#londonian gothics
witchrealms · 7 months
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might-be-the-walrus · 2 months
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nettlette · 1 year
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haveteeth · 1 year
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eeyes · 5 months
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Londonian Gothics: Labyrinth of Lolita (2005)
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Londonian Gothics: Labyrinth of Lolita
Release Year: 2005
A 3D action-adventure RPG developed for the Nintendo DS by Megacyber. Gameplay features fighting monsters with the aid of over 20 magical dresses in different lolita styles that enable different powers.
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nomorepixels · 1 year
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Londonian Gothics: Meikyuu no Lolita
©️ Megacyber 2005
Image sourced from spriters-resource.com
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cheapworlds · 2 years
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agtteam · 4 years
hello! first of i would like to thank you and your team for the amazing ds patches you have made since they are so convenient and helpful :) anyways, i would like to suggest "Apathy: Narugami Gakuen Toshi Densetsu Tantei Kyoku" and "Londonian Gothics: Meikyuu no Lolita", which are both nds games! unfortunetly i cant find any patches and of course you guys dont have to make any for these games, but i would like to suggest them since they are really amazing based of what i could translate lol.
Thank you for your kind words! We don’t have a DS-specific focus, it’s just how things have turned out so far xD
But that’s intresting! I’ve never heard of either of those before. I did find a very thorough and seemingly complete translated guide for Londonian Gothics which I’ve added to my thread of unfinished DS game projects. Right now, I’m just about to get started helping proofread Soul Eater: Monotone Princess so as I mentioned in a previous ask, am not really at a stage where I’m able to respond to requests, but I do keep them in mind when looking for new projects! We’re also always happy to welcome people who’d like lead a translation patch project (no Japanese required!), over at the AGT Discord, though if it’s not a game that’s already on our list we would have to know more about it first.
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retexlhrdn · 5 years
English file
           I take my chance and permit me if you please to present you a scheme, plan, of this experience of mine. Then, some modest proposals –
           As a young artist it is worth considering a foreign language. The practice of the foreign langage may produce enlargement of thoughts. As an aim, to build for oneself the foundations for a pluri lingual capacity, to reach a poetical mobility, verbal fluidity. Expended art goes with the enlargement of the langage potentiality.
           How did I approach the English language:
          Activity of research, reading loud, reading with annotations – building a library, collecting poetry.
         A library is a tool. Picking books hither and thither, I furnished myself with chosen British and northern Americans authors, collected in a library, the appropriation of the means. The books are the chosen company of the poets. With my friend a reading room we shared. Sat and red. He encouraged me, read aloud for me, to me. He shared his own library with me.
           The reading aloud, silently or in a whisper –
         The improvement of different muscles from throat to tong in the recital exercise of English and French. Sitting or standing, calling the strange song into one’s mouth, hearing its sound. work to attain the song of it. Am I siting at the table, calling the stranger by my spell, ignoring the body of… . The text is to be played, enacted – it has its own space – and silently. In a whisper, then aloud.
          Endear something by approching it nearer, confront with its difference and loose oneself in it, gazing toward it.
         will it transforms my perception of the world – having this one to comprehensively compare, appreciate sensuously its deifferences –
         The longing for foreigner’s songs – Calling foreign songs, enact its rhythm
           I appropriated tools: books. I possess a working force pushed by a strong passion. 
          Poetry, theatre, novels, essays, paintings (plastic art), moving, music.
          Transdisciplinary activities,
          Cultivate different sides, and the passages in-between, possible, existents partakes to the making of one’s culture and opens some gates.
          Anglophonic cultures – poetry, literature, language, culture.
           What do I inherit? Is language a land? Reflection of a land – the art of language. To fabricate my tradition, the one I choose and decide by Seizing the texts. A revival, in oneself practice, renew. Relief of thoughts, tone. Sustainability of culture in progress – a work for longing.
           To be fluent – the flow.
           Did I ever produce an English thought?  
           The importance of illustration in british culture.
           The fiction of - Door way gates boundaries – le bassin anglo parisien?
           Is one’s language a land?
          English thoughts, english song, english mind. British. Anglophonic.
          Transculturation by crossed poetical and artistic experiments; shared history, cross the sea –
           As a necessity, a work in progress, as culture is.
           Only in the vulgar languages, modern – European, reduce at English, a bit German and Spanish, and my motherland, native language French.
            It is worth considering that a polyglotic practice may produce an enlargement of thoughts. The polyglotic pratice partakes to the making of one’s culture and renews our sensation of language; the singularity of our mother tong language. To reach a verbal mobility by enacting the strange song and enstrange oneself. Is transculturation about endear the unknown by seizing its difference? At first gazing toward it, listen to it, profere it, loose oneself in it. The longing for foreign songs – sounds, flow and rhythms. By enacting its singular flow into one own throat to participate of it. And by the spelling of its reality to wright the story of its perpetual revival in each reader. (cf. Arendt, if Shakespeare dies…). I work to attain the sound of it by voice performances: improvement from throat to tong ; silently, in a whisper or aloud. To cultivate oneself is a work in progress.
            I turned interested by anglo-french relations through poets, history of literature. Our neighbourhood with the British island. Scottish, Irish, Wales. The french northem seashores… the interaction of the northem sea and the Atlantic by the English channel. Anglosaxon, celtic, christians, protestants. The modulations of voices, way of life, inhabits… to hesitate by hum not euh, to embrasse by arms not on the cheek.
            English is to me the language of cosmopolitan encounters, friendship, variety of lands and sounds experiments. It is a language widely spread, common use. Business and all. It is the language of a civilization, the British empire and the northem american empire. It is a language used in countries that had been colonised by the empire (commonwealth). It is the language I have chosen to learn since youth, at school. I appropriated it by a correspondance with a faraway friend, the depiction of a piece of art, Londonian notations; a collection of litterary exerpts, nursery rhymes… An ability to read aloud, some days of english language studies, ideas upon the conduct of learning, education… Now that my friend is gone I feel the value of language intercourse. Look after dialogues. I want it to be a part of my lifelong activities, and become bilingual. From childhood to nowadays I constructed linguistic experiences with early sojourns in England, two road trips in United States and one in Scotland; frequentation of expatriated Anglo-Saxon in the parisian region: an American as a child, an English from the west coast, lastly a bilingual Sweedish. Those lands and persons taught me the use of english as an interlanguage and the difference in between Englishes. This last 4 years of English speaking cohabitation and friendship has been a proper linguistic immersion at home place: everyday dispatched exchanges, the more constructed speeches, the production of English thoughts, debates, argues and laughs… It turned into a partnership for the study of British, north American and Commonwealth cultures by literature, movies, pictures, music (Jazz, RocknRoll). We often red English theatre pieces and poetry aloud together.
            A library is a tool containing potential voices of a choosen company. The books contain the texts to be enacted. The appropriation of the means empowers oneself. I furnished myself with choosen anglophonic authors: british, Irish, angloindians, south africans, north american… Jamaicans? One build it by produced necessities and picking texts hither and thither. You have an idea of my reading ability quotations practice; I collect them. 
The night crossing of the sea – black surface glittering yellowish, of the park. In london parks close late even in winter – some never.
When crossing the northem see, standing at the threshold of the english island –
 This night, at midnight.
The return: midnight crossing of the english channel, at the break of a londonian sejourn –
At the break of the sojourn, cut short – hard. Is not the boat crossing but to draw you a way –
At the midnight break of a londonian sojourn by winter, standing
Is not the boat CROSSING the northem sea, english channel;
But to draw a way
The cold won’t be catch opening the squares gates – the very moment is to open the gates, no fear of catching coled – we are already outside – the darker is the sea the less it is crossed.
I met a guy sleeping on the ground that cried to me I have been in London from Paris forty three times
Actuality. Newspapers - New York Times, The guardian, New Left Review, Times literary suplement
Geopolitics, economy, Tourism, european business – Erasmus –
European students, with their papers that make them citizens of the union, with a ticket bought for little, can with ease, by bus and by night, cross the english channel. Neoliberalism permit to european students to travel with ease more and more, it is cheaper and cheaper – a sort of ease, for poor promised, valued citizens – Discount boundaries – camps, violence.
the northem sea, the tunnel.
The migrants stopped at Calais. Il y a les bourgeois de Calais.
The police stationing on the dunes, sick by catching cold.
The riders - (chauffeurs).
Horses blocked in the tunnel, runners –
 Geography, Territory. La manche, the northem sea: le bassin anglo-saxon, anglo-normand, anglo-parisien? Crossing the northem sea - le bassin anglo-normand.
England is an island. Une île. Insularity. Utopia. Outre-mer. Considering: Calais, Lille, Côtes d’Armor – Jersey, / Hartland. I have been once on it’s east coast – Jersey. I have been to Houat, a more little island (Ponan) – where stephen says that we - the continentals – burst by summer. I red Les travailleurs de la mer… have seen the island from Plougrescan’s coast.
Our neigbourhood (metaphors, practical deeds). Tradition.
The french littoral – transmanche, transatlantique space – coasts; interaction of the atlantic ocean with the northem sea. Geomorphology. Armorican coast?
The sight each side of the sea arm called english channel – cross-channel – anglo-saxon, celtic, christian latin, normand french, - protestants
The river Thames flow, its mouth – the arm of the northem sea
– cross, shore – step, dip, stand 
Through London in the footpath of Woolf, Turner, Rimbaud. A great time in the national gallery, Polke at the Tate modern. Figures: Cromwell, Shakespeare, Newton… Coleridge, Keats. Gothic Revival: John Ruskin commentaries. French poets figures close to england, the english language or culture: Baudelaire (waiting for them coming in Paris – watercolors, theatre), Mallarmé (his courses gave to little parisian girls, his visits to Oxford), Rimbaud (his trips, poems). CHAUCER MILTON BYRON COLERIDGE KEATS BLAKE. REYNOLDS THE PRERAPHAELITS TURNER. WREN, SOAN, NASH. THE PALM GLASS HOUSE – SOHO, BRIXTON, HACKNEY. SUBURB, DISTRICTS, QUARTERS. W. Shakespeare tragedies and sonnets. Turner Tate Britain, Regent Park, Thames Blake Poems, Watercolors, illustrations Ruskin Woolf Bloomsberry group, london (Westminster – ACADEMY OF ART, HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT, LAW COURT INN’S – NATIONAL GALLERY LONDON. SIR JOHN SOAN’S MUSEUM ST PAUL CATHEDRAL (WREN) TATE MODERN (ARCHITECTURE HERZOG & DE MEURON, COLLECTION, POLKE) REYNOLDS, CONSTABLE, GAINSBOROUGH – HOLBEIN, The Ambassadors. HOBBES, WALTER SCOTT, DEFOE, STEVENSON, BYRON Les lettres philosophiques de Voltaire. Cosmopolitism: Holbein, Conrad, Nabokov.
The Irish Struggle, independence, Joyce. The making of the english working class, The great transformation, Polanyi, Churchill’s writtings. (Arendt). Victorian architecture (Walker Evans photographies), Poe’s gothic tales. England, Great Britain, United kingdom, BRITISH EMPIRE les Indes, les indiens – Great Britain, scotland (Birgmingham someyears ago), les amériques – le British museum, the british library where worked Marx. Anglosaxons – angloindians (many children drawing Turner’s seas) Anglonormand (islands, Hugo) –  British: wales, scotland (/ireland)  London capital great city: 1666 great fire, 1714 – 1830 Georgian architecture (building boom), Waterloo, Victorian architecture. The periodisation by kings and queens names (ère de reigne: georgian, victorian, edwardian, elizabethan); a royalty monarchy, constitutional with its parliament
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haveteeth · 1 year
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nomorepixels · 1 year
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Londonian Gothics: Meikyuu no Lolita
©️ Megacyber 2005
Image sourced from spriters-resource.com
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nomorepixels · 1 year
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Londonian Gothics: Meikyuu no Lolita
©️ Megacyber 2005
Image sourced from spriters-resource.com
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nomorepixels · 1 year
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Londonian Gothics: Meikyuu no Lolita
©️ Megacyber 2005
Image sourced from spriters-resource.com
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nettlette · 1 year
beating 12 dungeons in londonian gothics tired me tf out im doing this solely to get all of the dress pngs to upload the lolita community needs this
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cheapworlds · 2 years
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