#lomo tank
lomotunes2008 · 16 days
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So, here's one of my OCs!
Her name is Monroe (although she usually goes by Turboe) and she works on an island called Lomo.
She is the pilot engine of a busy station in Lomo's capital city and, due to all the trains entering and leaving the station, she has become a very fast shunter (earning her the nickname Turboe)
She's often grumpy and stressed as she almost always has loads of shunting to do, but she's a good engine deep down.
Due to the NWR's engines constantly getting into accidents, they struck up a deal with LOMOR (Lomonian Railways), where LOMOR would send engines to the NWR in order to cover for the NWR's engines while they were repaired. As a result, Turboe (and her brakevan Rudolph) often find themselves on Sodor, doing other engine's work. Turboe is surprised the NWR is even allowed to operate considering there seems to be an accident there every other day, but that's just her personal opinion.
(also I made Turboe like 7 years ago so she's my oldest OC!)
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P.S. I've not made an official reference sheet for her yet sorry
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talentforlying · 8 months
☕ cozy things tag game
comfort food(s): my grandma's one-pot stew, my mom's potato sausage soup, salmon, lomo saltado.
comfort drink(s): dirty chai, cinnamon tea, red bull.
comfort movie(s): the world's end, the usual suspects, annihilation, inkheart.
comfort show(s): person of interest, star trek: tos, westworld, nbc constantine.
comfort clothing: my battle jacket and my BOI DIVISION t-shirt that i safety-pinned into being a tank top.
comfort song(s): tongues & teeth - crane wives, el melouk - ahmed saad, set fazers - skindred, amatz - shanti dope, leah - seeing double, starchild - ghost quartet.
comfort book(s): inkheart - cornelia funke, annihilation - jeff vandermeer, the adventures of sherlock holmes - arthur conan doyle, star wars: tales of the bounty hunters - moran + tyers + bell + anderson + farland.
comfort game(s): star wars: the force unleashed, star wars: battlefront 2, stardew valley, disco elysium.
tagged by: @handgiven <3 tagging: you!
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cesarsnt4 · 3 months
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Mega Blastoise
Pokémon Armazón
Shellfish Pokémon
Tipo: Agua
Type: Water
Pokédex: Sus fornidas patas y lomo le permiten aguantar el retroceso del cañón de su caparazón, cuya potencia de disparo es pareja a la de un tanque.
Pokédex: The cannon on its back is as powerful as a tank gun. Its tough legs and back enable it to withstand the recoil from firing the cannon.
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calderchez · 1 year
La abuela tiene un altarcito a Malverde Malverde que te quiero Malverde Malverde (hoy hace viento) Malverde en llamas el narco sobre la mar y mi hermano se cubre el rostro con un pasamontañas.
Con la sombra del cuerno de chivo en la cintura se asoma tras los barandales verde cana, saca y la prende (su último gallo) con ojos de furia y un pulso que ya se enfriaba
Malverde, que te quiero Malverde Bajo esta luna todas las cosas y los muebles lo están mirando pero él ya no puede mirarlas. Malverde que te quiero Malverde Grandes estrellas de utilería paren la luz que nos abre el camino ante el alba. Todavía te les puedes pelar le dice mi abuelita Pero mi hermano frota su pistola con la lija de sus manos, y en el monte, le espera el patrón, el Golden Chango eriza su lomo tatuado y mi mamá pregunta ¿Pero quién vendra? ¿Y por dónde…? Él sigue en el barandal, verde cana, saca y la prende (su último gallo) soñando con la mar de leche amarga. Va a la casa del vecino y le dice —Compa, quiero cambiar mi gallo por tu casa, mi oro por tu espejo, mi navaja por tu esposa. Compa, vengo sangrando, cambié por moronga el queso de cabra. Y su compa le responde —Si hubiera chance, carnal, este trato se cerraba. Pero yo ya no soy yo, ni mi casa es ya mi casa la tengo hipotecada. —Carnal, yo quiero morir decentemente en mi catre. Con colchón y base, si puede ser con las sábanas de lana. ¿No ves la herida que traigo desde el pecho a la garganta? —Cientos de muchachas morenas han descansado sobre tu tank top blanca. Tu sangre se resume y apesta escurriendo de tu faja. Pero yo ya no soy yo, ni mi casa es ya mi casa porque la tengo hipotecada. —Dame chance de subir al menos hasta tu barandal; ¡carajo dame chance de subir! de tu barandal hasta los confines de la luna donde se cría la tierna agua. Y entonces suben los dos carnales hacia el otro barandal. Dejando un rastro de sangre. Dejando un rastro de lágrimas. Los gatos de los tejados maúllan de huérfanos las latas vacías y el fierro viejo crujen al compás. Esta madrugada antes de que torcieran a mi hermano él fieramente se persignaba. Malverde, que te quiero Malverde, Los dos carnales subieron. le quemaban las patas al diablo y el tufo que desprende la bachita deja en la boca un gusto raro de hiel, de muerte, chicle y un cuerpo que se abarata. —¡Carnal! ¿Dónde está, dime? ¿Dónde quedó tu carnala? ¡Cuántas veces te esperó! cara limpia, negro pelo, sobre este oxidado barandal Ya la noche se puso íntima como el retrato familiar que cuelga sobre la sala.
Ya la clica de los matones borrachos del Golden Chango en la puerta golpeaban. Sobre la chapa disparan.
Malverde, que te quiero Malverde la puerta de la casa en llamas; atraviesan el zaguán el narco sobre la mar, la cabeza de mi hermano con su pasamontañas la cercenó el judicial. Y la noche cayó después símil telón de terciopelo, cubriendo como caricia esta obra cotidiana donde el homicidio es el acto final. Las cucarachas aplauden. Las ratas vitorean. Los apóstoles hoy lloran sangre y las moscas se conjugan presurosas sobre el cuerpo frío de mi hermano para tratar de acurrucarse en lo que queda de su pecho.
2. Satori
Mi mamá estaba sentada viendo al vacío esperando a Godot pero ya sabe que no hay milagro que se lo traiga ni tiempo de espera que reduzca el espesor del aire. Mi abuelita hizo mi guiso favorito toda esa semana yo no lo comí y nunca sentí hambre. Todas las mujeres de mi casa guardaron ayuno. Todas las mujeres de mi casa son ascetas por supervivencia. No pudimos reconocer el cuerpo en el forense porque sólo nos dejaron su cabeza en una bolsa frente a la puerta con una nota que decía Una disculpa por no darles el pellejo que sobró pero se lo echamos a los gatos así se ahorran el ataúd. Mi abuela lavó la cabeza con jabón neutro y shampoo para rizos definidos que para ver si así se le acomodaba el encéfalo y el tálamo. Le hicimos un cuerpo falso relleno de borra, algodón y retazos de tela un cadáver de utilería. Lo llevamos a la iglesia en una carroza fúnebre que cuando echaba reversa sonaba la tonadita de la cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar. Mi alacrán de oro en su féretro de hule que apesta a naftalina y azúcar glass. Tu maldición es el veneno que cargas en la necesidad de enterrar el aguijón sobre tu propia yugular. Quería, carnal que supieras que en tu funeral matamos un cabrito nos lo comimos en alabanza a tu nombre y le enterramos el colmillo con horror y no sin náuseas. Quería, carnal, quitarte la miseria del mundo. Luego quise arrancarte la miseria de la mirada. Ahora sólo quiero arrancarme los ojos. Ya lloré la cicatriz el monte y la vastedad. En tu acta de defunción consta que moriste por sobredosis pero nadie va a declarar cómo cinco gatos del barrio murieron de indigestión y los restantes vomitaron hasta sus entrañas. A mis catorce años apenas me duele el cuerpo de que me empiezan a crecer los huesos porque ya mi estructura no es suficiente lugar para estar. En una semana iba a ser mi fiesta de 15, pero lo del vestido se nos fue en el panteón. Ahora estoy de vuelta en el psiquiátrico tomando puntualmente mis medicinas porque sacralicé el castigo e hice de los medios la meta. Ahora estoy de vuelta en el psiquiátrico escribiendo este poema con crayolas que no me volverá a prestar la enfermera cuando vea que tienen los extremos mordisqueados.
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Takuya is slowly but surely getting used to being around the Baji family.
As she sat on the couch as the big and very busy family made moves all over the house. Chifuyu cooked the lunch for the day along with Yūto and Akina helping feed the crowd of 11 people and a baby . As the 3 spoke in one of the many languages, he spoke in the house(which made her head spin a lot). Tsuyoi came on the side of her and gave a smile to the younger girl.
"Hey Taku! Nice to see you around again we've been missing you" She teased. Takuya face got warmed as she gave a sheepish smile.
"Yeah just been buying with school since our last year of high school" She gently detangled her hair with her fingers. She had a wash day coming up soon, she would need to get some more shampoo soon.
Tsuyoi scoffed at that before leaning into the couch more,"Oh yeah I'm glad I'm done with that shit I hated going to school"
"How come?"
"Not my thing to be honest only went through with it cause of Dad and Papa wanted me to at least have my high school diploma. After that I could do what I saw fit"
That's the one thing she loved most about this family the way they went against the norm of this country. Keisuke and Matsuno only cared about a few things in life, their family, their friends, and making sure to uphold good morals. They didn't care how people side eyed them cause of their large family unit or how they always made comments about how their kids acted mostly the girls. They never paid them any mind, and she loved it so much, one of the biggest reasons she fell for Kazue.
"Well that's to be excepted Uncle Baji and Chifuyu really only cares that you guys are happy and can support yourself" Takuya replied.
"Yup thats- Holy shit Kie put some pants on." Tsuyoi hissed as he looked at the stairways behind them. And she didn't know what made her look behind her at the statement, but she most definitely did in a moment of lack of common sense.
At the halfway point of the staircase was the eldest of the Baji brood, Kie. The 27 looked like she just got out of bed from her messy long curls and drowsy face. She was wearing a tank top and very small boy shorts that almost didn't exist as they ride up between her thick thighs. She stretched and swiped at her younger sister before going back upstairs to do just that.
"Geez what's her problem"
"Cmon Tsu relax on her she's been through a lot lately", said Akina says as she left the kitchen with a few dishes in her hands.
"Yeah you could be a bit more compassion about that you know~" Yūto teases as they placed more dishes at the table. They heard the door open and a few people walk into the house.
"Were home!" Said a very deep voice. It was Keisuke, Hewai, Kiyoko, and Kazue. Takuya lit up as she saw her boyfriend waving at him with a huge sweet grin on her face. The youngest did the same as he returned the wave and helped to put up the groceries in the kitchen. Chifuyu came out with more dishes in hand as he spoke out to his kids in what she assumed was Korean to do something as Hewai revoked to him.
"Chifuyu were the rest for the Lomo Saltado?" Keisuke yelled out.
"Kie and Nonoka ate the rest of it a little after you guys left!"
"What!?!? Dammit I was looming forward to that" at that moment said two people made their way down the stairs Kie wearing some sweats pants with her infant son in her arms.
"Papa what are we eating today?" Nonoka asked making her way to the chabudai asking her siblings set up the table.
"We're eating tempura, yakitori, cold soba, mandoo, Korean fried chicken, vegetables, and rice," he lists off.
"Ooh hell yeah!" She said happily. Asahi babbles happily at as he clapped his hands at the steaming plates of dishes as he bounced in his mother's arms.
"Alright everyone let's eat !"
As everyone made their way to sit, Kazue grabbed Takuya hand and gave a slow thumb rub against the back of her hand in a loving manner. She held on tighter as they sat down and began eating as everyone talked about their days as the passing of dishes around the table and filling up cups.
Takuya is an only child, so dinner wasn't this loud and rowdy and kinda of chaotic, but she liked it a lot. The almost yelling banter between them that ended up with laughter between them with no malicious intent in the jokes. Asahi little fists filled with food that he took off his mama plate and smashed into his mouth, getting it all over the place. Keisuke and Matsuno whispered to each other and held hands as they looked at each other with the kind of love she hoped to have in the future.
"Hey, you ok?" She snapped out of her daze and looked over at the pair of worried brown eyes.
"Yeah just thinking is"
She was quiet before she spoke, "Just how happy I am to be here"
Takuya belongs to @insomniac-jay
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patx · 1 day
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Un lomo tank directo de la unión soviética para revelar película.
Proceso químico para film super 8, 16mm y 35mm.
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hockeymains · 2 years
Doodle tanks cast
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High resolution support (Nokia Lumia 1020/1520) Fun effects (Mirror, Mono colors and more) Real-time filter effects (Vintage, Nashville, Green Pop, 1977, Lomo, Early Bird, Valencia, Amaro, Hudson and more) It containts a fully featured photo editor that allows to edit effects of existing photos and to undo effects of photos that have been taken by OneShot OneShot combines real-time photo effects with photo editing. Apply a change, such as a filter, and you can see the difference on your screen in real time.
OneShot is a professional mobile camera app and offers high quality filters in a lovely user interface that is overlaid on top of your viewfinder. Dictionary works on tablets and phones and is refreshingly free from annoying ads and paid upgrades. There is also a "word of the day" with our pick of the most interesting and entertaining words in the English language.
And we managed to keep data offline without needing a massive app download. It also works well if you only have an intermittent network connection because the definitions are stored offline, locally on the device. You can see your word history and revisit definitions, or make your own list of favourite words to help build up your vocabulary. The speech function helps provide the correct pronunciation. Definitions include synonyms and antonyms which allows the dictionary to also serve as a thesaurus. Wildcard characters can be used to help with word games like crosswords and scrabble where only some of the letters are known, or you have to find an anagram, or with spelling. Then you can follow the links in the definition page to get more word definitions. As you type, Dictionary homes in on the word you are looking for. The home page contains a randomly selected word cloud which will pique your curiosity and help you improve your vocabulary, while the search box allows you to find specific words easily. The dictionary definitions are stored locally, and because it's ad-free there's no need for a network connection. Dictionary is ideal for both native English speakers and English learners or people studying the English language. LIKE: FOLLOW: Check out our other exciting games! Doodle Devil™ & Doodle Farm™ĭictionary is a free offline English dictionary containing over 200,000 words and definitions and no ads. ✔ ALL ages puzzle fun with a historical twistįollow us to get early access to exclusive content, price drops and updates: ✔ Learn about the legends of Tank & Armored Vehicle Design ✔ Over 80 reactions to perform and over 100 elements to combine ✔ Dozens of Tank and Armored Vehicles to Engineer and Build ✔ Available in 6 languages: English, German, French, Russian, Spain, & Portuguese Along the way, learn about the historic events and designers that shaped the outcome of the free world. Start with four basic elements and watch your creations come alive as you create historically accurate tanks and armored vehicles that once rolled across Europe and Africa.
Over 170 Million Players For Doodle Series Worldwide!īECOME A TANK & ARMORED VEHICLE DESIGNER!įrom the creators of the award winning Doodle God & Doodle Devil comes a new ALL ages puzzle game with a fun historical twist.Ĭombine artillery and other elements to create dozens of World War II tanks and armored vehicles. From the Creators of Doodle God & Doodle Devil
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DIY Super8 Processing Tank - Part I
As you all know by now, we are working on a Super8 project and we have recently finished shooting one roll of our film. At the time we were away from our blog, we were trying to figure out how to process our film in Turkey. We had several options to develop our film as; sending our film to a processing company in Istanbul, bathing the film with the “spaghetti method” -dumping all the film in a big light-proof box and processing that way- and finding a Lomo Tank which is a product for processing film, designed to keep 15 meters (50 feet) of film inside a small light proof space without any parts of the film touching. Sending the film to Istanbul would cost a lot of time and money so we abandoned that idea very fast. And according to the technical advise we got, we have found ourselves in searching for a Lomo Tank.
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LOMO UPB-1A Universal Developing Tank For 8mm/16mm/35mm Film
The available Lomo Tanks both didn’t shipped to Turkey and would cost a lot of money even in second hand so we decided to make one ourselves. With the help of an online tutorial (DIY Spiral Processing Tank for Cine Film, by Chris Gavin, https://www.chrisgavin.com/2013/07/diy-spiral-proccessing-tank-for-cine.html) and Eda’s father, we started to make a fully functioning Super8 developing spiral and tank. 
Our progress video on making our developing tank, Part I. 
We will post an in-depth tutorial on how to make a Lomo Spiral tank next week, stay tuned!
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grantmcphee · 7 years
Bell Witch of Leith
Experimental Short Film.  16mm, home processed. 16mm Bolex.
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stuartdance-blog · 7 years
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"The Tank" The Asahi Pentax 6x7. Want a workout? Just lift this monster. Bought this one for my father a few months ago. Pictured here with his Minolta Light meter. #minolta #lightmeter #6x7 #tank #asahi #pentax #120mm #vintagecamera #photo #raleigh #photography #camera #film #filmisnotdead #filmcameras #filmcamerasinternational #filmshooters #filmlovers #staybrokeshootfilm #filmisnotdead #letsshoot #analogue #filmisalive #lomo #streetfeet #filmisalive #l0m0graphy #dowhatyoulove (at North Carolina)
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cerastes · 4 years
Just like Emiya, Amiya also needs a cooking spin-off where things don’t suck and the Kal’tsit-Doctor-Theresa poly is all alive, well, and in love, and where her rings aren’t eldritch power level limiters and they are instead ten of those candy pop rings
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that she’s obviously not allowed to eat because she’s gotta save space for dinner.
The spin-off features cuisine from different parts of the world, such as:
The Ursus Self-Governing Student Council making borscht without any sort of cannibalistic undertones.
The Rhine Lab crew making Saria some real food because all she eats is protein paste and fish soup. Ifrit, master of BBQ, shows off her incredible knowledge of meat while Silence and Ptilopsis balance out the recipes with salads and beans. Mayer explodes at some point.
Skadi and Blue Poison trying to jog Specter’s memories with the traditional AEgirian meal: Empanadas. The spirals out of control when the Iberian AEgir Crew (Thorns, Elysium, Weedy, and Andreana) show up with surface AEgir recipes, like casuela and lomo salteado. There is at least one chancla joke.
Sora and Emperor make full use of the last braincell they share to make some actual freaking food for the logistics team, as they’ve been subsisting on junk food and pizza for the last 3 weeks.
Lappland eating roadkill by the side of the road. Instead of recipes, we are treated to the nutritional value or advantages of each morsel of roadkill she comes across.
The Followers have a chance encounter with W and Flamebringer (owner and employee of a Chuck E. Cheese’s equivalent, respectively, in this AU) and they celebrate the occasion by whipping up some Sarkaz delicacies for Nearl, as she’s wanted to know more about Shining and Nightigale’s homeland of Kazdel.
Aunt Blaze and Uncle Ace dropping by and telling Amiya every single embarrassing story about Kal’tsit while deftly tanking Mon3tr’s increasingly desperate attacks. In the meantime, Doc and Theresa teach us how to make several different creative recipes with leftovers.
FEater, Waai Fu and Beehunter make their favorite recipes full of protein for muscle mass and some carbs to have energy for working out. They also give fitness tips.
Midnight and Orchid having a cooking showdown to establish once and for all WHO’s the Kitchen Lord at A6. It soon becomes a free for all! Will Orchid’s modern and practical recipes triumph over the delicious Higashi cuisine Midnight mastered in his days as a host? Or will an unexpected winner emerge from the rest of the chaotic team? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT.
As a running gag, Gravel, Phantom, and Projekt Red are hiding somewhere in every episode. Can you find all three (secret: all four, Phantom’s clone, Phantom In The Mirror, is also present and SUPER hidden) in every episode?
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tiggymalvern · 5 years
Practical Considerations of First World Murder-Cannibalism
Following on from a post I replied to yesterday about issues with torturing people before you eat them, I thought I’d make a longer post about the physiology and pharmacology Hannibal might take into account when he’s killing people with the intention of eating them. 1. There’s the issue of the meat tasting worse if it’s frightened, which is raised in the show itself. If someone has been struggling hard before they’re killed, there will be lactic acid build-up in the muscles – Hannibal says that’s how Randall Tier/not-Freddie tastes when he and Will are eating the lomo saltado. I believe this is a big part of the reason Hannibal does so much cooking with the internal organs of his victims – their muscles wouldn’t taste good (and honestly most muscle from older people would be tough and stringy anyway, that’s why we eat a lot more lamb than mutton), but their pre-death experiences will have little effect on the flavour of their liver or their kidneys. Hannibal spent time living in France, where cooking with offal is common, and that probably furnished him with a number of useful recipes. 2. Drugging victims with sedatives or anaesthetics shortly before he kills them is going to be a pretty big no. Animal meat has specified withdrawal times after the use of many drugs before it can go into the human food chain (for ketamine in cattle, for instance, it’s three days). Hannibal doesn’t want to be sedating himself when he sits down to a meal. If he does use sedatives on some of his victims to enable him to snatch them quietly, he’ll want to confine them somewhere for long enough for the drugs to get out of their system before he kills them. 3. Almost more important than any drugs Hannibal might give to his victims would be the drugs the victims are taking for themselves. We know that for his chosen kills, Hannibal will perform some surveillance in order to decide when to grab them. The homophobic phlebotomist, for instance – Hannibal knows where he’ll be, which car is his and roughly what time he’ll be leaving in order to hole his petrol tank at the right time. As a medical professional, Hannibal can probably pick up some signs of illness via observation, and some other pathologies he’ll detect when he dissects them. It’s going to be harder with the people who appear perfectly healthy precisely BECAUSE of the drugs they’re taking. You really wouldn’t want to eat someone who’s undergoing a successful course of cancer chemo, or who lives on a cocktail of anti-retroviral drugs, for instance, but that’s going to be hard to know unless he goes in for long term, in depth surveillance, which would have a higher chance of someone noticing him watching. There’s always going to be some element of risk entailed in cannibalism in that regard, and that’s probably why Hannibal only takes one organ from each of his victims instead of ‘honouring every part of them.’ If he only eats a small piece of each person, he can tolerate the low levels of drug exposure he’s likely to be getting. Garret Jacob Hobbs doesn’t have those issues as much because his victims are exclusively teenage girls who are far more likely to be healthy. When he finds one who isn’t (Elise Nichols), he doesn’t eat her, he puts her back. 4. Don’t trust the books! Hannibal kills Cassie Boyle in the novels after she blows cigarette smoke in his face, and he takes her lungs. Poetic ‘justice’ might be nice and all, but Hannibal wouldn’t want to eat a smoker’s lungs – they must taste vile. There’s no indication that the TV Cassie Boyle smokes, and her lungs when he cooks them are lovely and pink 😊
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himluv · 5 years
Hey Bloggos,
Last Week
Enjoy a week off
Weekly Word Count: 0
Last week felt long. Like, really really long. I had so. much. time! I played video games, went to see Snow Patrol, cleaned the house, played more video games. We beat Overcooked and started on the DLC. I tried to catch up on my reading. It was nice, but I was also very restless. I didn’t feel like I ever really relaxed, until I crossed over the Cascades and started my hiking weekend.
We started with a breakfast in Sisters then drove through Bend and to the Newberry Volcano National Monument, where we explored a Lava Tube Cave. I’d never been in a cave before, and having just read The Luminous Dead, I was understandably nervous. Turns out, it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.
If you ever have the opportunity to see a cave, you absolutely should. It was an amazing experience, an all new sensation for me that has left me feeling inspired and in awe.
After that was lunch in Bend at a restaurant called Spork, where I ate Lomo Saltado and could have died with joy. We’ve made Lomo Saltado in my house a few times and it’s definitely a household favorite and comfort food. But I’ve never had “real” Lomo Saltado. Turns out, ours is pretty dang close and it’s all delicious. Then we went to Prineville to meet our friend and get settled at her place for the night. We ordered pizza and watched the new What We Do in the Shadows tv show. We binged all eight episodes over the weekend and I am obsessed with it. I can’t wait to share it with Trevor. If you liked the movie, I’m here to tell you that the show is even better.
The next morning was the big day: The Painted Hills! It’s something I’ve always wanted to see, a natural wonder that I honestly forgot was in Oregon. I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about my passion for geology here, but I’m a bit of a rock nerd. And this weekend my rock nerd was a kid in a candy shop!
It was supposed to rain, but instead it was sunny and I was a dummy in a tank top getting a sweet, sweet sunburn. But I’m not even mad. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful place; I’ll take a little pain for it.
We had lunch in one of the tiniest towns I’ve ever seen, called Mitchell, where there were three cafés, a feed store, a grocery story, and one brewery. It was adorable in a very dusty, hard-working, Old West kind of way. It reminded me of home and going to the feed store with my papa. It reminded me that I do have love in my heart for the desert. It made me want to take a hiking trip back home. Maybe next spring?
And then I came home last night and had a great evening in, playing games and making food with the husbando, preparing for the week ahead. Overall, it was a relaxing and productive week in its own right. I’m glad I made myself take a break.
What’s Next?
Publish two blog posts
Start a new short story
Read Madhu’s pages
Finish reading Beneath a Sugar Sky
I’m going into this week feeling a little lost at sea. I’m not sure where to start, but I do feel like I have the energy and focus to work on something. It’s just a matter of figuring out what that project will be. I have a couple ideas, but we’ll see where the week goes.
Madhu and I exchanged pages before I left for the weekend. She’s already read mine and replied, and since we have a Walk ‘n’ Talk™ scheduled for Thursday afternoon I need to read hers soon.
I’m on track to finish Beneath a Sugar Sky either tonight or tomorrow and would really like to read All Systems Red before the week is out as well. We’ll see how that goes depending on how much time I spend writing this week. Since I want to revisit Exodus: Descent for revisions this summer, reading all these novellas will prove quite useful.
Submissions are still out. I’m beginning to hear the Jeopardy! theme whenever I have a quiet moment and the dread starts to build. I should hear back on at least one story either this week or the next. Fingers crossed.
I don’t have any book reviews primed for this week, mainly because I’m reading novellas and short stories right now. But, I do want to share my thoughts on the drafting process of this book, so might do a sort of recap talking about the experience. Either way, I’ll come back later this week with something to share.
Until then, Bloggarts,
Goals Summary 2019 – Wk #20 Hey Bloggos, Last Week Enjoy a week off Weekly Word Count: 0 Last week felt long. Like, really really long.
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sprocketholevandal · 6 years
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Oil Tank
Summer 2017.  LOMO Smena 9
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time-of-objects · 2 years
Notes on processing with a Lomo tank
I filmed my self process a 100 ft roll of black and white 16mm film as well as a 35mm roll. I used a Gopro strapped to my head and a HD camera set up on a tripod with a wide lens. The processing takes about an hour and half. I didn’t film some of the early set up which involved me filling an esky of water to get the chemicals to temperature. The footage shows myself in the cramped space of my home laundry. Tasks I do are:
Put on safety gear such as gloves and jackets to reduce exposure to the chemicals
Set my iPhone countdown
Measure liquid developer and fixer
Washing in water
Hanging film out to dry
There are many moments of myself waiting and looking as well as repetitive moments of agitating the film in the chemistry by turning the Lomo spool. At some points I attempt to multi task by washing items I have finished with while I am waiting for development or fixer to complete the required time. 
At the end of the fix cycle I give the film a quick rinse in water and have a look at what I have processed. I hold the film up to light to see through it. Using a magnifying class to inspect a few frames. Then complete the rinsing of the film. 
Looking back at myself preforming the tasks of processing I observe some of what I do could be greatly improved with a different setup. I take a long time to wind the wet 16mm onto my drying rack. Holding my arms out above my head winding on the film in short amounts at a time, my arms eventually get tired. I remember thinking I really should improve this task by using a winder to hold the wet film. I am vaguely aware there is a better way to do this but as I don’t do it everyday I plod along with the tedious system I have. The drying rack is a better system them what I used to do before which was to hang it over a clothes rack. I later built a round rack which could be turned easier. I used to precariously hang this over my bath tub. Wanting to improve that system I attached the remains of the clothes rack to the wall above the sink in my laundry. This works fairly well but is still rather slow to wind the film on and off. Eventually I will improve this process.
In this video I am using a Russian made 100 ft 16mm Lomo tank and a Patterson style tank for the 35mm film. The film is wound onto a core so chemistry can get onto the film freely. When film is wet it becomes quite sticky and if it sticks to itself it won’t get the chemistry on it in places that it is stuck. Other options for developing would be in a bucket or a tray in the dark. This would be more restrictive because of working in the dark (or under red lights) and produce inconsistent results. I would like to know more about the history of the LOMO Russian made film tanks considering today these tanks facilitate processing film for artists and small arts run groups. A 100ft tank are becoming rarer and are about $1000 dollars now. Meaning it is becoming out of reach for many people. 
The purpose of the video was to record the physical actions of darkroom processing. A process I find better done in solitude as there are many mental processes you are keeping track of while watching the clock and preforming many repetitive movements. Sometimes I will do it while listening to a podcast but often in silence as it can be quite meditative.
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devotk88 · 6 years
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It's been a while since I've done a #vapeselfie and this one came out pretty dope. Just may have to get back into it. My current setup is the #SmoantRoboxMini with the #FireLukeFreeMax tank. #vaper #vaperave #vapelife #vapepool88 #bathroomselfies #picsart #lomo #hdr #vapeon #vapesafe #blazesmokeshop https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1Xn-XAjPo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ok4a4mh9p86s
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