s part of. His friends are making evil choices. He doesn’t have enough spine to stand up to the rest of his friends once they start going down darker paths, and once Fishlegs starts doing those bad actions too, that becomes the norm for him. His uncomfortable conscience eventually fades; it’s no longer as uncomfortable a choice as it used to be.
I’d love to hear if others have thoughts!
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If I’m not too late “Given your history I shouldn’t be surprised” for Mephisto and Praxina from Lolirock where it ended on a freaking cliffhanger.
A flash of red light and she was back in their hideout on Earth. How did she get here? This new magic Banes gave her was confusing...
She looked around and quickly turned away, and squeezed her eyes shut. It was as if he was still everywhere here.
"Mephisto what... What is all this?!"
Mephisto looked up from where he was crouching on the ground and proudly gestured at the chalk scribbles theat covered almost the entire floor of the cave.
"This? Why, this is my latest plan to capture the princesses, of course!" He announced proudly.
Praxina tilted her head and tried to decipher the hieroglyphs he had created.
"Really?" Irony was just dripping from her voice.
"Yeah!" Mephisto ignored her tone and flew up to her, showing her the first drawing. "You see, I've seen humans gather many times for a ritual called 'bowling' and I've started to think to myself, that it would make for a perfect opportunity for us to act!"
He jumped from one side of the cave to the other, pointing at specific pictures and babbling on.
"We will use the heavy balls they use there and enchant them to... And I've even designed a monster... And when the princesses will inevitably..." He added a few more lines right at the centre and exclaimed with a grand flourish: "And then we'll capture them!"
He looked at his sister with a wide grin and eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"So what do you think?"
Praxina only pinched the bride of her nose.
"And what if the princesses won't go to this whole bowling thing?"
Mephisto opened his mouth and took a breath.
And then closed his mouth.
"Of course you didn't think about it! Knowing your record with plans I shouldn't be surprised." She shook her head.
She yanked the chalk from his hand and floated to where the whole explanation of his plan was beginning.
"Here, I'll show you a real plan."
Tears were streaming down Praxina's face. She shook her head to chase them away and bring herself back to reality. In a moment they disappeared when her face went red with anger. There is no point in mourning him - he's not here because of the princesses, because Iris killed him. So it's only right she learns what it's like to loose your whole family.
There it is! Honestly I wasn't sure if you meant it that this drabble should take specifically after the finale or if you were just complaining about the cliffhanger XD But nonetheless I hope you enjoy it!
Prompt lists
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
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lostbutterflyutau · 1 month
Matters of Care (8/9)
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Ships: Gabe/Carla with background Elena/Mateo
Characters: Carla, Mateo, Rafa, Gabe, Elena, Naomi
Rating: T
Genre: Mostly gen/sickfic with bits of romance
Summary: When BOTH Carla and Mateo fall ill during the preparations for a diplomatic visit (and while the rest of the royal family is gone!), Elena calls in Mateo's mother to help. Unfortunately for Rafa, Carla isn't an easy patient. But with time, persistence and her motherly instincts, Rafa is sure she can get Carla to come around.
Notes: Thank you to my beta and to @cartoonfangirl1218 for support throughout. Remember! Comments are my everything! I love knowing my readers' thoughts!
Link: AO3
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