#lone star 4×01
liberty-barnes · 2 years
went down a rabbithole of discourse to see what people mean when they say they don't like the wedding and well
let me ask you this:
do you not the like this plotline because it's "poor writing" (even though it was literally planned from the start, ie rafael knowing) or you do not like it because it shows that carlos isn't a saint with minimal, "cute" flaws, here to help tk get better?
do you not like iris or are you villainising her because she's "getting in the way of your ship" and doesn’t act in a neurotypical way, or in what you're "used to" seeing from neurodivergent characters?
really think about these cause i think you might figure some things out.
now i haven't made it a secret that i'm liking this plotline, but i'm not just gonna call out one side without explaining mine, that would just be unfair, so here are my full thoughts now that ep2 is out
i love this plotline because it's an opportunity to delve into carlos' character development, which when compared to tk, we haven't had much. like sure, they've been a couple and stuff but apart from the jealousy with connor and the issue with his parents, what have we really learned about carlos? compared to all the development we've had from tk, carlos at times felt very much like a tool for tk to move forward, because the character himself still had such limited growth opportunities
now the marriage plotline is his time to shine. i recently reblogged a post where it was mentioned that tk came full circle in the first 3 seasons, starting with a failed proposal and ending with a successful one, so i think that tk at this point is okay to take a secondary, and just overall less dramatic approach to his character development. because we've seen him go through the big things. now it's carlos' turn to do like a pokemon and evolve.
we get to see the full scope of his anxiety, internalised homophobia, and saviour complex.
it's already a huge step that he talked to tk about it before he took care of the divorce. people with anxiety disorders (it's me hi i'm people) can tell you that bringing up a problem without having a solution is next to inconceivable. we feel like we always need to have solutions for our problems and if we don't, then people can't know about them. so the fact that carlos trusted tk enough to tell him (albeit after being "forced" to by andrea) tells you a lot about just how much he cares. and we also got the opportunity of seeing tk's growth because he didn't take it personally, didn't think this was against him, he understood that this was carlos' own problems and just like carlos helped him deal with his issues, tk's gonna help him deal with this.
it also shows just how far carlos' internalised homophobia went, and shows that even though most of it wasn't on screen, he's done amazing progress. the conversation on the couch is a testament to that growth, to him realising he wasn't broken at all. it's also a great way to show internalised homophobia, because it's something that most queer people go through, especially at the beginning, and i think it's beautiful to show that no matter how much time passes or how many mistakes you make, the important part of it is that you found yourself, the rest can be taken care of later.
and of course, his saviour complex. we saw it when he let the bank robber go, we saw it when he broke down because he felt like he failed tk by not having enough fire extinguishers to protect him, and we see it now by him staying married to iris for the health insurance. abd not going to see her because in some way, he feels like he failed her. maybe he should have noticed her illness sooner, or he should have been there with michelle from the start, but he didn't know what to do or what to say so he just didn't go. which again, if you have an anxiety disorder, you can relate. sometimes when things feel too hard or we don't have a set plan for everything that's gonna happen, or we make it harder than it is in our minds, we just don't go. speaking from experience, i ghosted my therapist for a year cause i forgot to call in sick for one appointment and thought she would judge me so i didn't go back. that's just how much anxiety can affect you, and for carlos, this is his "monster", this marriage is the thing that he desperately wants to fix but doesn't know how, finds too complicated, so he's stuck where he is because he's just not able to fix it.
and it's amazing to see how much tk gives him strength, the trust they share, and how carlos found his motivation in tk. that's love and from one anxious person to another, i'm really proud of carlos
now as for iris, i love her, i really do. she shows a mental illness that we don't always see, and normalises the fact that even after being medicated, neurodivergent people aren’t just suddenly gonna be "fixed". she's saner with her medication but we see how she finds it hard to communicate because her brain just works differently. when can see during her talk of an annulment, she thought she was being obvious the whole time, and it was only after tk asked for an explanation that she realised she needed to express this better. she doesn't mean her questions maliciously (ie carlos warning tk beforehand and being ready to step in if it got too much while also trusting that his fiancé can hold his own), she just has questions and asks them. she asks them because she's curious, because she's worried about carlos, because she wants to know more about tk. she doesn't have that little voice in her head telling her that her questions can be taken the wrong way.
and the part everyone's mad about, with her calling tk carlos' life's work. she didn't say it to insult tk, she didn't say it because she thinks he doesn't deserve carlos, she said it because in her mind it proves how perfect they are for each other. "always needs a project" + "can be his life's work" = soulmates. and idk if i understood that because i'm neurodivergent or because whatever else, but it made sense in my brain, i get her.
and ofc, it's a great opening to show off tarlos' ability to communicate with each other and both their individual and joint growth.
now for the fact that they can't get an annulment, i'm honestly not sure that was the plan at all, it might have been brought in just for the symbolism and after realising they can't do it, they'll have to stick with divorce. i don't know, i'm hapoy to let the writers surprise me and then pick apart and analyse the story as it comes.
and for the fact that iris is now missing, again, don't have many thoughts about it right now other than i think she went looking for the woman at the care center that she talked about when tk first got there, bc that comment felt too pointed not to become a plot point. but again, i'll hold any thoughts until after the episode air.
i see so many people getting stuck on what could happen, and what was "seen coming" etc, but honestly, just trust the writers. we know it will end in a wedding, ronen and rafael trust the writers fully, and that's good enough for me you know. i'm not gonna stress about what "could happen" in a tv show, i do that enough irl. i'm just gonna enjoy the ride.
so yeah that was me
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tarlossource · 2 years
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Tarlos in Season 4 Episode 1: The New Hotness
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fangirl-paba · 8 months
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Celebrating 1 year Anniversary of #911LoneStar Season 4 with This ICONIC OUTFIT and this ICONIC WALK!!!
And gosh the way he says “Ecuador?” in the next scene 😮‍💨
Carlos Tomas Reyes in season 4 was sexy af in those shirts 🥵🔥
Started being a fan since end of October 2022. So It was my first time watching the show live with the fans. Found a couple of really cool friends through this fandom. And some really talented people too. So Happy for that. ❤️
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
where do we go from here
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Teen and Up | Warnings / Tags: Angst, heavy angst, angst with a happy ending, Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, 4 x O1 Coda, The new Hotness, Episode 4 x 01: The New Hotness, A lot of talk of the secret marriage, TK dealing with feelings, in a healthy way, 911 Lone Star Spoilers
Summary: TK finds out Carlos' secret and they talk about it.
Authors Note: When I sat down to write this fic, I had planned to write angry TK and wanted to explore my own feelings about the secret. I've never been confronted with a situation where a favorite character of mine drops a bombshell this big and it was jarring and it left me feeling very off-balanced and upset last night. I wanted to understand it and the best way for me to do that is to get inside the heads of the characters. The story I set out to write is not the one I ended up with, and I'm okay with that. I think, and hope, I did this justice. I hope you enjoy it.
for @kiloskywalker who was a delight to talk to last night and really had some interesting thoughts.
thank you to @bubblesandroses8 for beta'ing this for me
After the dust and frogs of the day settle, TK finally takes a moment to sit down and let everything sink in.
Carlos is married.
The love of his life is married. To a woman .
The words feel heavy as he thinks them, settling deep into his bones.
He's not sure what he's supposed to feel at that news. 
When Carlos told him earlier in the day that he is married to a woman, it had been a shock. TK hadn't been able to process the intensity of his emotions at that moment because after learning about Iris, he was concerned for her, and then Carlos told him they could get married in 8 weeks and the happiness he had felt overpowered everything else.
His first reaction was to be hurt, confused, and angry - and he still feels those things.
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angeltk @noxsoulmate  @beautifulhigh @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony
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drinix · 7 months
A Vow for Eternity
01 - Before it all began
Pairing: General Kirigan X Female Reader
Part 02
Warnings: None at all. This series encompass mainly romance, fluff, angst.
Summary: A Princess embroiled in an arranged betrothal to the most feared General Aleksander Kirigan, the leader of the Second Army in Ravka. Would this be a mere political alliance or something more than it meets the eye?
Bonus: I couldn’t stop listening to the soundtrack while writing this chapter.
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General Kirigan stood skimming the map of Ravka which was laid down on an enormous table that ran almost half of the space in the room, immersed in his thoughts. The sound of firewood crackling is the only thing that could be heard in his dark-lit war room. The room was cramped with cabinets loaded with maps, artifacts, paintings, books and whatnot. Beside him was his untouched Kvas, in front of him, on the wall was a black banner showcasing his coat of arms, embellished with glittering intricate silver details, which depicted the Sun in Eclipse but not a single star was there to adorn it.
He had found his Sun Summoner whom he had been looking for centuries after making many endeavors. He had made sure to keep an eye on her every step of the way because he wanted to make sure nothing goes awry so that everything could be executed according to his whims and fancies.
His eyes rested upon the banner of his symbol for a while. “It feels empty and lonely, just as my soul”, He thought to himself. He was too adamant to admit that he was lonely in this world after spending centuries on his own.
General Kirigan’s train of thoughts was interrupted by subdued knock on the door.
“What is it, Ivan?”, the General asked in his husky voice.
“The King’s brother, Prince Richard is here for an audience with you, General”, Ivan replied. He was one of the General’s Oprichniki and most trusted soldiers.
General Kirigan knew why the Prince requested an audience with him that evening. Few weeks ago, the King himself communicated to him about his betrothal to the Princess Y/N, which was indeed considered as an emblematic union that benefited both parties by the King and his advisers with the intention of bolstering the alliance between the Grisha and the people of Ravka. Even though, the General didn’t have a speck of an hope to get married, it was not his position to defy the King. Whether he wanted or not, he was deprived of any choice but to concede.
“Ah yes. I was informed about this meeting. Don’t keep him waiting, Ivan.” said the General while fixing up his kefta.
Ivan opened the door for the Prince to enter.
“Moi tsarevich, it’s an honor to have you in my chambers.” The General bowed to the Prince.
“It’s pleasure meeting you, General. I wanted to meet you myself here because of the gravity of the matter I intend to discuss with you.” The Prince said glancing at Ivan.
“Ivan, you may wait outside” Ivan bowed to the General and the Prince and took his leave, closing the doors behind him.
“A glass of Kvas for you, moi tsarevich. Let me send a word to the kitchen to bring some refreshments for you” The General offered a glass of Kvas to the Prince.
“Thank you, General. No need for other refreshments. Let me cut to the chase.” The Prince uttered with a grave expression on his face. “ I hope you’re aware that my daughter will return to the Grand Palace on the day of the Winter Fete.”
“Yes. The King informed me about her arrival few days before” The General nodded in agreement.
“There’s something about her that others are not aware of, specially the Royal Family which puts her safety at peril” The Prince muttered, turning towards the General.
The General furrowed his brows. “ What is it, moi tsarevich? If it concerns her safety, it must be a grave matter.” Anything that would put his prospective bride’s life in harm’s way, would affect him as well, at least remotely.
The Prince stared at the fireside for a while, swirling the glass of Kvas. “This is a secret that should be kept between us, General. Otherwise, the Princess’s life will be at an immense stake”
“I give you my word, moi tsarevich. You have always been an ally and a pillar of support of Grisha.” General bobbed his head respectfully.
Your father had been supportive of Grisha in many respects for many years. He always believed that they should live in harmony without being downtrodden or marginalized. As a matter fact, he had played a integral role in holding discussions with the Fjeardan government on behalf of the royal family of Ravka regarding the Grisha held in custody at the Ice Court of Fjearda and even gone out of his way to help them escape from the Fjeardans. Therefore, your father was a well-respected royal by Grisha. You, his only child, well, there’s a saying that an Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
“ I trust you, General and you’re her fiancé. It is the reason for me to have this conversation with you” The Prince stepped closer to the General. “My daughter, Y/N is capable of wielding the powers of Small Science”
The General was astounded by what the Prince just said. He found himself dumbstruck for a moment as a pin-drop silence loomed over the room for a minute or two. He couldn’t believe his own ears for moment. A Grisha in the Royal family was such a rare occurrence. It had never been known for Grisha to have a Royal descent; A Grisha Princess.
“You mean, she is a Grisha, moi tsarevich?” General Kirigan broke the silence. There was a scintilla of uncertainty in his voice. “Was she tested when she was little?” The members of the royal family were hardly tested by Grisha examiners as the chances of a Royal being a Grisha was minimal. Until this moment, it was reckoned null.
“No. We got to know it few years ago, before she was sent to Ketterdam” The Prince added. “Now that she will be here, I want to ensure that her life is not at stake. I have heard many rumors about attempts to kidnap the Sun Summoner.” He paused for a while before uttering what he really wanted to say. “You will not, by any means, use her as one of your Grisha soldiers, General.” It sounded more as if the Prince was commanding the General, rather than engaging in a typical conversation between soon-to-be father in law and his son in law. “It will only transpire more chaos than what our family already has”
“You have my word, moi tsarevich. I’ll personally see to her safety concerns. She’ll be safer here than being at her home. Don’t worry” The General’s assuring words appeased the Prince’s doubts about your safety to some extent. “As far as this alliance goes, I don’t intend to make her one of the soldiers.” Besides, his focus was mainly centered on Alina Starkov in that period of time.
“It’s a relief to hear those words from you” The Prince placed his hand on the General’s shoulder. “Thank you, General Kirigan. From the day of Winter Fete onwards, she will be one of your prioritized responsibilities, in addition to, leading the Second Army of course” The Prince chuckled, looking at the war table which denoted the current positions of the army encampments.
“It’s my honor and duty to you” The General said reassuringly.
“Then I must take my leave, General Kirigan” The Prince walked toward the door with the General to his left side.
“ Looking forward to meeting the Princess, moi tsarevich” General Kirigan paused for a while. “Before you leave, do you know what order she belongs to ?”
The Prince turned back to face the General.
“An etherealki, technically.”
General Kirigan’s eyes gleamed as a smile settled on his lips.
The General sat on the edge of his war table after the Prince left. A prickle of excitement went through his skin, engulfed with impatience to meet the Princess. He was never fond of this alliance, until he heard the word that you were a Grisha, just like him which piqued his enthusiasm to see you and get to know you. The crowning glory was he was the first to know and nobody else in the Royal family knew about it. At least, he knew he didn’t despise the idea of being introduced to you.
There’s not any dull moment nor rest where youth and pleasure meet.
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bangpop91 · 2 days
Lone Star 5×01 thoughts
This opening sequence is great. I originally thought it might have been a Carlos flashback, but I'm glad I was wrong. But also the horror movie vibes! The jump scare. *chefs kiss*
I called him and Kendra breaking up. No one needs to get off the hampster wheel than Owen. I do wish he took grief support more seriously though
I do love his conversation with Tommy. They have a great friendship.
This hose competition is great! It feels like a fire house extension of Catan game nights. I do wish Nanteo got more onscreen development
I do enjoy the dynamic between the two armored truck drivers. It makes for a great juxtaposition and balance.
This is a great opening disaster. It's the perfect amount of high stakes to lead into the 'big' multi episode emergency. It shows off all of the 126 strengths giving them all time to shine
I love that we are getting to see more of Nancy and Tks competence as paramedics
This fucking music. It feels like it was pulled out of a old western film. I love it
Wyatt, Leanne, and Liam are such a cute family
Charlie is so big!!!! 😭😭😭
I miss Grace already
One thing I like about Judd and Wyatt is that Wyatt is an adult so they can have a more adult father son relationship. But we still get Daddy Judd with Judd and Charlie
The dynamic between Carlos and Sam Cambell with Cheif Bridges is so interesting. I think it will be good for Carlos to have Sam around who isn't treating him like a young Gabriel
Mateo accidentally egging on the Strickwani competition while Tommy observes is a great character building scene
Lexi Mitchell!!!
What is with all very country western music this episode? Don't get me wrong I love it but it'd an interesting choice.
Such a great montage of Owen opening his eyes to the Strickwani competition
Again. I love the very adult father/son relationship between Judd and Wyatt.
I hate thar Grace is gone, but I do love the way they handled Sierra's exit from the show. It does honor Grace in a beautiful way.
Judd is applying for Trucking so that he can be home for Charlie and because he doesn't want to start all over.
I really like Wyatt's monologue here. It is really beautiful.
"Well you know you're my Dad." 😭😭😭😭
Tk trying to plan a couples hang is so good. I also love the domesticity of this scene while also moving the investigation forward
Tk being both intentionally and unintentionally helpful is perfection as is his confusion
Oh! I love competent Wyatt!
I really like this ranger trio. This is definitely a nice set up for a whole new series of stories that are darker.
I love Judd and Owen's friendship. With Grace following her vocation and Owen single(again🙄) I hope they put more focus on the Judd & Owen friendship vs shoestring another relationship in the final season
The armored truck chase is so good!
The fucking country western music 3 tines in one episode! But also Campbell Reyes have potential to be an absolutely iconic procedural partnership
I really like this conversation between them. It is soooo damn good on a deep character level.
Oh. Campbell calling Gabriel a pain in the ass. A perfect parallel to Washington calling Carlos one
Lou Two!
This is such a good scene. Tk being disappointed but understanding and Carlos still being a loving husband. This is just so good.
I was not expecting the autopsy photo!
A great cliffhanger! I love it! They have done a great job setting up the three acts, just like with the 4 act arc of the ice storm.
Final thoughts: this was such a great first episode! I don't know that it was worth a sixteen month wait(yet) considering this is the final season, and there are only 12 episodes with a lot of different different plot threads that need a conclusion. Bit I love Lone Star so I'm willing to ride this out.
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welcometololaland · 4 months
911 lone star tag game
thank you @tellmegoodbye for creating this tag and for tagging me 💜 sorry it took me so long to get to it. thanks also to @lemonlyman-dotcom @rmd-writes @liminalmemories21 @freneticfloetry
@chicgeekgirl89 @thisbuildinghasfeelings for the tags and @howtosingit and @captain-gillian mentioning my name, unfortunately for you i have taken that as a tag.
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
someone (it may have been @three-drink-amy) was yelling about the proposal in a group chat somewhere and i was stuck at home, injured, completely unable to walk, miserable and hating life...so I opened a YouTube video to see what the fuss was about. and then i watched all 3 seasons over the next 2 days.
Which season is your favorite?
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
if you'd asked me a year ago, i might have had a different answer, but now (after over a year of almost exclusively writing carlos), i think it has to be him. i just think that i understand carlos a lot better than i used to. aside from tarlos...it's a hard toss up between grace and paul.
Top five episodes. Go!
you don't write 9 fics about push unless you really love push, so it's 3 x 04 every day for me. i'm actually sick for the pilot (1 x 01). i love a good origin story. my three others would be 3 x 13, 3 x 07 and a fight to the death between 3 x 18 for the proposal and 4 x 16 for soulmates.
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
i think the logical choice is nancy, because we really don't know a lot about her. the more she is on the screen the more i am starting to really enjoy her as a character and i'd like to know more. i'm also obsessed with getting as much reyes family backstory as i can. i'm CONVINCED tia lucy has to turn up somewhere. i need to meet that queen.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
total cop out answer for me - i have no hopes because every time i start clowning i get the fear i might curse it. i'm just here for the ride, kids.
What do you think is going on in this still?
see answer above - i think the obvious answer is something about gabriel's death/the murder investigation but i'm not counting my chickens before they hatch or whatever the saying is. (also, they could def be trolling us and it's some scene in which tk is hangry and carlos is calling up the pizza place around the corner to ask where their order is because it's been 50 minutes and how long does a pizza really take?)
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
it's no secret that i prefer sexy scenes when there's more at stake - a frantic hook up is hot but i prefer anything with feelings upon feelings upon feelings. so i hope whatever it is, it's emotional.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
i wrote a whole fic about it, so it's hard to go against my own narrative. but i assume somewhere in texas. it definitely wasn't the under the tuscan sun remake carlos had apparently been dreaming about (but i hope they get there one day).
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
there's actually too many to mention, and somehow even though i've only been in this fandom for coming up two years, i feel like i'm a relic 😂 i have so many personal favourites that have come across my dash (a lot of them due to fic/fandom rec friday which i miss with all my heart). but i do want to say that if you create for this fandom in any capacity, whether that is art, fic, gifs, vids, metas etc., your creations are such a gift. every single one adds something that the fandom didn't have before and makes us as a collective all the richer 💜 also, i think it's important to acknowledge the importance of the members of the fandom who are readers or beta readers, or even casual observers. everyone i've come across on this site or in the ao3 comments or discord has such unique experiences and personalities and adds so much flavour to this fandom! so thank you for being here! and thanks to @tellmegoodbye again for giving me an excuse to just ramble on about that.
an open tag because i'm very late, but if you haven't participated, please consider this a tag for you 💜
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hccn-overseer · 11 months
Issue 29, 11/01/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 4 degrees. Skies will be cloudy and windy.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 15 degrees and a low of 3 degrees. Skies will be mostly sunny, though there is a chance of passing light showers later this afternoon.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 17 degrees and a low of 6 degrees. Rain will be prevalent throughout the entire day.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 11 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be persistently cloudy and rainy until the early evening, in which stars may be visible after 8:00.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 16 degrees and a low of 4 degrees. Skies will be hazy with no precipitation today.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 14 degrees and a low of 6 degrees. Skies will be mostly rainy with occasional passing thunder, but Bdubs will promptly sleep it away.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 5 degrees. Skies will be mostly clear today with occasional haze.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 8 degrees and a low of 0 degrees. Skies will be cloudy today with a very, very low chance of snow in the early afternoon.
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Now onto other news under the cut!
Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A recording of a musical performance This recording of a musical performance appears to have been made in a modern theater of an amateur singer accompanied by a very small orchestra. She is a mezzo-soprano and sings a song from an unknown cartoon show. Audience members are heard applauding raucously and join in singing with her towards the end of the four and a half minute recording. Although there is a cartoon listed on the disc, it is not one that contains any music resembling that of the recording.
Item 2: A map of a discount department store This department store, modeled off of a common American version, holds a majority of unusual items according to the map, covered in copious scribbled notes. Sections listed include: cleaning supplies for extraterrestrial bugs, medicine for those undergoing mutations, large plush items of undiscovered creatures, living mannequins, Knick-knacks and display items of insufferably round shapes, DVDs of mildly crude mutant media, and muscle strengtheners for fatigued legs.
Item 3: A personal essay about living alone in old age This treatise appears to have been written by an elderly denizen of a highly populated town in the grasslands, and states the pros and cons of living alone in old age, and the societal changes that have performatively reduced the stigma of elders not being married. The author states that although progress has been made to support unmarried citizens, it is not enough on a substantial level to prevent countless others from bombarding them with pitying and sometimes hostile statements regarding her lifestyle as an unmarried and childless elder, with no one to call their grandchild nor younger relatives to ensure their health is overseen at ninety-six. The author has noted that they have many relatives and friends who ensure that they are not living in a lonely state, but these companions still struggle to comprehend their staunch independent lifestyle.
Item 4: A copy of Charles Addams: A Cartoonist’s Life This copy of a biography of Charles Addams, creator of the newspaper cartoon that would later become the famed fictional Addams Family, delves into heavy details about the cartoonist’s early life, dating history, artistic passion, and career history. While it focuses heavily on his personal romantic relationships, it also offers observations upon who he must have been among friends and colleagues, with personal accounts from these figures in his life. Noted to be easy-going, jovial, and passive in his marriages (one of which became abusive towards him due to his spouse’s enactments of psychological and physical abuse), he was beloved by many people as one who took interest in each person he met. He was stated to have had a way of making them feel important and listened to, regardless of if others would brush them off due to gender expectations at the time.
Item 5: A list of insults This list is handwritten in heavy pencil and records several insults taken from various video games according to the note on the top. Whether all of these games are real is unknown. The listed insults include the following:
You were never burdened with intelligence, but your load seems especially light, today.
Your ass is jealous of your mouth because of how much shit comes out of them.
You make shit look like Beyoncé.
I could bash your head in with a sledgehammer and you’d be so high you wouldn’t even feel it.
Oh, look, it’s mommy’s eldest mistake!
Think you’re a person because you’re walking on two feet?
You’re running your mouth because your lymphedema-ridden legs are too useless to get you anywhere! (Under breath) Useless whale of flesh.
If you tasted anything with even a hint of spice, you would have a heart attack and die!
I heard your reaper refused to take you. Your soul is so rancid, they threw up upon looking at you!
You have more earwax than brain matter!
Why would your gods love you when no one else does?
Think you’ve won the genetic lottery? Cute. You’re suffering delusions of adequacy because your ears are longer than your dick. (Alternatively) You’re suffering delusions of adequacy because your ears are larger than your brain.
Item 6: A can of raviolis This Chef Boyardee can of raviolis was found unopened near Tango’s Deep Frost Citadel, Pictures of crabs have been placed on the can and are depicted raising their claws in the air. The miniature raviolis inside have already been eaten by the staff, but if you would like to reclaim your can, please feel free to do so, and thank you for the free snack!
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia!
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That's all for this week folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful November!
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ultra-nohai · 3 months
The tenth installment in the Trance Vortex lineup is finally up on YouTube! Featuring: Ferry Corsten, Paul van Dyk, Vincent de Moor, Thrillseekers, and Mario Piu!
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--------------------------------- 01 MARC ET CLAUDE La 02 FERRY CORSTEN Punk 03 TROUSER ENTHUSIASTS Sweet Release 04 ARMIN Communication 05 NICK SKITZ Gimme More 06 VINCENT DE MOOR Orion City 07 MARIO PIU The Vision 08 PAUL VAN DYK We Are Alive 09 KAYCEE Love Stimulation 10 MARIO LOPEZ Into My Brain 11 WARRIOR Warrior 12 GENLOG Mockmoon 13 NETZWERK Passion 14 BENDER I'm Falling in Love 15 THRILLSEEKERS Synaesthesia 16 ALICE DEEJAY The Lonely One 17 KAI TRACID Dance for Eternity 18 URBAN The Way
--------------------------------- 19 THOMAS Show Me The Way 20 THE MACKENZIE Arpegia (Without You) (Odyssey To Kevin Jee Mix) 21 BLAME Everytime 22 KAI TRACID 4 Just 1 Day 23 DA LIFE Lost in Time 24 4 FACTORY Give Me More 25 FLEXTER You Turn Me On (Smash Radio Edit) 26 MARIO PIU Runaway (On Air Mix) 27 QUADRAN Free Your Mind 28 T42 ft. SHARP Melody Blue (Fargetta Radio Edit) 29 BONZAI ALL-STARS No Time to Waste 30 D.E.A.R. Talk To Me 31 EDGE OF UNIVERSE After Life (Pooper Scooper Radio Edit) 32 FLOORFILLA Anthem #4 33 MARK VAN DALE WITH ENRICO Power Woman 34 TIESTO Just Be 35 MO-DO Eins, Zwei, Polizei 36 MUMM vs DHANY I Wanna Be Free (Free Edit)
Trance Vortex 11 will come out around July 27, 2024. Stay tuned!
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BPP, Indigo is so majestic. I have no words. I all feels.
Joon did so so well. I want to give him the biggest hug.
Are you as emotional as well? I need like 7 business days to process Indigo.
What a privelege to listen to Joon's music.
Ask 2: Anonymous asked:
Hello bpp ! Can i request a album review for Indigo? I think it is getting very very good reviews even non armys love it !!! I love Wild flower, Closer and All day ! Namjoons lyrics hurt me but in a good way like releasing old feelings. Im very happy !
Ask 3: Anonymous asked:
BPP, did Indigo pass muster for you? 😊
Ask 4: Anonymous asked:
I'm the anon that asked about Indigo. Do you think BTS are overdoing it talking about their struggle with fame all the time? Like we get it it's hard but you guys are millionaires, You know what I mean BPP?
Hi @rantingravingliving and anons!
The first time I listened to Indigo I hated it. The album met my expectations, but like I said for Jack in the Box, it's not that the album took time to grow on me, it's that at first it felt too much like an album he had to put out. But I was wrong, emotional and silly. Indigo is way better than that. Indigo is the most polished album any of the BTS members have put out so far, which isn't surprising given Joon likely had more time to work on it than Hobi had for his (though how Joon recreated Wild Flower in practically no time after losing it all in 2021 is amazing). The way Joon highlights his collaborators on all the tracks makes the songs feel like duets rather than features - we have two reasons to love each song: Joon and whoever is on the track because they all kill it.
For lyrics and references for all the songs, please consider checking out Doolset's notes linked here. I agree with her most of the time about BTS's lyrical references, so consider everything I'm writing in this post incremental to her notes.
My favourite parts of some songs:
Yun: Joon channels Biggie in this song which is so fitting for a song that has Ms. Badu on it. The soundscape on Yun is luscious. And the lyrics? People, stop what you're doing now and read the English translation here. His cadence is reminiscent of Asheru's on the Boondocks theme at a slower tempo. Joon's mastery of this sound is so good I almost blacked out listening to it the first time. Oh, and Erykah Badu is a goddess. This is Quincy Jones lounge music at its finest.
Still Life: I'm a sucker for a prominent bass so the way the song starts is perfect. The beat change at 1:44 to 2:00 is so fucking sick. That "Oh shit" from Anderson at 2:05 was felt.
Forg_tful: I love Joon's voice and singing on this song. His vocals, the scarce processing on his vocals, the whistling, Kim Sawol, it all fits so well.
Closer: 90s/00s R&B and slow afrobeats perfection. That run at 1:42 is mental like are you crazy?
Change Pt 2: All that static is the perfect break for the flow of the album. Like, even its placement is perfect. The schizophrenic breakdown at 0:47 makes up for the almost boring sequence before it. And the magic that is 1:01 to 1:50 is a masterclass in storytelling.
Lonely: The fusion of mood pop and rock is kinda unexpected for Namjoon but now that we've heard him try it out, I think it's fair to say RM can absolutely pull off a mainstream cross-over.
Wild Flower: My friend sent me this comment: "He says Flower work instead of fire work because he doesn't want to be up among the stars and burn and be gone. He wants to be on the ground like a field of flowers, a flower work and be grounded, flourish, and last. Namjoon be deep in the feels jesus christ." Lol. Joon is a bit superstitious and you hear it in Wild Flower. But this is my shit. Youjeen's piercing bright voice contrasts Joon's perfectly. At timestamp 3:13 to 4:10 she completely steals the show. Like this is very much her song as well and it shows Joon's awareness in arranging music. He knows exactly what he is doing. Because no matter what you might think of him, Youjeen is too good to ignore.
I'd rate the whole album a 9/10. He didn't disappoint and this is why I'm seated. His style reminds me of Nas' songwriting, Common's too, and bit like Hov with almost no Ye.
About BTS/Namjoon talking about their fame or their struggle with it all the time, and it being old and overdone, I get what you mean. But like, what else do you expect them to talk about? They are seven men in their 20s from one of the most status-conscious countries in the world, from middle-class families at best, now some of the biggest stars in the world. BTS are Michael Jackson famous and I don't say that lightly. It's mad. Attention like that fucks everybody up. I doubt they're excessively doing drugs to cope and keep perspective, so they need an outlet. They will speak about their experiences and their desires and their fame will factor in at some point. The loss of that fame will also become a touch point in their music as they mature. Going to the military will completely reset their outlook and that too will be reflected in their songs. As they age, get married and have kids. As they lose relevancy for a sub-set of the current fandom. Expect to hear every member reference it at some point in their music. My two cents.
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liberty-barnes · 2 years
lone star 4×01
oh boy do i have some Thoughts
first of all, let's get it out of the way now, i don't hate the carlos and iris being married arc. i don't particularly like it, but i don't hate it either. i think carlos took his parents' reaction as a bad one even though they just didn't know how to act, and so in order to keep his family and try to be the perfect son (bc we've established that carlos always wants to be the best for everyone even tho it hurts him) he married his best friend because he thought they'd make it work. clearly they didn't, but it's cool you know. it's good to see that iris is still his friend, she wants what's best for him, and she's not in love with him, she just wanted to help out a friend. so yeah not hating this storyline because i think it will give us plenty of opportunities to touch on carlos' issues, why he always feels like he has to be perfect, and see his healing and how much he's let go of his internalised homophobia. and i love that tk is supportive yk, like he's a little disappointed and hurt that it's the first time this has come up, but tk has also made plenty of mistakes, so it would be hypocritical of him not to want to work this out. i love that they're at the point in their relationship where they understand that the other isn't perfect, mistakes can happen, and they just need to stick together. i'm excited to hopefully see more of iris cause she seems awesome. their bestie talk gave me life. and that slap? PERFECTION also unrelated but she gives me major bi vibes
owen...god where do i start with him? he was absolutely insufferable abt the bike and good on judd for realising that something's wrong bc goddamn. as for the whole he will probably have to go undercover in the bike thing. well. i'm not looking forward to this bc i worry but he wanted something to keep him busy so. careful what you wish for.
matteo and nancy are ridiculously sweet and that's all i'll say about it
and tommy and the pastor......grace's reaction at church......the awkward wave at melody......babygirl was regretting her life decisions but i lowkey ship it good on her for moving on
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tarlossource · 2 years
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Tarlos in Season 4 Episode 1: The New Hotness
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ao3feed-dinbo · 1 year
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
how did we (i) get here?
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Mature Warnings/ Tags: Angst, Internalized Homophobia, 4 x 01 spoilers, Carlos Reyes, Iris Blake, TK Strand, Character Study, Carlos Begins, of sorts, mild sexual content, feelings, lots and lots of feelings
Summary: A look at Carlos, from when he was younger to present.
Or, in which I meant to write a Carlos POV Coda and wrote a Carlos begins and so much more.
Authors Note: I sat down to write a Carlos POV to go with the TK one I posted yesterday (where do we go from here) and the story took a turn. Instead, I explore Carlos as a person with this new information and explored his life is leading up. I made discoveries about myself, about Carlos, and reshaped how I feel about this secret along the way. I enjoy where this ended up, and I hope you do too. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.
Thank you to L for beta'ing for me. :)
for @tylerkennedys
Carlos Reyes never claimed to be a perfect man.
He knew that some people saw him as such. He’s always been able to put out the vibe that he has his life together, that he’s not falling apart and as broken as everyone else is.
He’s always been good at pretending.
It’s just something he’s always had to do.
Growing up, Carlos tries to be the perfect son. He never wants to disappoint his parents but something always seems to be wrong with who he is, pieces of him that they don’t seem to like. 
When he was 10, his dad commented that he is “too soft” as a boy because he choices schoolwork over playing football. 
Carlos internalizes that and the next school year tries out for all the sports, hoping it will make his dad proud, but all his dad can focus on were the things that he wasn’t getting right.
So Carlos works harder and throws his all into the game.
He just wants to make his parents proud.
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angeltk @noxsoulmate  @beautifulhigh @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @bonheur-cafe @kiloskywalker
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dopingconsomme · 6 months
2024年04月01日の記事一覧 (全 17 件) 1. XZ Utilsの脆弱性 CVE-2024-3094 についてまとめてみた - piyolog 2. ノーマ・シェフィールド - DO YOU REALLY WANNA LOVE ME - MF GHOST VERSION 3. HOTBLADE - MANIFOLD LOVE - MF GHOST VERSION 4. 椛田 早紀 - Lonely Rolling Star 5. 田中 昌之 - 塊オンザロック~メインテーマ 6. 紗倉ひびき(CV:ファイルーズあい) - お願いマッスル 7. エクトル・ベルリオーズ - Roméo et Juliette, Op. 17, H 79, Pt. 2: No. 2b, Fête 8. エクトル・ベルリオーズ - Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. 1: "Le vieil hiver a fait place au printemps" (Faust) 9. エクトル・ベルリオーズ - Tristia, Op. 18, H.119: 1. Méditation religieuse, H.56b 10. エクトル・ベルリオーズ - Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust, Part 1, H. 111: "Les bergers quittent leurs troupeaux" (Chorus/Faust) 11. フランソワ=ジョセフ・ゴセック - Symphonie concertante in D Major, "Mirza": I. Allegro 12. フランソワ=ジョセフ・ゴセック - Grande Messe des Morts: V. Graduale: Requiem aeternam - Grave 13. フランソワ=ジョセフ・ゴセック - Sinfonia In B Flat Major: III. Allegro 14. フランソワ=ジョセフ・ゴセック - Grande Messe des Morts: II. Introitus: Requiem aeternam - Grave 15. フランソワ=ジョセフ・ゴセック - Gavotte in D Major, "Rosine" (arr. for violin and piano) 16. 「TikTokは事実上のキーロガー」と専門家、知らないうちにユーザーを侵害する「アプリ内ブラウザ」の脅威とは? 17. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43604451 April 02, 2024 at 05:00AM
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celtfather · 7 months
Frog Kissin'
Sometimes you have to kiss a bunch of frogs to find true love. Listen to our story behind our song “Frog Kissin’” and get an update about our next CD.
It’s all on the Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast #80
0:02 - NAGIANS ONLY: Bard Specific Content, Where were they?
Rant about public domain and arrangements
Andrew at Sherwood
Marc’s new CD Come Adventure With Me
19:48 - Brobdingnagian Bards “Wild Mountain Thyme” from A Faire to Remember
Brobdingnagian Bards are The Original Celtic Renaissance music duo. A Bard by any other name… would have a shorter name.
We finance our music entirely through the monthly financial generosity and support of our fans on Patreon. Sign up to our individual Patreon pages so that you can access behind-the-scenes, Brobdingnagian Bards-exclusive content.
You’ll get an extended version of this podcast, bootleg concerts, videos, and first access to new songs.
Support us on Patreon.
28:46 - BARD NEWS
Frog Kissin Story
New monthly Bards Blog
New CD, Another Faire to Remember
Marc Gunn
MAR 17: Wings Cafe & Tap House, Marietta, GA @ 3-7 PM
MAR 23-24: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
MAR 28: Dragon Con Filk Music Concert w/ Brobdingnagian Bards @ 8 PM
MAR 30-31: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
APR 19-21: Jordan Con, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta, GA
Andrew McKee
MAR 2 - APR 21st: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
MAY 18th - JUN 9th: New Jersey Ren Faire, Columbus, NJ
Recorded by Chet Atkins originally.
I heard a version by Ed Kilbourne. It was in 4/4 time and sounded nothing like our version. Our is in 3/4 time. That was the only way I could make it sound like a song that belonged at a Renaissance Festival.
Stage performance choreography
Frog Kissin' Lyrics
words and music by Buddy Kalb, arrangement Marc Gunn
Do you remember in the fairy tale, how the wicked witches spell Turned the handsome prince to a toad? By the power of a potion, she handed him the notion He was lower than the dirt in the road. And though she left him green and warted, her evil plans were thwarted Their chanced to happen by a young miss Who in spite of his complexion, offered him affection And broke the wicked curse with her kiss
So if you've never been frog kissing Then you don't know what you've been missin', There's a wealth of opportunity under each and every log. And if you've never been charm-breakin', Then you've never been handsome prince makin'. You've got to slow down, turn around, bend down, Kiss you a frog!
Once upon a time ago, I was down and feelin' low Like a lonely frog in a pond My life was just a joke, and I was just about to croak Cuz I'd be zapped by life's wicked wand. But in the depths of my depression, there came a true expression Of love from a person so sweet. She gave me warm fuzzy feelings, feelings that were healin' And she knocked me off my little webbed feet.
There's a happy-ever-after-land, deep in the heart of man Where a prince and princess abides. But all we get are glimpses, of the happy prince or princess 'Cauce they're covered with a green warty hide. Though they're full of life's potential, they're lacking one essential To enable them to shine like a star. That's a handsome guy or missus, to smother them with kisses And love them just the way that they are.
That's the secret of frog kissing You can do it too if you'll just listen There's a wealth of opportunity under each and every log. That's the secret of charm-breakin', That's the secret of handsome prince makin'. You've got to slow down, turn around, bend down, Kiss you a… You've got to slow down, turn around, bend down, Kiss you a… You've got to slow down, turn around, bend down, Kiss you a frog!
47:32 - Brobdingnagian Bards “Frog Kissin’” from Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales
50:29 - CLOSING
Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn and Andrew McKee. Sign up to our mailing list to download free MP3s and get monthly updates of what's new. Find it all at thebards.net
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